Properties and Classification of Microorganisms: Background Background Background Background Background

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Properties and Classification of Microorganisms


Just what are microorganisms? They are small living

forms of life, which we cannot see with the naked eye.
Bacteria, yeasts, and molds are three types of microor-
ganisms. Some people often confuse, and almost
always misunderstand, their functions, but they are just
as real and alive as you are. They eat and grow. They
reproduce and die.
Have you ever wondered just how small microorgan-
isms really are? Molds can be seen with only slight
magnification and use of an ordinary magnifying glass.
Yeasts must be viewed through a microscope that
magnifies several hundred times. Bacteria can best be
seen when studied with a more powerful microscope
that enlarges 1,000 times.
Bacteria, yeasts, and molds can be found every-
where. Scientists have gathered them from clouds
above mountain tops and in the deepest parts of the
ocean. They are present on animals, people, and even
in the air we breathe.
Microorganisms have a direct impact on our daily
lives. Some are helpful. They aid our bodily processes
by helping break down complex foods into simpler
substances. Some, called germs, are harmful to us by
the role they play in causing diseases.

The Universal Cell

All living organisms, large and small, have one thing

in common; the cell. This is a tiny living factory ca-
pable of converting simple food substances into energy
and new cell material and of reproducing itself.
Large organisms, including people, are composed of
billions of cells with many different roles. They make
up your body’s parts from your brain to your big toe.
Microorganisms, on the other hand, are made up of a
very few or even a single cell capable of carrying on all
of life’s processes. So a basic understanding of cell
structure and function is essential to understanding the
actions of bacteria, yeasts and molds.
Utah Agriculture in the Classroom Microorganisms in the Macrocosm
6 Properties and Classification of Microorganisms

The “Kingdoms” of Microorganisms

Characteristics of the organism that classifies its
kingdom: cell type, body form, cell wall composi-
tion, mode of nutrition, nervous system, and lo-

Monera: bacteria, most do not photosynthesize
(parasitic) except for the blue-green bacteria.

Protista: protozoa, some are motile and feed
upon bacteria and other organic matter. Algae
are part of this kingdom. Algae photosynthesizes
and live in water.

ungi: molds, yeasts, mushrooms, rusts, and
smuts. Parasites or decomposers. Fungi contain
no chlorophyll and cannot synthesize food. In-
stead they secrete enzymes that digest food ma-
terial outside the organisms.

Plantae: non-microscopic

Animalia: non-microscopic
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Properties and Classification of Microorganisms 7

Utah Agriculture in the Classroom Microorganisms in the Macrocosm

8 Properties and Classification of Microorganisms

Plant Cell
Since the cell is the basic unit of all living things, you
might think it is a simple structure. Nothing could be
further from the truth. The cell is complex in its
makeup and its function. Many scientists have spent
their lives studying it. The main parts of the cell are the
nucleus, cytoplasm, and the cell wall. (There are other
organells found in the cell. For an interesting look at all
the cell parts visit these web sites http://, http://
cells.htm,,, http://
BioBookCELL2.html#Table of Contents, http://, nucleus
cells.html, cytoplasm
mindsinmotion/individual/bg243/, or http:// cell wall
The nucleus is the control center. It directs cell cell membrane
division or the formation of new cells. The cytoplasm
contains the parts which convert food material into
energy and new cell material. The cell wall or mem-
brane holds everything together and controls the pas- Animal Cell
sage of material into and out of the cell. Looking at
onionskin cells and cheek cells under a microscope will
help students to see cell parts. (Procedures for making
these cell slides are found in teh Utah 6th Grade El-
ementary Science Teacher Resource Book).

