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Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint

ENGLISH 0861/01
Paper 1 Non-fiction April 2024
Maximum Mark: 50


This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the
examination. It shows the basis on which Markers were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the
details of the discussions that took place at a Markers’ meeting before marking began, which would have
considered the acceptability of alternative answers.

Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the End of Series Report.
Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

This document has 12 pages. Any blank pages are indicated.

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0861/01 Checkpoint Lower Secondary – Mark Scheme April 2024

Instructions to Examiners

1. You are required to make annotations on scripts, firstly to help you decide on your assessment,
and secondly to show your Team Leader on what that assessment was based.

2. Useful hints for making annotations on RM Assessor:

• On the Writing task, make your annotations against the first mark. If they ‘disappear’ for the
subsequent marks, you do not need to put them in again.

Section A: Reading
Questions 1 – 8b

Put a red Tick for each correct point, on the point or in the Right Hand Margin. Try not to obscure
what the candidate has written.

DO NOT use red crosses.

Remember you may use BOD (Benefit of Doubt) and the caret for omission.

Section B: Writing
Question 9

1. XSP in the Left Hand Margin for spelling mistakes.

2. XP in the Right Hand Margin for Full Stops missed.

3. XP in the body of the text for all other punctuation errors.

4. Red Wavy Underline for all Grammar, Style errors and awkwardness of any kind.

5. Red Wavy Vertical Line in either Margin for extended areas of error or weak expression.

6. A red Tick in the body of the text for good Sentence Structure and / or for any rewardable use of
apt and correct Punctuation.

7. Use the SEEN annotation to indicate the extra page for question 9 has been seen.

8. Anything that is written in the planning section is to be totally ignored. This includes if this is the
only attempt for the question.

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Section A: Reading

Question Answer Marks

1(a) Award 1 mark for: 1

• marvelled at (only acceptable response)

1(b) Award 1 mark for: 1

Box 1 to be indicated.
• to quote exactly what someone has said.

Award 0 marks where more than one box is indicated.

1(c) Award 1 mark for: 1

• It describes the object as ‘immediately recognisable’.

• It tells us that everybody knew what she was talking about.

Question Answer Marks

2(a) Award 1 mark for: 1

• throwaway
2(b) Award 1 mark for each of the following: 2

Box 2 to be indicated.
• It offers a clever solution to a problem.

Box 4 to be indicated.
• It serves a useful function.

Award 0 marks if more than two boxes are indicated.

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Question Answer Marks

3 Award 1 mark for an idea summarising the second and third sentence and 1 2
mark for the last sentence up to a maximum of 2 marks.

The second and third sentences:

Award 1 mark for:

• the sentences give examples of how the (artist suggests) tripods can be

The last sentence:

Award 1 mark for:

• the last sentence draws a general conclusion that other objects can be used
for unintended purposes.

Question Answer Marks

4 Award 1 mark for each appropriate quotation up to a maximum of 2 marks, plus 4

1 mark for each explanation, up to a maximum of 2 marks:

Quotation Explanation
The plastic tripod is very expensive It is the pizza that the woman is
(costing somewhere around $10 paying for OR the tripod is actually
US) given away for free.
It’s probably the packaging that The woman pretends that the pizza
makes the tripod so expensive and the box are packaging for the
OR tripod, whereas the tripod is part of
It comes packaged with a carry out the packaging.
The pizza and the cardboard box In fact, it is the box and the tripod
protect the plastic tripod that protect the pizza
the pizza and box can be discarded While the box can be recycled, the
(in some ecologically sound woman probably eats the pizza
manner) herself.

Note: If the quotation is incorrect the explanation mark cannot be


Only accept the quotations given; excess denies.

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Question Answer Marks

5(a) Award 1 mark for each of the following: 2

• (the) three-legged / speciality item

• (the little) box-top-propping scaffolds
5(b) Award 1 mark for one of the following: 1

• The tripod is short so that it fits between the lid of the box and the pizza,
where there is not much space.
• The tripod is wide so that it supports the box lid.
5(c) Award 1 mark for one of the following: 1

• that the object’s purpose would not be understood if it is found out of

• that the object is functional/efficient
• not worthy of display

Do not accept “cheap looking”. (Paragraph 7)

Question Answer Marks

6(a) Award 1 mark for one of the following: 1

• We don’t know who OR when OR where.

