UNDP Hodeida Office Electrical Design Calculations

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Design and implementation of Smart

Hybrid System for UNDP Hodeida Sub office

Hybrid-System design
Hybrid-System design

To meet the requirements of the project tender specifications we will install hybrid -system that
combine three power sources to supply the building load in order to ensure the power availability
and stability all the time and in efficient way. On the following pages the design calculations for all
the system components.

system working principle

In this hybrid -system, we will connect all feeders that are coming from the three power sources
which are solar power system, diesel genset and utility grid by using busbar that gathering all the
sources in one point to make all of them able to supply the building electrical load at the same time
and based on the priority that are controlled by Elum pv diesel controller. energy meters that read
the loads in the feeders of inverter, genset, and utility to sed this information to Elum pv-diesel
controller to control the system power.
Elum pv diesel controller will manage the change priority between the sources using automatic
transfer that will switch between utility and genset based on their availability.
Elum pv-diesel controller will make the hybrid system operates in two modes based on their
availability and the information received from the energy meters that are installed at the feeders of
inverter, genset, and utility, to do its processing operations and to send its instructions to the on-
grid inverter to adjust its power as follows:

A-on-grid operation with zero export

in this case, the solar power system operates with the utility grid. When the utility is available, the
on-grid inverter detects the utility during the sunshine hours, it will convert the solar power into
electricity and supplying the building loads and ensuring that the surplus energy does not export to
the utility.

B-pv-diesel with minimum genset loading

When the is no utility supply the hybrid system controller will detect this situation then send
command to the genset to start up then to the automatic transfer switch to connect the genset
feeder with the solar power system and change its setting to operate as pv diesel controller to ensure
to ensure 30% genset loading

the Smart logger that is connected with Elum pv-diesel controller to make it possible to monitor
all the operations that are carried out in the system, reading all the system information, setting the
Hybrid-System design

system parameters, and connect with internet modem to allow us to monitor the system remotely.

PV Modules strings design

As per mentioned in the project tender document, the required power of the solar system is 13kw
which mean the power of the required solar panels, as we know that the MPPT voltage range in
most of on-grid inverters is between 160 and 850V and to get string voltage in this range we must
connect many pv modules in series, so we have 460w pv modules to enable us to meet this
requirement. The required number of pv modules to get 13kw can be calculated as the following:

Number of pv modules = the required power/power of a pv module.

number of pv modules =13000/460= 28.26 that can be rounded up to be 29, but this number is odd
number, so we will add one additional pv module to get even number that can be divided by two to
be 30 pv module we will arrange them in two string and each string consists of 15 pv modules
connected in series and as it shown in the table below, the minimum ambient temperature of
Hodeida city is 18℃ and the maximum temperature is 39℃ as shown at figure (1)

figure (1) Climate Al Ḩudaydah city : Monthly Averages according to data shown at
weatherandclimate.com https://weatherandclimate.com/yemen/al-hudaydah

The open circuit voltage is 50.09V, Vmpp is 41.94V as it shown in figure (2).
We will calculate the string no-load voltage at the open circuit at the lowest ambient temperature
condition, which must be less than the maximum voltage of the charge controller which is 1080V
Hybrid-System design

and the string operating voltage at the lowest ambient temperature which must not be less than the
upper limit of the MPPT range which is 950V and at the highest ambient temperature which must
not be less than the lower limit of the MPPT range which is 160V.

Figure (2) solar panel voltages as shown on page (2) of SK8612M(HV)C M6/144P solar panel
datasheet, for more details, you can see (ATG-solar panel) file at the attachment

Using the manufacturer’s temperature coefficient -0.29%/ºC. According to IEC 60364-7-712:

