Dev - Mag - 02

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April 2006 Issue 2

18 044

Regulars Design
3 - Ed’s Note 14 - Back of a Napkin: Part1
4 - News 16 - Immersion
18 - What makes Blizzard so good?

19 - What to know about Frameworks
6 - Dev.Mag Doing The Rounds

Review 21 - Games on the go

8 - Sin

Spotlight 22 - A little from I.T Intellect
10 - National Defense 2
12 - Shotbeak Games

07 05 17



Ed’s Note THE TEAM

Stuart “GoNzO” Botma

The first issue proved to be a learning experience. You simply TEH_L33T_2ND

can't start an e-magazine and hope it's an immediate success. Rodain “Nandrew” Joubert
It’s something you have to work towards. As simple as it may
sound, it took me awhile to figure that out. TEH_DES!GN_PWNAGE
Claudio “Ch1ppit” de Sa
From the hosting problems to misunderstandings, the first Brandon “CyberNinja”
issue was plagued with problems. This issue, on the other- Rajkumar
hand, flowed together nicely. None the less thanks to Nandrew Paul “Higushi” Myburgh
and all the effort he's put into this project. Not to mention the
combined effort of our other contributors. TEH_RITERS
Simon “Tr00jg” de la Rouviere
This issue will see some changes to the magazine. The first Ricky “Insomniac” Abell
and most obvious being the layout change. The second is the William “cairnswm” Cairns
launch of our review section, which will expose you to projects Bernard “BurnAbis” Boshoff
other developers have been keeping themselves busy with. Danny “dislekcia” Day
As I have said before, we're still growing. The magazine will Andre “Fengol” Odendaal
be changing quite a bit during the next few issues as we begin Yuri “knet” Oyoko
to become use to writing and editing Dev.Mag. Heinrich “Himmler” Rall

As a final note, we've also started an advertising partnership To join, make suggestions
with PressX -- a fellow free e-zine, filled with previews and or just tell us we’re great,
reviews of the lastest games. Hopefully this will be the beginning contact:
of a long friendship and we wish them the best of luck. [email protected]

That’s all for now This magazine is a project of

the NAG Game.Dev forum.
Stuart 'GoNz0' Botma Visit us at

All images used are copyright and belong

to the respective owners


“Unfortunately, in the dying days of the “Chuck” craze, our own poor Higushi still
thinks about him way too much. Makes for a good comic, though’’
Thinking in C eSeminar Available

Bruce Eckel, renowned author of programming

books such as Thinking in Java, C++ Inside &
Out and the presenter of hundreds of seminars
Programming guru Bruce Eckel

and lectures worldwide, is releasing a beta version

of a free eSeminar based on Thinking in C. The
purpose of this downloadable seminar is “to
prepare people for C++ and Java by teaching
them the necessary subset of C” Good stuff.

More details are available on Eckel's blog, at
154029 .

Standard Bank IT challenge

Hooray for the encouragement of developing

new IT intellectuals! Standard Bank is now in
(below) The Standard bank I.T Challenge their second year of hosting their annual IT
challenge, which brings the top students from
various universities around the country to duke
it out with their knowledge of computer
I.T CHALLENGE programming.

This year, competitors were given six questions

that they had to answer in teams of four, using
the Java programming language. As with last
year, UCT emerged as the winners of the
competition, successfully answering five out of
six questions and bagging themselves each a
laptop, while the runners-up got their own PDAs.
With the amount of participating teams almost
doubling from the last competition, this challenge
looks set to grow well in the years to come.

Now, if we could only get a few of these champs

to develop some games ...


The Game Maker developers handbook
New Book on Game Making

If you're interested in a bit of game development

literature, take a look at The Game Maker's
Apprentice, a new book written by Jacob Habgood
and Game Maker creator Mark Overmars.
Available in June this year, the book promises to
teach people of all ages the art of game creation,
helped along by a bundled CD containing a copy
of Game Maker and a few example games. More
details on this publication can be found at: .

