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Overview Articles

Global Overview of Ecosystem

Services Provided by Riparian

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Fluvial riparian vegetation (RV) links fluvial and terrestrial ecosystems. It is under significant pressure from anthropogenic activities, and,
therefore, the management and restoration of RV are increasingly important worldwide. RV has been investigated from different perspectives,
so knowledge on its structure and function is widely distributed. An important step forward is to convert existing knowledge into an overview
easily accessible—for example, for use in decision-making and management. We aim to provide an overview of ecosystem services provided by
RV by adopting a structured approach to identify the ecosystem services, describe their characteristics, and rank the importance of each service.
We evaluate each service within four main riparian vegetation types adopting a global perspective to derive a broad concept. Subsequently, we
introduce a guided framework for use in RV management based on our structured approach. We also identify knowledge gaps and evaluate the
opportunities an ecosystem service approach offers to RV management.

Keywords: riparian management, streams, rivers, restoration, riparian ecology, ecosystem functions

R iparian vegetation (RV) of fluvial systems is a

complex of vegetation units along the river network
that is functionally related to the other components of the
benefits people obtain from ecosystems or the contribu-
tions that ecosystems make to human well-being, after the
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA 2005) and the
fluvial system and surrounding area (Naiman et al. 2005). It Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services
is a hybrid and open ecotone: It is hybrid because it results (CICES) report (Haines-Young and Potschin 2013), respec-
from coconstruction by human and natural processes, and it tively. The ES concept, which introduced a new framework
is open because the land alongside fluvial systems interacts for analyzing social–ecological systems, has been advocated
with the river and associated processes (Dufour et al. 2019). as a useful tool that provides a holistic and transparent
The riparian zone is therefore characterized by high spatial assessment of impacts on human well-being (e.g., MEA
and temporal variability mainly driven by bioclimatic, geo- 2005, Fischer et al. 2018), allowing decision-making to take
morphological and land-use conditions, which all change proper account of the value of services from ecosystems
over time under natural and human influences. Riparian (Haines-Young and Potschin 2009). Nevertheless, our ability
vegetation in the context of this article is defined as the veg- to draw general conclusions on ES in different ecosystems
etation established in the floodplain—that is, the portion of remains limited (Carpenter et al. 2009).
terrestrial landscape from the high-water mark toward the There is a consensus that there should be a distinction
upland, where elevated water tables influence vegetation and between final ES, which are the outputs of ecosystems
soil (Naiman et al. 1993). (whether natural, seminatural, or highly modified), which
Riparian vegetation offers a variety of ecosystem services directly benefit people and can be measured such as fisheries
(ES). The concept of ES has become an important model output per season (provisioning ES) or number of lake visi-
for linking the functioning of ecosystems to human wel- tors per year (cultural ES; Lamothe and Sutherland 2018).
fare, which is critical for a wide range of decision-making Supporting or intermediate ES, have little or no direct ben-
contexts (Fisher et al. 2009). Equally, there is a plethora of efits to people and involve all biophysical structure and pro-
definitions of ES, but the general consensus meaning is the cesses that support and maintain ecosystems in a favorable

BioScience 70: 501–514. © The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Institute of Biological Sciences.
All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail: [email protected].
doi:10.1093/biosci/biaa041 Advance Access publication 6 May 2020 June 2020 / Vol. 70 No. 6 • BioScience 501

Overview Articles

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Figure 1. The ecosystems cascade model, which highlights the role of supporting processes and intermediate services in
the delivery of final services and the goods and benefits humans derive from riparian vegetation. Source: Adapted with
permission from Potschin and Haines-Young (2011).

condition that enables the provision of ES by the ecosystem, hydrogeomorphic, active plant introduction, floodplain
such as a lake with good water quality that can support fish conversion, invasive species and grazing control (González
that could be the final ES. This distinction is well illustrated et al. 2015).
in the ES cascade framework of Potschin and Haines-Young Riparian zones and their vegetation have been investigated
(2011) to highlight the position of the CICES classifica- from a range of perspectives covering multiple scientific
tion (figure 1). In the present article, we focus on final ES and applied disciplines such as hydrology, biology, geog-
that most directly affect the well-being of people (figure 1; raphy, remote sensing, management, and restoration (e.g.,
Haines-Young and Potschin 2013). González et al. 2015). Therefore, knowledge on structure
Riparian vegetation has the capacity to deliver a dispro- and function of riparian vegetation is distributed among a
portionately high amount of ES relative to their extent in wide range of fields and disciplines (see Dufour et al. 2019).
the landscape (e.g., Sweeney and Newbold 2014) because Several studies have documented how RV is key for specific
of their ecotone characteristics and the ecological functions ES, but few have attempted to document the full range of
of RV (Capon et al. 2013). However, riparian vegetation is ES it provides. An important step forward is therefore to
under significant pressure from a range of anthropogenic convert the existing knowledge into an overview more easily
activities, such as alteration of disturbance regime, stream- accessible and directly applicable for decision-making and
flow regulation by dams, pollution, land-use change, timber management of riparian vegetation—a task undertaken in
harvesting, water diversion, mining, deforestation, and from this article.
invasive species (figure 1; e.g., Goodwin et al. 1997, Poff The general objective of this article is to present an over-
et al. 2011). In Europe, it has been estimated that 80% of view of ES provided by RV. More specifically, we adopt a
natural riparian habitats has disappeared during the past 200 structured approach to identify the range of ES, to describe
years (Naiman et al. 1993). The loss of riparian vegetation is their characteristics, and to rank the importance of each
generally immense in developed countries; for example, it service. We evaluate each service within four main ripar-
has declined by 85%–95% in California, Arizona, and New ian vegetation types structured by local soil moisture and
Mexico, with most losses attributed to grazing (NRC 2002). woodiness within a global perspective to derive a broad
Conversely, increasing effort is being undertaken to recover concept. The key tasks in this article were, therefore, first,
RV with varying success depending on the restoration (e.g., to compile a comprehensive checklist of ES provided by RV

