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The Fantasy Trip Creature Adversaries

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Forest Plains


Jungle Forest
ST 22-24 IQ 5 ST 20 IQ 7
DX 13 MA 22 DX 12 MA 10
A bright-feathered flightless bird about 9 The stats are for a big male. Usually
feet tall. It is fierce and carnivorous; they found in small bands, the great ape is as
are usually found in pairs. Kicks for 1d+1 big as a gorilla, but aggressive. In HTH or
damage, or bites for 1d+1, or does both in unarmed combat they do damage as though
one turn at -4 DX for each. they were humans armed with daggers.
Some nobles breed diatryma for They sometimes fight with clubs.
intelligence, and ride them. An IQ 6
diatryma is a fearsome war-steed.

Forest Plains

ST 14 IQ 6 ST 14 IQ 7
DX 12 MA 10 DX 12 MA 10
May be encountered in groups of up to Found in small groups. Young ones are
4d adults, plus juveniles. They may try to in demand as pets, bringing up to $2,000.
steal food or throw fruit, rocks, or dung. However, an attempt to kidnap a baby
If attacked, they will mob their enemies, chimpanzee will call down the wrath of the
doing 1d+2 damage in HTH combat. group – which may very well stalk you and
attack you later. A chimpanzee does 1d+1
damage in HTH combat.


ST 3 IQ 6 ST 30-40 IQ 5
DX 16 MA 8/10 DX 10 MA 8

This is a 2-hex creature. It does 3d-1
Cat-sized, long-limbed apes, dappled
damage in regular or HTH combat. Its dark
brown with a darker brown ruff around the
brown fur stops 2 hits. Cave bears are bigger
neck. Found in bands of several dozen; they
than modern Earth bears and have a notably
hunt by dropping from trees onto their prey.
shorter muzzle.
They can be very hard to see as they lie in
Bears may be found singly or, rarely, in
wait. They bite for 1d-2 damage. Swinging
pairs. In spring or summer, a mother may be
through the trees, a “mobber” has MA 10 or
encountered with her cubs, and she will be
more; on the ground, MA 8.
ferocious in their defense, getting a +1 DX
bonus. In winter, bears hibernate.


ST 20-30 IQ 6 ST 20-30 IQ 6
DX 11 MA 10 DX 12 MA 10
This is a 2-hex creature. It does 2d+2
This is a 2-hex creature. It does 2d+2 damage in regular or HTH combat. Its white

damage in regular or HTH combat. Its fur makes it very hard to see in snow or ice,
brown fur, silver-tipped on big males, stops and stops 2 hits. A smart hunter, dangerous
2 hits. to humans! The stats above are for a male.
Bears may be found singly or, rarely, in Females are smaller (ST 15-25).
pairs. In spring or summer, a mother may be Usually found singly. In spring or summer, a
encountered with her cubs, and she will be mother may be encountered with her cubs, and
ferocious in their defense, getting a +1 DX she will be ferocious in their defense, getting a
bonus. In winter, bears hibernate. +1 DX bonus. Polar bears do not hibernate like
most bears, though pregnant females dig dens
and become somnolent.

ST 20 IQ 6 ST 24 IQ 5
DX 11 MA 8 DX 14 MA 12
It does 2d damage in regular or HTH combat. A 2-hex creature.
Its fur stops 2 hits. Lions are usually found in groups called
Unlike larger bears, the black bear can prides: a male (who protects the pride from
and will climb trees. hyenas), 1d females (who do the hunting)
Bears may be found singly or, rarely, in and 1d cubs. A few lions, usually single
pairs. In spring or summer, a mother may be males, become man-eaters and deliberately
encountered with her cubs, and she will be seek human prey.

ferocious in their defense, getting a +1 DX It does 2d damage in regular combat,
bonus. In winter, bears hibernate. 2d+1 in HTH. Its fur stops 1 hit.

