Base Value TDS VDS Other As Per Finance Bill 2024 1718068358

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FY: 2024-25

Draft as per Proposed F. Bill TAX & VAT

Base Value, VDS, TDS Others

This article has been prepared for informational purpose only (for practice of
myself), and is not intended to provide, and should not be considered/relied
on for Income Tax Advice.

Source of Information:
Income Tax Act, 2023
TDS Rules, 2024
VAT and Supplementary Duty Act, 2012
VAT and Supplementary Duty Rules, 2016
Various Website /Online source

Knowledge open the door to opportunity, achievement, success and wealth

Abu Taeb ITP, CA Professional level, 01736440044

[email protected]
Tax & VAT Rate Ammended up to 07 June 2024 (FY: 2024-25) (With TDS Calculation Example US 90(R4) SL 3 & 4)
Abu Taeb, CA Professional Level, ITP, e-mail: [email protected], Con+88 01736440044
For Updated Materials Join CATS: CA & TaxVat Study Group in FB Link:
Dr‡m g~mK KZ©b ZvwjKv g~mK Dr†m g~mK Dr†m TDS 2024-2025 As per ITA 2023, Rules 2024
KZ©‡bi nvi KZ©‡bi nvi
bs †mevi †KvW †mev cÖ`vbKvix 2023-24 2024-25
Tax Rate U/S

Gwm †nv‡Uj 15% 15% Rules 4 Serial No 3= On Commission 10%,

Gm On Gross Bill 2%
1 bb Gwm †nv‡Uj 7.5% 7.5% (See Note 1 for TDSCalculation) 90 R-4
†i‡¯Íviv 5.0% 5.0% Rules 4 Serial 19= Other service 10%
2 Gm 002.00 ‡W‡Kv‡iUm© I K¨vUvivm© 15% 15% Annexure B 90 R-4
3 Gm 003.10 ‡gvUi Mvwoi M¨v‡iR I IqvK©kc 10% 10% 8% 90 R-4
4 Gm 003.20 WKBqvW© (RvnvR wbg©vY) 10% 10% 8% 90 R-4
ম্যানুফ্যাকচার িং, প্রসেে বা কনভােশন, পূর্ ত কাজ , রনম্াণ,

5 Gm 004.00 wbg©vY ms¯’v 7.5% 7.5% 89 R-3
প্রসকৌশল বা েম্জার্ীয় কাসজ জনয চু ক্তি (Annexure A) 7%
6 Gm 007.00 weÁvcbx ms¯’v 15.0% 15.0% 5% 92
7 Gm 008.10 QvcvLvbv 10% 10% Supply of Books 3% if Others 5% as per R-3 Annexure A 89 R-3
8 Gm 009.00 wbjvgKvix ms¯’v 10% 15% 10%, if sale of Tea 1% 133
9 Gm 010.10 f‚wg Dbœqb ms¯’v 2% 2% If R-3 Kha= 7% or GA SL 13= 5% 89 R-3

