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Lilienfeld Test Bank
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Multiple Choice Questions

1) Which of the following statements about language is true?

a. It is symbolic.
b. It can be written, spoken, or signed.
c. It is capable of an infinite set of meaningful utterances.
d. All of the above

Answer: d
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-1
Diff: 2
Page Ref: 296
Topic: Language, Thinking, and Reasoning: Getting Inside Our Talking Heads
Skill: Conceptual

2) The authors provide a brief conversation between two students discussing tickets for a
game. The inferences we make about this discussion indicate that
a. the ways in which language can be interpreted are extremely limited.
b. our ability to understand “slang” is very limited because it is a cognitively taxing
c. most language use is quite literal.
d. our ability to understand language requires implicit skills in accessing knowledge
and interpreting phrases.

Answer: d
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-2
Diff: 2
Page Ref: 296
Topic: Language, Thinking, and Reasoning: Getting Inside Our Talking Heads
Skill: Factual

3) Newspaper headlines, such as “Killer Sentenced to Die for Second Time in 10 Years,”
may strike us as funny. From the perspective of language, this is because the phrase or
a. lacks subject-verb agreement.
b. has no literal interpretation.
c. has ambiguous syntax.
d. is impossible to interpret.

Answer: c
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-3

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Diff: 2
Page Ref: 296-297
Topic: Language, Thinking, and Reasoning: Getting Inside Our Talking Heads
Skill: Conceptual

4) As symbol systems of communication, most languages

a. are arbitrary in the relationship between words and meaning.
b. do not have concepts that are unique to just one particular language.
c. can be translated to another without impaired meanings of complex concepts.
d. generally match sounds to the meaning of words.

Answer: a
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-4
Diff: 2
Page Ref: 296-297
Topic: How Does Language Work?
Skill: Conceptual

5) Language is
a. a communication system that requires little implicit processing.
b. rarely ambiguous.
c. a symbol system of communication.
d. a communication system that includes words, but not gestures.

Answer: c
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-5
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 296
Topic: How Does Language Work?
Skill: Factual

6) Carl is reading the newspaper and laughs when he sees the headline “Drunk Gets Nine
Months in Violin Case”. From the perspective of language, Carl most likely finds this
humourous because the phrase or headline
a. lacks subject-verb agreement.
b. has ambiguous syntax.
c. has no literal interpretation.
d. has ambiguous word interpretations.

Answer: d
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-6
Diff: 2
Type: MC
Page Ref: 296-297

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Topic: Language, Thinking, and Reasoning: Getting Inside Our Talking Heads
Skill: Applied

7) Much of our language use serves non-informational purposes, such as

a. maintaining social relationships.
b. telling the barista that we want a skim latte.
c. providing directions to an event.
d. advising a friend what time to show up at a party.

Answer: a
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-7
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 296-297
Topic: How Does Language Work?
Skill: Factual

8) We often do not consider the complexity of language. This is in part because

a. our use of language is generally automatic.
b. language acquisition requires little practice.
c. language acquisition is easy.
d. humans do not often consider complex phenomena.

Answer: a
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-8
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 297
Topic: The Features of Language
Skill: Factual

9) The level of analysis of language that focuses on the sounds people use when then
speak and listen is called
a. morphemes.
b. phonemes.
c. syntax.
d. semantics.

Answer: b
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-9
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 297
Topic: The Features of Language
Skill: Factual

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10) The level of analysis of language that focuses on the smallest units of meaningful
speech is called
a. morphemes.
b. phonemes.
c. syntax.
d. extralinguistic.

Answer: a
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-10
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 297
Topic: The Features of Language
Skill: Factual

11) The level of analysis of language that focuses on how words are combined to form
sentences is called
a. morphemes.
b. phonemes.
c. syntax.
d. extralinguistic.

Answer: c
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-11
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 297
Topic: The Features of Language
Skill: Factual

12) Dr. Doolittle is studying the order in which children around the world learn to make
the speech sounds used in their native languages, to see if there are common patterns.
Dr. Doolittle's approach to the analysis of language is at the level of
a. morphemes.
b. phonemes.
c. syntax.
d. extralinguistic.

Answer: b
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-12
Diff: 2
Page Ref: 297
Topic: The Features of Language
Skill: Applied

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13) Mado is sad that she has lost the French-Canadian that her French-Canadian parents
spoke in her childhood. She knows many French-Canadian words, but she has
forgotten how to put them together into real French-Canadian sentences. Mado seems
to have a problem with French-Canadian
a. morphemes.
b. phonemes.
c. syntax.
d. extralinguistic information.

Answer: c
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-13
Diff: 3
Page Ref: 297
Topic: The Features of Language
Skill: Applied

14) What are the basic units of sound that compose the words in a language?
a. Lingmemes
b. Morphemes
c. Phonemes
d. Anomias

Answer: c
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-14
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 297
Topic: The Features of Language
Skill: Factual

15) Phonemes are

a. the basic rules of grammar.
b. the basic brain structures.
c. the basic units of meaning.
d. the basic units of sound.

Answer: d
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-15
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 297
Topic: The Features of Language
Skill: Factual

16) Consider the English word "rereading." Which of these is one phoneme in that word?

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a. “read”
b. “re”
c. “r”
d. “rea”

Answer: c
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-16
Diff: 3
Page Ref: 297-298
Topic: The Features of Language
Skill: Conceptual

17) The smallest units of speech that contain meaning are called
a. lingmemes.
b. morphemes.
c. phonemes.
d. anomias.

Answer: b
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-17
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 297
Topic: The Features of Language
Skill: Factual

18) Consider the English word "rereading." Which of these is one morpheme in that
a. Reading
b. Re
c. R
d. Rea

Answer: b
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-18
Diff: 3
Page Ref: 297-298
Topic: The Features of Language
Skill: Conceptual

19) Basic units of sound are called __________; basic units of meaning are called
a. phonemes, syntax
b. phonemes, morphemes

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c. morphemes, phonemes
d. morphemes, syntax

Answer: b
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-19
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 297
Topic: The Features of Language
Skill: Factual

20) Almost all words in any language contain more __________ than __________.
a. phonemes, syntax
b. phonemes, morphemes
c. morphemes, phonemes
d. morphemes, syntax

Answer: b
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-20
Diff: 2
Page Ref: 297-298
Topic: The Features of Language
Skill: Conceptual

21) A study of morphemes shows the first words babies learn to speak in any language
typically refer to
a. actions they enjoy doing (eat, run, play).
b. how things look or feel (red, big, hot).
c. how they feel (hungry, frightened, lonely).
d. specific objects or people (mama, doggie, truck).

Answer: d
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-21
Diff: 2
Page Ref: 297-298
Topic: The Features of Language
Skill: Factual

22) The analysis of how words are combined together to form grammatical sentences and
phrases is at the level of
a. morphemes.
b. phonemes.
c. syntax.
d. semantics.

