Big Spaceship

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What is the value proposition of Big Spaceship, and how does that value proposition enable

the firm to create strategic differentiation within its industry?

The company’s value proposition is being a provider of solutions through various forms of digital
media or serving the digital space, developing novel marketing concepts and adaptations of
digital technology. Big Spaceship is an innovation-led digital creative agency. They create and
evolve deeply engaging experiences, products and relationships. They start conversations and tell
stories across the digital landscape. Their culture and philosophies are defined through their
efficiency, their quality of work and the relationships they build with clients, so that their
approach to producing exceptional work is successful. In this way, they differentiate themselves
from other agencies.

How do the organizational design, the corporate culture, and the human resources practices of
Big Spaceship support the firm's value proposition?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the company's new team-based organizational
Big Spaceship came on the scene to accomplish discrete, high-profile tasks. The firm insisted on
planning and executing those tasks in a fashion that would ensure optimal performance. The firm
organized the core production staff into multidisciplinary teams of people who stayed together
from project to project. The Big Spaceship explore a client’s goals, and even when a client came
with an overall campaign for its product already in place, the agency insisted on approaching ant
potential digital project from the standpoint of a bottom-up strategy. For instance, the agency
subjected Nike’s project brief to a rigorous review - despite the pre-existing “More World”
campaign. To sustain its ambitious, highly differentiated strategy, Big Spaceship had to muster
and marshal an array of uniquely skilled professionals. It organized those professionals in a way
that allowed them not only to work well together, but also to work within the culture of constant
innovation. In building its system of human capital, Big Spaceship focused on finding and
nurturing talent, on creating a suitable culture, and on developing an effective leadership team.
The strengths of the company's new team-based organizational structure enables each team
develop its own personality. It makes staff flow much easier. It makes it easier to manage how
much availability they have to take on work and who’s doing what. Meanwhile, it improves cross-
disciplinary communication. The weaknesses of the company's new team-based organizational
structure is that it brings risk of organizational rigidity as every production employee is locked
into a team, which means economic inefficiency for the firm. The misalignment between team
size and project size left team members without enough work to do. The biggest problem is its
adverse effect on employee development because the team system reduces the sharing of
knowledge and best practices among the members, which is vital for a company staying at the
cutting-edge of its industry.

Is Big Spaceship, as currently organized, truly ready to "go big"?

Why, or why not?
I supposed Big Spaceship is not ready to “go big” as currently organized. First, it may need an
infusion of capital in order to position itself for substantial growth. Selling out its creativity to a
holding company is not a perfect solution for the company only cares about managing to a
spreadsheet. Growth is a side effect for a company like Big Spaceship, since it could have impact
on retaining the link between the firm’s culture and its people. Growing rapidly could make the
company out of control and bring days full of zero value. A company like Big Spaceship built this
reputation by delivering customized service. Growth posed a threat to that model. They also have
troubles on adding extra layers of management, and it will become unavoidable if growth is for
sure. Only when Big Space truly set these problems down, could they ready to “go big”.

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