Fluido 2 Manual
Fluido 2 Manual
Fluido 2 Manual
Microplate Washer
Operator’s manual
Biochrom Ltd
22 Cambridge Science Park
If inflammable, toxic or biologically hazardous substances are
used when operating the equipment, please observe the
instructions and precautions enclosed with such substance.
Never spill fluids in or on the equipment.
Wash your hands thoroughly after handling test fluids.
If equipment has been in contact with hazardous substances, it
must be disinfected prior to shipment in accordance with the
effective provisions.
Do not touch the plate during movement of the plate transport
(risk of injury).
The equipment may not be opened other than as described in
chapter 11 Maintenance, since it contains live parts (danger of
Voltages dangerous to human life are present in this device.
Before removing any covers disconnect the device from the
power source.
Ensure that the power cord supplied with the unit is used.
The power cord may only be inserted in a socket outlet
provided with a protective ground (earth) contact. The
protective action must not be negated by use of an extension
cord without a protective grounding contact.
Do not replace fuses without first removing the main power
Ensure that only fuses with the required rated current and of the
specified type are used for replacement. The use of makeshift
fuses and the short-circuiting of fuse-holders is prohibited.
When the apparatus is connected to the main power source, the
opening of the covers or removal of components is likely to
expose life parts. The device shall be disconnected from all
voltage sources before it is opened for adjustment or repair.
Any adjustment or repair of the opened apparatus under voltage
should be avoided, but, if necessary, it must be carried out by
qualified service personnel who are aware of the hazards
The following safety symbols may be found in several locations on the instrument. Only
persons who fully understand the safety precautions and recognize shock hazards should
operate this instrument.
~ Alternating current
The symbol on the product indicates that this product shall not be
treated as household waste. Instead it shall be handed over to the
applicable collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic
4.2.1 Dimensions
4.2.4 Options
4.3 Cleaning
Washer Fluido 2
external tubing set
Manifold (8- and 12-way)
1 or 3 wash bottles 2l (depending on configuration)
Rinse bottle 2l
Waste bottle 2,5l
Power cord
User manual
Spare fuses
Cleaning tools for needles
The original Fluido 2 packing has been specially designed for this
1. Remove the manifold and tubing and the plate carriage and
pack them into the accessories boxes.
2. Lock the holder of the manifold with the foam part as shown in
picture 1.
3. Put the transport lock plate at the location shown in picture 2
and secure the plate with adhesive tape.
4. Place the foam parts left and right on the washer and put the
washer into the transport box. (picture 3).
5. Place the the bottles and the accessory boxes into the spaces left
and right of the instrument as shown on picture 3.
It is therefore recommended to save the original carton with its foam parts and
accessories box. Warranty claims are void if transport damages are caused by
improper packing!
picture 1 picture 2
picture 3
5.1 Introduction
The main components of the washer are the control electronics, the
plate transport mechanism, the manifold transport, the dispensing
and aspirating pumps, the keyboard with the LCD display and the
power supply unit.
6.1 Liability
Run Procedure:
<< >> Proc1 For details please refer to chapter 9.1 Run Procedure
<< >> Automat For details please refer to chapter 9.2 Prime/Rinse Menu
Def Procedure:
<< >> <new> For details please refer to chapter 9.3 Define Procedure Menu
Def Cycle:
<< >> <new> For details please refer to chapter 9.4 Define Cycle Menu
Def Plate:
<< >> <new> For details please refer to chapter 9.5 Define Plate Menu
<< >> For details please refer to chapter 9.6 Setup Menu
<< >>
For details please refer to chapter 9.7 Service Menu
<< >>
Manual <-| Manual
Liquid <-|
Esc Esc
Automat <-| Liquid <-| Volume
<< >>
D e f P ro c e d u re
< -|
E sc Nam e
< -|
E sc L iq u id
< -|
E sc C yc le 1 - 8 C yc le s
< -|
E sc F in a l a sp tim e
< -|
F in a l a sp
E sc if 'F in a l a sp tim e ' =
< -|
P ro c e ssin g
E sc
m ode
< -|
E sc P la te
< -|
E sc A sk strip n r
< -|
S to rin g
<< >>
D e f C ycle