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Answer: c
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-22
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 297-298
Topic: The Features of Language
Skill: Factual

23) Syntax is the study of

a. the meanings of words and phrases.
b. the basic sounds of a language.
c. how words are combined into sentences.
d. developing more effective computer languages.

Answer: c
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-23
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 297-298
Topic: The Features of Language
Skill: Factual

24) Which of these levels of analysis is most directly related to the fact that "the boy ate
the chicken" and "the chicken ate the boy" mean very different things?
a. Morphemes
b. Phonemes
c. Syntax
d. Extralinguistic information

Answer: c
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-24
Diff: 2
Page Ref: 297-298
Topic: The Features of Language
Skill: Conceptual

25) The English language has ________ phonemes.

a. no more than 15
b. more than 100
c. between 60 and 75
d. between 40 and 45

Answer: d
Type: MC

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Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-25

Diff: 2
Page Ref: 297
Topic: The Features of Language
Skill: Factual

26) Language is based on universal sound units called

a. phonemes.
b. morphemes.
c. semantics.
d. registers.

Answer: a
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-26
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 297-298
Topic: The Features of Language
Skill: Factual

27) How many morphemes are there in the sentence “I predicted it”?
a. 4
b. 6
c. 5
d. 7

Answer: c
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-27
Diff: 3
Page Ref: 297-298
Topic: The Features of Language
Skill: Applied

28) You are learning Russian in preparation for a trip next summer. Although you are
doing a good job recognizing the written signs you need to know, you are having
trouble with the sounds of the Russian language. Which of the following aspects of
language is giving you trouble?
a. Phonemes
b. Morphemes
c. Syntax
d. Semantics

Answer: a
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-28

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Diff: 3
Page Ref: 297-298
Topic: The Features of Language
Skill: Applied

29) The system of rules that governs how we assign meaning to the morphemes we use is
a. semantics.
b. syntax.
c. phonology.
d. regularization.

Answer: a
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-29
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 297-298
Topic: The Features of Language
Skill: Factual

30) The system of rules that governs how we combine words to form grammatical
sentences is called
a. semantics.
b. syntax.
c. phonology.
d. regularization.

Answer: b
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-30
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 297-298
Topic: The Features of Language
Skill: Factual

31) The basic meaningful units of any language are called

a. phonemes.
b. morphemes.
c. semantics.
d. registers.

Answer: b
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-31
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 297-298

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Topic: The Features of Language

Skill: Factual

32) The sounds t, th, and sh are

a. phonemes.
b. morphemes.
c. semantics.
d. registers.

Answer: a
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-32
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 297-298
Topic: The Features of Language
Skill: Conceptual

33) What are the smallest units of meaning in a language?

a. Phonemes
b. Morphemes
c. Semantics
d. Registers

Answer: b
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-33
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 297-298
Topic: The Features of Language
Skill: Factual

34) When speakers of English add “ed” to a verb to indicate past tense, they are applying
a. a dialectical marker.
b. a prefix.
c. a morpheme.
d. a phoneme.

Answer: c
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-34
Diff: 3
Page Ref: 297-298
Topic: The Features of Language
Skill: Conceptual

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35) Which of the following is not one of the four levels of analysis that we use in
producing language?
a. Phonemes
b. Morphemes
c. Semantics
d. Syntax

Answer: c
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-35
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 297-298
Topic: The Features of Language
Skill: Factual

36) Hawaiian words tend to consist of repetitions of only a few phrases (such as
kakahiaka for morning) because the language contains a very small number of
a. phonemes
b. morphemes
c. grammatical rules
d. phonesthemes

Answer: a
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-36
Diff: 2
Page Ref: 297-298
Topic: The Features of Language
Skill: Conceptual

37) _____________ is to putting together a meal as ____________ is to menu items.

a. Phonesthemes; phonemes
b. Syntax; morphemes
c. Morphemes; phonemes
d. Syntax; phonemes

Answer: b
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-37
Diff: 3
Page Ref: 297-298
Topic: The Features of Language
Skill: Conceptual

38) From the following items, which is the best example of syntax?

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a. A textbook
b. A conversation
c. PowerPoint bullets
d. A lecture

Answer: a
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-38
Diff: 3
Page Ref: 297-298
Topic: The Features of Language
Skill: Conceptual

39) In most cases, the rules of syntax

a. are the same across different languages.
b. are rarely followed in real-world language.
c. are perfectly applied in conversation.
d. are the same across different dialects.

Answer: b
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-39
Diff: 2
Page Ref: 297-298
Topic: The Features of Language
Skill: Factual

40) According to the Cross-Linguistic Table 8.2 in your book, which phoneme is distinct
in Arabic but not English?
a. R and L
b. K and Kh
c. D and T
d. S and Z

Answer: b
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-40
Diff: 3
Page Ref: 298
Topic: The Features of Language
Skill: Factual

41) The term dialect is used to indicate

a. variations of a language that follow no structural patterns.
b. distinct and different languages found in the same country.

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c. language forms that share a common origin, but that have varied pronunciation,
vocabulary, and syntax.
d. language forms that are based on another language, but that do not have a
syntactic structure of their own.

Answer: c
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-41
Diff: 2
Page Ref: 298-299
Topic: The Features of Language
Skill: Factual

42) Rosario lives in southern Italy and Genero lives in northern Italy. Both speak Italian
and can understand each other, but their language varies according to their
geographical areas. What feature of language reflects these variations?
a. Phonesthemes
b. Syntax
c. Dialect
d. Extralinguistic information

Answer: c
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-42
Diff: 2
Page Ref: 298-299
Topic: The Features of Language
Skill: Applied

43) Mike is from British Columbia and Mary Ann is from Nova Scotia. Mike sometimes
makes fun of Mary Ann’s “maritime accent” and the way she pronounces certain
words. In this example, Mike is noticing differences in _______________.
a. syntax
b. dialect
c. morphemes
d. phonesthemes

Answer: b
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-43
Diff: 3
Page Ref: 298-299
Topic: The Features of Language
Skill: Applied

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44) Your friend sends you a text message on your cell phone that says “This is just
horrible!” In order to interpret what your friend is meaning, you often need
_____________ to help you understand what is going on.
a. phonesthemes
b. syntax
c. extralinguistic information
d. dialect

Answer: c
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-44
Diff: 2
Page Ref: 298
Topic: The Features of Language
Skill: Conceptual

45) Email can often lead to misunderstandings. This is because

a. people misspell more often with email than with pen-and-paper writing.
b. of decreasing literacy levels.
c. most people read email more rapidly than other written forms.
d. it lacks extralinguistic information.

Answer: d
Type: MC
Diff: 2
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-45
Page Ref: 298
Topic: The Features of Language
Skill: Conceptual

46) Although extralinguistic information is not a formal part of language, it does serve
the purpose of
a. generally providing entertainment value, which captures our attention.
b. assisting in interpretation.
c. distracting us from the emotional aspects of communication.
d. providing literal and factual information.

