Sexual Offences
Sexual Offences
Sexual Offences
Sexual Offences
Sexual assault is an act of sexual intimacy done 6. With her consent—when at the time of
without the consent of the victim, or where consent giving such consent, by reason of
has been obtained by means of threat, fear or fraud. unsoundness of mind, intoxication or the
In our country, sexual assault is a serious offence. administration of any stupefying or
Sexual offences may be described as natural unwholesome substance, she is unable to
sexual offences like rape, or unnatural sexual understand the nature and consequence of
offences like sodomy, buccal coitus, tribadism, what she has given consent to.
bestiality and certain sexual deviations.
!"#$%"&'()*$"&'+,,)!-)( Penetration is sufficient to constitute the sexual
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Rape in India is defined (under Section 375 of the Section 376 of the I.P.C imposes a minimum term
I.P.C.) as an unlawful sexual intercourse by a man, of 7 years imprisonment and a maximum of life
imprisonment for the offence of rape. However, a
1. With his own wife under the age of 15 years,
judge at his discretion can award lesser sentence.
2. With any other woman under the age of 16 5./&'6$,+24,*"
years with or without her consent, or
3. With any other woman above the age of 16 It has been sometimes observed that women are
years, against her will, without her consent, or sexually abused in jails, remand homes, hospitals
4. With her consent—when her consent has or where the woman is in custody and she is not in
been obtained by putting her or any person a position to render sufficient opposition to the act.
in whom she is interested in fear of death or In such cases, provisions of custodial rape are
hurt, or attracted under Section 376C, 376D of the I.P.C.
5. With her consent—when the man knows
that he is not her husband and the consent
is given because she believes that he is Whoever, being in management of a hospital, or
another man to whom she is or believes being one of the staff of a hospital takes advantage
herself to be lawfully married, or of his position, and has sexual intercourse with a
woman in that hospital, such sexual intercourse not highest incidence accounting for 22.3 per cent of
amounting to the offence of rape, shall be punished total cases. Among the cities, Delhi and Mumbai
with imprisonment for a term extending up to 5 recorded more crimes numbering 365 and 118,
years and shall also be liable to fine. respectively. In rates, Mizoram [9.3] led the table
So, to constitute the offence of rape it is not followed by Madhya Pradesh [4.3], Dadra and
necessary that there should be complete penetration Nager Haveli [3.9] and Delhi [3.4].
of penis. Partial penetration within labia majora, Victims of rape were maximum in the age
or even an attempt at penetration is quite sufficient group of 16–30 years accounting for 8,414 out of
for the purpose of law. So, it may be possible in a 15,033 reported cases.
rape case, that there is absence of injuries or seminal
stains. Ideally, doctors should refrain from using 9:"
the word “rape” as it is a legal entity and not a No age is safe for rape. Children are easily abused
medical condition. The doctor should only mention as they can offer less resistance. Small infants even
facts and condition of the victim and state if there at the age of 4–6 months have also been abused.
is any evidence of sexual activity or not. Even older women are not safe from rape. For
In cases where rape cannot be proved, it may committing rape, the law of India does not presume
be tried under less serious charge of indecent assault
any limit under which a boy can be considered
on a female committed with intent or knowledge
physically incapable of committing rape. In such
to outrage her modesty. It is punishable under
cases, the development of child along with
Section 354 of the I.P.C. by a term, which may
development of sexual organs has to be taken into
extend up to 2 years, or a fine, or both. A woman
consideration while deciding if he is capable of
may be accused of an indecent assault on a man
performing rape or not.
but not rape.
Incidences of rape is reported more from lower
According to the law in India, a woman of 16 years
socio-economic strata, as they tend to live in unsafe
and above is capable of giving consent to the act of
and crowded areas.
sexual intercourse. But the consent must be
conscious, free, voluntary and given when she is (),1$%,&$'%2'#2&0"2=$8&$1
mentally fit.
In certain sections of custodial rape [under The examination of victim should be done carefully
clause (a) to (g) of subsection (2)] of Section 376 as per provisions of law as they are different from
of the I.P.C. where sexual intercourse is proved and one state to another in India. As per the recent
the question arises whether it was without the judgement of Punjab and Haryana High Court, it
consent of the woman alleged to have been raped is mandatory to get the rape victim examined only
and she states in her evidence before court that she by a female doctor. In Delhi, only a gynaecologist
did not consent (Section 114A, Indian Evidence does the medical examination of a rape victims.
Act). Thus, the onus of proving consent shifts to The examination of a rape victim should be under
the accused from victim in such limited cases. the supervision of a female medical practitioner.