GDC 2006

The annual Game Developers Conference (GDC)

held this March in San Francisco has reported
vast successwith both attendance and lecture
lineup. This high prestige event covers just about
all aspects of game development in today's world,
with lectures taking place over several days and
a variety of big names and organisations getting
involved. Plans for GDC 07 are already underway,
and for those who didn't make it to this year's

event, plenty of resources are available on the
event's website ( and
(above) The GDC 2006 held in San Francisco. Gamasutra (

DirectX Game Development

Looks like IT Intellect will be playing host to some
DirectX Game Development Hotlabs! D# (said
“D-Sharp” is a collaborative effort between IT
Intellect and the SA Developer.NET authority on
DirectX Development,Pieter Germishys
( There will be Game
Development Hotlabs held once a month at IT
Intellect in Musgrave Centre, Durban, which focus
on 3 levels of DirectX Game Development,
gradually progressing from beginner to advanced.
These Hotlabs are free and open to anyone who
wishes to find out more about Game Development
using C# on the DirectX SDK.To book your seats
or for more detailed information, email:
[email protected]. Additional info is also
(above) i.t intellect promoting game dev in S.A available in this month’s ITI article.



Dev.Mag doing the rounds

The first tentative issue of our wonderful little publication had barely hit the proverbial
shelf, it seemed, before we got busy and went places with it. Here's just a small
smattering of what we've been getting up to in the past month or so:

Dev Mag at Scifest

On the 26th and 27th March, Dev.Mag was able

to get their very own stand at Sasol's annual .
Scifest in the Western Cape. This is a high-
prestige event that takes place over the course
of about a week, and attracts scientists from just
about all walks of life (or scientific life, at least)
to come and either lecture or exchange

knowledge on current scientific trends. Scifest
also boasts international contacts and sponsors,
so of course Dev.Mag had to get a piece of the
pie. A stand was kindly organised for us at the
last minute and, although humble, the amount
of new subscribers we gained from the event
puts us in good stead for a more prepared effort
next year. Prepare yourselves for takeover,
foolish mortals!

Dev Mag at I.T Intellect

We've had the incredible fortune of reeling a (above) “Hey, what are you doing with that camera?”
representative of IT Intellect into the Dev.Mag Our loveable Dep-Ed, desperately trying to adapt
to the bright lights and people at Scifest.
staff, and have taken full advantage of this by
draining him of as much life and energy as
possible to feed into our own humble mag. IT
Intellect (the company behind the promotion of
a new game-dev IT degree) is releasing a Nice colours, cool
website and they’ve
promotional CD to show people just how easy
got a game degree
and cool game development can be. Featuring too. IT Intellect is
on this CD will be a copy of Dev.Mag itself, as definitely a winner
well as interviews andgames from members of in our books.
our community. Definitely something that
everybody here is looking forward to.


(above) NAG is full of disciplined and hardworking journalists. It’s also the home of Bowser, who’s pictured here on
the Dep-Ed’s head. Aso shown is the one and only dislekcia!

Dev.Mag at Nag sister publications. Three cheers for the alliance!

PressX deals with all things computery and

On the 29th of March, our rather careworn deputy gamey, making them a perfect complement for
editor flew over to Johannesburg and had the our gamedev-oriented e-zine ... and they're free,
great fortune of meeting a few of the equally too! Expect to hear a lot from them in the issues
careworn people who were responsible for to come.
creating and publishing the well-loved NAG
magazine. Although he didn't get a shot at the
indoor swimming pool or private tennis courts
that the NAG office sported, it was a great
afternoon spent chatting with the people behind Coming to an
the face of this popular mag. Dev.Mag was able agreement with
to gain some professional feedback from some PressX was
of the staff, which proved to be invaluable. Of pretty easy --
blue is our
equal importance was the stunning picture taken
favourite colour
of Bowser – the (unofficial) NAG mascot!
as well.

