BOITEKANELO COLLEGE - BC - Student - Handbook

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Table of Contents
1.0 DEFINITION OF TERMS ............................................................................................. 5
1.1 Preamble ...................................................................................................................... 7
2.0 ADMISSIONS POLICY ................................................................................................. 7
2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 7
2.2 Admissions Committee ............................................................................................... 8
2.3 Principles ..................................................................................................................... 8
2.4 Student Admissions ..................................................................................................... 8
2.5 Acceptance and Deferment of Offer ........................................................................... 9
2.6 Withdrawal from Programme of Study ..................................................................... 10
2.7 Student Orientation (Induction) ................................................................................ 10
2.8 General Provisions .................................................................................................... 11
3.0 CREDIT ACCUMULATION AND TRANSFER POLICY ........................................ 11
3.4 Articulation................................................................................................................ 11
4.0 COURSE EXEMPTION POLICY ............................................................................... 11
4.1 Eligibility for Course Exemption .............................................................................. 12
4.2 Procedure for Applying for Course Exemption ........................................................ 12
4.3 Approval of Exemption Policy.................................................................................. 12
5.0 CHANGE OF PROGRAMME POLICY...................................................................... 12
5.1 Eligibility for Change of Programme ........................................................................ 12
5.2 Procedures ................................................................................................................. 13
5.3 Approval of Change of Programme Policy ............................................................... 13
6.0 PROGRAMME STRUCTURE .................................................................................... 13
6.1 Details of the Programmes ........................................................................................ 13
6.2 Programme Specifications......................................................................................... 13
7.0 TEACHING AND LEARNING POLICY.................................................................... 14
7.1 Guiding Principles ..................................................................................................... 14
7.2 Purpose of the Teaching and Learning Policy .......................................................... 14
7.3 Graduate Profile ........................................................................................................ 14
7.4 Effective Teaching and Learning Environment ........................................................ 14
7.5 Attendance ................................................................................................................. 15
7.6 Students Learning and Personal Support .................................................................. 16
7.7 Late/Non-Submission of Course Work ..................................................................... 16
7.8 Approval of Teaching and Learning Policy .............................................................. 17

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8.0 ASSESSMENT ............................................................................................................. 17
8.2 Work Integrated Learning (WIL) .............................................................................. 18
8.3 Assessment Process ................................................................................................... 19
8.4 Issuance of Transcripts, Certificates and Duplicates ................................................ 21
8.5 Storage and Disposal of Examinations and other Assessments ................................ 22
9.0 ASSESSMENT POLICY.............................................................................................. 22
9.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 22
9.2 What is Assessment? ................................................................................................. 22
9.3 Learning Outcomes ................................................................................................... 23
9.4 Assessments Items used by Boitekanelo College ..................................................... 23
9.5 Pass Mark .................................................................................................................. 24
9.6 Roles and Responsibilities ........................................................................................ 24
9.7 Setting Final Examination and Marking Guidelines ................................................. 24
9.8 Invigilating Final Examinations ................................................................................ 25
9.9 Marking Examinations and other Assessments ......................................................... 25
9.10 Maintenance of Assessment Records ........................................................................ 26
9.11 Disposal of Examinations and other Assessments .................................................... 26
9.12 Classification of Results ............................................................................................ 26
9.13 Approval of Examinations ........................................................................................ 27
9.14 Examination Fees ...................................................................................................... 27
9.15 Announcement of Results ......................................................................................... 27
9.16 Assessment and Examination Appeals ...................................................................... 28
9.17 Retaking a Course ..................................................................................................... 28
9.18 Course Exemptions ................................................................................................... 28
9.19 Approval of Assessment Policy ................................................................................ 28
9.20 Supplementary Examination ..................................................................................... 28
9.21 Retake ........................................................................................................................ 28
9.22 Approval of Course Retake & Supplementary Examination Policy ......................... 29
10.0 FINAL EXAMINATION REGULATIONS ................................................................ 29
10.1 Sitting for Final Examinations .................................................................................. 29
10.2 Failure to write an Examination ................................................................................ 30
10.3 Examination Misconduct........................................................................................... 30
10.4 Penalties for Examination Misconduct ..................................................................... 31
10.5 Approval of Examination Regulations ...................................................................... 31

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12.0 PROGRESSION FROM SEMESTER TO SEMESTER .............................................. 32
13.0 APPEAL CASES .......................................................................................................... 33
14.0 MISCONDUCT ............................................................................................................ 33
14.3 Statement on Sexual Harassment .............................................................................. 34
14.4 Dealing with Misconduct .......................................................................................... 35
14.5 Mediation Forum ....................................................................................................... 35
14.6 Notice of Hearing and Charges ................................................................................. 35
14.7 Sanctioned Specified ................................................................................................. 36
14.8 Appeals Process Procedure ....................................................................................... 36
14.9 Appeals Process Outcome ......................................................................................... 37
15.0 SUMMARY OF OFFENCES AND PENALITIES ..................................................... 38
19.0 STUDENT REPRESENTATION AND FEEDBACK POLICY ................................. 43
19.1 Student Representation .............................................................................................. 43
19.9 Feedback.................................................................................................................... 43
19.10 Student Governance ............................................................................................... 43
19.11 Conflict Resolution ................................................................................................ 44
19.14 Guiding Principles ................................................................................................. 44

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1.0 DEFINITION OF TERMS Academic Year: The Academic Year is
In these regulations the following shall be divided into two semesters of a minimum of
used as indicated: 16 weeks each, which includes study weeks
and assessment periods. The first semester
Academic Advisor: There will normally be shall normally start in July and the second
a group of students under one lecturer semester in January.
known as the Academic Advisor. The main
task of the academic advisor is to guide and Classification of the
develop students in their field of study, to Certificate/Diploma/Degree: The process
prepare students for clinical practicum or whereby a student's overall performance in
attachment. They also provide pastoral all courses is combined to produce a mark
support on personal and academic issues. which is then translated into a grade of
Distinction, Merit, Credit or Pass.
Academic Board: A decision making body
of the College composed of all academic Continuous Assessment: It is the
Heads of Department and Programme evaluation of a student's achievement on
Coordinators responsible for all academic one or more of the following: assignments,
matters of the college. The academic Board written or oral tests, practicals, projects,
reviews policies, considers examination research exercise, essays, independent
results and makes recommendations to the study, presentations or other forms of
Academic Council. assessment excluding examinations as shall
be determined by the department.
Academic Council: The highest decision
making body of the College composed of Core Course: A course that is essential in a
professionals in the health care industry and particular
other relevant disciplines who are not Programme and must be passed by a student
necessarily of the staff of the college. The in that programme
council oversees the academic affairs of the
Course: A plan of study or basic building
college including curriculum and instruction
block of teaching and learning activities
and provides the Board of Governance with
designed to meet particular learning
recommendations on academic policies and
Outcomes which usually results in an
procedures. examination or a set of examinations. Each
course carries a certain number of credits
Academic Dishonesty: Academic
dishonesty includes but is not limited to, Course Code: It is an identification of a
subverting learning outcomes through the course with a prefix of letters indicating the
act of using the work, or giving of answers course followed by digits indicating the
to another student to manipulate level from 100 to 402.
examination rules or aid the manipulation of
examination rules and all other assessments. Credit Accumulation and Transfer: It
refers to the set of detailed methods &

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procedures created to implement the attainment by students in one course or
recognition and transfer of credits. Work Integrated Learning.

Credit Value: The number of credits (or Fail and Discontinue: A student shall be
credit value) assigned to a course in relation recommended with Fail and Discontinue if
to the work done. he/she has failed all courses in a given
semester. Once discontinued from a
Cummulative GPA: The Cummulative programme, a student may apply for
Grade Point Average is obtained by dividing readmission after a lapse of at least one
total weighted score by the total number of academic year/two semesters.
Fail and Exclude: - A student who has
Deputy Provost Academic Services: - A
obtained fail and discontinue for the second
person responsible for all academic
time shall be recommended with Fail and
programmes of the institution.
Exclude and will not be liable for
General Course: This is a course which reinstatement into any programme in the
must be taken in order to meet the college.
requirements of an award. It is compulsory
Fail and Retake: A student who has scored
or mandatory and must be passed.
less than 40% in a course or has failed a
Grade Point Average (GPA): The GPA is supplementary examination shall be
obtained from calculating the sum total of recommended with a Fail and Retake.
Grade Point value divided by credit hours.
Fail and Supplement: A student who has
Elective Course: It is a course chosen by a failed a course (has achieved a mark
student from a number of optional courses. between 40% and 49%) shall be required to
In case of failure, the student can either supplement. The student shall have only
retake or register for another elective that is one attempt of supplementation after which
on offer. they shall be required to retake.

Examinations: Formal, written and Fundamental Course: A course taken by

supervised papers or practical work taken at the students to enhance learning in their
the end of the course. programme. It is compulsory/mandatory and
must be passed.
Exemption: An arrangement whereby a
student who possesses prior learning or Head of Department: - A member of staff
knowledge of certain components of their who is responsible for the strategic and
programme of study is absolved from taking operational management of the department.
such components. He/she is responsible for all staff in the
department with a particular focus on
External Moderator: A person appointed leading academic staff.
by the college to validate the delivery of a
course or part thereof. He/she also validates
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Internal Moderator: - A member of staff Work Integrated Learning: - Work-based
appointed by the Head of Department to placement which forms part of the
moderate a course. professional development designed for
students to gain experience.
Moderation: -The process of validating the
delivery of a course and reviewing the 1.1 Preamble
results of an evaluation exercise and, when 1.1.1 The Academic Council reserves the
necessary, systematically modifying the right to alter, amend, replace or cancel any
marks to meet the standard of the academic regulations and shall be the final
programme. authority for the interpretation of these
Plagiarism: -The taking and using of other
1.1.2 The Academic Council reserves the
persons' ideas, such as, writings, inventions, right to exempt any student from these
as one's own without acknowledging the academic regulations.
source. 1.1.3 Students who started a programme
of study following one set of academic
Pre-requisite Course: - A course that has to
regulations shall not be set at a disadvantage
be passed by the student before he/she takes
by regulations subsequently adopted.
the advanced specified course. 1.1.4 These regulations work hand in hand
with departmental regulations and are not
Programme: - The scheme of study leading
meant to replace them.
to either Certificate, Diploma or Degree. It
is made up of a specified number of courses,
which are drawn from one discipline or field
of study or more and which often combine
2.1 Introduction
core, fundamental courses with a range of
electives from which the students can Boitekanelo College Admissions Policy is
choose. the cornerstone in the success and viability
of the institution in so far as identifying the
Provost: - Head of the Institution student who fits the profile of a successful
Boitekanelo College student.
Recognition of Prior Learning: - The
principles and processes through which 2.1.1 The successful Boitekanelo College
prior knowledge and skills of a person are student is:
made visible, mediated and assessed for the One who is a prepared for higher
purpose of alternative access and admission education, is ready to submit, learn and
recognition and certification or further inquire
learning and development. One who is prepared to challenge
academics, fellow students and established
Semester: - A period of tuition, which convention in pursuit of knowledge.
includes study weeks and assessment One who is keen to establish
periods. industry relevance of their studies

