Grades 8-10 - Retake ELA Writing, Grades 4-10 - Retake ELA Reading, Grades 3-8 Mathematics ... (PDFDrive)

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Spring/Summer 2018

Grades 8–10/Retake ELA Writing

Grades 4–10/Retake ELA Reading
Grades 3–8 Mathematics
End-of-Course Assessments

Test Administration Manual
Spring/Summer 2018
FSA Computer-Based
ELA Writing, ELA Reading,
Mathematics, and EOC
Administration Information
Please see the 2017–2018 Statewide Assessment Schedule found on the FSA Portal for the administration
Paper-based accommodations for computer-based tests may be administered throughout the entire window;
however, materials must be returned by an established pickup date prior to the end of the window to
guarantee results in initial reporting.
The Florida Department of Education (FDOE) will provide districts with administration schedule guidance.
Any deviation from this schedule requires written approval from FDOE.

Session Lengths by Grade Level and Subject

FSA ELA Writing
The FSA ELA Writing assessment is administered in one 120-minute session.

Grade(s) Session Length Number of Sessions

8–10 120 minutes 1

FSA ELA Writing Retake

For the FSA ELA Writing Retake, any student who has not completed the test by the end of the allotted
time may continue working; however, each test session may last no longer than half the length of a typical
school day.

Assessment Session Length Number of Sessions

ELA Writing 120 minutes 1

FSA ELA Reading

FSA ELA Reading assessments are administered in two sessions over two days.

Grade(s) Session Length Number of Sessions

4–5 80 minutes 2
6–8 85 minutes 2
9–10 90 minutes 2
FSA ELA Reading Retake
The FSA ELA Reading Retake assessment is administered in two sessions over two days. For the FSA
ELA Reading Retake sessions, any student who has not completed a session by the end of the allotted
time may continue working; however, each session may last no longer than half the length of a typical
school day.

Assessment Session Length Number of Sessions

ELA Reading Retake 90 minutes 2

FSA Mathematics
FSA Mathematics assessments are administered over two days. For Grades 6–8, Session 1 must be
administered on Day 1 and Sessions 2 and 3 on Day 2.

Grade(s) Session Length Number of Sessions

3–5 80 minutes 2
6–8 60 minutes 3

FSA EOC Assessments

FSA EOC assessments are administered in two sessions over two days. Any student who has not
completed a session by the end of the allotted time may continue working; however, each session may last
no longer than half the length of a typical school day.

Subject Session Length Number of Sessions

Algebra 1 (including spring
90 minutes 2
Retake) and Geometry

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual i

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
What’s New for Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Assessments ........................................ vii
Reminders for Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Assessments ......................................... viii
Glossary ........................................................................................................................................................x
Introduction: The FSA Program ................................................................................................................1
Introduction ...............................................................................................................................................1
About This Manual ....................................................................................................................................1
Test Administration Policies and Procedures ............................................................................................2
Administration Information .......................................................................................................................2
Students to Be Tested.................................................................................................................................2
Special Program Students ..........................................................................................................................3
General Information about Accommodations............................................................................................5
Make-Up Test Administration Procedures.................................................................................................6
Test Materials ............................................................................................................................................6
Calculators .................................................................................................................................................8
Reference Sheets........................................................................................................................................8
Headphones/Earbuds .................................................................................................................................8
CBT Tools ..................................................................................................................................................9
Computer and Device Preparations .........................................................................................................10
Test Tickets ..............................................................................................................................................10
Student Demographic Information ..........................................................................................................10
Support During Testing............................................................................................................................12
Test Security Policies and Procedures ......................................................................................................13
Admission of Students to Testing ............................................................................................................14
Proctors ....................................................................................................................................................14
Security Numbers ....................................................................................................................................14
Test Irregularities and Security Breaches ................................................................................................15
Test Invalidation Policies and Procedures ...............................................................................................17
Test Administrator Responsibilities Before Testing ................................................................................19
Conduct Practice Test ..............................................................................................................................19
Prepare the Room for Testing ..................................................................................................................19
Record Required Administration Information .........................................................................................20
Complete Seating Charts .........................................................................................................................21
Assemble Materials .................................................................................................................................21

ii Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Table of Contents

Receive Materials ....................................................................................................................................22

Communicate Testing Policies to Parents/Guardians and Students ........................................................24
Test Administrator Responsibilities During Testing ...............................................................................26
Prepare Student Computers and Devices.................................................................................................26
Read Script ..............................................................................................................................................26
Distribute Materials .................................................................................................................................27
Testing Rules Acknowledgment ..............................................................................................................27
Create, Start, Monitor, and Close the Test Session ..................................................................................27
Keep Time................................................................................................................................................28
Maintain Test Security .............................................................................................................................28
Supervise Test Administration .................................................................................................................29
Script for Administering Grades 8–10 ELA Writing ..............................................................................31
Script for Administering the ELA Writing Retake .................................................................................39
Script for Administering Grades 4–5 ELA Reading Session 1 ..............................................................47
Script for Administering Grades 4–5 ELA Reading Session 2 ..............................................................55
Script for Administering Grades 6–8 ELA Reading Session 1 ..............................................................63
Script for Administering Grades 6–8 ELA Reading Session 2 ..............................................................71
Script for Administering Grades 9–10 ELA Reading Session 1 ............................................................79
Script for Administering Grades 9–10 ELA Reading Session 2 ............................................................87
Script for Administering the ELA Reading Retake Session 1................................................................95
Script for Administering the ELA Reading Retake Session 2..............................................................103
Script for Administering Grade 3 Mathematics Session 1 ................................................................... 111
Script for Administering Grade 3 Mathematics Session 2 ...................................................................119
Script for Administering Grades 4–5 Mathematics Session 1..............................................................127
Script for Administering Grades 4–5 Mathematics Session 2..............................................................135
Script for Administering Grade 6 Mathematics Session 1 ...................................................................143
Script for Administering Grade 6 Mathematics Session 2 ...................................................................151
Script for Administering Grade 6 Mathematics Session 3 (Short Break) ..........................................159
Script for Administering Grade 6 Mathematics Session 3 (Extended Break) ....................................165
Script for Administering Grades 7–8 Mathematics Session 1..............................................................173
Script for Administering Grades 7–8 Mathematics Session 2..............................................................181
Script for Administering Grades 7–8 Mathematics Session 3 (Short Break) .....................................189
Script for Administering Grades 7–8 Mathematics Session 3 (Extended Break) ..............................195
Script for Administering the Algebra 1 EOC/Algebra 1 Retake EOC Assessment Session 1 ...........203
Script for Administering the Algebra 1 EOC/Algebra 1 Retake EOC Assessment Session 2 ...........211

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual iii

Table of Contents

Script for Administering the Geometry EOC Assessment Session 1 ...................................................219

Script for Administering the Geometry EOC Assessment Session 2 ...................................................227
Test Administrator Responsibilities After Testing ................................................................................235
Return Materials to the School Assessment Coordinator ......................................................................235
School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing ........................................................236
Receive Materials ..................................................................................................................................236
Manage Student Information in TIDE ...................................................................................................236
Print Test Tickets ...................................................................................................................................237
Assign Writing or Reading Passage Booklets .......................................................................................237
Required Administration Information ...................................................................................................237
Seating Charts ........................................................................................................................................237
Test Materials Chain of Custody Form..................................................................................................237
Assign Proctors ......................................................................................................................................238
Arrange Testing of Special Program Students .......................................................................................238
Ensure Implementation of Accommodations ........................................................................................238
Meet with Technology Coordinator .......................................................................................................238
Prepare Test Settings, Computers, and Devices ....................................................................................239
Oversee Preparation and Training .........................................................................................................239
Arrange CBT Practice Test Sessions .....................................................................................................241
School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities During Testing .......................................................242
Distribute Test Materials........................................................................................................................242
Supervise Test Administration and Maintain Test Security ...................................................................242
Testing Rules Acknowledgment ............................................................................................................242
Monitor Student Progress ......................................................................................................................243
Supervise Make-Up Test Administrations .............................................................................................243
School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities After Testing ...........................................................244
Receive Materials from Test Administrators .........................................................................................244
Update Student Information ..................................................................................................................244
Invalidate Tests ......................................................................................................................................244
Record Accommodations.......................................................................................................................244
Prepare Materials for Return .................................................................................................................244
District Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing .......................................................246
Receive Materials ..................................................................................................................................246
Required Administration Information ...................................................................................................246
Prepare for Practice Test Sessions .........................................................................................................247

iv Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Table of Contents

Seating Charts ........................................................................................................................................247

Create TIDE/TDS Accounts ..................................................................................................................247
Train School Assessment Coordinators and Technology Coordinators.................................................247
Arrange to Test Special Program Students ............................................................................................248
Ensure Implementation of Accommodations ........................................................................................249
District Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities During Testing ......................................................250
Monitor Test Administration and Maintain Test Security .....................................................................250
Test Status Monitoring...........................................................................................................................250
Communicate with FDOE .....................................................................................................................250
District Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities After Testing .........................................................251
Prepare Boxes for Return ......................................................................................................................251
Receive District Assessment Coordinator ONLY Boxes .......................................................................251
Appendix A: Accommodations................................................................................................................253
Overview ...............................................................................................................................................254
Test Accommodations for Students with Disabilities (General Information) .......................................254
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities ...................................................................................255
Unique Accommodations ......................................................................................................................259
Accommodations for English Language Learners (ELLs) ....................................................................259
Instructions for Oral Presentation Accommodations .............................................................................261
Appendix B: FSA Help Desk ...................................................................................................................265
Appendix C: Florida Test Security Statute and Rule ...........................................................................267
Florida Test Security Statute..................................................................................................................269
Florida State Board of Education Test Security Rule ............................................................................271
Appendix D: Perforated Forms and Signs.............................................................................................273
2017–2018 Test Administration and Security Agreement .....................................................................275
2017–2018 Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement ..........................................................277
Test Materials Chain of Custody Form..................................................................................................279
Security Log ..........................................................................................................................................281
Administration Record/Security Checklist ............................................................................................283
Test Administrator CBT Checklist.........................................................................................................285
School Assessment Coordinator CBT Checklist ...................................................................................287
District Assessment Coordinator CBT Checklist ..................................................................................289
Do Not Disturb Sign ..............................................................................................................................291
Electronic Devices Sign.........................................................................................................................293
No Calculators Sign ...............................................................................................................................295
Session 1 Sign........................................................................................................................................297

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual v

Table of Contents

Session 2 Sign........................................................................................................................................299
Session 3 Sign........................................................................................................................................301
Sample Planning Sheet ..........................................................................................................................303
CBT Worksheet......................................................................................................................................305

vi Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

What’s New for Spring/Summer 2018 FSA CBT Assessments

What’s New for Spring/Summer 2018

FSA Computer-Based Assessments
1. For 2017–2018 test administrations, all schools must download and install the most current FSA Secure
Browser, which was released on the FSA Portal in August 2017. The previous version of the secure
browser will no longer work.

2. The Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE) now accepts only the Florida Education Identifier
(FLEID). A studentʼs social security number with an X or a 10-digit district number is no longer
accepted in TIDE.

3. The Spring 2018 FSA Algebra 1 Retake will be administered during the same window as the FSA
ELA Reading Retake and the FCAT 2.0 Reading Retake.
Students who need to retake the FSA Algebra 1 EOC will participate in the Retake administration,
and students taking the assessment for the first time will participate in the FSA EOC administration.
Students may not participate in both administrations.

4. The 2017–2018 FSA Accommodations Guide is available on the FSA Portal and should be used for
all administrations this school year. The purpose of the guide is to provide information and resources
for the administration of statewide FSA assessments to students with allowable accommodations.
Test administrators and school coordinators should use the information in the guide as a supplement
to the printed test administration manuals for each administration, as not all administration and
policy information is included in the document. In addition, accommodated scripts are provided as
standalone documents on the portal only and are not included in the guide.

5. Beginning with the Spring 2018 administration, comment forms are no longer provided by FDOE.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual vii

Reminders for Spring/Summer 2018 FSA CBT Assessments

Reminders for Spring/Summer 2018

FSA Computer-Based Assessments
1. If a technical issue interrupts testing and cannot be resolved quickly, schools should contact the FSA
Help Desk at 866-815-7246 and notify the district assessment office immediately. School assessment
coordinators and technology coordinators should familiarize themselves with the information in
Appendix B in case they need to contact the FSA Help Desk for support before or during testing.
2. For Grades 7–8 Mathematics and FSA EOC assessments, handheld calculators are allowed for
specific sessions only. See page 8 for more information. All school personnel, especially test
administrators, must be made aware of this policy. Providing a calculator in the wrong test session
(Session 1) is cause for test invalidation.
3. If students will use handheld calculators during Grades 7–8 Mathematics or EOC assessments, school
personnel must ensure that the models used adhere to the guidelines in the Calculator and Reference
Sheet Policies for Florida Standards Assessments (FSA) Mathematics Assessments, which is posted on
the FSA Portal. Providing a calculator with prohibited functionality is cause for test invalidation.
4. Districts and schools are required to report whether students have testing accommodations listed in
their Individual Education Plans (IEPs) or Section 504 Plans. This information will be captured on
the PreID file as well as when adding a new student in TIDE. Schools must also maintain records of
accommodations provided and accommodations used with their required administration information.
5. All students must have headphones or earbuds during both sessions of Grades 4–10 ELA Reading and
ELA Reading Retake, and headphones/earbuds should be plugged in prior to launching the secure
browser on student devices.
6. Closed captioning for ELA Reading audio content is available for eligible students who have this
accommodation identified in their IEPs or Section 504 Plans. School assessment coordinators must
ensure that eligible students have been assigned this accommodation in TIDE prior to testing.
7. The following CBT accommodations are available for students who have these accommodations
specified in their IEPs or Section 504 Plans:
• Text-to-speech
• Masking
• American Sign Language (ASL) videos and closed captioning (CC) for ELA Reading tests
• Writing and Reading Passage Booklets
If students will use any of the accommodations listed above, school assessment coordinators
must ensure that students have been assigned the appropriate accommodation(s) in TIDE prior
to testing to ensure that they are assigned the correct CBT functionality or form.
8. The school CBT Coordinator has the ability to submit Re-open a test session and Re-open a test
requests in TIDE for students who mistakenly exit a session and need to return to testing on the same
day. The district assessment coordinator will be responsible for approving these requests to allow
students to continue testing. Re-open requests are not necessary if a student pauses or is logged out of
a test and needs to return to the same session on the same day.
9. Districts are required to report test incidents and irregularities to the Bureau of K–12 Student
Assessment using an online form. FDOE will distribute a link and instructions to districts prior to
each test administration.

viii Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Reminders for Spring/Summer 2018 FSA CBT Assessments

10. Grades 6–8 Mathematics students who have an extended time accommodation listed on their IEPs or
Section 504 Plans may test one Mathematics session per day.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual ix


American Institutes for Research (AIR): AIR is the assessment vendor for FSA assessments.
Data Recognition Corporation (DRC): DRC is the vendor responsible for processes associated with
paper-based FSA materials, including printing, shipping, receiving, and scanning.
Florida Education Identifier (FLEID): A 14-character code issued by FDOE to uniquely identify a
student in Floridaʼs education data system.
FSA Portal: Resources and information for district and school personnel are located on the FSA Portal,
which is accessed at The portal includes links to the Test Information
Distribution Engine (TIDE), Test Administrator (TA) Training Site, Test Delivery System (TDS),
Assessment Viewing Application (AVA), and the FSA Reporting System.
FSA Reporting System: The FSA Reporting System delivers state, district, and school score results.
Secure Browser: The secure browser allows students to access the computer-based FSA assessments.
This software must be installed on all computers or devices that will be used for student testing. A link to
download the secure browser is located on the FSA Portal.
Session ID: Session IDs are unique codes generated by the Test Administrator (TA) Interface. In
addition to their first names and usernames, students use the Session ID to log in to computer-based FSA
assessments. Test administrators must record the Session ID with their required administration information.
Student Interface: Students use the Student Interface via the secure browser to log in to and take
computer-based FSA assessments.
Test Administrator Interface: Test administrators use the TA Interface to create and monitor test sessions
for all computer-based FSA assessments.
Test Delivery System (TDS): All computer-based FSA assessments are administered via TDS, which
includes the TA Interface and the Student Interface.
Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE): TIDE is the enrollment and user management system for
FSA assessments. Student enrollment and test eligibility information is managed in TIDE. All school and
district personnel involved in the administration of FSA assessments must have TIDE user accounts.
Test Tickets: Student test tickets contain login information for students. Each student must have a test
ticket to log in to computer-based FSA assessments. Test tickets are generated in TIDE and contain the
following student information: district, school, last name, first name, date of birth, user name, grade, and

x Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Introduction: The FSA Program

Introduction: The FSA Program

The Florida Standards in Mathematics and English Language Arts were approved by the Florida State
Board of Education in February 2014 and were fully implemented in grades K–12 in the 2014–2015
school year. All Florida schools teach the Florida Standards, and the Florida Department of Education
(FDOE) has contracted with the American Institutes for Research (AIR) to develop and administer the
the Florida Standards Assessments (FSA) statewide assessments. These assessments provide parents,
teachers, policy makers, and the general public with information regarding how well students are learning
the Florida Standards.
For more information about the FSA program, please visit the FSA Portal at

About This Manual

This test administration manual includes scripts and instructions for administering the Spring 2018
computer-based FSA ELA Writing (including Retake), FSA ELA Reading (including Retake), FSA
Mathematics, and FSA EOC assessments and Summer 2018 FSA EOC assessments.
Scripts and instructions for administering accommodated computer-based forms (masking, text-to-speech,
ASL, CC) and paper-based accommodations (regular print, large print, one-item-per-page) are available
on the portal. Scripts and instructions for administering braille accommodations are included with braille
test materials and are also available on the portal.
District and school personnel should read all relevant information in this manual and ensure that test
administrators and anyone else involved in test administration (e.g., proctors, technology coordinators)
are familiar with the appropriate scripts and instructions.
Due to changes in policy as well as administration processes, information in this manual can change
significantly from one year to the next. Even experienced district and school assessment coordinators,
technology coordinators, and test administrators are responsible for reading and becoming familiar
with all information in this manual.
District and school personnel will also need to read and have access to the following user guides prior to
and during test administration:
• TIDE User Guide (district and school assessment coordinators)
• Test Administrator User Guide (test administrators and school assessment coordinators)
• Practice Tests User Guide (test administrators and school assessment coordinators)
• 2017–2018 FSA Accommodations Guide (test administrators and district and school assessment
coordinators, as applicable)

The Spring 2018 FSA PBT Manual includes scripts and instructions for administering Grades 4–7 FSA
ELA Writing and Grade 3 FSA ELA Reading.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 1

Test Administration Policies and Procedures

Test Administration Policies and Procedures

Administration Information
Refer to the inside front cover of this manual for test administration information and session lengths. Test
administrators must allow the full amount of time allotted for test sessions. While some students may finish
before the time allotted for testing ends, this policy is in place to provide a fair environment for students
who require all or most of the allotted time and to avoid pressuring any student to finish early.
Any student who has not finished by the end of the allotted time for an EOC or Retake session may
continue working up to half the length of a typical school day.

Students to Be Tested
All students enrolled in tested grade levels/subjects participate in the Spring 2018 FSA administration
with or without accommodations, per Section 1008.22(3)(a), Florida Statutes (F.S.). Students who have
received a GED diploma are not eligible to participate in FSA administrations.
Students must take the test(s) appropriate for the grade level/subject in which they are receiving instruction.
For FSA ELA, students must take the same grade-level test for ELA Writing and ELA Reading to receive an
ELA score.

FSA ELA Writing and Reading Retake

Students who entered Grade 9 in the 2013–2014 school year and beyond and are pursuing a standard
Florida high school diploma must pass the Grade 10 FSA ELA assessment (Reading and Writing).
Retained Grade 10 or Grades 11–AD (30) students who have not met the Grade 10 FSA ELA assessment
requirement are eligible to participate in the Spring 2018 FSA ELA Retake. Students who have received a
GED diploma are not eligible to participate in FSA administrations.
Grade 10 students who entered Grade 9 during the 2016–2017 school year will participate in the Spring
2018 Grade 10 FSA ELA assessment.

FSA EOC Assessments

Students enrolled in and completing one of the courses aligned to the Florida Standards participate in the
appropriate assessment as indicated by the following table:
Assessment Course
Algebra 1 Algebra 1 – 1200310
Algebra 1 Honors – 1200320
Algebra 1-B – 1200380
Pre-AICE Mathematics 1 – 1209810
IB Middle Years Program Algebra 1 Honors – 1200390
Geometry Geometry – 1206310
Geometry Honors – 1206320
Pre-AICE Mathematics 2 – 1209820
IB Middle Years Program Geometry Honors – 1206810

2 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Test Administration Policies and Procedures

The following students are also eligible to participate in FSA EOC administrations:

• Students who still need to pass an assessment for graduation purposes (Algebra 1 Retake only)
• Students who must earn a passing score on an assessment for a standard diploma with a scholar
designation (Geometry only)
• Students who have not yet taken an assessment to be averaged as 30% of their course grades
• Students who are in grade forgiveness programs and wish to retake an assessment to improve their
course grades
• Students in a credit acceleration program (CAP) who wish to take an assessment to earn course credit

Students Confined to Custodial or Residential Institutions

If a student is confined to a custodial or residential institution and is eligible to participate in this test
administration, the district assessment coordinator in the diploma-granting district should contact FDOE
to discuss how to proceed with testing. Test administrations at custodial/residential institutions will be
authorized at the discretion of FDOE.

Special Program Students

For all special program students, the parent/guardian is responsible for contacting the district to register
the student for the selected assessments and for transporting the student to and from the district-assigned
testing location. The parent/guardian is also responsible for providing the following to the testing
location on or before the day of the test: all student demographic information (see pages 10–12), photo
identification (if the student is unknown to the test administrator or other school staff), and emergency
contact information. See the table on page 4 for district and school numbers for special program students.

Home Education Program Students

Students who receive instruction at home and are registered appropriately with their district office as
home education program students are eligible to participate in statewide assessments. If parents or
guardians have identified an FSA assessment as a selected measure of their child’s annual progress,
home education program students may participate in an FSA administration, as directed by the district
assessment coordinator.

McKay Scholarship Program Students

Students enrolled in private schools through the McKay Scholarship Program may participate in
statewide assessments.
Students enrolled in public schools through the McKay Scholarship Program are required to participate in
statewide assessments as outlined in their IEPs or Section 504 Plans.

Florida Tax Credit (FTC) Scholarship Program Students

S. 1002.395(7)(e), F.S., allows for a private school student enrolled in the FTC Scholarship Program to
participate in the statewide assessments. FTC Scholarship Program students may not participate in the
FSA ELA Retake.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 3

Test Administration Policies and Procedures

Virtual School Program Students

Students enrolled full time in a virtual school program who meet the requirements for students to be
tested for this administration must be accommodated for testing in the district in which they reside. These
students should not be confused with home education program students.
Students who receive part-time instruction from a virtual program and who are enrolled in a brick-and-
mortar district public school or the district home education program should be coded with the district/
school numbers for their organization of enrollment to ensure that scores are reported to the correct

Private School Students

Private school students may participate in FSA EOC assessments. Instructions for managing these students
in TIDE are included in this manual. Contact the Education Data Warehouse to obtain an FLEID to
register these students for testing.
Reference the table below for special program district and school numbers.
District/School Numbers for Special Programs

Program District Number School Number

FLVS Full Time K–5 71 0300
FLVS Full Time 6–12 71 0400
District Virtual Instruction Program (VIP) Your district number 7001 or 7023
District Franchise of FLVS Your district number 7004
Virtual Charter Schools Your district number Charter school number
Home Education Your district number 9998
McKay Scholarship (Private School) Your district number 3518
Florida Tax Credit (FTC) Scholarship 97 9999
Private School/Out-of-State Transfer Your district number 9900

English Language Learners (ELLs)

All ELLs participate in statewide assessments. Students who are identified as ELLs must be provided with
the allowable accommodations listed on pages 259–260 of Appendix A. ELLs who have been enrolled in
school in the United States for less than one year may be exempt from FSA ELA assessments (Reading
and Writing). Exempt ELLs must participate in the annual English language proficiency assessment.
However, ELLs are not exempt from passing the Grade 10 ELA assessment for graduation purposes.
All ELLs who complete the applicable courses are expected to participate in the EOC assessments no
matter how long these students have been enrolled in a U.S. school.

4 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Test Administration Policies and Procedures

Students with Disabilities

Students with disabilities participate in the statewide assessment program by taking one of the following:
• FSA without accommodations,
• FSA with accommodations, or
• Florida Standards Alternate Assessment.
All determinations regarding participation in the statewide assessment program must be documented in
the student’s IEP or Section 504 Plan.
Per s. 1008.212, F.S., a student with a disability whom the IEP team determines is prevented by a
circumstance or condition from physically demonstrating the mastery of skills that have been acquired
and are measured by the statewide standardized assessment, a statewide standardized EOC assessment,
or an alternate assessment shall be granted an extraordinary exemption from the administration of
the assessment. A learning, emotional, behavioral, or significant cognitive disability, or the receipt
of services through the homebound or hospitalized program in accordance with Rule 6A-6.03020,
Florida Administrative Code (FAC), is not, in and of itself, an adequate criterion for the granting of an
extraordinary exemption. A written request for an extraordinary exemption must be submitted to the
district school superintendent by the student’s IEP team no later than 60 calendar days before the first day
of the administration window of the assessment for which the request is made. An exemption request for
FSA ELA applies to both Writing and Reading assessments and should have been submitted no later than
60 calendar days before the first day of the FSA ELA Writing test administration. The Commissioner of
Education shall determine whether the extraordinary exemption is granted or denied.
In addition to the extraordinary exemption option, a child with a medical complexity may be exempt from
participating in statewide, standardized assessments pursuant to the provisions of s. 1008.22(10), F.S.

General Information about Accommodations

Appendix A provides information concerning allowable accommodations for students with disabilities
and for students who are identified as ELLs. The test administrator and the school assessment coordinator
are responsible for ensuring that arrangements for accommodations have been made prior to the test
administration dates.
Refer to the 2017–2018 FSA Accommodations Guide for information and instructions about
accommodated paper-based assessments.
For eligible students participating in the computer-based FSA ELA Reading, Writing, Mathematics, or
EOC assessments, the following accommodations are available (as applicable):

Computer-Based Accommodations
• Masking
• Text-to-speech
• American Sign Language (ASL) videos for ELA Reading tests
• Closed Captioning (CC) for ELA Reading tests

Writing Passage Booklets

• Regular print Writing Passage Booklets
• Large print Writing Passage Booklets

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 5

Test Administration Policies and Procedures

Reading Passage Booklets

• Regular print Reading Passage Booklets
• Large print Reading Passage Booklets
Paper-based accommodations (regular print, large print, braille, one-item-per-page) may be provided to
eligible students if indicated as an accommodation on an IEP or Section 504 Plan. Districts must submit
confirmation of student eligibility for all paper-based accommodations to FDOE. Scripts for students using
paper-based accommodations (regular print, large print, braille, one-item-per-page) and computer-based
accommodations (e.g., masking, text-to-speech) can be found on the FSA portal. Scripts and instructions
for administering braille accommodations are provided with the braille test materials.
Students who are identified as ELLs must be provided with the allowable accommodations listed on
pages 259–260 of Appendix A.

Make-Up Test Administration Procedures

All security and administration procedures must be followed while conducting make-up tests. Please
remember that after any administration, initial or make-up, secure materials must be returned immediately
to the school assessment coordinator and placed in locked storage. Secure materials must never remain in
classrooms or be removed from the school’s campus overnight.
For all FSA assessments, sessions must be completed in the designated order. For example, Session 1 must
be completed before Session 2. For assessments with three sessions, students must complete Session 1 and
Session 2 before completing Session 3. Two- or three-session tests must be administered over two days
(with Session 1 administered on Day 1 and Sessions 2 and 3 administered on Day 2 for three-session tests).
Students with extended time accommodations may test one session per day. Any students absent for a
session may not participate in the next session until they have completed the session that they missed.

Test Materials
Students participating in this CBT administration receive the following materials, as applicable:
• Writing Planning Sheets
• Writing and Reading Passage Booklets
• CBT Worksheets
• Work Folders

Writing Planning Sheets

All students taking ELA Writing receive Writing Planning Sheets that they may use to take notes and plan
their responses. The planning sheet is a one-page, letter-sized sheet. The front of the sheet is lined. The
Testing Rules Acknowledgment is printed on the back of the sheet.
Planning sheets are distributed to students at the beginning of the ELA Writing test session. School
assessment coordinators and test administrators must ensure that students have enough desk space to
use their planning sheets. Used planning sheets are considered secure materials and must be kept in
locked storage and placed in the District Assessment Coordinator ONLY boxes.

6 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Test Administration Policies and Procedures

Writing and Reading Passage Booklets

For computer-based administrations of ELA Writing and Reading, Writing Passage Booklets or Reading
Passage Booklets are provided for eligible students who have these accommodations listed in their IEPs
or Section 504 Plans. Students must be marked in TIDE with this accommodation prior to testing to
ensure that the passages in their CBT test form match the passages in the passage booklet. Regular
print and large print versions of the passage booklets are available. The Writing Passage Booklets contain
the writing passages but do not contain the writing prompt. The Reading Passage Booklets contain the
reading passages but do not contain test items. Students may write in the booklets but will respond to the
writing prompt or to test items on the computer or device they are using to take the assessment. Sessions 1
and 2 of the Reading Passage Booklet are sealed separately. Students should break the appropriate seal at
the beginning of each session, according to the instructions in the administration script. Passage Booklets
are secure materials and must be stored in a secure location before and after testing. See the FSA
Paper-Based Materials Return Instructions in the 2017–2018 FSA Accommodations Guide for
instructions on how to return Writing Passage Booklets.
If a passage booklet is soiled (e.g., with blood or vomit), the district assessment coordinator should email
the security number to DRC, at [email protected]. The damaged passage
booklet should then be destroyed or disposed of in a secure manner (e.g., shredded, burned). Soiled
passage booklets should not be returned with test materials.
Schools must investigate any report of missing materials. If, after a thorough investigation, a secure
document is not found, the school assessment coordinator must contact the district assessment
coordinator. If guidance is needed, the district assessment coordinator should call the Bureau of K–12
Student Assessment immediately to discuss a plan of action. This action may include the involvement of
local law enforcement.
A form to report missing passage booklets (Missing Materials Form) can be found on the FSA Portal.
School personnel and district assessment coordinators may use this form, manipulate this form, or create
their own form to submit with a written report.

CBT Worksheets
CBT Worksheets are one-page letter-sized worksheets. Students may use the front and back of the
worksheet to take notes during each session of ELA Reading. The Testing Rules Acknowledgment is
printed on the back of the CBT Worksheet.
Worksheets are distributed to students at the beginning of each ELA Reading test session. School
assessment coordinators and test administrators must ensure that students have enough desk space to use
their worksheets.
Each student must be given a new worksheet for each ELA Reading test session. Used worksheets
are considered secure materials and must be kept in locked storage and placed in the District
Assessment Coordinator ONLY boxes.

Work Folders
CBT Work Folders are four-page folders that students may use to work the problems. The Testing Rules
Acknowledgment is printed on page 2. The last page of the folder (back cover) is printed with graph

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 7

Test Administration Policies and Procedures

Work folders are distributed to students at the beginning of each Mathematics and EOC test session.
School assessment coordinators and test administrators must ensure that students have enough desk space
to use their folders.
Each student must be given a new work folder for each Mathematics and EOC test session, with the
exception of Grades 6–8 FSA Mathematics. For Sessions 2 and 3 of Grades 6–8 FSA Mathematics, students
should use the same work folder for Session 2 and Session 3. Used work folders are considered secure
materials and must be kept in locked storage and placed in the District Assessment Coordinator ONLY

Grades 7 and 8 FSA Mathematics and Algebra 1/Algebra 1 Retake and Geometry EOC assessments
include a calculator in the Test Delivery System. The calculator is only available for Sessions 2 and 3
of the Grades 7 and 8 Mathematics and for Session 2 of the EOCs.
Handheld calculators may be provided to all students during Session 2 and (if applicable) Session 3
only. The Calculator and Reference Sheet Policies for Florida Standards Assessments (FSA) Mathematics
Assessments document, available on the FSA Portal, includes a list of required and prohibited calculator
functionalities as well as a list of FDOE-approved calculators for the 2017–2018 school year.
Providing a calculator with prohibited functionality or in the wrong test session (Session 1) is cause
for test invalidation.

Reference Sheets
Reference sheets are provided for the Grades 4–8 FSA Mathematics and FSA EOC assessments in TDS
for computer-based testing. Schools may provide hardcopy reference sheets to students. Schools that
provide hardcopy reference sheets must ensure that copies are available for all students taking the test.
Any hardcopy reference sheets must be printed or copied from the files found on the portal. Copies must
not be made from used reference sheets or sheets that contain notes or handwriting. Each copy must be
carefully checked against the original to ensure that all content is copied and that it is clear and easy to
read. Schools may provide each student with a new copy of the reference sheet for Session 2 on Day 2, or
they may return the same hardcopy reference sheet from Session 1 for students to use during Session 2.
After students complete the test, test administrators must collect all reference sheets. Used reference
sheets are secure materials. The school assessment coordinator should package all used and unused
reference sheets in the District Assessment Coordinator ONLY boxes.

Students must have headphones or earbuds for both sessions of ELA Reading. While there are no technical
specifications for headphones or earbuds, please check the FSA System Requirements for Online Testing,
available on the FSA Portal, for additional guidance. FDOE does not provide headphones or earbuds. If
they choose, districts may allow students to use their own headphones or earbuds. Headphones or earbuds
should be checked to ensure that they work with the computer or device the students will use for the
assessment prior to the first day of testing. Plug headphones or earbuds in and adjust system volume
prior to launching the secure browser on each day of testing. A sound check is also built in to the
assessment, and students are asked to verify that headphones and earbuds are working prior to entering the

8 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Test Administration Policies and Procedures

CBT Tools
Several tools are available to students taking computer-based assessments. Students will practice using
these tools during the practice test, and instructions for using these tools are provided in the script for
administering practice tests. Both the practice tests and the scripts for administering practice tests are
available on the FSA Portal.

Tool Description
A student can view Test Instructions and Help, which provides information
about how to use the Test Delivery System.
A student can highlight text in a passage or item. (Text in images cannot be
Mark (Flag) for Review A student can mark an item for review so that it can be easily found later.
A student can cross out answer options for multiple-choice and multiselect
Expand/Collapse Item A student can expand or collapse a passage or item for easier readability.
Line Reader A student can emphasize one line of text in a passage or item at a time.
A student can adjust volume during the test. (ELA Reading and text-to-speech
System Settings
accommodation only.)
A student can view and restore responses previously entered for a Text
Select Response Version
Response item. The response tool refreshes each time the student logs in; i.e.,
responses saved previously are no longer available once the student logs out.
A student can view a short video about each item type and how to respond to
that item type. (Tutorials do not contain audio.)
Zoom In
A student can increase and decrease the size of the text and images on the test.
Zoom Out
Accessibility Setting Description
Background Color Background and text color combination applied to a student’s test. The color
Choice combination a student chooses will remain throughout the entire test.
The selected print size becomes the default in that student’s test. Regardless
Print Size of the print size assigned, all students can use the Zoom buttons to toggle
between the five levels of print size.
Students can change the size and color of the mouse pointer. The size and
Mouse Pointer
color a student chooses will remain throughout the entire test.
Available on FSA ELA Writing and Reading
A student can use an on-screen notepad to take notes. The same notepad is
available throughout the entire test.
Available on FSA Mathematics and EOC Assessments
A student can use the built-in calculator on specified sessions of the Grades 7–8
FSA Mathematics and FSA EOC assessments.
Formula A student can view the applicable reference sheet.
A student can use an on-screen notepad to take notes. The notepad is specific
to each item in the test.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 9

Test Administration Policies and Procedures

Computer and Device Preparations

The latest version of the 2017–2018 AIR Secure Browser must be installed on all computers or devices
that students will use for testing. Instructions for installing the Secure Browser are available on the FSA
Portal. Information on devices supported for testing are found in System Requirements for Online Testing,
also available on the portal.
It is strongly recommended that the FSA Infrastructure Trial be run on each computer or device prior
to the test administration. The Infrastructure Trial uses mock content that simulates the loading and
processing of an operational test administration. Instructions for running this trial can be found in the FSA
Infrastructure Trial Guide, available on the portal.

Test Tickets
Each student must have a test ticket to log in to computer-based FSA assessments. Test tickets are
generated in TIDE and contain a student’s username, last name, first name, grade, date of birth, FLEID,
district, and school. Test tickets will be printed by school assessment coordinators and will be distributed
to test administrators on the day of testing. Test tickets are considered secure materials and must be
stored in a secure location before and after testing.

Student Demographic Information

The following student demographic information must be verified in TIDE before testing:
• District/school number
• Enrolled Grade
• Student name
• Birth Date
• Gender
• Ethnicity
• Race

In addition to verifying this information, the following categories must also be verified, if applicable. If
demographic information needs to be updated in TIDE, follow the instructions in the TIDE User Guide.

Primary Exceptionality
Primary exceptionality classifications are used to identify students with current IEPs who have been
classified as exceptional according to State Board of Education Rule 6A-6.0331, FAC.

10 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Test Administration Policies and Procedures

Primary Exceptionality Classifications

Description Code
Orthopedically Impaired C = OI
Speech Impaired F = SI
Language Impaired G = LI
Deaf/Hard of Hearing H = DHH
Visually Impaired I = VI
Emotional/Behavioral Disability J = EBD
Specific Learning Disability K = SLD
Gifted L = GIF
Hospital/Homebound M = HH
Dual-Sensory Impaired O = DSI
Autism Spectrum Disorder P = ASD
Traumatic Brain Injured S = TBI
Other Health Impaired V = OHI
Intellectual Disability W = InD

Section 504
This field indicates whether a student has been identified by the district as a student with a disability
according to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

Testing Accommodations Listed on IEP or 504 Plan

This is a required field that indicates whether a student with a disability has testing accommodations listed
on an IEP or Section 504 Plan. If applicable, this field must be marked Yes on the PreID file or in TIDE.
This field does not apply to ELL accommodations.

ESE/504 and ELL Accommodation Types

If an ELL or a student with an IEP or Section 504 Plan uses any accommodations during the test
administration, this information should be recorded with the test administrator’s required administration
information. See Appendix A for a description of allowable accommodations and the categories in which
they fall.
All students must be provided with the allowable statewide assessment accommodations on their plans.
The accommodations provided to each student and the accommodations used by each student should be
documented in the record of required administration information.
Student demographic pages do not include fields for recording this information, nor is it recorded in
TIDE. Documentation must be maintained at schools and may be needed for investigations of test

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 11

Test Administration Policies and Procedures

ESE/504 Accommodation Types

• ESE/504 Accommodation Type – Flexible Presentation
• ESE/504 Accommodation Type – Flexible Responding
• ESE/504 Accommodation Type – Flexible Scheduling
• ESE/504 Accommodation Type – Flexible Setting
• ESE/504 Accommodation Type – Assistive device(s) other than standard calculator

ELL Accommodation Types

• ELL Accommodation Type – Flexible Scheduling
• ELL Accommodation Type – Flexible Setting
• ELL Accommodation Type – Assistance in Heritage Language
• ELL Accommodation Type – Approved Dictionary

If a student is identified as an ELL, provide the length of time the student has been enrolled in a U.S. school.
ELL—Enrolled in a U.S. school for
• Less than one year
• One year or more

Test Indicator
Ensure that the correct test mode is marked for the test a student will take. It is especially important that
students be marked appropriately for assessments with graduation implications (Grade 10 ELA, ELA
Retake, Algebra 1 EOC, or the spring Algebra 1 EOC Retake). The available fields for this indicator are as
• E = Eligible for Computer-Based Testing
• P = Regular Print
• L = Large Print
• C = Contracted EBAE Braille
• U = Uncontracted EBAE Braille
• D = Contracted UEB Braille
• V = Uncontracted UEB Braille
• I = One-Item-Per-Page
• N = Not Testing

Support During Testing

During testing, a test administrator should not attempt to resolve technical issues if doing so would
be disruptive to students. The test administrator must have a way to contact the school assessment
coordinator or technology coordinator without leaving the room unattended. If a student has difficulty
logging in or is logged out of his or her test more than once, the student should not continue to
attempt to log in until the issue is diagnosed and resolved.
The FSA Help Desk may be contacted at 866-815-7246 or at [email protected]. The Help Desk is
open 7:00 a.m.–8:30 p.m. ET, Monday–Friday (except holidays). Test administrators are encouraged to
refer to the Test Administrator User Guide and other CBT resources available on the portal. Additional
Help Desk information is available in Appendix B.

12 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Test Security Policies and Procedures

Test Security Policies and Procedures

Florida State Board of Education Rule 6A-10.042, FAC, was developed to meet the requirements of the
Test Security Statute, s. 1008.24, F.S., and applies to anyone involved in the administration of a statewide
assessment. The rule prohibits activities that may threaten the integrity of the test. See Appendix C for
the full text of the Florida Test Security Statute and State Board of Education Rule. Please remember
that inappropriate actions by school or district personnel can result in student or classroom
invalidations, loss of teaching certification, and/or involvement of law enforcement.
Examples of prohibited activities include the following:
• Reading or viewing the passages or test items before, during, or after testing
• Revealing the passages or test items
• Copying the passages or test items
• Explaining or reading the passages or test items for students
• Changing or otherwise interfering with student responses to test items
• Copying or reading student responses
• Causing achievement of schools to be inaccurately measured or reported
School personnel and proctors must read and familiarize themselves with the statute and rule in
Appendix C.
If ELLs or students with current IEPs or Section 504 Plans have allowable accommodations documented,
test administrators may provide accommodations as described in Appendix A and may modify the scripts
as necessary to reflect the allowable accommodations.
The security of all test materials must be maintained before, during, and after test administration.
Under no circumstances are students permitted to assist in preparing secure materials before
testing or in organizing and returning materials after testing.
After any administration, initial or make-up, secure materials (e.g., passage booklets, test tickets, used
worksheets, used work folders) must be returned immediately to the school assessment coordinator and
placed in locked storage. The Test Materials Chain of Custody Form must be maintained at all times. No
more than three people should have access to the locked storage room. Secure materials must never
be left unsecured and must not remain in classrooms or be taken off the school’s campus overnight.
Any monitoring software that would allow test content on student computers/devices to be viewed
or recorded on another computer or device during testing must be turned off.
District assessment coordinators must ensure that all school administrators, school assessment
coordinators, technology coordinators, test administrators, and proctors receive adequate training prior to
this administration, and that all personnel sign and return a 2017–2018 Test Administration and Security
Agreement stating that they have read and agree to abide by all test administration and test security
policies and procedures. Additionally, any other person who assists a school assessment coordinator,
technology coordinator, or test administrator must sign and return an agreement.
Test administrators must sign the 2017–2018 Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement, located in
Appendix D.
An accurate Security Log, provided in Appendix D, and an accurate seating chart must be maintained in
each testing room. Anyone who enters a testing room for the purpose of monitoring the test is required
to sign the log. This applies to test administrators, proctors, and anyone who relieves a test administrator,
even for a short break, regardless of how much time he or she spends monitoring a testing room.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 13

Test Security Policies and Procedures

Test administrators must not administer tests to their family members. Students related to their
assigned test administrator should be reassigned to an alternate test administrator. In addition, a student’s
parent/guardian should not be present in that student’s testing room.

Admission of Students to Testing

Precautions must be taken at testing sites when students are unknown to the test administrator or other
school staff. For security purposes, photo identification, such as a Florida ID or school ID, must be
checked before admitting unfamiliar students to a testing room.

To ensure test security and to avoid situations that could result in test invalidation, FDOE strongly
discourages testing students in large groups (e.g., in a cafeteria or an auditorium). If students are tested
in a large group, the appropriate number of proctors must be assigned to the room to assist the test
administrator. Refer to the table below for the required number of proctors.

Number of Students Proctors Required

1–25 students Test Administrator*
26–50 students Test Administrator and 1 Proctor
51–75 students Test Administrator and 2 Proctors
* FDOE strongly recommends that proctors be assigned to rooms with
25 or fewer students whenever possible.

School personnel and non-school personnel may be trained as proctors. Prior to testing, proctors must
be informed of their duties and of the appropriate test security policies and procedures. School personnel
proctor duties may include preparing and distributing secure materials (e.g., test tickets). Non-school
personnel may assist test administrators during test administration; however, they may not participate
in any of the test administration procedures (e.g., distributing and collecting secure materials, providing
accommodations). Volunteers (e.g., parents, retired teachers) may be trained as proctors and may perform
non-school personnel duties.
All proctors may help monitor rooms during test administration; however, they may not assist in rooms
where their family members are testing.
Proctors and anyone who assists with any aspect of test preparation or administration must be informed of
the test security laws and rules prohibiting any activities that may threaten the integrity of the test. Each
proctor who monitors a testing room for any length of time must sign a 2017–2018 Test Administration
and Security Agreement and the Security Log for that room. These forms are located in Appendix D.

Security Numbers
All Reading and Writing Passage Booklets are secure documents and must be protected from loss, theft, or
reproduction in any medium. A unique identification number and a barcode are printed on the front cover
of all secure documents. The security number consists of the last eight digits of the identification number.
Schools must maintain test security by using the security numbers to account for all secure test materials
before, during, and after test administration until the time they are returned to the contractor.

14 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Test Security Policies and Procedures

The test administrator should also maintain a record of the security numbers for all test materials assigned
to him or her. If a test administrator receives materials that are not already listed, the security numbers of
those materials must be added to this record with the names of the students to whom the test materials are
assigned. The security number(s) of the document(s) assigned to and returned by each student should be
recorded and verified at the completion of each day of testing.

Test Irregularities and Security Breaches

Test Irregularities
Test administrators should report any test irregularities (e.g., disruptive students, loss of Internet
connectivity) to the school assessment coordinator immediately. A test irregularity may include testing
that is interrupted for an extended period of time due to a local technical malfunction or severe weather.
School assessment coordinators must notify district assessment coordinators of any test irregularities that
are reported. Decisions regarding test invalidation should not be made prior to communicating with the
district assessment coordinator. If further guidance is needed or to report an irregularity requiring action
by FDOE (e.g., reporting teacher misconduct to the Office of Professional Practices), district assessment
coordinators should contact the Bureau of K–12 Student Assessment. For any test irregularities that
require investigation by the district, a written report must be submitted as indicated below and on the
following page.
Districts are also required to report test irregularities to the Bureau of K–12 Student Assessment using an
online form. FDOE will distribute a link and instructions to districts prior to each test administration.

Security Breaches
Test administrators should report possible breaches of test security (e.g., secure test content that has
been photographed, copied, or otherwise recorded) to the school assessment coordinator immediately.
If a security breach is identified, the school assessment coordinator must contact the district assessment
coordinator, and the district assessment coordinator should contact the Bureau of K–12 Student
Assessment immediately to discuss a plan of action. This action may include the involvement of local law
enforcement personnel. For all security breaches, a written report must be submitted as indicated below
and on the following page.
Districts are also required to report test security breaches to the Bureau of K–12 Student Assessment
using an online form. FDOE will distribute a link and instructions to districts prior to each test

Submit a Written Report

For test irregularities requiring further investigation by the district and for security breaches, a written
report must be submitted within 10 calendar days after the irregularity or security breach was
identified. District assessment coordinators should submit the report through FDOE’s ShareFile site using
the following procedure:

1. Log in to ShareFile at and retrieve the blank Test Administration Incident Report
Form from the Forms and Templates folder. (Note: FDOE recommends that districts download the file
each time a new investigation is initiated to guarantee the use of the most up-to-date form.)
2. Save the file locally and change the file name to the appropriate district name, the word “Investigation,”
underscore, and the date submitted (e.g., DistrictInvestigation_MMDDYYYY).

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 15

Test Security Policies and Procedures

3. Complete the form.

4. Upload the completed form to the district’s Test Administration/Investigations folder (K–12
Administration > Districts > (District Name) > Test Administration > Investigations).
5. ShareFile will notify FDOE that a document has been uploaded to the folder.
6. FDOE will then determine whether the incident warrants further investigation and, if necessary,
request additional information/documentation from the district. Additional requested information or
documentation should also be uploaded to the district’s ShareFile folder.
7. If warranted, FDOE will add a memorandum summarizing the incident to the district’s ShareFile
folder and will then provide the contents of the district folder to the Office of Professional Practices
at FDOE.

16 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Test Invalidation Policies and Procedures

Test Invalidation Policies and Procedures

District assessment coordinators should advise schools of the appropriate course of action if invalidation
is being considered. Remember that the main purpose of invalidation is to identify when the validity of
test results has been compromised.
Test administrators should discuss any situation involving possible invalidation with the school assessment
coordinator, and the situation should be investigated immediately.
For information on how to invalidate a computer-based test in TIDE, see page 244.
For assistance identifying circumstances when invalidation is an appropriate course of action, review the
following guidelines.

1. A student has an electronic device during testing. If a student is found with an electronic device
that he or she is not using for testing purposes during testing or during breaks within a session, the
student’s test must be invalidated. For information regarding limited exceptions for students with
eligible accommodations, see Appendix A.
2. A student is cheating during testing. Cheating is cause for immediate test invalidation. Possible
cheating situations include looking at and/or copying from another student’s test, allowing another
student to look at or copy from the student’s test, or accessing unauthorized aids.
3. A student becomes ill and is unable to finish, or a student is not allowed the correct amount of
time. Invalidation decisions should be made based on whether the student was provided adequate
time to respond completely to the test items. The student should be asked if he or she is comfortable
with his or her performance on the test to determine if the test should be scored. If the student feels he
or she was provided enough time to respond completely, the test should be submitted for scoring.
If it is determined that the student was not provided adequate time to respond completely and the
validity of the test results has been compromised, the test should be invalidated. However, if the
validity of the test results has not been compromised and the student has not left the school’s campus,
the student may return to the testing room during the same school day to complete the test session. If a
student starts a test session and leaves campus without finishing (e.g., due to an appointment, illness),
he or she will not be allowed to return to that test session.
4. A student is given an accommodation not allowed on statewide assessments. If a student is given
an accommodation that is not allowed on statewide assessments and compromises the validity of the
test, that student’s test must be invalidated. For information about allowable accommodations, see
Appendix A. Test administrators who will administer tests to students who require accommodations
should be familiar with allowable accommodations to ensure that they are not offering classroom
testing accommodations that are not allowed on statewide assessments.
5. A student is given an accommodation not indicated on the student’s IEP or Section 504 Plan.
Testing with accommodations not indicated on a student’s IEP or Section 504 Plan may be cause
for invalidation.
6. A student was not provided an allowable accommodation indicated on the student’s IEP or
Section 504 Plan. The situation should be discussed with the student and his or her parents/guardians
to determine if the lack of the accommodation significantly affected the student’s performance and if
the test should be scored.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 17

Test Invalidation Policies and Procedures

7. An ELL student is given an accommodation not indicated in Appendix A. If an ELL student is

given an accommodation that is not listed in the allowable accommodations for ELLs and which
compromises the validity of the test, the studentʼs test must be invalidated.
8. An ELL student is not provided an accommodation listed in the allowable accommodations
for ELLs in Appendix A. The situation should be discussed with the student and his or her parents/
guardians to determine if the lack of the accommodation significantly affected the studentʼs
performance and if the test should be scored.
9. A student works in the wrong session. For example, if a student working in Session 2 of a test goes
back and works in Session 1, the test must be invalidated.
10. An error occurs in test administration procedures that could compromise the validity of test
results. If the validity of the test results has been compromised (e.g., a student had access to an
unauthorized visual aid that gave an unfair advantage), the test must be invalidated.
11. A disruption occurs during testing. If students are disrupted during testing due to a circumstance
out of their control (e.g., severe weather), test invalidation may be considered if a student feels his
or her performance was significantly affected by the disruption.
12. A student is given unauthorized help during testing. If a student received unauthorized assistance
or has been given an unfair advantage (e.g., a test administrator has told a student to check the answer
to a specific item), the student’s test must be invalidated.

18 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Test Administrator Responsibilities Before Testing

Test Administrator Responsibilities

Before Testing
Please use the Test Administrator CBT Checklist, located in Appendix D, before, during, and after testing.
Remember, prior to testing you must:

• Read, sign, and return a 2017–2018 Test Administration and Security Agreement verifying that
you have read the appropriate sections of the test administration manual, are familiar with the test
security statute and security policies, and have received adequate training; and
• Read, sign, and return a 2017–2018 Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement.

Failure to comply with the policies and procedures as indicated in the agreements may result in the
invalidation of student tests and/or loss of teaching certification.

Conduct Practice Test

Prior to this test administration, conduct a practice test session based on instructions from your school
assessment coordinator. The practice tests contain sample test items to prepare students for the
computer-based FSA assessments and will help familiarize you and your students with the CBT tools, as
well as the process for responding to items. Students should practice on the type of computer or device
they will use for testing (e.g., PC, tablet, laptop). Students who will test using CBT accommodations
(e.g., text-to-speech, masking) must practice using an accommodated practice test.
All students who will participate in a computer-based Spring/Summer 2018 administration for the first time
must participate in a practice test conducted at their school for the subject test they are scheduled to take.
Students should be encouraged to access the practice test on the portal and practice on their own.
Work folders, worksheets, planning sheets, and passage booklets (if applicable) are not provided for
practice tests. Instruct students to bring their own scratch paper and pens/pencils.

Prepare the Room for Testing

Tests should be administered in a room that has comfortable seating, good lighting, and an appropriate
temperature. Make sure that the room is adequately ventilated and free of distractions.
Remove or cover all visual aids in the room, such as word lists or charts showing mathematical concepts.
Students may not have access to any unauthorized aids. Discuss any concerns with your school
assessment coordinator.
Sufficient workspace should be provided for students to use their test materials (e.g., planning sheets,
reference sheets, worksheets, work folders). Students must not be able to easily view other students’
computer or device screens, planning sheets, passage booklets, reference sheets, worksheets, or work
folders. If administering a practice test, check the configuration of your testing room to make sure you will
be able to provide a secure environment during testing. Make adjustments prior to the test administration. If
necessary, use visual blocks (e.g., file folders taped to the sides of computer screens).
When you arrive on the day of testing, open each student computer or device in the testing room to the
student login screen as indicated in the script, but do not log in for students. Ensure that you have a way to
contact the technology coordinator or school assessment coordinator without leaving the room unattended.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 19

Test Administrator Responsibilities Before Testing

Outside each door to the testing room, post a sign that reads TESTING—Please Do Not Disturb. Post
the Electronic Devices sign, appropriate Session sign, and (if applicable) No Calculators sign inside the
testing room where they will be visible to all students. Perforated signs are provided in Appendix D. For
all test sessions, display starting and stopping times as instructed in the test administration script.
Refer to the chart on page 14 for the number of proctors needed. It is recommended that at least one proctor
be assigned to all testing rooms, even those with 25 or fewer students.

Record Required Administration Information

You are required to maintain the following information, as directed by your school assessment coordinator:
• Students assigned to each testing room—provide student names and FLEIDs
• Attendance information—P=Present, A=Absent, W=Withdrawn, and P/I=Present but Invalidated
• Grade level
• Session ID (generated in TDS when you create a test session)
• Accommodations provided to students (codes provided below)
• Accommodations used by students
• Signatures of test administrator and school assessment coordinator
• Unique security numbers of secure documents assigned to each student
• Dates and times when secure materials are received and returned
Record this information according to your school assessment coordinator’s instructions. Copy and file all
required administration information for future reference. Return the originals to your school assessment

Accommodations Codes
The accommodations provided to each student and the accommodations used by each student during
the test administration should be recorded with other required administration information. Schools are
responsible for maintaining documentation of accommodations for each student.
Use the following codes to record accommodations with required administration information.
For ESE/504 students:
• 1-FP = Flexible Presentation
• 1-FR = Flexible Responding
• 1-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 1-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 1-AD = Assistive Devices

For ELL students:

• 2-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 2-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 2-AHL = Assistance in Heritage Language
• 2-ADI = Approved Dictionary

20 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Test Administrator Responsibilities Before Testing

Complete Seating Charts

You are required to maintain an accurate seating chart for your testing room. The chart should record
the following:
• Date
• Your name
• Room name/number
• Subject
• Student names and their locations in the room during testing
• Direction each student is facing
• Starting and stopping times
• Names of proctors (if applicable)
• Session ID
• Laptop/mobile device assignments (if applicable)
All seating charts must indicate the front and back of the room. If students using extra time are moved to
a new location or the seating configuration changes during testing, a new seating chart must be created.
Remember to maintain a seating chart for each test session. Seating charts must be returned to your school
assessment coordinator after testing.
If you are conducting testing on laptops or other mobile devices, identify and record the device on which each
student is testing in case there are technical issues.

Assemble Materials
Test Administration Manual
You will need this manual to read the test administration scripts to students. You are responsible for
reading the Test Administration Policies and Procedures and Test Security Policies and Procedures
sections, the Test Administrator Responsibilities sections, appropriate appendices, and the administration
scripts before testing. If you are administering a practice test, you will also need to access the practice test
script available on the FSA Portal.
When testing students who are allowed certain accommodations, you may need to modify the administration
scripts. It is especially important that you review the scripts before testing begins to determine the necessary
modifications. If an accommodation is not provided as indicated on a student’s IEP or Section 504 Plan,
or is not an allowable ELL accommodation, that student’s test may be invalidated. Contact your school
assessment coordinator if you have questions about student accommodations.
Scripts for students using paper-based accommodations (regular print, large print, braille, one-item-per-
page) and computer-based accommodations (e.g., masking, text-to-speech) can be found on the FSA
Portal. Scripts and instructions for administering braille accommodations are provided with the braille test
materials and are also available on the portal.

Students taking computer-based tests should have a pen or pencil to sign below the Testing Rules
Acknowledgment, write their names, take notes, and/or work the problems on their planning sheets,
worksheets, or work folders, as applicable, on each day of testing.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 21

Test Administrator Responsibilities Before Testing

Computer or Mobile Device

When administering computer-based test sessions, you will need a computer or mobile device with access
to the Internet to create a test session, approve students for testing, and monitor the session. It is also
recommended that you have access to the Test Administrator User Guide, located on the FSA Portal, to
help troubleshoot issues during testing.

Watch or Clock
You will need a watch or clock to ensure that students are allowed the correct amount of time indicated
for each FSA test session. Starting and stopping times should be provided by your school assessment
coordinator and displayed for students according to the instructions in the test administration script. If a
technical disruption occurs during testing, note the time of the disruption in order to provide students the
appropriate amount of remaining time once testing resumes.
For each Retake and EOC test session, any student not finished by the end of the allotted session time
may continue working up to half the length of a typical school day.
Remember that failure to provide the correct amount of time will likely result in test invalidation.

Security Log
You are required to maintain an accurate Security Log for your testing room. Anyone who enters a room
for the purpose of monitoring a test must sign the log. This applies to test administrators, proctors, and
anyone who relieves a test administrator, even for a short break, regardless of how much time he or she
spends monitoring a testing room. Copy the Security Log in Appendix D and use it as required. This
document can also be found on the FSA Portal.

Do Not Disturb Sign

Post the Do Not Disturb sign from Appendix D at all entrances to the testing room prior to testing.

Electronic Devices Sign

Post the Electronic Devices sign from Appendix D prior to testing where it will be visible to all students.

No Calculators Sign
During Session 1 of the Grades 7–8 Mathematics and EOC assessments, post the No Calculators sign
from Appendix D prior to testing where it will be visible to all students. This sign may also be used for
Grades 3–6 Mathematics sessions.

Session Signs
For ELA Reading, Mathematics, and EOCs, post the appropriate Session sign from Appendix D prior to
testing so that it will be visible to all students.