Dev.Mag and PressX

You can't keep a good dog down ... PressX is

another local online publication which has been
running for about half a year now, and as soon
So ... watch out, world! We plan on pushing
as they got wind of the new mag in town, they
Dev.Mag at just about any place that’s not
launched themselves at us with questions
going to throw us out, and we’ll be pulling it
regarding what flavour of jellybeans we enjoyed
off with style. Keep an eye out in your
eating. It wasn't too long before the subject of
neighbourhood --we might be reaching you
an advertising agreement was reached, and with
sooner than you expect! Nandrew
hardly any paperwork at all, we are now officially


Into a pot add a few million demons, a billion more zombies, hell and a man trying
to reclaim his soul from Lucifer himself. What do you get? SiN…

SiN is about a man named quest is basically what it is. You zombies. Balthazar can,
Balthazar, who is killed in a car take Balthazar through hell in however, create a shield
accident. Lucifer then takes search of his soul and Lucifer. around himself, provided
Balthazar's soul in exchange You encounter a virtually you’ve collected enough souls
for a second chance at life. endless line of zombies and to create the shield.
Balthazar can't live a life without demons that are hell-bent [I
emotions, feelings or a soul. love the pun - Nandrew] on Teleportation is basically the
He is an abomination of gods making you a permanent same as survival, the only
law.... a sin. He must search resident in hell. difference is that when things
for Lucifer hoping to reclaim get too tough on one side of

his soul. Aided by an old man The main quest takes you on thbattlefield, you can teleport
named Victor, Balthazar literally a journey through many levels yourself to another part of the
goes through all levels of hell that leaves your trigger finger map, but don’t think it’s any
in his quest to retrieve his soul twitching. The game’s 5 easier. You can still get
and put an end to Lucifer and weapons may seem few, but swamped in a flood of
his infinite army of demons and when dozens of demons and unrelenting demons and
zombies. zombies are rushing at you, zombies.
you don’t have time to complain
about the number of weapons One of SiN’s biggest problems
you have. Anything that shoots is the cross-hair. You often lose
will have to do, especially later sight of it in the heat of battle
in the game when the enemies because the colour of the
start shooting back. The quest cross-hair is similar to the
is made even more difficult colour of some of the demons,
because there are no bonuses causing you to lose a lot of life
or health pick ups that may because you don’t know where
“Can you spot the cross-hair? You may have really made things easier. you are aiming.
see it now at the top left, but when you’re
busy killing zombies, you don’thave time to Survival mode is probably the
most difficult mode. You’re
given all the weapons available
Modes of play and you have to try and survive
as long as you can. Within the
SiN comes with 3 modes of first 10 seconds, you’ll find
play: Survival, Teleportation yourself overrun by the
“Zombies spawn anywhere on the field
and the main quest. The main massive flood of unfriendly and are merciless in their quest to
destroy you”.



The games visuals are pretty zombies and demons is Final Comments
basic, but just like the few that they spawn randomly,
weapons, you don’t have time which means the games life SiN may not have great
to complain about visuals when span is greatly increased graphics or sound, but its
you’re fighting. because you won’t always be difficulty compensates for the
shooting the same things in the lack thereof. Playing SiN
same place. But it’s also a bad reminded me of the torture tool
thing because it means called Ninja Gaiden and the
zombies can spawn right under endless nights of trying to finish
you and you won’t be able to it.
do anything about them before
they get you. In the end, SiN proved itself to
be a really enjoyable game
(even though I won’t be playing
“Welcome to hell, I’ll be your boss in this
it again any time soon).
life.” Even before you can enter hell, you
must face your first major foe. Hopefully, there’ll be an
expansion or sequel with more
The sound is pretty bland, if it weapons, modes (a co-
exists at all. You can hear op/multiplayer mode would
music, but you don’t hear your have really been great) and of
weapons when you fire them. FACT BOX course better graphics and
The control scheme is straight sound. Knet
forward. SiN adapts the Developer: Zodiac Games
movement controls of a First Released: January 2006
Person Shooter (WASD) while Current Link:
the mouse is used for aiming

and firing.

Expect to have a sore finger

from the all the clicking (I
estimated that at the games
peak, my clicking rate averaged
6 mouse clicks per second).

