Developing Digital Fluency in Early Education: Narratives of Elementary School Teachers

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Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Developing Digital Fluency in Early

Education: Narratives of Elementary
School Teachers
Nikki Jane B. Toyongan
The Rizal Memorial Colleges, Inc.

Abstract:- In this qualitative phenomenological collaborative and project-based learning models are in line
investigation, the experiences, coping strategies, and with educational goals, professional development programs
educational perspectives of eight elementary school provided by organizations such as the National Academy for
teachers in Caraga North District, Division of Davao Educational Research further improve teachers' capacity to
Oriental were explored as they foster digital fluency in integrate technology (Lin, Tsai, & Chai, 2020).
early education. Identified themes from their experiences
included difficulty in acquiring digital equipment, Elementary school teachers in Germany are also
balanced screen time, and cultivated curiosity and supporting digital fluency programs like the "Digital Pact for
exploration. Coping mechanisms employed by teachers Schools" and the "Education in the Digital World" plan. In
involved enhancing digital skills, establishing partnership line with national educational standards, educators foster
with the digital expert, and attending professional critical thinking and digital literacy abilities by integrating
development and training. Educational insights digital tools, coding activities, and simulations
encompassed tailoring an age-appropriate technology (Kultusministerkonferenz, 2016). Opportunities for
integration, fostering digital citizenship, and enhancing professional development offered by institutions such as the
critical thinking skills. These findings underscore the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medien in der Wissenschaft give
diverse experiences and competencies required by educators the know-how they need to successfully incorporate
teachers in imparting relevant digital knowledge to technology (Neuß & Richter, 2021). According to Weinberger
learners. Additionally, delving into teachers' experiences et al. (2019), project-based learning strategies promote the
not only contributes to a nuanced comprehension of real-world application of digital skills, equipping students for
modern teaching demands but also offers valuable a world driven by technology.
insights for both educators and educational institutions,
potentially leading to enhancements in classroom Using instructional applications, interactive simulations,
management and teaching strategies in early education. and online resources, Vietnamese elementary educators are at
the forefront of incorporating digital fluency into early
Keywords:- Digital Fluency, Early Education, Elementary education. This helps pupils acquire the fundamental skills
School Teachers, Davao City, Philippines. necessary for digital navigation. Teachers emphasize
improving information literacy and encouraging responsible
I. INTRODUCTION digital conduct through group projects and multimedia
presentations, guided by the "National Digital Literacy
A. The Problem and its Setting Framework" (Ministry of Education and Training, 2020)
Beyond traditional literacy constraints, primary school (Nguyen & Le, 2019). These initiatives are meant to equip
instructors are essential in helping young kids develop digital students for Vietnam's current process of digital
fluency in a world that is becoming increasingly digital. They transformation (Tran & Hoang, 2020).
recognize the need to teach children more than just how to use
a device, and they strive to provide them the whole set of In the Philippines, elementary school teachers play a
digital skills they need to succeed in today's connected world. crucial role in promoting digital fluency by ensuring that their
Teachers help their students become astute consumers, law- students follow national measures such as the "Digital
abiding citizens, and creative thinkers in the digital world by Education Transformation Roadmap" and the "K to 12 Basic
guiding them through everything from navigating digital Education Curriculum." As stated in the "Digital Citizenship
information to designing ethical digital places. Curriculum Guide" (Department of Education, 2019),
instructors can help students become responsible digital
Leading the way in Taiwan in incorporating technology citizens by incorporating digital tools and encouraging critical
into classrooms smoothly are primary school teachers, aided thinking. According to research, digital content production
by programs like the "Digital Education Action Plan" and and collaborative learning are two powerful tactics for
curricular requirements. To promote critical thinking and fostering digital literacy and ensuring that students are ready
problem-solving abilities, this method makes use of for a future that is heavily reliant on technology (Manzano,
interactive software, online collaboration tools, and coding 2018).
exercises (Ministry of Education, Taiwan, 2019). While