Page 7 of 48 One who has a lifelong view of their 2.3.2 Transparency: Transparency is
education. equally a valuable principle in the
institution's policy and processes and will be
2.2 Admissions Committee upheld at all times. Clear and specific
2.2.1 The powers vested in the Academic criteria will be outlined in the policy as the
Council to facilitate selection and entry of first portal of promoting transparency of
qualified students is delegated to the consequent processes. Admissions criteria
Admissions Committee. The Admissions will also be easily accessible in the
Committee shall be responsible for prospectus and The College's website.
overseeing the selection process. The
2.3.3 Best-fit: Boitekanelo College goal is
Admissions Committee shall be constituted
as follows: to support students and the College sees
itself as the vehicle for the academic and
Membership of a maximum of five (5) personal development of students. This
members mutual best interest, will henceforth be Three (3) members shall be Heads of actualised through the processes that seek to
Academic Departments or their nominees, match the skills, potential, and interests of
one (1) of whom shall be the Chairperson the student with the programme that has the
and the deputy chairperson. highest chance to assist the prospective One (1) member shall be The student meet their full potential.
Academic Registrar and one (1) member
shall be the nominee of the Deputy Provost Equity: The College values and aspires to
Academic Services. have a student population that reflects The Provost shall appoint a member
gender balance of contemporary times. This
of his/her choice from members of academic
staff to serve as the permanent secretary to policy shall be actively utilised as a vehicle
the Committee who shall not have voting of steering the College towards this end,
rights. while being conscious of The College's core The Committee shall form a quorum mandate.
when three (3) members including the Chair
or his/her deputy are present. 2.4 Student Admissions
2.4.1 Prospective students who wish to
2.3 Principles apply to Boitekanelo College should fill an
Admissions processes will be guided by the application form obtainable from the
following principles: Admissions Department or from our
2.3.1 Fairness: Boitekanelo College Application forms together with supporting
admissions policy, processes and selection documents should be submitted to the
criteria will be fair to all prospective Admissions Office or can be sent by post.
students irrespective of age, gender, 2.4.2 The normal minimum requirements
ethnicity, race, sexual orientation or to the Certificate programmes shall be the
disability/ability. Botswana General Certificate of Secondary
Education (BGCSE) or its equivalent with a

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minimum of 30 points or two years current Diploma. In addition applicants applying
health related work experience. through this route shall be expected to meet
2.4.3 The minimum entrance the following requirements:
qualifications for the Diploma Programmes be of at least 25 years of age
shall be the Botswana General Certificate of in possession of documented
Secondary Education (BGCSE) or its relevant experience of at least two years
equivalent, with at least 34 points with a letter of recommendation
minimum of D (Pass) in Biology, letter of motivation
Chemistry/Double Science, Mathematics
and English 2.4.7 To qualify for entrance into Applicants in possession of an the intended course of study
appropriate Certificate in a relevant course candidates shall meet departmental
from an institution accredited by Botswana requirements.
Qualifications Authority may also be
considered. 2.5 Acceptance and Deferment of Offer
2.4.4 The minimum entrance requirements 2.5.1 Acceptance of Offer of Study
for Degree programmes shall be the Applicants shall be governed by the
Botswana General Certificate of Secondary following rules when accepting the offer of
Education (BGCSE) or its equivalent, with study:
at least 36 points with a minimum of C in That the applicant undertakes to
Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, dedicate their time and effort to academic
or BB in Double Science, D in English and a excellence.
Credit in any other subjects. That the applicant will abide by rules Applicants in possession of an of academic engagement and civility
appropriate Diploma in a relevant course throughout their entire period of study with
from an institution accredited by Botswana the College.
Qualifications Authority may also be That the applicant will uphold and
considered. protect the image of the College at all times. That the applicant will enjoy their
2.4.5 The minimum entrance requirements
rights as protected in the national laws
for Post-Graduate Diploma Programmes
without infringing on the rights of others.
shall be a relevant degree or its equivalent That the applicant is allowed to
from an institution accredited by Botswana
withdraw their acceptance with deposit
Qualifications Authority (BQA).
refund up to two weeks prior to registration.
2.4.6 Recognition of Prior Learning That any withdrawal done two
As part of the institution's commitment to
weeks after commencement of study, the
expanding access to non-traditional
applicant will be liable for full semester fees
students, who in this case are defined as
due to the College.
mature entrants and individuals from
historically disadvantaged groups,
applicants applying through this route will
have two entry levels, Certificate and
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2.5.2 Deferment of Offer of Study 2.7 Student Orientation (Induction) Applicants shall be governed by the 2.7.1 Student Orientation Committee
following rules when deferring the offer of The powers vested in the Academic Council
study: to facilitate academic and social orientation That exceptional of admitted students is delegated to the
circumstances may constitute grounds for Student Orientation Committee. The
deferral of study Student Orientation Committee shall be That the applicant should responsible for overseeing the orientation
make a Request for Deferment in writing to process. The Orientation Committee shall be
the Admissions Committee.
constituted as follows: That in deliberating on the
2.7.1. membership of a maximum of five
request for deferral, the Admissions
(5) members.
Committee may require additional
2.7.2. one (1) member, The Academic
information that may not have been supplied Registrar or his/her nominee who shall be
with the initial application for deferment.
chair. That deferment of study may
2.7.3. three (3) members shall be academic
be granted for a period of one (1) year, and
or related staff members, one (1) of whom
decisions of the Admissions Committee are
shall be the deputy chairperson.
2.7.4. one (1) member shall be a member
of the College’s recognised student
2.6 Withdrawal from Programme of governing body responsible for student
Study social affairs.
Applicants shall be governed by the 2.7.5. the Academic Registrar shall appoint
following rules when withdrawing a member of his/her staff to serve as the
the offer of study: permanent secretary to the Committee who
2.6.1 That the applicant is allowed to shall not have voting rights.
withdraw from study for whatever reasons, 2.7.6. the Committee shall form a quorum
in writing to the Admissions Office two when three (3) members including the Chair
weeks prior to Registration. or his/her deputy are present.
2.6.2 That any withdrawal done two
weeks after commencement of study, the 2.7.2 Principles Governing Student
applicant shall be liable to pay full semester Orientation (Induction)
fees. Clear and Accurate Information
2.6.3 That in circumstances where the The College recognises the value and
applicant or his/her sponsor has paid full importance of providing students with clear
semester fees, such fees shall be returned to and accurate information about their
the applicant or his/her sponsor, whichever programmes of study, support available to
case may be. them, all fees they are expected to pay,
2.6.4 That the applicant in withdrawing, is disciplinary and grievance procedures and
not entitled to a refund of registration fee. student representation forums available to

Page 10 of 48 Facilitation of Entry 3.0 CREDIT ACCUMULATION
The College acknowledges that for new AND TRANSFER POLICY
students, higher education is a completely Applicants who seek to transfer to
new environment with a culture and Boitekanelo College shall be governed by
expectations they may not be familiar with. the following regulations.
Therefore, the College commits to transition 3.1 The student must be in good
as seamless as possible. academic standing from their previous
institution. Support 3.2 The Admissions Committee shall
The College views the new students not take into consideration all other important
only as students, but also as unique factors in making the decision to offer.
individuals, young and old, male and
female, with different backgrounds and 3.4 Articulation
different interests and aspirations. As such
The transfer of credits accumulated by a
will dedicate efforts to ensuring the College
student at one institution for use at
environment is supportive to the diversity of
Boitekanelo College is recognised by the
the students.
2.8 General Provisions 3.4.1 At Boitekanelo College we recognise
the credits accumulated by a learner at any
2.8.1 No student shall be registered for
institution accredited by Botswana
any programme (including adding and
Qualifications Authority (BQA) or
dropping of courses) more than two weeks
equivalent body in another country.
after its commencement. Any exception to
3.4.2 There shall be three levels within
this regulation must have a written approval
which students can articulate. The first one
of the Deputy Provost Academic Services
shall be from foundation courses to
after due consultation with the concerned
Certificate, secondly Certificate to Diploma,
Head of Department.
third and lastly from Diploma to Degree. In
2.8.2 A student may, with the approval of
all cases, Admissions Committee shall
the Sponsor and or the Deputy Provost
deliberate on the applicant’s credits.
Academic Services, after consultation with
Relevant policies shall apply.
the concerned Head of Department change
the programme for which he/she registered
not later than two weeks after
commencement of the academic year. POLICY
2.8.3 No programme shall be offered if The College acknowledges that some
there are fewer than ten (10) students students may have acquired most of the
seeking enrolment. Any exception to this skills and knowledge taught in a course of a
regulation must have a written approval of particular programme of study and the
College encourages students to apply for
the Deputy Provost Academic Services after
exemption. The following shall be guiding
due consultation with the concerned Head of
procedures and regulations governing the
review and award of Exemptions.
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4.1 Eligibility for Course Exemption 4.2.1 apply for exemption prior to
4.1.1 The qualification the student is registration and not later than one (1) week
requesting exemption, shall have been after classes have commenced.
obtained in the last five years. 4.2.2 petition the Academic Registrar by
4.1.2 The exemption shall be for an completing a Request for Course
equivalent or higher academic qualification. Exemption Form that is obtainable from
In other words, a student cannot request an Academic Registry.
exemption for a course offered at Diploma 4.2.3 provide official transcripts and
level when the prior course was at course information (syllabus), including
Certificate level. detail of qualification and grading system,
4.1.3 There shall be no exemption for weighting of qualification as proportion of
Research Projects. total programme qualification, and date
4.1.4 A student who attained a obtained.
qualification from Boitekanelo College shall 4.2.4 file the petition with the
not be granted exemptions for more than Department that is offering the course.
50% of the courses of the programme of
study. 4.3 Approval of Exemption Policy
4.1.5 A student who attained a Exemption Policy was approved by the
qualification from another institution other following structures of the Boitekanelo
than Boitekanelo College shall not be College:
granted exemptions for more than 30% of 4.3.1 Academic Registrar
the courses of the programme of study. 4.3.2 Curriculum Development and
4.1.6 Exemption shall be granted only Programme Implementation Committee
after the Department has determined that the 4.3.3 Deputy Provost Academic Services
student has mastered the skills that the 4.3.4 Academic Council
course intends to teach.
4.1.7 Boitekanelo College reserves the 5.0 CHANGE OF
right to require a student requesting a course PROGRAMME POLICY
exemption to write and pass an examination Boitekanelo College is committed to a
for which the exemption is requested. The student centred learning environment which
examination shall be administered at the informed the Change of Programme Policy.
beginning of the semester for which the The following shall be followed if a student
course is offered. wishes to change their programme.
4.1.8 Exemption shall be granted only by
the Academic Registrar after a 5.1 Eligibility for Change of Programme
recommendation from the respective Head 5.1.1 Where a student has discovered new
of Department. career paths that are not supported by their
current programmes of study.
4.2 Procedure for Applying for Course 5.1.2 Where a student is finding their
Exemption current programme of study too difficult for
To receive an exemption a student shall: their comprehension and record of learning.

