giải thích chi tiết olympic LÝ TỰ TRỌNG - CẦN THƠ

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I. PHONOLOGY (10pts)
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. picturesquely B. antiqueness C. querulously D. discotheque
2. A. phlebitis B. Wily C. poliomyelitis D.philately
3. A. macabre B. chiromancy C. chemical D. chivalrous
4. A. paranoia B. papist C. saffron D. travail
5. A. absinthe B. soothe C. loathe D. wreathe

Choose the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the others:
6. A. euphemism B. phenotype C. veracity D. cantaloupe
7. A. matriarchy B. epileptic C. rutherfordium D. diplomatic
8. A. disinter B. cadaver C. cathedral D. attorney
9. A. acupuncturist B. vociferously C. antithesis D. extraordinary
10. A. entrepreneur B. anonymity C. representation D. encyclopedia
I. 1. C 2. D 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. A 8. A 9. A 10. B


Choose the correct word or phrase A, B, C or D to complete each sentence.
II. 1. B 2.B 3. A 4. D 5. D 6. A 7. B 8. B 9. A 10. B
1. His strange behaviour aroused the _________ of police.
A. doubt B. suspicion C. disbelief D. notice
aroused the suspicions: khơi dậy sự nghi ngờ
2. When his parents are away, his oldest brother _________.
A. knocks it off B. calls the shots C. draws the line D. is in the same boat
Call the shots = chỉ huy, quyết định về những việc cần làm
knocks it off = được dùng để nói ai đó đừng làm ồn hoặc làm phiền bạn
draws the line = đặt giới hạn cho việc gì; phân biệt giữa hai thứ tương tự nhau
is in the same boat = ở trong cùng một hoàn cảnh
3. After the concert, everyone had to_________ home through the thick snow.
A. trudge B. tread C. trace D. trickle
tread /tred/ (v): đi, bước đi, giẫm lên
trace /treɪs/ (v): lần theo
trickle /ˈtrɪk.əl/ (v): nhỏ giọt
trudge /trʌdʒ/ (v): lê bước
Tạm dịch: Sau buổi hòa nhạc, mọi người đã phải lê bước về nhà khi tuyết rơi dày đặc.
4. Alaska boasts several_________ mountains, warm ocean climates due to its currents, and
frozen seas.
A. adept B. pious C. ghastly D. lofty
Lofty = Cao ngất, sừng sững adept=tinh thông, lão luyện
Pious=sùng đạo ghastly= khủng khiếp, rùng rợn
5. When I finish writing this composition, I'm going to_________ and go to bed.
A. make time B. hit the hay C. hit the big time D. call it a day
hit the hay/hit the sack=go to bed
hit the big time=Đỉnh điểm sự nghiệp
make time: làm việc gì đó không được lên kế hoạch trước và đã bận
call it a day: dừng làm một việc gì đó
6. Certain kinds of plants can grow only in_________soil.
A. loose B. slack C. sparse D. scarce
Loose=Xốp, mềm, dễ cày, dễ làm tơi (đất)
7. John's got very_________feelings about taking on more responsibility at the moment.
A. puzzled B. mixed C. jumbled D. muddled
puzzled: không hiểu đc, lúng túng
jumpled: vương vãi, lộn xộn
muddled: rối tung
have mixed feelings: không chắc chắn, có cảm xúc lẫn lộn
8. Paul's been in Alice's bad _________ ever since he offended her at the party.
A. eyes B. books C. likes D. treats
Cụm từ: be in sb's good/bad books: được yêu thích/bị người nào ghét, có tên trong sổ đen
của ai
Dịch nghĩa: Paul đã bị Alice ghét kể từ khi anh ta xúc phạm cô ấy trong bữa tiệc.
9. The car was _________speed.
A. gathering B. collecting C. consuming D. firing
gather speed/force/momentum etc =to move faster, become stronger, get more support etc
10. They're having serious problems. Their relationship is on the _________.
A. cliffs B. rocks C. stone D. grass
be on the rocks (idm): trên bờ vực tan vỡ (về một mối quan hệ)
Tạm dịch: Họ đang gặp phải những vấn đề nghiêm trọng. Mối quan hệ của họ sắp đổ vơ
III. 1.B 2.C 3. D 4. A 5. D 6. B 7. C 8. D 9. C 10. B

