Tea Growers Manual PDF
Tea Growers Manual PDF
Tea Growers Manual PDF
5th Edition
5th Edition
ISBN 9966-9886-5-3
All rights reserved. No part of this
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means photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without the express
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Erosion ………………………………………………………………………………… 21
Mulch …………………………………………………………………………………. 22
Windbreaks …………………………………………………………………………… 26
Appendix IV: Services provided by The Tea Research Foundation of Kenya..…….. 242
Appendix V: Services provided by The Tea Research Foundation of Kenya for the Kenya tea industry
only ……………………………………………………………..
Appendix VI: Equipment for chemical Application ………………………………………
July 2002
Mission Statement
The mission of TRFK is to generate and disseminate, through innovative research
(conducted with the participation of stakeholders), effective and efficient tea
production, processing and value adding technologies for enhanced productivity
and development of high quality tea products which can compete profitably and
sustainably in the market. The Foundation will give due cognizance to the
important aspects of sustainability and conservation of environment, natural
resource base and human health.
Email: [email protected] An MFE 3 stage tea fluid bed dryer – 650 Kgs/hr capacity
Chapter I
(a) Site selection and other basic considerations
Among tropical crops there is none that demands such precise requirements as tea
does, if a paying yield is to be obtained. Tea requires a climate with specific limits
of certain attributes, a soil with special characters, a proper clearing and
preparation of land prior to planting. It is therefore of paramount importance that
in selecting a site for tea, due consideration should be given to climatic and soil
requirements of the tea plant before a decision is made on whether the area is
suitable for tea. A point to remember is that tea, once planted, could last for up to
100 years and beyond.
When considering whether to plant tea, disappointment and unexpected expense
can be minimised if the sites under consideration are critically examined. It is always
advisable to consult the Tea Research Foundation of Kenya, or your nearest Tea
Officer or an officer of the Ministry of Agriculture.
(i) Climatic factors
Tea is thought to have originated within the fan-shaped area extending from the
Assam/Burma border in the west to China in the East; and south from this line
through Burma and Thailand to Vietnam. This is an area of monsoon climate with
a warm wet summer and a cool dry (or less wet) winter. From the main centres of
cultivation in South East Asia tea has been introduced into many other areas of the
world, and is now grown in conditions, which range from Mediterranean type of
climate to the hot humid tropics. Commercially viable plantations have been
established as far North as Turkey and Georgia (42N) and as far south as
Argentina (27S) and between sea level and about 2500 m in altitude. Tea has even
been reported to be cultivated below sea level in Iran.
Despite the generally wide range of climatic conditions found in the different areas
of the world where tea is now grown, the following requirements must be met for it
to be commercially viable.
(ii) Rainfall
1. Minimum requirements
The minimum annual rainfall considered adequate for the successful cultivation of
tea is about 1200 mm without irrigation. It is impossible to judge whether rainfall
is adequate on the annual total alone as distribution of the rainfall is of prime
Water is removed from the soil by tea roots and lost from the leaves by evapo-
transpiration at a rate which varies from 120 mm to 180 mm per month depending
on the prevailing weather conditions. Ideally therefore water should be available
to the roots in amounts which are of this order each month. Where there are
prolonged periods when rainfall is less than the water lost by evapotranspiration,
the plants must rely on stored ground water. The more even the rainfall
distribution, the less likely is the tea to be adversely affected by drought.
The amount of water lost by evapotranspiration will be increased by wind and
hot weather and reduced by low temperatures and long periods of mist or cloudy
weather. Throughout Kenya, tea requires at least 1400 mm of rain annually to
compensate for the loss. Where distribution of rain is uneven, it is possible that in
months of high rainfall a large proportion is lost by drainage and surface run-off,
and in these conditions a higher rainfall is necessary.
When considering rainfall, it must be remembered that in the extremely dry years,
the rainfall may be only two-thirds of the long term average, and such dry years may
occur once in every ten years. It is important to note that such a pattern may or may
not occur.
2. Maximum requirements
Provided that there is no danger of water logging, i.e. the drainage of the soil and
the height of the water table are all satisfactory and erosion and run-off are under
control, there appears to be no maximum limit under which tea cannot be grown
3. Irrigation
If irrigation is intended to be used or is found desirable on consideration of the
climate, the availability of water must be investigated. This must take into account
flow of rivers, as low flow is likely to coincide with the maximum demand for
irrigation. The need for and the practicability of storage in a dam and the cost of
irrigation must be considered (see breakdowns page 93).
(iii) Temperatures and altitude
Regardless of whether or not other climatic factors are favourable, tea, like other
plants, does not grow when temperatures are either too low or too high. There is
evidence that air, leaf and soil temperatures all influence the rate of growth of tea.
1. Air temperature
In some of the most northerly tea areas such as Georgia, China, Japan, Turkey and
Darjeeling, snow sometimes falls during winter months and air temperatures fall
below freezing point; notwithstanding this, tea survives the winter months. However,
it is considered that temperatures below freezing are inimical to tea especially when
followed by a rapid rise in daytime temperatures (as is usual after a night frost)
leading to leaf scorch. It is also suspected that, in general, minimum air temperatures
below 13C are likely to bring damage to foliage. Research has shown that various
tea clones exhibit different responses to air temperature in what is known as base
temperature for shoot extension and development. These base temperatures can be
described as threshold temperatures below which shoot extension and development
ceases. It is also considered that mean maximum temperatures greater than 300Care
likely to be accompanied by humidities so low that cessation of active growth is
2. Leaf temperature
Research findings have shown that net photosynthesis of the tea leaf rises steadily
with increase of leaf temperature up to 35C and then declines sharply, ceasing when
the leaf temperature reaches 40C. It has also been shown that when ambient dry bulb
temperatures are 30 - 32C, that of tea leaves in full sunshine reaches 40 - 45C.
3. Soil temperature
Soil temperature is in many instances of greater significance to plant life than air
temperatures. In Kenya it has been shown that soil temperature influences the growth
rate of tea and hence yield. The optimum soil temperature within the feeder-root depth
of the soil is 20 - 25C.
Temperatures are inversely related to altitude, i.e. the higher the altitude, the lower
the temperature. It has been found in Kenya that, within certain limits, there is a
negative linear relationship between yields of tea and altitude at which it is grown.
Using long term average yields data of tea estates situated at different altitudes from
1500 m to 2250 m a.m.s.l. and equation has been calculated which suggests that the
average annual tea production falls by 200 kg made tea per hectare for every 100 m
rise in altitude. The decrease in yield can be more when considering high yielding
clones, which are sensitive to temperature changes. This fall in tea production with
rise in altitude is directly attributed to fall in air, leaf and soil temperatures.
It is therefore important to take note of this information when considering a site for
tea planting.
(iv) Soil factors
Tea may be grown in soils of diverse origin. However, in Kenya good tea soils are
those of volcanic origin of Kericho, Kisii, slopes of Mt. Kenya etc. These soils are
well-drained and are red, brownish red or dark red in colour. In the current FAO-
UNESCO soil classification system, Nitosols (Nitisols) are the predominant soil
type for tea in Kenya.
Tea is known to demand, perhaps more precisely than any other crop, soils with
special characters if economic yield is to be obtained. This means that although tea
can be grown commercially in different areas in different soil types, certain
conditions must be fulfilled in each case if tea is to succeed as a profitable crop.
The most important soil factors to be considered when selecting a site to be
planted with tea are: indicator plants and physical and chemical characteristics of
the soil.
Pteridium acquilinum (Bracken) is often regarded as a good indicator of tea land.
However, it also thrives on infertile, very acid soils and in areas which are too dry for
tea. Mention must be made of living fossil fern, Marattia flaxinifolia, the most ancient
of all ferns which is also cosmopolitan in distribution and is particularly common in
ravines in tea growing areas of Kenya. This fern has huge fronds, rather like a palm
tree, or ciycada, on the backs of which are comparatively large, pod-shaped fruits or
spores sacks.
Newtonia buchanani and Albizzia spp.
When considering small areas, the vegetation on adjacent land is important. For
instance tea must not be planted within 30 m of Eucalyptus trees, as their roots
compete with tea roots for available water. Smallholders, particularly, must bear this
in mind.
3. Accessibility
Access for bringing in material and removal of leaf can be expensive in some
conditions. Water is essential for domestic, factory and nursery use even if irrigation
of planted tea is not intended. A factory needs fuel, which means either fuel trees
must be planted or access road for fuel tankers to reach the factory must be provided
and be adequately maintained.
4. Physical characteristics.
A deep well-drained soil is essential for successful tea growing. The “available depth”
of the soil in which tea roots can grow freely is very important for a successful tea
area. It is considered that, for tea, 2 m (6 ft) “available depth” should be taken as
minimum. It is necessary, if tea soil selection is to be done with any confidence, that
a soil profile pit be dug in representative sites to open out, at least to this depth, and
the various soil horizons examined as to their suitability for successful tea growing.
An unsuitable sub-soil for tea can be due to several factors, such as a section of
temporary or permanent high water table, i.e. water logging within shallow depth of
the soil. It is always very difficult to provide efficient drainage for these sections
particularly after tea is established. It is therefore important that the sections should
be identified and dealt with prior to planting tea. Soil profile pits dug during wet
seasons in the suspected sections would reveal the degree of the problem.
The most common and perhaps the most neglected cause of unsuitable sub-soil is
impediment caused by hard-pan of clay, murram, gravel or rocks. In new areas which
are still under natural forest vegetation, areas with unsuitable sub-soil due to these
factors are easy to identify visually because more often than not the natural forest
vegetation will not have penetrated the area. Instead, they will be covered by shallow
rooting vegetation which in most cases will be grasses. Nevertheless, if they are not
identified visually, soil profile pits dug in representative sections of the area to be
planted to tea should reveal their presence. Unless it is possible to loosen the hard-
pan, these areas should be avoided at the time of planting tea.
(b) Sampling soils
(i) Chemical characteristics
It is known that successful tea soils are acid in reaction. It is therefore very
important that the acidity of the soil be investigated and only those areas found to
have suitable pH are planted with tea without any pH correction treatment.
Samples should be taken as described below and tested for pH (see page 7).
A soil of pH between 4.0 and 6.0 is, in general, suitable for tea. The best soil for tea
(other factors not limiting) is in the range of pH 5.0 to 5.6. As soil pH decreases below
5.0 deficiency of the base nutrients (potassium, magnesium, calcium etc.) and
phosphate are likely to become troublesome. In soils of pH above 5.8, there are often
problems of establishing tea and it is recommended to treat soil pH at planting (see
page 139).
(ii) Sampling procedure
A single sample might be very unrepresentative of the field from which it is taken.
Several samples should be taken from a field. Ten small pits should be dug in a
grid pattern over each half hectare. About 50g of each of the topsoil (0 - 20 cm),
middle soil (20 - 40 cm) and bottom soil (40 - 60 cm) from each pit should be put
in three bags viz. ten sets of top soil in one bag marked “A”, ten sets of middle soil
in one bag marked “B” and ten sets of bottom soil in one bag marked “C”. Mix the
samples in each bag thoroughly.
For topsoil only it is not difficult to dig ten pits to a depth of 20 cm and take a slice
of soil about 2 cm thick from each side of the pit using a garden trowel. These slices,
put into one bag, will give about 1½ kg of soil for laboratory investigation.
For subsoil sampling, using an auger can save much time and effort. This tool
should be the ordinary carpenter’s type 3 to 5 cm in diameter. The best size is 4 cm
diameter and total length to 60 cm. The twist bit of the auger is 20 cm long and is just
the depth of a normal topsoil. A file mark should be cut at 20 cm and 40 cm above
the top of the bit.
To take a sample with an auger, first make the surface firm by trampling, then press
the top of the bit gently in and turn the handle until the whole of the bit is in the soil.
Then pull the tool out with the soil sample safely lodged in the convolutions of the
bit. Peel off the sample carefully into a polythene bag which contains a piece of thick
paper on which is written the site number and depth letter. The “A” sample can very
easily be taken with one auger dip, and is uncontaminated provided the tool is clean.
The “B” sample is obtained by inserting the auger tool in the same hole, turning the
handle until the 40 cm file mark is reached, and then pulling up and removing the
sample in the convolutions of the twist bit as above. When pulling up the “B” sample
it is almost impossible not to have some topsoil dropping into the hole. In order to
remove this, the auger is inserted and drilled about 5 cm, pulled up and the soil
discarded. The “C” sample can be taken quite cleanly. Contamination of the “B” and
“C” samples with topsoil can be reduced to a minimum if the outer part of the soil in
the twist bit is scrapped lightly with a knife.
The soil sampler then goes to the next hole site with the same three bags and drills
for samples and puts in the three bags. The procedure is repeated for the ten holes
marked previously in a grid over each half hectare. Bags should be securely closed
with a strong string.
Systematic sampling of a field or estate by the above procedure is well worth while
because the laboratory results can be plotted on a plan to serve as a guide for planting
and fertilizer programming.
Hutsites should be sampled in the same way with proportionately fewer holes for
the smaller ones but not less than three holes per hutsite.
(iii) Deeper samples
It is often desirable to obtain samples from depths lower than 60 cm. This can
easily be done with longer augers. By cutting off the 4 or 5 cm bit 15 cm above the
top of the twist and welding this to 120 cm of 12 mm diameter steam or water pipe,
augers of any length up to 6m can be made by connecting with ordinary threaded
rings; the handle is fitted into a standard threaded T-joint with a cross member of
4 cm diameter. Handles should always be of smooth hardwood and should project
not more than 25 cm from either side of the auger. Tapering towards the tips gives
an easier grip and additional strength.
Screw augers work extremely well in red clays derived from volcanic rocks in East
Africa. Gritty soils derived from quartz schist may give trouble by holding back the
auger, but if this is pulled up every two centimetres then a reasonable sample can
usually be obtained.
(iv) Bags
Cloth bags are unsuitable because if the soil is wet the dressing in the bag
contaminates the soil; if the soil is dry then dust passes through the cloth and
contaminates the samples touching it. Bags made of polythene tubular film of 250
or 300 gauge and 30 x 23 cm lay-flat diameter, heat sealed at the bottom, are ideal.
Samples should not be air-dried before sending to the Tea Research Foundation,
they should be sent as soon as collected and not left around in an office or store to be
further contaminated by alkaline cement and wall dust. Supplies of suitable bags can
be obtained from TRFK for a fee. These bags are used once only, and if necessary
can be used in the final storage of the sample for reference purposes.
(v) Labels
Details should be written on labels in indelible ink or pencil, and the labels tied or
stapled on the outside. The same details should also be written on a slip of paper
inside the bag.
(vi) Surveys
Take your sample on a grid with ten auger holes per half hectare. Large estates
could reduce the work by taking sample areas out of each field and then going back
to do problem fields in detail. In uniform soils, if the results from, say, five sample
areas show that the “C” and “B” samples do not vary significantly from the “A”
sample, then only the “A” sample need be taken, but a composite sample from ten
sites is essential in the first sampling.
(vii) Results
The TRFK will determine pH values on soil samples (see page 162).
(i) Clearing
After the site has been chosen, the area for planting should be marked out. Sites
will vary from district to district and in each case the amount of clearing will
depend on whether the vegetation is heavy to medium forest or simply grassland.
Gradients of 20 per cent or more should be avoided where possible and gradual
slopes should be preferred in order to keep erosion to a minimum. In planting flat
areas careful checking is necessary to confirm that the land can be adequately drained,
or problems of water-logging may arise later.
Most of the smallholding tea growers in Kenya are currently confined to grasslands;
such areas are abundantly available and more economical to prepare than forest land.
Clearing long grass, such as Napier grass, can sometimes be done mechanically by a
gyramor flail attached to a suitable tractor or by hand, with gangs of labour using
pangas (machetes) and jembes (hoes). Short grasses can be effectively dealt with by
ploughing and harrowing. When clearing mechanically, the necessity for burning off
the vegetation does not arise. Napier grass stems should be pulverised with the flail
so that they do not tangle the plough and harrow at later stages of the clearing
When a light vegetation covers the land, the modern type rotovator mounted on a
suitable tractor can be put to work without any prior clearing of vegetation. Three
rounds of rotovating are adequate and land is generally ready for lining out. Clearing
by this method has been found to be effective against couch grass. The rotovator
blades tend to throw the roots to this surface where they can be left to dry out or be
removed by hand. The maximum depth to which these machines can cultivate is
about 25 cm.
Trees on forest land clearings should be first ring-barked or frilled in order to kill
the trees before clearing (see page 14). The trees should be felled after they die and
the roots removed as completely as possible. The fallen timber is removed. If a
bulldozer does this, it will even out most of the holes from which the roots have been
removed, but it may be necessary to fill in some of the deeper holes to allow free
passage of the ripping equipment.
It is a very bad practice to bulldoze or dump timber and trash from a clearing on to
land that will be needed for planting with tea in future. This will raise the pH of the
soil of the land on which the trash is dumped, there will be heavy weed growth and
probably a high casualty rate in the newly planted tea. Burning timber and plant debris
can also produce large patches of spoiled land on which the tea will not establish.
Dumping and burned trash must be confined to areas unsuitable for tea planting.
Between each stage of these operations, it is advisable to clear away from the site
all pieces of “couch” grass and free roots which become exposed. The ripping
operation which follows should be done at least twice, the second ripping being across
the first. After each operation, hand forking should be done, to reduce the risk of
losses from Armillaria disease in the tea in future years.
The main danger from Armillaria is generally from stumps and roots left by the
ripper below forking depth. Thus it may pay to dig these out by hand when they are
seen in a hole from which a tree has been uprooted. This latter operation must precede
bulldozing as these holes tend to become covered while bulldozing. During
bulldozing care should be taken to ensure minimum disturbance and removal of
fertile topsoil.
The final ripping before planting must always be across the gradient, never up and
down the slope.
After clearing, the land should be ploughed and harrowed a number of times to
break down the clods of soil from around the grass roots. The grass roots are then left
on the surface to dry out. This operation can be done by gangs of labour with jembes,
especially in cases where there are heavy layers of Napier grass roots. In forest land,
ripping and subsoiling is normally required to prepare the land for lining out while in
grassland and wattle trees, land ploughing and harrowing, or hoeing for small
growers, is normally required to prepare the land before lining out.
(ii) Sub-soiling
Subsoiling, when necessary, is the next operation, and should normally precede
lining out, or, if contour planting is envisaged, both can be combined (see page
By placing the subsoiling tines at the required spacing, staking can be done by
following behind the tractor and placing marking stakes at the required planting
distances. In some instances the marking of the line spacing has been eliminated and
the planter merely plants along the sub-soiled line at the require spacing.
If subsoiling is not considered necessary or possible, lining is carried out as a
separate operation. Two 30-metre chains and an adequate number of marking stakes
are all that are required for this operation.
Formation of terraces on sloping land
Table I:1. Distances between terraces relative to slope
Vertical interval (cm)
1. % slope = 100 tan = ----------------------------
Horizontal distance (m)
e) Killing trees
The aboricide 2,4,5-T has been effective in killing trees but has been withdrawn from
the market in Kenya. The TRFK has not yet tested another chemical for killing trees.
An alternative is “frilling” (ring-barking), that is, the bark is cut with a panga all round
the trunk and pulled away without removing or cutting the pulled bark to remove it
from the tree (see Figure I:5). The TRFK cannot, from experience, quote the time any
particular species will take to die. The majority of species may take two to three years
to die. This slow dying reduces the food reserves of the roots and this will reduce the
risk of Armillaria infection following removal of tree (see page 170).
“Point rows” meet
in every second bund.
The other bunds are
taken as master lines.
Fig I:3
Lining for planting: First method
Fig I : 4
Lining for planting: Second method
Fig. I : 5
Frilling tree trunks
Removing dead shade trees
When shade trees in mature stand of tea have been killed by ring-barking, their
removal presents special problems. The normal procedure is to fell the trees by
sawing or chopping through the trunk as close to the ground level as possible, sawing
off the branches before felling so as to reduce the damage to the tea bushes to a
minimum. The branches and trunk are cut into sections and hauled out through the
There is no need to remove the complete root system of the trees if they have been
successfully and completely killed.
After cutting, the exposed surface of the trunk which remains in the ground should
be covered with soil to a depth of 10 cm. This will hasten the decay of the wood by
cellulose-destroying fungi and bacteria from the soil. The species of termites which
live on dead stumps and roots are harmless to growing tea.
It should be realised, however, that even this method is seldom completely effective
against Armillaria. It is normal to find a few bushes dying from Armillaria in the
years following the removal of shade trees, particularly in the fields where the trees
had grown very large before being killed.On no account should attempts be made to
remove living shade trees by this method. If this is done, the roots left in the ground
become permeated by Armillaria. So if shade trees are felled before they die, and
living roots are left in the ground, a high incidence of Armillaria deaths in the
surrounding tea bushes will inevitably follow during the next two years.
See also the chapter on diseases control on page 170.
f) Land management after clearing
(i) Preparing land for planting
Persistent herbicides should not be applied to cleared land prior to planting unless
the land is not to be planted with tea for at least three months. Doses of up to 7 kg
active ingredient of each chemical per hectare can be used (Karmex - 8.75 kg).
Couch and other grasses can be removed by Round-up (Glyphosate) at 6
litres per hectare. Tea can be planted six weeks after such treatment, not earlier.
All vegetation should be burnt off by applications of paraquat (Gramoxone).
Repeated applications will discourage deep-rooted plants; Kikuyu grass can be
killed by repeated applications of Gramoxone. Doses up to 1.4 litres, with 280
ml of Teepol, per hectare can be used. Cover crops such as Oats and
Guatemala grass are recommended.
Land treated with persistent herbicides cannot therefore be planted with a cover
crop before tea is planted.
(ii) Tea following wattle
After felling, wattle stumps become infested by parasitic fungi especially of the
general Fomes and Ustulina which are the causal agents of brown root rot and
charcoal stump rot diseases of tea. By the end of the third year after felling the wattle
roots and the fungi themselves will have been attacked and destroyed by harmless
fungi and other bacteria from the soil micro flora.
If tea is to be planted on land which has previously carried wattle trees and
wattle stumps are to be left in the ground, then a minimum period of three years
must elapse between felling the wattle and planting tea, if very heavy losses
from root diseases are to be avoided. This time interval can be reduced if the
wattle trees are frilled before felling but it is understood that this practice
destroys wattle bark.
There is strong evidence that wattle trees greatly improve land intended for tea,
when the recommended three-year interval is followed. In smallholding areas
it is suggested that farmers plant row crops such as beans and potatoes during
the three-year period.
g) Road making
Roads on tea estates are a major and expensive item. Lime can be used to produce a
road-bed which is much more durable than good murram. Some of the trunk roads
reconstructed in Kenya have been made by this method, with a thin layer of tarmac
to provide a better wearing surface.
All types of soil can be stabilised provided sufficient lime is used. The method is
to mix lime evenly with the surface layer of the road while it is fairly dry and then
grade the surface. Wet the surface until it is fairly tacky but not saturated and then
roll it.
The surface so formed will remain solid in most weather conditions. The major
form of loss will be as dust blown off in dry weather. If the surface does get pitted
it can be re-graded, wetted and rolled. This can be repeated indefinitely so long as
lime is present.
The important parts of the operations are:
1. Thorough mixing of the lime with the soil.
2. Adequate but not excessive wetting; it does not need to be so wet that
it sticks to the roller
3. Very thorough rolling.
The amount of lime required will vary with the soil. On big road contracts, the
soil type is tested to avoid wasting lime (see below). Table I:2 gives the quantities
of lime required for estate roads.
The lime to be used is slaked or hydrated lime; the lowest grade available being
i) Mulch
Effects of mulching tea
A surface organic mulch has two types of effects on the soil: a characteristic effect
from being on the surface of the soil, and a general effect it would have if it were
ploughed into the soil, due to the plant nutrients set free as it decomposes.
j) Cover crops
Land which has been cleared and terraced should be covered by an easily removed
crop as soon as possible. These crops include oats and Crotalaria sp. There are two
main advantages for this:-
1. The cover crop will reduce soil erosion to a minimum at a time when, without the
cover crop, the recently disturbed bare soil is most liable to erosion by heavy rain.
2. It will reduce the loss of organic matter from the soil. Without some form of
cover, the organic matter in the upper layers of the soil is rapidly destroyed by the
action of heat and ultraviolet rays from the sun.
The method used to establish the cover crop will depend upon the time which
will elapse between clearing the land and planting tea.
It sometimes happens that after land has been cleared and prepared for planting,
planting has to be delayed. When this happens, the normal practice is to allow
weeds and grass to regenerate over the area. If planting is unduly delayed, woody
shrubs and trees soon become re-established on neglected soil and re-clearing
becomes necessary.
These practices are no longer recommended. When a delay between clearing and
planting is inevitable, the land should normally be planted to oats (Avena sativa)
or Guatemala grass (Tripsacum laxum). Should it be desired to grow a food crop,
either beans or Irish potatoes are suitable. Maize, sunflower or sweet potatoes
should not be grown on land intended for the cultivation of tea because these are
heavy feeders and thus would remove a lot of nutrients from the soil.
If the period before planting tea will be a few months, then the land must be
planted with a cover crop as soon as possible.
If tea planting will follow immediately after the land has been cleared and
terraced, then oats should be sown between the lines of tea as soon as possible after
the tea as been planted.
In most areas the best cover is oats. This crop is simple and cheap to establish,
remains in the field for up to one year, and its stubble remains for up to two years
as a guard against soil erosion.
Several perennial leguminous plants can be used. Examples include Crotalaria
anagyroides and some varieties of Lupin.
Weeds which become established among oats can be killed by spraying with
herbicides which contain 2,4-D, which does not affect oats. There is no effective
method of controlling weed growth in the other suggested species.
(i) Oats
The recommended oats variety is Suregrain. The seeds can be sown at the rate of
about 170 kg per hectare; at the same time, single superphosphate should be mixed
with the top 5 cm of soil at the rate of about 56 kg per hectare.
When the oats are to be broadcast, the seeds and superphosphate should be
dispersed evenly over the whole area and then mixed into the top 5 cm of soil. This
can be done by hand, using garden rakes, or by tractor using harrow.
If the oats are to be established after the tea has been planted, the oats and
superphosphate should be spread in a shallow scrape, 30 cm wide, made with a
jembe between the lines of tea. The seeds should then be covered by the soil
scraped from the sides by the cheel hoe (jembe) and firmed down by foot. These
broad bands of oats are sufficient in contour-planted tea, but in regularly spaced
tea care should be taken to ensure that the bands of oats are, as far as possible,
parallel to the contours.
In the bands, the requirement is 1.5 kg oats and 3 kg single superphosphate per 100
m of band. It will always be simpler to broadcast the oats before the tea is planted.
The oats should be cut back to a height of 8 cm whenever the first signs of
flowering are seen. This encourages tillering. The stubble should be allowed to
remain to reduce soil erosion and the roots, as they decay, will add organic matter
to the soil and will improve the aeration of the soil.
k) Windbreaks
Dry air takes up water from any soil and vegetation over which it passes and the
stronger the wind, the faster will the water be removed from the soil by evaporation
and from the vegetation by transpiration. In dry weather, this process can cause a
reduction in tea yields.
In severe cases, not only may the soil dry out to such an extent that the plants suffer
from drought, but even when a plentiful supply of water remains in the soil, the
transpiration rate may be so high that the roots cannot supply water to the leaves
fast enough. Eventually the leaves wilt and may suffer permanent damage.
The object of a windbreak is to reduce the speed of damaging winds over the tea
plants. The best kind of windbreak is formed by a belt of growing trees which are
taller than the tea.
The beneficial effect of a windbreak decreases as the distance from that windbreak
increases, so it is necessary to have a series of windbreaks across the direction of
the prevailing and most damaging wind. It has been found that on level ground, the
distance between adjacent belts should be ten times the effective height of the trees
in the belts. The effective height is defined as the height of the tree above the tea.
The effective height of trees which are 10m tall which will protect tea plants about
1.5 m tall at most, is therefore 8.5 m so the belts of trees should be 85 m apart.
On sloping ground, the distance between adjacent belts should be less than this,
but if the belts become too close the yields will be reduced by shading and by
competition with the shelter trees.
(i) Siting
Turbulence is greatest over and around hills, up valleys and beside any obstacle in
the path of the wind such as buildings, woods etc. The windbreaks should be sited so
that they interrupt the wind across exposed hills and across narrowing valleys.
It is essential, therefore that the direction of the wind should be determined as
accurately as possible, bearing in mind that the direction alters over small distances
as a result of topographical features. It is helpful to prepare a plan of the area to be
protected, showing hills and valleys and their relationships to the wind direction.
The windbreaks should then be sited at right angles to the wind, especially on
windward slopes, over the top of the hills and across the valleys. Because of local
changes in wind direction, these belts will not form straight lines except on flat or
uniformly sloping ground. Changes in direction of the belts of trees should be
gradual, so that no re-entrants are formed which can funnel he wind. Similarly
there should be no gaps in the belts through which the wind can accelerate causing
even more damage to the tea.
Because wind goes round the edges of windbreaks, the belts of trees should extend
at least 20 m beyond the limits of the area which is to be protected.
Clarification of nomenclature
Originally, Linnaeus classified tea as Thea sinensis (1752). Later, two varieties were
identified and classified by Masters (1844) as Thea sinensis (China type) and Thea
assamica (Assam type). Thea and Camellia were thought to be separate genera.
However, Thea is actually classified as a section within the genus Camellia, and C.
sinensis is classified under this section. The genus resembles and interbreeds freely
with tea. However, hybrids with tea do not produce suitable tea beverages. C.sasanqua
Thumb is a wild non-tea species found in Japan. Some of the wild species are resistant
to environmental stress (e.g. drought, cold temperatures, pests and diseases) and,
therefore, can be used as a source of resistance genes in tea breeding.
Breeding objectives
The primary aim of the tea improvement programme is to provide growers with suitable
clones with combined optimum potential in yield and quality, ideally and adequately
buffered naturally against biotic (pests and diseases) and abiotic (environmental stresses
e.g. drought and high soil pH), with good adaptation and stability to prevailing
environmental conditions within the different tea growing zones in Kenya. The objectives
of the tea improvement programme include: -
.Breeding for combined optimum yield and quality.
.Breeding for environmental stress, i.e. drought resistance, high soil pH tolerance, cold
tolerance and adaptation to replanting in old tea soils.
.Breeding for pest and disease resistance.
Previous breeding schemes in East Africa and Kenya in particular, have mostly been based
on mass selection in seedling tea populations and uncontrolled open cross-pollination.
Mass selection is largely subjective and relatively inefficient, while the seedling teas
represent heterogeneous open-pollinated genotype, which were derived from parent
sources of unproven genetic potential, in which occurrence of superior genotypes is
extremely low. The disadvantage of uncontrolled open-pollination (half-sib mating) is that
the genetic potential of only the female parent is known, in contrast to controlled cross-
pollination (full-sib mating), either by means of hand-pollination or isolated biclonal
breeding populations in which both the male and female parents are known. Clearly, the
best breeding option must involve controlled cross-pollination of the selected parents.
Controlled-pollination can be mediated artificially by hand or under natural conditions in
isolated seed baries. In tea, artificial seed production is usually low compared to natural
seed production. High seed set enhances the chances of producing elite genotypes.
Therefore, natural pollination is preferable, though it may allow low levels of
contamination from extraneous pollen.
However, contamination can be minimised using adequate isolation distances between
biclonal seed baries, with 2-3 rows of closely spaced buffers consisting of alternating
guard rows of both parents.
It is suggested that each barie should contain 16 plants, eight of each clone, and these
should be surrounded by a guard row of the same two clones planted close together. Seed
should be collected only from the central 16 trees.
(iii) Selection criteria
Tea is a perennial, highly self-incompatible crop, with a long breeding cycle. Therefore, tea
breeding is long term and, hence, requires precise selection. Phenotypic selection (mass
selection) based on morphological characteristics was used widely in past field selection
programmes in East Africa, but phenotypic traits are influenced by environmental factors
and the technique is subjective.
Selection criteria are usually related to the commercial product, i.e. harvestable yield and
quality, consisting of the terminal tender shoots only. Therefore, leaf characteristics
constitute the principal selection criteria in tea and, therefore, it is logical and essential that
selection for high yield and quality is done concurrently, as well as for any other important
agronomic characteristics, e.g. drought resistance.