Jungle Forest
ST 24 IQ 6 ST 30 IQ 5
DX 15 MA 12 DX 13 MA 12
A 2-hex creature. A 2-hex creature.
Tigers are almost always encountered Sabertooths are almost always encountered
singly. Their bold stripes are good cam- singly. Their fur is golden with a faint darker
ouflage in their native forest and jungle. A striped pattern, perfect for hiding in long grass.
tiger may become a man-eater and terrorize It does 2d+1 damage in regular combat,
the local villages. and bites for 3d in HTH. Its fur stops 1 hit.
It does 2d damage in regular combat,
2d+2 in HTH. Its fur stops 1 hit.
Forest Plains

ST 18 IQ 6 ST 12 IQ 6

DX 15 MA 12 DX 14 MA 12
Mountain lions, also called panthers, are Found alone or in pairs. Most jaguars are
almost always encountered singly. They golden, spotted with black, but some are
are usually a creamy golden color. Their solid black. The fur stops 1 hit. Bites for
nighttime yowl is terrifying. 1d+1 damage, or 1d+3 in HTH.
It does 2d-2 damage in regular combat, A jaguar may ambush a traveler by
and bites for 2d in HTH. Its fur stops 1 hit. springing from a tree. Only a Naturalist has
a chance to see a lurking jaguar before it’s
too late.


Forest Plains

ST 5 IQ 12 ST 10 IQ 6
DX 12 MA 12 Cavern DX 14 MA 12
The “goatsucker” is a medium-sized
canine. They have been described as “mangy, Wolves normally avoid humans; in

red-eyed coyotes.” They are very smart – smarter nature, their prey is deer and small game.
than most humans! – but it is an animal intelligence. But a hungry or frightened wolf may attack,
They are crafty and malicious. and of course a wolf is a standard illusion
The chupacabra feeds on mammalian blood. It for wizards.
bites a sleeping victim, then licks the wound to Wolves may be found singly or in packs
keep the blood flowing. Make a 4/IQ roll to realize

of 2d adults and 1d cubs.

you are being bitten in your sleep, and wake up. Its bite does 1d+1 damage and its fur
It will not fight except as a last resort. Its weak stops 1 hit/attack.
jaws do 1d-2 damage and its fur is too thin to act
as armor. Encountered singly.

Cavern Jungle Forest

Cavern Jungle Forest
ST 12+ IQ 4 ST 10 IQ 4
DX 12 MA 6 DX 13 MA 8
Can be over seven feet long. Will rise upright to
Snakes come in all sizes; these are stats confront a foe, opening its hood. Spits its venom
for the largest snake that could reasonably (treat as a thrown weapon), aiming for your eyes.
be called a one-hex creature. Does 1d+1 If it hits, roll 3/DX to avoid a direct hit, or take 2d
damage with its bite; some snakes are


damage and be blinded for weeks.
venomous and do extra harm with their The spitting cobra can also bite. It does 1d-1
poison. damage, plus an extra die of venom damage if the
All snakes are -3 to hit due to their quick, bite damage penetrates armor.
distracting movement. The side hexes of a All snakes are -3 to hit due to their quick,
one-hex snake are considered front hexes. distracting movement. The side hexes of a one-hex
Encountered singly. snake are considered front hexes.
Encountered singly or in pairs.


ST 30+ IQ 5 ST 4 IQ 5
DX 10 MA 4* DX 11 MA 6

A 4-hex creature like a huge armadillo with A creature of night and darkness which
a heavy club tail. The shell stops 4 hits. Does finds its way by echolocation, going “plock,
1d+3 damage by swinging its tail (use dragon plock” by clicking its forked tongue. Looks
rules). like a small black or brown bear with a wide
Not dangerous unless attacked, except head and a bushy tail. Not dangerous and
during the mating season, when males are bad- definitely not good to eat, but since plockers
tempered and have MA 6. Anything with a hard require clean water and eat only wholesome
shell (including armored knights and warhorses) food like fruit and mushrooms, they are a sign
might be seen as competition or, worse, as a of an environment where humans can live.
love interest. Encountered singly.
Encountered singly.

