Outseer Fraud Manager

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Outseer Fraud Manager™

Account protection from login to payment

Stop Fraud Not Customers®

One Solution, Complete Protection:
At a Glance From Login to Transaction and
Everywhere In-Between
• Safeguarding over 120 billion
Rapid changes in digital banking and online payments coupled with the
transactions and digital
rise in popularity of real-time payments (RTP) are exposing vulnerabilities
interactions every year
that fraudsters are quick to exploit. Fraudsters are looking for the weakest
link in your fraud prevention strategy, and fighting fraud in silos weakens
• Protecting over $5 trillion in
your defense. Connecting the dots between risk signals at every step of
payment transactions annually
the digital journey can help your organization achieve the perfect balance
• Safeguarding the user’s digital between securing your customer’s accounts and providing them with the
journey from login to payment superior user experience they deserve.
across all digital channels
The surge in RTP in particular has led to rising threats with fraudsters
exploiting the speed of these payment rails for quick cash outs.
• Stopping 95% of fraud with only
While scams and authorized pushed payments (APP) are on the rise,
5% intervention
account takeover remains a significant threat vector. In fact, recent
Datos Insights1 research shows that 71% of fraud executives indicated
• Flexible deployment options:
on-premise or cloud an increase in account takeover attacks over RTP rails. Connecting
the dots from login to a transaction and holistically assessing the
risk of each step of your customer’s digital journey is more important
than ever.

Superior Data Science for Superior Results

• Leverage insights proven in the highest threat environments
• Defend against the latest fraud trends with our unique consortium data
• Benefit from risk models trained on trillions of transactions at the world’s largest financial institutions

Leverage a common Fraud Management Platform throughout the customer journey

• Connect insights across authentication and payment transactions
• Enrich risk scoring by ingesting first-party and third-party data signals
• Deliver consistent risk mitigation controls and experiences at every customer touchpoint

Optimize customer experience and operational efficiencies

• Use normalized risk scores to balance your fraud, customer experience, and operational costs
• Implement policy changes in response to evolving threats
• Collaborate with our experts for continuous improvements and peer benchmarking

Datos Insights (formerly Aite-Novarica). “Faster Payments, Faster Fraud: Solutions to Stop the Madness.” https://www.outseer.com/aite-faster-payments/, May 2023.

Outseer Fraud Manager™ 2

Helping You Protect Every Step of the Customer Digital Journey
The Outseer Platform, which underlines Outseer Fraud Manager, is a proven transactional risk management platform
that enables our customers to protect digital transactions from login to payment completion. Outseer customers
benefit from streamlined operations, reduced account takeover risk, and lower fraud losses while maintaining an
exceptional consumer experience.

The Outseer Platform is powered by the Outseer Risk Engine™. Built for precision detection, it utilizes the most
effective models and data to detect and prevent fraudulent activity. Our predictive algorithms work in real-time, and
at a high-volume scale, analyzing transaction data, our unique consortium data signals from the Outseer Global Data
Network™, and first- and third-party signals. Our risk models are trained on billions of transactions at the world’s
largest financial institutions.

Threats Data Signals Use Cases

Mule Outseer Global CNP

Accounts Data Network™ LOGIN 3-D Secure

li c y
Credit Card
P2P / Real-time

M anage me
Consumer Data Signals
Scams Risk Engine™
APP Fraud

First-Party MANAGE
Data Signals
Account Online / Mobile
Takeover Banking

How It Works
Outseer Fraud Manager is powered by the Outseer Risk Engine that accurately assesses the risk associated with each
transaction and digital interaction during the user’s digital journey. By applying a risk-based approach, only a small
number of activities or transactions require additional authentication that can be done using consistent, out-of-the-
box step-up authentication options or by leveraging the organization’s authentication tools.

Outseer Global
Data Network™

Location Intelligence

Device Identification Policy Continue

Signals Management
Risk Engine™

Behavioral Biometrics

Transaction & Event Feedback Authentication
Profiling Signals


Outseer Fraud Manager™ 3

Outseer Risk Engine Outseer Global Data Network
The Outseer Risk Engine is at the core of the Outseer Platform Outseer Fraud Manager uniquely benefits from data signals
and is built for precision detection. Our proven risk models contributed by the Outseer Global Data Network—a globally
have been trained on trillions of transactions to deliver shared, fraud intelligence consortium that gathers data from
the highest risk score accuracy. The Outseer Risk Engine transactions spanning thousands of financial institutions
analyzes hundreds of signals coming from transaction worldwide. When a member of the network marks an
data, the Outseer Global Data Network, third-party signals, activity as “Confirmed Fraud” / “Confirmed Genuine” in the
and first-party signals and uses predictive algorithms to case management application the associated signals are
detect and prevent fraud in real time. Using an advanced shared across the network. When an activity is attempted
machine learning statistical approach to calculate the risk and includes one of the signals from the Outseer Global Data
score, it looks at the conditional probability of each event Network the risk is automatically adjusted, in addition, our
to evaluate if it’s most likely genuine or fraudulent given the customers can define rules that leverage facts such as “Is
known facts or predictors. All available signals are taken into this signal in the Global Data Network?”
consideration but weighted according to correlation with
fraud—the most predictive signals contribute more heavily to
the score. The predictive weighting calculations are updated
for each unique customer based on authentication results
and case management feedback. Unlike black-box risk
engines, Outseer delivers reason codes for top contributors
of a score for explainable results. Our normalized risk score
gives you the predictability you need to confidently choose
the risk score thresholds that meet your business objectives
and risk appetite.