Tea genetics
Improvements in plant breeding, termed genetic gain, genetic advance or simply genetic
progress, also depend on knowledge of the genetic control of pertinent agronomic traits.
Yield and quality are controlled by many genes and, therefore, have complex modes of
inheritance which are difficult to study and to manipulate in plant breeding. In tea, there is
dire paucity of information on basic prerequisites for efficient breeding and selection
strategies. These include information on the genetic control, heritability (extent to which
parents pass characteristics to progeny), mode of gene action (e.g. additive, non-additive,
dominance, epistasis), and combining abilities (genetic ability to recombine and express
genes for specific traits, between potential parents when hybridised).
Mass selection
Pioneer commercial cultivation of tea in Kenya was based on tea seeds obtained from
northern India during the first quarter of the 20th Century. These seeds originated from
random open-pollinated (half-sib) natural hybrids between the Assam and China varieties
from the Assam region. The seed collections were obtained as polyclonal mixtures. Several
jat stocks from the original Assam hybrid seed provenances that proved adapted to East
Africa, e.g. Betjan, and formed the basis of local selections of improved assamica type
clones from seedling tea, through phenotypic or mass selection.
In seedling tea populations, outstanding genotypes may occur in extremely low
frequencies (0.0025%) because the original provenances were not specifically selected and
bred for high yield and high quality. Therefore, one seedling in 200-300 may be high
yielding, or has good quality, and one seedling in 40,000-100,000 may combine
outstanding yield and quality.
Selection procedure
1 A plan of the field should be drawn showing how the rows of bushes in each row are
numbered. A bush might then be numbered as 132/96, showing that it is plant No.96
in row as No.132. The plan should show the position of neighbouring fields, roads,
paths, leaf-sheds and any other useful features. It is difficult to give numbers to bushes
in contour planted fields, but the effort may be worthwhile.
2. Stake all bushes which, one or two days before being plucked, have a high density of
pluckable big shoots.
3. Prune these bushes.
4. Inspect these bushes about four months after being pruned. Retain only those bushes
which have made most regrowth and on which the new shoots are fairly even in length
and evenly distributed.
5. Test fermentation by the chloroform test (see page 38).
6. Prune the bushes which pass the chloroform test, about six months after the previous
pruning, and establish a 1st Rooting Trial (see page 40) with cuttings prepared from
these prunings.
7. Proceed with selection in the 1st Rooting Trial and successively clonal establish the 1st
Field Trial (see page 40), the 2nd Rooting Trial (see page 41) and the 2nd Clonal Field
Trial (see page 41). At each stage of selection, reject those clones which are worse
than the control clone in any character.
Selection procedure
1. Stake or label all bushes which have grown better than their immediate neighbours in
terms of height or spread.
2. Prune these bushes. This should be the second formative prune, or should be carried out
after pegging.
3. Check the regrowth from this prune and thereafter continue as in mature tea.
Selection procedure
1. Shortly before the seedlings are to be transplanted, place the markers at intervals along
each nursery bed. The length of bed between successive markers should contain 200-
250 seedlings.
2. Tie a label to the top of the two tallest seedlings in each marked length of bed. Ignore the
seedlings growing at the very edge of it.
3. Inspect these pairs of seedlings and retain only the one which is thicker round the stem at
ground level. Alternatively, if the seedlings are pulled before this inspection has been
made, retain the one with larger root. Reject the seedlings with few but very large
leaves or the ones with many, but very small shoots such as those of the China species.
4. Plant these selected seedlings in a holding plot at normal spacing.
5. Select within this holding plot in the manner described for selecting in fields of young tea
(see page 37). Because this plot contains only the best seedlings a larger proportion of
them will be selected than in normal fields of young seedlings.
NB. To enhance selection, six months before the normal time of propagation, cut across all the
seedlings which have been selected, at a height of 90cm. The regrowth is made into cuttings
for the 1st Rooting Trial. Towards the end of the 1st Rooting Trial, parent seedlings may be
uprooted if their clones become rejected whilst the stumps of the parents of selected clones
are transplanted into a holding plot.
3. Repeat this test three times on each bush or clone. Throw out all the selections with
gradings only of “B” or “C”, retaining those which at worst are one “A” and two “B”
gradings. On these, repeat a further three times, retaining only those which after the six
tests, are no worse off than four “A” and two “B” gradings. This should effect a (50-
4. In later schemes use a known good fermenter as a control and grade the clones as soon
as this clone reaches its optimum colour. Select only those bushes or clones which are
as good as or better than the control.
5. During these tests, the tubes should be kept away from the sun but in good light. Do not
test too many at once otherwise the time lag between the first and the last may become
excessive; it is preferable to test material in small batches.
In field trials, there should be n control plots in each repeat where “n” is the number of clones
being tested. At the TRFK, the number of plots is taken to be the whole number below the perfect
square root of “n”. Thus, with 160 clones, the nearest square roots are 13 (square root of 169) and
12 (square root of 144); 12 would be chosen. In very large trials the number of control plots should
be increased so that no clonal plot is farther than 10 plots away from a plot of the control clone.
However, due to general non-uniformity of fields where trials are conducted, trials are usually not
too large.
The control plots should be spaced regularly throughout the trial to facilitate comparisons between
the clones under test and the control clone.
In rooting trials a number of clones will be rejected. Therefore, proportionately fewer plots of the
control clone are needed. In general the number of control plots in each replicate should be 2/3
n, where “n” is the number of clones being tested in the rooting trial.
Sufficient plants of each clone should be raised in this trial to permit the establishment of the 1st
Clonal Field Trial.
1. Have three randomised replications, each with one single-line plot per clone in each repeat.
A single line of 14 sleeved plants per plot is used at TRFK. This ensures that with a clone
of average rooting potential, eight plants from each replication are raised for the 1st Clonal
Field Trial.
2. When the plants are nearly ready for transplanting, count the survivors in each plot.
3. On the basis of total number of deaths, reject the worst one-third of the clones. Among the
remainder, reject all clones which have made less growth than the control clones. The
remaining clones, which will be about half the number included in the trial, will be
transferred to the 1st Clonal Field Trial along with plants of the control clones.
1. Have three randomised replications each containing plots of a single line of at least eight
plants, spaced 1m square or normal estate spacing. As far as possible, plants for the first
replication should be taken from the first repeat in the rooting trial, and so on. Vacancies
need not be infilled in this trial immediately unless the vacancies have been caused by
accidental damage.
2. The plants should be pruned at 20 cm and 40 cm (as described on page 71) or pruned at 20
cm and pegged thereafter (as described on page 80). About four months after the 40 cm
prune, or soon after tipping-in in the case of pegged plants, the clones should be graded on
the basis of survival and of field vigour in comparison with the control clone. Only those
clones which are at least as good as or better than the control clones should be retained in
the selection scheme.
3. Apply fertilizer at a rate of 50 per cent greater than that applied to seedling tea of the same
4. These trials can be uprooted after the growth assessment following the 28 cm prune.
However, in many estates where the land is available uprooting is not done because this
would mean a loss of revenue from the plants which are about to be plucked for the first
time. Instead, new land is opened for new field trials.
(x) 2nd Rooting Trials
Sufficient plants of each clone should be raised in this trial to permit the establishment of
the 2nd Clonal Field Trial. Usually, this stage is reached after the plants have been fully brought
into bearing and are plucked for some time. However, to save time, the cuttings should be planted
at about the same time as the plants in the 1st Clonal Field Trial are pruned at 28 cm. The 2nd
Rooting Trial will therefore include clones which will later be rejected in the 1st Clonal Field Trial,
and will be rejected in the nursery as soon as they are rejected in the field.
If possible, this trial should be replicated three times, with plots of 60 or more cuttings per clone
in each replication. The number of cuttings will depend on the size of plots in the 2nd Clonal Field
Trial and the success of rooting of cuttings in the nursery. Use the same procedure as in the 1st
Rooting Trial.
Selection procedure
1. Similar procedure as in the 1st Clonal Field Trial is followed with a minimum of four lines,
each with eight plants, for a clonal plot.
2. Infill all vacancies as and when they occur. If a clone is rejected, vacancies which occur in
its plots should be infilled with plants of any vigorous clone (at TRFK plots of rejected
clones are infilled with plants of the same clones to keep plots pure for research purposes).
3. Keep accurate records of yields of each plot until at least one year after the prune
which follows the completion of the first three- or four-year cycle (preferably up to the
end of the second pruning cycle). Tasting of the high potential clones should be carried
out periodically throughout the whole of this period; if the liquoring properties fluctuate
markedly from season to season or deteriorate as the pruning cycle progresses, the clone
should be rejected. Usually more than one tester is used to taste the same samples.
4. Ideally, each clone should be plucked when it is ready; plucking rounds will then be found
to vary from clone to clone. If this is not practicable, then all the clones should be plucked
together on a short round. If this round is too short for a particular clone, no great harm is
done and in any case only ready shoots are plucked, but if the round is too long for a clone,
then the leaf will be left on the bushes of that clone or thrown away when breaking back
and the records will show it is having a yield lower than its true potential.
(xiv) Records
Records should be kept to a minimum, yet at the same time it should always be possible for a new-
comer to take over the schemes at short notice. Hence the records
should be well kept. The following records are the most essential:-
1. Field plan. This should show how the bushes are numbered.
2. Chloroform test records. One line will be required for each seedling which has been
selected in the field following the assessment for recovery from pruning. The following
form below can be used.
Results of chloroform test Total grades
Clone 1 2 3 4 5 6 A B C Result
1/12 C - - - - - - - 1 R
1/26 B A A B A A 4 2 - S
1/42 B B B - - - - 3 - R
Of the three examples shown, clone 1/12 is rejected immediately after its first test. No
“C” grades are allowed. Clone 1/42 is rejected after three tests as no more than two “B”
grades are allowed. Clone 1/26 has the minimum requirement for selection. The letters
“R” and “S” in the last column indicate whether the clone is rejected or selected for the
next stage.
3. Rooting trial records. There should be a plan of the trial so that the position of each
clone can easily be found. Next, there should be record sheets for recording results
of the trial. The data to be recorded include the number of survivors (or the number
of deaths) and an assessment of growth with “A” for better growth than the control
clone, “B” for growth similar to the control clone and “C” for growth worse than the
control clone. The following form can be used:-
4. 1st Field Clonal Trial records. There should be a plan of the trial. Records to be kept are the
same as in the rooting trials and the same form can be used.
5. 2 Field Clonal Trial Records. There should be a plan of the trial. There should be a list of
all clones in the trial; on this can be noted the reason for rejecting a clone. Yield records
should be kept as in the following form:-
6. Master record. This sheet is useful in allowing the progress of the scheme to be assessed
quickly. The list should include all clones which pass the chloroform test and there should
be columns for each stage of selection. In these columns, the letter “R” can be entered if the
clone is rejected at that stage.
Clone 1st RT 1st CFT 2nd RT 2nd CFT
Growth Yield Manufacture
Progeny Tests
The tea plant is highly outcrossing, strongly self-incompatible and, therefore, highly
heterozygous. Consequently, progenies of a cross segregate into variable fixed genotypes in
the F1 generation. This means that each progeny represents a unique genotype, and the
diverse array of the F1 population offers the first opportunity for clonal selection. This initial
selection phase can be conducted mainly within the period of bringing the young plants into
bearing and up to one year after first maintenance pruning cycle to assess recovery from
Selection procedures
1. Raise the progeny in the nursery from viable seeds selected according to the floatation
test, as sleeved plants.
2. Decenter at 15 cm (6”) when plants attain a height of at least 30 cm (12”).
3. Conduct chloroform fermentation tests in the young nursery plants.
4. Select the best fermenters; transplant to the field at the age of two years and plant in
progeny rows at normal spacing.
5. Include parent clones, control clones for high yield, high quality, and any clones
known to have resistance to biotic (pests and diseases) and abiotic (e.g. drought and
high soil pH) factors.
6. Bring the plants into bearing through tipping to form a plucking table at 50 cm (20”).
This should take a period of 3 years, then pluck until the first maintenance prune at 50
cm i.e. for 3 years.
7. Make early assessments of high yield potential based on general plant vigour and leaf
phenotypic traits associated with high harvest index, e.g. the total number of shoots
per year, shoot density and dry weight, the number of shoot replacement cycles per
year, the rate of shoot regeneration and extension, leaf area index and leaf pose angle.
Record also the annual yield per bush for the 3 years leading to the first maintenance
prune, as a guide to the yield potential of the progeny.
8. Make early assessments of high quality based on predictions from the fermentation
test and green leaf flavanols known to be associated with black tea quality. In
particular, the total green leaf polyphenol content is known to be positively correlated
with thearubigin content, brightness, total colour and sensory evaluation; (-)
epigallocatechin gallate is highly correlated with theaflavin levels, (-) epigallocatechin
gallate and caffeine are strongly correlated with sensory evaluation.
It is also known that green leaf pigmentation, especially -carotene and chlorophyll a
and b are associated with black tea quality. Therefore, light leaf colour can be used to
predict high quality potential. This can be determined using a chlorophyll measuring
apparatus or judged visually.
9. Consolidate information on the assessments of yield and quality potential and select
only those progenies whose performance is better than that of the control clones and
the best parent. A selection pressure of the top 2-5% performers should be applied
depending on the size of the progeny array and the type of trait under selection.
10. Propagate sufficient plants vegetatively for the establishment of full-scale replicated
clonal field trials.
Selection procedures
The selection procedures are similar to that of the 2nd CFT approach described previously.
In Kenya, the environment influences tea yield and quality. Therefore, potential clones
should be tested for adaptability at representative sites. This can be done in sub-stations at
representative tea zones, and also through collaborative on-farm trials with growers.
Tea plants can be raised from seed, cuttings and tissue culture (micropropagation).
Propagation from seed is less common nowadays following the development of
operationally easy, rapid and cheap techniques of vegetative propagation (VP), which
facilitate easy production of clones. However, if required, open pollinated seed can be
supplied from tea breeding seed baries. Tissue culture is rapid and economical on space.
However, it is costly for use in micropropagation and is appropriate mainly for breeding.
(i) Site
Preference should be given to sites which are sheltered from the prevailing wind and which
are in a sunny aspect. The soil should be fertile and 2m deep or more and have a pH of no
more than 6.0 (see page 141 for the treatment of soils with high pH). The area should be
cleared of all weeds, especially rhizomous perennial grasses, e.g. couch (Digitaria
scalarum) and Kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum) grass, common in East Africa (see pages
9 & 18) before the seed bearers are planted. A field of mature tea can be converted to a
clonal barie by grafting clonal scions onto the mature tea plants. When this is done, the
grafted seed bearers grow faster and flower earlier than seed bearers raised from young
sleeved clonal plants.
Areas liable to damage by hail should be avoided, or protective measures using high
polythene nets with appropriate mesh are used for important breeding stocks during periods
when hail may be prevalent. The Assam (Camellia sinensis var. assamica) type of tea takes
4-5 years to flower at high altitudes and about three years at low altitudes, but as a long term
investment, the differences on the initial time to flowering should not be regarded as a major
constraint. If small amounts of seed are required urgently at high altitudes, clonal seed
bearers can be grown in 20-litre metal containers which has been found to reduce the time
from planting to flowering. In areas prone to drought there should be provision for irrigation.
(ii) Shade
Tea seed bearers should not be shaded.
(iii) Spacing
The foliage of neighbouring trees should just touch at maturity. Generally, in Kenya and
East Africa this means adoption of a spacing of about 6 metres triangular. Since seeds are
borne mostly on the surface of the trees, close spacing reduces the total surface area and,
hence, reduces the seed yield.
(iv) Planting
Holes one metre in diameter and one metre deep should be dug, and the excavated soil then
replaced in the holes. Standard planting holes (see page 66) should be dug in this loosened
soil. Single, double or triple superphosphate fertilizer should be mixed with this soil before
it is replaced round the tea plant (see page 124).
(v) Grafting
Grafting involves the joining of the scion (young clonal plants in conventional nursery
sleeves) of the desired seed bearer onto a rootstock of a mature plant. Four conditions are
necessary for successful grafting, namely, botanical compatibility of the rootstock and scion;
proper alignment of the cambiums (thin layer of tissue between the wood and the rind of a
shoot from which new growth develops) of the scion and the rootstock; inducement of rapid
callus growth at the graft area; and protection of this area from desiccation. Prior tests can
indicate rootstocks less likely to cause rejection.
Approach grafting or chip budding may be used for mature plants and unrooted tea
cuttings, respectively.
Make a cut 1 cm above the bud, then downward behind the bud and connecting with the
lower cut.
(vi) Pruning
Dead branches should be removed from the seed producing trees. The lowermost branches
can be trimmed as needed to facilitate collection of seed from the ground. However, the seed
bearers should not be pruned.
(vii) Weeding
Keep the barie clear of weeds. In young baries bare ground should be planted with a shallow-
rooting cover crop such as oats (Avena sativa). Alternatively, lines of non-spreading grasses
such as Setaria, Rhodes grass or Love grass (Eragrostis curvula) may be planted.
Gramoxone (Paraquat) can be used to control weeds (even during seed collection as it does
not affect seeds), at the standard rates, i.e. 1 part of Gramoxone in 400 parts of water plus a
wetting agent. Roundup (Glyphosate) at the rate of 1 part in 1000 parts of water, may also
be used, except during seed collection, as its effect on seed is as yet unknown.
(viii) Fertilizers
Fertilizers are applied to seed bearers as shown on page 136.
(xi) Sorting
After collection, the seeds should be floated for 24 hours in water. As they sink, they should
be removed and graded. The seeds must either be kept stirred or should form only a single
layer on the surface of the water, otherwise some of the seeds might remain dry and later be
rejected as floaters. Removal of the sinkers is facilitated if the floatation tank has a sloping
base up which the sunken seeds can be raked.Seeds which still float after 24 hours in water
should be discarded. The sinkers should be run over a 12.5mm (half-inch) mesh,
discarding seeds which pass through. The large seeds should then be picked up by hand
and all bad seeds discarded, e.g. the black, very pale, rotten or empty seeds. Cracked seeds
should be planted immediately. Small seeds are likely to be genetically inferior and should
be discarded.
(xiii) Storage
If seeds are to be stored for any reason, they can be kept mixed in moist charcoal and in
layers to prevent the mass of seeds fermenting (as when packed for despatch), in a cool dry
place, or in slightly moist deep-dug sterile sub-soil. Seeds to be stored should be soaked in
a fungicide solution (e.g. Dithane M45 at 30g/5 litres of water), or dusted with Fernasan D
while the seeds are damp, making sure that the seed coats are completely covered by the
seed dressing. Seeds can be stored for about four weeks (perhaps six weeks in cold, cloudy
weather or two to three weeks in hot weather). Before being packed for despatch, these seeds
should again be tested by floating in water for 24 hours. Any cracked or germinating seeds,
as stated above, should not be packed for despatch but may be immediate planted.
(xiv) Forking
A hard surface may form on the bare soil under the seed bearers. This should be broken up
annually at the start of seed collection by forking to a depth of no more than 5 cm to soften
the soil surface, but need not be repeated during the seed collection season.
Tea seed nurseries
(a) Seed preparation
1 Storage
Tea seed should be used as soon as it is received. If it has to be stored, keep in a cool, well
ventilated room and allow free movement of air all round each of the containers of seed.
2 Floatation
Soak the seeds in water, ensuring that they do not from a thick mass of seeds floating on the
surface; stir the seeds occasionally. Those which sink within 24 hours can go to the routine
germinating area; those which still float after 24 hours should be given a further 48 hours to
sink and should be kept separate at every stage from earlier sinkers. Those which still float
after a total of 72 hours should be discarded.
3 Bad seeds
At all stages between collection and despatch, discard any seeds which appear black and
sticky or which have a fungus growth on them.
4 Cracking
Place the sinkers in full sunshine, making sure that they do not dry out; sprinkle with water
when necessary. They will crack rapidly. As soon as they crack plant them in the nursery. It
is required that the hard seed coat is cracked slightly to allow free entry of moisture from
the soil in the nursery.
In cloudy weather, the seeds can be placed on beds raised 15 cm above the
surrounding soil and which have a 5 cm top layer of coarse river sand. Place the seeds on
the beds in a single layer, cover with a single thickness of hessian and keep the hessian
damp by watering lightly, but if necessary, frequently. Seeds may also be covered with
some dry grass and must be kept damp by light watering as in the case of the hessian. Pick
over the seeds daily, removing all cracked seeds to the nursery. In every case it is suggested
that when 90 per cent of the seeds have cracked the remainder should be discarded. For
small amounts of seeds the suggestion of retaining only the 90 per cent of the cracked
seeds should not apply.
2 Weed control
If plants are grown in sleeves, weeds are not usually problematic. Where seed is planted for
raising stumps, weed may be troublesome in the early stages. Simazine has been applied to
nursery beds in some places immediately after planting the seed. This should be tried first
on a small scale to check that there is no adverse effect on young tea seedlings. Otherwise
the weeding should be manual.
2. Sleeved plants
The seeds should be planted one per sleeve, covered with 2.5cm of soil and with the “eyes”
horizontal. Sleeves of 250 gauge polythene, of not less than 10cm circular diameter and not
less than 30cm in length are suitable. The soil should be as described in “site and soil” (page
53). Transplanting of sleeved seedlings is described on page 65.
3 Seed at stake
With this method, the seeds are planted directly into the field (at the stake marking the plant
site). With ideal climatic conditions or with overhead irrigation, the method can be
successful, but without irrigation the system becomes a gamble with the weather.
The system is horticulturally unsound as the seeds germinate and start growing over
many hectares of field instead of in a compact nursery, so that expense involved in
weeding, watering, fertilising or protection from pests and diseases is vastly increased.
There can, moreover, be no selection of the best plants except by planting two or more
seeds at each site or by halving the planting distance. Any of these methods, which must
be followed by rouging of the weakest plants, involves an inordinate wastage of potential
planting material.
Vegetative propagation
(i) Nursery site
The site should be similar to that of seedling stumps (see page 53). However, suitable soil
to be used in sleeves can be transported to the nursery, hence the nursery site should be as
near as possible to sources of suitable soil.
2 Filling sleeves
The sleeves should be filled to a height of 17.5-18.0 cm topsoil or topsoil/subsoil mixture
mixed with fertilizer and the top 7.0-7.5 cm filled with subsoil only. The soil filling the
sleeves should be packed fairly firm; it should not be loose nor should it be packed hard and
should be damp at all times. If the soil is dry before filling the sleeves, it will run out of
sleeves as fast as it is put in (where the sleeves are spot-sealed at the bottom edge). On the
other hand if the soil in the sleeves is allowed to dry up, it becomes extremely difficult to
wet it later. All roots and hard soil lumps or stones should be removed from the soil used to
fill sleeves.
3 Nursery construction
The size of the nursery depends on the number of plants required by the grower and can
range from a small unit of about 1000 plants to a large nursery with thousands of plants.
There are two types of nurseries, low shade and high shade. The choice of the type of
nursery to construct will depend upon the availability of the construction material or upon
personal preference. In both cases, nursery beds are marked out after the site has been dug
over to a depth of 30 cm and levelled out.
Triangular stacking
Fig. II:2. Low shade nursery bed constructed with bamboo laths
Hoops to support the polythene sheeting should then be placed every 1 m or less along the
bed. These should be slightly curved or slope towards one side of the bed so that rain water
will easily run off the surface of the polythene. The hoops should not be less than 20 cm
above the top of the sleeves.
After planting and thoroughly watering the cuttings the clear polythene sheeting (250 or
500 gauge) should be stretched taut over the hoops and sealed into the space between the
sleeves and the walls. To effect this sealing, soil from the space between the beds should
be lowered. The difference in level between this pathway and the top of the sleeves should
be at least 15 cm.
Until young plants have about 7.5 cm long roots, they should be kept shaded under a
uniform overhead shade which allows only a little dappled light to pass through. The shade
can be provided by bamboo lath frames, hessian sacks, coffee drying cloth, backen woven
into chicken wire frames or frames made from papyrus, maize and napier or elephant grass
stems. This shade should be about 5 cm above the topmost part of the hoops in cooler
areas, but in warm areas the shade should be about 30 cm above the hoops to increase the
air space below the shade and, thus, reduce the temperature (smaller air spaces in cooler
areas take shorter time to heat up and, hence, increase the temperature in the bed). If
cuttings are grown in temperature which is too high they become extremely susceptible to
fungi. cuttings are best grown in temperature of about 27oC. They are also highly
susceptible to fungicides unless these are applied at very much lower concentration than
that which is normally recommended. If fungal disease occur, the polythene should be
opened up immediately to reduce humidity of the air.
The polythene cover serves the following functions:
1. It prevents loss of soil moisture.
2. It preserves a high atmospheric humidity.
3. It increases the air temperature and keeps the temperature range inside the polythene cover
It therefore keeps the cuttings in ideal conditions for growth and dispenses with the need
for expensive frequent hand-watering. However, it is not essential in humid weather in
low and warmer parts. If no polythene sheeting is used, the shade should lie no more than
20 cm above the cuttings. Under these conditions, high shade allows drops to fall on the
beds so heavily that the cuttings can be damaged or even washed out of the soil.
If the nursery becomes too cold or the growth of cuttings is slow due to heavy shading,
the shade should be thinned slightly. In the cooler areas the shade should cut out about
half the daylight, but in hotter areas a more dense shade may be necessary. During dry
weather the soil around the polythene should be kept damp. Mist units have been used in
VP nurseries successfully but they are expensive and there is a possibility of losing many
cuttings if there is a power failure. Occasionally there are pests and diseases in the nursery.
For control and prevention, see page 170.
(ix) Hardening-off
When plants grow under polythene sheeting and shade, they are soft and will scorch and
many of them will die if the polythene sheeting is removed too quickly without a hardening-
off period. Generally, there are two main methods of hardening-off plants, though there
could be variations on the methods.
(a) Field planting
Planting should be avoided in excessively wet weather to prevent soil from puddling
around new plants. The ideal planting time is when the soil is damp, rather than wet, and
the weather is cloudy. Once the rains have started, planting should normally commence as
soon as the soil is found to be damp to a depth of at least one metre.
Planting holes should be dug beside the lining stakes. The holes should all have the same
diameter so that the centres of the holes, where the tea plants will be, are at an even
spacing. The excavated soil should form a single heap beside the hole.
In some estates, a subsoiler tine or tines are used to make a channel in which tea is
subsequently planted and this can, in certain conditions, cause problems. On soils of clay
type which have not been ripped both ways, when an abnormally wet year is experienced,
water logging in channels may occur with disastrous results to newly planted tea. Run-off
from terraces is far greater in immature tea areas than in mature tea areas, particularly at
planting time when the land is normally clear of weeds and inter-row crops are not yet
established. Such run-off may uproot plants in the channels.
In areas where the rains follow a hot dry season, the period between holing and planting
should be as short as possible to avoid filling in of the holes which inevitably leads to bad
planting. In practice, lining and staking should be carried out prior to the rains and holing
should be left until immediately before planting i.e. after the first rain has fallen. This has
the advantage that in the event of a hot dry spell occurring a few weeks after the onset of
heavy rains, the plants are less likely to dry out.
Ideally, where there is enough labour, the planting gang should follow immediately
behind the holing gang. Leaving holes open for several days should be avoided, as either
the soil dries out in dry weather or puddles in wet weather. In very heavy clay soils, this
exposure can however be an advantage, causing the smoothed sides of the holes to crumble
enabling the plant roots to easily penetrate.
Figure III:1
Cross-section of planting hole for selected rooted Cuttings or seedlings
d= diameter of the sleeve
2. Holing
The holes should be 15 cm to 20 cm deeper than the length of the sleeves and double their
diameter (see Figure III: 1), though the minimum should be 25 cm. For standard 25 cm
long x 6.25 cm diameter sleeves the holes will be 40 cm x 25 cm. To reduce damage of
young plants by chafer grubs, holes may be sprayed with Dursnnnnnnnban (Gladiator)
(see page 179).
3. Planting
The soil in each standard hole should be mixed with 30g of single superphosphate (see
Fig. V:1 on page 127). In larger holes, apply single superphosphate in proportion to the
volume of the hole (see page 124). Place 20 cm depth of soil/fertilizer mixture in the hole
and slice the polythene tube with a sharp knife at the side and at the bottom, taking care
not to cut any roots but retaining the sleeve around the cylinder of soil. Place the plant in
the hole and add more soil round it. Gradually remove the polythene and complete filling
of the hole. Firm down the soil with hands, and then feet, until the top of the plant’s
cylinder of soil is covered by 1-2 cm of field soil, making the site flush with the rest of the
field. Failure to give this covering may result in an exposed soil cylinder drying out rapidly
in dry or sunny weather. Exposed roots at the top of soil cylinders also reflect poor planting
a few weeks or months after planting. Such roots should be covered immediately with soil
surrounding the plant and firmed down.
4. Shading
No shading is needed if the plants have been adequately hardened off in the nursery. In all
circumstances, if plants are not well hardened off at transplanting, the plants in the field
should be given the same density of shade as they had in the nursery at the time of removal,
but in the field this shade should be of a kind which will soon break down, such as bracken
fronds stuck into the soil.
1. Selection
In a seedling nursery, the more strictly the plants can be selected, the better will be the
resultant stand of tea. From any one bed, approximately 25 per cent of the plants are
rejected on the basis of poor stem girth, poor root size or poor height. The rejected plants
will be genetically weak and should not be retained for a further period to increase is size.
Weak patches of seedlings due to poor soil can be left for a further year if necessary, and
the best of these plants should be selected as above.
All seedlings should have their roots cut to a length of 45 cm and any thin laterals
removed. Some nurseries produce only wide-spreading root systems, often because of
shallow digging during nursery preparation or because of inadequate watering during dry
weather. The roots of such seedlings should not be cut back drastically, otherwise much
of the root food reserves will be removed.
If necessary, the prepared stumps can be stored in a cool building after being washed
free of soil and wrapped in polythene in bundles of 20. Storage in mud baths should be
avoided except for periods of a few hours (up to a day). In wet cool weather, stumps can
also be covered with prunings and stored in nursery beds for a day or two.
At no stage should the stumps be exposed to strong sunshine or be allowed to dry out.
Planting holes should be 15 cm deeper than the depth of the roots (see Figure III:3).
Figure III:3
Cross-section of planting holes: stump planting.
At the Foundation, where seedling stumps with 45 cm of roots are used, the holes are
dug to a depth of 60 cm and a width of 20 to 30 cm; the first 20 cm of the holes are
excavated by a jembe (hoe) or fork jembe and the rest by another gang or the same gang
using pangas or coffee diggers.
Do not use steel spikes (Alavangas) except in newly loosened deep soils, as they tend to
form smooth-sided holes which restrict root growth and may enclose pockets of air or
water. In clayey soils, the sides of the holes should be roughened with a fork or allowed
to crumble by action of the weather. Mix 60g of single superphosphate (or 30g of double
or triple superphosphate) with the excavated soil.
The stumps should be kept shaded or wrapped in sacking in bundles of 50 until they are
actually placed in planting holes (see Figure III:4).
The stumps should be kept damp. For this purpose, watering cans can be used. The stump
should be held in the centre so that the top pruning cut is 7 cm above the field level and
the excavated soil the replaced firmly, though not rammed, around the stump in the hole.
The soil around the stump should be slightly higher than the field soil to allow for settling,
otherwise a depression may form which could lead to waterlogging in wet weather. Never
plant a stump at the side of the hole as this restricts root development.
Figure III:4
Seedling stumps being shaded before planting.
After planting, the marking stake should be placed at an angle over the plant. This
guards against the plant being trampled on or damaged during weeding, and act as a
check that the planting has been carried out correctly.
