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Rosenbaum Test Bank

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Chapter 7 Multiple-Choice Quiz

1. During infancy, reaching and grasping typically show sensitivity to

a. Size, then distance, then direction

b. Size, then direction, then distance
c. Distance, then direction, then size
d. Direction, then distance, then size

2. The best way to help people adapt to inverting lenses is to

a. Use passive manipulation

b. Use active exploration
c. Use the “what” system
d. Cheer them on

3. Research on adaptation to distortions of visual feedback indicate that

a. Vision dominates touch

b. Touch dominates vision
c. Touch and vision are equally important
d. Everyone is different

4. Which result is consistent with the two-visual system hypothesis?

a. A circle surrounded by large circles looks smaller than the same

center circle surrounded by small circles
b. A disc surrounded by large discs is grasped in the same way as the
same center disc surrounded by large discs
c. Damage to one part of the brain impairs object recognition but not
vision for action, whereas damage to another part of the brain
impairs vision for action but not object recognition
d. All of the above

5. Which result is the usual one concerning eye-hand coordination?

a. The eye and hand land on the target simultaneously

b. The hand lands on the target before the eye does
c. The eye lands on the target before the hand does
d. The data are too variable to draw any conclusions

6. When people move the hand to a target

a. Direction errors tend to be larger than amplitude errors

Chapter 7 Quiz Copyright © 2010, Elsevier, Inc. Page 1 of 5

b. Amplitude errors tend to be larger than directions errors
c. Hand speed tends to scale with amplitude
d. Both b and c

7. A method that has been used to determine how long it takes to use visual
feedback to correct manual positioning movements is

a. Have people move back and forth between targets without any visual
feedback in any condition
b. Have people move back and forth between targets with full visual
feedback in all conditions
c. Have people move back and forth between targets with visual
feedback available from one side of the space but not the other
d. Have people move back and forth between targets at different rates
both with and without visual feedback

8. Which of the following equations is referred to as Fitts’ Law?

a. MT = a + b log2(2A/W)
b. MT = a + b log2(2W/A)
c. MT = a / b log2(2A/W)
d. MT = b / a log2(2W/A)

9. Fitts’ Law has been explained at different points in history with

a. The iterative corrections model

b. The impulse variability model
c. The optimized initial impulse model
d. All of the above

10. Which of the following would best support the equilibrium point

a. Muscle resting lengths are changed for upcoming voluntary

b. Balance is maintained during reaching and grasping movements
c. People can coordinate their efforts
d. None of these outcomes supports the hypothesis

11. If you favored the discrete view over the continuous view of manual
positioning, you would argue that

a. Series of movements that appear continuous actually consist of

overlapping cascades of discrete movements

Chapter 7 Quiz Copyright © 2010, Elsevier, Inc. Page 2 of 5

b. Series of movements that appear continuous actually consist of
disconnected series of discrete movements
c. Series of movements that appear continuous actually consist of
disconnected series of continuous movements
d. None of the above

12. Changing the size of an object to be grasped typically affects

a. The transport phase as well as the grasp phase

b. The transport phase but not the grasp phase
c. The grasp phase but not the transport phase
d. Neither the transport phase nor the grasp phase

13. Hand-space planning predicts __________, whereas joint-space planning

predicts ____________.

a. Straight paths in external spatial coordinates, curved paths in

intrinsic, joint coordinates
b. Curved paths in external spatial coordinates, straight paths in
intrinsic, joint coordinates
c. Curved paths in external spatial coordinates, curved paths in
intrinsic, joint coordinates
d. Straight paths in external spatial coordinates, straight paths in
intrinsic, joint coordinates

14. Coupling of the limbs has been ascribed to

a. Coordinative structures
b. Coupling of oscillators
c. Conceptual difficulties
d. All of the above

15. When one hand aims for a target with some index of difficulty (ID), its
movement time

a. Shortens if the other hand aims for a target with a larger ID

b. Shortens if the other hand aims for a target with a smaller ID
c. Lengthens if the other hand aims for a target with a larger ID
d. Lengthens if the other hand aims for a target with a smaller ID

