The Psychology of Modern Flirting (v2)
The Psychology of Modern Flirting (v2)
The Psychology of Modern Flirting (v2)
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
Any organization that wants to develop their
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
CH1: Why Are You Reading This? 15
Ch2: My Story 23
Ch3: What Causes Attraction? 33
Ch4: Starting 41
Ch5: Conversation 47
Ch6: Positioning 55
Ch7: Peer Approval 61
Ch8: Positive Emotional Stimulus 67
Ch9: Flirting 73
Ch10: Freeing 79
Ch11: Connecting 85
Ch12: Plan The Date 93
Ch13: Sexual Tension 101
Ch14: The Kiss 109
Ch15: Adventure 115
Ch16: Afterparty 123
Ch17: Arousal 131
Ch18: Releasing Pressure 137
Ch19: Learning 143
Ch20: Mantras 153
Ch21: My Thanks 161
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
Take a look at your life right now. Are you joyful? Are you living
your life to the fullest? Do you know the path you must take to
build the lifestyle you have dreamed of? If you answered no to
any of these questions, I have one piece of advice for you: Do
not put this book down until you have completed every task,
every suggestion, and you have studied each page. Imagine
being able to approach any aspect of your life confidently,
whether it is a potential love interest or a business deal. Can
you see yourself, finally taking the actions you need to live the
life you have dreamed of?
Once you begin to read this book, you will start to understand
the steps you must take. But until you start to apply the
suggestions, you will only be left with an understanding. Once
you start to apply the steps, once you begin to accept Jared's
mentorship, you will begin to see significant changes in your
life. Since you have started to read this book, this tells me you
are an action-oriented person. You are someone that wants
better for themselves and those around you. Now that you
have taken the first step, you now have the choice of whether
to keep the momentum going. So congratulations on
completing the first step, but it’s time to take the second one.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
This book is dedicated to the two most important women in
my life; my wife and my mom.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
This book would have never been written without an incredible
crew helping me behind the scenes. I am grateful to my
mentors, Adam and Stephen. Adam, for helping to guide a
clueless college kid and teaching him how rewarding social
influence and dating can be. Stephen, for giving me the push
and guidance to write this book in the first place.
Warm thanks to Randy and Emily for handling all the small
things that continuously add up each day and making my life
as stress-free as possible. Also, thanks to Oscar for helping
me take my grand visions to life.
Finally, I'd like to thank all the women I've met. Every rejection,
time I was stood up, turned down, or dismissed lead to
another word in this book. I couldn't have done it without all of
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
Why are you reading this?
Now that the weekend has come, Brian is finally free. Friday
night, he turns to the same old thing, but this time he finds a
movie he wanted to watch. Saturday he starts to get bored, so
he hits up the two friends he has, and one of them is down to
meet up tonight. They go to their favorite bar and find a corner
to stand in. The night is filled with the same stories they've
brought up a million times. Out of nowhere, a group of cute
girls walk by and grab their attention. For a moment, they look
to see what the other does, then laugh when nothing
happens. They spend the rest of their time talking about what
they could have done or arguing which girl is cutest. On
Sunday, Brian takes the entire day to relax and do nothing; he
needs it after the long week after all. Unfortunately, Monday is
once again right around the corner.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
I've always found that an excellent book can hook the reader
in right away. Capturing their attention in a way that makes
them crave to turn to the next page. I'd imagine right now
though you may be yawning or bored out of your mind. To
that, I simply say...good!
We see "it" all the time when going through life. That asshole
at the office who always has everyone laughing at his jokes.
The obviously broke douchebag walking down the street with
a gorgeous girl on his arm. The annoying neighbor that always
have a party at his place each weekend and a new girl leaving
in the morning. You see "it" when you are out eating and
across from you is a guy, who's just as good looking and rich
as you, in a relationship with a girl who looks down to earth
and put together. The burning question hits at that moment,
"Why not me?" Of course, though, it comes back down to the
fact that you just don't have "it."
Fuck those guys with "it." Fuck all these women and people
who respond to "it." You're a great guy, damn it: decent,
caring, and would make any woman you date feel amazing
every day. But that's not how the world works. Some people
have "it" and some people, like you, simply don't. It's unfair,
that's life.
Or is it?
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
This first step is precisely what this book will be about at its
core. An in-depth guide on how to become massively
successful with women you've never met before, as well as all
the mentalities necessary to turn you into the guy with "it." If I
had to sum up what learning the material here is in one
phrase, "It's nothing short of life changing." I know people
throw that phrase around a lot, but I truly from the bottom of
my heart mean it in the most literal sense possible.
The best part is that this goes beyond being better with
women. For instance, it's common that student's in my
program are seen as more likable and competent at work.
Hell, some for the first time are just seen! This leads many to
get raises and form stronger bonds with their colleagues. My
students also notice their social anxiety is reduced, which
allows them to take part in more social and rewarding
activities. All of a sudden, they're no longer pushovers and
recognize sales techniques they can defend themselves
against daily.
Casual playfulness with the waitress gets them a
complimentary dessert. The random conversation with a
stranger lead to an invite for a party or new business
opportunity. Their new skills for conversation, humor, and
building rapport has everyone they meet loving their company,
and they build a new social circle.
It's not for everyone. Sadly, many people will read this book
and won't see any change. They'll quickly make their way
through each chapter without really taking in the information.
They won't do any of the assignments or maybe a few
haphazardly. These people would rather live in their world view
that change is too hard, and it's not worth genuinely trying. A
concept that things are truly outside of one's control is the
most significant source of comfort because we are forced to
accept it eventually. Much like the death of a loved one after
enough time has passed.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
I've taught this for a very long time. I've mentored thousands
at this point and have seen practically everything. Which
means I've heard it all. Ask yourself, does this sound like you:
"All of this is just too intimidating and scary for me. I know
myself, and even if I tried, I'd just end up failing at it as I do
with most things."
"It's just so hard. I don't have the time or energy for it. I'm too
busy/old/unhealthy to learn this."
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
Finally, any time you're in a rut or feel things are tough, ask
yourself the following question: "If I stop learning and bettering
myself now, what's the alternative?" If you did the following
exercises, you could answer that pretty honestly. Looking
back, whenever I asked myself that question, I always had one
answer: There is no alternative.
