Fermentation of Tomatoes Juice Improves in Vitro Bio Accessibility of Lycopene-Harvard Style
Fermentation of Tomatoes Juice Improves in Vitro Bio Accessibility of Lycopene-Harvard Style
Fermentation of Tomatoes Juice Improves in Vitro Bio Accessibility of Lycopene-Harvard Style
Keywords: The impact of fermentation (Saccharomyces cerevisiae ATCC 9763) on the bioaccessibility of lycopene in a model
Tomato juice tomato juice was examined. The physicochemical and structural properties of the tomato tissue were determined
Lycopene after fermentation and the bioaccessibility of lycopene was monitored using a simulated gastrointestinal tract. A
Fermentation lycopene concentration of 45.1 mg/100 g was obtained under optimal fermentation conditions. The cell walls of
the tomato cells were hydrolyzed and disrupted by fermentation. Cell disruption decreased the pectin content
and reduced the tissue fragment size, thereby reducing gravitational separation and facilitating lycopene release.
The lycopene bioaccessibility in the tomato juices increased in the following order: unfermented
(8.5%) < fermented (11.4%) < unfermented-emulsified (13.6%) < fermented-emulsified (22.7%). These
effects were attributed to a combination of greater tomato tissue disruption and enhanced mixed micelle for-
mation. Our results may be useful for the development of functional foods and beverages with improved health
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (F. Liu).
Received 2 February 2020; Received in revised form 5 May 2020; Accepted 11 May 2020
Available online 24 May 2020
1756-4646/ © 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Y. Lu, et al. Journal of Functional Foods 71 (2020) 104020
structure of tomato cells and release the lycopene, thereby increasing its surface design (Chuyen, Roach, Golding, Parks, & Nguyen, 2017) using
bioaccessibility. To achieve this goal, the physical and chemical prop- commercial software (Design Expert 8.0, Stat-Ease, Inc., Minneapolis,
erties of fermented tomato juice exposed to different processing treat- MN). Initially, single-factor experiments were carried out using six
ments were compared in terms of their ability to improve lycopene fermentation-related parameters (liquid volume, pH, incubation quan-
release and bioaccessibility. Emphasis was given on elucidating the tity, fermentation temperature, incubator rotating speed, and fermen-
physicochemical mechanisms impacting lycopene bioavailability. This tation time) based on previous literature reports. Three factors were
study therefore provides valuable new information about the benefits of then selected for subsequent experiments based on the significant dif-
fermentation on improving the potential nutritional value of tomatoes ferences observed in the preliminary experiments: fermentation time,
and other products. fermentation temperature, and yeast quantity. Three levels were used
for each factor to optimize the fermentation process. Each variable was
2. Materials and methods tested in three coded levels: −1, 0 and +1, and the results of the Re-
sponse Surface Design model were judged using a significance test as
2.1. Materials described previously. Therefore, a 3-level 3-factor Box-Behnken test
protocol was carried out. The range of fermentation times, tempera-
Tomato powder was acquired from Xi’an Tianrui Bio-Tech (Xi’an, tures, and yeast quantities selected were based on previous studies that
China). Saccharomyces cerevisiae ATCC 9763 was obtained from Jinan have reported that this yeast will grow under these conditions.
Meiluwei Biotechnology Technology Co., Ltd. (Jinan, China). Lycopene
(> 90%) was purchased from Shanghai Yuanye Bio-Tech (Shanghai, 2.3. Analysis of lycopene release
China). Peanut oil was purchased from Shandong Luhua Group Co., Ltd.
(Shandong, China). Lipase (30–90 units/mg), mucin, bile salts, and 2.3.1. Cell morphology observation
pepsin (250 units/mg) were purchased from the Sigma–Aldrich The microstructure of the tomato juice was observed using an op-
Company (St. Louis, MO, USA). Glucose and absolute ethanol were tical microscope (Motic BA400, Xiamen, China) at a magnification of
provided by Tianjin Zhiyuan Chemical (Tianjin, China). Peptone was 400-times, and photographs were taken using a digital camera (Bayod
supplied by Beijing Aoboxing Bio-Tech (Beijing, China). Ammonia was & Tornberg, 2011). Samples were diluted 10-fold with deionized water,
purchased from Xilong Chemical (Sichuan, China), and other solvents a drop was evenly spread on a glass slide, and then the images were
were supplied by Guangdong Huaguang Tech (Guangdong, China). acquired. Each sample was analyzed multiple times to obtain re-
Water purified by a Millipore Milli-Q System (Millipore SAS, Molsheim, presentative images.
