AP US History Vocabulary List

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Some of the key vocabulary terms introduced in the document include absolutism, aristocrats, bureaucracy, and tyranny - all relating to forms of government and political systems.

Some examples of vocabulary terms related to government and politics from the document include absolutism, aristocrats, bureaucracy, and tyranny.

Some examples of vocabulary terms related to social and economic change from the document include commodities, cultivation, emigrants, and textiles.

AP US History Vocabulary List 1. Abolish- (v.) To do away with; to put an end to; make void. 2. Absolutism- (n.

) The principle or the exercise of complete and unrestricted power in government. 3. Abundance- (n.) An extremely plentiful or over sufficient quantity or supply 4. Accelerated- (v.) To hasten the occurrence of; to cause faster or greater activity, development, progress, advancement. 5. Accumulated- (v.) To gather or collect, often in gradual degrees; heap up 6. Ad hoc- (adv.) For the special purpose or end presently under consideration - (adj.) Concerned or dealing with a specific subject, purpose, or end. *Agrarian- (adj.) relating to land, land tenure, or the division of landed property; rural; agricultural 7. Adept- (adj.) Very skilled; proficient; expert 8. Anarchy- (n.) A state of society without government or law; political and social disorder due to the absence of governmental control 9. Arbitrary- (adj.) Subject to individual will or judgment without restriction; contingent solely upon one's discretion. -Decided by a judge or arbiter rather than by a law or statute. -Having unlimited power; uncontrolled or unrestricted by law; tyrannical -Unreasonable; unsupported: an arbitrary demand for payment. 10. Aristocrats- (n.) A member of an aristocracy; a noble 11. Ascendancy- (n.) the state of being in the ascendant; governing or controlling influence; domination. 12. Assertive- (adj.) Confidently aggressive or self-assured; positive; dogmatic 13. Atrocities- (n.) Appalling or atrocious condition, quality, or behavior; monstrousness; an appalling or atrocious act, situation, or object 14. Autocratic- (adj.) Pertaining to, or of the nature of autocracy or of an autocrat; absolute: autocratic government; like an autocrat; tyrannical; despotic; domineering

*Autonomy- (n.) independence or freedom, as of the will or one's actions; self-government, or the right of self-government 15. Barbaric- (adj.) without civilizing influences; uncivilized; primitive 16. Beneficiaries- (n.) A person or group that receives benefits, profits, or advantages. A person designated as the recipient of funds or other property under a will, trust, insurance policy, etc. 17. Bureaucrats- (n.) An official of a bureaucracy. An official who works by fixed routine without exercising intelligent judgment 18. Byproduct- (n.) A secondary or incidental product, as in a process of manufacture. The result of another action, often unforeseen or unintended 19. Castigating- (v.) To criticize or reprimand severely; to punish in order to correct. 20. Catastrophe- (n.) A sudden and widespread disaster; any misfortune, mishap, or failure. *Chandler- a dealer or trader in supplies, provisions, etc., of a specialized type: a ship chandler. 21. Circumvent- (v.) To go around or bypass; to avoid by artfulness or deception; avoid by anticipating or outwitting. 22. Commodity- (n.) Something of use, advantage, or value; an article of trade or commerce. 23.Consolidation- (n.) An act or instance of consolidating; the state of being consolidated; unification. 24. Convertible- (adj.) Capable of being converted; exchangeable for something or equal value 25. Conviction- (n.) A fixed or firm belief, the act or state of convicting or convincing 26. Culminated- (v.) To reach the highest point, summit or highest development; to end or arrive at a final stage 27. Cultivation- (n.) The act or art or cultivating; culture or refinement 28. Decimated- (v.) to destroy a great number or proportion of. 29. Decree- (n.) A formal and authoritative order, law, one having the force of law. - (v.) To command, ordain, or decide by decree. 30. Deference- (n.) respectful submission or yielding to the judgment, opinion, or will of another; respectful or courteous regard 31. Disenfranchised- To disenfranchise; to deprive a person of a right of citizenship, as of the right to vote.

32. Dislocations- (n.) An act or instance of dislocating; to put out of place. 33. Dispossession- (v.) To put a person out of possession of real property; oust, to banish. 34. Dissenters- (n.) A person who dissents, as from an established church, political party, or majority opinion. One who refuses to accept the doctrines or usages of an established or a national church, especially a Protestant who dissents from the Church of England. 35. Disunity- (n.) Lack of unity or accord 36. Emigrant- (n.) a person who emigrates, as from his or her native country or region. 37. Endemic- (adj.) natural to or characteristic of a specific people or place; native; indigenous 38. Entitlement- (n.) to give somebody the right to have or to do something 39. Entrenched- (v.) to place in a position of strength; establish firmly or solidly. To encroach; trespass; infringe 40. Epidemics- (adj.) affecting many persons at the same time, and spreading from person to person in a locality where the disease is not permanently prevalent. -(n.) a rapid spread or increase in the occurrence of something 41. Epochal- (adj.) of, pertaining to, or of the nature of an epoch; extremely important, significant, or influential. 42. Erroneous- (adj.) Containing error; mistaken; incorrect; wrong: an erroneous answer; straying from what is moral, decent, proper. 43. Exerting- (v.) To put forth or into use, as power; exercise, as ability or influence; put into vigorous action 44. Explicitly- (adv.) Fully and clearly expressed or demonstrated; leaving nothing merely implied; unequivocal 45. Expulsion- (n.) The act of driving out or expelling 46. Feasibility- (n.) Capable of being done, effected, or accomplished 47. Feudalism- (n.) A political and economic system of medieval Europe based on the holding of all land in fief or fee and the resulting relation of lord to vassal 48. Flourished- (v.) To be in its or in one's prime; be at the height of fame, excellence, influence. to make dramatic, sweeping gestures: to add embellishments and ornamental lines to writing, letters; to sound a trumpet call or fanfare.