Answer: b
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-46
Diff: 3
Page Ref: 298
Topic: The Features of Language
Skill: Factual

47) Extralinguistic information allows us to determine meaning by analyzing

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a. phonetics.
b. grammar.
c. context.
d. added morphemes.

Answer: c
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-47
Diff: 2
Page Ref: 298
Topic: The Features of Language
Skill: Factual

48) Our co-worker says, “It's awful in here.” To understand what she means, we must
a. examine the morphemes in the statement to determine the smaller units of
meaning in the sentence.
b. ignore nonverbal cues so that we are not distracted.
c. parse the grammatical structure of her comment.
d. take into account extralinguistic information, such as location and facial

Answer: d
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-48
Diff: 2
Page Ref: 298
Topic: The Features of Language
Skill: Conceptual

49) Language requires tremendous resource use on the part of the brain. For this reason,
________ theorists believe that language must offer adaptive advantage.
a. evolutionary
b. cognitive
c. psychoanalytic
d. behaviourist

Answer: a
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-49
Diff: 2
Page Ref: 299-300
Topic: How Did Language Come About and Why?
Skill: Factual

50) A key difficulty in explaining how language evolved is the ________ phonemes,
words, and rules of syntax.

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a. rigidness and uniformity of

b. consistency of
c. resemblance of meaning to
d. arbitrariness of

Answer: d
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-50
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 299-300
Topic: How Did Language Come About and Why?
Skill: Factual

51) Successful communication

a. rarely requires nonverbal information from the speaker.
b. depends mainly on the literal and accurate interpretation of words.
c. depends exclusively on language content.
d. depends on the reasoning abilities of the listener.

Answer: d
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-51
Diff: 1
Page Ref: 299-300
Topic: How Did Language Come About and Why?
Skill: Factual

52) Using the word hee-haw to describe the sound that a donkey makes is an example of
a. a morphological marker.
b. anomia.
c. onomatopoeia.
d. a dialect.

Answer: c
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-52
Diff: 2
Page Ref: 299-300
Topic: How Did Language Come About and Why?
Skill: Conceptual

53) The textbook authors note that the word for mother in most languages begins with an
“m” or “n” sound. They speculate that this may be because
a. they all derive from the Latin word mater.
b. these are the most common phonemes in all languages.
c. all languages have the same origin.

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d. these phonemes tend to be the first that children acquire.

Answer: d
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-53
Diff: 2
Page Ref: 299-300
Topic: How Did Language Come About and Why?
Skill: Conceptual

54) Words that use the “sn” sound sequence and are nose-related, such as sneeze, snort,
snooze, and snot are referred to as
a. onomatopoeia.
b. morphemes.
c. phonemes.
d. phonesthemes.

Answer: d
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-54
Diff: 2
Page Ref: 299
Topic: How Did Language Come About and Why?
Skill: Factual

55) A collection of words such as slide, slip, slick, slid, sled, and slippery are an example
of ____________.
a. phonemes
b. morphemes
c. holophrases
d. phonesthemes

Answer: d
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-55
Diff: 2
Page Ref: 299
Topic: How Did Language Come About and Why?
Skill: Conceptual

56) Juanita read the children’s story No Such Things repeatedly to her daughter
Aliquandra when she was in the womb. Once Aliquandra was born, Juanita noticed
that her daughter sucked on her pacifier much more when she would read No Such
Things to her relative to other stories. What is the best explanation for why this

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a. Babies prefer novel stimuli and tend to pay less attention to stories that they have
heard repeatedly.
b. Babies can hear inside the womb and are able to recognize songs or stories once
they are born.
c. Babies respond to the sound of their mother’s voice only, and do not show
preference for stories.
d. Babies prefer melodic sounds relative to other noise and display more activity to
rhyming stories.

Answer: b
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-56
Diff: 3
Page Ref: 300-302
Topic: How Do Children Learn Language?
Skill: Applied

57) The best predictor of whether someone will achieve fluency in a second language is
a. the simplicity of the second language's structure.
b. IQ.
c. motivation.
d. age of acquisition.

Answer: d
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-57
Diff: 2
Page Ref: 300-301
Topic: How Do Children Learn Language?
Skill: Factual

58) Using the ________ paradigm, researchers have found that infants can recognize
sounds to which they were exposed in utero.
a. Cat in the Hat
b. habituation
c. high-amplitude sucking
d. auditory cliff

Answer: c
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-58
Diff: 2
Page Ref: 300
Topic: How Do Children Learn Language?
Skill: Factual

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59) Babies can hear inside the womb

a. no earlier than the seventh month.
b. by the fifth month.
c. only after the sixth month.
d. by the second month.

Answer: b
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-59
Diff: 3
Page Ref: 300
Topic: How Do Children Learn Language?
Skill: Factual

60) Newborn infants show a preference for

a. their mother's native language.
b. the English language.
c. any language if it is spoken by a familiar voice.
d. the Spanish language.

Answer: a
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-60
Diff: 3
Page Ref: 300-301
Topic: How Do Children Learn Language?
Skill: Factual

61) Which of the following provides the strongest support for both the nature and nurture
sides of language acquisition?
a. All babies have the innate capacity for language in the brain, but are dependent on
the environment to be able to express and produce any speech sounds or words.
b. Without attention and reinforcement from their parents, babies would fail to
develop language past the point of non-specific babbling sounds.
c. All babies initially share the same basic phoneme categories, regardless of their
parents’ native language, but only use phonemes specific to the language they have
heard by about 10 months of age.
d. Babies cannot process speech sounds and noise until approximately 5 months of
age as their temporal lobes and auditory cortices are still forming and developing
neural connections.

