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ISSUE 8 2006



A F R I C A’ S
Interview with co-writer
Jacob Habgood







Cover: The Game Maker’s Apprentice
03 - ED’S NOTE
















21 11 33

02 DEV MAG ISSUE 8 2006


ey all, due to endish circumstances, our editor has been out of action for
this month. No fear, however, as Dev.Mag will proudly march on regardless! RANKING OFFICER
We have some special stuff lined up for you this month, including the Stuart “GoNzO” Botma
opening of a new Projects section in the mag.

Something that we’ve been thinking about recently is the idea that some of our SECOND IN COMMAND
content can follow the “lead by example” philosophy – the idea that entire games, Rodain “ Nandrew ” Joubert
rather than just components of their build, could be examined and evaluated as
they progress.
To this end, Dev.Mag has incorporated two new articles this issue, one of them Brandon “CyberNinja” Rajkumar
being an offshoot of last month’s feature known as a postmortem (in which a game’s Paul “Higushi” Myburgh
creators reect upon the successes and failures of completed projects) and a new
series that follows the building process of the game Nonex 2, with the author
highlighting triumphs, challenges and downright pitfalls as the game progresses CEREBRAL SOLDIERS
from chicken scratch to completed product. Simon “Tr00jg” de la Rouviere
Ricky “Insomniac” Abell
We hope you like what we’ve done with this issue, we’ve done our best to revamp William “cairnswm” Cairns
a lot even given oppressive circumstances, and I hope this is reected in the Bernard “BurnAbis” Boshoff
enjoyment that you, the readers, gain from this jam-packed edition. Danny “dislekcia” Day
Andre “Fengol” Odendaal

Game on! Yuri “knet” Oyoko

Heinrich “Himmler” Rall
Matt “Flint” Benic
Luke “Coolhand” Lamothe

Deputy Editor
Rodain “Nandrew” Joubert
Claudio “Ch1ppit” de Sa
Robbie “Squid” Fraser


To join, make suggestions or

just tell us we’re great, contact:
[email protected]

This magazine is a project of

the NAG Game.Dev forum.
Visit us at

All images used are Copyright

and belong to their respective
owners. All reference made to
Chuck is purely for entertain-
ment purposes and should not be
taken seriously .

03 DEV MAG ISSUE 8 2006


Swiss army chainsaw

This Gamasutra feature is

a handy little guide to tool
development, what
challenges to expect, and
what to do while dealing with
them. A great guide for any-
body who wants to improve
the usability of their products (or games) and learn how to work more efciently,
especially with other people. Even if you’re just a lone ranger doing bedroom
Books: some good reading ... development, it helps to know when to smile and “fend off bad voodoo”.
Moondance releases Independent Games
Vol 2
Next Generation has assembled a collec-
tion of about 50 books related to game
development that are recommended for

anybody going into the eld of game cre-

ation, or anybody who’s already in the Moondance Games, media sponsor of the
game industry, for that matter. Topics Independent Games Festival, has just retailed
range from theory to design practice and its second compilation pack of indie games
even include sociological texts, with an featuring titles from the festival. Game titles
aim of accommodating absolutely every- include Cute Knight (Kishi Kawaii), Tube Twist,
one in the business, up to and including Unipong, Morning’s Wrath and many others
lawyers and part-time testers. Browse over a wide range of genres. For indie gaming
through this handy little library – you at its nest, take a look at getting your hands
could probably nd something that takes on this set. It sports 21 impressive indie titles
your fancy. and is available for $19.95 from

How game artists get their jobs

Are you a budding 2D/3D artist,

environment designer or animation
specialist looking to get into the
industry? Take a peek at this
8-page feature on Game Career
Guide, which takes an in-depth look
at your portfolio requirements, how
to approach companies for a job
and just what sort of qualities com-
panies are looking for in potential

Talent can bring you most of the

way, but a little smart thinking still
needs to be applied when you’re
in such a competitive environment,
making this article invaluable for
those in the eld.

04 DEV.MAG ISSUE 8 2006

Quantum leap awards – RPGs

Much like their previous feature on rev-

olutionary rst person shooters, Gama-
sutra has asked its readers what they
consider to be the game which marks
the greatest leap made in the RPG

With so many to choose from, some

interesting results have reared their
heads, along with actual quotes from
readers explaining why they felt like
they did regarding their chosen game,
and just how much it contributed towards changing the RPG world. Consists of the top ve games and several honorary mentions..

Blog: Tales of the rampant coyote

Blog hunters, hark! Here’s another indie

gaming blog to whet your appetite, complete
with a particularly interesting post made enti-
tled “You can’t design fun on paper”. The
author takes an in-depth look at design docu-
ments, how they work as a “second brain”,
how they sometimes don’t work and how get-
ting too detailed too quickly could be a danger.

An interesting perspective that stands contrary

to most established ideas, coming from an
established game developer.

Mobile game contest

January 29, 2007. A new date to diarise,

marking the deadline for a brand-new
mobile development competition run by The premise –
make a game, any game, using either
Flashlite or J2ME.

Prizes are awarded for each category of A guide to XNA development

tool used, including books, Flash Studio
8 and, naturally, several high-end mobile

This is the second contest from the

For those who want to learn a little bit about using XNA, this isn’t too bad a site to
organisation, the rst having brough for-
ward entries of an exceptionally high be looking at. has XNA tutorial videos, news posts concerning the
quality and from all over the world. Time XNA toolkit and its own downloadable book, currently standing at four chapters, which
to put some more local names in there ... strives to cover an ever-greater variety of topics as new chapters get released. Stop
by here if you fancy learning a little about this exciting new tool, covered extensively
in this month’s Dev.Mag feature.

05 DEV.MAG ISSUE 8 2006

It’s all about XNA!
I am very excited to tell you about XNA Game Studio Express; Microsoft’s offering to students and hobbyist game
developers for building games on Windows AND the Xbox 360.

he XNA GSE (Game Studio help game developers create games Games built with managed code

Express) is a set of tools for productively (although there are sim- are not slower than game written in
building managed games together ilarities because it is still based on C++ because they are just-in-time (JIT)

with the XNA Framework. XNA DirectX). MDX 2.0 beta has been complied into native code when it is
GSE is based on the free Visual unchanged since the DirectX April 2006 initially loaded by a process, prior to

C# Express 2005 and to install SDK release and there will be no further execution, and this allows hardware-
game studio on a desktop, users changes nor will it ever be released of- specic optimizations unique to the PC
will need Visual C# Express 2005, cially. The MDX 2.0 assemblies will be and Xbox 360 architectures. Only the

the latest DirectX runtime (or the removed from the DirectX SDK once the most intensive games would benet
August 2006 DirectX SDK if users XNA Framework beta is released. from being written in C++. The three

want to use the DirectX audio cre- (Taken straight from the Microsoft website) most notable features when using the
ation tools) and the XNA Game

Studio Express plug-in (http://

“ XNA Game Studio Express;

Visual C# Express 2005 can run Microsoft’s offering to stu-
alongside Visual Studio 2005 and will dents and hobbyist game
not interfere with your other devel- developers for building games
opment projects. The game studio on Windows AND the Xbox
only supports C# but you can use 360.”
the XNA Framework in any .NET lan-
guage (although you won’t then have
the visualization tools that make the

XNA GSE so worthwhile).

