Rent Agreement

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THIS RENT AGREEMENT is executed on the ......... day of ................, 2024 at New Delhi,

………………………………, a private limited Company incorporated under the provisions of the

Companies Act, 2013 and having its registered office at …………………………….6 through its
Director …………………………, (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Lessee’, which terms and expressions
shall include and mean its assigns, legal representatives, successors, administrators, etc.) of the
Other Part;


………………………….., a private limited Company incorporated under the provisions of the

Companies Act, 1956 and having its registered office at …………………………… through its Director
……………………….., (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Lessee’, which terms and expressions shall
include and mean its assigns, legal representatives, successors, administrators, etc.) of the
Other Part;

That the Lessor is having lawful possession & access of the property located at
………………………………………………………………, herein after referred to as ‘DEMISED PROPERTY’ and
holds right of sharing the said premises for Registered Office purposes.

And Whereas the Lessor has agreed to grant to the Lessee the Demised Premises, under the
terms of this Rent Agreement for a period of 11 Months and 28 days commencing from 1st
April, 2024 subject to the covenants, conditions and stipulation, hereinafter in these presents
expressed and contained.


1. That the Lessor hereby demise unto the Lessee the Demised Premises, mentioned above for
a period of 11 Months commencing from 1st April, 2024.

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2. After the completion of one year this agreement shall be auto renewed for a period of one
year each and shall be valid until revoked by any of the party to this agreement.

3. That the Lessee shall pay to the Lessor for the Demised Premises, a sum of Rs. 5,000/-
(Rupees Five Thousand only) as Annual rent. The rent shall be subject to withholding of
applicable taxes, if applicable.

4. This agreement is effective from 1st April, 2024.

5. That the Lessee shall pay to the Lessor during the said period a rent as provided herein to
the Lessor in respect of the demised premises payable monthly in advance by 15 th day of
the first month and every month during the said term.

6. That the GST (Goods and Service Tax) if any shall be payable by the Lessee at the rate as

7. That the rent includes property Tax, however, any new tax including GST decided and levied
by the Government after the date of this Agreement will be borne by the Lessee.

8. No security deposit is payable by the Lessee at the commencement of this agreement.

9. That there shall be no escalation in the rent for the period of one year. After completion of
One year, there will be an escalation in rent as mutually decided by the parties to this

10. That the premises shall be used by the Lessee for maintaining its office address and for the
purpose of keeping their records, files, and documents and for no other purpose.

11. The Lessee shall keep the Demised Premises in a clean and hygienic condition at its cost.

12. That the Lessee shall not damage or injure the property or make any alterations in addition
to it.

13. That the Lessee shall not be responsible for damages resulting from earthquake storm, war,
civil disturbance or any other natural calamity over which the Lessee has no control.

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14. That the Lessee shall not do or suffer to be done on the property anything which may be or
become a nuisance or annoyance to the Lessor or the Lessees or occupiers of any adjoining
premises or which may vitiate any insurance of the property against fire or otherwise or
increase the ordinary premium for such insurance.

15. That the Lessee shall not assign, sublet, underlet, mortgage or grant license to use or part
with the possession of the Demised Premises or any part thereof to any one, without the
prior written consent of the Lessor.

16. That the Lessor shall pay and indemnify the Lessee against all rates assessments and
outgoings in respect of the property (except the water rate and except charges for the
supply of electric light and power or the use of any telephone).

17. That the Lessee, paying the rent and performing the agreements on the part of the Lessee,
will quietly possess and enjoy the property during the tenancy without any lawful
interruption from the Lessor or any person claiming under or in trust for the Lessor.

18. Either Party can terminate this agreement by giving to the other party a 3 (Three) month’s
advance notice, in writing, for the termination of this Agreement or vacation of the
property. Any rent paid in advance for period beyond such termination date shall be
refunded by the Lessor upon such termination.

19. On the termination of the agreement, the Lessee shall vacate the premises and hand over
the peaceful possession of the premises.

20. That neither party shall be in breach of this Agreement solely due to causes beyond the
control and without the fault or negligence of such party. Such causes may include, but are
not restricted to, acts of God or of a public enemy, acts of the Government in either its
sovereign or contractual capacity, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes,
freight embargoes, power failure but in every case the failure to perform must be beyond
the control and without fault or negligence of the party failing to perform.

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21. This Agreement shall take effect subject to the provisions of applicable law for the time
being in force.

22. In the event of any dispute or difference arising out of or relating to or in respect of this
Rent Agreement, the same shall be referred to the sole Arbitrator in accordance with the
Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. The Award of the Arbitrator shall be final and
binding. The seat of such Arbitration shall be at New Delhi.

AS WITNESS the hands of the parties have been put hereto the day and year first above

For ……………………………………… (Lessor)


For …………………………………………… (Lessee)


In the presence of......



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