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Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Locally, primary school instructors in Davao Oriental, of social interactions and cultural contexts in cognitive
Philippines' North District deal with a variety of difficulties development. The zone of proximal development, as proposed
and encounters when promoting digital fluency. The purpose by Vygotsky, argues that children acquire digital skills more
of this study is to investigate these stories in order to reveal quickly when they are guided by peers or educators in tasks
the various aspects of their experiences, including the that are just a little bit above their existing capabilities.
influence on the intellectual and emotional development of
young students. By making these efforts, educators hope to Constructivist theory, developed by Jean Piaget in 1967,
improve the teaching profession, overcome obstacles, and emphasizes learning as an active process of creating
develop students who are capable of using technology and knowledge via one's own experiences and interactions with
will be successful in the future. the outside world. This theory sheds light on how young
learners actively interact with technology, take in new
B. Research Questions knowledge, and gradually improve their mental models of
The goal of the study is to learn about the perspectives digital concepts when it comes to digital fluency. Educators
and experiences of elementary school teachers in promoting can create digital learning experiences that are
digital fluency in early childhood education. The study developmentally appropriate for children by having a better
specifically aimed to respond to the following queries: understanding of these cognitive processes.

 What are the experiences of elementary school teachers in Albert Bandura's Social Learning Theory (1977), which
developing digital fluency in early education? emphasizes learning by imitation, social factors, and
 How do elementary school teachers cope with challenges observation, also adds another layer. According to Bandura's
in developing digital fluency in early education? thesis, children pick up digital abilities through watching and
 What educational management insights gained are drawn copying peers and adults in the context of developing digital
from the experiences of the informants? fluency. Furthermore, positive reinforcement and successful
digital experiences are key to building children's conviction in
C. Theoretical Lens their own digital capabilities, as highlighted by Bandura's idea
In order to investigate how digital fluency develops in of self-efficacy. With the help of social interaction, active
early education, this study draws on an array of fundamental learning, and the development of self-efficacy, these
theories. The research highlights how collaborative digital theoretical stances together provide solutions for fostering
activities within supportive environments contribute to young digital fluency in early education and encouraging holistic
learners' digital fluency. It is based on Lev Vygotsky's development.
Sociocultural Theory (1978), which emphasizes the relevance

Fig 1 Conceptual Framework of the Study

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Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

The conceptual framework of the study is presented in B. Research Participants

figure 1. Based on the figure, there are three interconnected Qualitative research generally utilizes smaller sample
variables. These variables are the (1) Experiences of sizes in comparison to quantitative studies, with the goal of
elementary school teachers in developing digital fluency in reaching saturation, a point at which more participants no
early education; (2) coping mechanisms of elementary school longer provide fresh viewpoints or information (Glaser &
teachers on the challenges in developing digital fluency in Strauss, 1967). When conducting phenomenological
early education; and (3) Educational insights drawn from the investigations, Creswell (1998) says that the sample size
experiences of the informants. should be between five and 25 individuals, while Morse
(1994) advises a minimum of six participants. Sample size in
II. METHOD qualitative research is not determined by rigid principles.
Instead, factors such as time constraints, available resources,
A. Design and Procedure and study objectives have significant influence (Patton, 1990).
This study employed a phenomenological research This study involved the deliberate selection of eight
methodology, which is a qualitative method that seeks to elementary school teachers from Caraga North District,
comprehend the fundamental nature of lived experiences Division of de Oro. The selection was based on specified
within a particular group, as described by Creswell (2012). criteria, including being an elementary school teacher, having
Phenomenology entails collecting data largely through at least five years of teaching experience, and possessing
conducting interviews with individuals who possess direct expertise in establishing digital fluency. The researchers used
experience and understanding of the topic being studied. This purposive sampling to guarantee that the outcomes of the
is further supported by the use of documents, observations, study were both genuine and pertinent to its objectives
and other types of data. The technique entails iterative (Creswell, 2014; Marshall, 1996).
examination and scrutiny of gathered data to discern
noteworthy phrases and themes, which are subsequently C. Data Analysis
categorized into clusters of meanings to unveil the This study utilized thematic analysis to examine the data
fundamental essence of the experience. This methodological obtained from interviews with participants, using Creswell's
technique, based on philosophy and psychology, seeks to Model and the approach of discovering themes (Creswell,
obtain unbiased and uncontaminated data by setting aside the 2012). The researcher thoroughly engaged with the data by
researcher's personal experiences and biases. This enables a familiarizing herself with it, coding it, and searching for
more profound comprehension of the subjective viewpoints of themes. This approach ensured that each phase caught both
the participants. the literal and abstract meanings of the data. Thematic
Content Analysis was employed to offer a comprehensive
Moreover, Corbetta (2003) highlights that portrayal of each subject, discerning the fundamental nature
phenomenology research places great importance on of each and formulating succinct labels (Andersen, 2013). The
conducting in-depth interviews as a method to obtain study's validity was further improved by the use of
significant insights and explanations from participants. This Environmental Triangulation, which involved examining the
approach allows researchers to gain a comprehensive results in several locations and conditions to verify
understanding of the subjective perspectives of the consistency (David, 2015; Naeem & Saira, 2019). The
participants. Interviews play a vital role in qualitative research concluding stage entailed composing a comprehensive
by delving into key themes and meanings within participants' analysis that presents a logical and compelling narrative
experiences, with a specific emphasis on comprehending the situated within the framework of current scholarly works.
importance of their stories (McNamara, 1999). The researcher
in this study conducted extensive interviews to collect data D. Analytical Framework
from instructors who were going through the process of The utilization of framework analysis in this research
developing digital fluency in early education. The researcher provided adaptability for the collection and analysis of data,
used triangulation to evaluate and interpret the important encompassing a five-step procedure: becoming acquainted
statements obtained from these interviews. The with the data, establishing a thematic framework,
phenomenological method enabled the creation of detailed categorizing, organizing, and interpreting the data (Ritchie &
descriptions of both the texture and structure of the Spencer, 1994). The researcher became acquainted with the
experience. This technique allowed for a nuanced data by thoroughly examining transcripts, audiotapes, and
comprehension of how teachers perceive and handle the notes in order to find significant themes. The process of
difficulties and achievements in promoting digital fluency identifying a thematic framework involves using these themes
among young students. as a foundation for filtering data. Indexing entailed the
process of categorizing data segments that corresponded to
specific topics. The indexed data was charted, and the charts
were processed using mapping and interpretation to provide a
schematic picture of the phenomena. This procedure
guaranteed that the results accurately represented the genuine
attitudes, beliefs, and values of the participants.