The XNA Framework is a completely

different set of technologies from

MDX (Managed DirectX) 1.1 and 2.0

and provides more functionality to

06 DEV.MAG ISSUE 8 2006

XNA GSE (which, at time of writing, like you would custom controls on a how game developers make games.

is currently in beta) are device cre- windows form. Drag-and-drop your own Now for the bad news – at the time of

ation, game loop and game compo- game components or ones built by third writing this, you can’t develop games

nents. As soon as you start your parties onto your game and they’re exe- for the Xbox 360, that’s coming out
project you can run your game and cuted and managed automatically with when XNA goes live (for security rea-

see the default cornower blue back- properties developers can manage at sons Microsoft does not release beta
ground that has become the hallmark design time. Game components can be software on the console). Game

connected together by marking relevant developers wanting to run their games

properties in the component as public on the Xbox 360 platform will have to

and assigning them to other game com- join the Creator’s Club (estimated at
ponent properties in the visual designer. $99 a year) and download and install
Game components help move technical the XNA Framework on their console.

designs to a Service Orientated Archi-

tecture by being loosely coupled and The XNA Framework makes use of a

autonomous. custom, native implementation of the

.NET Compact Framework 2.0 CLR on

There are lots of opportunities with the the Xbox 360; debugging on the con-
XNA Framework for developers who sole is supported through a remote
of the DirectX tutorials. You don’t

enjoy building their own frameworks debugging connection from a Windows
need to spend time writing code
and engines. Developers can focus on desktop running XNA GSE. Sharing
just to get a handle to the graphics
building unique game components (like your newly developed games on the
device; and you can manage the
physics, scene management or game- Xbox 360 will also not be immediately
device’s properties at design time
genre specic helper functions) which available. Users wanting to play your
through a property window.
will plug easily into other game develop-
ers’ projects with affecting or dictating Below: Graphics Device
There’s also a built-in game loop

done for you so that your rst lines

of code are related to your game
concept and not to the mechanics

involved in making it run. Using prop-

erties in the designer you can even

set a xed time step (used to create

a framerate) and sync it to the vertical

retrace if required (don’t have worry if

you don’t understand what I’m talking
about, the power of the toolset is that

the best defaults have already been

set for you).

Thirdly (and my favorite feature) are

game components, which allow you

to break up your game into physical

and logical parts and to manage them

07 DEV.MAG ISSUE 8 2006

games will also need to have an Framework with rst prize being one

active subscription to the Creator’s year’s subscription to the Microsoft

Club and have the XNA Framework Creator’s Club.

installed on their consoles. They will

also need XNA GSE installed on a So to summarize the XNA GSE and

connected desktop because sharing XNA Framework are more productive

of binaries is not supported and they to work with and easier to get into than
Other companies are also making use of
will have to compile your source code previous versions of DirectX. The use
XNA GSE and the XNA Framework to
themselves to debug on their box. of the XNA Framework in other pro-
build feature-rich tools for game develop-
fessional toolsets and engines means
ers. For example Garage Games (cre-
Eventually, you’ll be able to distribute wide support for game developers at
ators of Torque Game Builder and games
you game to other Xbox 360s, open- any technical level. The game com-
like Marble Blast and Puzzle Poker)
ing up a unique publishing avenue ponents provide powerful design and
are porting key portions oftheir 2D and
which will democratize game devel- functionality possibilities, especially for
3D technology and tools to XNA so
opment on consoles (Another direct building your own engines.
that enthusiasts, indie developers, educa-
take from the Microsoft website), and
tors and commercial studios can develop
Dev.Mag will do a write-up of devel- There is a growing community base
games for the Xbox 360 using their
oping games on the Xbox 360 when it using the technology and the ability

tools (
becomes available. to develop games for the Xbox 360
torque/x/). Their tools include an environ-

ment for non-developers to make games,

artist-friendly shader support, physics and
Below: Sample code
collision detection. will open new avenues of creativity,
Various communities devoted allowing game developers to reach
to XNA have also popped up eager audiences and bringing about
with forums, tutorials, sam- the potential for building a viable nan-
ples and articles on the sub- cial revenue.
ject. Microsoft also has a FENGOL
vibrant forum on MSDN (http:/
/ “The game components pro-
/MSDNShowForum.aspx?F vide powerful design and func-
orumID=882&SiteID=1) which tionality possibilities,
the XNA project team and especially for building your
various MVPs (Microsoft’s own engines.”
Most Valued Professional)
monitor and help with bugs,

issues and problems.

The XBOX 360 Homebrew


even has a competition to

build a game using the XNA

08 DEV.MAG ISSUE 8 2006

Some of you out there have probably used the Python programming language before. It’s great and
easy to use, provides excellent cross-platform support and automates a lot of tasks which program-
mers usually have to grieve over. But is it a suitable game development language?

ell, this website provides a user would normally expect. However, supported. Should this be the case

denite “yes” as an answer one is truly blown away by the list of with you, revert to the Python 2.4 ver-

– backed by the power of an awe- projects in development as well as com- sion and keep developing with that

some little tool known as Pygame. pleted games which get released on a until Pygame support is brought for-

regular – sometimes daily – basis, and ward. Take a look at this website, and

Pygame is a Python module which the competitions as well as “Pygame make sure you get your hands on that

dedicates itself exclusively to the Weeks” that get run frequently serve as Pygame module! After that, it’s happy

development of games. All the a motivation to draw in more enthusi- game development all the way.

resources which you need to asts and curious developers. An impor- NANDREW

establish Win32- or Unix-based tant thing to note for Python users is

game applications are at your dis- that as of writing this review, the latest Last known update: Continuous

posal, including tools for graphics, version of Python did not have a cor-

sound, timers and everything else responding version of Pygame which it

that just isn’t accessible through

the core language. Combined with

the ever-handy py2exe module
(for compiling the code into a

runnable, standalone program),

Pygame has allowed its users to

produce games of an impressive
quality where none seemed pos-

sible before.

The website dedicated to this par-

ticular kit doesn’t come entirely
unequipped, and it’s complete with

the standard news reports, tutorials

and all-important downloads which a

09 DEV.MAG ISSUE 8 2006

3D Game Programming for Teens

about the tools, skills, and a brief history tures and coloring) and on the game

of games. In the second part, the side lls in the details regarding lights,

actual understanding and programming cameras, game control, collision detec-

is taught making mini-programs along tion, sounds and music, physics, timing

the way, and nally in the last part creat- and other game creation techniques,

ing a game based on the mini-programs all instantly codeable into the blitz3D

you already have created. engine supplied. The later chapters

cover programming, the fundamentals

The book itself is a good start for game behind creating working code and pro-

developers who want to make that step gramming concepts, and nally using

out of game maker into the program- the rest of the knowledge to create a

ming of full 3D games, even 2D games fully functional game in the last chapter
Author: Eric D Grebler
of course as it goes through all the of the book.
Title: 3D game programming for teens
phases using tools such as Blitz3D,
Publisher: Thomson Course Technology
3Dstudio Max 8 and Corel Draw, which This book is recommended for begin-