Cell W alls
The cells of most microorganisms and all plants are
enclosed by a rigid cell wall
wall,, which lies just outside the
cell membrane. The cell wall gives the cell its shape
and provides protection for the cell. In plants, this wall
is composed largely of cellulose. The cell wall has many
small openings that allow materials to pass to and from
the cell membrane. Thin strands of cytoplasm some-
times extend through the walls of neighboring cells,
which allow materials to pass directly from one cell to nucleus
cell membrane
another. Animal cells do not have cell walls, just a cell
Microorganisms in the Macrocosm Utah Agriculture in the Classroom
Properties and Classification of Microorganisms 9

Cell Membrane
The cell membrane, or plasma membrane, separates Bacteria
the cell from its surrounding environment. The mem- double
brane controls the movement of materials into and out
of the cell, which makes it possible for the cell contents every...
to be chemically different from the environment. The
membrane keeps the internal conditions of the cell

Cell Nucleus
The cell nucleus (plural, nuclei), is a round, membrane- 90° 1/2 hour at 90°
bound structure that serves as the control center or
brain of the cell. If it is removed, the cell dies. It is the
largest organelle (a cell structure in the cytoplasm that
has a specific function).

70° 1 hour at 70°
The watery material in the cell between the cell mem-
brane and the nucleus is the cytoplasm. Many of the
substances involved in cell metabolism (chemical
60° 2 hours at 60°
reactions for life, including growth) are dissolved in the
cytoplasm. The cytoplasm also contains a variety of
organelles that have specific functions in cell metabo-

Monera 40° 6 hours at 40°

Bacteria (monera) make up the largest group of

microorganisms. People often think of them only as 32° 20 hours at 32°
germs and the harm they do. Actually, only a small 28° 60 hours at 28°
number of bacteria types are pathogenic (disease
causing). Most are harmless, and many are helpful.
There are thousands of different kinds of bacteria.
Some differ only slightly, and it takes a highly trained
person to identify them. There are also groups that
differ greatly in growth habits and appearance and are
quite easily identified. But regardless of minor differ-
ences, most bacteria can be classified according to five
basic cell shapes.
In addition to their different shapes, their cell ar-
rangement varies. For example, some cocci are always
Utah Agriculture in the Classroom Microorganisms in the Macrocosm
10 Properties and Classification of Microorganisms

grouped in pairs (diplococci). Others are arranged in

chains (streptococci). Still others are bunched Factors that Affect
(staphylococcl). Diplococci are the kind which cause Bacterial Growth
pneumonia. Streptococci are often associated with
“strep throat.” Staphylococci are familiar to many Moisture
because of their role in “staph infections” and some Oxygen
types of food poisoning. pH
Bacteria also vary somewhat is size, but average Temperature
about 1/25,000 inch. In other words, 25,000 bacteria Presence of inhibitors
laid side by side would occupy only one inch of space.
One cubic inch is big enough to hold nine trillion
average size bacteria—about 3,000 bacteria for every
person on earth. Bacteria multiply by binary fission or
cell division. Bacteria double every 1/2 hour at 90° F, 1
hour at 70° F, 2 hours at 60° F, 6 hours at 40° F, 20
hours at 32° F, 60 hours at 28° F.
Microorganisms, including bacteria, can also be
grouped according to their requirement for oxygen.
Some grow only in the presence of oxygen (aerobes).
Others grow only in the absence of oxygen (anaer-
obes). Some are able to grow with or without oxygen
(facultative anaerobes).
Bacteria and other microorganisms need food in
order to grow and multiply. They vary in their food
needs, but nearly everything we consider as food can
also be used as food by some types of bacteria. To be
used by bacteria, a food substance must pass into the
cell where it can be processed into energy and new cell
material. Because most foods are too complex to
move into a bacterial cell, they must be broken down
into simpler substances. Enzymes do this by increasing
the rate of biochemical reactions. Produced within the
bacterial cell, enzymes move through the cell wall to
break down the food on the outside into a form bacte-
ria can use.

Bacteria Thought Questions

1. What are six things bacteria need to survive?

food, water, proper temperature, proper acid
(pH), no inhibitors present, host

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Properties and Classification of Microorganisms 11

2. Why is it important for yogurt and cheese to set at a

certain temperature?
to allow good bacteria to grow

3. What does “active cultures” mean on a yogurt

“active cultures” mean that the bacteria is alive
and will grow if placed in the right environment

4. Why do we keep fresh food in the refrigerator or

slow bacterial growth

5. What might happen if the milk were too hot when

you put in the bacteria (yogurt culture)?