You’re still here? Good, that means you've passed the first and
one of the hardest parts of taking this journey—the first step.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
I told my one friend at the party to let her know I was leaving
and to meet me out front. After all, I was her ride. Minutes
went by with me waiting by my car, wondering what was
possibly taking so long. Finally, he came out, placed his hand
on my shoulder, looked me in the eyes, and told me the ugly
truth. "Dude, you need to leave. She went into the bathroom
with that guy and then locked the door. It's over, buddy." Once
again, I wept, wondering what the hell was wrong with me.
The next day in class, all eyes were on me, and I heard
muttering wherever I went, it was something straight out of a
teen movie. I found out it was because the guy had been
bragging to everyone how he lost his virginity to my date. At
least high school would be over soon.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
guy with "it." There were five of us pledging the fraternity. Once
the process was over, I was the only one who was told that
none of the brothers liked me and felt I didn't fit in. It was
unfortunate, they said, but it was for the best that I didn't join.
My last hope of college being different fell through, and I
resigned myself to a life of misery. It became so bad that I
changed my password to "lifesucks" and found a hypnotist to
try and change me or forget all the pain. I was simply doomed
until I wasn't.
One way or another, I would get "it," or I would die trying. Just
from writing on different self-help forums, it wasn't long before
After giving value to him any way I could, he took me under his
wing and then everything changed. I realized that the third step
I had always been missing was having a mentor. The results
were night and day.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
I stopped what I was doing and started a new path. Yes, I'd
still go and meet women. Yes, I could enjoy an active sex life. I
wasn't about to abandon the secret knowledge my mentor
had shown me. The key difference, though, is that it would
involve brand new social techniques that work while still
allowing me to be my true dorky self. No more fake stories, no
more lines, no more pretending to be something I'm not. I
began developing a way to be effective without leading women
on or compromising my very identity. Slowly, over time, I
developed a new form of psychology, the psychology of
modern flirting.
Every door I could ever imagine was opening due to this social
magic, and I began living the life I always wanted. Years later, I
even met the love of my life and became married myself. It's
important to know that while, yes, it's fun and exciting building
beneficial relationships that aid an insane lifestyle, the real
value was in the other things—having a tight core group of real
friends who are on the same path as you. Knowing I can get a
fun group together to play games with at my place. Walking
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
Write out your story. Where did you come from, and how has
that lead you to where you are today? Take ownership of your
previous pains and successes. Like it or not, all of it made you
who you are today.
Do you have a mentor? If you do, how can you make better
use of him/her as a resource? If you don't, ask yourself what's
stopping you and what price you put on reaching your
potential in this area of life.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
What Causes Attraction?
Now that you have it, I would imagine it sounds something like
this: "Attraction is built on confidence, it's being funny, it's the
right chemicals going off in the brain, or maybe it's just an
energy and vibe you give off that the girl responds to." If you
said any of these things, you're not wrong, they all apply.
The problem is these answers still don't get to the root cause
of it all, the underlying concept which triggers attraction in
others. That concept is, in a word, investment. Investment is
the principle that turns mild interest in someone into a deep
desire. The reason is simple. Everyone wants a return on their
investment. Once we work for something, spend time on
something, think about something at length, we value it more.
So, what causes attraction? Investment does.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
As great as that is, it's not even the best form of investment.
One of the more powerful ones is a mental and emotional
investment. This is when the girl continues to think about you
even when you're not around. Obviously, we have no way of
measuring this, but that act of having you in her head builds
you up more and more. This is usually done once she has
opened up emotionally about personal topics and shared
intimate information about herself—more on this in later
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
Social Skills
Social Proof
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
Social skills are one of those tricky topics we have a hard time
putting our finger on. A simple way of looking at it is just being
good with people. My personal definition, though, is being
aware and able to spot social cues from people and knowing
the correct response on what to do based on those cues. A
mouthful, I know, but that's it in a nutshell. We always think of
intelligence as knowing facts or being good at math, however,
we can demonstrate that we have social skills by having social
intelligence that's irresistible.
Social proof is a phenomenon that occurs in all areas of life.
The term was first coined by Robert Cialdini in his book
"Influence" but has been studied and researched since the late
1930s. It means that we tend to follow others that other
people follow. If everyone thinks some guy is amazing,
chances are he is amazing, and we'll want to get to know him
too. For attraction, we break it down into preselection. If a man
has multiple women showing interest in him, chances are
there's something attractive about that man. Women use this
as a quick social cue to assume that guy must be a prize.
Write out all the types of investment you can think of. Now
write out five practical examples of each that you can use with
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
Write out and define what your identity or ambition is. Then
write it out in a phrase you can easily tell a girl.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
The other guys I met online all had a similar look to me as well.
It was the style the self-proclaimed guru's said was best after
all. Ten nervous, insecure men all having either a boa, eyeliner,
or seven rings on. Zack, the leader of our group, looked us
over and nodded with approval. When he turned to me, he
smiled and said, "You're new here, so you get to go first."
Me: "Hey, uh, can I get, you see I was wondering
here's the thing, cheating is not OK. OK if…well in your
opinion, if a girl not really cheating... it's, um, know?"
Her eyes squinted, and confusion ran over her face. Then she
shook her head as if clearing it and smiled warmly back to me
saying, "I'm sorry I missed that, what did you ask?"
Me: "Oh! No's the thing, girls kissing girls right... I'm
wondering your opinion on, because like I said before...well
first can I get your opinion if she cheated...but maybe
that's what I'm wondering...because, uh, yea."
To this day, I still remember her look of "what the actual hell
was that?" before rolling her eyes and turning away back to
her friend. Obviously, I had a lot to learn about starting
conversations with women.
I won't get into all the reasons we are ingrained with this
powerful and visceral fear of approaching women. For that,
and examples of different ways of starting conversations, you
can check out my book on Amazon, "How to meet your
dream girl tonight." Instead, I want to discuss the importance
of starting
and give you some tips you can utilize right now that will begin
your journey.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
You may have just arched an eyebrow reading that last bit, or
thought, "What the hell is he talking about? I'm always getting
stuck in the friend zone; I got this book to get out of the friend
zone!" Don't worry, I get it, and if you continue to follow the
advice here, you won't be stuck there. It's just that starters are
more welcomed and received when it comes from a friendly
place. Later you'll be learning how to progress things forward
and make it flirty. For now, though, trust me when I say
nothing ruins picking up a girl more than a pickup line.