502 BioScience June 2020 / Vol. 70 No. 6

Overview Articles

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Figure 2. Diagram showing the four main riparian vegetation types structured along two main factors: cover of wood and
local soil moisture.

and, second, to synthesize the knowledge on these ES from We used the CICES framework (CICES version 5.1;
the literature. On the basis of the structured approach, we Haines-Young and Potschin 2018) to identify the ES pro-
introduce a guided framework for use in riparian vegetation vided by RV. We described the characteristic of each ES
management. We also seek to identify key knowledge gaps and included the underlying processes underpinning the ES
and conclude the article by evaluating the opportunities an delivery. We also described the goods and benefits provided
ES approach offers to riparian vegetation management and by each ES. The characterization of each ES was derived
restoration. from relevant scientific literature and complemented with
empirical information. The final selection of the most
Study approach important literature referenced in the article was decided by
In this article, we used the groups of final ES described experts in the author group on each particular ES.
in Maes and colleagues (2016): provisioning, regulating A key task of this article was to rank the importance of
and maintenance, and cultural ES. Provisioning services each ES provided by RV on the basis of the spatial and tem-
are the physical products directly obtained from the RV poral extent of each ES—that is, how widespread is the ES
(e.g., timber, seeds, and harvestable genes), regulating and provision and how often is it occurring. In order to acknowl-
maintenance services incorporate those that both directly edge that the importance of each ES may vary substantially
(e.g., pollutant capture, carbon sequestration) and indirectly depending on the type of RV, we ranked the ES importance
(e.g., regulation of decomposition, climate, and hydrology) within each of four broad groupings of RV. The two criteria
sustain environmental quality. Cultural services include used for defining these four RV groups were the woodiness
tangible recreational uses (e.g., walking along a river) or less of the dominant vegetation (whether herbs or grass, woody
tangible benefits such as aesthetic and spiritual benefits and shrubs, or trees) and local soil moisture (wet or dry; figure 2).
educational values. In fact, the most recent version of CICES The importance of woody and nonwoody RV for ES was dis-
(version 5.1; Haines-Young and Potschin 2018) stresses that cussed and summarized by Sweeney and Newbold (2014),
all ES have an inherent cultural value, but cultural services with a differential provision of services (e.g., nutrient and
should be treated as an independent group, as was also sediment dynamics) depending on riparian species woodi-
undertaken in this article. ness. The importance of local soil moisture in structuring June 2020 / Vol. 70 No. 6 • BioScience 503

Overview Articles

Table 1. Definitions of the categories of relative importance of ecosystem services (ES) based on the spatial scale at which
an ES works (local to global), and the temporal scale of goods and benefits provided by an ES (uncommon to common).
Spatial scale
Temporal scale Global Regional Local Unknown
Common High High Medium Unknown
Less than common High Medium Low Unknown
Uncommon Medium Low Low Unknown
Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Note: The definitions are based on expert opinion and use of scientific literature. The definitions are used to populate table 2, and the color
coding is also used in table 3.