Gm 010.20
feb wbg©vY ms¯’v (K) 1 -1600 eM©dzU ch©šÍ 2% 2%
10 (L) 1601- eM©d‡z Ui Dc‡i 4.50% 4.50% 7% 89 R-3
M) cyb: †iwR‡÷ªk‡bi ‡ÿ‡Î 2% 2%
11 Gm 014. 00 B‡Ûw›Us ms¯’v 5% 5% 8% on Commission 90 R-4
12 Gm 015. 10 ‡d«BU d‡ivqvWv©m© 15% 15% 10% on ommission; 2.5% On Gross Bill with/without commission 90 /124
13 Gm 020.00 Rwic ms¯’v 15% 15% 10%, Gross Bill 2%, Other 10% (See Note 1 Calculation) 90 R-4
14 Gm 021.00 cøv›U ev g~jabx hš¿cvwZ fvov cÖ`vbKvix ms¯’v 15% 15% 5% 109
Avmevec‡Î wecbb †K›`ª (K) Drcv`b ch©v‡q 7.5% 7.5%
15 Gm 024.00 (L) wecYb ch©v‡q (‡kv iyg) (Drcv`b ch©©v‡q 7.5% nv‡i g~mK 5% Annexure A 89 R-3
cwi‡kv‡ai PvjvbcÎ _vKv mv‡c‡ÿ, Ab¨_vq 15%) 7.5% 7.5%
16 Gm 028.00 Kzwiqvi (Courier) I G·‡cÖm †gBj mvwf©m 15% 15% Gross Bill 2%; Bill with com as per Calculation N-1 (Higher of A & B) 90 R-4
c‡Yi wewbg‡q Ki‡hvM¨ cY¨ †givgZ ev mvwf©wms- Gi
17 Gm 031.00 10% 10% Repair & Maintenance 5%, Motor Garage/Workshop 8% 90 R-4
Kv‡R wb‡qvwRZ e¨w³, cÖwZôvb ev ms¯’v
18 Gm 032.00 KbmvjU¨vÝx dvg© I mycvifvBRix dvg© 15% 15% 10% 90 R-4
19 Gm 033.00 BRviv`vi 15% 15% Lease of immovable property TDS 4% 128
20 Gm 034.00 AwWU GÛ GKvDw›Us dvg© 15% 15% 10% 90 R-4
21 Gm 037.00 ‡hvMvb`vi (Procurement Provider) 7.5% 7.5% Industrial Raw materials 3%, Other 5% or Various % Annexure A 89 R-3
22 Gm 040.00 wmwKDwiwU mvwf©m 10% 15% Gross Bill 2%; Bill with com as per Calculation N-1 (Higher of A & B) 90 R-4
23 Gm 043.00 ‡Uwjwfkb I AbjvBb m¤úªPvi gva¨‡g Abyôvb mieivnKvix 15% 15% 5% 92
24 Gm 045.00 AvBb civgk©K 15% 15% 10% 90 R-4
cwienb (K) †c‡UªvwjqvgRvZ cY¨ cwien‡bi †¶‡Î 5% 5% Transport Service 5% 90 R-4
25 Gm 048.00
wVKv`vi (L) Ab¨vb¨ cY¨cwien‡bi †¶‡Î 10% 10%
Vehicle rental service, Carrying service, Ride sharing service,
26 Gm 049.00 hvbevnb fvov cÖ`vbKvix 15% 15% Coworking space providing service, Accommodation providing 90 R-4
service including any sharing economy platform TDS 5%
27 Gm 050.10 AvwK©‡U±, B‡›Uwiqi wWRvBbvi ev B‡›Uwiqi†WK‡iUi 15% 15% 7% 89 R-3
28 Gm 050.20 MÖvwdK wWRvBbvi 15% 15% 7% 89 R-3
29 Gm 051.00 BwÄwbqvwis dvg© 15% 15% 7% 89 R-3
30 Gm 052.00 kã I Av‡jvK miÄvg fvov cÖ`vbKvix 15% 15% Gross Bill 2%; Bill with com as per Calculation N-1 (Higher of A & B) 90 R-4
31 Gm 053.00 ‡evW© mfvq †hvM`vbKvix 10% 10% 10% 90 R-4
32 Gm 054.00 DcMÖn P¨v‡b‡ji gva¨‡g weÁvcb cÖPviKvix 15% 15% 5% 92
33 Gm 058.00 PvU©vW© wegvb ev †nwjKÞvi fvov cÖ`vbKvix ms¯’v 15% 15% 90 R-4
34 Gm 060.00 wbjvgK…Z c‡Y¨i ‡µZv 7.5% 7.5% 10%, if sale of Tea 1% 133
35 Gm 065.00 feb †g‡S I A½b cwi®‹vi/i¶Yv‡e¶YKvix ms¯’v 10% 10% Gross Bill 2%; Bill with com as per Calculation N-1 (Higher of A & B) 90 R-4
36 Gm 066.00 jUvwii wUwKU weµqKvix 10% 15% Income from lottery 20% 118
37 Gm 067.00 Bwg‡MÖkb Dc‡`óv 15% 15% 10% 90 R-4
Gross Bill 2%; Bill with com as per Calculation N-1 (Higher of A & B) 90 R-4
38 Gm 071.00 Abyôvb Av‡qvRK 15% 15%
Services from convention hall, conference centre etc 5% 110
39 Gm 072.00 gvbe m¤•` mieivn ev e¨e¯’vcbv cÖwZôvb 15% 15% Gross Bill 2%; Bill with com as per Calculation N-1 (Higher of A & B) 90 R-4
ITES Tax Exempted as per 6th schedule Part 1 Para 21 (As per ITA 2023)
Z_¨-cÖhyw³ wbf©i †mev (Information Technology Enabled (condition: NBR issued exemption Certificate required)
40 S099.10 5% 5%
Internet Service = 10% TDS 90 R-4
10% 90 R-4
41 S099.20 Ab¨vb¨ wewea †mev 15% 15% Intangible Assets Tk 25 Lac 10%, Exceed Tk 25 Lac 12% 91
Commission, Discount Fee 10%, 5%, 3% 94
42 S099.30 ¯cÝikxc †mev (Sponsorship Services) 15% 15% 10% 90 R-4
43 Gm 099.60 ‡µwWU †iwUs G‡RwÝ 7.5% 7.5% 10% 90 R-4
Space and Structure Rent/ Office Rent TDS 5% of Gross Rent
Exemption Area:(a) Factory rent (b)Space/structure fully VDS Not required. এই ভযাট হসব ভাডা অরর্র ি অর্াৎ
ত ভাডা থর্সক
used for residential purposes (C)Commercial purpose not ভযাট কর্তন হসব না
1 Gm 074.00 15% 15% 109
more than 150 square feet (d)Rent paid by ITES স্থান ও স্থাপনা ভাডা গ্রনণকা ী : ভাডা গ্রনণকা ী কর্ত তক ভাডা উপ ১৫%
organization reg. under service code S099.10 হাস ম্ূেক আদায় কর সর্ হ‌ইসব (অর্াৎ ত পর সশাসে দারয়সে র্াকা বযক্তি
(e)Showroom rent run by women entrepreneurs ভযাট আদায় ক সব)

