New I-Series Image Brochure Eagle Sparrow 3
New I-Series Image Brochure Eagle Sparrow 3
New I-Series Image Brochure Eagle Sparrow 3
The new
bizhub i-Series
2 The new bizhub i-Series. Secure + Simple
With technological, social, environmental and generational shifts impacting on work priorities,
the workplace of today is evolving. And so too is the Konica Minolta bizhub i-Series of
multifunctional printers (MFPs). The enhanced bizhub i-Series offers a range of new features
and combines ease of use with powerful security for a print solution without compromise.
Empowering employees to achieve their objectives and helping them thrive.
4 The new bizhub i-Series. Secure + Simple
Flexible customisation
ɢ The new i-Series offers an intuitive smartphone-style experience that’s so familiar, there’s practically no
learning curve. Users can customise their screens in the same way as their mobile devices, and put the
apps they use regularly on the home screen for quick access.
ɢ In the Quick Copy screen, users can see all the main setting options without scrolling or searching. They
can apply their desired settings with fewer clicks and pop-ups, helping them to work more efficiently
and be more productive.
ɢ Users can customise their personal home screens by adding or removing function icons, and
group apps in the way that works for them. A user can, for example, group all scan-related apps or
all ID-related (ID copy and ID scan) apps.
ɢ Widgets – similar to the Widgets on Android phones – are also supported, enabling users to embed
app-delivered functionality on their home screens.
Cloud ready
ɢ Directly from the user panel, you can set up seamless integrations with popular external cloud
apps – such as SharePoint Online, OneDrive, OneDrive for Business, MS Teams, Google Drive,
Dropbox and – to meet your needs and maximise your productivity.
Did you know you can enhance your office devices with powerful cloud services,
without worrying about compromising the security of document handling?
Visible security
You want to be sure your office printer
handles files securely and is protected
against potential security threats. You can
stay safe and monitor security settings
with bizhub SECURE Notifier, directly
visible on the panel of your printer.
With our new bizhub i-Series you can rest bizhub SECURE Notifier
assured that your devices, data and docu- bizhub SECURE Notifier lets you monitor the security settings
ments are secure. Numerous security features over the lifetime of each bizhub device on-premise. Available via
are built into our devices, supported by the Konica Minolta MarketPlace, the bizhub SECURE Notifier
industry-leading antivirus technology from app runs on your device and shows you it’s secure. With the
Bitdefender®. And with Shield Guard or latest widget technology you can identify the security status at a
bizhub SECURE Notifier you’re on top of it all, glance on the home screen. The app also proactively informs
making sure your bizhub devices stay secure you if a setting has been changed.
over their entire lifetimes.
bizhub SECURE service offers a range of levels so it can be
tailored to your needs:
Shield Guard
Shield Guard lets you monitor the security bizhub SECURE
settings of your entire bizhub fleet via your ɢ Protects the data in the memory of your
cloud platform. It complements our bizhub i-Series device
SECURE services by enabling your IT admins ɢ Protects your i-Series from cyber attacks using
to remotely monitor and manage security data encryption
across the whole print fleet, in device groups ɢ Ensures files are stored only for usage, and are
or on a device-specific basis. Shield Guard deleted in a timely manner if not used
provides a graphical dashboard for status
monitoring at a glance, including KPIs. It bizhub SECURE Platinum
simplifies device and policy management with ɢ Secures the network settings of your devices
standardised and customisable bizhub and guards against unauthorised access
SECURE policies. ɢ Allows you to disable unwanted and
unnecessary protocols and ports
ɢ Ensures the right certificates are in place for use
ɢ Lets you keep track of what’s happening on
your MFP by enabling the right logs
Only 19% of organisations are completely
bizhub SECURE Ultimate
confident in the security of their print
ɢ Provides evidence of all activities and
infrastructure, this rises to 26% amongst
processed information, ensuring an audit trail
organisations using Managed Print
suitable for security purposes
Services. Overall, a further 50% say they are
ɢ Provides comprehensive protection for your
mostly confident. This reflects the growing
bizhub device against the threat of viruses with
complexity and challenges associated
our virus scanning solution supported by
with securing both devices and
documents across a hybrid workplace.
