AMD 2018 - Lancet

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Age-related macular degeneration

Paul Mitchell, Gerald Liew, Bamini Gopinath, Tien Y Wong

Age-related macular degeneration is a leading cause of visual impairment and severe vision loss. Clinically, it is Lancet 2018; 392: 1147–59
classified as early-stage (medium-sized drusen and retinal pigmentary changes) to late-stage (neovascular and Centre for Vision Research,
atrophic). Age-related macular degeneration is a multifactorial disorder, with dysregulation in the complement, lipid, Department of
Ophthalmology, Westmead
angiogenic, inflammatory, and extracellular matrix pathways implicated in its pathogenesis. More than 50 genetic
Institute for Medical Research,
susceptibility loci have been identified, of which the most important are in the CFH and ARMS2 genes. The major University of Sydney, Australia
non-genetic risk factors are smoking and low dietary intake of antioxidants (zinc and carotenoids). Progression from (Prof P Mitchell MD, G Liew PhD,
early-stage to late-stage disease can be slowed with high-dose zinc and antioxidant vitamin supplements. Intravitreal B Gopinath PhD); and Singapore
Eye Research Institute,
anti-vascular endothelial growth factor therapy (eg, ranibizumab, aflibercept, or bevacizumab) is highly effective at
Singapore National Eye Centre,
treating neovascular age-related macular degeneration, and has markedly decreased the prevalence of visual Duke-National University of
impairment in populations worldwide. Currently, no proven therapies for atrophic disease are available, but several Singapore, Singapore
agents are being investigated in clinical trials. Future progress is likely to be from improved efforts in prevention and (T Y Wong MD)

risk-factor modification, personalised medicine targeting specific pathways, newer anti-vascular endothelial growth Correspondence to:
Prof Paul Mitchell, Centre for
factor agents or other agents, and regenerative therapies.
Vision Research, Department of
Ophthalmology, Westmead
Introduction AMD has several classification systems (table 1).8–12 Institute for Medical Research,
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a disease Population studies have traditionally classified AMD into Westmead Hospital, University
of Sydney, Westmead,
that affects the macular region of the retina, causing early and late stages, whereas clinic-based studies and
NSW 2145, Australia
progressive loss of central vision.1,2 Early-stage AMD trials frequently use the Age-Related Eye Diseases Study [email protected]
includes clinical signs such as drusen and abnormalities (AREDS) severity scale11 and its simplified version,12 which
of the retinal pigment epithelium. Late-stage AMD can was validated in a population study (figure 1).13 To use the
be neovascular (also known as wet or exudative) or non- AREDS simplified severity scale, one risk factor is
neovascular (known as atrophic, dry, or non-exudative). assigned for each eye with large drusen, one risk factor is
Late AMD results in loss of central visual acuity, leading assigned for each eye with pigment abnormalities, and
to severe and permanent visual impair­ment and legal one risk factor is assigned if neither eye has large drusen
blindness, which has a major impact on quality of life and both eyes have medium (intermediate) drusen
and functional independence. By 2020, the number of (appendix). More specific classi­fications are also available. See Online for appendix
people with AMD globally is expected to be around In the Beckman classification,9 the presence of small
200 million, increasing to nearly 300 million by 2040,3 (<63 μm diameter), hard drusen (or drupelets) is regarded
thus posing a major public health problem with sub­ as a sign of normal ageing rather than of AMD. Thus,
stantial socioeconomic implications. Although AMD early AMD is defined by the presence of medium-sized
remains the third leading cause of severe irreversible drusen (63–125 μm) or retinal pigmentary changes
vision loss worldwide, legal blindness and visual impair­ (hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation) in the macular
ment have decreased in incidence since the introduction region, or both; and intermediate AMD is defined as the
of treatments targeting vascular endothelial growth presence of extensive medium drusen or at least one large
factor (VEGF).1,2,4 druse, or both.9 Early AMD stages according to traditional
classifications include the presence of early or intermediate
Diagnosis, classification, and symptoms AMD according to the Beckman classification. Late AMD
AMD was traditionally diagnosed on the basis of clinical is defined by the presence of signs indicating either
examination or assessment of colour fundus photo­graphs. neovascular or atrophic AMD.9
During the past two decades, spectral-domain optical Early AMD is often asymptomatic. Some patients notice
coherence tomography and fundus autofluorescence mild central distortion, particularly when reading, and
imaging have been used to detect lesions, with improved
resolution. Fluorescein angiography remains a useful
modality to detect choroidal neovascularisation (to con­ Search strategy and selection criteria
firm the presence of neovascular AMD) and its location We systematically searched PubMed and Medline databases
and activity (indicated by the extent of dye leakage). Optical from Jan 1, 1980, to June 30, 2017, using the search terms
coherence tomography angiography has emerged as a “macular degeneration”, “choroidal neovascularisation”,
non-invasive approach that requires no dye. This method “geographic atrophy”, “drusen”, “age-related maculopathy”,
detects the presence of choroidal vascular networks “AMD”, and “ARMD”. Relevant articles in English (or English
seen in choroidal neovascularisation, but does not detect translations) were retrieved and reviewed. Reference lists of
leakage, and will have an increasingly important role in reviews and original research articles were also searched to
the future.5–7 Use of multimodal imaging provides com­ identify relevant studies.
plementary information about AMD. Vol 392 September 29, 2018 1147