ST 16 IQ 6 ST 2 IQ 4
DX 13 MA 4 DX 12 MA 12

A dirty-white, human-tall cylinder with three
“arms” that end in hard, fingerless “fists.” It can Rabbit-sized swamp dwellers with
strike with two arms a turn at no DX penalty; brindled green-and-brown fur which makes
each strike does 1d-1 damage. All their hexes them -2 to see, even in the open. They eat
count as front. They do not fall over in combat. plants and carrion, and a hungry mob might

The weak point is the huge multi-pupiled eye attack a weak person, doing 1d-3 damage
at the top of the head. Strike at it at a -3 to hit. Do with blunt teeth in strong jaws. Wildcats and
more than 3 points of damage to the eye, and all Uncle Teeth love to eat them. Humans can eat
the mauler’s attacks become unaimed (-4 DX). them, too, but they taste like swamp.
They are hostile and carnivorous, and have no Usually encountered singly, but many
treasure unless a recent victim did. more will be nearby.
Encountered in small (1d) groups.


ST 2 IQ 6 ST 20+ IQ 2
DX 14 MA 14 Cavern DX 12 MA 12

Attacks with both claws at once; if they hit,
Small creatures like a cross between a rat they do 1d damage and grab you. Your DX is
and a monkey. Found in the wild in gangs -4 while held. To break away, kill the scorpion or
of 4d or more. Attracted to bright things and roll ST/4. If you do not break away, the scorpion
will try to steal them – a slinker nest might will attempt to sting you next turn and every turn
contain treasure. -3 to strike at a slinker. thereafter until one or the other is dead. Its sting
Bites and claws in HTH for 1d-2 damage. will pierce any armor that stops 2 hits or less. The

sting does only 1 damage, but you must make a
4/ST roll or suffer 2d from the poison.
The chitin of the giant scorpion stops 2 hits.
Encountered singly, but where there is one
there will be more.
GIANT SPIDER GOO An amoeba the size of an elephant . . .
Goo has almost infinite ST and no DX
(figure initiative as for a slime). A 1-

Cavern Jungle Forest

ST 16+ IQ 2 ST 100+ IQ 1 or 2-hex Goo has MA 4, a 3- or 4-hex
one has MA 3, a larger one has MA 2.

Cavern Jungle
Goo attacks by flowing onto a victim
DX 10 MA 12 DX * MA 1-4 and suffocating it. You can live for two
turns under a 1- or 2-hex Goo. Under a
larger one you will die at the end of the
turn you are engulfed unless the Goo is
A man-sized spider. Its bite will penetrate killed that turn.
any armor that stops 2 hits or less. The bite Goo is immune to almost everything;
itself does only 1 damage, but the victim must it dislikes fire but is not really injured
make a 4/ST roll or suffer 2d damage from by it. Magic affects it but cannot be
the poison. expected to kill it. The only way to kill
If you run into a giant spider’s web (3/IQ Goo is to hit its nucleus. Any weapon,
to see it in shadows) you may try to break free or a missile spell, will do. Make a 5/
(4/ST). Or an edged weapon strike doing 5 DX roll for a small Goo, a 6/DX roll
damage will cut it. Multiple webs are possible! for a medium one, and a 7/DX roll for
Encountered singly. a larger one.
Encountered singly.

Cavern Jungle Forest Plains

Cavern Jungle Forest Plains


ST 20+ IQ 5 ST 16 IQ 4
DX 13 MA 10 DX 11 MA 10
Like a Komodo dragon but bigger. A A man-sized lizard with heavy, colorful
2-hex creature. Bites for 2d damage; hide scales. Bites for 2d-1 damage; hide stops 2
stops 1 hit. At GM's discretion, bite may be hits. More of a carrion eater than a hunter.
poisoned or cause infection. Its bite may become infected because its
Will avoid humans unless hungry. Its mouth is especially filthy with shreds of
natural prey is slightly smaller than human- rotting meat.
sized, but dogs and halflings are just the Encountered singly, or in groups around
right size for it. a carcass.
Encountered singly.
Cavern Jungle Forest Plains