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According to National Crime Records Bureau The consent to examine a rape victim should be
Report (1998), there were 15,033 rape cases taken before commencement of examination. It
reported in India. Madhya Pradesh reported the should be in writing. As per the provisions of law,
police or court has no power to compel a woman pubic hair should be examined first, if they
to submit private parts for examination to a medical are found to be matted, they should be cut
practitioner, male or female. off with a pair of scissors to look for
spermatozoa. They should be preserved in
(),1$%,&$'%2'#2&0"2=$8&$1 a dry bottle for examination at Forensic
After taking consent, the medical examination Science Laboratory. Dried seminal stains on
should be started in presence of a female attendant external genitals/thighs can be scrapped
or witness if a male doctor examines the patient. carefully, or moistened with normal saline
No attempt should be made to undress the woman. and slides may be made for microscopic
She should be politely asked to remove clothes. examination. If bloodstains are present, they
The exact time of examination, name of the person should also be preserved in a similar manner.
who brought the victim, a short factual summary Bruise or laceration, if any, on external
of incidence should be recorded in medico-legal genitalia may be carefully noted. The
report in the register, which has been approved by examination of hymen should be carefully
the state administration. done now. In a case of rape, hymen may
Two marks of identification of the victim have fresh radiate tears (more in posterior
should also be noted. A short description of the half), the edges of which may be red,
place of occurrence of the event, details of the act, swollen or painful if the examination of the
relative position of parties, whether ejaculation victim is done within 24 hours. These tears
occurred or not, pain during the act, loss of heal within 5 or 6 days, and look like small
consciousness during the act or efforts to resist tags of tissue after 10 days. Frequent sexual
should be recorded. The general behaviour and intercourse/delivery destroys hymen
mental state of the victim should be noted. The completely. There may be cases where
detailed examination should begin in the following hymen may be found to be intact and not
order: lacerated. In such cases, the distensibility
1. Clothes: If clothes are same as ones worn of hymen can be recorded. The fourchette
by her at the time of sexual assault, they and posterior commissure are not usually
should be carefully examined for the injured in cases of sexual assault. The degree
presence of blood or seminal stain or any of injury is dependent on the force used. In
other discharge. The clothes especially small children, the hymen usually escapes
undergarments should be preserved for injury, as it is deep seated but becomes red
examination by Forensic Science and inflamed.
Laboratory. The vaginal secretions from the
2. Injuries: The physical examination of the posterior fornix should be taken either by
body especially forearms, wrist, face, introducing a plain sterile cotton swab or
breasts, chest, inner aspects of thighs, and by introducing 1 ml pipette and sucking the
back should be done to look for scratches, contents. The contents should be
abrasions or bruises caused as a result of immediately transferred to a microscopic
struggle/compression. Teeth marks if any slide in the form of a thin film, and should
may be observed on breasts, nipples, lips, be fixed. The slide can be viewed for
or cheeks. Swabs from teeth bite should be spermatozoa (Table 19.1). In married
taken for the presence of saliva. women, spermatozoa may be present
3. Genitals: The examination should be because of previous sexual intercourse. The
preferably done in lithotomy position. The spermatozoa can be seen up to 1–7 days in
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vagina after the last sexual intercourse. Even If it is suspected, relevant tests like ELISA or
if spermatozoa are not present, the western blot may be done at repeated intervals to
estimation of acid phosphatase level can be confirm. If sodomy has been attempted or
done in fluid obtained from posterior fornix performed, then anal swabs from around the anus
to detect presence of seminal fluid. and anal canal may be collected and looked for
spermatozoa/seminal fluid.
A woman can get venereal disease as a result of
sexual assault, if the person who committed sexual In India, the examination of the accused is done on
assault was suffering from such a disease. A a written request of the police. The person is
discharge may be observed in cases of gonorrhoea. brought, under the custody of police, to a medical
A thin film from the discharge may be made, fixed officer for examination. As per the law, whenever
and stained with Gram’s stain to look for gonococci a person is arrested for committing sexual assault,
under the microscope. The incubation period of a doctor should medically examine him as early as
gonorrhoea is about 2–8 days, therefore in case of possible. In most states in India, the examination
suspicion, another smear may be taken after a few of the accused is conducted either by medical
days to confirm,. If syphilitic sores are seen or officers working in emergency services or a
suspected, serum for dark ground examination for dermatologist and venereologist is called upon for
Treponema pallidum and blood for serological examination. In some centres where forensic
examination should be collected. The incubation experts are available, such cases are referred to
period of syphilis varies from 9–90 days, so samples them. The examination of the accused should be
at a later date may be taken for confirmation. The recorded in medico-legal register duly authorised
sores on genitalia may be due to chancroid, which by the state government. The police constable who
can also be confirmed by making smears to has brought him should identify the accused. This
demonstrate Ducrey’s bacillus, which is a Gram- should be recorded in the report. The consent of
negative streptobacillus with rounded ends. The the accused is not necessary for examination as per
other common infections that are transmitted, are the provisions of the law of India. In fact, a
chlamydial vaginitis and viral STD like herpes. reasonable amount of force can also be applied to
The most important sexually transmitted collect evidence from this person. The marks of
disease is AIDS, which can be transmitted by identification should be noted and left thumb
sexual assault. The chances that a victim may impression of the accused may be taken on medico-
get HIV infection in a single encounter are varied legal report itself. The medical officer should record
(3–5 per cent). preliminary data and then proceed for complete
examination. The examination of clothes should be Samples may be collected of vaginal epithelial
done to detect semen/bloodstain or tears. cells, which adhere to penis during sexual
Undergarments should be especially looked for stains intercourse, by taking a wet swab around penis and
and should be preserved for examination by Forensic making microscopic slides. These vaginal cells are
Science Laboratory. A complete physical examination rich in glycogen and stain readily with iodine and
involving all systems like cardiovascular, alimentary, can easily be inspected microscopically.
