A Study To Assess The Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Program On Advantages of Breast Feeding Among Primi Mother in Selected Rural Area at Gwalior

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 8 Issue 2, March-April 2024 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured

Teaching Program on Advantages of Breast Feeding
among Primi Mother in Selected Rural Area at Gwalior
Richie John Lal
Assistant Professor, Yashraj Institute of Professional Studies, Tighra, Uttar Pradesh, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Richie John Lal

The present study was a pre experimental study conducted to assess "A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of
the effectiveness of structured teaching program on advantages of Structured Teaching Program on
breast feeding among the primi mothers in a selected rural area at Advantages of Breast Feeding among
Gwalior. In order to achieve the objectives a one group pre test post Primi Mother in Selected Rural Area at
Gwalior" Published
test design was used with quantitative approach. Setting of the study in International
was at selected rural areas of Gwalior. The selection of the sample Journal of Trend in
was non probable purposive sampling technique. The sample size of Scientific Research
the study was 60. Survey conducted between the month of May to and Development
June 2019. Data collected through administering baseline (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-
characteristics and knowledge questionnaire on advatages of breast 6470, Volume-8 | IJTSRD64585
feeding among primi mother. Result of the study reveal that overall Issue-2, April 2024,
pretest knowledge score of primi mothers on advantages of breast pp.197-200, URL:
feeding was 23.33%. and overall post test knowledge score of the www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd64585.pdf
primi mothers on advantages of breast feeding was 83.33%. the
Copyright © 2024 by author (s) and
difference between pre and post test knowledge score of primi
International Journal of Trend in
mothers on advantages of breast feeding was 60.5%. so the Scientific Research and Development
significant difference in knowledge score was due to structured Journal. This is an
teaching program. The net benefit of structured teaching programme Open Access article
was 60.5%. distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
KEYWORDS: Breast Feeding, Primi Mother, Advantages Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

Need for the study:-

Breast feeding offers numerous health advantages to A study was conducted that evaluated the influences
children, mothers and society, the American academy on mothers decisions regarding breast feeding. A
of pediatrics have conducted a study on breast feeding follow up study of a group of pregnant women were
knowledge, attitude and practices among providers in interviewed in their homes in which the experiences
a medical home to explore how a breast feeding/ baby of the mother was identified as the key factor but
friendly medical home might be built upon this advices from relatives, neighbors and health
framework and described breast feeding knowledge, professionals was also important. The lack of
attitudes and practices among a full range of information about exclusive breast feeding was
providers and health care system-level barriers to common.
effective and coordinate breast feeding services which
Based on this all needs the researcher plan to
identifies gaps in providers, professional education
construct a structured teaching program on
and training in which there were communication
advantages of breast feeding among primi mothers to
disconnects between providers groups, which are the improve their knowledge regarding breast feeding.
barrier of effective and coordinate breast feeding
services. Title
A study to assess the effectiveness of structured
Breast feeding provides the ideal food for growth and
teaching program on advantages of breast feeding
development of infants but the rate of exclusive breast
among primi mother in selected rural area at Gwalior.
feeding are low and the duration of breast feeding is
short in mother of the developing countries like India.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD64585 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 2 | Mar-Apr 2024 Page 197
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
Objectives:- Section 1:- Baseline characteristics
 To assess the effectiveness of structured teaching It consists socio demographic variables of the primi
program on advantages of breast feeding among mothers.
the primi mothers. Section 2:- Knowledge questionnaire.
 To improve the knowledge of primi mothers To assess the knowledge on advantages of breast
regarding advantages of breast feeding. feeding which contain two sections consist of 30
Material and method:- multiple choice questions.
Research approach and design:- Quantitative The tool was prepared in google docs in English for
approach with one group pretest post test design. the convenience of the participant.
Setting of the study:- The setting of the study was Data collection procedure:-
Badagaon, Gwalior M.P between April to may 2019. Data collection was started from 5 may 2019 to 03
Study population:- Primi mothers at Gwalior. June 2019. Through self administered tool, the
individual pretest conducted then provided structured
Accessible population:- Primi mothers at the selected
teaching program on advantages of breast feeding.
rural areas at Gwalior.
Then after an interval of one week the post test was
Sample size:- 60 conducted for the same primi mothers.
Sampling technique:- Non probability purposive Limitation:-
sampling technique.  Study was limited to 60 primi mothers.
Inclusion criteria:-  Prescribed data collection duration is only 4-6
1. The primi mothers in a selected rural area at weeks.
Gwalior Analysis and interpretations
2. The primi mothers who are willing to participate Based on the objectives the collected data was
3. The primi mothers who can read Hindi presented under the following headings:-
Exclusion criteria:- Section 1: Analysis of sample characteristics of primi
1. The sample who are not primi mothers mothers regarding demographic variables.
2. The mothers who are not willing to participate Section II :- To assess the pretest knowledge level of
3. The mothers who are not able to read hindi. the primi mothers in the rural area
Tool:- Section III: To assess the post test knowledge level of
The research tool for the data collection consists of the primi mothers in the rural area.
two sections.
Section IV:- To find out association of the overall
post test knowledge score with the socio demographic
variables of the primi mothers
Section 1: Analysis of sample characteristics of primi mothers regarding demographic variables.
Sl.no Demographic variables frequency percentage
Age in year
<18 year 5 8.33
1. 18-25 year 38 63.33
26-35 year 17 28.33
Educational status
Primary 10 16.67
2. Secondary 21 35
Undergraduate 24 40
Post graduate 5 8.33
3. Religion
Hindu 36 60
Muslim 7 11.67
christian 17 28.33
4. Type of family
Nuclear 39 65
Joint 19 31.67
Widow/ divorsed 2 3.33