Your pupils dilate, hands get sweaty, your heart begins beating
a mile a minute, and everything in the world fades away
except...her. This perfect and gorgeous being, enjoying her
conversation and laughing with friends, and somehow you, a
complete stranger, need to walk over and make a connection.
The absolute absurdity of it all! Why does it have to be so
damn hard? Besides, what can you even talk about with a
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
Write down a list of potential starters. You can make them up,
look for them online, ask a friend, or use any resource
available. Use the few examples from this chapter to start and
whenever you think of a new one, I want you to add it to this
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
"I can't do it," my student said with tears filling up in his eyes,
"I just freeze up. My mind goes blank." Looking at him sadly, I
shake my head no. "It's not that your mind goes blank, it's that
you're thinking of too many things and trying to filter it all." All I
got back from him was a blank stare spread across his face.
Scratching my beard, I decided to try another angle. "What are
you passionate about? What's something that you love to
do?" Meekly and with some embarrassment, he replied, "I just
like watching YouTube videos." He may have been
embarrassed, but I was smiling, hearing his answer.
"How about this…" I begin. "Let's say you use your starter and
they respond. Once they respond, I want you to tie in
something they said or something they're wearing to a
YouTube video you know. Once you do, just begin talking
about different YouTube videos." My advice was met with
uncertainty. "Ok," he said. "But what if they don't like YouTube
or I run out again?" Rolling my eyes, I smiled back and told
him, "Listen, just get into it and let the conversation start
flowing as it will, using the techniques I taught you before. For
now, though, just create a flowing conversation about
" with that style of algorithm you can really get a lot more
views." He finished explaining excitedly. The girl closest to him
then spoke up. "That's so awesome, I've been wanting to
grow my channel for a while now, but it's just so slow going."
Nodding as if he was a wise sage, he replied, "Yeah, I can see
why you were having trouble, but at least now you know how
it works. What's your channel about?" Then just like that, they
were off to a lovely conversation.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
It has to be an improv type of dance where you and the girl are
playing off what each other say. Using scripted lines, stories,
or planned conversation pieces can only go so far. Worse than
that, it's just not practical. We're human beings, after all, not
robots. If we act and speak in ways that don't reflect our
personality, life experiences, and the way we think, then the
girl is going to smell bullshit a mile away. Seeing guys
attempting these planned out conversations is not only
awkward to watch, but it's also downright cringe-worthy.
"The other day, my friend, Sally, quit her job. I couldn't believe
she did that! I know it sucked working there, but she's in so
much debt. It really wasn't smart of her."
"Wow, this Sally girl needs to get her act together. I get she
didn't like her work, but she could at least have had a plan
before quitting."
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
personality from you. From now on, use your real opinions on
things to keep the conversation flowing.
A great tip is not to get too caught up into any single topic.
Usually, when we find something that "hits" or the girl likes, we
have the impulse to milk that topic for everything it's worth.
What happens when you've discussed every aspect of it, and
there's nothing left to say though? At that point, most guys will
just ask a random question out of the blue, or worse, stand
there panicking for what to say next.
You can also practice right at home. Try picking a topic, can
be anything such as shoes for example. Then start
monologuing about shoes for as long as you can. Did it seem
difficult? If so, it's probably because you weren't using
conversation shifters. I never said you had to talk about shoes
the entire time, just had to start with it.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
Two weeks ago, from the time I'm writing this, I had two
students who flew in to get personal training from me for a
weekend. I was being paid $6,000 by them to help shave off
years of their learning experience when it came to building
social confidence and attracting women, by no means was
this new to me, though. They stood there, fear in their eyes,
worried that maybe they had just burned more money than
they could afford. I laugh as I write this because, after the
event, they told me I should have charged more since it took
years off their learning.
"I already know how to start and have a conversation," the first
student Gary said. "It's just that for some reason, I always end
up getting ignored, girls just keep putting their backs to me."
Kyle, my second student, nodded in agreement. "This
happens all the time to me too," he chimed in. "I can't find it
fun when it feels awkward hovering around them. Plus I can
get the vibe they're less interested in me than I am into them,
despite what I say." Nodding I knew precisely what the
problem was; I had seen them in action the previous night. "So
Do you see the problem in this picture? If not, the issue is that
clearly, he is the one hitting on her. This makes him come off
as desperate or trying too hard and, subconsciously, the girl
feels it too. Plus, how simple would it be for her to turn her
back to him? That's precisely what happened. However, by
understanding how to execute my three-point technique, he
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
It's crazy, I know, but that positioning makes all the difference
in the world. We often place so much importance on what we
say, we rarely think about the way our body and positioning
comes into play. For instance, the idea of investment,
explained earlier, can be seen even from these two pics. In the
first, Gary is facing the girl in red, directly investing entirely into
talking to her while she casually looks over her shoulder. It’s
painfully evident that he’s investing more than she is.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
and gets you rejected, you have to allow this to happen so you
can practice on your positioning. For instance, if you're in an
angle where you can easily be ignored, move your feet and
walk into a different position. If you see that you're facing the
girl fully and she's sideways, talking to you over her shoulder,
then change up what you're doing. This won't happen by
By waiting too long for the right positioning, you risk the
chance of being seen more and more as trying too hard and
slowly killing the attraction, despite what you do or say. At
best, it's a constant uphill battle. However, if you do it too
early, then you can startle the girl or piss her off—finding you
rude and pushy. Only by experimenting will you be able to get
the "feel" for when the right time is.
Go out for one week straight with nothing in mind other than
always keeping the best positioning. It should eventually feel
uncomfortable if you're not in it.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
Peer Approval
you going?" one of her friends asked. "Oh just for a quick
dance we'll be right back," I replied quickly while taking my
girl's hand and leading her away. The friend arched an
eyebrow and seemed to want to object, but by then it was too
late, we were gone.
"Really? I was kinda digging the little one you have going on." I
tickled her chin, indicating imaginary peach fuzz. Thankfully my
wit had returned again.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
"Who was that random weird guy who wouldn't leave you
alone all night? You can tell by just looking at him he's such a
douche. Please tell me you didn't give him your number."
"Tell us more about that cute guy you were talking to all night?
