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The Brave New World of clinical cancer research: Adaptive

biomarker-driven trials integrating clinical practice with
clinical research5

Donald A. Berry
Division of Quantitative Sciences, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, 2006-2010,


Article history: Clinical trials are the final links in the chains of knowledge and for determining the roles of
Received 24 February 2015 therapeutic advances. Unfortunately, in an important sense they are the weakest links.
Accepted 24 February 2015 This article describes two designs that are being explored today: platform trials and basket
Available online 11 March 2015 trials. Both are attempting to merge clinical research and clinical practice.
ª 2015 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights
Keywords: reserved.
Biomarker-driven clinical trials
Platform trials
Basket trials
Bayesian adaptive clinical trials

Molecular biomarkers point the way to unraveling cancer. Bi- Stretching the analogy with pioneering, the rocketships of
ologists are cracking cancer codes at an unprecedented rate modern biology culminate their final stage of delivery in a
and are learning how biomarker profiles interact with therapy. wagon train.
Even so, future historians will view today’s cancer biology as Traditional clinical trials are straightforward and pur-
nascent. What is still unknown dwarfs the known. posely simple. Each trial addresses a single scientific question,
Clinical trials are the final links in the chains of knowledge one that barely scratches the surface in unraveling the nature
and for determining the roles of therapeutic advances. Unfor- of complex diseases such as cancer. Answering a single ques-
tunately, in an important sense they are the weakest links. tion is a baby step in the big picture of understanding and
Moreover, as biology advances still further traditional clinical curing cancer. Actually, some steps are backwards because
trials will increasingly limit progress. In the 1940s A. Bradford that they occupy resources that would better serve if allocated
Hill designed and conducted a randomized clinical trial (RCT) more wisely. Simple, one-question trials were satisfactory or
of streptomycin in tuberculosis. That pioneering achievement at least tolerable when we had a small number of therapies
turned medicine from anecdote and case study into legitimate to investigate for a disease that was regarded to be
science. RCTs have changed little in the last 70 years. homogeneous.

This is a contribution to the special issue edited by Drs. Ringborg, Mendelsohn and Schilsky.
E-mail address: [email protected]
1574-7891/ª 2015 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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952 M O L E C U L A R O N C O L O G Y 9 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 9 5 1 e9 5 9