3. Shading
In the nursery, the foliage of the seedlings heavily shades the basal 10 cm of stem. After
transplanting in hot sunny weather, this stem is liable to be severely scorched so some
shading should be provided. The best shade is obtained from three or four bracken fronds
stuck in the soil and bent over about 10 cm above the top of the stump. This gives a light,
dappled shade which gradually breaks down, thus providing a gradual hardening off of the
stem of the tea stump. Leafy branches of any tree, including prunings of the seedlings at
the time they are made into stumps, or woody weeds may be similarly used. Each stump
should be shaded immediately after it has been planted. During wet, cloudy weather,
shading is unnecessary. Bud-break from the stumps may be delayed if the shading is too
(i) Pruning
Whenever a shoot on a tea plant is removed, axillary buds are stimulated to develop for a
distance of about 10 or 12 cm below the cut. This stimulus occurs if soft apical shoots are
removed, as at tipping-in to form a table, during regular plucking, or if thick stems are cut,
as during hard pruning and during preparation of stumps from the nursery. Any axillary
shoot which develops outwards contributes to the spread of the bush.
All forms of pruning remove photosynthetic tissues, such as leaves and green stems,
from the plant. The manufacture of carbohydrates and assimilation of nutrients from the
soil and air is consequently reduced by an amount dependent upon the severity of the
prune. New shoots which grow after this stimulus can develop only at the expense of the
reserves which already exist in the plant, and particularly in the roots, at the time of
While these reserves are being used up, root growth stops. The rootlets only start
growing again when the food reserves have been replenished and this cannot start until the
new shoots become efficient. The plant is therefore short of reserves and its root
development restricted for many months after a hard prune. It is essential that the bushes
are given time to replace these reserves and to extend their root systems before any further
pruning or even plucking takes place.
If the interval between successive prunes, or between pruning and plucking, is too short,
then recovery from prune will be delayed, the root systems will be restricted and in
extreme cases, branch dieback or even death of the plant can occur.
The timing of successive formative prunes is dependent upon the growth rate of the
plants, which will vary from plant to plant and from district to district, and upon seasonal
variations in weather conditions. It appears that a branch is at a suitable stage for pruning
when red striated wood has been formed and the stems, at pruning height, are about 1 cm
thick. The one exception to this rule is when sleeved plants are given their first prune, i.e.
pruning or decentering them at 15 cm when they are 30 cm tall.
Experiments have shown that stumps, whether clonal or seedling, should be given no
more than two formative prunes in the field unless only one or two stems develop from
the original stump. Sleeved plants should be given no more than three prunes, the first of
which is very light.
It must be noted that tipping-in and plucking have effects similar to, though less severe
than, those produced by pruning. The growth stimulus is constantly being diverted to new
buds on or just below the plucking table so that the bush spreads rapidly at this level. If
the tipping-in level is high, then a relatively narrow lower frame which is left when the
bush is next pruned will support a wide plucking table.
(ii) Pegging
In this system, the shoots which develop from a stump or after the first light prune of a
sleeved plant are bent downwards and pegged so that they radiate outwards and upwards
from the main stem. These pegged branches form the basis of the permanent frame which
is added to the vertical shoots that develop from axillary buds along the branches. The
development of these axillary buds is encouraged by pegging the branches so that they
slope uniformly and slightly upwards; it is retarded or even prevented if the branches are
pegged so as to be horizontal or to slope downwards. If the branches are pegged so that
they curve upwards at first and then downwards towards their tips, the axillary buds will
generally develop only along the upward-sloping portion near the main stem.
Further encouragement to development of the axillary buds is given if two terminal
leaves and a bud are removed from the pegged branches at the time of pegging. The
removal of two leaves and a bud is based on the premise that there are growth hormones
in young tissues at the tips of shoots which encourage terminal growth and inhibit lateral
or axillary bud growth. This phenomenon is known as apical dominance. The removing of
two leaves and a bud at the time of pegging branches removes the axillary buds’ inhibitors
and thus encourages their growth. Tipping-in to form a table of young tea or tea recovering
from pruning is based on the same principle.
It has been found that the best time to peg is when the branches are about 60 cm tall and
have just started to develop reddish bark where they join the main stem. At this stage the
majority of the stems are not brittle if plants have been growing vigorously and therefore
will not break or split when pegged.
Tipping-in the vertical shoots should be carried out at a low level so that axillary shoots
which consequently develop can contribute still further to frame formation. Some large-
leaf Assam-type plants produce very vertical shoots; such plants may benefit from a light
prune at about 35 cm before being tipped-in.
Pegging does not involve the removal of leaves and green stems, so that the root reserves
do not become depleted and there is no check on root growth. Plants brought into bearing
by this method have a larger frame and better developed root systems than those brought
into bearing by pruning. Because of this, pegged plants can be tipped-in and plucked
sooner than the pruned plants and, because of the extra spread resulting from the pegging,
they produce much higher yields for at least the first pruning cycles. The cost of pegging
is greater than that of most pruning systems but this is likely to be out-weighed by the
value of the higher yields and by lower weeding costs which result from the more rapid
attainment of a complete canopy cover of tea.
The ground should be cleared of weeds just before pegging starts so that no further
weeding will be needed for the next three months. After this, the pegged branches will
remain in position even if the pegs are removed. In fact pegs, especially metal ones, should
be removed at about this time to avoid girdling of the branches by the pegs.
Pegging has been found to be very successful, if done correctly and at the right time, in
areas with high rainfall which is well distributed. However, in marginal areas with less
rainfall and also in areas which are prone to long droughts of more than three months,
pegging is not recommended. Since pegging does not involve the removal of leaves and
green stems, during the long dry periods, the pegged plants lose a lot of water from the
soil through transpiration. When the moisture is exhausted around the roots, plants suffer
from drought and may become weak, die or be attacked by diseases associated with plants
suffering from drought stress such as Phomopsis theae. On the other hand, pruning in such
areas removes or reduce transpiring surfaces, i.e. leaves and green stems, and this
conserves moisture. Hence in marginal and drought prone areas, plants should be brought
into bearing by pruning. However in such areas, leaving plants to grow freely during rains
also helps in developing a better rooting system since plant roots grow in proportion to the
(iii) Tipping
This system entails tipping shoots (three leaves and a bud) of tea plants at gradually
increased heights. There is great danger that root growth will be reduced in marginal
areas or in areas prone to long droughts so that ultimately the root system is too small for
the large branch system; plants like these may be highly susceptible to droughts.
(iv) Bringing stump-plants into bearing by pruning (see figures III:5,6 and III:7)
The first prune of the stump-plants is done when plants are removed from the nursery
and are pruned at 10 cm from the ground level or collar (see fig. III:2).
1. Prune all the shoots at a height of 20 cm from ground level when most of these shoots
are 1 cm thick at that height (see fig. III:5).
2 Prune all the shoots at a height of 40 cm when most of these shoots are 1 cm thick at
that height (see fig. III:6). With the spreading type of plants this prune may not be
necessary and if it is not done, the bringing into bearing of the plants is hastened.
3 Tip-in for three rounds at a height of 50 cm (previously tipping-in was done at 60 cm)
by removing shoots as soon as they have developed three leaves and a bud above that
4 The prunes at 20 cm and 40 cm are known as formative prunes. Do not tip or pluck the
bushes between the formative prunes as this will slow the bringing to bearing stump-
N.B. Each prune should be a straight cut across the whole frame of the bush (see fig.
III:7). The cut on each stem should slope slightly to prevent rain water from remaining
on the cut surface and possibly causing die-back. Cleaning-out should be restricted to
removing crossing-over branches, the weaker of the two branches lying on the ground.
Always use a sharp knife for pruning to avoid breaking or splitting pruned branches.
5 When most of the bushes are being pruned at 20 cm, those with only one or two shoots
should be cut-across at a height of 15 cm when these shoots are at least 1 cm thick at
this height. They should later be pruned at 28 cm and again at 40 cm when most of the
shoots are 1 cm thick at these heights. Tip-in at 50 cm.
Figure III : 5
Pruning a seedling stump at 20 cm
Figure III:6
Pruning at 40cm
Figure III:7
Bringing into bearing by the standard TRF pruning method.
Diagrams of bushes immediately after pruning at 20 cm and 40 cm and after tipping at 60 cm.
(v) Bringing stump-plants into bearing (see Figure III:8).
1 Clear all weeds from the ground before pegging starts.
2 Prepare wooden pegs 40-50 cm long from suitable material. Wire pegs can be used
3 Peg the shoots when they reach a height of not less than 45 cm and not more than
60 cm, and when the bark near the base of each shoot has turned reddish-brown.
4 Shoots which are too short for pegging on this first round can be pegged later when
they have reached a height of 60 cm together with other shorter shoots. It should
not normally be necessary to carry out more than two rounds of pegging.
5 Use one peg per shoot and arrange the shoots so that they are evenly spaced round
the stump. It is not necessary to peg more than five branches per plant; there should
not be fewer than three. Where planting is rectangular, shoots should not be pegged
between plants within a row but should be pegged into space between rows (see
Figure III:9).
6 The peg should be closer to the centre of the plant than the branch tip and the pegged
branch should slope upwards along its whole length. Remove two terminal leaves
and bud from each pegged shoot.
7 Tip-in to form a table at 45 cm for at least five rounds by removing shoots as soon
as they have developed three leaves and a bud above that height.
NB. Some clones and some seedlings produce few shoots which often have long
internodes. Such plants should be pruned, after pegging, at a height of 35 cm and
tipped in at 45 cm as above.
8 When most of the bushes are being pegged, those with one or two shoots should be
pruned at a height of 15 cm when these shoots are at least 1 cm thick at this height.
The new shoots which develop after this prune should be pegged as above when
they reach a height of 50 cm to 65 cm. Tip-in at a height of 50cm. An alternative is
to peg the one or two shoots when ready for pegging. New shoots arising near the
bases of these shoots should then be pegged when 60 cm to 65 cm long.
9 At the end of the first pruning cycle, three or four years after tipping-in, these
pegged bushes should be pruned at a height of 40 cm, i.e. 5 cm below original
tipping level.
Figure III:8
The pegging system of bringing into bearing
(A) Newly pegged bush (B) The same bush after tipping (C) Two types of peg
Figure III: 9 Arrangement of pegged branches
(vi) Bringing sleeved clonal plants into bearing by pruning.
Young sleeved plants do not normally possess sufficient root reserves to support the
development of new leaves and shoots, so these plants should be pruned only if they
possess some leaves below the pruning level.
Most clonal plants tend to develop a strong main stem. This central growth should be
checked at an early stage so that strong lateral branches can be encouraged to develop.
The earlier this operation is carried out, the lesser will be the check to plant growth and
the sooner will the lateral branches develop strongly. In some districts or in some clones,
it has been found that a “thumb-nail” prune, which removes the apical bud and its first
leaf, is sufficient to stop central growth and divert the plant’s nutrients to axillary shoots,
but in most areas, this operation is ineffective and the axillary bud immediately below
this pruning level takes over as a single main central shoot, i.e. assumes apical dominance.
The most successful method is to prune the central stem or stems, but not lateral
shoots, at a height of 15 cm when the plant is 30 cm tall. The plant can subsequently be
given a cut-across prune at higher levels if need be. The system described below is that
which is used at the TRFK and has been found to be successful in most tea districts.
1. Decenter at 15 cm when the plants are 30 cm tall, but only if there are at least three
leaves on the plant below 15 cm; if there are fewer than three leaves below 15 cm,
the pruning level must be raised until at least three leaves are left on the plant.
2. Prune all the shoots at a height of 28 cm when most of these shots are 1 cm thick at
that height
3. Prune all the shoots at a height of 40 cm when most of these shoots are 1 cm thick at
that height.
4. Tip-in for three rounds at a height of 50 cm by removing shoots as soon as they have
developed three leaves and a bud above that height.
N.B. The best system will vary from clone to clone and some vigorous clones may be
brought into bearing successfully with fewer prunes than in the system.
(vii) Bringing sleeved clonal plants into bearing by pegging
A vigorous tea stump normally produces three to five shoots which are ideally suited to
pegging. A sleeved clonal plant normally produces a very vigorous main central shoot
with comparatively weak laterals. Such plants are not suitable for pegging at this stage.
The strong laterals which develop after the first decentering at 15 cm can, however be
pegged successfully.
1. Decenter at 15 cm when the plants are 30 cm tall, but only if there are at least three
leaves on the plant below 15 cm; if there are fewer than three leaves below 15 cm,
the pruning level must be raised.
2. Peg the shoots when they reach a height of not less than 50 cm and not less than 50
cm and not more than 65 cm, and when the bark near the base of each shoot has turned
reddish brown.
3. Shoots which are too short for pegging on this first round can be pegged later, when
they have reached a height of 65 cm, together with other shorter shoots.
4. Pegging, shoot-tipping and subsequent tipping-in should be as described for pegged
tea stumps (see page 79). Tip-in at a height of 50 cm.
N.B. Plants which have insufficient lower-foliage to be decentred and plants which
respond to decentering by producing one (single stemmers) or two lateral shoots,
should be pegged when they become 45 cm tall. New shoots will normally then
develop from the base of the pegged branch, and these can in turn be pegged later
in other directions. If the pegged main shoot or shoots snap, do not cut off the
broken part; if it is not completely broken it will supply assimilates to the other parts
of the plant.
(viii) Bringing sleeved seedlings into bearing.
Methods of bringing sleeved seedlings into bearing have not been studied at TRFK
because raising seedlings in sleeves is discouraged, but practical experience on many
estates show that good frame formation can be initiated by removing the top few leaves
and apical bud from these plants when they are 25 cm tall. Lateral branches which may
have developed should not be pruned at this stage.
Subsequent to this early light prune, the seedlings can be brought into bearing by
pruning or pegging in the same way as sleeved clonal plants.
(ix) Bringing tea plants into bearing by continuous tipping.
This system entails tipping the shoots at gradually increased heights. There is a great
danger that root growth will be reduced so that ultimately the root system is too weak to
support the large branch system; plants like these may be highly susceptible to drought
in marginal areas.
1. For both stump-plants and decentred clonal plants, tip at a height of 20 cm, and again
at 30 cm and 40 cm, for two rounds by removing shoots as soon as they have
developed three leaves and a bud above those heights.
2. Tip-in at a height of 50 cm for at least five rounds by removing shoots as soon as
they have developed three leaves and a bud above that height. Regular plucking
follows this.
NB The tipped shoots may be processed into made tea if the third leaves and their stems
are broken off and discarded. If there is a delay in tipping plants at 20 cm or if only
a few shoots have developed, the shoots should be snapped at that height but not cut
off. These will supply assimilates to the other parts of the plant and help in the growth
of new axillary shoots.
Anything which affects the spread of plants also affects bringing into bearing. One of
these is potassium deficiency, which is described on page 145.
(c) Replanting
Uprooting old tea bushes and replanting with improved clonal or seedling plants
becomes imperative where tea yields are very low despite the application of optimal
cultural practices. Replanting procedure involves uprooting and removal of the
moribund tea stumps. This is followed by construction of terraces, cut-off drains and
waterways as soil conservation measures, then cover cropping with oats and soil
conditioning crops such as Guatemala grass for up to two years in order to rehabilitate
the soil. Finally, the field is replanted with suitable high yielding, good quality clonal
Research is still continuing in trying to understand the problem of moribund/old tea
soils and as soon as information is available, growers will be informed accordingly.
Replanting is a major capital development which is very expensive and should be
considered only when the tea become completely uneconomic to maintain.
(iii) Plucking
The object of plucking is to provide the factory with leaf that is suitable for processing.
The factory management is accordingly responsible for deciding on the type of leaf
suitable for manufacture. On the other hand, it is the responsibility of the field
organisation to provide regularly the type of leaf required by the factory in order to
achieve and maintain a good standard of tea making. Therefore the whole of the
plucking operation should be centred on the absolute necessity of maintaining a regular
flow of standard leaf to the factory.
Two groups of terms are used in describing plucking standards. The first pair of terms
relates to the type of shoot that is sent to the factory: -
'Fine' plucking is the removal of one or two leaves and the bud. 'Coarse' plucking is
the removal of three or more leaves and the bud.
The second pair of terms relates to the amount of new foliage left on the plucked
shoot above the plucking table: -
'Light' plucking leaves some new foliage above the previous plucking level.
'Hard' plucking means that the shoots are plucked right down to the previous
plucking level so that new maintenance foliage can hardly develop.
It is possible to combine the pairs of terms to obtain four basic types of plucking:
Fine and light, fine and hard, coarse and light, coarse and hard. In general the finer the
plucking the better the overall quality of the made tea.
Light plucking ensures that the adequate depth of maintenance foliage is present on
the bush, but if the plucking is too light then the plucking table rises rapidly and the
potential crop is thus wasted by leaving pluckable leaf on the bush. On the other hand,
hard plucking cannot be continued indefinitely as at some stage new maintenance foliage
must be permitted to develop on the surface of the bushes.
The leaf standard set by the factory must not be too rigid, but should indicate the
maximum permissible proportion of over-standard and damaged shoots that can be
accepted. No plucking can be entirely "two leaves and a bud". There will be always be
a number of 3+ bud shoots, banjhi shoots, broken shoots and detached leaves.
During plucking, soft banjhi shoots must be plucked as soon as they rise above the
plucking table; if left they might become too hard at the next plucking round. Thus hard
banjhi shoots should not normally be found above the plucking table, but if they do occur
they must be plucked and discarded (breaking-back) unless the banjhi state is caused by
drought. Banjhi shoots below the plucking table should not be plucked. They are part of
maintenance foliage and are useful as their leaves are efficient at manufacturing the
sugar, which is utilised by the rest of the bush.
It has been observed in the Kenya highlands that a normal leaf on a pluckable shoot
takes 8 to 9 days to expand fully from the growing bud. Therefore a young growing
shoot with only one normal leaf and a bud takes the same period to reach a pluckable
stage of two leaves and a bud. Since most shoots to be plucked in the subsequent round
would have emerged from below the plucking surface, the duration of 8 to 9 days, or
multiples of these, may be used as guides for fixing the plucking round lengths.
The length of the plucking round should be adjusted according to the rate of growth
of bushes. Once pluckers have been trained as to what kinds of shoots to leave on the
bush then the management must check samples of plucked leaf every plucking round. If
it is found that too large a proportion of immature shoots have been plucked then the
plucking round should be lengthened, and if there is too large a proportion of over-
mature shoots then the round should be shortened.
To assist the pluckers maintain a flat plucking table on the bushes, they should be
provided with long straight sticks or "wands", which can be placed across several
bushes and pushed down gently so that they are just at the plucking level. On sloping
fields the wands must be placed parallel to the slope and not the contour. Failure to
do this leads to "step-plucking" when each contour row of tea has a horizontal surface
partly shaded by the row immediately above it on the slope.
Breaking-back is only necessary when the plucking round is so long that after the
standard shoots have been plucked, the stubs of these shoots bear several leaves above
what should have been the plucking table. The pluckers then have to break these stubs
off at the plucking table and throw them away. This is a waste of both leaf and
manpower and the operation should be avoided during peak periods of leaf
(v) Pruning
1. Normal pruning
Under normal plucking the table rises gradually with time at the rate of about 20 cm
annually. After 3 to 4 years from pruning the table reaches an unmanageable height
(120-150cm) and plucking is considered cumbersome, leading to reduction in plucker
productivity. At this stage it is necessary to prune the bushes down so that plucking
can be started at a lower level.
The duration of successive prunes of the pruning cycle may vary with locality
due to differences in climate, the jat of the tea or clone, the style of plucking
adopted and the nutrient status of the plants
The pruning level should be raised gradually. A rise of 5 cm each time has been
found satisfactory. Pruning at the same level each time leads to the formation of large
knots of callous tissue or clubs.
The pruning should be a straight cut-across parallel to the slope of the ground (see
Figure IV:1). The pruning cut on each stem should slope slightly so that rainwater
drains off the cut and does not remain to induce branch dieback.
Figure IV:1
Pruning a mature tea plant
2. Lung pruning
In this type of pruning, a number of branches are left on the bush unpruned until
the bud-break stage of re-growth when they are then removed. Research has shown
this type of pruning to aid in faster recover and contribution to the overall yield has
also been noted especially where rim-lung pruning is used. In rim-lung pruning the
branches to be left are those on the periphery of the bush, and arranged such that
adjacent rows of tea would have lungs on one side to enhance plucker productivity.
Twelve branches are recommended per bush, until tipping-in time.
3. Down or height-reduction pruning
After a number of pruning cycles, the pruning level may be so high that the plucking
table reaches an unmanageable height too soon. It is then necessary to lower the pruning
level from the maximum of 70 cm down to 45 cm and start off a new series of pruning
cycles. This low prune is often called a "height-reduction" prune or a "down" prune.
During the down pruning operation, attempts should be made to remove all diseased,
dead and knotted branches
As a guide to pruning at the correct height, a stick clearly marked or notched at the
pruning height, should be placed vertically in the centre of the bush and two or three
branches pruned at the indicated height. Due to a possible change in ground height,
either because of accumulation of organic matter or soil erosion, it is recommended
that this height be checked against the previous pruning cuts and adjustment made to
achieve the required pruning height. The rest of the branches are then pruned at the
correct height, using the already-pruned branches as a guide. The pruning stick can be
pushed into the bush at the level of the already-pruned branches, adjusted so that it is
parallel to the ground, and used as a guide for pruning the rest of the bush.
On sloping ground the prunes should use a horizontal stick with two upright sticks
fastened to it at a distance apart equal to the distance between the rows of tea and with
the height of the horizontal stick equal to the required pruning height. This frame is
then placed over the bush with one of the upright sticks higher up the slope than the
bush and the other upright on the slope below the bush. The horizontal stick will then
be parallel to the ground slope and at the correct pruning height.
When pruning is carried out during hot sunny weather the newly exposed stems may
be damaged by sun-scorch. This damage is started within minutes and can be
prevented effectively by placing some of the prunings over the pruned bush
immediately after that bush has been pruned. Covering the bushes a day after pruning
may be too late as the sun-scorch damage may have occurred. When the pruned bushes
have recovered and the new shoots are vigorously growing and touching the prunings,
the latter are removed and placed on the ground.
The prunings must never be removed from the field. They help to suppress weeds,
prevent soil erosion, improve soil structure, and on decomposition they release large
amounts of plant nutrients into the topsoil where the nutrients become available to the
pruned bushes. Whereas there is no clear experimental evidence as to the best time of
pruning in Kenya, it is considered that the most suitable time for pruning is probably
towards the end of the peak growing period. In Kenya the latter coincides with the start
of the dry season or the start of the cool season (July & August).
Pruning should be done while there is still adequate moisture in the soil. The prunings
then form a mulch that reduces the loss of water by evaporation from the soil. The lack
of foliage on the bushes means that transpiration will be minimal until there will still
be enough water in the soil to support the bushes' continued growth until the end of
the dry season.
The speed of recovery from pruning of a bush depends on the plants' starch reserves
in the roots. Since the starch reserves are withdrawn during the dry season to sustain
the rest of the tea bush, the end of the dry season is a bad time to prune.
(vi) Skiffing
This is a very light pruning operation whereby the bushes are cut across using a
pruning knife, at some level within the maintenance layer. Skiffing may be done to
level off the plucking table when the bushes have developed domed surfaces which
result generally from poor plucking on the sides of the bushes until such a time as the
outer shoots reach the same height as the central shoots.
(vii) Tipping-in
The object of tipping-in after pruning is to produce a dense and upper level surface to
the bush so that efficient plucking is possible and to leave an adequate depth of
maintenance foliage on the bush. Normal plucking should not be started until a
sufficient depth and density of maintenance foliage has formed to ensure the
replacement of all the food reserves used up in the development of new shoots after
the bushes were pruned.
After pruning, the new shoots originate at different heights on the stems and form an
uneven surface above the pruning level. Plucking on such uneven table is difficult and
inefficient. Tipping-in at a fixed height above the pruning level enables all shoots
emanating from the pruned bush to be plucked initially at a uniform height and thus
establish a smooth table.
Tipping-in should start before the shoots go banjhi at a height of about 25 cm to 30 cm
above the pruning level. In practice, it has been found that the best tipping-in height is
10 cm above the pruning level. During tipping-in, shoots that have developed three
leaves and a bud above the tipping-in level should be plucked off at the tipping-in
level. On sloping ground, the tipping-in level should be parallel to the ground since
the bushes would have been pruned parallel to the slope of the ground.
Aids to tipping-in (see Figure IV:2) are similar to those mentioned previously for
pruning. An alternative method is to use a cord stretched tight between two upright
sticks at the required tipping-in height. The sticks should be pushed firmly into the
ground to a standard depth. A strip of strong rubber fastened to the cord is useful in
maintaining tension, but no more than ten bushes at a time in a row can be dealt with
by this method.
At least three rounds of tipping-in, at the same level, should be carried out on pruned
bushes and five rounds on pegged bushes before normal plucking is introduced. During
the second and subsequent tipping-in rounds, the plucker may be aided by use of a
short stick marked or notched at the tipping-in height above the pruning level. A string
tied at the top end of the measuring stick is further tied around the left hand wrist. Any
moment the plucker is not certain of the tipping-in level of a shoot, he quickly uses the
marked stick by placing it vertically onto the nearest previous tipped-in or pruned
It is important that tipping-in is not delayed. Undue delay means that the buds just
below the tipping level will become mature and will therefore take longer to develop
into new shoots. Never tip-in with a knife.
The branches of pegged bushes slope upwards and are usually tipped-in directly,
without pruning. On such bushes, the question of tipping-in above the pruning level
does not arise. Instead, the average height of pegged branches is assumed to be 25 cm
in the case of initial single or double-stemmed plants which have been given an extra
prune at 10 cm. The average height of the branches of pegged sleeved plants is
assumed to be 30 cm so that tipping-in is carried out at a height of 50 cm.
Figure IV:2
(b) Rehabilitation of moribund tea plants
A moribund tea plantation is one whose production has stagnated or shows a decline in
spite of optimum cultural practices. It has been observed that tea stands aged over 50
years and having more than 25 per cent vacancies are usually moribund and therefore
require drastic action to bring the field back to full production.
(i) Causes of moribund state in tea
Tea yield stagnation has been shown to be due to weakened bushes and gaps resulting
from deaths of some of the bushes. The major causes of plant population decline are
pests (e.g. Mosquito bug or Helopeltis spp., Spider mites, nematodes and moles) and
diseases (e.g. Armillaria mellea, Phomopsis theae and Hypoxylon serpens). Non-
pathological causes of tea bush weakening and death include lightning, removal of
prunings, soil mineral deficiencies, drought, weed competition and inter-row cultivation
which damages feeder roots.
(ii) Rehabilitation methods
In order to establish the need for rehabilitation of moribund tea areas, it is necessary to
monitor the yield level and the percentage of gaps in individual fields. Under optimal
cultural practices, annual yield levels of less than 1000 kg made tea per hectare from tea
fields older than 50 years may be used as a guide to initiate a rehabilitation programme.
The gaps should constitute at least 25% in the field.
Two rehabilitation methods which have been applied in other tea growing
countries and are under intensive evaluation in Kenya are described below:
1. Rejuvenation pruning
This involves hard or deep cutting back of tea bushes at a height of 10-15 cm above the
ground in order to remove old, diseased, gnarled and knotted branches low down. This
enables new growth which leads to vigorous new framework of a tea bush. Interplanting
with high yielding, good quality clonal plants within the rows of the originally wide-
spaced plants and also infilling the gaps may increase the subsequent productivity of the
2. Replanting
See Page 82.
(c) Hail damaged tea
Most of the tea growing areas west of Rift Valley in Kenya experience hailstorms
which may cause some crop loss through leaf damage and subsequent skipping of
one or more plucking rounds, depending on the severity of the hail damage.
Tea plants recovering from pruning may use most, if not all, of their root
reserves in developing new foliage. A repeated loss of foliage by hail will
have at least the following effects:
1. The plant utilises root reserves in developing new shoots.
2. There is a loss of maintenance foliate.
3. A crop loss is expected as a result of torn off tender leaves and skipping
of one or more plucking rounds.
4. The broken-off leaf acts as a mulch on the soil and its decay may
temporarily cause reduction in the amount of nitrogen available to the tea
plant. In the long run, however, the minerals released from the decayed
broken-off foliage may be available to the tea plants.
5. Scars caused by hail stone injury on tender stems may develop into large
cankers on the bush frame and these may be entry points for disease
pathogens. No shoots develop from the cankerous areas of the bush.
Very severe hail damage results in the dying back of shoots and reduction in
the number of dormant buds which can develop into new shoots. In these cases
it is best to skiff the tea plants below the level of maximum damage. This skiff
might reach the severity of a light prune if the damage was very bad, or might
serve the purpose of merely levelling the table if the hail damage was light.
The action taken after hail damage must allow the redevelopment of adequate
maintenance foliage. Therefore a period of light plucking or even of complete
resting of the bushes by skipping at least one plucking round must be allowed.
(d) Infilling
In a field of tea some plants die due to various causes such as bad weather,
mechanical damage, pests and diseases. The longer the delay in replacing these
plants the more difficult it will be to raise the infills into high-yielding plants. It is
therefore important that infilling in new fields or in mature tea is completed as
quickly as possible after planting or pruning. Only the most vigorous clonal plants
should be used for infilling to enable them to compete with the surrounding bushes.
Tea plants which die as a result of attack by Armillaria should be uprooted
immediately and moved away from the field for burning. A new planting hole 1 m
in diameter and 60 cm deep should be made at the time of the dead bush's removal.
All pieces of diseased roots found during this process should be carefully removed,
while taking care not to damage the roots of adjacent bushes. Should larger pieces
of old root remaining in the ground from forest trees be exposed during the
excavation, they should carefully be removed down to a depth of 100 cm and
For replacing plants which die from causes other than Armillaria a hole double
the size of a normal planting hole, i.e. a hole 50 cm in diameter and 60 cm deep
should be prepared, removing all pieces of roots which are found. A hole larger
than normal is necessary so that roots of neighbouring older tea plants are cut
through and thus do not compete with the roots of the infill plant before it is well
(i) Raising infills in the nursery
In order to ensure that vigorous plants are available for infilling it is necessary either
to select the best plants from a standard nursery or to prepare nursery for the plants
which are to be used as infills. The best plants for use as infills should be large
sleeved-plants of a vigorous clone and which have undergone one prune in the
nursery. To keep multiplication plots only pure plants of the same clones as the
multiplication plots should be used as infills.
Cuttings of the infilling clone should be planted into large sleeves (12 cm circular
diameter, 35 cm length and 250 gauge), be in the nursery for about 18 months,
pruned in the nursery at 15 cm when they are 30 cm tall and transferred to the field
vacancies later during dull weather. This ensures that by the time transplanting is
carried out, the infills will already have developed a good branching system so that
after a further prune or pegging in the field a complete cover of tea is rapidly
If seedlings in sleeves are used the same system can be followed, except that care
must be taken to select the most vigorous seedlings. With seedling stumps, it will
be useful to have a separate seedling nursery in which the seeds are planted at a
wide spacing of 20 cm by 20 cm triangular. The seedlings are pruned in the nursery
at 10 cm height when the stem base is about 1.0 cm thick and then pruned in the
following year at 20 cm height at the time of transplanting into the field. At least
12 months must elapse between the two prunes to ensure that root reserves are fully
replaced. During this period the seedlings should be unshaded in the nursery as full
sunlight accelerates the rate at which the dormant buds on the stem start to develop
into new shoots, increases the number of such shoots and enhances the rate of
Fertilizer is applied to infills as described on page 126.
(ii) Treatment of infills after planting
For infilling within two years of field planting when the original plants are being
pegged or being brought into bearing by pruning, treat the infills in exactly the same
way as the older plants. When the original plants are being pruned, prune the infills
at 30 cm when the main stem at that height is 1.0 cm thick and tip-in with the older
plants at 50 cm.
For infilling fields which are two or more years old, cut back the sides of plants
adjacent to the vacant plant site. Prune the infill at 20 cm when 1.0 cm thick at
that height and tip-in at the existing level of the older plants.
In areas containing several adjacent vacancies, plant three infills for every two
vacancies. After planting, keep the sides of any adjacent bushes cut back. In
young fields give a 40 cm prune and tip-in at the same level as the surrounding
tea bushes. In mature tea it may help to put long stakes next to infills to prevent
the infills from being trampled by the pluckers or weeders.
(e) Rain gauges
The object of installing rain gauges is to obtain an accurate measure of the amount
of water falling on a site in the form of rain and mist. Many rain gauges on tea
estates fail to do this either because of the design of the rain gauge which is faulty
or because the site is unsuitable.
