PTS Ganjil B.Inggris

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Kelas / Program : XII / TKJ 1- 4 & AKL 1-3

Mata Diklat : Bahasa Inggris
Hari / Tanggal : Selasa, 19 Oktober 2021
Guru : Ceceng Salamudin, S. Pd.

Choose the appropriate answer.

1. Algazel : May I help you?

Madeeha :________ I’m so hard to get the point of this text
Algazel : Yes, with my pleasure.
a. I’m afraid no. Thanks.
b. Thanks, but I’m sure I can
c. Is it true?
d. No, thanks.
e. Sorry, I can do it with myself

2. Ghaida : Would you need my help?

Ahmad : ________. I’ll do it as soon as possible.
a. Yes, thanks.
b. No, thanks.
c. I’d love to
d. With my pleasure
e. Ok.

3. Rudy : May I help you?

Zen : _________. I need a book entitled Let’s Visit Seattle.
Rudy : Sure. We have one copy left. I'll get it for you
Zen : Thanks
a. No, thanks.
b. I’d love to but I can do it
c. Maybe next time
d. I’m very sorry
e. Yes, please.

4. Kayy : We have to submit the report of our visit to Lake Toba tomorrow but I think
there are still a lot of problems with the grammar, spelling, and so on.
Rumi : What if I take half of it and I'll edit the rest after I finish this one.
Kayy : That's very thoughtful of you. Thanks a lot.
The underlined expression is example of_______
a. Asking for opinion
b. Giving opinion
c. Greeting/ Menyapa
d. Offering help/
e. Thanking/Terimakasih

5. Guest/Kamu : Would you do me a favour, please?

Manager/Pengelola : Yes, Sir.......
Guest/kamu : I ordered lunch an hour ago, but I haven’t got it yet
a. Would you like to have lunch?
b. What seem to be the problem?Tampaknya ada masalah apa ya?
c. I’ll call the room service
d. What would you like to order Sir?
e. I will see

6. “From the ferry you can enjoy the view of the Settle skyline. If you want to enjoy
Bainbridge Island, stroll around downtown’s galleries, boutiques, coffee houses and
The underlined sentence is line with pattern:
a. If clause + a reminder
b. If clause + suggestion
c. If clause + an imperative
d. If clause + general truth
e. If clause + a dream

7. “If you visit this city, you should explore the Space Needle and Pacific”
This sentence is line with pattern”
a. If clause + an imperative
b. If clause + a dream
c. If clause + general truth
d. If clause + suggestion
e. If clause + a reminder
8. The example of If clause + dream:
a. If I am elected The chair of OSIS, I will make program “One Day One Verse of
b. If you want to pass the exam, you have to study harder
c. If you want a good price, why don’t you go to the factory outlet?
d. If you don’t put some cherries on it, your cake will look pale and dull
e. If you visit this city, you should explore the Space Needle and Pacific

9. The example of If clause + a general truth:

a. If you want a good price, why don’t you go to the factory outlet?
b. If I am elected The chair of OSIS, I will make program “One Day One Verse of
c. If you don’t put some cherries on it, your cake will look pale and dull
d. If you want to pass the exam, you have to study harder
e. If you visit this city, you should explore the Space Needle and Pacific

10. The example of If clause + a reminder:

a. If you visit this city, you should explore the Space Needle and Pacific
b. If I am elected The chair of OSIS, I will make program “One Day One Verse of
c. If you don’t put some cherries on it, your cake will look pale and dull
d. If you want a good price, why don’t you go to the factory outlet?
e. If you want to pass the exam, you have to study harder

11. So many people in the world who died …….. Covid-19. So, we have to protect our
body from that illness by keeping healthy protocol.
a. So
b. Because of/keterusannya harus "kata"
c. Because
d. To
e. Then

12. Don’t forget to always wear mask if you get out from your house _____ it is one action
to protect your healthy from Covid-19.
a. Because
b. Duo to
c. Because of
d. So that
e. In order to

13. The following expressions are campaign against Covid-19 excepting______

a. If you wear the mask, you protect your lovely family
b. Wash your hand, love your world
c. Against Covid-19 by keeping physical distancing
d. Be part of actions against Covid-19
e. Love your life by studying hard/Cintai hidupmu dengan bekerja keras

Translate the following sentences!