France) was used for all the experiments.
2.3.2. Detection of pectin content
2.2. Response surface design
The pectin content of the tomato tissue was determined by
UV–visible spectrophotometry (Bi et al., 2017). Briefly, the pectin in the
2.2.1. Extraction and quantification of lycopene
sample was precipitated with absolute ethanol and hydrolyzed to ga-
The lycopene content in the fermentation liquid was measured using
lacturonic acid, which was then reacted with oxazole in sulfuric acid to
a method described previously (Ilahy, Hdider, Lenucci, Tlili, &
form a magenta compound that has a maximum absorption at 525 nm.
Dalessandro, 2011). Briefly, lycopene was extracted using a mixture of
The pectin content of the test samples was then determined using a
hexane/ethanol/ acetone (2/1/1 by vol.) with an ultrasonic oscillator
standard curve prepared under the same conditions using a range of
to ensure the lycopene was completely dissolved. The absorbance of the
pectin levels.
lycopene-loaded solvent solutions was then measured at 502 nm using a
UV–visible spectrophotometer (UV-1240, Shimadzu, Japan). The con-
2.4. Analysis of physicochemical properties of fermented products
centration of lycopene was calculated by referring to a standard curve
prepared under the same conditions.
2.4.1. Particle size
The tomato juice samples were diluted 1000-fold with deionized
2.2.2. Yeast culture and fermentation conditions
water and then the particle size was measured using a laser particle size
The yeast S. cerevisiae ATCC 9763 was maintained on Peptone
analyzer (Nano-ZS90, Malvern Instruments, Malvern, UK) at 25 °C
Dextrose Agar slants at 4 °C. Active cultures were prepared by trans-
(Rojas, Leite, Cristianini, Alvim, & Augusto, 2016). This instrument is
ferring a cell loop from the agar slant into a test tube containing 5 mL of
based on dynamic light scattering and determines the particle size from
liquid Sabouraud medium. The culture was then incubated overnight at
the measured intensity-time relationship of the scattered light. Each
30 °C with gentle agitation to go through the logarithmic growth phase
individual measurement was the average of 13 runs.
for 12–16 h. 100 g of tomato powder was dissolved in 370 mL distilled
water, the optical density at 600 nm (OD600) of the ATCC 9763 was
adjusted to 1.0 cm−1 to ensure the yeast was in a stable period of 2.4.2. Sedimentation index
fermentation (Zhou, Sun, Bei, Zahi, & Liang, 2018), where the product Samples were transferred into 10 mL test tubes and stored at 25 °C
formation rate is the highest. Then, the single factor test of temperature, for 12 days. The sedimentation index (IS) were calculated from the ratio
time, and incubation quantity was carried out to identify the optimum of the volume of the sediment (VS) to the total volume of the sample
levels for each variable. Firstly, the effect of fermentation temperature (VT) according to the following formula:
on lycopene content was analyzed at 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 °C with IS% = VS / VT × 100 (1)
a fixed fermentation time of 12 h, and yeast incubation quantity of 6%
(v/v). The effect of fermentation time on lycopene content was ana-
lyzed using 0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60 and 72 h incubation times at a fixed 2.4.3. Turbidity
fermentation temperature of 25 °C and yeast incubation quantity of 6% The turbidity of the supernatant collected from the samples was
(v/v). Finally, the impact of yeast incubation quantity on lycopene determined using a method described previously (Rojas et al., 2016),
content was studied at 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8% (v/v) using a fixed fermentation with some slight modifications. Briefly, 25 mL of sample was placed in a
temperature of 25 °C and fermentation time of 12 h. centrifuge tube and then centrifuged at 320 g, 4 °C for 10 min. The
supernatant was then removed, and its absorbance was measured at
2.2.3. Experimental design to obtain optimal fermentation conditions 660 nm over 11 days. These measurements provide information about
Optimal fermentation conditions were established by the response the presence of any small colloidal particles within the samples.
Y. Lu, et al. Journal of Functional Foods 71 (2020) 104020
2.4.4. Color from the tomato juice was then measured (Fig. 1b). There was an ap-
Changes in the color of the tomato juice during storage at 25 °C preciable increase in lycopene release when the incubation time was
were measured periodically (Campoli, Rojas, do Amaral, Canniatti- increased from 12 to 24 h but then it remained relatively constant.