1. _________earning all that money if you don't have time to enjoy it?
A. Is it to the good B. What's the good of
C. Is it all to the good D. Is it for good
what's the good of= used to say that one does not think that something is helpful, useful, or
worth doing
2. She _________ fainted when she heard that her child died.
A. rather than B. nothing but C. all but D. near
A. rather than: thay vì
B. nothing but: không gì ngoài ~ only
C. all but: gần như hoàn toàn ~ almost completely
D. near (+to): gần với (về vị trí địa lý)
Tạm dịch: Cô ấy gần như ngất đi khi nghe tin các bác sĩ không thể giữ lại con mình
3. _________to interfere in your affairs but I would like to give you just one
piece of advice.
A. It is far from clear B. Far from it for me
C. Far and wide for me D. Far be it from me
far be it from/for me to= I certainly would not
4. _________we just have to wait.
A. At this point in time B. On the point of time
C. At some point D. That's not the point
at this point in time= now; at this precise moment in history
5. He gripped his brother's arm lest he _________by the mob.
A. would be trampled B. could be trampled
C. were trampled D. be trampled
Lest + S + (should) V = vì e rằng, vì sợ rằng
6. I don't know _________ the new manager.
A. what to do of B. what to make of
C. how to do of D. how to make of
not know what to make of (someone or something) =To not be sure of what one thinks
about someone or something; to not have a clear or confident impression or understanding
of someone or something.
7. Don't tell me I _________till 5 o'clock in the afternoon.
A. was to make them to stay B. must have made them stay
C. could have made them stay D. was to have made them stay
was to have + P.P= được sử dụng để diễn tả một hành động mà đã được dự kiến hoặc định
trước trong quá khứ nhưng không xảy ra.
8. What I fear most of all is that we_________ in what refers to the building of a new
market in West Crane. The local people seem to be very wary about it.
A. might misinterpret B. might have misinterpreted
C. won't be misinterpreting D. might be misinterpreted
Câu này dịch như sau: Điều mà tôi lo sợ nhất là rằng chúng ta bị hiểu nhầm về ngụ ý khi
xây tòa nhà trong thị trường mới ở West Crane. Người dân địa phương có vể như rất cẩn
trọng về việc này.
Vì câu mang nghĩa bị động nên ta dùng might be + Ved/V3
9. Sam looked as if he _________ in the world.
A. weren't cared B. weren't taken into care
C. didn't have a care D. weren't in the care
have a care=used to tell someone to be more careful
10. What's all this crying_________?
A. without the aid of B. in aid of
C. with the aid of D. within the aid of
what's something in aid of?= said when you want to know the reason for something
IV. 1. C 2.B 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. C
1. He is not a very outspoken person, so we may find it hard to________ his opinions.
A. leak out B. come off C. sound out D. bring round
Sound out =Kiểm tra xem người khác nghĩ gì
Leak out =Bị lộ ra ngoài
Come off =Bong ra, rời ra, thành công
Bring round =Làm ai tỉnh lại sau khi ngất
2. Are you still ________ an illusion that Mr. Spike will agree to your conditions?
A. in B. under C. on D. of
Be under the illusion that= sống/làm việc theo niềm tin hư không hoặc không thực tế.
3. We all tried to convince our teacher to change his mind about the school trip
and he finally ________.
A. caught on B. set out C. got through D. came round
Come round = đồng ý thay đổi ý kiến
4. Our grandfather can ________ his war experiences all the day. Sometimes, we
all get truly bored with it.
A. harp on B. vouch for C. figure out D. leaf through
Harp on =Nói chuyện liên tục về một thứ gì đó
vouch for something/someone=to say that you know from experience that something is true
or good, or that someone is honest and has a good character
figure something/someone out=to finally understand something or someone, or find the
solution to a problem after a lot of thought
leaf through something=to quickly turn the pages of a book or a magazine, reading only a
little of it
5. Father says he's too ________ after working the nightshift and he won't help us prepare the
A. run away B. worn out C. taken in D. pulled down
Wear out = to make someone extremely tired
6. They said I'd be ________ probation for the first two or three weeks as they want to find out
about my skill.
A. for B. on C. In D. at
be/put on probation=to (cause to) undergo a period of probation=trong thời gian quản chế
7. Your report ________the side effects of the venture. Why not write more
about its good points, Mr. Hewitt?
A. backs down B. takes to C. dwells on D. makes out
Dwell on =Dành nhiều thời gian, chăm chú vào, nhai đi nhai lại
Back down =Rút lại ý kiến, quan điểm
Make out =Gỉa vờ
Take =Có thói quen làm gì đó
8. I know Pete's conduct was intolerable, but don't be too hard ________ him.
A. on B. with C. at D. to
be hard on someone=to criticize someone severely, or to treat someone unfairl
9. It is said that the corruption can hardly ________ be especially among top officials.
A. worn off B. rooted out C. gone back D. stringed along
Root out =Tìm kiếm/ Tìm nguồn gốc của vấn đề và giải quyết nó
String along =Lừa dối ai đó trong một khoảng thời gian dài
Wear off =Ngừng gây ảnh hưởng, tác dụng
Go back =Trở lại, bắt đầu làm lại gì đó
10. Mrs. Black has promised to be ________ service on Monday. I hope she keeps her word or
else I won't manage to prepare everything in time.
A. in B. on C. of D. within
be of service : to be helpful or useful to someone
V. READING COMPREHENSION PASSAGE 1: Read the following passage and choose
the best option to complete the blank or answer the question. (10pts)

Every day, millions of shoppers hit the stores in full force - both online and on foot -
searching frantically for the perfect gift. Last year, Americans spent over $30 billion at retail
stores in the month of December alone. Aside from purchasing holiday gifts, most people
regularly buy presents for other occasions throughout the year, including weddings, birthdays,
anniversaries, graduations, and baby showers. This frequent experience of gift-giving can
engender ambivalent feelings in gift-givers. Many relish the opportunity to buy presents because
gift-giving offers a powerful means to build stronger bonds with one's closest peers. At the same
time, many dread the thought of buying gifts; they worry that their purchases will disappoint
rather than delight the intended recipients.
Anthropologists describe gift-giving as a positive social process, serving various political,
religious, and psychological functions. Economists, however, offer a less favourable view.
According to Waldfogel (1993), gift-giving represents an objective waste of resources. People
buy gifts that recipients would not choose to buy on their own, or at least not spend as much
money to purchase (a phenomenon referred to as "the deadweight loss of Christmas"). To wit,
givers are likely to spend $100 to purchase a gift that receivers would spend only $80 to buy
themselves. This "deadweight loss" suggests that gift-givers are not very good at predicting what
gifts others will appreciate. That in itself is not surprising to social psychologists. Research has
found that people often struggle to take account of others' perspectives - their insights are subject
to egocentrism, social projection, and multiple attribution errors. What is surprising is that gift
givers have considerable experience acting as both gift-givers and gift-recipients, but
nevertheless tend to overspend each time they set out to purchase a meaningful gift.
In the present research, we propose a unique psychological explanation for this
overspending problem - i.e., that gift-givers equate how much they spend with how much
recipients will appreciate the gift (the more expensive the gift, the stronger a gift-recipient's
feelings of appreciation). Although a link between gift price and feelings of appreciation might
seem intuitive to gift-givers, such an assumption may be unfounded. Indeed, we propose that
gift-recipients will be less inclined to base their feelings of appreciation on the magnitude of a
gift than givers assume.
Why do gift-givers assume that gift price is closely linked to gift-recipients' feelings of
appreciation? Perhaps givers believe that bigger (that is, more expensive) gifts convey stronger
signals of thoughtfulness and consideration. According to Camerer (1988) and others, gift-giving
represents a symbolic ritual, whereby gift-givers attempt to signal their positive attitudes toward
the intended recipient and their willingness to invest resources in a future relationship. In this
sense, gift-givers may be motivated to spend more money on a gift in order to send a "stronger
signal" to their intended recipient. As for gift- recipients, they may not construe smaller and
larger gifts as representing smaller and larger signals of thoughtfulness and consideration.