14. “I never teach my pupils, I only provide the conditions in which they can learn”
(Alberts Einstein).
a. Saya sering mengajar murid-murid saya sehingga saya menyiapkan keadaan yang
mana mereka bisa belajar
b. Saya tidak pernah mengajar murid-murid saya, saya hanya menghilangkan
keadaan yang mana mereka bisa belajar
c. Saya pernah mengajar murid-murid saya, sehingga saya menyiapkan keadaan
yang mana mereka bisa belajar
d. Saya tidak pernah mengajar murid-murid saya, saya hanya menyiapkan keadaan
yang mana mereka bisa belajar
e. Saya selalu mengajar murid-murid saya, sehingga saya menyiapkan keadaan
yang mana mereka bisa belajar

15. “I don’t have an attitude problem. I just have a personality you can’t handle”
a. Saya tidak mempunyai sebuah masalah sikap. Saya hanya menginginkan sebuah
kepribadian yang bisa anda tangani.
b. Saya tidak mempunyai sebuah masalah sikap. Saya hanya mempunyai sebuah
kepribadian yang tidak bisa anda tangani.
c. Saya tidak mempunyai sebuah masalah sikap. Saya hanya tidak mempunyai
sebuah kepribadian yang tidak bisa anda tangani.
d. Saya mempunyai sebuah masalah sikap. Saya juga mempunyai sebuah
kepribadian yang tidak bisa anda tangani.
e. Saya mempunyai sebuah masalah sikap. Saya juga tidak mempunyai sebuah
kepribadian yang tidak bisa anda tangani.

16. “Tidak semua harapan bisa tercapai”

a. There are not expectations that can be achieved
b. There is not expectation that can be achieved
c. No expectation can be achieved
d. No all expectations can be achieved
e. Not all expectations can be achieved

For questions 17-20, read the following the text and answer!

Someone has correctly said that “if health is gone everything is gone”. Health is
wealth and nothing is supreme than what our health stands at the present moment.
A health person (whether rich or poor) lives more happy and peaceful life than any
rich person having a diseased body.
There are a number of different route by which a person can become injected with
an infectious agent. Injections diseases are caused by organism usually microscopic
in size such as bacteria, viruses, fungi as parasites directly or indirectly from one
person to another.

Nowadays a new respiratory disease, called Covid-19 is spending across the world.
Covid-19 was first identified during December 2019 in Wuhan city of China. Covid-19
is now a cause of large number of deaths across the world. Any certified treatment of
Covid-19 has not been discovered.

Common symptoms are fever, dry cough, breathing problem. Some patients have
aches and pains nasal congestion and runny nose.

Covid-19 spreads mainly by droplets produced as a result of coughing or sneezing of

a covid-19 infected person.

What should we do? Practice social distancing. Practice good hygiene. Do not touch
your nose, eyes, and mouth with unclean hands. Wear mask. Ensure that the
surfaces and objects are regularly cleaned

As there is not specific treatment for disease cause by a noval coronavirus, people
should understand basic information about corona virus disease. Be aware of fake
information / myths that may circulate by online. We all must follow the lockdown
rules. All our wishes will really come true.

Stay home stay safe.

17. What is the appropriate title of the text?

a. Covid-19
b. History of Covid-19
c. Message of Covid-19
d. Danger of Covid-19
e. Against Covid-19

18. What is the main idea of paragraph 1?

a. The wealth is very important thing
b. The health is very important thing
c. The health is a wealth
d. Being the rich man is more important thing than the poor man
e. The healthy man is better than the rich man

19. There are some common symptoms of people who are infected by Covid-19
a. Having aches and pains nasal congestion and runny nose
b. Fever/Demam
c. Stomach ache/sakit perut
d. Dry cough/batuk kering
e. Breathing problem
20. What should we do to prevent the spread of Covid-19? Excepting____
a. Practice social distancing and good hygiene.
b. Don’t touch your nose, eyes, and mouth with unclean hands.
c. Wear mask.
d. Ensure that the surfaces and objects are regularly cleaned.
e. Pray 5 times

Answer Key.

1. C 11. B

2. B 12. A

3. E 13. E

4. D 14. D

5. D 15. B

6. B 16. E

7. A 17. A

8. A 18. B

9. C 19. C

10. E 20. E

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