Category: Development/Programming
all come with the book as a starting ners who are interested in creating
User-level: Beginner/Intermediate
point to creating functional 3D games. 3D games, but dont have the time
ISBN: 1-59200-900-X
The trial versions of the software are or resources to learn one of the very
Average Price: R 350 - R 380
quite functional considering the price technical languages or frameworks 3D
Available from: Exclusive books , Larger
of the book, and the content starts at games usually use, and you as a
book retailers
the very beginning of game creation, all reader can start creating games right

the way to creating a rst person style away.

ithout experience in game
game with the free tools, all while teach-
development, programming
ing the principle of creating games in At beginner level this book is a worth-
and 3D graphics, this book will teach
3D, from scratch. while buy, but if you have had experi-
you to create a 3-dimensional game
ence coding games in any language,
in as long as it takes you to under-
With an interesting history on games and understand theory behind creating
stand and complete the training that
and the development of games, it goes games, then this book might be a little
this book offers. In short, the book
on to explaining gaining skills game primitive for your taste. As a game
covers everything in the game devel-
developers usually have, such as pro- maker enthusiast who would like to get
opment process, from the beginning
gramming, graphics, team, math as well a 3D game under their belt and grab
stage of acquiring the knowledge and
as communication. Diving into game the reins right away, this book is a
the skill involved, to creating a full 3D
design theory and teaching with some great start, and provides the tools to
game. As a relatively cheap computer
examples, it goes from there straight get going.
book, it was quite surprising to see
into the anatomy of a game, and sub- FUZZYSPOON
the range it covers, all with examples
sequently starts teaching you to use
and free software to learn with. The
the tools provided to create a game. It
book deals its content in 3 sections,
covers 3D modelling, 3D theory, graph-
the rst being a theory based section
ics theory (such as transparency, tex-

10 DEV.MAG ISSUE 8 2006

For those who are new to the world of Game Maker, or who have more experience but

Jacob Habgood
want a more detailed look at what this package can offer, a new book entitled The Game

Maker’s Apprentice serves as a great resource for not only people looking to learn Game

Maker, but also those who want game design hints and tricks in general. TROOJG has

a chat with Jacob Habgood, co-writer of the book alongside Mark Overmars, so that our

mag can pick his brain a bit...

What were your intentions regarding The Game Maker’s Beginners of all ages, although you do need to able to read
Apprentice? the book. To quote the introduction: “This book is not speci-

cally for the young or old, but anyone who loves computer
We wanted to create an engaging and accessible beginners
games and wants to have a go at making them for them-
guide to game development. There are a number of books
selves. We’ve all painted a picture, written a story, and made
out there that claim to offer this, but we didn’t feel it had
a wobbly piece of pottery at some point in our lives, so it’s
really been achieved yet. We went to great lengths in order to
now time to embrace the art form of the future and try making
create something that people would really enjoy owning, with
computer games too.”
colourful artwork and games that were actually fun to play. We

were very pleased with the way it turned out and it ultimately

exceeded both our expectations.

Are there any useful things in it for the expert Game Maker


We hope so. The game design chapters in particular are the

combination of years of experience that we think would be

useful to everyone. It’s already been used as part of a Masters

level course in the UK and we know it is being used in other

university courses too.

What version comes with the book? 6.x and registered or

not registered?

6.1A unregistered. We’re currently considering hiring a blimp

“ We went to great lengths in order to create
to display that answer on.
something that people would really enjoy owning,

with colourful artwork and games that were actu-

What market is the book aimed at?
ally fun to play.”

11 DEV MAG ISSUE 8 2006

What was the best part of writing the book?

The best part is actually getting feedback that shows you that

you’ve created something that people appreciate. It makes all

the blood, sweat and tears that bit more worthwhile.

Any planned future collaborations?

We did consider writing a follow up at one point, but it’s difcult

to see how either of us would ever get the time.

What you do for a living?

I’m currently writing up my PhD thesis in “The Effective Inte-


gration of Digital Games and Learning Content”. It marks the

end of a three-year career break for me, and I’m returning

to the games industry as a Project Lead for Sumo Digital

in a couple of months (Virtua Tennis, Outrun 2006:Coast 2

Coast, Broken Sword). Sumo are doing lots of cool stuff at

the moment and I have some interesting projects lined up for

when I get there. What impact does products like Game Maker have on the

game development industry?

What games have you guys developed? Interesting question. Probably not a great deal to date, but

Micro Machines (2002), Infogrames some of us are trying to change that. Have a look on Gamasu-
Hogs of War (2000), Atari Europe S.A.S.U. tra or GameCareerGuide and search for articles by Jacob…
Premier Manager 2000 (2000), Infogrames UK Ltd.

Actua Soccer 3 (1998), Gremlin Interactive Ltd. Where do you see the game development industry going
N2O Nitrous Oxide (1998), Gremlin Interactive Ltd. in the future?
Actua Soccer 2 (1997), Gremlin Interactive Ltd. India, probably. :-) No idea what will happen really, but it

Judge Dredd (1997), Gremlin Interactive Ltd. would be nice to see more of an innovative casual gaming

Re-Loaded (1996), Interplay Entertainment Corp. scene. Cheaper, shorter games where developers are able to
Greenies (1995), F1 Licenceware take risks with gameplay. XBox live is an excellent idea in

principle, and it’ll be interesting to see how it plays out. Fewer

Do you guys still develop games? MMORPGs too – if you have a hole in your life that big then

Certainly will be. you should do something constructive like developing your

own games instead. Game Maker beats being an Elf any day
Favourite next-gen console? Why? of the week!

Has to be the Wii, despite the name. Nintendo games rock. TROOJG

12 DEV MAG ISSUE 8 2006



his part of the Blender tutorial 0.9 size. It should look like the following
T will use all the skills we’ve image when you’re done.
learned before to create a new scene
from scratch. If you are not familiar
with everything we’ve covered
before, I advise you go back and do
the previous tutorials again. The
scene we will be making is a


A checkerboard block. Not much.

The board Half the board pieces are not filled in.
Now is a good time to mention the two
We’ll start off with the board itself. For different duplication methods available
the sake of detail, we’ll be modelling the in Blender. Pressing Shift+D, or open spaces in the board. Now create
blocks individually. Delete the original selecting Duplicate from the Object linked duplicates of that block until the
cube, switch to top-view, and create a menu, will make an exact, but entire board is full.
plane. The default 2x2 size will suit us independent double of the object.
perfectly. Pressing Alt+D, or selecting Duplicate The pieces
Linked from the menu, will create a
To give out block some depth, we’ll be duplicate that is linked to the original. Now we have a board, but what about
using a modelling technique known as Therefore any changes you make to the pieces? We’ll be making simple
extrusion. Extrusion essentially takes one of the copies will affect all the round pieces to populate our board, so
the selected faces and pushed them duplicates. This includes changes in the start off by making a circle in Top-View.
outward, giving them depth. Switch to model structure and texture, but not 32 vertices should suffice. Place the
side- or front-view and zoom in closer to scaling and positioning. piece over one of the existing blocks
the block. In edit-mode, press ‘E’ or and scale it until in fits neatly inside the
select Extrude from the Mesh menu to To create the whole board, we’ll need to block. I found a 0.6 scale value worked
bring up a pop-up menu. Select Region do some duplication. Bear in mind that perfectly. Then in front view, place it so
from the pop-up menu to start the every alternate block is a different that it rests just on top of the block.
extrusion process. Move the mouse colour, so we’ll need to be careful how Extrude this block upwards 0.2 to give it
upwards 0.2 units and click to accept we duplicate the blocks. Select the depth. You’ll notice that there is no
the changes. We’ll also taper the edge block in object mode, and create linked ‘Region’ option when you extrude these,
a bit, to make it look smoother. To do duplicates of the block until you’ve filled so select ‘Only Edges’ in this case. This
this, extrude the top vertices again, this every other block of an 8x8 grid. Now happens because the circle Blender
time 0.1 units upwards. Accept the create an ordinary duplicate of one of makes isn’t filled by default. We’ll fill it in
changes and then scale them down to those blocks, and place it in one of the once we’re finished with it.



