2024 - MHG Boma Zone-Primary Science STD 8 Mock

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EXAMINATION NO:_____________________________________



(100 Marks)

Friday, 8th March Subject Number: P163

Time allowed: 2 hours
(8:00am – 10:00am)

Candidate Name: __________________________________________________________________________

(Surname First)
School Name: _____________________________________________________________________________

Instructions: Question Tick questions Do not write in

1. This paper contains 11 printed pages. number 41-52 if answered these Columns
Please check
2. This paper has two sections A and B. 21-40
section A consists of 40 multiple choice
questions carrying 1 mark each. Encircle a 41
letter of your choice representing the right
answer to each question. Section B has 12 42
structured questions. Write your answers to
this section on the question paper in the 43
spaces provided. The maximum number of
marks for each answer is indicated against 44
the question
3. Answer all questions.
4. In the table provided on this page tick
against the question number you have 47
 Please make sure that you have written 49
your name and examination number on
the question paper in the spaces provided. 50

 Please hand in your worked question paper 51

to the invigilator when time is called to
stop writing. 52

©2024 Machinga Boma Zone Turn Over

EXAMINATION NO:_____________________________________
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D. Msambamfumu
1. Gathering of crops after maturity is called
______. 6. Which of the following is a method of
A. Weeding treating seeds for sowing.
B. Storage A. Rubbing seeds with sand paper
C. Disease and pest control B. Washing seeds with soap
D. Harvesting C. Boiling seeds in paraffin
D. Cutting seeds into small pieces
2. Why should washing of chicken eggs be
avoided? 7. The following flowers are useful in the
A. To prevent them from bad smell control of certain diseases, except
B. To prevent them from losing weight. A. Perinkle
C. To prevent removing the protective B. Roses
coat on the outside surface. C. Aloe Vera
D. To prevent them from losing value. D. Dahlia

3. Resources that are used to produce crops 8. Why is wood ash included when making
and livestock are known as ____. compost manure?
A. Factors of production A. To prevent rotting
B. Marketing functions B. To improve acid
C. Branches of agriculture C. To reduce micro-organisms
D. Natural resources D. To reduce acid

4. How can problems of marketing The figure below is a diagram showing a

perishable products be solved? pest of cassava. Use it to answer question
1. By processing the products 9 and 10
2. By growing them near the market
3. By not over producing them
4. By reducing their prices on the market
A. 1 and 4
B. 2 and 3
C. 1 and 2
D. 3 and 4
9. Identify the pest above.
5. Which of the following trees is
recommended in agroforestry. A. Wild pig
A. Gmelina B. Hare
B. M’bawa C. Porcupine
D. Monkey
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10. Which of the following is a way of 16. When is the actual price of a
controlling the pest? commodity be determined?
A. Trapping A. When demand is greater than supply.
B. Early planting B. When demand and supply are equal.
C. Planting healthy cuttings C. When supply is greater than demand
D. Practicing crop rotation D. Where there are a lot of customers.
11. Which of the following processes and The figure below is a diagram showing a
stages of water cycle refers to “rainfall”? method of controlling parasites in cattle.
A. Condensation Use it to answer questions 17 and 18
B. Transpiration
C. Precipitation
D. Surface run-off

12. The following fruits are suckers as

planting materials except
A. Pawpaw’s
B. Bananas
C. Plantains
D. Pineapples
17. Name the method above.
13. Which of the following parts of the A. Dipping
sprayer delivers the spray? B. Spraying
A. Nozzle C. Dusting
B. Plain pump barrel D. Drenching
C. Nozzle cup
D. Lance 18. Which of the following parasites could
be controlled using the method above?
14. How are trees in the agroforestry plot A. Worms
harvested? B. Ticks
A. Direct stripping C. Mites
B. Pruning D. Fleas
C. Stoking
D. Uprooting 19. The following are cultural practices
15. Which of the following is a sign that followed when establishing agroforestry
maize is fully dry ready for harvesting. plot, except
A. The cobs bend side wards A. Digging planting holes
B. The stalk falls down B. Weeding
C. The stalk becomes black C. Planting large seeds
D. The cobs droop D. Planting stem cuttings
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20. Which of the following ways of B. Switch

improving soil fertility means leaving the C. Bulb
land uncultivated for some time so that D. Fuse
bush grows.
A. Mixed cropping 25. Which of the following food nutrients
B. Crop rotation are needed for the development of bones
C. Strip cropping and cartilages for the unborn baby.
D. fallowing A. Calcium and phosphorus
B. Proteins and carbohydrates
D. Iron and minerals
21. Which of the following is a vaccine to
prevent tuberculosis (TB) 26. Which of the following joints allow to
A. DDT and from movement?
B. DPT A. Ball and socket joints
C. BCG B. Gliding joints
D. ABC C. Sliding joints
D. Hinge joints
22. Which of the following methods can
be used to separate a liquid which forms a 27. The colored part of the eye is called
clear boundary with another liquid. _____
A. Evaporation A. Sclera
B. Distillation B. Pupil
C. Filtration C. Iris
D. Decanting D. White part