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and therefore the functioning of RV is well described and equally significant. Walczak and colleagues (2018) referred
includes effects on plant species richness and diversity, plant to figures from the United Kingdom, Poland, and Sweden
dispersal and nutrient dynamics (e.g., Nilsson and Svedmark that range from 8 to 12 tons per ha (fresh mass) and up to
2002). The selected soil moisture types in our overview 20 tons per ha under favorable conditions. Grassy biomass
capture a representative gradient of conditions from per- (residual) from managed riparian areas is also considered
manently dry aerated soil to temporarily waterlogged soil, a provisioning service. Residual biomass from publicly
to temporary wetlands with surface water to permanent managed floodplains of the Dutch Rhine tributaries was
riparian wetlands (figure 2). The four extreme RV types that estimated at 370,953 tons dry mass of biomass, of which
result from the combination of the two gradients (woodiness 87% was grassy biomass (Bout et al. 2019). According to the
and soil moisture) are therefore herbs or grass, dry forest, authors, this was equivalent to an estimated 353 terajoules of
wet forest, and riparian wetland (figure 2). We have focused heat from the woody biomass and 15 million cubic meters
on four points in the two-dimensional space characterized of green biogas from grassy biomass. Taller grasses such
by woodiness and local soil moisture, being aware of all as Phragmites or Arundo are harvested in some areas for
intermediate occurring vegetation communities that may biomass (i.e., paludiculture; e.g., Brix et al. 2014) and their
differ in ES provision. In addition, environmental settings stems have been used for thatching and guide agricultural
such as fluvial geomorphology, hydrologic regime, width of seedlings in many parts of the world.
the RV and climatic context all would be important but are Food outputs from riparian zone include herbs, berries
not separately included in this framework. (elderberries, blackberries, huckleberries, and saskatoon),
We derived the relative importance for each provisioning, and, to a lesser extent, mushrooms. In the present article,
regulating, and maintenance ES within each RV group by again, these are alluded to in the literature but do not appear
using the relevant scientific literature and expert opinion of to be widely used, so their importance is limited at local scale
the authors of this article (table 1). For cultural ES, we did and is therefore assessed to be low (see tables 1 and 2).
not assign relative importance because of a lack of data to
support such assessment. A description of each ES is given Genetic resources. Genetic resources in RV include any genetic
below, while a synthesis of the ES characterization and rank- material, such as seeds and spores that could be harvested,
ing is given in table 2. wild plants used for crop breeding and genetic information
from plant material used to extract genes. Among the wild
Provisioning services from riparian vegetation crop relatives in riparian vegetation, two climber species,
In this section we provide an overview of provisioning ser- grape vine, and hops are used globally in the production
vices from riparian vegetation. of economically and culturally emblematic wine and beer,
respectively. In both cases, wild populations are being used
Biomass. Biomass production in riparian areas for fuel for and are increasingly recognized for breeding commercial
heating and green biogas production can be substantial. varieties of these species (Patzak et al. 2010). In fact, Vitis
For example, in the Pacific Northwest, a range of riparian vinifera L. ssp. sylvestris (Gmelin) Hegi, the European wild
tree species in a lowland floodplain had a density produc- grape and ancestor of cultivated grapevine varieties (V. vinif-
tion of 27,000 stems per hectare (ha) in active floodplains era L. ssp. vinifera), is the sole wild grapevine species existing
and biomass as high as 540 tons dry weight per ha over a in Europe. Wild hops (Humulus lupulus L.) in riparian areas
3-year period (Balian and Naiman 2005). Lower values of are potential new germplasms to expand the variability of
54.4 tons per ha (above- and belowground biomass) have genetic resources for hop breeding (Patzak et al. 2010).
been reported under optimal conditions from a riparian As a complementary benefit, the genetic resources of
forest in Southeast Asia, dominated by Populus euphra- crop-wild relatives also have the potential to improve disease
tica Oliv. (Theversus et al. 2012). Biomass production from resistance of cultivated species. In the case of wild grapevine,
shrubby vegetation such as certain willow species can be comparative inoculation studies with several grapevine

504 BioScience June 2020 / Vol. 70 No. 6

Overview Articles

Table 2. Provisioning, regulating and cultural ecosystem services (ES) and the main goods and benefits provided by
riparian vegetation.
Main goods and Herbs or Dry Wet Riparian
ES section ES division ES category ES benefits grass forest forest wetlands
Provisioning Biomass Standing crop Standing crop of Biomass for fuel Low Medium Medium Low
woody biomass
Standing crop of Low Low Low Medium
non-woody biomass
Wild plants Harvestable Food Low Low Low Low
and their volume of wild
outputs berries or other
Genetic Genetic Seeds, spores and Extract genes for Unknown High Unknown Unknown
material materials from harvestable genes breeding, new
all biota products resisting

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Regulation Transformation Filtration or Filtering or storage Reduction in sediment High Medium High High
and of biochemical storage of particles and toxic particles
maintenance or physical transport in streams
Carbon Fixation storage Reduction in carbon Medium High High High
sequestration dioxide
Chemical Removal of nutrient Reduced pollution Medium High Medium High
conditions of in runoff and damage costs of
freshwaters nutrient runoff
Regulation Stabilization Erosion control Reduction of erosion High Medium Medium High
of physical, and control of and sediment loads in
chemical and erosion streams
Buffering and Landslide Protect human lives Low High High Low
attenuation of and infrastructure
mass flows
Hydrological Flow regulation Damage mitigation of Medium Medium High High
cycles and - The capacity of extreme flows
water flow vegetation to retain
maintenance water and release
and flood it slowly
Pollination Pollination Contribution to yield High High Low Low
of crops
Seed and Seed and Maintain biodiversity Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
propagule propagule in the region
dispersal dispersal
Maintaining Providing habitats Nursery habitats; High High High High
nursery sustaining populations
populations (e.g., of iconic
and habitats species, or threaten
Pest control Providing habitats Reduction in pest High High High Unknown
for native pest damage to crop
control agents
Climate Evaporative cooling Temperature control in Low High High Low
regulation by urban riparian stream and air
Fire regulation The capacity of Reduction in fire Unknown Unknown Unknown High
riparian vegetation damage costs
to reduce
frequency, spread
or magnitude of
Cultural Direct in situ Experiential Ecological quality Recreation, fitness; NA NA NA NA
(Biotic) and outdoor and physical to support destressing or mental
interactions interaction recreational use health; nature-based
with living recreation; ecotourism
systems, and ecoawareness;
that depend bushwalking,
on presence bird watching,
in the orienteering. Also for
environmental rest, relaxation and
setting refreshment. June 2020 / Vol. 70 No. 6 • BioScience 505