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5.1.3 A student shall not have completed NB: This Change of Programme Policy shall
at least 50% of programme of study. be reviewed every 5 years or earlier. Where
5.1.4 A student shall not have any it is reviewed earlier, the Academic
outstanding balance of payments. Registrar or such other person who the
5.1.5 A change of programme shall be Academic Council has vested such
within academic levels and not across levels authority, should make a formal
of study (eg A student cannot change from representation to the Academic Board, and
Diploma level to Degree level). should have obtained formal written
5.1.6 A student shall meet the criteria for approval to do so.
admission into the programme he/she wishes
to change to. 6.0 PROGRAMME
5.2 Procedures 6.1 Details of the Programmes
5.2.1 A student shall complete a Change of 6.1.1 Details of the programmes, their
Programme Request form obtainable from requirements and modes of delivery shall be
Academic Registry. published annually on the prospectus,
5.2.2 A student shall seek advice of the brochures and will also be made available
current Head of department and obtain on the Boitekanelo College website.
approval of the Head of Department of the 6.1.2 All programmes shall follow the
programme he/she wishes to change to. accreditation process by Botswana
5.2.3 A student wishing to change to Qualifications Authority (BQA) before any
another programme shall seek permission students are admitted. The specific
from the sponsor and show proof of such requirements approved by the Academic
permission. Council of the College shall be detailed in
5.2.4 Final Approval shall be issued by the the Specifications.
Deputy Provost Academic Services or 04
his/her appointee. 6.2 Programme Specifications
5.2.5 A student shall then proceed to 6.2.1 The programme requirements shall
update student information with Admissions indicate all courses (core, fundamental, pre-
department. requisites, electives and work integrated
learning), which must be passed at each
5.3 Approval of Change of Programme period of study for progression or successful
Policy completion of the programme.
The Change of Programme Policy was 6.2.2 Credit load per qualification shall be
approved by the following structures of the aligned to Botswana National Credit and
Boitekanelo College: Qualifications Framework (BNCQF).
5.3.1 Academic Board 6.2.3 Each Course has a unique code not
5.3.2 Academic Registrar exceeding six (6) characters which include a
5.3.3 Deputy Provost Academic Services set of letters to identify the course and a set
5.3.4 Academic Council of digits to identify the course level.

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6.2.4 A standard course description shall 7.1.5 The College will explore and
include the following key information: develop opportunities for teaching and
 School and Department learning that enhance students’ learning
 Course Title outcomes and students’ experiences.
 Course Code 7.1.6 All learners have equal access to
 Year of Study learning opportunities.
 Credit Load
 Course Instructors 7.2 Purpose of the Teaching and Learning
 Course Synopsis Policy
 Aims of the Course 7.2.1 The purpose of the Policy is to
 Learning Outcomes ensure that effective learning takes place at
 Content Outline the College
 Learning and Teaching Strategies
 Types of Assessment 7.3 Graduate Profile
 Resources 7.3.1 The College’s academic programmes
 References are designed to produce well-rounded
6.2.5 For a student to successfully graduates who employ their education to:
complete his/her programme of study he/she  solve problems
should have passed all courses.  communicate effectively
 competently perform tasks and
7.0 TEACHING AND procedures to prescribed standards
LEARNING POLICY  be creative and critical thinkers
 be self-directed and lifelong learners
7.1 Guiding Principles  be innovative and demonstrate
entrepreneurial skills
7.1.1 Boitekanelo College thrives to make
a contribution to society through excellence  uphold ethical standards of practice
in teaching.  be socially responsible in practicing
7.1.2 Boitekanelo College has embraced their profession
competency-based education (CBE) as its
educational framework to develop 7.4 Effective Teaching and Learning
healthcare professionals with the desired Environment
performance characteristics. 7.4.1 Teaching
7.1.3 All curricula have observable and The College will:
measurable competencies that learners are meet the needs of teachers and
expected to accomplish. learners and maintain an excellent teaching
7.1.4 The College has a responsibility to and learning environment by providing
ensure that all its learners gain maximum resources needed to ensure quality.
benefit from their education in a teaching encourage and support use of
and learning environment that is conducive, instructional methods that are informed by
inclusive, intellectually stimulating and research.

Page 14 of 48 ensure relevance in curriculum become independent and acquire
design. lifelong learning skills. ensure judicious use of appropriate employ information and
teaching technology. communication technologies to access ensure adequate number of teaching learning resources.
experts are available for the effective learn how to apply acquired
delivery of programmes. knowledge and skills to solve real life ensure appropriate instructor- problems.
learners ratio and adequate exposure to know the skills they need to develop
clinical experiences in order to develop including respect for different cultures and
requisite graduate competencies. values, cross-cultural perspectives, and other support teaching staff (professional skills that are useful in a global
development) to ensure accomplishment of environment.
the College’s teaching-learning goals. develop skills they need for encourage learner-centred teaching professional growth, including enquiry,
methodologies that meet the needs of the research, analysis and reflection.
student population based on adult learning monitor self to know if they are
principles. progressing in their learning. ensure lecturers are responsible for work collaboratively with
providing the highest quality teaching for minimal supervision.
the learners. ensure that lecturers employ 7.5 Attendance
the most effective instructional approach to 7.5.1 Attendance at lectures, seminars,
deliver the content. practical sessions, tutorials are obligatory ensure that lecturers facilitate and shall be monitored by the College.
learning and provide learning tasks that 7.5.2 Students who attend less than 90%
stretch and challenge students. of such sessions will be considered as not ensure that lecturers employ having achieved the course learning
assessment methods that are aligned to the outcomes and will not be allowed to sit for
learning outcomes. final examinations. Such students shall be
deemed to have failed that course and shall
7.4.2 Learning be awarded a 0% mark.
The College believes that effective learning 7.5.3 Students absent for more than five
takes place if students: consecutive days without written permission set their own academic goals and from the college (weekends excluded) shall
aspirations and work towards achieving be deemed to have breached the Code of
them. Conduct of the college and shall be liable adopt a learner-centred approach and for Penalty.
engage with the content. 7.5.4 Students absent from College due to become active learners and engage medical reasons are expected to notify the
with the content. College within 5 working days, should ill-

Page 15 of 48
health render a student unable to attend Students shall use the free
College. Students are expected to produce counselling service to talk through a wide
proof of medical report upon return to range of issues (personal and academic) and
College. no issue is considered to be too small
7.5.5 Students who for valid reasons, are
absent from the College for more than five 7.6.3 Health and Wellness
consecutive days are expected to obtain The College shall provide quality
written permission. They shall complete the education for all students, irrespective of
Request for Absence Form obtained from age, socio-economic status, ethnicity, race,
Student Welfare Office. gender, sexual orientation or disability.
7.5.6 Except under special circumstances Students with major health concerns
permitted by the College, students who fail shall be accorded the educational space to
all the courses in a semester due to absence participate in learning that enriches their life
from seminars, practical sessions, tutorials through the provision of inclusive
and face to face sessions shall be considered challenging and supportive care.
to have absconded and shall therefore be Students with major health concerns
discontinued. shall have the right to participate in learning
in a safe environment free from harassment
7.6 Students Learning and Personal and victimization.
Support HIV/AIDS and Wellness initiatives
7.6.1 Tutorials shall be student centered. Upon admission, students shall be
assigned personal academic advisors. 7.6.4 Student Voluntary Service The personal academic advisor shall There shall be plenty of activities
consult with the student regarding and sports available to enable students to
coursework and other issues pertaining to lead full and active lives outside their
the programme of study. academic work. Every course shall provide tutorials Students shall be encouraged to
for students registered for that course and participate in voluntary work as an ideal
the timing is designed for students to reap way of developing skills and experience
maximum benefits. which employers will value. There shall be student mentoring Necessary platforms shall be put in
forums to promote deep learning and deeper place where students volunteer with
understanding of learning material. organizations or projects of interest to them.

7.6.2 Student Counselling Service

7.7 Late/Non-Submission of Course Work The Student Counselling Service
shall provide a supportive and non- 7.7.1 Failure without good cause to
judgmental environment for students to submit Continuous Assessment work within
discuss any matter of concern in confidence. 24 hours of the due date shall carry a

Page 16 of 48
penalty of 5% of marks being deducted teaching weeks, where marks are provided
daily for a week from that piece of work. as Continuous Assessment (CA) before the
7.7.2 Failure to submit work within one final examination.
week from the due date shall be regarded as 8.0.3 A student's performance (Term
non-submission and shall result in a mark of Mark) shall normally be assessed by means
0% for that piece of work. of combining Continuous Assessment marks
7.7.3 A student who fails to complete and Examinations mark in the ratio of 1:1.
work for Continuous Assessment with valid The overall pass mark shall be 50% of the
reasons, shall be given the opportunity to Term Mark.
complete the work at a time fixed by the 8.0.4 The final Continuous Assessment
marks shall be made available to the
students not less than one week before the
7.8 Approval of Teaching and Learning
beginning of the examination period.
8.0.5 In order to qualify for examinations,
This Teaching and Learning Policy was a student should have a cumulative
approved by the following structures of the Continuous Assessment of 33.3% or more.
College: 8.0.6 To pass a course that is based on
7.8.1 Academic Board Continuous Assessment only, a student shall
7.8.2 Academic Registrar achieve a minimum mark of 50%.
7.8.3 Deputy Provost Academic Services 8.0.7 Evaluation of the student's
7.8.4 Academic Council performance in the final assessment shall be
moderated as per the moderation guidelines.
NB: The Teaching and Learning Policy The moderator's/examiner's assessment shall
shall be reviewed every 5 years or earlier. be final and shall be ratified by the
Where it is reviewed earlier, the Academic Academic Council.
Registrar or such other person who the 8.0.8 The Moderator’s shall be provided
Academic Council has vested such with the Continuous Assessment marks in
authority, should make a formal the courses being moderated at the time of
representation to the Academic Board, and moderating the final assessment. The
should have obtained formal written moderator may scrutinize the work, and
approval to do so. make recommendations, but shall not
moderate the Continuous Assessment
8.0 ASSESSMENT marks.
8.0.1 The purpose of assessment is to 8.0.9 Departmental Internal Moderation
measure the achievement of the intended shall be conducted before the grades are
learning outcomes. considered by the Academic Board.
8.0.2 Courses are assessed by coursework 8.0.10 Final overall grades and
and/or a final assignment or examination at classifications for students shall be agreed at
the completion of the course. Assessment by a meeting of the Academic Board of the
coursework may include assignments, tests, College. These marks shall be submitted to
quizzes, and practical carried out during the the Academic Council for approval.

Page 17 of 48
8.1 Performance in a course shall be 8.2 Work Integrated Learning (WIL)
assessed on a percentage scale divided 8.2.1 Unless indicated in the curriculum
as follows:
there shall be a component of Work
GRADE PERCENTAGE GRADE Integrated Learning (WIL) in all
(%) POINTS programmes either industrial attachment,
A 80-100 5.00 clinical placement, or internship, whichever
may be applicable.
B 70-79 4.00 8.2.2 Before commencement of WIL the
C 60-69 3.00 student shall, within the first week of WIL,
sign a contract countersigned by a preceptor
D 50-59 2.00
and faculty member.
E 40-49 1.00 8.2.3 For specified
Certificate/Diploma/Degree programmes
F 0-39 0.00
there shall be compulsory WIL periods
spread over the academic year as stipulated
in the curriculum and conducted in
The table below is used as an example for
calculating Grade Point Average (GPA) accordance with approved program specific
WIL guidelines.
8.2.4 WIL is a credit rated course and
POINTS shall be assessed as such. The mark
(Credit hour*
obtained shall contribute towards the Final
Grade point)
4 A (5.00) 20 8.2.5 The College shall through the
respective departments facilitate student to
2 C (3.00) 6
identify placement for WIL appropriate to
3 B (4.00) 12 their programme of study.
8.2.6 Students shall be placed under the
supervision of an experienced preceptor.
Total Grade Points: 20 + 6 + 12 = 38 8.2.7 During WIL students will be
Total Credit Hours: 4 + 2 + 3 = 9
supervised and assessed by instructors
Grade Point Average (GPA) is Total Grade
stationed at attachment sites and faculty
Points, divided by Total Credit Hours:
38/9 = 4.2 according to department's guidelines.
8.2.8 Students shall attend all scheduled
WIL programmes.