• Despite having no precise information, the writer knows that these decisions
were made.
• The person, place and time are not important – the important thing is the
6(b) Award 1 mark for: 1

• ovoid objects
Excess denies.

Question Answer Marks

7 Award 1 mark for each of the following ideas, up to a maximum of 2 marks: 2

• Each of the sentences introduces an idea/topic. / to introduce the

paragraphs instead of subheadings.
• Increases the pace of the text.
• The reader has to read the rest of the paragraph to understand how the
idea/topic relates to the object.
• The writer makes their opinion known.

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Question Answer Marks

8(a) Award 3 marks for 6–8 pieces of information; 2 marks for 4–5 pieces; 1 mark 3
for 2–3 pieces. 0 marks for 1 piece.

Pizza saver
Appearance • small / squat
• white
Maximum of 3 points • three-legged / tripod / triangular
allowed. • not beautiful / cheap looking
• spindly legs / tiny feet
Material • plastic
Intended use • to protect pizzas
Disadvantages of this • cheese sticks to the legs / it.
Other uses • to keep stacked items apart / spacers
• to display objects/eggs

8(b) Award 2 marks for a summary that combines four or more pieces of information, 2
covering both appearance/material and use from the table into a coherent

Award 1 mark for a summary that includes four or more pieces of information
but does not cover both appearance/material and use.

Award 1 mark for a summary that includes any three pieces of information.

Award 0 marks for any one or two pieces of information.

Award 0 marks for a summary made up of facts that are notes or in a repeated

Count if four or more points are made: place a vertical line after the 40th word.

Do not award more than 1 mark where the summary exceeds 40 words.

Accept words lifted from the text where they contribute to a cohesive summary.

Pizza savers are small tripods made of white plastic that are used to protect
pizzas in delivery boxes. However, they can also be used to keep stacked paint
palettes apart and to hold eggs while they are being decorated. (39 words)

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Section B: Writing

Question Answer Marks

Annual School Writing Competition

‘Small is Beautiful’

You can win this year’s prize by writing about an object you use at home or in school and is small
enough to hold in your hand.
Think about:
• what your object is
• how and when you use it
• what you like about it.

Notes to markers

• Use the marking grids on the following pages.

• Marking should always begin from the lowest mark in each row and work across:
start from the left-hand side.
• Award 0 marks where the performance fails to meet the lowest criteria.
• A ‘best fit’ judgement should be made in judging first in which box to place the response and
then, within that box, which mark is appropriate.
• The lower mark within a box should be given if some criteria have been met but not all.

Note on extent:
• Award 0 marks for 20 words or fewer.
• Award a maximum of 7 marks for responses of between 21 and 60 words.
• You need not count the words unless you think there will be fewer than 60. In normal-sized
handwriting 60 words will be approximately 8 lines.

9 Creation of texts (Wc) 5

Vocabulary and Language (Wv) 3

Structure of texts (Ws) 7

Grammar and punctuation (Wg) 7

Word structure [Spelling] (Ww) 3

[Total 25]

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Creation of texts (Wc) Creation of texts (Wc) Creation of texts (Wc) Creation of texts (Wc)
[1] [2] [3] [4–5]
Some material included A relevant response Relevant material has Content is clearly
that elaborates on basic with well-chosen ideas ideas and content with aimed at a target
information. and content. Some detail developed. audience with a good
ideas and material are balance of coverage.
OR Features of the text Writing is well
Purpose of writing is type are clear developed so that
Some elements of the throughout.
clear and appropriate features of the text type
text type can be seen.
to the given text type Consistent viewpoint are used consistently
A maximum of 1 mark where some features with detail that sustains and successfully
can be awarded if not are evident. interest with writer’s
the given text type. style / personal A clear, consistent
response which relationship between
A straightforward emphasises particular writer and reader is
viewpoint which is points. established and
generally consistent maintained throughout
and appropriate for the the text.
purpose and the

Vocabulary and Language (Wv) Vocabulary and Language Vocabulary and Language
(Wv) (Wv)
[1] [2] [3]
Sometimes uses appropriate Appropriate vocabulary is used Language is wholly relevant to
vocabulary to convey meaning that is suitable for the specified the text type and purpose.
matched to the context. text type.
Specialised vocabulary is used
Good attempts to use well, for effect, throughout the
persuasive elements text.
Words and phrases chosen to
convey mood and feeling so
that the writing sustains the
reader’s interest.

