Diagnostic Performance of Dynamic Myocardial Perfusion Imaging With DSCT
Diagnostic Performance of Dynamic Myocardial Perfusion Imaging With DSCT
Diagnostic Performance of Dynamic Myocardial Perfusion Imaging With DSCT
20, 2021
BACKGROUND Single-center studies indicated a high diagnostic accuracy of dynamic computed tomography perfusion
(CTP) imaging in the diagnosis of coronary artery disease (CAD).
OBJECTIVES This prospective multicenter study determined the diagnostic performance of combined coronary
computed tomography angiography (CTA) and CTP for detecting hemodynamically significant CAD defined by invasive
coronary angiography (ICA) with fractional flow reserve (FFR).
METHODS Seven centers enrolled 174 patients with suspected or known CAD who were clinically referred for ICA. CTA and
dynamic CTP were performed using dual-source CT before ICA. FFR was done as part of ICA in the case of 26% to 90%
coronary diameter stenosis. Hemodynamically significant stenosis was defined as FFR of <0.8 or >90% stenosis on ICA.
RESULTS The study protocol was completed in 157 participants, and hemodynamically significant stenosis was detected
in 76 of 157 patients (48%) and 112 of 442 vessels (25%). According to receiver-operating characteristic curve analysis,
adding dynamic CTP to CTA significantly increased the area under the curve from 0.65 (95% CI: 0.57-0.72) to 0.74
(95% CI: 0.66-0.81; P ¼ 0.011) on the patient level, with decreased sensitivity (93% vs 72%; P < 0.001), improved
specificity (36% vs 75%; P < 0.001), and improved overall accuracy (64% vs 74%; P < 0.001).
CONCLUSIONS In this prospective multicenter study on dynamic CTP, the combination of anatomic assessment with
coronary CTA and functional evaluation with dynamic CTP allowed more accurate identification of hemodynamically
significant CAD compared with CTA alone. However, the clinical significance of this approach needs to be further
investigated, including its usefulness in improving prognosis. (Assessment of Myocardial Perfusion Linked to Infarction
and Fibrosis Explored With Dual-Source CT [AMPLIFiED]; UMIN000016353) (J Am Coll Cardiol 2021;78:1937–1949)
© 2021 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation.
From the aDepartment of Advanced Diagnostic Imaging, Mie University Graduate School of Medicine, Tsu, Japan; bDepartment of
Listen to this manuscript’s
Radiology, Mie University Hospital, Tsu, Japan; cDepartment of Diagnostic Radiology, Tohoku University Hospital, Sendai, Japan;
audio summary by
Department of Radiology, Ehime University Graduate School of Medicine, Matsuyama, Japan; eDepartment of Cardiology, Na-
tional Hospital Organization Takasaki General Medical Center, Takasaki, Japan; fDepartment of Cardiovascular Medicine, National
Dr Valentin Fuster on
Hospital Organization Kagoshima Medical Center, Kagoshima, Japan; gDepartment of Radiology, Peking Union Medical College
Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China; hDepartment of Cardiovascular
Medicine, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe, Japan; iDepartment of Cardiology and Nephrology, Mie University
Graduate School of Medicine, Tsu, Japan; jDepartment of Cardiovascular Medicine, Tohoku University Graduate School of
Medicine, Sendai, Japan; kDivision of Cardiology, Saiseikai Matsuyama Hospital, Matsuyama, Japan; lDepartment of Cardiovas-
cular Medicine, Shioya Hospital, International University of Health and Welfare, Yaita, Japan; and the mDepartment of Radiology,
Mie University Graduate School of Medicine, Tsu, Japan. *Drs Kitagawa and Nakamura equally contributed to this work.
Diagnostic Performance of Dynamic CT Perfusion Imaging in a Prospective Multicenter Study NOVEMBER 16, 2021:1937–1949
ABBREVIATIONS oronary computed tomography best of our knowledge, no multicenter study has yet
AND ACRONYMS angiography (CTA) has high sensi- assessed the diagnostic value of dynamic CTP. There-
tivity and an excellent negative pre- fore, this prospective, multicenter study sought to
ATP = adenosine triphosphate
dictive value for detecting obstructive determine the diagnostic performance of dynamic CTP
AUC = area under the curve
coronary artery disease (CAD) (1,2). Despite for the detection of hemodynamically significant cor-
CAD = coronary artery disease
its usefulness in the evaluation of coronary onary stenosis defined by invasive coronary angiog-
CT = computed tomography artery morphology, CTA is limited in deter- raphy (ICA) with FFR. It was hypothesized that
CTA = computed tomography mining the hemodynamic significance of myocardial blood flow (MBF) quantification with dy-
anatomic lesions (3). Considering the namic CTP may provide an incremental diagnostic
CTP = computed tomography
growing evidence of the benefit of the value over CTA in the detection of hemodynamically
physiology-guided coronary revasculariza- significant stenoses.