< -|
E sc N am e
< -|
E sc Asp ir tim e
< -|
E sc A sp ir p o we r if 'A sp ir tim e ' = 0
< -|
E sc D isp vo lu m e
< -|
E sc D isp po w er
if 'D isp
< -|
vo lu m e ' = 0
E sc W ash m o d e
< -|
E sc Sh a kin g tim e
< -|
M in im um soa k <<
E sc tim e
< -|
S to rin g
<< >>
D e f P l a te
< -|
E sc Nam e
< -|
Esc P l a te f o r m a t
< -|
E sc W e ll sh a p e
< -|
'F l a t' 'R o u n d '
Esc C r o s s w is e a s p
< -|
E sc C e n te r p o s
Esc S id e p o s f r o n t
< -|
< -|
If 'C r o s s -
E sc S id e p o s r e a r w is e a s p ' = N o
< -|
A s p ir a tio n H t
E sc
< -|
E sc D is p p o s
< -|
E sc B o tto m d is p h t
< -|
Esc O v f l o w d is p h t
< -|
S to r in g
<< >>
S etu p
< -|
Esc La ng ua ge
< -|
Esc Ma nifo ld
< -|
E sc W a sh liqu id s
< -|
Esc W a st full d et
< -|
R in se em p ty <<
d et
< -|
W a sh 3 e m pty <<
d et
< -|
Esc L iq uid w arning
< -|
Esc W aste w arning
< -|
Esc P la te w arning
< -|
Esc Ke y click
< -|
Sto ring
Sensors Esc
Valves Esc
Pumps Esc
PlatInit Esc
PlatPos Esc
MFInit Esc
MFPos Esc
MFAdjust Esc
PlAdjust Esc
Eeprom Esc
DelParam Esc
8.1 Start-Up
Run Procedure:
<< >> Proc1
<< >>
Screen 12.: Setup Menu
Please make sure to set all options according to your requirements
before programming new procedures, plates or cycles and before
running procedures. For details on this menu please refer to chapter
9.6 Setup Menu
Run Procedure:
<< >> Proc1
Screen 13.: Run Procedure
In this menu you can select the procedure to be started. All
procedures defined in the "Define Procedure Menu" can be
Function keys:
<F1> or <F2>
Select another menu.
<+> or <->
Select a procedure to be started.
Confirm the selection of the procedure and go to the next
Washliquid OK?
No Yes
Waste empty?
No Yes
Plate inserted?
No Yes
Nr of stripes:
Esc 12
Screen 17.: Nr of stripes check
The display prompts you to enter the right numbers of stripes (this
function needs to be activated in the "Setup Menu").
Function keys:
Select Esc: the instrument will return to the main menu
Select number of stripes
Confirms the selection and starts procedure
<< >> Manual
Screen 18.: Prime/rinse Menu
This menu allows to start a manual, automatic or periodic prime /
rinse cycle(s).
Function keys:
<F1> or <F2>
Select another menu.
<+> or <->
Select the desired mode for prime / rinse. Available options are:
manual, automatic, periodic
Confirm the selection of the prime / rinse mode and go to the
next screen.
Esc Wash 1
Screen 19.: Liquid Selection
Select the liquid to be used for prime / rinse.
Function keys:
<F1> or <F2>
Select "Esc" to return to the main menu.
<+> or <->
Select the desired liquid.
Confirm the selection of the liquid and go to the next screen.
Manual pri/rinse
Esc Go
Screen 20.:Manual Prime/rinse
The prime / rinse can be started with the corresponding function
key ("Go") and will be performed as long as this key is pressed.
Function keys:
<F1> or <F2>
Select "esc" to return to the main menu or "Go" to start the
June 2008 Fluido 2 Page 34
prime / rinse (keep this key pressed as long as you like the
prime / rinse to be performed).
Esc Wash 1
Screen 21.: Liquid Selection
Select the liquid to be used for prime / rinse.
Function keys:
<F1> or <F2>
Select "Esc" to return to the main menu.
<+> or <->
Select the desired liquid.
Confirm the selection of the liquid and go to the next screen.
Esc 50 ml
Start Pri/Rinse
Function keys:
<F1> or <F2>
Select "Esc" to return to the main menu.
Press <enter> to start the prime / rinse cycle with the above set
P/R in process
Function keys:
<F1> or <F2>
Select "Stop" to cancel the current prime / rinse cycle and return
to the main menu.
Esc Wash 1
Screen 25.: Liquid Selection
Select the liquid to be used for prime / rinse.
Esc 50 ml
Rinse Period:
esc 10 min
Periodic rinse
Def Procedure:
<< >> <new>
Screen 30.: Define Procedure Menu
In this menu a procedure can be defined. Every procedure contains
one or more cycles and a plate. The cycles and the plate must be
defined prior to the procedure.
Function keys:
<F1> or <F2>
Select another menu.
<+> or <->
Select "<new>" to define a new procedure or select an existing
procedure to edit it.
Confirm the selection of the procedure and go to the next
Esc sel A_
<< Esc Wash 1
<< Esc ---
Processing mode:
<< Esc Plate
<< Esc FB1
Def Cycle:
<< >> <new>
Screen 42.: Define Cycle Menu
This menu allows to define all parameters of a cycle. A cycle is
required to define a complete wash-procedure.
