DENR Survey Symbols

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I. Survey Symbols

Symbols Description
New Old

A. Public Land Surveys (ORIGINAL)

__ Rlla __ Reclaimed Land Lease Application

__ Tsa __ Townsite Sales Application
Ac Ac __ Agricultural Colony
Ap __ __ Advance Plan approved project
As __ __ Advance Survey within project in progress
F Fp __ Free Patent Application
Flc Fl, Sh __ Foreshore Lease Application: Corporation
Fld __ __ Foreshore Land Delimitation
Fli Fl, Sh __ Foreshore Lease Application: Individual
Gss __ __ Group Settlement Surveys
H G __ Homestead Application
Lc La, L, E__ Lease Application, Corporation
Li La, L, E__ Lease Application (Agricultural): Individual
Mla __ Miscellaneous Lease Application: Corporation
Mli Mla __ Miscellaneous Lease Application: Individual
Mr Mn __ Municipal Reservations
Msc Msc __ Miscellaneous Sales Application by Charitable Institution and
Msi Msa __ Miscellaneous Sales Application: Individual
Ng Ig, Ff __ Insular Government Land or Private Land to be acquired by
the (Insular) National Government
Nr Ir, In __ National (or Insular) Reservations
Pld __ __ Public Land Delimitation
Pls __ __ Public Land Subdivision
Plsm __ __ Public Land Subdivision Mapping
PPls __ __ Photo Public Land Subdivision
PPlsm __ __ Photo Public Land Subdivision Mapping
Pr Pn __ Provincial Reservations
Rl Rec __ Reclaimed Land
Rs Rs __ Resurvey
Sc Ps __ Sales Application: Corporation
Si Pi __ Sales Application: Individual
Tb Kb __ Townsite Reservation Boundary
Ts Ksd __ Townsite Reservation Subdivision
Tsc __ __ Townsite Reservation Subdivision: Corporation
Tsi __ __ Townsite Reservation Subdivision: Individual

B. Private Land Surveys (ORIGINAL)

__ Psi __ Private Surveys, Insular

Ps Psp __ Private Surveys, owned/claimed by Provincial
Ps __ Private surveys, owned/claimed by
Ps Psm __ Private Surveys, owned/claimed by Municipal
Ps Psn __ Private Surveys, owned/claimed by National
Psu Psu __ Land Surveys by Private Geodetic Engr.
Psu-G Psu-B __ Private Surveys by Government GE
Ps, II
Upl __ __ Untitled Private Agricultural Lands

C. Subdivision, Consolidation and/or Consolidation-Subdivion of:

1) Untitled Property

Ccn Ccn __ Consolidation

Ccs Ccs __ Consolidation & Subdivision
Csd Csd __ Subdivision

2) Titled Property
Gcn Bcn __ Consolidation by Government GE
Gcs Bcs __ Consolidation and Subdivision by Government GE
Gsd Bsd __ Subdivision by Government GE
Pcn __ __ Consolidation by Private GE
Pcs __ __ Consolidation and Subdivision by Private GE
Psd Psc __ Subdivision by Private GE

D. Cadastral Land Surveys

Cad Cad __ Cadastral Surveys by Government GE

Cad-D Psc __ Cadastral Survey by Private GE
Cadm Cadm,__ Cadastral Mapping(x)
Cadm CadS ----- Cadastral Sketching
Ipb Ipb __ Irrigation Project Boundary
Ips Ips __ Irrigation Projects Subdivision
not funded by DENR/LMB
Pcad Pcad __ Photo Cadastral Survey
Pcad-D PPsc __ Photo Cadastral Survey by Private Enterprise
Pcadm Pcadm__ Photo Cadastral Mapping(x)
Pcadm-D PPScm__ Photo Cad Mapping by Private Enterprise(x
Psc __ __ Cadastral Survey by Private GE

E. Mineral Land Surveys( for further study)

Cl __ __ Coal Lease Surveys

Cp __ __ Coal Patent Surveys
Crp __ __ Coal Revocable Permit Surveys
Ll __ __ Lode Location Surveys
Lp __ __ Lode Patent Surveys
Mi __ __ Mineral Investigation Surveys
Pdl __ __ Petroleum Drilling Lease Surveys
Pel __ __ Petroleum Exploration Lease Surveys
Pl __ __ Placer Location Surveys
Pp __ __ Placer Land Surveys

F. Government Land Surveys

Flb Ab __ Friar Land Boundary

Flr Flr __ Friar Lands Relocation
Fls Fls __ Friar Land Subdivision
Frs __ Friar Lands Resurvey
Ngl Igl, Ige__ (Insular) National Government Property Lease
Ngs Igs __ (Insular) National Government Property Sale

G. General Land Surveys

Cvn __ __ Conversion Survey (from Graphical to

Regular Cadastral Lot)
Fis __ __ Fishpond Application Surveys
Pb Bvs __ Political Boundary Verification Survey
Pb Cb __ Political Boundary- City
Pb Mb __ Political Boundary-Municipal
Pb Pb __ Political Boundary-Provincial
Ppb __ Political Boundary Portion Establishment Survey

Rel __ __ Relocation Surveys

Sp __ Special Plans

Swo Swo __ Special Work Orders

Vs __ __ Verification Surveys
Fbs __ __ Forest Boundary Surveys
Fld __ __ Foreshoreland Delimitation
Lc _ _ Land Classification
Ml Mp __ Monument Location Surveys
Ms Mp __ Municipal Street Surveys
Prs Prd __ Provincial Road Surveys
Sgs __ __ Segregation Surveys
Sk __ __ Sketch Plan/Special Plan (Not subject for Registration
approved by the Regional Technical Director).
Tri __ __ Triangulation Surveys

Note: All surveys executed under Agrarian Reform shall have a suffix (AR)

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