SSP 476 Rear Axle Drive 0BF0BE - Sport Differential en

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Self-study program 476

Rear axle drive 0BF/0BE

– Sport differential

Service Training
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quattro with sport differential

The quattro drive is still the best-known all-wheel drive concept and is directly Electronic control systems such as the electronic differential lock EDS, the Audi-
associated with Audi. typical tuning of the ESP stabilization system and the wheel-selective torque control
enable a further improvement in traction properties and contribute to the great
quattro stands for: driving pleasure and high stability of quattro.
• outstanding traction
• superior driving characteristics
• increased driving safety The sports differential offers a new dimension in driving dynamics through targeted
• Emotion and fascination control of the power flow to the wheels on the rear axle. This allows the vehicle
to steer into corners more spontaneously and directly and maintains directional
The quattro drive is therefore one of the most important unique selling points1) of the stability for significantly longer. Understeering becomes a foreign word.
Audi brand and requires continuous innovation.

to ensure that customers always receive the best all-wheel drive for the road.
The sports differential is aimed at customers who have very high demands on the
With its superior traction and driving dynamics, quattro technology is already at the driving dynamics of their vehicle and are looking for a special driving experience.
highest level.

By distributing the propulsion forces across all four wheels, each drive wheel has
more potential for lateral guidance. The vehicle remains stable for longer.

Unique selling points are outstanding performance features
that distinguish one brand from another brand.

In the field of marketing, we talk about so-called USP – unique

selling proposition.


The sports differential was first introduced in the Audi S4 in 2009. Since then, Customer benefits of the sports differential
customers with sporting ambitions have been able to order the sports differential as an
option in all S models and particularly powerful models in the B8, C7 and D42 • improved, direct steering behavior with low steering effort – more agile handling
series .
• outstanding acceleration in curves
The sports differential is an attractive option for the sporty, ambitious driver, and is • Stabilization of the vehicle during load change reactions
not available anywhere else in this combination with the quattro drive. • Increased driving stability without loss of dynamics (reverse function of ESP)

• Reduction of understeer when accelerating in

Especially with high friction values

2) The Audi A8 with 4.2l TDI engine comes with the sports differential as standard. • fast system response times
• maintenance-free

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Table of contents

Physical basics
Basics of moment transverse distribution _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4
Possibilities of the superposition differential (sports differential) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5

Operation – Functions
Audi drive select _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6

System overview _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7

Technical data ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8th

Gearbox section _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________10 Superposition

gear (ring gear) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________12

Multi-disk clutch ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________14
Power flow and driving dynamics ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________16

Oil budget overview


Separation points sport differential 0BF _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________20

Separation points sport differential 0BE _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________22

Hydraulic control
Hydraulic control unit _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________23
Component overview _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________24

Hydraulic plan _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________25

Hydraulic function switch positions ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________26

Sensors and actuators Oil pressure and oil

temperature sensor G437/G640 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________30
Pump for all-wheel drive V415 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________32
Hydraulic pump _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________32

Clutch valve for all-wheel drive N445/N446 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________34

Pressure relief valves ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________35

Electrical control
Functional plan – B8 series ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________36

Networking bus topology – B8 series ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________37

Functional plan – D4 and C7 series ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________38

Networking bus topology – D4 and C7 series _______________________________________________________________________________________________________39

All-wheel drive control unit J492 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________40

Guided functions ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________42

Other notes and information ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________46

Repair overview ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________48

Test your knowledge ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________50

Audi iTV training

Get more additional information about the sports differential • Audi quattro with sports differential 0BF Part 2

You from the following four Audi iTV programs: • Audi quattro with Contents: Construction and function

sports differential 0BF Part 1 Oil management and electro-hydraulic control

Content: Mode of operation, driving dynamics with sports differential • Audi quattro with sports differential 0BF Part 3

Operation, mode of operation and function Contents: Repairs to the sport differential • Audi quattro
with sport differential 0BF Part 4

Contents: Working and testing with the vehicle diagnostic tester

The self-study program provides the basics of the design and function of new vehicle models, new vehicle components or new technologies.

The self-study program is not a repair manual! The values given are only intended to facilitate understanding and refer to the data status valid at
the time the SSP was created.
For maintenance and repair work, please be sure to use the latest technical literature.
! Notice


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Physical basics

Basics of moment transverse distribution

The classic, open differential always distributes drive torques equally, the left When cornering, the dynamic wheel load distribution means that the wheel on the inside
and right wheels always transmit the same forces (50:50), which means that the of the curve determines how much torque the wheels can transfer, as it is the first to start
transmission is almost free of yaw moments. spinning (the torque is lost). In this case, the inner wheel cannot transfer any torque,
and therefore neither can the side on the outside of the curve. The same applies if a

wheel comes onto ice, for example, this side cannot transfer any torque. Accordingly,
the opposite side cannot transfer any torque either.

However, a differential always has a certain amount of internal friction. This friction leads
to a small “locking torque” and this locking torque can always take effect. This
physical property is used in the self-locking center differentials in the quattro drive.


With a limited-slip differential, depending on the locking value, a certain torque is

shifted from the faster-rotating wheel to the slower-rotating wheel (inside of the
curve). During normal cornering, this creates steering effects that counteract the
steering direction. The vehicle tends to understeer.

When cornering quickly, the behavior changes.

The load on the other wheel is reduced and tends to spin. The limited-slip differential
transfers the torque to the outside wheel and the
Axle can continue to transfer torque.


With the superposition differential we have an additional path of action1). Using In contrast to a limited-slip differential, with a superposition differential not only is
a superposition gear and a clutch for each side, drive torque can be directed from the a torque transmitted via a clutch, but additional torque is added with a clutch by means
differential housing to the left or right flange shaft (inner or outer side of the curve). of a gear ratio.

This path of action can be used in both pulling and pushing operation. The clutch together with the gear ratio is called a superposition gear or superposition
unit because an additional torque (and speed) is “superimposed” on the existing
power flow by means of a gear ratio.
The sport differential belongs to the category of superposition differentials.
The superposition gear has a gear ratio of high speed (i<1). The additional drive
torque results from or acts as a result of the increase in speed.

1) Path of action = a path that the flow of force can follow.

476_005 476_006

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Possibilities of the superposition differential (sports differential)

If a wheel on an axle is accelerated with the help of the superposition gear, a yaw The sport differential controls the power flow continuously and at lightning speed,
moment is generated on the vehicle, which has a steering effect on the vehicle. giving the vehicle neutral and precise handling both under load and when coasting.
Even disruptive load change reactions when the accelerator is released in a curve
A similar effect is known from electronic stabilization are significantly reduced. Thanks to its delay-free and continuous operation, the
ESP control program, which also generates a yaw moment through braking sport differential also works much more smoothly than the ESP.
intervention, which stabilizes the vehicle and keeps it on course.

The sport differential and the ESP work closely together. The ESP is specially
The physical operating principle of the sports differential is the opposite of that tailored to the sport differential. However, as soon as the ESP detects a critical
of the ESP. Instead of braking a wheel, it is accelerated. This increases driving driving situation, it takes control and deactivates the sport differential.
dynamics and shifts the vehicle-specific limit range closer to the physically possible
limit. ESP intervention is required less often. If the sports differential is not activated, it acts like a conventional rear axle transmission.

Intervention in understeer
When understeering, the front of the car slides out of the curve. By deliberately shifting
the power flow to the outside of the curve, a yaw moment is generated, which steers
the vehicle into the curve. Understeering is thus counteracted right from the start.


Driving situations

When driving dynamically through curve combinations, higher lateral accelerations

and cornering speeds are achieved despite less steering effort from the driver.

Change of direction – torque shift

depending on the driving situation to
improve agility or stability

Turning – shifting the torque

outwards to improve the
Accelerating out of the curve –
Willingness to curve
Moment shift outwards to
Acceleration understeer


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Operation – Functions

Audi drive select

Dynamic steering Engine/accelerator pedal characteristic curve


Control unit – Audi drive select

Switch module for Charisma E592

Car Logbook
Damping control
Audi drive select individual

Engine / gear dynamic

Dynamic steering automobile

Damper control comfort

Sport differential dynamic

automatic transmission climate

Sport differential

The sport differential is an optional1) component of the innovative Audi drive select The sports differential is always active when driving and cannot be switched off
driving dynamics system. The driver can choose between three different levels completely2). The operating range extends over a speed range between 15 km/h
of performance using the three operating modes comfort, auto and dynamic on and 150 km/h.
the Audi drive select control panel.
The sports differential does not act as a differential lock if a rear wheel spins when
setting off. However, newer vehicle models in the D4 series and the C7 series have
In comfort mode, the activation of the sports differential is limited to a minimum. It is a so-called "traction function", see page 46.
mainly used to react to load changes.

optimally dampened, which gives the vehicle a very balanced behavior.

In auto mode, the sports differential supports driving dynamics in an optimal manner.
The vehicle steers very agilely through bends.

In dynamic mode, the effect of the sports differential is felt to the maximum. The
driving dynamics are tuned to be particularly sporty.

Further information on Audi drive select

can be found in the following SSPs:

• SSP 409 (B8 series Audi A4 '08)
• SSP 478 (series C7 Audi A7 Sportback)
• SSP 486 (series C7 Audi A6 '11)
• SSP 456 (D4 series Audi A8 '10) Control unit for
All-wheel drive J492

Rear axle drive

1) The Audi A8 with 4.2l TDI engine has a sport differential (Sport differential)
installed as standard.

2) The sports differential can only be switched off by disconnecting the power supply
to the corresponding components.

