Analyzing The Impact of Technology On Reading Comprehension On Grade 11 Students of Mahalang National High School - 105116

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Analyzing the Impact of Technology on Reading Comprehension on

Grade 11 Students of Mahalang National High School

At the school studied, before the COVID-19 epidemic, many teachers' use of

technology for less on delivery was limited to making PPT sand cutting audio

and video to enhance reading and facilitate understanding. With the COVID-19

pandemic lock down, many teachers and parents had to embrace technology for

other purposes, especially to support their students in reading, making certain

digital reading technologies more and more present in the teaching and learning

process. However, the evidence to support the effectiveness of these digital

reading instructional programs remains limited (Ordetx,2020), and the increase

of this digital reading technology in the teaching and learning process has

never been evaluated yet at the studied school. Many researchers and studies

show that technology can have a great impact in addressing reading

comprehension and vocabulary skills. Five of the ten papers examined by

streams provide evidence that technologically based approaches, provide

greater results than non-technologically based approaches, and four show that

technology based approaches are just a successful as non-technology based

approaches. On the other hand, exposing students to technology earlier is

believed to help the gain the skills needed to thrive in a digital society and meet

the requirements of the 21st century (Ortex 2020).

In a separate report by inquire. Net, the work Bank identified two reasons for

the high learning poverty rate. First, the share of out of school children is
higher for boys which is 5.1% than for girls i.e.,4.8%. Meaning, boys are more

likely to be deprived of school education than girls. Second, boys are more

likely to achieve minimum proficiency at the end of primary school (91.7%)

than girls (89.2%) in the Philippines. Even before Covid -19, the state of the

education sector in the Philippines was not that good. The country’s financial

status is one of the top factors and still adds up to the growing education issues

in the Philippines. Furthermore, after covid-19, children, youth, and adults are

seen deprived of learning. Moving forward, we can see these issues becoming

more prominent and worse over time with long-term effects if we don’t start

acting now. As much as we drove deep into the current state, it becomes quite

clear the battle is going to be prolonged, and it would require some big social

and economic changes.

The use of classroom technology in Mahalang National High School is now

constant since pandemic occurs. Technology plays a great role in the teaching

and learning process. However, in addition to the fact that not all educators and

students of the school are well trained for effectiveness are aware of its

potential. In addition, many students in Mahalang National High School can’t

use properly of the effectiveness of technology. However, even though the use

of technology in school became helpful for learning and reading

comprehension the use of technology in education has also a negative impact

on students in their health. The best example of this to much screen time, to

much screen exposure may affect students health.

Health problems related to the over use of technology Indeed, some research

has shown that inappropriate or excessive use of technology can lead to health

issues. According to the OECD (2020), excessive screen time “negatively

affects children’s physical health, influencing hours of sleep, engagement with

physical activity, and obesity”. Studies related to the use of technology have

been conducted through research and have identified other additional issues

due to its overuse, including spinal damage, vision problems, attention

problems, violent behavior, a decrease in academic performance, anti-social

behaviors, deterioration of social relations, dehuman ization of the educational

environment, and isolation of the individuals from physical experience

(Yücelyiit & Aral, 2020; Alhumaid, 2019). In addition to this, due to pressure

to incorporate the technologies into their everyday teaching practices or a

dearth of teacher training and education in educational technology, it is

believed that the usage of educational technologies increases some teachers'

anxiety, stress, and symptoms of weariness or depression (Fernández-Batanero

et al., 2021).

Purpose of the study

The purpose of this study is to examine the implications of technology on

students’ reading (English as a second language). Technology is gaining more

and more ground in the educational field. Many specialists believe that

technology has dramatically altered the way we learn and teach, leading us to

question what constitutes "true" teaching and learning (Seifert & Sutton, 2009,

p. 10). New technology such as the internet has changed the nature of literacy,

leading to a new form of literacy that requires additional skills and strategies

(Leuet al., 2014, p. 144). In addition to this, beyond providing a wider choice

of materials that can be accessed easily, facilitating communication and

collaboration, making teaching and learning more exciting, developing

students' critical thinking, and helping them acquire new knowledge and skills,

the internet has become a great source of information for both teachers and

students, making its mastery more relevant than every learning tool. On the

other hand, to

complete a wide range of learning tasks, such as reading, writing, doing math,

keeping track of attendance, simulating scientific experiments, simulating

social situations, and providing access to learning for students with handicaps

or learning disabilities, to name a few, knowing how to use tools such as

computers, tables, and cellphones and their related apps effectively has become

indispensable (Poole, 2009, p. 230). However, despite the potential of

technology, we still have little information about how technology can enhance

students' reading. Therefore, the author of this paper intends to investigate the

role and impact of technology on students’ reading and how it is perceived by

Chinese School stakeholders.

Research problem:

What is the possible role of technology in students’ reading processes?

What is the impact of technology on students reading?

Is there’s a negative impact of using technology for reading comprehension?

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