Now we’re going to give this block a make our job a bit easier. Click this Now that you have the correct faces
little notch in the middle. This is easier if button on the 3D view menu to change selected, simply click the Set Solid
you activate wireframe mode with the ‘Z’ to Face Select mode. button and the problem should be
key. Still in front view with the top solved. When you’re done, you can
vertices selected, extrude the vertices change back to vertex selection mode.
again but do not move them. Finally, by using the same duplication
Immediately press ‘S’ and scale the new procedure described before, place the
vertices to 0.9 size. Extrude these new pieces on the correct places while
vertices downwards by 0.02. Now we fill The Vertex-Selection, Edge-Selection
remembering to make linked duplicates
and Face-Selection buttons.
these vertices to create a new face. of the appropriate pieces.
Press Shift+F, or select Faces, Fill from
the Mesh menu. You can repeat this We’ll need to be careful to select the And that’s all I have space for this time.

entire process to create a notch for the correct faces for this operation, and We’ll finish off this scene next month by
bottom edge too if you wish, but it is not we’ll be using box-select (‘B’) adding textures and cleaning up the
necessary because it won’t be seen in extensively for this. All our horizontal lighting. In the meantime, feel free to
our scene. You can simply fill it with surfaces are the ones that need to be play around with the scene on your own
Shift+F and leave it at that. solid, so carefully draw a box around using the texturing principles learned in
the squares representing the four layers Part 3. As always, the completed scene
The piece will still have rough edges in
of horizontal surfaces. You may need to will be available from the Dev.Mag
the render though, so, in Object Mode,
zoom in a lot to do this. Your selection website at
select Set Smooth from the Editing Tab.
should look like the following when
However, rendering the image now
you’re done: CH1PPIT
displays in some strange results.

Above: Selection

Ooh, now that's not supposed to

happen, is it?

This happens because the flat surfaces

in our model do not respond well to Set
Smooth. To fix this, we’ll have to set the
individual flat faces in our model to
solid. So switch to Edit Mode again, and
front- or side-view if you aren’t still
there. We’ll use face selecting instead
of vertex selecting for this because it will
Above: What the scene could look like when we finish with it



PART 4 :
Adding the Quality Touch 2
A well-polished game stands out when it is played. Not just because of the obvious things that have been added
to the game through the implementation of a proper design, but also because of the time and care that has gone
into making the game a pleasant experience for the user. Often these little things are unnoticed by the player but
their very presence in the game makes the player more comfortable and secure in their new environment.

Mouse Control period in the game. This will often allow is as easy as possible is to enable an
people that are working from home to be autofire feature on the players units,
By adding mouse control wherever involved in the game during their breaks this basically means the player does
possible, the user needs little effort to and their time on the phone. not have to continually bang away at
get immersed in the game. Allowing the the keyboard while playing.

user to use any input device of their
choice will also make it easier for players Friendly Environment Sound Issues
to jump right in and play the game. While
the player may not realise the effort that The game controls should impact the A good rule of thumb is to never have
has been put into the game to allow this players experience as little as possible. multiple copies of the same sound
freedom of choice, they will be able to The control panel and score display effect playing at maximum volume at
choose the input device they prefer to should never obscure the player's view the same time, this creates a sound
play the game with. of the game. By fading or moving the effect overload and will drown out other
control panel as the players units come sound effects that might be relevant to
near it the player will always be able to the player in the game. Another
Pausing control their units on the screen. Another mistake often made when polishing a
method to ensure the players experience game is to not fade out music between
A player who is busy playing may be state transitions. While
disturbed by other members of their the game may fade
family -- in this case, they may just between the relevant
pause the game and come back to it screen in an effective
later. By stopping all animations, game way, the music in the
progress and time-based action within game continues loudly
the game, the player can return to find throughout the transition.
the game in the same state as when By fading the music
they left it. A nice addition is to pause along with the screen a
the game as well as the in-game music more consistent and less
and sound effects when the game is intrusive effect can be
minimised. This allows players to spend created.
a small amount of time over a long


Difficulty Settings effect to every in game action no matter additional features the purchased game
how trivial, game progress indicators will have over and above the features
Every person that plays the game will such as a map showing completed available in the demo version. By
have a different skill level. Certain levels, in game customization of the demonstrating and detailing the
players just don't do well in games, and players units, names and symbols, or additional features the player will be
other players just seem to know how the even renaming other in game objects. encouraged to spend the money and
internal functioning of the game will purchase the full version of the game.
affect their play. By implementing Nagging
numerous difficulty levels into the game, Very few free and even many
all different levels of player can be Shareware games should also include a shareware games do not have all the
accommodated. This can be done by finely tuned demo restriction and nag features mentioned in these articles. As
allowing the player to select the speed of screen to get people to buy the game. A such it is understood that all these
the items in the game, or by affecting the nice feature is to have the "No thanks" features are not truly needed in a
AI opponents' levels of intelligence. button disabled for a while to encourage game. However, by adding some or all
There are also players that would prefer the player to spend the time to buy the of these features the quality of the
being able to beat the game regularly on game. Shareware games should also game will be increased and therefore
the easiest level than having to learn make it very clear to the player what the chance of retaining the player's

attention for long periods of time is

increased. By extending the player's
interest in the game, the chance of
getting the same player to spend some
money on the game is increased.

Polish is not easy to quantify, but when

you sit down in front of a game, the
level of quality within that game is
immediately apparent. Quality games
improve player satisfaction and as a
game designer, the higher level of
player satisfaction you can achieve, the
better chance you have of turning the
game you make into a source of


how to beat the top level AI. Don't forget

a good Kiddie difficulty level, where
enemies are very easy to beat a lot of
extra pickups with amazing effects are

Other Players

A really well polished game will include

little things like network play or a
cooperative level of some form that will
allow multiple players to sit together and
play the game. Other ideas to keep in
mind are autosaved games at specific
points or time intervals, adding a sound


Good User Interface Design
Let’s take a look at something that can often make or break a game or application. User interface
design is vital to not annoy the living daylights out of users. A well-designed user interface is designed
on three principles: Simplicity, Structure and Tolerance.

Simplicity overload your design with bright colours that don’t

go well together. You must also keep your colour

At all times, your interface should be simple and scheme consistent and always keep the contrast rule

easy to understand. This means that your interface in mind, since you always want everything to be
must be intuitive – in other words, if users can’t clearly visible. Try to keep everything aligned, as bad
nd something via instructions, they should be able alignment makes interfaces harder to understand. You

to nd by making a logical, educated guess. Don’t must always try to group similar things in groups so
confuse users with jargon, and make sure everything that it easy for the user to nd something according
is labelled neatly. You don’t want buttons with a to the group it should logically belong to. If you are
random picture on them and no
explanation of what they do.


