Change Enthusiasm Global 2022 Whitepaper

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Research-Based Discoveries for
Leaders Seeking to Create Lasting,
High-Impact Change at Work
The 2022 National Study of Change and Emotion in the Workplace














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The 2022 National Study of Change and Emotion in the Workplace



Change is part of the workplace, but all too often the concept of change and the emotions it inspires are
misunderstood or not understood at all. Maybe you’ve experienced firsthand the frustration of leading change
at work and not creating the buy-in, enthusiasm, and results you knew were possible? Or maybe you were
part of a change initiative someone else was leading and during that experience you felt the resistance,
disappointment, and clear missed opportunity that a different approach to change could have delivered?

The importance of bridging the knowledge gap to effectively drive change that is embraced by stakeholders—
peers, employees, team members, and your own bosses—has never been more important or urgent than right
now. You probably already know that reading this Welcome Letter right now!

Leaders of all levels in all industries across the world are confronting the impact of change disrupting their
business and their people, from the Covid pandemic to the Great Resignation—while at the same time knowing
they must lead change that brings out the best in their people, teams, divisions, the overall organization, and
themselves. In fact, you may feel (and rightly so) that the pace of change is only increasing, because it is!

The combination of external forces driving change in organizations and the need for leaders to inspire change
within organizations more effectively has created tremendous challenges, frustrations, and setbacks, but at
the same time creates an extraordinary opportunity for leaders that successfully understand and can lead
change at work.

While much has been said about the concept and experience of change within the workplace, very little
statistically accurate research has been led to understand not only the best drivers of change but what
keeps change from being embraced at both a behavioral and emotional level—and even more rare to find are
specific strategies and actions that can fuel growth though change that stakeholders and organizations need
now more than ever. Is it truly more effective or productive to leave emotion at the door of business? It is high-
time this myth is definitively debunked!

At this key moment in the evolution of business and all organizations, especially those determined to navigate
effectively through the uncertainty of this time, it has never been more urgent, important, or valuable to gain
and put into practice statistically accurate research-based insights about the experience of change in the
workplace from the vantage point of workers across generations, gender, geography, titles, and more.

This is especially important given the rapid rise of remote and hybrid work as well as technology innovation
and unexpected threats confronting both established global businesses as well as emerging enterprises in
industries of all types. In order for organizations to perform at their highest level, and bring out the highest
level of engagement, fulfillment, innovation, performance, trust, and enthusiasm in their workforce, effectively
navigating change with an approach based on national research is absolutely critical.

Leaders have long wondered what would most inspire team members to be open to change and the
opportunities it can present, get a change initiative to be well received, inspire team members to not only
embrace but champion the change, and ultimately what will get the change to stick. These same leaders
are striving to understand and deliver these concepts while avoiding burnout within themselves. All of these
insights have been sought after but not available to leaders through statistically accurate data, until now.

©2022 Change Enthusiasm, LLC and The Center for Generational Kinetics. All rights reserved. 3
The 2022 National Study of Change and Emotion in the Workplace

The 2022 National Study of Change and Emotion in the Workforce was led to discover the missing data,
insights, trends, and answers that leaders at all levels and their stakeholders are searching for today, such as:
• What do employees really think about and feel when it comes to change in the workforce?
• What causes employees to most resist change at work?
• What is the value of acknowledging emotions when executing change?
• What would motivate employees to overcome resistance and embrace change at work?
• What steps or actions can leaders implement to better lead change at work now?

At Change Enthusiasm Global, leading research that answers the key questions individuals face when it comes
to the truth about change and emotion at work to lead to the greatest results is part of our mission to best
serve those individuals of all types, leadership levels, backgrounds, and aspirations around the world. This
first-of-its-kind national study on change and emotion in the workplace delivers the exact missing data leaders
need to inform their strategy and both personal and professional growth to create must-achieve results for all
stakeholders, including themselves.