The problem is that cancer is many, many diseases. Our to patients who have the disease and present after the trial.
erstwhile taxonomy by organ of origin may have hindered But the world has changed, and it continues to rapidly evolve.
progress as much as it helped. A lung cancer is more like other Traditional, large clinical trials take many years to design and
lung cancers than it is like breast cancer, say. But the hetero- run. And they can be straightjackets for clinical practice by
geneity of lung cancer is fundamental to understanding it. providing answers to outdated questions. In the interim cancer
And modeling across organ sites is fundamental to curing it. biology will have asked many new questions, perhaps
Coupled with the greater understanding of the drivers and including which combinations of the experimental agents un-
backseat drivers of cancer is the burgeoning number of small der investigation in the trial are appropriate for which patient
molecules that have anti-cancer activity. Combinations of these subsets. These subsets will likely be defined by biomarkers that
molecules make for an essentially infinite number of thera- were unknown at the start of the trial.
piesdfar more therapies than patients. Researchers cannot
address more than a small proportion of them in clinical trials.
We speak of false negatives and false positives, but both are 2. Clinical trials in the Brave New World
dwarfed by false neutralsdtherapies that have not been and
may never be evaluated in clinical trials. Resources have been The focus of traditional clinical trial design is hypothesis
allocated traditionally to evaluating a small number of thera- testing, including control of type I error rate and statistical po-
pies, ensuring that they are neither false positives nor false neg- wer. In a typical scenario, investigators propose a clinical trial
atives. Like a myopic gold miner we sift the dirt in our tiny claim comparing an experimental arm to a control. Assuming the
while nearby mountain ranges harbor the real treasures. primary endpoint is time to a particular type of negative event
In view of the huge number of and the complicated nature they might want to be able to detect a 25% reduction in hazard
of pathways involved in cancer, the “gold in them thar hills” with 90% power and 5% two-sided type I error rate. Suppose
involves combinations and sequential therapies. Consider the median time to event in the control arm is expected to
the space of single agents that have potential anti-cancer ac- be 3 years, accrual rate is 4 patients per month, and minimum
tivity, the “therapy space.” Its dimension is the number of subsequent follow-up is 3 years then they would calculate
possible single agents. Suppose 1015 just to be specific. Dose that about 650 patients would be required.
is a whole other set of dimensions, at least another 1015. Such a trial would report results 16 years hence, when the
Now consider the tumor/patient biomarkers that are (or may trial’s conclusion may be irrelevant. Nobody would run such a
be) associated with cancer, perhaps 1010. They constitute the trial. Instead they would pretend that they expect a 65%
“patient space.” The ways in which the therapy space inter- reduction for which moderate sample size would give reason-
acts with the patient space are hugely complicated, at least able power. It’s a joke. The punchline is that the same hypoth-
1040. We have barely begun to learn which of the myriad of esis testing approach is the status quo for both common
combinations of therapies are best for which patients. conditions such as hyperlipidemia and rare diseases such as
Guardians of yesteryear cling to what they know and shun high risk relapsed Wilms’ tumor. It may work for the former
the new and the unknown. Tradition is a crutch, one that im- but it does not work without pretenses such as the above for
pedes progress. The advances in medicine made by RCTs the latter. The rub is that the latter is a glimpse into the future
confirm their value. But their number is too small. We must of all cancer research. The ability to run definitive clinical tri-
take the RCT to new levels. And we must consider a variety als that address questions biologists are asking is dwindling,
of approaches to clinical trials as the Brave New World un- including for diseases that were common when they were
folds. It is ironic that we take the same clinical trial approach categorized by organ of origin.
to evaluate all manner of potentially amazing transformative Future trials in cancer (and more generally) must explicitly
experimental therapies and yet we don’t experiment with the consider disease prevalence. They must also consider the
design of the clinical trial itself. rapidity of advances in biology and the rate at which alterna-
tive therapies are being developed. This will mean smaller,
shorter, and more focused trials. The new clinical trial para-
1. Experimenting with experiments digm should have the goal of delivering good medicine to pa-
tients who have or will have the narrowly defined disease in
Traditional clinical trials focus on large populations. Clinical question. Randomization will continue to play a role, albeit
trials keep getting bigger, making therapies more expensive one that is more refined, as I will describe. But hypothesis test-
and delaying their availability to patients. The rub is that mod- ing’s role will be at most ancillary. Trial designs in the Brave
ern biology is slicing and dicing cancer into ever smaller sub- New World will be radically different. No one knows what
sets. Soon every cancer patient will have an ultra-orphan drug development and drug regulation will be like, but dra-
disease. Traditional approaches to designing clinical trials matic change is inevitable.
are helpless and hopeless when evaluating therapies for dis- In later sections I will describe some trial designs and ap-
eases with an incidence of a few hundred patients per year. proaches that are being investigated in the face of a burgeon-
And yet this is the future of all cancer. ing number of patient subpopulations that are ever shrinking
The Belmont Report of 1979 draws a clear distinction be- in size. Some of these designs may presage the future. Some
tween clinical research and clinical practice, stressing that are radically different from the usual approaches to designing
the former is “designed to test an hypothesis . and thereby clinical trials. But they are not different enough. All the de-
to . contribute to generalizable knowledge.” (US Department signs I consider are anchored in the past in the sense that
of Health (1979)) “Generalizable knowledge” is that applicable they take a standard hypothesis testing perspective.
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M O L E C U L A R O N C O L O G Y 9 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 9 5 1 e9 5 9 953