A good thing about SiN’s

“You encounter a
virtually endless line
of zombies and demons
that are hell-bent on
making you a
permanent resident in


National Defense 2
Interviewing Ch1ppit, the creator of National Defense

How did you come up with the idea for Did you encounter any problems during
the original National Defense, and how production, were any gameplay changes
long did it take to create? made in the process?

National Defense was created for NAG’s comp I had a problem with the development of the
03, and the theme that time around was to original National Defense, which had a very
remake an old classic game. I was, and still am, persistent bug that had me on the verge of
very fond of using the mouse for control, admitting defeat before I finally fixed it. That was
since it gives a lot more depth than the keyboard. pretty much the only problem I had throughout
That was when I thought of Missile Command, the production of the series. I had a lot more
a game I played a long time ago at an arcade, game-programming experience by the time I
and realised that it would work perfectly with my made ND2, though,gained from creating the
plans. While I changed quite a few things, like original,and from the loads of programming
making each turret unique and changing enemies techniques that I experimented with during the
from missiles to aircraft, ND was rather similar production of Commander. I believe it was thanks
to Missile Command. I made a lot of changes to my increased experience that the
to it during its production, even after comp 03, production of ND2 went off without any major
and I believe the total time I worked on it would problems.No changes were made to the game
be about 3 months, from concept to completion. as a result of programming issues. The only



gameplay changes made from the original to

ND2 were to make the game fit the theme of 05,
and to make it better than the original.

What's changed with ND2?

It's a much faster paced game that the original.

You now face many more enemies at once and
have a larger arsenal to use. I made enemies
more varied than they were originally, and they
behave differently from each other, removing
some of the monotony of the original.From a ND2 pulls of its use of OpenGL and particle systems
technical point of view, ND2 is much more with great success, showing that a mixture of good
gameplay and technical aplomb really does pay off.
advanced than the original. It is capable of
handling many planes at once, and it runs far
smoother too. This is mostly due to my using Throughout the production, I realised the value
OpenGL for graphics which gave me many more of community feedback on the quality of the
options to use to make the game look and run game. Feedback is very important because some
far better than the original ever did. of the best ideas used in the game came from
the community, not from me.

How do you feel overall about the What message do you have for the game
production of this game? What have you development community of today?

learned while making it?
Add little touches to your games, since the
I'm rather pleased with how it turned out. It smallest details are the important ones. They
contains a lot of extra features that none of my influence the impression the game leaves on the
other games have, with more user-friendly options the player. And, most importantly, listen to the
to make the game as fun as possible to play. I people who play your games to see what they
added a lot of polish to the game, making it as like and what they don’t. Then make sure that
complete and functional as possible, yet still the next time they play it, they’ll find fewer things
streamlined and simple to play. to hate. DM

Great care and detail has gone into the making of

In the words of FPS Doug: “BOOM! HEADSHOT!” Some the game. When purchasing, the numerous options
of the effects in this game are brilliantly carried out. available introduce a tactical element alongside
the arcade action.


Shotbeak Games is dedicated to bring you innovative games!

Shotbeak Games
Interviewing Tr00jg the creator of Shotbeak Games

How long have you been developing games? and Nanos. Both are experimental prototypes,
which means they aren’t totally games, but rather
Almost a year and a half. short, experimental jabs at something. My recent
completed (not totally) work is a remake of
the legendary Excite Bike.
What first inspired you to get into game
development? Do you have any particular plans or hopes
for the future?
I have the passion to create things and I love
games. Mix those together and you have game Well, at the moment, I wish to get noticed by
development! I just never did it before, because the global indie community not via the so called

all the code was baffling... "casual" games, but rather by something
experimental and new.

Tell us a little bit about Shotbeak Games.