6. What if the milk were too cold?

the bacteria wouldn’t multiply and the milk would
not get thick (convert from lactose, milk sugar
to lactic acid)

7. Why does yogurt keep better than fresh milk?

good bacteria turn the milk sugar to lactic acid,
the acid environment prevents the growth of
harmful bacteria

Scientists estimate that the protists first evolved
about 3 billion years after the monerans (bacteria) were
established. Since most protists require oxygen, it is
thought that the earliest protists could not have evolved
until the “blue-green” bacteria had been producing
oxygen for billions of years.
The kingdom Protista contains many species and a
greater variety of organisms. Although most protists
are unicellular, some are multicellular organisms and
may be quite large. Some protists are heterotrophic
(get their food from their environment) others are
autotrophic and make their own food. Protists may live
Utah Agriculture in the Classroom Microorganisms in the Macrocosm
12 Properties and Classification of Microorganisms

on land or in water. Because they are so diverse, the

members of the kingdom Protista are difficult to clas-
sify. They are divided into three main groups: the
animal-like, plant-like, and fungus-like protists.

Animal-like e Protists
The animal-like protists are single-celled or colonial
organisms called protozoa
protozoa. They live in fresh and salt
water, in the soil, and in the bodies of other organisms.
All protozoa are heterotrophic. Some absorb nutrients
through their cell membranes, whereas others engulf
larger particles of food. Most protozoa are motile.
Amebas are unicellular organisms that continually
change shape and engulf food particles. Amebas
reproduce asexually by binary fission (cell division).
They are commonly found in freshwater ponds, lakes,
and streams.
Another group of the animal-like protista is called
zooflagellates. Trypanosoma gambiense is the protista
responsible for African sleeping sickness in humans.
These microorganisms are spread by the tsetse fly.
Plasmodium is a protozoa that is parasitic and
causes malaria. The spores from this parasite invade
the red blood cells of the human host, multiply there,
then break out and invade new cells. The destruction
of the red blood cells releases toxic cell wastes into the
bloodstream. These waste products cause fever, chills,
and other symptoms of malaria. Malaria is a serious,
sometimes fatal, disease. Although it can be treated
with drugs, one method of prevention is to eliminate
the Anopheles mosquito. In spite of the widespread
use of pesticides in many countries, millions of people
are still infected with malaria, especially in tropical

Plant-likee Protists
The plant-like protists, commonly called algae,
resemble plants because they are all photosynthetic.
Like the protozoa, algae are very diverse. Some are
tiny, single-celled organisms with flagella. Others are
large, multicellular organisms like seaweed. Like plants,

Microorganisms in the Macrocosm Utah Agriculture in the Classroom

Properties and Classification of Microorganisms 13

algae have chloroplasts, which contain the photosyn-

thetic pigment chlorophyll.
Another group in this category is called the eugle-
noids. These single-celled protists have both plant-like
and animal-like characteristics. Like plants, they con-
tain chloroplasts and photosynthetic pigment. How-
ever, they do not have cell walls. Like some of the
protozoa, euglenoids move by means of flagella. One
typical euglenoid is euglena, an organism common in
pond water.
The euglena is a single-celled organism having two
flagella. The cell has a large, central nucleus and
numerous chloroplasts, which contain chlorophyll.
Chlorophyll gives euglenas their grass-green color.
Euglenas are primarily photosynthetic. However, in the
absence of light, they live as heterotrophs, absorbing
dissolved nutrients from the environment.