The first tack enables assessing whether the therapy’s ef-

3. A taxonomy of modern clinical trial designs fect is indeed specific to its target, whether it has off-target ef-
fects, and whether the marker assay used appropriately
The terminology associated with modern oncology clinical identifies the target. This information is valuable but its cost
trial designs has not been well established. In particular, the in terms of time and resources is great.
term “umbrella trial” has been used to mean a variety of types The second tack will miss off-target effects but is more
of trials but it has no specificity. For example, the “umbrella” economical. In theory, if the therapy is ineffective against its
may cover agents, biomarker subtypes, or both. target then it is unlikely to be effective against tumors
A design is determined by the questions being addressed. I harboring aberrations that are not specifically targeted. And
offer a taxonomy of trial designs in Table 1. My definitions are off-target effects can be assessed later for any therapy that
not generally accepted. Combinations of design characteris- is effective against its target. A problem is that there may be
tics are possible. For example, an indication finder may an inordinate delay before this information becomes avail-
move seamlessly from phase 2 to phase 3. able. An example is trastuzumab for breast cancer. The NSABP
Trials that address many questions can be complicated. is conducting a trial involving 3260 adjuvant breast cancer pa-
For example, a standing platform trial might also seek to tients whose tumor HER2 expression is “low.” The trial started
determine an appropriate indication for each therapy that is in 2011 and is due to report in 2017. <
being considered. Moreover, any design can be made adaptive, ct2/show/NCT01275677> This will be 19 years after the drug’s
making it both more efficient and better able to answer the FDA approval in HER2-high metastatic breast cancer and 11
questions accurately (Berry, 2012). years after its approval in HER2-high adjuvant disease.
Adaptive randomization is a compromise between these
two extremes, one that can achieve the benefits of both with
relatively small additional cost in terms of resources. Namely,
4. Biomarker Development and Adaptive
the trial can have broad eligibility criteria with non-responsive
patient subgroups dropped as the trial proceeds. In a platform
trial that includes many experimental therapies, a particular
Historically, the development of biologic therapies has taken
therapy’s non-responsive subgroup is not dropped from the
one of two very different tacks. The first is to treat all patients
trial but is gradually assigned to other therapies.
with a particular organ-specific disease and determine or vali-
date the therapy’s indication retrospectivelydperhaps with
an analysis that is prospectively defined in the trial’s protocol.
The “indication” may be the therapy’s maximally responsive 5. Platform trials
subpopulation. The second tack is to limit the trial’s eligibility
to the patients whose tumors harbor the therapy’s targeted A simple device for greatly increasing the efficiency of tradi-
genomic or molecular aberration. tional RCTs is to compare multiple experimental arms against

Table 1 e Categorizing modern oncology clinical trial designs.

Name Description

Platform trial Evaluates many therapies in a particular disease or group of diseases. Therapies usually have different
sponsors and may be combinations or sequences.
Standing trial Platform trial in which therapies enter and leave over time.
Master protocol A trial with multiple treatment options requiring separate protocols but under the same aegis. Informed
consent is usually required for both the master protocol and the respective individual protocol.
Indication finder Evaluates a particular therapy across multiple cancers that are defined by organ type, or across subtypes
within a specific organ type. The goal is to determine which diseases or which biomarker subtypes are
appropriate for further development.
Basket (or bucket) trial Evaluates the effect of a particular targeted therapy on a particular genetic or molecular aberration across
cancer organ types. Variant of indication finder but the therapy is not evaluated for its off-target effects.
Umbrella trial This term may be useless because it is used for very different designs by different researchers and reporters.
I use it for platform trials (many therapies) that are indication finders for each therapy.
Adaptive trial Trials in which unblinded data are monitored and used to determine the future course of the trial based on
prospectively defined decision rules.
Seamless phasesa A particular kind of adaptive trial that moves from one phase of drug development to another without
pausing accrual. Decisions at the phase switch usually involve greater focus. Examples include dropping arms,
dropping doses or schedules, dropping patient subsets, changing randomization proportions, estimating the
sample size for the next phase, and there are many other possibilities. (I do not include changing primary
endpoint for reasons indicated in the text.)

a FDA’s February 2010 draft “Guidance for Industry, Adaptive Design Clinical Trials for Drugs and Biologics” <
Drugs/Guidances/ucm201790.pdf> is focused on phase 3 trials. It avoids the term “seamless phase 2/3” because the term provides “no additional
meaning beyond the term adaptive.”
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954 M O L E C U L A R O N C O L O G Y 9 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 9 5 1 e9 5 9