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Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig 2 Analytical Framework of the Study

E. Ethical Considerations III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

This research inquiry implemented substantial ethical
concerns to guarantee the integrity and genuineness of the A. Experiences of Elementary School Teachers in
findings. The study prioritized the social significance by Developing Digital Fluency in Early Education
specifically examining the experiences of elementary Elementary school teachers' inventive and passionate
teachers. Its objective was to provide valuable insights to attempts to educate young learners for a digital future are
higher authorities in order to develop advantageous programs. shown in their digital fluency efforts. Beyond technical skill,
Voluntary involvement and transparency regarding the study's educators use digital tools and tactics to teach critical
goal were ensured through the acquisition of informed thinking, ethical digital behavior, media literacy, and creative
permission, in accordance with McLeod's (2009) Treaty expression as technology changes communication, work, and
Principle of involvement. The privacy and confidentiality of learning. Teachers equip students to navigate the digital world
the participants were protected by using pseudonyms and with interactive educational software, online collaborative
adhering to the regulations outlined in the Data Privacy Act of platforms (Ministry of Education, Taiwan, 2019), educational
2002. The study took measures to reduce risks and guarantee apps, coding activities, and simulations (Williams & Brown,
the confidentiality of participants, in line with the Treaty 2018; Chen et al., 2020). They show their passion through
Principle of Protection (Walker, 2007; Pillerin, 2012). The professional growth (Neuß & Richter, 2021; Professional
researcher's credentials and the sufficiency of the facilities Educators' Association, 2022). These efforts create a
were considered to ensure the successful completion of the generation of digital citizens with the skills and mindsets to
investigation. The community's active participation was flourish in a changing environment.
highly valued, and there was a strict adherence to ethical
principles in recruiting participants and collecting data, with After the interviews, the themes found are: 1) Difficulty
no manipulation or deception involved. To maintain academic in acquiring digital equipment, 2) Balanced screen time, and
integrity, the researcher adhered to ethical standards by 3) Cultivated curiosity and exploration.
accurately referencing sources and assuring the truthful
depiction of data (Ritchie & Spencer, 1994).