Leaders today recognize they are in a critical

period to lead change, navigate uncertainty,
leverage trends, and accelerate growth through
innovation. With the data-driven discoveries
in this national study, all stakeholders in What we’ve been getting wrong about
organizations—from new hires on their first day change in the workplace is under-valuing
at work to the most seasoned executives—can
the significance of acknowledging and
better understand, lead, and get the results
they need from change and change initiatives embracing emotion. When we can better
to fast-track self-actualized growth, teamwork, understand the emotional dynamics
accountability, inspiration, and more! introduced by change through data-driven
Learn more about Change Enthusiasm Global’s insights, we can empower individuals at
deep expertise in helping leaders of all every level of the organization to transform
backgrounds understand, strategize, lead, and that emotional energy into fuel for
fuel growth through change in the workforce at
successful change adoption and personal
ChangeEnthusiasmGlobal. To dive deeper into
the research insights with our team, please visit growth. Sustained change is made possible We are at the individual level, not organization level.
thrilled for you to benefit from the discoveries
— Cassandra Worthy, Founder and CEO
in the national study and lead the change that
makes the difference.

Our best,

Cassandra Worthy,
Founder on behalf of Change Enthusiasm Global, LLC

©2022 Change Enthusiasm, LLC and The Center for Generational Kinetics. All rights reserved. 4
The 2022 National Study of Change and Emotion in the Workplace


Change, leading change, and being part of change is a natural component of work,
whether you’re leading the team, on the team, or you are the team! However, all
too often change is met with resistance, lack of trust, failed initiatives, and missed
opportunities. In fact, if you’ve been frustrated trying to lead change or felt all alone
trying to execute change—know you are NOT alone! And the study proves it!
The study clearly shows that when change is led with the right data, insights, emotional awareness,
experience, and process, the results can be extraordinary. Right now, leaders are looking for ways to better
understand change, the role of change in organizations, how change is experienced at both a behavioral
and emotional level, and what actually works (and what to avoid!) when leading and executing change in the
workplace. Filling in the sought-after gaps about the truth when it comes to change and emotion at work has
never been more important than it is right now to leaders in every industry, of every size organization, and with
diverse responsibilities but one commonality: delivering results.

In these unique times where leaders not only confront unexpected competition, historically low unemployment,
the Great Resignation, hybrid and remote work options, breakthrough technology, rising inflation, and so much
more, one asset matters more than others in order to make informed decisions that drive results:
statistically accurate data.

©2022 Change Enthusiasm, LLC and The Center for Generational Kinetics. All rights reserved. 5
The 2022 National Study of Change and Emotion in the Workplace

This data is all too often missing when it comes to the power of the emotions of change, how to develop
plans and strategies for change, and the right mindset and tools to empower each individual to implement
and reinforce that change throughout organizations. The 2022 National Study of Change and Emotion in the
Workforce was designed to be the missing resource with the take-action insights that leaders are searching
for in order to bring to life the true nature of what works to lead and execute change.

This first-of-its-kind national study included 1,000 U.S. participants representing all of America ages 16 to
65 and an oversample of another 500 participants who are currently employed full-time, part-time, or self-
employed. This unique snapshot of “Working America” and “all of America” is exactly the research sample
leaders need to draw insights with high integrity and high accuracy to inform their thinking, strategy, actions,
and plans for leading change. We are excited to bring these insights to you!

The national study uncovered dozens and dozens of surprising insights, actionable discoveries, and the all-
important nuance that leads to emotional buy-in that leads to results whether a leader has a team of one or a
company of 50,000 employees. The data revealed in this report delivers the missing insights into what most
influences change, derails change, and can help the least experienced leader take actions that lead to the
embracing of and enthusiasm for change within both themselves and an organization.

