Chapter 1-1

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Background of study
Education is learning to obtain knowledge and understanding a variety of subjects in relation to
everyday life, it includes the acquisition of functional skills, moral identity; and attribution to
succeed in life and thereby improve the society (Fareo, 2012) Education is a necessity and a right
as it helps persons behave and think in a manner that improves their lives, career and brings
personal satisfaction and fulfillment with success which would therefore make their society and
the world at large better and secure. As time advances we can see the mode of education has
been influenced by developments in our society

With the developments and advancement in information and communication technologies (ICTs)
in the world, it has helped in the educational sector of countries with bringing new and
innovative ways of teaching and learning in recent times. Education has moved from the
traditional form of education to new methods of teaching and learning through the advancement
of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). ICT improves instruction and more
learners can be attended to. The continuous advances in information technology have enabled the
realization of a more diverse structure of knowledge transfer through the development of E-
learning, which is the focus of this research.

E-learning in learning and education is the use of modern technologies such as computers, digital
technology, networked digital devices (internet) and associated software. it is a learning process
created by interaction with digitally delivered content, network-based services and tutoring
support, E-learning is any technologically mediated learning using computers whether from a
distance or in face to face classroom setting (computer assisted learning), it is a shift from
traditional way of passing knowledge that we’ve come to know such as simply oral recitation .
E-learning is very popular across the world because of its potential for providing more flexible
access to content and instruction from any place and at any time. The process and applications of
e-learning technology include computer-based learning, web-based learning, virtual learning,
blended learning, hybrid models,internet learning, networked learning, Tele-learning, computer-
assisted learning and online classroom and digital collaboration where contents is delivered via
the internet, intranet/extranet, audio and or video tapes, satellite TV and CD-ROM

In the face of covid-19 and its resulting lockdown, E learning became one of the must used
platforms through which learning was taking place the need to determine the factors affecting the
use of E-learning in our society has never been more apparent to solve. E-learning is a vital
strategy that every institution should embrace into the present learning and education technique
for both the students and community-oriented learning (Sloan et al., 2014). With all the obstacles
facing the Nigerian institutions to effectively use E-learning, institutes such as the University of
Ibadan, Obafemi Awolowo University, University of Benin, University of Lagos and others,
have been able create standard E-learning platforms such as the “Envivo learning software” of
the University of Lagos but the major form of E-learning that are used are of lecture notes on
CD-ROM which can be played at any time the students want. Utilization of E-learning in Nigeria
is been impended by some factors which include but not limited to the following: students and
teachers are not trained on the use of E-learning capability in promoting teaching and learning in
schools,, equipment and infrastructure are inadequate to support the adoption of E-learning in
schools, little or no implementation knowledge, and non-availability of e-library domain in the
schools are problems towards adoption of E-learning. Nwokolo et al. (2017) reviewed the impact
of E-learning on education and training in Nigeria’s public tertiary educational institutions and
discussed the impact of E-learning technologies, factors affecting its full adoption such as power
shortage, lack of technical manpower and high cost of computer hardware acquisition.

As of these current times, the influence of E-learning is increasingly dominating the current
educational style as the influence of technology increases dominating our day to day activities
worldwide (Bass 2006). Advancements in online technologies have also facilitated a
convergence of distance and campus-based learning, which provides greater and increased
retention rates and better utilization of content, resulting in better achievement of knowledge,
skills, and attitudes in e learners. Reflective and deep learning thoughts, offers students adaptive
personalized E-learning as an important alternative to the one size fit all approach of online-
learning (Adeola et al., 2013; Arghya et al., 2020). Hence in this study students and educators are
being assessed to gather information for the factors affecting the effective use of E-learning.

Statement of Problem
The use of E-learning in the educational system has been poor and under-utilized and almost
non-existent, with the pandemic it has become apparent that we are not prepared to handle issues
which would prevent physical presence in classes. The education of the youths in a society is
essential, if hindered or stopped is in detriment to the socio economic development in the
country, In Nigeria, E-learning is challenged with the problem of lack of material devices such as
computer, computer laboratories, internet and email facilities, digital library, digital classrooms,
multimedia systems and the problem of multimedia courseware development among others that
would make for an.
It is against this background that this study is being carried out to determine the extent of various
factors affecting the effective utilization of E-learning as well as to examine its integration into
our educational system.

Research questions
To ensure a proper study has been carried out, the following research questions were formulated
1. What is the level of current integration of E-learning into teaching and learning in the
University of Benin?
2. Are students and lecturer properly acquainted with the knowledge necessary to handle E-
learning platforms and facilities?
3. What are the strategies for tackling the impediments of the use of E-learning in higher

Purpose of the study

The purpose of this study is to determine effective ways of using E-learning by understanding its
problems, specifically it intends to
1. Determining the current integration level of E-learning in the University of Benin
2. Ascertaining the level of understanding of students and lecturer in handling E-learning
3. Identifying the strategies for solving factors preventing the effective use of E-learning

Significance of the study

The findings gotten from this study will be beneficial to the students, educators, future
researcher’s and Government.
To the students, the result of this study will help them get easier access to information pertaining
to their field of study or subject, with just of a click of a button instant access to books, eBooks,
audiobooks and materials for a better learning experience.
To the educators, it help in the aid of teaching, simply submitting notes, materials and audio
classes to a E-learning database, for the students to acquire and learn from, it also means the
materials released by the teachers are not tied down by location or time it is forever available for
future students
To the future researchers, the result of this study will guide them on what is and what needs to be
done in the future. It will point out areas to channel their future research using the
recommendation of this study.
To the government it will open their mind on how to reform our educational sector to solve the
societal needs and current situations. It will guide them on bettering the policy and the
amendment of existing ones for achievement of a better educational system.

Scope and delimitation of the study

The general purpose of this study is ascertain the factors affecting the effective use of E-learning
it will cover the strategies to make E-learning effective and the best strategy to implement these
solutions. This study is delimited to the factors affecting the effective use of E-learning in Benin
metropolis, the options of this study is gotten from 400 level students of the faculty of Education
and Physical Science in the University of Benin

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