2017, we will determine:
Strings voltages
1-the maximum string PV source circuit voltage Voc at 18℃ that consists of 15 modules
connected in series at no-load conditions.
PV Vocmax = Rated Voc × {1 + [(Min. Temp. ºC - 25ºC) ×Module Coefficient %/ºC]} × Modules per
Series String
PV Vocmax = 50.09 Voc × {1+ [(18ºC - 25ºC) × -0.29%/ºC]} × 15nmodules
= 50.09Voc × {1 + [-7ºC × -0.29%/ºC]}) × 15 modules
= 50.09 Voc × {1 + 0.0203} × 15 modules
= 50.09 Voc × 1.0203 × 15 modules
= 766.6V ………………………………………………………………………(Result 1)
2- the minimum string operating Voltage VMPP at 39℃ that consists of 15 modules connected in
PV Vmppmin = Rated Vmpp × {1 + [(Max. Temp. ºC - 25ºC) ×Module Coefficient %/ºC]} × Modules
per Series String
PV Vmppmin = 41.94 Vmpp × {1+ [(39ºC - 25ºC) × -0.29%/ºC]} × 15 modules
= 41.94 Vmpp × {1 + [14ºC × -0.29%/ºC]}) × 15 modules
= 41.94 Vmpp × {1 -0.0406} × 15 modules
Hybrid-System design

= 41.94 Vmpp × 0.9594 × 15 modules

= 603.559V ………………………………………………………………………(Result 2 )

3- the string maximum operating Voltage VMPP at 18℃ that consists of 15 modules connected in
PV Vmppmax = Rated Vmpp × {1 + [(Max. Temp. ºC - 25ºC) ×Module Coefficient %/ºC]} × Modules
per Series String
PV Vmppmax = 41.94 Vmpp × {1+ [(18ºC - 25ºC) × -0.29%/ºC]} × 15 modules
= 41.94 Vmpp × {1 + [-7ºC × -0.29%/ºC]}) × 15 modules
= 41.94 Vmpp × {1 +0.0203} × 15 modules
= 41.94 Vmpp × 1.0203 × 15 modules
= 641.87V ………………………………………………………………………(Result 3 )

Strings Current
the maximum string short circuit current at 39℃:
ISC (39℃) = ISC × {1 + [(Max. Temp. ºC - 25ºC) ×Module Coefficient (TSTC ) %/ºC]}
= 11.49 × {1 + [(39 - 25ºC) ×0.048 %/ºC]}
= 11.49 ((1+ (14) ×0.00048)
= 11.49 × 1.00672=11.57A…………………………………………………………………(Result 4 )

Based on these calculations and BOQ that we submitted for the project tender, we will supply and
install 30 solar panels AKCOME(ATG)-SK8612M(HV)C M6/144P-460W that will be arranged in
two strings and each string consists of 15 modules connected in series

Pv strings protection box

As we know from the information mentioned above, we have only two pv strings and each string
will be connected with each MPPT tracker which means there is no need to connect (combine)
strings in parallel, so we will only install protection devices as per shown below.
Protection fuse
Based on the result (4) mentioned above and according to IEC 60364-7-712: 2017, the rated
current of the pv string protection devices must not less than:

1.50 × ISC_STING = 1.5 × 11.49 A = 17.235 A (where 1.5 is a safety factor)

Hybrid-System design

That means the rated current of the protection fuses that will be connected in both the positive and
negative in each string cables is 25A and Based on the result (3) mentioned above which is 641.87V,
the rated voltage of these protection fuses is 1000V.
Overcurrent protection device
To protect the strings and their cables and to provide isolation mean for conducting preventive or
correction maintenance, we will install overcurrent protection device (circuit breaker) and its rated
tripping current can be calculated as follows
1.5 × ISTC < ITRIP < 2.4 × ISTC
Based on the result (4) mentioned above, maximum string short circuit current (ISTC ) is 11.57A
1.5 × 11.57 A = 17.355 A < ITRIP < 2.4 × 11.57 A = 27.768 A

Based on this result, we will install overcurrent protection circuit breaker for each string its rated
current is 32A , and based on the result (3) mentioned above which is 641.87V, the rated voltage of
these breakers is 1000V.