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System overview
The sports differential consists of the following components: The sports differential works very closely with the ESP.
The ESP control unit is specially designed to coexist with the sports differential.
• Rear axle drive 0BF/0BE
• All-wheel drive pump V415
• two clutch valves N445/N446 To control the drive torque, the sports differential essentially uses the following
• two oil pressure and oil temperature sensors G437/G640 signals1):
• All-wheel drive control unit J4921)
• Steering angle
• Wheel speed of the four wheels
• Yaw rate2)

• Lateral acceleration2)

Control unit – Audi drive select Electronic stabilization program ESP

Switch module for Charisma E592 ABS control unit J104

Steering angle sensor G85

Sensor unit for ESP G4192)

Sensor unit 2 for ESP G5362)

Wheel speed sensors (4x)


1) The signals are provided via different bus systems depending on the vehicle
model, see pages 36 – 39.

2) The measured variables yaw rate and lateral acceleration are

Very important signals for the sports differential and the dynamic steering for
driving safety reasons. For this reason, these sensors are redundant (twice). In the
B8 series, these sensors are located in the sensor unit for ESP G419

and in the sensor unit 2 for ESP G536. In the D4 series

and C7, the sensors for yaw rate and lateral acceleration (2x each) are integrated
in the sensor electronics control unit J849.

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Technical data

Terms in the service Rear axle drive 0BF1) Rear axle drive 0BE1)

Internal HL601 HL951

In sales department Sport differential Sport differential

Development Magna Powertrain (Graz, Austria) Magna Powertrain (Graz, Austria)

– Audi AG – Audi AG

Manufacturer Magna Powertrain Magna Powertrain

Torque capacity up to approx. 700 Nm (engine torque) up to approx. 1000 Nm (engine torque)

Translation overlay unit i = 0.913

total iges = 0.913
Weight approx. 43.5 kg (incl. oils) approx. 55 kg (incl. oils)

Oil budgets Axle oil in the axle drive – bevel gear/differential (one oil supply)
ATF in the two overlay units (one oil supply)

1) PR number (special equipment number) = GH2

Rear axle drive 0BF


Overlay unit left

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Rear axle drive 0BE


Axle drive (angle drive and differential)


Overlay unit right

The sports differential consists of a conventional axle gear and two newly developed,
automated superposition units, which are arranged on the left and right. One
superposition unit consists of the superposition gear and a multi-plate clutch.

With the help of the integrated multi-plate clutches, the superposition gears can
distribute the drive power variably between the wheels of the rear axle.

The multi-plate clutches are operated by the hydraulic control unit. An electric motor
drives a high-performance oil pump, which provides the necessary hydraulic pressure.
All functions are controlled and monitored by a separate control unit.
Actuators – hydraulic control unit

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Gearbox cut
Rear axle drive 0BF (sport differential)

The 0BF sports differential can be combined with all engines up to approx.
700 Nm. It is currently used in the model series
B8, C7 and D4 installed.

Bleeding the bevel gear/differential

Right vent
Overlay unit

Ventilation of the left

Overlay unit
Overlay unit

Overlay unit left hydraulic

Control unit


Multi-disk clutch


Clutch piston Hydraulic piping hydraulic pump Engine for the

hydraulic pump

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Rear axle drive 0BE (sport differential)

The sport differential 0BE is currently only intended for the Audi A8 '10 with a In order to cope with the high torque of the 4.2l TDI engine (800 Nm), the drive
4.2l TDI engine. The sport differential 0BE corresponds in function and structure to the train components, crown gear, pinion, differential, bearings and all housing parts are
sport differential 0BF. dimensioned accordingly larger. This makes the 0BE gearbox around 45 mm wider
The overlay units on the left and right as well as the electro-hydraulic control have also and around 11.5 kg heavier than the 0BF gearbox.
been adopted from the 0BF.

Flange shaft – Cardan shaft Superposition gear

Superposition gear

Flange shaft – left 476_018

Note on replacing the rear axle drive 0BF/0BE

The rear axle drive 0BF/0BE must always be assigned to the all-wheel drive control unit The identity is determined by the two oil pressure and oil temperature sensors G437/G640.
J492 and taught in. They have a chip with an individual identifier. Each sensor is therefore unique and has
Without this learning process, the sports differential will not work. The axle its own serial number, see page 31.
drive and the control unit are paired with each other.
To replace the axle drive, the vehicle diagnostic tester has a function called “Replace
When teaching a new axle drive, the axle drive is assigned (identified) to the control rear axle drive”. This includes all the steps and processes required to teach the
unit. The friction values of the multi-plate clutches (classification) are taught to
the control unit, see pages 14 and 41. Sport differential to the control unit. Further information on replacing the sport
differential can be found on page 41.
Each axle drive is given an identity. The classification of the multi-disk clutches is
engraved on the housing, see page 14.

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Superposition gear (ring gear)

Schematic representation
The superposition gear consists of two coaxially arranged ring
gears with a reduction stage (i1>1) and a transmission stage
(i2<1). The transmission ratios i1 and i2 together result in a
transmission ratio of approx. 10% to the fast stage (i<1), see
Ring gear 1
calculation on page 13.

Multi-disk clutch

Gearbox cut


Ring gear 2 Differential Ring gear

Ring gear 1 Sprouting

Ring gear 2 Ring gear

Multi-disk clutch left Differential

Multi-disk clutch right

Clutch piston

Sun gear 2

Sun gear 1 Double shaft seal

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Ring gear 1 The sun gear 1 (Z1) is positively connected to the differential
Section A – A housing or to the ring gear and drives the ring gear 1 (Z2). The
ring gear 1 transmits the torque to the ring gear 2 (Z3) in
the case of a friction-locking multi-disk clutch . The ring gear 2
in turn engages the sun gear 2 (Z4), which is an integral part of
the flange shaft and ultimately transmits the torque to the gear.
The flange shaft is also positively connected and thus
continuously connected to the bevel gear of the differential.
With the help of the superposition gear, additional
torque can be applied, depending on the frictional connection
of the multi-plate clutch, combined with an increase in speed.
This increases the transmitted power.

Sun gear 1 – Z1 33z

Ring gear 1 – Z2 38z

i = Z2 : Z1 x Z4 : Z3
total B
= 38 : 33 × 23 : 29
= 0.913

Multi-disk clutch


Ring gear 2
A Section B – B
Flange shaft with
Sun gear 2

Speed increase on the flange shaft Speed of

the ring gear = nInput 1000 1/min
Flange shaft speed = nOutput ?
nOutput = nInput : iges
= 1000 rpm : 0.913
= 1095 rpm (speed increase of approx. 10%)

Sun gear 2 – Z4 23z

Ring gear 2 – Z3 29z


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Multi-disk clutch
The multi-disk clutches are integrated in the ring gear and are
operated electro-hydraulically. They transfer a desired clutch torque
from the ring gear of the first ring gear ratio to the second ring
gear ratio, i.e. from the ring gear to the flange shaft. The ratio
results in a corresponding superposition torque.

The superposition torque is calculated by the transmission control

unit and realized via a defined clutch pressure.

The multi-disk clutches are operated exclusively with slip.

This means that they are not completely force-locked
during operation. The superimposed torque is limited to a
maximum of 1200 Nm, see page 35.

Due to the design of the hydraulic control, only one multi-plate

clutch can be controlled at a time (left or right side), not both sides
at the same time.
The multi-plate clutches and the ring gears operate in an ATF
Multi-disk clutch
oil bath. The ring gear stages generate a certain oil flow that
directs the ATF to the clutch plates for lubrication and cooling.

Note: There are a number of functions available in the vehicle

diagnostic tester for checking the clutches and the control
system, see page 42 onwards.

Clutch control – friction coefficient, classification

The friction values of the two clutches must be communicated to

the control unit so that the clutch control can control the clutch
torque as precisely as possible.
Identification letter/construction data Flange cardan shaft
Only when the friction coefficient is known to the control unit can
a corresponding clutch torque be generated via a defined clutch

For this reason, the friction values of the clutches are determined on the
manufacturer's test bench. These friction values are grouped (classified) and assigned

the corresponding classification numbers. This process is called classification.

The classification is engraved on the sports differential and is also shown on the

Barcode stickers.

The classification is given in hexadecimal numbers.

It must be entered into the control unit using the vehicle diagnostic
tester. By entering the classification, the control unit knows the
friction value of the respective clutch and can control it accordingly.

Please note the instructions and effects when entering the

classification on pages 40 and 41.
Without entering the classification, the function of the sports
differential is blocked (with corresponding event memory entry). 6B31 FF22

Classification Classification
left clutch right clutch

Further information on the principles of power transmission of “wet” multi-plate clutches and on adaptation can be found in Self-
Study Programme 385 from page 54.

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Clutch adaptation

Like any other component, the friction coefficient of a multi-plate clutch operated in Through tests on the test bench, the friction coefficient changes

an oil bath is subject to certain changes due to ageing and wear of the oil and the with corresponding energy inputs of the clutches. The friction coefficient changes
affected components (e.g. clutch plates, parts used for control). determined in this way are stored as a correction factor in the control unit. The clutch
control takes this correction factor into account when calculating the clutch pressure.

The control unit must take this change in the friction coefficient into account so that
it can control a desired clutch torque. Due to this type of clutch adaptation, special procedures must be observed when
For this purpose, the control unit of the sports differential carries out a continuous replacing the following system components:
clutch adaptation.

The clutch adaptation is a function in the control unit of the sports differential. • All-wheel drive control unit J492, see page 40
The clutch adaptation works as follows: • Rear axle drive 0BF/0BE, see page 41
• Oil pressure and oil temperature sensor G437/G640, see page 31
The control unit calculates the power (P) and work (W) (W = P xt) performed by • Multi-disk clutches or overlay units (if the repair depth allows for this)
each clutch for each clutch activation. These values for the individual clutch
activations are saved and added up over the running time.

In other words, the energy input is calculated for each clutch and stored over the
running time.

Clutch temperature monitoring

The clutch temperature is calculated by the control unit taking the ATF temperature
into account. Once a defined temperature limit is reached, the system is
temporarily switched off. A corresponding error message is then displayed in the
instrument cluster, see pages 30 and 41.