Page 18 of 48
8.2.9 Students who are not able to qualified. They shall ensure quality against
complete their WIL during the specified set standards.
time shall be allowed to complete within the 8.3.4 Examination Progress
next academic year at their own cost.
8.2.10 Work Integrated Learning (WIL) All candidates will be assumed to have read
may be repeated only once. A student shall the rules and regulations
be recommended with a fail and discontinue Examination Room
if he/she fails WIL for the second time. The rooms in which examinations are to be
8.2.11 No student shall be allowed to held appear in the examination timetable.
graduate unless they have passed their WIL. Candidates are responsible for knowing in
8.2.12 Students are expected to pass all the advance the rooms in which they are to
course modules to qualify for WIL.
However, consideration shall be made for Identity Card
students who are retaking one module that
Student Identity Cards will be used for
is not prerequisite for attachment and not examination purposes. Candidates must
offered in that particular semester. produce a valid student ID card at each of
8.2.13 Under no circumstances shall a their examinations and display it on the
student regisrer for WIL and a retake at the examination desk/table for checking by the
same time. invigilator. A candidate who does not
produce the Student ID will not be allowed
8.3 Assessment Process in the examination room.
8.3.1 Setting of Examinations Time of Arrival
At the beginning of the academic year, Candidates are required to be
Examinations Committee through the office seated 30 minutes before the
of the Academic Registrar will determine commencement of an examination.
and announce the timelines for examination Candidates will be given
processes. reading time prior to stipulated time of
examination commencement. Candidates
8.3.2 Internal Moderation
must not make notes or commence writing
There shall be an internal moderator or a during this period.
team comprising course leaders and subject Upon being told to start
experts appointed to moderate each reading, candidates will check that the
examination to ensure adherence to question paper is the correct one, all
established standards.
questions are legible and all pages are
8.3.3 External Moderation attached. Discrepancies must be reported to
the invigilator for attention.
External Moderators shall be appointed to
moderate examinations in which they are

Page 19 of 48 Absence from an Examination should inform the Academic Registrar well If a candidate fails to take an in advance. Where feasible, special
examination for no valid reason, special examination arrangements will be made.
papers will not be set for the candidate and
he/she will be deemed to have failed the Procedures during the
particular examination. Losing, misreading Examinations
or failure to consult the examination Candidates must
timetable, are not acceptable reasons for immediately on taking their examination
absence or late arrival at an examination. seats fill in the examination registration In the case of absence from form (attendance slip) provided.
examination due to ill-health, the candidate Candidates should
or someone acting on his/her behalf must carefully read the instructions on the front
submit a relevant medical certificate which cover of the answer book and then enter
must relate to the day or period of their candidate's ID number and other
examination. Evidence of illness will not details required.
normally be taken into account unless
substantiated by a medical certificate. Such Late Arrival
evidence must be received within five days Candidates who arrive late
after the day of the examination in order for will not be allowed extra time to complete
it to receive full attention. the examination. It is the responsibility of the Candidates who are more
candidate to arrange with his/her his/her than 30 minutes late will not be admitted
doctor for any medical evidence to be sent into the examination room.
to the office of the Academic Registrar. In the case of absence from Temporary Withdrawal
examination with valid reasons (other than A candidate leaving the
ill-health of the candidate), the candidate or examination room temporarily for personal
someone acting on his/her behalf must reasons will be accompanied by an
report or submit evidence to the Academic invigilator or other authorized person.
Registry. The candidate will not take Candidates who, for reason the question paper, answer book(s) and
acceptable to the College management and other materials and must not consult or
on the recommendation of the Academic attempt to consult any material or persons
Registrar, are unable to sit for an outside the examination room that may
examination may be permitted to write a assist him/her in writing the examination.
special examination. Leaving the Examination Room Special Arrangements Candidates may not leave the
Candidates who have a disability or suffer examination room during the first 30
from any illness or condition that will minutes of the examination session unless
require special examination arrangements they feel unwell.

Page 20 of 48 If a candidate finishes before 8.3.6 Moderation of Examination Marks
the specified time and wishes to leave, A Moderator shall be appointed to
he/she must do so quietly so as not to validate attainment by students in each
disturb other candidates. Such a candidate course.
will not be allowed back into the The Moderator has the right to
examination room. modify marks awarded by the Examiner. Candidates will not be
allowed to leave the examination room 8.3.7 Announcement of Results
during the last 15 minutes of the After l moderation of examination
examination and should remain seated until results, there shall be a sitting of the
all the examination scripts have been Academic Board to consider the results for
collected and checked by the invigilator. approval by the Academic Council. Final overall grades for candidates Illness during Examination shall be approved by the Academic Council.
Candidates who fall ill during the The examination results shall be
examination should inform the invigilator published on Boitekanelo College notice
who shall act or advice as appropriate. boards, email and website and shall not be
issued by telephone. End of Examination The academic record for continuing Candidates will be told to students shall be issued by Result Slips.
stop writing at the end of the examination by An official Transcript shall be
the invigilator. provided to each student at the conclusion of Candidates in the room his/her studies free of charge. Extra copies
should then remain seated until all the thereafter shall be issued at a cost to be
scripts have been collected. determined by the College from time to It is the responsibility of the time.
candidate to ensure that all the additional Transcripts and Result Slips shall be
loose sheets, charts or papers and ready for collection by students not later
supplementary answer books are enclosed in than six weeks after the official publication
the first answer book. of results subject to meeting financial Candidates must not take any obligations.
examination materials, used or unused, out Transcripts and Result slips are only
of the examination room other than the authentic if they have a valid Boitekanelo
material they brought into the examination College stamp and signature.
8.4 Issuance of Transcripts, Certificates
8.3.5 Marking of Examination Papers and Duplicates At the end of each examination, the
8.4.1 An academic transcript for each
Academic Registrar shall issue examination
student shall be made from the college
papers to examiners for marking.
consolidated mark sheet by the Office of the There shall be a set marking criteria
Academic Registrar and a copy shall be kept
to be followed that is clear and transparent.
Page 21 of 48
in the student's file. The Transcript and Registrar and be made accessible at all
Certificate shall be signed by the Academic times.
Registrar and Provost and shall bear the 8.5.2 Students examination papers shall be
College seal. stored by the Academic Registrar for a
8.4.2 No academic document shall be period of the entire duration of the students'
issued to students without clearance from academic programme.
the Head of Library Services, Head of 8.5.3 Students' examination papers shall
Finance Department, Academic Registrar be destroyed 5 years after the end of the
and Records. students' academic programme.
8.4.3 The clearance duly signed is
submitted to the Academic Registrar for 9.0 ASSESSMENT POLICY
issuance of academic documents. 9.1 Introduction
8.4.4 In case of loss or damage of a This important policy document outlines
certificate, the concerned graduate may regulations for the assessment of student
request a duplicate by fulfilling the learning. It covers all important dimensions
following conditions: of assessment including learning outcomes,
 Pay a fee indicated in the approved fee assessment items the College uses, roles and
structure. responsibilities of all internal stakeholders,
 Bring the damaged certificate to the invigilation, moderation, maintenance of
Office of the Academic Registrar in the assessment record, disposal of assessment
case of a damaged certificate or submit a records, marking and grades. It also extends
Police statement of loss in the case of to appeals and procedures.
lost or stolen certificate.
8.4.5 In case of change of names after 9.2 What is Assessment?
graduation, graduates shall not be issued Educational assessment is defined as the
duplicates of their certificates. process of documenting, usually in
8.4.6 There shall be a congregation measurable terms, knowledge, skills and
(graduation ceremony) of the College for the attitudes. Assessment is a critical element
purpose of conferring certificates, diplomas of the College's quality improvement
and degrees. framework, in addition to being one of the
8.4.7 The congregation (graduation main tools which informs curriculum design
ceremony) shall be held at least once in each and review processes. Assessment is also
year and shall be called at the authority of used as an indicator of the effectiveness of
the Academic Council. our learning and teaching models. Not only
does it serve The College's purpose, it also
8.5 Storage and Disposal of Examinations key to the students' academic experience. To
and other Assessments that end assessment serves as a guide to
8.5.1 Students' examination marks, students through which they can monitor
practical marks and Continuous Assessment their own learning. It informs students what
marks shall be stored by the Academic they need to do in order to progress through
the different levels and fulfil the

Page 22 of 48
requirements of the study programme in which lecturers make academic judgments
order to graduate. about the degree to which students have
achieved course learning outcomes.
9.3 Learning Outcomes
This mainly refers to the criteria against Boitekanelo College uses both formative
which lecturers make judgments about the and summative assessment and the two
students' learning. They are key descriptors forms of assessment are complimentary.
of the knowledge, skills and attitudes
students are expected to successfully 9.4.1 Continuous Assessment:
demonstrate at the end of the programme.
This is formative assessment that is on-
Learning outcomes also inform the method
going and is particularly used to assess
or form of assessment a particular academic
progress the student is making towards
programme adopts. Therefore specific
achieving learning outcomes. It also serves
assessment items will be informed by
as critical feedback for students and
specific academic programmes' learning
teaching staff in the various key learning
areas students are tested on. Formative
9.4 Assessments Items used by assessment is used to 'track' progress
Boitekanelo College towards attainment of learning objectives
and contributes to the final assessment mark
Assessment occurs during the training to
of the course. The contribution of the
help the development of the student and at
continuous assessment mark to the final
the end to determine if the student has
grade is 50% and is made of class tests,
acquired the required competencies.
assignments, quizzes or attendance.
Assessment shall be aligned to the learning
outcomes and shall be reliable and valid. 9.4.2 Final Examinations:
The assessment strategy makes provisions Students shall sit for final examinations at
for a wide range of assessment methods, the end of their course/programme. Students
techniques and procedures, and may include may, depending on the academic
case studies, oral programme enrolled, sit for a wide variety
assignments/presentation/examinations, of examinations including written, oral,
research assignments, quizzes, team OSCE or clinical examinations. The Final
exercises, written and practical Examination contributes 50% of the final
examinations. mark for the course or programme.
Assessment items in the Boitekanelo
College serve two purposes: NB: The weighting of CA and Final
They are the means by which students Examination in the determination of the
demonstrate the level of their final grade may vary depending on the
comprehension or understanding of the course or programme, but shall be specified
specific learning outcomes in the in the academic regulations of the course or
programme. They are also the means by programme.