Every day, millions of shoppers hit the stores in full force - both online and on foot - searching
frantically for the perfect gift. Last year, Americans spent over $30 billion at retail stores in the
month of December alone. Aside from purchasing holiday gifts, most people regularly buy
presents for other occasions throughout the year, including weddings, birthdays, anniversaries,
graduations. and baby showers. This frequent experience of "gift-giving can engender ambivalent
feelings in gift-givers. Many relish the opportunity to buy presents because gift-giving offers a
powerful means to build stronger bonds with one's closest peers. At the same time, many dread the
thought of buying gifts: they worry that their purchases will disappoint rather than delight the
intended recipients.

Anthropologists describe gift-giving as a positive social process, serving various political,

religious, and psychological functions. Economists, however, offer a less favourable view.
According to Waldfogel (1993), gift-giving represents an objective waste of resources. People buy
gifts that recipients would not choose to buy on their own, or at least not spend as much money to
purchase (a phenomenon referred to as the deadweight loss of Christmas"). To wit, givers are likely
to spend $100 to purchase a gift that receivers would spend only $80 to buy themselves. This
"deadweight loss" suggests that gift-givers are not very good at predicting what gifts others will
appreciate. That in itself is not surprising to social psychologists. Research has found that people
often struggle to take account of others' perspectives- their insights are subject to egocentrism.
social projection, and multiple attribution errors. What is surprising is that gift givers have
considerable experience acting as both gift-givers and gift-recipients. but nevertheless tend to
overspend each time they set out to purchase a meaningful gift.

In the present research, we propose a unique psychological explanation for this overspending
problem - i.e., that gift-givers equate how much they spend with how much recipients will
appreciate the gift (the more expensive the gift. the stronger a gift-recipient's feelings of
appreciation). Although a link between gift price and feelings of appreciation might seem intuitive
to gift-givers, such an assumption may be unfounded. Indeed, we propose that gift-recipients will
be less inclined to base their feelings of appreciation on the magnitude of a gift than givers assume.

Why do gift-givers assume that gift price is closely linked to gift-recipients' feelings of
appreciation? Perhaps givers believe that bigger (that is, more expensive) gifts convey stronger
signals of thoughtfulness and consideration. According to Camerer (1988) and others, gift-giving
represents a symbolic ritual, whereby gift-givers attempt to signal their positive attitudes toward
the intended recipient and their willingness to invest resources in a future relationship. In this
sense, gift-givers may be motivated to spend more money on a gift in order to send a "stronger
signal" to their intended recipient. As for gift- recipients, they may not construe smaller and larger
gifts as representing smaller and larger signals of thoughtfulness and consideration.
1. What is the main idea discussed in the passage?
A. Gift-giving, despite its uneconomical downsides, cultivates a positive social process.
B. Gift- recipients are widely acknowledged as considerably experienced in gift-giving
C. Gifts can serve as implicit signals of thoughtfulness and consideration.
D. Gift-giving may have certain drawbacks alongside its positive qualities.
Thông tin: Anthropologists describe gift-giving as a positive social process, serving various
political, religious, and psychological functions. Economists, however, offer a less favorable
view. According to Waldfogel (1993), gift-giving represents an objective waste of resources.
Tạm dịch: Các nhà nhân chủng học mô tả việc tặng quà như một tiến trình tích cực trong
xã hội, trong phục vụ các nền chính trị, tôn giáo, và trong các chức năng tâm lý. Tuy nhiên,
các nhà kinh tế học lại đưa ra một cái nhìn ít thiện cảm hơn. Theo Waldfogel (1993), việc
tặng quà là tiêu biểu cho một sự lãng phí có mục đích các nguồn tài nguyên.
2. The author most likely uses the examples of gift-giving occasions in paragraph 1 to highlight
the __________.
A. regularity with which people shop for gifts
B. recent increase in the amount of money spent on gifts
C. anxiety gift shopping causes for consumers
D. number of special occasions involving gift-giving
Clue: Every day, millions of shoppers hit the stores in full force - both online and on foot -
searching frantically for the perfect gift. Last year, Americans spent over $30 billion at
retail stores in the month of December alone. Aside from purchasing holiday gifts, most
people regularly buy presents for other occasions throughout the year, including weddings,
birthdays, anniversaries, graduations and baby showers.= Mỗi ngày, hàng triệu người mua
sắm đổ xô đến các cửa hàng - cả trực tuyến và đi bộ - điên cuồng tìm kiếm món quà hoàn
hảo. Năm ngoái, người Mỹ đã chi hơn 30 tỷ đô la tại các cửa hàng bán lẻ chỉ trong tháng
12. Bên cạnh việc mua quà cho ngày lễ, hầu hết mọi người thường xuyên mua quà cho các
dịp khác trong năm, bao gồm đám cưới, sinh nhật, ngày kỷ niệm, lễ tốt nghiệp và tiệc chào
đón em bé chào đời.
3. In paragraph 1, the word "ambivalent" most nearly means __________
A. unrealistic B. apprehensive C. conflicted D. supportive
=> unrealistic (adj): không thực tế
conflicted (adj): mâu thuẫn
apprehensive (adj): e ngại
supportive (adj): ủng hộ
Thông tin: This frequent experience of gift-giving can engender ambivalent feelings in gift-
Tạm dịch: Việc tặng quà thường xuyên này có thể gây ra những cảm xúc mâu thuẫn cho
người tặng quà.
4. The author indicates that people value gift-giving because they feel it __________
A. functions as a form of self-expression B. is an inexpensive way to show appreciation
C. requires the gift-recipient to reciprocate D. can serve to strenghten a relationship
Thông tin: Many relish the opportunity to buy presents because gift-giving offers a
powerful means to build stronger bonds with one’s closest peers.
Tạm dịch: Nhiều người tận hưởng cơ hội mua quà vì họ cho rằng tặng quà là một phương
tiện hữu hiệu trong việc xây dựng các mối quan hệ với các đồng nghiệp thân cận nhất thêm
mạnh mẽ.
5. The "social psychologists" mentioned in paragraph 2 would likely describe the "deadweight
loss" phenomenon as __________
A. predictable B. unprecedented C. disturbing D. questionable
Clue: This "deadweight loss" suggests that gift-givers are not very good at predicting what
gifts others will appreciate. That in itself is not surprising to social psychologists.= "Sự tổn
thất vô ích" này cho thấy rằng người tặng quà không giỏi trong việc dự đoán những món
quà mà người khác sẽ đánh giá cao. Bản thân điều đó không gây ngạc nhiên cho các nhà
tâm lý học xã hội.
6. In paragraph 3, the authors indicate that the assumption made by gift-givers may be
A. insincere B. unreasonable C. incorrect D. substantiated
Thông tin: Although a link between gift price and feelings of appreciation might seem
intuitive to gift-givers, such an assumption may be unfounded.
Tạm dịch: Mặc dù một mối liên kết giữa giá quà và cảm giác yêu thích nghe có vẻ trực
quan với người tặng, nhưng có thể lại là một giả định vô căn cứ.
7. The word "convey" in paragraph 4 most nearly means __________.
A. transport B. counteract C. exchange D. communicate
=>convey (v): truyền tải, chuyển đạt