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2023. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2023. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

Epidemiological classification (Wisconsin grading)10
Early AMD Large (≥125 μm) drusen or retinal pseudodrusen, or pigmentary abnormalities
Late AMD Neovascular AMD or geographic atrophy
Basic clinical classification8*
No ageing changes No drusen and no pigment abnormalities
Normal ageing changes Only small drusen ≤63 µm and no pigment abnormalities
Early AMD Medium drusen >63 µm and ≤125 µm, and no pigment abnormalities
Intermediate AMD Large drusen >125 µm or any pigment abnormalities
Late AMD Neovascular AMD or geographic atrophy
AREDS simplified severity scale points12†
0 No large drusen (>125 µm) or pigment changes in either eye
1 Large drusen or pigment changes in one eye only
2 Large drusen and pigment changes in one eye only; or large drusen or pigment changes in both eyes; or neovascular AMD or geographic atrophy in one eye
3 Large drusen and pigment changes in one eye; and large drusen or pigment changes in the fellow eye
4 Large drusen and pigment changes in both eyes
AMD=age-related macular degeneration. AREDS=Age-Related Eye Diseases Study. *Definition is based on the worse eye. †An eye with late AMD has a score of 2.

Table 1: Definitions and classification scales for AMD

50 Population % (BMES)
tissue. Multimodal imaging, particularly with optical
47·1 47·3
Clinical trial % (AREDS) coherence tomography, shows these manifestations
clearly and provides information on the size, location,
and extent of drusen, as well as the presence and activity
5-year incident late AMD (%)

of choroidal neovascularisation (figure 2).

30 Atrophic AMD is also termed geographic atrophy and
includes outer retinal thinning. Geographic atrophy can
be unifocal or multifocal, and can surround but spare the
central macula. Geographic atrophy progresses at a rate
12·1 11·8 of around 2 mm²/year on average, but this rate varies
10 considerably.14 Multimodal imaging is especially useful to
3·1 3·1 detect and monitor the progression of geographic atrophy
0·2 0·4 because lesion borders and extent can be quantified with
1 2 3 4 5
greater precision using fundus autofluorescence imaging
AREDs simplified severity scale score
and spectral-domain optical coherence tomography
Figure 1: 5-year incidence of late AMD by AREDS simplified severity scale score in a population-based study (figure 3).14 Optical coherence tomography technology
and a clinical trial continues to improve, and new algorithms could provide
BMES (a population-based study) and AREDS (a clinical trial) showed remarkable concordance of 5-year incidence
stratified by AREDS simplified severity scale score, supporting the validity of the scale. Reproduced from Liew et al,13
better anatomical endpoints for clinical trials assessing
by permission of the American Academy of Ophthalmology. AMD=age-related macular degeneration. BMES=Blue new therapies for retarding the progression of geographic
Mountains Eye Study. AREDS=Age-Related Eye Diseases Study. atrophy.
Reticular pseudodrusen might be a risk factor for the
reduced reading ability with low luminance. Late AMD development or progression of geographic atrophy and,
affects central vision and can progress rapidly (in weeks to a lesser extent, neovascular AMD in the same eye.15,16
or months) in the neovascular form, and more slowly (in The nature of reticular pseudodrusen is debatable.17 This
years or decades) in the atrophic form. The earliest sign is best visualised on multimodal imaging, appearing
symptoms of AMD include distorted vision when reading, as dot-like or reticular (net-like) aggregations on near-
driving, or watching television, and a dark or grey patch infra­red imaging or colour photography, more prominently
(scotoma) in the central vision, with difficulty recognising in blue light. On optical coherence tomography scans,
faces. If only one eye is affected, symptoms might not be reticular pseudodrusen appear as hyper-reflective foci in
apparent until the good eye is occluded. the sub­retinal space above the retinal pigment epithelium
Neovascular AMD is characterised by the choroidal (hence the term pseudodrusen).
neovascularisation complex, which incorporates several
typical lesions: presence of fluid or retinal haemorrhage Epidemiology, prevalence, incidence, and risk
(which can be intraretinal, subretinal, or below the factors
retinal pigment epithelium), retinal pigment epithelial Three large, population-based studies—the Blue
detach­ments, hard exudate, or subretinal fibrous scar Mountains Eye Study (BMES), Beaver Dam Eye Study

1148 Vol 392 September 29, 2018

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Figure 2: Multimodal imaging of AMD

(A) Large soft drusen on colour photography (left), spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (middle), and fluorescein angiography (right). (B) Recent-onset
neovascular AMD on colour photography (left), spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (middle), and optical coherence tomography angiography showing
appearance of choroidal new vessels (right). (C) Longer-standing neovascular AMD with fibrous scar on colour photography (left), fluorescein angiography (middle),
and optical coherence tomography angiography showing Medusa-like appearance of choroidal new vessels (right). AMD=age-related macular degeneration.