Overview Articles

Table 2. Continued.
Main goods and Herbs or Dry Wet Riparian
ES section ES division ES category ES benefits grass forest forest wetlands
Scientific Sites of specific Knowledge about NA NA NA NA
scientific interest the environment and
Educational Sites used for Skills or knowledge NA NA NA NA
conservation about environmental
activities management
Heritage Sites of cultural Tourism, local identity NA NA NA NA
Aesthetic Area of natural Artistic inspiration NA NA NA NA
Indirect: Sacred or Totemic species Mental well-being. NA NA NA NA

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remote, religious or settings of Many riparian areas
often indoor values religious interest provide strong
interactions religious significance
with living for indigenous groups,
systems, that such as particular
do not require riparian trees.
in the
Symbolic Species, habitats Social cohesion, NA NA NA NA
values or landscapes that cultural icon
can be used as Conservation of
symbols riparian habitats and
keystone species
Entertainment Artistic productions Nature films, books, NA NA NA NA
paints, draws
Existence Natural areas Mental or moral NA NA NA NA
designated as well-being; valuing
wilderness wilderness of rivers
and riverine areas
Bequest Species and Moral well-being; NA NA NA NA
ecosystem settings promotion of the
sustainability of
biocultural identity
and of the overall
Note: For each service, we evaluated the relative spatial and temporal importance within four main riparian vegetation types (see the text and
figure 1 for more explanation). The ecosystem services and their main goods and benefits were derived from CICES (version 5.1;
Abbreviation: NA, not applicable.

pathogens revealed relatively high levels of resistance in Overall, at the European scale the relative importance of
some of the Sylvestris spp. accessions (Schröder et al. 2015). this ES is reported as unknown (e.g., Vidal-Abarca Gutierrez
Similar application has been developed in the production and Suarez-Alonso 2013).
of Rubus spp. berries. Wild Rubus idaeus germplasm from
riparian areas could potentially be used against raspberry Regulating and maintenance services
cane disease, which is among the most devastating problems In this section we provide an overview of regulating and
for raspberry production (Hall et al. 2009). maintenance services provided by riparian vegetation.
The genetic pool of wild populations of riparian trees
such as the black popular Populus nigra provides economi- Filtration of pollutants and chemical conditions of
cally relevant outputs for the development of commercial ­freshwaters. Riparian filtration services refer to the control
native trees and for advanced, molecular breeding of these of sediments, nutrients, and pollutants inputs to adjacent
species. Wild populations of P. nigra are also being stud- water (Lowrance et al. 1984). A large body of scientific lit-
ied to obtain bioenergy from lignocellulosic feedstocks erature demonstrates the important role of riparian zones
that has the potential to develop as a sustainable source in regulating and improving water quality in streams and
of renewable energy (Allwrigth et al. 2016). Finally, seeds rivers (e.g., Jordan et al. 1993, Kuusemets et al. 2001) involv-
provided by riparian species are extremely important as ing both physical and biological mechanisms. Physical
genetic material for ex situ conservation of the native processes include filtering and deposition of sediments and
genetic resources. sediment-bound pollutants, such as pesticides, by roots and

506 BioScience June 2020 / Vol. 70 No. 6

Overview Articles

stems (Naiman et al. 2005). As much as 75% of sediments of carbon per ha with the highest values of 318–487 tons
transported from uplands to streams has been reported to of carbon per ha from mature temperate forests in North
be physically retained by RV (Cooper and Gilliam 1987). As and South America, and those values were considered to
was recently discussed in a review by Feld and colleagues be comparable to the highest estimates for any forest biome
(2018), the key to efficient reduction of surface runoff of soil (Dybala et al. 2019). From Europe, Cierjacks and colleagues
particles is to have grass strips acting as mechanical filters. (2010) reported carbon stocks of 474 tons of carbon per ha
Riparian zones are also effective sinks for dissolved for mature riparian woods and 212 tons of carbon per ha for
inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus from surrounding agri- meadows and reeds in Danube floodplains. However, the
cultural or urban areas (Naiman et al. 1997), therefore relative importance of distinct riparian compartments for
providing a high potential in controlling eutrophication of carbon storage and the variations across scales, vegetation
water bodies. One major mechanism for nitrogen removal types, geological and climate settings are still unknown.
is denitrification (Cooper and Gilliam 1987), occurring in
riparian microsites with anaerobic conditions and decom- Erosion control. Erosion control refers to the reduction of the