ECG = electrocardiogram
tion strategy (4,5), the noninvasive evalua-
FFR = fractional flow reserve
tion of the hemodynamic significance of METHODS
ICA = invasive coronary
coronary stenoses should be valuable. Func-
tional imaging tests to obtain such informa- STUDY POPULATION. The AMPLIFiED (Assessment
MBF = myocardial blood flow of Myocardial Perfusion Linked to Infarction and
tion include single photon emission
ROC = receiver-operating Fibrosis Explored With Dual-Source CT) study
computed tomography (CT), positron emis-
sion tomography, and stress perfusion mag- (UMIN000016353) is a prospective, multicenter,
netic resonance imaging (6). Recently, because of noninterventional observational study involving 7
the advances of CT systems and postprocessing, CT hospitals in 2 Asian countries. This study complies
perfusion imaging (CTP) has been proposed as an with the Declaration of Helsinki. The research proto-
alternative for the functional assessment of CAD. col was approved by the central Institutional Review
Board (the Clinical Research Ethics Review Commit-
tee of Mie University Hospital) and by local Institu-
There are currently 2 techniques in CTP: static and tional Review Boards, and all patients gave written
dynamic. In perfusion assessment by static CTP, informed consent.
myocardial enhancement is acquired at a predefined A total of 174 patients between 40 and 85 years of
single time point during the first pass of contrast ma- age with suspected or known CAD who were referred
terial bolus. Static CTP can be performed by 64- for clinically indicated ICA between January 2015 and
detector-row or wider CT scanners with fast rotation December 2018 were prospectively enrolled (Figure 1).
speed; however, the assessment of myocardial perfu- Clinically unstable patients, patients with known
sion with static CTP highly depends on contrast ma- history of allergy to iodinated contrast material, and
terial bolus timing (7) and cardiac motion (8) and is patients after coronary artery bypass grafting were
generally limited to a qualitative and visual evaluation excluded. Detailed study inclusion and exclusion
of enhancement in the myocardium. In contrast, with a criteria are described in the Supplemental Methods.
more technically challenging dynamic CTP, perfusion Of 174 patients enrolled, 158 patients underwent both
assessment is based on myocardial enhancement at a comprehensive cardiac CT examination and ICA
multiple time points during the first pass of the within 60 days after CT, because 16 patients did not
contrast material, which is robust with respect to bolus undergo CT (n ¼ 5) or ICA (n ¼ 11). One patient was
timing and allows for fully quantitative analysis of excluded because of a history of coronary artery
myocardial perfusion. Multiple single-center studies bypass grafting (screening failure). Therefore, 157
have demonstrated the feasibility of dynamic CTP in patients made up the final study population.
the diagnosis of hemodynamically significant stenosis CARDIAC CT. Cardiac CT examinations were per-
defined by fractional flow reserve (FFR) (9-15). High formed using a second- or third-generation dual-
diagnostic performance in single-center studies has source CT (Somatom Definition Flash or Somatom
led to increased expectations for cardiac CT examina- Force, Siemens Healthineers). Cardiac CT protocol
tions, including dynamic CTP. Nevertheless, to the consisted of: 1) a positioning scan; 2) unenhanced CT;
The authors attest they are in compliance with human studies committees and animal welfare regulations of the authors’
institutions and Food and Drug Administration guidelines, including patient consent where appropriate. For more information,
visit the Author Center.
Manuscript received February 12, 2021; revised manuscript received August 5, 2021, accepted August 25, 2021.