Could you provide us with any links to your
Shotbeak Games is an indie development website and/or games produced?
company (well, not really company). After
You can get everything at
developing,I decided to get myself noticed. So
I established Shotbeak Games and its website. It contains my
From there on, it has grown ever since and games, design articles and the usual blog hoohar.
shows no sign of stopping!
What's your message to game developers
out there?
What are your more popular projects? Could
you tell us a little about them? All your base are belong to us ... okay, not really.
Start small. No matter what you do, you should
I would say Roach Toaster is my most popular always start small. Ask for help! Once you’ve
(most known) project. It is a turn-based strategy gotten the gist, then you should consider taking
game where you must thwart roach infestations on something more ambitious, like an
with an elite group of militants! RPG (which we all want to do!). DM

What is your most recent work? Any

explanations regarding it?
Well, I am working on 2 things now. CONSUME


A NAPKIN...part 1
Wondering why your PC doesn’t play games so well anymore? Trying to decode
the latest marketing-speak on the back of a game box? This series is designed to
give you the knowledge you need to understand the tweaks and trade-offs you can
make to improve your gaming experience. We’ll go through the concepts behind
the gibberish on the options menu, without going into all that math!

The Basics
edge lists and BSP trees to perform their
The first thing anyone needs to understand about mathematical magic on underpowered CPUs.
3D games is that it’s all fake. Everything you see Nowadays, we simply throw data at DirectX or
on your screen is some kind of trick. Even the OpenGL (both are APIs, Application Program
newest ultra-realistic computer generated effects Interfaces, that sit between programmers and
in your favorite movie are based on tricks. Very your 3D hardware) which do most of the magic
clever little tricks, but tricks all the same. An ideal on a graphics card to produce modern visuals.
graphics system would simulate light interacting All a 3D engine has to do now is figure out which
with the atoms that make up objects and then objects need to be displayed when and then tell
hitting the back of your eye… Good luck writing your 3D hardware how it should display them,

a perfect 3D world, unless you’re Einstein or there’s a little bit of setup involved, but we’ll get
Stephen Hawking. to that later…

But even if our favourite quantum geniuses wrote So what gets displayed?
a 3D engine, it’d be incredibly slow… Because
that’s what we all care about in the end, the Remember that everything in 3D is some kind
speed our games run at. We need the image on of trick. So, to display something that looks like
the screen to change between 30 and 60 times it has volume and shape on a 2D screen, we
a second to fool our brains into seeing smooth need an approximation that’ll work. Enter the
animation. (Unless you’re a pro-gamer, gifted humble triangle. A triangle is the least amount of
with super-human eyes and reflexes) Most games information you need to define a flat surface:
are perfectly playable if they achieve around 35 three corners, which we call vertices (singular =
frames per second (or FPS for our twitchy, light- vertex), define a plane in space; one corner is
sensitive friends) -- dip too far below 30 FPS and simply a point, two define a line and four don’t
we lose our suspension of disbelief and the game always lie on the same plane; five is right out!
turns frustrating. [been watching Monty Python again, dis? -
Nandrew] To a 3D card, the order in which the
The 3D Engine corners are sent matters (it’s used to calculate
which direction the surface is facing) but logically
We’ve all heard of the term “3D engine” that’s the corners can be specified in any order and
the arcane lump of code responsible for giving you still get a triangle.
us our graphics fast enough. In the days before
3D accelerator cards, unwashed programmers So, we now have a way to define a flat surface
tamed strange beasts like the S-buffer, active that can have any orientation, great. If we put



enough of these surfaces together, we can

approximate pretty much any shape we can think So what have we learnt? It’s all a lie.
of. Stick a whole bunch of vertices describing
triangles together, lob them at your 3D card and 35 or more FPS = suspension of disbelief.
*POOF* you have a mesh. Meshes display
everything in a 3D game, some are generated Modern 3D engines rely on clever APIs

on the fly, like the terrain in FarCry, others are (DirectX or OpenGL) and hardware.
animated (which means their individual vertices
move around relative to each other) and still Anyone who writes software 3D engines is
others are responsible for displaying effects such crazy or Carmack.
as shadows.
Graphics = Mesh data = Triangles =
So graphics relies on the idea of a vertex, which
we’ll cover next month. Dislekcia

The creation of a monster from triangles, texturing and lighting effects.


By reading this awesome magazine you should already be thinking about or already be
making games. When designing a game your main priority ought to be to make the game
as fun as possible -- after all that's what gaming is all about, having fun. But how do you
achieve this? Using fancy, shiny graphics or the latest fads and gimmicks like no loading
times? Well no, the way is to immerse the player in another world.