Receive Materials
Your school assessment coordinator will provide you with the materials needed to administer each test.
Secure materials should be delivered or picked up immediately before the beginning of each test. Verify
that you have all necessary materials before testing begins.

22 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Test Administrator Responsibilities Before Testing

Test Tickets
For each test session, your school assessment coordinator will provide you with test tickets for the
students testing in your room. Each test ticket includes a student’s first name and username for logging in
to a computer-based test. Test tickets are generated in TIDE. For instructions on generating and printing
test tickets, please refer to the TIDE User Guide. All test tickets must be collected immediately after
testing and returned to your school assessment coordinator. Test tickets are secure materials.

Writing Passage Booklets

You may receive regular print and large print Writing Passage Booklets for eligible students taking the
computer-based ELA Writing assessments if this accommodation is documented in their IEPs or Section
504 Plans. Check with your school assessment coordinator prior to testing to ensure that these students
have this accommodation marked in TIDE. Provide the booklets to students with this accommodation
as instructed in the administration scripts. Students may write in these booklets but will respond to the
writing prompt on the computer or device they are using to take the assessment. All booklets must be
collected immediately after testing and returned to your school assessment coordinator. Writing Passage
Booklets are secure materials.

Reading Passage Booklets

You may receive regular print and large print Reading Passage Booklets for eligible students taking
computer-based ELA Reading assessments if this accommodation is documented in their IEPs or Section
504 Plans. Check with your school assessment coordinator prior to testing to ensure that these students
have this accommodation marked in TIDE. Provide the booklets to students with this accommodation
as instructed in the administration scripts. Supervise while students break the seal at the beginning of
each session as instructed in the scripts. Students may write in these booklets but will respond to the test
items on the computer or device they are using to take the assessment. All booklets must be collected
immediately after testing and returned to your school assessment coordinator. Reading Passage Booklets
are secure materials.

Planning Sheets
Your school assessment coordinator will provide you with Writing Planning Sheets for all students
participating in this test administration.
Students must print their names on the front of the planning sheet. Students sign below the Testing Rules
Acknowledgment on the back of the planning sheet, as indicated in the test administration script. Students
may use the front and back of the planning sheets to plan (prewrite, outline, jot down ideas, cluster, web,
etc.) before writing their responses. All planning sheets must be collected immediately after testing and
returned to your school assessment coordinator. Used planning sheets are considered secure materials.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 23

Test Administrator Responsibilities Before Testing

Work Folders and CBT Worksheets

You will receive work folders for all students participating in CBT administrations of FSA Mathematics
and EOCs. You should have extra work folders on hand in case students need additional space to work
the problems. The Testing Rules Acknowledgment is printed on page 2 of the work folder. Distribute the
work folders before testing as instructed in the administration scripts, and collect work folders after each
test session. Each student must be given a new work folder for each EOC test session. Used work folders
are considered secure materials.
You will receive CBT Worksheets for all students participating in CBT administrations of FSA ELA
Reading assessments. The Testing Rules Acknowledgment is printed on the back of the worksheet.
Distribute worksheets as instructed in the administration scripts, and collect worksheets after each test
session. Each student must be given a new worksheet for each Reading test session. Used worksheets are
considered secure materials.
New work folders and worksheets are distributed at the beginning of each test session, with the exception
of Grades 6–8 FSA Mathematics. For Sessions 2 and 3 of Grades 6–8 FSA Mathematics, students should
use the same work folder for Session 2 and Session 3.

A calculator is available in TDS for Sessions 2 and 3 of Grades 7 and 8 FSA Mathematics and Session 2
of FSA EOC assessments. Handheld calculators may be used by students only if all students are provided
a handheld calculator. Handheld calculators must be on the approved list or have only the allowable
functionality indicated in the FSA Calculator and Reference Sheet Policies document (available on the
FSA Portal).
The calculator is only available to students in Sessions 2 and 3 of Grades 7 and 8 Mathematics and
Session 2 of EOC assessments. If providing handheld calculators, ensure that students are provided
handheld calculators in the appropriate test sessions only. Calculators are not permitted for
Grades 3–6 FSA Mathematics.

Reference Sheets
A reference sheet is available for Grades 4–8 computer-based FSA Mathematics and FSA EOC assessments
in TDS. If your school will provide paper copies of the reference sheets to students, distribute copies as
indicated in the administration script. All reference sheets must be collected immediately after testing and
returned to your school assessment coordinator. Used reference sheets are secure materials. See page 8
for more information regarding reference sheets.

Communicate Testing Policies to Parents/Guardians and Students

Prior to testing, make sure students and their parents/guardians understand the following policies:

• Electronic Devices Policy—Students are not permitted to have any electronic devices, including,
but not limited to, cell phones, smartphones, and smartwatches, at any time during testing or during
breaks (e.g., restroom), even if they are turned off or students do not use them. If a student is
found with an electronic device, his or her test will be invalidated.
• Testing Rules Acknowledgment—All FSA tests include a Testing Rules Acknowledgment that
reads: “I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these rules, my

24 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Test Administrator Responsibilities Before Testing

test score may be invalidated.” Prior to testing, test administrators read the rules to students, and
students acknowledge that they understand the testing rules by signing below the statement in their
planning sheets, worksheets, work folders, or test and answer books.
• Calculator Policy—For FSA Mathematics and FSA EOC assessments, calculators may be used
during Session 2 and 3 (if applicable) only. Schools must ensure that handheld calculators
meet the specifications published by FDOE. Calculators are not permitted for Grades 3–6 FSA
• Leaving Campus—If students leave campus before completing a test session (for lunch, an
appointment, illness, etc.), they will not be allowed to return to that session. Students and parents/
guardians should be aware of this policy. If a student does not feel well on the day of testing, it may
be best for the student to wait and be tested on a make-up day.
• Discussing Test Content after Testing—The last portion of the testing rules read to students
before they affirm the Testing Rules Acknowledgment reads, “Because the content of all statewide
assessments is secure, you may not discuss or reveal details about the test items or passages after
the test. This includes any type of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting
online, for example, on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, or Instagram.” Please make sure that students
understand this policy prior to testing and remind them that “discussing” test content includes any
kind of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting to blogs or social media
websites, etc.
While students may not share information about secure test content after testing, this policy
is not intended to prevent students from discussing their testing experiences with their
• Working Independently—Students are responsible for doing their own work during the test and
for protecting their answers from being seen by others. If students are caught cheating during
testing, their tests will be invalidated. In addition, FDOE employs Caveon Test Security to analyze
student test results to detect unusually similar answer patterns. Student tests within a school that are
found to have extremely similar answer patterns will be invalidated.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 25

Test Administrator Responsibilities During Testing

Test Administrator Responsibilities

During Testing
If a student starts a test session and leaves campus without finishing (e.g., due to an appointment, illness),
he or she will not be allowed to return to that session. If you have concerns about a student, you should
not allow the student to begin. Instead, arrange to administer the test to that student on a make-up day.
If you have concerns about the testing room, discuss them with your school assessment coordinator prior
to testing.

Prepare Student Computers and Devices

Open each student computer or device in the testing room to the student login screen as indicated in the
script, but do not log in for students. Ensure that you have a way to contact the technology coordinator
or school assessment coordinator without leaving the room unattended. If administering an ELA Reading
test, ensure that student headphones/earbuds are plugged in prior to launching the secure browser.

Read Script
For non-accommodated CBT forms, use the scripts in this manual (see table below). Please note, students
may still require administration accommodations, such as flexible setting.

Assessment Pages
Grades 8–10 ELA Writing 31–37
FSA ELA Writing Retake 39–46
Grades 4–10 ELA Reading 47–93
FSA ELA Reading Retake 95–110
Grades 3–8 Mathematics 111–201
FSA EOCs 203–234
Read the administration script verbatim to students. Note that optional words and phrases appear in
italics and parentheses and may be read at your discretion. Please read the important information and
adhere to the instructions between the SAY boxes as you read the script to students.
For information about CBT accommodations (text-to-speech, masking, ASL, CC) and paper-based
accommodations (regular print, large print, braille, one-item-per-page), refer to the 2017–2018 FSA
Accommodations Guide, available on the FSA Portal. Scripts and instructions for administering braille
accommodations are provided with the braille test materials and are also available on the portal.
You may make necessary modifications to the script when testing students who are allowed certain
accommodations. For example, if a student receives an additional time accommodation, modify
references to the amount of time allotted for testing.

26 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Test Administrator Responsibilities During Testing

Distribute Materials
After students are seated, ensure that each student has a pen or pencil. Distribute calculators, planning
sheets, work folders, reference sheets, and/or worksheets, as applicable, before testing begins. Read the
administration script and distribute test tickets and, if applicable, passage booklets when instructed to do so.

Testing Rules Acknowledgment

After you read the testing rules in the script, students will sign below the Testing Rules Acknowledgment
that is printed on page 2 of the work folder and on the back of the worksheet and planning sheet. The
acknowledgment reads, “I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these
rules, my test score may be invalidated.” As you read the portion of the script regarding the Testing Rules
Acknowledgment, walk around the room and ensure that all students sign below the acknowledgment.
If a student in your testing room does not acknowledge the testing rules, contact your school
assessment coordinator.

Create, Start, Monitor, and Close the Test Session

In the Test Administrator (TA) Interface within TDS, you will create, start, monitor, and close the test
session you are administering for all computer-based tests. These instructions are also included in the
test administration script and the Test Administrator User Guide. Ensure that you understand how to
complete these steps before administering a test, and discuss any questions or concerns with your school
assessment coordinator or technology coordinator.
Ensure that you have test tickets, which contain the following student login information for all students in
your testing room:
• First Name as it appears in TIDE
• Username provided in TIDE

Create a Test Session

To create a test session, complete the following steps:

1. Go to the FSA Portal and click Administer the FSA.

2. Log in to the TA Interface with your username and password.
3. Select the test you will be administering (e.g., FSA Algebra 1 EOC) and then click Start
Operational Session.
4. Record the Session ID, which students will need to log in to the test. The Session ID should
be displayed where it is visible to all students and should also be recorded with your required
administration information and on your seating chart.
To log in to the test, students will enter their first names, their usernames, and the Session ID. It is
important that students check that their demographic information on the test ticket is correct and enter
their usernames and first names exactly as they appear on the test ticket. If any information is incorrect on
a ticket, contact your school assessment coordinator.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 27

Test Administrator Responsibilities During Testing

Approve Students to Test

Once students have logged in to the test, you must approve them. In the TA Interface, select the Approvals
button to review the list of students ready to begin testing. Ensure that all students have logged in
correctly; then, select Approve All Students. Read the information on the Important! pop-up window
and select Yes.

Monitor Test Session

During testing, monitor student progress by viewing the Student Status column in the TA Interface. This
page automatically refreshes every 60 seconds. When the page refreshes, student statuses are updated.
If students have technical issues, contact your school assessment coordinator or technology
coordinator for assistance immediately. Your attention should not be diverted from students at any time
during testing.

Note: As a security measure, test administrators are automatically logged out of the TA Interface after 90
minutes of test administrator and student inactivity. Do not create your session until immediately prior to

Close Test Session

Once all students have paused or submitted their tests, end the test session immediately by clicking STOP
in the TA Interface. This will pause any remaining tests, so only select STOP after all students have finished
testing. Then log out of the TA Interface by clicking Logout.

Keep Time
Keep accurate time when administering a test session. Record starting and stopping times in the spaces
provided in the script and also display these times for students. Remember that failure to provide the
correct amount of time will likely result in test invalidation.
For all ELA Retake and EOC test sessions, students may be provided up to half the length of a typical
school day to complete the session. (Students are not required to have an extended time accommodation
to receive additional testing time for Retake and EOC assessments.)
If a technical disruption occurs during testing, note the time of the disruption in order to provide students
the appropriate amount of remaining time once testing resumes.
ELLs or eligible students with IEPs or Section 504 Plans may be provided additional time as indicated
in their plans to complete a test session, but each test session must be completed within one school day.
Eligible students with IEPs or Section 504 Plans that allow testing over more than one day per session are
required to test on paper.

Maintain Test Security

Maintain test security at all times, and report violations or concerns to your school assessment coordinator
immediately. Adhere to the Test Security Policies and Procedures on pages 13–16 and the Statute and
Rule in Appendix C, and abide by the 2017–2018 Test Administration and Security Agreement and the
2017–2018 Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement that you signed prior to testing.
If students leave the room during a test session for short breaks (e.g., restroom), it is recommended that
visual blocks be applied to students’ computer screens or devices (e.g., monitors turned off, folders taped

28 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Test Administrator Responsibilities During Testing

to screens) instead of pausing students’ tests. If a studentʼs test is paused in TDS, that student must log
back in and be approved in the TA Interface before he or she can continue testing.
For a longer break, you must secure a student’s computer or device by pausing the student’s test. Students
may pause their own tests before leaving their seats. If the student has not paused his or her test, you must
pause the test in the TA Interface. Your school assessment coordinator will provide instructions.
Maintain your record of required administration information, Security Log, and seating chart during testing.

Supervise Test Administration

Your full attention should be on students at all times during testing, and a testing room must never
be left unattended. If issues arise during testing, you may need to use your computer or phone to contact
your school assessment coordinator; however, it is not appropriate to use the computer or phone for
unrelated activities (such as grading or personal communication) during a test session. While students are
working, ensure the following:

• Students have cleared their desks or workstations of all materials except for the appropriate
test materials (pens or pencils, test tickets, reference sheets, passage booklets, planning sheets,
worksheets, or work folders, as applicable).
• Students do not have books, notes, scratch paper (other than their reference sheets, work folders,
planning sheets, or worksheets), or electronic devices of any kind during testing, even if they do
not use them.
• Students do not have a handheld calculator during Session 1 of Grades 7–8 Mathematics or EOC
assessment, or during Grades 3–6 Mathematics.
• Students do not talk to other students or make any disturbance.
• Students have signed below the Testing Rules Acknowledgment.
• Students are working independently.
• Students are working in the correct session.
• Students who use their planning sheets allow themselves enough time to enter their responses
in the test.
Carefully review the following information regarding guidance and policies that must be observed during
and after testing.

Discussing Test Content with Students

While you may encourage students to continue working, you may not talk with them about the items
or passages or help them with their responses. Any desktop-viewing programs or similar software that
would enable you to view or record test content and student responses must be turned off during testing. If
students finish the test before the allotted time has elapsed, you may encourage them to go back and check
their work. You may not provide students with any information or cues that would allow them to infer the
correct answer, such as suggesting that they might want to check their work on specific items. Further,
you may not discuss test items or answers with students, even after testing has been completed.
You may not read or comment on student responses or help students plan what to write or how to
answer items. Further, you may not read planning sheets, worksheets, or work folders or check
through test and answer books, return them to students after they have been collected, or discuss
test content, even after all test materials have been returned and testing has been completed.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 29

Test Administrator Responsibilities During Testing

Technical Issues
If a student’s computer or device is disconnected from his or her test, contact the technology coordinator
to help diagnose any technical issues. Then assist the student with logging in again. Once a student logs
back in to his or her test, you will need to approve the student again in TDS and provide the correct
amount of remaining time. If a student still has difficulty logging in or is logged out of his or her test
more than once, have the student refrain from logging in until the issue is diagnosed and resolved.
Additional troubleshooting information is available in the Test Administrator User Guide.

Student Reports a Defective Item

If a student reports a test item that he or she thinks is defective, note the student’s name, grade level,
subject, item number, and basic student concern (e.g., two possible answers, no correct answer); however,
do not review the item on your own. Most concerns result from a student not reading an item carefully;
therefore, encourage the student to reread the item. If the student still thinks that the item is defective,
reassure the student that a flawed item will not be used to calculate student scores. The student should
answer the item to the best of his or her ability and continue with the test. Once testing has ended, inform
your school assessment coordinator of the concern.

After Testing Is Complete

If permitted by your school assessment coordinator, you may allow students to read after they have
finished a session and their test materials (e.g., test tickets, reference sheets, work folders, worksheets,
and planning sheets) have been collected. While still in the testing room, students are not permitted to
write or to use their computers or devices after they have finished a session, even after their test materials
have been collected. Test materials may not be returned to students once the materials have been

30 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 8–10 ELA Writing

Grades 8–10 ELA Writing

Script for Administering
Grades 8–10 ELA Writing
120 Minutes
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended time,
use of translation dictionary), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students
are to follow. It is important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
Scripts for students using paper-based accommodations (e.g., regular print) and computer-based
accommodations (e.g., masking, text-to-speech) can be found on the FSA Portal.
This test session lasts 120 minutes, and students will take a short stretch break after 60 minutes of
testing. Display starting and stopping times as instructed in the script.
During this test session, remember the following:

• Ensure that you have a Security Log, a form to collect required administration information, and
a seating chart for your room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
• If a student starts a test and leaves campus without finishing (e.g., due to an appointment, illness),
he or she will not be allowed to return to the test. If you have concerns about a student, you should
not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact the school assessment coordinator for instructions.
• Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the test during
breaks. Students should not discuss or exchange information about the test with anyone during
breaks. Students must not be given access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones,
tablets, smartwatches) during breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s)
during a break, that student’s test must be invalidated.
• For short breaks (e.g., restroom), it is recommended that visual blocks be applied to students’
computer screens or devices (e.g., monitors turned off, folders taped to screens) instead of pausing
students’ tests. If a student’s test is paused in TDS, the student must log back in and be approved in
the TA Interface before he or she can continue testing.
• If a student has difficulty logging in or is logged out of his or her test more than once, have
the student refrain from logging in until the issue is diagnosed and resolved.
• If a technical disruption occurs during testing, note the time of the disruption in order to provide
students the appropriate amount of remaining time once testing resumes.
• When reading the following script, please note that optional words are italicized and in parentheses.

Before Testing
1. Before students arrive, ensure that the testing room is prepared as described on pages 19–20.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign is visible to all students and that the Do Not Disturb sign is
posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Perforated signs are available in Appendix D.)
3. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., word lists, dictionaries)
and that any visual aids displayed in the testing room, such as posters with writing tips, have been
removed or covered.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 31

Script for Administering Grades 8–10 ELA Writing
Grades 8–10 ELA Writing

4. Ensure that you understand your school assessment coordinator’s instructions regarding students
leaving the room for breaks.
5. Ensure that all software applications, including Internet browsers, are closed on all student computers
or devices before testing begins.
6. Launch the secure browser on student computers or devices prior to beginning the test session. When
the connection is established, the student Please Sign In screen is displayed as shown below. The
computer or device is now ready for the student to begin.

7. Ensure that you have received the correct test tickets from your school assessment coordinator for all
students who will test in your room. Do not distribute tickets until instructed to do so in the script.
8. Ensure that each student has a pen or pencil.
9. Provide each student with a planning sheet. Ensure that you have a copy of the sample planning sheet
found in Appendix D to display for students when instructed in the script.
10. If you have students who require Writing Passage Booklets (see page 23), make sure that the students
have been assigned this accommodation in TIDE and that you have received the booklets from your
school assessment coordinator. Do not distribute the booklets until instructed to do so in the

Create a Test Session

1. Go to the FSA Portal and click Administer the FSA.
2. Log in to the TA Interface with your username and password.
3. Select the test you will be administering and then click Start Operational Session.
4. Record the Session ID, which students will use to log in to the test. The Session ID should be
displayed where it is visible to all students and recorded with your required administration
information and on your seating chart.
Note: As a security measure, test administrators are automatically logged out of the TA Interface after 90
minutes of test administrator and student inactivity. Do not create your session until immediately prior to

SAY Today, you are going to take the Grade ___ FSA ELA Writing Test. Remove all materials from your
desk except your pen or pencil and your planning sheet.
You will have 120 minutes to complete this test.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device you are using to take
the test, at your desk, in your pockets, or anywhere you can reach them at any time during this
test session, even if they are turned off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording devices
include but are not limited to cell phones, smartphones, tablets not used for testing, smartwatches,

32 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 8–10 ELA Writing

Grades 8–10 ELA Writing

SAY MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of recording, storing, viewing, or playing back
audio or visual content. If you are found with any electronic or recording devices at any time
during this test session, including breaks, your test will not be scored. If you have any devices
with you right now, please turn them off and raise your hand.

If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices. At this
time, silence your own electronic device(s).
Now, hold up a sample planning sheet.

SAY Now, look at your planning sheet. Print your name in the upper right corner. You may use the
front and back of this planning sheet to jot down ideas, plan, and organize (prewrite, cluster,
map, or web) what you’ll write. It is important to use the planning sheet to plan what you will
write, but make sure that you allow enough time to enter your response in the online testing
platform. The writing on your planning sheet will not be scored. Only the response you type in
the test will be scored.
Ensure that the Session ID is displayed where all students can see it.

SAY Now, look at the login screen. If you do not see this screen, raise your hand.
If a computer or device is not opened to the Please Sign In screen, open the secure browser on that
computer or device.

SAY Please sit quietly while I distribute the test tickets. Do not begin typing until I tell you to start.
Distribute the test tickets.

SAY Look closely at your test ticket and make sure it has your correct name, date of birth, and ID
number on it.
Do not sign in before I instruct you to do so.
Raise your hand if you do not have the correct ticket.
If a student has the wrong ticket, give the student the correct ticket. If you do not have the correct ticket,
contact your school assessment coordinator.
If the First Name, Last Name, or ID Number for the student is incorrect, the student cannot use
the ticket and you should contact your school assessment coordinator. If the Date of Birth is the only
incorrect field on the ticket, the student may test with that ticket, and updates to the Date of Birth can be
made after testing.

SAY Now, log in by typing your First Name as it appears on your test ticket, your Username, and the
Session ID ____-_______-____. The Session ID is displayed for you. Click Sign In. Raise your
hand if you need assistance.
Pause and assist students with logging in as needed.

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Is This You?. Verify that the information is correct. If your
information is correct, select Yes to continue. If the information is not correct, then select No to
return to the login page and raise your hand.

Assist any students who raise their hands.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 33

Script for Administering Grades 8–10 ELA Writing
Grades 8–10 ELA Writing

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Your Tests. Click the arrow to the left of Start Grade ____
FSA ELA Writing to proceed.
Now, sit quietly while I approve your tests.
In the TA Interface, select the Approvals button to review the list of students ready to begin testing. You
may need to select Refresh to see all the students in your testing room on your list.
Review test settings: To view a student’s online test settings or accommodations, click the corresponding
Test Settings icon [ ]. Test settings and/or accommodations for individual students are displayed. If changes
are required, contact your school assessment coordinator who will update the student’s test settings in TIDE.
Once you ensure that all students have logged in correctly, approve students to test by selecting Approve
All Students. Read the information on the Important! pop-up window and select Yes.

SAY Now, you should see a screen that says Is This Your Test?. Verify that the screen displays the
correct test information, but do not click Yes, Start My Test until I tell you to do so.
This screen also allows you to choose the background color, mouse pointer, and print size for
your test. If you would like to change your selections, do so now. If you have any questions,
raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, have the student select No on the screen, log in again and make
adjustments to his or her accessibility settings, and then approve that studentʼs test again. Ensure that the
correct information displays for that student on the Is This Your Test? screen.

SAY Now, turn your planning sheet over and look at the Testing Rules Acknowledgment. Please
listen as I read the testing rules. During this test, you must not:
• talk to other students or make any disturbance
• look at another student’s (passage booklet,) computer or device screen, or planning sheet
• allow another student to look at your (passage booklet,) computer or device screen, or
planning sheet
• ask for help writing your response
• give help to another student in writing his or her response
• have notes or scratch paper other than your (passage booklet or) planning sheet
• have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device on which you are
testing, in your possession at any time, including breaks, even if you do not use them
• fail to follow any other instructions given
Because the content in all statewide assessments is secure, you may not discuss or reveal
details about the writing prompt or passages after the test. This includes any type of electronic
communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting online, for example, on Facebook, Twitter,
Snapchat, or Instagram.
Are there any questions?
Answer all questions.

SAY Now, read silently as I read the Testing Rules Acknowledgment out loud.
I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these rules, my
test score may be invalidated.
Now, sign your name on the line next to Signature to indicate that you understand the testing rules.

34 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 8–10 ELA Writing

Grades 8–10 ELA Writing

Pause while students sign their names. If a student does not sign his or her name, contact your school
assessment coordinator.

SAY Read each passage carefully and respond completely to the writing prompt. Remember that your
writing should show that you can organize and express your thoughts clearly and that you have
responded completely to the writing prompt.
You are required to write a response in English. Responses written in languages other than
English will not be scored.
Your response will automatically be saved every two minutes while you are actively working on
the screen. You may also use the Save button on the top toolbar to save your work.
You may not use a dictionary. If you aren’t sure how to spell a word, spell it the best way
you can.
Manage your time carefully so that you can read the passages, plan your response, write your
response, and revise and edit your response.
If you finish the test before time is called, go back and check (proofread) your work and make
corrections to improve your writing.
Now, click Yes, Start My Test. You will see a Test Instructions and Help screen. Do not click
Begin Test Now until I instruct you to do so.
Take a moment to review the Test Instructions and Help. These instructions remind you how
to navigate in the test and how to use the tools and features of the testing platform. Raise your
hand if you have any questions as you review these instructions. Do not begin your test at
this time.
Pause to allow students a moment to review the instructions, and answer all student questions.
If you have students who will use Writing Passage Booklets:
Distribute Writing Passage Booklets to any students with this accommodation, and read
the following SAY box. (If no students require this accommodation, skip the following
SAY box.)

SAY Write your name in the space on the front cover of your passage booklet. Find
the plastic pull tab on the right side of your passage booklet. Gently pull the tab
out and down. Then, open your booklet and check each page through the end
of the book to see that all page numbers are in order and that there aren’t any
missing or upside-down pages. You may write in your passage booklet, but be
careful not to tear the pages or cover any parts of a passage. Do not read any of
the passages before the test begins. If you see problems, raise your hand. If not,
close the booklet and sit quietly.
If a defective passage booklet is found, contact your school assessment coordinator.
SAY Remember, you have 120 minutes to complete this test, and we will take a short stretch break
after 60 minutes. I’ll let you know when there are 10 minutes left in the 120-minute test.
Now, click Begin Test Now and begin working.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 35

Script for Administering Grades 8–10 ELA Writing
Grades 8–10 ELA Writing

Complete the following:

STARTING time: ___________
Add 60 minutes: +60 minutes
Time to call a break: ___________
Add 50 minutes: +50 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder: ___________
Add 10 minutes: +10 minutes
STOPPING time: ___________

Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.

During testing, monitor student progress by viewing the Student Status column in the TA Interface. This
page automatically refreshes every 60 seconds. When the page refreshes, student statuses are updated. If
students have technical issues, contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator
for assistance immediately. Your attention should not be diverted from students at any time during the test
Although it is your responsibility to ensure that students are working independently, you are prohibited
from reading test content and planning sheets before, during, and after the test.
Do not use cell phones, classroom phones, computers, or other devices (except to monitor student
progress or to contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator in case of a technical
issue or emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your full attention should be on students at
all times.
After 60 minutes from the STARTING time,

SAY Stop. You may stand and stretch, but do not talk or look at another student’s (passage booklet,)
computer screen, device, or planning sheet.
After a short break,

SAY Now be seated. You still have 60 minutes to complete the test, and I’ll let you know when you
have 10 minutes left. As a reminder, the writing on your planning sheet will not be scored. Only
the response you type in the test will be scored.
You may now continue working.
After 50 minutes,

SAY There are 10 minutes left in the 120-minute test.

After 10 more minutes,

SAY Stop. Make sure you are on the Review Screen. Click End Test. A pop-up message will appear.
If the pop-up message says, “Are you sure you want to pause the test?,” click No and return to
the Review Screen, then click End Test. If the pop-up message says, “You have reached the end
of the test.,” click Yes. (Pause.)
Click Submit Test. A Warning message will appear. Click Yes on this message. (Pause.)

36 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 8–10 ELA Writing

Grades 8–10 ELA Writing

SAY On the Test Completed screen, click Log Out. You will be taken to the Please Sign In screen. I
will collect your (passage booklet,) planning sheet and test ticket.
Students will be returned to the login screen once they submit their tests. Collect (passage booklets,)
planning sheets and test tickets.
Once all students have submitted their tests, end the test session by clicking STOP in the TA Interface. This
will pause any remaining tests, so only select STOP after all students have submitted their tests. Then log
out of the TA Interface by clicking Logout in the upper right corner of the screen.
Complete the following steps:

1. Ensure that you have all (passage booklets,) planning sheets and test tickets and that your record of
required administration information and seating chart are accurate and complete.
2. Report any test irregularities or security breaches to your school assessment coordinator immediately.
3. Record the accommodations provided to students and the accommodations used by students on your
record of required administration information. Use the following accommodations codes to record
this information:

For ESE/504 students:

• 1-FP = Flexible Presentation
• 1-FR = Flexible Responding
• 1-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 1-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 1-AD = Assistive Devices

For ELL students:

• 2-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 2-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 2-AHL = Assistance in Heritage Language
• 2-ADI = Approved Dictionary
4. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator as described on page 235.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 37

38 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual
Script for Administering the ELA Writing Retake

Script for Administering the

ELA Writing Retake
120+ Minutes
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended time,
use of translation dictionary), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students
are to follow. It is important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary

ELA Writing Retake

Scripts for students using paper-based accommodations (e.g., regular print) and computer-based
accommodations (e.g., masking, text-to-speech) can be found on the FSA Portal.
This test session lasts 120 minutes, and students will take a short stretch break after 60 minutes of
testing. Students who need additional time after 120 minutes may continue working up to half of a
typical school day. Ensure that you have the correct stopping time for students who use additional
time, and display the stopping time as instructed in the script.
During this test session, remember the following:

• Ensure that you have a Security Log, a form to collect required administration information, and a
seating chart for your room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
• Ensure that all students in your testing room have participated in a practice test. If any students
have not completed a practice test, contact your school assessment coordinator.
• If a student starts a test and leaves campus without finishing (e.g., due to an appointment, illness),
he or she will not be allowed to return to the test. If you have concerns about a student, you should
not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact the school assessment coordinator for instructions.
• Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the test during
breaks. Students should not discuss or exchange information about the test with anyone during
breaks. Students must not be given access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones,
tablets, smartwatches) during breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s)
during a break, that student’s test must be invalidated.
• For short breaks (e.g., restroom), it is recommended that visual blocks be applied to students’
computer screens or devices (e.g., monitors turned off, folders taped to screens) instead of pausing
students’ tests. If a student’s test is paused in TDS, the student must log back in and be approved in
the TA Interface before he or she can continue testing.
• If a student has difficulty logging in or is logged out of his or her test more than once, have
the student refrain from logging in until the issue is diagnosed and resolved.
• If a technical disruption occurs during testing, note the time of the disruption in order to provide
students the appropriate amount of remaining time once testing resumes.
• When reading the following script, please note that optional words are italicized and in parentheses.

Before Testing
1. Before students arrive, ensure that the testing room is prepared as described on pages 19–20.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign is visible to all students and that the Do Not Disturb sign is
posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Perforated signs are available in Appendix D.)

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 39

Script for Administering the ELA Writing Retake

3. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., word lists, dictionaries)
and that any visual aids displayed in the testing room, such as posters with writing tips, have been
removed or covered.
4. Ensure that you understand your school assessment coordinator’s instructions regarding students
leaving the room for breaks, resuming testing, and the length of time students should be permitted to
test for this test session. Display the stopping time where it is visible to all students. Contact your
school assessment coordinator if you have not already received timing information for this test
5. Ensure that all software applications, including Internet browsers, are closed on all student computers
or devices before testing begins.
ELA Writing Retake

6. Launch the secure browser on student computers or devices prior to beginning the test session. When
the connection is established, the student Please Sign In screen is displayed as shown below. The
computer or device is now ready for the student to begin.

7. Ensure that you have received the correct test tickets from your school assessment coordinator for all
students who will test in your room. Do not distribute tickets until instructed to do so in the script.
8. Ensure that each student has a pen or pencil.
9. Provide each student with a planning sheet. Ensure that you have a copy of the sample planning sheet
found in Appendix D to display for students when instructed in the script.
10. If you have students who require Writing Passage Booklets (see page 23), make sure that the students
have been assigned this accommodation in TIDE and that you have received the booklets from your
school assessment coordinator. Do not distribute the booklets until instructed to do so in the script.

Create a Test Session

1. Go to the FSA Portal and click Administer the FSA.
2. Log in to the TA Interface with your username and password.
3. Select FSA ELA Writing Retake and then click Start Operational Session.
4. Record the Session ID, which students will use to log in to the test. The Session ID should be
displayed where it is visible to all students and recorded with your required administration
information and on your seating chart.
Note: As a security measure, test administrators are automatically logged out of the TA Interface after 90
minutes of test administrator and student inactivity. Do not create your session until immediately prior to
SAY Today, you are going to take the FSA ELA Writing Retake. Remove all materials from your
desk except your pen or pencil and your planning sheet.

40 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering the ELA Writing Retake

SAY You will have 120 minutes to complete this test, and we will take a short stretch break after
60 minutes. After 120 minutes, you will be permitted to continue working if you need
additional time.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device you are using to
take the test, at your desk, in your pockets, or anywhere you can reach them at any time during
this test session, even if they are turned off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording
devices include but are not limited to cell phones, smartphones, tablets not used for testing,
smartwatches, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of recording, storing, viewing,
or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found with any electronic or recording
devices at any time during this test session, including breaks, your test will not be scored. If

ELA Writing Retake

you have any devices with you right now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices. At this
time, silence your own electronic device(s).
Now, hold up a sample planning sheet.

SAY Now, look at your planning sheet. Print your name in the upper right corner. You may use the
front and back of this planning sheet to jot down ideas, plan, and organize (prewrite, cluster,
map, or web) what you’ll write. It is important to use the planning sheet to plan what you will
write, but make sure that you allow enough time to enter your response in the online testing
platform. The writing on your planning sheet will not be scored. Only the response you type in
the test will be scored.
Ensure that the Session ID is displayed where all students can see it.

SAY Now, look at the login screen. If you do not see this screen, raise your hand.
If a computer or device is not opened to the Please Sign In screen, open the secure browser on that
computer or device.

SAY Please sit quietly while I distribute the test tickets. Do not begin typing until I tell you to start.
Distribute the test tickets.

SAY Look closely at your test ticket and make sure it has your correct name, date of birth, and ID
number on it.
Do not sign in before I instruct you to do so.
Raise your hand if you do not have the correct ticket.
If a student has the wrong ticket, give the student the correct ticket. If you do not have the correct ticket,
contact your school assessment coordinator.
If the First Name, Last Name, or ID Number for the student is incorrect, the student cannot use
the ticket and you should contact your school assessment coordinator. If the Date of Birth is the only
incorrect field on the ticket, the student may test with that ticket, and updates to the Date of Birth can be
made after testing.

SAY Now, log in by typing your First Name as it appears on your test ticket, your Username, and the
Session ID ____-_______-____. The Session ID is displayed for you. Click Sign In. Raise your
hand if you need assistance.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 41

Script for Administering the ELA Writing Retake

Pause and assist students with logging in as needed.

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Is This You?. Verify that the information is correct. If your
information is correct, select Yes to continue. If the information is not correct, then select No to
return to the login page and raise your hand.
Assist any students who raise their hands.

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Your Tests. Click the arrow to the left of Start FSA ELA
Writing Retake to proceed.
Now, sit quietly while I approve your tests.
ELA Writing Retake

In the TA Interface, select the Approvals button to review the list of students ready to begin testing. You
may need to select Refresh to see all the students in your testing room on your list.
Review test settings: To view a student’s online test settings or accommodations, click the corresponding
Test Settings icon [ ]. Test settings and/or accommodations for individual students are displayed. If changes
are required, contact your school assessment coordinator who will update the student’s test settings in TIDE.
Once you ensure that all students have logged in correctly, approve students to test by selecting Approve
All Students. Read the information on the Important! pop-up window and select Yes.

SAY Now, you should see a screen that says Is This Your Test?. Verify that the screen displays the
correct test information, but do not click Yes, Start My Test until I tell you to do so.
This screen also allows you to choose the background color, mouse pointer, and print size for
your test. If you would like to change your selections, do so now. If you have any questions,
raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, have the student select No on the screen, log in again and make
adjustments to his or her accessibility settings, and then approve that studentʼs test again. Ensure that the
correct information displays for that student on the Is This Your Test? screen.

SAY Now, turn your planning sheet over and look at the Testing Rules Acknowledgment. Please
listen as I read the testing rules. During this test, you must not:
• talk to other students or make any disturbance
• look at another student’s (passage booklet,) computer or device screen, or planning sheet
• allow another student to look at your (passage booklet,) computer or device screen, or
planning sheet
• ask for help writing your response
• give help to another student in writing his or her response
• have notes or scratch paper other than your (passage booklet or) planning sheet
• have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device on which you are
testing, in your possession at any time, including breaks, even if you do not use them
• fail to follow any other instructions given
Because the content in all statewide assessments is secure, you may not discuss or reveal
details about the writing prompt or passages after the test. This includes any type of electronic
communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting online, for example, on Facebook, Twitter,
Snapchat, or Instagram.
Are there any questions?
Answer all questions.

42 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering the ELA Writing Retake

SAY Now, read silently as I read the Testing Rules Acknowledgment out loud.
I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these rules, my
test score may be invalidated.
Now, sign your name on the line next to Signature to indicate that you understand the testing rules.
Pause while students sign their names. If a student does not sign his or her name, contact your school
assessment coordinator.

SAY Read each passage carefully and respond completely to the writing prompt. Remember that your
writing should show that you can organize and express your thoughts clearly and that you have

ELA Writing Retake

responded completely to the writing prompt.
You are required to write a response in English. Responses written in languages other than
English will not be scored.
Your response will automatically be saved every two minutes while you are actively working on
the screen. You may also use the Save button on the top toolbar to save your work.
You may not use a dictionary. If you aren’t sure how to spell a word, spell it the best way
you can.
Manage your time carefully so that you can read the passages, plan your response, write your
response, and revise and edit your response.
If you finish the test before time is called, go back and check (proofread) your work and make
corrections to improve your writing.
Now, click Yes, Start My Test. You will see a Test Instructions and Help screen. Do not click
Begin Test Now until I instruct you to do so.
Take a moment to review the Test Instructions and Help. These instructions remind you how
to navigate in the test and how to use the tools and features of the testing platform. Raise your
hand if you have any questions as you review these instructions. Do not begin your test at
this time.
Pause to allow students a moment to review the instructions, and answer all student questions.
If you have students who will use Writing Passage Booklets:
Distribute Writing Passage Booklets to any students with this accommodation, and read
the following SAY box. (If no students require this accommodation, skip the following
SAY box.)

SAY Write your name in the space on the front cover of your passage booklet. Find
the plastic pull tab on the right side of your passage booklet. Gently pull the tab
out and down. Then, open your booklet and check each page through the end
of the book to see that all page numbers are in order and that there aren’t any
missing or upside-down pages. You may write in your passage booklet, but be
careful not to tear the pages or cover any parts of a passage. Do not read any of
the passages before the test begins. If you see problems, raise your hand. If not,
close the booklet and sit quietly.
If a defective passage booklet is found, contact your school assessment coordinator.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 43

Script for Administering the ELA Writing Retake

SAY Remember, you have 120 minutes to complete this test, and you will be permitted to continue
working if you need additional time. We will take a short stretch break after 60 minutes, and I’ll
let you know when there are 10 minutes left in the 120-minute test.
Now, click Begin Test Now and begin working.
Complete the following:
STARTING time: ___________
Add 60 minutes: +60 minutes
Time to call a break: ___________
ELA Writing Retake


Add 50 minutes: +50 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder: ___________
Add 10 minutes: +10 minutes
STOPPING time: ___________

Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.

During testing, monitor student progress by viewing the Student Status column in the TA Interface. This
page automatically refreshes every 60 seconds. When the page refreshes, student statuses are updated. If
students have technical issues, contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator
for assistance immediately. Your attention should not be diverted from students at any time during the test
Although it is your responsibility to ensure that students are working independently, you are prohibited
from reading test content and planning sheets before, during, and after the test.
Do not use cell phones, classroom phones, computers, or other devices (except to monitor student
progress or to contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator in case of a technical
issue or emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your full attention should be on students at
all times.
After 60 minutes from the STARTING time,

SAY Stop. You may stand and stretch, but do not talk or look at another student’s (passage booklet,)
computer screen, device, or planning sheet.
After a short break,

SAY Now be seated. You still have 60 minutes to complete the test, and I’ll let you know when you
have 10 minutes left. As a reminder, the writing on your planning sheet will not be scored. Only
the response you type in the test will be scored.
You may now continue working.
After 50 minutes,

SAY There are 10 minutes left in the 120-minute test.

44 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering the ELA Writing Retake

After 10 more minutes,

SAY Stop. Raise your hand if you would like additional time to work. Please sit quietly and do not
continue working at this time.
If you have finished working, make sure you are on the Review Screen. Click End Test. A pop-
up message will appear. If the pop-up message says, “Are you sure you want to pause the test?,”
click No and return to the Review Screen, then click End Test. If the pop-up message says,
“You have reached the end of the test.,” click Yes. (Pause.)
Click Submit Test. A Warning message will appear. Click Yes on this message. (Pause.)

ELA Writing Retake

On the Test Completed screen, click Log Out. You will be taken to the Please Sign In screen. I
will collect your (passage booklet,) planning sheet and test ticket.
Students will be returned to the login screen once they submit their tests. Collect (passage booklets,)
planning sheets and test tickets.
Based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator, either dismiss students who have finished
or pause the test in the TA Interface and move students who require additional time to an alternate testing
location. If students are moved to a new location, create a new seating chart for that location, have students
log in, approve students to test in the TA Interface, and ensure that students using extra time are allowed the
correct amount of time to complete the test. Students may work for a total of half of a typical school day.
Display the new stopping time for students. Once students are ready to continue working,

SAY Now we will continue testing. You have until ____ to continue working, and I’ll let you know
when you have 10 minutes left.
At 10 minutes before the stopping time,

SAY You have 10 minutes to finish the test.

After 10 more minutes,

SAY Stop. Make sure you are on the Review Screen. Click End Test. A pop-up message will appear.
If the pop-up message says, “Are you sure you want to pause the test?,” click No and return to
the Review Screen, then click End Test. If the pop-up message says, “You have reached the end
of the test.,” click Yes. (Pause.)
Click Submit Test. A Warning message will appear. Click Yes on this message. (Pause.)
On the Test Completed screen, click Log Out. You will be taken to the Please Sign In screen. I
will collect your (passage booklet,) planning sheet and test ticket.
Students will be returned to the login screen once they submit their tests. Collect (passage booklets,)
planning sheets and test tickets.
Once all students have submitted their tests, end the test session by clicking STOP in the TA Interface.
This will pause any remaining tests, so only select STOP after all students have submitted their tests.
Then log out of the TA Interface by clicking Logout in the upper right corner of the screen.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 45

Script for Administering the ELA Writing Retake

Complete the following steps:

1. Ensure that you have all (passage booklets,) planning sheets and test tickets and that your record of
required administration information and seating chart are accurate and complete.
2. Report any test irregularities or security breaches to your school assessment coordinator immediately.
3. Record the accommodations provided to students and the accommodations used by students on your
record of required administration information. Use the following accommodations codes to record
this information:

For ESE/504 students:

ELA Writing Retake

• 1-FP = Flexible Presentation

• 1-FR = Flexible Responding
• 1-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 1-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 1-AD = Assistive Devices

For ELL students:

• 2-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 2-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 2-AHL = Assistance in Heritage Language
• 2-ADI = Approved Dictionary
4. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator as described on page 235.

46 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 4–5 ELA Reading—Session 1

Script for Administering

Grades 4–5 ELA Reading
Session 1
80 Minutes
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended time,
use of translation dictionary), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students
are to follow. It is important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
Scripts for students using paper-based accommodations (e.g., regular print) and computer-based
accommodations (e.g., masking, text-to-speech) can be found on the FSA Portal.
This test session lasts 80 minutes, and students will take a short stretch break after 40 minutes of
testing. Display starting and stopping times as instructed in the script.
During this test session, remember the following:

• Ensure that you have a Security Log, a form to collect required administration information, and a

Grades 4–5 ELA Reading

seating chart for your room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
• Ensure that all students in your testing room have participated in a practice test. If any students

Session 1
have not completed a practice test, contact your school assessment coordinator.
• If a student starts a test session and leaves campus without finishing (e.g., due to an appointment,
illness), he or she will not be allowed to return to the test session. If you have concerns about
a student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact the school assessment
coordinator for instructions.
• Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the test during
breaks. Students should not discuss or exchange information about the test with anyone during
breaks. Students must not be given access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones,
tablets, smartwatches) during breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s)
during a break, that student’s test must be invalidated.
• For short breaks (e.g., restroom), it is recommended that visual blocks be applied to students’
computer screens or devices (e.g., monitors turned off, folders taped to screens) instead of pausing
students’ tests. If a student’s test is paused in TDS, the student must log back in and be approved in
the TA Interface before he or she can continue testing.
• If a student has difficulty logging in or is logged out of his or her test more than once, have
the student refrain from logging in until the issue is diagnosed and resolved.
• If a technical disruption occurs during testing, note the time of the disruption in order to provide
students the appropriate amount of remaining time once testing resumes.

Before Testing
1. Before students arrive, ensure that the testing room is prepared as described on pages 19–20.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign and Session 1 sign are visible to all students and that the Do
Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Perforated signs are available in
Appendix D.)

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 47

Script for Administering Grades 4–5 ELA Reading—Session 1

3. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., word lists, dictionaries) and that
any visual aids displayed in the testing room have been removed or covered.
4. Ensure that you understand your school assessment coordinator’s instructions regarding students
leaving the room for breaks and resuming testing.
5. Ensure that all software applications, including Internet browsers, are closed on all student computers
or devices before testing begins.
6. Ensure that each student has headphones or earbuds. Plug headphones or earbuds in and adjust
volume prior to launching the secure browser.
7. Launch the secure browser on student computers or devices prior to beginning the test session. When
the connection is established, the student Please Sign In screen is displayed as shown below. The
computer or device is now ready for the student to begin.

8. Ensure that you have received the correct test tickets from your school assessment coordinator for all
Grades 4–5 ELA Reading

students who will test in your room. Do not distribute tickets until instructed to do so in the script.
9. If you have students who require Reading Passage Booklets (see page 23), make sure that the students
Session 1

have been assigned this accommodation in TIDE and that you have received the booklets from your
school assessment coordinator. Do not distribute the booklets until instructed to do so in the script.
10. Prior to testing, ensure that students have the following:
• A pen or pencil
• A CBT Worksheet
11. When reading the following script, please note that optional words (e.g., information related to passage
booklets) are italicized and in parentheses and should be read to students only if applicable.

Create a Test Session

1. Go to the FSA Portal and click Administer the FSA.
2. Log in to the TA Interface with your username and password.
3. Select the test you will be administering and then click Start Operational Session.
4. Record the Session ID, which students will use to log in to the test. The Session ID should be
displayed where it is visible to all students and recorded with your required administration
information and on your seating chart.
Note: As a security measure, test administrators are automatically logged out of the TA Interface after 90
minutes of test administrator and student inactivity. Do not create your session until immediately prior to

SAY Today, you are going to take Session 1 of Grade ___ FSA ELA Reading. Remove all materials
from your desk except your pen or pencil and your CBT Worksheet.

48 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 4–5 ELA Reading—Session 1

SAY Write your first and last names and today’s date on your CBT Worksheet. You may use your
worksheet to take notes. You may not use any other paper. I will collect your worksheet at the
end of this test session.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device you are using to
take the test, at your desk, in your pockets, or anywhere you can reach them at any time during
this test session, even if they are turned off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording
devices include but are not limited to cell phones, smartphones, tablets not used for testing,
smartwatches, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of recording, storing, viewing,
or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found with any electronic or recording
devices at any time during this test session, including breaks, your test will not be scored.
If you have any devices with you right now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices. At this
time, silence your own electronic device(s).
Ensure that the Session ID is displayed where all students can see it.

SAY Now, look at the login screen. If you do not see this screen, raise your hand.
If a computer or device is not opened to the Please Sign In screen, open the secure browser on that
computer or device.

Grades 4–5 ELA Reading

SAY Please sit quietly while I distribute the test tickets. Do not begin typing until I tell you to start.

Session 1
Distribute the test tickets.

SAY Look closely at your test ticket and make sure it has your correct name, date of birth, and ID
number on it.
Do not sign in before I instruct you to do so.
Raise your hand if you do not have the correct ticket.
If a student has the wrong ticket, give the student the correct ticket. If you do not have the correct ticket,
contact your school assessment coordinator.
If the First Name, Last Name, or ID Number for the student is incorrect, the student cannot use
the ticket and you should contact your school assessment coordinator. If the Date of Birth is the only
incorrect field on the ticket, the student may test with that ticket, and updates to the Date of Birth can be
made after testing.

SAY Now, log in by typing your First Name as it appears on your test ticket, your Username, and the
Session ID ____-_______-____. The Session ID is displayed for you. Click Sign In. Raise your
hand if you need assistance.

Pause and assist students with logging in as needed.

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Is This You?. Verify that the information is correct. If your
information is correct, select Yes to continue. If the information is not correct, then select No to
return to the login page and raise your hand.
Assist any students who raise their hands.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 49

Script for Administering Grades 4–5 ELA Reading—Session 1

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Your Tests. Click the arrow to the left of Start Grade ___
FSA ELA Reading to proceed.
Now, sit quietly while I approve your tests.
In the TA Interface, select the Approvals button to review the list of students ready to begin testing. You
may need to select Refresh to see all the students in your testing room on your list.
Review test settings: To view a student’s online test settings or accommodations, click the corresponding
Test Settings icon [ ]. Test settings and/or accommodations for individual students are displayed. If changes
are required, contact your school assessment coordinator who will update the student’s test settings in TIDE.
Once you ensure that all students have logged in correctly, approve students to test by selecting Approve
All Students. Read the information on the Important! pop-up window and select Yes.

SAY Now, you should see a screen that says Is This Your Test?. Verify that the screen displays the
correct test information, but do not click Yes, Start My Test until I tell you to do so.
This screen also allows you to choose the background color, mouse pointer, and print size for
your test. If you would like to change your selections, do so now. If you have any questions,
raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, have the student select No on the screen, log in again and make
Grades 4–5 ELA Reading

adjustments to his or her accessibility settings, and then approve that studentʼs test again. Ensure that the
correct information displays for that student on the Is This Your Test? screen.
Session 1

SAY Now, turn your CBT Worksheet over and look at the Testing Rules Acknowledgment. Please
listen as I read the testing rules. During this test, you must not:
• talk to other students or make any disturbance
• look at another student’s (passage booklet,) computer or device screen, or worksheet
• allow another student to look at your (passage booklet,) computer or device screen, or
• ask for help answering any test questions
• give help to another student in answering test questions
• have notes or scratch paper other than your (passage booklet or) worksheet
• have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device on which you are testing,
in your possession at any time, including breaks, even if you do not use them
• fail to follow any other instructions given
Because the content in all statewide assessments is secure, you may not discuss or reveal details
about the test items or passages after the test. This includes any type of electronic communication,
such as texting, emailing, or posting online, for example, on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, or
Are there any questions?
Answer all questions.

SAY Now, read silently as I read the Testing Rules Acknowledgment out loud.
I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these rules, my
test score may be invalidated.
Now, sign your name on the line next to Signature to indicate that you understand the testing rules.

50 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 4–5 ELA Reading—Session 1

Pause while students sign their names. If a student does not sign his or her name, contact your school
assessment coordinator.
In the following SAY box, be sure to say the correct number of items for the grade-level test you are

SAY Today you will complete Session 1, which contains items (For Grade 4 SAY: 1 through 31)
(For Grade 5 SAY: 1 through 30). Remember to read each passage and follow the instructions to
complete each item. Try to answer every question. If you aren’t sure how to answer a question,
flag it for review and keep going. After you have answered all the other questions, go back and
answer any questions you have skipped.
Now, click Yes, Start My Test. Put your headphones or earbuds on now. On the Sound Check
screen, click the speaker icon. If you can hear the sound, click Yes. Raise your hand if you
cannot hear the sound.
Please remember to keep your headphones plugged in for the entire test.
Assist students with their headphones/earbuds setup and contact your school or technology coordinator
for assistance, if needed. After all students have selected Yes on the Sound Check screen,

SAY Take a moment to review the Test Instructions and Help. These instructions remind you how to
move from one item or passage to the next, and how to use the tools and features of the testing

Grades 4–5 ELA Reading

platform. Raise your hand if you have any questions as you review these instructions.
Do not begin your test at this time.

Session 1
Pause to allow students a moment to review the instructions, and answer all student questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make
sure you have answered every question. Do not click End Session until you are
instructed to do so at the end of the session today. After you have checked your
work, sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make
sure you have answered every question. After you have checked your work,
click End Session on the review screen and raise your hand. I will collect your
(passage booklet,) worksheet and test ticket. Then you must sit quietly until I tell
you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 51

Script for Administering Grades 4–5 ELA Reading—Session 1

Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make
sure you have answered every question. After you have checked your work,
click End Session on the review screen and raise your hand. I will collect your
(passage booklet,) worksheet and test ticket. Then you must sit quietly until I tell
you that this session has ended. You may read, but you may not write or use your
testing computer or device.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
If you have students who will use Reading Passage Booklets:
Distribute Reading Passage Booklets to any students with this accommodation, and read the
following SAY box. If no students require this accommodation, skip the following SAY

SAY Write your name in the space on the front cover of your passage booklet. Find
the first plastic pull tab on the right side of your passage booklet. Gently pull the
tab out and down. Then, open your booklet and check each page through the end
of Session 1 to see that all page numbers are in order and that there aren’t any
Grades 4–5 ELA Reading

missing or upside-down pages. You may write in your passage booklet, but be
careful not to tear the pages or cover any parts of a passage. Do not read any of
the passages before the test begins. If you see problems, raise your hand. If not,
Session 1

close the booklet and sit quietly.

If a defective passage booklet is found, contact your school assessment coordinator.

SAY You have 80 minutes to complete this test session, and we will take a short stretch break after
40 minutes of testing.
Now, click Begin Test Now and begin working.
Complete the following:
STARTING time: ___________
Add 40 minutes: +40 minutes
Time to call a break: ___________
Add 30 minutes: +30 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder: ___________
Add 10 minutes: +10 minutes
STOPPING time: ___________

Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.

During testing, monitor student progress by viewing the Student Status column in the TA Interface. This
page automatically refreshes every 60 seconds. When the page refreshes, students’ statuses are updated. If
students have technical issues, contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator for
assistance immediately. Your attention should not be diverted from students at any time during the test session.

52 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 4–5 ELA Reading—Session 1

Although it is your responsibility to ensure that students are working independently, you are prohibited
from reading test content before, during, and after the test.
Do not use cell phones, classroom phones, computers, or other devices (except to monitor student
progress or to contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator in case of a technical
issue or emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your full attention should be on students at
all times.
After 40 minutes from the STARTING time,

SAY Stop. You may stand and stretch, but do not talk or look at another student’s (passage booklet,)
computer screen, device, or worksheet.
After a short break,

SAY Now be seated. You still have 40 minutes to complete Session 1, and I’ll let you know when you
have 10 minutes left.
Make sure you are on the screen where you left off. You may now continue working.
After 30 minutes,

SAY You have 10 minutes to complete Session 1.

Grades 4–5 ELA Reading

After 10 more minutes,

Session 1
SAY Stop. Make sure that you are on the review screen and pause your test by clicking End Session
and then selecting Yes on the pop-up message. I will collect your (passage booklet,) worksheet
and test ticket.
Students will be returned to the login screen once they pause their tests. Collect (passage booklets,)
worksheets and test tickets.
Once all students have paused their tests, end the test session by clicking STOP in the TA Interface. This
will pause any remaining tests. Then log out of the TA Interface by clicking Logout in the upper right
corner of the screen.
Complete the following steps:

1. Ensure that you have all (passage booklets,) worksheets and test tickets and that your record of
required administration information and seating chart are accurate and complete.
2. Report any test irregularities or security breaches to your school assessment coordinator immediately.
3. Record the accommodations provided to students and the accommodations used by students on your
record of required administration information. Use the following accommodations codes to record
this information:

For ESE/504 students:

• 1-FP = Flexible Presentation
• 1-FR = Flexible Responding
• 1-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 1-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 1-AD = Assistive Devices

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 53

Script for Administering Grades 4–5 ELA Reading—Session 1

For ELL students:

• 2-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 2-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 2-AHL = Assistance in Heritage Language
• 2-ADI = Approved Dictionary
4. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator until the beginning of Session 2.
Grades 4–5 ELA Reading
Session 1

54 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 4–5 ELA Reading—Session 2

Script for Administering

Grades 4–5 ELA Reading
Session 2
80 Minutes
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended time,
use of translation dictionary), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students
are to follow. It is important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
Scripts for students using paper-based accommodations (e.g., regular print) and computer-based
accommodations (e.g., masking, text-to-speech) can be found on the FSA Portal.
This test session lasts 80 minutes, and students will take a short stretch break after 40 minutes of
testing. Display starting and stopping times as instructed in the script.
During this test session, remember the following:

• Ensure that you have a Security Log, a form to collect required administration information, and a
seating chart for your room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
• Ensure that all students in your testing room have completed Session 1. If any students have not
completed Session 1, contact your school assessment coordinator.
• If a student starts a test session and leaves campus without finishing (e.g., due to an appointment,
illness), he or she will not be allowed to return to the test session. If you have concerns about
a student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact the school assessment
coordinator for instructions.
• Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the test during
breaks. Students should not discuss or exchange information about the test with anyone during
breaks. Students must not be given access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones,

Grades 4–5 ELA Reading

tablets, smartwatches) during breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s)
during a break, that student’s test must be invalidated.
• For short breaks (e.g., restroom), it is recommended that visual blocks be applied to students’

Session 2
computer screens or devices (e.g., monitors turned off, folders taped to screens) instead of pausing
students’ tests. If a student’s test is paused in TDS, the student must log back in and be approved in
the TA Interface before he or she can continue testing.
• If a student has difficulty logging in or is logged out of his or her test more than once, have
the student refrain from logging in until the issue is diagnosed and resolved.
• If a technical disruption occurs during testing, note the time of the disruption in order to provide
students the appropriate amount of remaining time once testing resumes.

Before Testing
1. Before students arrive, ensure that the testing room is prepared as described on pages 19–20.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign and Session 2 sign are visible to all students and that the Do
Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Perforated signs are available in
Appendix D.)

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 55

Script for Administering Grades 4–5 ELA Reading—Session 2

3. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., word lists, dictionaries) and that
any visual aids displayed in the testing room have been removed or covered.
4. Ensure that you understand your school assessment coordinator’s instructions regarding students
leaving the room for breaks and resuming testing.
5. Ensure that all software applications, including Internet browsers, are closed on all student computers
or devices before testing begins.
6. Ensure that each student has headphones or earbuds. Plug headphones or earbuds in and adjust
volume prior to launching the secure browser.
7. Launch the secure browser on student computers or devices prior to beginning the test session. When
the connection is established, the student Please Sign In screen is displayed as shown below. The
computer or device is now ready for the student to begin.