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD64585 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 2 | Mar-Apr 2024 Page 198
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
5. Monthly income
< 5000 14 23.33
5001-15000 38 63.33
15001-25000 8 13.33
6. Job
House wife 36 60
Full time 22 36.67
Part time 2 3.33
Section II :- To assess the pretest knowledge level of the primi mothers in the rural area.
Pretest knowledge
No of Minimum Maximum
Areas of questionnaire mean Mean % SD
questionnaire score score
Knowledge on breast feeding 12 1 7
Knowledge on advantage of 7 23.33 2.15
18 1 8
breast feeding
Pretest knowledge score of primi mother
Knowledge score
Assessment inadequate Moderately adequate Adequate
Pretest 59 1 0
Section III: To assess the post test knowledge level of the primi mothers in the rural area.
Post test knowledge
No of Minimum Maximum Mean
Areas of questionnaire mean SD
questionnaire score score %
Knowledge on breast feeding 12 9 12
Knowledge on advantage of 25.15 83.83
18 10 18 2.48
breast feeding
Post test knowledge score of primi mother
Knowledge score
Assessment inadequate Moderately adequate Adequate
Post test 0 12 48
Section IV:- To findout association of the overall post test knowledge score with the socio demographic
variables of the primi mothers.
Sl.no Demographic variables Inadequate Moderately adequate adequate Chi square value
Age in year
<18 year 0 2 3
1. 18-25 year 0 5 33
26-35 year 0 0 17
Educational status
Primary 0 3 7
2. Secondary 0 2 19
Undergraduate 0 3 21 3.46
Post graduate 0 0 5 Not Significant
3. Religion
Hindu 0 2 34
Muslim 0 1 6
Not significant
christian 0 3 14
4. Type of family
Nuclear 0 3 16
Joint 0 4 35
Not significant
Widow/ divorsed 0 0 2

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD64585 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 2 | Mar-Apr 2024 Page 199
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
5. Monthly income
< 5000 0 4 10
5001-15000 0 4 34
Not significant
15001-25000 0 0 8
6. Job
House wife 0 5 31
0.578 not
Full time 0 2 20
Part time 0 0 2

Conclusion:- remarkable increase in the knowledge after the

The findings of the study support the need of the structured teaching program.
nurses to conduct the health education to the primi Bibliography:-
mothers regarding breast feeding and its advantages, [1] Szucs KA. Miracle DJ, Roseman MB, breast
so that they can make each baby to have a healthy feeding knowledge, attitudes and practices
life. This study has proved that the primi mothers had among providers in a medical home, breast feed
med 2009 mar: 4(1):31-42.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD64585 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 2 | Mar-Apr 2024 Page 200

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