Here is a sample of the discoveries:

1. Leadership pulling in too many different directions leads to dysfunction and
burnout at work
2. Employees strongly experience negative emotions significantly more than 80%
managers when going through change at work
3. Americans are most resistant to change at work because they are comfortable
80% of Americans
with the way things are now and worried that change won’t make things better
believe successful
4. Over 2/3 of American workers say that being able to express their emotions at business leaders know
work would improve their ability to navigate change at work how to successfully
motivate employees who
These are only a few of the findings from the national study, but two headline are resistant to change
discoveries are clear:
1. You are not alone when it comes to the challenge you and many employees are facing when leading,
dealing with, and responding to change at work. In fact, you are right where you are supposed to be: aware
of the pros and cons of change and ready to take action to make the most of the potential for learning and
growth change can provide!
2. You need specific solutions and insights that you can act on right away, whether you are a first-time
leader or have decades of experience. These insights are the missing link to taking action now that shows
the results you can deliver and in a way that everyone involved benefits

In this first-of-its-kind study, led by Change Enthusiasm Global in partnership with The Center for Generational
Kinetics, the data reveals the missing answers that you need to lead change now but have not been able to
get answered through a research-driven approach. This data and the helpful context provided are specifically
designed for you to be able to immediately increase your understanding, confidence, and know-how to lead
and execute change at work in this unique time.

The authors of this study are excited to reveal the discoveries with you and for you to share them with those
you care about, perhaps those who are struggling with change in their work. The timing has never been better
to raise your expertise in leading change as change only continues to accelerate. Let’s dive into the findings!

©2022 Change Enthusiasm, LLC and The Center for Generational Kinetics. All rights reserved. 6
The 2022 National Study of Change and Emotion in the Workplace


Do you feel anxiety when experiencing change at work? Do you think you’re alone in feeling that emotion or
feeling that emotion strongly? Well, the national study revealed you are not alone. In fact, the national study
found not only are you not alone, but you are in the majority of Americans in the workforce today! That’s right.
The national study found that a solid majority of Americans (56%) say they feel anxiety when experiencing
change at work, by far the most of any emotion. Feeling this emotion doesn’t make you unprepared or above
your abilities, but rather it makes you human and positions you to be ready to grow as a leader of change.

Going deeper into the data, anxiety is not the only WHICH EMOTIONS DO YOU FEEL WHEN
emotion experienced. In the national study, we found EXPERIENCING CHANGE AT WORK?
that not only is anxiety experienced, but all the
more difficult emotions we tested (including anger, Anxiety
frustration, and fear) were experienced significantly 59%
more by employees than by management. This is
very important! This shows that while management
feels the challenge of change, employees feel the 40%
most challenging emotions of it at a significantly Excitement
heightened level compared to management. 31%
Managers would be very wise to be extra empathetic, Frustration
supportive, and patient as they lead change that 32%
affects their employees because employees are 29%
clearly feeling the difficult emotions of that change Hope
at a much more significant level than their managers. 26%
This disconnect of intensity in emotion is one of
the key separations that leaders must understand 23%
and bridge in order to bring out the best in their 16%
employees when going through change. Joy
Why are Americans resistant to change? What is 20%
driving their hesitancy, skepticism, fear, and even Gratitude
disbelief? What is motivating Americans to not get on 11%
the bandwagon of change and become enthusiastic 13%

supporters, advocates, and believers of change in Anger

the workplace? The study dug into this question in 11%
multiple ways and the results are both surprising and
important. The national study found that Americans 6%
are most resistant to change at work because (drum 6%
roll, please…) they are1) comfortable with the way
things are now and 2) worried that the change won’t Employees (FT, PT, Associates, Staff, Interns, etc.)
make things better or even work at all. Management (C-Level, VPs, Directors, Managers, etc.)

©2022 Change Enthusiasm, LLC and The Center for Generational Kinetics. All rights reserved. 7
The 2022 National Study of Change and Emotion in the Workplace

Let’s separate out these two drivers of resistance to change. The first is comfort with the ways things are now.
In other words, Americans find safety, predictability, and comfort in the status quo. This shows up in them
being resistant to change because it represents things such as moving into the unknown, which could mean
having to learn, adapt, and “start over” with new processes, systems, behaviors, expectations, evaluations,
tools, technology, and much more. All of these involve not only learning but the emotional discomfort that
frequently goes with the beginning of the learning curve, particularly after having done something the same
way for some time and feeling comfortable with that process. This is the true definition of change representing
an invitation to individuals to be pushed outside their comfort zone. Within this opportunity, leaders must
find ways to arm their workforce with the mindset and tools to transform their anxiety of the change into
excitement and anticipation in the learning and growth that change can afford them. Because let’s be honest,
unrelenting disruption IS our new status quo!