ST * IQ 2 ST 30 IQ 2
DX 13 MA * DX 10 MA 4

A giant centipede. A fast-running predator, at home on the ground, in the trees, and (for at least one
species) in the water. Most types hunt by night and hide in a crevice during the day. Only a giant is likely A 3- to 6-foot beetle with a stony metabolism,
to attack, but one of any size would bite if molested or just surprised. like a Gargoyle. They are carnivorous, feeding
Size ST MA Bite damage on both carrion and live prey. They like to live
Baby (6”) ST 1 MA 4 Intense pain near Am Bushes.
Small (1 foot) ST 2 MA 8 1 hit, -2 DX Bites for 2d-1 damage. The rocklike carapace
Big (2 feet) ST 4 MA 12 2 hits, -2 DX stops 5 hits of damage.
Giant (3 feet) ST 6 MA 12 3 hits, -2 DX Found singly or in small (1d) groups.
Even the largest Scolopendra cannot bite through cloth armor, but woe betide you if one finds
unprotected clothing or flesh. The damage is from the poison, not the tiny fangs. They are rumored to
have poison in their legs as well as their fangs, and if one bigger than a baby simply runs across bare
flesh, you will feel intense pain and lose 2 DX for an hour.
Fortunately, they are lone hunters, not swarm creatures.


ST 3-12 IQ 3 ST 20+ IQ 5

DX 10 MA 8 Cavern DX 12 MA 10
A huge crustacean with two big walking legs
and two huge claws. The effect is of an armored A 2- or 3-hex creature. Never found far from
humanoid, ranging from child-size to bigger than water, but moves its full MA on land (and yes, they
most humans. But they are just crabs. A small one are faster than they look!) They are carnivores,
might have armor that stops 1 hit, and do 1d-1 eating whatever they can find and catch.

damage with each claw (and each claw can make Armored scales stop 3 hits/attack. Bite does 2d
a separate attack). A big one might stop 2 or even damage, give or take a bit depending on the size of
3 hits and do 1d+2 damage with each claw. the croc. It has a tail attack like that of a dragon, and
Crabmen forage along the shore in small its front and side hexes are figured the same way.
(1d+2) groups, eating whatever they can find, Encountered singly. A female might be protecting
which will include you if you can’t escape or a nest with dozens of foot-long young, and she will

defend yourself. But crabmen are delicious, too. be especially fierce.

Forest Plains

ST 6-10 IQ 1 ST 10 IQ 1
DX 12 MA 0 DX * MA 0


An ordinary-looking bush that fires pods full To push through hanging branches, or roots that have
of poisonous gas. It has at least 100 pods, and penetrated a tunnel roof and grown spines, roll 3/ST. If
fires 10/turn at any movement within 3 MH you fail to push through, you are trapped, and hundreds of
(treat as a thrown weapon attack). The bush may spines draw your blood at 1 ST per turn. Armor protects
for one turn only.
hold its fire until victims are really close; they’re
Once trapped, the roll to escape is 4/ST, on current ST
better fertilizer that way. Each pod that strikes
– which is constantly being sapped by the tree!
does 1d-2 damage; breath-holding and armor do Each hex of root or branches has a ST of 10; when
not help. If the bush is killed, its remaining pods this is reduced to 0 by swords or axes, the hex is cleared.
lose their potency almost immediately. Fire does not harm Bloodtrees, though lightning does.
Might be found singly or in groups of 1d+1 May be found singly or in groups of 1d-1 plants. They
plants. are predators, so they are not common in any one place.

Jungle Forest Plains


ST 24 IQ 5 ST 2-24 IQ 5
DX 11 MA 14 DX 11-12 MA 8-20+
The moose is a large, heavy-bodied Deer and antelope of all sizes are plentiful on
deer with palmate antlers. It is native to Cidri, ranging from tiny (a couple of pounds)
cold forests. Moose are strong and bad- to giants weighing a ton. Most deer are one-hex
tempered, and dangerous to approach. They creatures weighing 100-200 lbs. They graze and
are slow-moving by habit but can easily browse. Depending on the type, they may be found
outrun you. A moose is a 2-hex creature. It singly, in small groups (1d) or in huge herds of
can kick or stamp for 1d+2 damage, and 1d x 100 or more.
Male deer may be aggressive during mating
can easily kick into any adjacent hex.
season, and female deer may be protective of fawns,
Moose are most likely to be found singly,
but in general they will flee if they see humans. If a
but sometimes gather in small (2d) herds, deer attacks, it may bite (up to 1d damage for a big
and a mother may be found with her calf. deer) or kick/stamp (up to 1d+2).
Cavern Jungle Forest Plains
SIDEWAYS DEER DRAGONET A dragonet looks and acts like a foot-
long dragon. They fly, breathe fire, and
like treasure, though they are only as

