The Uses of Enchantment The Meaning and
The Uses of Enchantment The Meaning and
The Uses of Enchantment The Meaning and
"In order not to be at the mercy of the vagaries of life, one must
develop one's inner resources, so that one's emotions, imagination,
and intellect mutually support and enrich one another. ... nothing is
more important than the impact of parents and others who take care
of the child; second in importance is our cultural heritage, when
transmitted to the child in the right manner. When children are
young, it is literature that carries such information best. ... For a story
to hold a child's attention, it must entertain him and arouse his
curiosity. But to enrich his life, it must stimulate his imagination; help
him to develop his intellect and clarify his emotions; be attuned to his
anxieties and aspirations; give full recognition to his difficulties, while
at the same time suggesting solutions to the problems which perturb
him. In short, it must at one and the same time relate to all aspects
of his personality - and this without ever belittling but, on the contrary,
giving full credence to the seriousness of the child's predicaments,
while simultaneously promoting confidence in himself and in his
"... the imagery of fairy tales helps children better than anything else
in their most difficult and yet most important and satisfying
task: achieving a more mature consciousness to civilise the chaotic
pressures of their unconscious."
"... the form and structure of fairy tales suggest images to the child by
which he can structure his daydreams and with them give better
direction to his life.
"Though the fairy tale offers fantastic symbolic images for the
solution of problems, the problems presented in them are ordinary
"The child who is familiar with fairy tales understands that these
speak to him in the language of symbols and not that of everyday
reality. The fairy tale conveys from its inception, throughout its plot,
and by its ending that what we are told about are not tangible facts or
real persons or places. As for the child himself, real events become
important through the symbolic meaning he attaches to them, or
which he finds in them."
"Fantasy fills the huge gaps in a child's understanding which are due
to the immaturity of his thinking and his lack of pertinent information."
Myths are generally pessimistic, whilst fairy tales are generally more
optimistic; the former present tragic conclusions versus the gratifying
catharsis of fairy tales.
"Myths and fairy stories both answer the eternal questions: What is
the world really like? How am I to live my life in it? How can I truly
be myself? The answers give by myths are definite, while the fairy
tale is suggestive: its messages may imply solutions, but it never
spells them out. Fairy tales leave to the child's fantasising whether
and how to apply to himself what the story reveals about life and
human nature.
Despite his emphasis of the benefits of fairy tales over myths to aid in
the formation of a child's ego personality, the semiotic and archetypal
nature of both have great value to adult and child, as their themes
and analogies are drawn from the deep well of the prevalent Jungian
concept of the collective unconscious. As a result the subtextual
messages in both have universal benefit in making sense of the
world, regardless of age.
Bettelheim argues that watered down versions of fairy stories are not
as effective in terms of the subtleties of their lessons, and frequently
arguments for the sanitisation of the narrative omit vital details, and
subsequently the deeper insight to be gleaned in the telling or
reading becomes lost. Contemplation of the overall tale in its purest
form is vital, and authors such as Perrault tended to butcher the tales
in this fashion to appeal to the sensibilities of his audience in the
French royal courts of the late 15th Century. In a similar fashion, the
frequent demands for sanitisation of fairy tales by modern parents, in
a vain attempt to protect the perceived sensibilities of their children,
ends up damaging the intention of the tale, and ends up stunting a
critical aspect of their offspring's integration into the mindset of
adulthood. After all, most of these stories lead to a satisfying and
positive outcome, however monstrous some of their contents of
characters appear to be when taken merely at face value.
"In childhood, more than in any other age, all is becoming. As long
as we have not achieved considerable security within ourselves, we
cannot engage in difficult psychological struggles unless a positive
outcome seems certain to us, whatever the chances for this may be
in reality. The fairy tale offers fantasy materials which suggest to the
child in symbolic form what the battle to achieve self-realisation is all
about, and guarantees a happy ending. ... the central figure of the
fairy tale lives happily ever after on earth, right among the rest of
us. Some fairy tales conclude with the information that if perchance
he has not died, the hero may still be alive. Thus, a happy though
ordinary existence is projected by fairy tales as the outcome of the
trials and tribulations involved in the normal growing-up process."
"While a fairy tale may contain many dreamlike features, its great
advantage over a dream is that the fairy tale has a consistent
structure with a definite beginning and a plot that moves toward a
satisfying solution which is reached at the end. The fairy tale also
has other important advantages when compared to private
fantasies. For one, whatever the content of a fairy tale - which may
run parallel to a child's private fantasies whether these are oedipal,
vengefully sadistic, or belittling of a parent- it can be openly talked
about, because the child does not need to keep secret his feeling
about what goes on in the fairy tale, or feel guilty about enjoying such
"The fairy tale ... is very much the result of common conscious and
unconscious content having been shaped by the conscious mind, not
of one particular person, but the consensus of many in regard to
what they view as universal human problems, and what they accept
as desirable solutions. If all these elements were not present in a
fairy tale, it would not be retold by generation after generation."
Opening lines such as the eponymous "once upon a time", suggest
to the listener or reader that the events in the fairy tale are not rooted
in the here and now, but in some ethereal, archaic, vague and
forgotten recesses of our cultural memory, the very core of our being
is stirred by such beginnings. A modern example would be George
Lucas' archetypal "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away", a
phrase combining the essence of a fairy tale beginning to Star Wars,
fused with the mythical archetypes explored in the work of his mentor
Joseph Campbell. This fusion of fairy tale and myth could explain
the franchise's popularity with adults and children alike, and its
captivating hold over large portions of the modern Western psyche.