Steel slats

Covering slats

Clutch thrust bearing

Ring gear 1 / outer disk carrier

Ring gear 2 / inner disk carrier

Clutch piston 476_026

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Power flow and driving dynamics

Curve radius

As already described, with the sports differential a defined drive torque is transmitted Steering radius

by means of a clutch and the associated superposition gear.

P = 100 %
Not only is a torque shifted, but the speed is also increased at the same time via a
gear ratio. Only the increase in speed plus the torque shift, e.g. to the outside of
the curve, produces the desired effect, generating a yaw moment on the
vehicle, which steers the vehicle into the curve.

50% 50%

The product of torque and speed is the power. The drive power therefore
results from the drive torque and speed.

Therefore, to better explain the force distribution, the power (P) is considered in the
further course. without sports differential –
larger steering angle required,
Yaw moment free


P = 50 %

n = speed XNm

M = moment n higher

P = Performance M lower

X Nm = locking torque due to friction in the differential.

This moment is not taken into account in the calculation examples

Power distribution without control

When driving straight ahead, the sports differential is not activated. In terms of driving dynamics, this situation has an understeering effect because the
The drive power is distributed equally to the rear wheels by the differential. driving forces and other driving dynamics influences work against cornering. The
vehicle must be steered through the curve with the appropriate steering angle so
that it follows the desired curve radius. This means that the steering angle must be
The example shown above shows driving through a right-hand bend without activating greater than is theoretically required for the curve radius.
the sports differential. The power distribution is the same as with a normal axle
drive with an open differential.

If the traction capacity on the inside of the curve is exceeded, the wheel spins and
Due to the speed compensation when cornering and a certain amount of friction the drive torque suddenly drops to a very low value. This behavior has a negative
in the differential, the drive torque (X Nm) is shifted towards the inside of the curve. effect on driving dynamics because it greatly reduces the vehicle's propulsion.


! The values shown in these examples are intended to provide a better understanding of the situation. They do not take into account all losses and factors that occur
in practice.

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Power distribution with control

Depending on the driving situation, the drive power can be sensitively redirected This results in a drive power of 73% on the outside of the curve and a drive power
via the superposition gears with the help of the clutches. of 25% on the inside of the curve. This results in a power difference of 48% in favor
of the outside of the curve. Traction no longer depends on the inside wheel, as the
greater drive power is shifted to the outside wheel.
In a right-hand bend, for example, additional drive power is shifted to the left wheel.

Of the 100% input power, 50% is directed to the left flange shaft by defined control of This distribution of drive power causes a yaw moment on the vehicle, which steers
the left clutch. into the curve. A smaller steering angle is required than when cornering without
The clutch works with slip, which produces heat and results in a loss of about 2%. power shift.
Therefore, only 48% of the diverted power of the 50% reaches the flange shaft. Understeering is prevented and the drive power is available where the greatest
traction is available, namely on the outside of the curve. The dynamic driving limit is
extended and the ESP intervenes significantly later.
The other 50% are distributed over the differential as on the

described on the previous page to the left (25%) and to the right (25%).

P = 100 %
Curve radius

Steering radius

P = 50 %

steering yaw moment

n higher
73% 25%
M lower

with sports differential – less

steering angle required
by steering yaw moment

approx. 2%

48 %1)


25% XNm

= 73%

1) max. 1200Nm

The sum of the output power (+ clutch torque loss) corresponds to the input power (other
losses are not taken into account) 48% + 25% = 73% + 25% = 98% + 2% =

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Oil budgets


Axle oil1)

1) Lifetime filling, for RS

models with exchangeable
interval, see page 47

Oil chamber of the

right overlay unit

Oil chamber of the Oil room of the 476_031

left overlay unit Angle drive/differential

The sports differential has two oil reservoirs and three oil chambers. An oil channel connects the oil chambers of the two superposition gears. A ball
valve is integrated in the oil channel. It ensures that the oil level on both sides is
The angle drive and the differential have their own oil chamber which is filled with axle balanced and prevents overflow to one side when a defined lateral acceleration occurs.
oil (hypoid oil) .

Separately, the two superposition gears each have their own oil chamber. The two oil
chambers are connected to each other via an oil channel. They thus form a common oil
reservoir that is filled with a special ATF . In addition to lubricating and cooling the
superposition gears and the multi-disk clutches, this oil reservoir supplies the hydraulic
control system with the necessary oil.

Ball valve

large lateral acceleration


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Left vent
Overlay unit

Vent of the
Angle drive/differential

Right vent
Overlay unit

Symbol for the axle drive


Bleeder, filling, inspection and drain screws on the sports differential 0BF

Filling and inspection screw – axle oil


Filling and inspection screw – ATF

Axle oil drain plug

ATF drain plug

Both the ATF1) and the axle oil1) are for Lifetime1)
and are not changed during normal service.
If the ATF is refilled when changing1) or after a repair, the hydraulic system must
be bled.
For this purpose, a corresponding function is available in the vehicle
diagnostic tester, which ensures a defined process and the venting of the
system, see page 43.

1) ATF and axle oil change interval only for RS models,

see page 47.
Ball valve

ATF drain plug

no or little lateral acceleration

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Separation points sport differential 0BF

A double shaft seal and a special sealing ring (rectangular ring) on both sides ensure Due to different requirements, the oils from two neighboring oil systems are often
a safe separation of the oil supplies between the overlay units and the axle very different. Mixing the oils can therefore have serious consequences. For this

drive. reason, double shaft seals with oil leak holes are used at these separation points.

The double shaft seal consists of two simple shaft seals arranged next to each
other. There is a small annular gap between the two shaft seals, which is ventilated
to the outside (into the open air) via a hole (leakage oil hole).

If one of the two shaft seals becomes leaky, the oil from the affected oil system
escapes to the outside via the leak oil hole. This prevents the oils from the different
oil systems from mixing in the event of leaks.


Leak oil hole left

When cornering, there is a radial relative movement between sun gear 1 and the
flange shaft (sun gear 2).
The rectangular ring is a specially shaped sealing ring that withstands this radial
sealing task and reliably seals both oil systems against each other without a leakage
oil hole.

Rectangular ring Double shaft seal

Flange shaft

Double shaft seal left side

Rectangular ring

Leak oil hole left side

Sun gear 1


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The separation points of the oil systems of the sports differential 0BF and 0BE are
almost identical.

However, the position of the leak oil holes is different, see next page.

Leak oil hole right

Sun gear 1

Flange shaft with

Sun gear 2

Rectangular ring


Leak oil hole right side Double shaft seal right side


When replacing a double shaft seal, it is particularly important to ensure that the ventilation (leakage oil hole) is freely accessible. The correct offset must
be observed precisely, otherwise the sealing ring may cover the leakage oil hole and thus become blocked.

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Separation points sports differential 0BE

Filling and inspection screw – ATF

The sports differentials 0BF and 0BE are largely identical in their basic design.
However, the changes in the axle drive require significant adjustments to the
housing parts.
As a result, the filling, inspection and drain plugs as well as the leakage oil holes
on the 0BE gearbox are partly in different places than on the 0BF gearbox.
ATF drain plug Leak oil hole left side


Filling and inspection screw – axle oil


Leak oil hole right side Axle oil drain plug

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Hydraulic control

Hydraulic control unit

Control unit

Seal with sieve

The hydraulic control unit is flanged to the sports differential as a

complete unit.
An oil reservoir integrated into the transmission housing ensures the oil
supply even during extreme lateral acceleration.
The oil reservoir is filled while driving by the oil flow caused by the
gears. A splash guard prevents the oil from splashing back during
strong acceleration.

476_040 Oil reservoir Splash guard

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Component overview

Pump (motor) for all-wheel drive V415

Rotary inlet/pump bearing

Shuttle valves Pipe to coupling


hydraulic pump

Support bearing

Bearing bush


Actuator housing

Oil pressure and oil temperature sensor G437


Oil pressure and oil temperature sensor 2 G640

Check valves (suction valve)

All-wheel drive clutch valve N445

Clutch valve 2 for all-wheel drive N446




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Hydraulic plan

4 4

G437 (brown)

Clutch left Clutch right

G640 (black)

1 1

N445 (black) V415 N446 (brown)




1 Check valve (suction valve) G437 Oil pressure and oil temperature sensor (brown)
2 hydraulic pump G640 Oil pressure and oil temperature sensor 2 (black)
3 Shuttle valve N445 All-wheel drive clutch valve (black)
4 Pressure relief valve N446 Clutch valve 2 for all-wheel drive (brown)
V415 pump for all-wheel drive

Structure of the hydraulic system

The hydraulic system is designed in such a way that by changing the The advantage of this design is that it requires fewer components and
direction of rotation of the pump and in conjunction with the that pressure can be increased and reduced very quickly. Because the
corresponding coupling and check valve, the pressure builds up on the suction and pressure sides alternate, both the oil volume flow
respective side (coupling). and the leakages remain very low.

Only one side (one clutch) can be controlled at a time. If the coupling valves are de-energized, the system is depressurized.

With the help of the shuttle valves, the clutch pressure on both sides can be
measured with one sensor.
For safety reasons, two sensors are installed.

Further information and tips on removing and installing various parts of the hydraulic control system can be found in the iTV program “Audi
quattro with sports differential 0BF Part 3, repairs to the sports differential”.

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Hydraulic function switch positions

Activation of the right clutch

4 4

G437 (brown)

Clutch left Clutch right

G640 (black)

1 1

N445 (black) V415 N446 (brown)


Activation of the left clutch

4 4

G437 (brown)

Clutch left Clutch right

G640 (black)

1 1

N445 (black) V415 N446 (brown)


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Activating the clutch Actuation change (page change)

Starting from a pressureless system, the activation of a clutch is carried out The actuation change describes the situation when the vehicle makes a
as described below using the example of the left seamless change of direction (e.g. from a right turn to a left turn).