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posing organic substrate. Plant and microbial assimilative weathering away of soil and thereby the inputs of soil parti-
uptake also contribute significantly to inorganic nitrogen cles together with nutrients and carbon to water bodies. The
and phosphorus removal within land–water interface envi- soil-stabilizing effect of the plants is particularly relevant
ronments. Inorganic phosphorus is removed by soil adsorp- during events of intense rainfall and snowmelt (e.g., Larsen
tion and deposition of phosphorus-bounded sediments. The 2017). Species composition, root architecture, and woodi-
efficiency of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus removal in ness influences control of erosion and riverbank stability
riparian zones varies because of a number of hydrogeomor- (Simon and Collison 2002, Feld et al. 2018). The most effec-
phological, chemical and biological factors (e.g., Groffman tive erosion control seems to result from mixed stands of
et al. 1992, Hefting et al. 2003) but denitrification rates riparian woody and nonwoody species (Simon and Collison
up to 295 kilograms of nitrogen per ha per year have been 2002), but as was recently discussed in a review by Feld and
measured in riparian zones (Lowrance et al. 1984). Sabater colleagues (2018), grass strips are the key to efficient reduc-
and colleagues (2003) reported that 5%–30% of nitrogen tion of surface runoff of soil particles.
was removed by meter of buffer strip but with no differences The reduction and fragmentation of riparian forests, par-
between climate or vegetation type (trees versus herba- ticularly in mountainous areas, endangers the ES of preven-
ceous). In terms of inorganic phosphorus, values of 70% to tion and control of landslides (Larsen 2017). As an extreme
90% removals have been estimated in vegetated riparian buf- example of the importance of keeping riparian zones for-
fer strips (Gascuel et al. 2010). Finally, pesticides and other ested is the La Purisima storm that hit the Panama at the end
contaminants can also be effectively removed in riparian of 2010. The lack of bank-stabilizing effects of riparian tree
zones by attachment to vegetation matter, biological assimi- roots due to riparian deforestation has been suggested to be
lation and accumulation (sequestration), or by metabolic one of the causes for more than 500 landslides during this
degradation processes (Aguiar et al. 2015). event (Larsen 2017). Overall, this ES is of medium to high
importance (table 2).
Carbon sequestration. Carbon sequestration refers to the cap-
ture and long-term storage of carbon that would otherwise Flow regulation. Floodplains and riparian areas have long
be emitted to or remain in the atmosphere. Riparian forests been recognized for delivering significant positive flow
and wetlands are important carbon sinks, with potential regulation services involving reduced frequency and mag-
for long-term storage (table 2; e.g., Cierjacks et al. 2010, nitude of flooding, augmented low flows, and reduced
Suftin et al. 2016). Given the importance of soil and plant C stream flow and runoff (table 2; Thomas and Nisbet 2007,
sequestration to ameliorate changes in atmospheric chem- Rak et al. 2016). Physically, as floodwater flows through a
istry, conserving undisturbed riparian areas could be an vegetated area, the plants resist the flow, reduce flow veloc-
effective strategy to enhance climate-change mitigation in ity, and dissipate the energy, increasing the time available
rivers (e.g., Lal 2005). Sequestration rates vary along envi- for water to infiltrate into the soil and be stored, which
ronmental gradients and for different vegetation types (e.g., enhances groundwater recharge and results in a delay
Suftin et al. 2016).). Carbon reservoirs in riparian forests and reduction in magnitude of downstream flood peaks
seems to be positively correlated with available moisture and and reduced riverbank erosion during heavy precipitation
negatively correlated with maximum temperature (Sutfin events. Increased hydrologic roughness due to vegetation
et al. 2016, Dybala et al. 2019), although no clear patterns and tree cover further reduces flood peaks. The potential
concerning the effects of climate and geological setting in importance is substantial as the damage cost of flooding or
carbon sequestration have yet emerged from the literature. drying of urban or agricultural areas is high. For example,
Research on riparian carbon storage and sequestration is the costs for the flood damage caused by an intense
scarce and most studies are from South and North America rain event (cloudburst) in Copenhagen on 2 July 2011
while European studies are even more limited. The median amounted to 1 billion euros (Leonardsen 2012) and may
carbon stock in riparian biomass was estimated to be 63 tons have been significantly reduced by properly conserving June 2020 / Vol. 70 No. 6 • BioScience 507

Overview Articles

vegetated upstream riparian areas. Furthermore, the slow both aquatic and terrestrial habitats to complete their life
release of water from riparian areas during dry periods is cycle and maintain viable populations (Semlitsch 1998).
important for the ecological health of streams and down-
stream recipients, as well as for potential crop irrigation in Pest control. Natural control of plant pests in agroecosys-
the surrounding areas (Keesstra et al. 2018). tems is provided by predators and parasitoids, such as
birds, bats, spiders, ground beetles, lady beetles, lacewings,
Pollination and seed dispersal. Plant regeneration is essential flies, and wasps, as well as entomopathogenic organisms
for maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in (e.g., fungi, bacteria, nematodes). Habitat requirements for
ecosystems but may be threatened by human disturbance. natural enemies include several ecosystem properties often
Pollination and seed dispersal are the most threatened pro- encompassed by riparian systems: supplementary food
cesses of plant regeneration because any disturbance such as resources (e.g., alternate hosts or prey), complementary
habitat fragmentation or modification by an invasive plant food resources (e.g., pollen, honeydew, nectar), microcli-
species is likely to change the patterns of seed movement and matic conditions, and overwintering or aestivation shelters