ST 12? IQ 5 ST 4 IQ 6 smart as a dog. Adults cannot be tamed,
but an egg is worth $1,500.
Encountered singly or in groups of
DX 12? MA 16 DX 14 MA 14 1d+2. They will attack a weak party to
steal treasure; they might be appeased if
you leave something and run.
These creatures are a mystery. Seen from A dragon will kill or drive away
the side, they are medium-sized deer with dragonets, since they would rob from
faint brown stripes. If they see you, they him.
turn to face you . . . and from front or rear, In combat, a dragonet will stay
they vanish! airborne (the 14 MA is for flight). It will
Some hunters report that they can be bite, breathe fire, or both against the
slain by arrows and make a nourishing same foe. The dragonet must be in your
meal; others insist that accurate shots pass hex to attack you, so if someone else
through them without effect. attacks it and misses, they must roll to
Encountered in small herds (2d). miss you. If it hits with its bite, it does
1d damage; its fire-breath also does 1d,
at a cost of 1 ST to the dragonet.


ST 50+ IQ 6-7 ST 14 IQ 6
DX 13 MA 10 DX 10 MA 12

A long-necked plesiosaur found throughout
Cidri. Its normal prey is fish; in swamps, it loves A hyena looks like a burly, short-faced wolf
scum bunnies. Near human haunts, they become with longer front legs than rear. In fact, they are
accustomed to man and are not dangerous when closer to cats than to dogs. Hyenas can hunt for
treated with respect (hence the name). Big wild themselves, but also eat carrion, and they will try to

ones can be a menace. drive weaker hunters away from a fresh kill. They
A full-grown one has a rounded body 4 hexes in can be very vocal, and their calls include a creepy
size, four flippers, and a stubby tail. Its long neck yipping “laugh.”
can strike, snake-fast, three hexes away, and its The bone-crushing bite does 1d+2 damage. The
long snout is full of sharp teeth that do 2d damage. fur stops 1 hit.
Reptile men, and occasional others, have tamed Found singly or in roving packs of 2d hunters.

Uncle Teeth as guards and war-mounts. The den may have 1d young.
Jungle Forest Plains

Forest Plains

ST 50+ IQ 6-7 ST 40 IQ 6
DX 13 MA 14-16 DX 12 MA 14
An adult elephant is a 10-hex creature. It can A heavy-bodied herbivore, usually with
stomp for 3d damage or strike with its trunk one or two nose horns. A rhino is a 10-
(range 2 hexes) for 2d. Its heavy skin stops 2 hits. hex creature. It can stomp and gore for 3d
There are many species of elephant and damage. Its heavy, fibrous skin stops 3 hits.
mammoth. Most are large; all are smart. Elephants
Rhinos are best avoided. They will
have been tamed and used both as beasts of burden
sometimes ignore humans, but sometimes
and as war animals.
they will charge.
In most elephant species, adult males are found
singly, and females and young gather in herds of Found singly or in herds of 2d rhinos.
3d or larger.


ST 40 IQ 6 ST * IQ 0
DX 11 MA 12 DX * MA *

Large water-living mammals with thick An undead humanoid corpse animated by a wizard,
hide and huge teeth. using the Zombie spell. Its ST is what the wizard
gave it when the spell was cast, and its DX is 2 less
Hippos are very dangerous. They are
than it had when living. Its MA depends on its armor,
unpredictable and often aggressive toward and its weapons (if any) determine its damage.
walkers and even small boats. They stamp and A zombie under its master’s control will disbelieve
bite for 3d damage; their hide stops 2 hits. illusions with the master’s IQ. An uncontrolled
They live in rivers and go inland to feed zombie will not even perceive the illusion.
on grass. A river area may contain dozens or Zombies decay at 1 ST per day unless they wear
hundreds of hippos; when inland they may be a Zombie Ring; with such a ring they can last
found singly. indefinitely. A zombie with no flesh is a Skeleton.