JACC VOL. 78, NO. 20, 2021 Kitagawa et al 1939
NOVEMBER 16, 2021:1937–1949 Diagnostic Performance of Dynamic CT Perfusion Imaging in a Prospective Multicenter Study
F I G U R E 1 Patient Flowchart
Hemodynamically Hemodynamically
significant stenosis (–) significant stenosis (+)
n = 81 (vessels = 330) n = 76 (vessels = 112)
Of 174 patients enrolled, 157 patients made up the final study population. For vessel-based analysis, ICA and FFR demonstrated hemody-
namically significant stenosis in 76 of 157 patients or 112 of 442 vessels after exclusion of 16 hypoplastic RCAs and 13 moderately stenotic
vessels without FFR. CABG ¼ coronary artery bypass graft; CAD ¼ coronary artery disease; CT ¼ computed tomography; FFR ¼ fractional flow
reserve; ICA ¼ invasive coronary angiography; RCA ¼ right coronary artery.
3) dynamic stress CTP; 4) resting coronary CTA; and 5) model combining a simplified deconvolution algo-
CT delayed enhancement. Detailed CT protocols are rithm with the maximum-slope method to obtain a
described in the Supplemental Methods. Briefly, dy- voxel-based MBF map, and has been validated in
namic stress CTP was initiated after >3 minutes of animal models (16-18). In this study, an MBF map of
administrating adenosine triphosphate (ATP) at 3-mm thickness and 1-mm increments was generated
0.16 mg/kg/min by injecting 40 mL of iopamidol. for image analysis.
Dynamic datasets were acquired in the end-systolic
phase for 30 seconds via electrocardiogram (ECG)-
formed according to standard techniques within
triggered axial scan mode repeated at 2 alternating
60 days of the cardiac CT. During the procedure,
table positions (ie, “shuttle mode”). Ten minutes af-
coronary arteries were visually assessed. If diameter
ter dynamic stress CTP, standard prospective coro-
stenosis of 26% to 90% was visually observed in the
nary CTA was performed at rest by bolus injection of
main coronary arteries or their branches ($1.5 mm in
26-mg-iodine/kg/s of iopamidol over 12 seconds with
diameter), FFR was measured using a sensor-tipped
the coronary arteries dilated with a nitrate. Heart rate
guidewire as far as the procedure deemed safe. The
was controlled before coronary CTA with intravenous
FFR was calculated as the ratio between the mean
injection of a b-blocker, if necessary. After CTA,
coronary artery pressure distal to the coronary ste-
additional iopamidol was injected as necessary to
nosis measured by the pressure wire and the mean
make the total injected iodine dose of 600 mgI/kg,
aortic pressure measured through the guiding cath-
and a CT delayed enhancement scan was performed
eter, recorded simultaneously under conditions of
5 minutes after coronary CTA.
maximal hyperemia induced by a continuous intra-
Quantitative analysis of dynamic CTP was per-
venous infusion of ATP (0.16 mg/kg/min for a mini-
formed at each site using commercially available
mum of 3 minutes).
perfusion software (Syngo VPCT body, Siemens
Healthineers). This software is specifically designed IMAGE ANALYSIS. Three blinded independent core
for the “shuttle-mode” dynamic CTP, uses a hybrid laboratories analyzed dynamic CTP, coronary CTA,
1940 Kitagawa et al JACC VOL. 78, NO. 20, 2021
Diagnostic Performance of Dynamic CT Perfusion Imaging in a Prospective Multicenter Study NOVEMBER 16, 2021:1937–1949
and ICA. CT delayed enhancement was analyzed at hemodynamically significant stenosis, a vessel or a
the core laboratory for dynamic CTP. patient was considered positive.
Dynamic CTP was analyzed using the MBF map by
STATISTICAL ANALYSIS. Continuous variables are
an observer blinded to the coronary CTA and ICA
presented as the mean SD, and categorical variables
data. Regions of interest were manually placed within
are expressed as frequency (percentage). The diag-
each of the 16 American Heart Association myocardial
nostic performance was analyzed based on the area
segments (excluding an apical segment) in the short-
under the receiver-operating characteristic (ROC)
axis view on the MBF map at a minimal distance of
curve (AUC). The ROC curve was constructed in 2 ap-
1 mm from the endo- and epicardial borders to avoid
proaches: 1) dual positivity with a fixed cutoff for CTA
contamination. Absolute MBF values and those
($50% stenosis) and the best cutoff for relative MBF
normalized by remote MBF, which was the highest
after testing varying cutoffs (Supplemental Table 1);
MBF among the 16 segments, were used to assess
and 2) using a risk score based on a logistic regression
myocardial perfusion (relative MBF values) (19).
