Mine Drain Notes 1
Mine Drain Notes 1
Mine Drain Notes 1
MING 323
Koroma, David
[email protected]
+232 79556600
1.0 Mine Drainage consists of the methods and equipment of controlling the quantity and
quality of mine water.
1.1 Drawdown
a) May take water from nearby wells and
b) May cause ground subsidence
The presence of water in a mine generally increases cost of production.
1.2 Why Mine Drainage Inrush of 1.3 Presence of excessive quantity of water in
a mine. a) Hinders excavation of mine work b)
water into a mine may cause: a) Loss Hinders handling of materials c) Reduces the
of life property; b) Interruption of efficiency of workers and equipment; d) Reduce
the stability of rocks and blast holes; e)
production; c) Stoppage of production; Dissolves soluble materials; f) Washes fine and
and d) Abandonment of the mine. weak er grou nd s g ) In t e r f e r e s w i t h s o m e
explosives h) Increases the hazard of using
electricity i) Increase the humidity of mines air; j)
Increase corrosion.
2.0 Mine Water: Pit water, mine water or mining water is water that collects in a mine and
which has to be brought to the surface by water management methods in order to enable the
mine to continue working.
• The presence of groundwater in surface mining • Methods of control include the use of
operations often creates serious problems. The most ho rizo nta l dra ins, b l a s t e d t o e
important is generally a reduction in stability of the
drains, construction of adits or
pit slopes. This is caused by pore water pressures
and hydrodynamic shock due to blasting which
drainage tunnels and pumping
reduce the shear strength and seepage pressures, from wells in or outside of the pit.
water in tension cracks and increased unit weight Recent research indicates that
which increase the shear stress. Groundwater and subsurface drainage can be
seepage also increase the cost of pit drainage,
augmented by applying a vacuum or
shipping, drilling and blasting, tyre wear and
by selective blasting.
equipment maintenance.
Horizontal drains are one method which may be used for open pit mine dewatering. These devices consist of
horizon- tal holes which usually, but not necessarily, have slotted PVC screen or pipe placed in them. They are
used to drain slope embankments or water-storing strata behind an imper- vious embankment.
c) Leave enough solid ground between water bodies and mine. p) Drill pilot holes.
use of only gravity or both gravity and pumps. Water from different parts of the mine is made to flow in
gutters or ditches by gravity to the adits and from the adits to
Underground mines opened by adits generally use the ground surface. Some of the design considerations taken
into accounts in the design of a drainage scheme are the
gravity alone to drain the mine workings. following:
• Underground mines opened by vertical or inclined 1. Adits slopes towards the collar
2. Drives slope towards adits.
shafts and ramps use both gravity and pumps to
3. Crosscuts slope towards drives.
remove mine water to the surface.
4. Angle of slope
5. Ditch or gutter width 0.3 m , depth 0.3 m
6. Flow rate of 0.25 - 0.5 m/sec to prevent settling of rock
7. Sumps must be provided for fines settling and treatment of
8. Gutters or ditches must be cleaned periodically and can be
covered in some cases.
4.3 Underground Drainage System
Underground drainage system principally • Layout of ditches
consists of the following.
All horizontal or near horizontal mine workings are
• Layout of ditches. provided with ditches or gutters. These ditches slope
• Pump stations (Main station and towards the shaft. The angle of slope should be sufficient
subsidiary stations).
to allow water flow rate of 0.25 – 0.5 m/sec to prevent
• Piping system. settling of rock particles in the ditches. The dimensions
• Water discharge arrangements on the of a ditch are; width 0.3 m, depth 0.3 m.
ground surface.
Drainage of Mines Opened By Vertical or Inclined Shaft
Fig. 4.2 Plan View of a pump station with sumps Fig. 4.3 Layout of Pipes at a pump station