Brazaca, & Augusto, 2018). An instrumental colorimeter was used to Presumably, the pectinases secreted by the yeast progressively broke
quantify the color (Konica Minolta, Chroma Meter, CR-400, Mahwah, down the cellular structure of the tomato tissues and released the ly-
NJ, USA) using the CIELAB technique: L* corresponds to lightness; a* copene. This process was complete after about 24 h incubation since
corresponds to redness (from green to red); and b* corresponds to there was no significant difference between the 24, 36, 48, 60 and 72 h
yellowness (from blue to yellow). A measurement area of 64 mm2 and treatment groups. Alternatively, the enzyme may have lost some of its
an observation angle of 10° were used for these measurements. A cy- activity after prolonged storage.
lindrical aluminum container (h = 6.5 cm and d = 3.7 cm) was filled The impact of the level of yeast used to carry out the fermentation
with 5 mL of tomato juice and three readings were performed for each process was also examined (Fig. 1c). Interestingly, the amount of ly-
sample after calibration with standard white porcelain. copene released initially increased with increasing yeast content, but
then decreased. When the yeast inoculation is too low, there is in-
2.5. Analysis of lycopene bioaccessibility sufficient pectinase secreted to disrupt all the tomato tissues and fully
release the lycopene. Conversely, when the yeast inoculation is too
Lycopene in vitro bioaccessibility was determined after samples had high, there are not enough nutrients available for all the yeast cells to
passed through a simulated gastrointestinal model, which included function properly and so they do not produce enough pectinase. Our
oral, gastric, and intestinal phases (Berni, Chitchumroonchokchai, data suggests that the liberated lycopene content in the tomato juice
Canniatti-Brazaca, De Moura, & Failla, 2015). To determine the impact was highest when the yeast incubation quantity was between about 4%
of oil on lycopene bioaccessibility, we also prepared two samples con- and 5% during fermentation (Fig. 1c).
taining emulsified oil. These samples were prepared by blending 2 wt%
peanut oil with the tomato juice using a high shear mixer operating at 3.2. Optimization of fermentation conditions
3500 rpm for 10 min (Ultra-Turrax IKA, T25, Werke, Germany).
Ensuring the vitality of digestive enzymes is a very important part of A three-factor, three-level response surface design was performed
in vitro digestion experiments, according to the instructions for use, the using a statistical software program. The fermentation temperature (A),
optimum pH and reaction temperature are adjusted to ensure the vi- fermentation time (B) and yeast incubation quantity (C) were used as
tality of the enzyme. As described by previous reports (Bai et al., 2019), independent variables, while lycopene content (Y) was the response
we kept the lipase solution and pepsin solution at 5 units/mL and 10 value, and a 3-level 3-factor Box-Behnken test protocol was used
units/mL respectively. The samples were then passed through the si- (Tables 1 and 2). Response surface images are also presented in the text
mulated gastrointestinal tract consisting of mouth, stomach, and small (Fig. 2). The multiple nonlinear quadratic regression model established
intestine phases (37 °C). As the method used by Qian, Decker, Xiao, and using this approach was:
McClements (2012), we determined the bioaccessibilty of lycopene in
samples. The bioaccessibility (%) of lycopene was calculated from the Lycopene content =
ratio of the lycopene in a bioaccessible form in the supernatant (CB) to
that in the initial sample (CI) according to the following formula: 317.31 − 26.63A − 0.83B + 20.21C − 0.00083AB + 0.32AC + 0.40BC
+ 0.51A2 − 0.008B2 − 4.55C2
Bioaccessibility (%) = (CB / CI ) × 100 (2) (3)
The P-value was significant and demonstrated that the model fitted
2.6. Statistical analysis the data well (Table 2). This model was found to be significant at the
95% confidence level and the Model F-value of 3.77 implies the model
All measurements were conducted in triplicate and results are re- is appropriate: there was only a 4.7% chance that the “Model F-Value”
ported as the mean and standard deviation. All the data were subjected could occur due to noise. Values of “Prob > F” less than 0.0500 in-
to statistical analysis of variance (ANOVA) and a Tukey HSD test (SPSS dicate model terms are significant. The order of influence of each factor
18.0, Chicago, USA). A P-value of < 0.05 was considered statistically on lycopene concentration was: fermentation time > fermentation
significant. temperature > yeast incubation quantity. After analysis, the optimal
fermentation conditions were determined as: 30 °C, 36 h, and 4.9% (v/
3. Results and discussion v) inoculum. The maximum concentration of lycopene release predicted
by the model was 46.7 mg/100 g. This value is close to the level found
3.1. Effects of processing parameters on lycopene content in tomato juice in the subsequent verification test, where the lycopene concentration
was 45.1 mg/100 g under the optimal treatment conditions. After cal-
Several important factors must be considered for the development culation, the error between the measured value and the predicted value
of a successful bioprocess for lycopene extraction, including time of was 3.3%, which indicated that the tomato juice fermentation process
incubation, temperature, inoculum density, etc. (Azabou et al., 2016). had been optimized by the response surface method. The optimized
Initially, the impact of selected processing parameters on the lycopene conditions were used in the subsequent experiments.