The second blocker or barrier that creates resistance to change is a worry that the change won’t make things
better than it is currently or that the change will even work at all. This lack of belief, credibility, and trust in the
benefits or payoff of the change leads to a lack of support and connection in the work, growth, and discomfort
to get there.

When people believe doing something new won’t

make things better or even work at all they are much WHAT MOST CONTRIBUTES TO YOUR
less likely to be motivated to participate let alone RESISTANCE TO CHANGE AT WORK?
(BY TOTAL; RANKED #1/#2/#3)
go through the learning journey it requires for the
change to be successful. Simply put, if you’ve had to Comfort with the way things are now
lead change at work that has been resisted or gone
through a change initiative that you yourself have not Worried that the change won't make things better or
even work at all
been fully bought into, you are not alone! In fact, the 35%
national study found that a majority of Americans
Change is poorly communicated
feel powerless when change happens to them like 29%
there is nothing they can do about it. Having to learn new skills or behaviors

of Americans feel powerless
Not sure you'll succeed at the change
when change happens to them 27%
like there is nothing they can do about it. Don't feel like you've been properly trained and prepared
for the change
To combat this, leaders must enroll and inspire 25%
individuals into the change journey by understanding Unsure why you need to change
and role modeling the belief(s) necessary to sustain 24%
the change. This begins by answering a critically Feel like people are pushing change for change's sake
important question: How does this change resonate and not because it's necessary
with our shared values and purpose and ultimately
Keeping things the way they are is easier and less work
make life better for my employees, partners,
and/or customers?
Not sure you can understand or trust the reason for the
What makes change even worse when leading,
communicating, and being responsible for
Looking like you're not good at whatever changed
implementing it? The national study found that 15%
leadership pulling in too many directions at once and
Not sure if the change is really a test to keep your job
dysfunctional workplace dynamics are what most 14%
often drives burnout for Americans at work.

©2022 Change Enthusiasm, LLC and The Center for Generational Kinetics. All rights reserved. 8
The 2022 National Study of Change and Emotion in the Workplace

In other words, change is already WHAT MOST OFTEN DRIVES BURNOUT FOR YOU AT WORK?
met with resistance by a majority (BY TOTAL; RANKED #1/#2/#3)

of Americans. When leaders add Leadership or management pulling in too many different directions
to the complexity of that by pulling at once (lack of focus on just a few priorities, etc.)
their team in too many directions 53%

and layering on dysfunctional Dysfunctional workplace dynamics

workplace dynamics, then there
Extremes of activity (constant monotonous tasks,
is not only the original resistance
more and more responsibilities, etc.)
to change but the added stress 46%
that ultimately leads to burnout Unclear job expectations
at work. 44%
Lack of control
So, what can be done? What are
the actions that leaders can take
Feeling unable or guilty to make taking time for yourself a priority
right now to best lead change in over work deliverables
an organization when employees 34%
or they themselves feel resistant Lack of social support
to change at work? We dove into 30%
that exact line of questioning!

©2022 Change Enthusiasm, LLC and The Center for Generational Kinetics. All rights reserved. 9
The 2022 National Study of Change and Emotion in the Workplace

In the national study, we tested several strategies to uncover exactly what would be most helpful to Working
Americans to keep them doing their best when feeling resistant to change at work. We focused on helping
Working Americans who feel resistant to change because that is where leaders need the most insight and also
want practical solutions: leading change when people feel resistant.