SKELETON An undead humanoid skeleton EARTH ELEMENTAL (GNOME)
animated by a wizard, using the
Zombie spell. Its ST is what the wizard
ST * IQ 2 gave it when the spell was cast, and its DX
is 2 less than it had when living. Its MA
ST * IQ 8
depends on its armor, and its weapons (if
DX * MA * any) determine its damage. DX 11 MA 8
A skeleton under its master’s control


will disbelieve illusions with the
master’s IQ. An uncontrolled skeleton Usually looks like an animated statue.
will not even perceive the illusion. May be made of earth, stone, or even metal.
Skeletons decay at 1 ST per day Endlessly patient, earth elementals are often
unless they wear a Zombie Ring; with left as guardians.
such a ring they can last indefinitely. Immune to fire attacks.
Skeletons are immune to arrows (which An elemental has the ST its creator gave
pass right through) but any single hit it. For a randomly encountered elemental,
doing 8 or more points of damage will roll 3d for ST for a larger elemental, 2d for
totally shatter and destroy a skeleton. a smaller one.
See ITL p. 86 for combat rules.
Found singly.



ST * IQ 8 ST * IQ 8
DX 12 MA 20 DX 13 MA 10
An intelligent magical whirlwind. Rare and A being of pure flame – showy, fickle, and
often not hostile, though only rarely will it dangerous. May be found in any terrain with lava
actually be friendly. pits, forest fires, or great fireplaces
Immune to fire, lightning, and physical Immune to fire, lightning, and ordinary weapons.
weapons. Enchanted weapons do half damage (round down).
An elemental has the ST its creator gave it. For Attacks by water elementals do double damage.
a randomly encountered elemental, roll 3d for ST An elemental has the ST its creator gave it. For a
for a larger elemental, 2d for a smaller one. randomly encountered elemental, roll 3d for ST for
See ITL p. 87 for combat rules. a larger elemental, 2d for a smaller one.
Found singly. See ITL p. 87 for combat rules.
Found singly.

(UNDINE) Found only in wet places. May BARE OWL A large owl with big yellow eyes
appear in a form of pure water, of and huge yellow feet. Its pink body is

live steam, or of ice. May have a covered only with a gray-white down,
ST * IQ 8 neutral attitude, or may be maliciously
ST 2 IQ 6 except for long black flight feathers
on the wings and tail and an unkempt
An elemental has the ST its creator brush around the ears. It is hideous!
DX 12 MA 10* gave it. For a randomly encountered DX 13 MA 20 If a weak party of travelers enters
elemental, roll 3d for ST for a larger its woods, it will follow them silently
elemental, 2d for a smaller one. until they sleep. Then it will hoot to
Water elementals have MA 16 in call predators and – it hopes – feast on
water. Only in icy form is the Undine the leftovers.
affected by non-magical weapons. They can be tamed, but they are
Magic weapons do only half damage so ugly that nobody would keep

to steam or water forms. Fire and one except as a deliberate tool of
lightning do double damage to all intimidation. They will not attack
forms.. humans.
See ITL p. 87 for combat rules.
Encountered singly.
Found singly.

Special Ocean

ST 50+ IQ 6 ST 40 IQ 8
DX 13 MA 12 DX 11 MA 6

A regular 50-pound wolverine can make a bear A magical creature, reptilian in nature; it was
back away from its kill. A giant wolverine can known to the Egyptians. It looks like an enormous
make a bear run. Its talons are fierce, but its main snake, six hexes long and one wide, with the head of
attack is its bite, doing 2d-1 damage. It is a four- a crocodile. However, only those with Mage Sight
hex creature. Its pelt stops 2 hits (and is warm will ever see Apep alive. Its hexes, plus one hex in
and sheds frost, for those who are tough or lucky every direction, are in permanent magical shadow.
enough to wear it). Its bite does 2d damage, and it is -7 to hit (3 for
If tracked by a giant wolverine, good luck. It its snaky nature, 4 for being in darkness). It will not
handles rough terrain with ease, climbs any tree that communicate or deal with travelers. It’s just hungry.
will hold it, and even swims if it’s really hungry. Found singly, and quite rare.
Found singly, and a good thing, too!
HORSE WARHORSE The great warhorse of the chivalry
is so different from a common riding
beast that it is almost a different
ST 14-26 IQ 5-6 ST 28 IQ 6
species. The stats given above are
minimums; no creature of lesser
quality is worth the training. An IQ 7
DX 11-14 MA 20-24+ DX MA warhorse is a pearl beyond price.
13 24 See ITL p. 88 for much more about
warhorses. The important points are
Horses are the favorite riding beast of humans that they are loyal to their masters
and most related races. Stats are highly variable. and vicious to others; that they are not
Horses are not terribly smart, and most are easily frightened; and that the rider
sometimes panicked by things as trivial as must give a lot of time to the horse to
fluttering leaves, but they are willing steeds and keep it well trained and loyal.
fond of people. A warhorse can kick for 2d+1
Large herds of wild horses are found on the damage, bite for 1d+1 damage, or
plains – typically one adult stallion and 2d mares both in one turn at -4 DX, while leaving
and young. The quality of a wild-caught horse is the rider free to use lance, sword, or
highly variable, but a good one might be ST 20-22, mace at will.
DX 13 IQ 5 MA 24, kicking for 1d+1 damage.