Always design your interfaces

to be logical. It is important to
be consistent throughout your
design if everything looks and

functions in a similar way then

users can understand the inter-

face based on previous experi-

ence. Use colour appropriately

and consistently, you don’t want

17 DEV MAG ISSUE 8 2006

interface should always be forgiving, so you should
have things such as an undo and redo. If the user has
done something wrong, let them know what they did

and how they should do it in the future.

Your interface should never be cumbersome – a slow

interface is one of the worst things you can put into

a game. A good example of a cumbersome interface

would be the Startopia menus that play a long annoy-

ing animation whenever you change an option.

designing an application, it is important to dene the
rules of how the interface works clearly. Relating
Now that you know the basics of making an effective
back to simplicity, never create busy interfaces. Clus-
user interface, go out and make games with annoying,
ters of random buttons will chase people away.
crowded, ugly menus! Also have a look at this for
some more great pointers.

designing ood example of a cumbersome interface

would be the Startopia menus that play a long annoy-
ing animation whenever you change an option.

Now that you know the basics of making an effective

user interface, go out and make games with annoying,

crowded, ugly menus! Also have a look at this for

some more great pointers.

A user interface should always give the user feed-
back in terms of what the user has just done, is

about to do and can to. A good example is to make

menu buttons glow when the mouse is over them. An

18 DEV MAG ISSUE 8 2006


The making of Nonex 2: Part 1

Welcome to the rst installment of my new series order in which you want, or need, to do things. So,
of articles, where I document the trials and strug- I had to make my plan for Nonex 2. In the past I

gles I encounter as I (and two of my buddies) usually found myself eager to climb straight into the
build and nish our new and exciting title, Nonex coding and graphics, and before I knew it I had a half
2. The plan with this is that new developers can nished game that looked kind of good, but lacked a

learn from our experiences, and possibly inspire lot of depth and quality.
others to do the same.
My last gaming effort, “Team Boss” was the exception

Unfortunately, it will be impossible for me to docu- to the rule. I rst made a game design document, then
ment absolutely everything we do, but we will at least made layouts and concept art. The result is that my
cover the most fundamental areas as well as the game had all the planned elements in it at the end of

areas where we struggled the most. So where to the day. Granted, the game wasn’t that great, but it did
begin? Well, you need a plan of action. A certain exactly what I wanted it to do.

19 DEV MAG ISSUE 8 2006

Using this new-found knowledge, I set out to plan game. And the more time spent on this, the better.

this venture. In an order of steps I planned the sys- You can also see that I do in fact plan to sell this
tematic creation of my game. game when it is released. This means that the game

must be of such a standard that I myself would want

1 Game design document. (Wish list) to buy it.
2 Game requirements document.

3 Storyline document. So what is my game going to be about? Well, I have

4 “Make the game work on paper” document forced myself to describe it in one paragraph.
5 Concept art.

6 Level design and level concept art. “Nonex 2 is a top-down space arcade shooter with

7 Character development an RPG factor which includes 3 different ship classes,

8 Environment and villain development. each with its own skill tree. You will gain levels and

9 Final game design document with all concept art will be able to buy and sell items at vendors, and loot
and character sheets included, that conforms to the some in the process of ridding the universe of evil
game requirements document. forces.”

10 Creation of game engine.

11 Creation of assets. (Game graphics and sound) Sounds complicated doesn’t it? Well imagine Nonex 1

12 Asset implementation. (For those who haven’t played it can download it from
13 Beta testing. (Ofcial game testers) my website with a DOTA
14 Bug xing. bar at the bottom. A bigger inventory and skill tree

15 Beta testing. (Ofcial game testers) than DOTA, but less than Diablo 2. And with ships
16 Release demo. that cast “spells”. All this with a 2 – 4 player co-op
17 Market full version game. multiplayer mode, for added fun.

18 Final game testing (Ofcial game testers)

19 Bug xing. The game should be replayable and team oriented.
20 Release full game for purchase on portal. But it must be playable and fun single player as well

(unlike DOTA). Now, that is a description, next month

This doesn’t just look like a handful – it actually is. you can expect a full Design document and Require-
Steps 1 – 9 are indeed the most important steps ments document for your reading pleasure.

of any game making experience. They will most de-

nitely determine the quality and the style of your HIMMLER

20 DEV MAG ISSUE 8 2006

FFS! (Fast Food in Space!)
I’ve played a lot of management games, but to The Design Process
be honest, the thought of actually making one

never occurred to me until it was announced as The design of FFS was a rather interesting pro-
the genre for the NAG Game.Dev Forum’s tenth gression. My original idea (heavily inuenced by my
competition. Historically, I’ve had an eye on the RTS obsessions) was to have an inner ring where
goings-on there, but my involvement has typi- you make buildings, and an outer ring populated by
cally been fairly limited. resources which you harvested in order to have the

necessary supplies to run your restaurants. The idea
When news came in that there was money to be of resources was dropped completely once I got it
made from game development, the greedy bastard through my thick skull that in this context, there was
within was motivated enough to allow the other part absolutely no fun to be had of constantly building
of me, which wanted to make games just for the sake resource collection ships and dealing with supply
of making games, to get along long enough to nally shortages. Unfortunately, that took with it an interest-
sit down and put forward a proper attempt at making ing offshoot idea where you would be able to design
a game. I had no idea what I was going to make, but
by God, I was going to make it.

It may be surprising, but the concept of fast food

in space is no stranger to me. It’s been sitting in

the back of my head for years ever since I had an

idea for a shooter game in which the protagonist

is desperately trying to defend his killed-by-pirates
parent’s fast food delivery company from evil space
pirates. That game never happened, but ideas like
that have a habit of lurking about until the right

opportunity arrives for them to unfurl their wings.

After musing over a variety of options, I arrived at

the idea of making a management game based on
“It’s a little known fact that there are trafc circles in
running an intergalactic fast food restaurant empire. space”

21 DEV MAG ISSUE 8 2006

different meals based on the food resources you had Game World Implementation
available, but in retrospect, there probably wouldn’t

have been time to implement that feature properly

in any case.

Soon after the core gameplay mechanics had been

established, Louis got involved with the project,

though I don’t remember exactly how. One minute it
was just me working away on it, and the next, Louis

was there, exuding enthusiasm and just being gener-

ally interested. That rumour people pass around that

two heads are better than one certainly proved true.

We had countless debates on various aspects of the
gameplay. These debates helped to eliminate many

crazy unworkable ideas that we would independently


come up with, and generally pushed the game’s The game’s design document

design to a level that simply would not have hap-

pened if it had only been me working on the game. Creation of the game world itself went brilliantly.

Implementing the planets, star lanes and background

“One minute it was just me working away tiles went very smoothly. The ship movement was not

on it, and the next, Louis was there, easy to implement, but drawing from prior mathemat-

exuding enthusiasm and just being gener- ics experience gained on a 3D Game programming

ally interested. That rumour people pass course, I managed to put it together precisely as I’d

around that two heads are better than one seen it happening in my head, which in my experi-

certainly proved true.” ence, is a pretty rare thing.