No VDS as per 3rd schedule if service provided under S. code S012.14

2 Gm 012. 14 B›Uv‡bU ms¯’v 5% 5% TDS Exempted, if service is ITES as per 6th schedule Part 1 Para 21
Internet Service = 10% TDS 90 R-4
No VDS as per 3rd Schedule.
3 Gm 057.00 we`¨yr weZiYKvix 5% 5%
TDS 6%, WH Authority BPDB or semilar organzation 114
No VDS as per 3rd schedule.
4 Gm 080.00 ivBW †kqvwis 5% 5%
TDS 5% 90 R-4
5 Collection of Tax from travel agent 0.30% 95
6 Deduction from Commission of Letter of Credit (LC) 5% 96
7 Local Letter of Credit 3%, 1%, 2% 97
8 Deduction of tax from export proceeds of goods Bank deduct tax @ 0.50% of total export proceed 123
9 Deduction of tax at source from export cash subsidy 10% 112
10 TDS on Interest on Savings Deposit/Term Deposit etc. Trust, AO, Company=20%, PEI, ICAB, ICMAB, SCB=10%; Other 10% 102
Example: Say, Bill amount Tk 50,000 + Commission Tk 6,000= Gross Bill Tk 56,000
Note (1): TDS will be Sec-90 R4(3): (A) TDS On Commission (Tk 6,000X Tax Rate 10%)=Tk 600;
(B) Gross Bill 56,000X Formula 10%X Tax Rate 10%= Tk 560
So, TDS is Tk 600 (Higher of A & B)
If only Gross Bill submitted Tk 56,000 (No commission said in bill) TDS will be Sec-90 R4(3): Goss bill Tk56000X Tax Rate2% =TDS Tk 1,120
Note (2): TDS will be Sec-90 R4(4): (A) TDS On Commission (Tk 6,000X Tax Rate 10%)=Tk 600;
Media buying agency Service (B) Gross Bill 56,000X Formula 2.5%X Tax Rate 10%= Tk 140
So, TDS is Tk 600 (Higher of A & B)
If only Gross Bill submitted Tk 56,000 (No commission said in bill) TDS will be Sec-90 R4(4): Goss bill Tk56000X Tax Rate 0.65% =TDS Tk 364
***NB: Read Annexure A & B for details head wise TDS Rate U/S 89 (R3) & 90 (R4)
Annexure A