content of the tomato juice was determined. The optimum temperature
range for carrying out fermentation using Saccharomyces cerevisiae 3.3. Changes in pectin content and cell morphology before and after
ATCC 9763 was found to be between 20 and 30 °C, as this gave the fermentation
highest measured lycopene content (Fig. 1a). The reproduction and
growth of the yeast is inhibited when the fermentation temperature is 3.3.1. Observation of cell morphology
either too low or too high, which reduces the hydrolytic activity of the Lycopene is located primarily within the chromoplasts of the tomato
yeast because less pectinase is secreted and/or the pectinase is deacti- cells (Ladole, Nair, Bhutada, Amritkar, & Pandit, 2018). The presence of
vated. Enzyme deactivation occurs due to irreversible changes in the this carotenoid can be detected using optical microscopy due to its in-
3D-structure of the protein when the temperature is too high or too low. tense pigmentation.
As a result, the ability of the yeast to disrupt the cellular structures of Representative microstructures (from around 100 images/sample)
the tomatoes and release the lycopene is reduced. of the tomato juices after 0, 12, 24 and 36 h of fermentation are shown
The impact of fermentation time on the lycopene content extracted (Fig. 3a). These results suggest that the presence of the yeast promoted
Y. Lu, et al. Journal of Functional Foods 71 (2020) 104020
Fig. 1. Effect of three factors on lycopene content. Fermentation temperature (a), fermentation time (b), and yeast incubation quantity (c); Vertical bars represent the
standard deviation in each value; different letters indicate significant differences (p < 0.05).
Table 1 the decomposition of the internal structure of the tomato cells. This
Actual and predicted responses of lycopene content using the central composite phenomenon may therefore account for the observed increase in lib-
experimental design. erated lycopene after fermentation, as well as for the observed im-
Test X1 X2 X3 Lycopene content (mg/100 g) provement in bioaccessibility.
Observed Predicted
3.3.2. Analysis of pectin content in tomato juice.
1 20 12 4 30.29 ± 2.14 30.18 It has been proposed that Saccharomyces cerevisiae secretes pectinase
2 30 12 4 38.61 ± 6.12 31.58 during fermentation (Ejaz, Ahmed, & Sohail, 2018), which then hy-
3 20 36 4 36.63 ± 0.66 38.60
4 30 36 4 44.75 ± 3.70 39.80
drolyzes the plant cell walls and facilitates carotenoid release. The
5 20 24 3 36.58 ± 1.61 31.24 hydrolysis of the cell walls can be indirectly monitored by measuring
6 30 24 3 31.65 ± 1.44 29.34 the decrease in the pectin content. To provide some evidence for this
7 20 24 5 33.60 ± 2.90 30.86 hypothesis, the pectin content of the tomato juice was therefore de-
8 30 24 5 35.08 ± 5.18 35.36
termined before and after fermentation (Fig. 3b). The pectin content in
9 25 12 3 17.00 ± 3.14 16.97
10 25 36 3 17.79 ± 1.84 15.69 the tomato juice after fermentation was less than half of that before
11 25 12 5 12.93 ± 3.09 10.19 fermentation, indicating that some of the pectin in the plant cell walls
12 25 36 5 32.97 ± 2.41 28.11 had been degraded by the pectinase during fermentation. Our results
13 25 24 4 21.42 ± 1.24 23.50 are therefore consistent with a recent study on the fermentation of
14 25 24 4 19.18 ± 1.10 23.50
15 25 24 4 28.22 ± 4.91 23.50
grape pomace using yeast (Williams, Schückel, Vivier, Buffetto, &
16 25 24 4 26.48 ± 3.27 23.50 Zietsman, 2019). In that study, yeast not only digested the cell wall
17 25 24 4 34.35 ± 6.14 23.50 polysaccharides and disintegrated the internal cell structure, but also
produced a series of by-products, including alcohol. It was postulated
Table 2
Significance test of response surface design.