Based on these results, we will supply and install one PV protection box (ZTS brand) that includes
the following items regardless that our technical offer for the project tender did not include pv
strings protection box, but to improve the solar system protection condition, we will install
1- Four 25A, 1000V DC Kayal fuses that will be at the positive and negative line for each
2- Two 32A 1000VDC Kayal circuit breakers, one for each sting.
3- One 1000VDC Kayal surge protection device for each sting and they will be connected to
the earthing busbar though fuse.

ings cable sizing calculation

PV stings cable sizing calculation
Based on the result (2) mentioned above, the minimum string operating Voltage is 603.559V, and
the result (4) mentioned above, the maximum string short circuit current is 11.57A and according
to IEC 60364 - 7 -712: 2017 © IEC 2017 which states (To reduce the magnitude of transient
overvoltage’s, the PV string wiring shall be laid in such a way that the area of conductive loops is
minimum (e. g. by laying cables in parallel as shown in Figure (3)
Hybrid-System design

Figure (3) drawing that shown the way or running the positive pv cables beside the negative
one to meet IEC 60364 - 7 -712: 2017 © IEC 2017 requirements

As we know that we have two strings and each string consists of 15 modules connected in series as
per shown in the attached drawing of the pv mounting structure and to meet the requirement of
IEC 60364 - 7 -712 : 2017 © IEC 2017 ,the positive cables of the pv strings wiring will be run
beside the negative cables and this wiring arrangement will make the length of the positive be at
least 30 m and the length of the negative cable be 18 m from the furthest module to MPPT terminals
at the inverter ,so the total length of each sting circuit loop will be 48 meters.

To transfer the aforementioned power which is 6.8kw at voltage 641.87V through each sting
circuit loop which is 48 meters, we have chosen DC cable its cross-section is 6 mm2 and its
rated voltage is 1500V DC.

Based on the cable datasheet which shown at figure (4) below , cable Specific electrical resistance
is 3.39 ohm/km=0.00339 ohm/m at 20°C, so Rref =0.00339 ohm/m at 20°C.
Hybrid-System design

Figure (4) 6mm2 pv cable resistance as shown on page (3) at the datasheet of Ducab solar
cable that we have submitted in our technical offer for the project tender, for more details
you can see (ATG DC cabling) file at the attachment

As we know the cable must be rated at 90 degrees C operating temperature which means we should
calculate cable Specific electrical resistance at 90 degrees C by using the following formula:

Rc = Rref [1 + α(T – Tref)]

Rc =Conductor resistance at temperature “T” in Ohms.

Rref= Conductor resistance at reference temperature (Tref) in Ohms.

α =Temperature coefficient of resistance for the conductor material which is 0.393% per degree
Celsius (C) for copper (near room temperature) which means that for every 1°C rise in temperature,
the resistance increases by 0.393%.

T =Conductor temperature in degrees C.

Tref= Reference temp at which α is specified for the conductor material in degrees C .

The Temperature Coefficient of Resistance for Copper (near room temperature)

Rc = Rref [1 + α(T – Tref)]

Hybrid-System design

= 0.00339 [1 + 0.00393 (90 – 20)]

= 0.00339 [1 + 0.00393 (70)]

= 0.00339 [1 + 0.2751] =0.00339×1.2751

= 0.0043 Ohms /m

To prove the right of our decision to choose 6 mm2 cable , we will calculate its voltage drop in the
aforementioned condition according to AS/NZS 3008.1.1:2009, so the voltage drop on the
circuit cable can be calculated as follows:

Vd = I × Zc

Vd = I × L × [(Rc cosØ + Xc sin Ø)]

Vd =voltage drop in cable, in volts
I = current flowing in cable, in amperes
Zc = impedance of cable, in ohms
Rc =cable resistance, 0.0043 Ohms /m
Xc and Ø= 0, for direct current conditions.
L = Route length of cable (in m), which is L=48 m

Vd = I × L × [(Rc cosØ + Xc sin Ø)] = 17.325 × 48 × [( 0.0043 ×1 + 0×0)] =3.557V

%Vd= Vd /System =3.557V/603.559V×100% =0.00589 ×100%=0.589%

Based on this result, the cable voltage drop will be less than the permissible percentage which 1%,
that means our chosen cable cross section area is right which is 6 mm2

Based on these results and our technical offer for the project tender, we will supply and install
6mm2 Ducable from the pv modules to the PV strings protection box then to MPPT at the
inverter in the control room.
Hybrid-System design

On-grid inverter sizing calculation

As we know that on-grid inverter consists of two main parts which are the MPPT controller and
power inverter.