respiratory and nervous should follow. Previously, it was common to preserve semen
The complete body, especially inner aspects in accused for which accused used to be asked to
of thighs should be examined for mud, blood or provide sample by masturbation. In non-
seminal stains. The genitalia should be examined. cooperative accused, it was obtained by doing
Pubic hair, if matted, should be cut and preserved. prostatic massage. Now, this is not done. Sample
The penis should be examined for injury or some of blood obtained from finger is preserved on a
stain, circumcision, presence of smegma or gauze piece, and is dried and then sealed for
discharge. The cremasteric reflex may be elicited examination by Forensic Science Laboratory.
to rule out neuronal loss. If it is suspected that a
person is suffering from STD, relevant evidence 67809:
may be collected. Incest is defined as sexual intercourse between man
After the examination is over, the doctor has and woman who are related by blood or by
to give opinion on two accounts: marriage, i.e. within forbidden degrees of
1. Whether the person is capable of performing relationship like a daughter, granddaughter, sister,
sexual intercourse or not? stepsister, niece, aunt or mother. In India, incest
2. Whether there is an evidence of recent per se is not a crime unless it attracts provisions of
sexual intercourse? rape. However, in many western countries, incest
is recorded as a crime and is punishable.
The capability to perform sexual intercourse
depends on erection of the penis. It is naturally
assumed that all normal males who have well
developed sexual organs are capable of erection,
Section 377 of the I.P.C. defines sexual offences
thus can perform sexual intercourse. So, the opinion
relating to “carnal intercourse against the order of
about capability to perform sexual intercourse is
nature with any man, woman or animal”.
given in a double negative form like “there is
Penetration is sufficient to prove the offence. The
nothing to suggest that this person is not capable
unnatural sexual offences are punishable with
of performing sexual intercourse.”
imprisonment for life or with a term of 10 years
If it is suspected that the person may have some and also with fine.
erectile dysfunction, he should be examined for
chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension,
chronic alcoholism, neuropathies, or some psychic
reasons. The opinion about recent sexual activity In India, unnatural sexual offences as mentioned
can be given if some stain/injury/redness is seen above are quite less in percentage as compared to
on the penis/scrotum. Previously, it was thought western countries. The sodomy is frequent with
that absence of smegma could indicate recent sexual small children working in tea stalls, motor
activity. Now it is not relied upon, as smegma workshops or offices. The sodomy has also been
collection depends on personal hygiene and reported in prisoners or in armed forces, especially
circumcision. those posted in the hilly areas or remote areas.
contact for sexual gratification. In some cases, the He may also make some lewd gesture. It is
clitoris of the woman may be found to be enlarged. a punishable offence under Section 294 of
In some cases, artificial object may be used for the I.P.C.
stimulation. Lesbianism is not punishable as it is 6. Scoptophilia: It is deriving sexual pleasure
not a crime under Section 377 of the I.P.C. It is in anticipation of exposure of one’s genitalia
usually found in females who are living together, or observing genitalia of another with
e.g. in hostels or asylums. orgasm brought by masturbation during or
after the event. Some people get excitement
()*$"&'=)>6"#6+!( by listening to or making obscene phone
The common sexual deviations are described as 7. Voyeurism (Peeping tom): It refers to
follows: repetitive seeking for situations where
person of the opposite sex is undressing,
1. Sadism: This is a sexual perversion where taking bath or having sex. It is also like
infliction of pain, torture and humiliation watching porn movies. The males who are
to partner act as sexual stimulants. It may involved in this are often called peeping
be seen in both the sexes but is common in
males. Male may inflict injuries by beating
8. Paedophilia: It is defined as preferential
with hands or sticks, or sometimes sexual
sexual activity with children. It may be
organs may be targeted, foreign bodies may
limited to watching them nude or showing
be inserted in vagina and breast may be
genitalia to them or touching young ones to
contused or sometimes, the sadist may get
their nubile sex organs. If sexual intercourse
so excited, that he may murder the victim
is done, it comes into the category of rape
(lust murder) or he may eat her body
(necrophagia) after raping her corpse or sodomy as the case may be. Many
(necrophilia). celebrities have, in the recent past, been
2. Masochism: It is just opposite of sadism accused of paedophilia. Some perverts enjoy
where gratification is obtained by getting watching porn movies involving children.