Thông tin: Perhaps givers believe that bigger (that is, more expensive) gifts convey stronger
signals of thoughtfulness and consideration.
Tạm dịch: Phải chăng vì họ tin rằng món quà càng lớn (nghĩa là càng đắt tiền) sẽ truyền tải
một thông điệp mạnh mẽ hơn về sự chu đáo và quan tâm của họ (với đối phương).
8. In paragraph 4, the author refers to works by Camerer and others in order to __________
A. offer an explanation C. question a motive
B. introduce an argument D. support a conclusion
=>Đoạn văn xem xét cách người tặng quà tin rằng những món quà đắt tiền là chu đáo hơn
những món quà rẻ hơn và sẽ được người nhận đánh giá cao hơn. Nghiên cứu của Camerer
và những người khác đưa ra lời giải thích cho người tặng quà.
Thông tin: … gift-givers attempt to signal their positive attitudes toward the intended
recipient and their willingness to invest resources in a future relationship.
Tạm dịch: … người tặng quà cố gắng để gửi gắm thái độ tích cực của họ đối với người
nhận và sự sẵn lòng để đầu tư nhiều hơn vào một mối quan hệ lâu dài trong tương lai.
9. In paragraph 4, the word "construe" most probably means _________
A. view B. understand C. consider D. take
Clue: As for gift- recipients, they may not construe smaller and larger gifts as representing
smaller and larger signals of thoughtfulness and consideration. = Đối với người nhận quà
tặng, có lẽ họ không thể hiểu được việc những món quà lớn hơn hàm chứa
tình cảm lớn hơn và những món quà nhỏ hơn thì ít chu đáo và quan tâm hơn.
=> construe= understand = hiểu
10. Which of the following best characterizes the tone of the author?
A. authoritative B. pessimistic C. ironic D. informative
=> giọng điệu của tác giả trong đoạn văn này mang tính cung cấp thông tin
PASSAGE 2: Read the following passage and choose the best option to complete the blank
or answer the question.(10pts)