ST 22-28 IQ 6 ST 20-24 IQ 5-6

DX 14 MA 20 DX 12-13 MA 24
A mule is the offspring of a horse and a If you encounter a strong, healthy horse
donkey. They are better pack animals than that is cold to the touch, you have found a
horses, due to their surefootedness and calm Cold Horse. There are many stories about
temper. Mules can be led underground, where Cold Horses (see ITL p. 88), and the GM
horses cannot. If angered, though, a mule can will decide which ones, if any, are true – but
kick like a horse for 1d+1 damage. certainly they are magic in some way.
Mules are not found in the wild. If you Cold Horses are found singly, if at all.
encounter a mule, either it has wandered
away or some mishap has befallen the owner.

INDRI (Indricotherium) WILD BOAR

ST 40-60 IQ 5 ST 30 IQ 6
DX 12 MA 12 DX 12 MA 14
A member of the rhino family, now extinct on Wild pigs can very greatly in size. This is
Earth. It looks something like a big, heavy-headed a ferocious adult male.
horse – 30 or more feet long, and 12 feet or more They are omnivores, and dig very
at the shoulder. They require a lot of grazing destructively for roots, bulbs, and small
territory, and are rare and slow to breed. Adults
burrowing prey; they also enjoy berries,
have no natural enemies, and guard their calves
fruit, carrion, and human garbage.
They are sometimes ridden by giants. They can
A 2-hex creature. Bites, slashes with
stamp and kick for 3d damage, and their hide stops tusks, and stamps for 2d damage.
2 hits. An 8- to 10-hex creature. Big males are encountered singly. Herds
Encountered in small groups (1d). of females and piglets may number 3d.


ST 4-6 IQ 6 ST 25-40 IQ 6
DX 13 MA 8 DX 9-10 MA 10

Is this the young of the intelligent octopus,
or a separate species? No one knows. They The forebears of the Giants. For game
have fist-sized bodies and a tentacle reach of purposes, they are stupid, vicious giants.
about 18 inches. They change color rapidly. They fight only with huge clubs, and wear

A gang of minipus may be fearful, curious, little or no armor. They attack anything they
or hostile; make a regular reaction roll. If think they can kill; they eat their victims
they are hostile, they will try to enter HTH and keep anything of obvious value.
combat (and many can do so at once). They Usually found alone; sometimes a group
bite for 1d-1 damage. of 1d might be encountered.
Found in gangs of 2d+2, never far from

ST 18 IQ 10 ST 16 IQ 9
DX 14 MA 12 DX 14 MA 12

A large, shy, hairy humanoid. They have nothing This striding horror is found in dark, wet places.
of value and wish only to be let alone. They have

It moves silently and climbs with speed and skill.
the Talents of Acute Hearing, Naturalist, Silent
Its ripping claws do 1d+3 damage in regular or
Movement, Tactics, and Tracking, so they are very
HTH combat; its horned scutes stop 2 hits. Long
hard to locate! They may be curious about strangers

Lankin does not perceive illusions at all, can see
and follow them to see what they are up to, but if
molested, they can conduct guerrilla warfare on their
perfectly in darkness, and can see invisible things
foes, often in a very nasty way. They fight bare-handed and creatures.
or with a club. It fears flame; fire does no special damage to it,
In arctic climes live the Yeti: similar, but bigger, and but Long Lankin might retreat from a torch even in
with a mean streak. Don’t mess with the Yeti. a child’s hands.
Either might be found singly or in small (1d) groups. Found singly.