A-MPPT controller design

We know from the calculation results aforementioned that we have two strings and the string power
is 6900w which is formed from 15 pv modules connected in series and based on the inverter datasheet
shown at figure (5 ) below:

1- based on the result (1) mentioned above and the inverter datasheet shown below, the string
maximum PV source circuit voltage at the lowest temperature is 766.6V which mean it is less
than the controller max input voltage 1080 V, so it is ok.
2- based on the result (2) mentioned above the inverter datasheet shown below, the string
minimum operating Voltage VMPP at the highest temperature is 603.559V 6V which mean
it is higher than the lower limit of the MPPT which 160 V, so it is ok.
3- based on the result (3) mentioned above the inverter datasheet shown below, the string
maximum operating Voltage VMPP at the lowest temperature is 641.87V which mean it is
less than the upper limit of the MPPT which 950 V, so it is ok.
4- based on the result (3) mentioned above the inverter datasheet shown below, the string
maximum short circuit current at the highest temperature is 11.57A which mean it is less
than the MPPT string maximum short circuit current which 39A, so it is ok.

Figure (5) the inverter voltages and amperage as shown on page (2) at the datasheet of
SUN2000-20KTL-M2 inverter that we that we have submitted in our technical offer for
the project tender, for more details you can see (ATG on-grid inverter) file at the attachment
Hybrid-System design

B-Power inverter

we know from the information aforementioned that we have two strings and the string power is
6900w and the total power is 13800W, so the rated power of the inverter must not be less than this
power (13800W), but based to ensure high operating life span ,we will avoid full load conditions ,so
we will make safety margin to ensure this point that means we will multiply the required power by
1.15 to be 13800×1.25=17.250kw and based on this result, we have chosen the nearest available
power for this value which is 20 kw and its model is SUN2000-20KTL-M2 and its specifications
mentioned in the photo shown above.

C- Inverter Cable sizing calculation

We know from the information aforementioned that the inverter rated power is 20 kw as per the
inverter datasheet, but the power will be transferred in the cable is 13.8kw at System voltage which
is 380 V and the inverter output current can be calculated as follows:

I=13.8kw /(1.73×380 V×0.8)= 13.8kw/525.92=26.24A.

Based on the project site condition, the AC cabling route will be 45 m between the inverter and
the system integration box.
To transfer this power which is 13.8kw (26.24A) at voltage 380 V to the destination which is at
48 meters from the inverter, we have chosen AC cable its cross-section is 4×16 mm2 and its rated
voltage is 1000V AC.

As We know that the inverter output is a balanced three-phase circuit all the time, so there is no
current is flowing in the neutral conductor and at any given instant the current flowing in one
active conductor will be balanced by the currents flowing in the other active conductors.
To prove the right of our decision to 4×16 mm2 cable, we will calculate its voltage drop in the
aforementioned condition according to AS/NZS 3008.1.1:2009, so the voltage drop on the circuit
cable is

Vd3p= I×L [1.73 (Rc cos Ø+ Xc sin Ø)]


L=route length of the circuit in meters=45 m.

Hybrid-System design

Rc=cable resistance, in ohms per meter=1.47 ohm/km=0.0015 ohm/m for 4×16

mm2 cable according figure (6) below.

Figure (6) 4×1 6mm2 AC cable resistance as shown at the datasheet of bahra XPLE cable
that we have submitted in our technical offer for the project tender, for more details you
can see (ATG-AC Cables) file at the attachment

Xc= cable reactance, in ohms per meter. = 0.0000805 ohms /m as shown at figure
(7) below
I : Load current (A)=I ×1.25 =26.24A ×1.25=32.8A.