(BDES), and Rotterdam Study (RS)—have provided (462 of 2036) for early AMD and 6·8% (165 of 2421) for
individual and pooled data on AMD prevalence and late AMD.19 AMD incidence was greater in women
incidence in white populations.10 than in men for all age groups. Meta-analysed data
Many risk factors have been identified for AMD. Age is from 14 population-based cohort studies in the European
by far the strongest risk factor, with nearly all late Eye Epidemiology consortium20 showed that overall
AMD cases occurring in people older than 60 years. prevalence was 13·2% for early AMD and 3·0% for late
The estimated prevalence of late AMD in the three large AMD for people aged 70 years or older. This pattern was
population-based studies was 0·2% (10 of 4797 partici­ similar to those recorded in BDES, in which the 5-year
pants) for people aged 55–64 years, and increased incidence of AMD was 60% lower for each successive
to 13·1% (68 of 521) for people more than 85 years of generation, as defined by year of birth (1901–24, 1925–45,
age.18 BMES showed the 15-year incidence was 22·7% 1946–64, and 1965–84).21 Vol 392 September 29, 2018 1149

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2023. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2023. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

associated with AMD risk.28 Elevated serum lipids were

associated with increased risk of intermediate AMD in
some studies29 but not in others.30

Implications of AMD
AMD has widespread effects on quality of life. Studies
show that patients with AMD report greater life stress,
lower satisfaction, lower activity levels, and increased
depression than do similarly aged people without AMD.31
When treatment outcomes do not meet expectations,
depression is prevalent, even among patients who have
received anti-VEGF treatment.32 Reported health-related
quality of life was similar or lower in patients with
AMD than in those with other serious chronic health
AMD has been associated with increased risk of
functional disability in older adults.34 BMES showed that,
compared with participants with no AMD, participants
with AMD (of any stage) had a roughly two-times higher
risk of negative effects on activities of daily living.34 AMD
is linked to an increased risk of falls and other injuries.35
Figure 3: Multimodal imaging of geographic atrophy Several studies suggest a direct association between
(A) Large soft drusen surrounding an area of geographic atrophy on colour fundus photography (left), fundus vision loss in AMD and number of falls.35
autofluorescence imaging (middle), and fluorescein angiography (right). (B) Near-infrared imaging (left) and AMD increases the risk of cognitive impairment,
optical coherence tomography (right) of geographic atrophy.
including Alzheimer’s disease.36 Some studies reported
that AMD, especially atrophic AMD, is independently
A global meta-analysis3 showed an almost two-times associated with cognitive impairment.36 A Taiwanese study
higher prevalence of early and any AMD in European found that atrophic AMD was independently associated
white people compared with Asian people (11·2% vs 6·8% with an increased risk of subsequent Alzheimer’s disease
for early AMD; 12·3% vs 7·4% for any AMD). Early, late, or dementia,37 although this association was not observed
and all AMD were also more prevalent in European white in a UK-based study.38 Several studies have investigated
than in African people (11·2% vs 7·1% for early AMD; whether AMD patients are at increased risk of death,
0·5% vs 0·3% for late AMD; 12·3% vs 7·5% for all AMD), particularly cardiovascular mortality, but findings have
with no differences in prevalence found between Asian been inconsistent.39 A ten-study meta-analysis found that
and African populations. European white people had a late AMD was associated with a 20% increase in all-cause
higher prevalence of geographic atrophy (1·11%) than mortality and a 46% increase in cardiovascular mortality.39
did African (0·14%), Asian (0·21%), and Hispanic
people (0·16%). The prevalence of neovascular AMD, Genetics
however, was similar in all ethnic groups, with a pooled AMD is a multifactorial disorder with a strong genetic
prevalence of 0·46%.3 component.40 Discovery of genetic loci associated with
AMD risk is influenced by non-genetic and environ­ AMD was one of the first major successes to come from
mental factors, such as smoking and diet.22 Smoking is genome-wide association studies.40 Since then, large
the strongest (and only agreed upon) modifiable risk such studies have been done by international consortia
factor for AMD, and has been consistently associated for AMD.41,42 By 2017, 52 common and rare variants at
with a two-times increased risk for developing late 34 genetic loci had been identified to be independently
AMD (odds ratios 1·8–3·0), and around a 10-year- associated with late AMD on the basis of 16 144 cases of
younger age at onset.18,23 Other factors with less robust late AMD and 17 832 controls.43
evidence for their influence on AMD risk include The presence of very rare coding variants
sunlight exposure, iris colour,18 and alcohol con­ (fre­
quency <0·1%) in complement factor H (CFH),
sumption.24 Inflammatory mediators, measured in the complement factor I (CFI), and TIMP metallo­peptidase
form of C-reactive protein and other markers, are inhibitor 3 (TIMP3) suggests causal roles for these genes
elevated in AMD.25,26 The possible risks of cataract in AMD pathogenesis.43 The complement pathway (CFH,
surgery in eyes with early AMD are uncertain; CFI, C2, CFB, and C3) is mainly implicated,44 followed by
a Cochrane review27 showed insufficient evidence to the age-related maculopathy susceptibility 2 (ARMS2)
support cataract surgery as a risk factor for late AMD. locus, which does not yet have an identified gene
Cardiovascular disease risk factors, such as hyper­tension product.45 TIMP3 encodes a matrix metalloproteinase
and hyperlipidaemia, have also been incon­ sistently inhibitor that is involved in regulating the degradation of