He seemed really fun and genuine. Please tell me he asked
you out on a date."
the group. This has the bonus effect of not looking as if you’re
trying too hard to the girl you like as well.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
Just remember, if you win over the girl's friends then you have
a good shot at winning over the girl. By simply seeing her
friends react to you in a positive and welcoming way, a girl feel
attracted to you. It's honestly that important. From now on,
you are not some random guy hitting on a girl you see. You are
a social and charismatic guy that people respond to. Come in
with the mindset of assuming everyone is friendly and that
you're going to add to the fun of everyone's night, not just the
girl you like. After all, there is no such thing as strangers, only
future friends.
going to still have to win her over and change it around. You're
only as strong as your weakest link after all. Experiment
through empathy and by trying to figure out the "why" behind
the bad mood. Is the friend mad because she never gets hit
on as much? Is it because of something that happened
earlier? Did she recently get dumped and hates men? The list
goes on but there's always a reason. By finding out or
guessing at the reason, you can experiment with different
tactics to bring her mood up and befriend her. This isn't a girl
to ignore. If you do, you'll regret it later the way I did in my
story earlier.
MENTOR: The greatest thing about a really great mentor is
their vibe. Yes, I learned countless things from the mentors I've
had in my past, and yes, it was incredible knowing I always
had someone to go to for help. Nothing beats being immersed
in their vibe and very presence, though. Seeing their
mannerisms and how they think just begins rubbing off on you.
It's easy talking about being social all the time, but when
you're around someone who actually lives and breathes that
advice, it sparks something in you. All of a sudden, that very
same vibe starts coming off you, and the practice of being
more social and charismatic becomes easier and more fun. So
yes, a mentor can apply vast knowledge, but the best thing is
with true immersion that mentor can change your very energy
without you even realizing it.
Make a list of all your strengths, connections, knowledge, and
anything that can be of value to someone.
In your next 10 interactions, try and give value to all those you
come across, look for ways to help them out and be as
friendly as possible. Play around with different body language
and vibes for best effect.
When ready, approach girls that you like but focus entirely on
the friends first, trying to win them over. You should see them
compliment you, laughing, inviting you along, including you in
their own conversation, or any other indicators you're
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
"Ramen House, you should try it," he replied as the girl smiled
meekly and nodded. "Do you get lunch breaks at work too?"
"That's not how it works, and you know it. You can have a
polite and pleasant conversation for hours, but without P.E.S.
there's no point. None," I replied. I knew we still had some
work to do if he was ever going to make a change.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
Do you see how the question of what she does (asking for
small investment) comes off as rapport seeking? It's obvious
this guy is trying to force conversation. The only reason he
could have for trying to force conversation is that he's into her
without even knowing anything about her. Women are
incredibly tuned to this as they're bombarded with desperate
interest daily. It's not that we can't ask this kind of question
though or for other investment. We need P.E.S. first.
There are many types of humor patterns that can be used for
P.E.S. Great ones include sarcasm, teasing, role playing,
exaggerations, and all the like. Every girl is different and will
respond better or worse to some, so switch things up to see
what's the best for you and her. Humor such as disgusting
potty humor, vulgar language, self-deprecation, obvious
planned jokes, and dark, twisted jokes should be avoided.
While some girls may enjoy one of those styles, they're in the
vast minority. Only if you see her making jokes of those nature
should you respond in kind.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
Take some time and study humor. Learn why certain things
get a laugh and others don't. Don't only write down things that
get a smile or P.E.S. but begin writing down WHY it worked as
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
you like or even just around your friends. Make this number
grow every single week. It comes down to just doing it.
"Eh, it's just that kind of talk you do when you like someone.
You know," said one.
"Nah, it's just like teasing and fucking around with the girl.
That's flirting," the third one and most well-known amongst us
said loud and confident.
The topic then changed as everyone went back to their meal,
and that's when it hit me: No one here actually knows. Hell, I
wasn't even sure if I knew! We all know what it looks like or
feels like but how can it be explained. I had to persist and get
to the bottom of this.
The head guy rolled his eyes. "Playful...flirting... it's the same
thing. You just need to get a girl riled up. Hell, sometimes I
don't even use flirting. I just broadcast my masculine nature,
and it's all good from there."
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
For many guys, once again, this rung of the ladder can be
scary. It's one thing joking around and having fun with the
group. It's an entirely different sensation when things start to
heat up. At this point, the fear of loss begins to kick in, and we
don't want to mess things up by saying something weird or
unwelcomed. All I can say is what I've already indicated
before. You have to have a good relationship with failure and
learn from your mistakes. When you first start trying to
implement flirtation, it will most likely come off as weird.
However, in time this will improve.
Flirting is not some mystical energy that some guys have, and
some guys don't. It's just reading a girls interest levels in you
correctly and testing out sexual or dating innuendos. Knowing
this, we can now play around with different ways of flirting and
once again begin experimenting on the best way that works
for us. I will offer you a word of caution, however. Many guys
mistake flirty with playful, this is true, but there's another
mistake as well. That mistake is thinking flirtation is the same
thing as sexual or that all flirtation is the same.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
PRACTICE: I'm not sure who said this quote, but I love it
because it rings so true for me. "I'm just a natural flirt, but I
don't see it sexually. I'm just an overexcited puppy." That's the
essence of how you should practice your flirting. Not in some
creepy sexual way, but more of a natural joy and excitement
for creating that flirtatious vibe. Don't do it with everyone,
though. Only practice flirting with the girl that you like. There's
another quote that rings true as well. "No female will take you
seriously if you flirt with every girl." Now, in your case, we're
going to ignore that. You can't become experienced without
practice, right? What this means though is don't actively do it
too much around others. Flirting should be a semi-private
thing, not broadcasted out for everyone to hear but if they do
catch it, it's not the end of the world. We like to always be
discreet whenever possible.
Once again, create a new list, but this time, for all flirtatious
lines that you hear. Just like P.E.S.; if it worked before it can
work again.
Take some time and write out 10 flirty statements that you
make up. Remember, they should either have a dating or
sexual undertone.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
At this point, I had been coaching for years and was still in
what I call now my "dark manwhore days." I knew what I was
doing but try as I might, I was just stuck. There were plenty of
free drinks at the table, everyone was already dancing in place,
and even though the friends liked me, why would they want
me taking her anywhere other than this prime spot? My girl
was dancing with me and flirting, but I knew nothing more
could happen, not around her friends, at least.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
might hate it, but hopefully, you can at least empathize and
understand why it is.