8. Ensure that you have received the correct test tickets from your school assessment coordinator for all
students who will test in your room. Do not distribute tickets until instructed to do so in the script.
9. If you have students who require Reading Passage Booklets, make sure that each student receives the
same Reading Passage Booklet that he or she used during Session 1. Do not distribute the booklets
until instructed to do so in the script.
10. Prior to testing, ensure that students have the following:
• A pen or pencil
• A new CBT Worksheet (Students should not use the same worksheets that they used in Session 1.)
11. When reading the following script, please note that optional words (e.g., information related to
passage booklets) are italicized and in parentheses and should be read to students only if applicable.
Grades 4–5 ELA Reading

Create a Test Session

Session 2

1. Go to the FSA Portal and click Administer the FSA.

2. Log in to the TA Interface with your username and password.
3. Select the test you will be administering and then click Start Operational Session.
4. Record the Session ID, which students will use to log in to the test. The Session ID should be displayed
where it is visible to all students and recorded with your required administration information and on
your seating chart.
Note: As a security measure, test administrators are automatically logged out of the TA Interface after 90
minutes of test administrator and student inactivity. Do not create your session until immediately prior to

SAY Today, you are going to take Session 2 of Grade ___ FSA ELA Reading. Remove all materials
from your desk except your pen or pencil and your CBT Worksheet.

56 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 4–5 ELA Reading—Session 2

SAY Write your first and last names and today’s date on your CBT Worksheet. Remember, you
may use your worksheet to take notes. You may not use any other paper. I will collect your
worksheet at the end of this test session.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device you are using to
take the test, at your desk, in your pockets, or anywhere you can reach them at any time during
this test session, even if they are turned off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording
devices include but are not limited to cell phones, smartphones, tablets not used for testing,
smartwatches, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of recording, storing, viewing,
or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found with any electronic or recording
devices at any time during this test session, including breaks, your test will not be scored.
If you have any devices with you right now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices. At this
time, silence your own electronic device(s).
Ensure that the Session ID is displayed where all students can see it.

SAY Now, look at the login screen. If you do not see this screen, raise your hand.
If a computer or device is not opened to the Please Sign In screen, open the secure browser on that
computer or device.

SAY Please sit quietly while I distribute the test tickets. Do not begin typing until I tell you to start.

Distribute the test tickets.

SAY Look closely at your test ticket and make sure it has your correct name, date of birth, and ID
number on it.
Do not sign in before I instruct you to do so.
Raise your hand if you do not have the correct ticket.
If a student has the wrong ticket, give the student the correct ticket. If you do not have the correct ticket,

Grades 4–5 ELA Reading

contact your school assessment coordinator.

SAY Now, log in by typing your First Name as it appears on your test ticket, your Username, and the

Session 2
Session ID ____-_______-____. The Session ID is displayed for you. Click Sign In. Raise your
hand if you need assistance.
Pause and assist students with logging in as needed.

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Is This You?. Verify that the information is correct. If your
information is correct, select Yes to continue. If the information is not correct, then select No to
return to the login page and raise your hand.
Assist any students who raise their hands.

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Your Tests. Click the arrow to the left of Resume Grade ___
FSA ELA Reading to proceed.
Now, sit quietly while I approve your tests.
In the TA Interface, select the Approvals button to review the list of students ready to begin testing. You
may need to select Refresh to see all the students in your testing room on your list.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 57

Script for Administering Grades 4–5 ELA Reading—Session 2

Once you ensure that all students have logged in correctly, approve students to test by selecting Approve
All Students. Read the information on the Important! pop-up window and select Yes.

SAY Now, you should see a screen that says Is This Your Test?. Verify that the screen displays the
correct test information, but do not click Yes, Start My Test until I tell you to do so.
This screen also allows you to choose the background color, mouse pointer, and print size for
your test. If you would like to change your selections, do so now. If you have any questions,
raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, have the student select No on the screen, log in again and make
adjustments to his or her accessibility settings, and then approve that studentʼs test again. Ensure that the
correct information displays for that student on the Is This Your Test? screen.

SAY Now, turn your CBT Worksheet over and look at the Testing Rules Acknowledgment. Please
listen as I read the testing rules. During this test, you must not:
• talk to other students or make any disturbance
• look at another student’s (passage booklet,) computer or device screen, or worksheet
• allow another student to look at your (passage booklet,) computer or device screen, or
• ask for help answering any test questions
• give help to another student in answering test questions
• have notes or scratch paper other than your (passage booklet or) worksheet
• have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device on which you are testing,
in your possession at any time, including breaks, even if you do not use them
• fail to follow any other instructions given
Because the content in all statewide assessments is secure, you may not discuss or reveal
details about the test items or passages after the test. This includes any type of electronic
communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting online, for example, on Facebook, Twitter,
Snapchat, or Instagram.
Are there any questions?
Grades 4–5 ELA Reading

Answer all questions.

Session 2

SAY Now, read silently as I read the Testing Rules Acknowledgment out loud.
I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these rules, my
test score may be invalidated.
Now, sign your name on the line next to Signature to indicate that you understand the testing rules.
Pause while students sign their names. If a student does not sign his or her name, contact your school
assessment coordinator.
In the following SAY box, be sure to say the correct number of items for the grade-level test you are

SAY Today you will complete Session 2, which contains items (For Grade 4 SAY: 32 through 60)
(For Grade 5 SAY: 31 through 60). Remember to read each passage and follow the instructions
to complete each item. Try to answer every question. If you aren’t sure how to answer a question,
flag it for review and keep going. After you have answered all the other questions, go back and
answer any questions you have skipped.

58 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 4–5 ELA Reading—Session 2

SAY Now, click Yes, Start My Test. Put your headphones or earbuds on now. On the Sound Check
screen, click the speaker icon. If you can hear the sound, click Yes. Raise your hand if you
cannot hear the sound.
Please remember to keep your headphones plugged in for the entire test.
Assist students with their headphones/earbuds setup and contact your school or technology coordinator
for assistance, if needed. After all students have selected Yes on the Sound Check screen,

SAY Take a moment to review the Test Instructions and Help. These instructions remind you how to
move from one item or passage to the next, and how to use the tools and features of the testing
platform. Raise your hand if you have any questions as you review these instructions.
Do not begin your test at this time.
Pause to allow students a moment to review the instructions, and answer all student questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make
sure you have answered every question. Do not click End Test until you are
instructed to do so at the end of the session today. After you have checked your
work, sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure
you have answered every question. After you have checked your work, click End
Test and raise your hand. I will collect your (passage booklet,) worksheet and test
ticket. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.

Grades 4–5 ELA Reading

Please raise your hand if you have any questions.

Session 2
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure
you have answered every question. After you have checked your work, click
End Test and raise your hand. I will collect your (passage booklet,) worksheet
and test ticket. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this session has
ended. You may read, but you may not write or use your testing computer or device.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 59

Script for Administering Grades 4–5 ELA Reading—Session 2

If you have students who will use Reading Passage Booklets:

Distribute Reading Passage Booklets to any students with this accommodation, and ensure that
each student receives the passage booklet with his or her name on it. Then read the following
SAY box. If no students require this accommodation, skip the following SAY box.

SAY Make sure you have the passage booklet with your name on it. Find the
remaining plastic pull tab on the right side of your passage booklet. Gently pull
the tab out and down. Then, open your booklet and check each page through the
end of the booklet to see that all page numbers are in order and that there aren’t
any missing or upside-down pages. Do not read any of the passages before the
test begins. If you see problems, raise your hand. If not, close the booklet and sit
If a defective passage booklet is found, contact your school assessment coordinator.

SAY Remember, you have 80 minutes to complete this test session, and we will take a short stretch
break after 40 minutes of testing.
Now, click Begin Test Now and begin working.
Complete the following:
STARTING time: ___________
Add 40 minutes: +40 minutes
Time to call a break: ___________
Add 30 minutes: +30 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder: ___________
Add 10 minutes: +10 minutes
STOPPING time: ___________
Grades 4–5 ELA Reading

Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.

During testing, monitor student progress by viewing the Student Status column in the TA Interface. This
Session 2

page automatically refreshes every 60 seconds. When the page refreshes, students’ statuses are updated. If
students have technical issues, contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator
for assistance immediately. Your attention should not be diverted from students at any time during the test
Although it is your responsibility to ensure that students are working independently, you are prohibited
from reading test content before, during, and after the test.
Do not use cell phones, classroom phones, computers, or other devices (except to monitor student
progress or to contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator in case of a technical
issue or emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your full attention should be on students at
all times.
After 40 minutes from the STARTING time,

SAY Stop. You may stand and stretch, but do not talk or look at another student’s (passage booklet,)
computer screen, device, or worksheet.

60 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 4–5 ELA Reading—Session 2

After a short break,

SAY Now be seated. You still have 40 minutes to complete Session 2, and I’ll let you know when you
have 10 minutes left.
Make sure you are on the screen where you left off. You may now continue working.
After 30 minutes,

SAY You have 10 minutes to complete Session 2.

After 10 more minutes,

SAY Stop. Make sure you are on the Review Screen. Click End Test. A pop-up message will appear.
If the pop-up message says, “Are you sure you want to pause the test?,” click No and return to
the Review Screen, then click End Test. If the pop-up message says, “You have reached the end
of the test.,” click Yes. (Pause.)
Click Submit Test. A Warning message will appear. Click Yes on this message. (Pause.)
On the Test Completed screen, click Log Out. You will be taken to the Please Sign In screen. I
will collect your (passage booklets,) worksheets and test tickets.
Students will be returned to the login screen once they submit their tests. Collect (passage booklets,)
worksheets and test tickets.
Once all students have submitted their tests, end the test session by clicking STOP in the TA Interface.
This will pause any remaining tests, so only select STOP after all students have submitted their tests.
Then log out of the TA Interface by clicking Logout in the upper right corner of the screen.
Complete the following steps:

1. Ensure that you have all (passage booklets,) worksheets and test tickets and that your record of
required administration information and seating chart are accurate and complete.
2. Report any test irregularities or security breaches to your school assessment coordinator immediately.

Grades 4–5 ELA Reading

3. Record the accommodations provided to students and the accommodations used by students on your
record of required administration information. Use the following accommodations codes to record

Session 2
this information:

For ESE/504 students:

• 1-FP = Flexible Presentation
• 1-FR = Flexible Responding
• 1-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 1-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 1-AD = Assistive Devices
For ELL students:
• 2-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 2-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 2-AHL = Assistance in Heritage Language
• 2-ADI = Approved Dictionary
4. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator as described on page 235.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 61

62 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual
Script for Administering Grades 6–8 ELA Reading—Session 1

Script for Administering

Grades 6–8 ELA Reading
Session 1
85 Minutes
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended time,
use of translation dictionary), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students
are to follow. It is important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
Scripts for students using paper-based accommodations (e.g., regular print) and computer-based
accommodations (e.g., masking, text-to-speech) can be found on the FSA Portal.
This test session lasts 85 minutes, and students will take a short stretch break after 45 minutes of
testing. Display starting and stopping times as instructed in the script.
During this test session, remember the following:

• Ensure that you have a Security Log, a form to collect required administration information, and a
seating chart for your room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
• Ensure that all students in your testing room have participated in a practice test. If any students
have not completed a practice test, contact your school assessment coordinator.
• If a student starts a test session and leaves campus without finishing (e.g., due to an appointment,
illness), he or she will not be allowed to return to the test session. If you have concerns about
a student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact the school assessment
coordinator for instructions.
• Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the test during
breaks. Students should not discuss or exchange information about the test with anyone during
breaks. Students must not be given access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones,
tablets, smartwatches) during breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s)
during a break, that student’s test must be invalidated.
• For short breaks (e.g., restroom), it is recommended that visual blocks be applied to students’
computer screens or devices (e.g., monitors turned off, folders taped to screens) instead of pausing
students’ tests. If a student’s test is paused in TDS, the student must log back in and be approved in
the TA Interface before he or she can continue testing.
• If a student has difficulty logging in or is logged out of his or her test more than once, have
the student refrain from logging in until the issue is diagnosed and resolved.
• If a technical disruption occurs during testing, note the time of the disruption in order to provide
students the appropriate amount of remaining time once testing resumes.
Grades 6–8 ELA Reading

Before Testing
Session 1

1. Before students arrive, ensure that the testing room is prepared as described on pages 19–20.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign and Session 1 sign are visible to all students and that the Do
Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Perforated signs are available in
Appendix D.)

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 63

Script for Administering Grades 6–8 ELA Reading—Session 1

3. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., word lists, dictionaries) and that
any visual aids displayed in the testing room have been removed or covered.
4. Ensure that you understand your school assessment coordinator’s instructions regarding students
leaving the room for breaks and resuming testing.
5. Ensure that all software applications, including Internet browsers, are closed on all student computers
or devices before testing begins.
6. Ensure that each student has headphones or earbuds. Plug headphones or earbuds in and adjust
volume prior to launching the secure browser.
7. Launch the secure browser on student computers or devices prior to beginning the test session. When
the connection is established, the student Please Sign In screen is displayed as shown below. The
computer or device is now ready for the student to begin.

8. Ensure that you have received the correct test tickets from your school assessment coordinator for all
students who will test in your room. Do not distribute tickets until instructed to do so in the script.
9. If you have students who require Reading Passage Booklets (see page 23), make sure that the students
have been assigned this accommodation in TIDE and that you have received the booklets from your
school assessment coordinator. Do not distribute the booklets until instructed to do so in the script.
10. Prior to testing, ensure that students have the following:
• A pen or pencil
• A CBT Worksheet
11. When reading the following script, please note that optional words (e.g., information related to
passage booklets) are italicized and in parentheses and should be read to students only if applicable.

Create a Test Session

1. Go to the FSA Portal and click Administer the FSA.
2. Log in to the TA Interface with your username and password.
3. Select the test you will be administering and then click Start Operational Session.
4. Record the Session ID, which students will use to log in to the test. The Session ID should be
displayed where it is visible to all students and recorded with your required administration
information and on your seating chart.
Grades 6–8 ELA Reading

Note: As a security measure, test administrators are automatically logged out of the TA Interface after 90
minutes of test administrator and student inactivity. Do not create your session until immediately prior to
Session 1


SAY Today, you are going to take Session 1 of Grade ___ FSA ELA Reading. Remove all materials
from your desk except your pen or pencil and your CBT Worksheet.

64 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 6–8 ELA Reading—Session 1

SAY Write your first and last names and today’s date on your CBT Worksheet. You may use your
worksheet to take notes. You may not use any other paper. I will collect your worksheet at the
end of this test session.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device you are using to
take the test, at your desk, in your pockets, or anywhere you can reach them at any time during
this test session, even if they are turned off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording
devices include but are not limited to cell phones, smartphones, tablets not used for testing,
smartwatches, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of recording, storing, viewing,
or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found with any electronic or recording
devices at any time during this test session, including breaks, your test will not be scored.
If you have any devices with you right now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices. At this
time, silence your own electronic device(s).
Ensure that the Session ID is displayed where all students can see it.

SAY Now, look at the login screen. If you do not see this screen, raise your hand.
If a computer or device is not opened to the Please Sign In screen, open the secure browser on that
computer or device.

SAY Please sit quietly while I distribute the test tickets. Do not begin typing until I tell you to start.
Distribute the test tickets.

SAY Look closely at your test ticket and make sure it has your correct name, date of birth, and ID
number on it.
Do not sign in before I instruct you to do so.
Raise your hand if you do not have the correct ticket.
If a student has the wrong ticket, give the student the correct ticket. If you do not have the correct ticket,
contact your school assessment coordinator.
If the First Name, Last Name, or ID Number for the student is incorrect, the student cannot use
the ticket and you should contact your school assessment coordinator. If the Date of Birth is the only
incorrect field on the ticket, the student may test with that ticket, and updates to the Date of Birth can be
made after testing.

SAY Now, log in by typing your First Name as it appears on your test ticket, your Username, and the
Session ID ____-_______-____. The Session ID is displayed for you. Click Sign In. Raise your
hand if you need assistance.
Grades 6–8 ELA Reading

Pause and assist students with logging in as needed.

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Is This You?. Verify that the information is correct. If your
Session 1

information is correct, select Yes to continue. If the information is not correct, then select No to
return to the login page and raise your hand.
Assist any students who raise their hands.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 65

Script for Administering Grades 6–8 ELA Reading—Session 1

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Your Tests. Click the arrow to the left of Start Grade ___
FSA ELA Reading to proceed.
Now, sit quietly while I approve your tests.
In the TA Interface, select the Approvals button to review the list of students ready to begin testing. You
may need to select Refresh to see all the students in your testing room on your list.
Review test settings: To view a student’s online test settings or accommodations, click the corresponding
Test Settings icon [ ]. Test settings and/or accommodations for individual students are displayed. If changes
are required, contact your school assessment coordinator who will update the student’s test settings in TIDE.
Once you ensure that all students have logged in correctly, approve students to test by selecting Approve
All Students. Read the information on the Important! pop-up window and select Yes.

SAY Now, you should see a screen that says Is This Your Test?. Verify that the screen displays the
correct test information, but do not click Yes, Start My Test until I tell you to do so.
This screen also allows you to choose the background color, mouse pointer, and print size for
your test. If you would like to change your selections, do so now. If you have any questions,
raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, have the student select No on the screen, log in again and make
adjustments to his or her accessibility settings, and then approve that studentʼs test again. Ensure that the
correct information displays for that student on the Is This Your Test? screen.

SAY Now, turn your CBT Worksheet over and look at the Testing Rules Acknowledgment. Please
listen as I read the testing rules. During this test, you must not:
• talk to other students or make any disturbance
• look at another student’s (passage booklet,) computer or device screen, or worksheet
• allow another student to look at your (passage booklet,) computer or device screen, or
• ask for help answering any test questions
• give help to another student in answering test questions
• have notes or scratch paper other than your (passage booklet or) worksheet
• have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device on which you are testing,
in your possession at any time, including breaks, even if you do not use them
• fail to follow any other instructions given
Because the content in all statewide assessments is secure, you may not discuss or reveal
details about the test items or passages after the test. This includes any type of electronic
communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting online, for example, on Facebook, Twitter,
Snapchat, or Instagram.
Are there any questions?
Grades 6–8 ELA Reading

Answer all questions.

Session 1

SAY Now, read silently as I read the Testing Rules Acknowledgment out loud.
I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these rules, my
test score may be invalidated.
Now, sign your name on the line next to Signature to indicate that you understand the testing rules.

66 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 6–8 ELA Reading—Session 1

Pause while students sign their names. If a student does not sign his or her name, contact your school
assessment coordinator.
In the following SAY box, be sure to say the correct number of items for the grade-level test you are

SAY Today you will complete Session 1, which contains items (For Grade 6 SAY: 1 through 28)
(For Grade 7 SAY: 1 through 31) (For Grade 8 SAY: 1 through 32). Remember to read each
passage and follow the instructions to complete each item. Try to answer every question. If you
aren’t sure how to answer a question, flag it for review and keep going. After you have answered
all the other questions, go back and answer any questions you have skipped.
Now, click Yes, Start My Test. Put your headphones or earbuds on now. On the Sound Check
screen, click the speaker icon. If you can hear the sound, click Yes. Raise your hand if you
cannot hear the sound.
Please remember to keep your headphones plugged in for the entire test.
Assist students with their headphones/earbuds setup and contact your school or technology coordinator
for assistance, if needed. After all students have selected Yes on the Sound Check screen,

SAY Take a moment to review the Test Instructions and Help. These instructions remind you how
to navigate from one item or passage to the next, and how to use the tools and features of the
testing platform. Raise your hand if you have any questions as you review these instructions.
Do not begin your test at this time.
Pause to allow students a moment to review the instructions, and answer all student questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make
sure you have answered every question. Do not click End Session until you are
instructed to do so at the end of the session today. After you have checked your
work, sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure
you have answered every question. After you have checked your work, click End
Session on the review screen and raise your hand. I will collect your (passage
booklet,) worksheet and test ticket. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that
this session has ended.
Grades 6–8 ELA Reading

Please raise your hand if you have any questions.

Session 1


Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 67

Script for Administering Grades 6–8 ELA Reading—Session 1

Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure
you have answered every question. After you have checked your work, click End
Session on the review screen and raise your hand. I will collect your (passage
booklet,) worksheet and test ticket. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that
this session has ended. You may read, but you may not write or use your testing
computer or device.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
If you have students who will use Reading Passage Booklets:
Distribute Reading Passage Booklets to any students with this accommodation, and read the
following SAY box. If no students require this accommodation, skip the following SAY

SAY Write your name in the space on the front cover of your passage booklet. Find
the first plastic pull tab on the right side of your passage booklet. Gently pull the
tab out and down. Then, open your booklet and check each page through the
end of Session 1 to see that all page numbers are in order and that there aren’t
any missing or upside-down pages. You may write in your passage booklet, but
be careful not to tear the pages or cover any parts of a passage. Do not read any
of the passages before the test begins. If you see problems, raise your hand. If
not, close the booklet and sit quietly.
If a defective passage booklet is found, contact your school assessment coordinator.

SAY You have 85 minutes to complete this test session, and we will take a short stretch break after
45 minutes of testing.
Now, click Begin Test Now and begin working.
Complete the following:
STARTING time: ___________
Add 45 minutes: +45 minutes
Time to call a break: ___________
Add 30 minutes: +30 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder: ___________
Add 10 minutes: +10 minutes
Grades 6–8 ELA Reading

STOPPING time: ___________

Session 1

Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.

During testing, monitor student progress by viewing the Student Status column in the TA Interface. This
page automatically refreshes every 60 seconds. When the page refreshes, students’ statuses are updated. If
students have technical issues, contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator for
assistance immediately. Your attention should not be diverted from students at any time during the test session.

68 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 6–8 ELA Reading—Session 1

Although it is your responsibility to ensure that students are working independently, you are prohibited
from reading test content before, during, and after the test.
Do not use cell phones, classroom phones, computers, or other devices (except to monitor student
progress or to contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator in case of a technical
issue or emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your full attention should be on students at
all times.
After 45 minutes from the STARTING time,

SAY Stop. You may stand and stretch, but do not talk or look at another student’s (passage booklet,)
computer screen, device, or worksheet.
After a short break,

SAY Now be seated. You still have 40 minutes to complete Session 1, and I’ll let you know when you
have 10 minutes left.
Make sure you are on the screen where you left off. You may now continue working.
After 30 minutes,

SAY You have 10 minutes to complete Session 1.

After 10 more minutes,

SAY Stop. Make sure that you are on the review screen and pause your test by clicking End Session
and then selecting Yes on the pop-up message. I will collect your (passage booklet,) worksheet
and test ticket.
Students will be returned to the login screen once they pause their tests. Collect (passage booklets,)
worksheets and test tickets.
Once all students have paused their tests, end the test session by clicking STOP in the TA Interface. This
will pause any remaining tests. Then log out of the TA Interface by clicking Logout in the upper right
corner of the screen.
Complete the following steps:

1. Ensure that you have all (passage booklets,) worksheets and test tickets and that your record of
required administration information and seating chart are accurate and complete.
2. Report any test irregularities or security breaches to your school assessment coordinator immediately.
3. Record the accommodations provided to students and the accommodations used by students on your
record of required administration information. Use the following accommodations codes to record
this information:
Grades 6–8 ELA Reading

For ESE/504 students:

• 1-FP = Flexible Presentation
Session 1

• 1-FR = Flexible Responding

• 1-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 1-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 1-AD = Assistive Devices

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 69

Script for Administering Grades 6–8 ELA Reading—Session 1

For ELL students:

• 2-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 2-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 2-AHL = Assistance in Heritage Language
• 2-ADI = Approved Dictionary
4. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator until the beginning of Session 2.
Grades 6–8 ELA Reading
Session 1

70 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 6–8 ELA Reading—Session 2

Grades 6–8 ELA Reading

Script for Administering

Session 2
Grades 6–8 ELA Reading
Session 2
85 Minutes
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended time,
use of translation dictionary), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students
are to follow. It is important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
Scripts for students using paper-based accommodations (e.g., regular print) and computer-based
accommodations (e.g., masking, text-to-speech) can be found on the FSA Portal.
This test session lasts 85 minutes, and students will take a short stretch break after 45 minutes of
testing. Display starting and stopping times as instructed in the script.
During this test session, remember the following:

• Ensure that you have a Security Log, a form to collect required administration information, and a
seating chart for your room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
• Ensure that all students in your testing room have completed Session 1. If any students have not
completed Session 1, contact your school assessment coordinator.
• If a student starts a test session and leaves campus without finishing (e.g., due to an appointment,
illness), he or she will not be allowed to return to the test session. If you have concerns about
a student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact the school assessment
coordinator for instructions.
• Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the test during
breaks. Students should not discuss or exchange information about the test with anyone during
breaks. Students must not be given access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones,
tablets, smartwatches) during breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s)
during a break, that student’s test must be invalidated.
• For short breaks (e.g., restroom), it is recommended that visual blocks be applied to students’
computer screens or devices (e.g., monitors turned off, folders taped to screens) instead of pausing
students’ tests. If a student’s test is paused in TDS, the student must log back in and be approved in
the TA Interface before he or she can continue testing.
• If a student has difficulty logging in or is logged out of his or her test more than once, have
the student refrain from logging in until the issue is diagnosed and resolved.
• If a technical disruption occurs during testing, note the time of the disruption in order to provide
students the appropriate amount of remaining time once testing resumes.

Before Testing
1. Before students arrive, ensure that the testing room is prepared as described on pages 19–20.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign and Session 2 sign are visible to all students and that the Do
Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Perforated signs are available in
Appendix D.)

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 71

Script for Administering Grades 6–8 ELA Reading—Session 2
Grades 6–8 ELA Reading

3. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., word lists, dictionaries) and that
any visual aids displayed in the testing room have been removed or covered.
Session 2

4. Ensure that you understand your school assessment coordinator’s instructions regarding students
leaving the room for breaks and resuming testing.
5. Ensure that all software applications, including Internet browsers, are closed on all student computers
or devices before testing begins.
6. Ensure that each student has headphones or earbuds. Plug headphones or earbuds in and adjust
volume prior to launching the secure browser.
7. Launch the secure browser on student computers or devices prior to beginning the test session. When
the connection is established, the student Please Sign In screen is displayed as shown below. The
computer or device is now ready for the student to begin.

8. Ensure that you have received the correct test tickets from your school assessment coordinator for all
students who will test in your room. Do not distribute tickets until instructed to do so in the script.
9. If you have students who require Reading Passage Booklets, make sure that each student receives the
same Reading Passage Booklet that he or she used during Session 1. Do not distribute the booklets
until instructed to do so in the script.
10. Prior to testing, ensure that students have the following:
• A pen or pencil
• A new CBT Worksheet (Students should not use the same worksheets that they used in Session 1.)
11. When reading the following script, please note that optional words (e.g., information related to
passage booklets) are italicized and in parentheses and should be read to students only if applicable.

Create a Test Session

1. Go to the FSA Portal and click Administer the FSA.
2. Log in to the TA Interface with your username and password.
3. Select the test you will be administering and then click Start Operational Session.
4. Record the Session ID, which students will use to log in to the test. The Session ID should be displayed
where it is visible to all students and recorded with your required administration information and on
your seating chart.
Note: As a security measure, test administrators are automatically logged out of the TA Interface after 90
minutes of test administrator and student inactivity. Do not create your session until immediately prior to

SAY Today, you are going to take Session 2 of Grade ___ FSA ELA Reading. Remove all materials
from your desk except your pen or pencil and your CBT Worksheet.

72 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 6–8 ELA Reading—Session 2

Grades 6–8 ELA Reading

SAY Write your first and last names and today’s date on your CBT Worksheet. Remember, you
may use your worksheet to take notes. You may not use any other paper. I will collect your

Session 2
worksheet at the end of this test session.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device you are using to
take the test, at your desk, in your pockets, or anywhere you can reach them at any time during
this test session, even if they are turned off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording
devices include but are not limited to cell phones, smartphones, tablets not used for testing,
smartwatches, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of recording, storing, viewing,
or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found with any electronic or recording
devices at any time during this test session, including breaks, your test will not be scored.
If you have any devices with you right now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices. At this
time, silence your own electronic device(s).
Ensure that the Session ID is displayed where all students can see it.

SAY Now, look at the login screen. If you do not see this screen, raise your hand.
If a computer or device is not opened to the Please Sign In screen, open the secure browser on that
computer or device.

SAY Please sit quietly while I distribute the test tickets. Do not begin typing until I tell you to start.
Distribute the test tickets.

SAY Look closely at your test ticket and make sure it has your correct name, date of birth, and ID
number on it.
Do not sign in before I instruct you to do so.
Raise your hand if you do not have the correct ticket.
If a student has the wrong ticket, give the student the correct ticket. If you do not have the correct ticket,
contact your school assessment coordinator.

SAY Now, log in by typing your First Name as it appears on your test ticket, your Username, and the
Session ID ____-_______-____. The Session ID is displayed for you. Click Sign In. Raise your
hand if you need assistance.
Pause and assist students with logging in as needed.

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Is This You?. Verify that the information is correct. If your
information is correct, select Yes to continue. If the information is not correct, then select No to
return to the login page and raise your hand.
Assist any students who raise their hands.

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Your Tests. Click the arrow to the left of Resume Grade ___
FSA ELA Reading to proceed.
Now, sit quietly while I approve your tests.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 73

Script for Administering Grades 6–8 ELA Reading—Session 2
Grades 6–8 ELA Reading

In the TA Interface, select the Approvals button to review the list of students ready to begin testing. You
may need to select Refresh to see all the students in your testing room on your list.
Session 2

Once you ensure that all students have logged in correctly, approve students to test by selecting Approve
All Students. Read the information on the Important! pop-up window and select Yes.

SAY Now, you should see a screen that says Is This Your Test?. Verify that the screen displays the
correct test information, but do not click Yes, Start My Test until I tell you to do so.
This screen also allows you to choose the background color, mouse pointer, and print size for
your test. If you would like to change your selections, do so now. If you have any questions,
raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, have the student select No on the screen, log in again and make
adjustments to his or her accessibility settings, and then approve that studentʼs test again. Ensure that the
correct information displays for that student on the Is This Your Test? screen.

SAY Now, turn your CBT Worksheet over and look at the Testing Rules Acknowledgment. Please
listen as I read the testing rules. During this test, you must not:
• talk to other students or make any disturbance
• look at another student’s (passage booklet,) computer or device screen, or worksheet
• allow another student to look at your (passage booklet,) computer or device screen, or
• ask for help answering any test questions
• give help to another student in answering test questions
• have notes or scratch paper other than your (passage booklet or) worksheet
• have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device on which you are testing, in
your possession at any time, including breaks, even if you do not use them
• fail to follow any other instructions given
Because the content in all statewide assessments is secure, you may not discuss or reveal details
about the test items or passages after the test. This includes any type of electronic communication,
such as texting, emailing, or posting online, for example, on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, or
Are there any questions?
Answer all questions.

SAY Now, read silently as I read the Testing Rules Acknowledgment out loud.
I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these rules, my
test score may be invalidated.
Now, sign your name on the line next to Signature to indicate that you understand the testing rules.
Pause while students sign their names. If a student does not sign his or her name, contact your school
assessment coordinator.
In the following SAY box, be sure to say the correct number of items for the grade-level test you are

SAY Today you will complete Session 2, which contains items (For Grade 6 SAY: 29 through 62)
(For Grade 7 SAY: 32 through 62) (For Grade 8 SAY: 33 through 62). Remember to read each

74 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 6–8 ELA Reading—Session 2

Grades 6–8 ELA Reading

SAY passage and follow the instructions to complete each item. Try to answer every question. If
you aren’t sure how to answer a question, flag it for review and keep going. After you have

Session 2
answered all the other questions, go back and answer any questions you have skipped.
Now, click Yes, Start My Test. Put your headphones or earbuds on now. On the Sound Check
screen, click the speaker icon. If you can hear the sound, click Yes. Raise your hand if you
cannot hear the sound.
Please remember to keep your headphones plugged in for the entire test.
Assist students with their headphones/earbuds setup and contact your school or technology coordinator
for assistance, if needed. After all students have selected Yes on the Sound Check screen,

SAY Take a moment to review the Test Instructions and Help. These instructions remind you how
to navigate from one item or passage to the next, and how to use the tools and features of the
testing platform. Raise your hand if you have any questions as you review these instructions.
Do not begin your test at this time.
Pause to allow students a moment to review the instructions, and answer all student questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make
sure you have answered every question. Do not click End Test until you are
instructed to do so at the end of the session today. After you have checked your
work, sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure
you have answered every question. After you have checked your work, click End
Test and raise your hand. I will collect your (passage booklet,) worksheet and test
ticket. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure
you have answered every question. After you have checked your work, click End
Test and raise your hand. I will collect your (passage booklet,) worksheet and test
ticket. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended. You
may read, but you may not write or use your testing computer or device.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 75

Script for Administering Grades 6–8 ELA Reading—Session 2
Grades 6–8 ELA Reading

If you have students who will use Reading Passage Booklets:

Session 2

Distribute Reading Passage Booklets to any students with this accommodation, and ensure
that each student receives the passage booklet with his or her name on it. Then read the
following SAY box. If no students require this accommodation, skip the following SAY

SAY Make sure you have the passage booklet with your name on it. Find the remaining
plastic pull tab on the right side of your passage booklet. Gently pull the tab out
and down. Then, open your booklet and check each page through the end of the
booklet to see that all page numbers are in order and that there aren’t any missing
or upside-down pages. Do not read any of the passages before the test begins. If
you see problems, raise your hand. If not, close the booklet and sit quietly.
If a defective passage booklet is found, contact your school assessment coordinator.

SAY Remember, you have 85 minutes to complete this test session, and we will take a short stretch
break after 45 minutes of testing.
Now, click Begin Test Now and begin working.
Complete the following:
STARTING time: ___________
Add 45 minutes: +45 minutes
Time to call a break: ___________
Add 30 minutes: +30 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder: ___________
Add 10 minutes: +10 minutes
STOPPING time: ___________

Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.

During testing, monitor student progress by viewing the Student Status column in the TA Interface. This
page automatically refreshes every 60 seconds. When the page refreshes, students’ statuses are updated. If
students have technical issues, contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator
for assistance immediately. Your attention should not be diverted from students at any time during the test
Although it is your responsibility to ensure that students are working independently, you are prohibited
from reading test content before, during, and after the test.
Do not use cell phones, classroom phones, computers, or other devices (except to monitor student
progress or to contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator in case of a technical
issue or emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your full attention should be on students at
all times.
After 45 minutes from the STARTING time,

SAY Stop. You may stand and stretch, but do not talk or look at another student’s (passage booklet,)
computer screen, device, or worksheet.

76 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 6–8 ELA Reading—Session 2

Grades 6–8 ELA Reading

After a short break,

Session 2
SAY Now be seated. You still have 40 minutes to complete Session 2, and I’ll let you know when you
have 10 minutes left.
Make sure you are on the screen where you left off. You may now continue working.
After 30 minutes,

SAY You have 10 minutes to complete Session 2.

After 10 more minutes,

SAY Stop. Make sure you are on the Review Screen. Click End Test. A pop-up message will appear.
If the pop-up message says, “Are you sure you want to pause the test?,” click No and return to
the Review Screen, then click End Test. If the pop-up message says, “You have reached the end
of the test.,” click Yes. (Pause.)
Click Submit Test. A Warning message will appear. Click Yes on this message. (Pause.)
On the Test Completed screen, click Log Out. You will be taken to the Please Sign In screen. I
will collect your (passage booklets,) worksheets and test tickets.
Students will be returned to the login screen once they submit their tests. Collect (passage booklets,)
worksheets and test tickets.
Once all students have submitted their tests, end the test session by clicking STOP in the TA Interface.
This will pause any remaining tests, so only select STOP after all students have submitted their tests.
Then log out of the TA Interface by clicking Logout in the upper right corner of the screen.
Complete the following steps:

1. Ensure that you have all (passage booklets,) worksheets and test tickets and that your record of
required administration information and seating chart are accurate and complete.
2. Report any test irregularities or security breaches to your school assessment coordinator immediately.
3. Record the accommodations provided to students and the accommodations used by students on your
record of required administration information. Use the following accommodations codes to record
this information:

For ESE/504 students:

• 1-FP = Flexible Presentation
• 1-FR = Flexible Responding
• 1-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 1-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 1-AD = Assistive Devices
For ELL students:
• 2-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 2-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 2-AHL = Assistance in Heritage Language
• 2-ADI = Approved Dictionary
4. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator as described on page 235.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 77

78 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual
Script for Administering Grades 9–10 ELA Reading—Session 1

Script for Administering

Grades 9–10 ELA Reading
Session 1
90 Minutes
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended time,
use of translation dictionary), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students

Grades 9–10 ELA Reading

are to follow. It is important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary

Session 1
Scripts for students using paper-based accommodations (e.g., regular print) and computer-based
accommodations (e.g., masking, text-to-speech) can be found on the FSA Portal.
This test session lasts 90 minutes, and students will take a short stretch break after 45 minutes of
testing. Display starting and stopping times as instructed in the script.
During this test session, remember the following:

• Ensure that you have a Security Log, a form to collect required administration information, and a
seating chart for your room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
• Ensure that all students in your testing room have participated in a practice test. If any students
have not completed a practice test, contact your school assessment coordinator.
• If a student starts a test session and leaves campus without finishing (e.g., due to an appointment,
illness), he or she will not be allowed to return to the test session. If you have concerns about
a student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact the school assessment
coordinator for instructions.
• Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the test during
breaks. Students should not discuss or exchange information about the test with anyone during
breaks. Students must not be given access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones,
tablets, smartwatches) during breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s)
during a break, that student’s test must be invalidated.
• For short breaks (e.g., restroom), it is recommended that visual blocks be applied to students’
computer screens or devices (e.g., monitors turned off, folders taped to screens) instead of pausing
students’ tests. If a student’s test is paused in TDS, the student must log back in and be approved in
the TA Interface before he or she can continue testing.
• If a student has difficulty logging in or is logged out of his or her test more than once, have
the student refrain from logging in until the issue is diagnosed and resolved.
• If a technical disruption occurs during testing, note the time of the disruption in order to provide
students the appropriate amount of remaining time once testing resumes.

Before Testing
1. Before students arrive, ensure that the testing room is prepared as described on pages 19–20.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign and Session 1 sign are visible to all students and that the Do
Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Perforated signs are available in
Appendix D.)

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 79

Script for Administering Grades 9–10 ELA Reading—Session 1

3. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., word lists, dictionaries) and that
any visual aids displayed in the testing room have been removed or covered.
4. Ensure that you understand your school assessment coordinator’s instructions regarding students
leaving the room for breaks and resuming testing.
5. Ensure that all software applications, including Internet browsers, are closed on all student computers
or devices before testing begins.
6. Ensure that each student has headphones or earbuds. Plug headphones or earbuds in and adjust
volume prior to launching the secure browser.
Grades 9–10 ELA Reading

7. Launch the secure browser on student computers or devices prior to beginning the test session. When
the connection is established, the student Please Sign In screen is displayed as shown below. The
computer or device is now ready for the student to begin.
Session 1

8. Ensure that you have received the correct test tickets from your school assessment coordinator for all
students who will test in your room. Do not distribute tickets until instructed to do so in the script.
9. If you have students who require Reading Passage Booklets (see page 23), make sure that the students
have been assigned this accommodation in TIDE and that you have received the booklets from your
school assessment coordinator. Do not distribute the booklets until instructed to do so in the script.
10. Prior to testing, ensure that students have the following:
• A pen or pencil
• A CBT Worksheet
11. When reading the following script, please note that optional words (e.g., information related to
passage booklets) are italicized and in parentheses and should be read to students only if applicable.

Create a Test Session

1. Go to the FSA Portal and click Administer the FSA.
2. Log in to the TA Interface with your username and password.
3. Select the test you will be administering and then click Start Operational Session.
4. Record the Session ID, which students will use to log in to the test. The Session ID should be
displayed where it is visible to all students and recorded with your required administration
information and on your seating chart.
Note: As a security measure, test administrators are automatically logged out of the TA Interface after 90
minutes of test administrator and student inactivity. Do not create your session until immediately prior to

SAY Today, you are going to take Session 1 of Grade ___ FSA ELA Reading. Remove all materials
from your desk except your pen or pencil and your CBT Worksheet.

80 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 9–10 ELA Reading—Session 1

SAY Write your first and last names and today’s date on your CBT Worksheet. You may use your
worksheet to take notes. You may not use any other paper. I will collect your worksheet at the
end of this test session.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device you are using to
take the test, at your desk, in your pockets, or anywhere you can reach them at any time during
this test session, even if they are turned off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording
devices include but are not limited to cell phones, smartphones, tablets not used for testing,
smartwatches, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of recording, storing, viewing,
or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found with any electronic or recording

Grades 9–10 ELA Reading

devices at any time during this test session, including breaks, your test will not be scored.
If you have any devices with you right now, please turn them off and raise your hand.

Session 1
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices. At this
time, silence your own electronic device(s).
Ensure that the Session ID is displayed where all students can see it.

SAY Now, look at the login screen. If you do not see this screen, raise your hand.
If a computer or device is not opened to the Please Sign In screen, open the secure browser on that
computer or device.

SAY Please sit quietly while I distribute the test tickets. Do not begin typing until I tell you to start.
Distribute the test tickets.

SAY Look closely at your test ticket and make sure it has your correct name, date of birth, and ID
number on it.
Do not sign in before I instruct you to do so.
Raise your hand if you do not have the correct ticket.
If a student has the wrong ticket, give the student the correct ticket. If you do not have the correct ticket,
contact your school assessment coordinator.
If the First Name, Last Name, or ID Number for the student is incorrect, the student cannot use
the ticket and you should contact your school assessment coordinator. If the Date of Birth is the only
incorrect field on the ticket, the student may test with that ticket, and updates to the Date of Birth can be
made after testing.

SAY Now, log in by typing your First Name as it appears on your test ticket, your Username, and the
Session ID ____-_______-____. The Session ID is displayed for you. Click Sign In. Raise your
hand if you need assistance.
Pause and assist students with logging in as needed.

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Is This You?. Verify that the information is correct. If your
information is correct, select Yes to continue. If the information is not correct, then select No to
return to the login page and raise your hand.
Assist any students who raise their hands.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 81

Script for Administering Grades 9–10 ELA Reading—Session 1

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Your Tests. Click the arrow to the left of Start Grade ___
FSA ELA Reading to proceed.
Now, sit quietly while I approve your tests.
In the TA Interface, select the Approvals button to review the list of students ready to begin testing. You
may need to select Refresh to see all the students in your testing room on your list.
Review test settings: To view a student’s online test settings or accommodations, click the corresponding
Test Settings icon [ ]. Test settings and/or accommodations for individual students are displayed. If changes
are required, contact your school assessment coordinator who will update the student’s test settings in TIDE.
Grades 9–10 ELA Reading

Once you ensure that all students have logged in correctly, approve students to test by selecting Approve
All Students. Read the information on the Important! pop-up window and select Yes.
Session 1

SAY Now, you should see a screen that says Is This Your Test?. Verify that the screen displays the
correct test information, but do not click Yes, Start My Test until I tell you to do so.
This screen also allows you to choose the background color, mouse pointer, and print size for
your test. If you would like to change your selections, do so now. If you have any questions,
raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, have the student select No on the screen, log in again and make
adjustments to his or her accessibility settings, and then approve that studentʼs test again. Ensure that the
correct information displays for that student on the Is This Your Test? screen.

SAY Now, turn your CBT Worksheet over and look at the Testing Rules Acknowledgment. Please
listen as I read the testing rules. During this test, you must not:
• talk to other students or make any disturbance
• look at another student’s (passage booklet,) computer or device screen, or worksheet
• allow another student to look at your (passage booklet,) computer or device screen, or
• ask for help answering any test questions
• give help to another student in answering test questions
• have notes or scratch paper other than your (passage booklet or) worksheet
• have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device on which you are testing,
in your possession at any time, including breaks, even if you do not use them
• fail to follow any other instructions given
Because the content in all statewide assessments is secure, you may not discuss or reveal
details about the test items or passages after the test. This includes any type of electronic
communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting online, for example, on Facebook, Twitter,
Snapchat, or Instagram.
Are there any questions?
Answer all questions.

SAY Now, read silently as I read the Testing Rules Acknowledgment out loud.
I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these rules, my
test score may be invalidated.
Now, sign your name on the line next to Signature to indicate that you understand the testing rules.

82 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 9–10 ELA Reading—Session 1

Pause while students sign their names. If a student does not sign his or her name, contact your school
assessment coordinator.
In the following SAY box, be sure to say the correct number of items for the grade-level test you are

SAY Today you will complete Session 1, which contains items (For Grade 9 SAY: 1 through 31)
(For Grade 10 SAY: 1 through 30). Remember to read each passage and follow the instructions
to complete each item. Try to answer every question. If you aren’t sure how to answer a
question, flag it for review and keep going. After you have answered all the other questions, go

Grades 9–10 ELA Reading

back and answer any questions you have skipped.
Now, click Yes, Start My Test. Put your headphones or earbuds on now. On the Sound Check
screen, click the speaker icon. If you can hear the sound, click Yes. Raise your hand if you

Session 1
cannot hear the sound.
Please remember to keep your headphones plugged in for the entire test.
Assist students with their headphones/earbuds setup and contact your school or technology coordinator
for assistance, if needed. After all students have selected Yes on the Sound Check screen,

SAY Take a moment to review the Test Instructions and Help. These instructions remind you how
to navigate from one item or passage to the next, and how to use the tools and features of the
testing platform. Raise your hand if you have any questions as you review these instructions. Do
not begin your test at this time.
Pause to allow students a moment to review the instructions, and answer all student questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make
sure you have answered every question. Do not click End Session until you are
instructed to do so at the end of the session today. After you have checked your
work, sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure
you have answered every question. After you have checked your work, click End
Session on the review screen and raise your hand. I will collect your (passage
booklet,) worksheet and test ticket. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that
this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 83

Script for Administering Grades 9–10 ELA Reading—Session 1

Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure
you have answered every question. After you have checked your work, click End
Session on the review screen and raise your hand. I will collect your (passage
booklet,) worksheet and test ticket. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that
this session has ended. You may read, but you may not write or use your testing
computer or device.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Grades 9–10 ELA Reading

Answer all questions.

If you have students who will use Reading Passage Booklets:
Session 1

Distribute Reading Passage Booklets to any students with this accommodation, and read the
following SAY box. If no students require this accommodation, skip the following SAY

SAY Write your name in the space on the front cover of your passage booklet. Find
the first plastic pull tab on the right side of your passage booklet. Gently pull the
tab out and down. Then, open your booklet and check each page through the end
of Session 1 to see that all page numbers are in order and that there aren’t any
missing or upside-down pages. You may write in your passage booklet, but be
careful not to tear the pages or cover any parts of a passage. Do not read any of
the passages before the test begins. If you see problems, raise your hand. If not,
close the booklet and sit quietly.
If a defective passage booklet is found, contact your school assessment coordinator.

SAY You have 90 minutes to complete this test session, and we will take a short stretch break after
45 minutes of testing.
Now, click Begin Test Now and begin working.
Complete the following:
STARTING time: ___________
Add 45 minutes: +45 minutes
Time to call a break: ___________
Add 35 minutes: +35 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder: ___________
Add 10 minutes: +10 minutes
STOPPING time: ___________

Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.

During testing, monitor student progress by viewing the Student Status column in the TA Interface. This
page automatically refreshes every 60 seconds. When the page refreshes, students’ statuses are updated. If
students have technical issues, contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator for
assistance immediately. Your attention should not be diverted from students at any time during the test session.

84 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 9–10 ELA Reading—Session 1

Although it is your responsibility to ensure that students are working independently, you are prohibited
from reading test content before, during, and after the test.
Do not use cell phones, classroom phones, computers, or other devices (except to monitor student
progress or to contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator in case of a technical
issue or emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your full attention should be on students at
all times.
After 45 minutes from the STARTING time,

SAY Stop. You may stand and stretch, but do not talk or look at another student’s (passage booklet,)

Grades 9–10 ELA Reading

computer screen, device, or worksheet.
After a short break,

Session 1
SAY Now be seated. You still have 45 minutes to complete Session 1, and I’ll let you know when you
have 10 minutes left.
Make sure you are on the screen where you left off. You may now continue working.
After 35 minutes,

SAY You have 10 minutes to complete Session 1.

After 10 more minutes,

SAY Stop. Make sure that you are on the review screen and pause your test by clicking End Session
and then selecting Yes on the pop-up message. I will collect your (passage booklet,) worksheet
and test ticket.
Students will be returned to the login screen once they pause their tests. Collect (passage booklets,)
worksheets and test tickets.
Once all students have paused their tests, end the test session by clicking STOP in the TA Interface. This
will pause any remaining tests. Then log out of the TA Interface by clicking Logout in the upper right
corner of the screen.
Complete the following steps:

1. Ensure that you have all (passage booklets,) worksheets and test tickets and that your record of
required administration information and seating chart are accurate and complete.
2. Report any test irregularities or security breaches to your school assessment coordinator immediately.
3. Record the accommodations provided to students and the accommodations used by students on your
record of required administration information. Use the following accommodations codes to record
this information:

For ESE/504 students:

• 1-FP = Flexible Presentation
• 1-FR = Flexible Responding
• 1-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 1-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 1-AD = Assistive Devices

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 85

Script for Administering Grades 9–10 ELA Reading—Session 1

For ELL students:

• 2-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 2-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 2-AHL = Assistance in Heritage Language
• 2-ADI = Approved Dictionary
4. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator until the beginning of Session 2.
Grades 9–10 ELA Reading
Session 1

86 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 9–10 ELA Reading—Session 2

Script for Administering

Grades 9–10 ELA Reading
Session 2
90 Minutes
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended time,
use of translation dictionary), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students
are to follow. It is important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
Scripts for students using paper-based accommodations (e.g., regular print) and computer-based
accommodations (e.g., masking, text-to-speech) can be found on the FSA Portal.
This test session lasts 90 minutes, and students will take a short stretch break after 45 minutes of
testing. Display starting and stopping times as instructed in the script.
During this test session, remember the following:

Grades 9–10 ELA Reading

• Ensure that you have a Security Log, a form to collect required administration information, and a
seating chart for your room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
• Ensure that all students in your testing room have completed Session 1. If any students have not

Session 2
completed Session 1, contact your school assessment coordinator.
• If a student starts a test session and leaves campus without finishing (e.g., due to an appointment,
illness), he or she will not be allowed to return to the test session. If you have concerns about
a student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact the school assessment
coordinator for instructions.
• Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the test during
breaks. Students should not discuss or exchange information about the test with anyone during
breaks. Students must not be given access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones,
tablets, smartwatches) during breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s)
during a break, that student’s test must be invalidated.
• For short breaks (e.g., restroom), it is recommended that visual blocks be applied to students’
computer screens or devices (e.g., monitors turned off, folders taped to screens) instead of pausing
students’ tests. If a student’s test is paused in TDS, the student must log back in and be approved in
the TA Interface before he or she can continue testing.
• If a student has difficulty logging in or is logged out of his or her test more than once, have
the student refrain from logging in until the issue is diagnosed and resolved.
• If a technical disruption occurs during testing, note the time of the disruption in order to provide
students the appropriate amount of remaining time once testing resumes.

Before Testing
1. Before students arrive, ensure that the testing room is prepared as described on pages 19–20.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign and Session 2 sign are visible to all students and that the Do
Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Perforated signs are available in
Appendix D.)

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 87

Script for Administering Grades 9–10 ELA Reading—Session 2

3. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., word lists, dictionaries) and that
any visual aids displayed in the testing room have been removed or covered.
4. Ensure that you understand your school assessment coordinator’s instructions regarding students
leaving the room for breaks and resuming testing.
5. Ensure that all software applications, including Internet browsers, are closed on all student computers
or devices before testing begins.
6. Ensure that each student has headphones or earbuds. Plug headphones or earbuds in and adjust
volume prior to launching the secure browser.
7. Launch the secure browser on student computers or devices prior to beginning the test session. When
the connection is established, the student Please Sign In screen is displayed as shown below. The
computer or device is now ready for the student to begin.

8. Ensure that you have received the correct test tickets from your school assessment coordinator for all
Grades 9–10 ELA Reading

students who will test in your room. Do not distribute tickets until instructed to do so in the script.
9. If you have students who require Reading Passage Booklets, make sure that each student receives the
Session 2

same Reading Passage Booklet that he or she used during Session 1. Do not distribute the booklets
until instructed to do so in the script.
10. Prior to testing, ensure that students have the following:
• A pen or pencil
• A new CBT Worksheet (Students should not use the same worksheets that they used in Session 1.)
11. When reading the following script, please note that optional words (e.g., information related to
passage booklets) are italicized and in parentheses and should be read to students only if applicable.

Create a Test Session

1. Go to the FSA Portal and click Administer the FSA.
2. Log in to the TA Interface with your username and password.
3. Select the test you will be administering and then click Start Operational Session.
4. Record the Session ID, which students will use to log in to the test. The Session ID should be
displayed where it is visible to all students and recorded with your required administration
information and on your seating chart.

Note: As a security measure, test administrators are automatically logged out of the TA Interface after 90
minutes of test administrator and student inactivity. Do not create your session until immediately prior to

SAY Today, you are going to take Session 2 of Grade ___ FSA ELA Reading. Remove all materials
from your desk except your pen or pencil and your CBT Worksheet.

88 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 9–10 ELA Reading—Session 2

SAY Write your first and last names and today’s date on your CBT Worksheet. Remember, you
may use your worksheet to take notes. You may not use any other paper. I will collect your
worksheet at the end of this test session.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device you are using to
take the test, at your desk, in your pockets, or anywhere you can reach them at any time during
this test session, even if they are turned off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording
devices include but are not limited to cell phones, smartphones, tablets not used for testing,
smartwatches, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of recording, storing, viewing,
or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found with any electronic or recording
devices at any time during this test session, including breaks, your test will not be scored.
If you have any devices with you right now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices. At this
time, silence your own electronic device(s).
Ensure that the Session ID is displayed where all students can see it.

SAY Now, look at the login screen. If you do not see this screen, raise your hand.
If a computer or device is not opened to the Please Sign In screen, open the secure browser on that
computer or device.

Grades 9–10 ELA Reading

SAY Please sit quietly while I distribute the test tickets. Do not begin typing until I tell you to start.
Distribute the test tickets.

Session 2
SAY Look closely at your test ticket and make sure it has your correct name, date of birth, and ID
number on it.
Do not sign in before I instruct you to do so.
Raise your hand if you do not have the correct ticket.
If a student has the wrong ticket, give the student the correct ticket. If you do not have the correct ticket,
contact your school assessment coordinator.

SAY Now, log in by typing your First Name as it appears on your test ticket, your Username, and the
Session ID ____-_______-____. The Session ID is displayed for you. Click Sign In. Raise your
hand if you need assistance.
Pause and assist students with logging in as needed.

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Is This You?. Verify that the information is correct. If your
information is correct, select Yes to continue. If the information is not correct, then select No to
return to the login page and raise your hand.
Assist any students who raise their hands.

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Your Tests. Click the arrow to the left of Resume Grade ___
FSA ELA Reading to proceed.
Now, sit quietly while I approve your tests.
In the TA Interface, select the Approvals button to review the list of students ready to begin testing. You
may need to select Refresh to see all the students in your testing room on your list.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 89

Script for Administering Grades 9–10 ELA Reading—Session 2

Once you ensure that all students have logged in correctly, approve students to test by selecting Approve
All Students. Read the information on the Important! pop-up window and select Yes.

SAY Now, you should see a screen that says Is This Your Test?. Verify that the screen displays the
correct test information, but do not click Yes, Start My Test until I tell you to do so.
This screen also allows you to choose the background color, mouse pointer, and print size for
your test. If you would like to change your selections, do so now. If you have any questions,
raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, have the student select No on the screen, log in again and make
adjustments to his or her accessibility settings, and then approve that studentʼs test again. Ensure that the
correct information displays for that student on the Is This Your Test? screen.

SAY Now, turn your CBT Worksheet over and look at the Testing Rules Acknowledgment. Please
listen as I read the testing rules. During this test, you must not:
• talk to other students or make any disturbance
• look at another student’s (passage booklet,) computer or device screen, or worksheet
• allow another student to look at your (passage booklet,) computer or device screen, or
• ask for help answering any test questions
Grades 9–10 ELA Reading

• give help to another student in answering test questions

• have notes or scratch paper other than your (passage booklet or) worksheet
• have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device on which you are testing,
Session 2

in your possession at any time, including breaks, even if you do not use them
• fail to follow any other instructions given
Because the content in all statewide assessments is secure, you may not discuss or reveal
details about the test items or passages after the test. This includes any type of electronic
communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting online, for example, on Facebook, Twitter,
Snapchat, or Instagram.
Are there any questions?
Answer all questions.

SAY Now, read silently as I read the Testing Rules Acknowledgment out loud.
I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these rules, my
test score may be invalidated.
Now, sign your name on the line next to Signature to indicate that you understand the testing rules.
Pause while students sign their names. If a student does not sign his or her name, contact your school
assessment coordinator.
In the following SAY box, be sure to say the correct number of items for the grade-level test you are

SAY Today you will complete Session 2, which contains items (For Grade 9 SAY: 32 through 64)
(For Grade 10 SAY: 31 through 64). Remember to read each passage and follow the instructions
to complete each item. Try to answer every question. If you aren’t sure how to answer a
question, flag it for review and keep going. After you have answered all the other questions, go
back and answer any questions you have skipped.

90 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 9–10 ELA Reading—Session 2

SAY Now, click Yes, Start My Test. Put your headphones or earbuds on now. On the Sound Check
screen, click the speaker icon. If you can hear the sound, click Yes. Raise your hand if you
cannot hear the sound.
Please remember to keep your headphones plugged in for the entire test.
Assist students with their headphones/earbuds setup and contact your school or technology coordinator
for assistance, if needed. After all students have selected Yes on the Sound Check screen,

SAY Take a moment to review the Test Instructions and Help. These instructions remind you how
to navigate from one item or passage to the next, and how to use the tools and features of the
testing platform. Raise your hand if you have any questions as you review these instructions.
Do not begin your test at this time.
Pause to allow students a moment to review the instructions, and answer all student questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure
you have answered every question. Do not click End Test until you are instructed
to do so at the end of the session today. After you have checked your work, sit

Grades 9–10 ELA Reading

quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.

Session 2
Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure
you have answered every question. After you have checked your work, click End
Test and raise your hand. I will collect your (passage booklet,) worksheet and test
ticket. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure
you have answered every question. After you have checked your work, click End
Test and raise your hand. I will collect your (passage booklet,) worksheet and test
ticket. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended. You
may read, but you may not write or use your testing computer or device.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 91

Script for Administering Grades 9–10 ELA Reading—Session 2

If you have students who will use Reading Passage Booklets:

Distribute Reading Passage Booklets to any students with this accommodation, and ensure
that each student receives the passage booklet with his or her name on it. Then read the
following SAY box. If no students require this accommodation, skip the following SAY

SAY Make sure you have the passage booklet with your name on it. Find the remaining
plastic pull tab on the right side of your passage booklet. Gently pull the tab out
and down. Then, open your booklet and check each page through the end of the
booklet to see that all page numbers are in order and that there aren’t any missing
or upside-down pages. Do not read any of the passages before the test begins. If
you see problems, raise your hand. If not, close the booklet and sit quietly.

If a defective passage booklet is found, contact your school assessment coordinator.

SAY Remember, you have 90 minutes to complete this test session, and we will take a short stretch
break after 45 minutes of testing.
Now, click Begin Test Now and begin working.
Complete the following:
Grades 9–10 ELA Reading

STARTING time: ___________

Add 45 minutes: +45 minutes
Session 2

Time to call a break: ___________

Add 35 minutes: +35 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder: ___________
Add 10 minutes: +10 minutes
STOPPING time: ___________

Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.

During testing, monitor student progress by viewing the Student Status column in the TA Interface. This
page automatically refreshes every 60 seconds. When the page refreshes, students’ statuses are updated. If
students have technical issues, contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator
for assistance immediately. Your attention should not be diverted from students at any time during the test
Although it is your responsibility to ensure that students are working independently, you are prohibited
from reading test content before, during, and after the test.
Do not use cell phones, classroom phones, computers, or other devices (except to monitor student
progress or to contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator in case of a technical
issue or emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your full attention should be on students at
all times.
After 45 minutes from the STARTING time,

SAY Stop. You may stand and stretch, but do not talk or look at another student’s (passage booklet,)
computer screen, device, or worksheet.