1150 Vol 392 September 29, 2018

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the extracellular matrix and is implicated in ageing and suspected invasion into the retina.60 Type 1 neovascu­
Sorsby fundus dystrophy.46 Altogether, the 52 variants larisation arises when choroidal neovascularisation
explained 27·2% of disease variability, and more than pro­liferation occurs below the retinal pigment epi­
half the genomic heritability of AMD.43 thelium, and corresponds to an occult choroidal neo­
Discovery of these genetic variants has led to vascularisation with a poorly defined pattern of leakage
formulation of genetic risk scores to help predict the risk on fluorescein angiography. Type 2 neo­vascularisation
of developing late AMD. Risk scores that included age, refers to choroidal neovascularisation proliferation
sex, smoking, and early AMD phenotypes had large area above the retinal pigment epithelium in the subretinal
under the receiver operating curve values (0·85–0·91).47–49 space, and corresponds to classic choroidal neovascu­
In a study by Buitendijk and colleagues,49 the cumulative larisation with intense fluorescein leakage. Type 3
incidence of late AMD, depending on age alone, peaked neovascularisation (or retinal angiomatous proliferation)
at less than 20%; however, with the addition of genetic occurs when the retinal circulation is involved, with
and environmental risk scores, cumulative risk could an anastomosis between the choroidal and retinal
be further refined from virtually 0% to more than circulations.61–63 A further subclassification of type 1
65% for those with the highest risk scores (appendix). choroidal neovascularisation known as polypoidal chor­
How­ ever, the American Academy of Ophthalmology oidal vasculopathy, which has a large aneurysmal
advises against routine predictive genetic testing for component, is observed more commonly in African and
AMD because potential ethical, legal, and societal risks Asian people,3,64 with a reported frequency of 22% to 62%
out­weigh potential benefits.50 among people with AMD in Asian populations (two-
Several gene–environment interactions for AMD have times to four-times higher than that in European
been reported. Smoking increases AMD risk for all populations [8–13%]).64
genotypes of CFH, ARMS2, and HtrA serine peptidase 1 Geographic atrophy, another late manifestation of
(HTRA1).2,51,52 In monozygotic twins discordant for AMD AMD, is characterised by loss of retinal pigment
signs, twins with more advanced AMD had greater epithelial cells, overlying photoreceptors, and underlying
exposure to smoking than twins with less advanced choroidal capillaries.65 Histological studies suggest that,
AMD.53 in geographic atrophy, atrophy of the retinal pigment
epithelium takes place first, followed by degeneration of
Pathogenesis of AMD the choriocapillaris.65
The characteristic lesions of AMD are drusen, which are
visible clinically in both the macula and retinal periphery. Prevention and delay of AMD progression
Colour fundus photography and clinical examination can In the AREDS66 large multicentre clinical trial, treatment
be used to document drusen according to their size as with a combined supplement containing high doses
hard (or small), medium (>63 μm), or large (>125 μm).54 of zinc and antioxidants (ascorbic acid [vitamin C],
Another form, compound drusen, can exist in the retinal vitamin E, β carotene, and copper) reduced the risk of
periphery, but its implications are unclear.55 On histology progression to advanced AMD by around 25% (odds
and electron microscopy, drusen, particularly large ratio 0·72, 95% CI 0·52–0·98) after an average 6·3-year
drusen, correspond to basal linear deposits that contain follow-up. In the follow-up study (AREDS2),51,67 in which
membranous material and are located between the the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin were added to the
basement membrane of the retinal pigment epithelium AREDS formula, people in the lowest quintile in terms of
and the inner collagenous layer of Bruch’s membrane.56 dietary lutein and zeaxanthin intake benefited most
Drusen consist of various components, including from the addition of these carotenoids, with around
neutral lipids with esterified and unesterified cholesterol 10% reduced risk of progression to advanced AMD.
(>40% of volume),57 more than 129 different proteins55— Furthermore, when β carotene was replaced with lutein,
including TIMP3, vitronectin, β-amyloid, apolipoproteins the incremental benefit increased to 18%, probably
(E, B, A-I, C-I, and C-II), and proteins involved in because of reduced competitive carotenoid absorption.
complement regulation—and zinc and iron ions.58 Therefore, lutein and zeaxanthin were considered a better
Basal laminar deposits, another type of retinal deposit addition to the AREDS supplement than β caro­tene, also
associated with AMD, are found between the basement allowing the potential increased risk of lung cancer from
membrane of the retinal pigment epithelium and its β carotene in past smokers to be avoided.51 A large meta-
plasma membrane, and consist of basement membrane analysis68 also showed that high dietary intake of lutein
proteins and long-spacing collagen.55,59 These two types of and zeaxanthin was useful in reducing late AMD risk.
deposit might reflect different retinal pigment epithelium BMES69 provided evidence of a protective role for fish
responses to cellular stress, resulting in the major and ω-3 fatty acids. Evidence of a linear association
manifestations of early AMD lesions: drusen and retinal between increasing fish consumption and reduced AMD
pigmentary abnormalities.59 risk was also shown in a meta-analysis.70 By contrast,
Regarding neovascular AMD, subtypes of choroidal AREDS271 showed no net benefit of ω-3 fatty acid
neovascularisation are classified according to the site of supplementation, and a systematic review72 concluded no Vol 392 September 29, 2018 1151