The national study revealed that for a majority of Working Americans, there are five different strategies that
would be helpful to keep them doing their best when feeling resistant to change. Here are all five strategies
that proved very helpful or helpful for a majority of Working America:

ONE: 76% Being shown gratitude or appreciation by your manager for your
effort and willingness to make the change happen successfully

TWO: 76% Clear and regular communication from leadership on the status
and progress of the change efforts and what to expect next

THREE: 75% Time granted by management on a weekly basis for you and other
employees to express what's working and what's not working
regarding the change efforts

FOUR: 73% Your manager listening to how you're managing the change and
acting to support you as you request

FIVE: 57% Hearing inspiring stories from others on how they overcame a
challenging change

The most exciting discovery, similarity, and opportunity of all five strategies are that none of them require
paying employees more money or direct, out-of-pocket costs. Instead, these strategies can all be implemented
by leaders to deliver priority change outcomes in any organization.

©2022 Change Enthusiasm, LLC and The Center for Generational Kinetics. All rights reserved. 10
The 2022 National Study of Change and Emotion in the Workplace

Beyond the five strategies that strongly show the WHAT IS THE MOST EFFECTIVE WAY TO FIGHT
results above, what else can leaders do or prioritize BURNOUT FOR YOU AT WORK?
(BY TOTAL; RANKED #1/#2/#3)
with their teams to continue to drive motivation,
inspiration, and engagement in high-stakes times? Sleep
The national study found that more than anything 62%
else tested in the survey, Americans believe that Relaxing activity (meditation, yoga, etc.)
sleep is the most effective way to fight burnout 52%
at work. That’s right. Sleep! So, if you’ve been Seek support (co-workers, friends, family, etc.)
considering granting that half-day off on Fridays to 51%
your entire workforce or granting more flexible work Evaluate your options (discuss concern with your
supervisor, work together to make a change, etc.)
arrangements that allow employees to set a schedule
that maximizes rest or taking those two weeks off for
Mindfulness (focusing on your breath flow,
yourself to fully unplug…consider no more. Do it! awareness of your emotions, etc.)
Now it’s helpful to dive deeper into the emotional
aspect of change at work. In the national study, it
was uncovered that women believe significantly more
than men that seeking support (co-workers, friends,
family, etc.) is an effective way to fight burnout at work. This is important as the study also revealed that
women are significantly more likely than men to feel anxiety (63%) and fear (24%) when experiencing change
at work. Leaders charging the way in the advocacy for women in the workplace encourage stakeholders
to establish and consistently sponsor these support networks or ally systems. This finding reinforces the
importance and value of adequately funding these systems and networks. These peers, team members, and
external resources are of huge value to navigating change and helping stakeholders at all levels to not feel
alone, overwhelmed, or discouraged during the process of change, but rather stay inspired and focused.

But is not expressing or feeling uncomfortable sharing emotions at work a real problem when it comes to
change at work? The data certainly says so. In the national study, over 2/3 of Americans (69%) say that being
able to safely express their emotions at work would improve their ability to navigate change at work. In other
words, if someone doesn’t feel safe while expressing their emotions at work they won’t be fully engaged,
confident, and feel heard during the journey of change. The data is clear: emotion holds a very critical place in
business, notably that business striving to remain agile and relevant.

Leaders must take responsibility for creating situations, culture, meetings, and communication exchanges that
enable stakeholders to safely share their emotions at work. Rather than the myth that expressing emotions
slows down or limits change, the national study reveals the exact opposite. Safely sharing emotions helps in
the process of adopting and adapting to change!



33% 36% 26% 3% 2%

Significantly improve Somewhat improve No impact Somewhat diminish Significantly diminish

©2022 Change Enthusiasm, LLC and The Center for Generational Kinetics. All rights reserved. 11
The 2022 National Study of Change and Emotion in the Workplace

In fact, communication is so vitally important during the process of change that one discovery jumps out
from the study: 76% of Americans share that the most helpful strategy when navigating their emotions during
change at work is clear and regular communication from leadership on the change efforts and progress.
That’s right. Clear and regular communication makes the process of change and the sharing of emotions
easier which leads to the progress sought through the change being led. This means that leaders need to be
keenly aware of their communication cadence, content, platforms, and strategy. Leaders also need to ensure
the communication is free to flow in both directions: down from and up to leadership.