Louis comes to terms with algebra

22 DEV MAG ISSUE 8 2006

The Engine
graphics and balanced the game. In the lead up to

cut off time, I was hacking in the game menu and

The engine that FFS uses is a custom built 2D
credits while Louis was attending a family braai. He
game engine that I’d pieced together from the vari-
did however, come back afterwards and performed
ous games I’ve worked on over the years. I had
some truly Herculean last minute gameplay balancing
recently upgraded its core to an event driven archi-
with the assistance of my “why didn’t I also get a
tecture. In the rst few weeks of development,
mention for Herculean last minute gameplay balanc-
I implemented a whole bunch of concepts that
ing too?” brother Byron who acted as the ofcial game
I’d been struggling with for years, for instance, a
tester and coffee maker.
centralised component for creating, managing and
destroying game objects. It was hacked together in

two days, and it worked far better than I could have

hoped. Overall, the functionality of the engine had
far more pros than cons. There were many things it

could not do, but what it could, it did well, and didn’t

fall short as the functional requirements of the game
became more complex.

Game Data Abstraction

One of the strongest points of FFS’s design is

that every single game variable that mattered was

abstracted to a denitions le. This made the task
of balancing the game much easier. Louis, whose

last major programming achievement was changing

a mouse pointer green, was able to balance the
game by editing values contained within a single

le… eventually.

Crunch Period Having lost the use of his other nine ngers, ET pressed
What went wrong?
The nal 72 hours of development was a blur of

frenzied activity. Considering we cut things so late,

this nal push could have easily ended in disaster. A
record number of energy drinks were consumed as
If anyone ever tells you that making decent interfaces
we nalised the core gameplay, xed bugs, created
for a management game is easy, they’re probably

23 DEV MAG ISSUE 8 2006

getting theirs done by cheap Indian labour, and have On the up side, I’ve learned many lessons and now

no idea of the complexities and problems than can have a far better ideas of how I’ll be making interfaces

arise. No doubt I’m being over dramatic, but I’d been in future.
blithely building the game, thinking that adding the
interfaces would be a simple matter, and would take unDelphiX
no more than a couple of days. Fate being the ckle

wench that she is, threw me multiple curveballs of Using the unDelphiX graphics library was both a curse
doom™. and a blessing. The library is fast, fairly well struc-
tured, and works on pretty much every machine I’ve

Finding ways to get game data into the interface ever tested it on. (With the exception of ones with very
controls, and ensure that the data stayed up to date old graphics cards) A week into development, I went

ended up being hacked directly into the interface looking to see if there had been any new develop-
objects themselves. That combined with a hastily put ments happening with the library. A newer version had
together hierarchy of interface controls resulted in been released, which I downloaded and installed. Two

an enormous amount of bugs and difcult to trace sentences back, I’d made a terrible mistake.
performance issues.
Do not under any circumstances, during the develop-

ment of a project, trade a code base which you know

to be working for one which claims to be newer, better,
faster. I lost about a week of development discovering

that the new version had some major bugs, previously

working functionality just stopped working completely,

causing a number of things in the game to break.
In the end, I rolled back to the previous version and

continued development from there.

The unDelphiX library is basically a hardware acceler-

ated version of the original DelphiX, and unfortunately,

the conversion has many holes in it, and a number of
inconsistencies. I would spend hours pouring through
the game’s code searching for a bug, only to nd the
problem originated from an unDelphiX function.

This little retelling should not be viewed as a black

mark against unDelphiX, it’s still a good library despite

Finding that conventional techniques failed, ET tried its aws. Every graphics library I’ve ever worked with
other methods of persuasion had its own set of problems and quirks.

24 DEV MAG ISSUE 8 2006

Why is the gameplay in the “wrong” section? Surely
the game that won the competition shouldn’t have to
worry about such things? Wrong. The debates that
raged between Louis and myself were epic in scope
and gargantuan in beer consumption terms. Jokes

aside, there are two major reasons that gameplay

ends up here.
A: Insufcient Game Testing - There simply wasn’t
enough time to play-test and balance the game due
to many core elements being implemented so late.

As a result, the gameplay is not as balanced as it

could have been.
B: Gameplay at line - The gameplay in FFS
reaches a plateau within about 30 minutes. The

design did not include enough diversity to allow for
the game to remain engaging for the full duration of

a game. Louis turned to performance enhancing drugs

No explanation necessary.

25 DEV MAG ISSUE 8 2006

Time vs. Features game is certainly not complete, neither in features,

nor in gameplay. The design for the next version is

We had a little less than two months to create the fully underway, and it will be simply bigger and better

game. I thought the people complaining that it was in every way. There are also plans in the works to

too much time were crazy. The amount of dropped have the completed game published. Let’s see how

features was extensive, and the number of elements that goes…

that simply should be in a complete game, such as EVIL_TOASTER

saving and loading, or sound and music, just aren’t


In Closing

Overall, Louis and I had a great time developing

FFS, and we’re extremely proud of what we man-

aged to achieve.As for the future of FFS, we view its


win as an indication of a successful prototype. The Another satised alien customer

FAST FOOD IN SPACE! in action!

26 DEV MAG ISSUE 8 2006

An introduction to pathnding

athnding is one of the build- values assigned to these are steadily sented as a picture, your array should

ing blocks of AI program- incremented each time the ooding pro- now look something like this:
ming. Whether it’s a bunch cedure is run on the grid.Each block can
of ying monsters coordinating only be assigned a value once – thus,
themselves with one another in a by the end of the routine, these blocks
3D labyrinth or a couple of ene- should have a value corresponding to
mies nding their way to the hero the number of steps required to get from
in a Pacman clone, working a way the entity to any given block, and from
around obstacles as opposed to here it’s easy to get the AI to do what

through them is an important task you want with regards to pathnding.
for any reasonably smart enemy.
Although there are many tech- Building a simple A* algorithm
niques for pathnding, this arti- Now that it’s initialised, we can take a
cle will focus on a simple – yet To demonstrate the basic workings of look at messing about with its values to

still highly effective – algorithm A*, we’ll use a 2D maze, a generic AI get ourselves a path. In other words,

designed for the job: A*. entity to use the code on and a generic we run our rst “ood” iteration. For

target which this entity needs to reach. this, we’ll need to set up some loop

Obstacles will be thrown into the maze structures:

Overview of the algorithm to make sure that only a smart path will
work for the entity. Since this is just
A* (pronounced “A-star”), also occa- an introduction to the algorithm, we’ll be i = 0;

sionally known as Floyd’s Algorithm, using a static 10x10 integer array for while s = true

is a simple pathnding technique our maze. {

used by many programmers to i = i + 1;

acquire suitable pathing in any grid- int grid[10][10]; for x = 0 to 9

based obstacle course. It involves for y = 0 to 9

a breadth-rst search of the maze, The array elements should be initialised {

starting with the entity’s grid location to zero. Throw in a few walls by chang- //code to check array at position [x][y]

and then proceeding to “ood” the ing the value of some elements to -1. }

grid blocks around it. The blocks Get a value for the entity and the target //additional code follows as necessary

themselves are elements of an array (use negative numbers, such as -2 for }

(which is essentially our grid), and the the entity and -3 for the target). Repre-

27 DEV.MAG ISSUE 8 2006

Variable “s” is any sentinel value ini- The second time you run the ood, your See what we mean by “ooding”? As

tialised as “true”, to make sure that i variable will be increased by one, and the loop keeps iterating, the numbers

we run the ood as many times as from here on you’ll be searching for will keep expanding across the grid

we want. “x” and “y” are grid co-ordi- blocks with the value of (i-1). Thus, on until they reach their target, like so

nates. “i” keeps track of how many the second iteration, i will have a value (keep in mind that the whole ood isn’t
iterations of the ood we’ve made of 2 and you’ll be looking for blocks with shown here):
already.As you may have guessed the value of 1. Each block you nd

already, the rst part of our code will have the four surrounding blocks
checks every block on the grid, from checked for zeroes, and will have the

position (0,0) to (9,9). Since this value of 2 assigned if any are found.
is the rst iteration, we want to be The same holds for the next iteration,

checking for a -2 (the grid position of except that i will be 3. Here’s what your
our entity). Once that happens, we ood should look like after the next few

want to be checking the blocks imme- loops:

diately around it. In this example, our
entity (red block) is at position (7,5).