the same control arm in a single “platform trial.” Having two therapies in metastatic disease and then, if the therapy is suc-
experimental arms and one control in a single trial reduces to- cessful, evaluate it in primary disease. The problem with the
tal sample size by 25% in comparison with two two-armed tri- traditional approach is that it misses effective agents that pre-
als. For a trial with a greater number of experimental arms the vent metastases but have no or little effect once metastases
savings approaches 50%. Not all experimental arms need be have occurred.
included in the randomization scheme at the start of the trial Table 2 shows the 8 disease subtypes considered in I-SPY 2.
but instead arms can be added as they become available: a These are defined by tumor hormone-receptor status (estro-
“standing trial.” Indeed the “trial” may be an unending gen- or progesterone-receptor positive versus neither),
screening process. HER2-positive versus not, and MammaPrint high-plus versus
Even greater efficiency can be achieved by including a other. Table 2 also shows the 10 signatures (or indications)
range of types of patients while adaptively identifying and/ considered for the therapies in the trial. These are biologically
or confirming which patient/biomarker subsetsdif anydbe- plausible combinations of the 8 basic subtypes.
nefit from which of the therapies: an “indication finder.” The numbers of patients assigned to each therapy both
Another efficiency is to modify the randomization probabil- within tumor subtypes and overall are determined by the trial
ities based on the data accumulating in the trial to increase results. The totality of results determine when a therapy grad-
the probability of assigning better performing therapies uates from the trial or drops for futility. These results are used
within patient subtype: an “adaptive design.” This has the to find a Bayesian predictive probability of success in a future
effect of moving better performing therapies through the phase 3 clinical trial (Berry, 2006). In particular, a therapy grad-
trial faster. Finally, since primary clinical endpoint informa- uates from I-SPY 2 if the predictive probability that it will show
tion may be delayed, statistical models of tumor burden statistical superiority over control in an equally randomized
over time can enable more informed adaptive decisions 300-patient phase 3 trial restricted to its graduating signa-
about therapeutic benefits, again depending on patient ture(s) is at least 85%. Upon graduation accrual stops in all pa-
subtype. tient subtypes. Stopping accrual is easy to effect by setting all
A prototypic example of the above description I-SPY 2. the therapy’s randomization probabilities to 0. This happens
(Berry, 2012; I-SPY 2 Trial, 2015; ClinicalTrials, 2015; Barker silently with only selected individuals at the therapy’s owner
et al., 2009) It is a phase 2 adaptively randomized “umbrella being informed. Announcements of graduations to the trial’s
trial” in high-risk neoadjuvant breast cancer. Specifically, it investigators and the general public occur after all the patients
is a standing platform trial that seeks to identify each ther- assigned to the therapy and the concurrently randomized
apy’s indication, or biomarker “signature.” This is subset of control patients have had surgery, which is approximately 6
patients who benefit from the therapy. The primary endpoint months after graduation. Similarly, accrual stops for futility
in I-SPY 2 is pathologic complete response (pCR), an endpoint if the predictive probability of statistical superiority in a future
that the U.S. FDA has come to accept for accelerated approval trial is less than 10% for all 10 signatures.
in neoadjuvant breast cancer. (fda, 2015; Driving Biomedical Figure 1 is a flow chart showing the adaptive process used
Innovation, October 2011) Moreover, to get an early read in I-SPY 2.
regarding the likelihood that each patient will be a pCR on As of this writing I-SPY 2 has evaluated or is still in the pro-
her assigned therapy, we use an adaptive statistical longitudi- cess of evaluating 8 experimental therapies from 6 different
nal model of tumor burden based on MRI volume measure- pharmaceutical companies, and more therapies are in the
ments at 3 weeks and 12 weeks after the start of therapy. queue. Two therapies have graduated to phase 3: veliparib/
I-SPY 2 considers experimental therapies in primary dis- carboplatin with a signature of triple-negative disease, (Rugo
ease. It bucks the tradition of first using experimental et al., 2013; Helwick, 2014) which is Signature 37 in Table 2,

Table 2 e There are 8 biomarker subtypes in I-SPY 2. These are defined by hormone-receptor (HR), HER2, and MammaPrint (MP) statuses.
There are 10 biomarker signatures. These are combinations of the 8 subtypes as shown. Signature prevalences are estimated from I-SPY 1,
(Esserman et al., 2012) which like I-SPY 2 focused on high-risk primary breast cancer treated neoadjuvantly.
Biomarker Subtypes of breast cancer: HR, HER2, MP Estimated
signature prevalence
þþþ þþ þþ þ þþ þ þ 

1: All X X X X X X X X 100%
2: HRþ X X X X 49%
3: HR X X X X 51%
4: HER2þ X X X X 37%
5: HER2 X X X X 63%
6: MPþ X X X X 48%
7: a X X 34%
8: þa X X 17%
9: þþa X X 20%
10: þa X X 29%

a Indicates either MPþ or MP.