Think about the jolt in your heart as you are

spotted by a guard when sneaking around or the
intense concentration you feel as you are trying
to shake off 10 cop cars AND a helicopter. These
emotions are what gaming is about, taking the
player and immersing them so they are not
thinking about what’s going on around them in
the real world or that they need to tap the square

button next -- they instinctively feel what to do
in the game world they are immersed in. But
then how do you achieve this? All the games I
talked about might be Triple-A titles, yet immersion
is easy to achieve using anything like Game
Maker. Look below. It's not too hard, you just
need to be a bit creative.

The cast of Final Fantasy providing
Creating a world which your player cares about gamers with epic storylines.
and becomes emotionally attached to can really
draw them into thinking only about how to save Gameplay
this “world” they are playing in. Another way is
to create very believable characters with strong Producing gameplay which makes the player
personalities who steadily change and mature have to concentrate so that they are only thinking
as the game goes on. If you can get the player about what they need to do next in the game is
to become emotionally attached to the character effective. However, note that to get them to
and feel a connection with them, then you've concentrate and get all their attention doesn't
achieved in immersing the player in another necessarily mean you need to make the game
world. hard. By giving the player options like choosing
different paths to take in a short space of time
“It's not too hard, you just need or making the player need to work out strategies
to be a bit creative.” and think ahead will place their mind in the game



world. The Artificial Intelligence in your game With this technique the player has to rely on their
doesn't have to be super complex, keep it simple own personal intuition to tell how much energy
with depth and make sure your little monsters they have left just like real life.
don't do something dumb like walking into a wall.
There’s not a more painful reminder that it's not These are just a few simple techniques, you can
real than when your opponent does something take those points much further. Just remember
plain stupid. You can also create situations where that when designing a game every element you
everything goes quiet, so the player feels a false add should only make the game more enjoyable
sense of security and then BAM! something and assist in immersing the player in a different
jumps out and the player will be so surprised that world. Insomniac
they are sucked back into the game world and
will only be thinking, “Aah! I need to take this
thing out!”


While the number of polygons or how detailed

your character is can slightly assist in immersing
the player, there are many easier ways to make
them forget they are just sitting still on a couch
instead of another place. In Game Maker you
could use a technique seen in the game King
Kong where there is no HUD (the on screen
display depicting life, ammo etc.) so the player
forgets they are playing a game and instead just
focuses on being in the game world.


(above) The mighty Oblivion and FarCry, two benchmarks in the world of computer game graphics.

What makes Blizzard so good?
With most games released over the last couple of years, when you have installed the game
after buying it, you can expect to find a patch on the internet for that game already. A good
example is the nightmare that is Battle Field 2. With every patch matching 120 MB of downloads,
and an extra load of bugs, it is no wonder I don’t play this game anymore

Okay then why is it I still play any of their games will agree. copies worldwide. With the
Diablo 2 today since its release But what does this mean to the same mind set as Diablo 2, just
in 1996? Why can I not find Indie Game Developer in us? on a much larger scale, it is a
one person who plays games This should give us a few huge success.
that has not played at least one helping guidelines. “Less is
of Blizzard’s titles, and loves More” Only add if it adds to the
it? What makes them so game play. At the same time,
special? think detail. What makes your
game shine?
It’s quite simple, actually. Two World of Warcraft

things make Blizzard games The second thing about
timeless. The first is polish. blizzard games is replayability. So remember, make your
Blizzard’s games shine with Diablo 2 has random maps, game fun to play, but always
workmanship and detail. random monsters and, like make it fun to play the second
most RPG’s, random loot. It and third and fourth time as
also has 3 difficulty levels well. Keep it random. Make it
appropriate for the levels so that you don’t get tired of
gained when playing the the game while play testing it.
previous acts. It has a great
story, but the game doesn’t rely Not everyone has hundreds of
on it. When you reach the level employees and million dollar
cap, it has loads of items left budgets, but then again
Diablo 2 for you to find to make the companies that do don’t get it
ultimate character. right either. The most popular
There is no patch needed, or online FPS game ever was
flaws in an initial releases. They made by a modding team, and
work smoothly on the systems they created something new
specified on the box. There is and replayable.
no clutter, no unnecessary
content in game, and It was called Counter-strike,
everything is there for a reason. and I bet they didn’t think of a
They run fast, they demand job at Valve when they made
little bandwidth (for multiplayer) World
of Warcraft
Warcraft the mod -- they were thinking
and are simply brilliantly put of how much fun they were
together. But you already knew This is exactly why World of going to have playing this
that, anyone who has played Warcraft has sold over 5 million game. Himmler


