Electronics II Lab 6

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Lab‐06: Design of sinusoidal phase shift oscillator

To design the sinusoidal phase shift oscillator using op-amp.


Instruments Oscilloscope, DMM, DC Power Supply

Resistors: 1‐kΩ, 10‐kΩ
Components Capacitors: 1µF, 10µF
Op‐amp (741)


The use of positive feedback that results in a feedback amplifier having closed-loop gainAf
greater than 1 and satisfies the phase conditions will result in operation as an oscillatorcircuit. An
oscillator circuit then provides a varying output signal. If the output signal variessinusoidally, the
circuit is referred to as a sinusoidal oscillator. If the output voltagerises quickly to one voltage
level and later drops quickly to another voltage level, the circuitis generally referred to as a pulse
or square-wave oscillator.
To understand how a feedback circuit performs as an oscillator, consider the feedbackcircuit of
Figure 1. When the switch at the amplifier input is open, no oscillation occurs.Consider that we
have a fictitious voltage at the amplifier input V i . This results in an outputvoltage Vo = AVi
after the amplifier stage and in a voltage Vf = β(AVi) after the feedbackstage. Thus, we have a
feedback voltage Vf = βAVi, where βA is referred to as the loopgain. If the circuits of the base
amplifier and feedback network provide βA of a correctmagnitude and phase, V f can be made
equal to Vi . Then, when the switch is closed andthe fictitious voltage V i is removed, the circuit
will continue operating since the feedbackvoltage is sufficient to drive the amplifier and
feedback circuits, resulting in a proper inputvoltage to sustain the loop operation. The output
waveform will still exist after the switchis closed if the condition
is met. This is known as the Barkhausen criterion for oscillation.

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Figure 1

The Phase-Shift
Shift Oscillator
.Each of the three RC
Figure 2 shows a sinusoidal feedback oscillator called the phase-shift oscillator.Each
circuits in the feedback loop can provide a maximum phase shift approaching90°. Oscillation occurs at
the frequency where the total phase shift through thethree RC circuits is 180°. The inversion of the op
amp itself providess the additional 180° tomeet the requirement for oscillation of a 360° (or 0°) phase
shift around the feedback loop.

Figure 2

To meet the greater-than-unity

unity loop gain requirement, the closed-loop
closed loop voltage gain of the op
op-amp must be
greater than 29. (set by Rf andR3). The frequency of oscillation is also fond in the following equation,

where R1 = R2 = R3 = R and C1 = C2 = C3 = C.

Calculations & Observations:

1- Set the fr= (Roll No.) kHz
2- R= 10kΩ
3- C (calculated)=
4- To avoid the tolerance impact of the components set the β >29

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(Practically 2 times is better = 58)
5- Rf(calculated)=
6- Frequency (measured)

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