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recruitment. Riparian vegetation provides important nesting and refuges (e.g., Jonsson et al. 2008). Riparian vegetation
and foraging sites (nectar and pollen) for pollinators, and can provide refuges and other resources to natural enemies,
proximity to such habitats has been found to increase pol- and serve as corridors for their dispersion between other
linator species richness, crop visitation rates, and pollination noncrop habitats and into crop fields (e.g., Luke et al.
success (e.g., Garibaldi et al. 2014, Petersen and Nault 2014). 2018). There are several examples worldwide providing
Vegetated riparian areas and wetlands support generally evidence of the relevance of pest-regulating services by
higher richness and diversity of pollinator species than dry riparian vegetation. One study by Maisonneuve and Rioux
adjacent lands, especially those dominated by monoculture (2001) found that the proportion of pest species decreased
(e.g., Ricketts 2004, Munyuli et al. 2013). Riparian vegeta- with the complexity of riparian vegetation structure, while
tion may also play a role in seed dispersal across landscapes. insectivorous species increased in abundance in woody
However, the significance of this ES provided specifically by riparian strips. Stockan and colleagues (2014) reported the
riparian vegetation is largely unknown (table 2). highest density and species diversity of generalist predators
(Coleoptera, Carabidae) in unmanaged riparian margins.
Maintenance of nursery populations and habitats. Riparian zones However, Gray and Lewis (2014) observed that riparian
can host highly valuable natural habitats and act as nursery forests 30–50 meters wide adjoining oil palm plantations in
areas. A nursery is defined as a habitat that contributes more Malaysian Borneo were unlikely to provide a pest control
than the average, compared with other habitats, to the pro- service. Clearly, the characteristics of riparian vegetation
duction of individuals of a particular species that recruits to and associated environmental conditions that influence the
adult populations (Beck et al. 2001). pest control service require further study.
Several species of small and large flagship mammals are
specialized to inhabit and reproduce in riparian areas (e.g., Regulation of microclimate. Riparian vegetation can exert
otter; Prenda et al. 2001), and these areas represent impor- considerable influence on the local microclimate (Chen
tant foraging areas for insectivorous bats (Grindal et al. et al. 1999) with dense, closed canopies reducing evapora-
1999). Riparian vegetation also provides habitat for resident tion, reducing wind speed and maintaining high relative
and migratory birds (e.g., waders, ducks, and herons; e.g., humidity. In riparian areas, the stream flow regime and
Gillies and Clair 2008), and many species of reptiles and groundwater will result in surface soils with high moisture
amphibians. Nearly 70% of vertebrate species in a region content. Shading from RV canopies also results in lower air
will use riparian habitats in some significant way during and water temperatures, therefore alleviating the heat stress,
their life cycle (e.g., Naiman et al. 1993). Undisturbed or well which is related with public health (e.g., Kristensen et al.
conserved riparian areas also positively affect fish productiv- 2014). Riparian vegetation is important for temperature and
ity (Tomscha et al. 2017) and the presence and spawning of light control within streams (Capon and Pettit 2018). Trees
target fish species with commercial and recreational interest on the river edge provide shade that can reduce instream
such as salmonids (e.g., Bilby et al. 2003). In addition, RV primary production and water temperature (e.g., Ryan and
subsidies as leaf litter are especially important for aquatic Kelly-Quinn 2016, Kristensen et al. 2014), the latter with
food webs and in the absence of autochthonous primary positive effect on dissolved oxygen. This microclimate regu-
production, can be the major carbon source for aquatic biota lation is especially evident in dry and semidry areas in which
(e.g., Pettit et al. 2012). Similarly, woody debris in the stream the lushness of riparian trees and shrubs contrasts with the
provides habitat and shelter for aquatic organisms and the surrounding arid landscape in which vegetation is scarce.
exposed roots of riparian trees are the spawning substrate
and larval habitat for some stream fish species (e.g., Pettit Fire effects mitigation. Riparian zones can act as a natural bar-
et al. 2013). Riparian vegetation also sustains benthic and rier to limit the spread and spatial extent of upland wildfires
riverine invertebrate richness (Malmqvist 2002), and many (Pettit and Naiman 2007). Riparian systems tend to differ
semiaquatic organisms, such as salamanders, depend on from adjacent uplands in moisture regime, topography,

508 BioScience June 2020 / Vol. 70 No. 6

Overview Articles

microclimate, soils, and vegetative structure, resulting in Cultural services from riparian vegetation
higher fuel moisture content, relative humidity, and lower Cultural services are considered “non-material benefits peo-
wind speeds. Therefore, fires are generally less frequent and ple obtain from ecosystems through spiritual enrichment,
of lower intensity in riparian zones than in upland forests cognitive development, reflection, recreation, and aesthetic
and grasslands but vary according to region and forest types. experiences” (MEA 2005), which have extended the original
For instance, in prairie grasslands and deciduous riparian cultural and recreation categories of Constanza and col-
woods fire return intervals are periodic and can range from leagues (1997). Despite being increasingly recognized as key
10 to 30 years (e.g., Dwire and Kauffman 2003). However, to ecosystem conservation and unavoidable in the general
in drylands, especially in small order streams or under dry valuation of ES, apart from recreation services, this broad
prefire conditions riparian woods can turn into corridors for category is frequently overlooked because of its intangible
fire movement (Petit and Naiman 2007). and subjective nature and because of a lack of methodologi-
With changing climate follows increasing risk in many cal frameworks to quantify their value in monetary means
regions of catastrophic fires, so managing this risk while (Kumar 2010, Daniel et al. 2012). The CICES framework