Abu Taeb ITP, CA Professional level, 01736440044 1

Annexure B

Abu Taeb ITP, CA Professional level, 01736440044 2

Annexure C

Abu Taeb ITP, CA Professional level, 01736440044 3

Extract from Page No 75
Explanation of Base Value/amount

মূসক ৬.৩ একটি নমুনা ননম্নে দেওয়া হলঃ ধনি, ভ্যাি সহ দমাি চু ক্তি মূলয ৮৬,৭৯,৬০০/=
যেখানে, ভিভি মূল্য /Base Value = ৭৫,৪৭,৪৭৮.২৬ টাকা (৬ েং কল্াম এর যোগফল্)
মূসক / VAT ১৫% = ১১,৩২,১২১.৭৪ টাকা (১০ েং কল্াম এর যোগফল্)
যমাট মূল্য (সকল্ শুল্ক ও করসহ) = ৮৬,৭৯,৬০০.০০ টাকা (১১ েং কল্াম এর যোগফল্)

এখানে, আয়কর আইে ধারা ৮৯ (ভিভধমাল্া ৩) অেুসানর উৎনস কর হার েভি ৫% হয়, তনি উৎনস
কর [Tax deducted at Source (TDS)/withholding Tax/ Source Tax] হনি ভিভি মূল্যXকর হার,
থ টাকা ৭৫,৪৭,৪৭৮.২৬ X৫%= ৩৭৭,৩৭৩.৯১ টাকা উৎনস কর /TDS কতথে হনি I

(ধারা ৮৯ অেুসানর উৎনস কর হার সারণীর জেয পৃষ্ঠা ১ Annex A যিখুে)

Abu Taeb ITP, CA Professional level, 01736440044 4

Abu Taeb ITP, CA Professional level, 01736440044 5
Extract from Page No 27, 28 & 29
Explanation of Base Value/amount

Abu Taeb ITP, CA Professional level, 01736440044 6

Abu Taeb
ITP, CA Professional level
Mail: [email protected]

Paripatra 2023-24:

Paripatra 2016-17:

Abu Taeb ITP, CA Professional level, 01736440044 7

VDS Not applicable in following circumstances / যেই সি যেনে VAT (মুসক) কতথে
হনি ো:

Source: SRO 240:

For full SRO 240 Page No…….

Abu Taeb ITP, CA Professional level, 01736440044 8

Excise Duty
Service Code Description Rate of Duty Tk
Below 1 Lakh Nil
Exceed 1 Lakh but Does not exceed 5 Lakh 150
Exceed 5 Lakh but Does not exceed 10 Lakh 500
Exceed 10 Lakh but Does not exceed 50 Lakh 3,000
Exceed 50 Lakh but Does not exceed 1 Crore 5,000
Exceed 1 Crore but Does not exceed 2 Crore 10,000
Exceed 2 Crore but Does not exceed 5 Crore 20,000
Exceed 5 Crore 50,000

Abu Taeb ITP, CA Professional level, 01736440044 9

4 Easy Steps to Calculate your Tax & VAT from Bill.
by fm_skill_sharing

Taxation of goods and services is a complex and diverse area, with a range of
methods and systems in place around the world. In the Bangladesh, taxation of
goods and services is based on the Income Tax Act, 2023 & Value Added Tax &
Supplementary Duty Act 2012. This means that tax is levied on the final purchase
price of goods.