Where consideration is being given to the irrigation of tea, the amount of
water storage required and the capacity of pipes and pumps will depend upon
the rainfall in the area to be irrigated. If rainfall records are inaccurate by as
much as 25 per cent, which is not an uncommon error, the provisions made
for irrigation might be insufficient or, alternatively, might be wastefully over-
(i) Type of rain gauge
The Kenya Meteorological Department currently recommends the rain gauge
illustrated below in Figure IV:3. The funnel is of a special design, the top being an
accurately turned bevelled brass ring finished to a knife-edge precisely 12.7 cm (5
in) in diameter. To minimise out splashing, the funnel is cylindrical to a depth of at
least 10 cm (4 in).
The funnel and container have soldered seams which should be inspected
regularly for leaks. The spout of the funnel must be kept clear of debris.
(ii) Siting
The site for the rain gauge must be chosen with care as the amount of rainfall
which falls on a small site can be greatly influenced by local wind eddies caused
by buildings and trees and by features such as hills and valleys.
No obstruction should be nearer to the rain gauge than a distance equal to
twice the height of the obstruction and, in the site itself, the surface should be
level and covered with gravel or short, preferably mown grass; concrete or
bare soil should be avoided. The top rim of the rain gauges should be
maintained at 30 cm above the ground, with the base sunk into the ground.
The rain gauge should never be mounted on a pole or pillar unless the rain
gauge is sited in a field of tea, when it should be raised so that the rim is 30
cm above the plucking table.
Because rainfall can vary over quite short distances, a grower who is obtaining
rainfall data to help him plan for irrigation should have one rain gauge for every 50
ha. of tea.
iii) Recording
Rainfall should be measured at 0900 hours daily. The collected water should be poured
into a measuring cylinder which is graduated in millimetres or in tenths and hundredths
of an inch. The bottom of the measure should be tapered so that small quantities can be
measured accurately. When 0.05 mm (or 0.005") or less is measured, the rainfall should
be recorded as a trace (Figure IV:5). When taking rainfall readings, the eye level should
be at position A as shown in Figure IV:4 avoid possible parallax error. The recorded
data should be in a clear and permanent form for future reference.
Figure IV:3
Example 1
Date Reported to work Absent Sick On leave Tota
Type of (present)
3. Nick Two 36 36
1 A A 1
etc etc
Total leaf (kg) 111 40
Total Days - 2 151
No. of 2
Checked by
Example 6
Field N0. 1 3 3 Factory Field Diff. + Diff. + Made Checked
Hectares 10 12 12 weight weight or - or - tea by
Date kg kg kg kg kg kg % Kg
Total current
Made Tea
This month
kg. Per ha.
This month
(b) Fertilizers
(i) Definition
The definition of the term “fertilizer” can not be precise, but is generally applied to
a nutrient-carrying material of mineral-like appearance, as opposed to materials
which obviously appear to be plant or animal residues. A fertilizer may be a
chemical compound synthesised in a factory, or mineral mined and used either raw,
or after mechanical treatment, or an organic material which has undergone intensive
alteration during a manufacturing treatment.
Whatever the origin, the purpose of fertilizer use is to carry nutrients to a crop.
Soil amendments are materials which are used to alter the physical or chemical
properties of the soil, without necessarily containing nutrients, but they may
combine a fertilizer function (ii) c).
% of nutrient
Name and abbreviation N P205 P K20 K S Ca Mg
Sulphate of ammonia: S/A 21 24
Ammonium 26 12
Urea 46
Diammonium phosphate: 18 46 20
Single super: SSP 20 9 10-12 20
Triple super:TSP 40-46 18-20 0-2 14
Rock phosphate 25-30 11-13 20-30
Muriate of Potash 50-60 42-50
Sulphate of potash:Sul/K 48-52 40-44 15-17
om salts 13 10
Kieserite 23 17
Gypsum 19 23
Sulphur 99
Aluminium sulphate 14
NPKS 25:5:5:5 25 5 2.2 5 4.2 5
NPKS 22:6:12:5 22 6 2.6 12 10 5
NPK 20:10:10 20 10 4.3 10 8.3
N= nitrogen S= sulphur
P= phosphorus Ca= calcium
K= potassium Mg= magnesium
The phosphatic fertilizers listed (see pages 109-110) in fact contain the chemical
conditions known, correctly, as “phosphate”. This term is unfortunately applied
indiscriminately in agricultural circles wherever P or P205 should be used. The
examples set out in Section n show the need for case in using the correct term.
The phosphate compounds themselves can occur in several forms, differing
among other things in their solubility. Fertilizers in current use in tea in Kenya
contain all or almost all of their phosphorus in a water-soluble form. Single
superphosphate has a small proportion of its phosphorus in a form which is only
soluble in dilute acids: the standard laboratory analytical technique for evaluating
this fraction gives to the term citric acid-soluble. Other phosphatic fertilizers may
require stronger acids to release the phosphorus, and although they do decompose
in the soil, they may be described as containing insoluble phosphate.
Potassium is again expressed as its oxide, “K20”, or “potash”, and a change has
been advocated to the use of “K” or “potassium” in fertilizer descriptions. Two
columns are given in Table V:I to cover both descriptions.
Other fertilizer nutrients have tended to follow simpler methods of description,
but it is still necessary to take care over the evaluation of sulphur in straight
fertilizers or in mixtures. If it is present as the element, it is insoluble in water, but
if as the sulphate, it may be readily soluble in water for some fertilizers, or only
slowly soluble in others. Sulphur contents are usually expressed as “% S”, and Sub-
section (iii), B and C pages 108-111 lists the forms in various fertilizers.
(iii) Fertilizers and soil amendments which may be recommended for soil
application to tea
Modern technology has permitted fertilizers to be produced in highly purified,
concentrated forms, and to be stabilised in firm pellets or granules. It is still
possible that less pure or convenient forms may come on to the market, and the
consumer should be warned what this might imply. Distributing fertilizer evenly
in mature tea is far from easy, and the handling properties of fertilizers are
important. These aspects are discussed further in the following sub-sections.
A. Compound fertilizers
This is a group description, denoting intimate mixtures of nutrient-carrying
chemicals, manufactured in such a way that the components cannot be separated
by crude, mechanical means. They are to be sharply distinguished for this reason,
from physical mixtures (Sub-section iv page 112). In their physiological action,
there is little if any reason to suppose that they need differ from a physical mix of
the same forms of nutrients, if this is in fact to be made.
A wide range of nutrient formulae can be prepared, and compound fertilizers are
now usually manufactured in hard granules, which remain dry and separate under
good storage conditions, and permit efficient distribution.
The range of NPK formulae already familiar to the Kenyan tea industry, and of
which 25:5:5 is one, contains nitrogen in two forms, ammonium and nitrate, often
in the ratio 2:1. Phosphorus is present as water-soluble phosphate. Sulphur, if
present, is usually in the sulphate, soluble form. It is not known that the forms of
these nutrients have any influence on their value for tea. Potassium, as in all the
potassic fertilizers dealt fertilizers dealt with in this chapter, is water soluble.
Usually, calcium is present at low levels of about 2%.
Compound fertilizers which contain ammonium form of nitrogen acidify the soil.
B. Straight fertilizers
These are chemical compounds which are made and sold as individual fertilizers.
Each may contain more than one nutrient, but his does not arise because of
deliberate mixing during manufacture, and the ratio of nutrients in the purified
fertilizer is only able to vary very little, or not at all. They can be formulated as
powders, crystals, pellets or granules.
3. Urea
A compound of nitrogen, carbon and oxygen, containing 42 - 46% N. This form of
nitrogen decomposes under the action of a soil-borne bacteria, and is converted to
ammonium bicarbonate. A volatile ammonia gas can be generated from this
compound, and if it is formed while urea is still on the soil surface, there is a risk
of a serious loss of ammonia gas to the atmosphere. For this reason, the Foundation
advises care in the choice of weather conditions at the time of application.
Urea is now formulated as small, hard pellets which gradually absorb moisture
from the atmosphere. If storage conditions are damp and the sacks are damaged,
or if the urea pellets (or prills) are mixed with other fertilizers, the urea may
become very sticky indeed. If growers wish to use it, only the prilled form should
be used. Older formulations, as crystals or soft granules, absorb water very
rapidly. It acidifies the soil to a lesser degree than other ammonium fertilizers.
In the case of a grower wanting to substitute the recommended compound
fertilizers as a source of nitrogen with urea, the following conditions should be
i. Rates higher than 150 kg N/ha should not be applied.
ii. Application should be done during periods of adequate rainfall.
iii. If urea as a source of N has to be used continuously, the supplementary
P and K should also be applied so that they do not become limiting on yield. In such
a case, single superphosphate and sulphate of potash would be preferred so as to
supply sulphur. Use of both of triple superphosphate and sulphate of potash or
single superphosphate and muriate of potash would serve the same purpose.
4. Diammonium phosphate
Contains two nutrients; nitrogen at 18% nitrogen and phosphorus at 46%. All the
nitrogen is in the ammonium form and the phosphate is water soluble. This
compound dissolves readily and acidifies the soil quite strongly. It is usually
formulated as hard granules, the older crystalline form being hygroscopic and
releasing ammonia gas in the store. A useful source of nitrogen and phosphorus.
5. Single superphosphate
This is manufactured from phosphate rock and sulphuric acid, and is an intimate
mixture of calcium phosphates and calcium sulphate (gypsum). Contains three
nutrients; phosphorus at 18% P2O5, sulphur at 10% S and calcium at 20% Ca. The
composition varies according to the choice of materials and technology. A small
proportion of the phosphate is citric-soluble, the remainder being water-soluble.
The manufacturer usually states these proportions. Part of the calcium is readily
water-soluble, but part is combined with sulphate in the slowly soluble gypsum. If
single superphosphate is dissolved in water, the sediment consists almost entirely
of the gypsum component. The older, powdered, formulation was liable to cake in
the store and did not mix well with certain fertilizers. At present, a hard granular
formulation is on the market.
6. Concentrated superphosphate
This covers a group of products. variously called "double" or "triple
superphosphate". Phosphate rock is treated with phosphoric acid, to give water-
soluble products, of varying composition; phosphorus at 40 to 50% P2O5, calcium
at approximately 14% Ca, and little or no sulphur. They are formulated as hard
granules, which should be used in preference to powdered forms, and should be
bought on the basis of phosphorus content.
7. Phosphate rock
Deposits of various types of phosphatic minerals exist in East Africa, and although
they have not yet been used in the raw state in our tea, their potential use should be
mentioned. The composition varies widely, phosphorus, up to 30% P2O5 and
calcium being the two main nutrients. They are insoluble in water, but when finely
crushed, they dissolve slowly in the soil, especially where the pH is low and
temperature and rainfall are high. Conditions in our tea soils are favourable to a
reasonable rate of release of phosphate. Powdered phosphate rock does not scorch
foliage, bark, or roots if it comes into contact with them. Most of the other fertilizers
in this list do so, to a greater or lesser extent. Do not confuse with guano, of various
types, which is an animal product of very variable composition.
C. Soil amendments
1. Sulphur (More details are given in Section k page 139).
The element itself is a yellow powder, or lumps, and can be used in tea growing as
a soil amendment, to increase the acidity of too alkaline soils. Although it has an
obvious fertilizer value, other compounds are usually preferable where sulphur is
simply required as a nutrient. Elemental sulphur is decomposed in the soil by micro-
organisms, releasing sulphuric acid. This is a slow process, and roots can be
damaged if they come into contact with high concentrations of decomposing
sulphur. For other precautions which have to be taken when dealing with sulphur,
see Sub-section (iv), below.
2. Aluminium sulphate (Not to be confused with alum) (see Section k for more
This compound is primarily used for acidifying soil, and its sulphur content, 14%
S, may be incidental value as a nutrient.
The sulphur is water-soluble, and aluminium sulphate, even in high
concentration, does not damage tea roots. The usual formulation is as lumps
(described as "kibbled") which are very hard and difficult to crush. Unless they are
reduced to small crumbs, or finer, the lumps may take months to dissolve in the
D. General notes
The above list contains fertilizers and soil amendments which are already familiar
to the tea industry. New compounds and modifications of existing fertilizers are
being developed and may come on to the market from time to time. Some may
have names similar to a familiar fertilizer, but the properties may differ. This can
be a confusing field, and reference should be made to the Foundation for
One omission from the list calls for explanation. Calcium ammonium nitrate is
not recommended for use in tea. This is a mixture ammonium nitrate and calcium
carbonate, and when the granules are moistened a chemical reaction can take
place between the two components, ammonia being volatilised. A serious loss of
nitrogen could be envisaged in this way, if the fertilizer is allowed to lie on the
soil surface until sufficient rain washes the ammonium nitrate into the soil.
For some crops, it is known that the form in which a nutrient occurs in a fertilizer,
its association with certain other fertilizer components has a marked effect on the
efficiency of utilisation of that nutrient. In this context, considerations of solubility
in the soil, and risk of scorching tissues, are taken into account in framing the
fertilizer recommendations for tea in nurseries and in the first year in the field.
Otherwise, few stipulations are made concerning the form in which nutrients are
applied, as long as fertilizers from the above list are selected.
It is again stated that calcium ammonium nitrate is not approved as fertilizer for
tea in Kenya.
2. Storage
It is wisest to assume that all plastic bags are damaged, and to keep the store dry.
Jute or paper bags are more liable to absorb moisture, and special care should be
taken to stack them on battens or stones, leaving space for air to circulate round,
and especially below, each stack.
None of the fertilizers listed are dangerous, with the exception of the fire risk of
sulphur. This applies only to sulphur itself. Fertilizers containing elemental
sulphur intimately mixed, are perfectly safe. Some grades of ammonium sulphate
and diammonium phosphate, are liable to evolve very small quantities of
ammonia gas. The small may be objectionable in a small, unventilated store, but
no danger is attached.
These notes on mixing and storage apply only to the fertilizers listed above.
Growers may buy fertilizers for other crops which may not be compatible with
some fertilizers in our list, for example, liming materials, which are not
recommended for tea. If in doubt about mixing, contact the Foundation or other
specialists. Also, consider the practicability of applying different fertilizers at
different times, avoiding the necessity for mixing. This point is dealt with in Sub-
section i (iv).
2. For all practical purposes, the effect of one zinc application can be said to extend
for less than six months. This pattern may permit a selection of spraying dates, to
avoid increasing crops unduly during peak-cropping periods.
Experiments have shown that repetition of the zinc sprays, as set out in the
programmes in (i) 1, causes similar yield trends. If the initial spray was made to
tea suffering severely from zinc deficiency, it would be expected that the resulting
increase in yield would be larger than those resulting from subsequent sprays.
Apart from this, no evidence has yet been seen to suggest any progressive
diminution in response.
3 Absorption of the zinc compounds, whether from the soluble sulphate or the
insoluble oxide, into the leaf tissue is presumed to be influenced by the
physiological activity of the leaf. Spraying should be done when the bushes are
in a reasonably active state of growth. Leaf damaged by drought would not be
expected to absorb nutrients efficiently. Bushes which were moderately damaged
by hail have been shown to respond to zinc sprays, but if the damage has resulted
in loss of whole leaves it would be preferable to wait for new foliage to develop.
In some districts of Kenya, a programme of two zinc sprays within one year one
year will only be feasible if the phrase "at approximately six-month intervals" is
given a very flexible interpretation. Seasonal considerations, for scientific as well
as for agricultural reasons, must guide the actual dates of spraying.
4. Experimental evidence has shown that yield response can vary considerably in
the few months after spraying. During cooler, lower-cropping periods, greater
proportional benefits from the zinc have been recorded. This finding may not be of
universal application, but there is at least preliminary evidence to support the idea
that a zinc spray does not simply increase crops during rush periods.
5. Distribution of the spray should aim to give an even cover of small droplets on
the leaves in the plucking table. Absorption through the upper surface of the leaf,
and presumably through the green bark of the youngest shoots also, is clearly quite
efficient. The volumes of water quoted would not allow for spray liquid to run off
the foliage.
Young tea, which presents a rather different problem, has been dealt with in (i) 2.
6. Spray residues may be more resistant to the action of rain if they have dried on
the leaf surface before rain falls. Although experiments have suggested that this is
not a problem of major importance, it would be prudent to avoid spraying during
seasons of predictably heavy rain.
7. Where the overall spray programme permits, spraying should be done just after
an area is plucked. Again, this is not a major problem, as discussed further in Sub-
section (iii).
8. The first spraying in a pruning cycle should be timed to fall during a reasonable
season, as discussed in (ii) 3, towards the end of the first quarter of the cycle.
Observation of the occurrence of symptoms suggests that it would rarely be
worthwhile to spray any sooner after tipping than this.
The characteristic pattern of yield response (ii) 2 suggests that spraying within
about three months before pruning might not have time to produce a worthwhile
yield increase.
9. The rates of use of zinc have been based on experimental data, but they replace
far more zinc than is taken off in the crop. The question of a possible accumulation
of zinc, to undesirable levels, has been and is continually under consideration. To-
date, no evidence has come to light which suggests that a problem yet exists.
1. Copper additives
Copper spraying has already been practised for several years, in a limited number
of districts in Kenya where poor fermentation has been observed.
Copper sulphate may be added to a zinc sulphate solution, but not to the zinc
oxide suspension, provided that the concentration of copper sulphate remains
below 0.5%.
The Foundation has not experience of the value of copper-zinc mixtures as related
to the cure of copper deficiency, but the cure of zinc deficiency appears to be
efficient. Before using any mixture, growers should contact the Foundation for
advice on experimental use, and it would be prudent to write to the manufacturers
of the products, explaining precisely what is intended.
2. Fertilizer additives
By this term is meant compounds containing plant nutrients other than zinc or
The zinc oxide suspension is readily destroyed when other chemicals are
present, and in general it would not be advisable to consider mixing.
Zinc sulphate can react with the water-soluble phosphates in certain fertilizers,
and the sediment may cause trouble in the equipment. Urea and either muriate or
sulphate of potash may be mixed with zinc sulphate.
The use of sprays of other nutrients, has been restricted largely to visual
observation of the cure of nutrient deficiency symptoms. At present, there appears
to be little reason to consider this technique of applying those nutrients, to tea in
Kenya. However, interest is sometimes expressed and suggestions for
experimental use of nutrient sprays are given.
Urea, 46% N, is useful source of nitrogen. The risk of scorching foliage is very
variable, for reasons which are not known, but a 2% solution (2kg urea in 100
litres of water) should be treated as a normally safe maximum concentration.
For other nutrients, suitable fertilizers and normally safe concentrations are:
Diammonium phosphate 1%, primarily for its phosphorus content; sulphate of
potash at 2% (muriate may be used, but the risk of scorch is greater); 10% epsom
salts for both magnesium and sulphur.
If maximum output of nutrient per unit area is required, the volume of spray
should not exceed that which just begins to cause the droplets to run together and
drip off the leaf. This condition might well result in less nutrient-containing
solution remaining on the leaf, than if the droplets had remained separate. Hand
or motor-operated sprayers may be used. A spray delivered with considerable
force from a motor sprayer is more liable to scorch the foliage. If the spray is
properly directed, so that the mist from a motor sparer drifts across mature tea it
may be found that more concentrated solutions than those listed can be used with
less risk of scorch.
A motor sprayer would be wasteful for young tea, before a plucking table has
been established. Foliar spraying might be considered as a means of applying
small, but worthwhile, doses of nutrients to very young plants (Section h). In order
to make full use of the limited leaf-surface area, a spray of fine droplets should
be directed at all the leaves; again, run-off should be avoided as far as possible.
Proprietary nutrient mixtures, solid or solutions, are on the market, and may
contain chemicals other than the simple fertilizers listed above. None have been
intensively tested by the Foundation, and there is no immediate intention of doing
so. Their effectiveness may be similar to corresponding mixtures of fertilizers.
However, some contain special chemicals, which may enhance effectiveness
under certain conditions, or which may require careful attention to detail if
damage is to be avoided. The manufacturers' instructions should be followed.
The Foundation's recommendation to water fertilizer solutions on to nursery
plants (Section f), does not constitute foliar nutrition. The solution is thoroughly
washed off the foliage, before it has dried, because the risk of scorching small
plants is to be avoided. Nutrients can be added to irrigation water, and, in
overhead systems, some nutrients will be absorbed through the foliage. Most of
the added nutrient will, of course, fall on the soil. This would be important if zinc
or copper were the nutrients concerned, as it would mean that considerable
wastage occurred.
Addition of nutrients to foliar sprays of insecticide or fungicide, infrequent
operations in tea in Kenya, is at first sight a possibility. This should not be done,
unless approval has been given by the manufacturer of the insecticide or
fungicide, or by the Foundation. Some of the formulations are very sensitive to
the presence of strong chemicals such as fertilizers, and their effectiveness may
be destroyed.
For growers wishing to experiment, the Foundation will offer detailed advice.
In general, growers should take precautions to filter solutions of fertilizers which
are packed in jute bags, before filling the sprayers. Fibres are very effective at
blocking the nozzles. Equipment must be washed thoroughly, immediately after
use, as some of the chemicals likely to be used have a corrosive action on metals.
Traditionally, the term "manure" has been applied to animal, rather than plant,
residues, or mixture of both, but it is usually now used to describe a broad group of
organic residues, with a sufficient content of plant nutrients to be worth using for
that purpose alone.
This refers to mainly plant residues which have been specially treated before
applying to a crop. The treatment is basically storage, in such a way as to cause
decomposition. The process of decomposition leads to a rise in temperature of the
organic mass. This is done to kill weed seeds or vegetative propagules, pests and
disease organisms. Animal residues, soil, or fertilizers may be added, to hasten the
biological decomposition.
This describes materials, inorganic as well as organic, which are allowed to lie on
the soil surface. Manures and composts can be used as mulches. A growing plant
itself is not described as mulch.
(ii) Nutrient availability
Organic materials which are or can be applied to crops, vary enormously in their
nutrient content, but are never as concentrated as the commonly used fertilizers.
Materials differ greatly from each other and the treatment applied to each batch
before application can also have effect. Exposure to rain can easily remove much
of the nitrogen and potassium, and organic wastes from manufacturing processes
may have only a small nutrient content. Even if a chemical analysis could be done,
on each batch of material just before carrying to the field, this might still give an
incomplete picture of nutrient efficiency. Nitrogenous compounds, for example,
vary in their rate of decomposition in the field, and some which are estimated in the
laboratory analytical technique, may be virtually unavailable to crops. Chemical
analysis, if done, should be taken as a guide to the maximum supply of those
nutrients, if ideal conditions prevailed for their release to crops.
Organic nitrogen compounds decompose at varying rates, and under certain field
conditions this may be advantageous, compared to the rapid release of nitrogen
from fertilizers. Organic compounds themselves can exert marked effects on soil
conditions, which may in turn improve the availability of the nutrients to a crop.
In poor soils, these benefits may be considerable. They can rarely be predicted,
and there is no simple way of assessing a potential "fertility improvement"
properly of an organic material, to guide the grower as to its worth. Testing the
product in the field is the only reliable guide.
A much can modify soil temperature and moisture status, usually with benefit to
the crop. A very thick mulch in the drier seasons however, may absorb light rains,
to the detriment of the crop. Some mulches carry a fire risk, which should be check
by the provision of gaps.
Placing organic materials in the planting hole is risk. Only well rotted composts
or matured animal manures should be used, and care must be taken to mix the
material with soil in the bottom of the hole, packing it firmly before the tea is
planted. Organic matter, used as a mulch, or incorporated into the soil, usually
improves the structure, in the sense that the soil forms aggregate which improve
aeration and moisture retention together. The humus content of the soil, the highly
degraded organic matter which is in intimate association with the mineral skeleton
of the soil, is not necessarily increased. The opposite may occur, when organic
materials are worked into the soil. The stimulation given to soil microbes can lead
to a loss of the original soil humus, as well as the added organic matter. Mulching
is often preferable to digging in organic materials, for the purpose of increasing
soil humus.
(vii) General
The Foundation does not recommend that a fertilizer programme should be
influenced by the use of organic materials, in any of the above ways. The
nutritional properties of each type of material, and of each batch within a given
type, vary so greatly that general advice cannot be given. Qualified approval is
given to the use of organic materials for their physical effects, subject to provisos
as set out above, and the Foundation will advise as best as it can, if detailed queries
are sent in.
Cuttings should be planted into a layer of subsoil, 7.5cm thick, which contains
single superphosphate mixed in at the rate of 600g/m3 or 300g/m3 of double/triple
Beneath this subsoil "cap", the rooting medium can be made richer by mixing
in some topsoil and additional fertilizer. The optimum subsoil/topsoil mixture must
be determined by experiment in each nursery; and it is important to ensure that the
surface of this lower rooting medium is not so firmed and smoothed that there is a
sharp boundary between it and the subsoil cap. There should be a transitional layer
between the two.
The following fertilizers are suggested for mixing with this lower part for the
rooting medium:
Forest soils Single superphosphate (600g/m3)
Sulphate of potash (300g/m3)
Grassland soils Single superphosphate (600g/m3)
Sulphate of potash (300g/m3)
Sulphate of ammonia (300g/m3)
Exhausted soils Diammonium phosphate (600g/m3)
Sulphate of potash (300g/m3)
Fertilizers must be thoroughly mixed with soil from planting holes (see Figure V.
1) on all soils except very rich and hutsite soils (pH 5.7 and other) (see Table V.
Soils which have previously carried grass or unfertilized arable crops require
nitrogen as well as phosphate, hence diammonium phosphate should be used
instead of single or double/triple superphosphate. Do not use NPKS 25:5:5:5 on
its own in the planting holes. The high nitrogen content can be harmful to young
plants. If it is the only nitrogenous fertilizer available, it may be used in small
amounts together with additional phosphate and potash in the quantities shown in
Table V: 2.
Areas known to be deficient in potassium need a potash fertilizer in addition to
the phosphate and inorganic nitrogen where tea follows grass.
In areas where the soils are known from past experience to be deficient in sulphur, gypsum
should be mixed with the soil in planting hole in addition to single superphosphate. The
application rate of the gypsum should be the same as for the single superphosphate. Other
sulphur-containing fertilizers (see Table V. 1) should not be used.
TABLE V: 2: Rates of fertilizer application: The application listed under (a), (b)
etc. in each section are alternatives
Planting hole 20cm x 45cm Planting hole 30cm x 60cm
Forest soils with a Single superphosphate 30g a Single superphosphate 60g
pH below 5.7 b Double superphosphate 15g b Double superphosphate 30g
Grassland or a Diammonium phosphate 15g a Di-ammonium phosphate 30g
pH below 5.7 b Sulphate of ammonia 15g b Sulphate of ammonia 30g
Single superphosphate 30g. double superphosphate 30g
Soils in which potassium ia a Sulphate or muriate of potash 15g. a Sulphate or muriate of potash
deficient and all soils into di-ammonium phosphate 15g. 30g di-ammonium phosphate
which tea is being replanted 30g
b Sulphate or muriate of potash 15g. b Sulphate or muriate of potash
sulphate of ammonia 15g, single 30g, sulphate of ammonia 30g,
superphosphate 30g. single superphosphate 60g
c Sulphate or muriate of potash 15g, c Sulphate or muriate of potash
sulphate of ammonia 15g, double 30g
superphosphate 15g double superphosphate 30g
d NPK 25:5:5 12g, sulphate or d NPK 25:5:5 24g, sulphate or
muriate of potash 14g, single muriate of potash 28g, single
superphosphate 22g superphosphate 44g
e NPK 25:5:5 12g, sulphate or e NPK 25:5:5 24g, sulphate or
muriate of potash 14g, double muriate of potash 28g, double
superphosphate 11g superphosphate 22g
anicH Sterameal 60g Sterameal 120g
Organicfertilizer for all soilswith
pH below 5.7
Triple superphosphate can be used at the rates quoted for double superphosphate.
(ii) First-year tea
1. Stump plants
Transplanted seedlings and clonal stumps are leafless and have bare roots. They
cannot respond efficiently to fertilizers until they have developed new roots and
shoots. Fertilizers should not be applied to stump plants, therefore, until about six
months after transplanting.
The first application at about six months and subsequent ones at about eight-week
intervals should each provide 2g of nitrogen per plant. Applications should not be
made during periods of drought.
Thus there should be three or four applications in the second half of the first year,
to give a total of 8g nitrogen per plant. In some districts it might be necessary to
reduce the interval between successive applications to as little as four weeks; the
last application can be increased to 3g nitrogen per plant; but no further adjustment
should be made, even if some applications have to be omitted.
Spread the fertilizer round each plant in abroad ring, never less than 10cm wide.
The fertilizer must not be allowed to touch the plant's stem, and the ring should
therefore be extended from 5cm from the plant stem to just beyond the spread of the
shoots. The fertilizer should be dibbled into the soil to a depth of 5cm. If necessary,
move back any mulch so that the fertilizer can be applied, and replace it afterwards.
2. Sleeved plants
Sleeved seedlings and clonal plants have leaf shoots and active roots, and can
respond to fertilizers which are applied six weeks after transplanting. Delay beyond
this time is unnecessary and can reduce the growth potential of the plants, but the
growth of plants of this age be checked by applications of even as little as 12g of
NPK fertilizer.
The plants should therefore be given small but frequent applications. Each
application should provide 1.5g nitrogen per plant. The first application should be
six weeks after planting and subsequent ones at about eight-week intervals during
the remainder of the year, to give a total of about 9g nitrogen per plant. Applications
should not be made during periods of drought. In some district it will be necessary
to reduce the interval between successive applications to four weeks and to increase
the last application to 2g nitrogen per plant, but no further adjustment should be
made even if some applications have to be omitted.
The fertilizer should be dibbled into the soil in a broad ring round each plant, but
not touching the plant's stem, as described above for stump plants.
Some growers might find it more convenient to spray the foliage of these young
plants with proprietary foliar nutrient compounds. In addition, poorly established
plant might respond more rapidly to foliar applications than to ground applications
of the more usual fertilizers. The Foundation will be placed to offer advise to
growers who wish to test this technique.
3 Manganese. Although this is an essential nutrient for all crop plants, in very
low concentration, there are cases where its presence in larger concentration may
prove toxic. This has been found in many crops and has occasionally been
suspected in tea, where leaf contents of manganese can reach extremely high
levels. No proof of toxicity has been established, and it is known that tea of the
greatest vigour can apparently maintain this state while still absorbing manganese
in high quantity. This point is mentioned again in the next sub-section, on soil
The mean tree foliage radius must be determined before each of the periods of
These data are summarised below:
Distance (in metres) from trees stem
Edge of foliage Inner edge of Outer edge of Amounts (grams) per tree on each
annulus annulus occasion
"r" 25:5:5:5 N
r/3 4r/3
0.50 0.17 0.67 180 45
0.67 0.22 0.90 240 60
0.75 0.25 1.00 270 68
1.00 0.33 1.33 360 90
1.25 0.42 1.67 450 112
1.50 0.50 2.00 540 135
1.75 0.58 2.33 630 158
2.00 0.67 2.67 720 180
When the outer edges of neighbouring annuli meet, the fertilizer should be spread
broadcast over the whole barie (excluding an area extending to 50cm from the trunk
of each tree) at the rate of 180kg of N/ha twice a year, in April and October.
1. Leaching
Soil kept clear of vegetation and exposed to high rainfall will lose nutrients over a
period of time and the pH will fall, but this may take several years if the soil is of
very high pH and contains an abundance of bases. To keep land absolutely clear of
vegetation is expensive, and the soil is likely to be severely eroded.
2. Cropping
If plants with a high base nutrient requirement are grown, the amount of base
nutrients in the soil is reduced. This has been done on hutsites using Cannas, Napier
Grass or Guatemala Grass. In these special circumstances a food crop, even maize,
can be used; the best tea areas on some rich volcanic soils (e.g. Mount Elgon, where
the pH is normally about 6.0) are those which have been used for maize for many
years. Less rich soils can be exhausted by extensive cropping and require fertilizer
before they will grow good tea. Soil tests will establish the soil status.
This method is relatively slow; several years may be necessary. It also requires
careful management as every piece of vegetable growth must be removed from the
site. Any leaves etc. which fall on the site and rot down merely return to the soil
nutrients which were removed by the plant prolong the process. Judicious use of
sulphate of ammonia may hasten the process by promoting growth.