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M O L E C U L A R O N C O L O G Y 9 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 9 5 1 e9 5 9 955

M.D. Anderson Cancer Center from 2006 to 2009. BATTLE

shared some characteristics with I-SPY 2. In particular, both
trials had Bayesian designs, both used adaptive randomiza-
tion, and both sought to determine effective therapies in
biomarker-defined disease subsets. There were differences
as well, perhaps most noteworthy was that BATTLE did not
have a control arm (Rubin et al., 2011). However, it did
compare the various treatments within the 5 predefined
biomarker subsets.
Table 3 gives a partial list of platform trials in oncology. The
trials have different goals. Most are phase 2 trials. Lung-MAP is
a seamless phase 2/3 trial in squamous cell lung cancer.
(LUNG-MAP, January 2015; Lung-MAP, January 2015) It is
similar to BATTLE in considering 5 biomarker subsets
including one “other” category, although the biomarkers and
agents are different from those in BATTLE. The targeted
Figure 1 e Flow chart showing the I-SPY 2 process. “Success prob” is
agents are from 4 different pharmaceutical companies. Pa-
the Bayesian predictive probability of statistical significance in a
tients in the “other” category have none of the mutations un-
confirmatory 300-patient phase 3 confirmatory trial in the therapy’s
der consideration and are randomized to an anti-PD-L1 agent
graduating signature.
provided by a 5th company.
Lung-MAP is an experiment in using biomarkers and tar-
geted therapies. Its master protocol is a device for triaging pa-
and neratinib in hormone-receptor-negative/HER2-positive tients into 4 or 5 substudies with separate protocols. The
disease, (Park et al., 2014; Neratinib graduates, 2015) which is individual substudies have traditional designs, with distinct
Signature #8 in Table 2. control groups. There is no relationship between the different
Standard therapy in I-SPY 2 is 12 weeks of paclitaxel fol- trials except for the triaging aspect.
lowed by 4 cycles of doxorubicin/cyclophosphamide. Patients In each of the substudies that make up Lung-MAP the phase-
with HER2-positive tumors receive trastuzumab in addition to 2 endpoint is PFS and the phase-3 endpoint is OS. Patients
paclitaxel. The neratinib arm was similar except that nerati- accrued in the phase-2 portion also contribute to OS in phase
nib was given in addition to paclitaxel irrespective of HER2- 3. This is especially apt because a “phase-2 patient” has longer
status and in lieu of trastuzumab for patients with HER2- follow-up time and so contributes more information regarding
positive tumors. OS than does a patient accrued during phase 3. However, the
An example of the point in section “Biomarker Development design does not model the relationship between PFS and OS.
and Adaptive Randomization” above is that the neratinib arm Lung-MAP is not adaptive except that a predetermined cutpoint
performed well in comparison with control in HER2-positive of the PFS hazard ratio is used at a predetermined time for
subsets but not very well in HER2-negative subsets. The adap- deciding whether to shift into phase 3. The trial’s performance
tive randomization algorithm “learned” to focus neratinib on and efficiency could be improved, for example, by modeling OS
HER2-positives. In the latter part of its tenure in the trial the as the sum of PFS and SPP (survival post-progression) depend-
randomization probability of neratinib became 0 for both ing on treatment arm and sizing the phase-3 portion of the trial
HER2-negative, MP-negative subsets. When neratinib gradu- based on the PFS/OS results observed during the trial, an adap-
ated it had been assigned to a total of 115 patients. As a conse- tive characteristic (Broglio and Berry, 2009).
quence of the algorithm focusing on neratinib for patients with Lung-MAP is not adaptive and there are no cross-substudy
HER2-positive tumors, especially those with HER2-positive/HR- comparisons. Its substudies have different control groups
negative tumors, 65 (57%) of these 115 were HER2-positive. In (although most have the same treatment, docetaxel). Its
contrast, of the 78 controls that had been concurrently ran- approach may not be sustainable. For example, when the trial
domized versus neratinib only 22/78 (28%) were HER2- was just getting started in March 2015, the FDA approved the
positive (Park et al., 2014). This focus on HER2-positives had drug nivolumab based on a trial in the same population of pa-
the benefit of providing more and faster information about ner- tients as Lung-MAP’s in which the drug had demonstrated a
atinib for those subsets of patients where it was effective and it substantial improvement in overall survival in comparison
had an obvious benefit for patients with HER2-negative tumors with docetaxel. As of this writing the trial’s steering commit-
who were not assigned to that arm. tee is working to salvage the trial but its future is uncertain.
The I-SPY 2 concept is being applied in other cancers and in The National Lung Matrix Trial in late stage non-small-cell
other diseases as well, including Alzheimer’s disease, dia- lung cancer is a collaboration of Cancer Research UK, UK Na-
betes, acute respiratory infections, anti-infective agents, auto- tional Health Service, and pharmaceutical companies Astra-
immune diseases, and Parkinson’s disease (Mullard, 2014; Zeneca and Pfizer. It too is a device for triaging into
Goldman et al., 2015). independent cohorts but at an earlier phase of development
An early platform trial in cancer, and perhaps the first um- than Lung-MAP. The goal of this uncontrolled “signal-finding
brella trial, was BATTLE (Kim et al., 2011; Berry et al., 2012). It trial” is to evaluate experimental targeted agents for tumors
employed a master protocol and individual protocols for the 4 with specific genetic or molecular aberrations. The number
treatment arms. It randomized 255 lung cancer patients at of therapies is variously reported to be between 8 and 14,
18780261, 2015, 5, Downloaded from by Reprints Desk Inc, Wiley Online Library on [18/06/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Table 3 e Partial list of oncology platform clinical trials that are active, completed, or under development, showing characteristics described in the text.