The clutch valve N445 is energized and thus closed. In this situation, the hydraulic pump's polarity is reversed accordingly and
At the same time, the all-wheel drive pump V415 is energized in a defined the clutch valves are controlled.
manner and polarized so that pressure builds up to the left clutch. The pump speed Because the suction and pressure sides change, the pressure oil from the
defines the pressure in the clutch cylinder and thus the clutch torque. The oil is opening clutch is sucked out and directed to the closing clutch. During this
sucked in via the right check valve and through the open clutch valve N446. process, hardly any additional oil needs to be sucked in from the oil sump.
This makes it possible to change the actuation very quickly.

The shuttle valves 3 close the connections to the clutch on the right. The two
oil pressure and oil temperature sensors G437 and G640 measure the
pressure in the left clutch cylinder. The pressure limiting valves 4 prevent the
oil from flowing out.

The right clutch is controlled analogously.

Actuation change (page change)

4 4

G437 (brown)

Clutch left Clutch right

G640 (black)

1 1

N445 (black) V415 N446 (brown)


pressureless Suction pressure Clutch pressure


1 Check valve (suction valve) G437 Oil pressure and oil temperature sensor (brown)
2 hydraulic pump G640 Oil pressure and oil temperature sensor 2 (black)
3 Shuttle valve N445 All-wheel drive clutch valve (black)
4 Pressure relief valve N446 Clutch valve 2 for all-wheel drive (brown)
V415 pump for all-wheel drive

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Pressure reduction 1

4 4

G437 (brown)

Clutch left Clutch right

G640 (black)

1 1

N445 (black) V415 N446 (brown)


The pressure can be reduced in two ways: Pressure reduction 2: The actuators are switched off and the pressure is
automatically reduced via the open coupling valves. This variant of pressure
Pressure reduction 1: Here the pressure is actively reduced using reduction is used, for example, if there is a corresponding system error and the
the hydraulic pump. The pressure reduction occurs very quickly. system must be deactivated.

Pressure reduction 2

4 4

G437 (brown)

Clutch left 3 Clutch right

G640 (black)

1 1

N445 (black) V415 N446 (brown)



1 Check valve (suction valve) G437 Oil pressure and oil temperature sensor (brown)
2 hydraulic pump G640 Oil pressure and oil temperature sensor 2 (black)
3 Shuttle valve N445 All-wheel drive clutch valve (black)
4 Pressure relief valve N446 Clutch valve 2 for all-wheel drive (brown)
V415 pump for all-wheel drive

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System venting

To ensure that air in the system does not affect the reaction and function, the hydraulic The system is flushed and any trapped air escapes. The oil is returned to the
system is vented at regular intervals. The prerequisites for activating the venting respective oil chamber.
function are: tet.

• Engine idling, Note: After working on the hydraulics of the sports differential, the hydraulic system
• Wheel speed = 0, must be bled. A function is available for this in the vehicle diagnostic tester, see
• Time factor. page 43.

If the requirements are met, the pump on each side is controlled at full power for a
period of approx. 100 – 200 ms until the pressure relief valves open (= maximum For further information, see the section “Start-Stop operation” on page 46.

Pressure relief valve right

Pressure relief valve left


4 4

G437 (brown)

Clutch left Clutch right

G640 (black)

1 1

N445 (black) V415 N446 (brown)


pressureless Suction pressure maximum clutch pressure

or low pressure

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Sensors and actuators

Oil pressure and oil temperature sensor G437/G640

Oil pressure sensors

When controlling the clutches, monitoring the clutch pressure is an

important and safety-relevant task.
For this reason, two pressure sensors measure the clutch pressure 476_052 476_053
of the clutch that is currently being actuated. Two shuttle valves G437 (Sensor 1)
rising characteristic curve
close the pressure-free oil channel of the clutch that is not being Oil pressure and oil temperature sensor
actuated (see Figures 476_056 and 476_057).
The pressure sensors deliver a pressure-dependent voltage signal to
the all-wheel drive control unit J492.
To improve the electrical self-diagnosis, the two pressure sensors have
an opposing pressure/voltage characteristic curve.
This means that the G437 (brown) has a rising characteristic curve
(approx. 0.6 V – 4.4 V) and the G640 (black) has a falling characteristic curve
476_054 476_055
G640 (Sensor 2) falling characteristic curve
Oil pressure and oil temperature sensor 2
Color coding makes it easier to correctly assign and connect.
P Pressure

U Tension

G437 (brown)

Clutch left Clutch right

G640 (black)
Shuttle valve 2

Shuttle valve 1

Clutch right
Control of the right clutch.
The two shuttle valves close the channel to
the left clutch.

Oil temperature sensors

As the name suggests, a temperature sensor is integrated into

each of the two oil pressure sensors. The temperature of the ATF is an
important parameter for controlling the clutches and for calculating the
clutch temperature. The control unit monitors the ATF temperature
using the two temperature sensors and, if necessary, initiates protective
measures to protect the components and the ATF from excessively
high temperatures.
When the ATF temperature reaches approximately 150 °C or when
the calculated clutch temperature reaches a defined value, the system Connection diagram G437/G640
is temporarily switched off. A message appears in the instrument
cluster, see page 41. The clutches and the ATF are thus protected from Pin 1 temperature signal (NTC sensor)
overload. Pin 2 Power supply –
Pin 3 Power supply +
Pin 4 pressure signal (analog signal) and identification (digital signal)

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Identity of the sports differential

The rear axle drive 0BF/0BE (sports differential) must be paired with the control unit This identity is contained in the two oil pressure and oil temperature sensors G437/
J492. The control unit and sports differential form a unit that can only be replaced G640. Both sensors are so-called active sensors. They have integrated evaluation
individually if precise specifications are taken into account. After a certain mileage, electronics (IC chip) that output the sensor signal and an individual code
only the trained control unit knows the operating history and thus the adaptation (identifier). Each sensor is therefore unique and has its own consecutive serial
values of the clutches. See the information on replacing the control unit on page 40. number.

The identification of the two sensors is taught to the control unit when the sport
differential is taught, and the sport differential thus receives its identity. The
It is therefore extremely important for functional safety that the control unit can identity is queried by the control unit with each new ignition cycle. To do this, the two
identify the sports differential and that uncontrolled installation of these parts is sensors G437 and G640 send their identification to the control unit via the pressure
immediately detected. signal line. They then supply the signals for the oil pressure and oil temperature.
If the control unit recognizes that it is working with the correct sports differential,
each sports differential receives an identity.

Notes on exchanging the donors Guided functions Audi

Features Audi A4 2008>
2009 (9)
The control unit only works when the two identifiers of the sensors G437 and Select vehicle system or function Avant
G640 match both of the learned identifiers. This means that if one or both sensors, CAKA 3.0l TFSI / 245 kW
the sport differential, or the control unit are replaced, the identity must be relearned. 22 – All-wheel drive electronics J492

22 – Read error memory (Rep.Gr. 39)

22 – Read measured value block (Rep.Gr. 39)
To ensure that the adaptation values are not deleted when the sensors are taught, a 22 – Identification services (Rep. Gr. 39)
22 – Actuator diagnosis (selective), (Rep.Gr. 39)
corresponding function is available in the vehicle diagnostic tester. In addition,
22 – Replace control unit (Rep. Gr. 39)
some special features and procedures must be observed. Different scenarios
22 – Oil pressure/temperature sensor training (Rep.Gr. 39)
must be considered when replacing the sensors: 22 – Fill ATF (hydraulic) (Rep.Gr. 39)
22 – Check torque shift (Rep.Gr. 39)
22 – Check clutch function (Rep. Gr. 39)
1. Only one of the two sensors needs to be replaced: 22 – Replace rear axle drive (Rep. Gr. 39)

This case is not a problem because the control unit still recognizes the identity
of the old sensor. The identity of the new sensor only needs to be taught to the
control unit using the “teach oil pressure/temperature sensor” tester function. Operating mode Vehicle Leap
system test

2. Both sensors must be replaced:

For the control unit, this scenario is equivalent to replacing the sports differential,
as it no longer recognizes any identity. In this case, the classification must be re-
This process leads to the irreversible deletion of the adaptation values of the
clutch adaptation. The control quality of the sports differential is thereby impaired.
The new sensors are then automatically taught. In addition, the ATF

be replaced.


! If both sensors need to be replaced (e.g. because they have been damaged in an accident), this should be done in two steps if possible, i.e. one after the other.
Then the adaptation values of the clutches and the control quality of the sports differential are maintained. In addition, the ATF does not need to be replaced.

In addition to the repair manual, you will find further information on replacing the oil pressure/oil temperature sensors in the iTV program “Audi quattro
with sports differential part 3”.

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Pump for all-wheel drive V415

Pump for four-wheel drive





Guide ring1)

Support bearing

Pump axis with

Suction and pressure channel

The hydraulic pump is driven by a permanently excited DC motor (V415). The V415
is controlled directly by the all-wheel drive control unit J492, see function diagram on page

Bearing bush

Note: In addition to the repair manual, you will find further interesting information
on installing the V415 engine and the hydraulic pump in the iTV program “Audi
quattro with Sportdiff e-renzial Part 3”.

hydraulic pump
The hydraulic pump only runs when needed, i.e. when a clutch is activated. The pressure
is controlled via the speed of the pump.

In order to achieve the extremely short reaction times of the sports differential, the
electro-hydraulic control must react at lightning speed. A radial piston pump with six
pistons, driven by a powerful DC motor, ensures the correspondingly rapid pressure build-

View from the back

Piston with mushroom head1)



1) When assembling the pump, make sure that the mushroom heads of all pistons are in
the recess of the guide ring. Otherwise, pump damage is inevitable when the
pump is first run. Check the piston strokes by turning the pump rotor several
times by hand in both directions!