- (n.) An act or instance of brandishing; an ostentatious display 49. Heathenism- (n.) A belief or practice of heathens; idolatry; barbaric morals or behavior; barbarism 50. Heretics- (n.) A professed believer who maintains religious opinions contrary to those accepted by his or her church or rejects doctrines prescribed by that church 51. Hierarchy- (n.) An organized body of ecclesiastical officials in successive ranks or orders 52. Immunity- (n.) The state of being immune from or insusceptible to a particular disease; exemption from obligation, service, duty, or liability to taxation, jurisdiction *Impetus- (n.) a moving force; impulse; stimulus 53. Imposing- (adj.) Very impressive because of great size, stately appearance, dignity, elegance 54. Incorporation- (n.) The act of incorporating or the state of being incorporated; the act of forming a legal corporation 55. Indentured- (n.) A deed or agreement executed in two or more copies with edges correspondingly indented as a means of identification; any deed, written contract, or sealed agreement. 56. Inevitably- (adj.) Unable to be avoided, evaded, or escaped; certain; necessary 57. Inhabitants- (n.) A person or animal that inhabits a place, esp. as a permanent resident 58. Initiated- (v.) To begin, set going, or originate; to introduce into the knowledge of some art or subject 59. Invocations- (n.) The act of invoking or calling upon a deity, spirit, etc., for aid, protection, inspiration, or the like; any petitioning or supplication for help or aid 60. Isthmus- (n.) A narrow strip of land, bordered on both sides by water, connecting two larger bodies of land 61. Magistrates- (n.) A minor judicial officer, as a justice of the peace or the judge of a police court, having jurisdiction to try minor criminal cases and to conduct preliminary examinations of persons charged with serious crimes. 62. Marshaled- (v.) To arrange in proper order; set out in an orderly manner; arrange clearly; to array, as for battle 63. Matrilineal- (adj.) Inheriting or determining descent through the female line 64. Miniscule- (adj.) Very small; tiny. Of, relating to, or written in minuscule

65. Monarchy- (n.) A state or nation in which the supreme power is actually or nominally lodged in a monarch; supreme power or sovereignty held by a single person 66. Monopolized- (v.) To obtain exclusive possession of; keep entirely to oneself 67. Municipal- (adj.) Of or pertaining to a town or city or its local government; pertaining to the internal affairs of a state or nation rather than to international affairs 68. Nomads- (n.) A member of a people or tribe that has no permanent abode but moves about from place to place, usually seasonally and often following a traditional route or circuit according to the state of the pasturage or food supply 69. Opted out- (v.) To decide to leave or withdraw -Ostensibly- (adv.) outwardly appearing as such; professed; apparent 70. Overshadowed- (v.) To be more important or significant by comparison; to cast a shadow over; cover with shadows, clouds, darkness 71. Papal- (adj.) Of or pertaining to the pope or the papacy (the Roman Catholic Church) 72. Patriarchal- (n.) The male head of a family or tribal line; a person regarded as the father or founder of an order, class, etc. 73. Persecution- (n.) The act or practice of pursuing with harassing or oppressive treatment on the basis of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or beliefs that differ from those of the persecutor. 74. Piety- (n.) Reverence for god or devout fulfillment of religious obligations; dutiful respect or regard for parents, homeland, etc 75. Predominate- (v.) To be the stronger or leading element or force; to surpass others in authority or influence; be preeminent 76. Preoccupation- (n.) The state of being completely engrossed in thought; absorbed or previously occupied; taken; filled 77. Proliferated- (v.) To increase in number or spread rapidly and often excessively 78. Propagandists- (n.) a person involved in producing or spreading information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc. 79. Reciprocal- (adj.) given or felt by each toward the other; mutual; corresponding; matching; complementary; equivalent

80. Reconciliation- (n.) The act of bringing into agreement or harmony; make compatible or consistent 81. Regime- (n.) a mode or system of rule or government; a ruling or prevailing system *Repulse- (v.) to drive back; repel (n.) the act of repelling 82. Revelation- (n.) something revealed or disclosed, esp. a striking disclosure, as of something not before realized 83. Situated- (adj.) located; placed in a particular position or condition, esp. with reference to the possession of money 84. Stagnate- (v.) to stop developing, growing, progressing, or advancing 85. Stimulated- (v.) to rouse to action or effort, as by encouragement or pressure; spur on; incite 86. Subdue- (v.) to conquer and bring into subjection; to overpower by superior force; overcome 87. Subordination- (adj.) placed in or belonging to a lower order or rank of less importance; secondary 88. Surplus- (n.) an amount, quantity, etc., greater than needed 89. Textiles- (n.) any cloth or goods produced by weaving, knitting, or felting - (adj.) woven or capable of being woven 90. Turmoil- (n.) a state of great commotion, confusion, or disturbance; tumult; agitation; disquiet 91. Tyranny- (n.) arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse of authority. A state ruled by a tyrant or absolute ruler 92. Undermined- (v.) to injure or destroy by insidious activity or imperceptible stages, sometimes tending toward a sudden dramatic effect 93. Underpinning- (n.) a system of supports beneath a wall or the like. Often, underpinnings. a foundation or basis 94. Unification- (n.) the process of unifying or uniting; union 95. Uniformity- (n.) the state or quality of being uniform; overall sameness, homogeneity, or regularity 96. Unparalleled- (adj.) not paralleled; unequaled or unmatched; peerless; unprecedented

97. Upheavals- (n.) strong or violent change or disturbance, as in a society 98. Viable- (adj.) capable of living; practicable; workable 99. Zeal- (n.) fervor for a person, cause, or object; eager desire or endeavor; enthusiastic diligence; ardor

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