23. The following technologies which can 28. Which of the following stems stores
be used in the classroom can be food for the plant?
improvised, except A. Irish potatoes
A. Books B. Cassava
B. Chalkboards C. Sweet potatoes
C. Rulers D. Groundnuts
D. Pental markers
29. Which of the following terms refers to
young grasshoppers?
24. Which of the following parts of an A. Insects
electric circuit controls the flow of B. Nymphs
electricity? C. Zygote
A. Cell D. Larva
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The diagram below is a type of a

traditional kitchen. Use it to answer 34. Which of the following is a by-product
question 30 of photosynthesis.
A. Carbon dioxide
B. Nitrogen
C. Oxygen
D. Water

35. Which of the following animals is an

A. Duck
B. Snake
C. Hawk
30. Name the type of kitchen above. D. Elephant
A. Indigenous kitchen
B. Enclosed kitchen 36. An organism that lives and feeds on
C. Open air kitchen another organism is called ____?
D. Village kitchen A. Vector
B. Scavenger
31. Which of the following materials can C. Pest
be used for improving the quality of D. Parasite
A. Clay 37. What name is given to the
B. Wood interpretation of the message by the
C. Plastic receiver?
D. Vanish A. Communication
B. Decoding
32. Which of the following worms can be C. Inputting
prevented by cooking meat thoroughly? D. Coding
A. Tapeworms
B. Roundworms 38. What do tapeworms use in order to
C. Hookworms stick to the lining of the human
D. Earth worms intestines?
A. Legs and arms
33. Which of the following is a wet B. The head and legs
refuse? C. Suckers and hooks
A. Dry leaves D. Tail and the head
B. Sewage
C. Waste paper
D. Rugs
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39. Which of the following is a substance 40. What is the function of veins in ‘the
used on white articles in order to brighten human body? They carry blood
them? A. With oxygen to all parts of the body
A. Bleach B. Without oxygen from all parts of the
B. Stain remover body
C. Starch C. Without oxygen to all parts of the
D. Laundry equipment body
D. With oxygen from all parts of the body

SECTION B: (60 Marks)


41. (a). State the main difference between fingerlings and flyers?
_______________________________________________________________ (2 marks)

(b). Why is it important to feed fish in a pond at the same time and place each day?
________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark)

(c). Describe any two indigenous technologies that are used as pesticides using one point
for each technology.
________________________________________________________________ (2marks)

42. (a). Give two examples of farm implements which are pulled by oxen.
_______________________________________________________________ (2 marks)

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(b). State two methods which can be used to improve cattle production.
_______________________________________________________________ (2 Marks)
(c). Distinguish between in-breeding and outbreeding.
_______________________________________________________________ (2 Marks)

The diagram below shows one of the methods of controlling pests of maize. Use it to
answer question 43

43. (a). Identify the structure marked “P”.
______________________________________________________________ (1 Mark)
(b). What is the use of these structures on the granary.
________________________________________________________________(2 Marks)

44. (a). What is a companion crop?

________________________________________________________________(1 Mark)

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(b). Give a reason why farmers in the lower shire are encouraged to grow more cotton
than tobacco and tea.
________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark)
(c). Mention one branch of horticulture.
________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
(d). Write down any one function of the following major elements to plants
i. Phosphorous
______________________________________________________________ (1mark)
ii. Potassium
______________________________________________________________ (1mark)

45. (a). Give one example of a finished product from vegetables.

________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark)
(b). What causes dumping off as a disease of vegetables?
________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark)
(c). State one importance of harvesting leaf vegetables at the right time.
_______________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
(d). Explain any one way in which HIV and AIDS would affect the production of food at
national level?
_______________________________________________________________ (2 Marks)

46. (a). Why is fermentation of cassava important?

_______________________________________________________________ (2 Marks)
(b). What name is given to a poisonous chemical found in cassava?
________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark)
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(c). Mention two ways through which the use of herbicides could help to improve
agricultural production.
_______________________________________________________________ (2 Marks)


47. (a). Mention two diseases which affect the brain.

_______________________________________________________________ (2 Marks)
(b). Give two examples of waste products which are transported by blood in the human
_______________________________________________________________ (2 Marks)
(c). Explain one reason why blood clotting is important to the body.
_______________________________________________________________ (2 Marks)

48. (a). How is the ovary connected to the stigma.