One of the main tax systems in place in the Bangladesh is the value-added tax
(VAT). This is a tax that is levied on the value added (i.e., the difference between
the price of goods and the cost of the goods’ ingredients.) In practice, it is found
that a VAT registered supplier have to follow government regulation to supply
product or service. But an unregistered supplier not willing to follow government
regulation because they are not used to VAT culture or some of them don’t how
to calculate VAT. In this blog you will learn 4 Easy Steps to Calculate your Tax &
VAT from Bill.

Here the question is Who will deduct VAT & Tax from Bill? What do you
mean base amount? How many types of Tax & VAT related bill found in

I will help you answer all these question in this post. You’ll get a practical
insight on how to calculate tax & VAT from bill. Just follow & utilize this &
boost your productivity. Let’s start.

1. Who will deduct VAT & Tax from Bill?

VAT Deduction Reference

S.R.O No.240-AIN/2021/163-VAT

Abu Taeb ITP, CA Professional level, 01736440044 10

The National Board of Revenue has enacted the following rules in accordance with
the provisions of Section 135, Section 49 and Section 127(b) of the Value Added
Tax and Supplementary Duty Act, 2012 (Act No. 47 of 2012), namely: –
In accordance with sub-rule (1) (b) of rule 2 VAT withholding entity

• Any government or any of its ministries

• Department,
• A semi-public or autonomous body
• State-owned enterprises
• Local authorities
• Council or similar body
• Non-governmental organizations approved by the Bureau of NGO
Affairs or the Department of Social Services
• Any bank, insurance company or similar financial institution
• Secondary or higher-level educational institutions and
• limited company

Tax Deduction Reference

Income Tax Act 2023, Section-140 (3)

The Specified Person means-

(a) any company, firm, association, trust or fund;
(b) Public-Private Partnership
(c) any foreign contractor, foreign enterprise or association or organization
established outside Bangladesh;
(d) any hospital, clinic or diagnostic centre;
(e) any e-commerce platform having an annual turnover of more than one
crore taka, other than any specified person, by whatever name called;
(f) hotels, community centers, transport agencies with an annual turnover of
more than one crore taka;
(g) any person other than a farmer engaged in the production and supply of
tobacco leaves, cigarettes, bidis, jorda, gul and other tobacco products;

2. What do you mean base amount? (See Page# 1-3 for explanation)
“Base amount” means the higher of the –
1. Contract Value; or
2. Bill or Invoice Amount; or
3. Payment;

Abu Taeb ITP, CA Professional level, 01736440044 11

3. How many types of Tax & VAT related bill found in practice?
There are three types of Tax & VAT Inclusive or Exclusive related bill found in
1. Bill Inclusive VAT & Tax
2. Bill Exclusive VAT & Inclusive Tax
3. Bill Exclusive VAT & Tax and
4. Bill Inclusive VAT & Exclusive Tax (These types of conflicted bill found rarely).

1. Bill Inclusive VAT & Tax

When any bill attaches this condition “VAT & Tax Inclusive or Tax & VAT as per
government rule” It’s means final consumer have to pay VAT & Supplier required
to pay tax.
Here attached a demo supply bill for calculated VAT & Tax

Abu Taeb ITP, CA Professional level, 01736440044 12

Calculation Process
There are four steps you should memorized.
Step-1 VAT deduct from bill.

Above mention bill included a term “Including Tax & VAT”. So we have to
calculate & deduct VAT as Law (S.R.O No.240-AIN/2021/163-VAT). This bill treated
as supply. VAT rate @ 7.5%.
[N.B – If you are confused to treated a bill for supply, you have to collect
supplier BIN Certificate to identify nature of this bill.]