Answer: c
Type: MC
Question ID: Lil 2ce 8.1-61
Diff: 3
Page Ref: 300-301

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Copyright © 2014 Pearson Canada Inc.
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out with a view to swindling speculation, the unpleasant experience
acquired by those who take all legal means so as subsequently to
contest and defend Patents granted without previous inquiry being
made, have led to a reaction of public opinion in favour of abolishing
the system.
The unsatisfactory and quite abnormal state of all matters
connected with Patents in England and France had, years ago,
claimed the most earnest attention of the legislators, and led to
practical deliberations on the necessity and the means of effective
improvements. The French Government introduced a Bill in 1858, to
the effect that the hearing of objections to Patents applied for might,
as much as possible, take place previous to the same being granted.
A similar system which is in force in England has, however, proved
inadequate in that country, and the commission which, in 1863,
made a detailed statement as to the merits of the existing Patent-
Law, recommended the adoption of official inquiry.
Under the circumstances, it can hardly be the question at all, for
the North German Confederation, to admit of the mere “application
system.” Nor can the imposition of high taxes [on patentees?] (not
taking into account their inconsistency with the real object of
Patents) be considered a sufficient corrective of the system, after the
experience acquired in England on this head.
Both the inquiry and application systems having proved defective,
the conclusion is arrived at, that the difficulties cannot be overcome
by means of altering certain details in the institution, but rather arise
out of constitutional infirmities of the institution itself. The Patent
system makes such distinctions necessary as are now practically
inadmissible, and the impracticability of which is by no means
removed through merely transferring the evil from one side to the
other. It must be granted that if artificial contrivances be at all
required to adequately remunerate an inventor for the services
rendered to society, they cannot be hit upon in this direction without
hurting all important interests.
That the final step of repealing Patents altogether should not yet
have been taken anywhere, in spite of the leading theoretical and
practical authorities having urged it, may be easily explained by the
fact that we have to deal with an institution which very long ago has
taken root in the usage of the industrial nations, and to which
tradition ascribes most of the immense progress industry has taken
during its existence. To this may be added the apprehension lest the
country which would take the lead in the matter might find itself at a
disadvantage with the remainder.
Generally speaking, the anticipation of a profitable use to be made
of an invention for one’s exclusive benefit is, no doubt, a powerful
incitement for the inventive genius, and equally is it admitted that to
temporary Patent-right we owe the successive improvements on
many a useful invention.
Experience has, however, taught that in most instances Patents do
not fulfil their mission; that on the whole they have not proved an
actual benefit, either to the proprietor or the public; that the profits
have gone just as often into the pockets of strangers as into those of
the able inventor. When chiefly ascribing the progress made by
industry through technical improvements in many of the countries
where extensive regulations of Patent-right are provided, to the
incitement consequent upon the protection afforded by Patents, the
fact is overlooked that the great inventions made in old times, as well
as the scientific discoveries which in the modern era paved the way
for industry, have perfectly done without any such incitements.
Against the stimulating influence of monopoly upon individuals, we
must, however, in a period so extremely favourable to industrial
progress, not underrate the very important point, that it also checks
the quick and fertile development of a new thought, which, when
totally free, might be expected to spring up in a higher degree from
the competing labours of all. Of course, it is impossible to say
whether in England, Belgium, France, and the United States,
industry, if supported by other favourable stipulations, might not have
taken an equal development without the protection of Patents; but
we have at all events an illustration of this being the fact in
Switzerland, where the absence of Patents has not at all been found
prejudicial to the public at large. The records of the latter country
may dispel all apprehension lest the abolition of Patents should
place national industry on an unequal and disadvantageous footing
with foreign. If Germany be foremost in the indicated direction, we
must, it is true, be alive to the very likely occurrence of her standing,
at least for some time to come, isolated on her platform. A
favourable result of the movement in either England or France can
hardly be looked for at a very early date, considering the state of
public opinion prevailing in those countries, as well as the large
individual interests at stake, owing to the wide scope for protection
arising out of their Patent system, while at the same time it is yet a
fact worthy of remark, that neither England nor France have been
able to make up their minds as to reforming a system the numerous
defects of which are universally recognised. In Germany the same
difficulties do not present themselves to the same extent, the less
prolixity of our Patent institution not affecting the industrial part of the
nation in nearly the same ratio. The whole system in this country has
been less active in all directions; proof of this is given by the
statistics of Patents, as compared with those taken out abroad. The
actual items in 1867 were as follows:—

For Prussia 103 Patents.

” Saxony 179 ”
” the Thuringian Union 33 ”
” Brunswick 32 ”
” Hesse 20 ”
” Oldenburg 12 ”
” Bavaria 214 ”
” Würtemberg 139 ”
” Baden 46 ”

Whereas, in 1866, there were granted—

In England (including the provisional protections) 3,453

In France about 4,400
In Belgium ” 1,700
And in the United States ” 9,450

In Prussia, on account of the rigidly adhered-to preliminary inquiry,

87 per cent. on an average of the Patents applied for during the last
ten years have been non-suited, and only from 50 to 100 requests a
year were granted. Besides, it is scarcely subject to a doubt that
even of these only a small number has been turned to practical use.
Again, the amount of privilege the Patent ensures is less in Germany
than abroad, as in conformity with the clauses of the Treaty of 21st
September, 1842 (and which provisions should be kept in force
under any circumstances), a Patent does not confer upon its
proprietor (not taking into view machinery or instruments) a
prohibitory right against the importation, sale, or consumption of
foreign articles.[7]
The anticipation that the abolition of Patents might cause the
results of new inventions to be lost to the nation through the
respective inventors turning themselves towards the protection-
affording countries, is not confirmed by the experience acquired on
this head in Switzerland. The industrial who has invented a new
process will, in most instances, be influenced by other motives to
bring the same into operation where he has his factory and his
already acquired customers. Nor can much importance be attached
to the apprehension that, should the Patent-Law be repealed,
inventors might show more disposition towards keeping new
inventions secret from the public; for, even assuming the abolition to
be an incitement to keeping inventions secret, yet it cannot be
admitted that any prejudicial change from the present state of things
would take place. Even now, under the rule of the Patent-Law, it is a
recognised fact, that to such methods of fabrication and resources
as admit of being kept secret, the very secrecy affords ampler
protection than the Patent itself. By thus drawing the conclusion that
those inventions which might eventually be kept secret are so at the
present time as well, no actual prejudice will be caused by one
measure being in force rather than the other.
The Royal Prussian Government, therefore, thinks that by
completely abolishing the Patent system within the limits of the
Confederation (a resolution recommended by economical theory,
and which public opinion has been sufficiently prepared for), instead
of making any further and necessarily unsuccessful attempts at
reform, the circumstance of the Confederation preceding other
important industrial nations cannot be considered an actual
impediment, although it would be far preferable that the South-
German States should join in the measure, so as to extend the
innovation to all countries comprised in the Zollverein.
The undersigned is of opinion that previous to further inquiring into
the particulars of the Patent-Law, the North German Confederation
ought first of all to decide whether henceforth any protection by
means of Patents should be afforded at all within the boundaries of
the Confederation. Assuming this, and also considering that the
Confederation shall have to take a decision as to the attempts at
reform, the undersigned moves: “That the Federal Parliament
appoint the Committee on trade and intercourse, to deliberate on the
question proposed, and report on the same.
“Von Bismarck.”

