Medical Microbiology
Medical Microbiology
Medical Microbiology
Subdivision of microbiology
Bacteriology deals about bacteria.
Mycology deals about fungi.
Virology deals about viruses.
Parasitology about parasites.
Medical Bacteriology
Teaching Objective
A group or category of related organisms.
Two key characteristics of taxa are:
-Members of lower level taxa (e.g. Species) are more
similar to each other than are members of higher level
taxa (eg.Kingdom or domain).
-Member of specific taxa are more similar to each other
than any are to members of different specific taxa found
at the same hierarchical level (eg. Humans are more
similar to apes, i.e., comparison between species, than
either is similar to, for example, Escherichia coli).
a) A strain in some ways is equivalent to a breed or
subspecies among plants or animal. Strain is the level
below the species
b) Two members of the same strain are more similar to
each other than either is to an individual that is a
member of a different strain, even if all three
organisms are members of the same species
Bacterial species
Bacterial species
A bacterial species is defined by the similarities found among its
members. Properties such as biochemical reactions, chemical
composition, cellular structures, genetic characteristics, and
immunological features are used in defining a bacterial
species. Identifying a species and determining its limits
presents the most challenging aspects of biological
classification for any type of organism.
Eu- true
Karyote- nucleus
The eukaryotic cell has a true membrane bound nucleus, usually
containing multiple chromosomes, a mitotic apparatus, a well
defined endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria.
Pro- primitive
Karyote- nucleus
The prokaryotic cell possesses naked DNA with out associated
basic proteins, divides amitotically by binary fission and
bounded by a semi rigid cell wall.
Table 1.1. The distinguishing features between
Eukaryotic cell and Prokaryotic cell
Table 1.1. The distinguishing features between
Eukaryotic cell and Prokaryotic cell
Bacterial Cell
Bacterial Cell
General property:
• Typical prokaryotic cell
• Contain both DNA and RNA
• Most grow in artificial media
• Replicate by binary fission
• Almost all cotain rigid cell wall
• Sensitive to antimicrobial agent
Bacterial Cell
B. Cell membrane
Also named as cell membrane or
cytoplasmic membrane
It is a delicate trilaminar unit membrane .
It accounts for 30% of the dry weight of
bacterial cell.
It is composed of 60% protein, 20-30%
lipids and 10-20% carbohydrate.
Function of cell membrane
C. Polyamines
They are of three types
. Putrescin
. Spermidine
It is found in association with bacterial DNA, ribosomes and cell
Function of polyamines
1. Antimutagenic.
2. Prevent dissociation of 70s ribosome into subunits.
3. Increase resistance of protoplast lysis.
D. Cytoplasmic granules
D. Cytoplasmic granules
. represent accumulated food reserves.
Nature of granules
. Glycogen
. Poly-beta hydroxy butyrate
. Babes-ernst (Volutin)
E. Nuclear apparatus
Well defined nucleus and nuclear membrane , discrete
chromosome and mitotic apparatus are not present in
bacteria ; so nuclear region of bacteria is named as nuclear
body, nuclear apparatus and nucleoid.
E. Nuclear apparatus
Bacterial genome consists of single molecule of double stranded
DNA arranged in a circular form.
Besides nuclear apparatus, bacteria may have extra chromosomal
genetic material named as plasmids.
Plasmids do not play any role in the normal function of the bacterial
cell but may confer certain additional properties(Eg. Virulence, drug
resistance) which may facilitate survival and propagation of the
micro- organism.
Features of capsule
1. Usually weakly antigenic.
2. Not necessary for viability.
3. Endows virulence.
4. Protects from phagocytosis.
5. Capsulated strains are invariably non-motile.
6. Visualized by negative staining and capsule staining.
7. Detected by quellung phenomenon.
B. Flagellum
B. Flagellum
It is the organ of locomotion in bacterial cell and consists of thee
These are:
.The filament
. The hook
. The basal body
The basal body and hook are embedded in the cell surface while
filament is free on the surface of bacterial cell.