The hydraulic system is designed in such a way that pressure builds up on the
respective side (clutch) by changing the direction of rotation of the pump and in
conjunction with the corresponding coupling and check valve.
Guide ring1)

Only one side (one clutch) can be controlled at a time.


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Function of the hydraulic pump

Activation of the left clutch

Description see page 26

Direction of
rotation against the

Pump axis with

Suction and pressure channel

to the left clutch

check valve
(suction valve)

Coupling valve for Clutch valve 2 for

All-wheel drive N445 All-wheel drive N446


Activation of the right clutch

Direction of rotation in to the right clutch


check valve
(suction valve)

Coupling valve for Clutch valve 2 for

All-wheel drive N445 All-wheel drive N446


Suction pressure pressureless Clutch pressure

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Clutch valve for all-wheel drive N445/N446

N446 Clutch valve 2 for
The two clutch valves are electromagnetic hydraulic valves. The clutch valves are
All-wheel drive (brown)
operated with on-board voltage.
There are two operating positions: OPEN and CLOSED. When de-energized,
the valves are open (OPEN).

The clutch valves are used for quick venting and as safety valves. In order for
clutch pressure to build up, the respective valve must be energized. Since they are
open when de-energized, pressure cannot build up accidentally.

The pressure is monitored by the two oil pressure and oil temperature sensors
G437/G640. If an inadmissible pressure is detected, the valves are de-energized
N445 Clutch valve for and the pressure breaks
All-wheel drive (black) together.


Instructions for replacing valves N445/446

The two coupling valves are functionally identical, but must not be interchanged. In addition to the repair manual, you will find further interesting information on
Therefore, they and the connection replacing the valves in the iTV program “Audi quattro with sports differential part 3”.
The plugs on the wiring harness are color-coded. The plug connections are also The removal and installation is shown there.
coded according to their design, so the connectors cannot be plugged in incorrectly.
However, the valves can be installed incorrectly in the housing of the hydraulic control
unit. For this reason, it is advisable to replace the valves one at a time. After working on the hydraulics of the sports differential, appropriate tests and
processes must be carried out. Information on this can be found in the chapter
“Guided functions” from page 42.

After removing and installing the clutch valves, the ATF must be refilled. To do this,
use the function available in the vehicle diagnostic tester, see page 43.

To check whether the valves are installed correctly, a system test must be carried
out and the torque shift checked, see pages 42 and 44.



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Pressure relief valves

The two pressure relief valves have two functions:

1. They are used to vent the hydraulic system, see

Page 29.

2. They limit the maximum pressure in the system to a

defined value. On the one hand, this protects the components from

high pressure. On the other hand, the maximum clutch transmission torque
is limited to approx. 1200 Nm.
This limitation serves to ensure driving safety so that excessive yaw moments
cannot occur on the vehicle, which would ultimately make the vehicle unstable.

Pressure relief valve right

Pressure relief valve left


Pressure relief valves

Clutch left Clutch right



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Electrical control V415

N445 N446

Functional plan – B8 series

(Status: 01/2011) 1)





1) CAN-Bus chassis/dashboard insert (combi)

2) CAN-Bus chassis sensors


To calculate the clutch pressure, the control unit J492 essentially Legend:
requires information that is also used by the ESP control unit. The
yaw rate and the lateral acceleration are very important information. G437 Oil pressure and oil temperature sensor
For this reason, the sensors for this are in combination with the G640 Oil pressure and oil temperature sensor 2
sports differential and/or J492 All-wheel drive control unit
or the dynamic steering is present twice (redundancy). N445 All-wheel drive clutch valve
In the B8 series, this sensor technology is located in the two sensor units G419 N446 Clutch valve 2 for all-wheel drive
and G536. The bus topology on this page shows the extensive data exchange V415 pump for all-wheel drive
with all control units involved.

Control unit – Audi drive select

Switch module for Charisma E592

Steering angle sensor G85

Sensor unit for ESP G419

Sensor unit 2 for ESP G536

Control unit for

All-wheel drive J492


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Networking bus topology – B8 series

(Status: 01/2011)

1) This information is transmitted via the CAN chassis sensors.

J492 All-wheel drive
control unit
ÿ System, error status (2)
ÿ Warning lamp control (3)
ÿ Warnings, notes (3)
ÿ Operating mode (2, 1)
ÿ Charisma Status (2)
ÿ Detection of switching
demand for charisma (2)
ÿ Stop release (2, 4)
ÿ Start request (2, 4)
CAN chassis sensors (subbus system)
ÿ Initialization phase1) (1)
ÿ Requirement
ESP activation1)(1) CAN chassis/dashboard insert
ÿ Currently relocated J792 Active steering
Moment1) (1) control unit
ÿ Total superposition angle
ÿ Direction of overlay

G419 Sensor unit for ESP G85 steering angle sensor

J104 ABS control unit (1)
ÿ Sensor status ÿ Sensor status
ÿ System status
ÿ Yaw rate ÿ Steering wheel angle
ÿ Driving speed
ÿ Lateral acceleration ÿ Direction of travel
ÿ Wheel speeds
ÿ Brake pressure build-up by ESP,
ABS or wheel-selective
Torque control
G536 Sensor unit 2 for ESP ÿ Intervention of vehicle dynamics controller J285 control unit in
ÿ Sensor status ÿ Brake pressure Control panel insert (3)
ÿ Yaw rate ÿ Prohibition of moment shift1) ÿ Service life

ÿ Lateral acceleration

J533 Diagnostic interface for data bus (2)

ÿ Date, time
ÿ Mileage
ÿ Outside temperature
ÿ Service life, reset service life

J623 Engine control unit (4) J393 Central control unit for
ÿ different torque values Comfort system
ÿ Start-stop information ÿ Vehicle identification number
ÿ Accelerator pedal position (Chassis number)
J345 Control unit for
Trailer detection
ÿ Trailer detection, see page

J519 On-board power supply control unit

J217 Automatic
ÿ Forwarding the information
transmission control unit
from E592
ÿ Speed ratio (= input speed/output speed)

CAN drive CAN comfort

LIN bus

E592 Switch module for Charisma

ÿ System status
ÿ Operating mode for
Sport differential (see SSP 409,
Audi drive select)


Information sent by control unit J492 Information that is received and evaluated by the control unit J492.
The number in brackets indicates to which bus participant the
respective information is sent.

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Functional plan – D4 and C7 series

(Status: 01/2011) FlexRay
2) FlexRay

N445 V415 N446

1) CAN_L

G640 Flex
2) Flex



1) CAN bus drive

FlexRay bus


To calculate the clutch pressure, the control unit J492 essentially Legend:
requires information that is also used by the ESP control unit.
G437 Oil pressure and oil temperature sensor
The yaw rate and lateral acceleration are very important information. For this G640 Oil pressure and oil temperature sensor 2
reason, the sensors are in combination J492 All-wheel drive control unit
In combination with the sports differential and/or the dynamic steering, there are two N445 All-wheel drive clutch valve
sensors (redundancy). In the D4 and C7 series, there are two of these sensors N446 Clutch valve 2 for all-wheel drive
in the sensor electronics control unit J849. Information on J849 can be found in V415 pump for all-wheel drive
SSPs 458 and 480.

In the D4 and C7 series, the J492 communicates with the two bus The bus topology next door shows the extensive data exchange with
systems, CAN drive and FlexRay. all control units involved.

2) Information about the FlexRay bus system and the

FlexRay topology is available from SSPs 459 and 481. Steering angle sensor G85

Wheel speed sensors (4x)

Control unit – Audi drive select

Control unit for Switch module for Charisma E592
All-wheel drive J492

Control unit for

Sensor electronics J849


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Networking bus topology – D4 and C7 series

(Status: 01/2011)

J492 Control unit for CAN drive

all wheel drive
Legend and notes, ÿ System, error status (2)
see page 37 ÿ Warning lamp control (3)
ÿ Warnings, notes (3)
ÿ Operating mode (2, 1)
G85 steering angle sensor
ÿ Charisma Status (2)
ÿ Sensor status1)
ÿ Detection of switching
ÿ Steering wheel angle1)
FlexRay demand for charisma (2)
ÿ Stop release (2, 4)
ÿ Start request (2, 4)
ÿ Initialization phase1) (1)
ÿ Requirement
ESP activation1) (1)
ÿ Currently displaced moment1) (1) J623 Engine control unit (4)
ÿ different torque values

ÿ Start-stop information
ÿ Accelerator pedal position

J217 Control unit for

J500 Control unit for power steering J104 ABS control unit (1) automatic transmission or
(only for C7 series) ÿ System status J743 Mechatronics for
ÿ Driving speed Double clutch
ÿ Direction of travel ÿ Speed ratio (= input speed/output
ÿ Wheel speeds speed)
ÿ Brake pressure build-up by ESP,
ABS or wheel-selective
Torque control
J849 Control unit for ÿ Intervention of vehicle dynamics controller J792 Active steering control unit
Sensor electronics ÿ Brake pressure
ÿ Total superposition angle1)
ÿ Sensor status ÿ Prohibition of moment shift1) ÿ Direction of the superposition angle1)
ÿ Yaw rate (2x)
ÿ Lateral acceleration (2x)

J533 Diagnostic interface for data bus (2)

ÿ Date, time
ÿ Mileage
ÿ Outside temperature
ÿ Service life, reset service life

J794 Control unit for

Information Electronics 1 J345 Control unit for

ÿ System status Trailer detection

ÿ Operating mode for sports differential ÿ Trailer detection, see page 46
(Audi drive select)2)

MOST bus CAN comfort

J393 Central control unit for

Comfort system
J285 control unit in ÿ Vehicle identification number
Control panel insert (3) (Chassis number)
ÿ Service life

CAN display and operation


1) Except for the information from the G85 and the J792, all other information is received or transmitted via the FlexRay data bus.