16. Which two events tend to coincide during reaching and grasping?

a. Maximal finger widening and start of the slow-approach phase

b. Maximal finger widening and end of the slow-approach phase

Chapter 7 Quiz Copyright © 2010, Elsevier, Inc. Page 3 of 5

c. Minimal finger widening and start of the slow-approach phase
d. Minimal finger widening and end of the slow-approach phase

17. The graph relating acceleration to displacement

a. Has larger loops for high IDs than low IDs

b. Has larger loops for low IDs than high IDs
c. Has equal-size loops for low and high IDs
d. Has never been studied

18. In tasks involving finger movements, it has been found, even in patients
lacking sensory feedback from their fingers, that

a. Distance reproduction is as good as location reproduction

b. Distance reproduction is better than location reproduction
c. Distance reproduction is worse than location reproduction
d. No reproduction is ever possible

19. Babies appear to take full advantage of visual feedback for reaching by

a. Three months of age

b. Five months of age
c. Seven months of age
d. Nine months of age

20. When people turn cranks that cause flags to revolve via gears

a. The people can easily generate complex rotation ratios if the seen
rotation ratios are complex
b. The people can easily generate simple rotation ratios if the seen
rotation ratios are simple
c. The people can easily generate complex rotation ratios if the seen
rotation ratios are simple
d. Both b and c