Demo BIN Certificate

Bill Amount = tk. 61,800

VAT = 61,800 x 7.5/107.5 = 4,311.63 or tk. 4,312

So, you must deduct VAT tk. 4,312.

Step-2 Calculate Base Value.
Base Value = Bill Amount – Value Added Tax
= 61,800 – 4,312
= tk. 57,488

Step-3 Calculate Tax Amount from Base Value.

Tax = Base Value x Rate of Tax
= 57,488 x 3% (Section-89, Rule-3)
= tk. 1,725

Abu Taeb ITP, CA Professional level, 01736440044 13

Step-4 Calculate Payment Amount.
Payment = Base Value – Tax
= 57,488 – 1725
= tk. 55,763

2. Bill Exclusive VAT & Inclusive Tax

In practice you have found some supply bill attached this condition “VAT
Exclusive & Tax Inclusive” Though the final consumer will bear VAT but it’s
separated from bill not included in bill amount & Supplier required to pay tax.

Here attached a demo supply bill for calculated VAT & Tax

Abu Taeb ITP, CA Professional level, 01736440044 14

Calculation Process

There are three steps you should memorized.

Step-1 VAT Directly Calculate on Bill Amount

Above mention bill included a term “Exclusive VAT & Inclusive Tax”. If any bill
attached above term, you should always treat as bill amount = base value. So,
we have to calculate & deduct VAT as Law (S.R.O No.240-AIN/2021/163-VAT). This
bill treated as supply. VAT rate @ 7.5%.

Bill Amount = Base Value

Base Value = tk. 98,000

VAT = 98,000 x 7.5%

= tk. 7,350
So, you must deduct VAT tk. 7,350.

Step-2 Calculate Tax Amount from Base Value.

Tax = Base Value x Rate of Tax

= 98,000 x 3% (Section-89, Rule-3)
= tk. 2,940

Step-3 Calculate Payment Amount.

Payment = Base Value – Tax
= 98,000 – 2,940
= tk. 95,060

3. Bill Exclusive VAT & Tax

In practice occasionally you have found some supply bill attached this
condition “Exclusive VAT & Tax” This type of condition arises from customer &
supplier verbal or written agreement. This bill specialty is Bill amount = Payment
amount. VAT & TAX calculated on gross up method. It’s seeming to be bear VAT
by final consumer & Supplier must pay tax but Local Practice it’s called “VAT &
TAX bear by the company”.

Abu Taeb ITP, CA Professional level, 01736440044 15

Here attached a demo supply bill for calculated VAT & Tax

Calculation Process
There are three steps you should memorized.

Step-1 Tax Amount Calculated on Gross up Method:

Above mention bill included a term “Exclusive VAT & Tax”. If any bill attached
above term, you should calculate Tax amount on gross up method.

Bill Amount = Payment Amount
Payment Amount = tk. 98,000

Tax = Payment Amount x Tax Rate/(100-Tax Rate) (Section-141)

= 98,000 x 3/97
= tk. 3,031 [Tax Rate–(Section-89, Rule-3)]

So, you must deduct Tax tk. 3,031.

Abu Taeb ITP, CA Professional level, 01736440044 16

Step-2 Calculate Base Value.
Base Value = Payment Amount + Tax
= 98,000 + 3,031
= tk. 101,031
Base Value = Payment Amount x 100/ (100-Tax Rate)
= 98,000 x 100/ (100-3)
= 98,000 x 100/97
= tk. 101,031

Step-3 VAT Amount Calculate on Gross up Method.

VAT = Base Value x VAT Rate

= 101,031 x 7.5% (As per S.R.O No.240-AIN/2021/163-VAT).
= tk. 7,577.32

Step-4 Calculate Actual Bill Amount.