If your organization is going through change right now and you’re not getting the clarity and consistency of
communication you need, this research is the data-driven support that you should ask for it! You’re likely not
alone in needing better communication, so be the catalyst required to help everyone on your team. Change is
not only about embracing what could be but also about taking initiative right now to make the future happen.



Clear and regular communication from leadership on the status and progress of the change efforts and what to expect next

43% 33% 19% 3% 1%

An avenue or avenues to express your ideas on how to make change adoption better or more efficient

28% 39% 25% 4% 2%

Training to help you recognize your emotions, communicate them effectively to others,
and understand how they might fuel your growth

31% 35% 26% 5% 3%

Time and attention granted from your management to express your emotions and what's inspiring them

28% 37% 26% 5% 3%

Dedicated time on every 1-on-1 with your manager to express how you are managing the change and discuss any support needed

29% 36% 27% 5% 3%

Hearing fresh, outside perspective from experts in the emotional intelligence and/or resilience thought space

26% 37% 29% 5% 3%

Hearing specific ways others have grown during times of stressful change

25% 35% 27% 8% 4%

Very helpful Helpful Neutral Not helpful Not at all helpful

©2022 Change Enthusiasm, LLC and The Center for Generational Kinetics. All rights reserved. 12
The 2022 National Study of Change and Emotion in the Workplace

And four more discoveries to close the study’s findings with…

#1 82% 82% of Americans accept that growth often requires

feeling uncomfortable

#2 80% 80% of Americans feel more motivated to share their ideas when
going through change when they feel safe being their best self

#3 78% 78% of Americans are more likely to adapt to change if they feel
comfortable expressing their true emotions in the workplace

77% of Americans find more often than not after experiencing

#4 77% change at work that they learn at least one thing that helps
them grow

©2022 Change Enthusiasm, LLC and The Center for Generational Kinetics. All rights reserved. 13
The 2022 National Study of Change and Emotion in the Workplace


Leaders of all levels in all organizations realize that change is essential in today’s workplace to remain relevant
and competitive, but leading change can be hard, frustrating, and yet still must be done. But how? The results
of the study show that if you’re feeling like change is hard to understand and lead, you’re not alone. In fact,
you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be growing your knowledge of change so you can drive better results
more consistently! At the same time, the study revealed that there are very clear actions that leaders can take
to best create buy-in, enthusiasm, momentum, and results when it comes to leading and executing change.

The goal of this unique national study was to uncover the missing perspective, context, and behavioral insights
that leaders need to know now in order to be the catalyst to new levels of change and the positive benefits
of change in an organization. This first-of-its-kind study shows not only how Working America feels about
change but also the actions leaders can take now.

The study highlighted that Working America knows all about change because they’ve lived it through their job
and career. Change is hard to make stick, yet it has never been more important to embrace and grow from
change than it is right now. The insights in this study, and their statistical accuracy across ages, genders,
geographies, years of work experience, and much more highlights the critical importance of elevating the
change conversation within organizations to become inclusive of the important role emotion plays throughout
change. We truly need to create cultures of resilience and change-readiness, inspiring and empowering
individual hearts and minds, if we are to create sustainable businesses while bringing forward the potential
that every stakeholder brings to an organization through these periods of uncertainty.


Resilience or effective change navigation that evokes growth is a mindset and a skill set that can be learned,
practiced, continuously improved, and embraced to create the present and the future that leaders need to
deliver now. The vast majority of Working America, as shown in the study, know that change is important,
accept that growth often means feeling uncomfortable, and know what would most help them to embrace and
support change, and now you know, too. The study revealed you are not alone if you’re unsure or struggling to
lead or execute change and even if it is your greatest strength, the insights in this study will only add to your
abilities. That is one of the greatest insights about change: it is something that not only benefits organizations
but also benefits us as we go through life. A true win/win!