Chapter 7 Quiz Copyright © 2010, Elsevier, Inc. Page 4 of 5

Chapter 7 Answer Key

1. d

2. b

3. a

4. d

5. c

6. d

7. d

8. a

9. d

10. a

11. a

12. c

13. d

14. d

15. c

16. a

17. b

18. c

19. d

20. d

Chapter 7 Quiz Copyright © 2010, Elsevier, Inc. Page 5 of 5

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good annealing a piece should never be hotter in one part than in
another, and no part should be hotter than necessary, usually the
medium orange color. Annealing, then, is a slow process
comparatively, and sufficient time should be allowed.
There are many ways of annealing steel, and generally the plan
used is well adapted to the result desired; it is necessary, however,
to consider the end aimed at and to adopt means to accomplish it,
because a plan that is excellent in one case may be entirely
inefficient in another.
Probably the greatest amount of annealing is done in the
manufacture of wire, where many tons must be annealed daily.
For annealing wire sunken cylindrical pits built of fire-bricks are
used usually; the coils of wire are piled up in the cylinders, which are
then covered tightly, and heat is applied through flues surrounding
the cylinders, so that no flame comes in contact with the steel. For all
ordinary uses this method of annealing wire is quick, economical,
and satisfactory. The wire comes out with a heavy scale of oxide on
the surface; this is pickled off in hot acid, and the steel should then
be washed in limewater, then in clean water, and finally dried.
If it be desired to make drill-wire for drills, punches, graving-tools,
etc., this plan will not answer, because under the removable scale
there is left a thin film of decarbonized iron which cannot be pickled
off without ruining the steel, and which will not harden. It is plain that
this soft surface must be ruinous to steel intended for cutting-tools,
for it prevents the extreme edge from hardening—the very place that
must be hard if cutting is to be done.
Tools for drills, lathe-tools, reamers, punches, etc., are usually
annealed in iron boxes, filled in the spaces between the tools with
charcoal; the box is then looted and heated in a furnace adapted to
the work. This is a satisfactory method generally, because the tools
are either ground or turned after annealing, removing any
decarbonized film that may be found; the charcoal usually takes up
all of the oxygen and prevents the formation of heavy scale and
decarbonized surfaces, but it does not do so entirely, and so for
annealing drill-wire this plan is not satisfactory. It is a common
practice in annealing in this way to continue the heating for many
hours, sometimes as many as thirty-six hours, in the mistaken notion
that long-continued heating produces greater softness, and some
people adhere to this plan in spite of remonstrances, because they
find that pieces so annealed will turn as easily as soft cast iron. This
last statement is true; the pieces may be turned in a lathe or cut in
any way as easily as soft cast iron, for the reason that that is exactly
what they are practically. When steel is made properly, the carbon is
nearly all in a condition of complete solution; it is in the very best
condition to harden well and to be enduring.
When steel is heated above the recalescence-point into the
plastic condition, the carbon at once begins to separate out of
solution and into what is known as the graphitic condition. If it be
kept hot long enough, the carbon will practically all take the graphitic
form, and then the steel will not harden properly, and it will not hold
its temper. To illustrate: Let a piece of 90-carbon steel be hardened
and drawn to a light brown temper; it will be found to be almost file
hard, very strong, and capable of holding a fine, keen edge for a long
Next let a part of the same bar be buried in charcoal in a box and
be closed up air-tight, then let it be heated to a medium orange, no
hotter, and be kept at that heat for twelve hours, a common practice,
and then cooled slowly. This piece will be easily cut, and it will
harden very hard, but when drawn to the same light brown as the
other tool a file will cut it easily; it will not hold its edge, and it will not
do good work.
Clearly in this case time and money have been spent merely in
spoiling good material. There is nothing to be gained, and there is
everything to be lost, in long-continued heating of any piece of steel
for any purpose. When it is hot enough, and hot through, get it away
from the fire as quickly as possible.
This method of box-annealing is not satisfactory when applied to
drill-wire, or to long thin strands intended for clock-springs, watch-
springs, etc.
The coils or strands do not come out even; they will be harder in
one part than in another; they will not take an even temper. When
hardened and tempered, some parts will be found to be just right,
and others will have a soft surface, or will not hold a good temper.
The reason of this seems to be a want of uniformity in the conditions:
the charcoal does not take up all of the oxygen before the steel is hot
enough to be attacked, and so a decarbonized surface is formed in
some parts; or it may be that some of the carbon dioxide which is
formed comes in contact with the surface of the steel and takes
another equivalent of carbon from it. Whatever the reaction may be,
the fact is that much soft surface is formed. This soft surface may not
be more than .001 of an inch thick, but that is enough to ruin a
watch-spring or a fine drill.
Again, it seems to be impossible to heat such boxes evenly; it is
manifest that it must take a considerable length of time to heat a
mass of charcoal up to the required temperature, and if the whole be
not so heated some of the steel will not be heated sufficiently; this
will show itself in the subsequent drawing of the wire or rolling of the
strands. On the other hand, if the whole mass be brought up to the
required heat, some of the steel will have come up to the heat
quickly, and will then have been subjected to that heat during the
balance of the operation, and in this way the carbon will be thrown
out of solution partly. This is proven by the fact that strands made in
this way and hardened and tempered by the continuous process will
be hard and soft at regular intervals, showing that one side of the coil
has been subjected to too much heat. This trouble is overcome by
open annealing, which will be described presently.
When steel is heated in an open furnace, there is always a scale
of oxide formed on the surface; this scale, being hard, and of the
nature of sand or of sandstone, grinds away the edges of cutting-
tools, so that, although the steel underneath may be soft and in good
cutting condition, this gritty surface is very objectionable. This trouble
is overcome by annealing in closed vessels; when charcoal is used,
the difficulties just mentioned in connection with wire- and strand-
annealing operate to some extent, although not so seriously,
because the steel is to be machined, removing the surface.
The Jones method of annealing in an atmosphere of gas is a
complete cure for these troubles.
Jones uses ordinary gas-pipes or welded tubes of sizes to suit
the class of work. One end of the tube is welded up solid; the other
end is reinforced by a band upon which a screw-thread is cut; a cap
is made to screw on this end when the tube is charged. A gas-pipe
of about ½-inch diameter is screwed into the solid end, and a hole of
¹/₁₆- to ⅛-inch diameter is drilled in the cap.
When the tube is charged and the cap is screwed on, a hose
connected with a gas-main is attached to the piece of gas-pipe in the
solid end of the tube; the gas-pipe is long enough to project out of
the end of the furnace a foot or so through a slot made in the end of
the furnace for that purpose.
The gas is now turned on and a flame is held near the hole in the
cap until the escaping gas ignites; this shows that the air is driven
out and replaced by gas.
The pipe is now rolled into the furnace and the door is closed, the
gas continuing to flow through the pipe. By keeping the pipe down to
a proper annealing-heat it is manifest that the steel will not be any
hotter than the pipe. By heating the pipe evenly by rolling it over
occasionally the steel will be heated evenly. A little experience will
teach the operator how long it takes to heat through a given size of
pipe and its contents, so that he need not expose his steel to heat
any longer than necessary.
There is not a great quantity of gas consumed in the operation,
because the expanding gas in the tube makes a back pressure, the
vent in the cap being small. This seems to be the perfection of
annealing. A tube containing a bushel or more of bright, polished
tacks will deliver them all perfectly bright and as ductile as lead,
showing that there is no oxidation whatever. Experiments with drill-
rods, with the use of natural gas, have shown that they can be
annealed in this way, leaving the surface perfectly bright, and
thoroughly hard when quenched. This Jones process is patented.
Although the Jones process is so perfect, and necessary for
bright surfaces, its detail is not necessary when a tarnished surface
is not objectionable.
The charcoal difficulty can be overcome also. Let a pipe be made
like a Jones pipe without a hole in the cap or a gas-pipe in the end.
To charge it first throw a handful of resin into the bottom of the pipe,
then put in the steel, then another handful of resin near the open
end, and screw on the cap. The cap is a loose fit. Now roll the whole
into the furnace; the resin will be volatilized at once, fill the pipe with
carbon or hydrocarbon gases, and unite with the air long before the
steel is hot enough to be attacked.
The gas will cause an outward pressure, and may be seen
burning as it leaks through the joint at the cap. This prevents air from
coming in contact with the steel. This method is as efficient as the
Jones plan as far as perfect heating and easy management are
concerned. It reduces the scale on the surfaces of the pieces,
leaving them a dark gray color and covered with fine carbon or soot.
For annealing blocks or bars it is handier and cheaper than the
Jones plan, but it will not do for polished surfaces. This method is not