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Structure of texts (Ws) Structure of texts Structure of texts Structure of texts

(Ws) (Ws) (Ws)
[1] [2-3] [4-5] [6-7]
Structure is clear using Paragraphs/sections Content is organised so Development of ideas
paragraphs / sections are evident with that ideas are is managed
with some attempts to related points grouped developed cohesively throughout an
organise the content. together (and/or linked and logically extended piece of
by time sequence). throughout a piece of writing.
sustained writing.
Some attempts to Well-organised ideas
Paragraphs/sections in paragraphs and/or
sequence relevant
ideas logically. are organised to sections support
achieve an appropriate overall cohesion and
Cohesion between effect for the specified shaping of a text.
paragraphs/sections is text type, where
achieved using devices included sentences add Logical links between
such as simple clarity to overall text. paragraphs help the
connectives to development of ideas.
establish links. (There may be some
use of organisational Cohesion within and
If either the context or devices such as between paragraphs
text type is incorrect, bullets, numbered lists, is achieved using
the maximum is 3. devices such as
Q&A style.)

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Grammar and Grammar and Grammar and Grammar and

Punctuation (Wg) Punctuation (Wg) Punctuation (Wg) Punctuation (Wg)
[1] [2-3] [4-5] [6-7]
Some simple sentence Uses an increasing Grammar is almost Overall grammar and
structures are used range of sentence always accurate use of English is fully
successfully. types accurately and throughout the text. appropriate for the
may include attempts For example: text type.
Some correct use of at complex structures. • simple, compound For example:
punctuation, such as full and complex • A variety of simple,
stops and capital letters. sentences; multi- compound and
Use of expanded
clause sentences complex sentences
phrases to develop
Note: do not combine simple are chosen for
ideas. For example:
discriminate if learners sentences and/or re- effect.
write with good English • noun, adverbial, • Relative pronouns
adjectival, and verb order clauses.
but there are punctuation • modal verbs. may provide detail.
errors. If ambitious phrases
• with a range of • pronouns and
structures are used, possessive Punctuation is used
begin marking at 2–3 connectives. accurately, e.g.:
pronouns used
marks, provided there is accurately. • to clarify meaning
variation in sentence Verb forms are in complex
generally used • adjectives and
openings. adverbs used sentences.
accurately, i.e. subject (All speech
matches verb, correctly
(comparative/ punctuation, reported
consistency of tense, and direct, is correct).
use of singular and superlative)
plural. • use of prepositions

Punctuation is used Punctuation is used

consistently and accurately to: e.g.
accurately, e.g. • demarcate
sentences (and for
• To demarcate
direct speech).
• Commas are always
• Commas are always
used in lists and
used in lists and
often to mark
sometimes to clarify
clauses in complex
meaning in
• Use of apostrophes
• Apostrophes correct
is accurate
for possession
• (Direct speech
punctuation includes
other punctuation
alongside speech

Note: if punctuation is
totally lacking and other
descriptors met then
give the lower mark

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Word structure (Ww) Word structure (Ww) Word structure (Ww)

(Spelling) (Spelling) (Spelling)
[1] [2] [3]
Examples: Examples: Examples:
Spelling of all high frequency
Correct spelling of words with Spell words with different
words and common
less common letter strings that suffixes that sound the same, -
polysyllabic words, including
are pronounced differently., e.g., tion, -cian.
compound words, is correct.
pour, hour, piece, pie.
Spelling of words with Spell familiar homophones and
common letter strings, but Some successful attempts to commonly confused words
different pronunciations is spell exceptions to known correctly, e.g., aloud, allowed,
correct, e.g., through, tough. spelling rules. desert, dessert.

Spelling of a range of common Correctly spell words with silent Spell a wide range of words,
prefixes and suffixes is vowels and syllables in a range both regular and exception
correct. of polysyllabic words, e.g., words correctly, including words
Spelling of common library, interest. where similar consonant sounds
homophones is correct. vary, e.g. -ck, -k, -ch, -que, -k.
Spell common homonyms
Some correct spelling of long correctly, e.g., wave (gesture),
and short vowel phonemes. wave (sea).
Spelling of plurals is usually
Spell words with a wide range of
correct, e.g. -s, -es, -y/ies,
-f/ves prefixes and suffixes, including
opposites (un-, im-) correctly.

Spell words with double

consonants correctly.

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