Unit 04
Unit 04
Unit 04
There are many types of circuits used for the three-phase ac regulators (ac to ac
voltage converters), unlike single-phase ones. The three-phase loads (balanced) are
connected in star or delta. Two thyristors connected back to back, or a triac, is used for
each phase in most of the circuits as described. Two circuits are first taken up, both with
balanced resistive (R) load
The expression of the RMS value of output voltage is obtained by per phase for
balanced star-connected resistive load which depends on range of firing angle. If is the
RMS value of the input voltage per phase, and assuming the voltage, as the reference,
the instantaneous input voltages per phase are,
Assuming the line voltage as the reference, the instantaneous input line voltages are,
Back-to-back converter
Smallest size of the dc-link capacitor is governed by the need to keep the switch-
frequent ripple at acceptable (i.e. small) levels. Fluctuations in the load cannot be
smoothed in the converter, but must be accommodated by other means. One alternative
is to simply transfer such fluctuations to the power grid, but this may re-introduce the
line-current harmonics the back to back converter is supposed to eliminate. However,
load fluctuations will be random and thus relatively harmless compared to the in-phase
harmonics generated by diode rectifiers. Another alternative is to use the load itself. In
a typical drive, the mechanical energy stored in the drive is several orders of magnitude
larger than the electrical energy stored in the DC-link capacitor in a back-to-back
converter. If the application does not need servo-class performance, there is no reason
why the rotational speed cannot be allowed to fluctuate slightly.
With such a topology, nine-switch converters retain the DC-link and can achieve
all the functions of twelve-switch BTB even with three switches less.
power into a Direct Current (DC) output power. The input power supply may be either
a single-phase or a multi-phase supply with the simplest of all the rectifier circuits being
that of the Half Wave Rectifier. The power diode in a half wave rectifier circuit passes
just one half of each complete sine wave of the AC supply in order to convert it into a
DC supply. Then this type of circuit is called a ―half-wave‖ rectifier because it passes
only half of the incoming AC power supply as shown below. During each ―positive‖
half cycle of the AC sine wave, the diode is forward biased as the anode is positive
with respect to the cathode resulting in current flowing through the diode. During each
―negative‖ half cycle of the AC sinusoidal input waveform, the diode is reverse
biased as the anode is negative with respect to the cathode.
Like the half wave circuit, a full wave rectifier circuit produces an output voltage
or current which is purely DC or has some specified DC component. Full wave rectifiers
have some fundamental advantages over their half wave rectifier counterparts. The
average (DC) output voltage is higher than for half wave, the output of the full wave
rectifier has much less ripple than that of the half wave rectifier producing a smoother
output waveform. In a Full Wave Rectifier circuit two diodes are now used, one for
each half of the cycle. A multiple winding transformer is used whose secondary winding
is split equally into two halves with a common centre tapped connection.
This configuration results in each diode conducting in turn when its anode
terminal is positive with respect to the transformer centre point C producing an output
during both half- cycles, twice that for the half wave rectifier so it is 100% efficient as
shown below. The full wave rectifier circuit consists of two power diodes connected to
a single load resistance (RL) with each diode taking it in turn to supply current to the
load. When point A of the transformer is positive with respect to point C, diode D1
conducts in the forward direction as indicated by the arrows. When point B is positive
(in the negative half of the cycle) with respect to point C, diode D2 conducts in the
forward direction and the current flowing through resistor R is in the same direction for
both half-cycles. As the output voltage across the resistor R is the phasor sum of the
two waveforms combined, this type of full wave rectifier circuit is also known as a
―bi- phase‖ circuit.
A three phase half wave rectifier, as the name implies, consists of a three
phase transformer. Given below is a star connected secondary three phase transformer
with three diodes connected to the three phases as shown in the figure. The neutral
point ‗NTRL‘ of the secondary is considered as the earth for the circuit and is given
as the negative terminal for the load.
The input and the output wave forms for the circuit above is shown below. For
each one- third of the cycle, each diode conducts. At the instant when one diode out of
three is conducting, the other two are left inactive, at that instant their cathodes becomes
positive with respect to the anodes. This process repeats for each of the three diodes.
A three phase full wave rectifier can also be called a six wave half wave
rectifier as shown in the figure. The diodes D1 to D6 will conduct only for 1/6th of the
period, with a period of π/3. As shown in the output wave form, the fluctuation of dc
voltage is less in a three phase circuit. The variation lies between the maximum
alternation voltage and 86.6% of this, with the average value being 0.955 times the
maximum value.