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Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Theme #1: Difficulty in acquiring digital equipment. digital assignments and practical exercises, outdoor play, and
Elementary school teachers faced numerous obstacles in their social engagement, with the goal of enhancing learning
efforts to promote digital fluency in early education, through technology rather than depending entirely on it.
especially when it came to purchasing necessary digital
equipment. The process of obtaining required tools and Controlling screen time required using innovative
resources was frequently hampered by bureaucratic obstacles techniques, like combining online and offline group projects
and a lack of funding, forcing educators to defend the value of with digital work, as seen in Chen and Anderson's practices
technology in the face of conflicting financial demands from (2019). This strategy not only allayed worries about excessive
the educational system (Clark & Carter, 2019). This problem screen time, but it also made it easier to use digital abilities in
also brought to light issues with equitable access, which real-world situations. A significant contribution was also
inspired educators to come up with innovative solutions to made by proactive parent engagement in accordance with
make sure all students had access to technology, like Kabali et al. (2015)'s recommendations. In order to match
assigning pupils to different devices on a rotational basis or classroom procedures with parents' preferences and worries
asking for outside donations (Gomez et al., 2020). about screen time, educators promoted open communication.
They also arranged workshops where participants could
Despite these obstacles, educators shown tenacity and exchange ideas and work together to create techniques for
flexibility by making use of readily available digital positive digital engagement at home and in the classroom.
resources, recycling pre-existing hardware, investigating
open-source software, and involving students in cooperative  Presented below are the Transcripts:
projects that required little in the way of technology (Martin Striking a balance in screen time while fostering digital
& Robinson, 2018). Their experiences demonstrated a strong fluency in early education demanded a mindful approach in
dedication to provide captivating digital learning opportunities my classroom. This ensured that screen time was purposeful,
and powerfully communicated the idea that the benefits of engaging, and seamlessly integrated into the broader learning
digital education outweighed the difficulties in ensuring experience. (P2)
students acquired the skills they needed to succeed in a
technologically advanced environment. Achieving balanced screen time in early education
required setting clear guidelines. I established structured
 Here are the Transcripts: routines that alternated between screen-based activities and
Acquiring digital equipment for early education posed a hands-on learning. (P3)
significant challenge in my experience. Limited school
budgets made it difficult to access the latest technology Balancing screen time in the development of digital
needed to enhance digital fluency in the classroom. (P1) fluency involved emphasizing active participation. I designed
activities that encouraged students to interact with digital
Developing digital fluency in early education became a content rather than passively consume it. (P5)
hurdle due to budget limitations. It was a struggle to secure
the necessary digital tools to keep pace with the evolving Achieving a balanced approach to screen time required
educational landscape. (P4) collaboration with parents. I actively communicated with
families, providing insights into the digital activities
The challenge of acquiring digital equipment for early incorporated into the curriculum and encouraging similar
education stemmed from the rapidly changing landscape of guidelines at home. (P6)
educational technology. Keeping up with the evolving needs
required constant adaptation and resourcefulness. (P7) Theme #3: Cultivated curiosity and exploration.
Teachers have accepted a journey to develop digital fluency
The journey towards digital fluency in early education by utilizing and fostering the natural curiosity and
was hindered by the challenge of acquiring essential adventurous character of young learners in the ever-changing
equipment. Through strategic planning and persistence, I field of early education. This method, which is based on
managed to build a digital learning environment that constructivist learning theories, aims to take use of kids'
empowered my students despite the initial constraints. (P8) innate curiosity and desire to learn about and make sense of
the world. The cultivation of curiosity and exploration in
Theme #2: Balanced screen time. Teachers found it digital education has had a profoundly transforming effect on
extremely difficult to successfully balance screen time while teachers' teaching techniques and student involvement.
attempting to develop digital fluency in early education
students. While the use of digital tools opened up new Motivated by Piaget's (1952) focus on curiosity in
learning opportunities, teachers struggled to strike a balance cognitive development, educators have endeavored to
between technology-based learning activities and establish settings that pique students' curiosity and promote
conventional teaching techniques. According to research by investigation of digital resources and ideas. Echoing the
Radesky et al. (2016), excessive screen time may have an findings of Ching et al. (2015) on the power of digital
adverse effect on attention spans and face-to-face interactions, platforms, collaborative digital projects like online treasure
hence it is important for early childhood educators to use hunts and virtual field excursions have arisen as creative
technology with mindfulness. In response to these worries, tactics that not only boost technological competency but also
educators created lesson plans that struck a balance between foster inquiry-based learning.

