Hssreporter - Com - +2 Chapter 7 - Alternating Current-2023
Hssreporter - Com - +2 Chapter 7 - Alternating Current-2023
Hssreporter - Com - +2 Chapter 7 - Alternating Current-2023
The voltages and currents that vary like a sine function with time is called alternating voltage (ac
voltage) and alternating current.
Expressions for alternating voltage and current is given by,
V =V 0 sin ω t and I =I 0 sin ω t
Where V0 and I0 are the peak values.
Graphical representation of alternating voltage and current is given by,
The average value of alternating voltage or current over a complete cycle is zero.
The average value of alternating voltage or current over a half cycle is given by
2 2
V avg = π V 0= 0.637V 0 I avg = π I 0 = 0.637 I 0
The RMS value of alternating voltage or current over a complete cycle is given by
V0 I0
V rms = =0.707 V 0 I rms = =0.707 I 0
√2 and √2
Definition of RMS value of ac:
RMS value of ac is defined as that dc , which when flowing through a given resistor for a given time
produces an amount of heat energy as that produced by ac.
Phasor Diagram:
The diagram which represents alternating quantities as phasors (rotating vectors) along with the phase
angle between them is called as phasor diagram.
AC circuit containing resistor only (Resistive circuit):
Inductive reactance :
The oppsition offered by an inductor to the flow of alternating current is called as
inductive reactance.
ie., inductive reactance, X L=L ω =L2 π f
SI unit is ohm.
Inductive reactance is directly proportional to the frequency of applied signal.
ie., X L∝ f
Thus an inductor blocks ac but allows dc.
Variation of inductive reactance with frequency of applied signal:
capacitive reactance :
The oppsition offered by a capacitor to the flow of alternating current is called as
capacitive reactance.
1 1
X C= =
C ω C 2πf
ie., capacitive reactance,
SI unit is ohm.
capacitive reactance is inversely proportional to the frequency of applied signal.
Series LCR circuit: (AC circuit containing inductor, capacitor and resistor):
Figure shows a series LCR circuit connected to an ac source.
Power factor:
The average power delivered in an ac circuit is given by Pavg=V rms I rms cos ϕ
Here the term ‘cosΦ’ determines how much power is to be delivered in the circuit. Therefore it is
called as Power factor.
True Power
Power factor, cos ϕ =
Virtual Power
or cos ϕ =
V rms I rms
From the Phasor diagram,
Power factor, cos ϕ = or cos ϕ = 2
Z √ R +( X L−X C )2
At resonance:
Inductive reactance , XL = Capacitive reactance XC
Impedance , Z = R
Phase angle between voltage and current , Φ = 0
Powerfactor, cos ϕ =1
Power dissipation is maximum.
Power in a RC circuit:
Pavg=V rms I rms
√ R + X 2C
Power in LC circuit:
No power dissipation.
It is a device used to either increase or decrease the given alternating input voltage.
Principle: It is based on Mutual induction.
It consists of copper coils wound over a thin laminated soft iron core. The coil to which the electric
energy is given is called as primary coil and the coil from which the electric energy is drawn out is called as
secondary coil.