analysis with the 5-point scale stenosis degree of CTA
The presence of stenosis on CTA was visually
and relative MBF as predictor variables (21). The risk
evaluated in a joint reading by 2 observers blinded to
score was calculated by the following formula: 0.191 þ
the dynamic CTP and ICA data. Coronary segments
0.856 CTA score – 4.520 relative MBF. The Delong
with a reference diameter of $1.5 mm were assessed
test was used to compare the AUCs. Sensitivity, spec-
for the detection of stenosis using a 5-point scale for
ificity, and predictive values were calculated using a
the luminal narrowing: 0: minimal (0%-24%); 1: mild
cutoff of $50% stenosis on CTA and the best cutoff of
(25%-49%); 2: indeterminate; 3: moderate (50%-69%);
dynamic CTP using the dual-positivity approach. The
and 4: severe (70%-100%). Stented vessels were
McNemar test was used to compare the sensitivity,
evaluated for the presence of significant in-stent
specificity, and accuracy of CTA versus CTA plus CTP in
restenosis, defined as >50% reduction in the lumen
detecting hemodynamic significant stenosis. Indeter-
diameter and classified into the following 3 cate-
minate stenosis degree on CTA was considered to
gories: 0: no restenosis; 2: indeterminate; 4: reste-
be $50% stenosis. The diagnostic impact of adding the
nosis. Vessels were deemed indeterminate when it
quantitative CTP parameters to the CTA score on the
was difficult to determine the degree of stenosis
estimation of the probability of hemodynamically
caused by calcification, stent, or motion artifacts.
significant CAD was evaluated by estimating contin-
Coronary arterial segments and myocardial perfusion
uous net reclassification improvement (NRI) and in-
territories were aligned individually using the model
tegrated discrimination improvement. Furthermore,
used in a previous study, which accounts for vari-
patients were divided into 1-, 2-, and 3-vessel disease
ability in coronary anatomy (20). To combine the re-
according to the results of CTA, and the incremental
sults of CTP and CTA, the lowest MBF in the segments
value of CTP to CTA in each group was tested at the
supplied by the vessel was used for the per-vessel
vessel level using ROC curve analysis. The correlation
analysis. In the per-patient analysis, a patient was
between relative MBF and FFR was evaluated using the
considered positive only if a vessel-based dual posi-
Pearson correlation coefficient. A 2-sided P value
tivity (both CTA and CTP positive) was observed.
below 0.05 was considered statistically significant. All
The presence and extent of delayed enhancement
analyses were performed using the SPSS statistical
was visually evaluated in a joint reading by 2 ob-
package, version 23.0 (IBM) and the R statistical
servers blinded to the dynamic CTP, coronary CTA,
package, version 3.4.4 (R Foundation for Statisti-
and ICA data. Extent of delayed enhancement in each
cal Computing).
myocardial segment was assessed using a 4-point
scale: 0: none (0%); 1: 1%-25%; 2: 26%-50%; 3: 51%- RESULTS
75%; and 4: 76%-100%. For combined assessment of
myocardial perfusion and delayed enhancement, PATIENT CHARACTERISTICS. Baseline characteris-
MBF in each segment was measured by avoiding the tics of the study population are shown in Table 1.
area with delayed enhancement. Segments with a Among the 157 patients (age: 66.5 10.4 years; male:
score of 4 were excluded from this combined analysis. 71%), 54 (34%) had known CAD including a history of
The presence of stenosis on ICA was assessed in a myocardial infarction or percutaneous coronary
joint reading by 2 observers blinded to dynamic CTP intervention. Coronary artery stents were found in 63
results. Hemodynamically significant stenosis was of 442 vessels (14%) and 47 of 157 patients (30%).
defined as FFR of <0.8 or >90% stenosis in segments Pretest probability of obstructive CAD in patients
with diameter of $1.5 mm. In the presence of at least 1 with suspected CAD was 37% 26% by clinical model
JACC VOL. 78, NO. 20, 2021 Kitagawa et al 1941
NOVEMBER 16, 2021:1937–1949 Diagnostic Performance of Dynamic CT Perfusion Imaging in a Prospective Multicenter Study
Diagnostic Performance of Dynamic CT Perfusion Imaging in a Prospective Multicenter Study NOVEMBER 16, 2021:1937–1949
A 75-year-old woman with nonspecific chest pain with a history of myocardial infarction and stent placement to the LAD artery. Dynamic
CTP showed reduced myocardial blood flow in the LAD territory in both the (A) short-axis view and (B) long-axis view (absolute MBF:
41 mL/100 mL/min; relative MBF: 0.25). (C and D) CT delayed enhancement revealed a subendocardial infarction in the anterior wall within
the reduced MBF area (arrows). Coronary CTA (E) showed a high-grade stenosis in the LAD artery just proximal to the stent (arrow). Invasive
coronary angiography (F) revealed >90% stenosis (arrow). CTA ¼ computed tomography angiography; CTP ¼ computed tomography
perfusion; LAD ¼ left anterior descending; MBF ¼ myocardial blood flow; other abbreviations as in Figure 1.