According to sociologists, there are several different ways in which a person may become
recognized as the leader of a social group in the United States. In the family, traditional cultural
patterns confer leadership on one or both of the parents. In other cases, such as friendship
groups, one or more persons may gradually emerge as leaders, although there is no formal
process of selection. In larger groups, leaders are usually chosen formally through election or
Although leaders are often thought to be people with unusual personal ability, decades of
research have failed to produce consistent evidence that there is any category of "natural
leaders." It seems that there is no set of personal qualities that all leaders have in common;
rather, virtually any person may be recognized as a leader if the person has qualities that meet the
needs of that particular group.
Furthermore, although it is commonly supposed that social groups have a single leader,
research suggests that there are typically two different leadership roles that are held by different
individuals. Instrumental leadership is leadership that emphasizes the completion of tasks by a
social group. Group members look to instrumental leaders to "get things" done. Expressive
leadership, on the other hand, is leadership that emphasizes the collective well-being of a social
group's member. Expressive leader are less concerned with the overall goals of the group than
with providing emotional support to group members and attempting to minimize tension and
conflict among them. Group members expect expressive leaders to maintain stable relationships
within the group and provide support to individual members. Instrumental leaders are likely to
have a rather secondary relationship to other group members.
They give orders and may discipline group members who inhibit attainment of the group's
goals. Expressive leaders cultivate a more personal or primary relationship to others in the group.
They offer sympathy when someone experiences difficulties or is subjected to discipline, are
quick to lighten a serious moment with humor, and try to resolve issues that threaten to divide
the group. As the differences in these two roles suggest, expressive leaders generally receive
more personal affection from group members; instrumental leaders, if they are successful in
promoting group goals, may enjoy a more distant respect.
1. D 2.C 3.B 4. A 5. D 6. C 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. D
1. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The problems faced by leaders
B. How leadership differs in small and large groups
C. How social groups determine who will lead them
D. The role of leaders in social group
Thông tin: - According to sociologists, there are several different ways in which a person
may become recognized as the leader of a social group in the United States. In the family,
traditional cultural patterns confer leadership on one or both of the parents. In other cases,
such as friendship groups, one or more persons may gradually emerge as leaders, although
there is no formal process of selection. In larger groups, leaders are usually chosen
formally through election or recruitment.
- As the differences in these two roles suggest, expressive leaders generally receive more
personal affection from group members; instrumental leaders, if they are successful in
promoting group goals, may enjoy a more distant respect.
Tạm dịch: - Theo các nhà xã hội học, có một số cách khác nhau để một người có thể được
công nhận là lãnh đạo của một nhóm xã hội ở Hoa Kỳ. Trong gia đình, các kiểu văn hóa
truyền thống trao quyền lãnh đạo cho một hoặc cả hai bên cha mẹ. Trong các trường hợp
khác, chẳng hạn như các nhóm tình bạn, một hoặc nhiều người có thể dần dần trở thành
lãnh đạo, mặc dù không có quy trình lựa chọn chính thức. Trong các nhóm lớn hơn, các
nhà lãnh đạo thường được lựa chọn chính thức thông qua bầu cử hoặc tuyển dụng.
- Vì sự khác biệt trong hai vai trò này cho thấy, các nhà lãnh đạo biểu cảm thường nhận
được nhiều tình cảm cá nhân hơn từ các thành viên trong nhóm; các nhà lãnh đạo công cụ,
nếu họ thành công trong việc thúc đẩy các mục tiêu của nhóm, có thể nhận được sự tôn
trọng xa hơn.
2. The passage mentions all of the following ways by which people can become leaders
EXCEPT __________.
A. recruitment C. specific leadership training
B. formal election process D. traditional cultural patterns
Thông tin: In the family, traditional cultural patterns confer leadership on one or both of
the parents. In other cases, such as friendship groups, one or more persons may gradually
emerge as leaders, although there is no formal process of selection. In larger groups,
leaders are usually chosen formally through election or recruitment.
Tạm dịch: Trong gia đình, các kiểu văn hóa truyền thống trao quyền lãnh đạo cho một
hoặc cả hai bên cha mẹ. Trong các trường hợp khác, chẳng hạn như các nhóm tình bạn,
một hoặc nhiều người có thể dần dần trở thành lãnh đạo, mặc dù không có quy trình lựa
chọn chính thức. Trong các nhóm lớn hơn, các nhà lãnh đạo thường được lựa chọn chính
thức thông qua bầu cử hoặc tuyển dụng.
3. In mentioning "natural leaders" in line 7, the author is making the point that __________
A. few people qualify as "natural leaders"
B. there is no proof that "natural leaders" exist
C. "natural leaders' are easily accepted by the members of a social group
D. "natural leaders" share a similar set of characteristics
Thông tin: Although leaders are often thought to be people with unusual personal ability,
decades of research have failed to produce consistent evidence that there is any category of
“natural leaders.
Tạm dịch: Mặc dù các nhà lãnh đạo thường được cho là những người có năng lực cá nhân
khác thường, nhiều thập kỷ nghiên cứu đã không đưa ra được bằng chứng nhất quán cho
thấy có bất kỳ loại “nhà lãnh đạo bẩm sinh nào.
4. Which of the following statements about leadership can be inferred from paragraph 2?
A. A person who is an effective leader of a particular group may not be an effective leader in
another group.
B. Few people succeed in sharing a leadership role with another person.
C. A person can best learn how to be an effective leader by studying research on leadership.
D. Most people desire to be leaders but can produce little evidence of their qualifications.
=>Các manh mối sau giúp ta làm được câu này: It seems that there is no set of personal
qualities that all leaders have in common; rather, virtually any person may be recognized
as a leader if the person has qualities that meet the needs of that particular group.
no common = không giống nhau còn particular = riêng biệt
Từ 2 ý đó ta suy ra là họ chỉ có thể làm tốt ở 1 nhóm nào đó thôi chứ không phải làm được
hết mọi nhóm
5. The passage indicates that instrumental leaders generally focus on __________
A. ensuring harmonious relationships
B. sharing responsibility with group members
C. identifying new leaders
D. achieving a goal
Thông tin: Instrumental leadership is leadership that emphasizes the completion of tasks
by a social group.
Tạm dịch: Lãnh đạo cụ thể là lãnh đạo nhấn mạnh việc hoàn thành nhiệm vụ của một
nhóm xã hội.
6. The word "collective" is closest in meaning to __________
A. necessary B. typical C. group D. particular
=>collective: tập thể = group
Thông tin: Expressive leadership, on the other hand, is leadership that emphasizes the
collectivewell-being of a social group’s member.
Tạm dịch: Mặt khác, lãnh đạo thể hiện là lãnh đạo nhấn mạnh đến hạnh phúc tập thể của
một thành viên trong nhóm xã hội.
7. The word "them" refers to __________
A expressive leaders B. goals of the group C. group members D. tension and conflict
Thông tin: Expressive leaders are less concerned with the overall goals of the group than
with providing emotional support to group members and attempting to minimize tension
and conflict among them.
Tạm dịch: Các nhà lãnh đạo biểu cảm ít quan tâm đến các mục tiêu chung của nhóm hơn
là hỗ trợ tinh thần cho các thành viên trong nhóm và cố gắng giảm thiểu căng thẳng và
xung đột giữa họ.
8. A "secondary relationship" between a leader and the members of a group could best be
characterized as __________
A. distant B. enthusiastic C. unreliable D. personal
Thông tin: As the differences in these two roles suggest, expressive leaders generally receive
more personal affection from group members; instrumental leaders, if they are successful
in promoting group goals, may enjoy a more distant respect.
Tạm dịch: Vì sự khác biệt trong hai vai trò này cho thấy, các nhà lãnh đạo biểu cảm
thường nhận được nhiều tình cảm cá nhân hơn từ các thành viên trong nhóm; các nhà lãnh
đạo công cụ, nếu họ thành công trong việc thúc đẩy các mục tiêu của nhóm, có thể nhận
được sự tôn trọng xa hơn
9. The word "resolve" is closest in meaning to __________
A. avoid repeating B. talk about
C. avoid thinking about D. find a solution for
=>resolve = giải quyết = find a solution for
10. Paragraphs 3 and 4 organize the discussion of leadership primarily in terms of __________
A. examples that illustrate a problem
B. cause and effect analysis
C. narration of events
D. comparison and contrast
=> Câu này chúng ta chú ý các liên từ " although" ( dù) , “on the other hand" ( mặt
khác).... cho ta biết có sự so sánh đối chiếu.