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conserving biodiversity is a major challenge. Dense natu- stresses that all ES have an inherent cultural value, but these
ral riparian vegetation in most cases creates a buffer zone services should be treated as an independent section. CICES
to the stream, which will limit terrestrial fire spread and classifies cultural services into two broad divisions and
protect stream ecosystems from fire effects (Bisson et al. respective categories: direct cultural services, which cover
2003). Riparian zones create refugia for fire-sensitive spe- outdoor interactions with living systems (experiential and
cies in a matrix of more fire-prone uplands. The benefits physical use of plants, animals, and landscapes; scientific;
of riparian areas for fire protection have been recorded in educational; cultural heritage; aesthetic) and indirect cul-
diverse climatic environments such as temperate forest in tural services, which rely mostly on remotely indoor inter-
the United States, where, after a severe fire, tree mortality actions with the environmental setting (sacred or religious
was 37% in the upland area while no trees were killed in the values, symbolic values, entertainment, existence, bequest).
adjacent riparian zone, and there was no loss of diversity of These services can involve individual species, communities,
riparian species (Elliot et al. 1999). In a tropical fire-prone habitats, and whole ecosystems. In table 2, the direct and
savanna in Central America, fire rarely penetrates far into indirect cultural services of RV are listed.
the adjacent riparian forest, and fire damaged trees are only
found on gentler slopes near the savanna–forest boundary Direct and indirect cultural services. Riparian areas and veg-
(Kellman and Tackaberry 1993). However, fragmentation etation provide opportunities for researching nature in situ.
and invasion by exotic fire-tolerant plants (e.g., Arundo) can They can function as outdoor laboratories for students or
increase fire risk in riparian areas (Busch and Smith 1995), local communities through the development of environ-
and poorly managed riparian areas that been invaded by fire mental education and citizen science projects by schools,
tolerant species such as grasses Acacia or Eucalyptus spp. research centers and local associations that may be comple-
can create severe fire hazards that will actually promote the mented by experiences in classrooms or science centers.
spread of wildfires. The time scale in which this cultural service is provided
can be quite varied, ranging from a single day (e.g., guided
Evaluation of the importance of provisioning, regulating, and main- visits or activities) to an entire year (long-term education
tenance services. When we compared the importance of the projects). The benefits of outdoor learning experiences have
provisioning and regulating ES across the four vegetation been documented in environmental education literature,
types given in table 2, we found that out of the 16 services and rivers and riparian areas are not an exception. Studies
provided, 12 services had at least one high ranking across have reported increased environmental awareness and the
the four vegetation types, and 6 had medium or high integration of knowledge of different subject areas from
importance across all vegetation types (table 3; filtration or outdoor studies (e.g., Bouillion and Gomez 2001, Overholt
storage, chemical condition of freshwater, fixation storage, and MacKenzie 2005).
erosion control, flow regulation, and providing habitats). The inspiring aesthetic value of rivers and riparian areas
Three other services were mainly associated with two veg- are well documented in a comprehensive body of art works
etation types that are forest and wet forest providing stand- (e.g., paintings and drawings) dating back several hun-
ing crop of woody biomass and climate regulation, and dry dreds of years and in the numerous tourists that visit, for
woodland together with herbs or grass providing mainly example, the Camargue, the Danube delta, and the Coto
pollination (table 3). In table 3, we ranked the ES provided de Doñana to enjoy the beauty of nature. The near natural
by RV such that the highest ranked service is the service and most diverse sections of rivers are more attractive to
with highest importance in most of the four vegetation people because of a high sense of wilderness (Brown and
types. It is clear that presence of any of the four vegetation Daniel 1991, Bowker and Bergstrom 2017). These areas are
types in the riparian area will provide several ES, but also often in the upper reaches of rivers and are connected to
that forest and riparian wetland will provide more than the cultural services associated with mountains and nearby
herbs or grass. forests (e.g., recreation or exercise in the form of forest June 2020 / Vol. 70 No. 6 • BioScience 509

Overview Articles

Table 3. Ecosystem services provided by riparian vegetation, distributed across four main vegetation types, and ranked
from high to low importance following definitions of high, medium, and low given in table 1.