Page 23 of 48
9.5 Pass Mark strengthening the current policies and
Pass mark is 50% of Total Mark and shall procedures in order to improve quality of
be applicable under the following teaching, learning and assessment.
conditions: Assume the ultimate responsibility
for the quality of teaching, learning and
9.6 Roles and Responsibilities assessment at Boitekanelo College.
We, at Boitekanelo believe that assessment,
as with any other aspect of teaching and 9.7 Setting Final Examination and
learning can best be achieved if there is Marking Guidelines
concerted effort from all partners, to quality At the beginning of the academic year, the
health care education. Evaluation and Assessment Committee will
9.6.1 Students Commit to: determine and announce the timelines for Take the assessment and feedback examination processes.
from their lecturers seriously, and make the
necessary improvements. 9.7.1 Setting Final Examinations Provide their lecturers with Setting of final examinations shall be
constructive feedback for the Boitekanelo done seven weeks after the commencement
College to make the necessary of the semester;
improvements. Setting and moderation of Be active in their learning, assume examinations will take place in a place free
responsibility for their learning and take full of access to students, in other words in a
advantage of extra support provided by highly confidential space.
Boitekanelo College. Set papers shall always be kept
9.6.2 Academic Staff Commit to: confidential at all times. Keep accurate and timely records of The examiner after setting the paper
students' academic work. shall provide the following: Provide clear, constructive and  The examination paper
timely feedback for student's academic  A marking scheme
work.  An outline of how learning outcomes Integrate a healthy balance of have been examined.
summative and formative tools of The examiner must consider that:
assessment  The questions assess the stated
9.6.3 Boitekanelo College Management learning outcomes.
Commits to:  The questions are properly Use pass rates to monitor the structured and clearly expressed.
performance of students.  The questions are clear and not Use pass rates to develop, monitor ambiguous.
and review our teaching and learning  The questions have a balance of low
strategies in consultation with teaching staff. and high order questions. Consult all stakeholders, regulators,
parents and government with the view to

Page 24 of 48
 The paper makes it possible to each examination to ensure adherence to
distinguish across the full range of established standards. Guidelines on
ability. moderation apply
 The questions are appropriate in
length and difficulty, and given the External Moderation of
marks allocated to them. Examination
 The marks/questions add up Questions
External Moderators shall be appointed to
moderate examinations in which they are The set examination format shall be
qualified. They shall ensure quality against
erased from the setter's computer following
set standards. Guidelines on moderation
submission of the examination paper to the
academic registrar to avoid accidental apply
examination leakage. The Moderator has the right to Completed examination papers will modify marks awarded by the Examiner.
be kept on Academic Registry shared folder
awaiting submission for moderation. 9.8 Invigilating Final Examinations
All examinations shall be invigilated
9.7.2 Moderating Final Examinations according to this schedule
9.8.1 There shall be at least one invigilator
Boitekanelo subscribes to the principle that
per 30 students.
assessment be moderated to ascertain that
9.8.2 Invigilators shall announce and
judgments made by lecturers in respect of
enforce all rules and regulations governing
students' performance are not only
the examination.
consistent and transparent, but are also
9.8.3 Invigilators shall be bound by
valid. Moderation is a process by which
confidentiality in respect of the
academics responsible for assessment in a
examinations processes of the Boitekanelo
course and their counterpart both with
qualifications and experience on the subject
9.8.4 The Invigilator will collect
matter, reach a consensus about the extent to
examination papers from the Examinations
which students' performance has reached set
Office and sign for them upon receipt.
standards. This is done to ensure the College
continuously maintains set standards
9.9 Marking Examinations and other
through a process that is valid, consistent
and transparent and that assessment is a true
reflection of students' performance. 9.9.1 At the end of each examination, the
Academic Registrar shall issue examination
There shall be two moderation processes. papers to examiners for marking. Internal Moderation of 9.9.2 Scripts should be marked according
Examination Questions to a set criterion (Marking guides).
There shall be an internal moderator or a 9.9.3 Feedback should be balanced
team comprising course leaders and subject between verbal and written.
experts appointed to moderate and validate
Page 25 of 48
9.9.4 All forms of feedback should only be 9.12 Classification of Results
constructive providing guidance on 90-100: Distinction A+
progress. Consistently achieving high levels of
9.10 Maintenance of Assessment concentration and mastery of learning
Records objectives
Boitekanelo College values the role of Demonstrates excellent understanding of
records, especially as they relate to the learning objectives Well-organised and
assessment of students. In this regards, the exemplary work
policy covers individual students'
performance and progress and 80-89: Distinction A
corresponding performance and progress of Very good concentration and above-
students by programme and department. It average comprehension of learning
also extends to the records of the actual outcomes
assessment process of students, which will Demonstrates very good understanding of
normally internal and external moderation learning outcomes
reports. Better organised work
Demonstrates fair understanding of learning
The role of assessment records is critical in outcomes
the demonstration of the College's Reasonably organised work
commitment to quality standards. They are
also important for accountability purposes, 75-79: Merit B+
not only by the students, but also by Good comprehension of learning outcomes
industry regulators.
70-74: Merit B
9.11 Disposal of Examinations and Generally comprehends learning objectives
other Assessments Demonstrates fair understanding of learning
In respect of disposal of students' objectives
examinations and other assessments, Reasonably organised work
Boitekanelo College will use the
65-69: Credit C+
following guidelines:
Above average comprehension of learning
9.11.1 Students' Examination marks and
Continuous Assessments marks will be
Demonstrates above average understanding
stored by the Registrar and accessible at all
of learning objectives
9.11.2 Students' examinations papers will
60-64: Credit C
be stored by the Registrar for the entire
Average signs of comprehending learning
duration of the students' academic
Average understanding of learning
9.11.3 Students' examinations papers will
be destroyed 5 years after the end of the
Fairly organised work
students' academic programme.

Page 26 of 48
55-59: Pass D+  Receive and consider reports from Chief
Below average and inconsistent Invigilators concerning examination
concentration and comprehension of  Consider claims of extenuating
learning objectives circumstances and recommend
appropriate action to the Academic
50-59: Pass D Registrar
Below average and inconsistent  Inform and consult the Academic
concentration and comprehension of Registrar in the latter’s approval of
learning objectives progression of candidates
Poor understanding of learning objectives  Enforce the examination setting and
Poorly organised work moderation deadlines
 Prepare a report on Examinations to be
40-49: Supplement E
submitted to the Academic Council.
Very poor concentration and comprehension
 The Academic Council shall approve all
of learning objectives
Examinations results before they are
00-39 Retake F
Very poor concentration and comprehension
9.14 Examination Fees
of learning objectives
9.14.1 There shall be an examination fee
Total lack of understanding of learning payable prior to sitting for the examination.
objectives Disorganised work 9.14.2 No candidate will be permitted to
write the examination if they have not paid
For degree the examination fee.
first class (i) 87 and above 9.14.3 Some additional fee shall be paid for
second class 2(i) first division 80-86 the supplementary examination
Second class second division 70-79
Pass- 60-69 9.15 Announcement of Results
9.13 Approval of Examinations 9.15.1 Students shall follow the dates
reflected in the Academic Calendar for
9.13.1 The Examinations Committee shall
official examination result publication
appoint External Moderators to quality
unless otherwise notified by the Academic
assure students examination scripts and
other assessment items including students’
9.15.2 The examination results shall be
log books.
published on the College’s premises,
9.13.2 Heads of Departments shall prior to
College website or email.
submitting examination results to
9.15.3 Examination results shall not be
Examinations Committee, take into
issued by telephone or mobile phone.
consideration the reports of the External
9.15.4 The official record of learning used
shall be by way of Transcripts for
9.13.3 The Examinations Committee shall
completing students and Result Slips for
have authority over examinations to:
continuing students;
Page 27 of 48
9.15.5 Students shall follow the dates 9.20 Supplementary Examination
reflected in the Academic Calendar for 9.20.1 Supplementary examination shall be
Transcripts collection unless otherwise open to students who scores between 40-
notified by the Registrar. 49% of total mark.
9.16 Assessment and Examination 9.20.2 The Supplementary examination
Appeals final mark, shall be calculated by adding the
Policy on Assessment Appeals applies. supplementary examination mark and
Continuous assessment marks at a ratio of
9.17 Retaking a Course 1:1.
The Assessment Policy applies. 9.20.3 The Supplementary examinations
shall only raise the overall mark to a
9.18 Course Exemptions maximum 50%.
The Course Exemptions Policy applies. 9.20.4 A student may not opt if s/he is
eligible to write a supplementary
9.19 Approval of Assessment Policy examination. Normal Examinations Fee
9.19.1 The Assessment Policy was shall apply at every instance a student writes
approved by the following structures of the Supplementary examination.
Boitekanelo College: 9.20.5 A student who fails to present
9.19.2 Academic Registrar him/herself during supplementary
9.19.3 Chairperson, Curriculum examination shall be deemed to have
Development and Programme forfeited his/her chance of supplementing
Implementation Committee and shall be awarded a 0% mark.
9.19.4 Deputy Provost Academic Services
9.19.5 Academic Council 9.21 Retake
9.21.1 Retake applies within the principle
NB: The Assessment Policy shall be
of ‘Carry-forward’, that the student shall
reviewed every 5 years or earlier. Where it
forward failed Course into the following
is reviewed earlier, the Academic Registrar
or such other person who the Academic
Council has vested such authority, should 9.21.2 The HOD shall approve the credit
make a formal representation to the load of the student in case of student
Examinations Committee, and should have retaking more than 1 course.
obtained formal written approval to do so. 9.21.3 Any student who scores 39% and
below or fails a supplementary examination
The College’s pass mark is 50% of Total shall apply for Retake. The student shall be
Mark, inclusive of all continuous given two chances to retake.
assessments and examinations. The 9.21.4 A student shall have a maximum of
Retake/Supplementary Policy is informed four semesters to pass a Course within the
by the College’s pass mark. Retake Policy. The normal Course fee shall
apply at every instance a student retakes a