92 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 9–10 ELA Reading—Session 2

After a short break,

SAY Now be seated. You still have 45 minutes to complete Session 2, and I’ll let you know when you
have 10 minutes left.
Make sure you are on the screen where you left off. You may now continue working.
After 35 minutes,

SAY You have 10 minutes to complete Session 2.

After 10 more minutes,

SAY Stop. Make sure you are on the Review Screen. Click End Test. A pop-up message will appear.
If the pop-up message says, “Are you sure you want to pause the test?,” click No and return to
the Review Screen, then click End Test. If the pop-up message says, “You have reached the end
of the test.,” click Yes. (Pause.)
Click Submit Test. A Warning message will appear. Click Yes on this message. (Pause.)
On the Test Completed screen, click Log Out. You will be taken to the Please Sign In screen. I
will collect your (passage booklets,) worksheets and test tickets.

Grades 9–10 ELA Reading

Students will be returned to the login screen once they submit their tests. Collect (passage booklets,)
worksheets and test tickets.
Once all students have submitted their tests, end the test session by clicking STOP in the TA Interface.

Session 2
This will pause any remaining tests, so only select STOP after all students have submitted their tests.
Then log out of the TA Interface by clicking Logout in the upper right corner of the screen.
Complete the following steps:

1. Ensure that you have all (passage booklets,) worksheets and test tickets and that your record of
required administration information and seating chart are accurate and complete.
2. Report any test irregularities or security breaches to your school assessment coordinator immediately.
3. Record the accommodations provided to students and the accommodations used by students on your
record of required administration information. Use the following accommodations codes to record
this information:

For ESE/504 students:

• 1-FP = Flexible Presentation
• 1-FR = Flexible Responding
• 1-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 1-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 1-AD = Assistive Devices
For ELL students:
• 2-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 2-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 2-AHL = Assistance in Heritage Language
• 2-ADI = Approved Dictionary
4. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator as described on page 235.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 93

94 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual
Script for Administering the ELA Reading Retake—Session 1

Script for Administering the

ELA Reading Retake
Session 1
90+ Minutes
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended time,
use of translation dictionary), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students
are to follow. It is important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
Scripts for students using paper-based accommodations (e.g., regular print) and computer-based
accommodations (e.g., masking, text-to-speech) can be found on the FSA Portal.
This test session lasts 90 minutes, and students will take a short stretch break after 45 minutes of
testing. Students who need additional time after 90 minutes may continue working up to half of a
typical school day. Ensure that you have the correct stopping time for students who use additional
time, and display the stopping time as instructed in the script.
During this test session, remember the following:

• Ensure that you have a Security Log, a form to collect required administration information, and a
seating chart for your room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
• Ensure that all students in your testing room have participated in a practice test. If any students
have not completed a practice test, contact your school assessment coordinator.
• If a student starts a test session and leaves campus without finishing (e.g., due to an appointment,
illness), he or she will not be allowed to return to the test session. If you have concerns about
a student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact the school assessment
coordinator for instructions.
• Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the test during
breaks. Students should not discuss or exchange information about the test with anyone during

ELA Reading Retake

breaks. Students must not be given access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones,
tablets, smartwatches) during breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s)
during a break, that student’s test must be invalidated.

Session 1
• For short breaks (e.g., restroom), it is recommended that visual blocks be applied to students’
computer screens or devices (e.g., monitors turned off, folders taped to screens) instead of pausing
students’ tests. If a student’s test is paused in TDS, the student must log back in and be approved in
the TA Interface before he or she can continue testing.
• If a student has difficulty logging in or is logged out of his or her test more than once, have
the student refrain from logging in until the issue is diagnosed and resolved.
• If a technical disruption occurs during testing, note the time of the disruption in order to provide
students the appropriate amount of remaining time once testing resumes.
Before Testing
1. Before students arrive, ensure that the testing room is prepared as described on pages 19–20.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign and Session 1 sign are visible to all students and that the Do
Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Perforated signs are available in
Appendix D.)

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 95

Script for Administering the ELA Reading Retake—Session 1

3. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., word lists, dictionaries) and that
any visual aids displayed in the testing room have been removed or covered.
4. Ensure that you understand your school assessment coordinator’s instructions regarding students
leaving the room for breaks, resuming testing, and the length of time students should be permitted
to test for this session. Display the stopping time for this session where it is visible to all students.
Contact your school assessment coordinator if you have not already received timing information
for Session 1.
5. Ensure that all software applications, including Internet browsers, are closed on all student computers
or devices before testing begins.
6. Ensure that each student has headphones or earbuds. Plug headphones or earbuds in and adjust
volume prior to launching the secure browser.
7. Launch the secure browser on student computers or devices prior to beginning the test session. When
the connection is established, the student Please Sign In screen is displayed as shown below. The
computer or device is now ready for the student to begin.

8. Ensure that you have received the correct test tickets from your school assessment coordinator for all
students who will test in your room. Do not distribute tickets until instructed to do so in the script.
9. If you have students who require Reading Passage Booklets (see page 23), make sure that the students
have been assigned this accommodation in TIDE and that you have received the booklets from your
school assessment coordinator. Do not distribute the booklets until instructed to do so in the script.
10. Prior to testing, ensure that students have the following:
• A pen or pencil
• A CBT Worksheet
ELA Reading Retake

11. When reading the following script, please note that optional words (e.g., information related to
passage booklets) are italicized and in parentheses and should be read to students only if applicable.
Session 1

Create a Test Session

1. Go to the FSA Portal and click Administer the FSA.
2. Log in to the TA Interface with your username and password.
3. Select FSA ELA Reading Retake and then click Start Operational Session.
4. Record the Session ID, which students will use to log in to the test. The Session ID should be
displayed where it is visible to all students and recorded with your required administration
information and on your seating chart.
Note: As a security measure, test administrators are automatically logged out of the TA Interface after 90
minutes of test administrator and student inactivity. Do not create your session until immediately prior to

96 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering the ELA Reading Retake—Session 1

SAY Today, you are going to take Session 1 of the FSA ELA Reading Retake. Remove all materials
from your desk except your pen or pencil and your CBT Worksheet.
You will have 90 minutes to complete this test session, and we will take a short stretch
break after 45 minutes. After 90 minutes, you will be permitted to continue working if you
need additional time.
Write your first and last names and today’s date on your CBT Worksheet. You may use your
worksheet to take notes. You may not use any other paper. I will collect your worksheet at the
end of this test session.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device you are using to
take the test, at your desk, in your pockets, or anywhere you can reach them at any time during
this test session, even if they are turned off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording
devices include but are not limited to cell phones, smartphones, tablets not used for testing,
smartwatches, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of recording, storing, viewing,
or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found with any electronic or recording
devices at any time during this test session, including breaks, your test will not be scored.
If you have any devices with you right now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices. At this
time, silence your own electronic device(s).
Ensure that the Session ID is displayed where all students can see it.

SAY Now, look at the login screen. If you do not see this screen, raise your hand.
If a computer or device is not opened to the Please Sign In screen, open the secure browser on that
computer or device.

SAY Please sit quietly while I distribute the test tickets. Do not begin typing until I tell you to start.
Distribute the test tickets.

SAY Look closely at your test ticket and make sure it has your correct name, date of birth, and ID

ELA Reading Retake

number on it.

Session 1
Do not sign in before I instruct you to do so.
Raise your hand if you do not have the correct ticket.
If a student has the wrong ticket, give the student the correct ticket. If you do not have the correct ticket,
contact your school assessment coordinator.
If the First Name, Last Name, or ID Number for the student is incorrect, the student cannot use
the ticket and you should contact your school assessment coordinator. If the Date of Birth is the only
incorrect field on the ticket, the student may test with that ticket, and updates to the Date of Birth can be
made after testing.

SAY Now, log in by typing your First Name as it appears on your test ticket, your Username, and the
Session ID ____-_______-____. The Session ID is displayed for you. Click Sign In. Raise your
hand if you need assistance.
Pause and assist students with logging in as needed.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 97

Script for Administering the ELA Reading Retake—Session 1

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Is This You?. Verify that the information is correct. If your
information is correct, select Yes to continue. If the information is not correct, then select No to
return to the login page and raise your hand.
Assist any students who raise their hands.

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Your Tests. Click the arrow to the left of Start FSA ELA
Reading Retake to proceed.
Now, sit quietly while I approve your tests.
In the TA Interface, select the Approvals button to review the list of students ready to begin testing. You
may need to select Refresh to see all the students in your testing room on your list.
Review test settings: To view a student’s online test settings or accommodations, click the corresponding
Test Settings icon [ ]. Test settings and/or accommodations for individual students are displayed. If changes
are required, contact your school assessment coordinator who will update the student’s test settings in TIDE.
Once you ensure that all students have logged in correctly, approve students to test by selecting Approve
All Students. Read the information on the Important! pop-up window and select Yes.

SAY Now, you should see a screen that says Is This Your Test?. Verify that the screen displays the
correct test information, but do not click Yes, Start My Test until I tell you to do so.
This screen also allows you to choose the background color, mouse pointer, and print size for
your test. If you would like to change your selections, do so now. If you have any questions,
raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, have the student select No on the screen, log in again and make
adjustments to his or her accessibility settings, and then approve that studentʼs test again. Ensure that the
correct information displays for that student on the Is This Your Test? screen.
SAY Now, turn your CBT Worksheet over and look at the Testing Rules Acknowledgment. Please
listen as I read the testing rules. During this test, you must not:
• talk to other students or make any disturbance
ELA Reading Retake

• look at another student’s (passage booklet,) computer or device screen, or worksheet

• allow another student to look at your (passage booklet,) computer or device screen, or
Session 1

• ask for help answering any test questions
• give help to another student in answering test questions
• have notes or scratch paper other than your (passage booklet or) worksheet
• have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device on which you are testing,
in your possession at any time, including breaks, even if you do not use them
• fail to follow any other instructions given
Because the content in all statewide assessments is secure, you may not discuss or reveal
details about the test items or passages after the test. This includes any type of electronic
communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting online, for example, on Facebook, Twitter,
Snapchat, or Instagram.
Are there any questions?
Answer all questions.

98 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering the ELA Reading Retake—Session 1

SAY Now, read silently as I read the Testing Rules Acknowledgment out loud.
I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these rules, my
test score may be invalidated.
Now, sign your name on the line next to Signature to indicate that you understand the testing rules.

Pause while students sign their names. If a student does not sign his or her name, contact your school
assessment coordinator.

SAY Today you will complete Session 1, which contains items 1 through 32. Remember to read
each passage and follow the instructions to complete each item. Try to answer every question.
If you aren’t sure how to answer a question, flag it for review and keep going. After you have
answered all the other questions, go back and answer any questions you have skipped.
Now, click Yes, Start My Test. Put your headphones or earbuds on now. On the Sound Check
screen, click the speaker icon. If you can hear the sound, click Yes. Raise your hand if you
cannot hear the sound.
Please remember to keep your headphones plugged in for the entire test.
Assist students with their headphones/earbuds setup and contact your school or technology coordinator
for assistance, if needed. After all students have selected Yes on the Sound Check screen,

SAY Take a moment to review the Test Instructions and Help. These instructions remind you how
to navigate from one item or passage to the next, and how to use the tools and features of the
testing platform. Raise your hand if you have any questions as you review these instructions.
Do not begin your test at this time.
Pause to allow students a moment to review the instructions, and answer all student questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make
sure you have answered every question. Do not click End Session until you are

ELA Reading Retake

instructed to do so at the end of the session today. After you have checked your
work, sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.

Session 1
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make
sure you have answered every question. After you have checked your work,
click End Session on the review screen and raise your hand. I will collect your
(passage booklet,) worksheet and test ticket. Then you must sit quietly until I tell
you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 99

Script for Administering the ELA Reading Retake—Session 1

Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure
you have answered every question. After you have checked your work, click End
Session on the review screen and raise your hand. I will collect your (passage
booklet,) worksheet and test ticket. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that
this session has ended. You may read, but you may not write or use your testing
computer or device.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
If you have students who will use Reading Passage Booklets:
Distribute Reading Passage Booklets to any students with this accommodation, and read the
following SAY box. If no students require this accommodation, skip the following SAY box.

SAY Write your name in the space on the front cover of your passage booklet. Find
the first plastic pull tab on the right side of your passage booklet. Gently pull the
tab out and down. Then, open your booklet and check each page through the end
of Session 1 to see that all page numbers are in order and that there aren’t any
missing or upside-down pages. You may write in your passage booklet, but be
careful not to tear the pages or cover any parts of a passage. Do not read any of
the passages before the test begins. If you see problems, raise your hand. If not,
close the booklet and sit quietly.
If a defective passage booklet is found, contact your school assessment coordinator.

SAY You have 90 minutes to complete this test session, and we will take a short stretch break after
45 minutes. After 90 minutes, you will be permitted to continue working if you need additional
time. I will remind you when there are 10 minutes left in the 90-minute test session.
Now, click Begin Test Now and begin working.
Complete the following:
ELA Reading Retake

STARTING time: ___________

Session 1

Add 45 minutes: +45 minutes

Time to call a break: ___________
Add 35 minutes: +35 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder: ___________
Add 10 minutes: +10 minutes
STOPPING time: ___________

Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.

During testing, monitor student progress by viewing the Student Status column in the TA Interface. This
page automatically refreshes every 60 seconds. When the page refreshes, students’ statuses are updated. If
students have technical issues, contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator
for assistance immediately. Your attention should not be diverted from students at any time during the test

100 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering the ELA Reading Retake—Session 1

Although it is your responsibility to ensure that students are working independently, you are prohibited
from reading test content before, during, and after the test.
Do not use cell phones, classroom phones, computers, or other devices (except to monitor student
progress or to contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator in case of a technical
issue or emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your full attention should be on students at
all times.
After 45 minutes from the STARTING time,

SAY Stop. You may stand and stretch, but do not talk or look at another student’s (passage booklet,)
computer screen, device, or worksheet.
After a short break,

SAY Now be seated. You still have 45 minutes to complete this session, and I’ll let you know when
you have 10 minutes left.
Make sure you are on the screen where you left off. You may now continue working.
After 35 minutes,

SAY There are 10 minutes left in the 90-minute test session.

After 10 more minutes,

SAY Stop. Raise your hand if you would like additional time to work. Please sit quietly and do not
continue working at this time.
If you have finished working, make sure that you are on the review screen and pause your test by
clicking End Session and then selecting Yes on the pop-up message. Raise your hand and I will
collect your (passage booklet,) worksheet and test ticket.
Students will be returned to the login screen once they pause their tests. Collect (passage booklets,)
worksheets and test tickets.

ELA Reading Retake

Based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator, either dismiss students who have finished
or pause the test in the TA Interface and move students who require additional time to an alternate testing

Session 1
location. If students are moved to a new location, create a new seating chart for that location, have students
log in, approve students to test in the TA Interface, and ensure that students using extra time are allowed the
correct amount of time to complete the test. Students may work for a total of half of a typical school day.
Display the new stopping time for students. Once students are ready to continue working,

SAY Now we will continue testing. You have until ____ to continue working, and I’ll let you know
when you have 10 minutes left.
At 10 minutes before the stopping time,

SAY You have 10 minutes to finish Session 1.

After 10 more minutes,

SAY Stop. Make sure that you are on the review screen and pause your test by clicking End Session
and then selecting Yes on the pop-up message. I will collect your (passage booklet,) worksheet
and test ticket.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 101

Script for Administering the ELA Reading Retake—Session 1

Students will be returned to the login screen once they pause their tests. Collect (passage booklets,)
worksheets and test tickets.
Once all students have paused their tests, end the test session by clicking STOP in the TA Interface. This
will pause any remaining tests. Then log out of the TA Interface by clicking Logout in the upper right
corner of the screen.
Complete the following steps:

1. Ensure that you have all (passage booklets,) worksheets and test tickets and that your record of
required administration information and seating chart are accurate and complete.
2. Report any test irregularities or security breaches to your school assessment coordinator immediately.
3. Record the accommodations provided to students and the accommodations used by students on your
record of required administration information. Use the following accommodations codes to record
this information:

For ESE/504 students:

• 1-FP = Flexible Presentation
• 1-FR = Flexible Responding
• 1-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 1-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 1-AD = Assistive Devices
For ELL students:
• 2-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 2-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 2-AHL = Assistance in Heritage Language
• 2-ADI = Approved Dictionary
4. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator until the beginning of Session 2.
ELA Reading Retake
Session 1

102 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering the ELA Reading Retake—Session 2

Script for Administering the

ELA Reading Retake
Session 2
90+ Minutes
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended time,
use of translation dictionary), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students
are to follow. It is important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
Scripts for students using paper-based accommodations (e.g., regular print) and computer-based
accommodations (e.g., masking, text-to-speech) can be found on the FSA Portal.
This test session lasts 90 minutes, and students will take a short stretch break after 45 minutes of
testing. Students who need additional time after 90 minutes may continue working up to half of a
typical school day. Ensure that you have the correct stopping time for students who use additional
time, and display the stopping time as instructed in the script.
During this test session, remember the following:

• Ensure that you have a Security Log, a form to collect required administration information, and a
seating chart for your room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
• Ensure that all students in your testing room have completed Session 1. If any students have not
completed Session 1, contact your school assessment coordinator.
• If a student starts a test session and leaves campus without finishing (e.g., due to an appointment,
illness), he or she will not be allowed to return to the test session. If you have concerns about
a student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact the school assessment
coordinator for instructions.
• Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the test during
breaks. Students should not discuss or exchange information about the test with anyone during
breaks. Students must not be given access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones,
tablets, smartwatches) during breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s)
during a break, that student’s test must be invalidated.
• For short breaks (e.g., restroom), it is recommended that visual blocks be applied to students’
computer screens or devices (e.g., monitors turned off, folders taped to screens) instead of pausing
students’ tests. If a student’s test is paused in TDS, the student must log back in and be approved in
the TA Interface before he or she can continue testing.
• If a student has difficulty logging in or is logged out of his or her test more than once, have
the student refrain from logging in until the issue is diagnosed and resolved.
• If a technical disruption occurs during testing, note the time of the disruption in order to provide
students the appropriate amount of remaining time once testing resumes.
ELA Reading Retake

Before Testing
Session 2

1. Before students arrive, ensure that the testing room is prepared as described on pages 19–20.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign and Session 2 sign are visible to all students and that the Do
Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Perforated signs are available in
Appendix D.)

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 103

Script for Administering the ELA Reading Retake—Session 2

3. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., word lists, dictionaries) and that
any visual aids displayed in the testing room have been removed or covered.
4. Ensure that you understand your school assessment coordinator’s instructions regarding students leaving
the room for breaks, resuming testing, and the length of time students should be permitted to test for
this session. Display the stopping time for this session where it is visible to all students. Contact your
school assessment coordinator if you have not already received timing information for Session 2.
5. Ensure that all software applications, including Internet browsers, are closed on all student computers
or devices before testing begins.
6. Ensure that each student has headphones or earbuds. Plug headphones or earbuds in and adjust
volume prior to launching the secure browser.
7. Launch the secure browser on student computers or devices prior to beginning the test session. When
the connection is established, the student Please Sign In screen is displayed as shown below. The
computer or device is now ready for the student to begin.

8. Ensure that you have received the correct test tickets from your school assessment coordinator for all
students who will test in your room. Do not distribute tickets until instructed to do so in the script.
9. If you have students who require Reading Passage Booklets, make sure that each student receives the
same Reading Passage Booklet that he or she used during Session 1. Do not distribute the booklets
until instructed to do so in the script.
10. Prior to testing, ensure that students have the following:
• A pen or pencil
• A new CBT Worksheet (Students should not use the same worksheets that they used in Session 1.)
11. When reading the following script, please note that optional words (e.g., information related to
passage booklets) are italicized and in parentheses and should be read to students only if applicable.

Create a Test Session

1. Go to the FSA Portal and click Administer the FSA.
2. Log in to the TA Interface with your username and password.
3. Select FSA ELA Reading Retake and then click Start Operational Session.
4. Record the Session ID, which students will use to log in to the test. The Session ID should be
displayed where it is visible to all students and recorded with your required administration
ELA Reading Retake

information and on your seating chart.

Note: As a security measure, test administrators are automatically logged out of the TA Interface after 90
Session 2

minutes of test administrator and student inactivity. Do not create your session until immediately prior to

SAY Today, you are going to take Session 2 of the FSA ELA Reading Retake. Remove all materials
from your desk except your pen or pencil and your CBT Worksheet.

104 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering the ELA Reading Retake—Session 2

SAY You will have 90 minutes to complete this test session, and we will take a short stretch
break after 45 minutes. After 90 minutes, you will be permitted to continue working if you
need additional time.
Write your first and last names and today’s date on your CBT Worksheet. Remember, you
may use your worksheet to take notes. You may not use any other paper. I will collect your
worksheet at the end of this test session.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device you are using to
take the test, at your desk, in your pockets, or anywhere you can reach them at any time during
this test session, even if they are turned off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording
devices include but are not limited to cell phones, smartphones, tablets not used for testing,
smartwatches, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of recording, storing, viewing,
or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found with any electronic or recording
devices at any time during this test session, including breaks, your test will not be scored.
If you have any devices with you right now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices. At this
time, silence your own electronic device(s).
Ensure that the Session ID is displayed where all students can see it.

SAY Now, look at the login screen. If you do not see this screen, raise your hand.
If a computer or device is not opened to the Please Sign In screen, open the secure browser on that
computer or device.

SAY Please sit quietly while I distribute the test tickets. Do not begin typing until I tell you to start.
Distribute the test tickets.

SAY Look closely at your test ticket and make sure it has your correct name, date of birth, and ID
number on it.
Do not sign in before I instruct you to do so.
Raise your hand if you do not have the correct ticket.
If a student has the wrong ticket, give the student the correct ticket. If you do not have the correct ticket,
contact your school assessment coordinator.

SAY Now, log in by typing your First Name as it appears on your test ticket, your Username, and the
Session ID ____-_______-____. The Session ID is displayed for you. Click Sign In. Raise your
hand if you need assistance.
Pause and assist students with logging in as needed.
ELA Reading Retake

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Is This You?. Verify that the information is correct. If your
information is correct, select Yes to continue. If the information is not correct, then select No to
Session 2

return to the login page and raise your hand.

Assist any students who raise their hands.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 105

Script for Administering the ELA Reading Retake—Session 2

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Your Tests. Click the arrow to the left of Resume FSA
ELA Reading Retake to proceed.
Now, sit quietly while I approve your tests.
In the TA Interface, select the Approvals button to review the list of students ready to begin testing. You may
need to select Refresh to see all the students in your testing room on your list.
Once you ensure that all students have logged in correctly, approve students to test by selecting Approve
All Students. Read the information on the Important! pop-up window and select Yes.

SAY Now, you should see a screen that says Is This Your Test?. Verify that the screen displays the
correct test information, but do not click Yes, Start My Test until I tell you to do so.
This screen also allows you to choose the background color, mouse pointer, and print size for
your test. If you would like to change your selections, do so now. If you have any questions,
raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, have the student select No on the screen, log in again and make
adjustments to his or her accessibility settings, and then approve that studentʼs test again. Ensure that the
correct information displays for that student on the Is This Your Test? screen.

SAY Now, turn your CBT Worksheet over and look at the Testing Rules Acknowledgment. Please
listen as I read the testing rules. During this test, you must not:
• talk to other students or make any disturbance
• look at another student’s (passage booklet,) computer or device screen, or worksheet
• allow another student to look at your (passage booklet,) computer or device screen, or
• ask for help answering any test questions
• give help to another student in answering test questions
• have notes or scratch paper other than your (passage booklet or) worksheet
• have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device on which you are testing,
in your possession at any time, including breaks, even if you do not use them
• fail to follow any other instructions given
Because the content in all statewide assessments is secure, you may not discuss or reveal
details about the test items or passages after the test. This includes any type of electronic
communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting online, for example, on Facebook, Twitter,
Snapchat, or Instagram.
Are there any questions?
Answer all questions.

SAY Now, read silently as I read the Testing Rules Acknowledgment out loud.
ELA Reading Retake

I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these rules, my
test score may be invalidated.
Session 2

Now, sign your name on the line next to Signature to indicate that you understand the testing rules.
Pause while students sign their names. If a student does not sign his or her name, contact your school
assessment coordinator.

106 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering the ELA Reading Retake—Session 2

SAY Today you will complete Session 2, which contains items 33 through 64. Remember to read
each passage and follow the instructions to complete each item. Try to answer every question.
If you aren’t sure how to answer a question, flag it for review and keep going. After you have
answered all the other questions, go back and answer any questions you have skipped.
Now, click Yes, Start My Test. Put your headphones or earbuds on now. On the Sound Check
screen, click the speaker icon. If you can hear the sound, click Yes. Raise your hand if you
cannot hear the sound.
Please remember to keep your headphones plugged in for the entire test.
Assist students with their headphones/earbuds setup and contact your school or technology coordinator
for assistance, if needed. After all students have selected Yes on the Sound Check screen,

SAY Take a moment to review the Test Instructions and Help. These instructions remind you how
to navigate from one item or passage to the next, and how to use the tools and features of the
testing platform. Raise your hand if you have any questions as you review these instructions. Do
not begin your test at this time.
Pause to allow students a moment to review the instructions, and answer all student questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make
sure you have answered every question. Do not click End Test until you are
instructed to do so at the end of the session today. After you have checked your
work, sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure
you have answered every question. After you have checked your work, click End
Test and raise your hand. I will collect your (passage booklet,) worksheet and test
ticket. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure
ELA Reading Retake

you have answered every question. After you have checked your work, click End
Test and raise your hand. I will collect your (passage booklet,) worksheet and test
Session 2

ticket. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended. You
may read, but you may not write or use your testing computer or device.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 107

Script for Administering the ELA Reading Retake—Session 2

If you have students who will use Reading Passage Booklets:

Distribute Reading Passage Booklets to any students with this accommodation, and ensure
that each student receives the passage booklet with his or her name on it. Then read the
following SAY box. If no students require this accommodation, skip the following SAY

SAY Make sure you have the passage booklet with your name on it. Find the
remaining plastic pull tab on the right side of your passage booklet. Gently pull
the tab out and down. Then, open your booklet and check each page through the
end of the booklet to see that all page numbers are in order and that there aren’t
any missing or upside-down pages. Do not read any of the passages before the
test begins. If you see problems, raise your hand. If not, close the booklet and sit
If a defective passage booklet is found, contact your school assessment coordinator.

SAY Remember, you have 90 minutes to complete this test session, and we will take a short stretch
break after 45 minutes. After 90 minutes, you will be permitted to continue working if you need
additional time. I will remind you when there are 10 minutes left in the 90-minute test session.
Now, click Begin Test Now and begin working.
Complete the following:
STARTING time: ___________
Add 45 minutes: +45 minutes
Time to call a break: ___________
Add 35 minutes: +35 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder: ___________
Add 10 minutes: +10 minutes
STOPPING time: ___________

Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.

During testing, monitor student progress by viewing the Student Status column in the TA Interface. This
page automatically refreshes every 60 seconds. When the page refreshes, students’ statuses are updated. If
students have technical issues, contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator
for assistance immediately. Your attention should not be diverted from students at any time during the test
Although it is your responsibility to ensure that students are working independently, you are prohibited
from reading test content before, during, and after the test.
ELA Reading Retake

Do not use cell phones, classroom phones, computers, or other devices (except to monitor student
Session 2

progress or to contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator in case of a technical
issue or emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your full attention should be on students at
all times.

108 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering the ELA Reading Retake—Session 2

After 45 minutes from the STARTING time,

SAY Stop. You may stand and stretch, but do not talk or look at another student’s (passage booklet,)
computer screen, device, or worksheet.
After a short break,

SAY Now be seated. You still have 45 minutes to complete this session, and I’ll let you know when
you have 10 minutes left.
Make sure you are on the screen where you left off. You may now continue working.
After 35 minutes,

SAY There are 10 minutes left in the 90-minute test session.

After 10 more minutes,

SAY Stop. Raise your hand if you would like additional time to work. Please sit quietly and do not
continue working at this time.
If you have finished working, make sure you are on the Review Screen. Click End Test. A pop-
up message will appear. If the pop-up message says, “Are you sure you want to pause the test?,”
click No and return to the Review Screen, then click End Test. If the pop-up message says,
“You have reached the end of the test.,” click Yes. (Pause.)
Click Submit Test. A Warning message will appear. Click Yes on this message. (Pause.)
On the Test Completed screen, click Log Out. You will be taken to the Please Sign In screen. I
will collect your (passage booklet,) worksheet and test ticket.
Students will be returned to the login screen once they submit their tests. Collect (passage booklets,)
worksheets and test tickets from students who have finished.
Based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator, either dismiss students who have finished
or pause the test in the TA Interface and move students who require additional time to an alternate testing
location. If students are moved to a new location, create a new seating chart for that location, have students
log in, approve students to test in the TA Interface, and ensure that students using extra time are allowed the
correct amount of time to complete the test. Students may work for a total of half of a typical school day.
Display the new stopping time for students. Once students are ready to continue working,

SAY Now we will continue testing. You have until ____ to continue working, and I’ll let you know
when you have 10 minutes left.
At 10 minutes before the stopping time,

SAY You have 10 minutes to finish Session 2.

ELA Reading Retake

After 10 more minutes,

Session 2

SAY Stop. Make sure you are on the Review Screen. Click End Test. A pop-up message will appear.
If the pop-up message says, “Are you sure you want to pause the test?,” click No and return to
the Review Screen, then click End Test. If the pop-up message says, “You have reached the end
of the test.,” click Yes. (Pause.)

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 109

Script for Administering the ELA Reading Retake—Session 2

SAY Click Submit Test. A Warning message will appear. Click Yes on this message. (Pause.)
On the Test Completed screen, click Log Out. You will be taken to the Please Sign In screen. I
will collect your (passage booklets,) worksheets and test tickets.
Students will be returned to the login screen once they submit their tests. Collect (passage booklets,)
worksheets and test tickets.
Once all students have submitted their tests, end the test session by clicking STOP in the TA Interface.
This will pause any remaining tests, so only select STOP after all students have submitted their tests.
Then log out of the TA Interface by clicking Logout in the upper right corner of the screen.
Complete the following steps:

1. Ensure that you have all (passage booklets,) worksheets and test tickets and that your record of
required administration information and seating chart are accurate and complete.
2. Report any test irregularities or security breaches to your school assessment coordinator immediately.
3. Record the accommodations provided to students and the accommodations used by students on your
record of required administration information. Use the following accommodations codes to record
this information:

For ESE/504 students:

• 1-FP = Flexible Presentation
• 1-FR = Flexible Responding
• 1-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 1-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 1-AD = Assistive Devices

For ELL students:

• 2-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 2-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 2-AHL = Assistance in Heritage Language
• 2-ADI = Approved Dictionary
4. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator as described on page 235.
ELA Reading Retake
Session 2

110 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grade 3 Mathematics—Session 1

Grade 3 Mathematics
Script for Administering

Session 1
Grade 3 Mathematics
Session 1
80 Minutes
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended time,
use of translation dictionary), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students
are to follow. It is important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
Scripts for students using paper-based accommodations (e.g., regular print) and computer-based
accommodations (e.g., masking, text-to-speech) can be found on the FSA Portal.
Calculators are not permitted for Grade 3 FSA Mathematics.
This test session lasts 80 minutes, and students will take a short stretch break after 40 minutes of
testing. Display starting and stopping times as instructed in the script.
During this test session, remember the following:

• Ensure that you have a Security Log, a form to collect required administration information, and a
seating chart for your room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
• Ensure that all students in your testing room have participated in a practice test. If any students
have not completed a practice test, contact your school assessment coordinator.
• If a student starts a test session and leaves campus without finishing (e.g., due to an appointment,
illness), he or she will not be allowed to return to the test session. If you have concerns about
a student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact the school assessment
coordinator for instructions.
• Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the test during
breaks. Students should not discuss or exchange information about the test with anyone during
breaks. Students must not be given access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones,
tablets, smartwatches) during breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s)
during a break, that student’s test must be invalidated.
• For short breaks (e.g., restroom), it is recommended that visual blocks be applied to students’
computer screens or devices (e.g., monitors turned off, folders taped to screens) instead of pausing
students’ tests. If a student’s test is paused in TDS, the student must log back in and be approved in
the TA Interface before he or she can continue testing.
• If a student has difficulty logging in or is logged out of his or her test more than once, have
the student refrain from logging in until the issue is diagnosed and resolved.
• If a technical disruption occurs during testing, note the time of the disruption in order to provide
students the appropriate amount of remaining time once testing resumes.

Before Testing
1. Before students arrive, ensure that the testing room is prepared as described on pages 19–20.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign, No Calculators sign, and Session 1 sign are visible to all
students and that the Do Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Perforated
signs are available in Appendix D.)

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 111

Script for Administering Grade 3 Mathematics—Session 1
Grade 3 Mathematics

3. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., charts displaying
mathematical concepts) and that any visual aids displayed in the testing room have been removed or
Session 1

4. Ensure that you understand your school assessment coordinator’s instructions regarding students
leaving the room for breaks and resuming testing.
5. Ensure that all software applications, including Internet browsers, are closed on all student computers
or devices before testing begins.
6. Launch the secure browser on student computers or devices prior to beginning the test session. When
the connection is established, the student Please Sign In screen is displayed as shown below. The
computer or device is now ready for the student to begin.

7. Ensure that you have received the correct test tickets from your school assessment coordinator for all
students who will test in your room. Do not distribute tickets until instructed to do so in the script.
8. Prior to testing, ensure that students have the following:
• A pen or pencil
• A work folder

Create a Test Session

1. Go to the FSA Portal and click Administer the FSA.
2. Log in to the TA Interface with your username and password.
3. Select Grade 3 FSA Mathematics and then click Start Operational Session.
4. Record the Session ID, which students will use to log in to the test. The Session ID should be
displayed where it is visible to all students and recorded with your required administration
information on your seating chart.
Note: As a security measure, test administrators are automatically logged out of the TA Interface after 90
minutes of test administrator and student inactivity. Do not create your session until immediately prior to

SAY Today, you are going to take Session 1 of Grade 3 FSA Mathematics. Remove all materials from
your desk except your pen or pencil and your work folder.
You will have 80 minutes to complete this test session, and we will take a short stretch break
after 40 minutes.
Write your first and last names and today’s date on your work folder. You may use your work
folder to work the problems. You may not use any other paper. I will collect your work folder at
the end of this test session.

112 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grade 3 Mathematics—Session 1

Grade 3 Mathematics
SAY You may not have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device you are using to
take the test, at your desk, in your pockets, or anywhere you can reach them at any time during

Session 1
this test session, even if they are turned off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording
devices include but are not limited to cell phones, smartphones, tablets not used for testing,
smartwatches, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of recording, storing, viewing,
or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found with any electronic or recording
devices at any time during this test session, including breaks, your test will not be scored.
If you have any devices with you right now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices. At this
time, silence your own electronic device(s).
Ensure that the Session ID is displayed where all students can see it.

SAY Now, look at the login screen. If you do not see this screen, raise your hand.
If a computer or device is not opened to the Please Sign In screen, open the secure browser on that
computer or device.

SAY Please sit quietly while I distribute the test tickets. Do not begin typing until I tell you to start.
Distribute the test tickets.

SAY Look closely at your test ticket and make sure it has your correct name, date of birth, and ID
number on it.
Do not sign in before I instruct you to do so.
Raise your hand if you do not have the correct ticket.
If a student has the wrong ticket, give the student the correct ticket. If you do not have the correct ticket,
contact your school assessment coordinator.
If the First Name, Last Name, or ID Number for the student is incorrect, the student cannot use
the ticket and you should contact your school assessment coordinator. If the Date of Birth is the only
incorrect field on the ticket, the student may test with that ticket, and updates to the Date of Birth can be
made after testing.

SAY Now, log in by typing your First Name as it appears on your test ticket, your Username, and the
Session ID ____-_______-____. The Session ID is displayed for you. Click Sign In. Raise your
hand if you need assistance.

Pause and assist students with logging in as needed.

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Is This You?. Verify that the information is correct. If your
information is correct, select Yes to continue. If the information is not correct, then select No to
return to the login page and raise your hand.

Assist any students who raise their hands.

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Your Tests. Click the arrow to the left of Start Grade 3
FSA Mathematics to proceed.
Now, sit quietly while I approve your tests.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 113

Script for Administering Grade 3 Mathematics—Session 1
Grade 3 Mathematics

In the TA Interface, select the Approvals button to review the list of students ready to begin testing. You
may need to select Refresh to see all the students in your testing room on your list.
Session 1

Review test settings: To view a student’s online test settings or accommodations, click the corresponding
Test Settings icon [ ]. Test settings and/or accommodations for individual students are displayed. If changes
are required, contact your school assessment coordinator who will update the student’s test settings in TIDE.
Once you ensure that all students have logged in correctly, approve students to test by selecting Approve
All Students. Read the information on the Important! pop-up window and select Yes.

SAY Now, you should see a screen that says Is This Your Test?. Verify that the screen displays the
correct test information, but do not click Yes, Start My Test until I tell you to do so.
This screen also allows you to choose the background color, mouse pointer, and print size for
your test. If you would like to change your selections, do so now. If you have any questions,
raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, have the student select No on the screen, log in again and make
adjustments to his or her accessibility settings, and then approve that studentʼs test again. Ensure that the
correct information displays for that student on the Is This Your Test? screen.

SAY Now, open your work folder to page 2 and look at the Testing Rules Acknowledgment. Please
listen as I read the testing rules. During this test, you must not:
• talk to other students or make any disturbance
• look at another student’s computer or device screen or work folder
• allow another student to look at your computer or device screen or work folder
• ask for help answering any test questions
• give help to another student in answering test questions
• have notes or scratch paper other than your work folder
• have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device on which you are testing,
in your possession at any time, including breaks, even if you do not use them
• fail to follow any other instructions given
Because the content in all statewide assessments is secure, you may not discuss or reveal details
about the test items after the test. This includes any type of electronic communication, such as
texting, emailing, or posting online, for example, on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, or Instagram.
Are there any questions?
Answer all questions.

SAY Now, read silently as I read the Testing Rules Acknowledgment out loud.
I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these rules, my
test score may be invalidated.
Now, sign your name on the line next to Signature to indicate that you understand the testing rules.
Pause while students sign their names. If a student does not sign his or her name, contact your school
assessment coordinator.

SAY Today you will complete Session 1, which contains items 1 through 32. Remember to read each
item carefully and follow the instructions to complete each item. Try to answer every question.

114 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grade 3 Mathematics—Session 1

Grade 3 Mathematics
SAY If you aren’t sure how to answer a question, flag it for review and keep going. After you have
answered all the other questions, go back and answer any questions you have skipped.

Session 1
Now, click Yes, Start My Test, but do not select Begin Test Now until I instruct you to do so.
Take a moment to review the Test Instructions and Help. These instructions remind you how
to move from one item to the next, and how to use the tools and features of the testing platform.
Raise your hand if you have any questions as you review these instructions. Do not begin your
test at this time.
Pause to allow students a moment to review the instructions, and answer all student questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make
sure you have answered every question. Do not click End Session until you are
instructed to do so at the end of the session today. After you have checked your
work, sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure
you have answered every question. After you have checked your work, click
End Session on the review screen and raise your hand. I will collect your work
folder and test ticket. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this session has
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure
you have answered every question. After you have checked your work, click
End Session on the review screen and raise your hand. I will collect your work
folder and test ticket. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this session
has ended. You may read, but you may not write or use your testing computer or
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.

SAY Remember, you have 80 minutes to complete this test session, and we will take a short stretch
break after 40 minutes of testing.
Now, click Begin Test Now and begin working.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 115

Script for Administering Grade 3 Mathematics—Session 1
Grade 3 Mathematics

Complete the following:

Session 1

STARTING time: ___________

Add 40 minutes: +40 minutes
Time to call a break: ___________
Add 30 minutes: +30 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder: ___________
Add 10 minutes: +10 minutes
STOPPING time: ___________

Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.

During testing, monitor student progress by viewing the Student Status column in the TA Interface. This
page automatically refreshes every 60 seconds. When the page refreshes, students’ statuses are updated. If
students have technical issues, contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator
for assistance immediately. Your attention should not be diverted from students at any time during the test
Although it is your responsibility to ensure that students are working independently, you are prohibited
from reading test content before, during, and after the test.
Do not use cell phones, classroom phones, computers, or other devices (except to monitor student
progress or to contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator in case of a technical
issue or emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your full attention should be on students at
all times.
After 40 minutes from the STARTING time,

SAY Stop. You may stand and stretch, but do not talk or look at another student’s computer screen,
device, or work folder.
After a short break,

SAY Now be seated. You still have 40 minutes to complete Session 1, and I’ll let you know when you
have 10 minutes left.
Make sure you are on the screen where you left off. You may now continue working.
After 30 minutes,

SAY You have 10 minutes to complete Session 1.

After 10 more minutes,

SAY Stop. Make sure that you are on the review screen and pause your test by clicking End Session
and then selecting Yes on the pop-up message. I will collect your work folder and test ticket.
Students will be returned to the login screen once they pause their tests. Collect work folders and test
Once all students have paused their tests, end the test session by clicking STOP in the TA Interface. This
will pause any remaining tests. Then log out of the TA Interface by clicking Logout in the upper right
corner of the screen.

116 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grade 3 Mathematics—Session 1

Grade 3 Mathematics
Complete the following steps:

Session 1
1. Ensure that you have all work folders and test tickets and that your record of required administration
information and seating chart are accurate and complete.
2. Report any test irregularities or security breaches to your school assessment coordinator immediately.
3. Record the accommodations provided to students and the accommodations used by students on your
record of required administration information. Use the following accommodations codes to record
this information:

For ESE/504 students:

• 1-FP = Flexible Presentation
• 1-FR = Flexible Responding
• 1-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 1-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 1-AD = Assistive Devices
For ELL students:
• 2-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 2-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 2-AHL = Assistance in Heritage Language
• 2-ADI = Approved Dictionary
4. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator until the beginning of Session 2.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 117

118 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual
Script for Administering Grade 3 Mathematics—Session 2

Script for Administering

Grade 3 Mathematics
Session 2
80 Minutes
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended time,
use of translation dictionary), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students

Grade 3 Mathematics
are to follow. It is important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary

Session 2
Scripts for students using paper-based accommodations (e.g., regular print) and computer-based
accommodations (e.g., masking, text-to-speech) can be found on the FSA Portal.
Calculators are not permitted for Grade 3 FSA Mathematics.
This test session lasts 80 minutes, and students will take a short stretch break after 40 minutes of
testing. Display starting and stopping times as instructed in the script.
During this test session, remember the following:
• Ensure that you have a Security Log, a form to collect required administration information, and a
seating chart for your room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
• Ensure that all students in your testing room have completed Session 1. If any students have not
completed Session 1, contact your school assessment coordinator.
• If a student starts a test session and leaves campus without finishing (e.g., due to an appointment,
illness), he or she will not be allowed to return to the test session. If you have concerns about
a student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact the school assessment
coordinator for instructions.
• Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the test during
breaks. Students should not discuss or exchange information about the test with anyone during
breaks. Students must not be given access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones,
tablets, smartwatches) during breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s)
during a break, that student’s test must be invalidated.
• For short breaks (e.g., restroom), it is recommended that visual blocks be applied to students’
computer screens or devices (e.g., monitors turned off, folders taped to screens) instead of pausing
students’ tests. If a student’s test is paused in TDS, the student must log back in and be approved in
the TA Interface before he or she can continue testing.
• If a student has difficulty logging in or is logged out of his or her test more than once, have
the student refrain from logging in until the issue is diagnosed and resolved.
• If a technical disruption occurs during testing, note the time of the disruption in order to provide
students the appropriate amount of remaining time once testing resumes.

Before Testing
1. Before students arrive, ensure that the testing room is prepared as described on pages 19–20.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign, No Calculators sign, and Session 2 sign are visible to all
students and that the Do Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Perforated
signs are available in Appendix D.)

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 119

Script for Administering Grade 3 Mathematics—Session 2

3. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., charts displaying
mathematical concepts) and that any visual aids displayed in the testing room have been removed or
4. Ensure that you understand your school assessment coordinator’s instructions regarding students
leaving the room for breaks and resuming testing.
5. Ensure that all software applications, including Internet browsers, are closed on all student computers
or devices before testing begins.
6. Launch the secure browser on student computers or devices prior to beginning the test session. When
the connection is established, the student Please Sign In screen is displayed as shown below. The
Grade 3 Mathematics

computer or device is now ready for the student to begin.

Session 2

7. Ensure that you have received the correct test tickets from your school assessment coordinator for all
students who will test in your room. Do not distribute tickets until instructed to do so in the script.
8. Prior to testing, ensure that students have the following:
• A pen or pencil
• A new work folder (Students should not use the same work folders that they used in Session 1.)

Create a Test Session

1. Go to the FSA Portal and click Administer the FSA.
2. Log in to the TA Interface with your username and password.
3. Select Grade 3 FSA Mathematics and then click Start Operational Session.
4. Record the Session ID, which students will use to log in to the test. The Session ID should be
displayed where it is visible to all students and recorded with your required administration
information on your seating chart.
Note: As a security measure, test administrators are automatically logged out of the TA Interface after 90
minutes of test administrator and student inactivity. Do not create your session until immediately prior to

SAY Today, you are going to take Session 2 of Grade 3 FSA Mathematics. Remove all materials from
your desk except your pen or pencil and your work folder.
You will have 80 minutes to complete this test session, and we will take a short stretch
break after 40 minutes.
Write your first and last names and today’s date on your work folder. You may use your work
folder to work the problems. You may not use any other paper. I will collect your work folder at
the end of this test session.

120 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grade 3 Mathematics—Session 2

SAY You may not have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device you are using to
take the test, at your desk, in your pockets, or anywhere you can reach them at any time during
this test session, even if they are turned off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording
devices include but are not limited to cell phones, smartphones, tablets not used for testing,
smartwatches, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of recording, storing, viewing,
or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found with any electronic or recording
devices at any time during this test session, including breaks, your test will not be scored.
If you have any devices with you right now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices. At this
time, silence your own electronic device(s).

Grade 3 Mathematics
Ensure that the Session ID is displayed where all students can see it.

Session 2
SAY Now, look at the login screen. If you do not see this screen, raise your hand.
If a computer or device is not opened to the Please Sign In screen, open the secure browser on that
computer or device.

SAY Please sit quietly while I distribute the test tickets. Do not begin typing until I tell you to start.
Distribute the test tickets.

SAY Look closely at your test ticket and make sure it has your correct name, date of birth, and ID
number on it.
Do not sign in before I instruct you to do so.
Raise your hand if you do not have the correct ticket.
If a student has the wrong ticket, give the student the correct ticket. If you do not have the correct ticket,
contact your school assessment coordinator.

SAY Now, log in by typing your First Name as it appears on your test ticket, your Username, and the
Session ID ____-_______-____. The Session ID is displayed for you. Click Sign In. Raise your
hand if you need assistance.
Pause and assist students with logging in as needed.

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Is This You?. Verify that the information is correct. If your
information is correct, select Yes to continue. If the information is not correct, then select No to
return to the login page and raise your hand.
Assist any students who raise their hands.

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Your Tests. Click the arrow to the left of Resume Grade 3
FSA Mathematics to proceed.
Now, sit quietly while I approve your tests.
In the TA Interface, select the Approvals button to review the list of students ready to begin testing. You
may need to select Refresh to see all the students in your testing room on your list.
Once you ensure that all students have logged in correctly, approve students to test by selecting Approve
All Students. Read the information on the Important! pop-up window and select Yes.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 121

Script for Administering Grade 3 Mathematics—Session 2

SAY Now, you should see a screen that says Is This Your Test?. Verify that the screen displays the
correct test information, but do not click Yes, Start My Test until I tell you to do so.
This screen also allows you to choose the background color, mouse pointer, and print size for
your test. If you would like to change your selections, do so now. If you have any questions,
raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, have the student select No on the screen, log in again and make
adjustments to his or her accessibility settings, and then approve that studentʼs test again. Ensure that the
correct information displays for that student on the Is This Your Test? screen.
Grade 3 Mathematics

SAY Now, open your work folder to page 2 and look at the Testing Rules Acknowledgment. Please
listen as I read the testing rules. During this test, you must not:
Session 2

• talk to other students or make any disturbance

• look at another student’s computer or device screen or work folder
• allow another student to look at your computer or device screen or work folder
• ask for help answering any test questions
• give help to another student in answering test questions
• have notes or scratch paper other than your work folder
• have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device on which you are testing,
in your possession at any time, including breaks, even if you do not use them
• fail to follow any other instructions given
Because the content in all statewide assessments is secure, you may not discuss or reveal details
about the test items after the test. This includes any type of electronic communication, such as
texting, emailing, or posting online, for example, on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, or Instagram.
Are there any questions?
Answer all questions.

SAY Now, read silently as I read the Testing Rules Acknowledgment out loud.
I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these rules, my
test score may be invalidated.
Now, sign your name on the line next to Signature to indicate that you understand the testing rules.
Pause while students sign their names. If a student does not sign his or her name, contact your school
assessment coordinator.

SAY Today you will complete Session 2, which contains items 33 through 64. Remember to read each
item carefully and follow the instructions to complete each item. Try to answer every question.
If you aren’t sure how to answer a question, flag it for review and keep going. After you have
answered all the other questions, go back and answer any questions you have skipped.
Now, click Yes, Start My Test, but do not select Begin Test Now until I instruct you to do so.
Take a moment to review the Test Instructions and Help. These instructions remind you how
to move from one item to the next, and how to use the tools and features of the testing platform.
Raise your hand if you have any questions as you review these instructions. Do not begin your
test at this time.
Pause to allow students a moment to review the instructions, and answer all student questions.

122 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grade 3 Mathematics—Session 2

Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.

Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make
sure you have answered every question. Do not click End Test until you are
instructed to do so at the end of the session today. After you have checked your
work, sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.

Grade 3 Mathematics
Option B

Session 2
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure
you have answered every question. After you have checked your work, click End
Test and raise your hand. I will collect your work folder and test ticket. Then you
must sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure
you have answered every question. After you have checked your work, click End
Test and raise your hand. I will collect your work folder and test ticket. Then you
must sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended. You may read, but you
may not write or use your testing computer or device.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.

SAY Remember, you have 80 minutes to complete this test session, and we will take a short stretch
break after 40 minutes of testing.
Now, click Begin Test Now and begin working.
Complete the following:
STARTING time: ___________
Add 40 minutes: +40 minutes
Time to call a break: ___________
Add 30 minutes: +30 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder: ___________
Add 10 minutes: +10 minutes
STOPPING time: ___________

Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 123

Script for Administering Grade 3 Mathematics—Session 2

During testing, monitor student progress by viewing the Student Status column in the TA Interface. This
page automatically refreshes every 60 seconds. When the page refreshes, students’ statuses are updated. If
students have technical issues, contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator
for assistance immediately. Your attention should not be diverted from students at any time during the test
Although it is your responsibility to ensure that students are working independently, you are prohibited
from reading test content before, during, and after the test.
Do not use cell phones, classroom phones, computers, or other devices (except to monitor student
progress or to contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator in case of a technical
Grade 3 Mathematics

issue or emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your full attention should be on students at
all times.
Session 2

After 40 minutes from the STARTING time,

SAY Stop. You may stand and stretch, but do not talk or look at another student’s computer screen,
device, or work folder.
After a short break,

SAY Now be seated. You still have 40 minutes to complete Session 2, and I’ll let you know when you
have 10 minutes left.
Make sure you are on the screen where you left off. You may now continue working.
After 30 minutes,

SAY You have 10 minutes to complete Session 2.

After 10 more minutes,

SAY Stop. Make sure you are on the Review Screen. Click End Test. A pop-up message will appear.
If the pop-up message says, “Are you sure you want to pause the test?,” click No and return to
the Review Screen, then click End Test. If the pop-up message says, “You have reached the end
of the test.,” click Yes. (Pause.)
Click Submit Test. A Warning message will appear. Click Yes on this message. (Pause.)
On the Test Completed screen, click Log Out. You will be taken to the Please Sign In screen. I
will collect your work folders and test tickets.
Students will be returned to the login screen once they submit their tests. Collect work folders and test
Once all students have submitted their tests, end the test session by clicking STOP in the TA Interface.
This will pause any remaining tests, so only select STOP after all students have submitted their tests.
Then log out of the TA Interface by clicking Logout in the upper right corner of the screen.
Complete the following steps:

1. Ensure that you have all work folders and test tickets and that your record of required administration
information and seating chart are accurate and complete.
2. Report any test irregularities or security breaches to your school assessment coordinator immediately.

124 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grade 3 Mathematics—Session 2

3. Record the accommodations provided to students and the accommodations used by students on your
record of required administration information. Use the following accommodations codes to record
this information:

For ESE/504 students:

• 1-FP = Flexible Presentation
• 1-FR = Flexible Responding
• 1-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 1-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 1-AD = Assistive Devices

Grade 3 Mathematics
For ELL students:
• 2-FSC = Flexible Scheduling

Session 2
• 2-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 2-AHL = Assistance in Heritage Language
• 2-ADI = Approved Dictionary
4. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator as described on page 235.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 125

126 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual
Script for Administering Grades 4–5 Mathematics—Session 1

Script for Administering

Grades 4–5 Mathematics
Session 1
80 Minutes
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended time,
use of translation dictionary), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students
are to follow. It is important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
Scripts for students using paper-based accommodations (e.g., regular print) and computer-based
accommodations (e.g., masking, text-to-speech) can be found on the FSA Portal.
Calculators are not permitted for Grade 4 or Grade 5 FSA Mathematics.
This test session lasts 80 minutes, and students will take a short stretch break after 40 minutes of
testing. Display starting and stopping times as instructed in the script.
During this test session, remember the following:

Grades 4–5 Mathematics

• Ensure that you have a Security Log, a form to collect required administration information, and a
seating chart for your room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.

Session 1
• Ensure that all students in your testing room have participated in a practice test. If any students
have not completed a practice test, contact your school assessment coordinator.
• If a student starts a test session and leaves campus without finishing (e.g., due to an appointment,
illness), he or she will not be allowed to return to the test session. If you have concerns about
a student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact the school assessment
coordinator for instructions.
• Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the test during
breaks. Students should not discuss or exchange information about the test with anyone during
breaks. Students must not be given access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones,
tablets, smartwatches) during breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s)
during a break, that student’s test must be invalidated.
• For short breaks (e.g., restroom), it is recommended that visual blocks be applied to students’
computer screens or devices (e.g., monitors turned off, folders taped to screens) instead of pausing
students’ tests. If a student’s test is paused in TDS, the student must log back in and be approved in
the TA Interface before he or she can continue testing.
• If a student has difficulty logging in or is logged out of his or her test more than once, have
the student refrain from logging in until the issue is diagnosed and resolved.
• If a technical disruption occurs during testing, note the time of the disruption in order to provide
students the appropriate amount of remaining time once testing resumes.
Before Testing
1. Before students arrive, ensure that the testing room is prepared as described on pages 19–20.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign, No Calculators sign, and Session 1 sign are visible to all
students and that the Do Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Perforated
signs are available in Appendix D.)

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 127

Script for Administering Grades 4–5 Mathematics—Session 1

3. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., charts displaying
mathematical concepts) and that any visual aids displayed in the testing room have been removed or
4. Ensure that you understand your school assessment coordinator’s instructions regarding students
leaving the room for breaks and resuming testing.
5. Ensure that all software applications, including Internet browsers, are closed on all student computers
or devices before testing begins.
6. Launch the secure browser on student computers or devices prior to beginning the test session. When
the connection is established, the student Please Sign In screen is displayed as shown below. The
computer or device is now ready for the student to begin.

7. Ensure that you have received the correct test tickets from your school assessment coordinator for all
students who will test in your room. Do not distribute tickets until instructed to do so in the script.
Grades 4–5 Mathematics

8. Prior to testing, ensure that students have the following:

• A pen or pencil
Session 1

• A work folder
• Grade 4 or Grade 5 FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet (Paper reference sheets should be provided
only if your school is providing copies for all students.)
9. When reading the following script, please note that optional words (e.g., information related to
reference sheets) are italicized and in parentheses and should be read to students only if applicable.

Create a Test Session

1. Go to the FSA Portal and click Administer the FSA.
2. Log in to the TA Interface with your username and password.
3. Select the test you will be administering and then click Start Operational Session.
4. Record the Session ID, which students will use to log in to the test. The Session ID should be
displayed where it is visible to all students and recorded with your required administration
information on your seating chart.
Note: As a security measure, test administrators are automatically logged out of the TA Interface after 90
minutes of test administrator and student inactivity. Do not create your session until immediately prior to

SAY Today, you are going to take Session 1 of Grade ___ FSA Mathematics. Remove all materials
from your desk except your (Grade ___ FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet,) pen or pencil, and
your work folder.
You will have 80 minutes to complete this test session, and we will take a short stretch
break after 40 minutes.

128 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 4–5 Mathematics—Session 1

SAY Write your first and last names and today’s date on your work folder. You may use your work
folder to work the problems. You may not use any other paper. I will collect your work folder at
the end of this test session.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device you are using to
take the test, at your desk, in your pockets, or anywhere you can reach them at any time during
this test session, even if they are turned off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording
devices include but are not limited to cell phones, smartphones, tablets not used for testing,
smartwatches, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of recording, storing, viewing,
or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found with any electronic or recording
devices at any time during this test session, including breaks, your test will not be scored.
If you have any devices with you right now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices. At this
time, silence your own electronic device(s).
Ensure that the Session ID is displayed where all students can see it.

SAY Now, look at the login screen. If you do not see this screen, raise your hand.
If a computer or device is not opened to the Please Sign In screen, open the secure browser on that
computer or device.

Grades 4–5 Mathematics

SAY Please sit quietly while I distribute the test tickets. Do not begin typing until I tell you to start.
Distribute the test tickets.

Session 1
SAY Look closely at your test ticket and make sure it has your correct name, date of birth, and ID
number on it.
Do not sign in before I instruct you to do so.
Raise your hand if you do not have the correct ticket.
If a student has the wrong ticket, give the student the correct ticket. If you do not have the correct ticket,
contact your school assessment coordinator.
If the First Name, Last Name, or ID Number for the student is incorrect, the student cannot use
the ticket and you should contact your school assessment coordinator. If the Date of Birth is the only
incorrect field on the ticket, the student may test with that ticket, and updates to the Date of Birth can be
made after testing.

SAY Now, log in by typing your First Name as it appears on your test ticket, your Username, and the
Session ID ____-_______-____. The Session ID is displayed for you. Click Sign In. Raise your
hand if you need assistance.
Pause and assist students with logging in as needed.

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Is This You?. Verify that the information is correct. If your
information is correct, select Yes to continue. If the information is not correct, then select No to
return to the login page and raise your hand.

Assist any students who raise their hands.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 129

Script for Administering Grades 4–5 Mathematics—Session 1

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Your Tests. Click the arrow to the left of Start Grade ___
FSA Mathematics to proceed.
Now, sit quietly while I approve your tests.
In the TA Interface, select the Approvals button to review the list of students ready to begin testing. You
may need to select Refresh to see all the students in your testing room on your list.
Review test settings: To view a student’s online test settings or accommodations, click the corresponding
Test Settings icon [ ]. Test settings and/or accommodations for individual students are displayed. If changes
are required, contact your school assessment coordinator who will update the student’s test settings in TIDE.
Once you ensure that all students have logged in correctly, approve students to test by selecting Approve
All Students. Read the information on the Important! pop-up window and select Yes.