Device Profiling Behavioral Analytics Profiling

Outseer’s device profiling capabilities allow you to assess Our behavioral profiling compares current session activity
whether a customer’s device is different than one usually with established customer behavior to detect deviations that
used to conduct business with your organization or if it may be indicative of fraud. Multiple signals are examined
has been connected to known fraudulent activities. This including frequency, time of day, and type of activity. (e.g., Are
assessment involves analyzing parameters such as IP these payment types and associated transaction attributes
address, geolocation, operating system, browser type, and consistent with typical transactions for this user?)
other device settings. In many cases, account takeover
attacks are conducted from fraudsters’ devices using
genuine user credentials. Therefore, accurate device
identification and profiling of known devices for a user is Protection For Mobile Users
key to mitigating account takeover. Outseer device profiling
Outseer Fraud Manager enables a secure and frictionless
and device identification capabilities use an unsupervised
mobile experience by leveraging Outseer Fraud Manager
machine learning algorithm to calculate an accurate
Mobile SDK available for both iOS and Android devices. This
assurance level that reflects the probability the user used
SDK integrates with your mobile application, collects mobile
the device in the past.
device identifiers for risk assessment, and invokes biometrics
and OTP push notifications as step-up authentication for
flagged transactions.

Outseer Fraud Manager™ 4

Step-Up Authentication
Outseer Case Management
An additional layer of step-up authentication may be employed
Our case management application enables you to monitor
to further validate one’s identity in high-risk scenarios or
activities that trigger policy and confirm if they are
scenarios that violate your organization’s policies.
fraudulent. It also allows you to tag activities based on the
attack vector for further analysis (e.g., scam/not scam). The
Challenge questions: questions selected and
web-based application enables you to research activities
answered by the user during enrollment
and analyze fraud patterns, for instance when revising or
developing new policies. When cases are confirmed to be
fraudulent, feedback is instantly provided to the Outseer Risk Out-of-band authentication: one-time
Engine to further enhance the risk analysis accuracy. An API passcode sent to the user via text message,
is available that allows the consumption of third-party case phone call, or push notification
data and exporting of cases and activities to third-party case
management applications.
Biometrics: fingerprint and face ID biometrics
based on the mobile operating system
technology (available for mobile application
Outseer Policy Management
The Outseer policy engine translates data signals and risk Transaction signing: Crcryptographically
intelligence into action. Using our fine-grained policy controls, signs transaction details to verify transaction
you can set different outcomes to different risk thresholds integrity and authenticity to fight advanced
based on your risk tolerance and your business objectives. financial malware attacks
The web-based Outseer Fraud Manager Policy Management
application allows you to set event-level policies, such as
Authentication orchestration framework for
policies that will only trigger at payment, at login, or when
external authentication allows bring-your-own-
a user is managing their account settings. No coding is
authentication methods, such as tokens or
required to define a policy. You simply click and select the
FIDO-compliant biometrics and passwordless
elements you want to include as part of the policy logic.
authentication methods

Orchestration Capabilities
Outseer’s platform can help your organization orchestrate
your fraud prevention and authentication efforts by
centralizing your fraud management, maximizing your
investment in different fraud prevention tools, and enhancing
your fraud detection. Our platform provides the flexibility to
build granular policies for different events in the customer
journey that result in different actions and leverage first- or
third-party signals. Outseer platform provides an interface
for integrating with other vendors, such integrations include:

• Third-party signals that impact the Outseer Risk Engine

risk score calculation

• Third-party signals flowing through to the policy

management application

• Third-party step-up authentication options

Outseer Fraud Manager™ 5

Streamline Your Fraud Prevention Efforts with a Proven Fraud
Management Platform
Outseer Fraud Manager leverages its heritage as a pioneer in science-driven innovation to support risk management
and fraud prevention solutions. Outseer’s superior data science can help your organization reduce fraud losses while
optimizing customer experience and operational efficiencies.

Outseer Fraud Manager allows you to streamline insights across authentication and payment transactions while
delivering consistent risk controls at all customer touchpoints. It helps you leverage your investment in other fraud
tools and provides you with an enhanced risk score ingesting first- and third-party data signals into one score. Our
normalized risk scores allow you to predict your fraud, customer experience, and operational costs balance. Enabling
you to quickly deploy policy changes in response to rapidly evolving fraud trends and regulatory requirements.

About Outseer
At Outseer, we are empowering our customers to liberate the world from digital
fraud by providing solutions that stop fraud, not customers. Our market-leading
fraud and authentication platform is used by thousands of financial institutions
around the world to protect millions of customer accounts and billions of
transactions annually. Leveraging proven data science, including our proprietary
consortium data, our customers use our risk-based, machine learning platform to
deliver the highest fraud detection rates, lowest false positive rates, and lowest
customer intervention in the industry. See what others can’t at outseer.com.

© 2023 RSA Security LLC or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Outseer believes the information in this document is accurate.
The information is subject to change without notice. (rev 01.09.24) 6

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