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2023. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2023. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

Treatment Control Follow-up Mean change in visual acuity (ETDRS test letters)
Treatment group Control group

Neovascular AMD
Macugen74 Pegaptanib 1 mg every 6 weeks Sham injection every 6 weeks 1 37% maintained or gained ≥0 23% maintained or gained
letters ≥0 letters
MARINA75 Ranibizumab 0·5 mg monthly Sham injection monthly 1 +7·2 –10·4

Ranibizumab 0·5 mg monthly plus sham Sham injection monthly plus verteporfin 1 +11·3 –9·5
photodynamic therapy photodynamic therapy
VIEW 177 Aflibercept 2 mg every 2 months Ranibizumab 0·5 mg monthly 1 +7·9 +8·1

VIEW 277 Aflibercept 2 mg every 2 months Ranibizumab 0·5 mg monthly 1 +8·9 +9·4

Bevacizumab 1·25 mg monthly Ranibizumab 0·5 mg monthly 1 +7·8 +8·8

Bevacizumab 1·25 mg monthly Ranibizumab 0·5 mg monthly 2 +4·1 +4·9

GEFAL80 Bevacizumab 0·5 mg monthly for 3 months, then as Ranibizumab 0·5 mg monthly for 1 +4·8 +2·9
required 3 months, then as required
BRAMD81 Bevacizumab 1·25 mg monthly Ranibizumab 0·5 mg monthly 1 +5·1 +6·4

Ranibizumab 0·5 mg monthly for 3 months, then as Ranibizumab 0·5 mg monthly 2 +7·9 +9·1
TREX83 Ranibizumab 0·5 mg monthly for at least 3 months Ranibizumab 0·5 mg monthly 1 +10·5 +9·2
until disease is inactive, then extension per protocol
LUCAS84 Bevacizumab 1·25 mg monthly until disease is Ranibizumab 0·5 mg monthly until 1 +7·9 +8·2
inactive, then extension by 2 weeks up to a maximum inactive, then extension by 2 weeks up to
of 12 weeks a maximum of 12 weeks
AURORA85 Conbercept 2 mg monthly for 3 months, then Conbercept 0·5 mg monthly for 1 +15·4 +9·3
monthly or as required 3 months, then monthly or as required
OPH100286 Pegpleranib 1·5 mg plus ranibizumab 0·5 mg monthly Ranibizumab 0·5 mg monthly 1 +10·7 +9·8

OPH100386 Pegpleranib 1·5 mg plus ranibizumab 0·5 mg monthly Ranibizumab 0·5 mg monthly 1 +9·9 +10·4

HAWK87 Brolucizumab 6 mg monthly for 3 months, then every Aflibercept 2 mg monthly for 3 months, 1 Non-inferiority endpoint Not published
2 or 3 months as required then every 2 months reached
HARRIER87 Brolucizumab 6 mg monthly for 3 months, then every Aflibercept 2 mg monthly for 3 months, 1 Non-inferiority endpoint Not published
2 or 3 months as required then every 2 months reached
Pazopanib88 Pazopanib 10 mg/mL topical eye drops 2–4 times a day Ranibizumab 0·5 mg monthly 1 +0·3 to +1·8 +1·4
plus ranibizumab as required
Atrophic AMD

MAHALO89 Lampalizumab 10 mg monthly Sham injection monthly 1 20% reduction in GA growth; –4·9 letters
44% reduction in those with CFI
risk allele; –3·3 letters
GATE90 Tandospirone 1·75% topical ocular drop twice daily Vehicle topical eye drops twice daily 30 months 1·76-mm² growth in GA 1·76-mm² growth in GA

Eculizumab 900 mg intravenous infusion weekly for Normal saline intravenous infusion 1 year +0·37-mm growth in +0·37-mm growth in
4 weeks, followed by 1200 mg every 2 weeks until weekly for 4 weeks, followed by 1200 mg mean square root of GA mean square root of GA
week 24 every 2 weeks until week 24

AMD=age-related macular degeneration. ETDRS=Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study. GA=geographic atrophy. CFI=complement factor I.

Table 2: Outcomes of major treatment trials of late AMD

benefit of increasing dietary ω-3 fatty acids in terms of drug to be used in trials for neovascular AMD was
preventing or slowing AMD progression. pegaptanib sodium, an aptamer that binds VEGF₁₆₅ and
larger isoforms74 (table 2). Ranibizumab is an antibody
Treatment of neovascular AMD fragment that also binds all VEGFA isoforms, and was
Anti-VEGF agents used in the key phase III trials MARINA75 (for occult
Effective treatment for neovascular AMD is based on choroidal neovascularisation; compared with sham
inhibition of the angiogenic protein VEGF, which is injections) and ANCHOR76 (for classic choroidal
produced in the retina and induced by hypoxia and other neovascularisation; compared with verteporfin photo­
conditions. VEGF increases retinal vascular permeability dynamic therapy) that led to widespread use of
and promotes neovascularisation.73 The first anti-VEGF ranibizumab for treatment of neovascular AMD (table 2).