Yeasts are small, single-cell organisms. They are
members of the family fungi (singular, fungus), that also
include mushrooms. Fungi differ from other plants in
that they have no chlorophyll. Thus they have been
useful to man for centuries in the production of certain
foods and beverages. They are responsible for the
rising of bread dough and the fermentation of wine,
whiskey, brandy and beer. They also play the initial role
in the production of vinegar. Most yeasts can live only
on sugars and starches. From these they produce
carbon dioxide gas and alcohol. Yeasts reproduce by a
method called budding. A small knob or bud forms on
the parent cell, grows and finally separates to become a
new yeast cell. Although this is the most common
method of reproduction, yeasts also multiply by the
formation of spores.
Some yeasts are psychrophilic and so they can grow
at relatively low temperatures. In fact, the fermentation
of wines and beer is often carried out at temperatures

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14 Properties and Classification of Microorganisms

near 40° F. Because some kinds are psychrophiles,

they can create a spoilage problem in meat coolers and
other refrigerated storage areas.
Because they can grow under conditions of high salt
or sugar content, they can cause the spoilage of certain
foods in which bacteria would not grow. Examples are
honey, jellies, maple syrup and sweetened condensed
milk. Foods produced by the bacterial fermentation
process, such as pickles and sauerkraut, can also be
spoiled by yeasts which interfere with the normal fer-
mentative process. Certain yeasts are pathogenic.
However, yeast infections are much less common than
are bacterial infections.

Molds are probably the best known of the microor-
ganisms. They are widely distributed in nature and
grow under a variety of conditions in which air and
moisture are present. They are also plants and a part
of the fungi family. Nearly everyone has seen mold
growth on damp clothing and old shoes. The mold we
see with the naked eye is actually a colony of millions of
mold cells growing together. Molds vary in appearance.
Some are fluffy and filament-like; others are moist and
glossy; still others are slimy.
Molds are made up of more than one cell. Vegetative
cells sustain the organism by taking in food substances
for energy and the production of new cell material.
Reproductive cells produce small “seed” cells called
spores. Unlike bacterial spores, mold spores are the
source of new mold organisms. Bacterial spores gener-
ally form only when environmental conditions are
Mold cells form a “fruiting body.” The fruiting body
produces the spores, which detach and are carried by
air currents and deposited to start new mold colonies
whenever conditions are favorable.
Mold spores are quite abundant in the air. So any
food allowed to stand in the open soon becomes con-
taminated with mold if adequate moisture is present.
Some types of molds are also psychrophiles (grow in

Microorganisms in the Macrocosm Utah Agriculture in the Classroom

Properties and Classification of Microorganisms 15

cool temperatures) and can cause spoilage of refriger-

ated foods.
Molds are important to the food industry. Among
their many contributions are the flavor and color they
add to cheeses, and the making of soy sauce. They
also play a role in making chemicals such as citric and
lactic acid and many enzymes. Molds can also cause
problems in foods. Certain kinds can produce poisons
called mycotoxins. Mycotoxins have only recently been
discovered and little is known about what causes molds
to produce them. Probably the best known use of
molds is in the drug industry, where they help produce
such antibiotics as penicillin.

Club F ungi: Mushrooms, Rusts and Smuts

Mushrooms, toadstools, bracket fungi, shelf fungi,
puffballs and other various parasites such as rust and
smuts are club fungi. Club fungi reproduce by spores.
The mushroom is the fruiting body. The “roots” which
are really the mycelium grow in very fertile soil or other
plant and/or animal organic matter. The mycelium may
live for years, slowly growing underground. Only when
the conditions are favorable do mushrooms (the fruit-
ing body) grow up above the surface. The spores are
formed in the gills located within the “cap.” Under
close examination the spores are produced in an area
of the gills that are shaped like “clubs.”
Rusts are club fungi that produce rust-colored spores
during one phase of their life cycle. Rusts are parasites
on wheat, barley, oats, and other crops. Each year they
cause millions of dollars of damage to crops. Smuts
are similar to rusts. Their name refers to the black
dusty-looking mass of spores they form within the
tissues of the host plant. Smuts attack corn, wheat,
oats, barley, and rye.

Utah Agriculture in the Classroom Microorganisms in the Macrocosm

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