The best way to free a girl from her friends is by using P.E.S.
Good old P.E.S. makes everything better. Remember the
primary reason for it was to get different forms of investment
anyways. You also need a justification. The right justification,
as seen in the story above, can make all the difference. When
it comes to persuasion, it's one of the most effective
techniques there are. Why is it so powerful? Because.
"Excuse me; I have five pages. May I use the Xerox machine?"
"Excuse me; I have five pages. May I use the Xerox machine,
because I have to make copies?"
"Excuse me; I have five pages. May I use the Xerox machine,
because I'm in a rush?"
"Excuse me; I have five pages. May I use the Xerox machine?"
[60% compliance]
"Excuse me; I have five pages. May I use the Xerox machine,
because I have to make copies?" [93% compliance]
"Excuse me; I have five pages. May I use the Xerox machine,
because I'm in a rush?" [94% compliance]
If for any reason you try this but the girl you like is still hesitant,
there's one line I like to use to this day that was taught to me
by my mentor. It doesn't work all the time, but the sheer magic
of seeing a "no" become a "yes" instantly still amazes me to
this day. That line is, "Come on, really? You're not going to
make me go there by myself like some loser are you?" At the
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
end of the day, if you're trying to get alone time with a girl and
she's refusing, then it's not "freeing" her anymore. Now you're
just needy and pushy—two obviously very unattractive traits.
Make a list of all the justifications you can think of to free a girl.
Then think of where you usually go to meet them. What
interesting spots does it also have for you to use as a
justification? For example, some bars have photo booths or
even mechanical bulls.
If you can fully accomplish all the other rungs of the ladder and
the previous point then solely focus on freeing the girl from her
friends. It's OK if it takes a few attempts, just don't do it back
to back.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
Once again I was in Vegas, but this time I had been out with a
coach in training, my friend and roommate at the time, Jeremy.
I had been showing him the ropes for a few months now, and
he was a quick learner. The problem was Jeremy was all about
P.E.S. and fun times. Even I was impressed by how quickly he
could get a girl laughing and attracted and winning her friend's
approval. The problem was it always remained there. Surface
level fun and flirting but nothing of depth. I was trying to show
him the importance of a genuine connection, and to his credit,
he listened without complaint, but he never truly seemed to
desire or see the full significance.
get a pony?" We'd often tease each other, and for those who
don't know, I usually have a beer gut. I'm told though by
women; they find it "comfy."
"What are you talking about?" I replied. "I know you have three
brothers. That you often felt like a loner at school growing up,
even around your friends. I know that you’re a good person
and leave food outside every night for the stray dogs around. I
know you want to go and visit Germany because your heritage
and past are important to you. I also know you live your life
with no regrets because like you said before, everything that’s
happened to you happened for a reason and made you the
amazing person you are today.”
They left our apartment right then with my girl being pulled
away by her friend. I wasn't even mad, though. I was happy
with this rejection; it was great. That's because he finally saw
with his own eyes why connecting is important.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
For men, sex is often seen as just something fun and desirable
to do. Yes, it can be intimate, but often we look at it in terms of
an accomplishment and the highest form of validation for
being a man. This isn't true for women. Women often see sex
as something unique that they are offering. It's unfair and
disgustingly reinforced by society, but a woman's vagina is
often seen as her most valuable asset and the best thing she
can offer. Working with my female clients, I often have to
remind them that they're more than what's just between their
legs. That if they want to find love, they have to let their best
attributes shine and not only make a guy chase after them for
Just like flirting, you want to start small when trying to make a
connection with a girl. Don't go right into the deep and
powerful questions. Instead, feel her out by asking what's
something spontaneous she's done or why she got into her
chosen profession. From there, we can go back and forth and
gradually explore more profound and more personal questions.
If the mood feels too tense or too serious, don't be scared to
throw in something playful now and then. It's OK to break the
tension and keep things in a good mood.
cocky, flirty, or display how cool and fun you are. This is the
time to think about what's your most vulnerable story.
Something that you don't often share with people whether it's
due to shame or fear of being judged. Note though, that if it’s
something relating to women, it may not be the best idea.
Telling her your vulnerability of being a virgin may connect you
more and have her sympathetic, but rarely does a girl want
that kind of pressure or responsibility and the sexual attraction
could instantly die.
You may be tempted to try and bullshit your way through this
and just reward anything you hear with praise. I'm telling you
now the majority of women will see through it and then you've
ruined any chance of having a real connection. Even if you
were able to bullshit your interest well, it's wronging not only
her but you as well. Every girl you come across will have
something about her that's of value; it's all about empathy and
understanding her world view and perception. As the man, it's
our job to lead, and I won't move to the next rung of the ladder
until I find enough traits about her that genuinely interest me.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
For every girl you meet, try to look for the qualities and traits
you truly desire about her. See how many you can find.
Try and empathize and see the world through the eyes of girls.
The best trick for this is to actually have at least five female
friends you can talk to and hang out with whenever you want.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
I walked into the college bar I knew and loved and began
getting to work. Over and over, I'd use the same starters, lines,
stories, and intentional conversation scripts I had practiced
again and again over a hundred times. For hours, I could fake
an entire conversation using these techniques. I barely paid
attention as I spoke it was such a well-rehearsed play. Sure
enough, I got a laugh on command and a mouth to drop with
my timed tease. After a while, I ended this perfected social
play by confidently asking for the girl's number, which I got 19
times in that one night alone. I was on fire, and nothing could
stop me.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
Lots of men have been in similar situations like the one I just
described. They'd get a girls number, feel good about it, and
then, sure enough, have it lead nowhere. It's because girls
give out their number for more reasons than just a reward.
They give it out of pity; they give it to make the guy leave; they
give their number out of sheer politeness; they give their
number because they're drunk but forget the guy the next
day—I think we get the point here. A number doesn't mean
anything. Stop looking at it like it's a trophy and start focusing
on the stuff that matters.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
Now that it's primed, it's time to ask the girl out on a date. Her
saying yes seems like a pretty significant investment so of
course, once again, we rely on P.E.S. for the yes. As I write
that I realize it just sounds catchy; "P.E.S. for the yes." Write
that down or say it out loud a few times to make sure the
message sinks in. Don't just outright ask her when the time
comes. We want to go through what's called a yes ladder to
get a commitment. Both are solid techniques to ensure a date
Guy: You said earlier you haven't been to Dave and Buster's
for years, right?
