Teston Derivatives

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Test on Derivatives

Presentation · February 2024

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1 author:

Jens Fehlau
Universität Potsdam


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Test on derivatives and their applications

- Part 1: No support materials allowed -

1. For exercises 1.1 to 1.5 exactly one of the 5 answers will be correct. Check the corresponding

1.1 Let f be a real-valued function with a slope of 12 at x = 2. A possible equation of f could be:

□ f (x) = 1 □ f (x) = x □ f (x) = x2 □ f (x) = x3 □ f (x) = x4

27 − x2
1.2 Let f be the function f (x) = , x ∈ Df .

□ The zero of f is at x0 = 3 .

□ The maximum possible domain of f is R .

□ The graph of f has a horizontal asymptote at y = 3 .

□ The graph of f has a vertical asymptote at x = 3 .

□ The intersection of Gf with the y-axis has coordinates I(0 | 3) .

1.3 Decide, which of the following functions is not defined at x = −3 .

x2 − 9 x−3 x+3
□ f (x) = □ f (x) = □ f (x) =
x−3 2x2 − 9 x2 + 3

3 3
□ f (x) = □ f (x) =
x2 − 9 x2 − 3
1.4 The following picture shows the graph of a polynomial function f . Which of the following state-
ments holds true?

□ f ′ (−1) > f ′ (1)

□ f ′ (0) > f ′ (1)

□ f ′ (−1) = f ′ (1)

□ f ′ (2) > f ′ (1)

□ f ′ (0) > f ′ (3)

1.5 Let f be defined as f (x) = 2x(x + 4)2 . What are the zeroes of f ?

□ x1 = −4 , x2 = −2 , x3 = 4

□ x1 = −2 , x2 = 0 , x3 = 2

□ x1 = −4 , x2 = 4

□ x1 = −4 , x2 = 0

□ x1 = 0 , x2 = 4

2. Let f be the in R defined function f (x) = x3 − x. One of the following graphs I, II or III shows
the graph of f . Which of the following graphs do not correspond to f ? Name them and justify your

Test on derivatives and their applications

- Part 2: Support materials allowed -

1. The below picture shows the graph of the real-valued polynomial funtion f of degree 4. The
tangent touching the inflection point W (4 | 18) of the graph has a slope of −4.

a) Sketch the tangent described above into the coordinate system!

b) Justify, that the graph of f does not have any additional inflection points outside of the shown
part of the coordinate system!

c) State the values of the two zeroes of the derivative function f ′ of f !

d) The graph of f ′ has a minimum. Name its coordinates and justify your answer!
2. Let fk be the set of in R defined functions, with fk (x) = −kx(x − 8) , k ∈ R , k > 0 . The graph
fk will be denoted with Gfk .

a) Calculate all zeroes of fk !

b) Show, that the point (4 | 16k) is the maximum of Gfk !

c) Show, that the graph of fk does not have any inflection points!

d) Show, that the graph of the function fk is always increasing at x = 2 !

e) Calculate the equation of the tangent t of f2 at x = 2 !

3. Calculate the first derivatives of the following functions:

a) f (x) =
(x − 1)2

b) g(x) = 4x4 − ax2 + 4a2 , a∈R

4 3
c) V (r) = πr

d) h(x) = 3x2 (2 − x)3 + 6.9

Zusatz) ρ(V ) =

© Jens Fehlau 2024

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