SAY Now, you should see a screen that says Is This Your Test?. Verify that the screen displays the
correct test information, but do not click Yes, Start My Test until I tell you to do so.
This screen also allows you to choose the background color, mouse pointer, and print size for
your test. If you would like to change your selections, do so now. If you have any questions,
raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, have the student select No on the screen, log in again and make
Grades 4–5 Mathematics

adjustments to his or her accessibility settings, and then approve that studentʼs test again. Ensure that the
correct information displays for that student on the Is This Your Test? screen.
Session 1

SAY Now, open your work folder to page 2 and look at the Testing Rules Acknowledgment. Please
listen as I read the testing rules. During this test, you must not:
• talk to other students or make any disturbance
• look at another student’s (reference sheet,) computer or device screen, or work folder
• allow another student to look at your (reference sheet,) computer or device screen, or
work folder
• ask for help answering any test questions
• give help to another student in answering test questions
• have notes or scratch paper other than your (reference sheet or) work folder
• have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device on which you are testing,
in your possession at any time, including breaks, even if you do not use them
• fail to follow any other instructions given
Because the content in all statewide assessments is secure, you may not discuss or reveal details
about the test items after the test. This includes any type of electronic communication, such as
texting, emailing, or posting online, for example, on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, or Instagram.
Are there any questions?
Answer all questions.

SAY Now, read silently as I read the Testing Rules Acknowledgment out loud.
I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these rules, my
test score may be invalidated.
Now, sign your name on the line next to Signature to indicate that you understand the testing rules.

130 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 4–5 Mathematics—Session 1

Pause while students sign their names. If a student does not sign his or her name, contact your school
assessment coordinator.
In the following SAY box, be sure to say the correct number of items for the grade-level test you are

SAY Today you will complete Session 1, which contains items (For Grade 4 SAY: 1 through 32)
(For Grade 5 SAY: 1 through 32). Remember to read each item carefully and follow the
instructions to complete each item. Try to answer every question. If you aren’t sure how to
answer a question, flag it for review and keep going. After you have answered all the other
questions, go back and answer any questions you have skipped.
Now, click Yes, Start My Test, but do not select Begin Test Now until I instruct you to do so.
Take a moment to review the Test Instructions and Help. These instructions remind you how
to move from one item to the next, and how to use the tools and features of the testing platform.
Raise your hand if you have any questions as you review these instructions. Do not begin your
test at this time.
Pause to allow students a moment to review the instructions, and answer all student questions.
If your school provided paper copies of the Grade ___ FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet for
students to use,

Grades 4–5 Mathematics

SAY Now, look at the top of your paper reference sheet. It should say Grade ___ FSA
Mathematics Reference Sheet. Examine the page carefully to ensure that content

Session 1
near the edge of the reference sheet has not been cut off. Please raise your hand
if there are problems with your reference sheet.
Pause, then collect any defective reference sheets and return them to the school assessment
coordinator. Distribute new reference sheets to these students and instruct them to check the
sheets carefully.

SAY Write your first and last names in the upper right corner of the reference sheet
now. (Pause.)
This is considered a secure document and must be returned with your work
folder. You may also access the reference sheet in the Formulas window in the
Test Delivery System.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A

SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make
sure you have answered every question. Do not click End Session until you are
instructed to do so at the end of the session today. After you have checked your
work, sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 131

Script for Administering Grades 4–5 Mathematics—Session 1

Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure
you have answered every question. After you have checked your work, click End
Session on the review screen and raise your hand. I will collect your (reference
sheet,) work folder and test ticket. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that
this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure
you have answered every question. After you have checked your work, click End
Session on the review screen and raise your hand. I will collect your (reference
sheet,) work folder and test ticket. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that
this session has ended. You may read, but you may not write or use your testing
computer or device.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
Grades 4–5 Mathematics

SAY Remember, you have 80 minutes to complete this test session, and we will take a short stretch
Session 1

break after 40 minutes of testing.

Now, click Begin Test Now and begin working.

Complete the following:

STARTING time: ___________
Add 40 minutes: +40 minutes
Time to call a break: ___________
Add 30 minutes: +30 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder: ___________
Add 10 minutes: +10 minutes
STOPPING time: ___________

Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.

During testing, monitor student progress by viewing the Student Status column in the TA Interface. This
page automatically refreshes every 60 seconds. When the page refreshes, students’ statuses are updated. If
students have technical issues, contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator
for assistance immediately. Your attention should not be diverted from students at any time during the test
Although it is your responsibility to ensure that students are working independently, you are prohibited
from reading test content before, during, and after the test.

132 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 4–5 Mathematics—Session 1

Do not use cell phones, classroom phones, computers, or other devices (except to monitor student
progress or to contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator in case of a technical
issue or emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your full attention should be on students at
all times.
After 40 minutes from the STARTING time,

SAY Stop. You may stand and stretch, but do not talk or look at another student’s computer screen,
device, or work folder.
After a short break,

SAY Now be seated. You still have 40 minutes to complete Session 1, and I’ll let you know when you
have 10 minutes left.
Make sure you are on the screen where you left off. You may now continue working.
After 30 minutes,

SAY You have 10 minutes to complete Session 1.

After 10 more minutes,

Stop. Make sure that you are on the review screen and pause your test by clicking End Session

Grades 4–5 Mathematics

and then selecting Yes on the pop-up message. I will collect your (reference sheet,) work folder
and test ticket.

Session 1
Students will be returned to the login screen once they pause their tests. Collect (reference sheets,) work
folders and test tickets.
Once all students have paused their tests, end the test session by clicking STOP in the TA Interface. This
will pause any remaining tests. Then log out of the TA Interface by clicking Logout in the upper right
corner of the screen.
Complete the following steps:

1. Ensure that you have all (reference sheets,) work folders and test tickets and that your record of
required administration information and seating chart are accurate and complete.
2. Report any test irregularities or security breaches to your school assessment coordinator immediately.
3. Record the accommodations provided to students and the accommodations used by students on your
record of required administration information. Use the following accommodations codes to record
this information:

For ESE/504 students:

• 1-FP = Flexible Presentation
• 1-FR = Flexible Responding
• 1-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 1-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 1-AD = Assistive Devices

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 133

Script for Administering Grades 4–5 Mathematics—Session 1

For ELL students:

• 2-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 2-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 2-AHL = Assistance in Heritage Language
• 2-ADI = Approved Dictionary
4. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator until the beginning of Session 2.
Grades 4–5 Mathematics
Session 1

134 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 4–5 Mathematics—Session 2

Script for Administering

Grades 4–5 Mathematics
Session 2
80 Minutes
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended time,
use of translation dictionary), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students
are to follow. It is important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
Scripts for students using paper-based accommodations (e.g., regular print) and computer-based
accommodations (e.g., masking, text-to-speech) can be found on the FSA Portal.
Calculators are not permitted for Grade 4 or Grade 5 FSA Mathematics.
This test session lasts 80 minutes, and students will take a short stretch break after 40 minutes of
testing. Display starting and stopping times as instructed in the script.
During this test session, remember the following:

• Ensure that you have a Security Log, a form to collect required administration information, and a
seating chart for your room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
• Ensure that all students in your testing room have completed Session 1. If any students have not
completed Session 1, contact your school assessment coordinator.
• If a student starts a test session and leaves campus without finishing (e.g., due to an appointment,
illness), he or she will not be allowed to return to the test session. If you have concerns about
a student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact the school assessment
coordinator for instructions.
• Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the test during
breaks. Students should not discuss or exchange information about the test with anyone during

Grades 4–5 Mathematics

breaks. Students must not be given access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones,
tablets, smartwatches) during breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s)
during a break, that student’s test must be invalidated.

Session 2
• For short breaks (e.g., restroom), it is recommended that visual blocks be applied to students’
computer screens or devices (e.g., monitors turned off, folders taped to screens) instead of pausing
students’ tests. If a student’s test is paused in TDS, the student must log back in and be approved in
the TA Interface before he or she can continue testing.
• If a student has difficulty logging in or is logged out of his or her test more than once, have
the student refrain from logging in until the issue is diagnosed and resolved.
• If a technical disruption occurs during testing, note the time of the disruption in order to provide
students the appropriate amount of remaining time once testing resumes.
Before Testing
1. Before students arrive, ensure that the testing room is prepared as described on pages 19–20.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign, No Calculators sign, and Session 2 sign are visible to all
students and that the Do Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Perforated
signs are available in Appendix D.)

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 135

Script for Administering Grades 4–5 Mathematics—Session 2

3. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., charts displaying
mathematical concepts) and that any visual aids displayed in the testing room have been removed or
4. Ensure that you understand your school assessment coordinator’s instructions regarding students
leaving the room for breaks and resuming testing.
5. Ensure that all software applications, including Internet browsers, are closed on all student computers
or devices before testing begins.
6. Launch the secure browser on student computers or devices prior to beginning the test session. When
the connection is established, the student Please Sign In screen is displayed as shown below. The
computer or device is now ready for the student to begin.

7. Ensure that you have received the correct test tickets from your school assessment coordinator for all
students who will test in your room. Do not distribute tickets until instructed to do so in the script.
8. Prior to testing, ensure that students have the following:
• A pen or pencil
• A new work folder (Students should not use the same work folders that they used in Session 1.)
• Grade 4 or Grade 5 FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet (Paper reference sheets should be provided
only if your school is providing copies for all students. Ensure that each student receives the same
reference sheet that he or she used during Session 1.)
9. When reading the following script, please note that optional words (e.g., information related to
reference sheets) are italicized and in parentheses and should be read to students only if applicable.

Create a Test Session

Grades 4–5 Mathematics

1. Go to the FSA Portal and click Administer the FSA.

2. Log in to the TA Interface with your username and password.
Session 2

3. Select the test you will be administering and then click Start Operational Session.
4. Record the Session ID, which students will use to log in to the test. The Session ID should be
displayed where it is visible to all students and recorded with your required administration
information on your seating chart.
Note: As a security measure, test administrators are automatically logged out of the TA Interface after 90
minutes of test administrator and student inactivity. Do not create your session until immediately prior to

SAY Today, you are going to take Session 2 of Grade ___ FSA Mathematics. Remove all materials
from your desk except your (Grade ___ FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet,) pen or pencil, and
your work folder.
You will have 80 minutes to complete this test session, and we will take a short stretch
break after 40 minutes.

136 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 4–5 Mathematics—Session 2

SAY Write your first and last names and today’s date on your work folder. You may use your work
folder to work the problems. You may not use any other paper. I will collect your work folder at
the end of this test session.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device you are using to
take the test, at your desk, in your pockets, or anywhere you can reach them at any time during
this test session, even if they are turned off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording
devices include but are not limited to cell phones, smartphones, tablets not used for testing,
smartwatches, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of recording, storing, viewing,
or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found with any electronic or recording
devices at any time during this test session, including breaks, your test will not be scored.
If you have any devices with you right now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices. At this
time, silence your own electronic device(s).
Ensure that the Session ID is displayed where all students can see it.

SAY Now, look at the login screen. If you do not see this screen, raise your hand.
If a computer or device is not opened to the Please Sign In screen, open the secure browser on that
computer or device.

SAY Please sit quietly while I distribute the test tickets. Do not begin typing until I tell you to start.
Distribute the test tickets.

SAY Look closely at your test ticket and make sure it has your correct name, date of birth, and ID
number on it.
Do not sign in before I instruct you to do so.
Raise your hand if you do not have the correct ticket.
If a student has the wrong ticket, give the student the correct ticket. If you do not have the correct ticket,

Grades 4–5 Mathematics

contact your school assessment coordinator.

SAY Now, log in by typing your First Name as it appears on your test ticket, your Username, and the

Session 2
Session ID ____-_______-____. The Session ID is displayed for you. Click Sign In. Raise your
hand if you need assistance.
Pause and assist students with logging in as needed.

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Is This You?. Verify that the information is correct. If your
information is correct, select Yes to continue. If the information is not correct, then select No to
return to the login page and raise your hand.
Assist any students who raise their hands.

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Your Tests. Click the arrow to the left of Resume Grade ___
FSA Mathematics to proceed.
Now, sit quietly while I approve your tests.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 137

Script for Administering Grades 4–5 Mathematics—Session 2

In the TA Interface, select the Approvals button to review the list of students ready to begin testing. You
may need to select Refresh to see all the students in your testing room on your list.
Once you ensure that all students have logged in correctly, approve students to test by selecting Approve
All Students. Read the information on the Important! pop-up window and select Yes.

SAY Now, you should see a screen that says Is This Your Test?. Verify that the screen displays the
correct test information, but do not click Yes, Start My Test until I tell you to do so.
This screen also allows you to choose the background color, mouse pointer, and print size for
your test. If you would like to change your selections, do so now. If you have any questions,
raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, have the student select No on the screen, log in again and make
adjustments to his or her accessibility settings, and then approve that studentʼs test again. Ensure that the
correct information displays for that student on the Is This Your Test? screen.
SAY Now, open your work folder to page 2 and look at the Testing Rules Acknowledgment. Please
listen as I read the testing rules. During this test, you must not:
• talk to other students or make any disturbance
• look at another student’s (reference sheet,) computer or device screen, or work folder
• allow another student to look at your (reference sheet,) computer or device screen, or
work folder
• ask for help answering any test questions
• give help to another student in answering test questions
• have notes or scratch paper other than your (reference sheet or) work folder
• have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device on which you are testing,
in your possession at any time, including breaks, even if you do not use them
• fail to follow any other instructions given
Because the content in all statewide assessments is secure, you may not discuss or reveal details
about the test items after the test. This includes any type of electronic communication, such as
texting, emailing, or posting online, for example, on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, or Instagram.
Grades 4–5 Mathematics

Are there any questions?

Answer all questions.
Session 2

SAY Now, read silently as I read the Testing Rules Acknowledgment out loud.
I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these rules, my
test score may be invalidated.
Now, sign your name on the line next to Signature to indicate that you understand the testing rules.
Pause while students sign their names. If a student does not sign his or her name, contact your school
assessment coordinator.
In the following SAY box, be sure to say the correct number of items for the grade-level test you are
SAY Today you will complete Session 2, which contains items (For Grade 4 SAY: 33 through 64)
(For Grade 5 SAY: 33 through 64). Remember to read each item carefully and follow the
instructions to complete each item. Try to answer every question. If you aren’t sure how to
answer a question, flag it for review and keep going. After you have answered all the other
questions, go back and answer any questions you have skipped.

138 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 4–5 Mathematics—Session 2

SAY Now, click Yes, Start My Test, but do not select Begin Test Now until I instruct you to do so.
Take a moment to review the Test Instructions and Help. These instructions remind you how
to move from one item to the next, and how to use the tools and features of the testing platform.
Raise your hand if you have any questions as you review these instructions. Do not begin your
test at this time.
Pause to allow students a moment to review the instructions, and answer all student questions.
If your school provided paper copies of the Grade ___ FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet for
students to use,

SAY Now, look at your paper reference sheet. Make sure you have the reference sheet
with your name on it. Please raise your hand if there are problems with your
reference sheet.
This is considered a secure document and must be returned with your work
folder. You may also access the reference sheet in the Formulas window in the
Test Delivery System.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make
sure you have answered every question. Do not click End Test until you are
instructed to do so at the end of the session today. After you have checked your
work, sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.

Grades 4–5 Mathematics

Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure

Session 2
you have answered every question. After you have checked your work, click End
Test and raise your hand. I will collect your (reference sheet,) work folder and test
ticket. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure
you have answered every question. After you have checked your work, click End
Test and raise your hand. I will collect your (reference sheet,) work folder and test
ticket. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended. You
may read, but you may not write or use your testing computer or device.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 139
Script for Administering Grades 4–5 Mathematics—Session 2

SAY Remember, you have 80 minutes to complete this test session, and we will take a short stretch
break after 40 minutes of testing.
Now, click Begin Test Now and begin working.
Complete the following:
STARTING time: ___________
Add 40 minutes: +40 minutes
Time to call a break: ___________
Add 30 minutes: +30 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder: ___________
Add 10 minutes: +10 minutes
STOPPING time: ___________

Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.

During testing, monitor student progress by viewing the Student Status column in the TA Interface. This
page automatically refreshes every 60 seconds. When the page refreshes, students’ statuses are updated. If
students have technical issues, contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator
for assistance immediately. Your attention should not be diverted from students at any time during the test
Although it is your responsibility to ensure that students are working independently, you are prohibited
from reading test content before, during, and after the test.
Do not use cell phones, classroom phones, computers, or other devices (except to monitor student
progress or to contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator in case of a technical
issue or emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your full attention should be on students at
all times.
Grades 4–5 Mathematics

After 40 minutes from the STARTING time,

SAY Stop. You may stand and stretch, but do not talk or look at another student’s computer screen,
Session 2

device, or work folder.

After a short break,

SAY Now be seated. You still have 40 minutes to complete Session 2, and I’ll let you know when you
have 10 minutes left.
Make sure you are on the screen where you left off. You may now continue working.
After 30 minutes,

SAY You have 10 minutes to complete Session 2.

140 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 4–5 Mathematics—Session 2

After 10 more minutes,

SAY Stop. Make sure you are on the Review Screen. Click End Test. A pop-up message will appear.
If the pop-up message says, “Are you sure you want to pause the test?,” click No and return to
the Review Screen, then click End Test. If the pop-up message says, “You have reached the end
of the test.,” click Yes. (Pause.)
Click Submit Test. A Warning message will appear. Click Yes on this message. (Pause.)
On the Test Completed screen, click Log Out. You will be taken to the Please Sign In screen. I
will collect your (reference sheets,) work folders and test tickets.
Students will be returned to the login screen once they submit their tests. Collect (reference sheets,) work
folders and test tickets.
Once all students have submitted their tests, end the test session by clicking STOP in the TA Interface.
This will pause any remaining tests, so only select STOP after all students have submitted their tests.
Then log out of the TA Interface by clicking Logout in the upper right corner of the screen.
Complete the following steps:

1. Ensure that you have all (reference sheets,) work folders and test tickets and that your record of
required administration information and seating chart are accurate and complete.
2. Report any test irregularities or security breaches to your school assessment coordinator immediately.
3. Record the accommodations provided to students and the accommodations used by students on your
record of required administration information. Use the following accommodations codes to record
this information:

For ESE/504 students:

• 1-FP = Flexible Presentation
• 1-FR = Flexible Responding
• 1-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 1-FSE = Flexible Setting

Grades 4–5 Mathematics

• 1-AD = Assistive Devices
For ELL students:

Session 2
• 2-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 2-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 2-AHL = Assistance in Heritage Language
• 2-ADI = Approved Dictionary
4. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator as described on page 235.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 141

142 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual
Script for Administering Grade 6 Mathematics—Session 1

Script for Administering

Grade 6 Mathematics
Session 1
60 Minutes
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended time,
use of translation dictionary), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students
are to follow. It is important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
Scripts for students using paper-based accommodations (e.g., regular print) and computer-based
accommodations (e.g., masking, text-to-speech) can be found on the FSA Portal.
Calculators are not permitted for Grade 6 FSA Mathematics.
This test session lasts 60 minutes. Display starting and stopping times as instructed in the script.
During this test session, remember the following:

• Ensure that you have a Security Log, a form to collect required administration information, and a
seating chart for your room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
• Ensure that all students in your testing room have participated in a practice test. If any students
have not completed a practice test, contact your school assessment coordinator.
• If a student starts a test session and leaves campus without finishing (e.g., due to an appointment,
illness), he or she will not be allowed to return to the test session. If you have concerns about
a student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact the school assessment
coordinator for instructions.
• Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the test during
breaks. Students should not discuss or exchange information about the test with anyone during
breaks. Students must not be given access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones,
tablets, smartwatches) during breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s)
during a break, that student’s test must be invalidated.
• For short breaks (e.g., restroom), it is recommended that visual blocks be applied to students’
computer screens or devices (e.g., monitors turned off, folders taped to screens) instead of pausing
students’ tests. If a student’s test is paused in TDS, the student must log back in and be approved in
the TA Interface before he or she can continue testing.
• If a student has difficulty logging in or is logged out of his or her test more than once, have
the student refrain from logging in until the issue is diagnosed and resolved.
• If a technical disruption occurs during testing, note the time of the disruption in order to provide
students the appropriate amount of remaining time once testing resumes.

Before Testing
Grade 6 Mathematics

1. Before students arrive, ensure that the testing room is prepared as described on pages 19–20.
Session 1

2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign, No Calculators sign, and Session 1 sign are visible to all students
and that the Do Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Perforated signs are
available in Appendix D.)

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 143

Script for Administering Grade 6 Mathematics—Session 1

3. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., charts displaying
mathematical concepts) and that any visual aids displayed in the testing room have been removed or
4. Ensure that you understand your school assessment coordinator’s instructions regarding students
leaving the room for breaks and resuming testing.
5. Ensure that all software applications, including Internet browsers, are closed on all student computers
or devices before testing begins.
6. Launch the secure browser on student computers or devices prior to beginning the test session. When
the connection is established, the student Please Sign In screen is displayed as shown below. The
computer or device is now ready for the student to begin.

7. Ensure that you have received the correct test tickets from your school assessment coordinator for all
students who will test in your room. Do not distribute tickets until instructed to do so in the script.
8. Prior to testing, ensure that students have the following:
• A pen or pencil
• A work folder
• Grade 6 FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet (Paper reference sheets should be provided only if
your school is providing copies for all students.)
9. When reading the following script, please note that optional words (e.g., information related to
reference sheets) are italicized and in parentheses and should be read to students only if applicable.

Create a Test Session

1. Go to the FSA Portal and click Administer the FSA.
2. Log in to the TA Interface with your username and password.
3. Select Grade 6 Mathematics and then click Start Operational Session.
4. Record the Session ID, which students will use to log in to the test. The Session ID should be
displayed where it is visible to all students and recorded with your required administration
information on your seating chart.
Note: As a security measure, test administrators are automatically logged out of the TA Interface after 90
minutes of test administrator and student inactivity. Do not create your session until immediately prior to
Grade 6 Mathematics

SAY Today, you are going to take Session 1 of Grade 6 FSA Mathematics. Remove all materials from
your desk except your (Grade 6 FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet,) pen or pencil, and your
Session 1

work folder.
You will have 60 minutes to complete this test session.

144 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grade 6 Mathematics—Session 1

SAY Write your first and last names and today’s date on your work folder. You may use your work
folder to work the problems. You may not use any other paper. I will collect your work folder at
the end of this test session.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device you are using to
take the test, at your desk, in your pockets, or anywhere you can reach them at any time during
this test session, even if they are turned off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording
devices include but are not limited to cell phones, smartphones, tablets not used for testing,
smartwatches, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of recording, storing, viewing,
or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found with any electronic or recording
devices at any time during this test session, including breaks, your test will not be scored.
If you have any devices with you right now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices. At this
time, silence your own electronic device(s).
Ensure that the Session ID is displayed where all students can see it.

SAY Now, look at the login screen. If you do not see this screen, raise your hand.
If a computer or device is not opened to the Please Sign In screen, open the secure browser on that
computer or device.

SAY Please sit quietly while I distribute the test tickets. Do not begin typing until I tell you to start.
Distribute the test tickets.

SAY Look closely at your test ticket and make sure it has your correct name, date of birth, and ID
number on it.
Do not sign in before I instruct you to do so.
Raise your hand if you do not have the correct ticket.
If a student has the wrong ticket, give the student the correct ticket. If you do not have the correct ticket,
contact your school assessment coordinator.
If the First Name, Last Name, or ID Number for the student is incorrect, the student cannot use
the ticket and you should contact your school assessment coordinator. If the Date of Birth is the only
incorrect field on the ticket, the student may test with that ticket, and updates to the Date of Birth can be
made after testing.

SAY Now, log in by typing your First Name as it appears on your test ticket, your Username, and the
Session ID ____-_______-____. The Session ID is displayed for you. Click Sign In. Raise your
hand if you need assistance.
Pause and assist students with logging in as needed.
Grade 6 Mathematics

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Is This You?. Verify that the information is correct. If your
information is correct, select Yes to continue. If the information is not correct, then select No to
Session 1

return to the login page and raise your hand.

Assist any students who raise their hands.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 145

Script for Administering Grade 6 Mathematics—Session 1

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Your Tests. Click the arrow to the left of Start Grade 6
FSA Mathematics to proceed.
Now, sit quietly while I approve your tests.
In the TA Interface, select the Approvals button to review the list of students ready to begin testing. You
may need to select Refresh to see all the students in your testing room on your list.
Review test settings: To view a student’s online test settings or accommodations, click the corresponding
Test Settings icon [ ]. Test settings and/or accommodations for individual students are displayed. If changes
are required, contact your school assessment coordinator who will update the student’s test settings in TIDE.
Once you ensure that all students have logged in correctly, approve students to test by selecting Approve
All Students. Read the information on the Important! pop-up window and select Yes.

SAY Now, you should see a screen that says Is This Your Test?. Verify that the screen displays the
correct test information, but do not click Yes, Start My Test until I tell you to do so.
This screen also allows you to choose the background color, mouse pointer, and print size for
your test. If you would like to change your selections, do so now. If you have any questions,
raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, have the student select No on the screen, log in again and make
adjustments to his or her accessibility settings, and then approve that studentʼs test again. Ensure that the
correct information displays for that student on the Is This Your Test? screen.

SAY Now, open your work folder to page 2 and look at the Testing Rules Acknowledgment. Please
listen as I read the testing rules. During this test, you must not:
• talk to other students or make any disturbance
• look at another student’s (reference sheet,) computer or device screen, or work folder
• allow another student to look at your (reference sheet,) computer or device screen, or
work folder
• ask for help answering any test questions
• give help to another student in answering test questions
• have notes or scratch paper other than your (reference sheet or) work folder
• have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device on which you are testing,
in your possession at any time, including breaks, even if you do not use them
• fail to follow any other instructions given
Because the content in all statewide assessments is secure, you may not discuss or reveal details
about the test items after the test. This includes any type of electronic communication, such as
texting, emailing, or posting online, for example, on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, or Instagram.
Are there any questions?
Answer all questions.
Grade 6 Mathematics

SAY Now, read silently as I read the Testing Rules Acknowledgment out loud.
Session 1

I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these rules, my
test score may be invalidated.
Now, sign your name on the line next to Signature to indicate that you understand the testing rules.

146 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grade 6 Mathematics—Session 1

Pause while students sign their names. If a student does not sign his or her name, contact your school
assessment coordinator.

SAY Today you will complete Session 1, which contains items 1 through 22. Remember to read each
item carefully and follow the instructions to complete each item. Try to answer every question.
If you aren’t sure how to answer a question, flag it for review and keep going. After you have
answered all the other questions, go back and answer any questions you have skipped.
Now, click Yes, Start My Test, but do not select Begin Test Now until I instruct you to do so.
Take a moment to review the Test Instructions and Help. These instructions remind you how to
navigate from one item to the next, and how to use the tools and features of the testing platform.
Raise your hand if you have any questions as you review these instructions. Do not begin your
test at this time.
Pause to allow students a moment to review the instructions, and answer all student questions.
If your school provided paper copies of the Grade 6 FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet for students
to use,

SAY Now, look at the top of your paper reference sheet. It should say Grade 6 FSA
Mathematics Reference Sheet. Examine the page carefully to ensure that content
near the edge of the reference sheet has not been cut off. Please raise your hand
if there are problems with your reference sheet.
Pause, then collect any defective reference sheets and return them to the school assessment
coordinator. Distribute new reference sheets to these students and instruct them to check the
sheets carefully.

SAY Write your first and last names in the upper right corner of the reference sheet
now. (Pause.)
This is considered a secure document and must be returned with your work
folder. You may also access the reference sheet in the Formulas window in the
Test Delivery System.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make
sure you have answered every question. Do not click End Session until you are
instructed to do so at the end of the session today. After you have checked your
Grade 6 Mathematics

work, sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Session 1


Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 147

Script for Administering Grade 6 Mathematics—Session 1

Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure
you have answered every question. After you have checked your work, click End
Session on the review screen and raise your hand. I will collect your (reference
sheet,) work folder and test ticket. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that
this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure
you have answered every question. After you have checked your work, click End
Session on the review screen and raise your hand. I will collect your (reference
sheet,) work folder and test ticket. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that
this session has ended. You may read, but you may not write or use your testing
computer or device.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.

SAY If at any time you need to leave the room, raise your hand. Only one student may leave the room
at a time. You must turn in your (reference sheet,) work folder and test ticket before you leave
the room. While outside the testing room, you are not permitted to access any electronic devices
or discuss the test with anyone.
Remember, you have 60 minutes to complete this test session, and I will let you know when
there are 10 minutes left.
Now, click Begin Test Now and begin working.
Complete the following:
STARTING time: ___________
Add 50 minutes: +50 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder: ___________
Add 10 minutes: +10 minutes
STOPPING time: ___________

Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.

During testing, monitor student progress by viewing the Student Status column in the TA Interface. This
Grade 6 Mathematics

page automatically refreshes every 60 seconds. When the page refreshes, students’ statuses are updated. If
students have technical issues, contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator
Session 1

for assistance immediately. Your attention should not be diverted from students at any time during the test
Although it is your responsibility to ensure that students are working independently, you are prohibited
from reading test content before, during, and after the test.

148 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grade 6 Mathematics—Session 1

Do not use cell phones, classroom phones, computers, or other devices (except to monitor student
progress or to contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator in case of a technical
issue or emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your full attention should be on students at
all times.
After 50 minutes from the STARTING time,

SAY You have 10 minutes to complete Session 1.

After 10 more minutes,

SAY Stop. Make sure that you are on the review screen and pause your test by clicking End Session
and then selecting Yes on the pop-up message. I will collect your (reference sheet,) work folder
and test ticket.
Students will be returned to the login screen once they pause their tests. Collect (reference sheets,) work
folders and test tickets.
Once all students have paused their tests, end the test session by clicking STOP in the TA Interface. This
will pause any remaining tests. Then log out of the TA Interface by clicking Logout in the upper right
corner of the screen.
Complete the following steps:

1. Ensure that you have all (reference sheets,) work folders and test tickets and that your record of
required administration information and seating chart are accurate and complete.
2. Report any test irregularities or security breaches to your school assessment coordinator immediately.
3. Record the accommodations provided to students and the accommodations used by students on your
record of required administration information. Use the following accommodations codes to record
this information:

For ESE/504 students:

• 1-FP = Flexible Presentation
• 1-FR = Flexible Responding
• 1-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 1-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 1-AD = Assistive Devices
For ELL students:
• 2-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 2-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 2-AHL = Assistance in Heritage Language
• 2-ADI = Approved Dictionary
4. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator until the beginning of Session 2.
Grade 6 Mathematics
Session 1

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 149

150 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual
Script for Administering Grade 6 Mathematics—Session 2

Grade 6 Mathematics
Script for Administering

Session 2
Grade 6 Mathematics
Session 2
60 Minutes
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended time, use of
translation dictionary), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students are to follow.
It is important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary modifications.
Scripts for students using paper-based accommodations (e.g., regular print) and computer-based
accommodations (e.g., masking, text-to-speech) can be found on the FSA Portal.
Calculators are not permitted for Grade 6 FSA Mathematics.
This test session lasts 60 minutes. Display starting and stopping times as instructed in the script.
During this test session, remember the following:

• Ensure that you have a Security Log, a form to collect required administration information, and a
seating chart for your room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
• Ensure that all students in your testing room have completed Session 1. If any students have not
completed Session 1, contact your school assessment coordinator.
• If a student starts a test session and leaves campus without finishing (e.g., due to an appointment,
illness), he or she will not be allowed to return to the test session. If you have concerns about
a student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact the school assessment
coordinator for instructions.
• Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the test during
breaks. Students should not discuss or exchange information about the test with anyone during
breaks. Students must not be given access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones,
tablets, smartwatches) during breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s)
during a break, that student’s test must be invalidated.
• For short breaks (e.g., restroom), it is recommended that visual blocks be applied to students’
computer screens or devices (e.g., monitors turned off, folders taped to screens) instead of pausing
students’ tests. If a student’s test is paused in TDS, the student must log back in and be approved in
the TA Interface before he or she can continue testing.
• If a student has difficulty logging in or is logged out of his or her test more than once, have
the student refrain from logging in until the issue is diagnosed and resolved.
• If a technical disruption occurs during testing, note the time of the disruption in order to provide
students the appropriate amount of remaining time once testing resumes.

Before Testing
1. Before students arrive, ensure that the testing room is prepared as described on pages 19–20.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign, No Calculators sign, and Session 2 sign are visible to all
students and that the Do Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Perforated
signs are available in Appendix D.)

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 151

Script for Administering Grade 6 Mathematics—Session 2
Grade 6 Mathematics

3. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., charts displaying mathematical
concepts) and that any visual aids displayed in the testing room have been removed or covered.
Session 2

4. Ensure that you understand your school assessment coordinator’s instructions regarding students
leaving the room for breaks and resuming testing. Your school assessment coordinator should also
instruct you on whether students testing in your room will take a short stretch break or an extended
break between Session 2 and Session 3. Contact your school assessment coordinator if you have
not already received instructions on how to handle the break between sessions.
5. Ensure that all software applications, including Internet browsers, are closed on all student computers
or devices before testing begins.
6. Launch the secure browser on student computers or devices prior to beginning the test session. When
the connection is established, the student Please Sign In screen is displayed as shown below. The
computer or device is now ready for the student to begin.

7. Ensure that you have received the correct test tickets from your school assessment coordinator for all
students who will test in your room. Do not distribute tickets until instructed to do so in the script.
8. Prior to testing, ensure that students have the following:
• A pen or pencil
• A new work folder (Students should not use the same work folders that they used in Session 1.)
• Grade 6 FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet (Paper reference sheets should be provided only if
your school is providing copies for all students.)
9. When reading the following script, please note that optional words (e.g., information related to
reference sheets) are italicized and in parentheses and should be read to students only if applicable.

Create a Test Session

1. Go to the FSA Portal and click Administer the FSA.
2. Log in to the TA Interface with your username and password.
3. Select Grade 6 Mathematics and then click Start Operational Session.
4. Record the Session ID, which students will use to log in to the test. The Session ID should be
displayed where it is visible to all students and recorded with your required administration
information on your seating chart.
Note: As a security measure, test administrators are automatically logged out of the TA Interface after 90
minutes of test administrator and student inactivity. Do not create your session until immediately prior to

SAY Today, you are going to take Session 2 of Grade 6 FSA Mathematics. Remove all materials from
your desk except your (Grade 6 FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet,) pen or pencil, and your
work folder.
You will have 60 minutes to complete this test session.

152 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grade 6 Mathematics—Session 2

Grade 6 Mathematics
SAY Write your first and last names and today’s date on your work folder. You may use your work
folder to work the problems. You may not use any other paper.

Session 2
You may not have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device you are using to
take the test, at your desk, in your pockets, or anywhere you can reach them at any time during
this test session, even if they are turned off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording
devices include but are not limited to cell phones, smartphones, tablets not used for testing,
smartwatches, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of recording, storing, viewing,
or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found with any electronic or recording
devices at any time during this test session, including breaks, your test will not be scored.
If you have any devices with you right now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices. At this
time, silence your own electronic device(s).
Ensure that the Session ID is displayed where all students can see it.

SAY Now, look at the login screen. If you do not see this screen, raise your hand.
If a computer or device is not opened to the Please Sign In screen, open the secure browser on that
computer or device.

SAY Please sit quietly while I distribute the test tickets. Do not begin typing until I tell you to start.
Distribute the test tickets.

SAY Look closely at your test ticket and make sure it has your correct name, date of birth, and ID
number on it.
Do not sign in before I instruct you to do so.
Raise your hand if you do not have the correct ticket.
If a student has the wrong ticket, give the student the correct ticket. If you do not have the correct ticket,
contact your school assessment coordinator.

SAY Now, log in by typing your First Name as it appears on your test ticket, your Username, and the
Session ID ____-_______-____. The Session ID is displayed for you. Click Sign In. Raise your
hand if you need assistance.
Pause and assist students with logging in as needed.

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Is This You?. Verify that the information is correct. If your
information is correct, select Yes to continue. If the information is not correct, then select No to
return to the login page and raise your hand.
Assist any students who raise their hands.

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Your Tests. Click the arrow to the left of Resume Grade 6
FSA Mathematics to proceed.
Now, sit quietly while I approve your tests.
In the TA Interface, select the Approvals button to review the list of students ready to begin testing. You
may need to select Refresh to see all the students in your testing room on your list.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 153

Script for Administering Grade 6 Mathematics—Session 2
Grade 6 Mathematics

Once you ensure that all students have logged in correctly, approve students to test by selecting Approve
All Students. Read the information on the Important! pop-up window and select Yes.
Session 2

SAY Now, you should see a screen that says Is This Your Test?. Verify that the screen displays the
correct test information, but do not click Yes, Start My Test until I tell you to do so.
This screen also allows you to choose the background color, mouse pointer, and print size for
your test. If you would like to change your selections, do so now. If you have any questions,
raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, have the student select No on the screen, log in again and make
adjustments to his or her accessibility settings, and then approve that studentʼs test again. Ensure that the
correct information displays for that student on the Is This Your Test? screen.

SAY Now, open your work folder to page 2 and look at the Testing Rules Acknowledgment. Please
listen as I read the testing rules. During this test, you must not:
• talk to other students or make any disturbance
• look at another student’s (reference sheet,) computer or device screen, or work folder
• allow another student to look at your (reference sheet,) computer or device screen, or
work folder
• ask for help answering any test questions
• give help to another student in answering test questions
• have notes or scratch paper other than your (reference sheet or) work folder
• have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device on which you are testing,
in your possession at any time, including breaks, even if you do not use them
• fail to follow any other instructions given
Because the content in all statewide assessments is secure, you may not discuss or reveal details
about the test items after the test. This includes any type of electronic communication, such as
texting, emailing, or posting online, for example, on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, or Instagram.
Are there any questions?
Answer all questions.

SAY Now, read silently as I read the Testing Rules Acknowledgment out loud.
I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these rules, my
test score may be invalidated.
Now, sign your name on the line next to Signature to indicate that you understand the testing
Pause while students sign their names. If a student does not sign his or her name, contact your school
assessment coordinator.

SAY Today you will complete Session 2 of Grade 6 FSA Mathematics, which contains items 23
through 44. Remember to read each item carefully and follow the instructions to complete
each item. Try to answer every question. If you aren’t sure how to answer a question, flag it for
review and keep going. After you have answered all the other questions, go back and answer
any questions you have skipped.

154 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grade 6 Mathematics—Session 2

Grade 6 Mathematics
SAY Now, click Yes, Start My Test, but do not select Begin Test Now until I instruct you to do so.

Session 2
Take a moment to review the Test Instructions and Help. These instructions remind you how to
navigate from one item to the next, and how to use the tools and features of the testing platform.
Raise your hand if you have any questions as you review these instructions. Do not begin your
test at this time.
Pause to allow students a moment to review the instructions, and answer all student questions.
If your school provided paper copies of the Grade 6 FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet for students
to use,

SAY Now, look at your paper reference sheet. Make sure you have the reference sheet
with your name on it. Please raise your hand if there are problems with your
reference sheet.
This is considered a secure document and must be returned with your work
folder. You may also access the reference sheet in the Formulas window in the
Test Delivery System.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.

SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure you have
answered every question. Do not end your session until you are instructed to do so. After you
have checked your work, sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.

SAY If at any time you need to leave the room, raise your hand. Only one student may leave the room
at a time. You must turn in your (reference sheet,) work folder and test ticket before you leave
the room. While outside the testing room, you are not permitted to access any electronic devices
or discuss the test with anyone.
Remember, you have 60 minutes to complete this test session, and I will let you know when
there are 10 minutes left.
Now, click Begin Test Now and begin working.
Complete the following:
STARTING time: ___________
Add 50 minutes: +50 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder: ___________
Add 10 minutes: +10 minutes
STOPPING time: ___________

Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 155

Script for Administering Grade 6 Mathematics—Session 2
Grade 6 Mathematics

During testing, monitor student progress by viewing the Student Status column in the TA Interface. This
page automatically refreshes every 60 seconds. When the page refreshes, students’ statuses are updated. If
Session 2

students have technical issues, contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator
for assistance immediately. Your attention should not be diverted from students at any time during the test
Although it is your responsibility to ensure that students are working independently, you are prohibited
from reading test content before, during, and after the test.
Do not use cell phones, classroom phones, computers, or other devices (except to monitor student
progress or to contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator in case of a technical
issue or emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your full attention should be on students at
all times.
After 50 minutes from the STARTING time,

SAY You have 10 minutes to complete Session 2.

After 10 more minutes,

SAY Stop. Ensure that you are on the review screen.

Based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator, students will either take a short stretch
break prior to beginning Session 3 or they will take an extended break (e.g., for lunch) between sessions.
Read the appropriate instructions below and on the following page based on whether the students
in your room will take a short break or an extended break.
If students will take a short break:

SAY Click Go to Session 3 and click Yes on the pop-up window.

Now, take a short stretch break before I approve your tests to begin Session 3.
You may stand and stretch, but do not talk to one another.
Verify that all students end the session correctly. Students should see a “Waiting for Session
Approval” message on their screens. Provide students with a short stretch break before
Session 3. You are responsible for maintaining the security of the test during the break
between sessions.
Now turn to page 159 for the Grade 6 FSA Mathematics script for students who are returning
from a short break to begin Session 3.
If students will take an extended break:

SAY Pause your test by clicking the Pause button. I will collect your (reference
sheet,) work folder and test ticket.
Students will be returned to the login screen once they pause their tests. Collect (reference
sheets,) work folders and test tickets.
Once all students have paused their tests, end Session 2 by clicking STOP in the TA Interface.
This will pause any remaining tests. Then log out of the TA Interface by clicking Logout in
the upper right corner of the screen.

156 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grade 6 Mathematics—Session 2

Grade 6 Mathematics
Provide students with an extended break before Session 3 based on instructions from your school
assessment coordinator. You are responsible for maintaining the security of the test during the break

Session 2
between sessions. All test materials should be collected, verified, and placed in locked storage until
testing resumes.
Complete the following:

1. Ensure that you have all (reference sheets,) work folders and test tickets and that your record of
required administration information and seating chart are accurate and complete.
2. Report any test irregularities or security breaches to your school assessment coordinator immediately.
3. Place all test materials in locked storage until the beginning of Session 3.
Turn to page 165 for the Grade 6 FSA Mathematics script for students who are returning from an
extended break when you are ready to begin Session 3.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 157

158 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual
Script for Administering Grade 6 Mathematics—Session 3 (Short Break)

Script for Administering

Grade 6 Mathematics
Session 3
(Following a Short Break)
60 Minutes
This script should be used to administer Session 3 of Grade 6 FSA Mathematics to students who

Grade 6 Mathematics
have returned from a short stretch break after completing Session 2. If you are testing students who

(Short Break)
are returning from an extended break, follow the script beginning on page 165.

Session 3
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended time,
use of translation dictionary), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students
are to follow. It is important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
Scripts for students using paper-based accommodations (e.g., regular print) and computer-based
accommodations (e.g., masking, text-to-speech) can be found on the FSA Portal.
Calculators are not permitted for Grade 6 FSA Mathematics.
This test session lasts 60 minutes. Display starting and stopping times as instructed in the script.
During this test session, remember the following:

• Ensure that you have a Security Log, a form to collect required administration information, and a
seating chart for your room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
• Ensure that all students in your testing room have completed Sessions 1 and 2. If any students have
not completed Sessions 1 and 2, contact your school assessment coordinator.
• If a student starts a test session and leaves campus without finishing (e.g., due to an appointment,
illness), he or she will not be allowed to return to the test session. If you have concerns about
a student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact the school assessment
coordinator for instructions.
• Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the test during
breaks. Students should not discuss or exchange information about the test with anyone during
breaks. Students must not be given access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones,
tablets, smartwatches) during breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s)
during a break, that student’s test must be invalidated.
• For short breaks (e.g., restroom), it is recommended that visual blocks be applied to students’
computer screens or devices (e.g., monitors turned off, folders taped to screens) instead of pausing
students’ tests. If a student’s test is paused in TDS, the student must log back in and be approved in
the TA Interface before he or she can continue testing.
• If a student has difficulty logging in or is logged out of his or her test more than once, have
the student refrain from logging in until the issue is diagnosed and resolved.
• If a technical disruption occurs during testing, note the time of the disruption in order to provide
students the appropriate amount of remaining time once testing resumes.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 159

Script for Administering Grade 6 Mathematics—Session 3 (Short Break)

Before Testing
1. Ensure that the testing room is prepared as described on pages 19–20.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign, No Calculators sign, and Session 3 sign are visible to all students
and that the Do Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Perforated signs are
available in Appendix D.)
3. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., charts displaying mathematical
concepts) and that any visual aids displayed in the testing room have been removed or covered.
4. Ensure that you understand your school assessment coordinator’s instructions regarding students
Grade 6 Mathematics

leaving the room for breaks and resuming testing.

(Short Break)

5. Prior to resuming testing, ensure that students have the following:

Session 3

• A pen or pencil
• A work folder (Students will use the same work folders for Session 2 and Session 3.)
• Grade 6 FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet (Paper reference sheets should be provided only
if your school is providing copies for all students. Ensure that each student receives the same
reference sheet that he or she used during Sessions 1 and 2.)
6. When reading the following script, please note that optional words (e.g., information related to
reference sheets) are italicized and in parentheses and should be read to students only if applicable.
When the short break between Session 2 and Session 3 is over, instruct students to return to their seats.
Once they have done so,
SAY Now, you are going to take Session 3 of Grade 6 FSA Mathematics. The only materials on your
desk should be your (Grade 6 FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet,) pen or pencil, test ticket, and
your work folder.
You will have 60 minutes to complete this test session.
Remember that you may use your work folder to work the problems. You may not use any other
paper. I will collect your work folder at the end of this test session. (If you feel like you will
run out of space to work in your work folder, raise your hand and I will provide you with an
additional work folder.)
(You may also reference your Grade 6 FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet at any time during this
test session. I will collect your reference sheet with your work folder at the end of this test session.)
Remember that you may not have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device you are
using to take the test, at your desk, in your pockets, or anywhere you can reach them at any time
during this test session, even if they are turned off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording
devices include but are not limited to cell phones, smartphones, tablets not used for testing,
smartwatches, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of recording, storing, viewing, or
playing back audio or visual content. If you are found with any electronic or recording devices
at any time during this test session, including breaks, your test will not be scored.
Now, open your work folder to page 2 and look at the Testing Rules Acknowledgment that you
signed before taking Session 2. The testing rules that I read to you during Session 2 still apply
for Session 3.

160 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grade 6 Mathematics—Session 3 (Short Break)

SAY Session 3 contains items 45 through 66. Remember to read each item carefully and follow
the instructions to complete each item. Try to answer every question. If you aren’t sure how
to answer a question, flag it for review and keep going. After you have answered all the other
questions, go back and answer any questions you have skipped.
If you have any questions, raise your hand.
Answer all questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A

Grade 6 Mathematics
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make

(Short Break)
Session 3
sure you have answered every question. Do not click End Test until you are
instructed to do so at the end of the session today. After you have checked your
work, sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure
you have answered every question. After you have checked your work, click
End Test and raise your hand. I will collect your (reference sheet,) work folder
and test ticket. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this session has
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure
you have answered every question. After you have checked your work, click
End Test and raise your hand. I will collect your (reference sheet,) work folder
and test ticket. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this session has
ended. You may read, but you may not write or use your testing computer or
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.

SAY If at any time you need to leave the room, raise your hand. Only one student may leave the room
at a time. You must turn in your (reference sheet,) work folder and test ticket before you leave
the room. While outside the testing room, you are not permitted to access any electronic devices
or discuss the test with anyone.
Remember, you have 60 minutes to complete this test session, and I will let you know when
there are 10 minutes left.
Now, sit quietly while I approve your tests.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 161

Script for Administering Grade 6 Mathematics—Session 3 (Short Break)

Students who correctly exited Session 2 will appear in the TA Interface awaiting Exit Session approval.
To approve students to move in to Session 3, select the Approvals button in the TA Interface to review
the list of students ready to begin testing. You may need to select Refresh to see all the students in your
testing room on your list.
If students clicked Pause instead of Go to Session 3 at the end of Session 2, you will need to instruct
those students to log in to the test again. See the script for administering Session 3 after an extended break
beginning on page 165 for instructions on how to log in students who clicked Pause at the end of Session 2
in to Session 3.
Once you ensure that all students are awaiting approval, approve the students to test by selecting Approve
Grade 6 Mathematics

All Students. Read the information on the Important! pop-up window and select Yes.
(Short Break)

SAY You may now begin working.

Session 3

Complete the following:

STARTING time: ___________
Add 50 minutes: +50 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder: ___________
Add 10 minutes: +10 minutes
STOPPING time: ___________

Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.

During testing, monitor student progress by viewing the Student Status column in the TA Interface. This
page automatically refreshes every 60 seconds. When the page refreshes, students’ statuses are updated. If
students have technical issues, contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator
for assistance immediately. Your attention should not be diverted from students at any time during the test
Although it is your responsibility to ensure that students are working independently, you are prohibited
from reading test content before, during, and after the test.
Do not use cell phones, classroom phones, computers, or other devices (except to monitor student
progress or to contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator in case of a technical
issue or emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your full attention should be on students at
all times.
After 50 minutes from the STARTING time,

SAY You have 10 minutes to complete Session 3.

After 10 more minutes,

SAY Stop. Make sure you are on the Review Screen. Click End Test. A pop-up message will appear.
If the pop-up message says, “Are you sure you want to pause the test?,” click No and return to
the Review Screen, then click End Test. If the pop-up message says, “You have reached the end
of the test.,” click Yes. (Pause.)
Click Submit Test. A Warning message will appear. Click Yes on this message. (Pause.)
On the Test Completed screen, click Log Out. You will be taken to the Please Sign In screen. I
will collect your (reference sheet,) work folder and test ticket.

162 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grade 6 Mathematics—Session 3 (Short Break)

Students will be returned to the login screen once they submit their tests. Collect (reference sheets,) work
folders and test tickets.
Once all students have submitted their tests, end the test session by clicking STOP in the TA Interface. This
will pause any remaining tests, so only select STOP after all students have submitted their tests. Then log
out of the TA Interface by clicking Logout in the upper right corner of the screen.
Complete the following steps:

1. Ensure that you have all (reference sheets,) work folders and test tickets and that your record of
required administration information and seating chart are accurate and complete.

Grade 6 Mathematics
2. Report any test irregularities or security breaches to your school assessment coordinator immediately.

(Short Break)
3. Record the accommodations provided to students and the accommodations used by students on your

Session 3
record of required administration information. Use the following accommodations codes to record
this information:

For ESE/504 students:

• 1-FP = Flexible Presentation
• 1-FR = Flexible Responding
• 1-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 1-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 1-AD = Assistive Devices
For ELL students:
• 2-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 2-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 2-AHL = Assistance in Heritage Language
• 2-ADI = Approved Dictionary

4. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator as described on page 235.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 163

164 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual
Script for Administering Grade 6 Mathematics—Session 3 (Extended Break)

Script for Administering

Grade 6 Mathematics
Session 3
(Following an Extended Break)
60 Minutes
This script should be used to administer Session 3 of Grade 6 FSA Mathematics to students who
have returned from an extended break after completing Session 2. If you are testing students who are
returning from a short break, follow the script beginning on page 159.
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended time,
use of translation dictionary), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students
are to follow. It is important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
Scripts for students using paper-based accommodations (e.g., regular print) and computer-based
accommodations (e.g., masking, text-to-speech) can be found on the FSA Portal.

Grade 6 Mathematics
Calculators are not permitted for Grade 6 FSA Mathematics.

(Extended Break)
This test session lasts 60 minutes. Display starting and stopping times as instructed in the script.

Session 3
During this test session, remember the following:

• Ensure that you have a Security Log, a form to collect required administration information, and a
seating chart for your room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
• Ensure that all students in your testing room have completed Sessions 1 and 2. If any students have
not completed Sessions 1 and 2, contact your school assessment coordinator.
• If a student starts a test session and leaves campus without finishing (e.g., due to an appointment,
illness), he or she will not be allowed to return to the test session. If you have concerns about
a student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact the school assessment
coordinator for instructions.
• Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the test during
breaks. Students should not discuss or exchange information about the test with anyone during
breaks. Students must not be given access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones,
tablets, smartwatches) during breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s)
during a break, that student’s test must be invalidated.
• For short breaks (e.g., restroom), it is recommended that visual blocks be applied to students’
computer screens or devices (e.g., monitors turned off, folders taped to screens) instead of pausing
students’ tests. If a student’s test is paused in TDS, the student must log back in and be approved in
the TA Interface before he or she can continue testing.
• If a student has difficulty logging in or is logged out of his or her test more than once, have
the student refrain from logging in until the issue is diagnosed and resolved.
• If a technical disruption occurs during testing, note the time of the disruption in order to provide
students the appropriate amount of remaining time once testing resumes.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 165

Script for Administering Grade 6 Mathematics—Session 3 (Extended Break)

Before Testing
1. Before students return from their extended break after completing Session 2, ensure that the testing
room is prepared as described on pages 19–20.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign, No Calculators sign, and Session 3 sign are visible to all
students and that the Do Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Perforated
signs are available in Appendix D.)
3. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., charts displaying mathematical
concepts) and that any visual aids displayed in the testing room have been removed or covered.
4. Ensure that you understand your school assessment coordinator’s instructions regarding students
leaving the room for breaks and resuming testing.
5. Ensure that all software applications, including Internet browsers, are closed on all student computers
or devices before testing begins.
6. Launch the secure browser on student computers or devices prior to beginning the test session. When
the connection is established, the student Please Sign In screen is displayed as shown below. The
computer or device is now ready for the student to begin.
Grade 6 Mathematics
(Extended Break)
Session 3

7. Collect all test materials from locked storage.

8. Ensure that you have the correct test tickets for all students who will test in your room. Do not
distribute tickets until instructed to do so in the script.
9. Prior to testing, ensure that students have the following:
• A pen or pencil
• A work folder (Students will use the same work folders for Session 2 and Session 3.)
• Grade 6 FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet (Paper reference sheets should be provided only
if your school is providing copies for all students. Ensure that each student receives the same
reference sheet that he or she used during Sessions 1 and 2.)
10. When reading the following script, please note that optional words (e.g., information related to
reference sheets) are italicized and in parentheses and should be read to students only if applicable.

Create a Test Session

1. Go to the FSA Portal and click Administer the FSA.
2. Log in to the TA Interface with your username and password.
3. Select Grade 6 Mathematics and then click Start Operational Session.
4. Record the Session ID, which students will use to log in to the test. The Session ID should be
displayed where it is visible to all students and recorded with your required administration
information on your seating chart.

166 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grade 6 Mathematics—Session 3 (Extended Break)

Note: As a security measure, test administrators are automatically logged out of the TA Interface after 90
minutes of test administrator and student inactivity. Do not create your session until immediately prior to

SAY Now, you are going to take Session 3 of Grade 6 FSA Mathematics. Remove all materials from
your desk except your (Grade 6 FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet,) pen or pencil, and your
work folder.
You will have 60 minutes to complete this test session.
Remember that you may use your work folder to work the problems. You may not use any other
paper. I will collect your work folder at the end of this test session. (If you feel like you will
run out of space to work in your work folder, raise your hand and I will provide you with an
additional work folder.)
(You may also reference your Grade 6 FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet at any time during
this test session. I will collect your reference sheet with your work folder at the end of this test
Remember that you may not have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device
you are using to take the test, at your desk, in your pockets, or anywhere you can reach them at
any time during this test session, even if they are turned off or you do not use them. Electronic
and recording devices include but are not limited to cell phones, smartphones, tablets not used

Grade 6 Mathematics
for testing, smartwatches, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of recording, storing,

(Extended Break)
viewing, or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found with any electronic or

Session 3
recording devices at any time during this test session, including breaks, your test will not be
scored. If you have any devices with you right now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices. At this
time, silence your own electronic device(s).

SAY Now, open your work folder to page 2 and look at the Testing Rules Acknowledgment that you
signed before taking Session 2. The testing rules that I read to you during Session 2 still apply
for Session 3.
Session 3 contains items 45 through 66. Remember to read each item carefully and follow
the instructions to complete each item. Try to answer every question. If you aren’t sure how
to answer a question, flag it for review and keep going. After you have answered all the other
questions, go back and answer any questions you have skipped.
If you have any questions, raise your hand.
Answer all questions.
Ensure that the Session ID is displayed where all students can see it.

SAY Now, look at the login screen. If you do not see this screen, raise your hand.
If a computer or device is not opened to the Please Sign In screen, open the secure browser on that
computer or device.

SAY Please sit quietly while I distribute the test tickets. Do not begin typing until I tell you to start.
Distribute the test tickets.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 167

Script for Administering Grade 6 Mathematics—Session 3 (Extended Break)

SAY Look closely at your test ticket and make sure it has your correct name, date of birth, and ID
number on it.
Do not sign in before I instruct you to do so.
Raise your hand if you do not have the correct test ticket.
If a student has the wrong ticket, give the student the correct ticket. If you do not have the correct ticket,
contact your school assessment coordinator.

SAY Now, log in by typing your First Name as it appears on your test ticket, your Username, and the
Session ID ____-_______-____. The Session ID is displayed for you. Click Sign In. Raise your
hand if you need assistance.
Assist any students with logging in as needed.

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Is This You?. Verify that the information is correct. If your
information is correct, select Yes to continue. If the information is not correct, then select No to
return to the login page and raise your hand.
Assist any students who raise their hands.

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Your Tests. Click the arrow to the left of Resume Grade 6
Grade 6 Mathematics

FSA Mathematics to proceed.

(Extended Break)

Now, sit quietly while I approve your tests.

Session 3

In the TA Interface, select the Approvals button to review the list of students ready to begin testing. You
may need to select Refresh to see all the students in your testing room on your list.
Once you ensure that all students have logged in correctly, approve students to test by selecting Approve
All Students. Read the information on the Important! pop-up window and select Yes.

SAY Now, you should see a screen that says Is This Your Test?. Verify that the screen displays the
correct test information, but do not click Yes, Start My Test until I tell you to do so.
This screen also allows you to choose the background color, mouse pointer, and print size for
your test. If you would like to change your selections, do so now. If you have any questions,
raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, have the student select No on the screen, log in again and make
adjustments to his or her accessibility settings, and then approve that studentʼs test again. Ensure that the
correct information displays for that student on the Is This Your Test? screen.

SAY Now, click Yes, Start My Test. If you choose, you may take a moment to review the Test
Instructions and Help screen.
Pause to allow students a moment to review the instructions, and answer all student questions.

168 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grade 6 Mathematics—Session 3 (Extended Break)

Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.

Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make
sure you have answered every question. Do not click End Test until you are
instructed to do so at the end of the session today. After you have checked your
work, sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure
you have answered every question. After you have checked your work, click
End Test and raise your hand. I will collect your (reference sheet,) work folder
and test ticket. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this session has
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.

Grade 6 Mathematics
Option C

(Extended Break)
Session 3
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure
you have answered every question. After you have checked your work, click
End Test and raise your hand. I will collect your (reference sheet,) work folder
and test ticket. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this session has
ended. You may read, but you may not write or use your testing computer or
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.