Girl: Yes
Guy: That's a shame. I'd go back for sure. You know what, we
should go some time.
Girl: Yeah, OK, I'd like that.
Guy: Awesome, it'll be so much fun. Hope you're decent at air
hockey. I like a challenge.
Girl: Haha, yes, I'll kick your ass.
Guy: Alright then, when are you free in the week?
Girl: Oh, I suppose Friday works.
Guy: Perfect. How about I pick you up around 7?
Girl: Yeah, that's fine.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
Create a list of different date ideas that you can use as primers
throughout the conversation for one week while going out,
don't ask for numbers. Only plan the date. If you do it really
well, you'll see her offer the number without even asking. Keep
in mind this isn't needed. Usually, you can still ask, but it
reinforces the idea that the date, not the number, is important.
When you do get the number, always text her right there and
then with your name, call back humor, and instructions to save
it. This prevents her later on texting, "Who's this?" It'll look
something like this:
"Hey, it's Jared. You're cute, so I'll let it slide that you can't
drink whiskey. Make sure to save this number."
Try and take in as many examples of the flirty vibe as you can.
This can be unimaginable for certain guys who've never been
in that situation before. You can do this by watching scenes in
movies and shows with flirting or by going to a club and
watching a guy and girl flirt in person. Yes, I know that sounds
creepy as hell, and to be fair it is, but unless you have a
mentor showing you, then you may never fully realize what it
looks like.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
his arm around her, there wasn't any sexual tension. I knew
why too. Being playful and connecting with a girl is one thing.
Building sexual tension and escalating in more than a playful
way, that can be petrifying to a virgin or someone who feels
Don't get me wrong; I was proud that he finally got over his
fears and made a move. It didn't work out for him sure, but as
we all know if we don't experiment, then we can't learn. The
problem of building sexual tension properly though is one that
so many guys experience it's almost comical. It's the one area
of dating where usually the girl has to lead it and make it
happen. This is because most men just become a kid in a
puppy store when they see a girl being receptive to them.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
Even guys usually give other guys the advice that they need to
man up and make things more physical. In some circles, this
has been called cavemanning, beast mode, owning intent, or
just merely escalation. What makes things confusing is this
isn't wrong advice, it's just not clearly understood. My mentor
explained it to me best when I posed him this dilemma. He
said, "You know when the best time be direct with a girl and
show her sexual interest is? It's when she wants you to." It's
literally that simple.
Unfortunately, this system of the guy being the green light with
physical progression constantly and the girl eventually being
the red light has become almost the norm. What if the guy
was both the green AND the red light though. Now we're
starting to use sexual tension. I'm getting ahead of myself
though. First, we should look at simple ways of creating sexual
tension, to begin with, that will turn things into that "green
For starters, by closing the distance between you and the girl
sexual tension will build. We're all aware of each other's
personal space, which is usually an arm’s length apart. While
this is comfortable and respectful, it doesn't do anything for
tension. If you were to close that gap and get close to her face
too soon, the tension becomes awkward and uncomfortable.
Once the attraction is established, everything changes and
that once awkward tension becomes palpable sexual tension.
Since we're talking about giving value and sexual tension, let's
bring it back to what we were talking about earlier when
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
behaviors, you can start to get a sense for what causes sexual
tension and what is just flat out weird or creepy.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
Write out all the different ways you can think of that would
either build sexual tension or be sexually teasing.
We had been flirting back and forth for hours on tinder. She
was witty and sexy and seemed down to meet up tonight. We
had already built up tons of sexual tension from texting alone
and thought it'd be hot to make out before we said a single
word to each other. I can't lie; it was a cool idea and different
than something you can do from just approaching a random
girl. It was silly, but I had some butterflies thinking about it.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
That's when I saw her at the front of the line waiting to walk in.
"OK," I told myself. "Just play it cool and expect nothing."
Glancing over again, I looked at her and our eyes locked for
the first time. Playfully, I put a finger up against my mouth
indicating the quiet sign. We did, after all, agree to kiss before
any words were spoken. She smiled brightly and turned to the
bouncer showing him her I.D.
As I sat there, she took her time walking towards me, an exotic
Persian beauty with hair just past her shoulders. Her outfit was
a little much, choosing a tight glittery dress and high heels for
a sports bar seemed out of place, but hey, what did I care.
She finally reached where I was seated, and sure enough, she
grabbed onto my shirt and pulled herself in for one major
make-out session.
To a girl, that first kiss can fully determine if she likes a guy or
Funny enough, this is the perfect time to break the kiss. You
should already know why if you read the last chapter. Breaking
the kiss yourself at the high point is a sure way to leave her
wanting more. Women aren't used to guys putting up
boundaries and stopping them. If there's one thing I've learned
about women too, it's this: Women like sexual acts but they
love a challenge. That playful, challenging element is a crucial
ingredient for modern flirting.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
that push you need to snap out of it and make a move. I often
do this by either texting the guy or making a hand gesture
when the time is right. Ultimately, it comes down to you just
going for it though, and not taking a failed attempt as a
Next time you’re out and kissing a girl, keep going as long as
you can until she stops it and notice her demeanor after. Next
time you kiss a new girl, break away right when it's getting
good to see the difference.
Don't use trickery like "close your eyes for a second" and then
try to go in for a kiss. Instead, write down different scenarios
you can imagine for when it'd be the right time to kiss her.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
On this very first night out, both of us met two girls, and it
wasn't long before I freed mine away. We flirted, we
connected, and we even made plans for a date. I didn't want
the night to end, however, and a number from a girl means
more if you don't leave as soon as you get it, so I decided to
have some fun. We drank and danced and all the normal stuff,
but I figured let's do something extra.
Taking her by the hand, I lead her away from the club and onto
the docks. It was peaceful and quite out there plus I just
wanted to explore. Suddenly, the feeling became one of us
being on an adventure. Noticing a door open to a building
across from us, I shrugged and led us inside. We went down a
hallway and opened the door into a busy and bustling kitchen
for some restaurant. One of the chef's looked at us
incredulously, shouting, "What are you two doing here?!"
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
The mood and tone should be fun, and as if the two of you are
already together. You've been flirting and connecting all night,
haven't you? Now you can fully enjoy each other's company
without games and be as wild and carefree as you choose.