cos Ø =0.8
Hybrid-System design

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Reactance (Xc) at 50 Hz,
Conductor /km
size Single- Multicore
Trefoil (or single phase) Flat touching* Circular conductors Shaped conductors
mm 2
Elastomer PVC XLPE Elastomer PVC XLPE Elastomer PVC XLPE PVC XLPE
1 0.179 0.168 0.166 0.194 0.184 0.181 0.139 0.119 0.114 — —
1.5 0.167 0.157 0.155 0.183 0.172 0.170 0.129 0.111 0.107 — —
2.5 0.153 0.143 0.141 0.168 0.159 0.156 0.118 0.102 0.0988 — —
4 0.142 0.137 0.131 0.157 0.152 0.146 0.110 0.102 0.0930 — —
6 0.133 0.128 0.123 0.148 0.143 0.138 0.104 0.0967 0.0887 — —
10 0.123 0.118 0.114 0.138 0.134 0.129 0.0967 0.0906 0.0840 — —
16 0.114 0.111 0.106 0.130 0.126 0.122 0.0913 0.0861 0.0805 0.079 0.074
4 2
25 0.109 0.106 0.102 0.125 0.121 0.118 0.0895 0.0853 0.0808 0.078 0.074
6 4
35 0.104 0.101 0.0982 0.120 0.117 0.113 0.0863 0.0826 0.0786 0.076 0.072
1 5
50 0.0988 0.0962 0.0924 0.114 0.111 0.108 0.0829 0.0797 0.0751 0.073 0.069
4 2
70 0.0941 0.0917 0.0893 0.109 0.107 0.104 0.0798 0.0770 0.0741 0.071 0.068
0 3
95 0.0924 0.0904 0.0868 0.108 0.106 0.102 0.0790 0.0766 0.0725 0.070 0.066
6 8
120 0.0889 0.0870 0.0844 0.104 0.102 0.0996 0.0765 0.0743 0.0713 0.068 0.065
5 7
150 0.0885 0.0868 0.0844 0.104 0.102 0.0996 0.0765 0.0745 0.0718 0.068 0.066
7 2
185 0.0878 0.0862 0.0835 0.103 0.101 0.0988 0.0762 0.0744 0.0720 0.068 0.066
6 3
240 0.0861 0.0847 0.0818 0.101 0.0999 0.0970 0.0751 0.0735 0.0709 0.067 0.065
8 3
300 0.0852 0.0839 0.0809 0.100 0.0991 0.0961 0.0746 0.0732 0.0704 0.067 0.064
5 9
400 0.0841 0.0829 0.0802 0.0993 0.0982 0.0955 0.0740 0.0728 0.0702 0.067 0.064
1 7
500 0.0830 0.0820 0.0796 0.0983 0.0973 0.0948 0.0734 0.0723 0.0700 0.066 0.064
6 5
630 0.0809 0.0800 0.0787 0.0961 0.0952 0.0940 — — — — —

Figure (7) AC cable resistance as shown at table (30) on page 94 at AS/NZS

3008.1.1:2009 , for more details you can see (AS/NZS 3008.1.1:2009) file at the attachment

Vd3p = 32.8A×45m [√3(0.0015 × 0.8 + 0.0000805 × 0.596)]

Vd3p = 32.8A ×45m [√3(0.0012+ 0.0000458045)]

Vd3p = 32.8A ×45m [1.73× (0.0012458045)] = 3.18V.

% Vd3p = Vd3p / System= 3.18V /380%=0.84%.

Hybrid-System design

Based on this result, the cable voltage drop will be less than the permissible percentage which 1%,
that means our chosen cable cross section area is right which is 4×16 mm2

Based on these results and our technical offer for the project tender, we will supply and install
4×16mm2 Bahra XPLE cable from the inverter to the pv integration box

Inverter protection box

As we know from the information aforementioned that the maximum inverter output current
is 32.8A and the voltage is 380 V, so the design current can be calculated as follows:
I ×1.25 =32.8A ×1.25=41A
So, we will install one inverter protection box in the electronic room under the pv mounting
structure at the rooftop that contains one 63A,4 poles circuit breaker and one surge protection
device SPD.

Based on these results and our technical offer for the project tender, we will supply and install
60cm ×40cm Himel box to install 63A,4 poles MCCB LS circuit breaker and 4 pole AC Lovato

System integration box

the system integration box that will be installed at the building fence wall beside the security guard
room in front of the main gate of the building will contain the following:
A-Inverter protection devices
To make it easy to disconnect the on-grid inverter from the ground floor, we will install one 63A,4
poles circuit breaker and to protect the inverter against any overvoltage that may occur at the first
floor and prevent it from transmission through the cables to the inverter at the rooftop, we will
install one surge protection device SPD.
B-AC busbars
To combine all the power source together to supply the load, we will install system integration
busbars. As per the maximum load of the building that is mentioned in the project tender documents
which is 37.1kw, so the load current can be calculated as follows:
Hybrid-System design

I=P/(3×VL-N × cosØ) = 37,100W/(3×220×0.8)= 37,100W/(528)=70A

As we know that it is impossible to ensure balanced load all the time which mean the same current
at each phase, so we add a safety margin for unbalanced current at each phase that means we will
multiply this value by safety factor, so the designed load current will be =70×1.25=87.5A and as per
the calculations in the diesel generator design section , the generator output full load current is
128A that means the desired current Rating of Bus bar (I) =128A.

𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑢𝑠𝑏𝑎𝑟

Busbar Cross Section Area as per Current (A)=
𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑢𝑠𝑏𝑎𝑟

= =80 mm2

As it mentioned in the attached file which is named inverter short circuit, the inverter peak short
circuit current is 180 as shown at figure (8) below

Figure (8) Huawei inverter SUN2000-20KTL-M2 short circuit, for more details you can
see (Huawei inverter short circuit) file at the attachment

Huawei inverter short circuit

the alternator short (fault) circuit current can be calculated as follows:

Isc = Irr / Xsc

Xsc – Short-circuit reactance c/c

Based on the table (1), we get the following

Hybrid-System design

State Subtransient X”d Transient X’d Permanent Xd

Xsc 6,29% 19% 275,4%

Table (1) the sub-transient reactance of the alternator that in installed at the diesel genset
that submitted in our technical offer for the project tender, for more details you can see
(Alternator datasheet) file at the attachment

• Alternator S =80 KVA

• Voltage U = 380V
• X’d = 19%

Irr = S / (1.73× U)= 80 KVA / (1.73×380V)= 80 KVA/657.4=121.69A

Isc = Irr / Xsc =121.69A/0.19=640.48A

That means the short circuit amperage of the required busbars will be =640.48A .so Busbar Cross
Section Area as per Short Circuit (Asc)

I = Short Circuit Current = 640.48A

K2S2 = I2t


K = Constant

S = Cross section of the bus bar in mm2

I = Short circuit current, in Amperes

t = Duration of short circuit, in seconds

1.1662S2 = 640.48 2 x 1

S2 =410214.6304/1.359556= 301726.90
Hybrid-System design

S=549.3 Sq.mm

based on this result, we will install busbar size is 60mm×10m=600 Sq.mm for each phase to
connect the inverter output, grid or generator supply and the building load.

C- Energy meters.
1- For the inverter side
We know from the information aforementioned that the inverter output current is 26.24A, we
take the safety concern in our consideration that means we will multiply this value by safety factor,
so the amperage of the required current transformer (CT) will be =26.24×1.25=32.8A, so we will
install three 40A CTs and 100A energy meter.
According the meter installation requirements that are mentioned in its manual, we will install
4×2.5mm2 cable for voltage measurement (VTS) that will be connected from the terminals of the
inverter outputs at the circuit breaker that will be installed at the system integration box to the
inverter energy meter.
We also install 2×1.5mm2 cable for current measurement (CT) from the terminals of the CT that
will be installed at the cables connected from the inverter output to the circuit breaker that will be
installed at the system integration box to the inverter energy meter.

2- for the generator’s side

We know from the information mentioned in generator sizing calculations, the generator output
full load current is 128A that the and we take the safety concern in our consideration that means
we will multiply this value by safety factor, so the amperage of the required current transformer
will be =128A ×1.25=160 A, so we will install three 160 A CTs and 200A energy meter.
According the meter installation requirements that are mentioned in its manual, we will install
4×2.5mm2 cable for voltage measurement (VTS) that will be connected from the generator
terminals at the automatic transfer switch to the generator energy meter.
We also install 2×4 mm2 cable for current measurement (CT) from the terminals of the CT that
will be installed at the cables connected from the generator terminals at the automatic transfer
switch to the generator energy meter.
3- for the grid side
We know from the information mentioned, the load current is 70A and we take the safety concern
in our consideration that means we will multiply this value by safety factor, so the amperage of the
required current transformer will be =70×1.25=87.5A, so we will install three 160 A CTs and 200A
energy meter.
According the meter installation requirements that are mentioned in its manual, we will install
Hybrid-System design

4×2.5mm2 cable for voltage measurement (VTS) that will be connected from the grid terminals at
the automatic transfer switch to the grid energy meter.
We also install 2×4 mm2 cable for current measurement (CT) from the terminals of the CT that
will be installed at the cables connected from the grid terminals at the automatic transfer switch to
the grid energy meter.