[7] This mighty difference from our British practice is in harmony

with what I have shown is the scope of the original English Act,
and with our common law.—R. A. M.
M. van Zinnicq Bergmann was not sufficiently prepared for the
discussion while the project was in Committee. He feels much
sympathy for all such measures as tend to do away with
impediments to trade and industry. At the same time, people ought to
discriminate between the kind of protection which is a hindrance to
industry, and may be called monopoly, and the one to which property
is entitled on the part of the State.
At this part of his speech the hon. member indulges in extensive
remarks on the right of property. According to Roman law, the right of
property was a “jus quod natura omnia animalia docuit.” But that
definition is not a correct one, as the right of property is especially
maintained in civilised society.
After that, the hon. member launches himself into allegory. Try,
quoth he, to drive the lion from his den; he will defend it until his last
drop of blood! Look at the boy who snatches the young and tender
bird from its nest; the mother will pursue the robber, and not leave
him. Now, he should like to know whether an artist, an inventor, an
author, has, or has not, a right of property in his work which entitles
him to the benefits to be derived from it? This question he answers in
the affirmative, and refers to Soy, Massé, and the “Assemblée
Constituante” of France in December, 1791. And why should there
be no right of property? Perhaps on account of an article in the Civil
Code, which says, “possession vaut titre,” or of a restriction to a
greater or smaller lapse of time? We are continually referred to
England and the United States. But what is England? England is a
country at the same time emancipated and in course of
emancipation. Duly considered, England will be found to be,
internally, in about the same state in which the Netherlands were
before 1795, or before the end of the sixteenth century—(laughter)—
but, the hon. member adds, always accompanied by such
improvements as rulers have successively granted with regard to
Patents. England may have had its commotions; but, nevertheless,
charters have never been otherwise but granted, and the privileges,
exacted though they may have been, were received at the hands of
the King. And what have we been doing? We expelled our
Stadholder, and got annexed to France; the principles of 1798 have
taken root in our country, and continue to be the basis for present
action. The hon. member further argues that Patents are granted to
emancipated slaves, but free citizens take out “brévets d’invention.”
He is of opinion that it is a wrong impression that Patents are to be
placed upon a line with the abolition of guilds. There is no connexion
whatever between these institutions, and this he demonstrates by
reference to French authors. Even taking Michel Chevalier’s
doctrines for granted, he asks, “Could such difficulties not be
obviated through a reform of the Patent-Law?” Once at a time,
Alexander made himself famous by cutting through the Gordian knot.
That was a despot’s doing; he might have deserved more fame had
he succeeded in disentangling the knot. Such should be the final aim
the legislator ought to strive to reach. Finally, the hon. member puts
forward the question, whether the passing of the law now before the
House might not involve the country in international troubles; for,
Switzerland alone excepted, every country in Europe has its Patent-
Law. Besides, we are aware that, as far as literary right of property is
concerned, a neighbouring country has, against its will, been
compelled to maintain it. We, at our turn, might once have to come
back to what we want at present to repeal. Let us, therefore, be
M. Heemskerk Azn remarks that continued allusions are being
made to reaction. Generally speaking, such allusions are made out
of personal motives; but he should very much like to see a real live
reactionist, who would like to repeal what progress has brought us.
There may possibly be people extant who would wish to do so, but
as for him, he is not aware of any reactionary plots against our
institutions, or the effects of science and progress; yet this very
project now before the House, which he considers to be reaction,
has been most favourably received in Committee. Should the
Netherlands Legislature sanction it, then he shall have to believe in
the existence of reaction. For it is an easy thing to find evidence of
reaction in the project under discussion. M. van Zinnicq Bergmann
has already more or less demonstrated it. He (M. Heemskerk) will
add a few more particulars. Where, the hon. member asks, lies the
origin of Patents? In the cultivation of a free spirit, and the ennobling
of labour; and of these, the right of protection existed since time
immemorial. Deviating from the civil rights, the Stuarts, through
favour or arbitrary motives, granted “privileges;” but the Free
Parliaments saved Patents, that protect inventions. Moreover, this
principle has been adopted in the most freedom-advocating of
constitutions—viz., that of the United States. The same may be said
with regard to France. On the 31st December, 1790, the “Assemblée
Constituante” resolved that the right [of property] in inventions should
be guaranteed, and in this resolution originated the first French
Patent-Law. The Netherlands would be the very first country on earth
(with one exception only) to deviate from the principle of a right of
property in inventions, in a moment, when public opinion, dissenting
thereby from a few economists, everywhere declares in favour of
Patents. He reminds the House of the immense influence inventions
have had on history and society, such as the invention of printing, of
the compass, steam, gas, &c. And would it be fair to withhold from
those who promote progress that protection which is legally due to
them; whereas there is no end of provisions in the code protecting
mere material property, such as the right of inheritance until the
twelfth degree, lotteries, stock gambling, and the like? Government
has evidently been aware of the circumstances standing in the way
of the project, as is proved by page 1 of the Memorial of Explanation;
but it shrinks from the logical consequences. The Patent system is
based upon the principle that nobody should enrich himself by
another man’s property. This has also lately been argued at length in
Savornel Lohman’s pamphlet. The hon. member gives it as his
opinion that in this matter an author is in exactly the same position
as an inventor. If Patents be abolished, we shall logically have to
come to repealing Copyright as well. A counterfeited edition is