PASSAGE 1: Read the following passage and choose the options that best complete the
blank. (10pts)


Until about 250 years ago, households did not take dirt as seriously as they do now was a
fact of life, and that was that. Cleaning often consisted of an annual (1) _________ called 'spring
cleaning' when the furniture was moved aside, and all the linen products in the house were
cleaned. Carpets and rugs were taken outside, hung on ropes and had the dust (2) _________ and
messy process. out of them exhausting
The industrial revolution brought about a major change - as new products became available
to make homes cleaner, a corresponding interest in 'domestic hygiene' appeared in households.
This in turn led to the (3) _________ of further products, one of which was the vacuum cleaner.
(4) _________has it that when one of the first vacuum cleaners was demonstrated, a kindly
scientist took the proud inventor (5) _________ and offered a bit of advice that was to become
crucial to the future evolution of the product 'make it suck, not blow'.
The first vacuum cleaners appeared in the 1860s in the United States. They were operated by
hand pumps and were almost as (6) __________ as spring cleaning. It was only when electric
motors had become sufficiently (7) _________to become portable that vacuum cleaners became
common household items. Most of today's major (8) _________ -including Electrolux and
Hoover born in the 1920s.
The household dirt that vacuum cleaners suck up is mostly dead skin cells humans (9)
_________ millions of cells every day. A much smaller proportion comes from dust and soil
carried into the house from (10) _________.
1. A 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. D 8. C 9. D 10. B
1. A. ritual B. result C. resolution D. scrub
result= kết quả resolution= sự phân giải, quả quyết
ritual= nghi thức scrub= sự lau chùi
2. A. cleaned B. taken C. beaten D. sucked
Clean = dọn dẹp take = cầm lấy beat = đập suck = hút vào
3. A. fabrication B. appearing C. recreaction D. development
Fabrication= sự chế tạo, làm giả appearing= xuất hiện
Recreation= tiêu khiển development= sự phát triển
4. A. Story B. Epics C. Legend D. Tale
rumour/legend/word has it =used when you are reporting what people say or what a story says
5. A. away B. aside C. aback D. along
Take (someone) aside" = Kéo ai/gạt ai sang một bên -> Đưa ai ra khỏi một nhóm người để sang
chỗ khác nói chuyện riêng tư.
6. A. laborious B. hard C. nefarious D. straining
Laborious= cực nhọc, vất vả hard= chăm chỉ, cứng rắn
Nefarious = nham hiểm, độc ác straining= căng thẳng
7. A. scientific B. forward C. technological D. advanced
Scientific = có tính khoa học technological = thuộc công nghệ advanced = tiên tiến
8. A. brand B. marks C. makes D. trademarks
Brand = thương hiệu mark = điểm , dấu trademark = nhãn hiệu
9. A.lose B. outgrow C. omit D. shed
Lose = mất outgrow = lớn , cao hơn omit = bỏ sót, quên shed = thải, loại bỏ
10. A. external B. outside C. beyond D. indoors
External = bên ngoài, ở ngoài outside = bên ngoài indoor = bên trong
PASSAGE 2: Read the following passage and choose the options that best complete the
blank. (10pts)


All plants rely on nutrients taken from the soil in order to survive. However, in areas where
the soil does not contain enough vital nutrients, some plants have adapted to (1) _________ their
diets from another source: living organisms. Though they are few in number, carnivorous plants
are nonetheless fascinating beings that eat anything from one-celled organisms to insects in order
to survive. They are commonly found in marshlands. Carnivorous plants feature one of several
types of traps to ensnare prey, which they consume to (2) _________ nutrients that may be
missing from the soil. While there are over 400 species of carnivorous plants in the world today,
some are more (3) _________ than others.
The most well-known of these plants are the snap traps, which include the Venus flytrap.
Snap traps are easily identified by their leaves, which are separated into two lobes that have the
ability to fold together. Inside the lobes, the surface is covered with tiny hairs that are (4)
_________to movement. When the plant's prey brushes against the hairs, it triggers a closing
mechanism that rapidly brings the two lobes together, trapping the prey (5) _________inside.
The response of the traps is phenomenal (6) _________ speed: the time between triggering the
hairs and snapping shut is less than a second. As the prey struggles inside the trap, it only
triggers more hairs, causing the leaves to tighten their (7)__________.
The plant then secrets liquid chemicals from special glands into the trap to dissolve the prey
and absorb all of its nutrients. Besides the Venus flytrap, only one other type of snap trap exists
today, (8) _________ to as the waterwheel plant. The two share a common ancestor and differ
only in a few ways. (9) _________. the waterwheel is an aquatic plant, while the flytrap is
exclusively terrestrial. In addition, the flytrap feeds primarily on arthropods like spiders, while
the waterwheel lives (10) _________simple invertebrates, like certain types of plankton.
1. C 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. D 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. D
1. A. feed B. enlarge C. supplement D. modify
Modify = chuyển đổi enlarge = phóng to feed=cho ăn supplement = bổ sung
2. A. break in on B. make up for C. get through with D. drop out of
make up for= bù đắp, đền bù drop out of = bỏ học
break in upon=to thrust in on / intrude upon with force or exigence
get through (with someone or something) = to manage to transport someone or something
through difficulties or barriers.
3. A. dominant B. prevalent C. recessive D. popular
Prevalent = phổ biến dominant = chiếm ư thế
Recessive= thụt lùi popular = Được nhiều người ưa chuộng
4. A. prone B. liable C. vulnerable D. sensitive
Cấu trúc: sensitive to st: (a) nhạy cảm, phản ứng nhanh với cái gì
“Inside the lobes, the surface is covered with tiny hairs that are sensitive to movement.” – bên
trong thùy, bề mặt được bao phủ bởi long nhỏ nhạy cảm với chuyển động)
- vulnerable to st: (a) dễ bị tổn thương, tổn hại
- liable to do st = prone to do st: có khả năng xảy ra, chịu ảnh hưởng xấu của cái gì
5. A. closely B. furiously C. steadily D. securely
Closely = một cách chặt chẽ securely = an toàn, vững chắc
Steadily = một cách ổn định irreplaceably= không thể thay thế
6. A. in accordance with B. in regard to C. in preference to D. on merits of
Cấu trúc: in regard to sb/ st: đối với ai/ cái gì, về cái gì
- in accordance with st: theo ai/ cái gì
- in preference to sb/ st: hơn là ai/ cái gì, được ưu tiên so với ai/ cái gì
- on merits of: trong những giá trị của…
7. A. grip B. snail C. fist D. seizure
tighten your grip/hold on something=to control a place or situation more strictly/ to hold
someone or something more firmly
8. A. implicated B. indicated C. referred D. denoted
Cấu trúc: refer to st: ảm chỉ đến cái gì -> to be referred to: bị ám chỉ
denoted st: (v) biểu hiện, biểu thị cái gì
indicated st: (v) chỉ ra cái gì
implicated st in/ as st: (v) ngụ ý điều gì trong/ như là điều gì
- be implicated in st: bị dính líu vào cái gì (tội ác)
9. A. For instance B. As a result C. In contrast D. Otherwise
For instnace = ví dụ là as a result = kết quả là
In contrast = trái lại otherwise = nếu không
10. A. onto B. with C. for D. off
live off someone/something =to use someone or something to provide the money or food that
you need to live