Based on these results and our technical offer for the project tender, we will supply and install
80cm ×60cm Alfanar box to install the following
1- 63A,4 poles MCCB LS circuit breaker and 4 pole AC Lovato SPD.
2- Three 200mm×60mm×10m Wallis busbar.
3- Three 40A Lovato CTs.
4- Six 160A Lovato CTs
5- One 100A smart meter.
6- Two 200A smart meter.
7- Bahra 4×2.5mm2 cable for voltage measurement to be connected from the busbar and smart
8- Bahra 4×4 mm2 cable for current measurement to be connected from CTs and smart meters
9- One 160A ,4 pole Socomec automatic transfer switch between the utility grid and diesel
Hybrid-System design

Diesel generator design calculations

According to the project tender requirements, we will supply and install 68kw prime power diesel
generator, so the generator output full load current calculated as follows:
I=P/(3×VL-N × cosØ) = ,000W/(3×220×0.8)= 68,000W /(528)=128A.
Based on the load measurement, there is 25% load unbalance that means we should add a
safety factor for this issue, so the designed generator output full load current will
To transfer this power which is 68kw (160A) at voltage 380 V to the destination which is at 25
meters from the generator, we have chosen DC cable its cross-section is 4×25 mm2 and its rated
voltage is 1000V AC.
To prove the right of our decision to 4×25 mm2 cable, we will calculate its voltage drop in the
aforementioned condition according to AS/NZS 3008.1.1:2009, so the voltage drop on the circuit
cable is
Vd3p= I×L [1.73 (Rc cos Ø+ Xc sin Ø)]

Where: L=route length of the circuit in meters=25 m.

Rc=cable resistance, in ohms per meter= 0.927 ohm/km=0.000927 ohm/m for 4×25
mm2 cable ) as shown at figure ( ) below.

Figure (9) 4×1 6mm2 AC cable resistance as shown at the datasheet of bahra XPLE cable
that we have submitted in our technical offer for the project tender, for more details you
can see (ATG-AC Cables) file at the attachment
Hybrid-System design

Xc= cable reactance, in ohms per meter. = 0.0000805 ohms /m as shown at figure
(10) below

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Reactance (Xc) at 50 Hz,
Conductor /km
size Single- Multicore
Trefoil (or single phase) Flat touching* Circular conductors Shaped conductors
mm2 Elastomer PVC XLPE Elastomer PVC XLPE Elastomer PVC XLPE PVC XLPE
1 0.179 0.168 0.166 0.194 0.184 0.181 0.139 0.119 0.114 — —
1.5 0.167 0.157 0.155 0.183 0.172 0.170 0.129 0.111 0.107 — —
2.5 0.153 0.143 0.141 0.168 0.159 0.156 0.118 0.102 0.0988 — —
4 0.142 0.137 0.131 0.157 0.152 0.146 0.110 0.102 0.0930 — —
6 0.133 0.128 0.123 0.148 0.143 0.138 0.104 0.0967 0.0887 — —
10 0.123 0.118 0.114 0.138 0.134 0.129 0.0967 0.0906 0.0840 — —
16 0.114 0.111 0.106 0.130 0.126 0.122 0.0913 0.0861 0.0805 0.079 0.074
4 2
25 0.109 0.106 0.102 0.125 0.121 0.118 0.0895 0.0853 0.0808 0.078 0.074
6 4
35 0.104 0.101 0.0982 0.120 0.117 0.113 0.0863 0.0826 0.0786 0.076 0.072
1 5
50 0.0988 0.0962 0.0924 0.114 0.111 0.108 0.0829 0.0797 0.0751 0.073 0.069
4 2
70 0.0941 0.0917 0.0893 0.109 0.107 0.104 0.0798 0.0770 0.0741 0.071 0.068
0 3
95 0.0924 0.0904 0.0868 0.108 0.106 0.102 0.0790 0.0766 0.0725 0.070 0.066
6 8
120 0.0889 0.0870 0.0844 0.104 0.102 0.0996 0.0765 0.0743 0.0713 0.068 0.065
5 7
150 0.0885 0.0868 0.0844 0.104 0.102 0.0996 0.0765 0.0745 0.0718 0.068 0.066
7 2
185 0.0878 0.0862 0.0835 0.103 0.101 0.0988 0.0762 0.0744 0.0720 0.068 0.066
6 3
240 0.0861 0.0847 0.0818 0.101 0.0999 0.0970 0.0751 0.0735 0.0709 0.067 0.065
8 3
300 0.0852 0.0839 0.0809 0.100 0.0991 0.0961 0.0746 0.0732 0.0704 0.067 0.064
5 9
400 0.0841 0.0829 0.0802 0.0993 0.0982 0.0955 0.0740 0.0728 0.0702 0.067 0.064
1 7
500 0.0830 0.0820 0.0796 0.0983 0.0973 0.0948 0.0734 0.0723 0.0700 0.066 0.064
6 5
630 0.0809 0.0800 0.0787 0.0961 0.0952 0.0940 — — — — —

