EL180 Hybrid Syllabus

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Course Syllabus
Program: Electrician Technician
Course Number and Title: EL180 Programmable Logic Controls
Course Credits: 4.0
Clock Hours: 80
Theory Hours: 40
Lab Hours: 40
Externship Hours: 0
Outside Hours: 80
Prerequisites: EL110, EL120, EL130
Course Delivery Mode: Hybrid
Methods of Instruction:
This course will be delivered in a hybrid format. Theory will be delivered through various
methods, such as, recorded lectures, asynchronous discussion forums, and additional readings,
videos, and activities. Onsite and virtual labs support the curriculum and learning objectives.
Labs are accessible at scheduled times.
Course Description:
This course introduces the students to the principles of solid-state control and examines
various applications that are relevant to the electrician. It introduces the students to electricity
and semi-conductor fundamentals. Students will identify, test, and work with components that
explain basic digital logic elements, flip-flops, shift registers and counter, the function and
purpose of programmable logic controllers (PLC), different numbering systems used in PLCs,
and the hardware and software use in PLCs.
Course Objectives:
Upon completion of this module, students will be able to:
• Identify electronic system components.
• Describe the electrical characteristics of solid-state devices.
• Describe the basic materials that make up solid-state devices.
• Describe and identify the various types of transistors and explain how they operate.
• Interpret electronic schematic diagrams.
• Describe and connect diodes.
• Describe and connect light-emitting diodes (LEDs).
• Describe how to connect silicon-controlled rectifiers (SCRs).
• Identify the leads of various solid-state devices.
• Identify and describe the basic concepts and elements of digital logic circuits.
• Identify and describe memory elements and their function in digital circuits.
• Describe counters and their function in digital circuits.
• Describe the function of arithmetic elements and decoders.
• Define and describe PLCs and compare them to hardwired systems.

This document contains proprietary information of IEC Corporation and its affiliated entities (collectively, “IEC”) and is intended solely for use by
IEC employees and students. Such proprietary information may not be used, reproduced, or disclosed to any other parties for any other purpose
without the expressed written permission of IEC. Revised 09/26/2022
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• Describe the various number systems that correspond with the digital operation of
• Describe and explain the function of various PLC hardware components.
• Describe PLC programming concepts.
Laboratory Skills and Competencies:
Upon completion of this module, under the supervision of the instructor, the trainee should
be able to do the following:
• Test a transistor to determine whether it is an NPN or PNP.
• Identify the cathode on three different styles of SCRs, using the shape or markings for
• Create a truth table that describes the behavior of an instructor-supplied schematic.
• Given an instructor-provided PLC diagram, identify the basic components in a PLC
• Given an instructor-provided ladder diagram program, point out commonly used
symbols and their meaning.
• Implement a simple logic circuit using an instructor-provided PLC platform or
Required Textbooks:
Training Guide:
• 26404-17 Basic Electronic Theory.
• 12401-03 Digital Logic Circuits.
• 12406-16 Programmable Logic Controllers.
• National Electrical Code® 2017 Handbook, 1st Edition
Key instructional resources:
Instructor Guides:
• Career EDGE, Take Control of Your Future. Career EDGE, LLC.
Required Equipment
• Tablet/laptop or other portable device to access online classroom.
• Labs are appropriately furnished with appropriate equipment and supplies to perform
each lab skill/competency.
Unit 1
Unit 1-Objectives Covered
• Identify electronic system components.
• Describe the electrical characteristics of solid-state devices.
• Describe the basic materials that make up solid-state devices.
• Describe and identify the various types of transistors and explain how they operate.
• Identify the leads of various solid-state devices.
• Interpret electronic schematic diagrams.
Unit 1- Theory Topics
• Basic Electronic Theory
Unit 1-Lab Skills

This document contains proprietary information of IEC Corporation and its affiliated entities (collectively, “IEC”) and is intended solely for use by
IEC employees and students. Such proprietary information may not be used, reproduced, or disclosed to any other parties for any other purpose
without the expressed written permission of IEC. Revised 09/26/2022
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• Basic Electronics Lab 1
• Basic Electronics Lab 2
Unit 1-Outside Hours*
• Reading: Basic Electronic Theory 26404-17
• Homework: Basic Electronic Theory 26404-17 Study and Review
• Study for Module Examination 26404-17
• Career Edge
• Review module and study for the Module Examination and Performance Profile Test.
Unit 2
Unit 2-Objectives Covered
• Identify and describe the basic concepts and elements of digital logic circuits.
• Identify and describe memory elements and their function in digital circuits.
• Describe counters and their function in digital circuits.
• Describe the function of arithmetic elements and decoders
Unit 2- Theory Topics
• Digital Logic Circuits
Unit 2-Lab Skills
• PLC Lab 1
• PLC Lab 2
Unit 2-Outside Hours*
• Reading: Digital Logic Circuits 12401-16
• Homework: Digital Logic Circuits 12401-16 Study and Review
• Study for Module Examination 12401-16
• Review Performance Task 1 to prepare for Performance Profile Test 12401-16
• Research activity –Use online resources and research how new technology in digital
controls and programmable logic controls affect our life. Give examples.
• Career Edge
• Review module and study for the Module Examination and Performance Profile Test.
Unit 3
Unit 3-Objectives Covered
• Define and describe PLCs and compare them to hardwired systems.
• Describe the various number systems that correspond with the digital operation
of PLCs.
• Describe and explain the function of various PLC hardware components.
• Describe PLC programming concepts.
• Describe and connect diodes.
• Describe and connect light-emitting diodes (LEDs).
• Describe how to connect silicon-controlled rectifiers (SCRs).
Unit 3- Theory Topics
• Programmable Logic Controllers