1152 Vol 392 September 29, 2018

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2023. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2023. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.

Bevacizumab, which binds all isoforms of VEGFA and is USA and Australia.83,97 The Lucentis Compared to Avastin
approved for the treatment of metastatic colon cancer, Study (LUCAS)98 used a treat-and-extend regimen,
was initially introduced as intravenous therapy for reporting good 2-year outcomes with use of eight to nine
AMD,92 and subsequently used off-label as an intravitreal injections per year (table 2). Treat-and-extend regimens99
injection.93 are beginning to replace the as-required regimens
The Comparison of Age-Related Macular Degeneration typically used in the UK97 and elsewhere, following
Treatment Trials (CATT)78 in the USA compared reports of poor long-term outcomes from as-required
ranibizumab and bevacizumab for the treatment of regimens in different countries.100 In long-term follow-up
neovascular AMD, and showed similar visual acuity of 65 patients from pivotal neovascular AMD trials, visual
outcomes for the two drugs. The Inhibition of VEGF in acuity in 24 patients (37%) was reduced to 6/60 or worse
Age-Related Choroidal Neovascularisation (IVAN) trial79 by 7 years.101 In the CATT study,102 after 5 years, this
in the UK showed similar outcomes to CATT, which were proportion was 20%, and mean visual acuity had fallen to
also confirmed in subsequent trials80,81,84 (table 2) and a three letters lower than at baseline.
Cochrane systematic review.94 Clinicians worldwide In a UK-based multicentre study of around
continue to treat AMD with off-label bevacizumab, which 93 000 injections for neovascular AMD in 11 000 patients,100,103
is a small fraction of the cost of ranibizumab and appears after 2 years of as-required treatment, visual acuity had
to have equivalent effectiveness. increased to 56 letters (baseline 55 letters, Snellen
Aflibercept is a recombinant protein that includes equivalent acuity of 6/21), and fell to a mean of 53 letters
binding domains of VEGF receptors 1 and 2, and is the (–2 letters below baseline) by 3 years.100 Number of
most recent major new molecule to be used clinically ranibizumab injections decreased from a mean of 5·7 in
worldwide. Aflibercept blocks all VEGFA isoforms and year 1 to 3·7 in years 2 and 3, and baseline visual acuity
VEGFB, and blocks placental growth factor (although the was a crucial predictor of outcomes.100 16% of eyes assessed
potential benefit of this blockade is still unclear). The in the study were second-treated eyes, which typically
VEGF Trap-Eye: Investigation of Efficacy and Safety started treatment with better baseline visual acuity (average
in Wet AMD (VIEW) trials77 showed that intravitreal 65 letters, Snellen equivalent 6/15, close to driving-
aflibercept, given 2-monthly after loading, was non- standard vision), and maintained better vision than first-
inferior to monthly ranibizumab for both visual acuity treated eyes for at least 3 years.103 Second-eye involvement
gains and fluid resolution (table 2). In different optical occurred in around 14% of patients per year for fellow eyes
coherence tomography compartments (intraretinal, with a visual acuity of 6/60 or better at baseline; for eyes
subretinal, sub-retinal pigment epithelium), 4-weekly with 6/18 or better baseline vision, second-eye involvement
aflibercept achieved fluid resolution in a slightly higher was 50% by 3 years. The data also suggest that neovascular
proportion of patients than 8-weekly aflibercept by AMD should be detected rapidly, when vision is still
1 year.95 This finding matches the clinical observation that fairly good, because presenting vision is the strongest
most (but not all) patients managed with aflibercept can predictor of final vision. Undertreatment of fellow eyes
be extended to 2-monthly injections. with neovascular AMD is a predictor of further vision
Dosing regimens
The best maintenance regimen to use after initial loading Population impact
phases of anti-VEGF therapy has been debated. Although Following the introduction of anti-VEGF therapy, the
the early MARINA75 and ANCHOR76 trials suggested that incidence of AMD-related blindness has fallen dra­
monthly anti-VEGF treatment was necessary to maintain matically (by around 50%) in Denmark and Scotland.105,106
vision, the CATT78 and IVAN79 studies showed that The UK AMD Electronic Medical Record System (EMR)
monthly treatment was associated with only slightly Users Group reported the cumulative incidence of new
better outcomes than aggressive as-required regimens blindness (worse than 6/60 in the treated eye) in
that necessitated seven to eight injections in the first patients receiving as-required anti-VEGF therapy as 5%
year. Later trials of ranibizumab established optimum at 1 year, 9% at 2 years, 12% at 3 years, and 16% at
outcomes for as-required regimens, with gains of 4 years.107 These values were substantially lower than
7·9 letters at 2 years from an average 13·3 injections82 those previously reported in a study of the natural
(table 2). This study also showed that, although most history of untreated neovascular AMD,108 in which
patients had a good response by 3 months, around one in over 75% of eyes not blind at baseline developed new
eight patients were late responders.96 blindness within 3 years. The AMD EMR Users Group
Besides monthly and as-required approaches, treat- study107 also found that the cumulative incidence of new
and-extend regimens, which merge scheduled treatment visual impairment was 30% at 1 year, 41% at 2 years,
with flexibility of treatment intervals based on both visual 49% at 3 years, and 54% at 4 years, suggesting
and anatomic outcomes, have been popularised (table 2), considerable scope for improvement in outcomes.
and have now become standard for anti-VEGF therapy Real-world studies indicate that relative under­ treat­
in neovascular AMD in many countries, including the ment of neovascular AMD is very frequent. The AURA Vol 392 September 29, 2018 1153

