Final Exam Reviewer CHN
Final Exam Reviewer CHN
Final Exam Reviewer CHN
SEVERE ACUTE ➢ A-mpalaya
- MUAC less than 115 mm ➢ N-iyug-niyogan
- Able to finish RUTF. ➢ T-saang Gubat
----------------------------------------------------- Yellow: ➢ S-ambong
- WFH/L between -3 and -2 MODERATE
z-scores ACUTE > BAWANG
OR Uses: lower cholesterol in the blood,
- MUAC 115 up to 125 mm.
hypertension and toothache
- Fried
- WFH/L - 2 z-scores or more Green:
NO ACUTE - Roasted
- MUAC 125 mm or more. - Soaked in vinegar for 30 minutes
- Blanch in boiled water for 5 minutes
CHECK FOR ANAEMIA - Take 2 pcs. Three times a day after meals
- Pound and apply to affected tooth
- Severe palmar pallor Pink:
Caution: Take on a full stomach to prevent
ANEMIA stomach and intestinal ulcer
➢ ALLICIN is a compound that may help
- Some pallor Yellow:
SOME ease swelling and impede free radicals
ANEMIA that harm cells and tissues within the
body and lead to disease.
- No palmar pallor Green:
NO ANEMIA ➢ Impact your blood vessels and help
lower your, Blood sugar , Blood
pressure and Lipids or molecules within
Herbal plants (10 approved plants by the DOH
BABY-PLANTS) - 5 items the blood and cells made up fats and
➢ R.A 8423 Traditional and Alternative proteins
Medicine Act of 1997 through the effort ➢ Allicin help muscles recover faster after
of Secretary Juan Flavier you work out
➢ Created the Philippine Institute Of ➢ Support immune health by warding off
Traditional and Alternative Health Care agents that cause illness such as virus
which tasked to promote and advocate and fungus
the use of traditional and alternative > AKAPULKO (Cassia alata/herpetic alata)
healthcare modalities through scientific Uses: Antifungal, Tinea flava, ringworm, athletes
research and product development. foot and scabies
TRADITIONAL MEDICINE - is defined as sum Preparation:
total of knowledge, skills and practice on health - Fresh and matured leaves are
care, not necessarily explicable in the context of pound
modern, scientific philosophical framework, but - Apply sap to the affected part
recognized by the people to help maintain and 1-2 times a day
improve their health towards the wholeness of
➢ Acapulco contains chrysophanic acid, a • 7-12 3 tbsp. dried leaves, 2 tbsp. fresh leaves
fungicide used to treat fungal infections, • Pruritus - boil plants or with eucalyptus in
like ringworms, scabies, and eczema. water. Use decoction as a wash on affected area
➢ Acapulco also contains saponin, which ➢ Rheumatism, Arthritis and headache-
acts against ringworms. This variant is crush the fresh leaves and squeeze sap.
excellent for tinea/skin infections, Massage sap on the painful parts with
itchiness and insect bites. eucalyptus
> BAYABAS ➢ Swollen gums - boil the fresh plant for
Uses: 30 minutes and use solution as gargle
- Diarrhea - take 2-3 times a day ➢ Toothache - cut fresh plant and squeeze
- Washing wounds twice a day sap. Soak a piece of cotton in the sap
- Gargle and to relieve toothache. Warm and insert in aching tooth cavity
decoction is used. Freshly pounded leaves ▪ Relax the digestive tract muscles.
are sued for toothache ▪ Alleviate itching and pain and to hasten
- Leaves are to be washed well and chopped recovery.
- Boil for 15 low fire ▪ It is also used in vaporizers to calm the body
- Do not cover the pot and as scent mixed over baths.
- Cool and strain before use ▪ Calming the muscles in the respiratory system.