Actual Bill Amount = Base Value + VAT

= 101,031 + 7,577.32
= tk. 108,608.32

4. Inclusive VAT & Exclusive Tax

In practice rarely you have found some supply bill attached this
condition “Inclusive VAT & Exclusive Tax” This type of condition arises from
supplier end due to ignorance of Tax & VAT Law. It is not possible to calculate this
type of bill. Here two questions arise. (a) Which one (Tax & VAT) I calculate first?
(b) Is base value same if we calculate according to the condition “Inclusive VAT &
Exclusive Tax”. Let’s find out answer.

Step-1 Tax Amount Calculated on Gross up Method:

If any bill attached this term “Exclusive Tax”, you should calculate Tax amount on
gross up method.

Bill Amount = Payment Amount
Payment Amount = tk. 98,000 [Let’s Bill Amount = 98,000]

Abu Taeb ITP, CA Professional level, 01736440044 17

Tax = Payment Amount x Tax Rate/(100-Tax Rate)
= 98,000 x 3/97
= tk. 3,031 [Tax Rate–(Section-89, Rule-3)]

So, you must deduct Tax tk. 3,031.

Step-2 Calculate Base Value.

Base Value = Payment Amount + Tax

= 98,000 + 3,031
= tk. 101,031
Base Value = Payment Amount x 100/ (100-Tax Rate)
= 98,000 x 100/ (100-3)
= 98,000 x 100/97
= tk. 101,031

Step-3 VAT deduct from bill.

If any bill found this term “Inclusive VAT”. So we have to calculate & deduct VAT
as Law (S.R.O No.240-AIN/2021/163-VAT). Let’s this bill treated as supply. VAT rate
@ 7.5%.

Bill Amount = tk. 98,000

VAT = 98,000 x 7.5/107.5 = tk. 6,837

Step-4 Calculate Base Value.

Base Value = Bill Amount – Value Added Tax

= 98,000 – 6,837
= tk. 91,163

(a)Answer: If you found this type of bill you contract with supplier for changing the
bill either “Inclusive VAT & Tax” or “Bill Exclusive VAT & Inclusive Tax”. If
supplier deny to do that you can deduct TAX & VAT both inclusive method.

(b) If we calculate according to the condition “Inclusive VAT & Exclusive

Tax” base value is not same.

Source: Link:

Abu Taeb ITP, CA Professional level, 01736440044 18

আয়কি/ভ্যাি নিষয়ক আইন, নিনধ ও অনযানয তথ্যানে এননিআম্নিি/ iBAS/others ওম্নয়িসাইি
হম্নত ডাউনম্নলাড / দভ্নিনিম্নকশন নলিংকঃ

১. আয়কর আইে ২০২৩
২. অর্ আইে
থ ২০২৩
অর্ আইে
থ ২০২৪
৩. আয়কর ভেনিথ ভিকা ২০২৩-২৪
৪. আয়কর পভরপে ২০২৩-২৪
৫. উৎনস কর কতথে/সংগ্রহ সংক্রান্ত অভধনেে আনিি
৬. আয়কর ভরটাণ ভিভধমাল্া
থ ২০২৩
৭. উৎনস কভতথত কর চূ ডান্ত করিায় ভিষয়ক এস.আর.ও
৮. আয়কর ভরটাণ প্রস্তুতকারী
থ ভিভধমাল্া ২০২৩
৯. অেল্াইনে আয়কর ভরটাণ প্রস্তুত
১০. আয়কর ভরটাণ সকল্
থ ফরম
১১. আয়কর ভরটাণ প্রিানের
থ তর্য োচাই
১২. এ - চাল্াে প্রস্তুত
১৩. অেল্াইনে চাল্াে ডাউনম্নলাড / দভ্নিনিম্নকশন
১৪. িযাট SRO 240
১৫. TDS Rules 2024

Abu Taeb ITP, CA Professional level, 01736440044 19

Thank You

Abu Taeb ITP, CA Professional level, 01736440044 20

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