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Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

In order to promote exploration, educators have also sought out options for professional development, including
made use of interactive digital tools including dynamic workshops and online courses; this is consistent with research
webpages, instructional apps, and simulations. According to that highlights the significance of efficient training in enabling
Lamb et al. (2011), these tools allow for interactive educators to confidently mentor students in their digital
participation in mathematical problem-solving, scientific exploration. Their efforts to promote digital fluency have had
investigation, and creative expression in virtual worlds. a transformative effect, as demonstrated by their simultaneous
Instructors now know how critical it is to stimulate students' focus on improving teacher skills and increasing student
digital inquiry while striking a balance between their involvement.
independence and structure and direction. With the use of
digital portfolios and other technologies, students record their The themes outlined are: 1) Enhancing digital skills, 2)
findings and reflect Vygotsky's (1978) sociocultural theory as Establishing partnership with digital experts, and 3) Attending
teachers raise questions and lead conversations to pique professional development and training.
students' interest and promote deeper learning.
Theme #1: Enhancing digital skills. The development of
The stories shared by educators demonstrate a change digital fluency in early education presented elementary school
from the traditional dissemination of knowledge to a role of teachers with a variety of difficulties that required creative
facilitation that fosters students' learning autonomy. problem-solving techniques. In line with Bandura's self-
Experiences with fostering inquiry and discovery in digital efficacy theory (1977), a critical strategy that surfaced was
education point to a setting in which technology acts as a improving digital skills, which allowed teachers to empower
catalyst to change the way that knowledge is taught. Young students and manage the digital environment. As an example
people actively participate in their learning journeys in this of their dedication to successful digital teaching, this proactive
dynamic setting, which cultivates a desire for lifelong learning move increased teachers' self-assurance and technological
in the digital age. proficiency in the classroom.

 Here are the Statements of the Participants: Given the ever-changing nature of technology, educators
Cultivating curiosity in early education for digital participated in professional development exercises to
fluency became an exciting journey. I integrated interactive strengthen their digital competencies. Darling-Hammond et al.
digital adventures that sparked curiosity and encouraged (2017) have noted that educators can acquire skills and
exploration. (P1) knowledge for using digital technologies and platforms by
attending specialized seminars, online courses, and
Nurturing digital fluency while cultivating curiosity educational conferences. By strengthening teaching strategies
involved empowering students to embark on independent and improving the learning environment, excellent
discovery. I curated a digital environment where they could professional development helped close the gap between
explore educational apps and platforms at their own pace. traditional education and contemporary technological
(P3) breakthroughs.

Fostering digital fluency in early education was a Moreover, self-directed learning's importance in
journey of unleashing inquisitive minds in the digital realm. I improving digital competency was highlighted by the
curated a space where students could ask questions, delve into experiences of primary school teachers. Accepting internet
interactive digital content, and explore topics of interest. (P6) tools, learning portals, and tutorials in line with adult learning
theory (Knowles, 1984), as educators assumed accountability
Guiding students through a world of digital exploration, for their own growth customized to meet particular needs. The
my approach to developing digital fluency in early education formation of online and offline communities of practice by
focused on structured yet curiosity-driven activities. (P8) educators to share best practices, gain insights, and fix
problems together was another important factor in
B. Coping Mechanism of Elementary School Teachers on the collaboration. Teachers' digital abilities were improved, and
Challenges in Developing Digital Fluency in Early they provided an example of successful information sharing
Education and problem-solving for their students in a supportive setting
Using creative problem-solving techniques, primary that was in line with Vygotsky's social constructivism (1978).
school teachers surmounted a variety of obstacles on their
path to helping young students become digitally fluent. Based  Below are the Transcripts:
on Bandura's self-efficacy theory (1977), teachers Enhancing digital skills for promoting digital fluency in
implementing technology in early education have to be early education required a coping mechanism centered
flexible and resilient. They overcame problems like students' around continuous learning. I actively sought professional
differing levels of comfort with digital tools and technical development opportunities, attending workshops and courses
difficulties by using strategic problem-solving techniques. to stay updated. (P1)
Teachers who participated in collaborative peer learning
communities were able to reflect on Bandura's social learning Coping with the demand to enhance digital skills
theory (1977) and increase their self-efficacy in addressing involved fostering a collaborative environment. I engaged in
digital difficulties by exchanging experiences and working knowledge-sharing sessions with colleagues, exchanging
together to discover solutions. Furthermore, educators actively insights and best practices related to digital fluency. (P4)

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Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