Page 28 of 48
9.21.5 Should a student fail a Course after 10.0 FINAL EXAMINATION
four semesters, they shall take an enforced REGULATIONS
‘Academic Leave’ equalling one semester 10.1 Sitting for Final Examinations
before returning to retake the Course.
9.21.6 A student shall be deemed to have All candidates will be assumed to have read
obtained Fail and Discontinue (FD) if they and understood these regulations.
10.1.1 The examination timetable shall be
have failed all courses in a semester.
widely published within the College
9.21.7 In case of an FD, a student shall take
an enforced ‘Academic Leave’ equalling
10.1.2 The venue of each examination shall
two semester before returning to retake the
be specified in the examination timetable.
Course. Normal registration fee shall apply.
The examinations shall normally be
9.21.8 All FD cases shall be deliberated at
conducted at the College but clinical
teaching facilities may be used when
Examinations Committee with the
conducting clinical examinations.
respective HOD making a written and
10.1.3 Candidates are responsible for
verbal representation on behalf of the
consulting the examination timetable to
know when and where the examination will
9.21.9 Normal Course Fees shall apply
take place.
when student retakes a course.
10.1.4 Candidates should be seated in the
venue 30 minutes before the start of an
9.22 Approval of Course Retake &
Supplementary Examination Policy
10.1.5 Upon entry into the examination
Couse Retake and Supplementary room, all examination rules and regulations
Examination Policy was approved by the shall apply. Silence must be observed on
following structures of the College: entry and while the examination is in
College; progress.
9.22.1 Academic Board 10.1.6 Candidates will commence writing
9.22.2 Academic Registrar the examination upon receiving instruction
9.22.3 Deputy Provost Academic Services to do so by the Invigilator.
9.22.4 The Academic Council 10.1.7 The candidates should check that the
examination is the correct one at the start of
NB: The Course Retake & Supplementary the examination and must inform the
Examination Policy shall be reviewed every Invigilator immediately if that is not the
5 years or earlier. Where it is reviewed case.
earlier, the Academic Registrar or such
10.1.8 Candidates will not be allowed into
other person who the Academic Council has
the examination room 30 minutes after the
vested such authority, should make a formal
start of an examination.
representation to the Academic Board, and
10.1.9 Candidates arriving 30 minutes after
should have obtained formal written
the start of the examinations shall be
approval to do so.
admitted into the examination room at the
discretion of the Chief Invigilator and only
Page 29 of 48
if no candidate of the same examination dictionaries and all other technology
paper has left the room. recording devices are strictly not allowed
10.1.10 Candidates who arrive late into the examination room.
will not be given additional time to finish 10.1.20 Strictly no candidates with
the examination. outstanding fees shall be allowed to sit for
10.1.11 Candidates will not be examinations.
allowed to leave the examination room 10.1.21 A candidate who does not
during the first 30 minutes and candidates produce a valid student ID shall not be
must not leave the venue 30 minutes before allowed into the examination room.
the end of an examination, unless they are
taken ill. 10.2 Failure to write an Examination
10.1.12 If a candidate has completed 10.2.1 Failure by a candidate to take an
the examination and wants to leave the examination for no valid reason will result
room, he/she can do so without disturbing in the student being deemed to have failed
other candidates and the candidates will not the examination and a mark of zero, shall be
be allowed back into the examination room. recorded for that particular examination.
10.1.13 Candidates with any form of 10.2.2 Ignorance of the examination
disability shall apply to write examination timetable shall not be considered a valid
under special arrangements 4 weeks before reason for missing an examination.
the start of the examination. 10.2.3 If a candidate fails to attend an
10.1.14 At the end of the examination due to illness, the candidate (or
examination, candidates must remain seated his/her proxy) must submit a medical report
until all the examination scripts and relevant to the period of examination within
materials have been collected and checked 5 working days after the examination date.
by the Invigilator. 10.2.4 Boitekanelo College at its sole
10.1.15 The Academic Registrar shall discretion shall consider setting a special
have the prerogative to schedule more than examination for the candidate who failed to
one examination paper per examination write the examination on the due date.
10.1.16 Where candidates have 10.3 Examination Misconduct
queries, corrections shall only be limited to
The Invigilator will report will report any
typographical and printing errors by the
suspicion of cheating in the examination
Internal Examiner who shall be the Rover.
room to the Chief Invigilator or Registrar.
10.1.17 Any abnormalities during the
Any gross violation of examination rule or
examinations shall be collated and reported
cheating shall be reported to the Registrar
by the Chief Invigilator to the Registrar.
promptly. Candidates shall be deemed to be
10.1.18 Candidates are required to
cheating if they;
bring with them all examination writing aids
10.3.1 Take into the examination room or
as prescribed in the course.
possessing or using whilst in that room,
10.1.19 Mobile phones, personal
unauthorised materials including but not
computers, tablet computers, dictaphones,
limited to, summarized notes, books, plain
Page 30 of 48
papers or handkerchiefs on which Candidate may be subjected
information is written, or information to a disciplinary process.
written on any part of the body, recording Expulsion from the College
apparatus, mobile phones or any for repeated misconduct.
unauthorised electronic equipment.
10.3.2 Copy from any other candidate. 10.5 Approval of Examination
10.3.3 Aiding or attempting to aid and/or Regulations
abet another candidate to copy from a 10.5.1 The Examinations Regulations were
script/book of another person. approved by the following structures of the
10.3.4 Impersonating another candidate or Boitekanelo Collge:
allowing oneself to be impersonated. The Academic Registrar
10.3.5 Failure to observe and comply with Academic Standards
any of the examination regulations or failure Committee
to obey a lawful instruction from an Deputy Provost Academic
Invigilator. Services The Academic Council
10.4 Penalties for Examination
10.4.1 Candidates will be warned of the IN CONTINUOUS AND/OR
act(s) of misconduct during the examination FINAL ASSESSMENT
and the Invigilator will report the 11.1 Academic Dishonesty includes but is
misconduct to the Academic Registrar or not limited to, subverting learning outcomes
Chief Invigilator and appropriate action will through the act of using the work, or giving
be taken. of answers to another student to manipulate
10.4.2 The decision to impose any penalty examination rules or aid the manipulation of
deemed appropriate for the offence shall be examination rules and all other assessments.
at the sole discretion of Boitekanelo College 11.2 The College considers plagiarism a
or its employees. severe breach of the Code of Conduct and
10.4.3 The Invigilator may remove or cause academic ethics. A student who is found to
to remove a candidate from the examination have plagiarized will be awarded a 0% mark
room if he/she deems the misconduct to be in that piece of work.
serious. The candidate shall surrender all
examination material to the Invigilator. 11.3 Misconduct in an Assessment shall
10.4.4 Penalties for proven misconduct may include:
11.3.1 Taking and/or using unauthorized Summary expulsion from the
material in the examination room.
examination room.
11.3.2 The use of any answer book, writing Withholding of results.
or blotting paper other than the one Candidate may be suspended
from writing the examination.

Page 31 of 48
11.3.3 Aiding or attempting to aid, 11.4.5 The evidence collected and the
obtaining or attempting to obtain aid from written statements of the invigilators and the
another candidate. student shall then be submitted to the
11.3.4 Consulting or trying to consult Examinations Committee for deliberation.
during the test/examination any The committee shall review all reports
unauthorized material or another candidate received in connection with examination
while temporarily outside the examination malpractice. If the student is found guilty,
room. shall recommend appropriate penalty with
11.3.5 Impersonating another candidate or reference to the present regulations.
allowing one to be impersonated. 11.4.6 The Chief invigilator is empowered
11.3.6 Such behavior which, in view of the to remove a candidate from the examination
invigilator, may prejudice the performance room if he/she deems the misconduct to be
of other candidates. serious. The candidates shall surrender all
11.3.7 Failure to obey or comply with any examination material to the invigilator.
of the examination regulations, or the
instruction of the invigilator acting within 11.5 Penalties for proven misconduct
the scope of his/her authority. may include:
11.5.1 Summary dismissal from the
11.4 Should an invigilator catch a examination room.
student in possession of unauthorized 11.5.2 Withholding of results.
materials, the following steps must be 11.5.3 Suspension from writing the
taken: examination.
11.4.1 The material, as well as the 11.5.4 Expulsion from the College for
examination booklet shall be confiscated as repeated misconduct.
documentary evidence for the hearing. 11.5.5 The student shall be awarded a 0%
11.4.2 The student shall then be issued with mark if there is a valid evidence of
a fresh booklet on which the time of issue misconduct.
shall be recorded, and allowed to continue 11.6 A candidate who wishes to appeal
writing the examination. shall follow the procedure set out in the
11.4.3 The incident shall be recorded in the Disciplinary Regulations.
Examination Incident Report Form to be
signed by both the Chief Invigilator and one 12.0 PROGRESSION FROM
of the other Invigilators in the same room. SEMESTER TO SEMESTER
11.4.4 At the end of the examination and 12.1 A student who scores between 40-
after collecting all examination materials 49% of total mark shall supplement the
and dismissing all other students, the examination.
offending students shall be asked to 12.2 A student who has failed without a
comment and sign on the Examination valid reason to take a supplementary
Incident Report Form, which will be examination shall be recommended for a
submitted to the office of the Academic Fail and Retake.
Registrar immediately after the examination.

Page 32 of 48
12.3 A student who fails a supplementary shall refer the examination script to the
examination or scores below 50% shall Head of Department or External Moderator
apply for a Retake. (if it has not been externally moderated
12.4 The Head of Department shall before) for remarking. The moderator shall
approve the credit load of the student in case change or confirm the mark.
of a student retaking more than one course. 13.2 An appeal for remarking of the
12.5 A student who has been twice examination script shall be submitted in
unsuccessful in a Retake shall be writing on the prescribed form obtainable
recommended with a Fail and Discontinue. from the office of the Academic Registrar
12.6 A student who has failed all courses within two weeks of the results having been
in a given semester shall be recommended published. Requests made via the postal
with a Fail and Discontinue. However, services should be by registered mail.
consideration should be made for those 13.3 A non-refundable prescribed fee per
students doing one Course. course is to be paid by the applicant prior to
12.7 Once discontinued from a course, a remarking. The mark awarded on remarking
student shall apply for readmission after a shall override any previous mark
lapse of two semesters. Such application irrespective of whether or not it is lower or
will be subject to consideration by the higher.
Admissions Committee. The student shall 13.4 All appeal cases concerning the
enter at the level where he/she left when interpretation or implementation of the
she/he was discontinued. Academic Regulations resulting from
12.8 A student shall be recommended decisions taken by the Academic
with a Fail and Exclude if he/she gets a Fail Departments shall be forwarded, within 14
and discontinue the second time. days, by the affected student to the
12.9 A student may withdraw from the Academic Registrar.
college for various reasons including among 13.5 All appeal cases concerning the
others medical reasons. The concerned interpretation and implementation of the
student will apply for withdrawal to the Academic Regulations resulting from
Academic Registrar through the Head of decisions taken by the Academic Registrar
Department. shall be forwarded, within 14 days by the
12.10 A student who at a point was affected student to the Academic Council
withdrawn may apply for reinstatement to through the Deputy Provost Academic
the College within two years provided the Services.
course is still offered. 13.6 Decisions of the Academic Council
shall be final.
13.1 Students have the right to appeal to 14.0 MISCONDUCT
the Academic Registrar of the College if
they are not satisfied with their results. The Students are expected to behave in a civil
appeal shall be considered by the and socially acceptable manner at all times.
Examinations Committee. The Committee Should a student be found in breach of this
Code under the influence of a health

Page 33 of 48
condition, Boitekanelo College will offer 14.1.12 Bullying, harrassment, or
such student the necessary support within intimidation of students or staff of the
reasonable limit. College.
14.1.13 Willfully engaging in,
14.1 Code of Conduct Offences
omitting or committing to undertake a
Behaviour that constitutes breach of this
task that causes the College to breach its
Code and therefore misconduct, includes
regulatory obligations.
but is not limited to the following;
14.1.14 Infringement of the
14.1.1 Bringing the image or reputation
College statement on sexual harassment.
of the College into disrepute.
14.1.15 Failure to oblige with a
14.1.2 Failing to show respect to fellow
penalty previously imposed under this
students and staff of the College.
14.1.3 Abuse or misappropriation of
College property, including funds.
14.2 Major Offenses Punishable by
14.1.4 Violation, or attempt to violate
Expulsion Include but not Limited to
College rules and regulations.
14.1.5 Use or threat to use violence or 14.2.1 Misappropriation of College funds.
offensive and indecent language verbally 14.2.2 Use or threat to use violence.
or through electronic means that 14.2.3 Inciting students to threaten or use
disregard the rights of others. violence against College administration.
14.1.6 Inciting students to threaten or 14.2.4 Academic dishonesty and
use violence against College Plagiarism.
administration. 14.2.5 Possession or supply of illegal drugs,
14.1.7 Discriminating anyone on the alcohol, or sharp and dangerous objects.
basis of their race, ethnicity, gender, age 14.2.6 Violation, or attempt to violate
or sexual orientation. College rules and regulations.
14.1.8 Willfully giving false 14.2.7 Willfully engaging in, omitting or
information or attempting to deceive or committing to undertake a task that causes
impersonate, cheat or misrepresent or the College to breach its regulatory
any other form of dishonesty. obligations.
14.1.9 Absence for 5 consecutive days 14.2.8 Infringement of the College
without reasonable cause. statement on sexual harassment.
14.1.10 Disrupting
administrative, academic or any other 14.3 Statement on Sexual Harassment
duties and functions of the College. Statement on Sexual harassment covers
14.1.11 Possession or supply acts committed by student on another
sharp and dangerous objects, or of student and/or student to staff member.
illegal drugs, alcohol or coming to The following though in exhaustive, shall
school or any school activity while constitute sexual harassment:
under the influence of alcohol/drugs. 14.3.1 Invasion of personal space through
but not limited to inappropriate touching,

