AITS 2022 Test-6 Waves & Optics

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TEST VI: Waves & Optics
Time Allowed: 3 Hours Max Marks: 250
Question number 1 & 5 are compulsory. Attempt any three other questions.
Q1 (a) Find out the condition of maximum energy transfer in forced oscillations and show it
is different from condition of amplitude resonance.
(b) A system of two thin lenses of convex lens 𝑓1 = 20 cm, and the other concave 𝑓1ˈ = 10 cm
has separation between the lenses equal to 8 cm. An object 1 cm high is placed at a distance
of 40 cm from the convex lens. Calculate the size and position of the image.
(c) White light fringes are formed in a Michelson’s interferometer. If Na-light replaces the
white light source and for the displacement of one mirror by 0.0145 cm, the visibility of the
fringes becomes minimum, find the greater wavelength present in Na-light. Take shorter
wavelength component as 5890Å.
(d) A small object is located 0.1 m in front of a convex surface of radius 0.03 m and RI =
1.66 . Find the position of the image (i) if object and image are in air (ii) both are immersed
in water (n = 4⁄3).

(e) Why more than two levels are essential for LASER action? Why light waves and
microwaves can be amplified not X- Rays or 𝛾- rays?
(10 × 5 = 50 marks)
Q2 (a) A soap film of R. I = and of thickness 1.5 × 10−4 cm is illuminated by white light
incident at an angle of 45° . The light reflected by it is examined spectroscopically in which it
is found that a dark band corresponds to a wave length of 5 × 10−5 cm. Calculate the order of
the dark band.
(b) What do you mean by fringes of equal width? Give a practical arrangement to realize such
(c) In Young’s double-slit experiment find a relation between the linear-dimension and the
spatial coherence of a source for a given separation between the slits.
(d) A Laser beam of wave length 740 nm has coherence time 4 × 10−5 &. Deduce the order
of magnitude of its coherence length and spectral width.
(10 + 10 + 15 + 15 = 50)


18,Pusa Road Karol Bagh, New Delhi -110005
PH: 011-40079000,9350934622,
Q3 (a) What is optical activity? Does it have molecular origin? Derive an expression for
angle of optical rotation by Fresnel’s theory.
(b) A quarter wave plate is made from calcite sheet whose refractive index for ordinary &
extraordinary rays are 1.66 and 1.49. Taking 𝜆 = 6000 Å. Calculate its minimum thickness to
produce elliptical light? How will you discriminate between elliptical and plane polarized
(c) Show that resolving power of a grating is proportional to order of spectra. How many
orders can be clearly seen if we use visible light? Explain.
(20 + 15 + 15 = 50)
Q4 (a) For a double slit experiment, centre to centre spacing between the slits is 6 𝜆, width of
a slit being 𝜆. Draw the diffraction pattern , restricting your discussion to central diffraction
band range .
(b) What are Fresnel half period zones? Show that the resultant intensity at any point on
screen is one fourth of that due to first HPZ .
(c) What is Fresnel Zone plate? The diameter of the central zone of a zone plate is 3mm. If a
point source of light of 6000 Å is placed at a distance of 5 m from it. Calculate the position of
brightest image.
(15 + 20 + 15 = 50)
Q5 (a) Explain the fringe formation due to Michelson’s interferometer and explain how can it
be used to measure coherent length?
(b) Show that for atoms in thermal equilibrium the emissions at optical frequencies are
predominantly due to spontaneous transitions.
(c) What is a Nicol prism? Distinguish between circularly & elliptically polarized light ?
(20 + 20 + 10 = 50)
Q6 (a) What do you understand by sharpness of Resonance in forced oscillations. Derive an
expression for quality factor 𝑄 = 𝑜 where 2c = damping factor.

(b) Derive the condition of Achromatism for two lenses of focal lengths 𝑓1 and 𝑓2 separated
by distance “t”.
(c) A fibre optic link is operated at a wavelength of 1.3 micro meters. Find the maximum bit
rate of a 25 km line made from a multimodal step index fibre. Given 𝑛1 = 1.47 and 𝑛2 = 1.46
(20 + 15 +15 = 50)


18,Pusa Road Karol Bagh, New Delhi -110005
PH: 011-40079000,9350934622,

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