As the need for digital fluency grew, my coping My coping mechanism for enhancing digital fluency was
mechanism revolved around hands-on experimentation. I anchored in establishing partnerships with digital experts
dedicated time to explore new digital tools independently, through professional development initiatives. Collaborating
experimenting with their functionalities before introducing with specialists in workshops and training sessions allowed
them to the students. (P7) for a targeted and personalized approach to improving my
digital skills. (P5)
Coping with the demand to enhance digital skills was
facilitated through a student-centric approach. I adopted a As I navigated the journey of digital fluency, my coping
mindset of learning alongside my students, using their mechanism involved actively participating in interactive
enthusiasm for technology as motivation. (P8) workshops and seminars facilitated by digital experts. (P6)

Theme #2: Establishing partnership with the digital Theme #3: Attending professional development and
expert. Elementary school teachers faced a wide range of training. Teachers in elementary schools are discovering that
challenging obstacles in their quest to foster digital fluency in professional development and training are essential coping
early education. These obstacles drove the creation of creative mechanisms as they manage the challenges of helping young
coping strategies, such as forming alliances with digital learners become digitally fluent. Acknowledging the swift
professionals. Through the utilization of technology-savvy advancement of technology in the field of education, teachers
persons, teachers were able to overcome obstacles and proactively seek out chances to improve their digital
enhance their students' educational experiences. Vygotsky's competencies and instructional strategies. By participating in
sociocultural theory (1978), which emphasizes how focused professional development activities like conferences,
knowledge and abilities are developed through interaction online courses, and workshops, educators can stay up to date
with more informed persons, was exemplified by this on the newest developments in digital tools and teaching
partnership. methodologies. As per Darling-Hammond et al. (2017),
proficient professional development not only bolsters
Teachers actively sought out professional advice from educators' ability to address intricate problems but also
digital experts after realizing their own shortcomings in validates Bandura's self-efficacy theory (1977) by elevating
specific areas of digital fluency. These experts, who were their self-assurance in maneuvering through the digital terrain.
well-versed in technology, provided advice on how to choose
tools, solve problems, and create interesting learning Through direct interaction with educational apps,
activities. Their advice was in line with the focus on efficient interactive platforms, and collaborative tools, professional
professional development placed by Darling-Hammond et al. development takes a hands-on approach to helping educators
(2017). Through seminars, discussions, and cooperative get a greater knowledge of how technology may improve
projects, the partnership promoted continuous learning and learning experiences. This method of experiential learning
skill development while adhering to the concepts of emphasizes learning through meaningful interaction, which is
contextual learning (Lave & Wenger, 1991). Instructors consistent with Vygotsky's sociocultural theory (1978).
worked with digital professionals on real-world projects while Teachers can better adapt technology integration to meet the
progressively assimilating novel strategies that promoted the developmental requirements of their pupils by actively using
growth of digital fluency. digital tools. Professional development initiatives are further
enhanced by cooperation among communities of practice. By
Additionally, this cooperative method was used in the means of comprehensive dialogues and the sharing of optimal
classroom, where digital specialists co-facilitated courses to methodologies, educators utilize Wenger's social learning
show creative technology integration with educational theory (1998) to collaboratively generate knowledge and
significance. In addition to boosting teachers' self-esteem, this devise efficacious approaches for surmounting obstacles in
experiential learning helped them establish themselves as the realm of digital fluency education.
digital role models for pupils, demonstrating adaptability and
ongoing learning in the digital age.  Presented below are what the Participants said:
Coping with the imperative to develop digital fluency in
 Here are the Transcripts: early education, my coping mechanism centered on attending
Establishing partnerships with digital experts became a continuous professional development and training. These
vital coping mechanism in my journey toward digital fluency opportunities empowered me with the latest insights and
in early education. By collaborating with tech specialists, I methodologies, ensuring that I remained at the forefront of
gained valuable insights into the latest educational digital education. (P1)
technologies and effective implementation strategies. (P2)
As digital fluency evolved, attending professional
Coping with the complexities of digital fluency involved development and training sessions became my strategic
building a supportive network that included digital experts. I coping mechanism. Engaging in these opportunities allowed
cultivated relationships with specialists who could offer me to stay informed about emerging tools and trends. (P3)
guidance and mentorship. (P3)

