Modlue 1 MCQ

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Random signal can be modeled by

a. Differential equation
b. Difference equation
c. Statistical parameters
d. Integral
2. Any signal x (t) can be represented as
a. x e (t)+ x o (t)
b. x e ( t )−x o (t )
c. x e (t)× x o (t)
x e ( t)
x o (t)
Where x e (t) and x o (t) are even and odd parts of the signal x (t).
3. Which system is nonlinear in nature
a. y ( t ) =cx (t)
b. y ( t ) =x 2 ( t )+ 5 x ( t )+ c
c. y ( t ) =x ( t ) + x ( t−1 ) + x (t−2)
d. y ( t ) =x ( t )−x ( t−1 )−x (t−2)
4. Find the type of the system described by
2 2
y ( t ) +2 y ( t )= x ( t )+ x ( t )+ c
a. Linear and dynamic
b. Linear and static
c. Nonlinear and dynamic
d. Nonlinear and static

5. Which system is causal system

a. y ( t ) =sin ⁡[u ( t+ 3 ) ]
b. y ( t ) =5u ( t ) +3 u(t−1)
c. y ( t ) =5u ( t ) +u(t +1)
d. y ( t ) =sin [ u ( t−3 ) ] + sin ⁡[u ( t+ 3 ) ]

6. What is sinc(t)∗sinc (t) equal to?

a. δ (t)
b. u(t )
c. Rect (t)
d. s inc(t)

7. The following is true

a. A finite signal is always bounded
b. A bounded signal always possesses finite energy
c. A bounded signal is always zero outside the interval (–t0, t0) for some t0.
d. A bounded signal is always finite

8. Identify the false statement

a. tδ ( t ) =0
b. costδ ( t−π )=−δ (t−π )
c. δ (t )=∫ u ( t ) dt
d. t δ ' ( t )=−δ (t )

9. Identify nonperiodic signal

a. x (t )=cos2 (t)
b. x (t )=cos 2 πt u (t)

c. x (t )=sin ( )


d. x (t )=sin2 (t)

10. Even part of the unit step signal

b. 1
c. sgn (t)
d. 0

11. Find the mathematical model of the signal shown above.

a. X (t)=u( t+2)
b. X (t)=u(2+ t)
c. X (t)=u( 2−t)
d. x (t)=u(t−2)

12. Periodic signals will have

a. Finite number of maxima and zero minima in one period
b. Infinite number of maxima and finite number of minima in one period
c. Finite number of maxima and infinite number of minima in one period
d. Finite number of maxima and minima in one period

13. Harmonics of periodic signals are equal to

a. Integral multiple of fundamental frequency
b. Fundamental frequency
c. Zero frequency
d. Addition of fundamental frequency
14. The power of the signal x (t )=8 cos 20 πt−( π
2 )
+ 4 sin ⁡(15 πt)

a. 40
b. 41
c. 42
d. 82

15. Periodic signal with half wave symmetry is

a. Even signal
b. Odd signal
c. DC signal
d. Neither even nor odd signal


16. The value of ∫ cosωt δ ( ω ) dω

−π / 4
a. 0
b. π /2
c. √2
d. 1

1 for 5 ≤ t ≤ 10
17. X (t)= −1 for 10 ≤ t ≤ 15 , Then x(t) can be expressed as
0 otherwise
a. u ( t+5 )−2 u ( t+10 ) +u (t+15)
b. u ( t−5 )−u ( t−10 )+u (t−15)
c. u ( t−5 )−2 u ( t−10 ) +2 u(t−15)
d. u ( t−5 )−2 u ( t−10 ) +u(t−15)

18. The Fourier Series of an odd periodic function, contains only

a. Odd harmonics
b. even harmonics
c. cosine terms
d. sine terms

19. The Trigonometric Fourier Series of a periodic time function can have only
a. cosine terms
b. sine terms
c. cosine & sine terms
d. d.c. and cosine terms
20. Which of the following cannot be the Fourier Series expansion of a periodic signal?
a. x(t) = 2 cos t +3 cos 3t
b. x(t) = 2 cos πt +7 cos t
c. x(t) = cos t +0.5
d. x(t) = 2 cos 1.5πt + sin 3.5 πt

21. The signal x (t )=t e 5t is a

a. Power signal
b. Energy Signal
c. neither energy nor power signal
d. both energy and power signal

22. A signal is an energy signal if

a. E = 0, P = 0
b. E = ∞, P = finite
c. E = finite, P = 0
d. E = finite, P = ∞

23. A signal is a power signal if

a. P = finite ,E = 0
b. P = finite ,E = ∞
c. P = finite ,E = finite
d. P = ∞, e = ∞

24. A random signal has

a. no uncertainty
b. uncertainty
c. partial uncertainty
d. partial certainty

25. A deterministic signal has

a. no uncertainty
b. uncertainty
c. partial uncertainty
d. partial certainty

26. Which of the following cannot be the Fourier series expansion of a periodic signal?
a. x(t) = 2 cos t + 3 cos 3t
b. x(t) = 2 cosπt + 7 cos t
c. x(t) = cos t + 0.5
d. x(t) = 2 cos 1.5πt + sin3.5πt