SAY If at any time you need to leave the room, raise your hand. Only one student may leave the room
at a time. You must turn in your (reference sheet,) work folder and test ticket before you leave
the room. While outside the testing room, you are not permitted to access any electronic devices
or discuss the test with anyone.
Remember, you have 60 minutes to complete this test session, and I will let you know when
there are 10 minutes left.
Now, click Begin Test Now and navigate to the Review screen if you are not already on that
screen. Click Go to Session 3 and then click Yes on the pop-up window.
Now, sit quietly while I approve your tests.
Students who correctly exited Session 2 will appear in the TA Interface awaiting Exit Session approval.
To approve students to move in to Session 3, select the Approvals button in the TA Interface to review
the list of students ready to begin testing. You may need to select Refresh to see all the students in your
testing room on your list.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 169

Script for Administering Grade 6 Mathematics—Session 3 (Extended Break)

Once you ensure that all students are awaiting approval, approve the students to test by selecting Approve
All Students. Read the information on the Important! pop-up window and select Yes.

SAY You may now begin working.

Complete the following:
STARTING time: ___________
Add 50 minutes: +50 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder: ___________
Add 10 minutes: +10 minutes
STOPPING time: ___________

Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.

During testing, monitor student progress by viewing the Student Status column in the TA Interface. This
page automatically refreshes every 60 seconds. When the page refreshes, students’ statuses are updated. If
students have technical issues, contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator
for assistance immediately. Your attention should not be diverted from students at any time during the test
Although it is your responsibility to ensure that students are working independently, you are prohibited
Grade 6 Mathematics

from reading test content before, during, and after the test.
(Extended Break)
Session 3

Do not use cell phones, classroom phones, computers, or other devices (except to monitor student
progress or to contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator in case of a technical
issue or emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your full attention should be on students at
all times.
After 50 minutes from the STARTING time,

SAY You have 10 minutes to complete Session 3.

After 10 more minutes,

SAY Stop. Make sure you are on the Review Screen. Click End Test. A pop-up message will appear.
If the pop-up message says, “Are you sure you want to pause the test?,” click No and return to
the Review Screen, then click End Test. If the pop-up message says, “You have reached the end
of the test.,” click Yes. (Pause.)
Click Submit Test. A Warning message will appear. Click Yes on this message. (Pause.)
On the Test Completed screen, click Log Out. You will be taken to the Please Sign In screen. I
will collect your (reference sheet,) work folder and test ticket.
Students will be returned to the login screen once they submit their tests. Collect (reference sheets,) work
folders and test tickets.
Once all students have submitted their tests, end the test session by clicking STOP in the TA Interface.
This will pause any remaining tests, so only select STOP after all students have submitted their tests.
Then log out of the TA Interface by clicking Logout in the upper right corner of the screen.

170 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grade 6 Mathematics—Session 3 (Extended Break)

Complete the following steps:

1. Ensure that you have all (reference sheets,) work folders and test tickets and that your record of
required administration information and seating chart are accurate and complete.
2. Report any test irregularities or security breaches to your school assessment coordinator immediately.
3. Record the accommodations provided to students and the accommodations used by students on your
record of required administration information. Use the following accommodations codes to record
this information:

For ESE/504 students:

• 1-FP = Flexible Presentation
• 1-FR = Flexible Responding
• 1-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 1-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 1-AD = Assistive Devices
For ELL students:
• 2-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 2-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 2-AHL = Assistance in Heritage Language

Grade 6 Mathematics
• 2-ADI = Approved Dictionary

(Extended Break)
4. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator as described on page 235.

Session 3

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 171

172 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual
Script for Administering Grades 7–8 Mathematics—Session 1

Script for Administering

Grades 7–8 Mathematics
Session 1
60 Minutes
Calculators are not permitted during this test session. Do not distribute calculators until the beginning
of Session 2.
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended time,
use of translation dictionary), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students
are to follow. It is important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
Scripts for students using paper-based accommodations (e.g., regular print) and computer-based
accommodations (e.g., masking, text-to-speech) can be found on the FSA Portal.
This test session lasts 60 minutes. Display starting and stopping times as instructed in the script.
During this test session, remember the following:

• Ensure that you have a Security Log, a form to collect required administration information, and a
seating chart for your room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
• Ensure that all students in your testing room have participated in a practice test. If any students
have not completed a practice test, contact your school assessment coordinator.
• If a student starts a test session and leaves campus without finishing (e.g., due to an appointment,
illness), he or she will not be allowed to return to the test session. If you have concerns about
a student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact the school assessment
coordinator for instructions.
• Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the test during
breaks. Students should not discuss or exchange information about the test with anyone during

Grades 7–8 Mathematics

breaks. Students must not be given access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones,
tablets, smartwatches) during breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s)
during a break, that student’s test must be invalidated.

Session 1
• For short breaks (e.g., restroom), it is recommended that visual blocks be applied to students’
computer screens or devices (e.g., monitors turned off, folders taped to screens) instead of pausing
students’ tests. If a student’s test is paused in TDS, the student must log back in and be approved in
the TA Interface before he or she can continue testing.
• If a student has difficulty logging in or is logged out of his or her test more than once, have
the student refrain from logging in until the issue is diagnosed and resolved.
• If a technical disruption occurs during testing, note the time of the disruption in order to provide
students the appropriate amount of remaining time once testing resumes.

Before Testing
1. Before students arrive, ensure that the testing room is prepared as described on pages 19–20.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign, No Calculators sign, and Session 1 sign are visible to all
students and that the Do Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Perforated
signs are available in Appendix D.)

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 173

Script for Administering Grades 7–8 Mathematics—Session 1

3. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., charts displaying mathematical
concepts) and that any visual aids displayed in the testing room have been removed or covered.
4. Ensure that you understand your school assessment coordinator’s instructions regarding students
leaving the room for breaks and resuming testing.
5. Ensure that all software applications, including Internet browsers, are closed on all student computers
or devices before testing begins.
6. Launch the secure browser on student computers or devices prior to beginning the test session. When
the connection is established, the student Please Sign In screen is displayed as shown below. The
computer or device is now ready for the student to begin.

7. Ensure that you have received the correct test tickets from your school assessment coordinator for all
students who will test in your room. Do not distribute tickets until instructed to do so in the script.
8. Prior to testing, ensure that students have the following:
• A pen or pencil
• A work folder
• Grade ___ FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet (Paper reference sheets should be provided only if
your school is providing copies for all students.)
9. When reading the following script, please note that optional words (e.g., information related to
reference sheets) are italicized and in parentheses and should be read to students only if applicable.

Create a Test Session

1. Go to the FSA Portal and click Administer the FSA.
Grades 7–8 Mathematics

2. Log in to the TA Interface with your username and password.

3. Select the test you will be administering and then click Start Operational Session.
Session 1

4. Record the Session ID, which students will use to log in to the test. The Session ID should be
displayed where it is visible to all students and recorded with your required administration
information on your seating chart.

Note: As a security measure, test administrators are automatically logged out of the TA Interface after 90
minutes of test administrator and student inactivity. Do not create your session until immediately prior to

SAY Today, you are going to take Session 1 of Grade ___ FSA Mathematics Test. Remove all
materials from your desk except your (Grade ___ FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet,) pen or
pencil, and your work folder.
You will have 60 minutes to complete this test session.

174 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 7–8 Mathematics—Session 1

SAY Write your first and last names and today’s date on your work folder. You may use your work
folder to work the problems. You may not use any other paper. I will collect your work folder at
the end of this test session.
Calculators are not allowed during this test session. If you have a calculator, raise your hand and
I will collect it. (Pause.)
You may not have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device you are using to
take the test, at your desk, in your pockets, or anywhere you can reach them at any time during
this test session, even if they are turned off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording
devices include but are not limited to cell phones, smartphones, tablets not used for testing,
smartwatches, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of recording, storing, viewing,
or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found with any electronic or recording
devices at any time during this test session, including breaks, your test will not be scored.
If you have any devices with you right now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices. At this
time, silence your own electronic device(s).
Ensure that the Session ID is displayed where all students can see it.

SAY Now, look at the login screen. If you do not see this screen, raise your hand.
If a computer or device is not opened to the Please Sign In screen, open the secure browser on that
computer or device.

SAY Please sit quietly while I distribute the test tickets. Do not begin typing until I tell you to start.
Distribute the test tickets.

SAY Look closely at your test ticket and make sure it has your correct name, date of birth, and ID
number on it.
Do not sign in before I instruct you to do so.

Grades 7–8 Mathematics

Raise your hand if you do not have the correct ticket.
If a student has the wrong ticket, give the student the correct ticket. If you do not have the correct ticket,

Session 1
contact your school assessment coordinator.
If the First Name, Last Name, or ID Number for the student is incorrect, the student cannot use
the ticket and you should contact your school assessment coordinator. If the Date of Birth is the only
incorrect field on the ticket, the student may test with that ticket, and updates to the Date of Birth can be
made after testing.

SAY Now, log in by typing your First Name as it appears on your test ticket, your Username, and the
Session ID ____-_______-____. The Session ID is displayed for you. Click Sign In. Raise your
hand if you need assistance.
Pause and assist students with logging in as needed.

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Is This You?. Verify that the information is correct. If your
information is correct, select Yes to continue. If the information is not correct, then select No to
return to the login page and raise your hand.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 175

Script for Administering Grades 7–8 Mathematics—Session 1

Assist any students who raise their hands.

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Your Tests. Click the arrow to the left of Start Grade ___
FSA Mathematics to proceed.
Now, sit quietly while I approve your tests.
In the TA Interface, select the Approvals button to review the list of students ready to begin testing. You
may need to select Refresh to see all the students in your testing room on your list.
Review test settings: To view a student’s online test settings or accommodations, click the corresponding
Test Settings icon [ ]. Test settings and/or accommodations for individual students are displayed. If changes
are required, contact your school assessment coordinator who will update the student’s test settings in TIDE.
Once you ensure that all students have logged in correctly, approve students to test by selecting Approve
All Students. Read the information on the Important! pop-up window and select Yes.

SAY Now, you should see a screen that says Is This Your Test?. Verify that the screen displays the
correct test information, but do not click Yes, Start My Test until I tell you to do so.
This screen also allows you to choose the background color, mouse pointer, and print size for
your test. If you would like to change your selections, do so now. If you have any questions,
raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, have the student select No on the screen, log in again and make
adjustments to his or her accessibility settings, and then approve that studentʼs test again. Ensure that the
correct information displays for that student on the Is This Your Test? screen.

SAY Now, open your work folder to page 2 and look at the Testing Rules Acknowledgment. Please
listen as I read the testing rules. During this test, you must not:
• talk to other students or make any disturbance
• look at another student’s (reference sheet,) computer or device screen, or work folder
• allow another student to look at your (reference sheet,) computer or device screen, or
work folder
Grades 7–8 Mathematics

• ask for help answering any test questions

• give help to another student in answering test questions
• have notes or scratch paper other than your (reference sheet or) work folder
Session 1

• have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device on which you are testing,
in your possession at any time, including breaks, even if you do not use them
• fail to follow any other instructions given
Because the content in all statewide assessments is secure, you may not discuss or reveal details
about the test items after the test. This includes any type of electronic communication, such as
texting, emailing, or posting online, for example, on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, or Instagram.
Are there any questions?
Answer all questions.

SAY Now, read silently as I read the Testing Rules Acknowledgment out loud.
I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these rules, my
test score may be invalidated.
Now, sign your name on the line next to Signature to indicate that you understand the testing rules.

176 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 7–8 Mathematics—Session 1

Pause while students sign their names. If a student does not sign his or her name, contact your school
assessment coordinator.
In the following SAY box, be sure to say the correct number of items for the grade-level test you are

SAY Today you will complete Session 1, which contains items (For Grade 7 SAY: 1 through 22)
(For Grade 8 SAY: 1 through 22). Remember to read each item carefully and follow the
instructions to complete each item. Try to answer every question. If you aren’t sure how to
answer a question, flag it for review and keep going. After you have answered all the other
questions, go back and answer any questions you have skipped.
Now, click Yes, Start My Test, but do not select Begin Test Now until I instruct you to do so.
Take a moment to review the Test Instructions and Help. These instructions remind you how to
navigate from one item to the next, and how to use the tools and features of the testing platform.
Raise your hand if you have any questions as you review these instructions. Do not begin your
test at this time.
Pause to allow students a moment to review the instructions, and answer all student questions.
If your school provided paper copies of the Grade ___ FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet for
students to use,

SAY Now, look at the top of your paper reference sheet. It should say Grade ___ FSA
Mathematics Reference Sheet. Examine the page carefully to ensure that content
near the edge of the reference sheet has not been cut off. Please raise your hand
if there are problems with your reference sheet.
Pause, then collect any defective reference sheets and return them to the school assessment
coordinator. Distribute new reference sheets to these students and instruct them to check the
sheets carefully.

SAY Write your first and last names in the upper right corner of the reference sheet

Grades 7–8 Mathematics

now. (Pause.)
This is considered a secure document and must be returned with your work

Session 1
folder. You may also access the reference sheet in the Formulas window in the
Test Delivery System.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make
sure you have answered every question. Do not click End Session until you are
instructed to do so at the end of the session today. After you have checked your
work, sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 177

Script for Administering Grades 7–8 Mathematics—Session 1

Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure
you have answered every question. After you have checked your work, click End
Session on the review screen and raise your hand. I will collect your (reference
sheet,) work folder and test ticket. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that
this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure
you have answered every question. After you have checked your work, click End
Session on the review screen and raise your hand. I will collect your (reference
sheet,) work folder and test ticket. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that
this session has ended. You may read, but you may not write or use your testing
computer or device.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.

SAY If at any time you need to leave the room, raise your hand. Only one student may leave the room
at a time. You must turn in your (reference sheet,) work folder and test ticket before you leave
the room. While outside the testing room, you are not permitted to access any electronic devices
or discuss the test with anyone.
Remember, you have 60 minutes to complete this test session, and I will let you know when
there are 10 minutes left.
Now, click Begin Test Now and begin working.
Grades 7–8 Mathematics

Complete the following:

STARTING time: ___________
Session 1

Add 50 minutes: +50 minutes

Time for 10-minute reminder: ___________
Add 10 minutes: +10 minutes
STOPPING time: ___________

Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.

During testing, monitor student progress by viewing the Student Status column in the TA Interface. This
page automatically refreshes every 60 seconds. When the page refreshes, students’ statuses are updated. If
students have technical issues, contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator
for assistance immediately. Your attention should not be diverted from students at any time during the test
Although it is your responsibility to ensure that students are working independently, you are prohibited
from reading test content before, during, and after the test.

178 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 7–8 Mathematics—Session 1

Do not use cell phones, classroom phones, computers, or other devices (except to monitor student
progress or to contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator in case of a technical
issue or emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your full attention should be on students at
all times.
After 50 minutes from the STARTING time,

SAY You have 10 minutes to complete Session 1.

After 10 more minutes,

SAY Stop. Make sure that you are on the review screen and pause your test by clicking End Session
and then selecting Yes on the pop-up message. I will collect your (reference sheet,) work folder
and test ticket.
Students will be returned to the login screen once they pause their tests. Collect (reference sheets,) work
folders and test tickets.
Once all students have paused their tests, end the test session by clicking STOP in the TA Interface. This
will pause any remaining tests. Then log out of the TA Interface by clicking Logout in the upper right
corner of the screen.
Complete the following steps:

1. Ensure that you have all (reference sheets,) work folders and test tickets and that your record of
required administration information and seating chart are accurate and complete.
2. Report any test irregularities or security breaches to your school assessment coordinator immediately.
3. Record the accommodations provided to students and the accommodations used by students on your
record of required administration information. Use the following accommodations codes to record
this information:

For ESE/504 students:

• 1-FP = Flexible Presentation

Grades 7–8 Mathematics

• 1-FR = Flexible Responding
• 1-FSC = Flexible Scheduling

Session 1
• 1-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 1-AD = Assistive Devices
For ELL students:
• 2-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 2-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 2-AHL = Assistance in Heritage Language
• 2-ADI = Approved Dictionary
4. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator until the beginning of Session 2.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 179

180 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual
Script for Administering Grades 7–8 Mathematics—Session 2

Script for Administering

Grades 7–8 Mathematics
Session 2
60 Minutes
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended time,
use of translation dictionary), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students
are to follow. It is important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
Scripts for students using paper-based accommodations (e.g., regular print) and computer-based
accommodations (e.g., masking, text-to-speech) can be found on the FSA Portal.
This test session lasts 60 minutes. Display starting and stopping times as instructed in the script.
During this test session, remember the following:

• Ensure that you have a Security Log, a form to collect required administration information, and a
seating chart for your room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
• Ensure that all students in your testing room have completed Session 1. If any students have not
completed Session 1, contact your school assessment coordinator.
• If a student starts a test session and leaves campus without finishing (e.g., due to an appointment,
illness), he or she will not be allowed to return to the test session. If you have concerns about
a student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact the school assessment
coordinator for instructions.
• Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the test during
breaks. Students should not discuss or exchange information about the test with anyone during
breaks. Students must not be given access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones,
tablets, smartwatches) during breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s)
during a break, that student’s test must be invalidated.
• For short breaks (e.g., restroom), it is recommended that visual blocks be applied to students’
computer screens or devices (e.g., monitors turned off, folders taped to screens) instead of pausing
students’ tests. If a student’s test is paused in TDS, the student must log back in and be approved in
the TA Interface before he or she can continue testing.
• If a student has difficulty logging in or is logged out of his or her test more than once, have
the student refrain from logging in until the issue is diagnosed and resolved.
• If a technical disruption occurs during testing, note the time of the disruption in order to provide
students the appropriate amount of remaining time once testing resumes.

Before Testing
Grades 7–8 Mathematics

1. Before students arrive, ensure that the testing room is prepared as described on pages 19–20.
Session 2

2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign and Session 2 sign are visible to all students and that the Do
Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Perforated signs are available in
Appendix D.)
3. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., charts displaying mathematical
concepts) and that any visual aids displayed in the testing room have been removed or covered.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 181

Script for Administering Grades 7–8 Mathematics—Session 2

4. Ensure that you understand your school assessment coordinator’s instructions regarding students
leaving the room for breaks and resuming testing. Your school assessment coordinator should also
instruct you on whether students testing in your room will take a short stretch break or an extended
break between Session 2 and Session 3. Contact your school assessment coordinator if you have
not already received instructions on how to handle the break between sessions.
5. Ensure that all software applications, including Internet browsers, are closed on all student computers
or devices before testing begins.
6. Launch the secure browser on student computers or devices prior to beginning the test session. When
the connection is established, the student Please Sign In screen is displayed as shown below. The
computer or device is now ready for the student to begin.

7. Ensure that you have received the correct test tickets from your school assessment coordinator for all
students who will test in your room. Do not distribute tickets until instructed to do so in the script.
8. Prior to testing, ensure that students have the following:
• A pen or pencil
• A new work folder (Students should not use the same work folders that they used in Session 1.)
• A handheld calculator with the allowable functionality only (Handheld calculators should be
provided only if your school is allowing their use.)
• Grade ___ FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet (Paper reference sheets should be provided only
if your school is providing copies for all students. Ensure that each student receives the same
reference sheet that he or she used during Session 1.)
9. When reading the following script, please note that optional words (e.g., information related to
calculators or reference sheets) are italicized and in parentheses and should be read to students only if

Create a Test Session

1. Go to the FSA Portal and click Administer the FSA.
2. Log in to the TA Interface with your username and password.
3. Select the test you will be administering and then click Start Operational Session.
4. Record the Session ID, which students will use to log in to the test. The Session ID should be
displayed where it is visible to all students and recorded with your required administration
information on your seating chart.
Note: As a security measure, test administrators are automatically logged out of the TA Interface after 90
Grades 7–8 Mathematics

minutes of test administrator and student inactivity. Do not create your session until immediately prior to
Session 2

SAY Today, you are going to take Session 2 of Grade ___ FSA Mathematics. Remove all materials
from your desk except your (Grade ___ FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet,) (calculator,) pen or
pencil, and your work folder.
You will have 60 minutes to complete this test session.

182 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 7–8 Mathematics—Session 2

SAY Write your first and last names and today’s date on your work folder. You may use your work
folder to work the problems. You may not use any other paper.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device you are using to
take the test (and your calculator), at your desk, in your pockets, or anywhere you can reach
them at any time during this test session, even if they are turned off or you do not use them.
Electronic and recording devices include but are not limited to cell phones, smartphones, tablets
not used for testing, smartwatches, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of recording,
storing, viewing, or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found with any electronic
or recording devices at any time during this test session, including breaks, your test will not
be scored. If you have any devices with you right now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices. At this
time, silence your own electronic device(s).
Ensure that the Session ID is displayed where all students can see it.

SAY Now, look at the login screen. If you do not see this screen, raise your hand.
If a computer or device is not opened to the Please Sign In screen, open the secure browser on that
computer or device.

SAY Please sit quietly while I distribute the test tickets. Do not begin typing until I tell you to start.
Distribute the test tickets.

SAY Look closely at your test ticket and make sure it has your correct name, date of birth, and ID
number on it.
Do not sign in before I instruct you to do so.
Raise your hand if you do not have the correct ticket.
If a student has the wrong ticket, give the student the correct ticket. If you do not have the correct ticket,
contact your school assessment coordinator.

SAY Now, log in by typing your First Name as it appears on your test ticket, your Username, and the
Session ID ____-_______-____. The Session ID is displayed for you. Click Sign In. Raise your
hand if you need assistance.
Pause and assist students with logging in as needed.

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Is This You?. Verify that the information is correct. If your
information is correct, select Yes to continue. If the information is not correct, then select No to
return to the login page and raise your hand.
Assist any students who raise their hands.
Grades 7–8 Mathematics

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Your Tests. Click the arrow to the left of Resume Grade ___
Session 2

FSA Mathematics to proceed.

Now, sit quietly while I approve your tests.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 183

Script for Administering Grades 7–8 Mathematics—Session 2

In the TA Interface, select the Approvals button to review the list of students ready to begin testing. You
may need to select Refresh to see all the students in your testing room on your list.
Once you ensure that all students have logged in correctly, approve students to test by selecting Approve
All Students. Read the information on the Important! pop-up window and select Yes.

SAY Now, you should see a screen that says Is This Your Test?. Verify that the screen displays the
correct test information, but do not click Yes, Start My Test until I tell you to do so.
This screen also allows you to choose the background color, mouse pointer, and print size for
your test. If you would like to change your selections, do so now. If you have any questions,
raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, have the student select No on the screen, log in again and make
adjustments to his or her accessibility settings, and then approve that studentʼs test again. Ensure that the
correct information displays for that student on the Is This Your Test? screen.

SAY Now, open your work folder to page 2 and look at the Testing Rules Acknowledgment. Please
listen as I read the testing rules. During this test, you must not:
• talk to other students or make any disturbance
• look at another student’s (reference sheet,) (calculator,) computer or device screen, or
work folder
• allow another student to look at your (reference sheet,) (calculator,) computer or device
screen, or work folder
• ask for help answering any test questions
• give help to another student in answering test questions
• have notes or scratch paper other than your (reference sheet or) work folder
• have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device on which you are testing
(and your calculator), in your possession at any time, including breaks, even if you do
not use them
• fail to follow any other instructions given
Because the content in all statewide assessments is secure, you may not discuss or reveal details
about the test items after the test. This includes any type of electronic communication, such as
texting, emailing, or posting online, for example, on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, or Instagram.
Are there any questions?
Answer all questions.

SAY Now, read silently as I read the Testing Rules Acknowledgment out loud.
I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these rules, my
test score may be invalidated.
Now, sign your name on the line next to Signature to indicate that you understand the testing rules.
Pause while students sign their names. If a student does not sign his or her name, contact your school
Grades 7–8 Mathematics

assessment coordinator.
Session 2

184 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 7–8 Mathematics—Session 2

In the following SAY box, be sure to say the correct number of items for the grade-level test you are

SAY Today you will complete Session 2, which contains items (For Grade 7 SAY: 23 through 44)
(For Grade 8 SAY: 23 through 44). Remember to read each item carefully and follow the
instructions to complete each item. Try to answer every question. If you aren’t sure how to
answer a question, flag it for review and keep going. After you have answered all the other
questions, go back and answer any questions you have skipped.
Now, click Yes, Start My Test, but do not select Begin Test Now until I instruct you to do so.
Take a moment to review the Test Instructions and Help. These instructions remind you how to
navigate from one item to the next, and how to use the tools and features of the testing platform.
Raise your hand if you have any questions as you review these instructions. Do not begin your
test at this time.
Pause to allow students a moment to review the instructions, and answer all student questions.
If your school provided paper copies of the Grade ___ FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet for
students to use,

SAY Now, look at your paper reference sheet. Make sure you have the reference sheet
with your name on it. Please raise your hand if there are problems with your
reference sheet.
This is considered a secure document and must be returned with your work
folder. You may also access the reference sheet in the Formulas window in the
Test Delivery System.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.

SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure you have
answered every question. Do not end your session until you are instructed to do so. After you
have checked your work, sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.

SAY If at any time you need to leave the room, raise your hand. Only one student may leave the
room at a time. You must turn in your (reference sheet,) (calculator,) work folder and test ticket
before you leave the room. While outside the testing room, you are not permitted to access any
electronic devices or discuss the test with anyone.
Remember, you have 60 minutes to complete this test session, and I will let you know when
Grades 7–8 Mathematics

there are 10 minutes left.

Now, click Begin Test Now and begin working.
Session 2

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 185

Script for Administering Grades 7–8 Mathematics—Session 2

Complete the following:

STARTING time: ___________
Add 50 minutes: +50 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder: ___________
Add 10 minutes: +10 minutes
STOPPING time: ___________

Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.

During testing, monitor student progress by viewing the Student Status column in the TA Interface. This
page automatically refreshes every 60 seconds. When the page refreshes, students’ statuses are updated. If
students have technical issues, contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator
for assistance immediately. Your attention should not be diverted from students at any time during the test
Although it is your responsibility to ensure that students are working independently, you are prohibited
from reading test content before, during, and after the test.
Do not use cell phones, classroom phones, computers, or other devices (except to monitor student
progress or to contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator in case of a technical
issue or emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your full attention should be on students at
all times.
After 50 minutes from the STARTING time,

SAY You have 10 minutes to complete Session 2.

After 10 more minutes,

SAY Stop. Ensure that you are on the review screen.

Based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator, students will either take a short stretch
break prior to beginning Session 3 or they will take an extended break (e.g., for lunch) between sessions.
Read the appropriate instructions below and on the following page based on whether the students
in your room will take a short break or an extended break.
If students will take a short break:

SAY Click Go to Session 3 and click Yes on the pop-up window.

Now, take a short stretch break before I approve your tests to begin Session 3.
You may stand and stretch, but do not talk to one another.
Verify that all students end the session correctly. Students should see a “Waiting for Session
Grades 7–8 Mathematics

Approval” message on their screens. Provide students with a short stretch break before
Session 3. You are responsible for maintaining the security of the test during the break
between sessions.
Session 2

Now turn to page 189 for the Grades 7–8 FSA Mathematics script for students who are
returning from a short break to begin Session 3.

186 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 7–8 Mathematics—Session 2

If students will take an extended break:

SAY Pause your test by clicking the Pause button. I will collect your (reference
sheet,) (calculator,) work folder and test ticket.
Students will be returned to the login screen once they pause their tests. Collect (reference
sheets, calculators,) work folders and test tickets.
Once all students have paused their tests, end Session 2 by clicking STOP in the TA Interface.
This will pause any remaining tests. Then log out of the TA Interface by clicking Logout in
the upper right corner of the screen.
Provide students with an extended break before Session 3 based on instructions from your school
assessment coordinator. You are responsible for maintaining the security of the test during the break
between sessions. All test materials should be collected, verified, and placed in locked storage until
testing resumes.
Complete the following:

1. Ensure that you have all (reference sheets, calculators,) work folders and test tickets and that your
record of required administration information and seating chart are accurate and complete.
2. Report any test irregularities or security breaches to your school assessment coordinator immediately.
3. Place all test materials in locked storage until the beginning of Session 3.
Turn to page 195 for the Grades 7–8 FSA Mathematics script for students who are returning from an
extended break when you are ready to begin Session 3.

Grades 7–8 Mathematics

Session 2

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 187

188 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual
Script for Administering Grades 7–8 Mathematics—Session 3 (Short Break)

Grades 7–8 Mathematics

Script for Administering

(Short Break)
Session 3
Grades 7–8 Mathematics
Session 3
(Following a Short Break)
60 Minutes
This script should be used to administer Session 3 of Grades 7–8 FSA Mathematics to students who
have returned from a short stretch break after completing Session 2. If you are testing students who
are returning from an extended break, follow the script beginning on page 195.
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended time,
use of translation dictionary), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students
are to follow. It is important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
Scripts for students using paper-based accommodations (e.g., regular print) and computer-based
accommodations (e.g., masking, text-to-speech) can be found on the FSA Portal.
This test session lasts 60 minutes. Display starting and stopping times as instructed in the script.
During this test session, remember the following:

• Ensure that you have a Security Log, a form to collect required administration information, and a
seating chart for your room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
• Ensure that all students in your testing room have completed Sessions 1 and 2. If any students have
not completed Sessions 1 and 2, contact your school assessment coordinator.
• If a student starts a test session and leaves campus without finishing (e.g., due to an appointment,
illness), he or she will not be allowed to return to the test session. If you have concerns about
a student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact the school assessment
coordinator for instructions.
• Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the test during
breaks. Students should not discuss or exchange information about the test with anyone during
breaks. Students must not be given access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones,
tablets, smartwatches) during breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s)
during a break, that student’s test must be invalidated.
• For short breaks (e.g., restroom), it is recommended that visual blocks be applied to students’
computer screens or devices (e.g., monitors turned off, folders taped to screens) instead of pausing
students’ tests. If a student’s test is paused in TDS, the student must log back in and be approved in
the TA Interface before he or she can continue testing.
• If a student has difficulty logging in or is logged out of his or her test more than once, have
the student refrain from logging in until the issue is diagnosed and resolved.
• If a technical disruption occurs during testing, note the time of the disruption in order to provide
students the appropriate amount of remaining time once testing resumes.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 189

Script for Administering Grades 7–8 Mathematics—Session 3 (Short Break)
Grades 7–8 Mathematics

Before Testing
(Short Break)
Session 3

1. Ensure that the testing room is prepared as described on pages 19–20.

2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign and Session 3 sign are visible to all students and that the Do Not
Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Perforated signs are available in Appendix D.)
3. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., charts displaying mathematical
concepts) and that any visual aids displayed in the testing room have been removed or covered.
4. Ensure that you understand your school assessment coordinator’s instructions regarding students
leaving the room for breaks and resuming testing.
5. Prior to resuming testing, ensure that students have the following:
• A pen or pencil
• A work folder (Students will use the same work folders for Session 2 and Session 3.)
• A handheld calculator with the allowable functionality only (Handheld calculators should be
provided only if your school is allowing their use.)
• Grade ___ FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet (Paper reference sheets should be provided only
if your school is providing copies for all students. Ensure that each student receives the same
reference sheet that he or she used during Sessions 1 and 2.)
6. When reading the following script, please note that optional words (e.g., information related to
calculators or reference sheets) are italicized and in parentheses and should be read to students only if
When the short break between Session 2 and Session 3 is over, instruct students to return to their seats.
Once they have done so,

SAY Now, you are going to take Session 3 of Grade ___ FSA Mathematics. The only materials on
your desk should be your (Grade ___ FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet,) (calculator,) pen or
pencil, test ticket, and your work folder.
You will have 60 minutes to complete this test session.
Remember that you may use your work folder to work the problems. You may not use any other
paper. I will collect your work folder at the end of this test session. (If you feel like you will
run out of space to work in your work folder, raise your hand and I will provide you with an
additional work folder.)
(You may also reference your Grade ___ FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet at any time during
this test session. I will collect your reference sheet with your work folder at the end of this test
Remember that you may not have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device you
are using to take the test (and your calculator), at your desk, in your pockets, or anywhere you
can reach them at any time during this test session, even if they are turned off or you do not use
them. Electronic and recording devices include but are not limited to cell phones, smartphones,
tablets not used for testing, smartwatches, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of
recording, storing, viewing, or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found with any
electronic or recording devices at any time during this test session, including breaks, your
test will not be scored.

190 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 7–8 Mathematics—Session 3 (Short Break)

Grades 7–8 Mathematics

SAY Now, open your work folder to page 2 and look at the Testing Rules Acknowledgment that you

(Short Break)
signed before taking Session 2. The testing rules that I read to you during Session 2 still apply

Session 3
for Session 3.
Session 3 contains items (For Grade 7 SAY: 45 through 66) (For Grade 8 SAY: 45 through 66).
Remember to read each item carefully and follow the instructions to complete each item. Try to
answer every question. If you aren’t sure how to answer a question, flag it for review and keep
going. After you have answered all the other questions, go back and answer any questions you
have skipped.
If you have any questions, raise your hand.
Answer all questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make
sure you have answered every question. Do not click End Test until you are
instructed to do so at the end of the session today. After you have checked your
work, sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure
you have answered every question. After you have checked your work, click
End Test and raise your hand. I will collect your (reference sheet,) (calculator,)
work folder and test ticket. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure
you have answered every question. After you have checked your work, click
End Test and raise your hand. I will collect your (reference sheet,) (calculator,)
work folder and test ticket. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended. You may read, but you may not write or use your testing
computer or device.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.

SAY If at any time you need to leave the room, raise your hand. Only one student may leave the
room at a time. You must turn in your (reference sheet,) (calculator,) work folder and test ticket
before you leave the room. While outside the testing room, you are not permitted to access any
electronic devices or discuss the test with anyone.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 191

Script for Administering Grades 7–8 Mathematics—Session 3 (Short Break)
Grades 7–8 Mathematics

SAY Remember, you have 60 minutes to complete this test session, and I will let you know when
(Short Break)

there are 10 minutes left.

Session 3

Now, sit quietly while I approve your tests.

Students who correctly exited Session 2 will appear in the Test Administrator (TA) Interface awaiting
Exit Session approval. To approve students to move in to Session 3, select the Approvals button in the TA
Interface to review the list of students ready to begin testing. You may need to select Refresh to see all
the students in your testing room on your list.
If students clicked Pause instead of Go to Session 3 at the end of Session 2, you will need to instruct
those students to log in to the test again. See the script for administering Session 3 after an extended break
beginning on page 195 for instructions on how to log in students who clicked Pause at the end of Session 2
in to Session 3.
Once you ensure that all students are awaiting approval, approve the students to test by selecting Approve
All Students. Read the information on the Important! pop-up window and select Yes.

SAY You may now begin working.

Complete the following:
STARTING time: ___________
Add 50 minutes: +50 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder: ___________
Add 10 minutes: +10 minutes
STOPPING time: ___________

Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.

During testing, monitor student progress by viewing the Student Status column in the TA Interface. This
page automatically refreshes every 60 seconds. When the page refreshes, students’ statuses are updated. If
students have technical issues, contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator
for assistance immediately. Your attention should not be diverted from students at any time during the test
Although it is your responsibility to ensure that students are working independently, you are prohibited
from reading test content before, during, and after the test.
Do not use cell phones, classroom phones, computers, or other devices (except to monitor student
progress or to contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator in case of a technical
issue or emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your full attention should be on students at
all times.
After 50 minutes from the STARTING time,

SAY You have 10 minutes to complete Session 3.

192 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 7–8 Mathematics—Session 3 (Short Break)

Grades 7–8 Mathematics

After 10 more minutes,

(Short Break)
Session 3
SAY Stop. Make sure you are on the Review Screen. Click End Test. A pop-up message will appear.
If the pop-up message says, “Are you sure you want to pause the test?,” click No and return to
the Review Screen, then click End Test. If the pop-up message says, “You have reached the end
of the test.,” click Yes. (Pause.)
Click Submit Test. A Warning message will appear. Click Yes on this message. (Pause.)
On the Test Completed screen, click Log Out. You will be taken to the Please Sign In screen. I
will collect your (reference sheet,) (calculator,) work folder and test ticket.
Students will be returned to the login screen once they submit their tests. Collect (reference sheets,
calculators,) work folders and test tickets.
Once all students have submitted their tests, end the test session by clicking STOP in the TA Interface.
This will pause any remaining tests, so only select STOP after all students have submitted their tests.
Then log out of the TA Interface by clicking Logout in the upper right corner of the screen.
Complete the following steps:

1. Ensure that you have all (reference sheets, calculators,) work folders and test tickets and that your
record of required administration information and seating chart are accurate and complete.
2. Report any test irregularities or security breaches to your school assessment coordinator immediately.
3. Record the accommodations provided to students and the accommodations used by students on your
record of required administration information. Use the following accommodations codes to record
this information:

For ESE/504 students:

• 1-FP = Flexible Presentation
• 1-FR = Flexible Responding
• 1-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 1-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 1-AD = Assistive Devices
For ELL students:
• 2-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 2-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 2-AHL = Assistance in Heritage Language
• 2-ADI = Approved Dictionary

4. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator as described on page 235.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 193

194 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual
Script for Administering Grades 7–8 Mathematics—Session 3 (Extended Break)

Script for Administering

Grades 7–8 Mathematics
Session 3
(Following an Extended Break)
60 Minutes

Grades 7–8 Mathematics

This script should be used to administer Session 3 of Grades 7–8 FSA Mathematics to students who

(Extended Break)
have returned from an extended break after completing Session 2. If you are testing students who are
returning from a short break, follow the script beginning on page 189.

Session 3
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended time,
use of translation dictionary), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students
are to follow. It is important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
Scripts for students using paper-based accommodations (e.g., regular print) and computer-based
accommodations (e.g., masking, text-to-speech) can be found on the FSA Portal.
This test session lasts 60 minutes. Display starting and stopping times as instructed in the script.
During this test session, remember the following:

• Ensure that you have a Security Log, a form to collect required administration information, and a
seating chart for your room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
• Ensure that all students in your testing room have completed Sessions 1 and 2. If any students have
not completed Sessions 1 and 2, contact your school assessment coordinator.
• If a student starts a test session and leaves campus without finishing (e.g., due to an appointment,
illness), he or she will not be allowed to return to the test session. If you have concerns about
a student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact the school assessment
coordinator for instructions.
• Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the test during
breaks. Students should not discuss or exchange information about the test with anyone during
breaks. Students must not be given access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones,
tablets, smartwatches) during breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s)
during a break, that student’s test must be invalidated.
• For short breaks (e.g., restroom), it is recommended that visual blocks be applied to students’
computer screens or devices (e.g., monitors turned off, folders taped to screens) instead of pausing
students’ tests. If a student’s test is paused in TDS, the student must log back in and be approved in
the TA Interface before he or she can continue testing.
• If a student has difficulty logging in or is logged out of his or her test more than once, have
the student refrain from logging in until the issue is diagnosed and resolved.
• If a technical disruption occurs during testing, note the time of the disruption in order to provide
students the appropriate amount of remaining time once testing resumes.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 195

Script for Administering Grades 7–8 Mathematics—Session 3 (Extended Break)

Before Testing
1. Before students return from their extended break after completing Session 2, ensure that the testing
room is prepared as described on pages 19–20.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign and Session 3 sign are visible to all students and that the Do Not
Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Perforated signs are available in Appendix D.)
3. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., charts displaying mathematical
concepts) and that any visual aids displayed in the testing room have been removed or covered.
4. Ensure that you understand your school assessment coordinator’s instructions regarding students
Grades 7–8 Mathematics

leaving the room for breaks and resuming testing.

(Extended Break)

5. Ensure that all software applications, including Internet browsers, are closed on all student computers
Session 3

or devices before testing begins.

6. Launch the secure browser on student computers or devices prior to beginning the test session. When
the connection is established, the student Please Sign In screen is displayed as shown below. The
computer or device is now ready for the student to begin.

7. Collect all test materials from locked storage.

8. Ensure that you have the correct test tickets for all students who will test in your room. Do not
distribute tickets until instructed to do so in the script.
9. Prior to testing, ensure that students have the following:
• A pen or pencil
• A work folder (Students will use the same work folders for Session 2 and Session 3.)
• A handheld calculator with the allowable functionality only (Handheld calculators should be
provided only if your school is allowing their use.)
• Grade ___ FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet (Paper reference sheets should be provided only
if your school is providing copies for all students. Ensure that each student receives the same
reference sheet that he or she used during Sessions 1 and 2.)
10. When reading the following script, please note that optional words (e.g., information related to calculators
or reference sheets) are italicized and in parentheses and should be read to students only if applicable.

Create a Test Session

1. Go to the FSA Portal and click Administer the FSA.
2. Log in to the TA Interface with your username and password.
3. Select the test you will be administering and then click Start Operational Session.
4. Record the Session ID, which students will use to log in to the test. The Session ID should be
displayed where it is visible to all students and recorded with your required administration
information on your seating chart.

196 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 7–8 Mathematics—Session 3 (Extended Break)

Note: As a security measure, test administrators are automatically logged out of the TA Interface after 90
minutes of test administrator and student inactivity. Do not create your session until immediately prior to

SAY Now, you are going to take Session 3 of Grade ___ FSA Mathematics. Remove all materials
from your desk except your (Grade ___ FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet,) (calculator,) pen or
pencil, and your work folder.
You will have 60 minutes to complete this test session.
Remember that you may use your work folder to work the problems. You may not use any other

Grades 7–8 Mathematics

paper. I will collect your work folder at the end of this test session. (If you feel like you will

(Extended Break)
run out of space to work in your work folder, raise your hand and I will provide you with an
additional work folder.)

Session 3
(You may also reference your Grade ___ FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet at any time during
this test session. I will collect your reference sheet with your work folder at the end of this test
Remember that you may not have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device you
are using to take the test (and your calculator), at your desk, in your pockets, or anywhere you
can reach them at any time during this test session, even if they are turned off or you do not use
them. Electronic and recording devices include but are not limited to cell phones, smartphones,
tablets not used for testing, smartwatches, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of
recording, storing, viewing, or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found with any
electronic or recording devices at any time during this test session, including breaks, your
test will not be scored. If you have any devices with you right now, please turn them off and
raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices. At this
time, silence your own electronic device(s).

SAY Now, open your work folder to page 2 and look at the Testing Rules Acknowledgment that you
signed before taking Session 2. The testing rules that I read to you during Session 2 still apply
for Session 3.
Session 3 contains items (For Grade 7 SAY: 45 through 66) (For Grade 8 SAY: 45 through 66).
Remember to read each item carefully and follow the instructions to complete each item. Try to
answer every question. If you aren’t sure how to answer a question, flag it for review and keep
going. After you have answered all the other questions, go back and answer any questions you
have skipped.
If you have any questions, raise your hand.
Answer all questions.
Ensure that the Session ID is displayed where all students can see it.

SAY Now, look at the login screen. If you do not see this screen, raise your hand.
If a computer or device is not opened to the Please Sign In screen, open the secure browser on that
computer or device.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 197

Script for Administering Grades 7–8 Mathematics—Session 3 (Extended Break)

SAY Please sit quietly while I distribute the test tickets. Do not begin typing until I tell you to start.
Distribute the test tickets.

SAY Look closely at your test ticket and make sure it has your correct name, date of birth, and ID
number on it.
Do not sign in before I instruct you to do so.
Raise your hand if you do not have the correct test ticket.
Grades 7–8 Mathematics

If a student has the wrong ticket, give the student the correct ticket. If you do not have the correct ticket,
contact your school assessment coordinator.
(Extended Break)
Session 3

SAY Now, log in by typing your First Name as it appears on your test ticket, your Username, and the
Session ID ____-_______-____. The Session ID is displayed for you. Click Sign In. Raise your
hand if you need assistance.
Assist any students with logging in as needed.

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Is This You?. Verify that the information is correct. If your
information is correct, select Yes to continue. If the information is not correct, then select No to
return to the login page and raise your hand.
Assist any students who raise their hands.

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Your Tests. Click the arrow to the left of Resume Grade ___
FSA Mathematics to proceed.
Now, sit quietly while I approve your tests.
In the TA Interface, select the Approvals button to review the list of students ready to begin testing. You
may need to select Refresh to see all the students in your testing room on your list.
Once you ensure that all students have logged in correctly, approve students to test by selecting Approve
All Students. Read the information on the Important! pop-up window and select Yes.

SAY Now, you should see a screen that says Is This Your Test?. Verify that the screen displays the
correct test information, but do not click Yes, Start My Test until I tell you to do so.
This screen also allows you to choose the background color, mouse pointer, and print size for
your test. If you would like to change your selections, do so now. If you have any questions,
raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, have the student select No on the screen, log in again and make
adjustments to his or her accessibility settings, and then approve that studentʼs test again. Ensure that the
correct information displays for that student on the Is This Your Test? screen.

SAY Now, click Yes, Start My Test. If you choose, you may take a moment to review the Test
Instructions and Help screen.
Pause to allow students a moment to review the instructions, and answer all student questions.

198 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 7–8 Mathematics—Session 3 (Extended Break)

Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.

Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make
sure you have answered every question. Do not click End Test until you are
instructed to do so at the end of the session today. After you have checked your
work, sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.

Grades 7–8 Mathematics

(Extended Break)
Option B

Session 3
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure
you have answered every question. After you have checked your work, click
End Test and raise your hand. I will collect your (reference sheet,) (calculator,)
work folder and test ticket. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure
you have answered every question. After you have checked your work, click
End Test and raise your hand. I will collect your (reference sheet,) (calculator,)
work folder and test ticket. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended. You may read, but you may not write or use your testing
computer or device.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.

SAY If at any time you need to leave the room, raise your hand. Only one student may leave the
room at a time. You must turn in your (reference sheet,) (calculator,) work folder and test ticket
before you leave the room. While outside the testing room, you are not permitted to access any
electronic devices or discuss the test with anyone.
Remember, you have 60 minutes to complete this test session, and I will let you know when
there are 10 minutes left.
Now, click Begin Test Now and navigate to the Review screen if you are not already on that
screen. Click Go to Session 3 and then click Yes on the pop-up window.
Now, sit quietly while I approve your tests.
Students who correctly exited Session 2 will appear in the TA Interface awaiting Exit Session approval.
To approve students to move in to Session 3, select the Approvals button in the TA Interface to review
the list of students ready to begin testing. You may need to select Refresh to see all the students in your
testing room on your list.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 199

Script for Administering Grades 7–8 Mathematics—Session 3 (Extended Break)

Once you ensure that all students are awaiting approval, approve the students to test by selecting Approve
All Students. Read the information on the Important! pop-up window and select Yes.

SAY You may now begin working.

Complete the following:
STARTING time: ___________
Add 50 minutes: +50 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder: ___________
Grades 7–8 Mathematics

Add 10 minutes: +10 minutes

(Extended Break)

STOPPING time: ___________

Session 3

Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.

During testing, monitor student progress by viewing the Student Status column in the TA Interface. This
page automatically refreshes every 60 seconds. When the page refreshes, students’ statuses are updated. If
students have technical issues, contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator
for assistance immediately. Your attention should not be diverted from students at any time during the test
Although it is your responsibility to ensure that students are working independently, you are prohibited
from reading test content before, during, and after the test.
Do not use cell phones, classroom phones, computers, or other devices (except to monitor student
progress or to contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator in case of a technical
issue or emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your full attention should be on students at
all times.
After 50 minutes from the STARTING time,

SAY You have 10 minutes to complete Session 3.

After 10 more minutes,

SAY Stop. Make sure you are on the Review Screen. Click End Test. A pop-up message will appear.
If the pop-up message says, “Are you sure you want to pause the test?,” click No and return to
the Review Screen, then click End Test. If the pop-up message says, “You have reached the end
of the test.,” click Yes. (Pause.)
Click Submit Test. A Warning message will appear. Click Yes on this message. (Pause.)
On the Test Completed screen, click Log Out. You will be taken to the Please Sign In screen. I
will collect your (reference sheet,) (calculator,) work folder and test ticket.
Students will be returned to the login screen once they submit their tests. Collect (reference sheets,
calculators,) work folders and test tickets.
Once all students have submitted their tests, end the test session by clicking STOP in the TA Interface.
This will pause any remaining tests, so only select STOP after all students have submitted their tests.
Then log out of the TA Interface by clicking Logout in the upper right corner of the screen.

200 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering Grades 7–8 Mathematics—Session 3 (Extended Break)

Complete the following steps:

1. Ensure that you have all (reference sheets, calculators,) work folders and test tickets and that your
record of required administration information and seating chart are accurate and complete.
2. Report any test irregularities or security breaches to your school assessment coordinator immediately.
3. Record the accommodations provided to students and the accommodations used by students on your
record of required administration information. Use the following accommodations codes to record
this information:

For ESE/504 students:

Grades 7–8 Mathematics

(Extended Break)
• 1-FP = Flexible Presentation
• 1-FR = Flexible Responding

Session 3
• 1-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 1-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 1-AD = Assistive Devices
For ELL students:
• 2-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 2-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 2-AHL = Assistance in Heritage Language
• 2-ADI = Approved Dictionary

4. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator as described on page 235.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 201

202 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual
Script for Administering the Algebra 1/Algebra 1 Retake End-of-Course Assessment—Session 1

Script for Administering the

Algebra 1 EOC/Algebra 1 Retake EOC
Session 1
90+ Minutes
Calculators are not permitted during this test session. Do not distribute calculators until the beginning
of Session 2.
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended time,
use of translation dictionary), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students
are to follow. It is important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
Scripts for students using paper-based accommodations (e.g., regular print) and computer-based
accommodations (e.g., masking, text-to-speech) can be found on the FSA Portal.

Algebra 1/Algebra 1 Retake

This test session lasts 90 minutes, and students will take a short stretch break after 45 minutes of
testing. Students who need additional time after 90 minutes may continue working up to half of a

EOC Assessment
typical school day. Ensure that you have the correct stopping time for students who use additional

Session 1
time, and display the stopping time as instructed in the script.
During this test session, remember the following:

• Ensure that you have a Security Log, a form to collect required administration information, and a
seating chart for your room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
• Ensure that all students in your testing room have participated in a practice test. If any students
have not completed a practice test, contact your school assessment coordinator.
• If a student starts a test session and leaves campus without finishing (e.g., due to an appointment,
illness), he or she will not be allowed to return to the test session. If you have concerns about
a student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact the school assessment
coordinator for instructions.
• Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the test during
breaks. Students should not discuss or exchange information about the test with anyone during
breaks. Students must not be given access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones,
tablets, smartwatches) during breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s)
during a break, that student’s test must be invalidated.
• For short breaks (e.g., restroom), it is recommended that visual blocks be applied to students’
computer screens or devices (e.g., monitors turned off, folders taped to screens) instead of pausing
students’ tests. If a student’s test is paused in TDS, the student must log back in and be approved in
the TA Interface before he or she can continue testing.
• If a student has difficulty logging in or is logged out of his or her test more than once, have
the student refrain from logging in until the issue is diagnosed and resolved.
• If a technical disruption occurs during testing, note the time of the disruption in order to provide
students the appropriate amount of remaining time once testing resumes.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 203

Script for Administering the Algebra 1/Algebra 1 Retake End-of-Course Assessment—Session 1

Before Testing
1. Before students arrive, ensure that the testing room is prepared as described on pages 19–20.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign, No Calculators sign, and Session 1 sign are visible to all
students and that the Do Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Perforated
signs are available in Appendix D.)
3. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., charts displaying mathematical
concepts) and that any visual aids displayed in the testing room have been removed or covered.
4. Ensure that you understand your school assessment coordinator’s instructions regarding students leaving
the room for breaks, resuming testing, and the length of time students should be permitted to test for
this session. Display the stopping time for this session where it is visible to all students. Contact your
school assessment coordinator if you have not already received timing information for Session 1.
5. Ensure that all software applications, including Internet browsers, are closed on all student computers
or devices before testing begins.
6. Launch the secure browser on student computers or devices prior to beginning the test session. When
the connection is established, the student Please Sign In screen is displayed as shown below. The
computer or device is now ready for the student to begin.
Algebra 1/Algebra 1 Retake
EOC Assessment
Session 1

7. Ensure that you have received the correct test tickets from your school assessment coordinator for all
students who will test in your room. Do not distribute tickets until instructed to do so in the script.
8. Prior to testing, ensure that students have the following:
• A pen or pencil
• A work folder
• Algebra 1 EOC FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet (Paper reference sheets should be provided
only if your school is providing copies for all students.)
9. When reading the following script, please note that optional words (e.g., information related to
reference sheets) are italicized and in parentheses and should be read to students only if applicable.

Create a Test Session

1. Go to the FSA Portal and click Administer the FSA.
2. Log in to the TA Interface with your username and password.
3. Select FSA Algebra 1 EOC/Algebra 1 Retake EOC and then click Start Operational Session.
4. Record the Session ID, which students will use to log in to the test. The Session ID should be
displayed where it is visible to all students and recorded with your required administration
information on your seating chart.
Note: As a security measure, test administrators are automatically logged out of the TA Interface after 90
minutes of test administrator and student inactivity. Do not create your session until immediately prior to

204 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering the Algebra 1/Algebra 1 Retake End-of-Course Assessment—Session 1

SAY Today, you are going to take Session 1 of the FSA Algebra 1 EOC (Algebra 1 Retake
EOC) Assessment. Remove all materials from your desk except your (Algebra 1 EOC FSA
Mathematics Reference Sheet,) pen or pencil, and your work folder.
You will have 90 minutes to complete this test session, and we will take a short stretch
break after 45 minutes. After 90 minutes, you will be permitted to continue working if you
need additional time.
Write your first and last names and today’s date on your work folder. You may use your work
folder to work the problems. You may not use any other paper. I will collect your work folder at
the end of this test session.
Calculators are not allowed during this test session. If you have a calculator, raise your hand and
I will collect it. (Pause.)
You may not have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device you are using to
take the test, at your desk, in your pockets, or anywhere you can reach them at any time during
this test session, even if they are turned off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording
devices include but are not limited to cell phones, smartphones, tablets not used for testing,
smartwatches, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of recording, storing, viewing,
or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found with any electronic or recording
devices at any time during this test session, including breaks, your test will not be scored.

Algebra 1/Algebra 1 Retake

If you have any devices with you right now, please turn them off and raise your hand.

EOC Assessment
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices. At this

Session 1
time, silence your own electronic device(s).
Ensure that the Session ID is displayed where all students can see it.

SAY Now, look at the login screen. If you do not see this screen, raise your hand.
If a computer or device is not opened to the Please Sign In screen, open the secure browser on that
computer or device.

SAY Please sit quietly while I distribute the test tickets. Do not begin typing until I tell you to start.
Distribute the test tickets.

SAY Look closely at your test ticket and make sure it has your correct name, date of birth, and ID
number on it.
Do not sign in before I instruct you to do so.
Raise your hand if you do not have the correct ticket.
If a student has the wrong ticket, give the student the correct ticket. If you do not have the correct ticket,
contact your school assessment coordinator.
If the First Name, Last Name, or ID Number for the student is incorrect, the student cannot use
the ticket and you should contact your school assessment coordinator. If the Date of Birth is the only
incorrect field on the ticket, the student may test with that ticket, and updates to the Date of Birth can be
made after testing.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 205

Script for Administering the Algebra 1/Algebra 1 Retake End-of-Course Assessment—Session 1

SAY Now, log in by typing your First Name as it appears on your test ticket, your Username, and the
Session ID ____-_______-____. The Session ID is displayed for you. Click Sign In. Raise your
hand if you need assistance.
Pause and assist students with logging in as needed.

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Is This You?. Verify that the information is correct. If your
information is correct, select Yes to continue. If the information is not correct, then select No to
return to the login page and raise your hand.
Assist any students who raise their hands.

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Your Tests. Click the arrow to the left of Start FSA
Algebra 1 EOC (Algebra 1 Retake EOC) to proceed.
Now, sit quietly while I approve your tests.
In the TA Interface, select the Approvals button to review the list of students ready to begin testing. You may
need to select Refresh to see all the students in your testing room on your list.
Review test settings: To view a student’s online test settings or accommodations, click the corresponding
Test Settings icon [ ]. Test settings and/or accommodations for individual students are displayed. If changes
Algebra 1/Algebra 1 Retake

are required, contact your school assessment coordinator who will update the student’s test settings in TIDE.
EOC Assessment

Once you ensure that all students have logged in correctly, approve students to test by selecting Approve
All Students. Read the information on the Important! pop-up window and select Yes.
Session 1

SAY Now, you should see a screen that says Is This Your Test?. Verify that the screen displays the
correct test information, but do not click Yes, Start My Test until I tell you to do so.
This screen also allows you to choose the background color, mouse pointer, and print size for
your test. If you would like to change your selections, do so now. If you have any questions,
raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, have the student select No on the screen, log in again and make
adjustments to his or her accessibility settings, and then approve that studentʼs test again. Ensure that the
correct information displays for that student on the Is This Your Test? screen.

SAY Now, open your work folder to page 2 and look at the Testing Rules Acknowledgment. Please
listen as I read the testing rules. During this test, you must not:
• talk to other students or make any disturbance
• look at another student’s (reference sheet,) computer or device screen, or work folder
• allow another student to look at your (reference sheet,) computer or device screen, or
work folder
• ask for help answering any test questions
• give help to another student in answering test questions
• have notes or scratch paper other than your (reference sheet or) work folder
• have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device on which you are testing,
in your possession at any time, including breaks, even if you do not use them
• fail to follow any other instructions given

206 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering the Algebra 1/Algebra 1 Retake End-of-Course Assessment—Session 1

SAY Because the content in all statewide assessments is secure, you may not discuss or reveal details
about the test items after the test. This includes any type of electronic communication, such as
texting, emailing, or posting online, for example, on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, or Instagram.
Are there any questions?
Answer all questions.

SAY Now, read silently as I read the Testing Rules Acknowledgment out loud.
I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these rules, my
test score may be invalidated.
Now, sign your name on the line next to Signature to indicate that you understand the testing rules.
Pause while students sign their names. If a student does not sign his or her name, contact your school
assessment coordinator.

SAY Today you will complete Session 1, which contains items 1 through 34. Remember to read each
item carefully and follow the instructions to complete each item. Try to answer every question.
If you aren’t sure how to answer a question, flag it for review and keep going. After you have
answered all the other questions, go back and answer any questions you have skipped.

Algebra 1/Algebra 1 Retake

Now, click Yes, Start My Test, but do not select Begin Test Now until I instruct you to do so.

EOC Assessment
Take a moment to review the Test Instructions and Help. These instructions remind you how to

Session 1
navigate from one item to the next, and how to use the tools and features of the testing platform.
Raise your hand if you have any questions as you review these instructions. Do not begin your
test at this time.
Pause to allow students a moment to review the instructions, and answer all student questions.
If your school provided paper copies of the Algebra 1 EOC FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet for
students to use,

SAY Now, look at the top of your paper reference sheet. It should say Algebra 1 EOC
FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet. Examine the page carefully to ensure that
content near the edge of the reference sheet has not been cut off. Please raise
your hand if there are problems with your reference sheet.
Pause, then collect any defective reference sheets and return them to the school assessment
coordinator. Distribute new reference sheets to these students and instruct them to check the
sheets carefully.

SAY Write your first and last names in the upper right corner of the reference sheet
now. (Pause.)
This is considered a secure document and must be returned with your work
folder. You may also access the reference sheet in the Formulas window in the
Test Delivery System.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 207

Script for Administering the Algebra 1/Algebra 1 Retake End-of-Course Assessment—Session 1

Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.

Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make
sure you have answered every question. Do not click End Session until you are
instructed to do so at the end of the session today. After you have checked your
work, sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.

Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure
you have answered every question. After you have checked your work, click End
Session on the review screen and raise your hand. I will collect your (reference
sheet,) work folder and test ticket. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that
this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Algebra 1/Algebra 1 Retake

EOC Assessment

Option C
Session 1

SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure
you have answered every question. After you have checked your work, click End
Session on the review screen and raise your hand. I will collect your (reference
sheet,) work folder and test ticket. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that
this session has ended. You may read, but you may not write or use your testing
computer or device.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.