What to know about
A framework is a program design along with the methods that are used to make it work.
Frameworks can be structured to support rapid game development methods. Game Maker is
designed as a framework, it supports most of the key aspects of a good framework. If the
Game Maker framework suits you then use it. If for some reason the Game Maker framework
does not suit your development style you probably need to develop your own framework in
the development language of your choice.

By using a framework creating a new games the way you normally use to develop games your
becomes a whole lot easier. The framework gives new games will be so much easier to develop.
you the advantage of having a large part of the Game Maker has already developed the structure
game already developed. By following the required to start developing. In many ways the

structure of the framework and by following the Game Maker tutorials define the methods that
methods defined for making use of the framework need to be followed when using the framework.
it makes it quicker and easier to add functionality
into the game without worrying about Typically aspects of game development that
redeveloping the basic structure each time. Game should be included in a framework are: the game
Maker has a very well defined structure of using loop, the management of game states, the loading
images (sprites) along with objects in scenes and management of images and sounds, and
(rooms). where possible the basic structure of a sprite
engine or something similar. By having common
methods to manage these aspects of the game
within your framework it means that you can
reuse the code instead of re-developing it each
time. Game Maker defines these aspects of game
development in its own way.

Game Maker, the popular game

development software Game Maker allows you the option of customizing
your loading screens
Once you as a game developer find the game
structure that suits your development style its
A framework should enable you to build your entire
pretty easy to strip out all the game specific
gaming world and all other aspects such as output
aspects of the game and be left with a basic shell options. The framework should be able to create
that can act as a framework. By understanding advanced objects and well as simple objects like a
your own framework and structuring it around loading screen.


Whenever you start a new game development The Game Maker framework is very good in
its time to pull out the framework and fill in the supporting a sprite based game involving
blanks. Typically this would be to first redefine numerous interactions between the objects,
the game states you need and the triggers that however when it comes to developing a MMOG
will move the game between the various states. the Game Maker does not deliver the sort of
This gives you a game structure that delivers the framework that you would need.
outline of the game you want. By using the
triggers to help structure the relevant portions of Frameworks save time and effort, they make
the game you can concentrate on only the parts rapid game development a reality. In some cases
of the game you want to. Later the other game a good framework can simplify game
states can be filled in allowing a simpler and development to just a few lines of code. Go
more logical development path. Game Maker ahead, make your framework and let it work for
does this in a very structured way. When opening you, or use the predefined framework that Game
a new game maker project you immediately have Maker gives you. Cairnswm
the game loop defined as well as support for
image management, object movement and
through the creation of multiple room even state

It is also important to understand that a framework
can be used for more than just structuring the
way you develop a game. A framework can be
developed to support multi developer games by
structuring the framework to support individuals
working on various smaller sections of the code.
A framework like this is based on well defined
interface between the various components of the
(above) Game Maker’s Global setting screen.
system. Providing options for quick and easy game

Game Maker has

the option to switch
between advance
and beginner modes.

With its friendly

interface and easy to
learn tools Game
Maker has quickly
become one the the
most popular game
development tools
for the beginner.

Game Maker comes with a built in Sprite Editor


Games on the go...

It's great fun creating games, and being able to show them to your family and friends on your
PC, but how cool would it be to be able to show them off to anyone, anywhere? Well, it's
possible and you won't even need to lug your trusty 'rig' around with you to parties!