Characteristics Trials
a b c d

Screen all patients X X X X X X X X

for markers
Master protocol X X X X X X
Drugs from many X X X X X X X X

M O L E C U L A R O N C O L O G Y 9 ( 2 0 1 5 ) 9 5 1 e9 5 9
Treats all comers X X X X
Combination X X ? X X
Sequential therapies X
Regimens enter & X X X
leave trial
Learn off-target X X X
Pair regimens with X X X
Common control arm X X X
Adaptive X X X X
Adaptive sample size X X X
Early “curable” disease X
Registration endpoint X X X X ?
Longitudinal disease X X
Seamless phases 2/3 X

a Berry, 2012; I-SPY 2 Trial, 2015; ClinicalTrials, 2015; Barker et al., 2009.
b Kim et al., 2011; Berry et al., 2012.
c LUNG-MAP, January 2015; Lung-MAP, January 2015.
d Cancer Research UK Science, 2015.
e NCI-MATCH, January 2015.
f NCI-MPACT, January 2015.
g IMPACT 2, January 2015.
h MICAT, January 2015.
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the latter including 12 from AstraZeneca and 2 from Pfizer types may have different historical response rates because
(Torjesen, 2014; Harrison, 2014). An agent that “shows prom- standard therapies and their effectiveness differ by disease.
ise” in 15e30 patients will lead to a separate, larger trial. Spe- Simply pooling trial results across tumor types as in NCI-
cifics of the UK Matrix design are not publicly available. MATCH is not reasonable. For example, two trials with iden-
MICAT is the Melanoma International Consortium for tical results by tumor type could have very different overall
Adaptive Trials. As indicated in Table 3, a highlight of the trial response rates because they included different proportions
is its evaluation of sequential use of therapies as well as ther- of the various tumor types.
apies in combination. The trial is under development and is In the other extreme, it makes no sense to regard two
not yet accruing patients. different tumor types that have the same molecular aberra-
NCI-MATCH uses Next Generation Sequencing of solid tu- tion as being completely distinct entities. The two tumor types
mors and lymphoma to identify patients with molecular aber- may respond similarly to targeted therapy. Suppose one tumor
rations who have progressed on at least one therapy. Patients type has a 15% historical response rate and a second type has
are excluded if they have an aberration and tumor type for a 30% historical rate. Suppose there are 9 (60%) responders of
which a targetable agent has been FDA-approved. Just as for 15 patients in the first type and 6 (30%) responders of 20 pa-
Lung-MAP and UK Matrix the MATCH master protocol in- tients in the second type. The sample sizes are small. But
volves triaging, with no borrowing across sub-protocols. There doubling both historical rates is more suggestive of an
will be up to 25 sub-protocols, each of which will be traditional improvement in both types than when viewing the treatment
phase 2 single-arm assessments with approximately 30 pa- effects in the two types separately. Put another way, the con-
tients irrespective of the organ types of the tumors. The fidence intervals of treatment effects in both tumor types
reason for question mark in Table 3 is that combinations are should be narrow to account for the similarity of treatment ef-
possible but there are no specific plans as yet for such thera- fects in the two tumor types.
pies. The primary endpoint of each sub-protocol is overall In another type of example, suppose three tumor types with
response rate, with power to distinguish between 25% and the same historical rate of 20%, suppose there are, respectively,
5% (NCI-MATCH, January 2015; Abrams et al., 2014). So each 12, 8, and 8 responders out of 20 patients of each type. Given the