Page 34 of 48
14.3.2 Sexually derogatory remarks and The Mediation Forum shall be governed by
jokes the following procedures:
14.3.3 Sexually suggestive comments 14.5.1 An effort will be made to resolve the
verbally, or via email or social networking contentious issue or case by mutual consent.
sites 14.5.2 If an agreement is reached, the
14.3.4 Unwelcome requests for sexual convenor shall make his or her
favours recommendations to the Academic Registrar
14.3.5 Stalking for announcement and record purposes.
14.3.6 Any other form of verbal or 14.5.3 If no agreement is reached or the
physical abuse of a sexual nature. student fails to appear before the forum, the
matter shall be referred back to the
14.4 Dealing with Misconduct Academic Registrar or his appointee who in
14.4.1 Any accusation or allegation against turn shall lay formal charges.
a student which may lead to a disciplinary
action against a student, should be submitted 14.6 Notice of Hearing and Charges
with all the details of the allegation in 14.6.1 A notice of the charges and the date
writing to Academic Registry. and time of the hearing shall be sent to the
14.4.2 The Academic Registrar or his or her student via one or all the records the College
appointee will undertake a preliminary has on the student. Notice shall be given
investigation within 30 days to ascertain within a reasonable time for the student to
whether there are sufficient grounds for appear unless the student consents to an
disciplinary charges to be laid against a early hearing.
student. The Academic Registrar or his or 14.6.2 The notice shall clearly state each
her appointee shall contact the alleged charge or allegation laid against the student
offending student, or any other person in and the rule or regulation he or she is
relation to the case, review all evidence charged with violating as well as the
available and decide on one of the following possible consequences.
courses of action. 14.6.3 The notice shall stipulate the
14.4.3 Dismiss the case if there is no following;
sufficient basis or evidence to warrant The rights of the student
disciplinary action. All concerned parties including their right to a fair hearing.
shall be informed of this decision. The right to present a
14.4.4 Refer the case for mediation if the witness.
offense does not constitute, in the view of The College assumes the
the Academic Registrar or his or her student is innocent until proven guilty.
appointee, a gross violation of rules. That no legal representatives
14.4.5 Lay formal charges are to be allowed within the hearing

14.5 Mediation Forum

The Mediation Forum shall be convened by
or an Appointee of the Academic Registrar.
Page 35 of 48
14.7 Sanctioned Specified 14.8.3 Decisions of the mediation forum
14.7.1 VERBAL WARNING: An oral where the student was present may not be
statement to the student that he or she has appealed.
violated College rules. 14.8.4 Decisions where a student has signed
14.7.2 WARNING: Oral or written warning a disciplinary agreement with the academic
to the offending student that continuation of Registrar or any person given such authority
the offending conduct within a specified by the Academic Registrar, may not be
amount of time, shall warrant severe appealed by the student.
disciplinary action. 14.8.5 The hearing shall be informal and
14.7.3 CENSURE/FORMAL WRITTEN limited to reviewing the record of the
WARNING: A written reprimand for original case proceedings, the appeal will be
violation of College rules including the limited to considering if one of the
possibility of more disciplinary action if the following conditions on the original case
student is found guilty of violating College proceedings exists.
rules within a specified time. Error of Procedure- To
14.7.4 RESTITUTION: Reimbursement for ascertain whether the disciplinary hearing in
damage to College property. The light of the charges, was conducted fairly
reimbursement may take several forms and in line with appropriate procedures.
including financial reimbursement or Where it was found that procedure was
performance of a service to the College in flouted, an unfair hearing shall be declared.
lieu of financial reimbursement. Hanging Conclusion-
14.7.5 SUSPENSION: Exclusion of the Where there is a probability that the
student from participating in lessons and/or decision of the hearing may not be
privileges meant to be enjoyed by all sufficiently supported by substantial
College students for a specified period of evidence.
time. Disproportionate Penalty-
14.7.6 EXPULSION: The termination of Where there is reasonable cause to believe
the offending student from the College the penalty imposed for the offense is
indefinitely. The conditions for readmission disproportionate to the rule the student
shall be stipulated in the expulsion decree. violated. New Information- Where
14.8 Appeals Process Procedure new information sufficient to change the
ruling, that was not known at the time of the
14.8.1 The student may appeal penalties
hearing has appeared, or any other relevant
imposed by the Disciplinary Panel, not the
evidence has emerged that may have a
finding of misconduct.
bearing on the original ruling.
14.8.2 The appeal shall be made in writing A student may appeal the
to the Chairperson of the student
decisions of the Disciplinary Panel to
Disciplinary Committee within 14 days of
Student Disciplinary Committee.
the hearing. Decisions of the Disciplinary
Committee that only result in a Suspension

Page 36 of 48
or Dismissal, may be appealed to the

14.9 Appeals Process Outcome

14.9.1 The College Disciplinary Committee
may only impose the following penalties; Confirm the ruling and
penalty as originally determined by an
earlier hearing. Confirm and modify the
penalty. In cases where the student is the
guilty party, the penalty may not be
increased. Remand the case to a new
14.9.2 Provost may, on appeal take the
following actions; Confirm the ruling and
penalty as originally determined by an
earlier hearing. Confirm and pardon the
penalty. Dismiss the case. Take any other decision that
he or she may deem fit in the best interest of
the College.

Page 37 of 48
15.1 Possession and/or copying from (i) Dismissal from the examination room
unauthorized material brought to (ii) Cancellation of the candidate
the examination venue by the examination results in the module
candidate himself/herself or by concerned.
(iii) A written warning
other person(s)
(iv) Suspension from writing the
(v) Dismissal from college for repeated

15.2 Copying from other Candidates’ (i) Dismissal from the examination room
examination work in the (ii) Cancellation of the candidate
examination room. examination results in the module
(iii) A written warning.
(iv) Suspension from writing the
(v) Dismissal from college for repeated

15.3 Circulating/exchanging/issuing (i) Dismissal from the examination room

unauthorized written, electronic, (ii) Cancellation of the candidate examination
or any other material to other results in the module concerned.
candidates during examinations. (iii) A written warning.
(iv) Suspension from writing the examinations.
(v) Dismissal from college for repeated
15.4 Communicating orally or through (i) Dismissal from the examination room
gestures with other candidates (ii) Cancellation of the candidate
during the examination examination results in the module
(iii) A written warning.
(iv) Suspension from writing the
(v) Dismissal from college for repeated

15.5 Possession /use of activated (i) Dismissal from the examination room
electronic gadgets such as mobile (ii) Cancellation of the candidate
phone, MP3/MP4 player, iPod, examination results in the module
Blue tooth facility, programmable concerned.
(iii) A written warning.
Calculator or any other such

Page 38 of 48
unauthorized equipment/gadgets (iv) Suspension from writing the
in the examination room. examinations.
(v) Dismissal from college for repeated

15.6 Possession of used or unused (i) Dismissal from the examination room
examination answer booklets in (ii) Cancellation of the candidate
the examination room during an examination results in the module
examination other than the concerned.
(iii) A written warning.
material issued by the invigilator
(iv) Suspension from writing the
(v) Dismissal from college for repeated
(vi) Withholding results

15.7 Continuing writing even after the (i) A written warning.

invigilator has announced the end (ii) Cancellation of the candidate
of time allocated to the examination results in the module
examination concerned.

15.8 Destroying of evidence which (i) Dismissal from the examination room.
may be used as a proof of an (ii) Suspension of the candidates involved
examination irregularity. from the College for an academic year.
(iii) On reporting back, the candidate shall
repeat the year.

15.9 Obstructing the invigilator while (i) Dismissal from the examination room
he/she is performing his/her (ii) Cancellation of the candidate
duties, and/or use of personal examination results in the module
violence and/or threats against the concerned.
(iii) Suspension from writing the
invigilator on matters relating to
the sitting of an examination. (iv) Suspension of the candidates involved
from the College for an academic year.
(v) A written warning

16.0 Willful disruption of examinations (i) Dismissal from the examination room
attributable to the candidate’s (ii) Cancellation of the candidate
behavior during the College examination results in the module
examination concerned.
(iii) Suspension from writing the
(iv) Suspension of the candidates involved
from the College for an academic year.
(v) A written warning
Page 39 of 48
16.1 Presenting oneself in the (i) Dismissal from the examination room
examination room under the (ii) Cancellation of the candidate
influence of alcohol and/ or examination results in the module
substance abuse concerned.
(iii) Suspension from writing the
(iv) Suspension of the candidates involved
from the College for an academic year.
(v) A written warning

16.2 Conspiracy to impersonate (an) (i) Dismissal from the examination room
other candidate(s) during an (ii) Cancellation of the candidate
examination examination results in the module
(iii) Suspension from writing the
(iv) Suspension of the candidates involved
from the College for an academic year.
(v) A written warning

16.3 Forging medical reports in order (i) A written warning.

to obtain deferment of an (ii) Suspension from writing the
examination examinations.
(iii) Suspension of the candidates involved
from the College for an academic year.

16.4 Presenting or attempting to (i) A written warning.

present materials lifted from (ii) Nullification of grades/ cancellation of
published (Books, Papers, articles, results.
and internet information for
purposes of satisfying an
assignment, project or
examination, without regard or
acknowledgement of the source.
16.5 Offering or attempting to offer (i) A written warning.
gifts, bribes, presents to an (ii) Expulsion from the College
instructor or any other officer for
purposes of gaining undue
advantage in academic work or
examination and or changes in

Page 40 of 48
16.6 Presenting or attempting to (i) Dismissal from the examination room.
present oneself for an examination
without a valid students identity
16.7 Attending or attempting to attend (i) Nullification of grades/cancellation of
classes or other academic activity results
whilst not duly registered (ii) Suspension of the candidates involved
from the College for an academic year.

16.8 Forging information for the (i) A written warning.

purposes of gaining undue (ii) Expulsion from the College
advantage. (iii) Nullification of grades/cancellation of
16.9 Bringing the image or reputation (i) A written warning.
of the College into disrepute. (ii) Expulsion from the College

17.0 Failure to show respect to fellow (i) A written warning.

students and staff of the college (ii) Expulsion from the College

17.1 Abuse and misappropriation of (i) A written warning.

College property, including funds (ii) Expulsion from the College

17.2 Violation, or attempt to violate (i) A written warning.

College rules and regulations (ii) Expulsion from the College
(iii) Reimbursement

17.3 Use or threat to use violence or (i) A written warning.

offensive and indecent language (ii) Expulsion from the College
verbally or through electronic (iii) Suspension from the college
means that disregard the rights of
17.4 Inciting students to threat or use (i) A written warning.
violence against college (ii) Expulsion from the College
administration (iii) Suspension from the college

17.5 Discriminating anyone on the (i) A written warning.

basis of their race, ethnicity, (ii) Suspension from the college
gender, age or sexual orientation.
17.6 Willfully giving false information (i) A written warning.
or attempting to deceive or (ii) Expulsion from the College
impersonate, cheat mispresent or (iii) Suspension from the college
any other form of dishonesty
17.7 Absence for five consecutive days (i) A written warning.