Their presence in bacterial cell is detected by
. Hanging drop preparation
. Swarming phenomenon on surface of plate agar
B. Flagellum
. Motility media
. Special straining methods
. Silver impregnation methods
. Dark –field microscopy
. Electron microscopy
Size: 3-20μm in length and 0.01-0.013μm in diameter.
It is composed of protein named as flagellin.
The flagellar antigen in motile bacterium is named as
H (Hauch) antigen.
B. Flagellum
Flagellar arrangements
1. Atrichous: Bacteria with no flagellum.
2. Monotrichous: Bacteria with single polar flagellum.
3. Lophotrichous: Bacteria with bunch of flagella at
one pole.
4. Amphitrichous: Bacteria with flagella at both poles.
5. Peritrichous: Bacteria with flagella all over their
Flagellar arrangements
C. Pili (fimbriae)
C. Pili (fimbriae)
It is hair like structure composed of protein (pilin)
D. Spores
Resting cells which are capable of surviving under
adverse environmental conditions like heat, drying,
freezing, action of toxic chemicals and radiation.
Bacterial spore is smooth walled and oval or spherical
in shape.
It does not take up ordinary stains.
It looks like areas of high refractivity under light
D. Spores
Arrangements of spores
1. No bulging of cell wall
. Oval central
. Oval sub terminal
Classification of bacteria
Spherical central
2. Bulging of cell wall
. Oval sub terminal
. Oval terminal
. Spherical terminal
. Free spore
1. Morphology of bacteria
When bacteria are visualized under light microscope,
the following morphology are seen.
1. Cocci (singular coccus): Round or oval bacteria
measuring about 0.5-1.0μmb in diameter.They are
found insingle, pairs, chains or clusters.
Morphology of bacteria
2. Staining of bacteria
Bacterial staining is the process of coloring of colorless bacterial
structural components using stains (dyes).The principle of
staining is to identify microorganisms selectively by using dyes,
fluorescence and radioisotope emission.
Staining reactions are made possible because of the physical
phenomena of capillary osmosis, solubility, adsorption, and
absorption of stains or dyes by cells of microorganisms.
Individual variation in the cell wall constituents among different
groups of bacteria will consequently produce variations in colors
during microscopic examination.
Nucleus is acidic in character and hence, it has greater affinity
for basic dyes. Whereas, cytoplasm is basic in character and
has greater affinity for acidic dyes.
Staining of bacteria
Properties of dyes
Why dyes color microbial cells?
Because dyes absorb radiation energy in visible region of
electromagnetic spectrum i.e., “light”(wave length 400-650). And
absorption is anything outside this range it is colorless. E.g., acid
fuschin absorbs blue green and transmit red.
General methods of staining
1. Direct staining
Is the process by which microorganisms are stained with simple
dyes. E.g., methylene blue
2. Indirect staining – is the process which needs mordants.
Properties of dyes
Differentiation (decolorization)
- is the selective removal of excess stain from the tissue
from microbial cells during regressive staining in
order that a specific substance may be stained
differentially from the surrounding cell.
1. To observe the morphology, size, and arrangement of
2. To differentiate one group of bacteria from the other
Biological stains are dyes used to stain micro-organisms.
. Make a smear and label it.
. Allow the smear to dry in air.
. Fix the smear over a flame.
.Apply a few drops of positive simple stain like 1% methylene
blue, 1% carbolfuchsin or 1% gentian violet for 1 minute.
. Wash off the stain with water.
. Air-dry and examine under the oil immersion objective.
1.2. Negative staining: The dye stains the background and the
bacteria remain unstained. Eg. Indian ink stain Negrosin stain
Differential staining method
Required reagents:
. Gram’s Iodine
. Acetone-Alcohol
. Safranin
1. Prepare the smear from the culture or from the specimen.
2. Allow the smear to air-dry completely.
3. Rapidly pass the slide (smear upper most) three times through
the flame.
4. Cover the fixed smear with crystal violet for 1 minute and wash
with distilled water.
5. Tip off the water and cover the smear with gram’s iodine for 1
Differential staining method