SAY If at any time you need to leave the room, raise your hand. Only one student may leave the room
at a time. You must turn in your (reference sheet,) work folder and test ticket before you leave
the room. While outside the testing room, you are not permitted to access any electronic devices
or discuss the test with anyone.
You have 90 minutes to complete this test session, and we will take a short stretch break after
45 minutes. After 90 minutes, you will be permitted to continue working if you need additional
time. I will remind you when there are 10 minutes left in the 90-minute test session.
Now, click Begin Test Now and begin working.

208 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering the Algebra 1/Algebra 1 Retake End-of-Course Assessment—Session 1

Complete the following:

STARTING time: ___________
Add 45 minutes: +45 minutes
Time to call a break: ___________
Add 35 minutes: +35 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder: ___________
Add 10 minutes: +10 minutes
STOPPING time: ___________

Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.

During testing, monitor student progress by viewing the Student Status column in the TA Interface. This
page automatically refreshes every 60 seconds. When the page refreshes, students’ statuses are updated. If
students have technical issues, contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator for
assistance immediately. Your attention should not be diverted from students at any time during the test session.
Although it is your responsibility to ensure that students are working independently, you are prohibited

Algebra 1/Algebra 1 Retake

from reading test content before, during, and after the test.
Do not use cell phones, classroom phones, computers, or other devices (except to monitor student

EOC Assessment
progress or to contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator in case of a technical

Session 1
issue or emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your full attention should be on students at
all times.
After 45 minutes from the STARTING time,

SAY Stop. You may stand and stretch, but do not talk or look at another student’s (reference sheet,)
computer screen, device, or work folder.
After a short break,

SAY Now be seated. You still have 45 minutes to complete this session, and I’ll let you know when
you have 10 minutes left.
Make sure you are on the screen where you left off. You may now continue working.
After 35 minutes,

SAY There are 10 minutes left in the 90-minute test session.

After 10 more minutes,

SAY Stop. Raise your hand if you would like additional time to work. Please sit quietly and do not
continue working at this time.
If you have finished working, make sure that you are on the review screen and pause your test
by clicking End Session and then selecting Yes on the pop-up message. Raise your hand and I
will collect your (reference sheet,) work folder and test ticket.
Students will be returned to the login screen once they pause their tests. Collect (reference sheets,) work
folders and test tickets.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 209

Script for Administering the Algebra 1/Algebra 1 Retake End-of-Course Assessment—Session 1

Based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator, either dismiss students who have finished
or pause the test in the TA Interface and move students who require additional time to an alternate testing
location. If students are moved to a new location, create a new seating chart for that location, have students
log in, approve students to test in the TA Interface, and ensure that students using extra time are allowed the
correct amount of time to complete the test. Students may work for a total of half of a typical school day.
Display the new stopping time for students. Once students are ready to continue working,

SAY Now we will continue testing. You have until _____ to continue working, and I’ll let you know
when you have 10 minutes left.
At 10 minutes before the stopping time,

SAY You have 10 minutes to finish Session 1.

After 10 more minutes,

SAY Stop. Make sure that you are on the review screen and pause your test by clicking End Session
and then selecting Yes on the pop-up message. I will collect your (reference sheet,) work folder
and test ticket.
Students will be returned to the login screen once they pause their tests. Collect (reference sheets,) work
Algebra 1/Algebra 1 Retake

folders and test tickets.

Once all students have paused their tests, end the test session by clicking STOP in the TA Interface. This
EOC Assessment

will pause any remaining tests. Then log out of the TA Interface by clicking Logout in the upper right
Session 1

corner of the screen.

Complete the following steps:

1. Ensure that you have all (reference sheets,) work folders and test tickets and that your record of
required administration information and seating chart are accurate and complete.
2. Report any test irregularities or security breaches to your school assessment coordinator immediately.
3. Record the accommodations provided to students and the accommodations used by students on your
record of required administration information. Use the following accommodations codes to record
this information:

For ESE/504 students:

• 1-FP = Flexible Presentation
• 1-FR = Flexible Responding
• 1-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 1-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 1-AD = Assistive Devices
For ELL students:
• 2-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 2-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 2-AHL = Assistance in Heritage Language
• 2-ADI = Approved Dictionary
4. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator until the beginning of Session 2.

210 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering the Algebra 1/Algebra 1 Retake End-of-Course Assessment—Session 2

Script for Administering the

Algebra 1 EOC/Algebra 1 Retake EOC
Session 2
90+ Minutes
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended time,
use of translation dictionary), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students
are to follow. It is important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
Scripts for students using paper-based accommodations (e.g., regular print) and computer-based
accommodations (e.g., masking, text-to-speech) can be found on the FSA Portal.
This test session lasts 90 minutes, and students will take a short stretch break after 45 minutes of
testing. Students who need additional time after 90 minutes may continue working up to half of a
typical school day. Ensure that you have the correct stopping time for students who use additional
time, and display the stopping time as instructed in the script.
During this test session, remember the following:

• Ensure that you have a Security Log, a form to collect required administration information, and a
seating chart for your room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
• Ensure that all students in your testing room have completed Session 1. If any students have not
completed Session 1, contact your school assessment coordinator.
• If a student starts a test session and leaves campus without finishing (e.g., due to an appointment,
illness), he or she will not be allowed to return to the test session. If you have concerns about
a student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact the school assessment

Algebra 1/Algebra 1 Retake

coordinator for instructions.
• Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the test during

EOC Assessment
breaks. Students should not discuss or exchange information about the test with anyone during

Session 2
breaks. Students must not be given access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones,
tablets, smartwatches) during breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s)
during a break, that student’s test must be invalidated.
• For short breaks (e.g., restroom), it is recommended that visual blocks be applied to students’
computer screens or devices (e.g., monitors turned off, folders taped to screens) instead of pausing
students’ tests. If a student’s test is paused in TDS, the student must log back in and be approved in
the TA Interface before he or she can continue testing.
• If a student has difficulty logging in or is logged out of his or her test more than once, have
the student refrain from logging in until the issue is diagnosed and resolved.
• If a technical disruption occurs during testing, note the time of the disruption in order to provide
students the appropriate amount of remaining time once testing resumes.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 211

Script for Administering the Algebra 1/Algebra 1 Retake End-of-Course Assessment—Session 2

Before Testing
1. Before students arrive, ensure that the testing room is prepared as described on pages 19–20.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign and Session 2 sign are visible to all students and that the Do
Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Perforated signs are available in
Appendix D.)
3. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., charts displaying mathematical
concepts) and that any visual aids displayed in the testing room have been removed or covered.
4. Ensure that you understand your school assessment coordinator’s instructions regarding students leaving
the room for breaks, resuming testing, and the length of time students should be permitted to test for
this session. Display the stopping time for this session where it is visible to all students. Contact your
school assessment coordinator if you have not already received timing information for Session 2.
5. Ensure that all software applications, including Internet browsers, are closed on all student computers
or devices before testing begins.
6. Launch the secure browser on student computers or devices prior to beginning the test session. When
the connection is established, the student Please Sign In screen is displayed as shown below. The
computer or device is now ready for the student to begin.

7. Ensure that you have received the correct test tickets from your school assessment coordinator for all
students who will test in your room. Do not distribute tickets until instructed to do so in the script.
8. Prior to testing, ensure that students have the following:
• A pen or pencil
Algebra 1/Algebra 1 Retake

• A new work folder (Students should not use the same work folders that they used in Session 1.)
• A handheld calculator with the allowable functionality only (Handheld calculators should be
EOC Assessment

provided only if your school is allowing their use.)

Session 2

• Algebra 1 EOC FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet (Paper reference sheets should be provided
only if your school is providing copies for all students. Ensure that each student receives the same
reference sheet that he or she used during Session 1.)
9. When reading the following script, please note that optional words (e.g., information related to calculators
or reference sheets) are italicized and in parentheses and should be read to students only if applicable.

Create a Test Session

1. Go to the FSA Portal and click Administer the FSA.
2. Log in to the TA Interface with your username and password.
3. Select FSA Algebra 1 EOC/Algebra 1 Retake EOC and then click Start Operational Session.
4. Record the Session ID, which students will use to log in to the test. The Session ID should be
displayed where it is visible to all students and recorded with your required administration
information on your seating chart.

212 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering the Algebra 1/Algebra 1 Retake End-of-Course Assessment—Session 2

Note: As a security measure, test administrators are automatically logged out of the TA Interface after 90
minutes of test administrator and student inactivity. Do not create your session until immediately prior to

SAY Today, you are going to take Session 2 of the FSA Algebra 1 EOC (Algebra 1 Retake
EOC) Assessment. Remove all materials from your desk except your (Algebra 1 EOC FSA
Mathematics Reference Sheet,) (calculator,) pen or pencil, and your work folder.
You will have 90 minutes to complete this test session, and we will take a short stretch
break after 45 minutes. After 90 minutes, you will be permitted to continue working if you
need additional time.
Write your first and last names and today’s date on your work folder. Remember, you may use
your work folder to work the problems. You may not use any other paper. I will collect your
work folder at the end of this test session.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device you are using to
take the test (and your calculator), at your desk, in your pockets, or anywhere you can reach
them at any time during this test session, even if they are turned off or you do not use them.
Electronic and recording devices include but are not limited to cell phones, smartphones, tablets
not used for testing, smartwatches, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of recording,
storing, viewing, or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found with any electronic
or recording devices at any time during this test session, including breaks, your test will not
be scored. If you have any devices with you right now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices. At this
time, silence your own electronic device(s).
Ensure that the Session ID is displayed where all students can see it.

SAY Now, look at the login screen. If you do not see this screen, raise your hand.
If a computer or device is not opened to the Please Sign In screen, open the secure browser on that
computer or device.

Algebra 1/Algebra 1 Retake

SAY Please sit quietly while I distribute the test tickets. Do not begin typing until I tell you to start.

EOC Assessment
Distribute the test tickets.

Session 2
SAY Look closely at your test ticket and make sure it has your correct name, date of birth, and ID
number on it.
Do not sign in before I instruct you to do so.
Raise your hand if you do not have the correct ticket.
If a student has the wrong ticket, give the student the correct ticket. If you do not have the correct ticket,
contact your school assessment coordinator.

SAY Now, log in by typing your First Name as it appears on your test ticket, your Username, and the
Session ID ____-_______-____. The Session ID is displayed for you. Click Sign In. Raise your
hand if you need assistance.
Pause and assist students with logging in as needed.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 213

Script for Administering the Algebra 1/Algebra 1 Retake End-of-Course Assessment—Session 2

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Is This You?. Verify that the information is correct. If your
information is correct, select Yes to continue. If the information is not correct, then select No to
return to the login page and raise your hand.
Assist any students who raise their hands.

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Your Tests. Click the arrow to the left of Resume FSA
Algebra 1 EOC (Algebra 1 Retake EOC) to proceed.
Now, sit quietly while I approve your tests.
In the TA Interface, select the Approvals button to review the list of students ready to begin testing. You
may need to select Refresh to see all the students in your testing room on your list.
Once you ensure that all students have logged in correctly, approve students to test by selecting Approve
All Students. Read the information on the Important! pop-up window and select Yes.

SAY Now, you should see a screen that says Is This Your Test?. Verify that the screen displays the
correct test information, but do not click Yes, Start My Test until I tell you to do so.
This screen also allows you to choose the background color, mouse pointer, and print size for
your test. If you would like to change your selections, do so now. If you have any questions,
raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, have the student select No on the screen, log in again and make
adjustments to his or her accessibility settings, and then approve that studentʼs test again. Ensure that the
correct information displays for that student on the Is This Your Test? screen.

SAY Now, open your work folder to page 2 and look at the Testing Rules Acknowledgment. Please
listen as I read the testing rules. During this test, you must not:
• talk to other students or make any disturbance
• look at another student’s (reference sheet,) (calculator,) computer or device screen, or
work folder
Algebra 1/Algebra 1 Retake

• allow another student to look at your (reference sheet,) (calculator,) computer or device
screen, or work folder
EOC Assessment

• ask for help answering any test questions

• give help to another student in answering test questions
Session 2

• have notes or scratch paper other than your (reference sheet or) work folder
• have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device on which you are testing
(and your calculator), in your possession at any time, including breaks, even if you do
not use them
• fail to follow any other instructions given
Because the content in all statewide assessments is secure, you may not discuss or reveal details
about the test items after the test. This includes any type of electronic communication, such as
texting, emailing, or posting online, for example, on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, or Instagram.
Are there any questions?
Answer all questions.

214 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering the Algebra 1/Algebra 1 Retake End-of-Course Assessment—Session 2

SAY Now, read silently as I read the Testing Rules Acknowledgment out loud.
I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these rules, my
test score may be invalidated.
Now, sign your name on the line next to Signature to indicate that you understand the testing rules.
Pause while students sign their names. If a student does not sign his or her name, contact your school
assessment coordinator.

SAY Today you will complete Session 2, which contains items 35 through 68. Remember to read
each item carefully and follow the instructions to complete each item. Try to answer every
question. If you aren’t sure how to answer a question, flag it for review and keep going. After
you have answered all the other questions, go back and answer any questions you have skipped.
Now, click Yes, Start My Test, but do not select Begin Test Now until I instruct you to do so.
Take a moment to review the Test Instructions and Help. These instructions remind you how to
navigate from one item to the next, and how to use the tools and features of the testing platform.
Raise your hand if you have any questions as you review these instructions. Do not begin your
test at this time.
Pause to allow students a moment to review the instructions, and answer all student questions.
If your school provided paper copies of the Algebra 1 EOC FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet for
students to use,

SAY Now, look at your paper reference sheet. Make sure you have the reference sheet
with your name on it. Please raise your hand if there are problems with your
reference sheet.
This is considered a secure document and must be returned with your work
folder. You may also access the reference sheet in the Formulas window in the
Test Delivery System.

Algebra 1/Algebra 1 Retake

Please raise your hand if you have any questions.

EOC Assessment
Answer all questions.

Session 2
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make
sure you have answered every question. Do not click End Test until you are
instructed to do so at the end of the session today. After you have checked your
work, sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 215

Script for Administering the Algebra 1/Algebra 1 Retake End-of-Course Assessment—Session 2

Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure
you have answered every question. After you have checked your work, click End
Test and raise your hand. I will collect your (reference sheet,) (calculator,) work
folder and test ticket. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this session has
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure
you have answered every question. After you have checked your work, click End
Test and raise your hand. I will collect your (reference sheet,) (calculator,) work
folder and test ticket. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this session
has ended. You may read, but you may not write or use your testing computer or
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.

SAY If at any time you need to leave the room, raise your hand. Only one student may leave the
room at a time. You must turn in your (reference sheet,) (calculator,) work folder and test ticket
before you leave the room. While outside the testing room, you are not permitted to access any
electronic devices or discuss the test with anyone.
You have 90 minutes to complete this test session, and we will take a short stretch break after
45 minutes. After 90 minutes, you will be permitted to continue working if you need additional
time. I will remind you when there are 10 minutes left in the 90-minute test session.
Now, click Begin Test Now and begin working.
Algebra 1/Algebra 1 Retake

Complete the following:

EOC Assessment
Session 2

STARTING time: ___________

Add 45 minutes: +45 minutes
Time to call a break: ___________
Add 35 minutes: +35 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder: ___________
Add 10 minutes: +10 minutes
STOPPING time: ___________

Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.

216 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering the Algebra 1/Algebra 1 Retake End-of-Course Assessment—Session 2

During testing, monitor student progress by viewing the Student Status column in the TA Interface. This
page automatically refreshes every 60 seconds. When the page refreshes, students’ statuses are updated. If
students have technical issues, contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator
for assistance immediately. Your attention should not be diverted from students at any time during the test
Although it is your responsibility to ensure that students are working independently, you are prohibited
from reading test content before, during, and after the test.
Do not use cell phones, classroom phones, computers, or other devices (except to monitor student
progress or to contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator in case of a technical
issue or emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your full attention should be on students at
all times.
After 45 minutes from the STARTING time,

SAY Stop. You may stand and stretch, but do not talk or look at another student’s (reference sheet,)
(calculator,) computer screen, device, or work folder.
After a short break,

SAY Now be seated. You still have 45 minutes to complete this session, and I’ll let you know when
you have 10 minutes left.
Make sure you are on the screen where you left off. You may now continue working.
After 35 minutes,

SAY There are 10 minutes left in the 90-minute test session.

After 10 more minutes,

SAY Stop. Raise your hand if you would like additional time to work. Please sit quietly and do not
continue working at this time.

Algebra 1/Algebra 1 Retake

If you have finished working, make sure you are on the Review Screen. Click End Test. A pop-
up message will appear. If the pop-up message says, “Are you sure you want to pause the test?,”

EOC Assessment
click No and return to the Review Screen, then click End Test. If the pop-up message says,

Session 2
“You have reached the end of the test.,” click Yes. (Pause.)
Click Submit Test. A Warning message will appear. Click Yes on this message. (Pause.)
On the Test Completed screen, click Log Out. You will be taken to the Please Sign In screen. I
will collect your (reference sheet,) (calculator,) work folder and test ticket.
Students will be returned to the login screen once they submit their tests. Collect (reference sheets,
calculators,) work folders and test tickets.
Based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator, either dismiss students who have finished
or pause the test in the TA Interface and move students who require additional time to an alternate testing
location. If students are moved to a new location, create a new seating chart for that location, have students
log in, approve students to test in the TA Interface, and ensure that students using extra time are allowed the
correct amount of time to complete the test. Students may work for a total of half of a typical school day.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 217

Script for Administering the Algebra 1/Algebra 1 Retake End-of-Course Assessment—Session 2

Display the new stopping time for students. Once students are ready to continue working,

SAY Now, we will continue testing. You have until _____ to continue working, and I’ll let you know
when you have 10 minutes left.
At 10 minutes before the stopping time,

SAY You have 10 minutes to finish Session 2.

After 10 more minutes,

SAY Stop. Make sure you are on the Review Screen. Click End Test. A pop-up message will appear.
If the pop-up message says, “Are you sure you want to pause the test?,” click No and return to
the Review Screen, then click End Test. If the pop-up message says, “You have reached the end
of the test.,” click Yes. (Pause.)
Click Submit Test. A Warning message will appear. Click Yes on this message. (Pause.)
On the Test Completed screen, click Log Out. You will be taken to the Please Sign In screen. I
will collect your (reference sheet,) (calculator,) work folder and test ticket.
Students will be returned to the login screen once they submit their tests. Collect (reference sheets,
calculators,) work folders and test tickets.
Once all students have submitted their tests, end the test session by clicking STOP in the TA Interface.
This will pause any remaining tests, so only select STOP after all students have submitted their tests.
Then log out of the TA Interface by clicking Logout in the upper right corner of the screen.
Complete the following steps:

1. Ensure that you have all (reference sheets, calculators,) work folders and test tickets and that your
record of required administration information and seating chart are accurate and complete.
2. Report any test irregularities or security breaches to your school assessment coordinator immediately.
3. Record the accommodations provided to students and the accommodations used by students on your
Algebra 1/Algebra 1 Retake

record of required administration information. Use the following accommodations codes to record
this information:
EOC Assessment

For ESE/504 students:

Session 2

• 1-FP = Flexible Presentation

• 1-FR = Flexible Responding
• 1-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 1-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 1-AD = Assistive Devices
For ELL students:
• 2-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 2-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 2-AHL = Assistance in Heritage Language
• 2-ADI = Approved Dictionary
4. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator as described on page 235.

218 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering the Geometry End-of-Course Assessment—Session 1

Script for Administering the

Geometry EOC Assessment
Session 1
90+ Minutes
Calculators are not permitted during this test session. Do not distribute calculators until the beginning
of Session 2.
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended time,
use of translation dictionary), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students
are to follow. It is important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
Scripts for students using paper-based accommodations (e.g., regular print) and computer-based
accommodations (e.g., masking, text-to-speech) can be found on the FSA Portal.
This test session lasts 90 minutes, and students will take a short stretch break after 45 minutes of
testing. Students who need additional time after 90 minutes may continue working up to half of a
typical school day. Ensure that you have the correct stopping time for students who use additional
time, and display the stopping time as instructed in the script.
During this test session, remember the following:

• Ensure that you have a Security Log, a form to collect required administration information, and a
seating chart for your room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
• Ensure that all students in your testing room have participated in a practice test. If any students
have not completed a practice test, contact your school assessment coordinator.
• If a student starts a test session and leaves campus without finishing (e.g., due to an appointment,
illness), he or she will not be allowed to return to the test session. If you have concerns about
a student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact the school assessment
coordinator for instructions.
• Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the test during
breaks. Students should not discuss or exchange information about the test with anyone during
breaks. Students must not be given access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones,
tablets, smartwatches) during breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s)
during a break, that student’s test must be invalidated.
• For short breaks (e.g., restroom), it is recommended that visual blocks be applied to students’
computer screens or devices (e.g., monitors turned off, folders taped to screens) instead of pausing
students’ tests. If a student’s test is paused in TDS, the student must log back in and be approved in
the TA Interface before he or she can continue testing.
Geometry EOC Assessment

• If a student has difficulty logging in or is logged out of his or her test more than once, have
the student refrain from logging in until the issue is diagnosed and resolved.
Session 1

• If a technical disruption occurs during testing, note the time of the disruption in order to provide
students the appropriate amount of remaining time once testing resumes.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 219

Script for Administering the Geometry End-of-Course Assessment—Session 1

Before Testing
1. Before students arrive, ensure that the testing room is prepared as described on pages 19–20.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign, No Calculators sign, and Session 1 sign are visible to all
students and that the Do Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Perforated
signs are available in Appendix D.)
3. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., charts displaying mathematical
concepts) and that any visual aids displayed in the testing room have been removed or covered.
4. Ensure that you understand your school assessment coordinator’s instructions regarding students leaving
the room for breaks, resuming testing, and the length of time students should be permitted to test for
this session. Display the stopping time for this session where it is visible to all students. Contact your
school assessment coordinator if you have not already received timing information for Session 1.
5. Ensure that all software applications, including Internet browsers, are closed on all student computers
or devices before testing begins.
6. Launch the secure browser on student computers or devices prior to beginning the test session. When
the connection is established, the student Please Sign In screen is displayed as shown below. The
computer or device is now ready for the student to begin.

7. Ensure that you have received the correct test tickets from your school assessment coordinator for all
students who will test in your room. Do not distribute tickets until instructed to do so in the script.
8. Prior to testing, ensure that students have the following:
• A pen or pencil
• A work folder
• Geometry EOC FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet (Paper reference sheets should be provided
only if your school is providing copies for all students.)
9. When reading the following script, please note that optional words (e.g., information related to
reference sheets) are italicized and in parentheses and should be read to students only if applicable.

Create a Test Session

1. Go to the FSA Portal and click Administer the FSA.
2. Log in to the TA Interface with your username and password.
3. Select FSA Geometry EOC and then click Start Operational Session.
Geometry EOC Assessment

4. Record the Session ID, which students will use to log in to the test. The Session ID should be
displayed where it is visible to all students and recorded with your required administration
Session 1

information on your seating chart.

Note: As a security measure, test administrators are automatically logged out of the TA Interface after 90
minutes of test administrator and student inactivity. Do not create your session until immediately prior to

220 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering the Geometry End-of-Course Assessment—Session 1

SAY Today, you are going to take Session 1 of the FSA Geometry EOC. Remove all materials from
your desk except your (Geometry EOC FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet,) pen or pencil, and
your work folder.
You will have 90 minutes to complete this test session, and we will take a short stretch
break after 45 minutes. After 90 minutes, you will be permitted to continue working if you
need additional time.
Write your first and last names and today’s date on your work folder. You may use your work
folder to work the problems. You may not use any other paper. I will collect your work folder at
the end of this test session.
Calculators are not allowed during this test session. If you have a calculator, raise your hand and
I will collect it. (Pause.)
You may not have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device you are using to
take the test, at your desk, in your pockets, or anywhere you can reach them at any time during
this test session, even if they are turned off or you do not use them. Electronic and recording
devices include but are not limited to cell phones, smartphones, tablets not used for testing,
smartwatches, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of recording, storing, viewing,
or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found with any electronic or recording
devices at any time during this test session, including breaks, your test will not be scored.
If you have any devices with you right now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices. At this
time, silence your own electronic device(s).
Ensure that the Session ID is displayed where all students can see it.

SAY Now, look at the login screen. If you do not see this screen, raise your hand.
If a computer or device is not opened to the Please Sign In screen, open the secure browser on that
computer or device.

SAY Please sit quietly while I distribute the test tickets. Do not begin typing until I tell you to start.
Distribute the test tickets.

SAY Look closely at your test ticket and make sure it has your correct name, date of birth, and ID
number on it.
Do not sign in before I instruct you to do so.
Raise your hand if you do not have the correct ticket.
If a student has the wrong ticket, give the student the correct ticket. If you do not have the correct ticket,
contact your school assessment coordinator.
Geometry EOC Assessment

If the First Name, Last Name, or ID Number for the student is incorrect, the student cannot use
the ticket and you should contact your school assessment coordinator. If the Date of Birth is the only
Session 1

incorrect field on the ticket, the student may test with that ticket, and updates to the Date of Birth can be
made after testing.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 221

Script for Administering the Geometry End-of-Course Assessment—Session 1

SAY Now, log in by typing your First Name as it appears on your test ticket, your Username, and the
Session ID ____-_______-____. The Session ID is displayed for you. Click Sign In. Raise your
hand if you need assistance.
Pause and assist students with logging in as needed.

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Is This You?. Verify that the information is correct. If your
information is correct, select Yes to continue. If the information is not correct, then select No to
return to the login page and raise your hand.
Assist any students who raise their hands.

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Your Tests. Click the arrow to the left of Start FSA
Geometry EOC to proceed.
Now, sit quietly while I approve your tests.
In the TA Interface, select the Approvals button to review the list of students ready to begin testing. You
may need to select Refresh to see all the students in your testing room on your list.
Review test settings: To view a student’s online test settings or accommodations, click the corresponding
Test Settings icon [ ]. Test settings and/or accommodations for individual students are displayed. If changes
are required, contact your school assessment coordinator who will update the student’s test settings in TIDE.
Once you ensure that all students have logged in correctly, approve students to test by selecting Approve
All Students. Read the information on the Important! pop-up window and select Yes.

SAY Now, you should see a screen that says Is This Your Test?. Verify that the screen displays the
correct test information, but do not click Yes, Start My Test until I tell you to do so.
This screen also allows you to choose the background color, mouse pointer, and print size for
your test. If you would like to change your selections, do so now. If you have any questions,
raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, have the student select No on the screen, log in again and make
adjustments to his or her accessibility settings, and then approve that studentʼs test again. Ensure that the
correct information displays for that student on the Is This Your Test? screen.

SAY Now, open your work folder to page 2 and look at the Testing Rules Acknowledgment. Please
listen as I read the testing rules. During this test, you must not:
• talk to other students or make any disturbance
• look at another student’s (reference sheet,) computer or device screen, or work folder
• allow another student to look at your (reference sheet,) computer or device screen, or
work folder
• ask for help answering any test questions
Geometry EOC Assessment

• give help to another student in answering test questions

• have notes or scratch paper other than your (reference sheet or) work folder
• have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device on which you are testing,
Session 1

in your possession at any time, including breaks, even if you do not use them
• fail to follow any other instructions given

222 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering the Geometry End-of-Course Assessment—Session 1

SAY Because the content in all statewide assessments is secure, you may not discuss or reveal details
about the test items after the test. This includes any type of electronic communication, such as
texting, emailing, or posting online, for example, on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, or Instagram.
Are there any questions?
Answer all questions.

SAY Now, read silently as I read the Testing Rules Acknowledgment out loud.
I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these rules, my
test score may be invalidated.
Now, sign your name on the line next to Signature to indicate that you understand the testing rules.
Pause while students sign their names. If a student does not sign his or her name, contact your school
assessment coordinator.

SAY Today you will complete Session 1, which contains items 1 through 34. Remember to read each
item carefully and follow the instructions to complete each item. Try to answer every question.
If you aren’t sure how to answer a question, flag it for review and keep going. After you have
answered all the other questions, go back and answer any questions you have skipped.
Now, click Yes, Start My Test, but do not select Begin Test Now until I instruct you to do so.
Take a moment to review the Test Instructions and Help. These instructions remind you how to
navigate from one item to the next, and how to use the tools and features of the testing platform.
Raise your hand if you have any questions as you review these instructions. Do not begin your
test at this time.
Pause to allow students a moment to review the instructions, and answer all student questions.
If your school provided paper copies of the Geometry EOC FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet for
students to use,

SAY Now, look at the top of your paper reference sheet. It should say Geometry EOC
FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet. Turn it over and ensure that both sides of the
reference sheet have the correct title. Examine both sides carefully to ensure that
content near the edge of the reference sheet has not been cut off. Please raise
your hand if there are problems with your reference sheet.
Pause, then collect any defective reference sheets and return them to the school assessment
coordinator. Distribute new reference sheets to these students and instruct them to check the
sheets carefully.

SAY Write your first and last names in the upper right corner of the reference sheet
Geometry EOC Assessment

now. (Pause.)
This is considered a secure document and must be returned with your work
Session 1

folder. You may also access the reference sheet in the Formulas window in the
Test Delivery System.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 223

Script for Administering the Geometry End-of-Course Assessment—Session 1

Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.

Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make
sure you have answered every question. Do not click End Session until you are
instructed to do so at the end of the session today. After you have checked your
work, sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option B
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure
you have answered every question. After you have checked your work, click End
Session on the review screen and raise your hand. I will collect your (reference
sheet,) work folder and test ticket. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that
this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure
you have answered every question. After you have checked your work, click End
Session on the review screen and raise your hand. I will collect your (reference
sheet,) work folder and test ticket. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that
this session has ended. You may read, but you may not write or use your testing
computer or device.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.

SAY If at any time you need to leave the room, raise your hand. Only one student may leave the room
at a time. You must turn in your (reference sheet,) work folder and test ticket before you leave
the room. While outside the testing room, you are not permitted to access any electronic devices
or discuss the test with anyone.
You have 90 minutes to complete this test session, and we will take a short stretch break after
45 minutes. After 90 minutes, you will be permitted to continue working if you need additional
time. I will remind you when there are 10 minutes left in the 90-minute test session.
Now, click Begin Test Now and begin working.
Geometry EOC Assessment
Session 1

224 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering the Geometry End-of-Course Assessment—Session 1

Complete the following:

STARTING time: ___________
Add 45 minutes: +45 minutes
Time to call a break: ___________
Add 35 minutes: +35 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder: ___________
Add 10 minutes: +10 minutes
STOPPING time: ___________

Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.

During testing, monitor student progress by viewing the Student Status column in the TA Interface. This
page automatically refreshes every 60 seconds. When the page refreshes, students’ statuses are updated. If
students have technical issues, contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator for
assistance immediately. Your attention should not be diverted from students at any time during the test session.
Although it is your responsibility to ensure that students are working independently, you are prohibited
from reading test content before, during, and after the test.
Do not use cell phones, classroom phones, computers, or other devices (except to monitor student
progress or to contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator in case of a technical
issue or emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your full attention should be on students at
all times.
After 45 minutes from the STARTING time,

SAY Stop. You may stand and stretch, but do not talk or look at another student’s (reference sheet,)
computer screen, device, or work folder.
After a short break,

SAY Now be seated. You still have 45 minutes to complete this session, and I’ll let you know when
you have 10 minutes left.
Make sure you are on the screen where you left off. You may now continue working.
After 35 minutes,

SAY There are 10 minutes left in the 90-minute test session.

After 10 more minutes,
Geometry EOC Assessment

SAY Stop. Raise your hand if you would like additional time to work. Please sit quietly and do not
continue working at this time.
Session 1

If you have finished working, make sure that you are on the review screen and pause your test
by clicking End Session and then selecting Yes on the pop-up message. Raise your hand and I
will collect your (reference sheet,) work folder and test ticket.
Students will be returned to the login screen once they pause their tests. Collect (reference sheets,) work
folders and test tickets.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 225

Script for Administering the Geometry End-of-Course Assessment—Session 1

Based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator, either dismiss students who have finished
or pause the test in the TA Interface and move students who require additional time to an alternate testing
location. If students are moved to a new location, create a new seating chart for that location, have students
log in, approve students to test in the TA Interface, and ensure that students using extra time are allowed the
correct amount of time to complete the test. Students may work for a total of half of a typical school day.
Display the new stopping time for students. Once students are ready to continue working,

SAY Now we will continue testing. You have until _____ to continue working, and I’ll let you know
when you have 10 minutes left.
At 10 minutes before the stopping time,

SAY You have 10 minutes to finish Session 1.

After 10 more minutes,

SAY Stop. Make sure that you are on the review screen and pause your test by clicking End Session
and then selecting Yes on the pop-up message. I will collect your (reference sheet,) work folder
and test ticket.
Students will be returned to the login screen once they pause their tests. Collect (reference sheets,) work
folders and test tickets.
Once all students have paused their tests, end the test session by clicking STOP in the TA Interface. This
will pause any remaining tests. Then log out of the TA Interface by clicking Logout in the upper right
corner of the screen.
Complete the following steps:

1. Ensure that you have all (reference sheets,) work folders and test tickets and that your record of
required administration information and seating chart are accurate and complete.
2. Report any test irregularities or security breaches to your school assessment coordinator immediately.
3. Record the accommodations provided to students and the accommodations used by students on your
record of required administration information. Use the following accommodations codes to record
this information:

For ESE/504 students:

• 1-FP = Flexible Presentation
• 1-FR = Flexible Responding
• 1-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 1-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 1-AD = Assistive Devices
Geometry EOC Assessment

For ELL students:

• 2-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 2-FSE = Flexible Setting
Session 1

• 2-AHL = Assistance in Heritage Language

• 2-ADI = Approved Dictionary
4. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator until the beginning of Session 2.

226 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering the Geometry End-of-Course Assessment—Session 2

Geometry EOC Assessment

Script for Administering the

Session 2
Geometry EOC Assessment
Session 2
90+ Minutes
When testing students who are allowed certain administration accommodations (e.g., extended time,
use of translation dictionary), you must modify this script with the specific instructions that students
are to follow. It is important that you review the script before testing begins to determine the necessary
Scripts for students using paper-based accommodations (e.g., regular print) and computer-based
accommodations (e.g., masking, text-to-speech) can be found on the FSA Portal.
This test session lasts 90 minutes, and students will take a short stretch break after 45 minutes of
testing. Students who need additional time after 90 minutes may continue working up to half of a
typical school day. Ensure that you have the correct stopping time for students who use additional
time, and display the stopping time as instructed in the script.
During this test session, remember the following:

• Ensure that you have a Security Log, a form to collect required administration information, and a
seating chart for your room. Remember to maintain these documents during testing.
• Ensure that all students in your testing room have completed Session 1. If any students have not
completed Session 1, contact your school assessment coordinator.
• If a student starts a test session and leaves campus without finishing (e.g., due to an appointment,
illness), he or she will not be allowed to return to the test session. If you have concerns about
a student, you should not allow the student to begin. Instead, contact the school assessment
coordinator for instructions.
• Provide individual student restroom breaks as needed, and maintain the security of the test during
breaks. Students should not discuss or exchange information about the test with anyone during
breaks. Students must not be given access to electronic devices (e.g., cell phones, smartphones,
tablets, smartwatches) during breaks. If a student accesses his or her electronic device(s)
during a break, that student’s test must be invalidated.
• For short breaks (e.g., restroom), it is recommended that visual blocks be applied to students’
computer screens or devices (e.g., monitors turned off, folders taped to screens) instead of pausing
students’ tests. If a student’s test is paused in TDS, the student must log back in and be approved in
the TA Interface before he or she can continue testing.
• If a student has difficulty logging in or is logged out of his or her test more than once, have
the student refrain from logging in until the issue is diagnosed and resolved.
• If a technical disruption occurs during testing, note the time of the disruption in order to provide
students the appropriate amount of remaining time once testing resumes.

Before Testing
1. Before students arrive, ensure that the testing room is prepared as described on pages 19–20.
2. Ensure that the Electronic Devices sign and Session 2 sign are visible to all students and that the Do
Not Disturb sign is posted at each entrance to the testing room. (Perforated signs are available in
Appendix D.)

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 227

Script for Administering the Geometry End-of-Course Assessment—Session 2
Geometry EOC Assessment

3. Ensure that all student desktops are free of any unauthorized aids (e.g., charts displaying mathematical
concepts) and that any visual aids displayed in the testing room have been removed or covered.
Session 2

4. Ensure that you understand your school assessment coordinator’s instructions regarding students leaving
the room for breaks, resuming testing, and the length of time students should be permitted to test for
this session. Display the stopping time for this session where it is visible to all students. Contact your
school assessment coordinator if you have not already received timing information for Session 2.
5. Ensure that all software applications, including Internet browsers, are closed on all student computers
or devices before testing begins.
6. Launch the secure browser on student computers or devices prior to beginning the test session. When
the connection is established, the student Please Sign In screen is displayed as shown below. The
computer or device is now ready for the student to begin.

7. Ensure that you have received the correct test tickets from your school assessment coordinator for all
students who will test in your room. Do not distribute tickets until instructed to do so in the script.
8. Prior to testing, ensure that students have the following:
• A pen or pencil
• A new work folder (Students should not use the same work folders that they used in Session 1.)
• A handheld calculator with the allowable functionality only (Handheld calculators should be
provided only if your school is allowing their use.)
• Geometry EOC FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet (Paper reference sheets should be provided
only if your school is providing copies for all students. Ensure that each student receives the same
reference sheet that he or she used during Session 1.)
9. When reading the following script, please note that optional words (e.g., information related to calculators
or reference sheets) are italicized and in parentheses and should be read to students only if applicable.

Create a Test Session

1. Go to the FSA Portal and click Administer the FSA.
2. Log in to the TA Interface with your username and password.
3. Select FSA Geometry EOC and then click Start Operational Session.
4. Record the Session ID, which students will use to log in to the test. The Session ID should be
displayed where it is visible to all students and recorded with your required administration
information on your seating chart.
Note: As a security measure, test administrators are automatically logged out of the TA Interface after 90
minutes of test administrator and student inactivity. Do not create your session until immediately prior to

SAY Today, you are going to take Session 2 of the FSA Geometry EOC Assessment. Remove all
materials from your desk except your (Geometry EOC FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet,)
(calculator,) pen or pencil, and your work folder.

228 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering the Geometry End-of-Course Assessment—Session 2

Geometry EOC Assessment

SAY You will have 90 minutes to complete this test session, and we will take a short stretch
break after 45 minutes. After 90 minutes, you will be permitted to continue working if you

Session 2
need additional time.
Write your first and last names and today’s date on your work folder. Remember, you may use
your work folder to work the problems. You may not use any other paper. I will collect your
work folder at the end of this test session.
You may not have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device you are using to
take the test (and your calculator), at your desk, in your pockets, or anywhere you can reach
them at any time during this test session, even if they are turned off or you do not use them.
Electronic and recording devices include but are not limited to cell phones, smartphones, tablets
not used for testing, smartwatches, MP3 players, cameras, and any device capable of recording,
storing, viewing, or playing back audio or visual content. If you are found with any electronic
or recording devices at any time during this test session, including breaks, your test will not
be scored. If you have any devices with you right now, please turn them off and raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, follow your school’s procedures regarding electronic devices. At this
time, silence your own electronic device(s).
Ensure that the Session ID is displayed where all students can see it.

SAY Now, look at the login screen. If you do not see this screen, raise your hand.
If a computer or device is not opened to the Please Sign In screen, open the secure browser on that
computer or device.

SAY Please sit quietly while I distribute the test tickets. Do not begin typing until I tell you to start.
Distribute the test tickets.

SAY Look closely at your test ticket and make sure it has your correct name, date of birth, and ID
number on it.
Do not sign in before I instruct you to do so.
Raise your hand if you do not have the correct ticket.
If a student has the wrong ticket, give the student the correct ticket. If you do not have the correct ticket,
contact your school assessment coordinator.

SAY Now, log in by typing your First Name as it appears on your test ticket, your Username, and the
Session ID ____-_______-____. The Session ID is displayed for you. Click Sign In. Raise your
hand if you need assistance.
Pause and assist students with logging in as needed.

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Is This You?. Verify that the information is correct. If your
information is correct, select Yes to continue. If the information is not correct, then select No to
return to the login page and raise your hand.
Assist any students who raise their hands.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 229

Script for Administering the Geometry End-of-Course Assessment—Session 2
Geometry EOC Assessment

SAY Now, you will see a screen that says Your Tests. Click the arrow to the left of Resume FSA
Geometry EOC to proceed.
Session 2

Now, sit quietly while I approve your tests.

Assist any students who raise their hands.

SAY Now, sit quietly while I approve your tests.

In the TA Interface, select the Approvals button to review the list of students ready to begin testing. You may
need to select Refresh to see all the students in your testing room on your list.
Once you ensure that all students have logged in correctly, approve students to test by selecting Approve
All Students. Read the information on the Important! pop-up window and select Yes.

SAY Now, you should see a screen that says Is This Your Test?. Verify that the screen displays the
correct test information, but do not click Yes, Start My Test until I tell you to do so.
This screen also allows you to choose the background color, mouse pointer, and print size for
your test. If you would like to change your selections, do so now. If you have any questions,
raise your hand.
If a student raises his or her hand, have the student select No on the screen, log in again and make
adjustments to his or her accessibility settings, and then approve that studentʼs test again. Ensure that the
correct information displays for that student on the Is This Your Test? screen.

SAY Now, open your work folder to page 2 and look at the Testing Rules Acknowledgment. Please
listen as I read the testing rules. During this test, you must not:
• talk to other students or make any disturbance
• look at another student’s (reference sheet,) (calculator,) computer or device screen, or
work folder
• allow another student to look at your (reference sheet,) (calculator,) computer or device
screen, or work folder
• ask for help answering any test questions
• give help to another student in answering test questions
• have notes or scratch paper other than your (reference sheet or) work folder
• have any electronic or recording devices, other than the device on which you are testing
(and your calculator), in your possession at any time, including breaks, even if you do
not use them
• fail to follow any other instructions given
Because the content in all statewide assessments is secure, you may not discuss or reveal details
about the test items after the test. This includes any type of electronic communication, such as
texting, emailing, or posting online, for example, on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, or Instagram.
Are there any questions?
Answer all questions.

230 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering the Geometry End-of-Course Assessment—Session 2

Geometry EOC Assessment

SAY Now, read silently as I read the Testing Rules Acknowledgment out loud.

Session 2
I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these rules, my
test score may be invalidated.
Now, sign your name on the line next to Signature to indicate that you understand the testing rules.
Pause while students sign their names. If a student does not sign his or her name, contact your school
assessment coordinator.

SAY Today you will complete Session 2, which contains items 35 through 68. Remember to read
each item carefully and follow the instructions to complete each item. Try to answer every
question. If you aren’t sure how to answer a question, flag it for review and keep going. After
you have answered all the other questions, go back and answer any questions you have skipped.
Now, click Yes, Start My Test, but do not select Begin Test Now until I instruct you to do so.
Take a moment to review the Test Instructions and Help. These instructions remind you how to
navigate from one item to the next, and how to use the tools and features of the testing platform.
Raise your hand if you have any questions as you review these instructions. Do not begin your
test at this time.
Pause to allow students a moment to review the instructions, and answer all student questions.
If your school provided paper copies of the Geometry EOC FSA Mathematics Reference Sheet for
students to use,

SAY Now, look at your paper reference sheet. Make sure you have the reference sheet
with your name on it. Please raise your hand if there are problems with your
reference sheet.
This is considered a secure document and must be returned with your work
folder. You may also access the reference sheet in the Formulas window in the
Test Delivery System.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.
Read Option A, B, or C based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator.
Option A
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make
sure you have answered every question. Do not click End Test until you are
instructed to do so at the end of the session today. After you have checked your
work, sit quietly until I tell you that this session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 231

Script for Administering the Geometry End-of-Course Assessment—Session 2
Geometry EOC Assessment

Option B
Session 2

SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure
you have answered every question. After you have checked your work, click
End Test and raise your hand. I will collect your (reference sheet,) (calculator,)
work folder and test ticket. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this
session has ended.
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Option C
SAY When you have finished this session, review your work carefully and make sure
you have answered every question. After you have checked your work, click End
Test and raise your hand. I will collect your (reference sheet,) (calculator,) work
folder and test ticket. Then you must sit quietly until I tell you that this session
has ended. You may read, but you may not write or use your testing computer or
Please raise your hand if you have any questions.
Answer all questions.

SAY If at any time you need to leave the room, raise your hand. Only one student may leave the
room at a time. You must turn in your (reference sheet,) (calculator,) work folder and test ticket
before you leave the room. While outside the testing room, you are not permitted to access any
electronic devices or discuss the test with anyone.
You have 90 minutes to complete this test session, and we will take a short stretch break after
45 minutes. After 90 minutes, you will be permitted to continue working if you need additional
time. I will remind you when there are 10 minutes left in the 90-minute test session.
Now, click Begin Test Now and begin working.
Complete the following:
STARTING time: ___________
Add 45 minutes: +45 minutes
Time to call a break: ___________
Add 35 minutes: +35 minutes
Time for 10-minute reminder: ___________
Add 10 minutes: +10 minutes
STOPPING time: ___________

Display the STARTING and STOPPING times for students.

232 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Script for Administering the Geometry End-of-Course Assessment—Session 2

Geometry EOC Assessment

During testing, monitor student progress by viewing the Student Status column in the TA Interface. This
page automatically refreshes every 60 seconds. When the page refreshes, students’ statuses are updated. If

Session 2
students have technical issues, contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator
for assistance immediately. Your attention should not be diverted from students at any time during the test
Although it is your responsibility to ensure that students are working independently, you are prohibited
from reading test content before, during, and after the test.
Do not use cell phones, classroom phones, computers, or other devices (except to monitor student
progress or to contact your school assessment coordinator or technology coordinator in case of a technical
issue or emergency). Do not check email, grade papers, etc. Your full attention should be on students at
all times.
After 45 minutes from the STARTING time,

SAY Stop. You may stand and stretch, but do not talk or look at another student’s (reference sheet,)
(calculator,) computer screen, device, or work folder.
After a short break,

SAY Now be seated. You still have 45 minutes to complete this session, and I’ll let you know when
you have 10 minutes left.
Make sure you are on the screen where you left off. You may now continue working.
After 35 minutes,

SAY There are 10 minutes left in the 90-minute test session.

After 10 more minutes,

SAY Stop. Raise your hand if you would like additional time to work. Please sit quietly and do not
continue working at this time.
If you have finished working, make sure you are on the Review Screen. Click End Test. A pop-
up message will appear. If the pop-up message says, “Are you sure you want to pause the test?,”
click No and return to the Review Screen, then click End Test. If the pop-up message says,
“You have reached the end of the test.,” click Yes. (Pause.)
Click Submit Test. A Warning message will appear. Click Yes on this message. (Pause.)
On the Test Completed screen, click Log Out. You will be taken to the Please Sign In screen. I
will collect your (reference sheet,) (calculator,) work folder and test ticket.
Students will be returned to the login screen once they submit their tests. Collect (reference sheets,
calculators,) work folders and test tickets.
Based on instructions from your school assessment coordinator, either dismiss students who have finished
or pause the test in the TA Interface and move students who require additional time to an alternate testing
location. If students are moved to a new location, create a new seating chart for that location, have students
log in, approve students to test in the TA Interface, and ensure that students using extra time are allowed the
correct amount of time to complete the test. Students may work for a total of half of a typical school day.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 233

Script for Administering the Geometry End-of-Course Assessment—Session 2
Geometry EOC Assessment

Display the new stopping time for students. Once students are ready to continue working,
Session 2

SAY Now we will continue testing. You have until _____ to continue working, and I’ll let you know
when you have 10 minutes left.

At 10 minutes before the stopping time,

SAY You have 10 minutes to finish Session 2.

After 10 more minutes,

SAY Stop. Make sure you are on the Review Screen. Click End Test. A pop-up message will appear.
If the pop-up message says, “Are you sure you want to pause the test?,” click No and return to
the Review Screen, then click End Test. If the pop-up message says, “You have reached the end
of the test.,” click Yes. (Pause.)
Click Submit Test. A Warning message will appear. Click Yes on this message. (Pause.)
On the Test Completed screen, click Log Out. You will be taken to the Please Sign In screen. I
will collect your (reference sheet,) (calculator,) work folder and test ticket.
Students will be returned to the login screen once they submit their tests. Collect (reference sheets,
calculators,) work folders and test tickets.
Once all students have submitted their tests, end the test session by clicking STOP in the TA Interface.
This will pause any remaining tests, so only select STOP after all students have submitted their tests.
Then log out of the TA Interface by clicking Logout in the upper right corner of the screen.
Complete the following steps:

1. Ensure that you have all (reference sheets, calculators,) work folders and test tickets and that your
record of required administration information and seating chart are accurate and complete.
2. Report any test irregularities or security breaches to your school assessment coordinator immediately.
3. Record the accommodations provided to students and the accommodations used by students on your
record of required administration information. Use the following accommodations codes to record
this information:

For ESE/504 students:

• 1-FP = Flexible Presentation
• 1-FR = Flexible Responding
• 1-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 1-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 1-AD = Assistive Devices
For ELL students:
• 2-FSC = Flexible Scheduling
• 2-FSE = Flexible Setting
• 2-AHL = Assistance in Heritage Language
• 2-ADI = Approved Dictionary
4. Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator as described on page 235.

234 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Test Administrator Responsibilities After Testing

Test Administrator Responsibilities

After Testing
Return Materials to the School Assessment Coordinator
Complete the following steps after testing:

1. Verify that you have collected all required administration information (see page 20). Make a copy for
your files.
2. Ensure that the accommodations provided to each student and the accommodations used by each
student have been recorded with other required administration information.
3. Verify that your Security Log and seating chart have been completed correctly. Make copies for
your files.
4. Return the following materials to your school assessment coordinator, as applicable:
• Test administration manual
• Security Log
• Seating chart
• Test tickets
• Required administration information
• Used and unused work folders
• Used and unused worksheets
• Used and unused planning sheets
• Used and unused reference sheets
• Calculators
• Writing Passage Booklets
• Reading Passage Booklets
Notify the school assessment coordinator immediately if any of these items are missing.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 235

School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing

School Assessment Coordinator

Responsibilities Before Testing
Please use the School Assessment Coordinator CBT Checklist, located in Appendix D, before, during, and
after testing.
Work with your district assessment coordinator to ensure that all test administrators have active
usernames and passwords to log in to TIDE. Test administrators will need to access the TA Interface with
their TIDE accounts to administer tests. In addition, test administrators should access and become familiar
with the Test Administrator User Guide (available on the FSA Portal) prior to testing and have access to it
during testing.
Also, work with your district assessment coordinator to ensure that all students are uploaded or added to
TIDE for this administration. Prior to testing, school and district assessment coordinators should verify
that student eligibility is correct in TIDE and that any accommodations or test settings are correct. In
order to participate in a computer-based test, students must be listed as eligible for that test in TIDE.

Receive Materials
Your district assessment coordinator will provide you with all materials prior to each test administration
window. Secure materials should be delivered to or picked up by test administrators immediately before
the beginning of each test session. Verify that you have all necessary materials before testing begins.
Planning sheets, work folders, and worksheets were delivered with test administration manuals. Contact
your district assessment coordinator if you need additional planning sheets, work folders, or worksheets.
You will receive the following materials for this administration, as applicable:
• Test administration manuals
• Planning sheets
• Work folders
• CBT Worksheets
• Reading Passage Booklets
• Writing Passage Booklets

Manage Student Information in TIDE

Instructions on managing student information in TIDE can be found in the TIDE User Guide, available
on the FSA Portal. Prior to testing, ensure that all students have been added to TIDE and all information
listed in TIDE is correct, including any accommodations students will use for testing. It is important that
student information is correct to ensure that results are reported accurately.
Also see the TIDE User Guide for instructions on how to perform the following tasks prior to testing:
• Adding Students
• Assigning Accommodations
• Editing Student Demographic Information
• Printing Test Tickets

236 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing

Print Test Tickets

Prior to computer-based test administrations, print test tickets to distribute to test administrators. Test tickets
contain login information for students. Each student must have a test ticket to log in to computer-based FSA
assessments. Test tickets are generated in TIDE. See the TIDE User Guide for instructions on generating
and printing test tickets.

Assign Writing or Reading Passage Booklets

Verify that all students who will use Passage Booklets for ELA Reading or ELA Writing have been correctly
assigned that accommodation in TIDE prior to testing.

Required Administration Information

As directed by your district assessment coordinator, communicate to test administrators the process for
collecting the required administration information, which includes the following:
• Students assigned to each testing room—provide student names and FLEIDs
• Attendance information—P=Present, A=Absent, W=Withdrawn, and P/I=Present but Invalidated
• Grade level
• Session ID (generated in TDS when a test session is created)
• Accommodations provided to students (codes provided on page 20)
• Accommodations used by students
• Signatures of test administrator and school assessment coordinator
• Unique security numbers of secure documents assigned to each student, if applicable
• Dates and times when secure materials (e.g., test tickets, passage booklets) are received and returned
Copy and file all required administration information for future reference.

Seating Charts
Test administrators are required to maintain an accurate seating chart for each group of students in their
rooms during testing, as described on page 21 of this manual. Ensure that test administrators record all
information indicated on page 21 and that they create a new seating chart if the seating configuration
changes during a test session. After testing, copy all seating charts, file the copies, and package the originals
in the District Assessment Coordinator ONLY box.

Test Materials Chain of Custody Form

You are required to maintain a Test Materials Chain of Custody Form, located in Appendix D and on the
FSA Portal. The purpose of this form is to track test materials at all times, including their location, the
dates and times they are handled, and the names of the people performing various activities involving the
materials. Schools must retain electronic or hard copies of completed forms for their files after materials
are packaged for pickup and return the originals to the district assessment coordinator according to his or
her instructions (e.g., via email or in the District Assessment Coordinator ONLY box).

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 237

School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing

Assign Proctors
Assign proctors to testing rooms according to the guidelines for proctors on page 14, make sure that they
understand their responsibilities, and explain the Security Log to them. FDOE strongly recommends that
proctors be assigned to rooms with 25 or fewer students whenever possible.

Arrange Testing of Special Program Students

Your district assessment coordinator may contact you to make arrangements for students in special
programs (e.g., virtual instruction programs, Home Education Programs) to test at your school. Adhere to
the information and instructions from your district assessment coordinator, and contact your district office
if you have questions about testing special program students.

Ensure Implementation of Accommodations

Appendix A provides information concerning allowable accommodations for students with disabilities
and for ELLs. When testing ELLs or students with accommodations, prior planning is necessary to ensure
that accommodations indicated on student IEPs or Section 504 Plans are implemented. Arrangements
for implementing accommodations must be made prior to the administration dates. Make sure that test
administrators have been properly trained regarding accommodations and have made provisions for the
exact accommodations needed for individual students to avoid test invalidations. If students will receive an
oral presentation accommodation for FSA ELA Reading and will not use text-to-speech in TDS, ensure
that test administrators are familiar with the “Instructions for Oral Presentation Accommodations” section
in Appendix A.
In TIDE, ensure that the appropriate accommodations are marked, as applicable:
• Reading and/or Writing Passage Booklets
• Masking
• Text-to-Speech
• American Sign Language (ASL)
• Closed Captioning (CC)
Refer to the 2017–2018 FSA Accommodations Guide for instructions regarding FSA accommodated
paper-based assessments.

Meet with Technology Coordinator

It is important that technology coordinators understand their responsibilities before, during, and after
an FSA computer-based test administration. Review the instructions and information for technology
coordinators (located on the FSA Portal), as well as all test administration and security policies and
procedures included in this manual, with your technology coordinator and create a plan for handling
issues during testing. Technology coordinators are required to sign the 2017–2018 Test Administration
and Security Agreement. The technology coordinator should also be involved in all planning meetings to
provide input on logistics and resolve any network issues.

238 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing

Prepare Test Settings, Computers, and Devices

Tests should be administered in a room that has comfortable seating, good lighting, and an appropriate
temperature. Make sure that testing rooms are adequately ventilated and free of distractions.
Sufficient work space should be provided for students to use worksheets, work folders, planning sheets,
reference sheets, and passage booklets, as applicable. Students must not be able to easily view other
students’ test materials or computer/device screens. Check the configuration of the testing rooms to make
sure you will be able to provide a secure environment during testing. If necessary, use visual blocks (e.g.,
file folders taped to the sides of computer screens). Also, check for and remove all unauthorized visual
aids posted in classrooms or affixed to student desks.
For more information, see the testing room requirements on pages 19–20.
Ensure that the technology coordinator has verified that all computers and devices meet the requirements
needed to administer the computer-based tests, as indicated in the System Requirements for Online Testing
document available on the portal, and has installed the correct secure browser.
Before each test session, test administrators should launch the secure browser on each computer or device.

Oversee Preparation and Training

You are responsible for training all test administrators and proctors, including non-school-based
instructors (e.g., itinerant teachers). You must train several employees to act as possible alternates. In the
absence of sufficiently trained administrators, postpone testing until trained personnel are available.
Be aware of the following policies, procedures, and instructions, and emphasize this information during
training at your school:
• Test Administrators
▪ Test administrators must read and be familiar with all appropriate sections of this manual.
▪ Test administrators who will be administering a test to students using CBT accommodations
(e.g., masking, text-to-speech) or other allowable accommodations (e.g., flexible presentation)
must be trained in the use of those accommodations and are familiar with the “Instructions for
Oral Presentation Accommodations” section available in Appendix A, as necessary.
▪ Test administrators should refer to the Test Administrator CBT Checklist, located in Appendix
D, before, during, and after testing.
▪ Test administrators are familiar with all policies related to the use of calculators, specifically
that calculators may only be used during Sessions 2 and 3 of Grades 7–8 FSA Mathematics and
Session 2 of FSA EOCs.
• Proctors
▪ School personnel and volunteers approved by the district may serve as proctors, according to
the instructions on page 14.
▪ While proctors are not required in rooms where 25 or fewer students are being tested, FDOE
strongly encourages the use of proctors in all test administrations to help reduce testing
irregularities and aid in investigations, if necessary.
▪ To ensure test security, FDOE discourages testing students in large groups (e.g., in a cafeteria
or auditorium); however, in the event that students are tested in a large group, the appropriate
number of proctors must be present during the test session (see page 14).

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 239

School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing

• Electronic Devices and Breaks

▪ Determine your school’s policy for the storage of electronic devices during testing. According
to the administration script, before testing begins, test administrators ask students to raise their
hands if they have any electronic devices with them. Direct test administrators on what to do if
students have electronic devices in their possession before testing begins.
▪ Instruct test administrators to provide either a short or an extended break between Session 2 and
Session 3 of Grade 6 and Grades 7–8 FSA Mathematics. Ensure that they are aware which
Session 3 script they should use depending on your school’s decision.
▪ Ensure that test administrators are aware of the policy that students are not allowed to access
electronic devices at any time during a test session, including breaks. If a student accesses his
or her electronic device(s) during a break, his or her test must be invalidated.
▪ Ensure that test administrators are aware of how to secure a student’s computer or device
during a break. For short breaks (e.g., restroom), it is recommended that a visual block be
applied to the student’s computer screen or device. For longer breaks, it is recommended that
the student pause the test. If a student pauses the test, he or she will not be able to continue
testing until he or she is approved to resume testing in TDS.
• CBT Policies and Procedures
▪ Train test administrators on how to create, start, monitor, and close test sessions.
▪ Test administrators may be able to assist students with errors when logging in but should
not try to resolve technical issues during testing. Determine how test administrators can get
assistance during testing, if necessary.
▪ Ensure test administrators know they must contact you immediately when a test irregularity
▪ Train test administrators on how to administer practice tests at your school. Test administrators
should access the practice test to become familiar with the available tools prior to administering
a practice test and prior to test administration.
▪ In the test administration scripts, test administrators are instructed to contact you in the
following circumstances. Provide instructions for how to handle these circumstances:
° A student has not participated in a practice test session.
° A student has trouble logging in the first time or is logged out of his or her test more
than once.
° A test administrator does not have a test ticket for a student.
° A First Name, Last Name, or ID is not correct (e.g., misspelled) on the test ticket.
° A student is in the wrong test or the wrong accommodated form.
° A student refuses to acknowledge the testing rules.
° A defective Writing or Reading Passage Booklet is discovered.
° A test administrator is concerned that a student is unable (e.g., too ill) to begin or finish the test.
° A disruption occurs (e.g., a technical disruption, power outage, disruptive behavior).
° For EOC and Retake administrations only, a student has not completed the test at the end
of the allotted time and will need additional time to continue working.
• Test Security
▪ Per Rule 6A-10.042, FAC, “Tests or individual test questions shall not be revealed, copied, or
otherwise reproduced by persons who are involved in the administration, proctoring, or scoring
of any test.” This Rule encompasses any sharing or discussing of items, either in person or via

240 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing

electronic communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting to blogs or social media (e.g.,
Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram).
▪ Ensure that test administrators, proctors, and any other personnel involved in test
administration sign a 2017–2018 Test Administration and Security Agreement after training is
complete. Also ensure that test administrators read and sign a 2017–2018 Test Administrator
Prohibited Activities Agreement (these may be copied together as one double-sided form).
Collect and file the signed agreements.