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Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Coping with the evolving landscape of digital fluency Educators also stress how critical it is to continue
involved attending professional development to tailor learning integrating technology in a balanced manner. Though
experiences to individual student needs. These sessions educators have noted the possible negative effects of
equipped me with personalized strategies for addressing excessive screen usage on holistic development, digital tools
diverse learning styles and abilities. (P6) do provide compelling learning opportunities. Teachers may
guarantee that technology complements full educational
Coping with the demand for digital fluency in early experiences rather than replaces them by incorporating digital
education was enhanced by attending professional activities with hands-on learning, physical play, and social
development that inspired a collaborative culture. Engaging connections. This methodology is consistent with studies
in these sessions fostered a sense of community among conducted by Radesky et al. (2016), which emphasize the
educators, where we shared experiences, learned from one value of thoughtful technology usage in early education to
another, and collectively navigated the complexities of digital promote development of the whole child.
integration. (P8)
It also entails creating learning experiences that
C. Insights Drawn from the Experiences of Elementary encourage inquiry, discovery, and student agency. Age-
School Teacher in Developing Digital Fluency in early appropriate digital integration goes beyond simply choosing
Education the right tools. With its foundation in constructivist
The significance of preserving a balanced integration of pedagogies, this method promotes teachers to incorporate
technology has been underlined by elementary school technology into collaborative activities, project-based
teachers' experiences in developing digital fluency among learning, and creative expression. Teachers can increase
early education learners. Teachers understand that although student engagement and assist students in achieving digital
digital tools present special chances for participation and fluency by using digital technologies in this way.
education, screen-based activities must be complemented by
practical experiences, group discussions, and outdoor play.  Here are the Transcripts:
This strategy, which is backed by research by Radesky et al. It is important to select digital tools that align with the
(2016), places an emphasis on technology use that is mindful cognitive, motor, and socio-emotional development of each
in order to foster holistic development and lessen the possible age group. This approach ensured that technology
negative effects of excessive screen time. Teachers build a complemented and enhanced the natural progression of skills,
holistic learning environment that fosters digital fluency and fostering a seamless integration into the curriculum. (P1)
important life skills by merging technology with traditional
teaching methods. I focused on building a scaffolded approach to
technology integration. Starting with simple and intuitive
Additionally, teachers in elementary schools have had applications, students built foundational skills before
success integrating inquiry-based, student-centered methods advancing to more complex technologies. This scaffolded
to digital teaching. Encouraging students to take charge of approach ensured a supportive and progressive learning
their own education by letting them experiment with digital experience. (P4)
tools, work together on projects, and solve real-world issues
develops their critical thinking, autonomous problem-solving I carefully selected digital tools that directly supported
abilities, and curiosity. According to Chen and Anderson the curriculum, enhancing lesson outcomes and engaging
(2019), this method is consistent with constructivist theories students in meaningful ways. This intentional alignment
and highlights the advantages of student participation in ensured that technology served as a valuable tool for
improving digital abilities. Educators that take on the role of achieving educational goals while developing digital fluency.
facilitator assist students in navigating the digital environment (P7)
while encouraging a sense of agency and accountability for
their educational path. To promote digital fluency while considering age
appropriateness, I incorporated interactive and playful
The researcher has generated these themes: 1) Tailoring elements into technology integration. This approach ensured
an age-appropriate technology integration, 2) Fostering digital that technology was not only a learning tool but also a source
citizenship, and 3) Enhancing critical thinking skills. of enjoyment, fostering a positive attitude toward digital
fluency in early education. (P8)
Theme #1: Tailoring an age-appropriate technology
integration. The knowledge acquired from primary school Theme #2: Fostering digital citizenship. It has become
educators tackling the difficulties of promoting digital literacy evident how crucial it is to promote digital citizenship from
in early childhood education highlights the vital requirement the experiences of elementary school teachers who are
for development of age-appropriate digital integration struggling to develop digital fluency in early education.
techniques. Teachers now know that the digital resources they According to Ching et al. (2015), this entails encouraging the
choose must fit the interests, cognitive capacities, and learning ethical and responsible use of technology, imparting
preferences of their pupils. In order to provide relevant and knowledge on online safety, digital etiquette, and rigorous
captivating learning experiences that support young learners' analysis of digital content. Teachers can better equip students
digital fluency, Kabali et al. (2015) stress the need of this to navigate the digital world with integrity and judgment by