Figure (10 ) AC cable resistance as shown at table (30) on page 94 at AS/NZS

3008.1.1:2009 , for more details you can see (AS/NZS 3008.1.1:2009) file at the attachment

I : Load current (A)=I ×1.25 =160A ×1.25=200A.

cos Ø =0.8
Hybrid-System design

Vd3p = 200A ×25m [√3(0.000927 × 0.8 + 0.0000805 × 0.596)]

Vd3p = 200A ×25m [√3(0.0007416+ 0.0000458045)]

Vd3p = 200A ×25m [1.73× (0.0007874045)] =6.8V.

% Vd3p = Vd3p / System= 6.8V /380%=1.79%.

Based on this result, the cable voltage drop will be less than the permissible percentage which 2%,
that means our chosen cable cross section area is right which is
4×25 mm2

Based on these results and our technical offer for the project tender, we will supply and install
1- 4×25mm2 Bahra XPLE cable from the new diesel genset to new automatic transfer switch
2- One 160A ,4 pole Socomec automatic transfer switch between the new diesel genset and
existing diesel gensets
Hybrid-System design

Earthing and bonding system

To ensure a protection for the system operation technicians and the office staff from an electric
shock that may occur at some situations, we will install a system that provide a path for a fault
current to flow to earth. It also makes the protective device (either a circuit-breaker or fuse) to
switch off the electric current to the circuit that has the fault and reduces the risk of electric shocks
to anyone who may touch two separate metal parts when there is a fault somewhere in the supply
of electrical installation. All the earthing and bonding system are designed based on IEC 60364-5-
54 , as shown at figure (11) below

Figure (11 ) minimum cross sectional area for protective conductors , for more details you
can see (IEC 60364-5-54) file at the attachment

And based on the results of the cables cross section calculations mentioned above which are:

1- 6 mm2 DC cables from the pv strings to the MPPT at the on-grid inverter installed in the
electronic room ,so we will install 6 mm2 earthing from each pv module to another within
each string to a busbar that will connect another 6 mm2 earthing cable coming from the pv
mounting structure and finally we will install 10 mm2 earthing cable from this busbar that
Hybrid-System design

will be installed at the pv mounting structure to another earthing busbar will be installed in
the electronic room.
2- 4×16 mm2 cable from the inverter output to the system integration box, so we will install
16 mm2 earthing from the inverter earthing terminal and the inverter metal enclosure to the
earthing busbar installed in the electronic room and finally we will install 25 mm2 earthing
cable from this busbar to the main earthing busbar installed in the system integration box.
3- 4×25 mm2 cable from the diesel generator to the system integration box, so we will install
35 mm2 earthing from the diesel generator earthing terminal and the generator metal
enclosure to the to a separated earthing pit that will be near the area the diesel generator
installation location.
4- 4×25 mm2 cable from the diesel generator to the system integration box, so we will install
35 mm2 earthing from the system integration metal enclosure box to the main earthing
busbar and finally another we will install 25 mm2 earthing cable from this busbar to earthing
pit that will be near the area of the system integration box installation location.

Based on these results and our technical offer for the project tender, we will supply and install

6 mm2 , 10 mm2 ,25 mm2 and 35 mm2 Bahra earthing cable

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