3. Sulphur
Sulphur acidifies soil relatively quickly and experiments have shown that it
improves the rate of growth of tea bushes very considerably.
Sulphur is not soluble in water, so it must be broken up and distributed evenly
over a depth of soil. Sulphur is easily crushed to a sufficient fineness by spreading
the commercial lumpy material on a hard floor and rolling a heavy concrete culvert
section or similar object over it. Do not try to grind sulphur in any type of
mechanical mill - it will catch fire!
For field planting, dig holes 46cm in diameter by 76cm deep at the site of each
bush. A tractor-operated post-hole digger can easily do this where a tractor can
be put on the land. The crushed sulphur must be thoroughly mixed with the soil
from the holes before the soil is returned to the holes. The quantity of sulphur
required depends on the pH, as follows:
Sulphur takes time to reduce the pH of the soil, and this must be allowed for when
planting. Stumps planted before the sulphur has reduced the pH sufficiently will
die. The length of time to be allowed between sulphur application and planting
depends on the amount of sulphur; allow at least months for each 115g of sulphur
used. Sleeved plants can be planted sooner after sulphur application in some soils,
but only if experience shows that this is safe in any particular soil.
The soil replaced in the holes will take time to settle down. If there is sufficient
interval between application and planting the soil will have settled. However,
sleeved plants are planted very shortly after application, maintain the soil level
around the plants so that the plants are not growing in depressions after the soil has
settled. Also inspect regularly to ensure that the soil has not settled and left the roots
4. Sulphate of ammonia
This chemical acidifies soil quickly. However, experiments have shown that if it is
mixed with soil before planting it reduces the rate of growth of tea, both stumps and
potted plants, and has been known to kill plants. Therefore, do not attempt to
improve hutsites by treatment with sulphate of ammonia prior to planting.
5. Aluminium sulphate
This chemical will acidify soil without adverse effects on tea. It is very soluble in
water, and easily available as it is used for varying water supplies. 450g of
aluminium sulphate has the same effect as 115g of sulphur.
(ii) Treatment of tea established on hutsites
Where tea is growing but not thriving on hutsites, the best treatment is to apply
aluminium sulphate: 450g per square metre placed on the ground every three
months for a year is usually adequate. The chemical should be spread as evenly
as possible. The commercial material is usually in the form of large, very hard
lumps and breaking these is difficult, but they dissolve quickly in soil moisture.
The lumps will have to be spread as evenly as possible. It is sometime possible to
buy the "kibbled" grade of aluminium sulphate; this is preferable as it has been
broken down to small pieces.
Sulphur should not be applied as a surface dressing to sites already planted with
Sulphate of ammonia is beneficial because it acidifies the soil in addition to
providing nitrogen. However, very large quantities are needed to reduce the pH of
hutsite soils quickly. It is quicker and cheaper to use aluminium sulphate to reduced
the pH and use sulphate of ammonia purely as a nitrogen source.
In most cases where tea has been established using sulphur or aluminium sulphate
as described above no problems arise later. The reduction of pH due to leaching
usually ensures that the tea roots are able to continue growing outside the treated
soil of each planting hole. A further safeguard is to apply nitrogen as sulphate of
Occasionally the tea roots will into grow into untreated soil, and as a result growth
is slowed down and plants may die when they have been in the grown for about a
year. This usually happens where the pH initially has been very high. When the
initial pH is over 7.0, the pH of the untreated soil between planting holes should be
measured 6 months after planting. If it is over 6.5, the whole area should be treated
with aluminium sulphate, 450g per square metre, with applications at three-monthly
intervals until tests show that the pH is below 6.0.
Minimum Maximum
5.0 - - - -
5.1 - - 60 1
5.2 - - 115 2
5.3 - - 170 3
5.4 - - 225 4
5.5 - - 285 5
5.6 - - 340 6
5.7 - - 395 7
5.8 - - 450 8
5.9 60 1 510 9
6.0 115 2 565 10
6.1 170 3 620 11
6.2 225 4 675 12
6.3 285 5 735 13
6.4 340 6 790 14
6.5 395 7 845 15
6.6 450 8 900 16
6.7 510 9 960 17
6.8 565 10 1,015 18
6.9 620 11 1,070 19
7.0 675 12 1,125 20
Much mature tea in Kenya that was considered to be of normal appearance has
been found to have hidden hunger for one or more of the major nutrients, i.e.
nitrogen, phosphate and potassium.
Producers who identify the symptoms here described with the condition of their
own tea plants should appreciate that their tea will already have passed beyond
the early stage of hidden hunger and will now be suffering from a gross nutritional
disorder which requires immediate remedial action.
Producers whose tea appears normal will still benefit from recourse to the
Foundation's new nutrition advisory service (see Appendix V page 243) because
indications of hidden hunger for specific major nutrients are only revealed by
sequential foliar analysis. In all case where symptoms as described below have
been relieved by the treatments recommended in this Section, subsequent foliar
analysis will enable nutrient supplies to be fully corrected.
Many of the symptoms described are quite common in tea plants that are
recovering from a drought. As the feeding roots begin to grow again, they cannot
explore adequate amounts of soil to absorb all the nutrients needed by the plant.
It is only when they have branched considerably and the absorbing surfaces have
multiplied, that the symptoms fade as the roots absorb adequate nutrients.
Nitrogen deficiency
This first shows as a lighter than normal green colour in the young flush. The
youngest leaves become progressively lighter in colour until they may be quite
The mature foliage may remain dark green if for any reason the rate of nitrogen
uptake by the feeding roots fall below the amounts required by the plants or
ceases, the lower mature leaves also become progressively lighter in colour (see
plate Nos. V: i & V: iv).
The axillary buds do not develop, and as a result fewer and fewer new shoots
appear. The crop declines quickly as more severe deficiency develops, until it
reaches a low level of some 400 to 600 kg made tea per hectare, at which level it
may remain indefinitely.
Gross nitrogen deficiency shows up more clearly on unshaded tea than on shaded
tea; at sub-normal levels of nitrogen content an unshaded one which contains the
same amount of nitrogen. Tea, which is grossly deficient in nitrogen, yields less
badly under shade trees than it does in the open, but tea receiving nitrogen yields
better in the open than it does under shade trees. Close examination of individual
bushes in deficient places will reveal this effect clearly; leaves lower in the
maintenance layer, which are receiving less light, are greener than those at the top
of the bush. Where one leaf lies across another and is touching it, the area of the
lower leaf covered by the upper leaf is noticeably greener than the exposed part.
Some bushes may always have extremely yellow or creamy-white upper leaves
no matter what fertilizers are applied. These bushes are genetically unsuited to
life in unshaded conditions and only under deep shade would their leaves become
Sometimes, in whole areas of tea, the foliage of many of the bushes turns paler
for several weeks and then recovers its normal green colour. The cause of this
phenomenon is not known.
Nitrogen deficiency is to some extent seasonal, in that anything which checks the
growth of the feeding roots as they explore the surface layer of the soil will induce
a yellow appearance in the youngest leaves at the top of the bush. This is because
as soon as the growth of the roots is checked, the rate of nitrogen uptake falls. Thus,
for example, the foliage will turn yellow quite early in the dry weather, and will
become progressively more and more yellow as the surface layers of the soil dry
out and the feeding roots die back. Similarly, when the soil is cold, the rate of root
growth is very and the rate of nitrogen uptake falls, even though there may be
adequate nitrogen available for uptake in the soil.
Another example occurs when the feeding roots become waterlogged; they die
back rapidly and, as no nitrogen is being absorbed, the leaves quickly turn yellow.
1. If the yellow colour of the leaves can be ascribed to a temporary
reduction in the rate of nitrogen uptake by the roots such as a
drought or cold weather, no amendments to the normal fertilizer
programme are necessary.
2. If the yellow colour of the leaves is the result of inadequate
applications of nitrogen, apply 150 kg nitrogen per hectare as
sulphate of ammonia.
Phosphate deficiency
Symptoms show on mature leaves as an absence of gloss on the surface. Affected
appear dull and matt, by comparison with normal leaves, which are very shiny and
appear to have been polished. Note however, that this glossiness washes off in
heavy rain.
Symptoms also show on the frame of the bush as excessive die-back of young and
old woody stems. This effect is usually ascribed to "sun-scorch' (see Plate V : xi),
but is quit distinct from it; in gross phosphate deficiency the branches, particularly
the smallest ones, die back from the ends which have been cut when pruning.
All mature tea plants which have not got an undisturbed layer of mulch formed
by decomposing leaves and pruning on the surface of the soil in which they are
growing, have phosphate deficiency.
The effect of phosphate deficiency is to reduce the capacity of the plant to respond
phosphate uptake by the feeding roots in the surface layers of the soil and mulch
promotes a bigger response to applications of nitrogen.
Broadcast an approved phosphatic fertilizer (see pages 109-110) over the surface
of the soil under the bushes at a rate of 60 kg P2O5 per hectare. This treatment is
ineffective unless a no-cultivation system of weed control is used and there is an
undisturbed mulch of pruning and leaf-fall on the soil.
Where tea is to be planted in an area where phosphate is known to be deficient,
incorporate phosphate in the planting-hole (see page 124).
Potassium deficiency
In some areas, the nutrient status of the soil is such that the plants suffer from
potassium deficiency from the day they are planted unless corrective measures are
taken. Such plants do not branch freely and then stems remain thin and weak; they
have difficulty in producing starch reserves and recovery from pruning can be
very slow; the spread of the frame is often restricted.
The plants must be handled very carefully and it is advisable to bring them into
bearing by pegging so that there is no loss of the starch reserves and nutrients that
they have accumulated with difficulty. After plants have been tipped in, the first
few rounds of plucking should be very light. (See Plates V: i, V: v, V: vi, V: vii,
V: viii, V: ix, V: x).
Plants that are suffering from potassium deficiency yet which are plucked hard
before they are ready will lose starch reserves, will develop weak frames and may
ultimately become completely moribund, neither growing nor dying.
The onset of severe potassium deficiency in mature tea is first indicated by
progressive defoliation of the maintenance layer. Large quantities of fallen mature
leaves are seen under the bushes. If the branches of an affected bush are shaken one
of two mature leaves usually fall off whilst still green and fresh. Leaves remaining
on the bushes are often severely affected by Brown Blight, Colletotrichum
coffeanum (Plate V: xvi).
As the condition develops, more and more of the mature leaves are lost until it is
possible to look down through the maintenance layer and see the soil surface
below the bush. At this stage the crop can fall to about 400 kg made tea per
Meanwhile the new leaves become progressively smaller and smaller, and
eventually each shoot contains only six to ten small leaves with no leaves below
them. The bush becomes banjhi and remains so for most of the time, producing a
flush only once or twice a year. The crop falls to as low as 200 kg made tea per
hectare, after which the practice in the past has been to abandon the tea.
Zinc deficiency
Zinc is one of the limited of elements that are essential to the growth of plants,
and deficiency of it can cause serious retardation of growth. The importance of
zinc in agriculture was recognised over forty years ago, and deficiency problems
have since been reported in many crops. It was not until 1960 that zinc deficiency
was recognised in tea. Since then, the deficiency has been confirmed in tea in
many parts of the world including Kenya.
The findings from controlled experiments and from commercial zinc applications
to tea plantations have to-date presented a rather uniform picture of agronomic
aspects of the problem. Recommendations set out in this section are based largely
on observations made in Kenya, supplemented by data from the original
investigations in Sri Lanka where appropriate. As and when further information
becomes available, changes may be made in our advice.
Method of diagnosis
Visual symptoms
Zinc deficiency in a number of tree and bush crops, has been shown to give rise
to highly characteristic patterns of malformation of young leaves and shoots. Tea
shows the same general development of these symptoms, which are not readily
confused with those caused by other nutritional imbalances, or by non-nutritional
factors. For many crops and for most nutrients, appearance of recognisable
symptoms may mean the nutritional disorder has reached an advanced stage, with
the implication that crop growth has been severely inhibited. In zinc deficient tea,
observation of the occurrence of symptoms, and of the pattern for response to zinc
treatment, has made the diagnosis by recognition of visual symptoms to be
regarded as a reliable method for agricultural purposes. It is feasible for he
agriculturist to recognise zinc-deficient shoots before the deficient has reached a
severe stage (See Plate V: xii and Figures V: 1, V: 2 & V: 3).
Chemical analysis
During the original investigations that led to the recognition of the zinc deficiency
syndrome, it was found that chemical analysis of leaf gave a results which were
conflicting or even misleading. The Foundation does not make use of leaf analysis
for zinc for diagnosing zinc deficiency.
The uppermost one or two leaves on a dormant shoot, may show the characteristic
unequal development of the two halves of the leaf-blade, which gives rise to the
sickle-leaf' symptom. The length of the mid-rib may not be too greatly reduced but
the sickle distortion is usually observed on leaves that are markedly reduced in size,
and it can be combined with the little-leaf symptom (see above).
One half of the leaf-blade remains narrow, while the other half develops to a
greater extent, especially towards the base. The mid-rib is forced to curve, which
leads to some resemblance to the agricultural implement, the sickle. Note: the
curvature is sideways; not upwards (see Figure V: 2).
The leaf margins, particularly that on the less developed half of the leaf- blade,
may show a marked waviness (see below). If so, the overall configuration of the
leaf is one of smooth, even curves. It is important to appreciate this, as insect or
fungus damage can cause a leaf to develop unevenly. In such cases the point of
damage is usually readily detectable, and the resulting distortion is usually
A chlorotic, greenish yellow, mottling may be present towards the leaf tip, and
between the smaller veins. This is usually only observed in warmer areas.
Similarly, the degree of curvature may be greater in warmer areas.
See pages 114-118
Copper deficiency
Tea plants deficient in copper have slightly darker foliage than normal, but it is
most difficult to detect the symptoms in the field. A surer sign of copper
deficiency is the length of fermentation time; if the fermenting leaf takes longer
than normal to change colour, copper deficiency is to be suspected.
Severe copper deficiency may inhibit fermentation; leaf severely deficient in
copper does not develop a bright orange colour during fermentation and changes
colour very slowly thought dark green to dark brown.
Foliar applications of copper sulphate, at the rate of 5 kg copper sulphate crystals
per hectare dissolved in 280 litres of water, have in some cases relieved symptoms
of copper deficiency. It takes about 12 days from the time of application for the
fermentation to improve. The full benefit lasts for about three months after which
another spraying round will be necessary. Copper sulphate applied in too strong a
solution burns the foliage.
Copper sulphate is of no benefit when applied to fermenting leaf in the factory; this
practice is valueless and results in tea with a copper content above the minimum
levels specified by international food and drug regulations.
Magnesium deficiency
Magnesium deficiency always shows first on the lower leaves which are bright
yellow with a conspicuous inverted dark green "V" down the midrib, sometimes
extending along individuals veins.(see plate V: xiii).
In most cases in Kenya, this symptom has appeared during extended periods of
dry weather where the symptom may also appear on the first mature leaves.
However, the symptom will disappear after the onset of rains. Occasionally plants
are seen, particularly in China tea, which are apparently chronically deficient in
magnesium; they exhibit the symptoms although other plants around them seem
normal. If the deficiency symptoms persist after the rains, remedial application
of magnesium as magnesium oxide at 50 kg MgO per hectare should be applied.
Occasional plants are seen, particularly in China tea, which are apparently
chronically deficient in magnesium; they exhibit the symptoms although other
plants around them seem normal
Manganese excess
When tea is grown in very acid soil, large amounts of manganese are frequently
found to be dissolved in the soil water, and the tea roots absorb these. The
manganese is deposited in the mature leaves of the maintenance layer and
accumulates in very large amounts.
Affected plants appear normal. Their mature leaves become brittle and when
crushed in the hands crack easily with a rustling noise. The surface of the leaves
may develop a cracked appearance.
Allow a natural mulch to form at the soil surface. Apply animal manure during the
prune year soon after tipping, if available. The rate of application should be 1 to 5
Calcium excess
The young shoots and leaves are affected. The stems become stunted, and the
leaves remain small, turn bright yellow and curl backwards. The edges and tips of
the leaves turn black. The leaves become distorted and cracked. Soon after this
the young stems begin to defoliate. The mature leaves of the maintenance layer
may present a normal appearance, but in severe cases the bush defoliates
completely and eventually dies. Some bushes may appear stunted in growth with
the bark covered by moss and in addition they may start flowering and eventually
These symptoms appear on hutsites and also sometimes on soils of pH of Calcium
Ammonium Nitrate (CAN), and they may appear on more acid soils if CAN is
If the soil pH is above 5.8, treat as a hutsite (see page 141). If the soil pH is
5.8 or lower, apply 100 kg sulphate of potash per hectare and nitrogen as NPK
Sulphur deficiency
The sulphur deficiency disease known as "tea yellows" occurs occasionally in the
various tea growing districts.
At first the leaves become yellow between the veins, which remain green. The
leaves of new growth become smaller and internodal distance becomes shorter.
Leaves become more yellow, scorch, and then fall off. New shoots are stunted
and ultimately the stems die back from the tip.
Apply a fertilizer with a high sulphur content. Normal nitrogen applications for one
year should be as sulphate of ammonia; if phosphate and potassium are also applied
these should be given as single superphosphate and sulphate of potash respectively.
NPK 25:5:5 with 5 per cent sulphur will not provide sufficient sulphur to cure a
gross deficiency. After the gross deficient has been cured the NPKS fertilizer will
maintain sulphur supplies and prevent any recurrence of deficiency symptoms.
Where tea is planted into soil of pH above 5.8, treat as a hutsite (see page 141),
applying sulphur or aluminium sulphate as recommended.
When planting into soil of lower pH which is known to be deficient in sulphur,
use sulphate of potash and single superphosphate in the quantities recommended
on page 128.
Apply 4 bags of sulphate or muriate of potash that is equivalent to 120 kg
K2O per hectare.
Apply 80 kg N as NPKS 25:5:5:5 per hectare, and 120 kg K2O as sulphate
or muriate of potash per hectare (4 bags of the actual fertilizer).
Apply 80 kg N as NPKS 25:5:5:5 per hectare.
High calcium, low potassium
Severe symptoms of potassium deficiency appear (see page 145). This condition
arise after applying nitrogen as CAN without potassium for two or three years,
or if lime is applied.
As described for potassium deficiency (see pages 145-146). The quantities of
potash fertilizer may need to be increased, or applications repeated, to offset the
adverse effect of the high concentration of calcium in the soil.
In young tea, locally concentration of fertilizer in the soil water cause defoliation.
In mature tea, leaves start to scorch from the tips. Sometimes the leaf margins lose
colour first. The scorch travels progressively back to the stems and then fall off.
Usually the younger leaves are affected first. Following defoliation the stem tips
scorch. The scorch travels progressively down the stems until they are completely
dead. In most soils large quantities of fertilizer are needed to produce such an effect
on mature tea, so this trouble is only likely to occur in very exceptional
circumstances. In nurseries and young tea, however, much smaller quantities of
fertilizer can have serious effects. Careful control of quantities of nitrogen in
planting-holes will produce this effect.
If the fertilizer can be washed out of soil before the plants die they may recover.
Heavy rain can help and extra watering of nurseries may be effective.
(m) The use of the "paired-plot technique" for evaluating yield response of
tea to fertilizer
(i) Introduction
A very simple approach is described, by which the grower can test some of the
relations between fertilizer use and the response of his own tea. This technique
in no way obviates the need for formal scientific investigations, and is not
suitable for studying all nutritional problems of tea. It may, however, overcome
one of the major drawbacks of formal experimentation, which is that the results
from one experiment are dependent upon the conditions influencing the bush in
that site and, a point which is too often overlooked, at that time. Tea compares
unfavourably with many crops, in that most fertilizer experiments are very long
term, if the full scientific results of treatments are to be evaluated. The
administrative problems and expense of recording the pluckings from such
formal experiments are considerable if reliable results are to be obtained, and the
Foundation's facilities are not adequate to cover all Kenya.
Simple, on-the-spot, experimentation can give a grower quicker answers under
his own conditions, provided simple treatment comparisons are made, and
provided it is realised that the answer from any one comparison will be specific in
its applicability. The dynamic nature of the relation between bush vigour, and
therefore potential cropping capacity, and fertilizer use has already been
emphasised (Section a). This could be brought home to the grower very clearly in
his own experiments, and the ever-changing influence of economic factors could
be evaluated at the same time.
Normally, the levels of other nutrients would also change in such a comparison if
a compound fertilizer is used to supply the nitrogen. The Foundation will advise
if a grower wishes to compensate for his, and will suggest how leaf analysis can
provide complementary service.
Plate V : I: Nitrogen deficient tea. Large yellow leaves, few large shoots.
Plate V ii
Potassium, deficient tea.
Small dark leaves, profuse
Plate V : iii
Defoliation resulting from fertilizer
becoming locally concentrated on the
soil surface by rain, after application
to young tea
Plate V : iv
Nitrogen deficiency
Plate V : v
Potassium deficiency.
Thin maintenance layer
Mat of fallen leaves under the bush.
Plate V : vi
Potassium deficiency. Uneven
Recovery after prune.
Plate V : vii
Potassium deficiency. Strong central growth
poor side branches
Plate V viii
Plate V : ix
Potassium and nitrogen deficiency.
Yellow, debilitated leaves, defoliation
White stems
Plate V : x
Potassium deficiency.
White bark
Plate V : xi
Phosphate deficiency.
Mature leaves
Dull and brittle
Plate V : xii
Zinc deficiency. Multiple
axillary shoots, wavy edge
of mature leaf.
Plate v : xiii
Magnesium deficiency. Dark,
Inverted V along midrib of mature leaf.
Plate v xiv
Helopeltis damage on young shoot.
Plate v : xv
Brown blight on mature foliage
Figure V .1: Zinc deficiency of tea: the little-
leaf symptom, on shoots with greatly
shortened internodes; compared with a normal
shoot from the same bush.
The Research Foundation of Kenya,
P.O. Box 820,
Each bag should have the plot description and site written on it, so that it is
readily identifiable on its own. If a grower has started an experiment on his own
initiative, a covering letter should be sent giving details. A sample of the sheet
which gives detail and which should accompany each sample is shown in page
Should a grower consult the Foundation before starting an experiment, special
arrangements may be made for analysing samples, as far as our facilities
permit, and if we consider that the scheme could provide information of value
to all growers.
Note: Other elements have been reported to be essential for, or to confer benefits
to, the growth of certain plant species. The above list covers those accepted as
essential for all plants.
Leaf and soil sampling sheet
To be completed for each sampled field or area
Name and address of Estate or Farm
Field/Plot number. ........................... .......................
Date of Planting ............................. .......................
Date of sampling ............................. .......................
Seedling/clonal If clonal which? ............. .......................
Last pruned: Month: .........Year....... To be pruned next..........(year)
Last THREE applications of fertilizer (Year and month):
Date of application 1 .............. 2................ 3...............
Type of fertilizer 1............... 2................ 3...............
Quantity kgN/ha 1............... 2................ 3...............
Past three years' yields
......... kg mt/ha 19...........kg mt/ha 2000..........kg mt/ha 2001.
Weeding: herbicide or jembe? ………........ Prunings left on the field ?
Has mulch or organic manure, etc. been applied Type/quantity .............
Weather conditions in 6 months before sampling (tick the applicable one):
Rainfall -about normal / above normal / below normal
Temperature -about normal / about normal / below normal
General weather comments .................................................
Hail damage in the last 6 months? Yes/No: If yes, how severe? ............
Area represented by sample: Ha..... or if small, number of bushes: .......
Slope of land: level / moderate / steep (tick the applicable one):
Analysis required: pH only / complete soil nutrients / leaf nutrients / any
additional nutrient e.g. trace nutrients:..................................
Give any other relevant information that may be useful...................
Date............................ Signed ..................................
Rectangular planting, No of 6730/ha or 8611/ha or 3485/acre 10766/ha or 4356/acre 13448/ha or 5445/acre 4x2
plant or spacing in feet 2722/acre 4x4 5x21/2 4x21/2 or 5x2
Fertilizer rate kgN/ha 100 150 100 150 100 150 100 150
Amount of the actual fertilizer in grams (g)
NPKS 25:5:5:5 or ASN 26% 60g 90g 45g 70g 40g 55g 30g 45g
NPKS 22:6:12:5 70g 100g 50g 80g 45g 65g 35g 50g
NPK 20:10:10 or S/A 21% 75g 110g 60g 90g 45g 70g 40g 55g
Rectangular planting, No of 2989/ha or 4306/ha or 1742/acre 5383/ha or 2178/acre 8975/ha or 3630/acre 4x3
plants or spacing in feet 1210/acre 6x6 5x5 5x4
NPKS 25:5:5:5 or ASN 26% 135g 200g 90g 135g 75g 110g 45g 65g
NPKS 22:6:12:5 152g 230g 105g 160g 85g 125g 50g 75g
NPK 20:10:10 or S/A 21% 165g 250g 115g 175g 95g 140g 55g 85g
Triangular planting, No of 6139/ha or 7768/ha or 3144/acre 9676/ha or 3916/acre 13896/ha or 5624/acre 4x2
plants or spacing in feet 2484/acre 41/2x41/2 4x4 4x3
Fertilizers Number of bags of fertilizer (50 kg each)
1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 16 20
S/A (KgN) 10 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 120 150 160 200
NPK 20:10:10 (KgN) 10 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 120 150 160 200
NPKS 22:6:12:5 (kgN) 11 22 33 44 55 66 88 110 132 165 176 220
NPKS 25:5:5:5 (KgN) 25 50 75 100 125 150 200 250
SSP single super (Kg P2O5) 10 20 30 40 50 60 80 100
The causal agent has worldwide distribution. It occurs in roots of most forest trees as
an epiphyte though it sometimes causes root rot in some of them.
Infected tea bushes show gradual reduction in growth, making them shorter than the
surrounding healthy ones. They also exhibit yellowing, premature flowering,
defoliation and eventually die. At the collar region longitudinal cracking of the stem
can be observed. If the bark is lifted off the wood at the collar area a white mycelial
growth of the fungus is found overlying the wood.
Trees should be ring-barked before they are felled to prepare the land for planting
tea. The ring-barked trees should not be felled until they are completely dead and the
starch reserves in their roots are exhausted. If trees have to be felled when still green,
their stumps and roots should be removed from the soil as much as possible. The
period between ring barking and felling varies with tree species but ranges from 18-
24 months.
During primary land preparation, remove the tree roots and pieces of wood as much as
possible. It is recommended that all dead and moribund tea bushes are uprooted and debris
of their roots completely dug out and destroyed preferably by burning. This should be done
as soon as the infected bushes are observed. Look for old tree roots in the soil and if found
also remove and destroy. The space can be infilled immediately or at a convenient time but
ensure that the hole is free from any Armillaria bearing plant material or the fungus.
No effective and safe chemical method for managing the disease has been found.
The disease causes considerable damage to tea in India and Sri Lanka and has also been
observed to be serious in some tea growing areas of Kenya. H. serpens also causes wood rot
in several dicotyledonous forest trees.
Decline of the bush occurs due to sectorial rotting and death of the primary branches. This
may result in the ultimate death of the whole bush. The rotten wood bears superficial
fructifications (stromata) of the fungus that appear as irregular dark-grey to black raised
patches of various sizes. These fructifications bear ascospores of the fungus in asci contained
in perithecia. The dead branches are very light in weight.
Control measures
1. Try to prevent sun-scorch by shading exposed branches with prunings immediately after
2. Once the disease is diagnosed the dead and dying branches must be selectively pruned
off right down to the healthy wood. This may involve heavy pruning but if it is not done
the disease may progress and kill the bush.
3. Pruning cuts should be made sloping so as not to hold rainwater and thereby heal quickly.
4. After pruning, the large cuts should be painted over with a wound dressing fungicide
such as copper oxychloride 50% WP in raw linseed oil.
5. Down pruning of tea should be avoided as much as possible in fields with the disease
but if it has to be done, wound dressing should be done as a mandatory requirement.
(iii) Collar and branch canker
Causal agent
Collar and branch canker of tea is caused by the fungus Phomopsis theae Petch.
Phomopsis theae has a worldwide distribution. The disease it causes has been
reported in all tea growing areas of Kenya.
Canker lesions develop on the stem at the collar region or on the branches. Upper
edges of the lesions are usually heavily callused. Leaves on branches girdled by the
lesions turn yellow and ultimately the branches die. Where the lesions girdle the main
stem the whole plant usually dies.
Predisposing factors
The susceptibility of tea to infection by P. theae is thought to be influenced by the
moisture availability to plants and water holding capacity of the soil. Formation of
cankers on infected tea plants progresses more rapidly when plants are subjected to
moisture deficiency stress thus drought seems to be a major factor which influences
onset of the disease.
Infection of tea by P. theae can be avoided by minimising injuries on the bark of tea
and by mulching to avoid stress due to soil moisture deficit.
Clones of tea differ in susceptibility to the disease.
Damage to tea due to the disease can be checked by pruning off badly affected
branches of infected plants at least 10 cm below the lesions. The pruned off branches
should be destroyed by burning and the pruned bushes treated with a protectant
fungicide such as the dithiocarbamates or copper oxychloride.
Brown blight
The disease is caused by the fungus Colletotrichum camelliae. The fungus infects
the leaves causing brown lesions that start at the margins and spread inwards. Many
such lesions may coalesce thereby killing the whole leaf. The edges of the lesions
are clearly defined and marked with concentric rings. The lesions initially appear
yellow to chocolate brown but gradually brown to grey from the centre outward.
Minute black scattered dots (fructifications of the fungus) appear on both sides of the
Grey blight
The disease is caused by the fungus Pestalotia theae. The fungus infects mature
leaves of tea which then form brown to grey round to oval lesions marked with
concentric zonation. Black fructifications somewhat bigger than those of brown
blight are produced in concentric rings on the upper surface of the lesions.
Control of the diseases is only necessary if it affects plants in the nursery. The
predisposing factors, mainly too much shade and over watering, should be identified
and corrected. This should be accompanied with application of fungicides such as
Dithiocarbamates or Benlate at 20 g in 20 litres of water.
Where the disease is common the cuttings should be soaked in water containing
Ridomil (metalaxyl) at a concentration of 2 g per litre. If the disease is noted after
planting the cuttings young plants can be sprayed thoroughly with the fungicide at
the same concentration.
The disease is best prevented by avoiding physical injuries to the roots.
The only method of controlling the disease is destruction of infected plants.
This pest is a sporadic that increases during drought periods. Its outbreak is serious
on tea that is not correctly fertilized. In some cases overdose during fertilizer
application also encourages mite attack, so adequate fertilizer are essential.
Symptoms of attack
Brown corky symptoms develop on the underside of the leaves, especially near the
petiole along the main veins, and later the leaves dry up and fall prematurely (Plate
VI.1). Occasionally bushes may be heavily infested. The pest is 0.3 mm long and is
bright red in colour. The eggs are also bright red, and can be seen in crevices on the
While using Knapsack sprayer apply omite, 57% EC at 3ml/litre of water, or cybolt
at rate of 3ml/litre of water. Allow a minimum interval of 14 days between spraying
and plucking for manufacture.
Symptoms of attack
The upper surface of the mature leaves darken and turn brown and become scorched
(Plate VI 2). Young leaves may also be attacked during drought. Severe attacks may
lead to some defoliation. The mites, which are about 0.5 mm long, can be seen on
the upper surface of the leaves; the front part of their bodies is red and hind part is
purple. White cast skins of the immature stages can also be seen together with the
small reddish eggs which are alongside the leaf veins.
The pest is found throughout Kenya especially on unshaded tea, also attacking a
wide range of plants including coffee, castor and grevillea. Its natural enemies
include ladybird beetles and green lacewing larvae.
Very few serious outbreaks have been reported attributed to these mites.
Omite 57% EC at 3ml/litre of water, Cybolt at the rate 3ml/litre of water.
Use enough water to wet the bushes thoroughly and allow a minimum interval of
two weeks between spraying and plucking for manufacture.
Nurseries may be badly affected, especially if densely shaded. This pest attacks a
wide range of plants, including coffee and cotton.
Symptoms of attack
The young leaves are curled and may be distorted. Brown corky symptoms develop
between the main veins on the underside of the leaf and two brown lines parallel to
the midrib may develop. The adults are 1.5 mm long and are yellow. The eggs, which
are laid singly on the underside of the leaf, are covered with whitish tubercles.