Page 41 of 48
without notifying the College (ii) Expulsion from the College
(iii) Suspension from the college

17.8 Disrupting administrative, (i) A written warning.

Academic or any other duties or (ii) Expulsion from the College
function of the college (iii) Suspension from the college

17.9 Possession or supply sharp and (i) A written warning.

dangerous object, or illegal drugs, (ii) Expulsion from the College
alcohol or coming to school or (iii) Suspension from the college
any school activity while under
the influence of liquor
18.0 Bullying, harassment, or (i) A written warning.
intimidation of students or staff of (ii) Expulsion from the College
the college. (iii) Suspension from the college

18.1 Willfully engaging in, omitting or (i) A written warning.

committing to undertake a task (ii) Expulsion from the College
that causes the college to breach (iii) Suspension from the college
its regulation obligations
18.2 Infringement of the college (i) A written warning.
statement on sexual harassment (ii) Expulsion from the College
and (iii) Suspension from the college

18.3 Failure to oblige with a penalty (i) A written warning.

previously imposed under this (ii) Expulsion from the College
code (iii) Suspension from the college

Page 42 of 48
19.6 Orientation Committee
One student
FEEDBACK POLICY 19.7 Board of Directors; By invitation
Boitekanelo College values its student
population groups and views its engagement 19.8 Examinations Committee; By
with students through the principle of
student centered learning. It is this principle 19.9 Feedback
that informs Student Representation and
The forms of feedback mechanisms to
Feedback Policy.
encourage flow of communication beyond
The College has an elaborate student participation in the aforementioned
representation system inclusive of Class committees are Suggestion Box and Course
Representatives and the Student Evaluation. Feedback is used to inform
Representative Council. policy and improve learning experiences of
19.1 Student Representation The sole objective of Course Evaluations is
to solicit student feedback on matters
The Class Representatives shall serve an
specifically affecting their learning. It
important role of linking students within
covers course learning objectives, course
courses, to the relevant College committees
organisation and student-lecturer
and staff, on issues relating to their courses.
engagement. They are administered at the
end of each and every semester.
The Students Representative Council shall
With respect to the Suggestion Box, it is an
be the main and sole recognised body
opened forum for students to air their
representing the interests of students. The
comments on any matters of their college
SRC shall be responsible for developing the
experience from general administrative
intellectual, cultural, social and sporting life
issues to their learning experience. The
of the students. Therefore, the selected
suggestion box is opened bi-weekly.
Student Representative Council (SRC) shall
sit in the following structures of the 19.10 Student Governance
Boitekanelo College strongly values an
19.2 Academic Board; By invitation effective student representation and
acknowledges its importance in the lives of
19.3 Student Disciplinary Panel students and growth of the institution. At
One student BC we believe that student representation
and governance is an indispensable, critical
19.4 Student Disciplinary Committee part of the higher-education experience. The
One student
College hence has in place a student-
19.5 Student Support and Development governance structure, The SRC with
Committee popularly elected leaders accountable to the
One student student community. The SRC exists as an

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independent autonomous body with its own 19.12 Boitekanelo College is committed
mandate. It is the spirit of student to
governance that whatever mandate, it is 19.12.1 providing leadership skills
dedicated to maintaining and improving the among successive SRCs,
quality of education and student life on 19.12.2 resolving concerns of the
campus and ensuring accountability of the SRC sincerely in an honest and transparent
College to the students. manner at the earliest reasonable time.
The Student support and development 19.12.3 maintaining the SRC’s
perspective of the College believes that all official position and status in support, as
students, (not just those who hold formal reasonable and within the College’ means,
leadership positions) are potential leaders. It the SRC with material and other forms of
is this principle that informs the view of the support as when it is deemed necessary and
College that the SRC as an autonomous legitimate.
body, promote personal development of
their constituents through creating space for 19.13 What the College Expects of the
students to assume positions within their SRC
structures. Such structures may be internally
19.13.1 to represent and act in the
within the SRC as an organization or
best interests of all students. 6.2.2 to initiate
through organizations in any form or shape
the engagement of students in constructive
that exists at the pleasure of the SRC and
the student community.
19.13.2 to facilitate a culture of
19.11 Conflict Resolution learning, excellence and personal
development in campus.
The College has structures forums in the
19.13.3 promote responsible use of
form of scheduled regular bilateral meetings
alcohol and discourage use of habit-forming
between the management with the SRC,
SRC specific officer bearers with
19.13.4 to encourage good co-
equivalents or counterparts in the College,
operation between the student body, its
e.g SRC Minister of
affiliates and the College authorities.
Communications and Customer Relations
19.13.5 to promote, protect and
Manager, Academic Registrar and SRC
advance the interests of all students
Minister of Learning and Development. In
regardless of race, class, gender, nationality,
addition to these, the College has class
sexual orientation, religion, age, political
representatives, a structure that acts as direct
affiliation, disability or ideology.
forum for class specific academic concerns
resolution. The College further has a
19.14 Guiding Principles
practice of unscheduled direct class address
between the Principal accompanied by the 19.14.1 Academic Excellence
Academic Registrar and Customer 19.14.2 Unity in diversity
Relations Manager, as another structure of 19.14.3 Non discrimination
conflict resolution. 19.14.4 Equality

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19.14.5 Accountability
19.14.6 Effective governance
19.14.7 Collegiality

19.15 Approval of Student Representation

and Feedback Policy
Student Representation and Feedback
Policy was approved by the following
structures of the College:
19.15.1 The Academic Registrar
19.15.2 Chairperson of Student
Support and Development Committee
19.15.3 Deputy Provost Academic
19.15.4 The Academic Council
NB: Student Representation and Feedback
Policy shall be reviewed every 5 years or
earlier. Where it is reviewed earlier, the
Registrar or such other person who the
Academic Council has vested such
authority, should make a formal
representation to the Academic Standards
Committees, and should have obtained
formal written approval to do so.

Page 45 of 48
not limited to, attorneys and own client fees,
collection charges or any other applicable charges;
j) agree that Boitekanelo College reserves the right to
withhold results, transcripts and certificates should
there I default in payments according to this signed
Enrolment Contract;
k) accept that if I choose a payment plan, I am in a
Retain this Copy position to fulfill my financial obligations to
Boitekanelo College;
I, the undersigned applicant, do here by: l) understand that, subject to my payment plan, I am
a) acknowledge that I understand the provisions of liable to settle my tuition costs within 21 days
the declaration of this Enrolment Contract, and hold m) understand that I may withdraw or cancel my
myself bound thereby, and all other provisions of this registration for the current academic year as whole
registration; and by the Code of Conduct of and shall be exonerated from the liability to pay full
Boitekanelo College, for any period for which I am a fees (excluding the registration fee) provided
registered student; Boitekanelo College is informed in writing within 14
b) acknowledge that I have familiarised myself with days of registration, where such withdrawal has been
the prospectus and programme content and confirm confirmed in writing by Boitekanelo College;
that the information given in this form is accurate and n) agree that should I default with any payment on
complete in all respects; due date and be handed over for debt collection,
c) confirm that I have to satisfy the requirements of Boitekanelo College shall be entitled to claim 100%
my academic performance as laid down by of amount owing at the time of breach as penalty and
Boitekanelo College; pre-estimated;
d) acknowledge that should I terminate the student (o) understand that the fee revisions may be made
contract or withdraw before studied begin, between Semesters.
Boitekanelo College is entitled to any registration fee
paid by or on behalf of the student; I acknowledge that, notwithstanding the existence of
e) agree that if Boitekanelo College receives appeal processes, the academic judgement as laid
payments of a student’s tuition or any other fees from down by due processes of Boitekanelo College, will
the government, agency or any sponsoring person be regarded as final.
other than the student, any refund of the student’s
tuition must be paid to the government, agency or the The sponsor shall remain liable to all outstanding
sponsoring person; fees as a surety and Boitekanelo College will pursue
f) hold myself responsible for the full payment of full you as the sponsor in ensuring fees are collected.
tuition fees relating thereto, notwithstanding the fact
that my sponsor has undertaken to pay the full tuition Print Name:_________________________________
g) understand that it is my responsibility to inform Signature of
my sponsor of all applicable fees; Applicant:_________________________
h) agree that where tuition fees are payable to
Boitekanelo College in instalments, the failure to pay Date:______/_________/___________
any single instalment timeously will result in a
monthly penalty being charged and Name of Sponsor /
the full amount owing shall become and payable Parent:_______________________
i) agree that Boitekanelo College shall be entitled to Signature of
recover from me all legal costs incurred in order to Sponsor and Surety:__________________________
enforce its rights under this contract, including, but

Page 46 of 48
j) agree that Boitekanelo College reserves the right to
withhold results, transcripts and certificates should
there I default in payments according to this signed
Enrolment Contract;
k) accept that if I choose a payment plan, I am in a
position to fulfill my financial obligations to
Boitekanelo College;
Return this copy to Admissions Office l) understand that, subject to my payment plan, I am
liable to settle my tuition costs within 21 days
I, the undersigned applicant, do here by:
m) understand that I may withdraw or cancel my
a) acknowledge that I understand the provisions of registration for the current academic year as whole
the declaration of this Enrolment Contract, and hold and shall be exonerated from the liability to pay full
myself bound thereby, and all other provisions of this fees (excluding the registration fee) provided
registration; and by the Code of Conduct of Boitekanelo College is informed in writing within 14
Boitekanelo College, for any period for which I am a days of registration, where such withdrawal has been
registered student; confirmed in writing by Boitekanelo College;
b) acknowledge that I have familiarised myself with n) agree that should I default with any payment on
the prospectus and programme content and confirm due date and be handed over for debt collection,
that the information given in this form is accurate and Boitekanelo College shall be entitled to claim 100%
complete in all respects; of amount owing at the time of breach as penalty and
c) confirm that I have to satisfy the requirements of pre-estimated;
my academic performance as laid down by (o) understand that the fee revisions may be made
Boitekanelo College; between Semesters.
d) acknowledge that should I terminate the student
contract or withdraw before studied begin,
I acknowledge that, notwithstanding the existence of
Boitekanelo College is entitled to any registration fee
appeal processes, the academic judgement as laid
paid by or on behalf of the student;
down by due processes of Boitekanelo College, will
e) agree that if Boitekanelo College receives be regarded as final.
payments of a student’s tuition or any other fees from
the government, agency or any sponsoring person
The sponsor shall remain liable to all outstanding
other than the student, any refund of the student’s
fees as a surety and Boitekanelo College will pursue
tuition must be paid to the government, agency or the
you as the sponsor in ensuring fees are collected.
sponsoring person;
f) hold myself responsible for the full payment of full
Print Name:_________________________________
tuition fees relating thereto, notwithstanding the fact
that my sponsor has undertaken to pay the full tuition
Signature of
g) understand that it is my responsibility to inform
my sponsor of all applicable fees;
h) agree that where tuition fees are payable to
Boitekanelo College in instalments, the failure to pay
Name of Sponsor /
any single instalment timeously will result in a
monthly penalty being charged and
the full amount owing shall become and payable
Signature of
Sponsor and Surety:__________________________
i) agree that Boitekanelo College shall be entitled to
recover from me all legal costs incurred in order to
enforce its rights under this contract, including, but
not limited to, attorneys and own client fees,
collection charges or any other applicable charges;

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