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Study109 of 2227 patients estimated that at least been trialled more than other agents, a 2014 systematic
5·1 ranibizumab injections were needed to maintain review and meta-analysis of randomised trials found no
visual acuity from baseline to year 1, and that relationship with mortality, but a possible relationship
8·3 injections were needed to maintain visual acuity between more intensive treatment and risk of systemic
from years 1 to 2. Overall, the mean number of injections vascular events.115 A US Medicare beneficiary data
given in year 1 was 5·4, but only 4·5 were given in year 2. linkage study reported no increased risk of acute
Thus, the injection number needed to maintain acuity myocardial infarction, stroke, or all-cause mortality from
was higher than that typically administered in AURA. ranibizumab use.116 In terms of ocular safety, post-
Gillies and colleagues110 reported a real-world comparison injection infection (endophthalmitis) was rare (1 per
between ranibizumab and aflibercept in treatment-naive 1700 injections), occurring in 11 (<1%) of 1185 patients in
patients with neo­vascular AMD, with similar baseline the CATT study.117
characteristics and relatively good starting vision
(n=197 eyes per treatment group). The mean numbers of Treatment of atrophic AMD
injections (8·1 for ranibizumab and 8·0 for aflibercept) Atrophic AMD (geographic atrophy) is estimated to
and visits to the clinic (9·6 and 9·5) were similar in both account for 20% of legal blindness (20/200 [Snellen
groups, as were 1-year gains (+3·7 letters and +4·3 letters). equivalent 6/60] or worse in the better eye) in the USA.118
When affecting the foveal centre, geographic atrophy
Treatments for subtypes of neovascular AMD typically impairs driving vision as well as the ability to
The seminal anti-VEGF trials for AMD were done in read and to recognise faces. However, visual acuity does
patients with occult (MARINA)75 and classic (ANCHOR)76 not correlate well with the extent of geographic atrophy
choroidal neovascularisation lesions. Although anti- because the fovea can be spared or surrounded for
VEGF therapy is clearly effective for choroidal neo­vascu­ extended periods.13 Therefore, use of traditional visual
larisation, there is less strong evidence for its efficacy in acuity as an endpoint in clinical trials can be problematic,
other subtypes of AMD, such as polypoidal choroidal as the study duration could be prohibitively long
vasculopathy64 and retinal angiomatous proliferation.62 because of the relatively slow growth of geographic
The 12-month findings from trials of therapy for atrophy lesions, particularly in the early stages. Alternative
polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy might clarify these clinical endpoints are being explored, including improved
issues. The EVEREST I111 and II112 trials compared reading indices,119 geographic atrophy growth defined by
ranibizumab monotherapy with ranibizumab combined fundus autofluorescence imaging, optical coherence
with verteporfin photodynamic therapy, and found tomography indices, and composite endpoints based on
similar visual acuity outcomes, but better anatomical multimodal imaging.120
outcomes in terms of a higher proportion of eyes with Complement inhibition has been identified as an
complete regression of polyps (combination therapy 78% important potential therapeutic intervention for atrophic
[14 of 18 patients] vs monotherapy 29% [6 of 21]) and AMD.121 Drugs targeting the complement pathway, such
fluid-free retina in patients who received the combination as eculizumab91 and lampalizumab,89 have been tested in
therapy. By contrast, the PLANET study113 found that phase 2 and phase 3 clinical trials (table 2). In the
aflibercept monotherapy was non-inferior to aflibercept MAHALO phase II trial,89 compared with a sham control,
combined with rescue photodynamic therapy in terms of lampalizumab treatment led to a 20% reduction in
vision gained (+ 10·7 letters for monotherapy and geographic atrophy area progression, and a greater
+10·8 letters for combination therapy at 12 months) and reduction of 44% in CFI risk-allele carriers (around half
inactive polyps (81·7% [116 participants] and 88·9% [136]). the trial sample). However, findings from the phase III
The PLANET study114 also showed improve­ ments in trials Chroma and Spectri122 showed that lampalizumab
visual (+10·7 letters) or functional outcomes in more did not reduce geographic atrophy enlargement compared
than 85% of participants who were treated with with a sham control during 48 weeks of treatment.
intravitreal aflibercept injection monotherapy, with no Furthermore, in the COMPLETE study,91 eculizumab
signs of leakage from polypoidal lesions in more showed no effect on geographic atrophy growth.
than 80%. The addition of photodynamic therapy to Other agents such as tandospirone eye drops90 did not
intravitreal aflibercept injection did not confer additional affect the progression of geographic atrophy (table 2).
benefits in visual outcomes; however, as only a few Tandospirone is a partial agonist of the serotonin
participants met the criteria of a suboptimal response to (5-hydroxytryptamine) 1A receptor, a mechanism con­
receive photodynamic therapy, the benefit of adding sidered potentially neuroprotective in CNS injury similar
photodynamic therapy for polypoidal choroidal vasculo­ to that seen in geographic atrophy.
pathy cannot be established from this trial.114
Alternative anti-VEGF therapies
Safety The results of trials of newer anti-VEGF therapies,
The systemic and ocular safety of anti-VEGF agents has including intravitreal therapy with conbercept85 or
been much investigated. For ranibizumab, which has brolucizumab,87,123,124 have been reported for neovascular