➢ Guava leaf extracts and essential oil are The scent can come from extracted oil as used
very active against S. aureus, thus in vaporizers or by burning the leaves and
making up important potential sources inhaling the fumes.
of new antimicrobial compounds. ▪ Rosmarinic acid inhibits the formation of
➢ Guava leaf extract is antimicrobial. This leukotrienes, an agent responsible for
means that it can neutralize harmful allergic reactions
microbes in gut that can cause diarrhea ▪ The minty scent and flavor used in vaporizers
➢ Antiplaque, antimicrobial, anti- to unclog the nasal passage due to
inflammatory and antioxidant agent, accumulation of phlegm and helps to relieve
guava leaves help maintain strong teeth inflammation. It also acts as an expectorant.
and gums. ▪ Antibacterial and Antifungal properties. Used to
> YERBA BUENA treat various skin infections and conditions that
➢ Cough and colds - get about 10 fresh include eczema, insect bites, scars and wounds,
leaves and soak in a glass of hot water. burns, scabies, ringworms and other skin
Drink as tea infections.
➢ Insect bites - crush leaves and apply ▪ Minty and relaxing effect is used as a topical
juice on the affected part or pound aid in alleviating the pain associated with
leaves until paste-like. Rub on affected arthritis, gout, headache and other body and
part joint pains.
➢ Menstrual and gas pains: soak a handful > PANSIT-PASITAN/ULASIMANG BATO
of leaves in a glass of boiling water. Uses: Lowers uric acid (Rheumatism and gout)
Drink infusion. Induces menstrual flow Preparation
and sweating - May be eaten as salad
➢ Nausea and fainting - crush leaves and - Boil in two glassful of water over low fire, divide
apply at nostrils of patients in three parts, drink each part three times day
➢ Pain in different parts of the body as after meals
headache, stomachache ➢ Analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and
• Preparation: boil chopped leaves in 2 glasses anti-hyperuricemic properties
of water for 15 minutes. Cool and strain > LAGUNDI
• Adults: 6 tbsp. Dried leaves, 4 tbsp. fresh ➢ Dysentery, colds, and pain any in part of
leaves the body as in influenza - boil a handful
of leaves and flowers to produce a • If at first try, the worms are not expelled, the
glassful of decoction dosage may be done again after a week. If
➢ Aromatic bath for sick patients - prepare nothing happens even after the second dose,
leaf decoction and use for bathing of seek medical help as there may be other
sick and newly delivered patients underlying conditions.
➢ Skin disease and wounds - prepare • Do not give seeds to children below four years
decoction and wash and clean the old
wound with decoction • Adults take at least 10 niyog-niyogan seeds for
➢ Headache - crushed leaves apply on the best results.
forehead • Children aged 4 to 7 years old, let them take at
➢ Rheumatism, sprain, contusions, insect least four seeds.
bites - pound the leaves and apply on • For children aged 8 to 9 years old, they can
affected part take around six seeds.
➢ Asthma and fever - boil raw fruits or • Children aged 10 to 12 years old, they can eat
leaves in 2 glasses of water for 15 min. not more than seven seeds.
until 1 glass of water is left. Side Effects
• Adult: 4 tbsp.. Dried leaves, 6 tbsp..Fresh • If taken in unusually large doses, may
leaves experience a few hiccups, dizziness, abdominal
• 71-2 : 2 tbsp. dl, 3 tbsp.fl pain, diarrhea, and vomiting. Some even lose
• 2-6 : 1 tbsp.dl,1 1⁄2 tbsp fl consciousness. Watch out for certain allergic
➢ Anti-inflammatory, expectorant, reactions as well.
tranquilizer, antispasmodic, anti • If patients develop skin rashes or experience
convalescent, rejuvenate, anti-arthritic, swelling of the ankles, skin itchiness, or increase
anthelmintic, anti-fungal and antipyretic in body temperature, stop using the plant and
> AMPALAYA contact a physician immediately.