nothing else than the imitation of an object of industry; the writer is
an author, but the inventor is no less an author. Amongst others, he
refers to a speech from Lamartine (as reporter of a Committee in the
French Legislative Chambers, which consisted of the then most
eminent economists) on the Patent-Law of 1844, which is still in
force. He insists that the justice of his system of maintaining the right
of property is proved beyond a doubt by the ever and again recurring
circumstance of an inventor lacking capital for a practical application
of his lucubrations. Still, he often obtains the requisite means; and
now everybody will be enabled to imitate the result of his thoughts
and labour, and to reap the profits to accrue from the same. He
points to Professor Visvering’s work on practical economy, who also
recognised that, if no exclusive Patents be delivered, still inventors
had a right to a remuneration of some kind. Those who oppose the
Patent-Law contend that an inventor is not entitled to a reward; he
admits that no reward should be expected, but most assuredly the
inventor may lay claim to remuneration for the labour expended on
the invention. We are referred to Switzerland, where no Patents are
given. But what of that? In the first place, most of the industrial
Cantons of Switzerland are clamorous for a Patent-Law; secondly,
the Swiss, as a body, equally want the measure to be put through;
and, in the third place, the hon. member points to the large benefits
which, according to Klosterman’s recent work, Swiss industrials
derive from foreign Patent-Laws. It is alleged that the number of
Patents which are being delivered [in Holland] is but small. But, says
M. Heemskerk, foreigners, on the contrary, claim that the number is
large. There exists apprehension of law-suits; but can that be
brought to bear upon the repeal of the Patent-Law? In that case,
landed property would be the least tolerable, as the proverb says
—“Qui terre a, guerre a.” Moreover, no three law-suits are known to
have sprung up from Patents in this country since the law has been
in force. In Belgium, it is true, much action has of late been taken in
order to do away with Patents; but there, as well as in Prussia, the
movement is rapidly decreasing. The hon. member refers to the
“Nederlandsche Industrieel,” a periodical which, though strenuously
in favour of abolition of Patents, nevertheless mentions in its issues
of 14th and 21st of February, and 20th of June, what has lately
occurred in this respect in Germany and elsewhere. In Great Britain
also the question has lately been discussed in Parliament, but the
member who moved it did not even take the votes upon it, but quietly
dropped the matter; such was the impression made upon his mind
by the arguments brought forward [!]. The subject has equally
engrossed the attention of the “Société Economique” of Paris, when
eminent economists, amongst whom Wolowski, declared in favour of
Patents. This is mentioned in the Economistes of June [see page
164]. For all these reasons the hon. member recommends to the
serious consideration of the House that, for the time being at least,
the rash Act be not consummated. Do not throw such a stain upon
your Legislature, he emphatically exclaims. Do not step backward;
beware of relinquishing the protection of any description of property.
Do not cripple the law by ignoring a principle which protects the fruit
of human intellect. Beware of laying violent hands upon property, of
whatever kind it may be. Let us do better than that; let us reject the
bill. Persuade Government, there being no haste whatever, to
propose to the Chambers that the subject be deferred until next
Session. At all events, nothing would be lost by it. Meanwhile
Government would be enabled to reconsider the subject, and to
make inquiries abroad as to the state of legislation on this head. No
prejudice would be occasioned by deferring the matter; for the hon.
member expresses his firm belief that a dangerous measure is about
to be adopted with regard to a subject with which the utmost caution
should be observed.
M. de Bruyn Kops would not enter into all particulars, the matter
having been treated at length in the sundry documents relating to it;
but he would restrict himself to a refutation of M. Heemskerk’s
arguments. He is in a position to place himself on a very simple point
of view. The law of 1817 is generally disliked, in principle as well as
in its details. It has been admitted that it does not give the inventor
any guarantee, and this on the ground of the issue of some law-suits
which have sprung up from it. So Patents, far from giving a security,
hinder the general public and impede industry. It is a fact worthy of
notice, that the leading industrial organs, such as the Chambers of
Commerce and Factories, the Industrial Society, the Union for
Promoting Mechanical and Manual Industry, and the Nederlandsche
Industrieel, unanimously have declared against Patents; so have a
score of industrials. Are these not facts worth more than a few
considerations about a right to special protection? Add to this the
circumstance that in those countries where Patents do exist
difficulties are gradually increasing; as, first of all, the question
arises, whether the invention is really a new one; and to ascertain
this is very often a most arduous task. Then, again, Patents are
being asked for mere trifles. Within a short period, 126 Patents for
improving bicycles have been taken out in England. It thus becomes
necessary to make a minute inquiry into the usefulness of the matter.
This has been the cause that in France they have gone to the other
extreme—granting Patents “without guarantee by Government.”
Patents are not consequent upon the recognition of man’s, or
inventors’, rights; they are the remainders of the guild system, and of
protection to national industry in exclusion of foreign. It cannot be a
question of right of property, for, if such were the case, Patents
would not be granted for a fixed term of years. If invention means
right of property, why, then, that arbitrary restriction? Originally the
idea may have been a good one, but in the sequel it has proved a
failure. There are examples of different persons having made the
same invention without having any knowledge of each other. It is
consequently becoming almost a matter of impossibility to ascertain
priority. The hon. member says that all endeavours to bring about a
practical result out of an originally elevated idea have utterly failed;
that the guarantee of the right is, as has been proved by means of
the report in England, at best uncertain and unsatisfactory; and that
when the project shall have been made law, he will rejoice at his
country having been foremost in leaving the wrong track.