This means that we want to check the

blocks (6,5), (8,5), (7,4) and (7,6). Note that throughout your loops, you

should be searching for the target


If there is a zero in any of these when checking block numbers. Here,

blocks, it means that this block hasn’t when i = 13, we’ve managed to nd
been touched by the pathnder yet, it. Thus, we save the coordinates of
and we can give it the value of i, the target we’ve hit, terminate our main

which is in this case one. This indi- loops by switching the sentinel value
cates how many steps need to be “s” to false and entering a new section

made to get from the entity to the of code.

given block, and the number repre-

sented by i will increase every time After this, things are easy – starting
the ood procedure is run. If a at the target block, search for a block

block already has a non-zero value next to it which has a value of one

(such as -1 for a wall), there is no less than variable i (ie. 12). Store
new value assigned. Your rst step that block’s co-ordinates for use later
should end with the array looking like (preferably in a list structure) and then,

this: using it as a reference, decrease i by

one and repeat the process so that
you’re looking for 11.

Keep going until you reach the original

block. And yes, this process works –

there are multiple paths that can be

taken, but all are of the same length:

28 DEV.MAG ISSUE 8 2006

And that’s it! – assigning “checking” co-ordi-

nates to lists so that you don’t have

You’ve just learned how to use a simple to check the entire grid on each iter-

implementation of the A* pathnding ation

– catering for multiple targets, pre-

Using the principles here, it’s easy to ferred targets or unreachable tar-

create your own pathnding bot and gets

expand upon it to make it more sophisti-

cated. – anything else that you’ll need!

This was a very simple example, and

improvements could be made in the fol- Good luck, and happy coding!

lowing areas:
– allowing for variable maze sizes

(use of non-static structures or

dynamically declared arrays)


29 DEV.MAG ISSUE 8 2006


Tooling up with NetBeans

orking in a simple text editor with basic veniently provided to import WIK projects, choose
compilation tools is all good and well, New Project from the File menu. Select Import Wire-
but the development world has mostly moved less Toolkit Project from the Mobile group and click
on from that ‘primitive’ approach (with the Next. Ensure that the correct location of your Wireless
exception of a few hardcore masochists, of Toolkit is specied (typically C:\WTK<version>),

course). Modern toolkits include richly featured choose our Tutorial project in the list and click next.
Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) On the Name and Location page you may want to
that incorporate syntax highlighting, debuggers, change the name of the project to simply Tutorial, and
resource managers and more. This all sounds note the location in which the project will be created.
really fancy and expensive, doesn’t it? Note also that your source les will not be moved to

Well, the good news is that in the development world

some of the best things really are free. One of them

is the NetBeans IDE, which we will be using from

now on. This edition of the tutorial series will focus

on moving our project so far into NetBeans, so it

won’t involve much coding.

Above: Import Wizard

If you have not already done so, download and

install NetBeans 5 and the NetBeans Mobility Pack

from and install them. The instal-

lation process is simple, just run the installation exe-

cutables and follow the instructions. If you do run
into problems, the mailing lists to be found on the

NetBeans website provide excellent support.

Now run NetBeans (the Mobility components will

automatically be loaded). To invoke the wizard con-
Above: WTK Project Select

30 DEV MAG ISSUE 8 2006

this location, this is just where the NetBeans project that was in a le that had its imports declared, so now

les will be created; if you had to create a new proj- when this le is compiled, Java won’t know where to
ect from scratch, your source les would be placed nd classes like Graphics and Canvas. This is easily
in the same location as your project les. Make sure xed, just go back to your MIDlet java le and copy all
the Set as main project check box is ticked and click the import statements from the top of it (Ctrl+C).
Finish. You will now see the Tutorial project in the

project explorer in NetBeans, expand <default pack- Now go back to the Canvas java le and paste them
age> node to reveal your java source le. If you keep at the top of the le, before the class declaration.
expanding the tree and double click on any of the Within a couple of seconds, all those angry red lines

elements you will see that this view allows to to jump and blocks will disappear. These early indicators are
to source les, classes, or even individual methods extremely useful, so get used to using them early on.
and member variables. Now that we’ve neatened things up a bit, let’s make

sure everything still works. To run the MIDlet in debug

Now that we are using a tool that makes it easier mode, press F5.
for us to navigate les and classes, lets move our

TutorialCanvas class into its own Java le, since

Below: Project Tree
this is proper Java practice. To do this, right click

on <default package> in the project explorer, and

choose New->Java Class. Call the class TutorialCa-
nvas (remember it’s case sensitive) and click Finish.

NetBeans creates a simple class for you with a con-

structor, but we will just replace it with our own

class. Double click the TutorialCanvas node under to nd our implementation. Drag-
select all the code dening the class (from the class

keyword up to and including the last closing brace)

and cut it from that le (Ctrl+X). Now go back to, delete everything in that le,

and paste what you just copied (Ctrl+P). You will

now see many red blocks appear next to the source

If you click on any of these, they will take you to a

line underlined in red. This is the IDE at work, identi-

fying errors in your code before you even compile it-

you have to admit, that’s pretty cool! But didn’t this

code work before we moved it? Yes it did, however

31 DEV MAG ISSUE 8 2006

All les will automatically be saved and your project to you in the properties window, and see if you can

will compile and build and the familiar emulator will gure out what some of them are for. If you manage to
pop up ready to run your game. Close the emulator ‘break’ something, you can always delete the project
and lets do some nal poking around in the IDE. and re-import it. There is also context sensitive help
We’ve had a look at the source code, and it’s obvi- on each of these options, just press F1 at any time to
ous where you need to look for those, but what see help relevant to what you have selected.

happened to our sprite images? NetBeans allows us

to specify les, folders or jars to be included in our That’s all for this tutorial. Next time we will try our
MIDlet at build time. hand at the debugger, and have a look at how

NetBeans makes it easier to target your game at

This is useful for including third party libraries as well the many different cellphones that are out there
as for image, sound and other resource les. Right (including the one you carry with you). In preparation

click on the Tutorial project and select Properties for this I would suggest you download the SonyErics-
to open the project properties window. As you can son SDK from

see there are loads of options but for now open the global/docstools/java/p_java.jsp, and possibly what-

Libraries and Resources page under the Build group. ever emulator matches your own cellphone.
You will see that the import process automatically

added your res folder to be included in the project. At Until then, enjoy digging around NetBeans to see
this point feel free to explore the settings available what it offers.