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Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

including these teachings into their classes, which also help different viewpoints among students enhances their digital
them become ready for the complexity of online interactions. experiences. Teachers also help kids prepare to interact wisely
and morally in the digital world by facilitating conversations
Also, educators stress how critical thinking abilities are about digital ethics and appropriate online conduct (Ribble,
developed in order to promote digital citizenship. In keeping 2015). A comprehensive approach to teaching digital
with studies on inquiry-based learning in digital citizenship is fostered by these initiatives, which combine
environments, teaching students to explore, evaluate, and ethical and critical thinking.
validate information they come across online fosters
skepticism and intellectual curiosity (Ching et al., 2015).  Here are the Participants’ Statements:
Also, educators emphasize how critical it is to foster polite I integrated digital platforms that presented age-
communication and empathy in digital environments appropriate challenges, encouraging students to analyze,
(Bandura, 1977). Instructors foster a healthy digital culture in strategize, and find creative solutions. This approach not only
which students are able to interact, cooperate, and positively developed their digital fluency but also nurtured a foundation
impact their online communities by modeling and promoting for robust critical thinking. (P1)
positive online behavior, such as kindness and empathy.
These initiatives serve to establish a conducive atmosphere for I worked to enhance critical thinking skills through
digital interaction and learning while also embodying social interactive problem-solving activities. By integrating digital
learning principles. platforms that presented real-world scenarios, students were
encouraged to analyze, evaluate, and devise solutions
 Presented below are the Transcripts: collaboratively. (P3)
Fostering digital citizenship was an integral part of my
educational management strategy, achieved through engaging Enhancing critical thinking skills involved incorporating
students in collaborative digital projects. By working together a diverse range of digital content for analysis. The students
on shared online platforms, students learned the principles of developed the capacity to critically assess digital content,
teamwork, digital communication, and the value of distinguishing between reliable and unreliable sources, thus
collaboration. (P2) fostering a discerning approach to information consumption.
I demonstrated positive online conduct, showcasing how
to communicate respectfully, critically evaluate information, Through online platforms, students engaged in
and navigate digital spaces safely. By serving as a role model, discussions that encouraged them to express their thoughts,
I aimed to shape students' understanding of responsible listen to diverse perspectives, and construct well-reasoned
digital citizenship through direct observation and emulation. arguments. The students were able to develop effective
(P3) communication skills and the ability to think critically about
various viewpoints, promoting a more inclusive and
My educational management insight focused on thoughtful learning environment. (P8)
fostering digital citizenship through interactive discussions on
online safety. These discussions empowered students to make IV. IMPLICATIONS AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS
informed decisions, ensuring that they understood the
importance of safeguarding personal information and A. Implications
navigating the digital landscape responsibly. (P5) The inquiry yielded noteworthy findings regarding the
efforts of elementary school teachers in promoting digital
I integrated lessons on online manners, emphasizing the fluency in early education. Several themes arose about the
importance of respect, kindness, and responsible behavior in problems they encountered: the struggle to obtain digital
the digital world. This proactive approach aimed to instill a equipment, the necessity of managing screen time to prevent
foundation of positive digital citizenship from the earliest negative consequences such as decreased in-person
stages of digital fluency development. (P6) connections, and the endeavor to foster student curiosity and
engagement with digital tools and concepts. One coping
Theme #3: Enhancing critical thinking skills. Teaching method was to improve digital abilities through intentional
students to think critically is essential, as evidenced by the professional development, enabling educators to effectively
perspectives of primary school instructors tackling the issues navigate the digital ecosystem. Another approach entailed
of digital fluency (Ching et al., 2015).. In addition to teaching establishing collaborations with digital specialists who
students’ technical proficiency, this requires educating them provided expert advice on tool selection and the creation of
to critically analyze, assess, and validate digital content in captivating digital learning experiences.
order to separate fact from fiction. By encouraging children to
learn via inquiry, teachers enable them to make wise choices Educators also stressed the significance of incorporating
and successfully negotiate the challenges of the digital age. technology that is suitable for the age of the kids, using tools
that correspond with their cognitive capacities and preferred
It is the belief of educators that encouraging inquiry and methods of learning. The development of digital citizenship
curiosity can improve students' critical thinking abilities was emphasized through the instruction of digital etiquette,
(Ching et al., 2015). Buildivist theories are in line with the online safety, and critical evaluation of digital content. The
idea that promoting critical thinking and the exploration of objective was to cultivate responsible attitudes towards

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ISSN No:-2456-2165

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