CTA was 0.81 (95% CI: 0.73-0.86), which was signifi- Table 2 and Supplemental Table 3. Accuracy data
cantly improved to 0.85 (95% CI: 0.78-0.90; using $70% stenosis as the CTA positive threshold,
P ¼ 0.027) by relative MBF. The influence of adding which demonstrated a suboptimal sensitivity of CTA
CTP to CTA by requiring dual positivity is shown in (53%) and combined CTA and CTP (39%), are also
JACC VOL. 78, NO. 20, 2021 Kitagawa et al 1943
NOVEMBER 16, 2021:1937–1949 Diagnostic Performance of Dynamic CT Perfusion Imaging in a Prospective Multicenter Study
An 80-year-old man with nonspecific chest pain with diabetes mellitus and hypertension. (A) Coronary CTA showed mild stenosis in the right
coronary artery. Obstructive stenoses due to heavily calcified plaque were suspected in the (B) proximal LAD and (C) left circumflex artery
(arrow). (D) On dynamic CTP, both absolute and relative MBF were well above the threshold for ischemia (116 mL/100 mL/min for absolute
MBF and 0.71 for relative MBF) in all myocardial segments, although a mild decrease in MBF was observed subendocardially. (E) There was
no delayed enhancement. Invasive coronary angiography demonstrated 50% stenoses in the (F) proximal LAD and (G) left circumflex artery
(arrows), which were both negative for hemodynamic significance, with FFR values of 0.83 and 0.90, respectively. Abbreviations as in
Figures 1 and 2.
1944 Kitagawa et al JACC VOL. 78, NO. 20, 2021
Diagnostic Performance of Dynamic CT Perfusion Imaging in a Prospective Multicenter Study NOVEMBER 16, 2021:1937–1949
80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
100-Specificity 100-Specificity
The receiver-operating characteristic curve and corresponding area under the curve describing the diagnostic performance of coronary computed to-
mography angiography (CTA) alone and combined CTA plus dynamic computed tomography perfusion (CTP) with relative myocardial blood flow to
identify hemodynamically significant coronary artery disease as defined by invasive coronary angiography with fractional flow reserve at (A) the patient
level and (B) the vessel level. Adding CTP to coronary CTA significantly increased the area under the curve at both the patient and vessel levels.
presented in Supplemental Table 4. Thirty-two pa- (95% CI: 61%-82%), 75% (95% CI: 65%-84%), 73%
tients with positive CTA were correctly reclassified as (95% CI: 65%-81%), 74% (95% CI: 66%-81%), and 74%
negative by CTP, and 16 patients with positive CTA (95% CI: 66%-80%), respectively, with a significant
who had hemodynamically significant CAD on ICA improvement in specificity (P < 0.001) and accuracy
were incorrectly reclassified as negative by CTP. CTA (P < 0.001) and a significant decrease in sensitivity
and ICA findings in these 16 patients are summarized (P < 0.001). Continuous net reclassification
in Supplemental Table 5. The sensitivity, specificity, improvement and integrated discrimination
positive and negative predictive values, and accuracy improvement were 0.289 (95% CI: 0.014-0.564;
of CTA alone with a fixed cutoff ($50% stenosis) were P ¼ 0.039) and 0.029 (95% CI: -0.015 to 0.072;
93% (95% CI: 85%-98%), 36% (95% CI: 25%-47%), 58% P ¼ 0.192), respectively, when comparing combined
(95% CI: 53%-62%), 85% (95% CI: 70%-93%), and 64% CTA and CTP to CTA alone. The percentage of patients
(95% CI: 56%-71%). When relative MBF was added to with CAD whose probability of CAD increased by
CTA with a cutoff of 0.68, these values were 72% adding the results of CTP to CTA was 34.2% (26/76),
JACC VOL. 78, NO. 20, 2021 Kitagawa et al 1945
NOVEMBER 16, 2021:1937–1949 Diagnostic Performance of Dynamic CT Perfusion Imaging in a Prospective Multicenter Study
Diagnostic Performance of Dynamic CT Perfusion Imaging in a Prospective Multicenter Study NOVEMBER 16, 2021:1937–1949
80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20
n = 95 n = 126
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
100-Specificity 100-Specificity
n = 126
0 20 40 60 80 100
Diagnostic performance of coronary CTA alone and combined CTA plus dynamic CTP with relative MBF in (A) 1-, (B) 2-, and (C) 3-vessel
disease by CTA. The addition of dynamic CTP to CTA significantly increased the AUC in 2- and 3-vessel disease, but not in 1-vessel disease.