Arrange CBT Practice Test Sessions

Schedule and arrange practice tests as described in this manual. Before a student can participate in a
computer-based administration, the student must complete the appropriate practice test to learn how to
use the computer-based system, with the exception of students who have already taken a practice test for
a particular subject (Retake or EOC assessments). Instruct school personnel to make students aware that
they can access practice tests on their own at any time prior to testing. The practice tests and scripts for
administering the practice tests are available on the FSA Portal.
Students who require CBT accommodations (e.g., text-to-speech, masking) must also complete an
appropriate accommodated practice test. Accommodated practice test scripts are available on the FSA

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 241

School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities During Testing

School Assessment Coordinator

Responsibilities During Testing
Distribute Test Materials
On each day of testing, you are responsible for providing each test administrator with the following test
materials before testing begins, as applicable:
• Test tickets
• Work folders or CBT Worksheets
• Writing Passage Booklets
• Planning sheets
• Reading Passage Booklets
• Reference Sheets (Grades 4–8 Mathematics and EOC only)
• Calculators (Grades 7–8 Sessions 2 and 3 and EOC Session 2 only)

Supervise Test Administration and Maintain Test Security

Provide test administrators with additional materials during testing, as necessary.
Monitor each testing room to ensure that test administration and test security policies and procedures are
followed. You and the technology coordinator must be available during testing to answer questions from
test administrators and to assist with technical issues. Make sure that Security Logs and seating charts are
being completed properly and that all required administration information is being maintained in each
testing room.
If the Internet connection is interrupted during computer-based testing, students will not be able to
continue testing. If the Internet connection is not restored in time for students to complete the test, the test
administrator should contact you or the technology coordinator for assistance. If a technical issue interrupts
testing and is not able to be resolved quickly, you should contact the FSA Help Desk at 866-815-7246 and
notify the district assessment office immediately.
Test administrators should contact you or the technology coordinator if an error message appears on a
student’s computer screen or device during testing and he or she cannot resolve the issue.
Submit re-open a test session and re-open a test requests in TIDE for students who need to return to a test
session after mistakenly submitting it (same day only). Contact your district assessment coordinator for
assistance with processing these requests.

Testing Rules Acknowledgment

Test administrators are instructed to contact you if a student does not sign below the Testing Rules
Acknowledgment. Determine the appropriate course of action for handling a student who does not affirm the
Testing Rules Acknowledgment. Any student who refuses to affirm the Testing Rules Acknowledgment
should still be tested, but a record of the student’s refusal should be retained at the school.

242 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities During Testing

Monitor Student Progress

Student progress and test completion rates for computer-based tests can be monitored in TIDE. You
should use Participation Reports in TIDE to track completion rates and determine which students still
need to be tested. Further information on Participation Reports can be found in the TIDE User Guide.

Supervise Make-Up Test Administrations

Ensure that all test security and test administration policies and procedures are followed while conducting
make-up tests. Be available to assist test administrators as needed during make-up test administrations.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 243

School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities After Testing

School Assessment Coordinator

Responsibilities After Testing
Receive Materials from Test Administrators
Follow these steps as you receive materials from test administrators:

1. Verify that all secure materials have been returned. Notify the district assessment coordinator
immediately if any secure materials are missing and complete the necessary investigation.
2. Make copies of the following completed documents and file the copies:
• Records of required administration information
• Security Logs
• Seating charts
• Chain of Custody forms
Return the originals in your District Assessment Coordinator ONLY boxes according to the
instructions on page 245.
3. Prepare materials for return using the FSA Paper-Based Materials Return Instructions in the
2017–2018 FSA Accommodations Guide.

Update Student Information

If student information is discovered to be incorrect during testing, update the information in TIDE
immediately following test administration. Instructions for updating student information can be found in
the TIDE User Guide.

Invalidate Tests
Review policies regarding test invalidation on pages 17–18. Test invalidations for computer-based tests
are entered in TIDE. To invalidate a test, you will need the student’s FLEID and the reason for invalidation.
You may also search by Session ID or Result ID. Complete instructions on invalidating computer-based
tests in TIDE are available in the TIDE User Guide. Invalidations must be entered in TIDE by the last day
of the test administration window.

Record Accommodations
Ensure that all accommodations provided to and used by students are recorded on each record of
required administration information, as applicable. This documentation may be necessary in the case of
investigations regarding possible test irregularities.

Prepare Materials for Return

Store test tickets and seating charts until results are reported for this administration, and then destroy them
as directed by your district assessment coordinator.
File the signed 2017–2018 Test Administration and Security Agreements and the 2017–2018 Test
Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreements.

244 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

School Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities After Testing

Reading and Writing Passage Booklets are secure documents and must be packaged according to the
instructions from your district assessment coordinator.

District Assessment Coordinator ONLY Boxes

1. Place the following materials, as applicable per administration, in the District Assessment Coordinator
ONLY boxes (along with any other ancillary materials that your district assessment coordinator has
asked you to return in the boxes):
• Original records of required administration information
• Original Security Logs
• Original seating charts
• Original Test Materials Chain of Custody Forms
• Used and unused work folders
• Used and unused worksheets
• Used and unused reference sheets
• Used and unused planning sheets
• Used and unused large print planning sheets

2. Seal the boxes; write “District Assessment Coordinator ONLY” on the side of the boxes.
3. If your district assessment coordinator asks you to hold these boxes for return at a later date, store
them in a secure location. He or she may ask you to recycle or destroy these materials, except for the
records of required administration information and Security Logs, after scores for this administration
have been reported. If you have any questions about what to include in these boxes or your district’s
guidelines for storing them, contact your district assessment coordinator.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 245

District Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing

District Assessment Coordinator

Responsibilities Before Testing
Please use the District Assessment Coordinator CBT Checklist, located in Appendix D, before, during,
and after testing.

Receive Materials
Do not distribute secure materials to schools any earlier than one week prior to testing. If you find
it necessary to distribute materials to specific schools sooner than one week before testing, please
contact the Bureau of K–12 Student Assessment with a list of schools for approval.
District materials will be packaged in separate boxes labeled with the district’s name. You can access
copies of your district and school packing lists in the blue District Assessment Coordinator box or in
TIDE. After your shipment arrives, make sure that each school receives the range of boxes assigned.
If boxes are missing, notify the FSA Help Desk at 866-815-7246 (option 2). Instruct school assessment
coordinators to inventory the contents of their boxes within 24 hours of receipt and report missing materials
Planning sheets, work folders, and worksheets arrived in your shipment of test administration manuals.
Ensure that all schools in your district have received an adequate supply of planning sheets, work folders,
and worksheets.
You will receive the following materials for this administration, as applicable (may not be packaged in the
order indicated):
• Test administration manuals
• Planning sheets
• Work folders
• CBT Worksheets
• Writing Passage Booklets
• Reading Passage Booklets

Required Administration Information

Communicate the process for collecting the required administration information to school assessment
coordinators, which includes the following:
• Students assigned to each testing room—provide student names and FLEIDs
• Attendance information—P=Present, A=Absent, W=Withdrawn, and P/I=Present but Invalidated
• Grade level
• Session ID (generated in TDS when test administrators create a test session)
• Accommodations provided to students (codes provided on page 20)
• Accommodations used by students
• Signatures of test administrator and school assessment coordinator
• Unique security numbers of passage booklets assigned to each student
• Dates and times when secure materials (e.g., test tickets, passage booklets) are received and

246 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

District Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing

It is your responsibility to decide how schools will collect the required administration information.
You may:
• Instruct school assessment coordinators to copy and use the blank Administration Record/Security
Checklist located in Appendix D.
• Determine your own method or allow school assessment coordinators to determine their own

Prepare for Practice Test Sessions

Instruct school assessment coordinators to schedule and arrange practice tests as described in this manual
(see page 19).

Seating Charts
Test administrators are required to maintain an accurate seating chart for each group of students in their
rooms during testing (see information on page 21). If the seating configuration changes during testing or
if students using extra time are moved to a new location to complete the test, a new seating chart must
be created. After testing, school assessment coordinators must make copies of all seating charts, file the
copies, and return the original charts in your District Assessment Coordinator ONLY box.

Create TIDE/TDS Accounts

User accounts are required for all school personnel who will be administering FSA assessments, as well
as any personnel who will be updating student records or accessing student scores. Further information
regarding creating and maintaining user accounts can be found in the TIDE User Guide, available on the
FSA Portal.

Train School Assessment Coordinators and Technology Coordinators

You are responsible for training school assessment coordinators and technology coordinators, and school
assessment coordinators are responsible for training test administrators and proctors. School personnel
and volunteers approved by the district may serve as proctors, according to the instructions on page 14.
Stress the importance of having staff available to assist test administrators with technical issues,
if necessary.
Also, stress the importance of school assessment coordinators training both non-school-based instructors
(e.g., itinerant teachers) and personnel who may serve as alternate administrators in the event of test-day
emergencies. Test security requires the use of trained administrators to minimize test irregularities and
possible test invalidations.
TIDE user accounts should be created for school assessment coordinators and school technology
coordinators using the instructions found in the TIDE User Guide.
Review the following procedures when training school assessment coordinators:
• Completing the 2017–2018 Test Administration and Security Agreement and the 2017–2018 Test
Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement (These security agreements may be copied together as
single-page, double-sided forms and must be filed at the school.)
• Verifying student information in TIDE

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 247

District Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing

• Marking accommodations for students in TIDE (if not entered through the PreID file or Upload
Accommodations file)
• Adding new student information
• Administering practice test sessions
• Scheduling test sessions
• Ensuring that all test administration and test security policies and procedures outlined in this
manual are followed
• Recording the required administration information
• Completing Security Logs and seating charts with the required information (Completed Security
Logs and seating charts are copied and filed at the school and district levels.)
• Printing test tickets
• Preparing testing room(s)
• Distributing test tickets
• Distributing planning sheets, work folders, CBT Worksheets, passage booklets, and reference
sheets to test administrators, as applicable
• Distributing calculators, if applicable (Grades 7–8 Sessions 2 and 3 and EOC Session 2 only)
• Verifying that handheld calculators, if provided, comply with the guidelines found on the FSA
Mathematics Calculator and Reference Sheet Policies document, found on the FSA Portal
• Monitoring testing
• Creating requests in TIDE to re-open sessions and tests
• Providing correct accommodations to students
• Recording the accommodations provided to students and the accommodations used by students
• Storing, returning, or otherwise handling other materials, including used and unused CBT
Worksheets, work folders, planning sheets, Reading and Writing Passage Booklets, reference
sheets, and test tickets according to your instructions
• Packaging materials in the District Assessment Coordinator ONLY boxes (see page 251)
Prior to testing, ensure that your school assessment coordinators are aware of your district’s policies
regarding the following:
• How to handle the collection of electronic devices prior to testing
• Whether students should be allowed to submit their tests prior to the end of a Reading or
Mathematics test session and, if so, if those students should be allowed to read after their test
materials have been collected
• How to contact you immediately if a technical disruption or misadministration occurs
User guides and other training resources are available on the FSA Portal.

Arrange to Test Special Program Students

Communicate with your school assessment coordinators how to make arrangements for students in special
programs (district virtual instruction programs, Home Education Programs, etc.) to test at their schools.

248 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

District Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities Before Testing

Ensure Implementation of Accommodations

Appendix A provides information concerning allowable accommodations for students with disabilities
and for ELLs. School assessment coordinators may require assistance in providing additional proctors
and/or test locations, depending on the accommodations implemented. Arrange for these accommodations
prior to the test administration dates. To avoid potential test invalidations, ensure that accommodations are
provided as indicated on student IEPs or Section 504 Plans. Documentation of accommodations provided
to and used by students must be maintained at each school.
The 2017–2018 FSA Accommodations Guide (available on the FSA portal) contains instructions
for administering FSA accommodated paper-based assessments. Scripts for administering FSA
accommodated assessments are available on the portal.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 249

District Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities During Testing

District Assessment Coordinator

Responsibilities During Testing
Monitor Test Administration and Maintain Test Security
Be available during testing to answer questions from school assessment coordinators. Monitor each school
to ensure that test administration and test security policies and procedures are followed.
Schools will submit re-open a test session and re-open a test requests in TIDE for students who are
locked out of a session and need to return to testing on the same day, and the district will be responsible
for approving these requests. Contact FDOE or the FSA Help Desk for assistance with processing these

Test Status Monitoring

Student progress and test completion rates can be monitored in TIDE. You should use Participation
Reports, the Test Status Code Report, and Test Completion Rates in TIDE to track completion rates and
determine which students still need to be tested. Further information on these reports can be found in the
TIDE User Guide.

Communicate with FDOE

Contact the Bureau of K–12 Student Assessment at 850-245-0513 if security breaches are reported or if
you need guidance when test invalidation is being considered.
If testing is interrupted due to a technical issue or technology failure, please report the issue to the Bureau
of K–12 Student Assessment immediately.
You are also required to report test incidents and irregularities to the Bureau of K–12 Student Assessment
using an online form. FDOE will distribute a link and instructions to districts prior to each test administration.

250 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

District Assessment Coordinator Responsibilities After Testing

District Assessment Coordinator

Responsibilities After Testing
After testing, verify that school assessment coordinators have completed the following tasks:

• Filed the signed copies of the 2017–2018 Test Administration and Security Agreement and
2017–2018 Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement
• Filed copies of the seating charts, Security Logs, and required administration information, and
returned the originals, along with all used Writing Planning Sheets, worksheets, work folders, and
reference sheets in the District Assessment Coordinator ONLY boxes
• Packaged, stored, and returned all materials, according to your instructions and the instructions in
this manual

Prepare Boxes for Return

Writing and Reading Passage Booklets should be returned in white-labeled NOT TO BE SCORED boxes.
For detailed instructions on preparing boxes for return, please refer to the FSA Paper-Based Materials
Return Instructions in the 2017–2018 FSA Accommodations Guide.

Receive District Assessment Coordinator ONLY Boxes

If you instructed schools to return these boxes to you, open the boxes when you receive them, review the
records of required administration information, and make sure that you have notified FDOE if any secure
materials are missing. A form for reporting missing materials is available on the FSA Portal. Complete the
necessary investigation and file the records.
Verify that the Security Logs, Test Materials Chain of Custody Forms, and seating charts were completed
and file them. Do not recycle or destroy any ancillary materials, such as manuals, used work folders, used
planning sheets, and used worksheets, until scores for the administration have been reported.
If District Assessment Coordinator ONLY boxes will be securely stored at schools, ensure that school
assessment coordinators understand your policies for storing these materials.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 251

252 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual
Appendix A: Accommodations

Appendix A: Accommodations

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 253

Appendix A: Accommodations

The information in this appendix is organized into sections by category (see table below).

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Page(s)

Test Accommodations for Students with Disabilities (General
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities 255–259
Unique Accommodations 259
Accommodations for English Language Learners
Accommodations for English Language Learners (ELLs) 259–260
Other Accommodations
Instructions for Oral Presentation Accommodations 261–263

Test Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

(General Information)
As specified in this appendix, accommodations may be provided to students with disabilities enrolled in
public schools with current IEPs or Section 504 Plans. Care must be taken to provide a student with only
the accommodations permitted for that student. In addition, students with disabilities must be provided the
opportunity to participate in practice activities for the statewide assessments with appropriate allowable
Determination of appropriate accommodations in assessment situations for students with disabilities
shall be based on the individual needs of each student. Decisions on accommodations shall be made
by the IEP or Section 504 team and recorded on the IEP or Section 504 Plan. Students with disabilities
should be oriented to any test situation through test-taking instruction designed to familiarize them with
testing format and procedures. This orientation should take place near the time of testing. Guidelines
recommended for making accommodation decisions include the following:

1. Accommodations should facilitate an accurate demonstration of what the student knows or can do.
2. Accommodations should not provide the student with an unfair advantage or interfere with the
validity of a test; accommodations must not change the underlying skills that are being measured by
the test.
3. Accommodations must be the same or nearly the same as those needed and used by the student in
completing classroom instruction and assessment activities.
4. Accommodations must be necessary for enabling the student to demonstrate knowledge, ability, skill,
or mastery.
Students with disabilities who are not currently enrolled in public schools or receiving services through
public school programs and require accommodations in order to participate in a test administration may
have access to accommodations if the following information is provided:

• Evidence that the student has been found eligible as a student with a disability as defined by
s. 1003.01(3)(a), F.S., or Rule 6A-19.001(6), FAC, and
• Documentation that the requested accommodations are regularly used for instruction.
For further information, please contact the Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services at
850-245-0475 or visit

254 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Appendix A: Accommodations

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

Accommodations must be provided as indicated on student IEPs or Section 504 Plans. Listed below and
on the following pages are allowable accommodations for 2017–2018 Florida Standards Assessments.
Not all allowable accommodations are listed.

A. Flexible Presentation
• For computer-based test administrations, paper-based test materials may be requested for a student
with an IEP or Section 504 Plan that clearly indicates the reason that the computer-based test is not
currently accessible or appropriate. Documentation should include the following:

▪ Whether or not the student is currently able to use a computer or mobile device to engage in
▪ Accommodations/assistive technology the student needs when using a computer or mobile
▪ Training and services the student needs to successfully use a computer or mobile device in
▪ The type of media/accommodations (e.g., paper, braille) that are necessary if it is determined
that the student cannot use a computer or mobile device for the foreseeable future.
• A regular print paper version of the test may be requested for a student. For computer-based test
administrations, student eligibility information for regular print test materials must be submitted
to FDOE.
• A large print paper version of the test may be requested for a student. The minimum font size for
large print test materials is 18 points. Student eligibility information for large print test materials
must be submitted to FDOE.
• A contracted or uncontracted braille version may be requested for a student who uses braille
materials. Student eligibility information for braille test materials must be submitted to FDOE. In
braille versions, test items may be altered in format or deleted as authorized by FDOE.
• A one-item-per-page paper version may be requested for a student who requires one test item on a
page, fewer test items on a page, increased space between test items, or true black-and-white print.
Student eligibility information for one-item-per-page test materials must be submitted to FDOE.
• A regular print or large print passage booklet may be requested for a student participating in a
computer-based Reading or Writing test. The passage booklet contains the passages only and does
not contain prompts, test items, or answer choices. Student eligibility information for passage
booklets must be submitted to FDOE.
• Oral presentation may be provided for directions, prompts, items, and answer choices. Passages in
ELA Reading and ELA Writing tests may not be read aloud to students. Passages in Mathematics
or EOC assessments may be read aloud. Prompts, items, and answer choices may not be reworded,
summarized, or simplified. When reading answer choices, the test administrator or proctor must be
very careful not to use inflection that might lead a student to the correct/incorrect responses.
• For computer-based test administrations, a student may use the text-to-speech (TTS) form for
oral presentation of directions, prompts, items, and answer choices. TTS will not be enabled on
passages in ELA Reading and ELA Writing tests.
• American Sign Language (ASL) videos and closed captioning for ELA Reading audio content are
available for eligible students who have these accommodations identified in their IEPs or Section
504 Plans.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 255

Appendix A: Accommodations

• Signed presentation may be provided for directions, prompts, items, and answer choices. Passages
in ELA Reading and ELA Writing tests may not be signed to students. Passages in Mathematics or
EOC assessments may be signed. The test administrator or proctor may sign directions, prompts,
items, and answer choices using the same method of sign language that the student regularly
uses in the classroom but must be careful not to use signs that might lead the student to a correct
response. In such cases, fingerspelling may be used as an alternative. Directions, signs, prompts,
items, and answer choices may be signed as many times as a student requests.
• For oral or signed presentation, the test administrator or proctor may sign or read aloud allowable
portions of tests to the student in the manner that is regularly used in the classroom. Examples
of allowable oral/signed presentation include but are not limited to reading/signing to a group
of students, reading/signing to a student individually, and reading/signing only when a student
• Test directions may be repeated, clarified, or summarized as many times as a student requests.
• A student may be provided with a copy of directions from the administration script that is read by
the test administrator.
• A student may be allowed to demonstrate that he or she understands the directions (e.g., repeating
or paraphrasing).
• A student may read aloud directions, passages, prompts, items, and answer choices to himself/
herself. This would require use of a device such as a WhisperPhone® or would require that the
student be tested in a separate setting so that other students are not disturbed.
• Verbal encouragement (e.g., “keep working,” “make sure to answer every question”) may be used;
however, it may not be used to assist a student in producing or correcting responses.
• Students may use magnification devices (e.g., CCTV/video magnifiers, reading loupes, handheld
magnifiers). Devices must be used without accessing image-upload features (e.g., devices with a
memory card must have the memory card removed during testing).
• A student may use a straightedge to maintain or enhance visual attention to test items.
• Portions of a test may be masked to direct attention to uncovered item(s). For computer-based test
administrations, a student may use the masking accommodation.
• Colored transparencies/overlays may be used.
• Test documents may be secured to a work area. If adhesives are used to secure scannable
documents, responses must be transcribed into replacement documents.
• Positioning tools, such as a reading stand, may be used.
• A student may use a highlighter to highlight key words or phrases in directions, passages, prompts,
items, and answer choices. If a highlighter is used on a scannable document and the ink is visible
on a response area (e.g., writing response, answer bubble), responses must be transcribed into a
replacement document.

B. Flexible Responding

• A student may use varied methods to respond to a test, including written, typed, signed, and verbal
responses. A test administrator or proctor may record or transcribe student responses to the format
required by the test.

256 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Appendix A: Accommodations

▪ Students must be told the amount of space into which the response will be recorded or
transcribed. Recorded or transcribed responses must accurately reflect the response of the
student, without addition or enhancement by the test administrator or proctor. Copies must be
erased or destroyed after the responses have been transcribed.
▪ If a student provides a verbal or signed response, the test administrator or proctor must ask
the student to indicate punctuation and the spelling of words that he or she is not completely
certain that the student can spell (i.e., words not on the Dolch word list for the grade level
tested). The student may review the written material and direct the test administrator or proctor
on editing the response.
▪ If a student taking a paper-based Writing test provides a typed response, transcription of the
response into the paper-based test is not required. Directions for returning typed Writing
responses are included in the scripts and instructions for administering paper-based
accommodations available on the FSA Portal.
• A student may use speech-to-text technology to record responses.
• A student may provide responses using a mouse, keyboard, or assistive technology that uses
either device.
• A student may use a computer or other device to provide responses.
• A student may use a computer switch or pointing device to provide responses.
• A student may use a communication device to provide responses.
• A test administrator or proctor may check periodically to be sure that a student is entering answer
choices correctly on a computer-based test.
• A student may use special paper such as raised-line, shaded-line, or color-coded. Responses must
be transcribed from the special paper to the format required by the test.

C. Flexible Scheduling

• A student may be administered a test session during several brief periods within one school day,
allowing frequent breaks. Between sessions and during breaks (e.g., restroom breaks, lunch
breaks), students must be closely monitored to ensure that they do not share information about
the test.
• A student may use a specific time of day for test sessions.
• A student may be provided extended time to complete a test session. Extended time must be
provided in accordance with the student’s IEP or Section 504 Plan. Extended time is not
unlimited time; it should align with the accommodation used regularly in the student’s classroom
instruction and assessments. The student is not required to use all of the extended time that is
allowed and may end the test session prior to the expiration of the extended time. Each test session
must be completed within one school day.
• A student with a flexible scheduling accommodation that requires more than one day to complete
an FSA reading, mathematics, or EOC test session must participate in testing using paper-based
test materials. The following conditions must be maintained to ensure that the validity of the test
administration across days:
▪ The student may not be permitted to change his or her responses to items that were completed
on a previous day.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 257

Appendix A: Accommodations

▪ The test administrator must closely supervise the administration of the test on an individual
basis to ensure that responses from the previous day are not changed and that the student does
not preview parts of the test to be answered the following day.
▪ The test administrator must use a paper clip or binder clip to secure the test documents and
prevent the student from reviewing his or her answers from the previous day. Staples or tape
should not be used. Clips must be removed after testing.
• All FSA Writing administrations must be completed in one school day.
• Grades 6–8 students with extended time accommodations may be administered one FSA
Mathematics session per day (over 3 days).

D. Flexible Setting

• A student may be administered a test in a familiar place with a test proctor present, and/or a
familiar person who has been appropriately trained may administer the test. Procedures for test
security must be followed and precautions taken to ensure that the test remains secure.
• A student may be administered a test individually or in a small group setting. A small group should
be of a size comparable to the normal instruction group size indicated on the student’s IEP or
Section 504 Plan.
• If a student requires use of an accommodation that may disturb other students or is not allowed for
other students in the room (e.g., read aloud), the student should be tested in a separate setting.
• A student may use special lighting.
• A student may use adaptive or special furniture.
• Special acoustics, such as FM systems, may be used to enhance sound, or special rooms may be
used to decrease auditory distractions.
• The opportunity for movement may be increased or decreased.
• Stimuli may be reduced (e.g., by limiting the number of items around the student’s desk or
computer station).
• White noise/sound machines or music that is approved by district/school personnel may be used to
reduce auditory distractions. During testing, machines and music players must be controlled by the
test administrator or proctor.

E. Assistive Devices and Tools

• A student may use software programs to ensure that access to the computer and to approved
assistive technology (e.g., switch scanning software, specialized on-screen keyboards, mouse
• A student may use varied assistive devices to access the computer (e.g., alternative keyboards,
trackballs, joysticks, switch scanning systems, touch screens, mouth sticks, head wands, eye-gaze
or head control systems).
• Visual magnification and auditory amplification devices may be used.
• Other assistive technology typically used by the student in classroom instruction may be used,
provided that the purpose of the test is not violated. Implementation of assistive devices must
ensure that test responses are the independent work of the student.
• Students who use sign language as their primary means of communication may use an English/sign
or sign/English translation dictionary. The dictionary must be similar to one used in instructional

258 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Appendix A: Accommodations

setting and may not contain definitions of words. The dictionary may contain the sign picture,
the word, synonyms, and an index. Electronic sign language dictionaries that meet the same
requirements without accessing the Internet may be used.
• For Sessions 2 and 3 of Grades 7–8 mathematics and for Session 2 of EOC Mathematics tests, a
regular, large key/large display, or talking scientific calculator may be used. No other calculator
may be used. Calculators may not be used during other tests or test sessions.
• A student with a visual impairment may use an abacus and products such as the Graphic Aid for
Mathematics, Math Window®, and the geoboard. These devices are approved substitutes for
paper-and-pencil computation.
• A student may use blank mathematics grids/guides to organize mathematical computation.
Multiplication charts/tables may not be used.
• Devices designed to check grammar or spelling must not be used.
• Manipulative materials, including but not limited to counters, base-10 blocks, clock faces, or
geometric shapes may not be used except when approved by FDOE for use with braille test
materials. Real coins may be used to represent coins depicted in test items. Coins may not be used
as counting devices.
• Students who require the use of an electronic device for a purpose specified on his or her plan
(e.g., health monitoring application on the student’s phone) may have access to the device during
testing. A test administrator must be able to monitor the student’s use of the device at all times
during testing.

Unique Accommodations
In accordance with Rule 6A-1.0943, FAC, school districts may request unique accommodations for
individual students with disabilities. Unique accommodations are specialized accommodations that
require alterations to existing test materials, presentation, or administration guidelines. Requests may
be submitted for such accommodations that are outside of the scope of currently available test materials
and/or established test administration procedures. Paper-based accommodations are not unique
accommodations and may be provided to eligible students.
Written requests for unique accommodations must be submitted using the Unique Accommodations
Request Form. In order to be approved for use during testing, a unique accommodation must be
documented on an IEP or Section 504 Plan, must be used regularly by the student in the classroom, and
must not negate the validity or threaten the security of the assessment. Requests should be reviewed
and approved by district personnel before submission to FDOE. Each unique accommodation must be
approved by the Commissioner of Education or a designee prior to its use.

Accommodations for English Language Learners (ELLs)

Districts are required to offer accommodations to students identified as ELLs. The following are
allowable accommodations for ELLs participating in 2017–2018 Florida Standards Assessments.

A. Flexible Setting

• ELLs may be offered the opportunity to be tested in a separate room with the English for Speakers
of Other Languages (ESOL) or heritage language teacher serving as test administrator. Parents/
guardians must be informed of this option for students not of legal age and shall be given the
opportunity to select the preferred method of test administration.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 259

Appendix A: Accommodations

B. Flexible Scheduling

• ELLs may take a test session during several brief periods within one school day; however, each test
session must be completed within one school day.
• ELLs may be provided additional time to complete a test session; however, each test session must
be completed within one school day.

C. Assistance in Heritage Language

• ELLs may be provided limited assistance by an ESOL or heritage language teacher using the
student’s heritage language for directions, prompts, items, and answer choices. This should not
be interpreted as permission to provide oral presentation of prompts, items, and answer choices in
English or in the student’s heritage language. Assistance may not be provided for words or phrases
in ELA Reading and ELA Writing passages.
• The ESOL or heritage language teacher or other trained individual familiar with the student may
answer questions about the general test directions in the student’s heritage language. If the test
is administered to a group of students, the teacher may answer questions about directions for the
benefit of the group. Questions of clarification from individual students must be answered on an
individual basis without disturbing other students.
• The ESOL or heritage language teacher or other trained individual familiar with the student
may answer specific questions about a word or phrase in a prompt, item, or answer choice that
is confusing the student because of limited English proficiency but is prohibited from giving
assistance that will help the student produce, correct, or edit responses. Assistance may not be
provided for words or phrases in ELA Reading and ELA Writing passages.

D. Approved Dictionary and Glossary

• ELLs should have access to an English-to-heritage language and/or heritage language-to-English

translation dictionary or glossary or both, such as those made available to ELLs in an instructional
setting. Glossaries containing content specific word-to-word translations in heritage language can
also be provided. The dictionary or glossary must provide word-to-word translations only and
may not contain definitions or other information. A dictionary or glossary written exclusively in
the heritage language or in English shall not be provided. Electronic translation dictionaries or
glossaries that meet the same requirements without accessing the Internet may be used.

260 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Appendix A: Accommodations

Instructions for Oral Presentation

Use the instructions and examples below and on the following pages when providing oral presentation
of an assessment to eligible students who have the accommodation documented in an IEP or Section 504
Plan. Any portions of tests that may be read aloud may also be signed for students who require use of sign
language. These rules are consistent with text-to-speech functionality for FSA test items in computer-
based tests.
For students with the oral presentation accommodation taking the FSA Mathematics or EOCs, all
directions, passages, test questions, and answer choices may be read aloud. Charts, tables, illustrations,
and graphs may also be read aloud to students with the oral presentation accommodation. The test
administrator or proctor may describe the charts, tables, illustrations, graphs, etc. in a manner similar to
that which the student would normally encounter in the classroom, but the test administrator or proctor
must exercise care not to use inflection that might lead a student to the correct/incorrect response.
Note: For any portions of tests that may be read aloud or signed for students with disabilities, assistance
in heritage language only (not oral presentation) may be provided for students identified as English
Language Learners (ELLs).

1. Directions, test questions, and answer choices may be read aloud.

2. Passages may not be read aloud.
3. When passages or excerpts from passages appear within items, the following rules apply:
• Words, phrases, and individual sentences from passages that appear in the stem or in the answer
choices may be read aloud.
• Portions of passages longer than one sentence that appear in the stem or in the answer choices may
not be read aloud.
• Paragraphs from passages (including individual sentences presented together in paragraph form)
that appear in the stem or in the answer choices may not be read aloud. Only paragraph numbers
may be read aloud.
Everything in this portion of the
item may be read aloud.

Everything in this portion of

the item may be read aloud.
(An individual sentence from a
passage that appears in an item
may be read aloud.)

Everything in this portion of the

item may be read aloud.

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 261

Appendix A: Accommodations

Everything in this portion of the
item may be read aloud.

Do not read anything in this

portion of the item aloud.
(A passage that appears in an
item may not be read aloud.)

Everything in this portion of the
item may be read aloud.

Do not read anything in this

portion of the item aloud.
(A paragraph from a passage
that appears in an item may
not be read aloud.)

262 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Appendix A: Accommodations

Everything in this portion of the
item may be read aloud.

Everything in this portion of the

item may be read aloud.
(Individual sentences from a
passage that appear in an item
may be read aloud.)

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 263

264 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual
Appendix B: FSA Help Desk

Appendix B: FSA Help Desk

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 265

Appendix B: FSA Help Desk

FSA Help Desk

Questions related to 2017–2018 Florida Standards Assessments may be directed to the FSA Help Desk.
The Help Desk will be open Monday–Friday (except holidays) from 7:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m., ET.
FSA Help Desk Contact Information
Toll-Free Phone Support: 866-815-7246
For questions about materials shipments and returns, select option 2.
Email Support: [email protected]

Emails to the Help Desk will be automatically logged and responded to within one working day (typically
sooner). Urgent requests will be given priority. For same day testing related emergencies, you may leave
your cell phone number with the Help Desk for a return call as soon as possible. If you contact the Help
Desk, you will be asked to provide as much detail as possible about the problem you encountered.

If contacting the Help Desk regarding a concern related to computer-based testing, please provide the
following information:

• Test administrator name and IT/network contact person and contact information
• Username(s) or Result ID(s) of affected student(s)
▪ Do not send secure student information to the Help Desk via email.
• Device, operating system, and browser version information
• Any error messages and codes that appeared, if applicable
• Information about your network configuration:
▪ Secure browser installation (to individual machines or network)
▪ Wired or wireless Internet network setup

Supported Operating Systems

As a reminder, official technical support is provided only for the systems listed in the Systems Requirements
document found at

266 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Appendix C: Florida Test Security Statute and Rule

Appendix C: Florida Test Security

Statute and Rule

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 267

Appendix C: Florida Test Security Statute and Rule

268 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Florida Test Security Statute
1008.24 Test administration and security; public records exemption

(1) A person may not knowingly and willfully violate test security rules adopted by the State Board
of Education for mandatory tests administered by or through the State Board of Education or the
Commissioner of Education to students, educators, or applicants for certification or administered by
school districts pursuant to s. 1008.22, or, with respect to any such test, knowingly and willfully to:
(a) Give examinees access to test questions prior to testing;
(b) Copy, reproduce, or use in any manner inconsistent with test security rules all or any portion of any
secure test booklet;
(c) Coach examinees during testing or alter or interfere with examinees’ responses in any way;
(d) Make answer keys available to examinees;
(e) Fail to follow security rules for distribution and return of secure test as directed, or fail to account for
all secure test materials before, during, and after testing;
(f) Fail to follow test administration directions specified in the test administration manuals; or
(g) Participate in, direct, aid, counsel, assist in, or encourage any of the acts prohibited in this section.
(2) Any person who violates this section commits a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in
s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
(3) (a) A school district may contract with qualified contractors to administer and proctor statewide
standardized assessments required under s. 1008.22 or assessments associated with Florida
approved courses under s. 1003.499, as approved by the Department of Education in
accordance with rules of the State Board of Education. Assessments may be administered or
proctored by qualified contractors at sites that meet criteria established by rules of the State
Board of Education and adopted pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to implement the
contracting requirements of this subsection.
(b) A school district may use district employees, such as education paraprofessionals as described
in s. 1012.37, to administer and proctor statewide, standardized assessments required under
s. 1008.22 or assessments associated with Florida approved courses under s. 1003.499, in
accordance with this section and related rules adopted by the State Board of Education. The
rules must establish training requirements that must be successfully completed by district
employees prior to the employees performing duties pursuant to this paragraph.
(4) (a) A district school superintendent, a president of a public postsecondary educational institution,
or a president of a nonpublic postsecondary educational institution shall cooperate with the
Commissioner of Education in any investigation concerning the administration of a test
administered pursuant to state statute or rule.
(b) The identity of a school or postsecondary educational institution, personal identifying
information of any personnel of any school district or postsecondary educational institution,
or any specific allegations of misconduct obtained or reported pursuant to an investigation
conducted by the Department of Education of a testing impropriety are confidential and
exempt from s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution until the conclusion of
the investigation or until such time as the investigation ceases to be active. For the purpose
of this paragraph, an investigation is deemed concluded upon a finding that no impropriety
has occurred, upon the conclusion of any resulting preliminary investigation pursuant to s.
1012.796, upon the completion of any resulting investigation by a law enforcement agency,
or upon the referral of the matter to an employer who has the authority to take disciplinary
action against an individual who is suspected of a testing impropriety. For the purpose
of this paragraph, an investigation is considered active so long as it is ongoing and there
is a reasonable, good faith anticipation that an administrative finding will be made in the
foreseeable future.
(5) Exceptional students with disabilities, as defined in s. 1003.01(3), shall have access to testing sites.
The Department of Education and each school district shall adopt policies that are necessary to ensure
such access.
History.—s. 370, ch. 2002–387; s. 1, ch. 2009–143; s. 7, ch. 2013–225; s. 1, ch. 2014–13; s. 8, ch. 2015–6.
Florida State Board of Education Test Security Rule
6A-10.042 Test Administration and Security
(1) Tests implemented in accordance with the requirements of Sections 1004.93, 1008.22, 1008.30,
1012.55 and 1012.56, F.S., shall be maintained and administered in a secure manner such that the
integrity of the tests shall be preserved.
(a) Test questions shall be preserved in a secure manner by individuals who are developing and
validating the tests. Such individuals shall not reveal in any manner, verbally or in writing, the test
questions under development.
(b) Tests or individual test questions shall not be revealed, copied, or otherwise reproduced by persons
who are involved in the administration, proctoring, or scoring of any test.
(c) Examinees shall not be assisted in answering test questions by any means by persons administering
or proctoring the administration of any test.
(d) Examinees’ answers to questions shall not be interfered with in any way by persons administering,
proctoring, or scoring the examinations.
(e) Examinees shall not be given answer keys by any person.
(f) Persons who are involved in administering or proctoring the tests or persons who teach or otherwise
prepare examinees for the tests shall not participate in, direct, aid, counsel, assist in, or encourage
any activity which could result in the inaccurate measurement or reporting of the examinees’
(g) Each person who has access to tests or test questions during the development, printing,
administration, or scoring of the tests shall be informed of specifications for maintaining test security,
the provisions in statute and rule governing test security, and a description of the penalties for
breaches of test security.
(h) During each test administration, school district and institutional test administration coordinators and
contractors employing test administrators and proctors shall ensure that required testing procedures
are being followed at all test administration sites. Officials from the Department are authorized to
conduct unannounced observations of test administration procedures at any test administration site to
ensure that testing procedures are being correctly followed.
(i) In accordance with Section 1008.24, F.S., a school district may use district employees, such as
education paraprofessionals as described in Section 1012.37, F.S., to administer and proctor
statewide, standardized assessments required under Section 1008.22, F.S. All test administrators
and proctors for the statewide assessments administered pursuant to Rule 6A-1.09422, F.A.C., must
complete training requirements outlined in Training Requirements for Administering and Proctoring
the Statewide Assessments, 2015, (
incorporated herein by reference. A copy may be obtained by contacting the Division of
Accountability, Research and Measurement, Department of Education, 325 West Gaines Street,
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400.
(2) Test materials, including all test booklets and other materials containing secure test questions, answer
keys, and student responses, shall be kept secure and precisely accounted for in accordance with the
procedures specified in the examination program administration manuals and other communications
provided by the Department. Such procedures shall include but are not limited to the following:
(a) All test materials shall be kept in secure, locked storage prior to and after administration of any test.
(b) All test materials shall be precisely accounted for and written documentation kept by test
administrators and proctors for each point at which test materials are distributed and returned.
(c) Any discrepancies noted in the number or serial numbers of testing materials received from
contractors shall be reported to the Department by designated institutional or school district personnel
prior to the administration of the test.
(d) In the event that test materials are determined to be missing while in the possession of an institution
or school district, designated institutional or school district personnel shall investigate the cause of the
discrepancy and provide the Department with a report of the investigation within thirty (30) calendar
days of the initiation of the investigation. At a minimum, the report shall include the nature of the
situation, the time and place of occurrence, and the names of the persons involved in or witness to the
occurrence. Officials from the Department are authorized to conduct additional investigations.
(e) In those cases where the responsibility for secure destruction of certain test materials is assigned by
the Department to designated institutional or school district personnel, the responsible institutional
or school district representative shall certify in writing that such destruction was accomplished in a
secure manner.
(f) In those cases where test materials are permitted by the Department to be maintained in an institution
or school district, the test materials shall be maintained in a secure manner as specified in the
instructions provided by the Department. Access to the materials shall be limited to the individuals
and purposes specified by the Department.
(3) In those situations where an employee of the educational institution, school district, or contractor, or
an employee of the Department suspects a student of cheating on a test or suspects other violations
of the provisions of this rule, a report shall be made to the department or test support contractor, as
specified in the test administration procedures, within ten (10) calendar days. The report shall include
a description of the incident, the names of the persons involved in or witness to the incident, and
other information as appropriate. Officials from the Department are authorized to conduct additional
(4) Violations of test security provisions shall be subject to penalties provided in statute and State Board
(5) School districts and public educational institutions under Section 1003.49, F.S., may contract with
third-party contractors to administer and proctor statewide standardized assessments required under
Section 1008.22, F.S., or assessments associated with Florida approved courses under Section
1003.499, F.S.
(a) School districts and educational institutions must require the contractor to provide a safe and
comfortable facility that does not interfere with a student’s ability to demonstrate mastery on the tests.
(b) School district or educational institution use of third-party contractors (including contracted affiliates,
such as franchises) shall not relieve the district or institution of its obligation to provide access to
statewide testing for Florida Virtual School or virtual charter school students pursuant to Sections
1002.33(20), 1002.37 and 1002.45(6)(b), F.S.
(c) The contractor must adhere to all test administration and security protocols as prescribed by the
Department pursuant to Section 120.81(1)(c), F.S., and shall be subject to all provisions of this rule.
(d) The contractor must not collect nor maintain any student’s personally-identifiable information
beyond that required for test administration.
(e) All technology used to administer computer-based tests must meet assessment technology guidelines
and online test security requirements as prescribed by the Department pursuant to Section 120.81(1)
(c), F.S.
Rulemaking Authority 1001.02, 1003.49, 1008.23, 1008.24, F.S. Law Implemented 1003.49, 1008.23,
1008.24, F.S. History–New 7-5-87, Amended 10-26-94, 11-3-13, 1-7-16.
Appendix D: Perforated Forms and Signs

Appendix D: Perforated Forms and Signs

Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 273

Appendix D: Perforated Forms and Signs

274 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

2017–2018 Test Administration and Security Agreement
Florida Department of Education
Bureau of K–12 Student Assessment
Florida State Board of Education Rule 6A-10.042, FAC, was developed to meet the requirements of the Test Security
Statute, s. 1008.24, F.S., and applies to anyone involved in the administration of a statewide assessment. The Rule
prohibits activities that may threaten the integrity of the test. The Florida Test Security Statute and State Board of
Education Rule are located in the appendices of each test administration manual. Examples of prohibited activities
are listed below:

■ Reading or viewing the passages or test items

■ Revealing the passages or test items
■ Copying the passages or test items
■ Explaining or reading passages or test items for students
■ Changing or otherwise interfering with student responses to test items
■ Copying or reading student responses
■ Causing achievement of schools to be inaccurately measured or reported
Fold and Tear Carefully Along the Dotted Line

If any of the above examples are allowable accommodations for ELLs or students with current IEPs or Section 504
Plans, test administrators are permitted to provide the accommodation(s) as described in each test administration

All personnel are prohibited from examining or copying the test items and/or the contents of the test. The security
of all test content must be maintained before, during, and after the test administration.

The use of properly trained test administrators and proctors decreases the risk of test invalidation due to test
irregularities or breaches in test security. Inappropriate actions by district or school personnel will result in
further investigation, possible loss of teaching certification, and possible involvement of law enforcement

I understand that I must receive adequate training regarding the administration of statewide assessments and read the
information and instructions provided in all applicable sections of the relevant test administration manual, including
the Florida Test Security Statute and State Board of Education Rule. I agree to follow all test administration and
security procedures outlined in the manual, Statute, and Rule.

Further, I will not reveal or disclose any information about the test items or engage in any acts that would violate the
security of statewide assessments or cause student achievement to be inaccurately represented.

School Name and Number Print Name

Date Signature

Bureau of K–12 Student Assessment

Florida Department of Education, 2017–2018
276 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual
2017–2018 Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement
It is important for you, as a test administrator of an FSA, NGSSS, or statewide science assessment, to know that
the following activities are prohibited. Engaging in such activities may result in an investigation, loss of teaching
certification, and/or prosecution for violation of the law. Please read the following list of prohibited activities and
sign your name on the signature line at the bottom of this page indicating that you understand these actions and their

I understand that before testing I may not:

■ Leave test materials unattended
■ Remove test materials from the school’s campus
■ Open and check through the test books
■ Read test items or passages
■ Copy, photocopy, or photograph test content

I understand that during testing (including during breaks) I may not:

■ Read test items as I monitor the room*
■ Read student responses or materials (e.g., work folders, planning sheets) as I monitor the room
■ Assist students in answering test items
Give students verbal cues (“you may want to re-check number 7”) or non-verbal cues (pointing at a specific
Fold and Tear Carefully Along the Dotted Line

■ Give students more time than is allotted for the session (unless a student has an extended time accommodation)
■ Encourage students to finish early
■ Display or fail to cover visual aids (e.g., word lists, multiplication tables) that may help students
■ Use my cell phone, check email, grade papers, or engage in other activities that will result in my attention not
being on students at all times
■ Leave the room unattended for any period of time
■ Allow students to talk or cause disturbances
■ Allow students to use cell phones or other electronic devices, even if they have already submitted their tests
■ Instruct students to test in a session other than the one designated for that day/allotted testing time (going on
to Session 2 during Session 1, reviewing work in Session 1 during Session 2)
■ Coach students during testing regarding test-taking strategies
■ Administer the assessment to my family members
* except when providing allowable accommodations, as described in Appendix A

I understand that after testing I may not:

■ Leave test materials unattended
■ Remove test materials from the school’s campus
■ Read through student test documents or responses
■ Change student answers
■ Discuss the content of the test with anyone, including students or other school personnel
■ Reveal the content of the test via electronic communication, including but not limited to email, text, or posting
to social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram)

If you are administering a test to students with flexible responding or flexible presentation accommodations that
require you to read test items, you may not reveal, copy, or share the items, or use the test content during instruction
after testing.

I acknowledge the information above and will not engage in any of the prohibited activities on this page.

Print Name: ____________________________________________________

Signature: ______________________________________________________ Date: ________________________________

Return this agreement to your school assessment coordinator.

278 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual
Test Materials Chain of Custody Form
The following information must be collected for each test administration at your school. This form may
be duplicated for use by grade level and/or maintained as an electronic file (blank form available at, but the content of this form may not be altered.

Contact your district assessment coordinator if you have any questions.

Your name (school assessment coordinator):

District name:

School name:

School number:

Location of locked storage room:

Names of people with access to locked storage room/location:

Fold and Tear Carefully Along the Dotted Line




Date and time materials arrived at the school:

Date and time shrink-wrapped test material packages are opened:

Packages opened by:

Date and time materials are prepared (PreID labels applied, etc.):

Materials prepared by:

Date and time materials are packaged for return:

Materials packaged by:

Date and time materials are returned to the district:

Bureau of K–12 Student Assessment

Florida Department of Education, 2017–2018
280 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual
Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Assessments
District: ____________________________ School: ____________________________ Administration: _____________________________________
Room Number: ___________ Assessment: ___________ Test Group Code(s)/Session ID(s): _____________________________________________
Personnel (e.g., test administrator, proctor) assigned to monitor this room for any length of time must complete this log when entering and exiting the room. Please be
sure to indicate your assigned area of the testing room (e.g., first three rows, back of the room).



Fold and Tear Carefully Along the Dotted Line
282 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual
Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Assessments
ADMINISTRATION: _____________________________________ SCHOOL NAME/NUMBER: _________________________________________
Session School
Student Student Test
Administration Record/Security Checklist

Security Grade Accommodations Accommodations ID/Test Assessment Date/Time Date/Time

Last First FLEID Attendance* Administrator
Number Level Provided** Used** Group Coordinator Received Returned
Name Name Signature
Code Signature
* Attendance Codes: P = Present A = Absent W = Withdrawn P/I = Present but Invalidated
** Accommodations Codes for ESE/504: 1-FP = Flexible Presentation; 1-FR = Flexible Responding; 1-FSC = Flexible Scheduling; 1-FSE = Flexible Setting; 1-AD = Assistive Devices
Accommodations Codes for ELL: 2-FSC = Flexible Scheduling; 2-FSE = Flexible Setting; 2-AHL = Assistance in Heritage Language; 2-ADI = Approved Dictionary
Fold and Tear Carefully Along the Dotted Line
284 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual
Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Assessments
Test Administrator CBT Checklist
Before Testing:
£ Read the test administration manual, the Test Administrator User Guide, and any local directions you have
been given, and resolve any questions you might have with your school assessment coordinator.
£ If you are administering tests to students using computer-based accommodations, familiarize yourself with
the appropriate scripts and instructions prior to test administration. Scripts and instructions for administering
computer-based accommodations are located on the FSA Portal.
£ Read the 2017–2018 Test Security Policies and Procedures section in the manual for the test(s) you are
administering, as well as the Test Security Statute and Rule (located in Appendix C), then sign the
2017–2018 Test Administration and Security Agreement.
£ Read and sign the 2017–2018 Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement.
£ Conduct computer-based practice test sessions as described on page 19 to familiarize yourself and your
students with the testing platform/format.
£ Establish an appropriate setting for test administration and remove or cover any unauthorized aids in the
testing room.
Fold and Tear Carefully Along the Dotted Line

£ Ensure that you have a form to collect required administration information during testing.
£ Prepare a Security Log and a seating chart to be used in your testing room.
£ Make copies of the Do Not Disturb sign, the Session signs, the No Calculators sign (if applicable), and the
Electronic Devices sign to post prior to testing.
£ Assemble all materials needed for test administration.
£ Ensure that students and their parents/guardians understand policies regarding electronic devices, leaving
campus during testing, the Testing Rules Acknowledgment, and discussing test content after testing.
£ If you are administering tests to students who require accommodations, discuss with your school assessment
coordinator how accommodations will be provided and familiarize yourself with the accommodations
information in Appendix A.
£ Ensure you understand how to create, monitor, and close test sessions in the TA Interface.

During Testing:
£ Keep time and maintain your seating chart and record of required administration information.
£ Ensure that proctors and anyone who enters your room for the purpose of monitoring the test sign the
Security Log for your testing room.
£ Administer the test according to the directions in the appropriate administration script(s) and read the SAY
boxes verbatim to students.

After Testing:
£ Verify that you have collected all required administration information, including accommodations provided
to students and accommodations used by each student. Make a copy for your files.
£ Report any missing materials (test tickets, used planning sheets, used reference sheets, used CBT Worksheets,
used work folders, Reading or Writing passage booklets) to your school assessment coordinator immediately.
£ Verify that your seating chart and Security Log have been completed correctly; make copies for your files.
£ Organize test materials and return them to your school assessment coordinator.
286 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual
Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Assessments
School Assessment Coordinator CBT Checklist
Before Testing:
£ Carefully read the test administration manual and the following, as applicable, and resolve any questions you
might have with your district assessment coordinator (all resources are available on the FSA Portal):
• Scripts and instructions for administering FSA computer-based accommodations
• Test Administrator User Guide
• TIDE User Guide
• 2017–2018 FSA Accommodations Guide
• Any local directions you have been given

£ Read the 2017–2018 Test Security Policies and Procedures in the manual, then sign the 2017–2018 Test
Administration and Security Agreement.
£ Ensure that test administrators read the test administration manual and the Test Administrator User Guide.
Those administering computer-based accommodations must read the appropriate scripts and instructions for
administering these tests. Scripts and instructions for administering computer-based accommodations are
available on the FSA Portal.
Fold and Tear Carefully Along the Dotted Line

£ Train your test administrators and proctors and ensure that they, as well as all school administrators, sign a
2017–2018 Test Administration and Security Agreement, if they have not already done so. Also ensure that
test administrators sign a 2017–2018 Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement, if they have not
already done so.
£ Receive test materials from your district assessment coordinator. Maintain an accurate Test Materials Chain
of Custody Form at your school. Inventory the materials within 24 hours of receipt and report missing
materials or request additional materials immediately.
£ Communicate the process for collecting required administration information to your test administrators.
£ Arrange computer-based practice test sessions as described on page 19 to familiarize yourself and your
students with the testing platform/format.
£ Assign proctors, as needed.
£ Ensure that appropriate test settings are available for all test sessions.
£ If any students who require accommodations are testing at your school, discuss with test administrators how
accommodations will be provided. Information regarding accommodations is located in Appendix A.
£ Assign accommodations and verify student demographic information in TIDE.
£ Work with your district assessment coordinator to ensure that test administrators have active usernames and
passwords to log in to the TA Interface in TDS. Also ensure that all students are uploaded into TIDE and
verify that student eligibility and accommodations are correct in TIDE.
£ Ensure test administrators understand how to create, monitor, and close test sessions in the TA Interface.
£ Print test tickets to distribute to test administrators. Test tickets contain login information for students,
and each student must have a test ticket to log in to an FSA assessment. Refer to the TIDE User Guide for
During Testing:
£ Distribute test materials for students in each testing room immediately before testing is scheduled to begin.
Do not distribute these materials ahead of time.
£ Be available to answer questions from test administrators.
£ Provide test administrators with additional materials, as necessary.
£ Test administrators are instructed to contact you if a student does not sign below the Testing Rules
Acknowledgment. Determine the appropriate course of action for handling any such students; any student
who refuses the acknowledgment should still be tested, but a record of the refusal should be retained at
the school.
£ Monitor each testing room to ensure that test administration and test security policies and procedures are
being followed, seating charts and Security Logs are being properly completed, and required administration
information is being collected.
£ Arrange for and supervise make-up test administrations.
£ Monitor student progress and test completion rates in TIDE.
£ Contact district officials and the FSA Help desk immediately if technical issues arise.

After Testing:
£ Verify that all distributed secure materials have been returned. Complete your Test Materials Chain of
Custody Form. Report missing materials to your district assessment coordinator and conduct the necessary
£ Make copies of all collected required administration information, seating charts, and Security Logs, and file
the copies.
£ Organize test materials and return them to your district assessment coordinator as indicated on page 245.
Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Assessments
District Assessment Coordinator CBT Checklist
Before Testing:
£ Carefully read the test administration manual(s) and the TIDE User Guide, and resolve any questions you
might have with the Bureau of K–12 Student Assessment at FDOE.
£ Train school assessment coordinators and technology coordinators. Ensure that they are aware of policies and
procedures specific to this administration, including test session lengths.
£ If students in your district require braille or large print accommodations, place orders for the applicable
accommodated practice tests in TIDE.
£ Receive test materials and make sure that each school receives the correct range of boxes. Ensure that each
school maintains an accurate Test Materials Chain of Custody Form.
£ Communicate the process for collecting required administration information to your school assessment
£ Communicate with school assessment coordinators how to make arrangements for special program students.
£ Create or update School Administrator, CBT Coordinator, and Test Administrator accounts in TIDE.
Fold and Tear Carefully Along the Dotted Line

£ Ensure that appropriate test settings are provided and accommodations for eligible students are correctly
£ Ensure that all school assessment coordinators, school administrators, technology coordinators, test
administrators, and proctors have signed a 2017–2018 Test Administration and Security Agreement and that
test administrators have signed a 2017–2018 Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement.

During Testing:
£ Provide schools with additional materials, as necessary.
£ Monitor schools to ensure that test administration and test security policies and procedures are followed.
£ Be available during testing to answer questions from school personnel and technology coordinators.
£ Communicate with the Bureau of K–12 Student Assessment, as needed, in the case of test irregularities and
security breaches, or if you need guidance when test invalidation is being considered.

After Testing:
£ Review the records of required administration information from your District Assessment Coordinator ONLY
boxes, report any missing materials to FDOE, and conduct any necessary investigations.
£ Verify that seating charts and Security Logs were completed and file them.
£ Verify that Test Materials Chain of Custody Forms were completed and file them.
£ Store ancillary materials (e.g., used planning sheets, used CBT Worksheets, used work folders, seating charts)
until after scores for the administration have been reported.
£ Return Writing and Reading Passage Booklets in white-labeled NOT TO BE SCORED boxes, according to
the instructions in the 2017–2018 FSA Accommodations Guide available on the FSA Portal.
290 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual
Fold and Tear Carefully Along the Dotted Line

Do Not Disturb
Do Not Disturb Sign
292 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual
Electronic devices of any kind are
not permitted during testing.
Possession of such devices is cause
for invalidation.
Electronic Devices Sign
Fold and Tear Carefully Along the Dotted Line
294 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual
Calculators are not
permitted during this session.
No Calculators Sign
Fold and Tear Carefully Along the Dotted Line
296 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual
Fold and Tear Carefully Along the Dotted Line

Session 1 Sign
298 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual
Fold and Tear Carefully Along the Dotted Line

Session 2 Sign
300 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual
Fold and Tear Carefully Along the Dotted Line

Session 3 Sign
302 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual
Sample Planning Sheet STUDENT NAME


Use this sheet to plan what you will write. The writing on this sheet will not
be scored.
Fold and Tear Carefully Along the Dotted Line

This sheet will not be scored.

Testing Rules Acknowledgment
I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow
these rules, my test score may be invalidated.


This sheet will not be scored.

CBT Worksheet
CBT Worksheet

Student Name:

Fold and Tear Carefully Along the Dotted Line

For use with computer-based FSA ELA Reading tests.

Florida Department of Education
Testing Rules Acknowledgment
I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow
these rules, my test score may be invalidated.


Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 307


308 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual


Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual 309


310 Spring/Summer 2018 FSA Computer-Based Test Administration Manual

Copyright Statement for This Office of Assessment Publication
Authorization for reproduction of this document is hereby granted to persons acting in an official capacity
within the Uniform System of Public K–12 Schools as defined in Section 1000.01(4), Florida Statutes.
The copyright notice at the bottom of this page must be included in all copies.
All trademarks and trade names found in this publication are the property of their respective owners and
are not associated with the publishers of this publication.
This publication is provided by the Florida Department of Education to Florida public schools free of
charge and is not intended for resale.
Permission is not granted for distribution or reproduction outside of the Uniform System of Public K–12
Schools or for commercial distribution of the copyrighted materials without written authorization from
the Florida Department of Education. Questions regarding use of these copyrighted materials should be
sent by email to [email protected] or by postal mail to the following address:
The Administrator
Office of Assessment
Florida Department of Education
325 West Gaines Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399–0400

Copyright © 2018
State of Florida
Department of State

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