Spray the upper leaves with 2.7g of dicofol 18.5% wettable powder in a litre of water,
or Omite 57% E.C. at 3ml/litre of water. Repeat after one week if the first spray has
not cleared the attack. Allow a minimum interval of one week between spraying and
plucking for manufacture.
The pest was first noticed in Kenya in l977 in Sotik and later found in all the tea
districts. The purple mite population has been kept low by the improvement of the
nutritional status of the tea bush.
Symptoms of attack
The attacked leaves turn purple or bronze in colour and numerous skin casts can be
seen scattered over the surface (Plate VI:3). Both surfaces of the leaves are attacked
but is more prevalent on the upper surface. Older leaves are preferred but in heavy
attacks young leaves are equally infested. Defoliation may occur where the attack is
serious especially on young tea. It has been observed that bushes receiving no or
inadequate fertilizer are more susceptible to the purple mites.
Same as for red crevice mite.
Symptoms of attack
Newly unfolding leaves are curled and dissected to give a coarse fern like
appearance. They are hardened and appear to be unfit for manufacture. The damage
is caused by very small mites which attack the apical buds; they cannot be seen by
the naked eye.
Spray dicofol l8.5% wp at 2.7g in one litre of water; or spray with Omite 57% EC at
3ml/litre of water. No quick benefit will be seen as damage occurs at a very early
stage of leaf formation and distorted leaves therefore continue to uncurl after the
death of the mites. Leave at least one week between spraying and plucking.
The citrus aphid occurs in all the tea growing districts of Kenya.
It is found on mature tea, but nurseries are more often attacked.
Symptoms of attack
Brown aphids measuring up to 3 mm long are found in large numbers on the
youngest shoots and leaves. Affected leaves are curled backwards (Plate VI:4).
Spray the affected parts of the plants with Karate 1.75 EC at 4 ml per litre of water,
or spray with fenitrothion 50% EC at 2 ml per litre of water. Allow a minimum
interval of one week between spraying and plucking.
(iii) Scales insects, Soft green scale-Cocus sp. Soft brown scale, Fried egg scales-
Aspidiotus sp.
The soft scales occur sporadically in all the tea growing districts of Kenya. Fried egg
scales (plate VI:5) are prevalent in Tigania, Nyambene and some parts of Kericho.
Certain clones of tea are preferred by scales.
Symptoms of attack
Found along the midribs of the upper and lower surfaces of the leaves (Plate VI:5),
especially in newly planted tea. The leaves sometimes turn black with sooty moulds
and ants may be active on affected leaves.
Pruning removes most of the affected leaves and allows parasitic wasps to attack the
remaining scales.
Spray with Karate at 4 ml per litre of water and mix with 25 ml summer white oil
(Murfoil EC). Examine after two weeks and if necessary re-spray. Allow a
minimum interval of one week between spraying and plucking. Ants that may
spread attack can be controlled by spraying with Dursban 48% EC at l.5 ml per
litre of water around the base of affected bushes.
Spray the foliage with malathion 50% EC at the rate of 2 ml/litre of water or Karate
at the rate of 4ml per litre of water. Allow at least one week between spraying and
Cutworms can be controlled effectively by use of baiting material as indicated below;
the bait may be bought or prepared. The following formula is recommended for
cutworm bait preparation:
Bait enough for 1 ha.
Dursban 48% EC (Gladiator)- 100ml
Wheat bran -50 kg
Sucrose 250gms
Mix the insecticide well with the bran before molasses or sugar. Then add
water and mix thoroughly. Broadcast the bait in the affected area.
N.B. If molasses is not available, sugar at the same rate may be used. A ready bait
may be purchased e.g. Volaton 0.75% (a bait containing 7.5 gm phoxin per kg).
Follow the instructions on the label.
Nature of damage
The mouth of the case is usually surrounded by a protective mantle (Figure VI:1)
with an aperture in the middle through which the larva protrudes its head and feeds
on the leaves and bark of tea bushes.
Figure VI :1
Faggot worm (Clania destructor)
The pest has been found in some tea growing areas such as Murang'a. It is however
considered as a minor pest.
It can best and efficiently be accomplished by hand collection
The cases of faggot worm can easily be detected on bushes and their complete
removal as soon as they appear will eradicate the pest. This is a new pest and no
chemical control measures have been tested.
(viii) Beetles
Cockchafer larvae (Cockchafer larva) (Schizonycha spp).
Symptoms of attack
Found generally on immature tea. The leaves of young bushes wilt; on inspection,
the surface of the root is seen to be damaged, especially just below the soil surface.
This damage is frequently followed by extensive callus growth and swelling around
and below the collar (Plate VI:6). Cockchafer grub damage is often confused with
injury caused by chemical fertilizers coming into contact with the collar of the plants.
Spray the soil around the bushes with Dursban (Gladiator) at the rate of 1.0 ml/litres
of water. Spraying in the planting holes before planting has also been found to be
beneficial. When nurseries are affected by this pest, it is advisable to treat the soil of
new nurseries which are to be established in the vicinity before the seeds are planted.
Treat in the same way as above, subsequently incorporating the endosulfan with the
top 10 cm of soil.
Figure VI:2
An Adult weevil and damaged leaf
The adult weevils feed on the leaves making characteristic notch-like damage to the
margin (Figure VI:2). In severe attacks there can be almost complete defoliation.
General Control
Spray the soil in the affected areas with Gladiator at the rate of 10 ml/litre of water
or the foliage at l.5 ml/litre of water or with Karate 1.75% EC at the rate of 4 ml/litre
of water.
Hand picking has been found to be effective where the population of weevils is not
The full grown larva are pale green in colour 45 cm long (Plate VI 9). They are found
in underside of leaves.
Spray the affected bushes with Karate 1.75 % EC at the rate 4 ml/litre of water. Allow
at least one week between spraying and plucking.
Spray the soil around the bushes with Dursban (Gladiator) 48% EC at 10 ml/litre of
water once every month from planting time for at least 3 months time. This will
protect the plants from damage by the tobacco cricket. Alternatively, bait the tobacco
cricket using wheat bran bait prepared as follows;
(xii) Thrips
The tea thrips have been found to occur in all tea growing areas of Kenya. The
attack is serious during the dry season.
Figure VI :3
An Adult Scirtothrips Kenyensis
Symptoms of attack
The young leaves are stunned and cupped, and margins of affected leaves are cracked
and brown, changing to purple (Plate VI:11). A pair of brown lines is often seen on
the leaf blade, one on each side of and parallel to the main vein; similar lines may be
caused by yellow tea mite (see page 175).
The intensity of the attacks can be reduced by introducing finer plucking for a few
rounds so that immature shoots are removed. The insects are mostly found within the
folded terminal buds and if these are plucked as soon as they appear above the
plucking table the Scirtothrips population will be reduced.
In severe attacks spray the foliage with malathion 50% EC at the rate of 2.4 ml per
litre of water. Apply twice, at an interval of ten days, or spray with Karate 1.75% EC
at the rate of 4 ml per litre of water or Fenitrothion 50% EC at 2 ml per litre of water,
allowing at least one week between spraying and plucking.
Figure VI: 4
An Adult Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis
Attacks often die away naturally in wet weather. In Meru district of Kenya where
severe infestations of black thrips are prevalent, excellent control is reported from a
single application of Fenitrothion. Spray the foliage with Fenitrothion 50% EC at the
rate of 2 ml per litre of water. Or spray with Karate 1.75% EC at the rte of 4 ml per
litre of water. Allow a minimum of one week between spraying and plucking.
Thrips become noticeable again about three months after spraying, but if
satisfactory rains occur they may not build up in sufficient numbers to justify a
further spray for several months.
(xiii) Helopeltis – (Helopeltis schoutedeni) (Reuter)
Mosquito bug belongs to a group of insects in the order Hemiptera commonly known as bugs. They
feed on young tender shoots causing serious damage to tea.
Symptoms of attack
Dark brown spots, up to 4 mm diameter, appear on the youngest leaves and shoots (Plate VI :13).
These spots exude moisture from a central puncture when fresh. As the growing tissue expand, the
spots turn black and produce leaf and stem distortions. If the infestation is severe, green shoots are
attacked; this can lead later to branch canker.
The pest is a sucking insect up to l.25 cm long and is red in colour with black wings.
Spray the foliage with Karate 1.75% EC at the rate of 4 ml/litre of water. Allow at least one week
between spraying and plucking.
(xiv) Ants
Gramatogaster dohrni
They do not damage tea directly but are a nuisance to workers. Some species construct nests on tea
bushes using the leaves and ends up defoliating the tea.
To control the ants, destroy the nest and spray the nest and affected bushes with Karate 1.75% EC
at the rate of 3 ml/litre of water.
(xv) Termites
Microtermes natalensis - Live wood termites
Pseudocanthotermes militaris
Termites are generally known as "white ants" because of their general resemblance in form and
habits to the true ants, but these insects belongs to another order. Termites are highly organised
social insects, living in colonies. They attack both living and dead wood.
Termites occur most frequently on recently established plantings. Plants wilt and die; the stem
beneath the soil surface is ring-barked or the entire root system may be destroyed. Older plants
may be stripped of leaves. Earthen tubes are generally present on the main stem and sometimes
also on branches (Plate VI :14).
Pre-treatment attention: Dead wood and snags, and hollowed-out branches should be removed
and the cut surface covered with protective paint (copper in raw linseed oil).
Termites attack young plants through the soil. To control them effectively the soil around the plants
should be sprayed with Dursban 48% EC at the rate of 10 ml per litre of water. Where possible
destruction of termite nests and removal of the queen should be carried out. For scavenging termites,
in addition to spraying, the mounds should be located and after removing the top treat with Dursban
at the rate of l0 ml/litre of water.
Note: All chemical rates have been given in small quantities per litre of water because in most cases
a few bushes are affected by disease or pest.
vi:1 vi.2
vi:10 Vi:11
Plate vi.8. Kangaita weevil (Entypotrachelus
meyeri ) damage.
Plate vi.9. Stinging caterpillars (Parasa vivida)
Plate vi.10. Tobacco cricket (Brachytrypes
Palte vi.11 Yellow tea thrips (Scirtothrips
Kenyensis) damage.
Plate vi.12.Black tea thrips (Heliothrips
Plate vi.13. Mosquito bug (Helopetis
Vi:14 schoutedeni) damage.
Plate vii.14. Termite damage on tea.
(a) Weed control in young tea
The large area of soil exposed to full sunlight together with the fragility of young plants
makes the control of weeds in young tea more difficult than in mature tea. Complete weed
control is particularly desirable in young tea as the check of growth by diversion of water
and nutrients to weeds can delay appreciably the time to start harvesting the crop. As the
conditions are favourable for weed growth weed control in young tea is an essential
mandatory operation compared to that in mature tea. Removing weeds by implements of any
type (cheel hoe, jembe, fork jembe etc) inevitably results in heavy damage to roots and loss
of both tea plants and nurse crops, so the use of any implement should be discouraged.
A circle around each young tea plant of at least 40 cm diameter must be kept completely
clear of weeds. The only safe way to do this is for weeds within this area to be pulled out
individually by hand. As weeds are pulled out, they should be put into a sack and carried off
the field. If left in the field some will strike roots and grow again.
The ground outside the circle around each plant should be covered with a nurse crop such
as oats. This crop, when cut and laid down, will act as mulch and also reduce weed growth
but some weeds will inevitably appear. These can be removed by hand along with oats too
close to the tea plants or it may be convenient to control them with paraquat (gramoxone), at
the rate of 310 ml of the product in 124 litres of water per hectare. Paraquat will check the
growth of oats but will not kill them unless applied very frequently in heavy doses.
Herbicide damage to tea plants can be prevented by shielding the plants when spraying.
This can be done successfully in a number of ways. A piece of polythene sheet can be held
around each plant by one man while another man is spraying the weeds. A four-gallon (20
litre) tin (debe) cut into halves or a cone made from any stiff material, which is easily dropped
to cover individual plants, can be used by one man who does the spraying as well. The cones,
if made from material of sufficient gauge and rigidity, have proved to be simple and effective.
When spraying any herbicide, it is important to minimise drift to the young plants which
are not protected. A flood jet at reduced pressure gives a coarser spray which is less easily
carried by wind. Alternatively, a Dribble-bar attached to a pressure sprayer produces coarse
drops and has been used successfully. Always avoid spraying under very windy conditions.
It is essential to repeat weeding rounds, whatever method of control is employed, after a
short interval so that weeds which have regrown are removed before they have a chance to
seed or grow extensive root systems. The interval of rounds will vary; it may be as short as
one week or as long as eight weeks and will depend on soil conditions, weed flora and
climatic conditions. This must remain flexible and local management will need to exercise
judgement continuously on this point. An inadequate number of weeding rounds at long
intervals, whatever method is employed, is a complete waste of money.
A persistent herbicide sprayed over fields of young tea will prevent seedlings of many
weeds from growing. Simazine is the only herbicide that can be considered in this respect,
but it must be used with caution as young tea plants have on occasions been damaged by
simazine. Dalapon must not be used on tea under two years old. Where perennial weeds such
as sedges, couch or Kikuyu grass are the problem, glyphosate (roundup) can be used
effectively. The other herbicides which can be considered for young tea under two years old
are fluozifop-butyl (fusilade), oxyfluorfen (goal 2E), kamata, and basta. Again in all cases
precautions should be taken to protect the young plants when spraying herbicides.
Perennial grasses
The effect of deep-rooted perennial grasses, such as Digitaria scalarum (couch or lumbugu),
is very severe on crops. They have such an adverse effect on the growth of tea plants that
only satisfactory control is complete eradication. They must be treated as a problem largely
independent of the normal control of weeds. If the softer annual weeds are kept to a
minimum, patches of couch are more easily seen and dealt with.
Removal of perennial weeds by hand is not satisfactory. It is limited, as small pieces of
roots not removed will grow. Chemical treatments are generally very effective and a number
of herbicides are available for this purpose.
(c) Translocated herbicides
1. Dalapon (Dowpon)
For a long time, dalapon was the only herbicide of greatest value for perennial weed control
in tea and is readily available in several proprietary forms.
The normal application rate of dalapon is 5½kg per hectare in 250 litres of water. The
chemical is largely taken up by the leaves of the plants so that it should be sprayed only on
to growing weeds. It is most effective when the weeds are growing vigorously; slashing of
the weeds to promote regrowth before spraying is often worthwhile.
As the herbicide is taken up relatively slowly by the plant, dry weather is required
otherwise rain will wash the dalapon away before it has time to be completely absorbed.
Preferably, there should be 48 hours without rain after application. If the foliage is damp, the
application rate should be increased to 8½kg per hectare.
Any regrowth six to eight weeks after application should be treated again. Severe
infestations of couch may need several treatments for complete eradication.
Dalapon should be kept away from tea leaves as far as possible since it will scorch them.
Applied to couch on the ground at the rates recommended, dalapon will not affect mature
tea. Local over-dosing must be avoided as this will affect tea severely. Dalapon does not
persist in the soil for more than six to eight weeks.
2. Glyphosate (Roundup)
Glyphosate, a translocated herbicide which is more effective than dalapon, is now widely
used for weed control in tea.
Glyphosate kills a wide variety of annual and perennial grasses and broad-leaf plants. It is
rapidly translocated from aerial parts to underground roots, rhizomes or stolons of perennial
weeds. Leaf symptoms appear within 7 to 14 days after spraying and complete desiccation
usually occurs within 30 days. Visible effects are a gradual wilting and yellowing of the
plants which advances to complete browning and deterioration of plant tissues.
The recommended rate of glyphosate in controlling weeds in tea is 2-4 litres of product
per hectare. The water volume should be between 200 and 600 litres per hectare. The
optimum environmental conditions for glyphosate are high relative humidity, temperature
and light intensity, at the time of application; no rainfall within 6 hours, low temperature plus
high relative humidity and light intensity, after spraying, for long-lasting weed control.
Vegetative development at application time is very important to get optimum translocation
to the underground parts of plants. Hence, a good coverage of leaves is essential for
realisation of full efficacy of the chemical. Slashing before application without allowing
regrowth decreases glyphosate performance because the area of spray reception is reduced.
Cultivation prior to spray will also reduce glyphosate activity since some of underground
propagules will not have aerial parts. Tillage will also prevent adequate translocation by
breaking the underground vegetative system. Glyphosate should be kept away from growing
tea shoots. Other formulations of glyphosate marketed as Kamata and Touchdown as well
as Basta ( Ammonium-DL-homoalanin-4-yl (Methyl) phosphinate) are useable as substitutes
for round-up. Touchdown, a plyphoste based herbicide can be used as a substitute to round
3. Fluazifop-butyl (Fusilade)
Another highly active, selective herbicide for control of grass weeds, except sedges, in broad-
leaved crops including tea is fluazifop-butyl. This herbicide is most affective as a post-weed
emergence application normally in 100 - 800 litres of water per hectare. It is essential to
obtain good cover of weeds and the spray volume should be selected accordingly to achieve
The recommended rate for annual grasses is 1 to 3 litres of the product per hectare, according
to when the rhizomes have been fragmented by cultivation apply 2 to 4 litres of the product
per hectare and for established perennial grasses apply 4 to 6 litres per hectare. Fluazifop-
butyl can be applied at any time provided that most weeds have emerged and present
sufficient leaf surface for good uptake of the herbicide.
Fluazifop-butyl is quickly absorbed through the leaf surface and translocated to growing
points in the plant. First symptoms are often not evident until a week after application
although growth usually ceases within 48 hours. Nodes and growing points become necrotic;
young leaves show chlorosis followed by necrosis; there is a general loss of vigour and often
pigment changes that are normally associated with senescence appear. Death is usually
complete after 3 to 5 weeks.
Fluazifop-butyl remains active in the soil, up to 4 months after the application of high rates.
This product has so far proved chemically and biologically compatible with a number of
established herbicides although field data are, at present, limited.
As in the case of other herbicides, precautions should be taken to protect tea bushes when
applying fluazifop-butyl.
The normal application rate of simazine is 4.4 kg of the product per hectare.
2. Diuron (Reglone)
Diuron controls more species of weeds than simazine. It acts on very small seedlings but
does also have limited effect on larger plants. Preferably rain should follow application but
this is not as vital as with simazine. If Diuron comes in contact with tea leaves it causes them
to lose colour and scorch. No noticeable visual effects have been seen on tea from ground
applications at the recommended rates. Heavy over-dosing will affect tea severely.
Karmex, another form of diuron is applied at the rate of 2.75 kg of the product per hectare.
3. Oxyfluorfen (Goal 2E)
A persistent herbicide, oxyfluorfen, is also useable for weed control in tea. It controls a very
wide variety of weeds. Oxyfluorfen is usually applied pre- or post - emergence of weeds. It
kills by contact of the emerging weeds with the thin layer of the herbicide on the soil surface.
Foliar or root uptake is negligible.
The herbicide is applied at rates ranging from 0.28 to 2.25 kg of product per hectare.
Before applying the herbicide, the soil must be clean weeded and clear of excessive trash
and organic matter. The herbicide is more effective if sprayed on moist soil. After application
of the herbicide, the soil must not be disturbed or cultivated; doing so greatly reduces or
eliminates the herbicidal activity of oxyfluorfen. If weed patches emerge after treatment, a
post-emergence application of oxyfluorfen at rates ranging from 0.16 to 0.28 kg of
product/ha along with paraquat at the normal rate may be carried out. Oxyfluorfen has very
desirable synergistic effects with many other herbicides such as paraquat and dalapon.
Persistent herbicides must be applied evenly. In order to ensure this throughout a field each
container of spray solution must be applied to the same number of bushes (see Table VI.1).
The amount of water needed to distribute a persistent herbicide depends on the equipment
used; 280-560 litres per hectare are usual.
As these persistent herbicides generally have no useful effect on standing weeds, field must
be cleaned by hand before application. Alternatively, a contact herbicide such as paraquat
can be added to the spray mixture.
Contact herbicides
Two chemicals of this type are now recommended: Paraquat and diquat.
1. Paraquat (Gramoxone)
Paraquat is absorbed by all green parts of a growing plant. When light reaches the green
parts they are scorched. Paraquat is not absorbed by bark and is completely inactivated
when it reaches the soil; so uptake by roots does not occur. It is absorbed by the plants
very quickly so it can be used effectively in wet weather unless the rain is extremely heavy.
As the rate of action by paraquat depends on light, effects show more quickly in bright
sunlight. The ultimate effect is the same whatever the light intensity. If the chemical falls
on tea leaves they will burn in the same way as on other green parts of the plant. If a large
proportion of the leaves of a bush are scorched in this way, its growth will be severely
Paraquat is normally dissolved in water at a dilution of 1 part in 400 parts of water, i.e. 310
ml of paraquat to 124 litres of water per hectare. The effect of paraquat is enhanced by the
addition of a wetting agent, e.g. Agral 90, NAS or Teepol, in order of preference. The normal
rate of wetting agent is 1 part in 4000 parts of water, i.e. 31 ml to 124 litres of water. Paraquat
(Gramoxone W) includes a wetting agent so there is no need to add a wetting agent when
using this material.
TABLE VI.1: Number of bushes sprayed by 9.1 litres of solution at the rate of 280 litres per
Planting Square, rectangular or Triangular planting
distance(cm) contour planting
Bushes/ Bushes/9.1 litres Bushes/ Bushes/ 9.1
hectare mixture hectare litres mixture
121.9 x 61.0 13,448 437
106.7 x 76.2 12,299 400 10,142 330
91.4 x 91.4 11,970 389 13,822 449
106.7 x 82.8 11,184 363
100.0 x 100.0 10,000 325 11,626 378
121.9 x 76.2 10,766 350
106.7 x 91.4 10,254 333
121.9 x 91.4 8,975 292 12,044 391
106.7 x 106.7 8,784 285
152.4 x 61.0 10,757 350
152.4 x 76.2 8,611 280
121.9 x 121.9 6,730 219 7,771 253
137.2 x 137.2 5,312 173 6,134 199
152.4 x 121.9 5,383 175
152.4 x 152.4 4,306 140 4,972 162
182.9 x 182.9 2,989 97 3,452 112
2. Diquat (Reglone)
Diquat is very similar to paraquat but may be a useful alternative if there are broad-leaved
weed species which are not affected by paraquat. It is sold as Reglone which contains 20%
of the active chemical and is used at the same rates as paraquat.
When using these chemicals, they should only be applied to growing weeds. Do not
broadcast on tea leaves. Likewise do not allow the chemicals to get in contact with the lower
branches of the bushes. Since these chemicals kill growing points, they will also kill the
dormant buds on the branches which might result in poor recovery from subsequent pruning.
Leakage from spraying equipment must be repaired immediately. Either of these chemicals
can be added to the water solution of a persistent herbicide at the rates already quoted.
When using chemicals for killing regrowth weeds, occasional plants will be found which
are not affected. These are best removed by hand; if they are not too many the person doing
the spraying can remove them as he passes.
(e) Hand-weeding
The essence of this operation is the removal of young weeds before they seed. Should this
not be possible, the next weeding ought to be done whilst those seedlings which have
germinated since the last weeding are still young. Weeds which have been removed must
have soil shaken off their roots, particularly in wet weather. In no circumstances should
weeds be buried in the soil. Where weed growth is limited, it is sufficient to rake the
vegetation into a bund. Where weed growth is heavy, it is better to carry the material out of
the field.
Conversion of manual weed control to weed control with herbicides
Where it is decided to introduce herbicides into a weed control regime which has hitherto
been completely manual, results will not be satisfactory unless this introduction is carefully
programmed to include manual operations.
Where the weed infestation is very dense, the first operation should be to cut the weeds
down as close to the ground as possible. If this causes a lot of vegetation to fall on the ground
this vegetation should be carried off the field.
Follow cutting-down as soon as possible (within a day or two) with a spray of paraquat.
When the effect of the paraquat reaches its maximum and before any weeds which are
unaffected can seed, clean the weeds manually using a cheel hoe. This should take place
between one and two weeks after the paraquat application. If there is a large amount of
vegetation removed, it is best to carry off the field.
This cleaning must be followed by the application of a persistent herbicide, simazine,
diuron or oxyfluorfen. If the application can be made immediately before weed seedlings
appear, the persistent herbicide may be applied on its own. If weed seedlings have appeared
before the spraying is done, combine paraquat with the persistent herbicide.
The persistent herbicide will now prevent growth of seedlings of soft annual weeds.
Resistant rhizomatous and woody plants will continue to grow. These must be removed
before they are able to become strongly established or seed. Couch, if present, can only be
dealt with by the use of dalapon or glyphosate. The absence of soft weeds at this stage makes
it easy to see and treat it. Other species can be removed by hand or using a contact herbicide.
If a contact herbicide is used, large and tap-rooted plants should be pulled out of the ground
and laid down before spraying. Whether manual or chemical treatments is used, ensure that
weeds are dealt with before they seed.
Where initial weed density is not very high, the early stages of this programme can be
omitted. In this case start with the application of the persistent herbicide at the time of
pruning only.
If a large number of fields have to be brought into a new system, it is better to start on a
limited number, and do these properly, than to attempt a large number and fail, because it is
impossible to carry out the next stage quickly enough. It is inevitable that when changing to
an improved system of weed control, cost will rise initially. However, as the standard of
cleanliness of the field improves, costs should fall to well below the level prior to the
introduction of herbicide.
Weeds resistant to paraquat
When paraquat has been sprayed on a field regularly, weeds which are comparatively
unharmed by paraquat may begin to be noticeable.
These weeds may be resistant to paraquat for one or more of the following reasons:-
1. They have a waxy surface
2. They have hairy surface
3. They have thin stems
4. They regenerate from the roots or base of the stem
In this group are weeds such as Borreria spp, Polygonum spp, etc. To counter these
paraquat resistant weeds, the following actions may be tried:-
1. Use diquat in the same concentration as paraquat
2. Increase the concentration of wetting agent when using Gramoxone W, add
Agrol 90, NAS or Teepol at the rate of 31 ml to 124 litres of water.
3. Remove resistant weeds by hand and carry them away from the field.
4. Cheel (not in young tea) and restart the paraquat spraying soon after germination.
Make sure that paraquat spraying interval is not extended until the weeds have grown too
Spot spraying
The herbicides, which are taken up by leaves must be sprayed on leaves only so that the
process is one of spot-spraying the weed where it exists. This makes it difficult to control
the application rate. It is important to remember that the application rates quoted for these
herbicides apply only to the area actually sprayed and not the whole field.
When spot-spraying is being carried out it is very easy for the operator to give an
unnecessary large amount of spray solution to individual weeds or patches of weeds. Apart
from being wasteful this local over-dosing of herbicides can damage tea bushes. Use of
the finest spray jet reduces the risk of over-dosing, but the operation needs careful
supervision to avoid herbicide drift to tea bushes. Where the weeds are small, up to 5 cm
tall, spraying until the foliage is thoroughly wet and no more, should give sufficient
herbicide to kill the weeds without great risk of damage to tea. If the weeds are larger, it is
better to cut them down and allow regeneration before spraying.
In case of an accident
If a pesticide is ingested accidentally, vomiting should be induced at once if not already
occurring and the patient be sent to the nearest hospital immediately. Vomiting can be
induced by drinking a concentrated mixture of common salt in warm water. In case of skin
contact with pesticides wash off with soap and water immediately and in case of eye contact,
flush out with water for at least 15 minutes then consult a doctor at once.
(ii) Glyphosate
In several cases, young leaves become needle-like and curl when they get into contact with
glyphosate. Even the new leaves which subsequently develop on the directly contacted
shoots display these symptoms which can be visible up to three months after the contact.
Each needle-like leaf persists for a short period and then drops off.
None. The bushes recover after some time.
(iii) Dalapon
Chlorosis of interveinal areas of the leaves is followed by browning and scorching. In
severe cases these symptoms spread fully over the leaves which then fall off; also the stem
tips may die back.
None. Bushes will recover unless they are completely defoliated as dalapon is not
persistent. Heavy rain may speed recovery by washing excess dalapon away.
(iv) Paraquat
Bright brown scorched patches appear where the chemical has made contact with a leaf.
The affected leaves will fall off if heavily scorched by a large amount of the chemical.
None. Since no harm is done to the rest of the bush, it will recover by putting out new
shoots and leaves as if it had been pruned. No harm is done apart from a check to growth,
but starch reserves will be reduced so that repeated defoliation will cause a progressive
weakening of the bush.
(v) Diuron
Orange-yellow chlorotic patches appear in the interveinal areas of the leaves turning brown
and scorching. Leaves fall off if a large area is scorched. Younger leaves fall off first
leaving bare stems above the maintenance layer. In extreme cases, the stems die back,
maintenance leaves fall off and the plant dies.
None. The bushes will recover if the chemical is not present in a large quantity to
kill them. Recovery will be slow as diuron is persistent in the soil.
(h) Formulations
Pesticides are not sold in pure form. They are mixed with various other materials to make
them convenient and easy for the grower to use. These mixtures are called formulations.
These are dry powders containing 10% or less of actual pesticide. They are ready for use and
should be applied using a special dust pump or shaken from a small sack. DO NOT MIX
THEM WITH WATER. Herbicides are not formulated as dusts because of their hazardous
Ultra-low-volume (ULV)
ULV formulations are usually solutions of pesticides in a non volatile (non-evaporative)
oil. They do not mix with water and should be applied undiluted. THEY MUST BE
SMALL DROPS. If applied with ordinary pumps they will burn the plant.
Fumigants (F)
These are volatile chemicals which liquefy when stored under pressure or inert under
hermetic conditions and are used in confined spaces or in the soil. When applied they form
a gas which will destroy the pest organism.
Value(mg/kg) Toxicity Safety
Less than 50 Extremely high Extremely low
50 - 200 Very high Very low
200 - 500 Slightly toxic Slightly low
500 - 1000 Low High
Greater than 1000 Very low Very high
Value(mg/kg) Toxicity Safety
Less than 200 Very toxic Extremely low
200 - 1000 Slightly toxic Slightly low
1000 - 200 Low High
Over 2000 Very low Very high
The safe handling and use of pesticides require that you know how toxic the pesticide is
(i.e. the LD50), how the product should be handled and what safety measures should be taken
so that the operators and other people concerned in the exercise are not exposed to it.
(j)Recommended Pesticides
Pesticide Dilution rate Pest/disease/weeds Safety period
1.Karate 1.75% EC) 4 ml per litre of water Aphids, mites, Helopeltis, thrips At least 7 days
and plucking
2. Dursban 48% EC 10 ml/litre of water Thrips, beetles, termites, scales, At least 14 days
3. Malathion (Killpest) 2.4 ml/litre of water Thrips, Helopeltis, scale insects, At least 7 days
50% EC Caterpillars
4. Dicofol (Kelthane) 2.7 gm/litre of water Red spider mite, yellow tea At least 7 days
mite, purple mite (all stages
except eggs).
5. Tedion (Tetradifon) 2gm/10 litres of water Purple mite, red spider, mite At least 14 days
6. Carbaryl 85% WP 2.4 g/litre of water Soft scales, caterpillars At least 7 days
7. Volaton 0.75% Ready bait – bait Cutworms, crickets Not applied on
broadcasted plants
8. Fenitrothion 50% 2 ml/litre of water Aphids, grasshoppers, thrips, At least 7 days
Helopeltis, scales, beetles,
9. Decis 1ml/5 litres of water. Aphids, grasshoppers, thrips, At least 7 days
Helopeltis scale, cutworm
10.Permethrin, 1 ml/litre of water Helopeltis, thips At least 7 days
11. Omite 3 ml/l of water Red crevice mites, Red spider 14
mites, purple mites
12. Murphoil 20 ml/l Scale insects 7
13. Gladiator 10 ml/l Termites, Tobaco crickets 14
(ii) Fungicides
12. Dithane M45 4-6 g/litre of water Grey blight, stem canker At least 7 days
14. Copper, 5-7 g/litre of water Grey blight, brown blight, stem At least 7 days
Benomyl 3-5 g/litre of water canker, Hypoxylong wood rot.