PASSAGE 1: Fill in each gap with ONE suitable (10pts)
It is generally agreed upon that fast food is a great solution to the problem of what to eat.
However, it's (1) _________ as less nutritional than a healthy meal, which is what growing
children need. For years, nutritionists have been trying to get children into the (2) _________ of
eating healthy food. Without a doubt, this has not been easy, getting in (3) _________that they
have to compete with numerous fast food restaurants which are very popular with young people.
Nutritionists have lately come up with an idea which could (4) _________to be children how
to cook and in the process to this may keep them off fast successful. This involve (5) _________
enjoy the taste of fresh food. In the long (6) _________ food. There are already a number of
school projects throughout Britain that are experimenting with the idea. They begin making
vegetarian pizza - both the dough and the topping. Many children were impressed with their own
home made pizzas. (7) _________ they compared their pizzas with ready-made ones, the
differences were noticeable. They found the (8) _________ greasy and not as delicious as the
homemade ones. Throughout the lesson, the children learn about the quality and become skillful
in the different techniques involved in cooking. They become interested in cooking and in no (9)
_________ they even learn how to look after themselves by eating nutritious food.
Finally, nutritionists would like to get children cooking at home, too. It may be messy, but,
it's also an (10) _________ for parents to spend quality time with their children.
1. regarded => be regarded as = được xem như là
2. Habit => get (someone) into the habit of=to make (a person) start or stop doing (something) as
a habit
3. mind => get in mind = ghi nhớ, nhớ rằng
4. prove = chứng minh
5. teaching = công việc dạy, sự dạy
6. Run => in the long run= trong dài hạn, về lâu dài
7. When => when + clause = khi
8. latter= cái sau; người sau
9. time => in no time= rất nhanh
10. opportunity = cơ hội
PASSAGE 2: Fill in each gap with ONE suitable word. (10pts)
Every spring and fall, you can probably look up into the sky and see large flocks of birds
either coming or going. This (1) _________ of flying south for the winter and north for the
summer is called migration. Birds migrate for a number of reasons. One reason is of course to
escape the (2) _________ conditions of winter. Although they have feathers, most birds are
poorly (3) _________ to deal with extremely cold temperatures. Their (4) _________ are open
to the wind and snow, and do little to keep the birds warm. Furthermore, birds often find it
extremely difficult to gather enough food during the winter. By flying south (5) _________
warmer climates during winter, birds avoid the cold temperatures and food shortages that other
animals have to (6) _________ during the winter months. Another reason is mating. Many birds
will only lay their eggs in certain places and at certain times of the year. So, migration also
occurs at mating times.
One of the amazing things about birds is the distances and the accuracy (7) _________
which they migrate. Many birds are able to find their way back, to the exact same spots year after
year despite having flown thousands of kilometres. The bar goose, for example, migrates over
30,000 kilometres each (8) _________ its way. In order to travel such long distances without
getting lost, birds use a variety of methods to help them (9) _________ year without One of the
most important of these methods is the use of landmarks. From high in the air, birds have an
excellent view of the land below them. They can see mountains, rivers and other (10) _________
land features and use them to find their way.
1. habit => the habit of doing sth = thói quen làm gì đó
2. harsh = khắc nghiệt ( điều kiện )
3. equipped => be equipped = được trang bị
4. nests = tổ ( chim)
5. into => fly south into warmer climates= bay về phía nam đến vùng có khí hậu ấm hơn
6. endure = chịu đựng
7. With => migrate with sth = di cư với, cùng với cái gì
8. losing => lose ít way = lạc đường
9. navigate = điều hướng
10. natural = tự nhiên
PART 1: Give the correct forms of the words in brackets.
1. There is little hope that Maurice's behavior will ever improve. It will probably remain so
___________________________ till he grows up. (CORRECT)
2. The ___________________________project has just been launched in that university.
3. Matt says you must be good at___________________________ responsibilities of a restaurant
owner. (TASK)
4. Everyone marveled at his___________________________ idea of organizing more field trips
for students. (OBJECT)
5. He gets___________________________ whenever he hears that song. (EYE)
6. She looked absolutely___________________________ when I told her what had happened.
She could hardly say a word. (DUMB)
7. New immigrants have been successfully___________________________ into the community.
8. This school was once ___________________________ as a military hospital during the war.
9. In Scotland, there is greater emphasis on__________________________by individual
schools. (VALUE)
10. He stood at the door to make sure that no one___________________________ the party.
1. incorrigible= không thể sửa được
2. interdepartmental = between or involving different departments of a school, university,
business, etc
3. multi-tasking =a person's or product's ability to do more than one thing at a time
4. Unobjectionable= not causing or likely to cause objection
5. misty-eyed = uỷ mị, sướt mướt
6. dumbfounded = so shocked that you cannot speak
7. assimilated = to become part of a group, country, society, etc., or to make someone or
something become part of a group, country, society, etc.
8. Requisitioned= to officially request or take something
9. self-evaluation= tự đánh giá
10. gatecrashed= to go to a party or other event when you have not been invited
PART 2: Complete the following passage with the correct forms of the given words.
front except secure labour check
solid tend affirm alter sure