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walks), and cultural heritage and sense of place (Zandersen restoration toward specific target ES or bundles of services
and Tol 2009). when taken trade-offs and disservices are taken into con-
Riparian vegetation can also provide a sense of continu- sideration. Disservices were not included in this overview
ity and understanding of our place in the universe, which because evidence for riparian ecosystems disservices in
is expressed through ethical and heritage values (Arts et al. general is still limited as also pointed out in a recent review
2018). Many riparian areas provide strong religious signifi- on existing evidence on ecosystem disservices (Blanco et al.
cance for indigenous groups, such as waterholes or particu- 2019). However, disservices should be considered systemati-
lar riparian trees (e.g., Nagajara et al. 2014). In few cultures cally in future work in order to be included in ES conceptual
from northwestern Europe, wetlands have a spiritual signifi- framework.
cance, being places in which ghosts, witches, and dwarfs live In order to make the concept useful in local management,
(e.g., Hauck et al. 2013). we aimed to provide a general framework for adopting the
ES approach to riparian area management and restoration.
Methodological framework to guide management We provide a flow chart outlining the steps required in
We have provided and discussed a list of ES provided by guiding management and restoration using information on
RV and ranked the importance across four main vegetation provisioning, regulating, maintaining, and cultural services
types. The compilation of the full list of ES in one paper can as targets (figure 3). The first part is based on the ecosystem
be used to guide decision-making in riparian management settings, which is the identification of local riparian vegeta-
and restoration. The framework including the full list of ES tion and associated ES, and on the assessment and ranking
provided by RV allows the identification of synergies and of the importance of these services following table 1. The
trade-offs between ES across RV types. For example, regard- second part is the decision-making process in which manag-
ing synergies, it is easy from a list of ES as given in table ers need to decide whether the target is a set of specific ES or
2 to identify any synergies obtained by choosing certain whether it is to maximize the range of ES benefits.
vegetation types in a given restoration. Regarding trade-offs
it is clear that RV provides some services but it can also Knowledge gaps and perspectives
provide some disservices. For example, RV can decrease Several knowledge gaps can be identified on the basis of the
flood risk downstream by lowering the speed of flood wave overview given in this article. First, we need more knowl-
propagation but it can also deliver logs downstream that can edge on how the four main vegetation types and species
generate a notably risk for bridges. Again by having a list of traits specifically support different ES (tables 2 and 3). The
ES any trade-offs become easier to identify and assess for ranking of the importance of each ES across vegetation types
RV management. Therefore, the ES and benefits obtained was based on expert opinion supported by the literature but
from RV can be maximized by directing management and in many cases further studies are needed to validate these

510 BioScience June 2020 / Vol. 70 No. 6

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The severe degradation worldwide of
freshwater ecosystems has posed a
major threat to ES of riparian areas
and their vegetation. This negative
trend has continued to increase in
centuries and most severely since
1950 even though the economic impli-
cations are serious (e.g., due flood
damages), and in many places, this
negative trend might even be intensi-
fied because of climate change (e.g.,
Capon et al. 2013). Therefore, resto-

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ration of floodplain and RV would
represent an important practice to
mitigate the effects of such degrada-
tion and in many places; this is already
occurring. Nevertheless, we consider
that, currently, most water-related res-
toration projects just aim to improve
habitat or water quality but may miss
other important ES. In order to maxi-
mize the benefits of these restoration
investments we suggest adopting an
ES-based decision-making approach
that should include RV. Therefore, if
Figure 3. Management framework for determining the environmental settings a broader perspective on ES of RV
for the riparian vegetation for a particular region (ecosystem setting) by is included to help guide riparian
identifying (ID) local vegetation types and the relevant ecosystem services and, management, the multifunctionality
finally, ranking the importance of the relevant ecosystem services in relating of freshwater ecosystems can be pro-
it to the different vegetation types (following table 3). Based on the ecosystem tected and the provision of ES recov-
setting we suggest, subsequent steps for managers to make best decisions aiming ered or improved and the benefits to
either for target services or for maximizing the number of services provided society enhanced.
by riparian vegetation. The steps include the identification of synergies and In order to progress in this approach,
trade-offs between ecosystem services and the economical and noneconomical more knowledge conversion is needed.
valuation of the target single or bundle of ecosystem services provided by the However, as was pointed out by Dufour
riparian vegetation. and colleagues (2019), although there
has been a continuous increase in the
rankings. Moreover, we have only considered the main number of publications on RV since the 1990s, the integra-
vegetation types, but many intermediate vegetation types tion of that knowledge across disciplines and sociocultural
are present and might support different combinations of aspects of RV are still very much understudied. In the pres-
ES. Second, seed and propagule dispersal, gene resources, ent article, we have listed and ranked ES provided by RV and
and fire protection are highly understudied ES provided allocated the importance of each provisioning and regulat-
by RV. Third, a general issue across all ES is the matter of ing ES within each of four broad RV types. We also included
spatial scale. How much area is needed in order to support cultural services, although we could not systematically assess
and optimize each of the ES? This is not only an unexplored their importance because of the highlighted knowledge gaps.
issue in RV management but also in many other ecosystems Finally, we provided the first steps for a guided management
when considering ES provision (e.g., Sutherland et al. 2016). framework for including ES in local restoration planning of
Fourth, cultural services are important but currently it is dif- RV. In order to move from the knowledge-based approach
ficult to quantitatively value the benefits; therefore, they are provided in this article to the policy tools for prioritizing
harder to include in management planning. And last, a bet- restoration, we need to advance mapping of ES and perform
ter understanding of who is really benefiting from ES pro- assessments of their economic value. Despite the current
vided by riparian vegetation is also needed. Therefore, more limitations on available information, we believe this article
research on assessment, description, valuation and integra- is a useful start for knowledge conversion and future imple-
tion of cultural services into a decision-making is needed mentation of the ES approach in restoration and manage-
(e.g., Vidal-Abarca Gutierrez and Suarez-Alonso 2013). ment of RV. June 2020 / Vol. 70 No. 6 • BioScience 511

Overview Articles

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