15. Ridomil 5-10g/l of water Damping off N/A nurseries
(ii) Herbicides
16. Roundup 12-25 ml/litre of water Grasses, sedges and broad Not sprayed on
(Glyphosate) leaves weeds crop plants
17 Touchdown 12-25ml/l of water “ “ “ “ “
18. Gramoxone 4-6 ml/litre of water Annual grasses and broad Not sprayed on
(Paraquat) leaved weeds crop plants
19. Diquat (Reglone) 7.6 ml/litre of water Annual grasses and broad Not sprayed on
leaved weeds leaved weeds
20. Dalapon (Dow 10-15 g/litre of water Perennial and Annual grasses Discard first
pon) harvest
21. Diuron (Karrmx) 2-3 g/litre of water Annual grasses and broad Discard the first
leaved weeds harvest
22. Simazine 5-7 litre of water Annual grasses and broad Discard the first
(Gesatop) leaved weeds harvest
23. Mamba 12-25 ml/l Grasses, sedges and broad Not sprayed on
(glyphosate) leaves weeds crops
24. Kalach 12-25 ml/l Grasses, sedges and broad Not sprayed on
leaves weeds crops
25. Wipeout 25 ml/l Grasses, sedges and broad Not sprayed on
leaves weeds crops
Note: In most cases spot spraying is done on a few bushes in a field. Therefore dilution
rate is preferred to rates/hectare.
Aroma precursors
The production of aromatic black tea is more dependent on the amounts of precursors
present for the relevant VFC. Generally, the total amount of VFC affects the aroma of
black tea less than the ratio of the Group II VFC (sum of those volatiles imparting nice,
flowery and fruity smell) to Group I VFC (sum of volatiles imparting green grassy aroma).
This ratio is referred to as Flavour Index (FI). The amount of Group II VFC is affected by
the amounts of terpene glycosides, amino acids, carotenes and enzymes involved in
converting these precursors to the VFC. Also, some of the VFC from the precursors exist
in fresh leaf as primary products and their levels also affect the sum of Group II VFC. The
production of the Group I VFC is dependent on the amounts of unsaturated fatty acids and
amino acids in the tea leaves, and the activities of the enzymes responsible for their
degradation. Generally, the tea growing environment, agronomic and processing
procedures, will affect the aroma of black tea.
Fermentation temperature
It has been shown that high fermentation temperatures (i.e. 25C or over) produce black
teas which have less theaflavins, more thearubigins and lower flavour index, and usually
of a lower quality. It is therefore commercially advantageous to control fermentation
temperature by installing cooling equipment. Since temperatures within tea growing areas
of Kenya are usually not very high, use of water cooled, humidified air would suffice
during hot seasons.
Fermentation duration
Several methods have been proposed to follow the progress of fermentation so as to stop
it at the optimum duration. Rapid methods have been developed for the estimation of
theaflavins in fermenting “dhool”, and it has been suggested that these can be used to
determine when to terminate fermentation. It has been found that these techniques are not
particularly useful in Kenya, due to the nature of the Kenyan leaf and Kenyan fermentation
Experiments at the Foundation have shown that sensory evaluation of tea at the dryer
mouth is the most appropriate method of assessing optimum fermentation time, and indeed,
this method enables the factory manager to make tea suitable for the intended market. The
varied growing conditions and fermentation practices generate a very broad peak of
optimum fermentation time, especially when “dhool” is fermented at low temperatures,
and there is considerable leeway on how long the “dhool” can be fermented. As a general
rule, shorter fermentation durations produce brisker, brighter and more aromatic black teas,
while longer fermentation time produces thicker and more coloury black teas. However, if
fermentation duration is too long, the black teas become muddy in taste, whereas if
fermentation duration is too short, then greenish black teas are produced.
Aeration during fermentation
Supply of oxygen from the atmosphere is essential for successful fermentation.
Consequently, if leaf is fermented other than in very shallow layers, air must be forced
through. This air should be cool and humid. This helps in keeping the temperature down
and in preventing drying of the fermented leaf, which otherwise would inhibit the chemical
processes that occur during fermentation.
This is the stage that halts most of the chemical processes of tea manufacture, and gives a
stable, storable product. During the initial stages of drying, the chemical reactions of
fermentation continue. They only stop once enough water has been removed or sufficiently
high temperature has been attained to inactivate polyphenol oxidase and, thus, prevent
further reactions. Prior to this point, there are some changes in the levels of the theaflavins
and thearubigins, then finally a stable product is formed at 3.6% moisture. Very fast
moisture loss during firing or incorrect temperature settings of the dryer can lead to case
hardening, producing black tea which are wet inside the tea particles. Such teas deteriorate
(lose quality) very fast upon storage. Because these reactions occur in the initial stage of
drying, it is important at this stage to have the correct temperatures and airflow, and to
minimise unwanted chemical changes. Excessive temperatures towards the end of firing
produce “burnt” product. Even firing can only be maintained if inlet and outlet
temperatures and leaf loading are kept constant.
1. Leaf collection
The manufacturing process starts the moment tea leaves are plucked. The plucked leaves
start to wither and at this point inadequate handling and transport will result in bruising of
the leaf, heat development, initiation of uncontrolled fermentation leading to reduced
quality. Care should be taken when transporting green leaf to avoid heat accumulation
and bruising. The use of suspended gunny sacks carrying about 10 kg of green leaf usually
allows enough ventilation to avoid heat accumulation during transport from field to
factory, provided the leaf does not over stay in the field or in the transport vessel. Where
transportation to the factory can be done within an hour, leaf can be transported in any
other convenient containers.The standard of plucking also affects the quality of made tea.
A finer plucking, i.e. “two and a bud” standard will produce a higher quality tea that will
fetch better price. It is important to have a constant supply of leaf with consistent plucking
standard so that the factory does not have to keep changing the manufacturing conditions.
The estate sector is able to control the flow of leaf into a factory very effectively.
However, in the smallholder sector leaf supply is erratic and this causes problems in
maintaining consistent standards of manufacture. If the in coming leaf is “two leaves and
a bud”, there is generally more leeway in manufacture. Withering times, fermentation
times and drying times will not need to be so precise as in the manufacture of the coarser
2. Withering
This is an aspect of tea manufacture that is very expensive in terms of space, time, energy
and labour utilisation. Unfortunately it is also one of the least understood processes in
black tea processing. Withering is presumed to occur after the freshly plucked shoots are
placed in the withering trough and air is blown through them for 14 - 18 hours. During this
process, the most noticeable change is moisture loss which is accompanied by cell wall
permeability changes which make subsequent maceration easy. This process of moisture
loss and cell wall permeability changes is called physical wither.
However, less obvious is the chemical wither. This starts immediately the leaf is
detached from the bush and chemical reactions involved in senescence start. The chemical
wither reactions include the changes in the activity and nature of polyphenol oxidase (the
enzyme responsible for turning green tea leaf to brown-black) hydrolysis of terpenoid
glycosides to release terpenes, breakdown of proteins to amino acids, hydrolysis of lipids
to free fatty acids, and breakdown of carotenes to simple terpenes. Although these changes
mainly benefit black tea aroma, they also affect plain black tea quality parameters.
Chemical withering is mandatory for production of high quality black teas. However, it is
very difficult to control chemical wither duration in a commercial factory processing
situation. Optimal chemical wither varies from 6 to 20 hours. Shorter chemical wither
times produce green and harsh black teas, while longer withering durations result in dull
black teas with low sensory evaluation.
In Kenya, plain teas are produced during the peak crop periods, while flavoury black
teas are produced mainly from clonal leaf from some areas of the country during the slow
growth (low crop) seasons. Plain teas were presumed to benefit only from physical
withering. However, it is now known that both plain and flavoury black teas are affected
by physical wither. Hard physical withers (high moisture loss i.e. below 72% moisture
content) enhance the quality of the production of flavoury teas. However, for plain teas,
hard physical wither reduces the levels of some plain tea quality parameters i.e. theaflavins,
brightness and thearubigins. Thus, plain black teas benefit from controlled physical wither,
the quality actually deteriorates when too much moisture is lost from the leaf.
Physical wither enhances factory throughput. The softly withered leaf is bulky and this
slows down rotorvane output, and dryers may not cope with excess moisture in the leaf.
Consequently, withered leaf should have only up to 72% moisture content if the dryers are
to give optimum throughput.
During periods of increased tea production, many factories usually face constraints in
processing especially in the withering section. Studies have shown that the two-stage
withering technique where chemical and physical withers are done at distinct stages make
black teas with similar quality as black teas made through the conventional one-stage
withering technique where physical and chemical withers are done concurrently. However,
in a two-stage wither, chemical wither must be done before physical wither and during the
process, black tea quality can be enhanced by using cold air to achieve physical wither.
This knowledge has led to development of tanks which occupy less space but hold more
leaf and use less electricity, as suitable vessels for chemical wither. Where tanks are not
installed, factories can alternate over-loaded withering troughs with normal loads.
Upon achieving chemical wither, the normal-loaded troughs can be subjected to forced
physical wither using high speed (velocity) air current. After physical wither has been
achieved the leaf is removed for maceration, while the leaf in the over-loaded troughs is
sub-divided into those emptied troughs, then subjected to forced physical wither. This
process allows the factory to hold up to 35% more leaf in the factory than it could under
traditional trough withering system.
The constraint in withering space is more acute during the peak crop seasons when the
black teas produced are generally plain. Such teas can be manufactured without quality
loss if chemical withering time is reduced to as short as six hours. The reduction of
chemical withering time will permit factories to start processing early and, thus, create
extra processing time. Additionally, the same enables the factory to use one withering
trough more than once in a day, thus enabling the factory to hold more leaf.
Since leaf processed during peak crop periods produces plain black tea, and because for
such teas softer withers make superior teas, factories which can cope with soft withers
without suffering reduction in throughput at the rotorvanes or dryers as a result of some
engineering modifications, can use tank wither only. In such manufacturing processes, all
moisture is removed during drying. Due to the increased surface areas of macerated leaf,
energy may be more efficiently utilised as moisture losses through evaporation are
achieved faster. Economic survey has shown that it is more cost effective to install some
withering tanks in factories than to build new factories or expand old factories with
traditional withering techniques.
3. Leaf maceration
Almost all tea produced in Kenya is by unorthodox maceration, usually using one
rotorvane and three Crush, Tear and Curl (CTC) machines in series or one rotorvane and
a Lawrie Tea Processor (LTP). This is most suitable because the teas produced are mostly
plain teas, and it is not necessary to preserve all delicate flavour components.
Teas made by unorthodox maceration are generally much smaller in particle size than
those made by traditional (orthodox) maceration, and they give brighter, brisker and more
coloured infusions. This is also of advantage to the tea market which has moved towards
tea bags and “quick brew teas” over the last twenty years. It seems probable that more and
more teas from Kenya will be processed using unorthodox techniques, with only a small
percentage of specialist tea utilising orthodox methods of maceration.
The object of the maceration step is to mix up the catechins and the enzyme in the tea
leaf tissues, and to allow free access of oxygen. This allows fermentation to proceed,
producing theaflavins and thearubigins respectively. In delicate flavoury teas, other
chemical reactions may be of equal importance, but this is not thought to be the case in
Kenya plain teas. Thus it follows that rapid, severe maceration will cause maximum leaf
disruption and lead to a finished product that has the characteristics desired of Kenya tea.
The first step in maceration is usually the use of a rotorvane. It consists of a cylinder
containing a rotating central shaft. Spiral vanes on the shaft propel the leaf along the
cylinder, and distortion and twisting of the tea leaf tissues occur by the rubbing and
shearing action of the leaf against projections coming out of the cylinder casing. This
whole process is designed to disrupt the cellular structure of the leaf.
After rotorvane maceration, leaf usually passes through a series of CTC machines. These
machines consist of two rollers rotating at different speeds in opposite directions. Because
the surface of the rollers is serrated, their rotation in opposite direction produces more leaf
cellular disruption by crushing and stretching and cutting it into small particles.
The LTP is an alternative to CTC, and may be used in conjunction with a rotorvane. It
is based on the principle of a hammer mill, with the rotating hammers disintegrating the
leaf very quickly. In some factories this is considered sufficient for fermentation, but in
others an extra cut with a CTC, usually in the middle of fermentation, is thought to be of
The net result of these maceration processes is to produce small particles of leaf and stalk
that have had their internal structure broken down to allow air to easily reach the internal
structure of the leaf, leading to even fermentation. The macerated leaf is known as “dhool”.
4 Fermentation
This is the stage of manufacture where the major chemical (rather than physical) changes
occur. In essence, fermentation requires allowing oxygen to permeate the macerated leaf
so that the endogenous catechins can be converted through enzyme-catalysed reactions to
theaflavins and thearubigins. Some of the aroma compounds are also formed during
Originally, the procedure was for leaf to be left in thin layers on slabs, so that air would
penetrate naturally. However, oxygen requirement of leaf macerated by unorthodox means
is much higher than at processed by orthodox means. This led to the use of air forced
through the fermenting dhool to increase the oxygen level available for fermentation. The
air also helps cool the dhool, as the chemical reactions of fermentation generate heat.
The commonest fermentation system in Kenya utilises George-Wiliamsons (G.W.)
trolleys. These have a perforated metal base with a plenum chamber underneath. After
loading with “dhool”, the G.W. trolley is then attached to a duct with humidified air forced
through its plenum chambers and hence through dhool, thus aerating the fermenting leaf.
Because the air is humidified, the fermenting dhool does not dry out. It is possible that
humidification could be dispensed with at the later stages of fermentation, causing a slight
loss of moisture from the dhool, and reducing the load on the dryer. At these later stages
there are less chemical reactions generating heat and oxygen demand is lower.
The second effect of humidification is that of temperature control. Use of the correct
temperatures for fermentation is very important. The reason for this lies in the nature of
the biochemical reactions producing theaflavins and thearubigins. Increasing the
temperature does not produce the same result in a shorter time. Higher temperatures favour
the production of thearubigins, thus producing a strong, coloured tea that can easily turn
out flat and muddy. Lower fermentation temperature on the other hand, favour the
production of theaflavins, higher flavour index and brighter coloured teas. Thus
temperature control can change the type of tea produced. It is envisaged that, in the future
when these reactions are better understood, it may be possible to change the temperature
regime of fermentation to produce exactly the sort of tea that is required by the market.
The fermentation of dhool in deep fermenting beds can easily lead to the formation of
“balls” of dhool, which in turn lead to an uneven fermentation. This has resulted in many
factories using a mid-fermentation ball break, although doubt has been expressed at its
usefulness. While there is often no detectable difference between teas that have or have
not received such a ball break, it is still a useful precaution for those times when processing
conditions are not ideal.
A more recent development is the use of continuous fermentation machines. There are a
host of different designs, but at the moment there are three basic types:-
5 Drying
This is the process that stops fermentation and produces a stable product of low moisture
content that can be shipped and endure storage. Changes do occur in black tea after drying,
but they are small and have negligible effect on tea quality if drying is done well. In
essence, the process of drying tea consists of exposing the tea to a flow of hot air.
Traditionally (in a conventional dryer) the system is designed such that the driest tea is
exposed to the air first, and wettest tea (straight from fermentation) last. This is usually
achieved by having the tea pass on a belt through the same stream of air 4 to 6 times, with
the wettest tea farthest away from the air inlet. This allows the maximum utilisation of the
air, but recycling is not possible because of moisture pickup.
A recent development in drying technology is the advent of the fluid bed dryers. In this
form of drying the tea enters a horizontal tunnel, the base of which is a perforated plate.
Hot air is blown vertically through this plate, and the “dhool” forms a “fluid bed” i.e. it is
suspended in the fluidising hot air. This not only gives rapid, even drying, but a
combination of the air pressure and decline in leaf density forces the drying tea along the
tunnel, thus removing the need for a moving tray. There are various advantages to this
system. Moving parts are few leading to easier maintenance. The exhaust air from the end
of the tunnel can re-cycled at the beginning of the tunnel, thus saving on fuel.
Considerable fibre can be extracted during drying using a cyclone. Finally, the tea
produced has a greater bulk density; therefore more mass can be packed in a standard
container. As shipping costs depend on volume, not weight, shipping costs are reduced.
Fluid bed dryers are slowly replacing conventional dryers in the Kenyan tea factories.
The source of fuel for dryers is a problem. Due to recent increases in the price of oil,
wood is favoured by the estate sector. This is much more difficult to achieve in the
smallholder sector as most factories in this sector have problems obtaining sufficient wood
fuel. Consequently oil-fired boilers are mostly used, resulting in increased production
Based on current estimates, about 10% of the production cost of tea is the cost of fuel
wood. If this is replaced by oil, this figure can rise to 35%. The latter also results in a loss
of valuable foreign exchange. It is possible that in the future, a considerable proportion of
the energy required in tea production could be supplied by solar energy collectors built
into factories. This would release land currently used for fuel wood for more productive
purposes, and reduce the expenditure on oil imports.
6. Sorting
After drying, the fibre is removed from the tea before it is graded by size. This process is
known as sorting. The main grades, which are also called primary grades and comprise
between 85-95% of the tea are fibre free, are sold at much higher prices than the fibrous
off grades. The grade distribution as ratio of primary to secondary grades, which affects
the total income of the factory is heavily influenced by the original plucking standard, with
coarser plucking leading to more secondary grades. The size distribution can also be
manipulated by adjustments of CTC settings so that the factory maximises on the grades
it sells best.
7. Shipping
Most tea is transported from the producing country to the consuming country which may
be thousands of kilometres apart by road and sea. This means that the packaging must be
designed to maintain the quality of the tea during transportation of about 3 months and
beyond. The two major factors to be considered in designing the packaging material are
the prevention of moisture uptake (to prevent mould growth and tea going off) and the
prevention of taints.
Traditionally, this has been achieved by the use of wooden tea chests lined with
aluminium foil. There are however, moves in various parts of the world to replace these
chests. Not only are chests expensive and non-reusable containers, but they consume large
amounts of wood in their production. This is a great disadvantage economically and a
major environmental problem.
The replacement for the tea-chest is a polyethylene or aluminium foil lined, multi-wall
paper sack. The sack is an effective barrier to moisture and taint, and lends itself to
palletisation for transport in containers. The sack also costs less than half the price of a tea
chest. It is also possible that sacks can be used with slip-sheets, thus allowing more tea to
be shipped per container. Use of this system could result in a considerable saving in
packaging costs, especially if tea is containerised at the factory.
b) Chemistry of tea quality
(i) Scientific analyses of made tea
As in other food and beverage industries, attempts are being made to develop scientific
methods of analyses to determine the “quality” of tea. The idea is to discover objective,
reproducible tests to support (but not replace) the more subjective estimates of the tea
There is much international collaboration and discussion on this matter, and it is possible
that, in the future, scientific analyses will be incorporated into some form of a Minimum
Standards Agreement. However, much more work needs to be done before any
international agreement is likely.
The theaflavin products of some of the other possible combinations of catechins have
been detected in tea, but only in very small amounts.
The chemical nature of the other major taste components in plain black tea, thearubigins,
have not yet been elucidated. Thus the precursors and route of formation remain largely
1. Primary products
Some aroma compounds existing in the fresh tea leaf have been identified in the aroma
complex of black teas. These compounds are mainly alcohols and include Z-2-penten-1-
ol, n-hexanol, Z-3-hexenol, E-2-hexenol, linalool plus its oxides, nerol, geraniol, benzyl
alcohol, 2-phenyl ethanol, and nerolidol. The quantities of these compounds change during
black tea processing. The levels of some of these alcohols increase during processing
possibly due to various enzymatic reactions while levels of some alcohols reduce possibly
due to volatilisation leading to losses or glycosidation rendering the alcohols non-volatile.
2. Secondary products
Many aroma compounds are formed during tea processing. These compounds are derived
from carotenes, amino acids, lipids and terpene glycosides. Some of these aroma
compounds are also formed naturally in the tea leaf i.e. are also primary products.
Carotene levels in the tea leaf decrease during withering, fermentation and firing with
resultant production of various aroma compounds e.g. ßeta-ionone, alpha-ionone, 3-
hydroxy- ßeta-Ionone, Epoxy- ßeta-Ionone etc. Such terpenoid aroma compounds
produced form part of the Group II volatile flavour components and impart sweet flowery
aroma to black tea. The formation of this group of compounds occur via enzymatic
reactions during withering and fermentation or pyrolytic reactions during firing.
Proteins are hydrolysed to simple amino acids during withering. These amino acids are
oxidised by quinones formed from catechins to form aldehydes. In this process valine,
leucine, isoleucine, phenylalanine are converted to 2-methyl propanal, 2-methylbutanal,
pentanal and phenyl acetaldehyde respectively. The aldehydes can remain as final aroma
product, but some are reduced to alcohols while others are oxidised to carboxylic acids
Tea leaves contain free lipids and fatty acids. The lipids hydrolyse to free saturated or
unsaturated fatty acids during black tea processing especially during withering. The
unsaturated fatty acids break down to aliphatic aldehydes through a process catalysed by
lipoxygenase enzyme. Thus linolenic acid forms Z-3-hexanal most of which isomerises to
E-2-hexanal which is the major Group I VFC. Some formed aldehydes are further reduced
to alcohols while little amount is oxidised to carboxylic acids. Most of the Group I VFC
are products of lipid degradation during black tea processing.
Terpene glycosides also hydrolyse to simple volatile terpenes during black tea
processing. For example, linalool glycoside releases linalool. The released terpenes form
part of the Group II VFC.
(c) Impact of agronomic and cultural practices on black tea quality
Within the tea industry debates continue whether agronomic and cultural practices have
impact on black tea quality.
Plucking is one agronomic practice known to have a contribution towards tea quality.
Indeed, coarse plucking standard produces inferior quality tea. A plucking standard of two
leaves and a bud compromises both quality and yields. However, in practice it is
impractical to pluck exclusively two leaves and a bud. Thus for production of high quality
black tea a plucking policy should be developed which not only ensures plucking mostly
two leaves and a bud but also minimizes breaking back. Such a policy can be accomplished
by plucking at short intervals of less than 10 days depending on the shoot growth. Indeed,
such policy also results in yield increase.
However, if short plucking intervals like this may not be practical due to shortage of
pluckers, selective plucking of two leaves and a bud accompanied by breaking back should
be practised. Plucking by shears or motorised machines even if at short plucking intervals
also lead to lowering of black tea quality. This may additionally affect the tea bush health
in the long run. Thus, hand plucking leads to better tea quality and healthier bushes.
The environment also affects tea quality. Generally factors which tend to enhance tea
productivity e.g. good growing weather conditions tend to reduce tea quality. Indeed, the
black teas made during peak crop seasons are generally plain and of low quality even if
manufacturing conditions are optimised. Teas which are grown at lower altitudes and
hence warmer conditions tend to make inferior black teas compared to high grown teas. In
Kenya however, such altitude effects tend to be minimal as teas are grown between 1500
- 2700 m above mean sea level. Shade environment which reduces tea growth rates and
lowers yields tends to improve tea quality.
Although fertiliser application, especially nitrogenous fertiliser, is mandatory for
increased productivity of black tea per given unit land area, excessive use of nitrogen
lowers the quality of the produced black tea. Thus fertiliser regimes must also take quality
implications into consideration. Nitrogen should therefore be applied at rates which
compromise both yields and quality. Black tea quality improves as the tea nears next
pruning time. Since pruning is a necessary agronomic practice that keeps the bushes at
manageable heights, it is important that considerable mixing of leaf from different fields
in different periods from previous prune is done to ensure consistent black tea quality.
The quality of produced black tea is also dependent on the genetic make up of the leaf
material. In most cases farmers tend to look for high yielding cultivars without seeking to
know their quality characteristics. It is important that farmers seek both high yielding and
high quality planting materials. Such materials should however, be proven in areas of
intended growth as different cultivars react differently to varying environmental
The effects of factory operations and procedures on quality of black tea are discussed in
sections dealing with the particular processing stages and techniques.
d) Fuel wood
The use of fuel wood for energy purposes is a very old and important practice. Energy is
an essential and scarce commodity and features strongly in modern economy. So long as
fuel wood and charcoal can provide energy in Kenya, wood will continue to be an
invaluable commodity. Kenya does not have the major traditional sources of energy, i.e.
petroleum, oil, natural gas, coal and uranium. Furthermore, Kenya being basically an
agricultural country has the comfort that while oil, natural gas, coal and uranium become
depleted, wood fuel is a renewable resource and in theory can be available indefinitely. If
enough land to plant fuel wood is available and the fuel wood is managed well, the much
needed energy will be available in perpetuity.
However, in Kenya the production of wood fuel is in direct competition with production
of food and other uses of agricultural land. To keep its price down, the wood fuel should
be produced within reasonable distances because it is a bulky commodity and hence its
price is sensitive to distances.
The tea industry in Kenya has been affected by prevailing world energy crisis because
of the high oil prices. As a result, in some factories the oil fired dryers have been converted
to wood fuel dryers. For that reason, it has become necessary to establish wood fuel
plantations with tree species which grow fast and produce high yields of wood fuel
(firewood) with high calorific values.
In rural areas smallholders require wood fuel for cooking and heating. Due to the small
sizes of the small-holdings, the smallholders require fuel wood species which can be grown
in tea fields, along the hedges, boundaries or road sides without adversely affecting the tea
plants and other crops.
The TRFK has not experimented with fuel wood. Therefore the information given in this
handbook is from the literature and communications from the personnel in the tea estates
in Kericho and forestry officers. For further details on any aspect of growing wood fuel
species, readers are referred to forest officers or rural afforestation officers near their farms.
(ii) Production
The calorific value of fuel wood is important in considering which species to grow.
Generally, the denser the timber the higher the calorific value. However, the rate of growth
is also important because a species may have less dense timber but the rate of growth may
be so high that the resulting volume has higher calorific value than timber from dense but
slow growing species.
For drying tea using wood fuel, it has been found that in Kenya every 3.3 to 4 ha of tea
require 1 ha of fuel wood.
(v) Establishment
1. Eucalyptus
The seeds are planted in germination beds first and when the seedlings have 4-6 leaves
they are transplanted to either boxes with soil which is 10 cm deep and at spacing of 5 x 5
cm square or into polythene sleeves of various sizes, e.g. 10 cm long and 6.25 cm diameter
(10 cm lay-flat). Where the seedlings are transplanted into boxes, frequent root pruning is
necessary to prevent the roots from growing into the soil below the boxes. The root pruning
is accomplished by moving the boxes frequently or by passing a wire below the boxes. The
sleeves with seedlings should also be moved once in a while to root prune as in boxes.
The seedlings are transplanted to the field when they are about 20 cm tall. The roots of
the seedlings in boxes are side pruned so that each seedling’s roots are covered by a soil
cube 5 cm x 5 cm x 10 cm. Where the seedlings are in sleeves, the polythene must be
removed at planting. Fertiliser is applied in planting holes at the rate of 30 g of triple super
phosphate in each hole.
The site to be planted should be cleared prior to planting. The transplanting is done at
the onset of the long rains. The young Eucalyptus are intolerant of competition with weeds
and therefore should be kept weed free, especially immediately round the plants until the
canopy covers the ground. The normal spacing is 2.5 m x 2.5 m square.
2 Black wattle
The land is prepared before the rains, making sure that all the couch and Kikuyu grasses
are removed. The black wattle is easily established by direct seeding although seedlings
may be raised in the nursery and later transplanted to the field. The seed should be treated
before use to ensure rapid germination and an even stand. The seed is treated by immersing
it in boiling water and then leaving the seed to cool and soak in the water for 24 hours.
After this the seed is dried in the shade and planted directly. The treated seed should not
be kept for planting in the following planting season.
Planting is done during the period of heavy rain. Sowing is carried out in lines and the
seed is covered with about 2.5 cm of soil. The seedlings are thinned later to give a spacing
of about 2.5 m x 2.5 m square. Plantations may be established in pure stands or under sown
in cereals such as wheat and maize.
After felling the trees, re-establishment may be done by either re-planting or the brush
is piled in rows and burned, burning being done in the cool of the evening to ensure that
too fierce a burn does not take place. Later when the seed germinates and the seedlings are
growing vigorously they are thinned to the required spacing leaving only the most vigorous
Young plantations must be kept free from couch and excessive weed growth. Clearing a
strip of 45 cm in breadth on either side of the line of growing wattle will normally suffice,
but all other wattle regrowth should be removed.
Insecticides Distributor
Thiodan Twiga Chemicals
P.O. Box 30172
Kilpest Crop Protection Chemicals
Sevin KFA
Volation KFA
Fenitrothion “
Ambush “
Rogor “
Roxion “
Insecticides Manufacturer Distributor
Fungicides Distributor
Benlate Hoechst
Ripcord 5% EC Afro producers & Distributors
Carbonate Crop Protection Chemicals
Dithane M45 KFA
Table A: Metric units
Length 10 millimetres (mm) = 1 centimetre (cm)
100 cm = 1 metre (m)
100 m = 1 hectometre (hm)
1,000 m = 1 kilometre (km)
Volume 1 fluid ounce (fl oz) = 6.452 cm2 1 cm2 = 0.155 in2
1 pint (pt) = 568.25 ml = 1.759 pt
1 gallon (gal) = 4.546 litres = 0.220 gal
1 cubic inch (in2) = 16.39 cc 1 ml = 0.061 in3
1 cubic foot (ft3) = 0.028 m 3
1m 3
= 35.31 ft3
= 28.32 litres 1 litre = 61.02 in3
Weight 1 ounce (oz) = 28.35 1 kg = 35.27 0z
1 pound (lb) = 453.59 g = 2.205 lb
= 0.454 kg
1 hundredweight
(cwt) = 50.80 kg l ton = 2,204.6 lb
1 ton = 1,016.0 kg = 0.984 ton
= 1,016 t
0 0 0 0
32.0 0 125.6 52
35.6 2 125.6 54
39.2 4 129.2 56
42.8 6 132.8 58
46.4 8 136.4 60
50.0 10 140.0 63
53.6 12 143.6 64
57.2 14 147.2 66
60.8 16 150.8 68
64.4 18 154.4 70
68.0 20 158.0 72
71.6 22 161.6 74
75.2 24 165.2 76
78.8 26 168.8 78
82.4 28 172.4 80
86.0 30 179.6 82
89.6 32 183.2 84
93.2 34 186.8 86
96.8 36 190.4 88
100.4 38 194.0 90
104.0 40 197.6 92
107.6 42 201.2 94
111.2 44 204.8 96
114.8 46 208.4 98
118.4 48 212.0 100
122.0 50
The formula for conversion from Celsius (Centigrade) to Fahrenheit is:
F = ------- + 32
Similarly, the formula for conversion from Fahrenheit to Celsius is:
C = (0 F - 32) x 5
The central figures represent either of the two columns beside them. Example 1 metre 1.094
yds, 1 yard = 0.914 metres
Triangular planting
Spacing (ft) No. of plants Spacing (cm) No. of plants
per acre per hectare
4x2 5,624 121.9 x 61.0 13,896
3x3 5,589 91.4 x 91.4 13,810
3¼ x 3¼ 4,762 100.0 x 100.0 11,767
4 x 2½ 4,586 121.9 x 76.2 11,331
3½ x 3½ 4,106 106.7 x 106.7 10,146
4x3 3,916 121.9 x 91.4 9,676
4x4 3,144 121.9 x 121.9 7,768
4½ x 4½ 2,484 137.2 x 137.2 6,139
5x5 2,012 152.4 x 152.4 4,972
6x6 1,397 182.9 x 182.9 3,453
Spacing N0. of plants per acre Spacing (cm) N0. of plants per hectare
4x2x2 7,345 121.9 x 61 X 61 18,150
4 x 2 x 2½ 6,780 121.9 x 61 x 76.2 16,754
4 x 2½ x 2½ 6,027 121.9 x 76.2 x 76.2 14,892
(2) Rectangular planting 10,000
d1 x d2
d1 d1
(3) Triangular (equilateral) planting: 11,547
d2 d2
In each case, "d" is the distance or one of the distances between the plants in metres.
Conversion of green leaf into made tea
Average % out-turn of green leaf into made tea is 22.5% or 4.5 kg green leaf give 1kg made
Appendix III
Acaricide A chemical used for controlling mite pests.
Accumulator: A plant which accumulates in its tissues far more of
a chemical element than it needs for normal growth
and development. The tea plant is an aluminium
accumulator, for example.
Active ingredient (a.i): That part of a pesticide that is actually responsible for
the toxic effect.