Uses: Diabetes Mellitus (Mild non-insulin > TSAANG GUBAT
dependent) Uses:
Preparation: - Diarrhea: boil chopped leaves in 2 glasses of
- boil 2 tbsp. of chopped leaves in two glassfuls water for 15 minutes until 1 glass
of water for 15 minutes slow fire. - Adult:10 tbsp. dl, 12 tbsp.fl
- Take one third cup 3 time daily after meals - 7-12: 5 tbsp. dl, 6 tbsp. fl
- Young leaves may be blanched /steamed and - 2-6 : 2 1⁄2 tbsp. dl, 3 tbsp. fl
eaten - Stomachaches: boil chopped leaves in 1 glass
➢ Bitter melon has properties that act like of water for 15 minutes
insulin, which helps bring glucose into - Adult: 2 tbsp. dl, 3 tbsp.fl
the cells for energy. - 7-12: 1 tbsp dl, 1 1⁄2 tbsp fl
➢ The consumption of bitter melon can ➢ It contains alpha-amyrin, beta-amyrin,
help cells use glucose and move it to and baurenol which have shown
the liver, muscles, and fat. analgesic activity, anti-diarrheal and
➢ The melon may also be able to help the anti-spasmodic activity.
body retain nutrients by blocking their > SAMBONG
conversion to glucose that ends up in Uses
the bloodstream. • Anti-edema
> NIYOG-NIYOGAN • Diuretic
Uses: Anthelmintic use to expel roundworms • Anti-urolithiasis
causing ascariasis • Boil leaves in a glassful water for 15 min. until
• Only mature dried seeds are used. These dried one glass remain
seeds are normally taken orally at least 2 hours • Adult : 4 tbsp.dl, 6 tbsp.fl
after dinner. • 7-12 y/0: 2 tbsp dl, 3 tbsp fl
damage in the unborn baby particularly in the cervical cancer or cell changes that may
lung and brain lead to cervical cancer.)
Premature labor (labor before 37 weeks of ➢ an infection caused by bacteria called
pregnancy). Early (preterm) birth is the number Clostridium tetani. When the bacteria
one cause of infant death and can lead to invade the body, they produce a poison
long-term developmental and health problems in (toxin) that causes painful muscle
children contractions. Another name for tetanus
PROVISION OF ORAL HEALTH - High levels of is “lockjaw”. It often causes a person's
the hormones progesterone and estrogen during neck and jaw muscles to lock, making it
pregnancy can temporarily loosen the tissues hard to open the mouth or swallow in
and bones that keep the teeth in place. This can both the mother and baby.
make the teeth loose. Periodontal disease ➢ Tetanus Toxoid 0.5ml is injected
(also called periodontitis or gum disease). intramuscularly on the deltoid muscles
ADVICE ON FAMILY PLANNING AND ➢ The newborn develops protection
PROVISION OF FAMILY PLANNING through passive immunity (provided
SERVICES - responsible decision made by when a person is given antibodies to a
individuals and couples as to the desired family disease rather than producing them
size and timing of births through his or her own immune system)
as maternal antibodies pass through the
> PRENATAL PACKAGE placenta into the fetal circulation
Prenatal Visits Period of Pregnancy TT Dose Interval Percent Duration of
Protected Protection
1st Visit As early as pregnancy as
possible before four
months or during the 1st TT1 As early as
trimester possible
2nd Visit During the 2nd Trimester pregnancy
3rd Visit During the 3rd Trimester TT2 At least 4 80% 3 years
weeks later protection
Every 2 Weeks After 8th month of
pregnancy till delivery TT3 At least for 95% 5 years
6 months protection
= 1,000 infants x 3 doses of Pentavalent=3,000
➢ Keep diluents cold by storing them in
x 1.25 wastage= 3,750 doses
the refrigerator in the lower or door
➢ Observe the first expiry-first out (FEFO)
➢ Maintain the cold chain- a system for
ensuring the potency of a vaccine from
➢ Storage with a refrigerator duration
the time of manufacture to the time it is
should not exceed one month
given to eligible client (DOH, 1995)
➢ Using transport boxes vaccines can be
➢ Cold chain officer at the RHU/health
kept only up to maximum of 5 days
center is the public health nurse. In
➢ Vaccine vial monitor is a round disc of
charge of maintaining the cold chain
heat-sensitive material placed on a
equipment and