Pulse width modulated (PWM) inverters are among the most used power-
electronic circuits in practical applications. These inverters are capable of producing
ac voltages of variable magnitude as well as variable frequency. The PWM inverters
are very commonly used in adjustable speed ac motor drive loads where one needs
to feed the motor with variable voltage, variable frequency supply. For wide
variation in drive speed, the frequency of the applied ac voltage needs to be varied
over a wide range. The applied voltage also needs to varyalmost linearly with the
frequency. PWM inverters can be of single phase as well as three phase types.
There are several different PWM techniques, differing in their methods
of implementation. However in all these techniques the aim is to generate an
output voltage, which after some filtering, would result in a good quality sinusoidal
voltage waveform of desired fundamental frequency and magnitude. Nature of Pole
Voltage Waveforms Output by PWM
Inverters Unlike in square wave inverters the switches of PWM inverters are turned on
and off at significantly higher frequencies than the fundamental frequency of the output
voltage waveform.
The time instances at which the voltage polarities reverse have been referred here
as notch angles. It may be noted that the instantaneous magnitude of pole voltage
waveform remains fixed at half the input dc voltage (Edc). When upper switch (SU),
connected to the positive dc bus is on, the pole voltage is + 0.5 Edc and when the lower
switch, connected to the negative dc bus, is on the instantaneous pole voltage is - 0.5
The switching transition time has been neglected in accordance with the
assumption of ideal switches. It is to be remembered that in voltage source inverters,
meant to feed an inductive type load, the upper and lower switches of the inverter pole
conduct in a complementary manner. That is, when upper switch is on the lower is off
and vice-versa. Both upper and lower switches should not remain on simultaneously as
this will cause short circuit across the dc bus. On the other hand one of these two
switches in each pole (leg) must always conduct to provide continuity of current through
inductive loads. A sudden disruption in inductive load current will cause a large voltage
spike that may damage the inverter circuit and the load.
A grid-tie inverter converts direct current (DC) into an alternating current (AC)
suitable for injecting into an electrical power grid, normally 120V RMS at 60Hz or 240V
RMS at 50 Hz. Grid-tie inverters are used between local electrical power generators:
solar panel, wind turbine, hydro-electric, and the grid. In order to inject electrical power
efficiently and safely into the grid, grid-tie inverters must accurately match the voltage
and phase of the grid sine wave AC waveform. Some electricity companies will pay for
electrical power that is injected into the grid. Payment is arranged in several ways. With
net metering the electricity company pays for the net power injected into the grid, as
recorded by a meter in the customer's premises. For example, a customer may consume 400
kilowatt-hours over a month and may return 500 kilowatt-hours to the grid in the same
month. In this case the electricity company would pay for the 100 kilowatt hours balance
of power fed back into the grid. Feed-in tariff, based on a contract with a distribution
company or other power authority, is where the customer is paid for electrical power
injected into the grid.
Three phase matrix converter consists of nine bidirectional switches. It has been
arranged into three groups of three switches. Each group is connected to each phase of the
output. These arrangements of switches can connect any input phase. These 3x3
arrangements can have 512 switching states. Among them only 27 switching states are
permitted to operate this converter. Here A, B and C are input phase voltage connected to
the output phase. Figure shows synchronous operating state vectors of three matrix
converter. It shows that the converter switches are switched on rotational basis. In this
case no two switches in a leg are switched on simultaneously. These states will not
generate gate pulse when one phase of the supply is switched off.
The matrix converter consists of 9 bi-directional switches that allow any output
phase to be connected to any input phase. The input terminals of the converter are connected
to a three phase voltage-fed system, usually the grid, while the output terminal are
connected to a three phase current-fed system, like an induction motor might be. The
capacitive filter on the voltage- fed side and the inductive filter on the current-fed side
represented in the scheme are intrinsically necessary. Their size is inversely proportional
to the matrix converter switching frequency. It is worth noting that due to its inherent bi-
directionality and symmetry a dual connection might be also feasible for the matrix
converter: a current-fed system at the input and a voltage-fed system at the output. Taking
into account that the converter is supplied by a voltage source and usually feeds an
inductive load, the input phases should never be short- circuited and the output currents
should not be interrupted. From a practical point of view these rules imply that one and
only one bi-directional switch per output phase must be switched on at any instant. By this
constraint, in a three phase to three phase matrix converter 27 are the permitted switching