Advection: The transference of heat by horizontal motion of the
air in the atmosphere.
Adventitious root: A root which develops from leaf or stem (vegetative)
tissue. All stem cuttings develop adventitious roots.
Agronomy: The study of management of land and the scientific
cultivation of crops.
Albedo: The reflection coefficient for short-wave radiation of
a given surface.
Apical bud: The bud at the top (apex) of a shoot.
Aboricide: An herbicide specifically used against trees and
woody shrubs.
Ascospore: A-sexually produced fungal spore borne in an ascus
Ascus: A sack-like hypha of a fungus containing ascospores
Available water content: The quantity of soil water that can be taken up by the
plant. It is that quantity between field capacity and
permanent wilting point (q.q.v.), and it varies from
one soil type to another.
Axil: The angle between a leaf and the stem.
Axillary bud: The bud found in an axil.
Axillary shoot: A shoot which develops from an axillary bud.
Baghjan pruning: Pruning repeatedly at the same level. This results in
the formation of large callus knobs known as knots
on the ends of the branches; these must eventually be
pruned off.
Banjhi: Dormant: Usually applied to the condition of the
apical bud; such a bud is very small. A bhanji shoot
is a shoot with a dormant apical bud. The term is also
applied to a bush or even to a whole field when the
majority of shoots on that bush or in that field are
Barie: An orchard. Confined to "seed barie:, an orchard
containing plants allowed to grow up for seed
production. A clonal seed barie is one in which the
seed bearers have been raised by vegetative
propagation from selected parent plants; such baries
are "biclonal", "triclonal", "polyclonal" etc.,
depending upon whether there are two, three or many
clones included.
"Biclonal seed" is seed produced from two clonal
parents. "Polyclonal seed" is from more than 2
clonal parents.
Bending See pegging.
Bheti plants: Plants dug out from the nursery with a cylinder of soil
surrounding the roots.
Boma-site See Hutsite.
Breaking back: Plucking shoots down to the plucking table after the
standard plucking has been completed. Necessary
only when the plucking round is too long.
Bringing into bearing: A pruning, tipping or pegging operation designed to
form the permanent branch system of the plant.
Bullate: Puckered, with raised areas between the leaf veins.
Bund: A ridge of soil to direct or restrict the movement of
water on a slope. The term may also be applied to
ridges formed from uprooted weeds, etc.
Calcicole: A plant species which grows best on soils containing
a high level of calcium.
Calcifuge: A plant species which grows poorly on soils with
high levels of calcium, and prefers acid soils.
Callus: A disorganised tissue, usually creamy white or
brown, which develops on wounded bark. Associated
with the basal cut of a cutting, with pruned branches,
with recovery from insect and mechanical damage to
roots and shoots, and with recovery from branch
Callused cutting: Any cutting which has developed callus tissue on its
basal cut. Particularly used for such cuttings which
are then transplanted to sleeves or to other nursery
Catchment: An area of land, typically basin-shaped, in which all
drainage flows to a common point; this may be a
stream or an aquifer. If the catchment has an
impervious stratum beneath it, it is possible by
measuring the stream flow at its exit from the
catchment, to build up a drainage, run-off and plan
water use.
Catechins: A group of carbon compounds found in tea leaves.
They are the precursors of theaflavins and
thearubigins (q.q.v.), major flavour components of
black tea.
Centering: (Also de-centering). Pruning the central stem or
stems of a plant to encourage the growth of lateral
shoots. An essential operation on young sleeved
plants. Not always effective on older plants,
especially if they are suffering from potassium
Cheel hoe: A hoe with a blade about 35cm across, which cuts
weed roots within the top 2cm of soil.
Chloroform test: See page 38.
Chlorosis: The abnormal yellowing of leaves, due to inhibition
of chlorophyll synthesis. In tea this is usually caused
by mineral imbalance.
Cleaning out: Removing shoots which are thin, dead, cross over
each other or are too close to other shoots at the time
of cut-across pruning. Also used in the form "clean
Clonal seed: Seed from a clonal plant or from a clonal barie (see
Clone: Any population of plants raised by vegetative
propagation to form a single parent plant. Members
of the same clone may be growing in several different
places at the same time or at different times and may
be several generations removed from the original
parent. Genetically, all plants of the same clone are
Coarse plucking: Plucking shoots of three or more leaves and the bud.
Collar: The part of the plant which is at soil level.
Contact herbicide: An herbicide which kills plants only if it comes into
contact with the above-ground parts of the plant.
Cotyledons: The "first leaves" of a seedling. In the tea plant the
two cotyledons are fleshy and fill the seed. They
remain below the soil surface after germination and
supply food to the developing seedling.
Couch: A general term applied to any grass with long
rhizomes (q.v). The most common example in East
Africa is Digitaria scalarum.
CTC (crush, tear and curl): Type of tea manufacture in which withered leaf is
passed between serrated cylindrical rollers revolving
in different directions and at different speeds to
efficiently mince leaf into fine pieces. The resulting
cell and cell membrane destruction is more extensive
than in orthodox manufacture (q.v.).
Cut-across prune: Pruning at a set level without any cleaning out.
De-centering: See centering.
Deficiency: The presence of a nutrient in quantities below that
required for optimum plant growth.
Dormancy: A rest period when a whole plant or a plant tissue
shows no growth.
Endemic: A situation where a host and its parasite have co-
evolved for a long time, and as a result the disease
presence is permanent.
Epinasty: The greater growth of the upper surface of an organ,
compared with the lower, causing the organ to bend
downwards. (This may be caused by nutrient
Epiphyte: A fungus or bacterium existing on the surface of a
plant or plant organ without causing infection.
Evaporation: The loss of vapour to the atmosphere from the surface
of a liquid; used most commonly in respect of water.
Evapotranspiration: The loss of water from land (and vegetation),
including both evaporation and transpiration (q.q.v.)
Experiment: An investigation from which the data can be
subjected to statistical treatment. In most work this
presupposes adequate replication and randomisation
(q.q.v.) so that the effects of irrelevant factors, such
as soil variation, can be eliminated. A clonal field
trial is formally an experiment.
Feeder roots: Mat-like rootlets present on, or close to, the soil
surface near the tea bush. Mulching enhances
formation of feeder roots.
Fermentation: The term used in tea processing for the biochemical
processes during which the leaf turns brown. This is
the oxidation of certain cell constituents (catechins,
q.v.) in the presence of an enzyme (polyphenol
oxidase, q.v.) by air.
Fertilizers: Manufactured chemical compounds or mixtures of
chemical compounds, which contain controlled
amounts of plant nutrients. They generally contain a
higher concentration of nutrients than organic
Field capacity: The moisture content in freely draining soil two days
after heavy rainfall or irrigation.
Fine plucking: Plucking shoots of one or two leaves and the bud.
Firing: Removal of moisture and termination of enzyme
activity by heating at the end of fermentation to
achieve 2.5 - 5% moisture to be stored over a period
of time.
Fish leaf: Usually taken to be the topmost scale leaf (q.v.). It is
usually serrated only along the leaf margin furthest
from the stalk.
Fixation of nutrients: A process by which a soil nutrient is made
unavailable to the plant temporarily or permanently.
Floater: A seed which floats in water (does not sink),
especially one which still floats after 24 hours.
Flushing: Applied to an actively-growing apical or axillary
bud. Also applied to a bush or even to a whole field
when the majority of shoots on that bush or in that
field are flushing.
Food reserves: See Starch reserves.
Fordham effect: A special type of flush in which a large number of
shoots on each stem grow at the same time, including
shoots which would normally be dormant. This
usually occurs when a long period of adverse weather
condition is suddenly terminated.
Fork jembe: A digging tool having three or four prongs at right
angles to the shaft. Sometimes used for removing
deep-rooted weeds, but causes damage to tea roots.
Formative pruning: See Bringing into bearing.
Fructification: A product of spores by a fungus.
Fruiting body: A complex fungal structure containing spores.
Fungicide: A chemical used for controlling fungal diseases.
Growth regulator: A natural or artificial compound which induces easily
detectable growth modification or change in the
Hard banjhi: Applied to a shoot when its apical bud has been
banjhi (q.v.) for a long time and the upper stem and
leaves have become hard. Such shoots are unsuitable
for manufacture.
Hard plucking: A plucking system which restricts the addition of
young leaves to the maintenance foliage. Cropping
then becomes over dependent upon the old
maintenance foliage. Most usually affected by
plucking right down to the plucking table.
Hardening off: The process of acclimatising a nursery plant to the
conditions to which it will be exposed after
transplanting in the field.
Hardpans: Soil layers of variable texture which may, in extreme
cases, exhibit rocklike properties (also termed
fragipans, or Orstein) and become almost totally
impenetrable to plant roots, water and air.
Height-reduction prune: Low pruning carried out after several pruning cycles
to rejuvenate the bushes that otherwise have become
too tall to produce green leaf efficiently.
Herbicide: A chemical used for killing plants, especially weeds.
Hermetic sealing: The sealing of a container in such a manner that it is
airtight, thus lengthening the storage life of the
Hidden (latent) nutrient Deficiency which occurs but does not cause any
deficiency: symptoms. It can only be detected by tissues analysis.
Humus: Decaying organic matter in the soil.
Hutsite: A restricted area of land in which tea grows poorly
because of an accumulation of basic material which
usually causes an increase in the soil pH (q.v.). Often
the sites of huts or manyattas where organic refuse
and lime from buildings has collected, or of livestock
pounds (cattle bomas, etc) where there has been a
concentration of manure. Similar effects can be
caused locally by burning large trees or heaps of
brushwood; in these cases the heat can destroy the
surface soil structure.
Hypha (plural Hyphae): A fine thread-like fungal growth.
Infill: Any plant used to replace a dead or weak plant in the
Infiltration: The process of water entry into the soil, generally by
downward flow through all or part of the soil surface.
Infiltration capacity: The amount of water that has infiltrated a soil during,
a specific period of time and is expressed in volume
units per surface area (units: cm3/cm2/min or
Insecticide: A chemical used for controlling insects.
Internode: The length between two leaves of a shoots.
Janum: The topmost and largest unserrated scale-leaf on a
shoot, immediately below the fish leaf (q.v). A
common term in India, but only infrequently used in
Jat: A seedling population raised from seeds produced by
a particular group of parent trees. Any seedling seed
barie will produce a jat more or less distinct from all
other jats. A clonal seed barie will produce a jat
similar to those from the same clonal baries
established elsewhere.
LD50: Lethal Dose. The concentration of a chemical which
would kill 50% of the target organism within a
specified period.
Leaching: The removal of nutrients from the soil by dissolving
in the soil water which then drains away.
Lenticel: A breathing pore on the bark. Often enlarged in the
absence of oxygen (e.g. water logging, clay soils) and
when certain fungi infect the plant.
Light plucking: A plucking system which permits an unnecessary
number of young leaves to be added to the
maintenance foliage. Most usually effected by
leaving a leaf on the shoots above the plucking table
at each plucking round so that the table rises rapidly.
Used to add new foliage after adverse phenomenon
like hail or drought.
LTP (Laurie Tea Processor): A type of tea manufacture in which the withered leaf
is chopped into narrow strips. The machinery used is
similar to a tobacco cutter or hammer mill. Fineness
of the chopped leaf is controlled to be close to that of
CTC (q.v.) manufacture.
Luxury consumption: The presence of nutrient levels in the plant which are
above normal but not toxic. This can only be
diagnosed by tissue analysis.
Maintenance foliage: The layer of leaves below the plucking table. These
leaves produce the food to permit the development of
new shoots and the accumulation of starch reserves
in the roots and stems. The leaves become less
efficient as they grow older, and gets thinner as
pruning cycle progresses.
Manure: A natural organic material such as farmyard manure,
compost, bone-meal etc., which contains plant
nutrients. They are often variable in composition and
the proportion of nutrients tends to be low.
Mature leaf: For leaf analysis purposes, a hard and dark leaf which
has stopped expanding.
Mature tea: An arbitrary age of tea plants used for accounting
purposes. Logically, mature tea is tea which is being
plucked after having completed its formative
pruning; the term is used in this sense throughout this
Meniscus: The name given to the curved surface of a liquid
when it is enclosed, and which is especially evident
when water is in a narrow cylinder.
Moribund tea: An old tea plantation whose productivity has
stagnated or is declining, despite optimal cultural
practices being applied to it.
Mother bush: Any bush from which cuttings are taken, especially
when the bush is used solely for this purpose as in a
multiplication plot.
Mother leaf: The original leaf of a standard cutting.
Mulch: Any material used to cover the soil surface to prevent
soil loss during wet weather, to reduce evaporation
from the soil, and to increase the humus content of
the soil.
Multiplication plot: A clonal plot which is used solely as source of supply
of cuttings.
Mutation: A sudden and permanent change in the genetic make-
up of a plant. Such changes can be passed on to the
plant's offsprings. Spontaneous mutation is rare, but
induced mutation is used in plant breeding.
Mycelium: Mass of hyphae (q.v) of a fungus. Exemplified by the
white growth beneath the bark of plants infected by
Armillaria, root rot disease.
Necrosis: The death of a group of cells while still part of an
organ of the living plant.
Nematicide: A chemical used for controlling nematodes
Net radiation: The difference between the total radiation energy
incident on a surface and the radiation energy
reflected and emitted by the surface.
Node: The point of attachment of a leaf to the stem.
NPK: Symbols for nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and
potassium (K).
Nurse crop: A temporary crop grown to protect the main crop
while the latter is young.
Nutrient toxicity: Abnormality (symptoms) or death caused by the
excess of an essential nutrient in the plant organ.
Orthodox manufacture: Tea manufacture where the mixing of enzymes and
polyphenols is achieved by rolling (q.v.). This is
achieved by compressing and turning the leaf over,
while keeping it in continual motion. Leaf disruption
is less drastic than in unorthodox manufacture.
Parasite: An organism which obtains its food from the tissues
of another living organism.
Pegging: Increasing the spread of a bush by bending the
branches away and sloping from the vertical and
pegging them down, using wooden or metal pegs.
Permanent wilting point: The water content of the soil at which plants
permanently wilt even when the air is humid. This is
the lower limit of available soil water.
Permanent frame: The part of the branch system which lies below the
lowest level at which the bush will be pruned after
reaching maturity.
Penman's equation: Used to estimate the potential rate of transpiration
(q.v) of a crop using meteorological data (e.g.
sunshine, air, temperature, humidity and wind).
Persistent herbicide: An herbicide which retains its herbicidal properties
for a prolonged period after its application.
Pesticide: A chemical used for controlling pests. Acaricides,
fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, rodenticides and
nematicides (q.q.v.) are all categories of pesticides.
Petiole: The stalk of a leaf.
pH: An index of acidity, formally "the negative logarithm
of the hydrogen ion concentration expressed in moles
per litre". Neutrality is pH 7.0. Most suitable tea soils
lie within the range 4.0 to 5.6 though higher pH may
be found in hutsites and certain rich soils. The scale
is logarithmic, so that a soil of pH 4.0 is ten times
more acid than one of pH 5.0 and one hundred times
more acid than one of pH 6.0.
Photosynthesis: The process by which the plant uses the energy of
sunlight to convert carbon dioxide gas from the air
into food.
Photosynthetically Active That radiation energy within the 400-700mm
Radiation(PAR): waveband of the total sun's radiation, which is useful
for green plant photosynthesis.
Plasmolysis: The shrinking of the cell contents away from the cell
wall due to loss of water. At early stages this is
reversible, but further loss causes permanent damage.
Ploidy: The constant number of chromosomes in all the
nuclei of the cells of a plant. A reproductive cell is
usually haploid (half the diploid) and a normal cell
diploid (two basic sets). Genetic diversification can
produce triploid (3), tetraploid (4) and polyploid
(>two basic sets ) plant nuclei.
Plucking: The routine removal of young (harvesting) shoots for
Plucking round: The interval between successive pluckings of the
same bush or field.
Plucking table: The upper surface of a bush at which level the shoots
are plucked.
Polyphenol oxidase: The naturally occurring enzyme (biological catalyst)
that converts catechins (q.v.) into other flavour
components during black tea manufacture.
Potential evapotranspiration: The possible combined loss of water from a given
area of land and vegetation during a specified period
of time by evaporation from the soil surface and by
transpiration from plants.
Pre-emergence herbicide: A herbicide used for preventing the germination of
Pruning: The use of a special knife, saw or secateurs to cut out,
or reduce the length of branches or shoots.
Pruning cycle: The interval between successive prunings of mature
Randomisation: The random allocation of treatments to plots in an
Replication: The allocation of several plots to each treatment in an
Rhizome: An underground creeping stem, exemplified by those
of couch grass.
Rhizomorph: Melanised strand arising from an aggregation of
fungal hyphae.
Rich soil: A soil which contains a large proportion of mineral
Rodenticide: A chemical used for controlling rodents, e.g. moles,
rats, etc.
Rogue: A sport or variation from the standard type of a
variety. Also commonly used of a clonal plant which
is planted in a plot of another clone.
Rolling The twisting and breaking up of the leaf to allow the
juices to mix and fermentation to begin. The stage of
manufacture after withering.
Rotorvane: An elaborate disintegrator in the fashion of a
domestic mincing machine. In the manufacture, a
rotor shaft, armed with projecting vanes, propels the
leaf along the enclosing barrel against the resistance
of counter vanes projecting from the casing, thus
causing cell disruption.
Saprophyte: An organism, usually microscopic, that uses dead
organic matter for food.
Scale-leaf: A minute unserrated leaf found at the base of a
seedling or young clonal plant or shoot. They often
fall off as the shoot matures.
Scheme plucking: Estate management plucking design whereby
experienced pluckers are confined to individualised
plucking units in each field in order to optimise
productivity under minimum supervision.
Seed at stake: Planting seeds directly in the field near marking stake
so that the seedling is never transplanted.
Serrations: The small tooth-like edgings to the leaf-margin.
Shelterbelt: A belt of trees and/or shrubs arranged as s protection
against strong winds; a type of windbreak. The trees
may be specially planted or left standing when the
original forest is cut.
Single-stemmer: A young plant which produces a single main vertical
branch after being pruned.
Sinker: A seed which sinks in water, especially one which
sinks within 24 hours.
Skiffing: A very light prune to level-off a plucking table and
sometimes used in place of a harder prune to extend
the pruning cycle in mature tea.
Sleeve: A soil container, generally of thin polythene, used for
growing cuttings or seedlings. Either in the form of
bags, sealed to some extent at the base, or of
cylinders, completely open at the base.
Slope pruning Pruning parallel to the ground, irrespective of the
slope of the ground.
Soft banjhi: Applied to a shoot when its apical bud has only
recently gone banjhi and upper stem and leaves are
still soft. Such shoots are suitable for manufacture.
Soil compaction: Dynamic soil behaviour as a result of applied loads
or pressure causing the density of the soil to increase.
Soil drying and shrinkage may also cause soil
Soil sterilant: A chemical applied to the soil to provide control of
soil borne pests, pathogens and weed propagules.
Starch reserves: The food reserves found mainly in the roots, stem and
to some extent in large shoots and derived from the
carbohydrates formed in the leaves. They are used
when new roots or shoots develop.
Starch test: A simple qualitative test for the presence of starch.
The test is carried out as follows: Solution: One litre
of water; 3g iodine crystals; 6g potassium iodine.
Keep well stoppered in a dark cupboard and
preferably in a dark bottle.
Test: Cut across the root to be tested; smooth the cut
if necessary. Apply the solution evenly over the cut.
The solution turns the starch grains dark blue. The cut
surface will turn nearly black if the reserves are at
their maximum. If there are no reserves there will be
no colour change.
Stomata: Pores found in large numbers on the surface of leaves
through which gaseous exchange takes place.
Stump: The bare root of a nursery plant about two years old.
A seedling stump consists of the tap-root, cut back if
necessary to a length of about 45cm. The stems are
normally cut 10cm above the nursery soil level.
Sub-soil: The lower humus-free layers of soil, largely mineral
in character, containing the disintegration products of
rock. Its composition depends mainly upon the type
of parent rock. In tea areas subsoils are usually
deficient in available nutrients because these have
been leached out of the soil.
Surface run-off: This occurs when rainfall intensity exceeds the rate
at which water can be absorbed by the soil. Soil
particles are detached from their positions in the soil
mass and they may then be transported by the run-off
flowing on the ground surface, causing soil erosion.
Surfactant: A substance introduced into a liquid in order to affect
(usually to increase) its spreading, wetting, and
similar properties (i.e. properties which depend upon
its surface tension).
Systemic compound: A chemical that when applied to a plant is absorbed
by the roots or the leaves, and is translocated to
different parts of the plant.
Systemic herbicide: An herbicide which is absorbed into the plant and
moves within the plant, finally killing it.
Systemic pesticide: A pesticide that is absorbed by the roots or leaves of
a plant and carried through the whole of the plant. It
is thus able to kill pests at parts of the plant away
from sites of application.
Tap-root: The single root possessed by a young seedling but
rare on mature plants. Cuttings do not develop tap-
Theaflavins: Products of enzyme initiated oxidative
decarboxylation and condensation between a simple
catechin and a gallocatechin in the presence of
oxygen. Briskness and brightness of black tea are due
to these compounds.
Thearubigins: Condensation and polymerisation products formed
during fermentation of tea. Their structures are
unknown. The thickness, body and colour of black
tea are due to this group of compounds.
Tipping: Increasing the spread of a bush by removal of the
shoots at gradually increasing heights.
Tipping-in: Removing the tops of shoots of a recently pruned or
pegged bush so as to form a flat plucking table at
specified height above pruning level.
Topsoil: The upper humus-rich layers of soil. Topsoil forms
under mature tea from the leaf litter and prunings
especially if there is no cultivation or disturbance of
that soil; this layer is biologically highly active and
contains a high proportion of available nutrients
which can be exploited by the tea roots providing the
roots are not killed by hoeing.
Translocated herbicide: A herbicide which when absorbed into the plant via
the leaves or roots moves within it, finally killing it.
Translocation: The movement of soluble material through the plant.
Transpiration: The loss of water as a vapour from plants through
(mainly) pores in the leaves known as stomata (q.v.).
Trial: A simple investigation, the data from which are at
times unsuitable for statistical treatment. Trials are
usually simple comparisons between treatments or
varieties and may precede a formal experiment.
Tubercles: Wart-like processes on a fungal mycelium.
Unorthodox manufacture: Manufacture by CTC, LTP or Rotorvane. The leaf is
cut into fine pieces ensuring more membrane break-
up and allowing more mixing of enzymes,
polyphenols and oxygen. Leaf disruption is more
drastic than orthodox manufacture (q.v.).
Wetting agent: A chemical or mixture of chemicals added to sprays
of insecticide, fungicides, herbicides and mineral
sprays to improve wetting and thereby cover of leaf
surface better.
Windbreak: Any device normally in form of trees designed to
obstruct wind flow and intended for protection
against any ill effects of wind, such as soil erosion or
Withering: The removal of moisture from plucked leaf during
processing accompanied by an increase of the
permeability of the cell membranes that enables
considerable mingling of enzyme, polyphenols and
oxygen during fermentation. An increase of soluble
amino acids and caffeine contents of plucked tea
shoots also occurs.
Young tea: Plants on which the formation of permanent frames
has not yet been completed.
Vegetative propagation: A method of multiplying plants without the use of
seed. In tea taking cuttings of the parent plant usually
does it. These develop into plants that are genetically
identical to the mother bush.
Appendix IV
(a) Publications
(i) Annual Report
The Annual Report contains the full results of all experiments, investigations and progress
reports on long-term experiments on which the Foundation has been engaged during the year.
It is circulated from the Foundation to recipients who are included on the official
circulation list prepared by the Director of Tea Research Foundation of Kenya. Licensed
producers with 8 ha or more of tea receive one copy free and larger producers receive one
free copy for each 200 ha of their tea. The sale price for extra copies and for others who
require the report will be quoted on application to the Director, TRFK, from whom copies
of the report may be obtained.
(iii) "Tea"
"Tea" is the official journal of the Tea Board of Kenya and is published twice a year. In
addition to its content of general information of interest to the tea industry, it includes
technical papers and reviews prepared by the staff of the Foundation and external authors.
(a) Research Programme
Kenyan tea producers are directly concerned with the assignment of priorities in the research
programme of the Tea Research Foundation through its Tea Research Advisory Committee, in
which the interests of small and large producers are represented.
The research programme is reviewed twice annually. The first is in March/April when the
results of the previous year's investigations are discussed. The second is in September and
concentrates on research projects to be undertaken the following year. These are then
forwarded to the Foundation's Board of Directors in the November meeting for final approval.
The research programme, having relevance to the general problems that confront Kenyan
producers, has priority over specific technical demands from individual producers.
Most of the research projects embrace field trials, some of which are carried out with active
and generous assistance from the estates and small-scale growers on which the trials are located.
Tea Research Foundation of Kenya,
P. O. BOX 820,
Soil samples should be packed in polythene bags. Put in each bag a label that will not disintegrate
when wet, and fix a similar label on the outside of the bag. Each label, together with a fully
completed form which can be provided to all producers by the Foundation on request, must carry
full details including the name of the estate/grower, the date, field number, identification number
within the field and depth from which the sample is taken. Very many soil samples are received
and they can be confused unless these details are given in full.
Where samples are despatched by parcel post, bus or other carriers a letter should be sent
separately giving details of the samples, method of transport and a copy of the consignment note
if possible. The Foundation can then ensure then that the samples are received. A copy of the
letter should be put in the parcel with the samples.
A small fee (see page 162) is charged for the pH tests per sample and also for complete soil
analysis. A remittance for the appropriate amount should be sent with the samples or
covering letter.
m) Callused cuttings
For a very long time now there has not been a request for callused cuttings. However, these
will normally be released to purchasers who will plant the cuttings more than 24 hours after
their removal from mother bushes. They will be ready four to six weeks after being planted in
the TRFK callusing beds. For small orders (200 cuttings per clone or fewer) the cuttings will
be packed in polythene bags and cardboards boxes by the TRFK. For larger orders the
purchaser must provide suitable containers for the cuttings. The cost of callused cuttings will
be given on request.
In addition, plants of miscellaneous clones, all of which are as good as or better than seedlings
plants in all respects, but are not up to the standard of release clones and also those not fully
tested, will be sold to the growers at a price which will be given on request.
The grower is responsible for ensuring that he is satisfied with the standard of the plants when
they are removed from the nursery.
Notes to the buyers
Your requirements should be stated clearly and the application should include the following
information: -
1. Your name and address.
2. The clones and number of cuttings or plants of each you require.
3. If you are ordering cuttings, state whether you want fresh cuttings or callused cuttings.
4. When you want cuttings or plants, it helps if you specify the exact date and time of
5. If the order is small and you wish TRFK to dispatch the cuttings to you, please let the
Foundation know how you want them sent, giving full details as the Foundation staff are
not always conversant with your local facilities.
6. Do not forget to pay in advance. Your order does not exist until full payment has been
7. You are reminded that you must comply with local regulations concerning the
movement and planting of tea.
Parts of sprayer
The important parts of a sprayer are tank, pump, agitator, power source, pressure gauze,
valves, filters, air chamber, hose, spray lance and cut-off valve, booms and nozzles.
(i) Tank
The spray fluid has to be held in some kind of container while it is being sprayed. The
capacity of the tanks coupled with the sprayer varies from less than one litre to over 2,700
litres. For tea there is a trend towards smaller tanks, unless aerial spraying is carried out.
Tanks ranging from 5 to 20 litres capacity are commonly used. Material used for the
construction of the tank is usually non-corrosive, being steel, brass or plastic.
(ii) Pump
Pumps are necessary for atomization of the spray fluid. The sprayer may be equipped with
one of the following types of pumps: air pumps (pneumatic pumps), positive
displacement pumps (plunger, rotary and diaphragm types).
1. Air pumps.
They are used in compressed air sprayers. They force air into the air-tight spray tank
and do not pump liquid directly.
2. Positive displacement pumps.
The pumps take in a definite volume of liquid from the inlet and transfer it without
possibility of escape, to the outlet.
3. Centrifugal or impeller type pumps.
These pumps are fitted to many spray blowers used for spraying crops. A centrifugal
pump consists of a cylinder, inside which a multiblade impeller rotates at high speed
around a control axis.
(iii) Agitator
The pesticidal materials in spray-fluids are not always in solution. Therefore, most of the
sprayers are provided with agitators for keeping the pesticidal material uniformly dispersed.
For different spray-fluids, agitation requirements are different.
There are two methods of agitating the spray liquids, namely, hydraulic agitation where it
is provided by return of excess spray material from the pump, or mechanical agitation
provided by paddles or propellers.
(vi) Valves
The valves constitute an important part of any spraying apparatus, because they govern the
direction of the flow of the spray material. They are fitted into the pipe system so that they
allow the liquid to pass in the direction of the nozzles. They are of two types; Ball valves and
Spring loaded valves.
(vii) Filters
The liquid must well-filtered to protect the pump from abrasion, to avoid interference with
the function of valves and prevent blocking of the nozzles. There may be several
filters in the spray assembly.
(viii) Nozzle
Field, high pressure and most aircraft sprayers rely upon the principle of hydraulic
atomization. The nozzle in these sprayers is a vital part as it breaks the stream of the liquid
and spreads it out into spry droplets.
Nozzles are designed for either high or low pressure, for producing a fan-shaped,
solid-cone or hollow-cone spray patters (Fig A).
Figure A: Spray patterns
Manually-operated sprayers
According to the source of motive power the available spraying machines can be classified
as (a) manually operated and (b) power operated.
Many simple yet efficient manually operated pesticide application machines are
available. They are equally useful for both small and large scale tea growers. The
manually operated sprayers either work on a pump, as in a Knapsack sprayer or on a
compression system.
Table A: Factors affecting performance of nozzles
Effect desired Adjustment required in
Pump Eddy-chamber Disc Disc-orifice
pressure depth thickness diameter
Faster output Increase Increase Increase Increase
Finer droplets Increase Decrease Decrease Decrease
Longer carry Increase Increase Nil Increase
Wider cone Increase Decrease Decrease Decrease
Knapsack sprayers
It has a flat or bean-shaped tank designed to fit comfortably on the back of the operator. The
capacity of the tank is 15-20 litres, It is generally made of plastic.
In a Knapsack sprayer, the tank is provided with either a single pump and pressure barrel
having a piston pump and mechanical agitator or with a diaphragm type with a lever for
operating. Higher outputs are provided by the plunger type pumps than by the diaphragm
pumps. However, the latter type of pumps require comparatively less energy for operating
and also less maintenance. In addition, these pumps stand wear very much better than the
plunger type pumps, especially with abrasive materials such as water dispersible powders.
Provision is sometimes made for changing the operating lever from one side of the sprayer
to the other so that it may be used in either the right or the left hand. Some models are
equipped with a double-acting externally-mounted pump. A pressure chamber is provided
to eliminate pulsations and to give a uniform spray. However, the pump has to be operated
continuously while spraying for maintaining the necessary pressure. The spray line
consists of a short rubber pipe, a lance and a nozzle. Settling of wettable powders in the
tank of the sprayer is prevented in many cases by provision of a mechanical agitator
consisting of a plate which is moved up and down inside the container by the pump lever.
Some models employ hydraulic or jet agitation from a small jet of the fluid issuing from
the bottom of the pump. The pressure developed in these sprayers depends on the pump and
varies from 3 to 12kg/cm2 which is more than that developed in a compressed air sprayer.
However, a pressure of 3-4 kg/cm2 can be maintained in most cases without much effort.
The sprayer can be used for spraying low crops, and nursery plants. It is also useful for spot
treatment. These pumps are very commonly used in the tea growing areas. With these
sprayers, the job of the operator is tiring, especially over a long period. The operator has to
bear the weight of the sprayer containing the fluid and simultaneously required to operate
the pump lever with one hand and the spray lance with the other hand. Under this situation,
the lighter the equipment and lesser the effort needed for operation, the better.
Knapsack sprayer
Use of aircraft in pest control and fertilizer application (Fertilizer application only).
Use of aircraft enables coverage of large areas rapidly, timely and economically. Fixed-
wing aeroplanes have been used for nutrient (zinc) application in tea in Kenya. They are
hardly used for pesticide application.