Function keys:
<F1> or <F2>
Select another menu.
<+> or <->
Select "<new>" to define a new cycle or select an existing cycle
to edit it.
Confirm the selection of the cycle and go to the next screen.
Esc Chg 1
Esc Sel A_
Aspir power:
<< Esc High
Disp volume:
<< Esc 1000 µl
Disp power:
<< Esc High
Wash mode:
<< Esc Overflow
Shaking time:
<< Esc 5 sec
Shaking intens:
<< Esc Medium
Aspiration Aspiration
ht ht
Center pos
Side pos rear Side pos front
Horizontal 0-Position
Horizontal 0-Position
Drawing 53.: Aspiration Positions for flat bottom or curved bottom plates
disp ht
disp ht
Drawing 54.: Wash Positions for flat bottom and curved bottom plates
Esc Chg 1
Esc Sel A_
Well shape:
<< Esc Flat
Center pos:
Esc Mov 0.1 mm
Center pos:
↓ Mov 0.1 mm
Crosswise aspir:
<< Esc Yes
Aspiration ht:
Esc Mov 7.0 mm
Aspiration ht:
↓ 0.1 mm
Disp pos:
↓ Mov 0.1 mm
<< >>
Screen 75.: Setup Menu
Use the <F1> / <F2> keys to select the setup menu. Confirm the
selection with <enter>.
Esc English
Screen 76.: Language Setup
Use the <-> / <+> keys to select the language and confirm with
<< Esc 8needle
Screen 77.: Manifold Setup
Use the <-> / <+> keys to select the manifold and confirm with
Wash liquids:
<< Esc 2
Screen 78.:Liquids Setup
Use the <-> / <+> keys to select the number of wash liquids
connected to your instrument and confirm with <enter>. Depending
on the hardware configuration of your instrument you can use up to
3 wash liquids .
Liquid warning:
<< Esc On
Screen 84.: Liquid Warning Setup
Use the <-> / <+> keys to activate/deactivate the liquid warning
and confirm with <enter>. If activated a reminder to check the level
of the wash bottle(s) is displayed prior to the start of a procedure.
Waste warning:
<< Esc On Yes
Screen 85.: Waste Warning Setup
Plate warning:
<< Esc On Yes
Screen 86.: Plate Warning Setup
Use the <-> / <+> keys to activate/deactivate the plate warning and
confirm with <enter>.
<< Esc On
Screen 87.:Keyclick Setup
Use the <-> / <+> keys to activate/deactivate the keyclick and
confirm with <enter>.
<< Esc On
Screen 88.: Emergencystop Setup
Use the <-> /<+> keys to activate/deactivate the emergencystop
and confirm with <enter>
If a strip of a microplate or the microplate itself is not inserted
correctly the tips of the manifold will hit the bottom. This triggers
the bottom detection sensor and every process will be stopped
<< >> Sensors
Screen 89.: Service Menu
This menu allows to check various functions of the instrument. It is only intended to be
used by trained service personnel.
Duplicate name
Press any key
Screen 90.: Duplicate Name
The name for the procedure, cycle or plate is already used
Function keys:
Confirm the message.
Wrong manifold
Press any key
Screen 91.: Wrong Manifold
The wrong manifold for the selected procedure is installed.
Function keys:
Confirm the message.
No cycle defined
Press any key
Screen 92.: No Cycle Defined
There is no cycle defined.
Function keys:
Confirm the message.
No plate defined
Press any key
Screen 93.: No Plate Defined
There is no plate defined.
June 2008 Fluido 2 Page 62
Function keys:
Confirm the message.
Waste full
Press any key
Screen 94.: Waste Full
The waste is full. Empty the waste bottle.
Function keys:
Confirm the message.
Liquid empty
Press any key
Screen 95.: Liquid Empty
The selected wash liquid is empty.
Function keys:
Confirm the message.
Stop pressed
Press any key
Screen 96.: Stop Pressed
The user has stopped the instrument.
Function keys:
Confirm the message.
Platetrans error
Press any key
Screen 97.: Plate Transport Error
The plate transport failed.
Function keys:
Confirm the message.
MF-trans error
Press any key
Screen 98.:Manifold Transport Error
The manifold transport failed.
Function keys:
Confirm the message.
Except for the parts shown in the following list only parts supplied
by Anthos or an authorized Anthos Distributor may be installed in
or used with Anthos Fluido 2:
Fuses: as specified in chapter
4.1.1 Rated operating conditions
Power cable: CE-marked power cable with connected protective
earth and protective earth connector
(see also 4.8 Installation requirements, Environmental
operating conditions)
External Computer controlling the instrument
(see also 4.9.1 Connecting the instrument with an external