Wk17 GenBio1

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Roxas, Oriental Mindoro

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Grade Level-Section/ Grade 11-Fe Del Mundo/STEM
Teacher Jennifer A. Siñel
Module No. & Title Module 9.Anaerobic Respiration
Duration Week 17: December 13-December 17, 2021
Reference Materials Avissar, Y., Choi, J., Desaix, J., Jurukovski, Wise,R., Rye, C. (2016). General
Biology 1 (localized by Gisselle Millete M. Belardo). Vibal Group Inc.
Lecture Materials Format Printed PDF, Video


By the end of this module, the students should be able to:
 describe the role of oxygen in respiration and describe pathways of electron flow in the absence of
oxygen(STEM_BIO11/12- IIa-j-10)
 explain the advantages and disadvantages of fermentation and aerobic respiration(STEM_BIO11/12-


Anaerobic Respiration
In aerobic respiration, the final electron acceptor is an oxygen
molecule, O2. If aerobic respiration occurs, then ATP will be
produced using the energy of high-energy electrons carried by
NADH or FADH, to the electron transport chain, If aerobic
respiration does not occur, NADH must be reoxidized to NAD+ for
reuse as an electron carrier for the glycolytic path way to
continue .How is this done? Some living systems use an organic
molecule as the final electron acceptor. Processes that use an
organic molecule to regenerate NAD+ from NADH are collectively
referred to as fermentation. In contrast, some living systems use an
inorganic molecule as a final electron acceptor. Both methods are
called anaerobic cellular respiration in which organisms convert
The green color seen in these coastal waters is
energy in the absence of oxygen.
from an eruption of hydrogen sulfate-
Certain prokaryotes, including some species of bacteria and
reducing bacteria. These anaerobic, sulfate-
reducing bacteria release hydrogen sulfide
Archaea, use anaerobic respiration. For example, the group of
gas as they decompose algae in the water.
Archaea called methanogens reduces carbon dioxide to methane to
oxidize NADH. These microorganisms are found in soil and in the
digestive tracts of ruminants, such as cows and sheep. Similarly, sulfate-reducing bacteria and Archaea,
most of which are anaerobic, reduce sulfate to hydrogen sulfide to regenerate NAD+ from NADH.

Lactic Acid Fermentation

The fermentation method used by animals
and certain bacteria, like those in yogurt, is lactic
acid fermentation. This type of fermentation is used
routinely in mammalian red blood cells and in
skeletal muscle if exposed to insufficient oxygen
less so to the point of fatigue that reverts aerobic
respiration to continue. In muscles, lactic acid
accumulation must be removed by the blood
circulation and the lactate brought to the liver for
further metabolism. The chemical reactions of
lactic acid fermentation are the following:
Pyruvic acid + NADH  lactic acid + NAD.

The enzyme used in this reaction is lactate

dehydrogenase (LDH). The reaction can proceed in
either direction, but the reaction from left to right is
inhibited by acidic conditions. Such lactic acid
accumulation was once believed to cause muscle
stiffness, fatigue, and soreness, although more recent research disputes this hypothesis. Once the lactic
acid has been removed from the muscle and circulated to the liver, it can be reconverted into pyruvic
acid and further catabolized for energy.
Alcohol Fermentation
Another familiar fermentation process is alcohol fermentation that produces ethanol, an alcohol.
The first chemical reaction of alcohol fermentation is the following (CO, does not participate in the
second reaction):
Pyruvic acid → CO2 + acetaldehyde + NADH ethanol + NAD+
The first reaction is catalyzed by pyruvate decarboxylase, a cytoplasmic enzyme, with a
coenzyme of thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP, derived from vitamin B, and also called thiamine). A carboxyl
group is removed from pyruvic acid, releasing carbon dioxide as a gas. The loss of carbon dioxide
reduces the size of the molecule by one carbon, making acetaldehyde. The second reaction is catalyzed
by alcohol dehydrogenase to oxidize NADH to NAD+ and reduce acetaldehyde to ethanol. The
fermentation of pyruvic acid by yeast produces the ethanol found in alcoholic beverages. Ethanol
tolerance of yeast is variable, ranging from about 5 percent to 21 percent, depending on the yeast strain
and environmental conditions.

Other Types of Fermentation

Other fermentation methods occur in bacteria. Many prokaryotes are facultatively anaerobic.
This means that they can switch between aerobic respiration and fermentation, depending on the
availability of oxygen. Certain prokaryotes, like Clostridia, are obligate anaerobes. Obligate anaerobes
live and grow in the absence of molecular oxygen. Oxygen is a poison to these microorganisms and kills
them on exposure. It should be noted that all forms of fermentation, except lactic acid fermentation,
produce gas. The production of particular types of gas is used as an indicator of the fermentation of
specific carbohydrates, which plays a role in the laboratory identification of the bacteria. Various
methods of fermentation are used. by assorted organisms to ensure an adequate supply of NAD+ for the
sixth step in glycolysis. Without these pathways, that step would not occur and no ATP would be
harvested from the breakdown of glucose.

Output: Fermentation: “Fer” you and “Fer” me (Performance Task by Group: 100 pts)
Direction: In a short bond paper, create a poster where you identify and paste 5 pictures of products
produced from the different types of fermentation that we use or consume.

Category 4 6 8 10
Layout and Design Much of the information Some of the Most of the information All of the information on
on the poster is unclear information on the on the poster is clear. the poster is clear.
or too small. poster is clear.

Coverage of the Topic Details on the poster Some details on the Most details on the All details on the poster
have little or nothing to poster relate to the poster include capture all the important
do with main topic. topic but are too important information. information
general or incomplete.
Grammar Many grammatical, Some grammatical, 1 or 2 grammatical, No grammatical, spelling
spelling, or punctuation spelling, or punctuation spelling or punctuation or punctuation errors
errors. errors. errors
Use of Graphics Graphics do not relate Some graphics relate Most graphics are All graphics are related
to the topic. to the topic. related to the topic and to the topic and make it
most make it easier to easier to understand.
Organization The information Some information is Most information is Information is very
appears to be Organized, but not organized and neat. organized, neat and
disorganized. neat. appealing.

Output/s to be submitted Performance Task (100 pts)
Deadline of Submission of Outputs January 3, 2022
Write your answers on the activity worksheet provided. Submit at
Mode of Submission
Clarendon College.

Prepared by: Approved by:


Teacher Principal

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