2) In the D4 and C7 series, the operating mode for the sports differential (Audi drive select) is only available in the MMI menu “CAR”
selected. The central information control of Audi drive select is assigned to the on-board power supply control unit, see SSPs 456, 478, 486.

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All-wheel drive control unit J492

Depending on the vehicle model, the control unit is located at different locations If there are system faults, a corresponding display appears in the instrument
in the trunk, see repair manual. cluster. The sports differential is then switched off.

Essential information for calculating the clutch pressure are the following parameters: The control unit calculates a clutch temperature from the control data and the ATF temperature.
If this exceeds a defined value or if the ATF temperature exceeds a temperature of 150 °C, the
• Steering angle clutches are no longer controlled, see page 30. A corresponding display appears in the
• Yaw rate instrument cluster.
• Lateral acceleration
• Wheel speeds
• and the current data of the engine control (e.g. various
Engine torque specifications).

The control unit J492 receives this information from the ABS control unit J104 and
partly directly from the sensors via the data bus system. Depending
on the vehicle model, the J492 communicates with different bus systems, see pages
37 and 39.

Instructions for replacing the control unit for

All-wheel drive J492

Due to the way the clutch adaptation works, the control unit must know the Guided functions Audi V15.08.00 14/01/2009
associated axle transmission. This identification is done via the identification Features Audi A4 2008>
2009 (9)
of the two oil pressure/ Select vehicle system or function Avant
Temperature sensors. On the one hand, the sports differential cannot be controlled CAKA 3.0l TFSI / 245 kW
without this identification. On the other hand, when teaching a new classification, 22 – All-wheel drive electronics J492
the adaptation values of the clutches are deleted, see page 15. Therefore, the
22 – Read error memory (Rep.Gr. 39)
following must be observed when replacing the control unit. 22 – Read measured value block (Rep.Gr. 39)
22 – Identification services (Rep. Gr. 39)
22 – Actuator diagnosis (selective), (Rep.Gr. 39)
22 – Replace control unit (Rep. Gr. 39)
There are two different scenarios:
22 – Oil pressure/temperature sensor training (Rep.Gr. 39)
22 – Fill ATF (hydraulic) (Rep.Gr. 39)
Scenario 1: The old control unit is responsive enough that the learned values can 22 – Check torque shift (Rep.Gr. 39)
be read out. 22 – Check clutch function (Rep. Gr. 39)
22 – Replace rear axle drive (Rep. Gr. 39)

For this purpose, a special function is available in the “Replace control unit” function.
Process available:

First, all learning values1) of the old control unit must be read out and temporarily
Operating mode Vehicle Leap
stored in the vehicle diagnostic tester. system test
After installing the new control unit, an online connection to the SVM must
be established in order to parameterize the new control unit. 476_060

The previously cached learning values1) Scenario 2: The old control unit can no longer be accessed or the learned values
transferred to the new control unit. cannot be read out and transferred to the new control unit.

Here too, the new control unit must first be parameterized via the SVM. Next, the
classifications of the clutches from the rear axle drive must be read and entered into
the new control unit. The previous adaptation values are deleted in the process.
The identifiers of the oil pressure and oil temperature sensors are
automatically adopted to identify the axle drive. The ATF must then be renewed.

1) The learning values consist of three adjustments:

• The classifications of the couplings, see page 14.
• The adaptation values of the couplings, see page 15. A notice:
• The identification of the oil pressure and oil temperature sensors, see The vehicle system tester will ask whether the rear axle drive has also been replaced
Page 31. or not.

Only if this query is answered correctly can the program continue to run
according to the situation. In scenario 2, in the event of a warranty claim, the
axle drive will also be replaced after consulting product support.

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Notes on replacing the rear axle drive

(Sport differential)

As already described for the oil pressure and temperature sensors and the control Guided functions Audi V15.08.00 14/01/2009
Features Audi A4 2008>
unit, the following must also be observed when replacing the sports differential. The
2009 (9)
sports differential must be adapted to the control unit so that it can control the Select vehicle system or function Avant
clutches precisely. To do this, certain procedures must be initiated that are stored in CAKA 3.0l TFSI / 245 kW
the menu selection - Replace rear axle drive. 22 – All-wheel drive electronics J492

22 – Read error memory (Rep.Gr. 39)

22 – Read measured value block (Rep.Gr. 39)
22 – Identification services (Rep. Gr. 39)
In the menu selection Replace rear axle drive two 22 – Actuator diagnosis (selective), (Rep.Gr. 39)
22 – Replace control unit (Rep. Gr. 39)
Scenarios taken into account:
22 – Oil pressure/temperature sensor training (Rep.Gr. 39)
22 – Fill ATF (hydraulic) (Rep.Gr. 39)
1. Rear axle drive (sport differential) new: When this 22 – Check torque shift (Rep.Gr. 39)
selection is made, the following procedures are carried out: 22 – Check clutch function (Rep. Gr. 39)
• The classifications of the clutches must be taught, see page 14. The codes of the 22 – Replace rear axle drive (Rep. Gr. 39)

two oil pressure and oil temperature sensors for identifying the sports differential
are automatically adopted, see page 31. The adaptation values of the previous
sports differential are irretrievably deleted.
Operating mode Vehicle Leap
system test

2. Rear axle drive (sport differential) required: With this selection,
the procedures are as described under 1.

• In addition, the
ATF must be replaced.

A notice:

The vehicle diagnostic tester will ask whether the rear axle drive is new or used.

Only if this query is answered correctly can the further program flow be
carried out appropriately.

Displays and system information

Symbol for the sports differential

Sport differential Sport differential

System failure temperature too high

476_058 476_058

This display appears when the sport differential has been switched off due to This display appears when the clutch or ATF has exceeded a defined temperature.
system errors. The clutch control is temporarily deactivated until the corresponding temperature
values are exceeded. The display goes out.

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Guided functions
Actuator diagnostics Guided functions Audi V15.08.00 14/01/2009
Audi A4 2008>
2009 (9)
The “Actuator Diagnosis” menu selection contains a number of functions and tests Select vehicle system or function Avant
for checking the sports differential. Some of these can also be found in the other CAKA 3.0l TFSI / 245 kW
functions. 22 – All-wheel drive electronics J492

22 – Read error memory (Rep.Gr. 39)

22 – Read measured value block (Rep.Gr. 39)
22 – Identification services (Rep. Gr. 39)
22 – Actuator diagnosis (selective), (Rep.Gr. 39)
22 – Replace control unit (Rep. Gr. 39)
22 – Oil pressure/temperature sensor training (Rep.Gr. 39)
22 – Fill ATF (hydraulic) (Rep.Gr. 39)
22 – Check torque shift (Rep.Gr. 39)
22 – Check clutch function (Rep. Gr. 39)
22 – Replace rear axle drive (Rep. Gr. 39)

Guided functions Audi V15.10.00 27/03/2009

Audi A4 2008>
Functional test
2009 (9)
J492 – Actuator test selective Leap
CAKA 3.0l TFSI / 245 kW

Selection actuator test

The all-wheel drive control unit -J492 enables the following
actuator tests:
a) Functional test of system, pressure build-up on
both clutches c)
b) Bleed hydraulics (maximum pressure build-up)
c) Check left clutch d)
d) Check right clutch

Which actuator test do you want to initiate?

Operating mode Leap


Guided functions Audi V15.10.00 27/03/2009

a) Functional test system …
Audi A4 2008>
Functional test
2009 (9)
… is a system function test in which a defined pressure build-up occurs on both clutches Avant
Functional test system
and the pressure sensors are checked. CAKA 3.0l TFSI / 245 kW

Functional test system

The test is successful if the pressure on both sides reaches a defined value. The Ready
The function of the sports differential was tested using the
pressure value of both sensors must be approximately the same.
actuator test.
The following values were measured on the sensors:
This system test should always be carried out after all work on the sports Sensor -G437: 18.25 bar ,
Sensor -G640: 18 bar .
differential. It is integrated in some program sequences and is activated automatically.
If the system test is aborted or not carried out, an event log entry "C102AF0 -
- Press the <Done> button to continue the program.
System test not carried out" is made. drive.

A notice:
The oil pressure and oil temperature sensors -G437 and G640
measure the pressure in the system simultaneously.

Operating mode Leap


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Guided functions Audi V15.10.00 27/03/2009

b) Bleed the hydraulics
Audi A4 2008>
Functional test
2009 (9)
This function can be used to check whether the maximum pressure Bleeding hydraulics
is reached on the left and right. This shows whether the pump is CAKA 3.0l TFSI / 245 kW

building up sufficient pressure and at what pressure the pressure Bleeding hydraulics
relief valves respond. Ready
The hydraulics in the sports differential were bled.
The pressure value must be approximately the same on both sensors The following values were measured on the sensors:
and approximately 42 bar, see also page 29. Sensor -G437: 41.75 bar ,
This function is also part of the program – filling ATF. Sensor -G640: 41.75 bar .

- Press the <Done> button to continue the program.

This function should be used to evaluate the function of the
sports differential.
The displacement moment depends, among other things, on the pressure. A notice:
If pressure values significantly lower than 42 bar are reached, the The oil pressure and oil temperature sensors -G437 and G640

maximum displacement torque cannot be achieved. measure the pressure in the system simultaneously.

Operating mode Leap


c/d) Check clutch left/right The functions and tests of the actuator diagnosis are shown in the
iTV program …
These functions correspond to the same test sequence as the function
“Check clutch function (Rep.Gr.39)” in the main menu. … Audi quattro with sports differential 0BF Part
These functions can be used to check the transmission 4, work and tests with the vehicle diagnostic tester …
capacity of the couplings, see page 45.
… shown.

