Personality Types and Motivation Triggers PDF

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Personality types

and how to motivate them

29h 18m

Some people thrive in the spotlight of public praise. Others prefer one-on-one feedback. Some
are motivated by perks, others by personal development.
Understanding the diverse personality types that make up your team is the key to recognizing their work in a way that
resonates and motivates. It’s also helpful for anticipating their needs at work and supporting them through challenges.

The Analyst The Climber

Strengths Challenges Motivations Strengths Challenges Motivations
Organize Can be inflexibl Accurac Ambitiou Can be overly Achievemen
Detail-oriente Resistant to Efficienc Drive competitiv Public recognitio
Accurat chang Problem-solving Results-oriente May cut corner Advancement
Reliable Struggles with Proactive Steps on toes
Recognition Set clear goals with measurable outcomes and
Publicly acknowledge their attention to detail and celebrate their achievements. Provide
highlight instances where their meticulous work opportunities for leadership and taking on
saved the day. Offer them opportunities to solve challenging projects.
complex problems or mentor others.

The Illusionist The Individualist

Strengths Challenges Motivations Strengths Challenges Motivations
Can appear May delegate or Influenc Independen Struggles with Accurac
charming and shirk Statu Self-motivate collaboratio Efficienc
competen responsibilitie Public recognition Resourcefu Under- Problem-solving
Good at self- Prone to taking Creative communicate
promotion credit for others’ May miss
work deadlines if not
managed well
Assign them high-profile projects with visibility. Recognition
Acknowledge their ideas and contributions during Give them ownership of projects and respect their
meetings. However, be mindful of credit going preferred work style. Provide resources and
where it’s due for team efforts. support for their creative endeavors.
Personality types and how to motivate them

The Motivator The People-Pleaser

Strengths Challenges Motivations Strengths Challenges Motivations
Enthusiastic Can be push Inspiring other Helpfu Easily Working
Energeti Dominates Creating a Cooperativ overwhelme cooperativel
Inspirin meetings or positive work Team player Struggles to set Positive work
Optimistic projects environmen Puts others first boundarie relationship
Insensitive to Achieving team May be taken Helping others
others’ needs goals advantage of
Recognition Recognition
Highlight instances where their enthusiasm Thank them for their helpfulness and express
energized the team. Offer opportunities to mentor appreciation for their positive attitude. Offer
or lead team-building activities. opportunities for collaboration and team projects.

The Perfectionist The Performer

Strengths Challenges Motivations Strengths Challenges Motivations
Detail-oriente Can be overly Q uality wor Outgoin May seek Attentio
High standard critica Reaching a high Charismati attention Entertainmen
Produces Prone to standar Confiden excessivel Making a positive
excellent work procrastinatio Exceeding Enjoys public Disruptive to the impression
May stifle expectations speaking tea
creativity Struggles with
Recognition criticism
Acknowledge their dedication to excellence and Recognition
showcase their work as an example to others. Offer Provide opportunities for them to present their
opportunities for feedback and self-evaluation to ideas or lead brainstorming sessions. Acknowledge
address their need for continuous improvement. their successes and contributions publicly, but
ensure it’s balanced with team recognition.

Personality types and how to motivate them

The Worrier The Upward Worker

Strengths Challenges Motivations Strengths Challenges Motivations
Conscientiou Can be indecisiv Securit Ambitiou Can be seen as Advancemen
Carefu Lacks confidenc Clear Eager to pleas inauthentic or Recognition from
Detail-oriente Prone to anxiety expectation Respectful of manipulativ higher-up
Seeks feedback or stress Reassurance authority May create Validation
tension with
Recognition peers
Provide regular feedback and clear guidelines. Recognition
Acknowledge their efforts and express confidence Provide opportunities for professional development
in their abilities. Create a safe space for them to and mentorship. Express your confidence in their
voice concerns. potential and offer opportunities to showcase their
skills to superiors.

A word to the wise

There are dozens of popular personality tests ranging from pseudo-scientific to purely speculative. Although the results
can be enlightening, they are never 100% accurate or all-encompassing. People are complex. Personalities aren’t rigid.
ective recognition requires a blended approach that prioritizes the individual’s needs over
personality typecasts. By combining workday data, formal and informal feedback, and
experimentation, you can find the recognition strategies that work for your diverse team.

Personality types and how to motivate them
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