Open annealing, or annealing without boxes or pipes, is practised
wherever there are comparatively few pieces to anneal and where a
regular annealing-plant would not pay, or in a specially arranged
annealing-furnace where drill-wire, clock-spring steel, etc., are to be
For ordinary work a blacksmith has near his fire a box of dry lime
or of powdered charcoal. He brings his piece up to the right heat and
buries it in the box, where it may cool slowly. In annealing in this way
it is well not to use blast, because it is liable to force all edges up to
too high a heat and to make a very heavy scale all over the surface.
With a little common-sense and by the use of a little care this way of
annealing is admirable.
It is a common practice where there is a furnace in use in
daytime and allowed to go cold at night to charge the furnace in the
evening, after the fire is drawn, with steel to be annealed, close the
doors and damper, and leave the whole until morning. The furnace
does not look too hot when it is closed up, but no one knows how hot
it will make the steel by radiation: the steel is almost always made
too hot, it is kept hot too long, and so converted into cast iron, and
there is an excessively heavy scale on it.
Many thousands of dollars worth of good steel are ruined
annually in this way, and it is in every way about the worst method of
annealing that was ever devised.
To anneal wire or thin strands in an open furnace the furnace
should be built with vertical walls about two feet high and then
arched to a half circle. The inports for flame should be vertical and
open into the furnace at the top of the vertical wall; the outports for
the gases of combustion should be vertical and at the same level as
the inports and on the opposite side of the furnace from the inports.
These outflues may be carried under the floor of the furnace to keep
it hot.
The bottom of the door should be at the level of the ports to keep
indraught air away from the steel. The annealing-pot is then the
whole size of the furnace—two feet deep—and closed all around.
The draught should be regulated so that the flame will pass
around the roof, or so nearly so as to never touch the steel, not even
in momentary eddies.
In such a furnace clock-spring wire not more than .01 inch in
diameter, or clock-spring strands not more than .006 to .008 inch
thick and several hundred feet long, may be annealed perfectly. The
steel is scaled of course, but the operation is so quick and so
complete that there is no decarbonized surface under the scale.
This plan is better than the Jones method or any closed method,
because the big boxes necessary to hold the strands or coils cannot
be heated up without in some parts overheating the steel; all of
which is avoided in the open furnace, because by means of peep-
holes the operator can see what he is about, and after a little
practice he can anneal large quantities of steel uniformly and