Fill ATF (hydraulic)

In order for the sport differential to function properly, the ATF level Guided functions Audi V15.08.00 14/01/2009
Audi A4 2008>
must be correctly adjusted and the system must be bled. Functional test
2009 (9)
Therefore, when filling the ATF, the function “Fill ATF (hydraulic)” Vehicle system or function Avant
must be carried out. CAKA 3.0l TFSI / 245 kW
22 – All-wheel drive electronics J492

The “Fill ATF (hydraulic)” function must be carried out during 22 – Read error memory (Rep.Gr. 39)
the following work: 22 – Read measured value block (Rep.Gr. 39)
• Work on the hydraulic system (e.g. dismantling/replacing the 22 – Identification services (Rep. Gr. 39)
22 – Actuator diagnosis (selective), (Rep.Gr. 39)
hydraulic control unit, working on the valves and the oil pump)
22 – Replace control unit (Rep. Gr. 39)
22 – Oil pressure/temperature sensor training (Rep.Gr. 39)
• Work that requires the ATF to be drained and refilled, e.g. after 22 – Fill ATF (hydraulic) (Rep.Gr. 39)
replacing a double shaft seal. 22 – Check torque shift (Rep.Gr. 39)
22 – Check clutch function (Rep. Gr. 39)
22 – Replace rear axle drive (Rep. Gr. 39)
The function is divided into three processes:

1. Pre-filling and flushing the system

The pump is activated with the coupling valves open and
Operating mode
part of the hydraulic system is filled. Vehicle
system test

2. Bleed the system 476_060

To do this, the full pressure is built up on each side with the
clutch valve closed until the pressure relief valves open. This
fills the remaining lines, channels and the clutch cylinders and The program sequence of the function “Fill ATF (hydraulic)” is shown
pushes the air out. in the iTV program …

3. Functional test … Audi quattro with sports differential 0BF part 4,

As the program continues, any event memory entries are deleted Working and testing with the vehicle diagnostic tester …
and a system function test is carried out. This corresponds to
function test a) from the actuator diagnosis, see page 42. … shown.

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Check torque shift

The “Check torque shift” function is used to check whether the correct clutch (left side
or right side) is being controlled.

This test must always be carried out after the following work:

• Working on the wiring of the rear axle drive

• Working on the hydraulic control unit
• Working on the clutch valves


When testing the torque shift, the left clutch is activated. This changes the gear ratio Guided functions Audi V15.08.00 14/01/2009
between the left and right wheels. If you now turn either side, the left wheel must turn Audi A4 2008>
faster than the right wheel. The control unit records the speed signals (rotational 2009 (9)
Select vehicle system or function Avant
pulses) from the wheel speed sensors and determines which wheel is turning faster. If
CAKA 3.0l TFSI / 245 kW
the left wheel turns faster than the right
22 – All-wheel drive electronics J492

22 – Read error memory (Rep.Gr. 39)

22 – Read measured value block (Rep.Gr. 39)
Wheel, the electro-hydraulic control works correctly. 22 – Identification services (Rep. Gr. 39)
22 – Actuator diagnosis (selective), (Rep.Gr. 39)
22 – Replace control unit (Rep. Gr. 39)
22 – Oil pressure/temperature sensor training (Rep.Gr. 39)
22 – Fill ATF (hydraulic) (Rep.Gr. 39)
22 – Check torque shift (Rep.Gr. 39)
22 – Check clutch function (Rep. Gr. 39)
22 – Replace rear axle drive (Rep. Gr. 39)

Guided functions Audi V15.10.00 27/03/2009

Audi A4 2008>
Functional test
2009 (9)
22 – Check torque shift
CAKA 3.0l TFSI / 245 kW
Actuator test

The torque is shifted to the left.

1.Installation location

The summed angular momenta are:

Wheel left: 59.2
Wheel right: 51.8

A notice:
The actuator test is performed by the vehicle system
within a preset time

0 min 0.6min 1min

Operating mode Leap


The torque shift test is shown in the iTV show …

… Audi quattro with sports differential 0BF part 4,

Working and testing with the vehicle diagnostic tester …

… shown.

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Check clutch function Guided functions Audi

Audi A4 2008>
V15.08.00 14/01/2009
2009 (9)
Behind this menu selection there is a test program with which the transmission Select vehicle system or function Avant
capacity of the two clutches can be checked. CAKA 3.0l TFSI / 245 kW
22 – All-wheel drive electronics J492

22 – Read error memory (Rep.Gr. 39)

The test program “Check clutch function” in the main menu is the 22 – Read measured value block (Rep.Gr. 39)
same test program as the function tests c) and d) of the actuator 22 – Identification services (Rep. Gr. 39)
22 – Actuator diagnosis (selective), (Rep.Gr. 39)
diagnosis, see page 43.
22 – Replace control unit (Rep. Gr. 39)
22 – Oil pressure/temperature sensor training (Rep.Gr. 39)
22 – Fill ATF (hydraulic) (Rep.Gr. 39)
22 – Check torque shift (Rep.Gr. 39)
22 – Check clutch function (Rep. Gr. 39)
22 – Replace rear axle drive (Rep. Gr. 39)

Operating mode Vehicle Leap

system test


This test program must be carried out … How the clutch test works
... if there is a complaint about the function of the sports The control unit has no direct feedback as to whether the calculated
differential. This test is one option (of several) to analyze the clutch torque is actually transmitted by the clutch. In other words,
function of the sports differential, e.g. if the customer complains the control unit does not know whether the control leads to the
that he does not feel any effect of the sports differential. desired clutch torque.

… before replacing the sports differential to ensure that the sports If the clutch function is intact (depending on the parameters:
differential is not replaced without authorization. condition of the ATF, quality of the components, adaptation,
etc.), a defined clutch pressure causes a corresponding clutch
torque. If one or more of the previously mentioned parameters
deviate, the actual clutch torque also deviates accordingly.

The clutch test can be used to determine whether the desired

transmission capacity (clutch torque) is achieved at a defined

For this purpose, each clutch is controlled with two defined

pressures in the test program. A torque wrench is used to check
whether a specified torque is maintained.

The clutch test is shown in the iTV show …

… Audi quattro with sports differential 0BF part 4,

Working and testing with the vehicle diagnostic tester …

… shown.

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Other notes and information

Traction function

Newer vehicles with sports differentials have a so-called “traction function”. The following vehicle models have a traction function:

• Audi A8 '10 (D4) • Audi from construction date KW32/2010

Additional drive torque is directed to the wheel with the higher traction capability. A7 Sportback • Audi A6 '11 from construction date KW41/2010

This means that if the left rear wheel spins, the drive torque of the right (stationary) (C7) • Audi A4 '08 (B8) from SOP

wheel is increased by controlling the right overlay unit. The traction function is only not provided
activated at a driving speed of around 15 km/h and therefore does not provide a
starting aid. The function improves driving dynamics when the road friction coefficients
vary greatly because the power is shifted to where it can be effective. An EDL
braking intervention, which results in power being lost, is not necessary in this situation.

Trailer operation

If the sports differential is in “dynamic” operating mode, it is automatically switched to Lift Audi drive select Logbook
“auto” operating mode for the time when towing a trailer.

The trailer operation is detected by the trailer detection control unit J345 when the
13-pin trailer connector is plugged in, or when the customer has manually selected
trailer mode in the MMI. A trailer coupling (A) appears in the menu - Audi drive

Information on the operating modes of the sports differential can be found on page 6. comfort
automobile dynamic

Car Systems Set individual


Start-stop operation

The sports differential bleeds the system at defined intervals, see page 29. Therefore, the four-wheel drive control module J492 can prevent the engine from
stopping if a system venting request is made.
This system venting is only activated when the vehicle is at a standstill or when After the system has been vented, a stop release is issued from J492.
the engine is idling.

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Wheel-selective torque control

In vehicles with a sports differential and wheel-selective torque control, the wheel- The wheel-selective torque control was first used in conjunction with the quattro drive
selective torque control only affects the front axle; the torque distribution of the sports in the Audi RS5 and the Audi A8 '10 (D4). It will gradually find its way into other
differential acts on the rear axle. quattro models. It is used under the name "electronic differential lock" in front-
wheel drive vehicles.



Information on wheel-selective torque control can be found in the self-study program 478 “Audi A7 Sportback” on page 33 and in the iTV program “Audi RS5 –
Power transmission part 2”.

ATF and axle oil change on the RS models

RS models (e.g. the Audi RS5) are often also subjected to the tough • Axle oil change interval every 60,000 km.

Motor racing conditions are a real challenge for both the components and the oils. For • Change interval for the ATF every 60,000 km or earlier if the temperature counter for
this reason, some RS models have special instructions regarding maintenance work the MTF (manual transmission fluid) in the 7-speed dual clutch transmission 0B5
and the intervals between them. (S tronic) is full.

For the RS models, a change of the ATF and the

Axle oil in the sports differential is essential. For detailed information on replacement intervals, please refer to
Please refer to the current workshop literature.


Information on the MTF replacement interval for the Audi RS5 with 0B5 transmission can be found in the iTV program “7-speed dual clutch transmission 0B5 -
Innovations in the Audi RS5 and other models from model year 2011” from October 21, 2010.

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Repair overview
Repair situation Work to be performed Function in
Vehicle diagnostic tester

Replacing the axle drive • Enter axle drive classifications • Rear axle drive
rear 0BF/0BE (new part) • Automatic learning of the new oil pressure and oil temperature to exchange

reference • Select program query for new rear axle drive
SSP pages 11, 41 • The previous learning values of the clutch adaptation are deleted, the control unit starts
the clutch adaptation based on new clutches.

B8 series only:
First, the respective tester function automatically checks whether the software version
0025 is present. If not, a software update to SW > = 0025 is carried out.

Replacing an oil pressure • Teaching the new sensor • Teach oil pressure/temperature
and oil temperature sensor • Check ATF, top up ATF if necessary sensor
G437 or G640 • System testing • Actuator diagnostics –
System functionality test
reference Notice
SSP Page 31 B8 series only:
First, the respective tester function automatically checks whether the software version
0025 is present. If not, a software update to SW > = 0025 is carried out.