We are (1) _________ by the experts that we are, as a species, designed for face-to-face
communication. But does that really mean having every meeting in person? Ask the bleary-eyed
sales team this question as they struggle (2) _________ through their weekly teambuilding
session and that answer is unlikely to be in the (3) _________ business or have an (4) _________
Unless you work for a very small high boredom threshold, you doubtless spend more time sitting
in meetings than you want to. Of course, you could always follow business Norman's example.
He liked to express (5) _________ with customers queuing at the (6) _________by holding
management ? It's clearly a powerful meetings standing up. Is email a realistic (7) _________
tool for disseminating information, but as a meeting substitute, it's seriously flawed. Words alone
can cause trouble. We're all full of (8) _________ be unintentionally triggered by others and
people are capable of reading anything that can for email to be used by they like into an email.
There is also a (9) _________ people who wish to avoid 'real' encounters because they don't want
to be (10) _________with any awkwardness.
1. assured= cam đoan, đảm bảo
2. laboriously= Cần cù, siêng năng, chăm chỉ.
3. affirmative= lời Khẳng định; quả quyết
4. exceptionally = đặc biệt, khác thường
5. solidarity = sự đoàn kết
6. alternative= sự thay thế
7. unintentionally= 1 cách vô tình, không cố ý
8. insecurity / insecurities= sự bất an
9. tendency=> tendency for = xu hướng, khuynh hướng cho
10. confronted => confronted with = đối mặt, đương đầu với
Identify 10 errors in the following passage and correct them.

Ludwig Van Beethoven, one of the most popular classical composer of 2.
all time, is sometimes known as 'the Shakespeare of music'. He was born in
Bonne in 1770, and publishing his first work at the age of thirteen. Mozart
was his teacher for a short time and they did not get on very well together; 4.
Beethoven was a difficult student.
Like a composer, Beethoven was a genius - but as a person, he was not
very easy to like. He was a passionate man who controlled his temper very 6.
easily. He was also arrogant. The upper classes of Vienna used to invite 7.
him to parties, when he was often quite rude. He was once heard to say to a
prince: 'There will always be many princes, but there is uniquely one 8.
Beethoven.' 9.
Nevertheless, Beethoven played some of the most beautiful 10.
symphonies the world has never heard. How was such an arrogant, bad-
tempered man inspired to the write such romantic music? Perhaps the
answer lies in the three letters that were found after his death. They were 11.
addressed to his 'immortal Beloved'. Nobody knows that this woman was,
but it appears that Beethoven was deeply in love with her for most of his 12.
adult life. 13.

III. 1. Line 1: composer → composers => dấu hiệu” one of the most+ adj + N số nhiêu”
2. Line 3: publishing → published => thì QKĐ
3. Line 4: and →although = mặc dù # and = và
4. Line 6: Like → As => As + danh từ => thể hiện vai trò, vị trí của người/ chức năng của vật#
Like + danh từ => thể hiện sự giống nhau
5. Line 7: controlled → lost => lost one’s teper = mất bình tĩnh
6. Line 8: when →where => trạng từ quan hệ chỉ nơi chốn trong mệnh đề quan hệ
7. Line 9: uniquely → only => only one = chỉ một, duy nhất
8. Line 10: played → composed = soạn nhạc, sáng tác
9. Line 11: never ->ever => have ever P2 = từng làm gì đó
10. Line 14: that → who = người nào, ai
Rewrite the sentences with the given words or beginning in such a way that their meanings
remain unchanged.

1.My new job is much more satisfying than any job I've ever had.
→My new job is far ________________________________I've ever had.
2. If Tom hadn't acted promptly to extinguish the fire, there might have been more damage to the
→ But________________________________the fire out, there might have been more damage
to the house.
3. A child of his age is too young to be deceitful.
→So ________________________________________________________________ deceitful.
4. I've become extremely good at missing the rush hour over the last few weeks. (FINE)
→ I've got________________________________________________________________over
the last few weeks.
5. I feel that to brand her ideas unworkable at this stage would be wrong. (WRITE)
→I don't think ________________________________________________________________at
this stage.
6. It's crucial for us to control the juvenile inmates in a very strict way. (KEEP)
→It's crucial for
us________________________________________________________________ inmates.
7. You've done nothing but look miserable all day. (AROUND)
→You've done________________________________________________________________
all day.
8. We don't expect that the tourists in that accident have survived. (HOLD)
→ We don't________________________________________________________________ in
that accident.
9. Your story is different from the facts. (DOES)
→ Your story ________________________________________________________________
the facts.
10. His excuse for such bad behavior has little effect on her. (NO)
→ His ecuse ________________________________________________________________her.
IV. 1. My new job is far and away the most satisfying one I've ever had.
“Far and away” -> nghĩa là (nhấn mạnh) rất khác biệt, khác xa.
2. But for Tom's prompt action in putting the fire out, there might have been more damage to
the house.
=> But for + N, S + might/would have P2 = nếu không có….thì
3. So young is a child of his age to be deceitful.
=> Cấu trúc đảo ngữ
4. I've got missing the rush hour down to a fine art over the last few weeks.
Down to a fine art = thành thạo/thành thục, học và hiểu rất sâu/rất rõ, đến mức hầu như rất ít
hoặc không tập trung/cố gắng cũng làm được/hoàn thành việc gì; kiểu (làm bài kiểm tra) dễ đến
mức 'nhắm mắt viết tay trái' cũng được đó các bạn.
5. I don't think we should write off her ideas as unworkable at this stage.
write somebody/something off (as something)=to decide that somebody/something is a failure
or not worth paying any attention to
6. It's crucial for us to keep a tight rein on the juvenile inmates.
Keep a tight rein on = Siết chặt, kiềm chế chặt chẽ vào ai đó, vật gì hoặc việc nào đó.
7. You've done nothing but moon around all day.
moon around=to move around or spend time without any clear purpose, especially because you
are slightly sad or in love
8. We don't hold out much hope for the survival of the tourists in that accident.
"Hold out hope" -> nghĩa là tiếp tục hi vọng, trông đợi điều gì sẽ xảy ra mặc dù ít có cơ hội
9. Your story does not tie in with the facts.
tie (something) in with something= to show that something is connected to something else
10. His excuse for such bad behavior cuts no ice with her.
cuts no ice with= không tạo ra được tác động, ảnh hưởng tới ai, hay không thuyết phục được ai.

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