“NetBeans allows us to

specify les, folders or jars

to be included in our MIDlet

at build time. “

Above: Libs and Resources

32 DEV MAG ISSUE 8 2006

rAge report!
here were people. There were games.
There were competitions. There were Game

Devvers.On 29th September to 1st October, rAge

struck. This was the biggest, baddest gaming
and technology expo to hit South Africa this year,

and Dev.Mag was all a part of it. Three days

of blood, sweat and considerable amounts of
tears went into making rAge 2006 a special event

for Game.Dev, with this year sporting a bigger
stand, bigger prizes and ... well, heck, a bigger
everything, really. And as it turns out, bigger

denitely equals better.

Getting started Above: Danny “ Dislekcia” Day

As early as three days prior to rAge, members

a torrent of anime lingo and game-themed t-shirts.
of the Game.Dev and Dev.Mag crew were busy set-
Fortunately, those amongst our crew already present
ting up the stand. This sweet deal sported a fancy
were hardy enough to withstand the storm, elding
projector, some kindly sponsored computers from
the rst few individuals who staggered over to this
IT Intellect and, of course, some all-important bean-
mysterious “Game.Dev” stand and telling them about
bags for people to crash on when they weren’t busy
the wonders and joys of making games (while doing
running about and looking important. It was awe-
their utmost to show off the wicked Game.Dev shirts
some seeing an event like this building itself from
provided by Luma).
scratch, especially when one had a role in setting
it all up!
Technical issues at the stand were resolved just in
time to meet the greater ood which soon descended
The morning of the 29th arrived, and we were still
upon us, including the arrival of most of the rest of our
frantically getting our gear organised when the doors
team. Introductions and horried realisations (“Oh my
of rAge burst open and the people ooded forth in
word, you’re actually a guy?”) left quite a few of the

33 DEV MAG ISSUE 8 2006

members occupied for a while – especially owing to were also countless impromptu sales pitches con-
the fact that Game.Dev consists of members hailing cerning the Game.Dev and Dev.Mag brands offered
from all sorts of places around the country. The to clusters of excited newcomers, and many others

surrounding chaos made the meetings a little bit less were given hands-on presentations of how neat Game
heartwarming, but still got people motivated to work Maker was, or even got to see just how awesome
together on some of Game.Dev’s projects at rAge: some of the community’s games really were.

Talk, talk, talk ...

Game.Dev hosted at least a dozen talks and semi-


nars throughout the course of rAge, delivered by a

variety of people on a massive range of topics –

these ranged from postmortems of locally-produced

AAA titles to talks on the advantages of frameworks
and even a seminar displaying the power of rapid

game development tools such as Game Maker.

Big names who did some chatting in this regard

were Dale Best and the fellows from Luma (respon-

sible for Club Silo), I-Imagine’s Dan Wagner and SA

Developer .Net’s Andre Odendaal. Of course, the

rest of the crew and even the audience were allowed
to join in when the discussion panel came around for

people to get involved with.

While discussing how to move game development

forward in South Africa, the microphone was passed

back and forth like a hot potato, with experts

giving their views on the topic – right alongside the

not-so-experts (the esteemed author of this article
included), who spent their time trying to tread intel-

lectual water and somehow managed to sound smart

in the process. Aside from the ofcial talks, there

34 DEV MAG ISSUE 8 2006

Fun with the Xbox 360 Development DVDs, burned at the event itself and
going like hotcakes whenever people passed by.

Game.Dev (along with your ever-reliable Dev.Mag These weren’t harmless little DVDs either – each

journalist!) naturally wasn’t too busy to pass up the had over 4 gigs of indie games, educational videos,

opportunity of checking out the big hoo-hah sur- podcasts, websites, resources, toolkits, engines, sam-

rounding Microsoft’s brand new console. Aside from ples, tutorials and crocheted sweaters at the wannabe

a very fancy and very exclusive launch party at game developer’s disposal for absolutely no cost.

rAge’s Dome itself (which follows the law of all exclu-

sive parties – the less people allowed to go, the

better the party has to be), there was the actual

BT Games launch of the console at midnight on the
29th. This included giving away a nice big stack

of premium 360s, free of charge and soul-binding


Of course, the game developers simply had to put

their own spin on the 360 launch, and a demonstra-

tion of the new XNA toolkit – a means of easily

developing games for both the PC and 360 platforms

– was delivered by Game.Dev to anybody who was

interested in learning about it. This talk was given
by an actual Microsoft rAge exhibitor, adding sig-

nicantly to the “ooh!” factor of the display. Next-

generation stuff doesn’t have to be complex when
you know what tools to use!

Free stuff everywhere

No exaggeration. From itty bitty baby ITI pens

to unwittingly “given” posters (yeah, they were that

good), we had our hands full in the freebies depart-

ment. This included fresh-from-the-oven Game

35 DEV MAG ISSUE 8 2006

Giveaways of a competitive nature were also prev-
alent. One such event offering these was the
Game.Dev Idols competition, in which several game

development books sponsored by Intersoft were

given away to people who could step up and relate
plans for clever and original games which they’d

come up with.

There was a surprising supply of ideas – concepts

such as an inverse system of Lemmings and a multi-


player point-and-click adventure were thrown at our

panel of game industry experts. Throughout the pro-

cess, ideas that were genuinely interesting, original

and applicable reared their heads, and their creators
were duly rewarded. Creativity and inspiration is

denitely alive and well in the local community, it just

needs a platform to work from!

The big brother of the pack was, of course, the

prizegiving for Game.Dev’s Comp 10, for which par-

ticipants were required to create a management
game with whatever tools they had handy. There

were some genuinely astounding entries, coupled

with some genuinely astounding prizes – R10 000
was sponsored by NAG for this competition. Serious


The ceremony took place on the rAge main stage,

which made the whole thing really slick, fancy and
important-looking – as if the prospect of winning all
The prizegiving for Game.Dev Comp 10 sponsored by NAG
that money wasn’t important enough already.

36 DEV MAG ISSUE 8 2006

In closing even more awesome for South Africans out there,
so if you’re interested in advertising, sponsoring or

The presence of Game.Dev at rAge has massively assisting Game.Dev or Dev.Mag in any future endeav-

increased since last year, and more events (includ- ours, be sure to visit or e-mail

ing next year’s rAge) are already in the organisa- Dev.Mag at [email protected]. As for rAge – if you

tional pipeline for both Game.Dev and Dev.Mag. It’s saw us there, we hope you had an awesome time!

amazing fun taking part in the Game.Dev activities, If you didn’t go, then make sure you do next time

and hopefully some of you are reading this after around, when it’ll be bigger, better and even more

hearing the good word at the expo.We’re continuing devvy!

our efforts to expand and make game development NANDREW

Comp 10 announced its winners at rAge 2006, in front of many enthusiastic game developers and
general rAge attendees. Giant cheques were a feature, although they weren’t quite as cool as the R10

000 in cash prizes that got handed out! The winners were as follows:

Best new entrant (R1 000)

Hotel manager – Darth Penguin and CiNiMoD

Third place (R1 500)

Cyberworkz – kRush and Geometrix

Second place (R2 500)

Fantasy Land – Cairnswm

First place (R5 000)

Fast Food in Space -- Evil_Toaster


37 DEV MAG ISSUE 8 2006


38 DEV.MAG ISSUE 8 2006


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