For nearly all structural and machinery purposes steel is used in

the condition in which it comes from the rolls or the forge; in
exceptional cases it is annealed, and in some cases such as for wire
in cables or for bearings in machinery, it is hardened and tempered.
For all uses for tools steel must be hardened, or hardened and
tempered. The operations of hardening and tempering, including the
necessary heating, are the most important, the most delicate, and
the most difficult of all of the manipulations to which steel is
subjected; these operations form an art in themselves where skill,
care, good judgment, and experience are required to produce
reliable and satisfactory results. It is a common idea that all that is
necessary is to heat a piece of steel, quench it in water, brine, or
some pet nostrum, and then warm it to a certain color; these are
indeed the only operations that are necessary, but the way in which
they are done are all-important.
An experienced steel-maker is often amazed at the confidence
with which an ignorant person will put a valuable tool in the fire, rush
the heat up to some bright color, or half a dozen colors at once, and
souse it into the cooling-bath without regard to consequences. That
such work does not always result in disastrous fractures shows that
steel does possess marvellous strength to resist even the worst
disregard of rules and facts.
On the other hand, the beautiful work upon the most delicate and
difficult shapes that is done by one skilled in the art cannot but excite
the surprise and admiration of the onlooker who is familiar with the
physics of steel, and who can appreciate the delicacy of handling
required in the operation.
There are a few simple laws to observe and rules to follow which
will lead to success; they will be stated in this chapter as clearly as
may be, in the hope of giving the reader a good starting-point and a
plain path to follow; but he who would become an expert can do so
only by travelling the road carefully step by step. The hair-spring of a
watch, or a little pinion or pivot, so small that it can only be seen
through a magnifying-glass, the exquisitely engraved die costing
hundreds or thousands of dollars, and the huge armor-plate
weighing many tons, must all be hardened and tempered under
precisely the same laws and in exactly the same way; the only
difference is in the means of getting at it in each case.
Referring now to properties mentioned in the previous chapters,
we have first to heat the piece to the right temperature and then to
cool it in the quickest possible way in order to secure the greatest
hardness and the best grain. In doing this we subject the steel to the
greatest shocks or strains, and great care must be used.
The importance of uniformity in heating for forging and for
annealing has been stated, and it has been shown how an error in
this may be rectified by another and a more careful heating; when it
comes to hardening, this uniformity must be insisted upon and
emphasized, for as a rule an error here has no remedy.
There may be cases of bad work that do not cause actual
fracture that can be remedied by re-heating and hardening, but these
are rare, because even if incurable fracture does not occur the error
is not discovered until the piece has been put to work and its failure
develops the errors of the temperer.
If the error is one of merely too low heat, not producing thorough
hardening, it will generally be discovered by the operator, who will
then try again and possibly succeed; but if the error be of uneven
heat, or too much heat, the probabilities are that it will not be
discovered until the piece fails in work, when it will be too late to
apply any remedy.
Referring to Table I, Chap. V, treating of specific gravities, it is
clear that all steel possesses different specific gravities, due to
differences of temperature, and that these differences of specific
gravity increase as the carbon content increases; it follows that if a
piece of steel be heated unevenly, internal strains must be set up in
the mass, and it is certain that if steel be quenched in this condition
violent strains will be set up, even to the causing of fractures.
The theory of this action, as of all hardening, is involved in
discussion which will be considered later; in this chapter the facts will
be dealt with. When a piece of steel is heated, no matter how
unevenly or to what temperature below actual granulation, and is
allowed to cool slowly and without disturbance, it will not break or
crack under the operation. If a piece be heated as unevenly as, say,
medium orange in one part and medium lemon in another, and is
then quenched, it will be almost certain to crack if it contains enough
carbon to harden at all in the common acceptance of the term, that is
to say, file hard or having carbon 40 or higher.
This fact is too well known to be open to discussion; therefore the
quenching of hot steel, the operation of hardening, does set up
violent strains in steel, no matter what the true theory of hardening
may be.
Referring to Chap. V, to the series of squares representing the
apparent sizes of grain due to different temperatures, similar results
follow from hardening, with the exceptions that the different
structures are far more plainly marked, and the squares should be
arranged a little differently; they are shown as continuously larger in
Chap. V, from the grain of the cold bar up to the highest
temperature; this is true if a bar has been rolled or hammered
properly into a fine condition of grain. Of course if a bar be finished
at, say, medium orange it will have a grain due to that heat—No. 3 in
the series of squares. Then if it be heated to dark orange and cooled
from that heat it will take on a grain corresponding to square No. 2,
and No. 1 square will be eliminated.
The series of squares to represent hardened grain will be as
The heat colors being the same as before, viz.:
1. The natural bar—untreated.
2. Quenched at dark orange or orange red.
3. “ “ medium orange—refined.
4. “ “ bright orange.
5. “ “ dark lemon.
6. “ “ medium lemon.
7. “ “ bright lemon.
8. “ “ very bright lemon or creamy.

