PLC Unit-I PLC Basics
PLC Unit-I PLC Basics
PLC Unit-I PLC Basics
Dr D G Pradhan
EEE Department
Unit-I PLC Basics
Unit-II PLC Programming
Unit-III Digital Logic Gates, PLC Registers
Unit-IV PLC Functions, Data Handling Functions
Unit-V Bit Pattern and Changing a Bit shift Register, Analog PLC
✓ Its purpose is to monitor crucial process parameters and adjust process operation accordingly.
✓ The PLC will operate any system that has output devices that go on and off (discrete or
✓ The PLC can be operated on the input side by on-off devices (discrete or digital) or by
❑ Later ,in late 1970’s,the microprocessor became reality & greatly enhanced
the role of PLC permitting it to evolve form simply relay to the sophisticated
system as it is today.
How does a PLC differ from a computer?
✓ A computer is optimized for calculation and display tasks
Newer Technology
Environmental Considerations
❖ Microprocessor: The computer center that carries out mathematic and logic operations.
❖ Memory: The area of the CPU in which data and information is stored and retrieved. Holds the
system software and user program.
Programmer/Monitor (PM):
❑ The programmer/monitor is a device used to communicate with the circuits of the PLC.
❑ Hand-held terminals, industrial terminals and the personal computers exists as PM devices.
I/O Modules:
❑ The input module has terminals into which outside process electrical signals,
generated by sensors, transducers, are entered.
❑ The output module has terminals to which output signals are sent to activate relays,
solenoids, various solid-state switching devices, motors, and displays.
❑ The racks on which the PLC parts are mounted and the enclosures on which the
CPU, PM, and I/O modules are mounted.
PLC as a Computer
➢ Regardless of PLC Size, the processor and Memory are always in the same unit.
➢ In small PLCs, the CPU also consists of the I/O interfaces and Power supply.
➢ It is also possible for the CPU to contain the processor, memory and power
➢ This operating system program, which has the same function as a DOS program
➢ The fixed program in ROM cannot be altered or erased during the CPU’s
➢ The typical RAM chip will lose any information it has stored when input power is
➢ The processor is the controller that keeps information going from one place to
input devices.
Solid-State Memory
➢ The major types of solid-state memory chips used in PLC CPUs are PROM,
➢ Since the early 1970s, when Intel engineers were able to cram the complexity circuitry
necessary to do these functions onto a single chip, processors have been known as
➢ They are programmable, which means they are “told” what to do by a set of instruction,
➢ When the processor is to carry out a different task, a new program is written and fed to it.
➢ Microprocessor are classified as to how powerful they are.
✓ Bit Size: the larger the bit, the more powerful the computer.
✓ Clock Speed: the faster the clock speed, the more powerful the computer.
8085 8-bit 1 MHz
8086 16-bit 4.77 MHz
80186 16-bit 8 MHz
80286 16-bit 12.5 MHz
80386 32-bit 33 MHz
80486 32-bit 50 MHz
Pentium 32-bit/64-bit 1.2 GHz
Input Modules
The input module performs four tasks electronically,
➢ First: It senses the presence or absence of an input signal at each of its input terminals.
➢ The input signal tells what switch, sensor, or other signal is on or off in the process being
➢ Second: it converts the input signal for high, or on, to a DC level usable by the module’s
electronic circuit.
➢ For a low, or off, input signal, no signal is converted, indicating off.
➢ Third: the input module carries out electronic isolation by electronically isolating the input
module output from its input.
➢ Finally: its electronic circuit must produce an output, via output logic, to be sensed by the
PLC Input Module Layout
❑ All terminals in a given module have identical circuits.
❑ The first block receives the input signal from the switch, sensor, and etc.
❑ For AC voltage inputs, the direct current (DC) converter consists of rectifiers and a means to
step the voltage down to a usable level, usually with a Zener diode.
❑ For input DC voltages, some type of DC-to-DC conversion within the converter block is
❑ The output of the converter is not directly connected to CPU. If it were, an input surge or
circuit malfunction could reach the CPU.
❑ The isolation block protects the CPU from this type of damage.
❑ The isolation is usually accomplished by an Optoisolator.
❑ When its input is on, the isolator sends a signal to the CPU via the output logic block.
❑ When the isolator’s output is ON, it is sensed by a coded signal from the CPU.
Output Modules
The output module operates in the opposite manner from the input module.
❑ A DC signal from the CPU is converted through each module section (terminal) to a usable
output voltage, either AC or DC.
❑ A signal from the CPU is received by the output module logic, once for each scan.
❑ If the CPU signal code matches the assigned number of the module, the module section is
turned ON.
❑ The identification numbers of the modules are again determined by the setting of the module
SIP switches.
❑ If no matching signal is received by a terminal during the output scan, the module terminal is
not energized.
PLC Output Module Layout
Power Supplies
• The power available in most plants is 120 volts AC at 60Hz.
• Most PLCs operate on +5 and -5 volts DC.
• Therefore, the PLC CPU must contain circuitry to convert the 120-volt AC input to the
required 5-volt DC values.
• The four parts of a diagram, plus a switching system for the backup system is shown in
➢ AC Conditioning Block
➢ Converter/Rectifier
➢ Filter Section
➢ Regulator
PLC CPU Power Supply
Programming Equipment
• PLC Programming equipment exists to allow us to write, edit and monitor a program, as well
• In most of the cases the programming device, the Programmer/Monitors (PM), must be
• Other PMs, however, allow us to program offline and then download the program to the PLC
• The programs are written in ladder logic, although alternative programming languages are
Programming Equipment
• Three types of PMs, also referred as Program Loaders, are in common use.
➢ Hand-held, palm size units with dual function keypads and Liquid Crystal
in below figure-a.
➢ When the input X0 pushbutton is pressed; the Y0 output will energize and remain
➢ The Y0 contact is said to latch the Y0 coil on because the now closed Y0 contact shunts
➢ Pressing input X1 pushbutton breaks the current path to the coil, causing Y0 to
Proper Construction of PLC Ladder Diagrams
1. A contact must always be inserted in slot 1 in the upper left.
3. All contacts must run horizontally. No vertically oriented contacts are allowed.
The total time for one complete program scan is a function of processor
speed and length of user program.
▪ During input scan, input terminals are read, and the input status table is updated.
▪ During the program scan, data in the input status table is applied to the user
program, the program is executed, and the output status table is updated.
▪ During the output scan, data associated with the output status table is transferred to
output terminals.
Input ON/OFF Switching Devices
Various types of ON/OFF switches which may be
• Limit Switches
SPST – Single Pole Single Throw
SPDT – Single Pole Double Throw
DPST – Double Pole Single Throw
DPDT – Double Pole Double Throw
Input ON/OFF Switching Devices
Some other common input ON/OFF devices used are
➢ Pressure Switches
➢ Level Switches
➢ Photoelectric Systems
➢ Hall Devices
Some input analog devices which produce a varying input electrical value which is sent to
➢ Potentiometers
➢ Thermocouples