How is this possible? Well, with If you know how to use Flash, if it have lots of graphics, you
your cellphone of course. you could choose that as a tool might need different versions
Modern cellphones are actually as well. Many new phones are to cater for different screens.
extremely powerful little Flash enabled, and it's support Another big difference is input-
computers, and are capable of is growing, however unlike you obviously don't have a full
running some great games, Java, the tools are not free. keyboard and mouse, and you
similar to those you'd create have to design around this.
with GameMaker. Mobile game These challenges can also
development has become big add to the fun though!
business over the last few
That's it for now, but if this

sounds like your thing, check
Of course we're not interested out some of the links below, as
in the 2 billion cellphone users well as googling some of the
worldwide, we just want to following: J2ME, Flash Lite,
make games for our own Brew. Happy hunting! Flint
enjoyment and for that of our
There are some unique
buddies and family.
challenges when creating
mobile games, for example
storage space is limited and
you have to be smart about
how you use images and
sounds.The many different

screen sizes you have to cater

for may also affect your game

While doing this is not quite as

straightforward as developing
with GameMaker (yet) and
does require quite a bit of
programming, if you can use
scripting in GM, you can learn
Java (the language you'll most
likely be using).

The mobile game 'Abyss' displayed at various resolutions (96x65, 128x128 and 176x208).


IT Intellect has had a long-standing relationship Here is a list of the D# workshops that iTi are
with the crew at SA Developer.NET and we’re holding along with SA Developer.NET. All
very stoked, to say the least, that two of their workshops are held from 9:00 - 12:00 on the
brightest and most talented Lead Developers morning of the given date at IT Intellect in
have decided to choose ITI as a base for their Musgrave Centre, Durban.
wonderful vision of educating and supporting a
Email [email protected] for further details.
hobbyist community of Game Developers. These
include the very tight community at Game.Dev,
headed by the freelance aficionado and SETTING UP A WINDOW AND DIRECT3D
Telecommunications activist Danny “dislekcia” DATE: 29th of April 2006
Day, as well as the highly revered community. Probably one of the most interesting parts in the DirectX
set of APIs is Direct3D. Setting up the window and the
device is our main goal for the beginning of this course.
The two developers I speak of are one Andre
“Fengol” Odendaal and Pieter “Armadon”
Germishuys. Both are established authorities in WORKING TOWARDS TETRIS
DirectX Game Development and have very kindly
DATE: 27th of May 2006

offered their knowledge and expertise in their
field to the public at no charge! Tetris, probably one of the most well known games on
earth. We are going to attempt to recreate this awesome
game and learn some of the DirectX components that
IT Intellect is looking to promoting and supporting can help us on the way.
the Game Development sector in South Africa
at all levels, as anything we can do to help grow WORKING TOWARDS BREAKOUT
this small community will be beneficial to the
DATE: 24th of June 2006
industry in the long run.
Dropping blocks was fun but we need to get some real
IT Intellect are very excited as our first intake for interaction going. Breakout was a game that allowed
the player to control a paddle and to prevent the ball
Game Development students of the UAT from dropping. In addition to not dropping the ball, the
curriculum will be joining us in June 2006 at our player had to hit blocks the resulted in bonuses dropping
from the blocks that were hit.
Bryanston Campus. They will be overseen by
UAT Graduate; class of 2004 Scott Snider who
will be the first of many UAT lecturers to be WORKING TOWARDS PACMAN
relocated to our beautiful country to assist in the DATE: 29th of July 2006
education and skill development of aspiring local
game developers. This coupled with the Hotlabs Pacman introduced some very interesting concepts
such as Artificial Intelligence and maps. Although
will make for an exciting year ahead, one filled Pacman only has one map, we still need to do boundary
with many fresh ideas and new experiences. checks.

Thanks to Game.Dev and the team at SA WORKING TOWARDS SPACE INVADERS

Developer.NET for their active involvement. We
DATE: 26th of August 2006
are looking forward to the future! Burnabis
Space Invaders added an exciting twist. The player has
a few barriers and has to eliminate all the enemies
before they reach the bottom and take out the player.
The enemies fly/march down a row and keep on speed
up as they progress.


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