1VD ¼ 1-vessel disease; 2VD ¼ 2-vessel disease; 3VD ¼ 3-vessel disease; AUC ¼ area under the curve; other abbreviations as in Figure 2.
that the combination of CTA and perfusion correctly acquisition protocols are limited to a qualitative and
identifies patients with flow-limiting CAD, defined visual evaluation of myocardial perfusion. On the
as $50% stenosis by ICA causing a perfusion defect by other hand, the dynamic CTP technique is based on
single photon emission CT (21). Single-shot repeated imaging over time during the inflow and
JACC VOL. 78, NO. 20, 2021 Kitagawa et al 1947
NOVEMBER 16, 2021:1937–1949 Diagnostic Performance of Dynamic CT Perfusion Imaging in a Prospective Multicenter Study
washout of the contrast agent in the myocardial tis- assess for ischemia. In fact, previous studies have
sue and vascular compartment to construct time- shown a strong relationship between ischemia and
attenuation curves from which MBF values can be unfavorable prognosis (4-6,25,26). A detailed patient
computed. In this regard, the dynamic approach has risk assessment may be useful in selecting patients
the potential to provide a more objective assessment for a closer follow-up or more aggressive medical
of myocardial perfusion compared with the static therapy, even when medical therapy is the treatment
approach using visual evaluation. Still, further of choice. Additionally, in the ISCHEMIA trial, pa-
research is encouraged to investigate whether MBF tients in the invasive-strategy group had more pro-
quantified with the dynamic approach has added cedural infarctions and fewer nonprocedural
value to the static approach (eg, identification of infarctions during follow-up, implying the impor-
diffuse ischemia using absolute MBF in patients with tance of assessing whether revascularization can be
triple-vessel disease). safely performed and the extent to which revascu-
The diagnostic performance of dynamic CTP was larization can improve myocardial ischemia (27,28).
not affected by considering or not considering the In this respect, visualization of coronary anatomy
delayed enhancement. This may be because the with CTA and quantification of ischemic burden with
viable myocardium around scar also had a lower MBF dynamic CTP could play a pivotal role in optimizing
compared to the remote myocardium, although not as therapy for patients with extensive CAD, especially
much as that of scar. Methods to adequately diagnose when optimal medical therapy has failed (29).
ischemia in the presence of scar need to be further
STUDY LIMITATIONS. First, this was performed in
patients referred for ICA who consented to participate
CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS. Our results implied that a in the study. Selection bias may be present because
single CT examination may allow both the assessment need of ICA was evaluated by the referring physician,
of coronary morphology with CTA and the quantita- patient enrollment was not consecutive, and subjects
tive evaluation of the hemodynamic significance of included had a high probability of coronary artery
anatomic lesions with dynamic CTP. However, in a stenosis. Thus, the results are applicable only to
subgroup of patients with single-vessel lesions in populations with the same prevalence as in this
coronary CTAs, the improvement in diagnostic accu- study. In addition, all subjects were Asian and had a
racy with the addition of dynamic CTP was not sta- relatively small body weight, which made scanning
tistically significant. This may be due to the higher easier than in patients of different races with a larger
diagnostic accuracy of coronary CTA alone for single- body size. Second, although among 121 CTP scans
vessel disease. On the other hand, when multivessel performed in the second-generation scanner 26 scans
disease is suspected by coronary CTA, CTP can indi- (21%) showed incomplete z-axis coverage within the
cate which vascular territories are ischemic and may length of 73 mm, all scans performed in the third-
be useful for treatment planning, including revascu- generation scanner had complete z-axis coverage
larization. Given that this study was done on patients within the length of 105 mm. Third, combining CTA
referred to ICA rather than those referred to coronary with dynamic CTP increases the radiation exposure.