________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark)
(b). Mention any two properties of heat energy that are used to construct a thermometer.
_______________________________________________________________ (2 Marks)
(c). Describe the reason why a vacuum flask have a glass that has the inner part and its
outer part silvered.
_______________________________________________________________ (2 Marks)
(d). Give one function of tendons in the human body.
________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark)

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The diagram below shows an example of a protozoa. Use it to answer question 49.

49. (a). Name the protozoa above.

_______________________________________________________________ (1 Mark)
(b). Identify the part labelled “M”
_______________________________________________________________ (1 Mark)

50. (a). Mention one insect which undergoes incomplete metamorphosis.

_______________________________________________________________ (1 Mark)
(b). Give a reason why an Irish potato is a stem.
________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark)
(c). State one example of a reflected sound.
________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
(d). Explain the difference between suspensions and solutions.
_______________________________________________________________ (2 Marks)
(e) Define the term nutrition
_______________________________________________________________ (2 Marks)

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51. (a). Explain how arrow can be improved as one of the indigenous technology.
_______________________________________________________________ (2 Marks)
(b). Explain a reason why connecting identical bulbs in series circuit reduces their
_______________________________________________________________ (2 Marks)
(c). Define the term variables.
________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark)

The diagram below is a sense organ. Use is to answer question 52

52. (a). Identify the part marked “t”.

________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark)
(b). State one way of caring for the sense organ.
________________________________________________________________ (1 Mark)
(c). Give a reason why hairs and mucus found in the nostrils are useful to the body.
_______________________________________________________________ (2 Marks)


NB: This paper contains 11 printed pages Continued/………
EXAMINATION NO:_____________________________________
2024 Page 12 of 14 SCHEME FOR PRIMARY P163

1. D 6. A 11. C 16. B 21. C 26. D 31. D 36. D

2. C 7. B 12. A 17. D 22. D 27. C 32. A 37. B
3. A 8. D 13. D 18. A 23. A 28. A 33. B 38. C
4. C 9. C 14. B 19. B 24. D 29. B 34. C 39. A
5. C 10. A 15. D 20. D 25. A 30. C 35. A 40. B



41. (a). Fingerlings are young fish ranging from 5-10cm in size and weigh about
10 – 20g While flyers are newly hatched fish.
(b). for the fish to get used to when and where to get the food.
(c). Ash - used as a pesticide such as storing sweet potatoes in potato pits,
- controlling the beetles in pumpkin leaves - controlling red ants (linthumbwi)
Tephrosia - used as a pesticide in stored grains - used for controlling mites in
-controlling particles in vegetables
Soot - to control weevils in stored grains and cereals

42. (a). ploughs - farm carts (ox-carts) - ridgers

(b). –introduction - cross breeding - selection - out breeding
(c). outbreeding is the mating of animals that are not closely related but belonging
to the same breed while in-breeding is the mating of animals that are closely related

43. (a). rat guards

(b). they prevent rats from entering into the granary. / prevent rats from climbing
up the granary.

44. (a). it is an arable crop that is grown together with trees in an agroforestry
(b). because cotton grows well in very hot temperatures available in the lower shire.
(c). – olericulture - floriculture - pomoculture
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(d). (i) development of strong roots
(ii) – development of strong roots - formation of high quality fruits

45. (a). tomato sauce - tinned peas - spice - jam

(b). fungus
(c). – more leaf is produced
- flowering is delayed
- tender leaves are harvested
(d). - people who are sick cannot go to their farms hence there will be low
production at national level
- others attends to the sick hence reducing man power for agricultural production at
family which then affects the nation

46. (a). – helps to remove the toxic substances from the bitter varieties of cassava
- to improve taste
(c). they kill growing weeds
- they prevent weed seeds from germinating.


47. (a). – meningitis - rabies - cerebral malaria - polio

(b). – urea - carbon dioxide
(c). – it helps to prevent excessive loss of blood from the body.
- it prevents germs from entering the body.

48. (a). they are connected by the style

(b). contraction and expansion
(c). to radiate (emit) very little amount of heat and absorb very little heat from its
outer surface polished (shiny) surfaces are bad radiators or emitters of heat.
(d). Assist in connecting the bones and muscles

49. (a). plasmodium

(b). nucleus

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50. (a).- grasshoppers- termites - bugs - cockroaches
(b). because it has buds.
(c). an echo
(d). suspensions are mixtures in which components can easily be seen while
solutions are mixtures in which components cannot easily be seen.
(e). nutrition is the process of providing the body with necessary substances for it to
stay healthy.

51. (a).by using a piece of bamboo fitted with feathers at the tail for stability
when it is released.
(b). because they share the voltage of the source.
(c). anything that can change

52. (a).ala
(b). –cleaning the nose regularly
- avoid sniffing unknown substances
- avoid pushing or poking objects into the nose
(c). – they trap dust and germs, thereby, preventing them from getting into the body



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