Session of Tuesday, 22nd June.

The President reads an address from the Board of Directors of the
Union to Promote Mechanical and Manual Industry, of Rotterdam, in
which they support the project now pending before the House.
The discussion on the subject is continued.
M. van Houten observes, that M. Heemskerk has given the
epithets of “reactionary” and “ruinous” to the measure proposed by
Government. By opposing the project, that deputy did his duty, but at
the same time it more than ever becomes the duty of those who
strenuously support it openly to express their convictions, and to
show that they know what they are about. His opinion is that M.
Heemskerk’s arguments have been tested, and did not stand the
test. M. de Bruyn Kops having refrained from arguing on the ground
of theoretical considerations, he (M. Van Houten) will say a few
words in that direction. The main question is this: Is prohibiting the
imitation of an invention lawful, and shall it or shall it not be upheld?
Those who want to let things remain as they are talk of rights
acquired; but on what are these so-called rights based? Certainly on
no very solid basis; for, if a right it be, why is only a temporary
protection granted? A right is permanent, and cannot be taken away
but through expropriation for the common weal, and even then in
consideration of an indemnity only. M. Heemskerk argues two points:
1st, The inventor has a claim of priority, as the first who takes
possession. 2nd, The imitator enriches himself at the expense of the
inventor. But, says the hon. member, M. Heemskerk loses sight of
the fact that first occupation can only take place of “corporeal”
effects; not of an invention which may be made, and is often being
made, by others at the same time. Besides, he contends that it is not
the imitators, but the public, who enrich themselves and benefit by
the invention. He is of opinion that the Patent system remunerates
where no labour has been expended; whilst claiming Patents has
become an industry prejudicial to the general public. It has been
urged to frame a “good” Patent-Law; but that the hon. member holds
to be impossible. Whatever might be its provisions, monopoly must
needs be created by it. And if this is such an easy matter, why did M.
Heemskerk not introduce a bill for a new law? It is alleged that if
everybody is allowed to imitate, the inventor works for nothing. But
how is it with so many gratuitous appointments? Is that a question of
right? Certainly not. As M. Heemskerk, in his speech, invoked
Providence, he should like to know whether it can be supposed that
Providence intends enriching an individual or society at large? On
that ground, we may safely set the public’s right against the
inventor’s. Hereupon the hon. member considers the question from
an economical point of view. In the first place, Patents are useless
for such objects as baffle imitation—like the Krupp guns, for
instance; and then objects emanating from the inventor direct are, as
a rule, preferred. As for petty inventions, he would say that, it being
the normal course of social development that every branch of
industry should steadily progress, so it is the case with them. On that
field, everybody is more or less of an inventor; and with regard to
petty inventions, Patents not only are superfluous, but noxious. M.
Heemskerk, it is true, has rather spoken with a view to great
inventions, and the hon. member fancies he has given evident proof
that no harm can be done by abolishing Patent-right on the latter. It
is these great inventions that the public at large benefits by. He
denies M. Heemskerk’s assertion, that in the absence of Patents no
capital would be forthcoming for the practical application of an
invention, for, pending the tests and experiments an inventor
subjects his invention to, no capitalist loans him money. He equally
contests what M. H. said about the logic of repealing Copyright,
should the Patent-Law be put aside, and that, by doing the latter,
violent hands would to a certain extent be laid upon the right of
property. The hon. member thinks that no such comparison can be
drawn, as the law providing for Copyright does by no means prevent
anybody from applying any published work to further development of
science. Copyright in no way interferes with public interests. The
member for Gorcum has called the project a “reactionary” measure.
This will frighten neither him nor us, for it matters little what is called
reactionary, but much what is reactionary. The project is closely
connected with the historical development of society, and the
liberation of labour and industry. The Patent system may be placed
upon an equal footing with the exclusive right to discoveries and
other similar privileges of yore. We have given up all those things.
Each and every benefit derived from them becomes a public one,
and so ought every new outlet for trade to be. On these grounds, the
hon. member advocates the removal of those impediments.
M. Godefroi said:[8] I rise to make some observations on three
points in the speech, containing so much that is valuable, delivered
by M. Heemskerk. These points are, first, the legal basis; secondly,
treating the question on the footing of Copyright; and, thirdly, the
reference to the practice in foreign countries. The speech of the hon.
gentleman who preceded me has made my task with reference to
the two first points peculiarly easy, so that I can content myself in a
great measure with simply referring to it. His confutation of the legal
basis, as laid down by M. Heemskerk, appears to me conclusive. To
speak of occupation in a non-material sense, to say that the primus
occupans can maintain for himself or make over to another, on
certain conditions, does seem to me an untenable position. We must
take into consideration what the preceding speaker has already
proved, that occupation from which a claim can be made, and which
one can consider as equivalent to the right of possession, is
inconceivable when the right is of a temporary nature. But this is not
all. How can any one acquire by occupation anything that another at
the same moment may occupy in precisely the same way? How is it
possible that two persons at precisely the same moment (and this
possibility is here not to be denied) can by occupation be possessed
of the same right? I shall say no more on the first point. The second
point, treating the question on the footing of literary property, or
Copyright. I freely admit that, if I were convinced, in case of our
consenting to pass this Bill, we should be pronouncing the abolition
of Copyright, I should recoil from giving my vote in its favour. But the
preceding speaker has, in my opinion, most clearly shown the points
of difference between industrial and literary property. I think I may be
allowed to refer, for further confirmation of the view I am taking, to
the observations of a man held in general consideration, and of
especial weight in this case, inasmuch as he was President of the
Commission appointed by the British Government to inquire into the
question of the retention or abolition of the “Law of Patents.” I refer to
Lord Stanley, who, in a debate in the House of Commons on the
29th May, to which the hon. member for Gorinchem appealed,
expressed himself with regard to the difference between Patent-right
and Copyright in a manner so clear and distinct that I cannot even
now see how I can improve upon his distinctions. Lord Stanley said,
speaking of the distinction: “The analogy seemed a plausible one,
but he thought that, on being looked into, it would not hold water.
The difference was simply this: he did not rest it on any abstract
ground as to the distinction between invention and discovery, but on
the obvious fact that no two men ever did or ever would write,
independently of one another, exactly the same book; each book, be
it good or bad, would stand alone; whereas it might happen that two
or three men, quite independently of one another, would hit upon the
same invention. That alone established a distinction between the two
cases.” And he was perfectly right. While it is impossible for two
men, independently of one another, to write the same book, it is not
only possible, but such a case has occurred, for two men to make
the same discovery—to light upon the same invention. There are
examples of this in the history of French industry. Daguerre and
Niepce both pursued that line of thought from which photography
took its rise, and the fact is so well ascertained that when the French
Academy of Sciences had to come to a decision about assigning a
reward for the invention, they divided the reward between Daguerre
and the children of Niepce, then deceased. In a report made by the
present Minister of Public Works in Belgium, M. Jamar, with
reference to property in drawings and models of machinery, the
question of Patents is treated, and I notice in it one highly important
observation applicable to this subject under discussion. It is known—
it appears also in the supplement annexed to the Official Report—
that at the conclusion of the first Great Exhibition in London, the
French Commission brought out a report, in which the renowned
politician, Michel Chevalier, as the result of conclusions drawn from
the Exhibition, declared himself in favour of unconditional abolition of
Patents. How did Michel Chevalier come to that opinion? The report
to which I refer informs us, and from it I extract the following
passage: “On seeing at the Exhibition in London, at a few paces
from each other, the same machines, the same tools, new
productions, invented or discovered a thousand miles apart, by men
who arrived at the same result sometimes by different ways,
legislators and magistrates felt themselves bound to ask to what
principles of justice and equity could one of these inventors appeal,
that he might obtain a temporary monopoly rendering abortive the
efforts and experiments on the part of ten other inventors as
persevering, as conscientious, and as intelligent as himself?” When
Michel Chevalier, at the London Exhibition, had seen a few paces
from each other the same inventions, presented as the mental
produce of persons who lived thousands of miles apart, and knew
nothing of each other, he might well say that it is impossible to
recognise an exclusive right. But here is another proof that industrial
property and Copyright cannot be put upon the same footing.
Moreover, Patent-right precludes the possibility of the same thought
being carried out, at least for a time, but Copyright does not. Lastly,
the third point—the appeal to the feeling in foreign countries. M.
Heemskerk, in his excellent speech of yesterday, made it to appear
that the feeling on this subject in foreign countries was that the
abolition of Patents was condemned. It is perfectly true that at this
moment, in most of the European States, there still subsist laws for
conferring Patents. But must we thence infer in foreign countries an
overwhelming conviction, that there must be no abolition? I do not