Replacing both oil pressure and oil • First replace and teach the defective sensor, then teach the second sensor (one • Teach oil pressure/temperature
temperature sensors G437 or after the other) sensor
G640 • Continue as described above
(at least one donor is still • The simultaneous exchange of both sensors should be
capable of communication) avoid

reference Notice
SSP Page 31 B8 series only:
First, the respective tester function automatically checks whether the software version
0025 is present. If not, a software update to SW > = 0025 is carried out.

Replacing both oil pressure and oil • Enter axle drive classifications • Rear axle drive
temperature sensors G437 or • Automatic learning of the new oil pressure and oil temperature to exchange
G640 giver
(neither of the two donors is • Select program query for used rear axle drive
capable of communication) • The previous learning values of the clutch adaptation are deleted.
• The control unit corrects the clutch pressure for the used
reference Couplings.
SSP Page 31 • Renew ATF

B8 series only:
First, the respective tester function automatically checks whether the software version
0025 is present. If not, a software update to SW > = 0025 is carried out.

Exchange or work on the • Replace the valves one after the other to ensure that the installation position is not mixed • Fill ATF (hydraulic)
Clutch valves up. Make sure that the check valves do not fall out and are installed correctly. • Actuator diagnostics –
N445/N446 System functionality test
• Check ATF, top up ATF if necessary • Check torque shift
reference • System testing
SSP pages 34, 42, 43, 44 • Check torque shift

Exchange or work on the • Top up ATF • Fill ATF (hydraulic)

Hydraulic pump V415 • System check • Check • Actuator diagnostics –
torque shift System functionality test
reference • Check torque shift
SSP pages 32, 42, 43, 44 Notice
Pay attention to the information in the repair manual, self-study program and in the Audi
iTV program – “Audi quattro with sport differential e-renzial part 3”!

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Repair situation Work to be performed Function in

Vehicle diagnostic tester
Exchange or work on the • install the old oil pressure and oil temperature sensors • Actuator diagnostics –
hydraulic control unit • Check ATF, top up ATF if necessary System functionality test
(Actuator) • System testing • Check torque shift
• Check torque shift
SSP pages 42, 43, 44 Notice
The hydraulic control unit is delivered without the two oil pressure and oil
temperature sensors. The “old” oil pressure and oil temperature sensors must be

Replacing the control unit J492 • The learning values (identification of the oil pressure-oil temperature sensors, • Replace control unit
Prerequisite: The control unit is Classification of the clutches and adaptation values) must be temporarily stored
capable of communication and has in the vehicle diagnostic tester and transferred to the new control unit.
no event memory entry “Control unit
defective” • Parameterization of the new control unit via the SVM
• System testing
SSP Page 40

Replacing the control unit J492 • The new control unit must have the SVM (software version • Replace control unit
Prerequisite: The control unit is no Management) can be parameterized. • Fill ATF (hydraulic)
longer communicative • Program query for used (like new or new)
capable or event memory entry Select rear axle drive, see note
• Teaching the classification and identification of the oil pressure and oil temperature
"Control unit faulty" sensors
• Renew ATF
reference • System testing
SSP pages 40, 43
under 15,000 km:
• only replace control unit
• Clutch adaptation values are set to zero
over 15,000 km (under warranty):
• Replace control unit and additionally • Replace
rear axle drive
over 15,000 km (outside the GW):
• Replace control unit
• Control unit is adjusted to a used axle drive
• Renew ATF

Software update If necessary, the software update is carried out automatically via the corresponding
tester functions.

Currently (as of March 2011) there is no software update for the control unit J492
using the “Audi Flashing” function.
Work on the electrical • System check • Check • Actuator diagnostics –
Connections and cables torque shift System functionality test
(Cable harness) • Check torque shift

SSP pages 42, 44

Customer complaint about • Use the vehicle system test to check whether the event log contains • Actuator diagnostics –
inadequate effect of Relevant entry exists. If there are any, edit them first. System functionality test
Sport differentials • Check clutch function
• Check ATF and top up ATF if necessary.
reference • Carry out a test drive, check the complaint
SSP Page 42, 45 • Carry out a complete actuator test, checking
whether the pump reaches the maximum pressure.
• The scope of the actuator test includes a clutch function test.

Only for RS models: • Change axle oil In the automatic transmission control
Maintenance every 60,000 • Change ATF1) unit J217 (mechatronic
km J743)
1) If the temperature counter for the MTF is full on the Audi RS X with 7-speed dual • Temperature counter (G754)
reference clutch transmission 0B5 (S tronic), the ATF in the sports differential must also be reset to default
SSP Page 47 changed.

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Test your knowledge

1. What type of differential is the Audi sports differential?

ÿ a) open differential b)
ÿ limited-slip differential
ÿ c) superposition differential

2. How does the Audi sports differential work?

ÿ a) The sport differential brakes the inside wheel when cornering to prevent oversteering. b) The sport
ÿ differential locks when cornering to ensure sporty driving behavior. c) The sport differential shifts drive power
ÿ to the outside wheel when cornering. This creates a yaw moment, which
steers the vehicle into the curve.

3. What should be taken into account when replacing the rear axle drive 0BE/0BF?

ÿ a) After the replacement, the axle drive must be assigned to the control unit for all-wheel drive. b) After the
ÿ replacement, an adaptation drive must be carried out in which the axle drive and the control unit for
“Adapt” all-wheel drive.
ÿ c) After replacement, the “Replace rear axle drive” function must be carried out using the vehicle diagnostic tester.

4. What is the purpose of the multi-plate clutches?

ÿ a) The multi-disk clutches brake the wheel that is spinning. This prevents the drive power from breaking off. b) The multi-disk clutches transfer a
ÿ defined drive power to the corresponding rear wheel. c) The multi-disk clutches interrupt the flow of power above a certain
ÿ brake pressure so that the ESP can regulate correctly.

5. Which statements about the oil balance are correct?

ÿ a) The angle drive and the two superposition gears have a common oil chamber. b) The angle drive and
ÿ the differential have their own oil chamber, which is filled with axle oil. c) The two superposition gears each
ÿ have their own oil chamber, which is filled with special ATF. d) The two oil chambers of the superposition units are combined
ÿ into one oil system.

6. Which statements about the oil supply of the superposition gears are correct?

ÿ a) The two oil chambers of the superposition gears are connected by an oil channel. b) A ball valve
ÿ in the oil channel prevents the ATF from overflowing to one side during high lateral acceleration. c) The two superposition gears
ÿ each have their own self-contained oil chamber.

7. What needs to be taken into account with regard to the ATF and axle oil in the sports differential?

ÿ a) The ATF is only changed on RS models, all other models have an ATF lifetime filling. b) If the ATF is filled after a
ÿ repair, the system must be bled. c) The system must be bled using the vehicle diagnostic tester with
ÿ the "Fill ATF (hydraulic)" function. d) The axle oil is only changed on RS models, all other models have an axle oil lifetime filling.

8. Which statements apply to the oil pressure and oil temperature sensors G437/G640?

ÿ a) The identity of a rear axle drive is determined by the identifiers of the two oil pressure and oil temperature sensors.
The axle drive can thus be unmistakably assigned to the all-wheel drive control unit J492.
ÿ b) The two oil pressure and oil temperature sensors are located directly on the all-wheel drive control unit. c) The
ÿ two oil pressure and oil temperature sensors monitor the clutch pressure of the respective controlled clutch.

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9. Which statements apply to the hydraulic pump?

ÿ a) The hydraulic pump is controlled as needed, e.g. when a clutch is activated. b) The hydraulic pump is driven by
ÿ a permanently excited DC motor (V415). c) The hydraulic pump feeds the oil pressure into a storage volume. d) The
ÿ clutch pressure is controlled via the speed of the hydraulic pump.

10. What are the functions of the two clutch valves for all-wheel drive N445/N446?

ÿ a) They determine the level of clutch pressure. b) They

ÿ are used to reduce the clutch pressure. c) They act as safety
ÿ valves because they are open when there is no current, so no unintentional pressure can build up.

11. Which components are located on the hydraulic control unit?

ÿ a) The clutch valves for all-wheel drive. b) The

ÿ control unit for all-wheel drive. c) Both oil
ÿ pressure and oil temperature sensors.

12. When must or should the hydraulic system be bled?

ÿ a) If the ATF needs to be topped up after work on the sport differential (function “Fill ATF (hydraulics)”). b) The function “b) Bleed
ÿ hydraulics” should also be used to assess the function of the sport differential. c) At every inspection service or when the system message “Sport
ÿ differential system fault” is displayed in the instrument cluster.

13. What is the function of the two pressure relief valves?

ÿ a) They are used to vent the hydraulic system. b) They limit the
ÿ maximum pressure in the system. c) They limit the
ÿ maximum clutch torque.

14. Which bus systems are involved in the information exchange for the sports differential in the B8 series?

ÿ a) CAN chassis, CAN comfort and CAN drive. b) CAN

ÿ infotainment, CAN chassis and CAN drive. c) CAN chassis
ÿ sensors and LIN bus.

15. In which cases must the function of the two multi-disk clutches be checked using a vehicle diagnostic tester

ÿ a) If a customer complains that the sports differential is not working. b) Before replacing the
ÿ sports differential, to ensure that the sports differential is not replaced without authorization. c) A functional test must be carried out within
ÿ certain service intervals.

16. How does the sports differential react when trailer towing is detected?

ÿ a) For the duration of trailer operation, the sports differential switches from “dynamic” mode to “auto” mode. b) The effect of the
ÿ sports differential is switched off when a trailer is detected. c) The sports differential functions
ÿ without restrictions.

away; 16 a 1 c; 2c; 3a, c; 4 b; 5 b, c, d; 6 a, b; 7 a, b, c, d; 8 a, c; 9 a, b, d; 10 b, c; 11 a, c; 12 a, b, c; 13 a, b, c; 14 a, c; 15


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