This document contains proprietary information of IEC Corporation and its affiliated entities (collectively, “IEC”) and is intended solely for use by
IEC employees and students. Such proprietary information may not be used, reproduced, or disclosed to any other parties for any other purpose
without the expressed written permission of IEC. Revised 09/26/2022
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Unit 3-Lab Skills
• PLC Lab 3
• PLC Lab 4
Unit 3-Outside Hours*
• Reading: Programmable Logic Controllers 12406-16
• Homework: Programmable Logic Controllers 12406-16 Study and Review
• Study for Module Examination 12406-16
• Review Performance Tasks 1, 2, and 3 to prepare for Performance Profile Test 12406-
• 2017 edition of the NFPA70, National Electrical Code Assignment
• Career Edge
• Review module and study for the Module Examination and Performance Profile Test.
Unit 4
Unit 4-Objectives Covered
• Identify electronic system components.
• Describe the electrical characteristics of solid-state devices.
• Describe the basic materials that make up solid-state devices.
• Describe and identify the various types of transistors and explain how they
• Interpret electronic schematic diagrams.
• Describe and connect diodes.
• Describe and connect light-emitting diodes (LEDs).
• Describe how to connect silicon-controlled rectifiers (SCRs).
• Identify the leads of various solid-state devices.
• Identify and describe the basic concepts and elements of digital logic circuits.
• Identify and describe memory elements and their function in digital circuits.
• Describe counters and their function in digital circuits.
• Describe the function of arithmetic elements and decoders.
• Define and describe PLCs and compare them to hardwired systems.
• Describe the various number systems that correspond with the digital operation
of PLCs.
• Describe and explain the function of various PLC hardware components.
• Describe PLC programming concepts.
Unit 4- Theory Topics
• Semiconductors and integrated circuits
• Process Control Theory
Unit 4-Lab Skills
• PLC Lab 5
• PLC Lab 6
• PLC Lab 7

This document contains proprietary information of IEC Corporation and its affiliated entities (collectively, “IEC”) and is intended solely for use by
IEC employees and students. Such proprietary information may not be used, reproduced, or disclosed to any other parties for any other purpose
without the expressed written permission of IEC. Revised 09/26/2022
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Unit 4-Outside Hours*
• Review 26404-17, 23402-16, 23406-16
• Career Edge
• Review module and study for the Module Examination.
* Outside assignments consist of review questions, research, defining key terminology,
professional development, and other projects as assigned. These assignments will take
approximately 20 hours per unit or 80 hours per module and are included in the theory portion
of the grade.

This document contains proprietary information of IEC Corporation and its affiliated entities (collectively, “IEC”) and is intended solely for use by
IEC employees and students. Such proprietary information may not be used, reproduced, or disclosed to any other parties for any other purpose
without the expressed written permission of IEC. Revised 09/26/2022
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Grading and Attendance
Method of evaluation
Grading Categories Description Weighting Scale
Assignments, homework, discussion boards,
Theory/ Assignments 40%
professional development, projects etc.
Laboratory Lab Skills check offs 40%
Exams and Quizzes Unit Exams, terminology quizzes etc. 20%
Total Final Grade Cumulative grade from all categories 100%

Grading scale:
Students who do not achieve a letter grade of “D+” or better in any module are considered to have failed
that module and must repeat it. When students repeat a failed module, the original grade will be replaced
by the new grade which will then be calculated in the cumulative GPA. Until the module is repeated, the
“D” or “F” grade will remain in the student’s cumulative GPA and will be included in the assessment of
Satisfactory Academic Progress (“SAP”). Students must successfully achieve a minimum cumulative GPA
2.0 to be eligible for externship. All programs require a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 for graduation.
Percent Range Letter Grade Grade Points
96-100 A 4.0
90-95 A- 3.7
87-89 B+ 3.3
83-86 B 3.0
80-82 B- 2.7
76-79 C+ 2.3
70-75 C 2.0
66-69 C- 1.7
63-65 D+ 1.3
60-62 D 1.0
0-59 F 0
Attendance is recorded differently for the online portion of the course and the laboratory portion of the
course. Attendance for the online portion of the course is determined by submission or participation in
a gradable assignment, all of which contribute to the students' overall academic goals.
1. Submission of a gradable assignment, such as a paper, test, exam or quiz.
2. Participation in a gradable online discussion, as directed by an instructor, with classmates, in a way
that is substantively and academically related to the enrolled course.
o The purpose of substantive interaction in an online discussion forum or thread is to promote
comprehension of the academic topic through a collaborative, collective and interactive
conversation. Substantive interaction involves a sustained, interactive communication. A
substantive post adds to the discussion and encourages a response from fellow students. By
substantively interacting, it opens up the lines of communication with fellow classmates and
Attendance for the on ground or laboratory portion of the course is taken based on student’s physical
attendance in the classroom. See catalog for the attendance policy.

This document contains proprietary information of IEC Corporation and its affiliated entities (collectively, “IEC”) and is intended solely for use by
IEC employees and students. Such proprietary information may not be used, reproduced, or disclosed to any other parties for any other purpose
without the expressed written permission of IEC. Revised 09/26/2022

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