ɢ Secures operations regardless of user and
Source: Quocirca Print Security Landscape 2023
their location
ɢ Notifies your IT admins if a virus is detected
The new bizhub i-Series. Secure + Simple 7
3 Maximum
2 4
data security
Your data is in good hands and
Full cost control stored securely in our certified Fit for the future with
facilitates planning Data Center that complies with unlimited possibilities
Thanks to a fixed monthly rate the GDPR regulations. Cloud and hybrid services
and low initial investment, offer maximum flexibility and
you only pay for what you scalability to keep your business’
actually use. IT infrastructure growing.
1 5
Reduced workload and INTELLIGENT
peace of mind CONNECTED
WORKPLACE Say goodbye
We host your cloud solution and to outdated systems
ensure that it is always available, We provide state-of-the-art
taking care of performance and TECHNOLOGIES hardware and software, as well
optimisation too. as any necessary updates.
8 The new bizhub i-Series. Secure + Simple
Workplace Pure SAFEQ Cloud
Workplace Pure offers cost-effective access to an SAFEQ Cloud is an all-in-one cloud-native multi-ten-
ever-evolving range of services like document ancy print management and scanning solution that
translation, document conversion, cloud print, mobile offers the flexibility and benefits of software-as-a-
print and direct upload to cloud repositories – all from service (SaaS).
a single trusted source.
It’s designed to help organisations reduce the cost and
As a secure, compliant cloud-based platform, Work- complexity associated with a traditional setup – while
place Pure does away with the need to install and maintaining all the features of a familiar print manage-
manage new hardware and software. So it accelerates ment solution and delivering one-touch scanning.
and integrates perfectly with a cloud-first strategy.
And because SAFEQ Cloud works with multi-vendor
Workplace Pure is also simple to manage with no
fleets, there’s no need to replace your existing
complex or time-consuming admin to take on. It’s
printers, scanners and MFPs.
available 24/7 via the user panel of your bizhub device.
Cloud Services
Better Cost Planning Improved data and document security
Fixed monthly fees so you always keep a Certified data centres and encryption ensure
perfect overview your data and documents stay safe and secure
To make the bizhub i-Series work better for
everything you do, we set out to rethink
everything we do.
We develop and manufacture our devices with the Every lifecycle stage is carefully monitored in terms
objective of continually reducing their environmental of general input-output analysis, energy and resource
impact at every stage of the product lifecycle: design, efficiency, recycling and waste prevention – as
production, supply chain and transport, through to well as compliance with relevant environmental and
usage and recycling or disposal. safety regulations.
ɢ Energy and resource conservation
ɢ Use of renewable energy
Procurement: ɢ Product compactness Logistics & Sales:
ɢ Waste reduction
ɢ Reduction in number of ɢ Optimisation of logistics
parts ɢ Compliance with
ɢ Use of recycled materials transportation standards
ɢ Prohibiting use of ɢ Reduction in and recycling of
hazardous substances packaging materials
ɢ Appropriate labelling
ɢ Easier disassembly
ɢ Prohibition of use of hazardous substances
The new bizhub i-Series. Secure + Simple 11
Simitri® V toner
With the polymerised Simitri® V toner used in the bizhub i-Series, we‘ve reduced the fixing
temperature by about 15°C compared to previous models. Combined with a new fixing
device, this helps to significantly reduce the TEC Value*.
Improved packaging
We developed lighter, more compact air cushions that have reduced the device packaging
volume by 84% and the packaging weight by 70% compared to conventional polystyrene
foam cushioning materials.
* The TEC value represents an electrical product’s typical weekly electricity consumption (TEC) based on average office use,
as defined by the US ENERGY STAR program.
The new bizhub i-Series doesn’t compromise on anything. When it comes
to security and ease of use, our devices deliver the best of both worlds.
Cloud Services
Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe GmbH, Europaallee 17, 30855 Langenhagen, Germany