27. The second harmonic component of the periodic waveform given in the figure has an
amplitude of

a. 0
b. 1
d.√ 5

28. The Fourier series for the function f (x) = sin2 x is

a. sin x + sin 2x
b. 1 − cos 2x
c. sin 2x + cos 2x
d. 0.5 − 0.5 cos 2x

29. Which of the following is an example of amplitude scaling?

a. Electronic amplifier
b. Electronic attenuator
c. Both amplifier and attenuator
d. Adder
30. Discrete time signal is derived from continuous time signal by _____________
a. Addition
b. Multiplying
c. Sampling
d. Addition and multiplication
31. A signal is a physical quantity which does not vary with ____________
a. Time
b. Space
c. Independent Variables
d. Dependent Variables
32. Sum of two periodic signals is a periodic signal when the ratio of their time periods is
a. A rational number
b. An irrational number
c. A complex number
d. An integer
33. Determine the fundamental period of the following signal: sin60t.
a. 1/60 sec
b. 1/30 sec
c. 1/20 sec
d. 1/10 sec
34. When x(t ) is said to be non-periodic signal?
a. If the equation x (t) = x (t + T) is satisfied for all values of T
b. If the equation x (t) = x (t + T) is satisfied for only one value of T
c. If the equation x (t) = x (t + T) is satisfied for no values of T
d. If the equation x (t) = x (t + T) is satisfied for only odd values of T
35. If x (-t) = -x (t) then the signal is said to be _____________
a. Even signal
b. Odd signal
c. Periodic signal
d. Non periodic signal
36. u ( t−a )=0 , if
a. t-a=0
b. t-a<0
c. t-a>0
d. t>a
37. What is the odd component of the signal x(t)= e jt .
a. Cos t
b. Sin t
c. j Cos t
d. j Sin t
38. What is the even component of the signal x(t)= e jt .
a. Cos t
b. Sin t
c. j Cos t
d. j Sin t
39. A time invariant system is a system whose output
a. increases with a delay in input
b. decreases with a delay in input
c. remains same with a delay in input
d. vanishes with a delay in input

40. A system which is linear is said to obey the rules of

a. scaling
b. additivity
c. both scaling and additivity
d. homogeneity

41. A system is said to be defined as non causal, when

a. the output at the present depends on the input at an earlier time
b. the output at the present does not depend on the factor of time at all
c. the output at the present depends on the input at the current time
d. the output at the present depends on the input at a time instant in the future
42. Should real time instruments like oscilloscopes be time invariant?
a. Yes
b. Sometimes
c. Never
d. They have no relation with time variance

43. The sgn(t) is equal to one when ______

a. t>o
b. t<0
c. t=0
d. for all t

44. The relation between u(t) and sgn() is _______

a. sgn(t)=u(t)-1
b. sgn(t)=2u(t)-1
c. sgn(t)=2u(t)+1
d. sgn(t)=2u(t)+2

45. The r(t)=0 when __________

a. t<0
b. t=0
c. t>2
d. t>1

46. The signal is said to be even when it satisfies the condition _______
a. x(t)=x(t)
b. x(t)=x(2t)
c. x(t)=x(-t)
d. x(t)=-x(-t)

47. f(t) is a periodic square wave function shown below. It only takes two values, 4 and 0,
and stays at each of these values for 1 second before changing. What is the constant
term in the fourier series expansion f(t)?
a. 1
48. The fourier series expansion of t3in the interval -1<t<1 with periodic continuation has
a. Only sine terms
b. Only cosine terms
c. Both sine and cosine terms
d. Only sine terms and a non-zero constants

49. For the function f ( t )=
−2 ,−π <t 0
2 , 0<t < π
, the values of an in the fourier series expansion of
f(t) is
a. 2
b. 4
c. 0
d. -2
50. For the system shown in the below figure, find the impulse response.
h1 ( t )=h2 ( t ) =5 δ ( t ) ; h3 ( t )=h 4 (t )=u ( t )

a. 20 u(t)
b. 30 u(t)
c. 10 u(t)
d. 40 u(t)
51. Two systems are shown below, By using 1st system what should be the value of h(t) in
the second system

a. 9t2 +3t
b. 3t2 +t
c. 27t2 +9t
d. 3t2 +3t
52. Consider a continuous time system with input x(t) and output y(t) given by y(t) = x(t)
cos (t). This system is
a. Linear and time-invariant
b. Non-linear and time-invariant
c. Linear and time-variant
d. Non-linear and time-variant
53. Let y(t) the convolution of h(t) and g(t) where h(t) = (1/2)t u(t) and g(t) is a causal
sequence. If y(0) = 1 and y(1) = ½, then g(1) is
a. 0
b. ½
c. 1
d. 3/2

54. The continuous time system described by y(t) = x(t2) is

a. Causal, linear and time-variant
b. Causal, non-linear and time-variant
c. Non-causal, non-linear and time-invariant
d. Non-causal, linear and time-variant
55. Which of the following LTI system is memoryless?
a. h(t)=0,t ≠0
b. h(t)=x(t-1)
c. h(t)=0, t=0
d. h(t)=kx(t+2)
56. Which one of the following systems is causal?
a. y(t)=x(t)+x(t-3)+x(t2)
b. y(t)=x(t+2)
c. y(t)=x(t-1)+x(t-2)
d. y(t)=x(2t2)
57. Is y(t) = t*sin(t*pi/4)u(-t) a causal system?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Marginally causal
d. Marginally non-causal

58. Does the system h(t) = exp(-7t) correspond to a stable system?

a. Yes
b. No
c. Marginally Stable
d. Marginally Unstable
59. For the system, y (t) = x (t-5) – x (3-t) which of the following holds true?
a. System is Linear, time-invariant, causal and stable
b. System is time-invariant, causal and stable
c. System is Linear, time-invariant and stable
d. System is Linear, time-invariant and causal
60. Given two continuous time signals x(t) = e-t and y(t) = e-2t which exists for t>0. The
convolution z(t) = x(t) * y(t) is
a. e-t – e-2t
b. e-t – e2
c. e-t + e2t
d. e-t + e-2t

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