GHOUL BASILISK A typical Basilisk looks like a fat,

ugly lizard a yard long. Its bite does 1d

damage, but its real danger lies in its
ST 10-20 IQ 8 ST 10 IQ 8 psychic powers. Each turn that it stands
still or moves only 1 hex, a basilisk may
attempt to “freeze” any one being within
DX 10-11 MA 10 DX 8 MA 12 5 MH and line of sight. This ability
works like the Freeze spell but at no

ST cost. It works automatically unless
Loathsome humanoids which feast the victim makes a 4/IQ saving roll.
obscenely on the dead – and not just the Frozen victims remain so unless freed
freshly dead. They sometimes use weapons, by the basilisk’s will, by its death, or by
but enjoy killing with their clawed hands Remove Thrown Spell.
(treat as a dagger in regular or HTH In nature they use this ability to
combat). They hate and fear light but react capture prey. Being intelligent, they may
to it with anger, not terror. Their other habits ally with other beings. A basilisk does
are too disgusting to mention. not object to power and wealth, but its
Encountered in groups of 2d adults. main desire is comfort and seven square
Their offspring are a mystery. meals a day.
HYDRA VAMPIRE Vampirism is caused by a contagious
virus. The stats of the vampire are the

same as before infection, except for
ST 30 DX 12 IQ 8 MA 8 ST 14-20* IQ 8-14* ST, which is increased by 6! They are
dangerous because they need humanoid
blood at least every week.
ST 60 DX 13 IQ 10 MA 8 DX 8-14* MA * Vampires can levitate – an auto-
matically successful Flight spell with no

ST cost. This does not work in daylight,
A reptilian monstrosity. A Hydra has 1d+1 heads, some or and vampires have -4 DX by daylight.
all of which may have poison fangs. Each head may attack Vampires heal a hit of physical damage
a different figure each turn, or try to disbelieve one illusion. every other turn unless the wound was
It’s only a traveler’s story that the Hydra grows new heads made by a silver weapon. If a vampire is
to replace those cut off, but it is dangerous enough anyhow. not staked through the heart when killed,
The first stats above are for a “small” hydra, represented it has a 4/ST roll (on original human ST)
by a 4-hex dragon counter. Each head bites for 1d+1 damage to rise again the next day. It does lose 5
plus poison if any. attribute points for dying.
The second stats above are for a larger hydra, represented
See ITL p. 83 for more about vampires.
by a 7-hex dragon counter. Each head bites for 1d+3 damage
plus poison if any.

WEREWOLF Lycanthropy is caused by a contagious CAMEL
virus. The werewolf occasionally
changes into a hairy, bestial form. ST
ST 16-28* IQ 6+ doubles while in were-form, DX is
-3, and IQ is halved or reduced to 6,
ST 24-28 IQ 5
whichever is greater.
DX 5-11* MA * A werewolf will go into were-form DX 12 MA 20
every four weeks, involuntarily. This
lasts a full day. If, in the GM’s opinion,
the werewolf is a “good” person, they
will be able to control their bestial The riding beast of choice in dry areas. They are
less reliable than horses, and less easy to get along
desires. An evil or indifferent person
with, but they need much less water! Plainsmen
must attempt to commit at least one
breed them as others do horses; there are racing
murder. camels, war camels, beasts of burden, and so on.
Werewolves in were-form heal a hit of In the wild, they may be found in small groups
physical damage every other turn unless

(2d) or, occasionally, great herds.
the wound was made by a silver weapon. Kicks for 1d+1 damage. Will not bite in combat,
See ITL p. 83 for more about but may do so as a surprise attack (1d) if displeased
werewolves. with its rider. They also spit, foully.

ST 30-60 IQ 8 ST 16 IQ 5
DX 10-11 MA 8 DX 12 MA 12

No weapons. Strikes with its hands for Bite does 2d damage.

2d damage in regular or HTH combat. Dire wolves may be encountered singly or in
Any damage done to a troll by a torch or packs of 2d adults. If a den is found, there may
flaming weapon is permanent, but all other be 1d+1 cubs present.
damage heals at 1 hit per turn. The only way
to kill a troll permanently is to burn its body
after it dies.
Trolls are usually found singly, or
sometimes in pairs.

The Fantasy Trip



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