You may run into the issue of her friends messaging her
though. If that happens, don't fight her to ignore it. Instead,
once again be a man and lead. Tell her to just text them saying
she's safe, and everything's OK, you understand why her
friends are worried after all. If not, go back and reread the part
about empathy.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
She also may decide to take the lead at this point. Maybe she
knows a great spot or is excited for something specific to do.
Don't fight it; just go along with her for the ride. It doesn't
matter if the ideas come from you or her. What matters is that
the two of you are sharing the experience together and making
memories. These memories will hopefully keep her thinking
about you later on. That's the key to mental investment,
making memories. There's no wrong thing to do as long as
she's into it, and it's legal of course. The more ridiculous or
random, the better. Time to get out of your comfort zone.
whatever that may be. You won't ever truly know what it is so
practice making spontaneous decisions. Let your gut lead you
and push your comfort zone on what you can or cannot do.
Often we mess up the adventure run of the ladder by playing
things too safe. Over time, get more and more comfortable
doing things that seem ridiculous as long as it's safe and legal
of course.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
Look online for all the fun and interesting things to do around
your city. This can be used for dates "spontaneous" trips with
a girl you just met. Make sure to see every option that's
walking distance from your favorite bar.
Every time you're out and make it to the adventure run of the
ladder make a habit of moving the girl around. Don't get too
comfortable in one place; it's amazing the effect a different
environment can have. This can either be in the venue itself or
a bar across the street.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
Monkey jungle had all the weird toys. There were lights set up
to project a galaxy on the ceiling. State of the art sound
system for blasting music. A hotshot arcade basketball
machine against the wall. An entire fountain system with
running water. And our most sacred and prized possession,
"El Bar." It was a monstrous wooden construct big enough for
one man to fit walk inside the only entrance and had storage
for liquor, beer, and wine. We loved that thing because it was
so ridiculous and out of place.
They loved us, and you could cut the sexual tension with a
knife. It was time for our move. "Who's down for an after
party?" I asked the group in an excited tone.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
Once back at your place, there are two approaches you can
choose from. The first approach assumes that massive
amount of sexual tension and physical progression has already
been going on. It happens where you're on a date with a girl,
and it goes well, like really well. Most people are
uncomfortable with PDA (physical displays of affection) so only
so much can happen in a public environment. Once I get the
feeling of this vibe then I'll fully own my sexual desire, now's
the time to be a man and go for it. Quite often, I'll just push the
girl up against the wall after walking into my place, and pick
her up in my arms to carry her to the bedroom. We've all seen
those passion scenes in movies where the guy and girl are all
over each other. While that may be slightly more dramatic than
real life, the concept is true enough.
I'll often blast some music, see if she wants ice cream, put on
a funny movie, or even be goofy and dance around with her.
I've also started a good old fashioned pillow fight to help break
the anxious mood. As long as you act carefree and fun and
show her that you didn't bring her back to just hook up,
usually the girl will come around and relax in your place.
Having fun stuff to do, a nice plush rug she can run her feet
through, and of course, drinks and music, allow the same vibe
as before.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
who've never been to any party period, they took out their
laptops and started surfing the net.
Meanwhile, the girls and other guys I brought were drinking
and goofing around. Obviously, I put a stop to this, but it
comes down to not knowing how to behave in unfamiliar
environments. A mentor can show you what's appropriate.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
CHAPTER Seventeen
I was texting a girl I had met last week and enjoying our playful
back and forth. She was clearly into me. Fast replies, lengthy
texts, flirtatious comments, all the signs were there. I don't
know why but I figured I'd have fun getting her aroused just
from texting alone. When you're in a mood, you're in a mood,
and sending arousing text messages does a lot more than the
standard dick pic most guys try. Also, if you're one of those
guys... stop. Unless it's specifically asked for, I can't
understand why men think that does anything for them. I
began my text with a challenge.
"I'm thinking of doing some fun stuff to you, but I don't want to
say. You may not be able to handle it."
"Oh, is that right? I'm pretty sure I can handle whatever you
got. Lay it on me," she challenged right back, clearly
"Alright," I warned. "You asked for it." I then sent over the
following message.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
cologne. This kiss is different, it's slow and gentle, and you let
yourself go limp, being lifted effortlessly up in my arms. I guide
you to the bed and lay you down. After soaking in just how
gorgeous you are, every curve and edge of your face and
body, I lie on top of you, placing your hands above your head.
Even through my jeans, you can feel my excitement for you.
The only sound being our breathing and the noise made as I
begin kissing your neck. You gasp with pleasure at what I do
Most men think women are aroused the same way guys are,
which is visual. This probably explains why the dick pic
problem still hasn't gone away. If you want to understand how
arousal works for a woman, go no further than your book
store. "Fifty Shades of Grey," and all those other sexy or
romantic type novels explore women's fantasies in depth.
While a man wants to reach the finish line and give into primal
pleasure, a woman is more turned on by her mind than
anything else.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
Stop the porn watching, for now at least, and instead, imagine
yourself getting a girl aroused. See the different stuff you might
do in your mind. Once again, if you can’t even imagine what it
looks like how in the world can you do it for real?
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
All of the questions and actions from a girl all come from the
same source. She feels the pressure. There's nothing wrong
with consensual sex at any stage, whether it's after two
months of dating or the first night you meet. There's also
nothing wrong having any relationship that works for both you
and the girl. My most successful relationship has been an
open non-monogamous one. It comes down to, for each their
own and just having an open mind to try something different.
That's just as important for you as it is for the girl. Lots of guys
are terrified about commitment and actually, "catching
feelings." It's true that I feel every guy should develop his skill
set with women and people in general before settling down.
I also, think it's true that every guy should allow themselves to
open up and realize there's so much more to enjoying women
than just having another "sexual conquest."
Whatever happens between you and the girl you like, if you've
gotten to this stage then congrats, you've made it to the top of
the ladder. The critical thing here is to make it clear to the girl
that there's no expectations and obviously no pressure. Be
reassuring and don't try to push any particular agenda. Yes, a
guy can show persistence and make attempts later, many girls
need this to feel fully desired, and that is why they sometimes
offer playful or flirty resistance. When it comes right down to it
though, no means no, and there has to be explicit consent.
After sex, don't leave right away or make excuses why she
needs to leave; “because you have to work early tomorrow."