1154 Vol 392 September 29, 2018

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AMD (table 2). The phase II trial85 of conbercept closed circuit television, has been the principal method
suggested similar or greater visual acuity gains and for helping patients with late AMD. Although these
similar injection frequency to that of ranibizumab in tools can be effective for correcting overall visual
the CATT study. Brolucizumab was non-inferior to functioning, they are cumbersome to use and cos­
ranibizumab in phase II trials, and showed a 1-month metically burdensome.137 Therefore, intraocular implants
increase in the median time to post-baseline therapy, have become a potentially attractive alternative to extra­
suggesting potentially longer treatment intervals than ocular visual aids. A 2017 review of seven types of
those of ranibizumab.123 Brolucizumab also showed intraocular lenses recommended for AMD patients
greater fluid resolution than aflibercept.87 found no single ideal lens for use in existing AMD that
Strittmatter and colleagues125 postulated that targeting did not have considerable drawbacks.137 Further
platelet-derived growth factor receptors and VEGF independent clinical studies with long follow-up are
receptors together could inhibit development of pericyte necessary before general use of these optical devices by
scaffolds, thus better attenuating choroidal neo­ people with AMD.
vascularisation. A trial series investigated whether this Advances in electronic technology have made artificial
dual antagonism could improve neovascular AMD vision through use of retinal prostheses feasible.
outcomes compared with anti-VEGF monotherapy.88 Two commercial devices have been tested in multiple
Phase IIb trials of the platelet-derived growth factor human clinical trials: the Argus II electronic epiretinal
antagonist pegpleranib126 showed a 62% greater incre­ device (Second Sight Medical Products, CA, USA) and
mental benefit of combination therapy (pegpleranib and the Alpha-IMS electronic subretinal device (Retina
ranibizumab) compared with anti-VEGF monotherapy Implant AG, Germany).138,139 These devices were originally
(ranibizumab alone).127 However, two phase III trials86,128 designed for patients with advanced retinitis pigmentosa,
showed no visual or anatomical benefit of combination a form of inherited retinal degeneration that is generally
therapy compared with ranibizumab monotherapy much more severe than AMD. The prostheses provide
(table 2). discrimination between light and dark and, in some
patients, recognition of large objects and improved visual
Future directions function. The cost and longevity of these prostheses limit
Practical therapeutic strategies for a complex disease their use in clinical practice at present.
such as AMD are likely to combine multiple factors,
including diet, lifestyle, and improved pharmacological Conclusion
interventions, taking into account personalised genetic Over the past decade, major advances have been made in
information.129 There is increasing interest in inter­ our understanding of the genetic basis of AMD, imaging
ventions to delay the progression from early to late stages of the pathological changes that occur, prevention of
of AMD. One area of research is high-dose statin therapy, AMD progression through changes to nutrient intakes,
shown in some small studies to be associated with and new therapeutic options in the form of anti-VEGF
drusen regression.130,131 Given the high lipid content of agents to treat neovascular AMD. As a result, legal
drusen, there is a reasonable biological plausibility blindness and visual impairment from AMD have
for such a mechanism of action, and well-established substantially decreased in incidence. Current research is
treatments such as statins could easily be translated into focused on developing new and longer-lasting agents
clinical practice. However, evidence remains mixed, with for neovascular AMD and interventions to slow the
a Cochrane review finding no benefit of statin use in progression of geographic atrophy.
delaying AMD progression.132 Contributors
Gene therapies involving expression of anti-angiogenic All authors contributed to the writing of the manuscript and designing
proteins by gene delivery have been proposed for of tables and figures.
neovascular AMD to reduce intravitreal therapy, with Declaration of interests
preclinical trials done in animal models;133 the proposed PM has consulted for Novartis, Bayer, Roche, and Abbott. GL has received
a travel grant for conference attendance from Bayer. BG declares no
modes of administration are clinic-based intravitreal competing interests. TYW has consulted for Abbott, Bayer, Boehringer
injection or operating theatre-based subretinal injections. Ingelheim, Genentech, Novartis, Roche, and Santen.
Early data from in-human studies of chronic neovascular Acknowledgments
AMD suggested safety and early efficacy of subretinal This work was supported by the Australian National Health & Medical
injection of rAAV.sFLT-1, a recombinant adeno-associated Research Council (Canberra, Australia).
viral vector encoding soluble VEGF receptor 1.134,135 Stem- References
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Am J Ophthalmol 2017; 177: 150–58. Vol 392 September 29, 2018 1159

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