beaten, tormented or humiliated by the sexual 9. Necrophilia: It is a perversion when a
partner. It is common in males but occurs in person attains sexual gratification by
females also. The females may invite males watching dead nude body or doing sex with
to inflict pain on her or abuse her. a dead body. Some people are so pervert
3. Fetishism: This perversion is seen in males that they eat some parts of the dead body
only. In this, male gets sexual gratification too. It is called as ‘necrophagia’. This is a
just by seeing some part of the woman or punishable offence where term may extend
her article like undergarment, shoes, clothes, up to one year or a fine is charged or both
etc. are implemented.
4. Transvestism: It is the desire to wear the 10. Troilism: In this, a person gets sexual
clothes of the opposite sex. It is quite gratification by watching his own wife
common in homosexuals. Some performing sexual intercourse with some
transvestites may seek medical treatment to other man.
change their gender. 11. Nymphomania: It is often described as
5. Exhibitionism: It is a deviation in which excessive sexual desire in woman where she
exhibitionist gets pleasure by showing his enjoys having multiple sex partners or
genitals to women, girls, or small children. desires excessive sexual activity.
the right which would advance public several kinds like feeling of guilt and
morality or public interest, would alone humiliation.
be enforced through the process of law. (b) A long term reorganisation phase during
which victim readjusts her life as far as
&0F.2'%;FJ:9 possible. She may have nightmares and
phobia during such time. In western
Affliction of AIDS and STD raises a lot of legal countries, rape crisis centres are set up to
rights of the victims. The victims may sue the deal with rape trauma syndrome. In such
assailant for damages and criminal intention. If a centres, psychological support is offered
person in full knowledge of the fact that he is through counselling.
suffering from AIDS, sexually assaults a woman/
man with added intention to infect her/him so that %"E)'=$%6!H'(&))E'+%'$!-+!(-6+$(!)((
she/he will die, can also be booked under Section
307 (attempt to murder) or under Section 302 I.P.C. Under ordinary circumstances, it is not easy to rape
(murder) if person dies because of that along with a well bodied adult female unless she is thrown
different Sections like 269 and 270 I.P.C. accidentally and is unable to move. She may be
The presence of STD/AIDS on the sexual raped if she is exhausted. It is not possible to rape
partner in case of married couple can be taken by a woman if she is sleeping. It may be possible that
the other spouse as a ground of divorce as it can be she may allow a person to have sexual intercourse
granted easily if this plea is taken in the court of thinking that he is her husband. It is possible to
law. rape a woman if she is unconscious either due to
If a person gets AIDS during discharge of his injury or drugs or alcohol. If a woman has
professional duties as in hospital workers, he can voluntarily taken some drug or alcohol, and then
sue hospital authorities if sufficient infrastructure gives consent under that influence, she cannot
facilities are not available. No worker can be charge a man of rape.
discharged from services only on the fact that he is
HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) positive, his
other health parameters also have to be taken into
consideration, if he is fit otherwise, he cannot be Date rape is said to occur when a woman complains
removed from service. that she has been raped by her boyfriend when both
of them have gone together for vacation or a stay
@)=6-+G&)H"&'"(E)-#('+,'()*$"& at some place. She may allege that she has been
+,,)!-)( given some drug or alcohol with an intention to
get consent.
%./0'#C.ID.'(K7<CBD0 She may even say that she has been raped in
a hotel room. In India, concept of date rape in not
After rape, woman passes through great mental recognised although many western countries
trauma. According to Sutherland and Scherl, rape acknowledge it. In these cases, less severe
trauma syndrome consists of psychological punishment is given to the accused as it is assumed
responses in victims of rape, of shock, dismay and that the woman has given some sort of consent
non-specific anxiety. Burgess et al. defined rape when she has gone for date with her boyfriend.
trauma syndrome in two stages: There are various drugs available in the market
(a) Immediate or an acute disorganisation which can be easily mixed in alcohol or food,
phase consists of emotional reactions of which make a woman unconscious or
semiconscious and she may consent to sexual sample should be taken from vagina and sent for
intercourse under the effect. chemical analysis. A seminal stain on genitalia or
clothes may be simulated by a solution of starch or
egg white.
A blood stain may be simulated by application
Sometimes, false charges may be made against a of blood of some bird or animal. In all such
person by introducing chilies into vagina of small suspected cases, samples taken would prove
children to produce congestion. In such cases, wash innocence of the accused.