Be respectful and empathetic. She just gave a lot of herself to
you and to go through the emotional journey of this attraction
ladder only to be treated as an object after can be emotionally
devastating to her. Be OK just hanging out or grabbing
breakfast in the morning. One girl was awesome and even
whipped out her PlayStation so that we could play Mario Kart
together. It's just about respecting her as a human being.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
question to ask early on, but once it's been established can be
a great way to get the girl to verbalize it and invest more.
Another possible approach is making statements or telling
stories showing that you're discreet, open-minded, and don't
have any agenda.
List three things you can do to take the pressure off the
situation if a girl feels resistant or tense in the bedroom.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
What you have to ask yourself is; where am I today and where
would I like to be? Is time important to you? If so, then what
would the benefit be to get coaching with someone who
would take years off of your learning curve? What if you could
learn in months what it took someone else YEARS to pick up
(and they still weren't as good as they could be at it)?
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
you? I would ask you if it's so important, then why haven't you
taken the time to seek out a mentor? Maybe you do have one
already, and in which case, congratulations on making an
incredibly wise decision in finding one. Finding someone who
understands what you're going through daily and what it's like
to have to go through the steps you're going through to get
better is no small feat. It usually takes time and dedication to
find someone good at what you want to better yourself at, but
also really good at being able to teach it to someone.
can take you through the trenches and tell you precisely what
you're doing wrong. Why you're doing it wrong, and what it
takes to get to the very next level from where you are today
and what it's going to feel like when you finally crest your way
over that plateau and enjoy the sweet taste of the fruits of your
Why waste all that time just doing things on your own when it
can be fun, fast and extremely rewarding to learn it with
someone who has already gone the distance and can draw
your path up for you based on exactly where you are and
EXACTLY where you need to be? Would you rather walk
through the Grand Canyon on foot, or would you like to have
someone drive you through it in a Lamborghini at 200 miles
per hour?
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
The worst part isn't just learning things more slowly; the worst
part is FAR more insidious than this. The worst part is in
learning how to do things the wrong way. Taking the time to
do things that are difficult and hard and grueling and then
finding out that not only have you not learned what you
needed to, and not gotten to where you needed to be, but
you've actually progressed in the WRONG direction! You've
REGRESSED in your skills! It's like learning how to lift weights
and then having someone train all the wrong parts of your
muscles and then you've learned how to do everything the
exact opposite way they should be. How terrible is it doing
very serious leverage point where you would rather die than
not get this area of your life handled.
The kind of quality you start to see coming through into this
area of your life bleeds into every other area of your life. How
much more money would you make in your career if you were
a better communicator? How much better of a partner would
you be to your lover if you could handle any situation that
came up in your life with skill and ease? How much time would
it save you to completely sidestep entire YEARS of pain, toil,
and hard work in achieving this? What if you could take a
rocket ride into the future of your life and your wealth and
happiness and get to where it would have taken you several
years, today? They're important questions to mull over your
mind and don't you dare take them lightly. This is your future.
This is your destiny. You need to make sure that, whatever you
do, you take it damn seriously.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
As words are spoken out loud, they are meaningless and will
do nothing. As an idea, though, a belief, a pure well thought
out way of perceiving life, it can be life changing. It's not
enough to say them, instead ask yourself the following
What are other hidden meanings of this belief that are not
obvious at face value?
Here are the 15 mantras you should take to heart and develop
every day:
At first, this can seem confusing. Isn't it the same thing? This
is the drastic difference between people who are process
oriented and result oriented. For a result oriented person,
nothing matters but the result and they'll keep whining and
feeling frustrated about the process until they get it. This can
lead them to quit, burn out, or be miserable learning. For
process oriented people, the result is just a by-product of what
happens from mastering the skill. They have faith it'll happen
but are more concerned with their performance despite the
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
you're wondering if you should kiss the girl or not, just kiss
her." This applies that mantra to real life. You'll always either
get success or learn a valuable lesson taking action.
Perception is reality.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
If I rush, I fumble.
We all want to complain and say how unfair the world is. It's
much easier to make excuses and say things are out of our
control than take responsibility and find a solution. By being a
problem solver, you make sure things happen and get what
you want rather than settling. It also gives you a sense of
power that you can do anything. Yes, there are situations
outside of our control, but every interaction or failure I have
brings me to the question, what could I have done better? I
don't care how hopeless a situation looks; there's always a
solution. You need to be clever enough to find it.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
was it fun. When you can enjoy the challenges and make it fun
then you don't need discipline or motivation, you'll be
WANTING to go out and do it. At the very least, it will be
neutral and something you don't mind. Stop waiting for the
right time or circumstances to be happy and enjoy your life;
you have my permission to do it right now. Do you have
It's been nearly 15 years since I've taken the first steps on my
journey to a better life. Learning the critical skills needed for
women, friends, and a more confident and happy self. I am
thankful I got to explore such fascinating and in-depth topics,
learning everything about the human mind and why we do
what we do. While it may be my "job" and at times cause for
long hours and hard nights, I wouldn't trade it for the world.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
The men and women I've coached over the years have given
my life real meaning and purpose, and to everyone I've helped,
coached, talked to, or affected in any way I want to say thank
you. Thank you for giving my life that meaning and placing
your trust, respect, and even hard earned money towards me.
Please realize that you have shaped my life just as much as I
have shaped yours, and because of your support, I continue
to this day in helping other people just like you.
may have gotten just a little bit better and brighter. Thank you
for taking the time to read my words because it has been an
honor and a joy writing them for you. It's not enough to read
through; you must take action wherever you can if you plan to
achieve any success with women. Don't be one of those guys
who absorbs information but doesn't do anything with it.
Instead, go into action now and begin a meaningful change.
I know that can be tough for a lot, but you must also know I'm
always here to help. Find me and reach out when things get
tough when you feel like giving up, or think that something is
inherently wrong with you. Remember I was you once and
there's always a solution, as the mantra states, so find it. An
easy place to start is just admitting you need help and asking
for it. To do that, you can always send me an email
at [email protected]. Now, put this book down or
turn the monitor off and take action. It's time to have some
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting
For nearly 15 years, Jared has been voted the best new dating
mentor, received numerous awards from others in his industry,
taught over 10,000 students around the world, and is credited
with over 40 marriages. Including his own marriage of 4 years.
The Psychology of MODERN Flirting