CTA, our study findings may suggest that coronary The radiation dose in this study was 4.9 mSv, which
CTA may be appropriate in this high-risk population if was comparable to that in a multicenter trial using
CTP is available. static CTP (5.3 mSv) (21). Nevertheless, more efforts in
However, the improvement in the diagnosis of technical developments are desired to decrease the
hemodynamically significant coronary stenosis with radiation exposure for an extensive use of dynamic
the addition of CTP was relatively small and of un- CTP in clinical practice. Fourth, all scans in this study
clear clinical significance. Moreover, in the recently were performed with dual-source CTs, and therefore,
published ISCHEMIA (International Study of the results are not applicable to non–dual-source CT
Comparative Health Effectiveness with Medical and techniques. The use of shuttle mode does not allow
Invasive Approaches) trial, an initial invasive strategy image capture at every heartbeat for every level of the
as compared with an initial conservative strategy did myocardium. This may lead to less precise time
not confer a reduced risk in patients with moderate to attenuation curves. Fifth, the ICA procedures were
severe myocardial ischemia, suggesting that many of often done in a typical clinical fashion, and FFR was
these patients might possibly be treated medically not performed in all vessels with intermediate ste-
without assessment of myocardial perfusion (24). nosis severity, which can introduce measurement
However, this does not mean that we do not need to selection bias in the performance of FFR. Sixth,
1948 Kitagawa et al JACC VOL. 78, NO. 20, 2021
Diagnostic Performance of Dynamic CT Perfusion Imaging in a Prospective Multicenter Study NOVEMBER 16, 2021:1937–1949
invasive FFR may not be an ideal reference standard ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors are grateful to Dr
for myocardial perfusion imaging. For example, Kensuke Nishimiya for his help with the analysis of
invasive FFR should be questioned in the presence of invasive coronary angiography.
infarcted myocardium (30). In addition, using nitrate
to block coronary spasm when measuring invasive
FFR and not using nitrate for dynamic CTP may be Sponsored by Bayer Yakuhin, Ltd. The study sponsor was not involved
one of the reasons for the discrepancy between the in any stage of the study design, data acquisition, data analysis, or
invasive FFR and dynamic CTP. Seventh, CTP was manuscript preparation. Dr Kitagawa is the Endowed Chair for
Department of Advanced Diagnostic Imaging at Mie University Grad-
done before coronary CTA to obtain a “clean” CTP,
uate School of Medicine funded by donations from Siemens Healthcare
without any contamination from drugs to be admin- K.K. and FUJIFILM Medical Co, Ltd. All other authors have reported
istered for the coronary CTA (contrast agent, beta- that they have no relationships relevant to the contents of this paper
value of dynamic CTP, which was the second gawa, Department of Advanced Diagnostic Imaging,
endpoint of this study, was not investigated. Mie University Graduate School of Medicine, 2-174
Although there have been several retrospective Edobashi, Tsu, Mie 514-8507, Japan. E-mail: kakuya@
studies related to the prognostic implication of dy- med.mie-u.ac.jp. Twitter: @KakuyaKitagawa.
namic CTP (25,26,31), data from prospective studies PERSPECTIVES
are limited. Further follow-up analysis should be
performed to confirm the safety and prognostic value
of dynamic CTP in our study.
PROCEDURAL SKILLS: Combining dynamic CT
perfusion imaging with coronary CT angiography can
improve the detection of hemodynamically significant
coronary stenosis compared with coronary CT
Our results suggest that the combination of anatomic
angiography alone, especially in patients with multi-
assessment of coronary arteries with CTA and func-
vessel disease.
tional evaluation with MBF quantified by dynamic
CTP allows more accurate identification of hemody-
namically significant stenosis compared with CTA
tion is needed to evaluate the value of incorporating
alone. However, the clinical significance of this
delayed enhancement imaging along with dual-source
approach, including its usefulness in improving
dynamic CT perfusion imaging and angiography in the
prognosis and cost-effectiveness, needs to be further
assessment of patients with coronary artery disease.
investigated in further multicenter, multivendor
studies with a very large sample size.
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onary artery stenosis using a porcine animal mental prognostic value of myocardial blood flow as well as supplemental tables and figures,
model. Invest Radiol. 2012;47:71–77. quantified with stress dynamic computed please see the online version of this paper.