think so. There are, in fact, evidences on this point worth attending
to, which I shall proceed to lay before the House. How is it in
France? The law of 1844 is still in force; but is it approved in France?
Certainly not. They are convinced that the operation of this law has
given rise to the most serious difficulties. This is a fact; and this fact
has led to several proposals for modification which have been
pending for some years, and are still pending, although the French
Chambers get through their work more rapidly than we do. The
proposals have been already for several years pending, because the
carrying them out is hindered by the impression which the valuable
report of Michel Chevalier has produced, for every day the doubt
gains force whether it is a question of improving the law, or whether
it is not much rather a question of putting an end to the granting of
Patents. England—it is known that two investigations have taken
place in that country. One in 1851, by the Upper House; the other in
1862, by a Government Commission, which issued its report in 1865.
What was the result of the investigation in 1851? I find the result in
the report of M. Jamar, which I just now referred to. I will read the
following extract: “The result of this inquiry was remarkable. Lord
Granville had been President of the Commission charged with
presenting the Bill, which, while it modified the Law of Patents,
respected or left untouched the principle. The inquiry so completely
modified his convictions, that he did not hesitate to declare, in the
sitting of the House of Lords on the 1st July, 1851, that he
considered the issuing of Patents was an advantage neither for the
inventors nor the public.” So the Commission of Inquiry, which
undertook the task of discovering what amendments could be made
in the law, came to the conclusion that it would be better to abolish
Patents. I should occupy the House too long were I to quote all that
M. Jamar, in his report, borrowed from this Commission of Inquiry. I
will content myself with remarking that, among the witnesses
examined, and on whose testimony the opinions of the Commission
were founded, there were men perfectly well qualified to form a
judgment. They were not only economists, men of science, but also
men of business, practical men: Cubitt, President of the Institution of
Civil Engineers; Brunel, the celebrated engineer; Ricardo, Member of
Parliament; Reid, President of the Committee for carrying out the
Great Exhibition of 1851; and other industrial and commercial
witnesses, so described in Jamar’s report. According to the same
Belgian report, the testimony of the English judges was very
remarkable. They almost unanimously declared that it was
impossible to apply the law, and that they did not ascribe this
impossibility to the application of the principle in itself. Lord Granville
declared also, in a sitting of the Upper House, on July 1st, 1851, that
his opinion was formed from the sentiments of the judges; and he
added: “The only persons who derive any advantage from the Law of
Patents are the lawyers. Except, perhaps, warrants for horses, there
is no subject which gives such an opportunity for roguery as the Law
of Patents.” And one of the law lords of the Upper House, Lord
Campbell, declared, after hearing the speech of Lord Granville, that
having been for nine years legal adviser of the Crown, and having
had some experience in the matter, he coincided perfectly in the
opinion of Lord Granville. The inquiry made by the English
Government Commission led to the same result. In the sitting of the
Lower House on May 28 of the present year, of which I have already
spoken, Lord Stanley distinctly said that he had taken his place in
the Commission with the impression that the business before them
was not to abolish Patents, but to take measures for the amendment
of the English law on that subject. During the inquiry, however,
together with those who took part in it he had come to the conclusion
that not only the existing law, but every law on Patents, would meet
with almost insurmountable difficulties, because these difficulties do
not lie in the application, but are inherent in the principle. M.
Heemskerk made it appear yesterday that the result of the
discussion of May 28 in the Lower House was in favour of the
continuance of Patents. I cannot go to such a length in my estimate
of that discussion. A motion was brought forward by Mr. Macfie, [an
ex-] President of the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce, to declare
that the time had now arrived for the abolition of Patents. At the end
of the debate the motion was withdrawn by the proposer. Now, the
hon. member for Gorinchem has drawn the conclusion, from the
course pursued, that the proposer durst not put his motion to the
vote, because he was certain of a minority. The conclusion is
somewhat hasty, for nobody can tell—we at least cannot—what the
vote of the Lower House would have been had the motion been put.
Besides, the object of the motion appears in the speech of the
proposer. His chief aim was to invite discussion, “to lay a general
view of the subject before the House,” as he expressed it, rather
than to get a decision. In his speech he also gave it as his wish that
the subject should be again investigated by a Government
Commission. I am of opinion that, from what I have said with
reference to England, the conclusion cannot be drawn that the
retention of Patents is there the unqualified and prevailing
determination. Belgium: The last law on Patents, the law of 1854, is
there in operation. I know not if it works well, and perhaps it would
have been worth while for the Government to get such information.
Meanwhile I have a thick volume here before me, containing a
commentary on the law, which I have not read completely through. It
contains 300 pages, but I have run through it, and it appears to me
that the so-called commentary is in very many respects a criticism on
the law, and affords a proof that it by no means works so extremely
well. Last of all, Germany: M. Heemskerk spoke yesterday of the
unanimity of the Germans on the subject of maintaining Patents. I
should not like to admit that unanimity so unreservedly; there are
facts, at least, opposed to that assertion. This fact, for example,
which we have extracted from an article in the Nieuwe Groninger
Courant, just sent to us, a proposal for the abolition of Patents made
to the North German Bund; and if this is carried out, no more Patents
will be granted in a great portion of Germany. Another fact: so far
back as 1864 the Prussian Government asked the opinion of the
Chambers of Commerce on the question whether or not Patents
should be maintained, and of the 47 there were 31 for the abolition
and 16 against it. I scarcely venture to speak of the economists,
otherwise I would appeal to the German Economic Congress of
1863, which pronounced Patents injurious to the national welfare.
But there is one argument which has more weight with me than any
other. I am thoroughly persuaded that a good law on Patents is an
impossibility. It is, indeed, matter of regret that the hon. member for
Gorinchem, when he was in the Ministry, did not try to present a
good law to the Legislature. He was the right man for it. He will,
however, do me the justice to believe that, when I say this, I do not
mean to censure him; what I do mean is to express my regret. He is
open to no censure, for during the time he held office he attended so
assiduously to his duties that even his most violent political
opponents were compelled to do him honour. But yet it is to be
regretted that when he was Minister he did not propose an
amendment of the law of 1817. We should then have seen whether it
was possible or not to have a good efficient law on Patents. For my
part, I have arrived at the conclusion that it is an impossibility. This is
the impression made when one goes over foreign laws on Patents.
There is not a single good one among them, nor one which does not
give rise to difficulties which hitherto have been found to be
insurmountable. But there is a further objection. According to my
notions, there is a formidable stumbling-block which is directly
encountered when one sets to work to frame a law on Patents. The
question at once presents itself, must it not be proved that the
person who demands the privilege has a right to it? When has the
claimant that right? When it is proved that his invention has for its
object a new industrial product, or a new operation, or a new
application of an operation already known, to obtain an industrial
result or an industrial product. The words which I here employ are
taken from Art. 2 of the French Law, which, in my opinion, exactly
express the object of the law. I now ask, if a Government is in a
position, in this sense, to examine the claim of an applicant for a
Patent? I shall endeavour to prove that a Government is not in such
a position, and I cannot do better than quote the words of the author
of the report on the French Law of 1844, the celebrated Philippe
Dupin. We know that the French Law does not undertake the
preliminary investigation; and, therefore, as we have been already
reminded by M. de Bruyn Kops, when an announcement is made of
articles for which a Patent is granted in France, the letters S. G. D.
G. (sans garantie du Gouvernement) are generally added. Now, hear
what Philippe Dupin says in justification of that principle of French
Law, and to prove the impossibility of a preliminary examination on
the part of the Government: “The preliminary examination would be
the establishment of a censorship in matters of industry. And how
could this censorship be carried out? How, for example, are we to
decide that an industrial fact is new, and that it has not been
produced in the course of manufacture or in the retreat of an obscure
and industrious workman? How are we to foresee and judge the
amount of utility in a discovery just made, before it has been
developed, before it has been put to the proof? Who will take part in
this debate? Who will represent the parties interested? Where are
the judges to come from? Who will exercise this jurisdiction by
guesswork in the regions of thought and futurity? Shall it be a clerk
turned into a judge of what he does not understand? Shall we take a
practical man, who is often only a man of routine, to judge a man of
theory and inspiration? Shall we invite philosophers? But if they are
philosophers, they are not to be supposed to know everything, and
they have their preferences, their prejudices, their own sets; and the
applicant, perhaps, contradicts their doctrines, their works, their
ideas. These are incontestable impossibilities. It has been said, with
as much wit as reason, in such matters the only suitable proceeding
is experience, the only competent judge the public.” So much for
experience. But, Mr. President, if a Government is not in a position to

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