“You can not experience growth without change. The two are inextricably linked. When
we get better at navigating change, we get better at accelerating our personal evolution.”
—Cassandra Worthy

The benefit and the risk around change and emotion at work are here to stay, but what has changed (pun
intended) is that you now have the insights you need to start where you are today and take action to lead
change in a way that makes people feel valued, seen, included, and energized.

If you still want more actions, strategies, and resources you can use right away, then you’re in for a treat! We’ve
listed five more actions you can take right now to continue developing your expertise around change…

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The 2022 National Study of Change and Emotion in the Workplace


1. Get your copy of Change Enthusiasm:

2. Get inspired! Watch this video:

3. Check out this LinkedIn Learning course by Founder and CEO Cassandra Worthy:
Using emotions to leverage and accelerate change – A guide for leaders

4. Contact us to bring a powerful keynote message or training to your organization:

For more tools, resources, speaking information, and media inquiries visit:

©2022 Change Enthusiasm, LLC and The Center for Generational Kinetics. All rights reserved. 15
The 2022 National Study of Change and Emotion in the Workplace


Change Enthusiasm Global is a well-respected Training & Leadership Development firm specializing in
harnessing the power of emotion to enable the growth of your business through change, transformation,
disruption, and transition.

They are not your typical Change Management firm. They do not deal in the standard blocking and tackling of
change, eg processes and structure. Rather they focus on leadership development and employee engagement
to inspire and motivate the individual employee at all levels subsequently enabling the following success
metrics through the execution of any change, transition, or transformation:
1. Lower regrettable attrition
2. Faster time lines to successful change adoption
3. Higher transformation success rates
4. Increased engagement and productivity

Change Enthusiasm Global is the only firm of its kind. They have uniquely curated pragmatic and proven ways
to harness the power of emotion, a resource in infinite supply, to instill enviable resilience and adaptability into
organizations enabling embrace and acceleration of change and subsequent growth.

Learn more about our mission, services, and impact at:

The Center for Generational Kinetics, LLC (CGK) is the leading research and speaking firm focused on key
emerging trends, generational change, and behavioral insights.

CGK’s team leads original research around the world to solve important consumer, investor, and workforce
challenges. The firm uncovers new and unexpected, statistically accurate insights for innovative, market-
leading clients. CGK’s team has worked with over 700 companies around the world, from the biggest global
CPG brands to governments, technology pioneers, financial services, retailers, banks, and automotive
manufacturers. The firm’s latest bestselling book is Zconomy: How Gen Z Will Change the Future of Business.

CGK’s team and discoveries have been featured on more than 200 TV shows and hundreds more media outlets
around the world. Learn more about CGK’s pioneering insights at

©2022 Change Enthusiasm, LLC and The Center for Generational Kinetics. All rights reserved. 16
The 2022 National Study of Change and Emotion in the Workplace


The national study included 1,000 U.S. participants ages 16-65 weighted to the 2020 U.S. Census for age,
gender, geography, and ethnicity. In addition, the study included an oversample of 500 participants who are
currently employed full-time, part-time, or self-employed. The margin of error is +/-2.53 percentage points.

The national study was conducted online from May 15, 2022, to May 25, 2022.


26% GEN Z
(AGES 16-26)


(AGES 27-35)


48% 50%
(AGES 36-45)
Non-binary or

prefer not to
answer GEN X
(AGES 46-57)

(AGES 58-65)

24% 21% 38% 17%


©2022 Change Enthusiasm, LLC and The Center for Generational Kinetics. All rights reserved. 17
Copyright and Allowed Usage
This document is protected by copyright 2022
by Change Enthusiasm Global, LLC and The
Center for Generational Kinetics, LLC. All rights
are reserved.
The information in this document can be
referenced in the media, in whole or in part, as
long as this document is cited as the source of
the information. In no way does this document
provide an endorsement of any product, service,
company, or individual.
This document is provided “as is.” Information
and views expressed in this document may
change without notice. The strategies and
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©2022 Change Enthusiasm, LLC and The Center for Generational Kinetics. All rights reserved. 18

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