Source M2 df Square Value P-Value Significance
Prob > F
Y. Lu, et al. Journal of Functional Foods 71 (2020) 104020
Fig. 2. Response surface plot of lycopene content against fermentation temperature, fermentation time, and yeast incubation quantity.
that the presence of the alcohol promoted the leaching out of lycopene 3.3.3. Comparative analysis of particle size of tomato juice
by increasing its solubility in the external fluids. One would expect that the bioaccessibility of the carotenoids would
increase as the size of the pulp fragments in the tomato juice decreased,
because this would lead to an increase in exposed surface area. For this
Fig. 3. Comparison of microstructure in terms of time (a), pectin content (b) and mean particle sizes (c) between fermented and unfermented cells.
Y. Lu, et al. Journal of Functional Foods 71 (2020) 104020
Fig. 4. Comparison of sedimentation indexes (a), turbidity (b) and changes of color (c) of fermented and unfermented samples.
reason, the particle size characteristics of the tomato juice samples were storage. As described in the previous study (Campoli et al., 2018), a
measured using light scattering (Fig. 3c). Our results showed that fer- higher fraction of small particles in a juice can lead to an increase in the
mentation greatly reduced the size of the plant tissue fragments in the cloudiness of the serum phase because these particles are stable to se-
tomato juice. Indeed, the mean particle diameter after fermentation was dimentation during centrifugation. However, these small particles can
about 1/10th of that before fermentation. These results suggest that the aggregate and precipitate during storage leading to an increase in tur-
fermentation process was able to break down the tomato tissue frag- bidity (Kubo, Augusto, & Cristianini, 2013). The observed increase in
ments, which was most likely due to partial disruption of the pectin turbidity after fermentation observed in our study is, therefore, con-
molecules holding the plant cells together. sistent with the findings of this previous study.
3.4. Physical and chemical properties of fermented tomato juice 3.4.3. Color analysis
Changes in the appearance of the different samples during storage
3.4.1. Sedimentation index was assessed by measuring their tristimulus color coordinates (L*, a*
The sedimentation index of the tomato juice samples was measured and b*) using an instrumental colorimeter. Both treated and untreated
when they were stored at 25 °C for 14 days (Fig. 4a). During storage, the groups had similar appearances throughout storage (Fig. 4c). These
samples separated into a sediment layer at the bottom and a clear serum results suggest that fermentation did not have a major impact on the
layer at the top. The unfermented control group exhibited significant appearance of the tomato juice because there are only small differences
sedimentation during the first few hours, resulting in the formation of a in the L*, a* and b* values between the samples. Changes in color might
sediment layer of about 15% of the total volume of the system after one have been due to changes in tomato tissue structure (light scattering)
day. The fermented control group settled to about 23% after the first and/or free lycopene content (light absorption) during fermentation. In
day, which suggested that the sediment layer was less densely packed. comparison, Kwaw et al. (2018) measured changes in the color of lactic-
This phenomenon may have occurred because a more open three-di- acid-fermented mulberry juice throughout fermentation. They observed
mensional network of aggregated particles was formed by the smaller a decrease in L* and b* values and an increase in a* values, which was
particles. A similar result has been reported in previous study (Campoli attributed to changes in the type and levels of different chromophores
et al., 2018). and colloidal particles present in the samples during fermentation.
Y. Lu, et al. Journal of Functional Foods 71 (2020) 104020
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Ethics statement
Ladole, M. R., Nair, R. R., Bhutada, Y. D., Amritkar, V. D., & Pandit, A. B. (2018).
Our research did not include any human subjects and animal ex- Synergistic effect of ultrasonication and co-immobilized enzymes on tomato peels for
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Yuyan Lu and Fuguo Liu conceived and designed the experiments. of carrot juice. Food & Function, 10(1), 458–468.
Yuyan Lu, Kaiyu Mu and Xiuping Liang performed the experiments. Lu, P., Wang, R., Zhu, C., Fu, X., Wang, S., Grierson, D., & Xu, C. (2019). Microscopic
Xuebo Liu contributed helpful discussion during the experiment. Yuyan analyses of fruit cell plastid development in loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) during fruit
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Lu and Fuguo Liu analyzed the data and wrote the manuscript. David Mapelli-Brahm, P., Barba, F. J., Remize, F., Garcia, C., Fessard, A., MousaviKhaneghah,
Julian McClements, Xuebo Liu and Fuguo Liu reviewed and revised the A., ... Meléndez-Martínez, A. J. (2020). The impact of fermentation processes on the
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tomato puree (Lycopersicon esculentum L.). Food and Bioprocess Technology, 4(5),
This research was supported by the National Natural Science
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