Heats 6, 7, 8 will almost invariably produce

cracks although the pieces be evenly heated.
These squares do not represent absolute structures with marked
divisions; they are only the steps on an incline, like the temper
numbers in the carbon series; thus, the carbon-line is continuous,
but the temper divisions represent steps up the incline. So with the
series of squares, the changes of grain or structure are continuous,
as represented by the doubly inclined line; the squares being only
the steps to indicate easily observed divisions. The minuteness of
the changes is illustrated by the fact that in a piece heated
continuously from creamy to dark orange and quenched, differences
of grain have been observed unmistakably on opposite sides of
pieces broken off not more than ⅛ inch thick.
In practice the differences due to the colors given in the list above
are as plain and surely marked as are the differences in the structure
of ingots due to the different temper carbons already described.
In this hardened series each carbon temper gives its own
peculiar grain; in low steel, say 40 carbon compared to 1.00 carbon
or higher, No. 3 will be larger and No. 8 will be smaller in the low
temper than in the high—another illustration of the fact that low steel
is more inert to the action of heat than high steel. All grades and all
tempers go through the same changes, but they are more marked in
the high than in the low steel.
The grain of hardened steel is affected by the presence of silicon,
phosphorus, and manganese, and doubtless by any other
ingredients, these three being the most common.
It is in the grain of hardened steel that the conditions described in
Chap. V as “sappy,” “dry,” and “fiery” are the most easily and
frequently observed, although the same conditions obtain in
unhardened steel in a manner that is useful to an observing steel-
user. But it is in this hardened condition that the excellences or
defects of steel are brought out and emphasized.
When a piece of steel is heated continuously from “creamy,” or
scintillating, down to black, or unheated, and is then quenched, the
grain will be found to be coarsest, hardest, and most brittle at the
hottest end, and with the brightest lustre, even to brilliancy, and to
become finer down to a certain point, noted as No. 3 in the series of
squares, or at a heat which shows about a medium orange color;
here the grain becomes exceedingly fine, and here the steel is found
to be the strongest and to be without lustre. Below this heat the grain
appears coarser and the steel is less hard, until the grain and
condition of the unheated part are reached. This fine condition,
known as the refined condition, is very remarkable. It is the condition
to be aimed at in all hardening operations, with one or two
exceptions which will be noted, because in this state steel is at its
best; it is strongest then, and it would seem to be clear without
argument that the finest grain and the strongest will hold the best at
a fine cutting-edge, and will do the most work with the least wear,
although a coarser grain may be a little harder, the coarser and more
brittle condition of the latter more than counterbalancing its superior
The advantages of this refined condition are so great that it is
found to be well to harden and refine mild-steel dies, and battering-
and cutting-tools that are to be used for hot work, although the heat
will draw out all of the temper in the first few minutes, because the
superior strength of the fine grain will enable the tool to do twice to
twenty times more work than an unhardened tool.
The refining-heat, like most other properties, varies with the
carbon; the medium orange given is the proper heat for normal tool-
steel of from about 90 to 110 carbon. Steel of 150 carbon will refine
at about a dark orange, and steel of 50 to 60 carbon will require
about a bright orange to refine it.
This range is small, but it must be observed and worked to if the
best results are desired.
A color-blind person can never learn to harden steel properly.
In studying this phenomenon of refining, the conclusion was
reached that it occurred at or immediately above the temperature
that broke up the crystalline condition of cold steel and brought it
fairly into the second, the plastic condition. Farther observation led to
the conclusion that the coarser grain and greater hardness caused
by higher heats were due to the gradual change from plastic toward
granular condition that takes place as the heat increases. Later
investigations have given no reason for changing these conclusions.
When the phenomenon of recalescence was observed and
investigated by Osmond and others, different theories were
advanced in explanation.
Langley concluded that if recalescence occurred at the change
from a plastic to a crystalline condition, then the heat absorbed and
again set free during such changes would account for the visible
phenomenon of recalescence.
Again, if it should prove that recalescence occurred at the refining
point, the conjunction of these phenomena would indicate strongly,
first, that refining does occur at the point where this change of
structure is complete in the reverse order, from crystalline to plastic;
and second, the first being true, recalescence would be explained as
stated, as indicating the inevitable absorption and emission of heat
due to such a change.
Langley fitted up an electric apparatus for heating steel, in a box
so placed that the light was practically uniform, that is, so that bright
sunlight, or a cloudy sky, or passing clouds would not affect seriously
the observation of heat-colors.
Pieces of steel were heated far above recalescence, up to bright
lemon, and then allowed to cool slowly; in this way recalescence was
shown clearly.
It was found to occur at the refining heat in every case, shifting
for different carbons just as the refining heat shifts.
Immediately under the pieces being observed was a vessel of
water into which the pieces could be dropped and quenched. After
observing the heating and cooling until the eye was well trained,
pieces were quenched at different heats and the results were noted.
It was found that in the ascending heats no great hardness was
produced until the recalescence heat was reached or passed
slightly; and in the descending heat excessive hardening occurred at
a little below the recalescent heat, although no such hardening
occurred at that color during ascending heats. This apparent
anomaly is due simply to lag. If, in ascending, the piece be held for a
few moments at the recalescent point, no increase being allowed,
and then it be quenched, it will harden thoroughly and be refined. If,
in descending, the cooling be arrested at a little below the
recalescence for a few moments, neither increase nor decrease
being allowed, and then the piece be quenched, it will not harden
any better than if it be quenched immediately upon reaching the
same heat in ascending.
Time must be allowed for the changes to take place, and lag
must be provided for.
These experiments show that refining and recalescence take
place at the same temperature.

Prof. J. W. Langley showed by sp. gr. determinations that steel
quenched from 212° F. in water at 60° F. showed the hardening
effect of such quenching, the difference of temperature being only
152° F.
Prof. S. P. Langley, of the Smithsonian, proved the same to be
true by delicate electrical tests, and these again were confirmed by
Prof. J. W. Langley in the laboratory of the Case School of Sciences.
A piece of refined steel will rarely be hard enough to scratch
glass. A piece of steel quenched from creamy heat will almost
always scratch glass. The maximum hardness is produced by the
highest heat, or when temperature minus cold is a maximum; the
least hardness is found by quenching at the lowest heat above the
cooling medium, or when temperature minus cold is a minimum—the
time required to quench being a minimum in both cases.
What occurs between these limits? Is the curve of hardness a
straight line, or an irregular line?
Let a piece of steel be heated as uniformly as possible from a
creamy heat at one end to black at the other, and then be quenched.
Now take a newly broken hard file and draw its sharp corner
gently and firmly over the piece, beginning at the black-heated end.
The file will take hold, and as it is drawn along it will be felt that the
piece becomes slightly harder as the file advances, until suddenly it
will slip, and no amount of pressure will make it take hold above that
point. The piece has become suddenly file hard.
Next try the same thing with a diamond; the diamond will cut
easily until the point is reached where the file slipped, then there will
be found a great increase of hardness.
From this point to the end of the piece it is observed readily by
the action of the diamond that there is a gradual increase of
hardness from the hump to the end of the piece to the creamy-
heated end. Attempts were made to measure this curve of hardness
by putting a load on the diamond and dragging it over the piece; but
no diamond obtainable would bear a load heavy enough to produce
a groove that could be measured accurately by micrometer. An
examination of such a groove, through a strong magnifying-glass
revealed the conditions plainly; the groove of hardness may be
illustrated on an exaggerated scale; thus:

The next question was, Where does this hump occur, and what is
the cause of it?
Careful observation showed that it occurred at the point of
recalescence, at the refining-point. This word point must not be
taken as space without dimension in this connection; it is used in the
common sense of at or adjacent to a given place. There is of course
a small allowable range of temperature above any given exact point
of recalescence, such as 655° C. or 1211° F.
By superimposing Langley’s curves of cooling and of hardening
(see Trans. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng., Vol. XXVII, p. 403), the relation
between recalescence and the hardening-hump is obvious.
It is safe to say that experience proves that the refined condition
is the best for all cutting-tools of every shape and form.
It seems to be obvious; the steel is then in its strongest condition,
and when the grain is finest, the crystals the smallest, a fine edge
should be the most enduring, because there is a more intimate
contact between the particles. That a steel will refine well, and be
strong in that condition is the steel-maker’s final test of quality.
No steel-maker who has a proper regard for the character of his
product will accept raw material upon mere analysis; analysis is of
the utmost importance, for material for steel-making must be of a
quality that will produce a certain quality of steel, or the result will be
an inferior product. This applies to acid Bessemer and open-hearth,
and to crucible-steel especially; the basic processes admit of a
reduction of phosphorus not obtainable in the others.
In making fine-tool steel a bad charge in the pot inevitably means
a bad piece of steel. It may happen also that an iron of apparently
good analysis will not produce a really fine steel; then there must be
a search for unusual elements, such as copper, arsenic, antimony,
etc., or for dirt, left in the iron by careless working. The refining-test
then is as necessary as analysis, for if steel will not refine thoroughly
it will not make good tools. Battering-tools, such as sledges,
hammers, flatters, etc., should be refined carefully, for although their
work is mainly compressive they are liable to receive, and do get,
blows on the corners and edges that would ruin them if they were not
in the strongest condition possible.
The reasons for refining hot-working tools have been stated
already. Engraved dies for use in drop-presses where they are
subjected to heavy blows are undoubtedly in the most durable
condition when they are refined, but they are subjected not only to
impact, but to enormous compression, and therefore they must be
hardened deeply. When a die-block is heated so as to refine, and
then is quenched, it hardens perfectly on the surface and not very
deeply, and it is quite common in such a case to see a die crushed
by a few blows: the hardened part is driven bodily into the soft steel
below it, and the die is ruined; thus:

To avoid this, such a die should be heated to No. 5, or a dark

lemon, and quenched suddenly in a large volume of rushing water.
It will then have the enormous resistance to compression that is
so well known in very hard steel, and it will be hardened so deeply
that the blow of the hammer will not crush through the hard part. This
is the best condition, too, of an armor-plate that is to resist the
impact of a projectile.
It will be brittle, a light blow of a hammer will snip the corners, but
it cannot be crushed by ordinary work. Dies made in this way have
turned out thousands of gross of stamped pieces, showing no
appreciable wear.
To harden a die in this way is a critical operation, because the
strains are so enormous that a very trifling unevenness in the heat
will break the piece, but the skill of expert temperers is so great that
they will harden hundreds of dies in this way and not lose one if the
steel be sound.


A smith can heat an occasional piece for hardening, in his
ordinary fire by using care and taking a little time. Where there are
many pieces to be hardened, special furnaces should be used.
For thousands of little pieces, such as saw-teeth or little springs,
a large furnace with a brick floor, and so arranged that the flame will
not impinge on the pieces, is good.
The operator can watch the pieces, and as soon as any come to
the right color he can draw them out, letting them drop into the
quenching-tank, which should be right under the door or close at
For twist-drills, reamers, etc., a lead bath, or a bath of melted salt
and soda, is used. The lead bath is the best if care be taken to draw
off the fumes so as not to poison the heaters. Because a bath of this
kind is of exactly the right color at the top it is not to be assumed that
pieces can be heated in it and hardened without further attention.
Thousands of tools are ruined, and thousands of dollars are
thrown away annually, by unobserving men who assume that
because a lead bath appears to be exactly the right color at the
surface it is therefore just right.
A dark orange color surface may have underneath it an
increasingly higher temperature, up to a bright lemon at the bottom,
and tools heated in such a bath will have all of the varying
temperatures of the bath; then cracked tools, twisted tools, brittle

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