sub-protocol is a basket trial in which all patients are regarded small sample sizes the observations 60%, 40%, and 40% are not
to be exchangeable across tumor types, and in particular as very different, and the three true rates are probably closer
having the same underlying response rate irrespective of tu- together than the observed rates. The first one might be 55%,
mor type. (The next section deals with basket trials and does say, and the other two might be 43%.
not make this highly questionable assumption.) This kind of estimation is called “shrinkage” or “regression
MPACT is an ongoing “pilot trial” considering four targeted to the mean.” It has a surprisingly powerful characteristic. In
therapies within three molecular pathways. The objective is to the 1950s Charles Stein showed that when there are at least
test the targeting strategy. The co-primary endpoints are 3 groups shrinkage estimates improve the na€ıve approach of
response rate (CR þ PR) and PFS (NCI-MATCH, January 2015). no shrinkage regardless of the true state of nature (Stein, 1956;
The goal is to have 180 patients overall, with 2:1 stratified James and Stein, 1961). In particular, the usual (no shrinkage)
randomization within molecular pathway, favoring targeted estimator of group means has greater mean squared error
therapy. regardless of the true values. Expressed colloquially, if some-
IMPACT 2 is a single-institution trial that was motivated by one goes through life and never shrinks their estimates, there
a non-randomized comparison of phase-1 patients of any tu- are a countless number of people who do shrink and whose
mor type treated with targeted agents whose cancers estimates are ordained to be better overall regardless of the
harbored the targets with matching patients who were not underlying state of nature.
treated with a targeted agent. (Tsimberidou et al., 2012) The shrinkage approach has led to Bayesian hierarchical
IMPACT 2 employs randomization to targeted versus non- modeling in which there is “partial borrowing” of results in
targeted therapy in a phase-1 setting similar to NCI-MPACT, the various groups, and where the amount of borrowing is
but with a much broader range of what may be targetable, greater across groups that have similar results. This method
similar to NCI-MATCH. The sample size is 200 patients, with has been shown to enable building adaptive “indication-
the first 100 assigned using balanced randomization. Subse- finder” clinical trials that are efficient in terms of saving re-
quent patients will be assigned using adaptive randomization sources while at same time providing better estimates (Berry
within the subtypes of patients defined by biomarker type and et al., 2013). The method applies for randomized trials and
tumor type. The analysis and the adaptive features of the other types of endpoints, including times to an event.
design uses Bayesian hierarchical modeling, an extension of Figure 2 shows hypothetical results for a clustering hierar-
the modeling presented in the next section. chical borrowing method that is being used in industry basket
trials. It exhibits regression toward the overall mean as well as
toward the cluster means for positives and negatives
6. Basket trials separately.

As indicated in Table 1, basket trials evaluate the effects of a

particular targeted therapy on a particular genetic or molecu- 7. Discussion, with an eye on the future
lar aberration across organ types. Even though the patients
have the same biomarker, the sensitivity of their diseases The designs of clinical trials in oncology are changing. But the
may depend on the tumor site. Moreover, different tumor fundamental approach and the trial design criteria are
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