vaccine to register cumulative heat Protect BCG from sunlight (DOH 1995) and
exposure (the lower the temperature, Rotavirus vaccine from light (DOG, 2012)
the slower the color change, the higher > ROUTINE IMMUNIZATION SCHEDULE FOR
the temperature, the faster the color INFANTS
change, WHO, 1999)
or at least 3 doses of TT vaccine anytime prior ➢ Preparation for own death and dealing
to pregnancy with this child.(DOH-IMS, 2011) with the loss of spouse and /or siblings
and other peers
For final period
Family structure-5 items
Functions of family-5 items Family Structure - Refers to the characteristics
To meet the needs of society: and demographics (age, sex, number) of
Procreation- reproduction and child bearing. individual members who make up family units
Socialization- learning how to become NUCLEAR- family of marriage, parenthood, or
productive members of the society.Involved in procreation, composed of a husband, wife and
transmission of the culture of social groups. their immediate children- natural or adopted or
Status placement -hierarchy of its members both (Friedman et al, 2003,p.10)
into social classes.(Medina ,2001) DYAD FAMILY- consisting only of husband and
Economic function -urban family is a unit of wife such as newly married couples and “empty
production, urban family is a unit of consumption nesters”.
(Medina 2001) EXTENDED FAMILY- consisting of three
To meet the needs of individual: generations, which may include married siblings
Physical maintenance-provides for survival and their families and/or grandparents.
needs BLENDED FAMILY-which results from a union
Welfare and protection-support spouses, where one or both spouses bring a child or
source of motivation and morale. children from a previous marriage into a new
living arrangement.
Developmental stages of family-5 items COMPOUND FAMILY-where a man has more
MARRIAGE(joining of families) than one spouse, approved by Philippine
➢ Formation of identity as a couple authorities only among Muslims by virtue of P.D.
➢ Inclusion of spouse in realignment of no.1083, also known as the Code of Muslim
relationships with extended families personal Laws of the Philippines (Office of the
➢ Parenthood: making decisions President, 1977)
➢ Integration of children into family unit described as a “live-in "arrangement between an
➢ Adjustment of tasks: child rearing, unmarried couple who are called common-law
financial and household spouses and their child or children from such an
➢ Accommodations of new parenting and arrangement.
grandparenting roles SINGLE PARENT-which results from the death
FAMILIES WITH ADOLESCENTS of a spouse from the death of spouse,
➢ Development of increasing autonomy for separation, or pregnancy outside of wedlock
adolescents GAY AND LESBIAN FAMILY-made up of a
➢ Midlife reexamination of marital and cohabiting couple of the same sex in a sexual
career issues relationship. The homosexual family may or may
➢ Initial shift towards concern for older not have children. Because the family Code of
generation the Philippines (Executive Order No.209)
FAMILIES AS LAUNCHING CENTERS expressly states that marriage is a special
➢ Establishment of independent identities contract of permanent union between a man and
for parents and grown children a woman entered into in accordance with the
➢ Renegotiation of marital relationship law for the establishment of conjugal and family
➢ Readjustment of relationships to include life, same-sex marriage is not legally acceptable.
in-laws and grandchildren
➢ Dealing with disabilities and death of Family code-5 items
older generation No marriage shall be valid, unless these
AGING FAMILIES essential requisites are present:
➢ Maintaining couple and individual ➢ Legal capacity of the contracting parties
functioning while adapting to the aging who must be a male and a female; and
process ➢ Consent freely given in the presence of
➢ Support role of middle generation the solemnizing
➢ Support and autonomy of older The following marriages shall be void from the
generation beginning for reasons of public policy: