FST Outline 27-7-2023-2

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Course Objectives
To provide Basic information about Islamic Studies
To enhance understanding of the students regarding Islamic Civilization
To improve Students skill to perform prayers and other worships
To enhance the skill of the students for understanding of issues related to faith and
religious life.

Couse Details:
Introduction to Quran Studies
Basic Concepts of Quran
History of Quran , Uloom-ul -Quran
Study of Selected Text of Holly Quran, Verses of Surah Al-Baqra Related to Faith
(Verse No-284-286), Verses of Surah Al-Hujrat Related to Adab Al-Nabi (Verse No-
1 -18), Verses of Surah Al-Mumanoon Related to Characteristics of faithful (Verse
No-1-11), Verses of Surah al-Furqan Related to Social Ethics (Verse No.63- 77),
Verses of Surah Al-Inam Related to Ihkam (Verse No-152-154)
Study of Selected Text of Holy Quran
Verses Of Surah Al-Ihzab Related To Adab Al-Nabi (Verse No.6,21,40,56,57,58.)
Verses Of Surah Al-Hashar (18,19,20) Related To Thinking, Day Of Judgment,
Verses Of Surah Al-Saf Related To Tafakar,Tadabar (Verse No- 1,14), Seerat Of
Holy Prophet (S.A.W) , Life Of Muhammad Bin Abdullah (Before Prophet Hood),
Life Of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) In Makkah, Important Lessons Derived From The
Life Of Holy Prophet In Makkah
Seerat of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) II
Life of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) in Madina, Important Events of Life Holy Prophet in
Madina, Important Lessons Derived from the life of Holy Prophet in Madina
Introduction to Sunnah
Basic Concepts of Hadith, History of Hadith, Kinds of Hadith, Uloom –ul-Hadith,
Sunnah & Hadith, Legal Position of Sunnah
Selected Study from Text of Hadith Introduction to Islamic Law &
1) Basic Concepts of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence
2) History & Importance of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence
3) Sources of Islamic Law & Jurisprudence
4) Nature of Differences in Islamic Law
5) Islam and Sectarianism
Islamic Culture & Civilization
1) Basic Concepts of Islamic Culture & Civilization
2) Historical Development of Islamic Culture & Civilization
3) Characteristics of Islamic Culture & Civilization
4) Islamic Culture & Civilization and Contemporary Issues
Islam & Science
1) Basic Concepts of Islam & Science
2) Contributions of Muslims in the Development of Science
3) Quran & Science
Islamic Economic System
1) Basic Concepts of Islamic Economic System
2) Means of Distribution of wealth in Islamic Economics
3) Islamic Concept of Riba
4) Islamic Ways of Trade & Commerce
Political System of Islam
1) Basic Concepts of Islamic Political System
2) Islamic Concept of Sovereignty
3) Basic Institutions of Govt. in Islam
Social System of Islam
1) Basic Concepts Of Social System Of Islam
2) Elements of Family
3) Ethical Values of Islam
Reference Books:
• Hameed ullah Muhammad, “Emergence of Islam” , IRI, Islamabad
• Hussain Hamid Hassan, “An Introduction to the Study of Islamic Law” leaf
Publication Islamabad, Pakistan.
• Ahmad Hasan, “Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence” Islamic Research Institute,
International Islamic University, Islamabad (1993)
• Mir Waliullah, “Muslim Jrisprudence and the Quranic Law of Crimes” Islamic
Book Service (1982)
• H.S. Bhatia, “Studies in Islamic Law, Religion and Society” Deep & Deep
Publications New Delhi (1989)
• Dr. Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, “Introduction to Al Sharia Al Islamia” Allama Iqbal
Open University, Islamabad (2001)
NS-112 MATHEMATICS –I 3 (3 + 0)

Specific Objectives of the Course: To prepare the students, not majoring in

mathematics, with the essential tools of algebra to apply the concepts and the
techniques in their respective disciplines.
Course Outline:
Preliminaries: Real-number system, complex numbers, introduction to sets, set
operations, functions, types of functions. Matrices: Introduction to matrices,
types, matrix inverse, determinants, system of linear equations, Cramer’s rule.
Quadratic Equations: Solution of quadratic equations, qualitative analysis of roots of
a quadratic equation, equations reducible to quadratic equations, cube roots of unity,
relation between roots and coefficients of quadratic equations.
Sequences and Series: Arithmetic progression, geometric progression, harmonic
Binomial Theorem: Introduction to mathematical induction, binomial theorem with
rational and irrational indices.
Trigonometry: Fundamentals of trigonometry, trigonometric identities.
Recommended Books:
• Dolciani MP, Wooton W, Beckenback EF, Sharron S, Algebra 2 and Trigonometry,
1978, Houghton & Mifflin,
• Boston (suggested text):
• Kaufmann JE, College Algebra and Trigonometry, 1987, PWS-Kent Company,
• Swokowski EW, Fundamentals of Algebra and Trigonometry (6th edition), 1986,
PWS-Kent Company, Boston
HS – 112 English I (Functional English) 3 (3+0)
Objectives: Enhance language skills and develop critical thinking.
Course Contents:
Basics of Grammar
Parts of speech and use of articles Sentence structure, active and passive voice
Practice in unified sentence, analysis of phrase, clause and sentence structure
Transitive and intransitive verbs, Punctuation and spelling, comprehension, Answers
to questions on a given text, Discussion, General topics and every-day conversation
(topics for discussion to be at the discretion of the teacher keeping in view the level
of students), Listening, to be improved by showing documentaries/films carefully
selected by subject teachers, Translation skills Urdu to English, Paragraph writing,
Topics to be chosen at the discretion of the teacher
Recommended Books:
• Laboratory Sessions English Grammar by A. J. Thomson and A. V. Martinet.
Exercises 1. 3rd Edition. Oxford University Press. 1997. ISBN 0 194313492
• Laboratory Sessions English Grammar by A. J. Thomson and A. V. Martinet.
Exercises 2. Third edition. Oxford University Press. 1997. ISBN 0 194313506,
• Writing. Intermediate by Marie-Christine Boutin, Suzanne Brinand and Francoise
Grellet. Oxford Supplementary Skills. Fourth Impression 1993. ISBN 0 19 435405 7
Pages 20-27 and 35-41.
NS-114 Basic Statistics 2 (2+0)
• Definition and importance of Statistics in Agriculture, Data Different types of data
and variables
• Classification and Tabulation of data, Frequency distribution, stem-and Leaf
diagram, Graphical representation of data Histogram, frequency polygon, frequency
• Measure of Central tendency, Definition and calculation of Arithmetic mean,
Geometric mean, Harmonic mean, Median quantiles and Mode in grouped and
ungrouped data.
• Measure of Dispersion, Definition and Calculation of Range, quartile deviation,
Mean deviation, Standard deviation and variance, coefficient of variation.

Recommended Books
1. Introduction to Statistical Theory Part- I by Sher Muhammad and Dr. Shahid
Kamal (Latest Edition)
2. Statistical Methods and Data Analysis by Dr. Faquir Muhammad. A Concise
Course in A. Level Statistic with world examples by J. Crawshaw and J. Chambers
3. Basic Statistics an Inferential Approach 2nd Ed. (1986) Fran II. Dietrich-II and
Thomes J. Keans
HS – 121 Pakistan Studies 2
Develop vision of historical perspective, government, politics, contemporary
Pakistan, ideological background of Pakistan.
Study the process of governance, national development, issues arising in the modern
age and posing challenges to Pakistan.

1. Historical Perspective
• Ideological rationale with special reference to Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Allama
• Muhammad Iqbal and Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
• Factors leading to Muslim separatism
People and Land
i. Indus Civilization
ii. Muslim advent
iii. Location and geo-physical features.
2. Government and Politics in Pakistan
Political and constitutional phases
3. Contemporary Pakistan
a. Economic institutions and issues
b. Society and social structure
c. Ethnicity
d. Foreign policy of Pakistan and challenges
e. Futuristic outlook of Pakistan

Recommended Books:
• Burki, Shahid Javed. State & Society in Pakistan, The Macmillan Press Ltd 1980.
•Akbar, S. Zaidi. Issue in Pakistan’s Economy. Karachi: Oxford University Press,
• S.M. Burke and Lawrence Ziring. Pakistan’s Foreign policy: An Historical analysis.
Karachi: Oxford University Press, 1993.
• Mehmood, Safdar. Pakistan Political Roots & Development. Lahore, 1994.
• Wilcox, Wayne.The Emergence of Banglades.,Washington: American Enterprise,
Institute of Public Policy Research, 1972.
• Mehmood, Safdar. Pakistan Kayyun Toota, Lahore: Idara-e-Saqafat- e-Islamia,
Club Road, nd
• Amin, Tahir. Ethno - National Movement in Pakistan, Islamabad: Institute of Policy
Studies, Islamabad.
• Ziring, Lawrence. Enigma of Political Development. Kent England: WmDawson &
sons Ltd, 1980.
• Zahid, Ansar. History & Culture of Sindh. Karachi: Royal Book Company, 1980.
• Afzal, M. Rafique. Political Parties in Pakistan, Vol. I, II & III. Islamabad: National
Institute of Historical and cultural Research, 1998.
• Sayeed, Khalid Bin. The Political System of Pakistan. Boston: Houghton Mifflin,
• Aziz, K.K. Party, Politics in Pakistan, Islamabad: National Commission on
Historical and Cultural Research, 1976.
• Muhammad Waseem, Pakistan under Martial Law, Lahore: Vanguard, 1987.
• Haq, Noor ul. Making of Pakistan: The Military Perspective. Islamabad: National
Commission on Historical and Cultural Research, 1993
NS-113 Basic Chemistry 3(2+1)
Solution and Electrolytes, Solubility and Solubility Product Constant; Water as a Solvent;
Structural Changes from Liquid to Ice; Preparation of Solutions; Evaluation of Concentration-
Molarity, Molality, Parts Per Million and Parts Per Billion. Electrochemistry Oxidation;
Reduction; Electrode Potential; Redox Reaction; EMF of Cell. Thermodynamics First and
Second Laws of Thermodynamics and their Applications; Specific and Latent Heat. Chemical
Kinetics Rate of Reaction; Order and Molecularity, First and Second Order Derivation for the
Value of ‘K’. Acids, Bases and Salts Theories and Reactions; pH value, Scale and determination.
Stereochemistry Geometrical and Optical Isomerism. Classes and Nomenclature of Organic
Compounds Classification of organic compounds; development of systematic nomenclature of
organic compounds; IUPAC nomenclature of hydrocarbons and heteroatom functional groups.
Hydrocarbons Aliphatic- Alkane, Alkene and Alkyne; Aromatic- Benzene. Functional Groups
Introduction and Reactions in relation with Food; Bi-functional Compounds Carbohydrates,
Proteins and Amino Acids. Complex Formation & Coordination Chain.

Identification and Proper use of Common Laboratory Glassware. Preparation of Solutions of
Primary and Secondary Standards. Methods of Standardization of Secondary Standard
Solutions. Titrimetric analysis. pHMetery. Potentiometric analysis. Detection of Functional

Recommended Books:

 Velisek, J. 2014. The chemistry of food. John Wiley & Sons Inc., USA.
 Coultate, T. 2009. Food: The chemistry of its components. The Royal Society of
Chemistry, Thomas Graham House, Science Park, UK.
 Belitz, H.D, Groschm, W. and Schieberle, P. 2009. Food chemistry. Springer Verlag,
 Damodaran, S., Parkin, K.L. and Fennema. 2008. Fennema’s food chemistry. CRC Press,
Taylor & Francis Group, USA.
 DeMan, J.M. 2007. Principles of food chemistry. Springer Verlag, Germany.
 Atkins P. & Paula J. 2002, Physical Chemistry VII Edition, Oxford University Press,
 Petrucci R.H., Hill J.W. 2002, General Chemistry III Edition, Prentice Hall, New York
FST-111 Introduction to Food Science and Technology 3(2-1)

Introduction: food science, food technology, relationship with other disciplines, career
opportunities. Significance of food science and technology. Global & national food and nutrition
situation. Food industry: history, developments. Important food industries in Pakistan. Food
sources: plants, animals, marine. Food constituents and their functions: water, carbohydrates,
lipids, proteins, vitamins, minerals. Classification of foods: perishability, pH. Food spoilage
agents: enzymes, microorganisms, insects, rodents, birds, physical factors. Principles of food
preservation: prevention or delay of autolysis, microorganisms, pests, physical defects. Food
poisoning: causes and remedies.
Use of laboratory equipment’s. Estimation of moisture, fat, protein, carbohydrates, fiber and ash
in food samples. Determination of specific gravity, soluble solids, pH, acidity, total solids,
refractive index and peroxide value.
Recommended Books:
 Awan, J.A. and Rehman, S.U. 2014. Food analysis manual. Unitech Communications,
 Penfield, M.P. and Campbell, A.M. 2014. Experimental food science (Food Science and
Technology). Academic Press, USA.
 Awan, J.A. 2011. Food science and technology. Unitech Communications, Faisalabad-
 Campbell-Platt, G. 2009. Food science and technology. Wiley-Blackwell, USA.
 Potter, N.N. and Hotchkiss, J.H. 2007. Food science. The AVI Pub. Co. Inc., USA.
FST-121 Food Chemistry 3(3+0)
Nomenclature, Classification; structure, physical and chemical properties of carbohydrates,
Nomenclature, Classification; structure, physical and chemical properties Amino Acids and Protein.
Structure of Water; Physical Properties of Water & Ice; Water-Solute Interactions; Relative Vapor
Pressure and Molecular Mobility on Food Stability. Classification, Sources, Structures, Stability &
Toxicity of Vitamins, Causes of Vitamins Losses in Foods; Optimization of Vitamin Retention.
Mineral Composition of Foods; Mineral Chemistry; Chemical and Functional Properties of
minerals. Colours and pigments: functions, properties, stability. Flavours: characteristics – taste and
other saporous substances, aromatic compounds.

Recommended Books:

 "Food Chemistry: Third Edition" by Owen R. Fennema (2018)

 "Food Chemistry: Principles and Applications" by Hafiz Ansar Rasul Suleria and Saeed
Akhtar (2017).
 "Introduction to Food Chemistry" by Richard Owusu-Apenten (2014).
 "Food Chemistry Laboratory: A Manual for Experimental Foods, Dietetics, and Food
Scientists" by Connie M. Weaver and James R. Daniel (2014)
 "Food Chemistry" by H.-D. Belitz, W. Grosch, and P. Schieberle (2012)
NS-111 Biology-I (For Pre-Engineering) 3(3+0)

Introduction, Branches of biology, Scientific methods, Cell, Cell theory, Cell organelles, Cell
cycle, Phases of cell cycle, Cell division, Types of cell division, Variety of Life, Classification of
living organisms (five kingdom classification), Bioenergetics, Gaseous exchange, Transport,
Homeostasis, Types of feedback loop, Negative feedback loop, Positive feedback loop,
Osmoregulation, Thermoregulation

Recommended Books:

 "Principles of Biology" by Robert L. Brooker, Eric P. Widmaier, Linda E. Graham, and

Peter D. Stiling - 3rd edition, published in 2020
 "Biology" by Peter Raven, George Johnson, Kenneth Mason, and Jonathan Losos - 11th
edition, published in 2016
 "Campbell Biology" by Lisa Urry, Michael Cain, Steven Wasserman, Peter Minorsky,
and Jane Reece - 11th edition, published in 2016
 "Life: The Science of Biology" by David E. Sadava, David M. Hillis, H. Craig Heller,
and Sally D. Hacker - 11th edition, published in 2016
 "Molecular Biology of the Cell" by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis,
David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, and Peter Walter - 6th edition, published in
NS-123 Biology-II (For Pre-Engineering) 2(2+0)


Introduction to biological molecules, Chromosomes and DNA, DNA as a hereditary material,

Heredity, Basic principles of inheritance, Mendel's laws of inheritance, Support and movement
in animals, Types of muscles (skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscles), Biological and functional
classification of bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi and algae.

Recommended Books:

 "Principles of Biology" by Robert L. Brooker, Eric P. Widmaier, Linda E. Graham, and

Peter D. Stiling - 3rd edition, published in 2020
 "Biology" by Peter Raven, George Johnson, Kenneth Mason, and Jonathan Losos - 11th
edition, published in 2016
 "Campbell Biology" by Lisa Urry, Michael Cain, Steven Wasserman, Peter Minorsky,
and Jane Reece - 11th edition, published in 2016
 "Life: The Science of Biology" by David E. Sadava, David M. Hillis, H. Craig Heller,
and Sally D. Hacker - 11th edition, published in 2016
 "Molecular Biology of the Cell" by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis,
David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, and Peter Walter - 6th edition, published in
HS-122 English II (Expository writing) 3 (3+0)

Objectives: Enable the students to meet their real-life communication needs.

Paragraph writing
Practice in writing a good, unified and coherent paragraph
Essay writing

CV and job application

Translation skills Urdu to English
Study skills, Skimming and scanning, intensive and extensive, and speed reading, summary and
precise writing and comprehension Academic skills, Letter/memo writing, minutes of meetings, use of
library and internet, presentation skills, Personality development (emphasis on content, style and

Recommended Books:
Communication Skills
a) Grammar
Laboratory Sessions English Grammar by A. J. Thomson and A. V. Martinet.
Exercises 2. 3rd Edition. Oxford University Press 1986. ISBN 0 19 431350 6.
b) Writing
Writing. Intermediate by Marie-Chrisitine Boutin, Suzanne Brinand and Francoise
Grellet. Oxford Supplementary Skills. Fourth Impression 1993. ISBN 0 19 435405 7
Pages 45-53 (note taking).
Writing. Upper-Intermediate by Rob Nolasco. Oxford Supplementary Skills. Fourth
Impression 1992. ISBN 0 194354065 (particularly good for writing memos,
introduction to presentations, descriptive and argumentative writing).
Reading. Advanced. Brian Tomlinson and Rod Ellis. Oxford Supplementary Skills.
Third Impression 1991. ISBN 0 19 4534030.
Reading and Study Skills by John Langan
Study Skills by Riachard Yorky.

Course Objectives:

This course aims to provide students with the essential concepts of

biomathematics and how these can be employed for analyzing real data.

Preliminaries: Real-number line, functions and their graphs, solution of equations involving
absolute values, inequalities, binomial theorem and its use. Limits and Continuity: Limit of
a function, left-hand and right-hand limits, continuity, continuous functions. Derivatives and
their Applications: Differentiable functions, differentiation of polynomial, rational and
transcendental functions, derivatives. Integration and Definite Integrals: Techniques of
evaluating indefinite integrals, integration by substitution, integration by parts, change of
variables in indefinite integrals. Application and importance of calculus for biotechnology;
the exponential growth curve and growth equation.

Recommended Books:

 Helfgott M, and Moore D, 2011. Introductory Calculus for the Natural

Sciences. Create Space Independent Publishing Platform, USA.
 Neuhauser C, 2010. Calculus for Biology and Medicine. Prentice Hall
 Anton H et al., 2005. Calculus: A New Horizon. John Wiley, New York.
 Thomas GB and Finney AR, 2005. Calculus. Addison-Wesley, Reading, USA.
 Kumar A, 2011. Mathematics for biologist. First Edition; Alpha science
NS-121 Applied Statistics Credit 3 (2+1)

Sampling Probability and non-Probability Sampling, Simple random sampling stratified random
sampling Systematic sampling error, Sampling distribution of mean and difference between two
means. Interference Theory: Estimation and testing of hypothesis, Type—I and type-II error, Testing
of hypothesis about mean and difference between two means using Z-test and t-test, Paired t-test, Test
of association of attributes using X2 (chi-square) Testing hypothesis about variance.

a. Sampling random sampling
b. Stratified random sampling.
c. Sampling distribution of mean
d. Testing of hypotheses regarding population mean
e. Testing of hypotheses about the difference between population means
f. Chi-square test
g. Testing of Correlation Coefficient
h. Fitting of simple linear regression
i. One-way ANOVA
j. Two-way ANOVA

Recommended Book

 Introduction to Statistical Theory Part-II by Sher Muhammad and Dr. Shahid Kamal
(Latest Edition)
 Statistical Methods and Data Analysis by Dr. Faquir Muhammad
 Principles and Procedures of Statistics A Bio-meterial approach, 2nd Edition, 1980
by R.G.D Steal and James H. Tarric
 Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research 2nd Edition (1980)
 by K.A. Gomez and A.A. Gomez
FST-212 Unit Operation in Food Processing-I 3(2+1)
Unit Operations Units, dimensions, conversions, Unit Operations in Food Industries; Sorting and
Grading; Screening Operations and Standards. Material and Energy Balance Stoichiometry in
Food Processing; General Principle of Energy Balance; Significance and Applications of Energy
Balance in Food Industries; Problem Solving Techniques involving Concentration, Mixing,
Dehydration and Multistage Food Processes. Size Reduction Crushing and Grinding; Reduction
Ratio; Energy used in Grinding and related Laws; Selection of Grinding Equipments. Drying
Basic Drying Theory and Terms; Rate of Drying; Psychrometery and Drying Equipments.
Separation Processes Filtration; Sieving; Centrifugation; Extraction; and Crystallization. Drying
in Food Process Objectives of Drying in Food Processing; Sorption Isotherm; Mass and Heat
Transfer during Drying; Psychrometery; Properties of Humid Air; Drying Theory; Equilibrium
Moisture Content; Drying Rate Periods; Critical Moisture Content; Calculation of Drying Time;
Re- constitution of Dried Products. Types of Dryer Tray; Tunnel; Vacuum; Rotary; Drum;
Fluidized Bed; Spray & Freeze Dryer.

Screen Analysis of Salt Samples and calculate the % of each fraction. Total Soluble Solids of
Juices by specific gravity and oven drying method. Separation of Suspended Particles by
Centrifugation. Measurement of viscosities of different filtered juices using Ostwald viscometer.
Effect of Particle Size on Oil Extraction. Determination of specific gravity of different sugar
solution using hydrometer. Separation of miscible and immiscible liquids by centrifugation.
Physical and chemical methodology for evaluating quality in citrus juices.

Recommended Books:

 Nonthermal processing technologies for food. John Wiley & Sons, IFT Press. USA. Donald
G. Mercer, 2014.
 Berk, Z. 2009. Food process engineering and technology. Academic Press Elsevier. USA.
Singh, R.P. and Heldman, D.R. 2013.
 Introduction of food engineering (Food Science & Technology). Academic Press, USA.
Zhang, H.Q.,
 Barbosa-Canovas G.V., BalaBalasubramaniam V.M. Dunne C.P., Farkas, D.F. and Yuan
J.T.C. 2011.
 An Introduction to Dehydration and Drying of Fruits and Vegetables, IUFoST Press.
Lozano J.E., Crisitine A., Efren P.R. &Gustan V. 2000,
 Trends in Food Engineering, Technomic Publishing Co., Basel, Switzerland.
 Maria Margarida Cortez Vieira and Peter Ho, 2008, Experiments in Unit Operations and
Processing of Foods, Springer Science and Business Media, LLC.
SS-121 Introduction to Sociology 2(2+0)


Introduction: Sociology, the Science of Society, Scope and significance, Fields of Sociology,
Sociology and other Social Sciences. Social interaction and social structure, Social Interaction, the
Nature and Basis of Social Interaction. Social Processes, Social Structure, Status, Roles, Power and
Authority and Role Allocation. Culture, Meaning and nature of culture, Elements of culture, Norms
values, beliefs, sanctions, and customs. Culture and Socialization Formal and non-formal socialization,
and Transmission of Culture. Cultural Lag. Cultural Variation Cultural Integration, Cultural Evolution,
Cultural Pluralism Culture and personality. Deviance and social control, Deviance and conformity,
Mechanism and techniques of social control, Agencies of social control. Social organization, Social
organization-Definition, meaning and forms, Social groups -Types and functions of groups, Social
Institutions: forms, nature and inter-relationship.

Recommended Books:
 Anderson, Margaret and Howard F. Taylor. 2001. Sociology the Essentials. Australia:
Wadsworth. Brown, Ken 2004. Sociology. UK: Polity Press
 Gidden, Anthony 2002. Introduction to Sociology. UK: Polity Press.
 Macionis, John J. 2006. 10th Edition Sociology New Jersey: Prentice-Hall
 Tischler, Henry L. 2002. Introduction to Sociology 7th ed. New York: The Harcourt Press.
 Frank N Magill. 2003. International Encyclopedia of Sociology. U.S.A: Fitzroy Dearborn
 Macionis, John J. 2005. Sociology 10th ed. South Asia: Pearson Education
 Kerbo, Harold R. 1989. Sociology: Social Structure and Social Conflict. New York: Macmillan
Publishing Company.
 Koening Samuel. 1957. Sociology: An Introduction to the Science of Society. New York:
Barnes and Nobel..
 Lee, Alfred Mclung and Lee, Elizabeth Briant 1961. Marriage and The family. New York:
Barnes and Noble, Inc.

GE-221 Professional Practices 2(2+0)


Professional practices in the field of Food Science & Technology and to enable them to identify ethical
conflicts, identify their responsibilities and options, and think through the implications of possible
solutions to ethical conflicts. Food and Cultural Studies. The role of professional organizations in
maintaining good practice, specifically in the Food industries and research centers. It will then
consider legislation that applies in the Food industry regarding health related issues. Introduction to
Safety, maintaining personal hygiene, hazards and Risks, History and development of cooking, the
kitchen brigade, what is a professional cook, food and nutrition’s, the food guide pyramid, food
contamination, Food and Beverage system. Health & Safety regulations, hazards in work place,
emergencies in work place, communication skills, security procedures, team work, waste management,
pest control, storage and stock control. Hygiene, Sanitation, in food industry and restaurants.
Importance of hygiene and sanitation in catering industry.

Recommended Books

 Shaw, I. C. (2018). Food safety: the science of keeping food safe. John Wiley & Sons.
 Wojnowski, B. (2013). Exemplary Science: Best Practices.
 Harmon, A. H., & Gerald, B. L. (2007). Position of the American Dietetic Association: food
and nutrition professionals can implement practices to conserve natural resources and support
ecological sustainability. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 107(6), 1033-1043.
 Prades, J., Ferré, J., & Gonzalo, J. L. (2014). Journalists and bloggers. Professional identities
and practices in food risk/benefits communication in Spain.
 Azanaw, J., Gebrehiwot, M., & Dagne, H. (2019). Factors associated with food safety practices
among food handlers: facility-based cross-sectional study. BMC research notes, 12(1), 1-6.
 Dominelli, L. (2014). Internationalizing professional practices: The place of social work in the
international arena. International Social Work, 57(3), 258-267.
 Domaneschi, L. (2012). Food social practices: Theory of practice and the new battlefield of
food quality. Journal of Consumer Culture, 12(3), 306-322.
 Gasparini, M. F. V., Bigoni, A., Medeiros, M. A. T. D., & Furtado, J. P. (2017). Evaluation
practices in the field of Food and Nutrition. Revista de Nutrição, 30, 391-407.
MS-222 Entrepreneurship 2(2+0)


Introduction to Entrepreneurship, Definition and characteristics of entrepreneurship, Importance of

entrepreneurship in economic development, Historical and contemporary perspectives on
entrepreneurship, Identifying Entrepreneurial Opportunities, Recognizing market gaps and unmet
needs. Idea generation and creative thinking techniques. Assessing feasibility and viability of
business ideas. Business Model Development, Understanding business models and value
propositions, Lean startup methodology and agile development. Market Analysis and Customer
Identification, Market research methods and tools, Financial Planning and Funding, Legal and
Ethical Considerations, Marketing and Sales Strategies, Entrepreneurial Leadership and Team
Building, Risk Management and Business Growth, Pitching and Presentation Skills

Recommended Books

 Entrepreneurship: Successfully Launching New Ventures by Bruce R. Barringer, Duane Ireland, Latest
 Entrepreneurship new venture creation by David H. Holt - Latest Edition
 Pitts R.A. and Snow C.C., Strategies for Competitive Success, Johan Willy - Latest Edition
 Barlett, Christopher A., and Sumantra Goshal. Strategy & Leadership - Latest Edition
 Hisrich and Peters, Entrepreneurship, McGraw-Hill – Latest Edition
 Carrier, Camille., Entrepreneurship in Large Firms and SMEs. A Comparative Study – Latest Edition
FST-123 Basic Agriculture (Agronomy, live Stock, Entomology) 3(2+1)


Introduction: Agriculture concept, history, importance, and scope Agriculture in Pakistan.

Salient features and problems of Pakistan’s agriculture, Climate, weather and seasons of
Pakistan, their major characteristics and impact on crop, Agro ecological zones of Pakistan,
Farming systems of the country, Important crops of Pakistan. Physical quality and testing of
common grains such as wheat and rice. Agronomy Agricultural production, Land resources and
their utilization, Crop nutrition, Water resources, surface and ground water, canal system,
Conventional vs organic farming practices, Urban farming, soilless culture Pest Science Pest of
horticultural, Pest of field crops (wheat, rice, corn etc…), Stored grain pest, integrated pest
management (e.g., cultural, physical biological and chemical control measures), Pesticides
applications and their hazards, FAO code of conduct for pesticide use and handling (Codex
Alimentarius) Fumigation of stored grain-procedures and standards. Pest identification and
classifications, vertebrate pest control, urban pest management standards/frameworks, Pest
management standards of food industry Livestock resources of Pakistan. Etiology, morphology
and pathology of a range of common zoonotic diseases affecting food International
Organizations Role of Food and Agriculture Organization FAO, World Organization for
Animal Health OIE, International Plant Protection Convention IPPC, World Food Program
WFP and their relevant international standards/guidelines/frameworks

Recommended Books:

 Cottle, D.J. and Kahn, L.P. (2014) Beef Cattle Production and Trade. CSIRO, Australia
 Abbas, M. A. 2006. General Agriculture. Emporium Urdu Bazar, Lahore.
 Bala subramaniyan. 2004. Principles and Practices of Agronomy. Agrobios, Jodhpur,
 Dikeman, W.K. et al (2004). Encyclopedia of meat sciences (3 vols.). Elsevier AP,
 Khalil, I.A and A. Jan. 2002. Cropping Technology. National Book Foundation,
 Khan S.R.A. 2001. Crop Management in Pakistan with Focus on Soil and Water.
Directorate of Agricultural Information, Punjab, Lahore.
FST-221 Unit Operation in Food Processing-II 3(2+1)
Evaporation in Food Process Objectives of evaporation in food processing; Basic theory; Factors
Influencing Liquid Boiling Point; Influence of Feed Liquor Properties on Evaporation; Types of
Evaporators. Mixing Definition, Variance & Standard Deviation, Mixing Index, Rate of Mixing,
Effect of Mixing on Foods. Mixing Equipment Extraction Washing, Solid-Liquid & Liquid-
Liquid Extraction, Rate of Extraction and Factors Affecting it; Types of Extractors; Applications
in the Food Industry Filtration Definitions; Filter Cake & Filter Aid; Types of Filtration;
Filtration Equipment in the Food Industries. Membrane Separation Ultra- Filtration & Reverse
Osmosis Crystallization Definitions; Saturation & Super Saturation Curves for Sucrose; Role of
Seed Crystals in Meta Stable Region; Spontaneous Nucleation; Heat of Crystallization; Factors
governing Crystal Growth & Nucleation; Crystallizers & Evaporators; Polymorphism;
Crystallization Processes in Food Industries. Distillation Definitions; Steam & Vacuum
Distillation; Distillation Equipment.

To determine the sorption isotherm of dehydrated products. Rate of Drying of a Food Materials
using Different Drying Techniques. Effect of thickness of Food Material on Drying Rates. Energy
requirements of drying operation, determination of energy efficiency of dryers. Calculations of
Physical and thermodynamic properties of air using using Psychometric Chart. Effect of Freeze
Drying on the Texture of Foods. Spray drier – atomization of milk. Operating a fluidized bed
drier. Pregelatinized infant foods preparation using drum dryer. Evaluation of Mixing rate&
Index by different Mixers. Determination of Energy consumption in mixing operation. Effect of
Temperature and Surface Area on the Rate of Extraction. Selection of Solvent for Extraction.
Evaluation of factors affecting vacuum filtration. Pressure filtration; parameters evaluation and

Recommended Books

 R. Paul Singh, 2019, Introduction to Food, Engineering; Academic Press is an imprint of

 Singh, R.P. and Heldman, D.R. 2013. Introduction of food engineering (Food Science &
Technology). Academic Press, USA.
 Zhang, H.Q., Barbosa-Canovas G.V., Bala subramaniam V.M. , Dunne C.P., Farkas, D.F.
and Yuan J.T.C. 2011. Nonthermal processing technologies for food. John Wiley & Sons,
IFT Press. USA.
 P.G. Smith, 2011, Introduction to Food Process Engineering, Springer New York
FST-211 Food Engineering-I 3(2+1)
Introduction Fluid Flow Phenomenon; Properties and types of Fluids; Concept of entrance region
and fully developed region in pipes. Determination of velocity profile for fully developed region
under laminar and turbulent conditions. General Energy Equation; Applications of Bernoulli’s
Equation. Types of Fluid Flow Newtonian, Bingham Plastic, Pseudo plastic and Dilatant; Shear
stress and Rate of Shear; Friction Factor & Losses through Fittings; Reynold Number and its
Significance; Selection of Fluid Flow Equipments; Types of Pumps. Rheology Rheological
Models for Viscous and Visco-elastic Foods; Measurement of Flow Properties of Fluid Foods.
Flow Properties of Food Powder Introduction to transport of solid foods. Properties of granular
materials and powders; Use of Jenike (1964) classical model to solve problems related to flow of
powders. Introduction to its terms like Flow function, effective angle of internal friction; bulk &
tapped density, carr’s index, hausner ratio; Difference between funnel& mass flow, avoiding
flow problems in food powders.

Study of Volumetric Flow Rate and Velocity of the fluids. Effect of Concentration on the Flow
Properties of a given Fluid. Types of Flow under Gravity and with different Pressures. Study of
Velocity and Pressure of a given Fluid by Piezometer. Flow properties of Water using Jet.
Viscosity of a given Fluid using Hoppler’s Viscometer/Rotational Rheometer. Determination of
Surface Tension of Fluids. Density of Salt Solutions using Hydrometer. Determination of Fully
developed region, entrance region and frictional factor under different flow conditions
Determination of carr’sindex,hausner ratio for different food powders. Flow behavior index,
consistency coefficient for non-newtonian fluids-mitschka method.

Recommended books:

 Chen, P., Yuan, Z., Shen, X, Zhang, Y. (2012). Flow properties of 3 fluid powders.
Particuology, 10, 438-443.
 olve solids flow problems in bins, hoppers and feeders. Jenike and Johanson
Incorporated, One Technology, Park Drive, Toronto, Canada.
 Paul Singh, Dennis R. Heldman (2009). Introduction to Food Engineering, Academic
press, UK. R.L
 Robberts T. C. 2002, Food Plant Engineering Systems, CRC Press LLC, New York.
 Stavros Yanniotis. (2008). Engineering Problems solved. Springerlink, NY, USA. Welti-
Chanes J., Barbosa-Canovas G. V. and Aguilera J. M. 2002, Engineering and Food for
the 21st Century, CRC Press LLC, New York.
FST-122 Horticulture 3(2+1)
Introduction, history, importance and future scope, Definition and divisions of horticulture,
Classification of horticultural crops, Plant parts, their modifications and functions, Plant
environment; climate (temperature, light, humidity etc.) and soil (structure, texture, fertility etc.),
Phases of plant growth, Propagation of horticultural plants.
Visit of nurseries, commercial gardens and public parks. Identification and nomenclature of
important fruits, vegetables and ornamental plants; Garden tools and their uses, Media and its
preparation. Techniques of propagation.
Recommended Books:
 "Horticulture: Principles and Practices" by George Acquaah.
 "The Reference Manual of Woody Plant Propagation" by Michael A. Dirr and Charles
W. Heuser Jr.
 "The Vegetable Gardener's Bible" by Edward C. Smith.
 "Plant Physiology and Development" by Lincoln Taiz, Eduardo Zeiger, Ian Max
Moller, and Angus
 "Sustainable Horticulture: Today and for the Future" edited by Louise E. Buck, James
L. Shaffer, and Raymond P.
FST-215 Post Harvest Technology 3(2+1)
Physiology & Metabolism; Enzyme a Biological Catalyst; Post Harvest Technology; Fruits and
Vegetables of Pakistan. Plant Cell Components; Types of Cells - Parenchyma, Collenchyma,
Epidermal and Sclerenchyma Cells; Middle Lamella; Primary and Secondary Cell Walls;
Understanding of Pectin, Cellulose, Hemi-Cellulose and Lignin with respect to Ripening process;
Texture of Fruits and Vegetables. Enzymes in Fruit Ripening Mode of Action; Softening of
Tissues during Ripening; Pectic Enzymes, Cellulose, Peroxidases, Poly Phenol Oxidases and
Lipoxygenase. Respiration Units& Measurement of Respiration, Respiratory Climax, Aspects of
Respiration, Rate of Respiration and Post-Harvest life of Fruits and Vegetables. Harvesting &
Storage Harvesting Systems; Post Harvest Physiology & Handling Systems; Physiological
Range, Storage Conditions & Transportation; Chill Injury; Controlled and Modified Atmosphere
Storage; Grain Storage. Ethylene Synthesis & Systems of Ethylene Production, Methods of
Removing Ethylene; Desirable& Undesirable effects, Ethylene Treatment of Fruits Vegetables
Plant Life Cycle Dormancy; Germination; Vegetative Growth; Reproductive Parts; Development
of Seeds; Senescence and Abscission. Ripening Physiological& Horticulture Maturity;
Climacteric & Non- Climacteric Fruits; Impact of Harvesting on the Ripening Process;
Respiratory Changes; Color, Texture and Compositional Changes during Ripening.

Study of Cellular Structures of Fruits and Vegetables by Microscope. Controlled and Modified
Atmosphere Storage of Fruits and Vegetables. Study of Physiological Range and Chill Injury of
Fruits and Vegetables. Study of Texture of Fruits and Vegetables by Fruit Pressure Tester
Maturity Ratio of Ripe and Unripe Fruits. Starch content of sprouted and un-sprouted potatoes.
Determination of Ethylene in Fruits by Ethylene Meter. Compositional Changes in Fruits &
Vegetables during Ripening. Effect of Post-Harvest Storage conditions and their impact on
quality of food. Control of Respiration and its Effect on Maturation & Ripening.

Recommended Books:
 Handbook of Postharvest Technology: Cereals, Fruits, Vegetables, Tea, and Spices by
A.A. Kader and Y.H. Hui (2019).
 Postharvest Physiology and Biochemistry of Fruits and Vegetables by Elhadi M. Yahia
 Postharvest: An Introduction to the Physiology and Handling of Fruit, Vegetables and
Ornamentals by R.B.H. Wills, et al. (2016).
FST-216 Fundamentals of Human Nutrition 3(3+0)
Nutrition: food groups, food guide pyramid, diet, balanced diet, problems due to over- and
under- nutrition, recommended dietary allowances, meal planning. Social, population and
environmental influences on human nutrition. Nutrients and non-nutrients: proteins, lipids,
carbohydrates, dietary fiber, vitamins, water, electrolytes, minerals and trace elements, non-
nutritive components of food. Eating of food: smell, taste, satiety. Digestive system:
gastrointestinal tract, digestive juices, secretions. Digestion, absorption and metabolism:
carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. Nutrient and dietary deficiency disorders: protein energy
malnutrition, vitamins and minerals deficiency, diabetes, dental caries symptoms, causes,
Recommended Books:
 McGuire, M. and Bearman, K.A. 2013. Nutrition science – from fundamental to food.
Wadsworth Cengage Learning, USA.
 Gilney, M.J., Lanham, A.S. and Cassidy, A. 2013. Introduction to human nutrition.
Wiley- Blackwell, USA.
 Awan, J.A. 2011. Elements of food and nutrition. Unitech Communications, Pakistan.
 Sharlin, J. and Edelstein, J. 2011. Essentials of life cycle nutrition. Jones and Bartlett
Publishers International, UK.
 Whitney, E. and Rolfes, S.R. 2011. Understanding nutrition. Wadsworth, Cengage
Learning, USA.
 Geissler, C. and Powers, H. 2010. Human nutrition. Churchill Livingstone, London, UK.
 Eastwood, M. 2009. Principles of human nutrition. Blackwell Science Ltd. UK.
 Bamji, M.S., Rao, N.P. and Reddy, V. 2004. Textbook of human nutrition. Oxford and
IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., India.
FST-213 Essentials of Biochemistry 3(3+0)


Introduction to Metabolism, Glycolysis, Tricarboxylic Acid cycle and its role in Respiration;
Respiration & its link with Ripening, Food Deterioration; Classification of Foods on the basis of
Respiration. Biochemistry of Food Processing Enzymes Enzyme Kinetics Enzymic and Non-
enzymic Browning Reactions in Foods; Pigment Formation; Protein-Lipid Interactions;
Caramelization; Ascorbic Acid Oxidation; Inhibition of Non-enzymic Browning; Effect of
Temperature, Moisture Content, pH, Gas Packing, Biochemical Agents & Chemical Inhibitors.
Structure, Properties & Specify of Enzymes; Enzymes as Second Substrate; Coenzymes; Factors
affecting Enzyme Activity, Nomenclature and Classification of Enzymes: Proteases, Amylases,
Cellulases, Transferases, Hydrolases, Isomerases, Ligases. Enzymes Inhibition; Enzyme
Extraction and Purification; Assays of Enzymes - Spectrophotometer, pH. Viscosity, ELISA,
Falling Number; Applications of Enzymes in Foods - Baked Products, Noodles & Pasta,
Beverage Industry, Meat Industry, Sugar Industry, Dairy Industry, Fats & Oil Industry.

Recommended Books:

 "Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry" by David L. Nelson and Michael M. Cox (7th

edition, 2021):
 "Biochemistry" by Reginald H. Garrett and Charles M. Grisham (6th edition, 2016):
"Principles of Biochemistry" by David L. Nelson and Michael M. Cox (7th edition,
 "Biochemistry: A Short Course" by John L. Tymoczko, Jeremy M. Berg, and Lubert
Stryer (4th edition, 2014):
 "Biochemistry: Concepts and Connections" by Dean R. Appling, Spencer J. Anthony-
Cahill, and Christopher K. Mathews (2nd edition, 2013)
FST-222 Community Nutrition and Dietetics 3(2+1)
Introduction: Community nutrition and nutritional epidemiology, health and nutritional status of
Pakistani population. Recent nutrition indicators in National Nutritional Survey 2011. Nutritional
and public health programs: importance, types, key features, planning, implementation and
evaluation of an epidemiologic program. Assessment of nutritional status: anthropometry,
biochemical, clinical and dietary methods assessment. Nutrition through life cycle, nutritional
requirements and recommendations during infancy, preschool and school age children,
adolescence and adulthood. Nutritional requirements and recommendations of populations
groups with special need: pregnant and lactating mothers, infants, geriatrics, nutritional
anemia’s, goiter, lactose and gluten intolerance, protein energy malnutrition, obesity, diabetes,
hypertension, coronary heart diseases and other degenerative disorders. Nutritional project
management: planning, execution, monitoring and evaluation of service and projects.


Comparison of DRI’s of different countries, Assessment of nutritional status of different age

groups, calculating basal energy needs. Term paper of a nutritional survey. Determination of
energy value through Bomb calorimeter.

Recommended Books:
 Boyle, M.A. and Holben, D.H. 2013. Community nutrition in action: an enterprenueal
approach. Wadsworth, 20 Davis Drive, Belmont, CA 94002-3098, USA.
 Coulston, A.M. and Ferruzi, M. 2013. Nutrition in the prevention and treatment of disease.
Academic press, USA.
 Nnakwe, N.E. and Nnakwe, N. 2012. Community Nutrition: Planning Health Promotion and
Disease Prevention. Jones and Bartlette Learning, USA.
 Vir, S.C. 2011. Public health nutrition in developing countries. Woodhead Publishing, India.
 Edelstein, S. 2010. Nutrition in public health. Jones and Bartlett Learning International, UK.
 Frank G.C. 2008. Community nutrition. Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Canada.
 Margetts, B.M. and Neslon, M. 1997. Design concepts in nutritional epidemiology. Oxford
University Press, UK.
 Willet, W. 1998. Nutritional epidemiology. Oxford University Press, UK.
FST-223 Fruits and Vegetables Processing 3(2+1)
Introduction: importance, production statistics, choice of processing technologies. General
properties of fruits and vegetables: chemical composition, nutritional aspects and structural
features. Deterioration factors and their control: chemical, enzymatic and biological. Methods of
reducing deterioration technical methods, procedures. General procedures for fruit and vegetable
preservation: an overview. Maintaining the post-harvest quality of fruits and vegetables: quality
criteria, quality deterioration, measurement and maintenance. New technologies for processing of
fruits and vegetables: minimal processing technology, modified atmosphere packaging, edible
coatings, high pressure processing - introduction, application, impact on bacteria and enzymes,
impact on quality, future trends.


Preparation and quality evaluation of fruits and vegetables value-added products: dried, frozen
and canned. Manufacturing of pickle, juice concentrate, ready to serve juices, squashes, syrups
and fruit candies. Application of different coatings on fruits and vegetables. Visit to relevant

Recommended Books:
 Falguera, V. and Ibarz, A. 2014. Juice processing: Quality, safety and value-added
opportunities. CRC press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.
 Sinha, N., Sidhu, J., Barta, J., Wu, J., Cano, M.P. 2012. Handbook of fruits and fruit
processing. Wiley-Blackwell, USA.
 Awan, J.A. and Rehman, S.U. 2011. Food preservation manual. Unitech
Communications, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
 Sinha, N.K., Hui, Y.H., Özgül-Evranuz, E., Siddiq, M., Ahmed, J. 2010. Handbook of
vegetables and vegetable processing. Wiley-Blackwell, USA.
 Jongen, W. 2002. Fruit and vegetable processing - improving quality. Woodhead Pub.
Ltd., Abington, Cambridge, UK.
 Sirivastava, R.P. and Sanjeev, K. 2002. Fruit and vegetable preservation: Principles and
practices. International Book Distributing Co., Lucknow, India.
FST-225 Food Biotechnology 3(2+1)
Food Biotechnology: introduction and history, traditional food fermentations,
fermentation/industrial organisms, fermentation raw materials, submerged fermentation: Batch,
fed batch and continuous fermentation, fermenter design and constructions. Types of fomenters,
Control of physical and chemical parameters in fermenters. Downstream processing; product
recovery, purification and standardization. Solid substrate fermentation. Production of organic
acids (citric acid and Taconic acid), enzymes, amino acids, single cell protein, carotenoids and
fermented food products. GMO in food biotechnology. Legal and social aspects of food
Lab scale production of organic acids i.e. citric acid etc., microbial enzymes: amylases and
proteases, single cell proteins and fermented food products through biotechnological
Recommended Books:
 Joshi, V.K. and Singh R. S. 2012. Food biotechnology. IK International Publishing House,
 Soroka, W. 2009. Fundamentals of packaging technology. Institute of Packaging
Professionals, USA
 El-Mansi, F.M.T, Bryee, C.F.A, Demain, A.L. and Allman, A.R. 2007. Fermentation
microbiology and biotechnology. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida,
MS-221 Industrial Economics &Marketing Management 3(3+0)
Introduction to Economics and Management. Resources and their Management Human;
Machine; Material; Finance (Budget Planning & Costing); Information and Time. Managerial
Functions Planning; Organization; Leading; Controlling & Communication. Operations
Management Location; Lay out; Process Management; Total Quality Management; Computer
Aided Design and Manufacturing (CAD/ CAM); Advance Statistical Quality and Process
Control Management Economics Micro and Macro Economics. Entrepreneurship Small Business

Recommended Books:

 Penson, J. B., Capps, O., Rossen C. P., & Woodward, R. (2013). Introduction
to Agricultural Economics. 5th Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
 C.R; Brue, S.L and Flynn, S.M. (2011). Economics: Principles, Problems and Policies
19th Edition. New York: McGraw-Hills.
 Mankiw, N. Gregory. (2011). Principles of Economics. 5th Edition. Mason: South-
Western Cangage learning Publisher.
 Cramer, G., Jensen C. W., & Southgate, D. D. (2001). Agricultural Economics and
Agribusiness. 8th Edition. Wiley Publisher.
 Pakistan, Government of. Economic Survey of Pakistan (Various Issues), Economics
Advisor Wing, Ministry of Finance, Government of Pakistan.
FST-224 Industrial Methods of Food Preservation 3(2+1)
Introduction to Preservation, classification of methods, details process technology of
pasteurization, drying infrared treatment, use of Microwaves, chemical preservation etc.
Instrument used in preservation. Conventional Preservation Methods Glass transition and other
structural changes in foods, food preservation by heat treatment, drying, concentration, freezing,
natural antimicrobials, Microwave Non thermal Preservation Methods Irradiation, MAP, Pulse
Electric Field, Ohmic Heating, High Pressure technology, Edible coating, and encapsulation.

Infrared drying of various foods. Study the effects of microwaves cooking on foods. Study the
shelf life of chemically preserved foods. Cold storage, freezing and dehydration of fruits and
vegetables. Use of chemicals in preservation of food products. Industrial Visits.
Recommended books:

 Bhat, R., Alias A.K. and Paliyat, G. 2012. Progress in food preservation. John Wiley and
Sons Ltd., USA.
 Heldman, D. 2011. Food preservation process design. Elsevier Corporation, USA.
Rahman, M.S. 1999.
 Awan, J.A. 2011. Food processing and preservation. Unitech Communications,
 Brennan, JG. 2006. Food processing handbook. Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA,
Weinheim, Germany.
 Elias P.S. 1977, Radiation Chemistry of Major Food Components by Elsevier sc. Pub. Co.
 Rahman, M.S. 2007. Handbook of food preservation. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis
Group, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.
FST-214 Basic Food Microbiology 3(2+1)
Definition, Morphological characteristics and components of microbial cell, Growth kinetics,
Genetic recombination in bacteria, History and development of food microbiology: discovery
and function of microorganisms, development of early food microbiology-food fermentation,
food spoilage, foodborne diseases, current status of food microbiology, Important
microorganisms in food, Sampling plans and enumeration of microbes: sample and sampling
plan, sampling procedure, quantitative methods for microbial enumeration in foods-direct and
indirect enumeration, Factors influencing microbial growth in food: intrinsic factors (nutrients
and growth factors, growth inhibitors, water activity, pH, oxidation–reduction potential),
extrinsic factors (temperature), quorum sensing and bacterial growth, Spoilage of specific food
groups: fresh and ready-to-eat meat products, fish, crustaceans, and mollusks, eggs and egg
products, milk and milk products, vegetables and fruits, cereals and their products, Foodborne
pathogenic organisms: food borne bacteria (Salmonella enterica, enterotoxigenic Escherichia
coli, Clostridium perfringens), foodborne viruses (Norovirus, Hepatitis A virus), foodborne
molds and mycotoxins, foodborne parasites (Taenia species, Giardia lamblia).


Effect of environmental factors (temperature) on growth and development of microorganisms

Biochemical identification of microorganism. Preparation of different nutrient media. Isolation
of microbes from normal food items. Isolation of microbes from decayed food items. Gram
staining for identification of microorganisms.

Recommended Books:

 Willey, J. Sherwood L, Woolverton C, (2016), Prescott Microbiology. 10th Edition,

McGraw-Hill Publisher, Columbus, OH
 "Food Safety: Theory and Practice" by Paul L. Dawson (2016). Link:
 Vazquez, M. and Ramirez, J.A. 2013. Advances in post-harvest treatments and fruit
quality and safety (Advances in food safety and food microbiology). Nova Science
Publisher, USA.
 Ray, B. and A. Bhunia. 2013. Fundamental food microbiology. Taylor & Francis, USA.
 "Food Safety Management: A Practical Guide for the Food Industry" by Yasmine
Motarjemi and Hub Lelieveld (2013).
 Doyle, M.P.,Buchanan, R.L. 2012. Food microbiology: fundamentals and frontiers. ASM
Press, USA.
 Jay, J.M. 2006. Modern food microbiology. 7th. Chapman and Hall, New York, USA.
FST-312 Technology of Fats and Oils 3(2+1)


Oils and fats: importance, sources, nutritional aspects of fats and oils, production statistics, uses
and health issues. Classification of lipids. Pre-treatment and storage of oil bearing materials.
Extraction methods: rendering, expression, solvent extraction, mechanical extraction.
Processing: degumming, refining, bleaching, deodorization, fractionation, winterization,
hydrogenation, interesterification, esterification, emulsification, stabilization. Characterization of
oils and fats: fatty acids, physical, chemical. Phospholipids, Sterols, Pigments. Packaging and
Handling. Spoilage: causes, rancidity types and prevention. Fortification of fats and oils.

Extraction of oils and fats (solvent and mechanical extraction). Determination of physical and
chemical constants: color, cold test, melting point, smoke point, specific gravity, solid fat index,
refractive index, acid value, peroxide value, iodine value, saponification value, free fatty acids.
Visit to oil and fat industries.

Recommended Books:

 Hamm, W., Hamilton R.J. and Calliauw, G. 2013. Edible oil processing. Jhon Wiley &
Sons Ltd, West Sussex, UK.
 O’Brien, R.D. 2010. Fats and oils: formulating and processing for application, 3rded.
CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.
 AOCS. 2009. Official methods and recommended practices of AOCS. Am. Oil Chem.
Soc. Illinions, USA.
 Casimir, C.A and David, B.M. 2008. Food lipids: chemistry, nutrition and biotechnology.
CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.
 Raie, M.Y. 2008. Oils, fats and waxes, National Book Foundation, Islamabad, Pakistan.
 Fereidoon S. 2005. Edible oils and fat products: application technology. John Wiley &
Sons, Inc. New York, USA.
FST-317 Standards and Compliances 2(2+0)

GFSI (The Global Food Safety Initiative), Introduction, Purpose and Benefits. Standards Recognition
and process. Overview of current version and requirements. ISO Introduction, working methodology,
types of standards, FSSC/ ISO 22000 Scope, Terms and, Definition, Context of Organization,
Leadership, Planning, Resources, Operation, Performance Evaluation, Improvement. HACCP History
and Concept, 12 steps of Codex Alimentarius, Good Manufacturing Practices (Cleaning and
Sanitation, Personal Hygiene, Pest Management, Waste Disposal) IFS Food ( International Featured
Standard) Requirements, Scope and Certification Process, Grading Criteria and Auditor Qualification
BRCGS Food Requirements, Scope and Certification Process, Grading Criteria, Criteria and Auditor
Qualification ISO 19011 Principles of Auditing, Types of Audits, Audit Checklist, Audit Plan, Audit
Report, Audit Findings, Corrective Action Report. Halal Food Standards Animal slaughtering-Islamic
perspective, Global Halal standard, Halal food management system PS 3733, Halal conformity
Assessment standards PS 4992.

Recommended books

 Ahmed S, 2014, Modern Day Industrial Application of Food Safety, Edition 1, Pakistan.
 Chaudry M M, Riaz M N. 2019, Handbook of Halal Food Production. CRC press
 Pakistan Standard for Halal Conformity Assesment PS 4992.
 Rees, Naomi, Watson, David, 2000, International Standards for Food Safety, Edition 1
 Springer, US. Pakistan Standard for Halal Food Management System PS 3733.
 Yasmine Motarjemi, Huub Lelieveld, 2013, Food Safety Management, Edition 1, Academic
 Press, US
FST-324 Food Additives 3(2-1)
Food additives: purpose of application in food, regulatory status, generally recognized as safe
(GRAS), mode of action, stability & interaction with food components, metabolism &
carcinogenic effect, recommended doses, application techniques in food, benefits & risks,
precautionary instructions for safe use of food additives in food, hypersensitivity of food,
consumers attitude towards food additives. Types of food additives: antimicrobial agents,
nutritional additives vitamins and minerals, antibiotics, colors, flavoring & flavor enhancers,
sugar and fat substitutes, sweeteners, acids, bases, humectants, thickening agents, gel builders,
stabilizers, anticaking agents, emulsifiers, bleaching, glazing agents, sequestrant. Recommended
analysis techniques of various food additives in food. Status of Halal food ingredients.
Recommended Books:
1. Saltmarsh, M., Saltmarsh, M. and Barlow, S. 2013. Essential guide to food additives. Royal
Society of Chemistry, USA.
2. Msagati, T.A.M. 2012. The chemistry of food additives and preservatives. John Wiley &
Sons, USA.
3. Smith, J. and Hong-Shum, L. 2011. Food additives data book. John Wiley & Sons, USA.
4. Smith, J. and Hong-Shum, L. 2011. Food additives data book. 2nd. Wiley-Blackwell, John
Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, West Sussex, UK.
5. Butt, M.S., Anjum, F.M. and Asghar, A. 2010. Food additives: a comprehensive treatise.
University of Agriculture Press, Faisalabad-Pakistan.
6. Riaz, M.N. and Chaudhary, M.M. 2004. Halal food production. CRC Press, Boca Raton,
Florida, USA.
7. Wood, R., Foster, L., Damant, A. and Pauline, K. 2004. Analytical methods for food
additives. CRC Press, Boaca Raton, Florida, USA.

Estimation of food additives in different foods: antioxidants, enzymes, vitamins, minerals,
colors, flavors, sweeteners, amino acids, preservatives, emulsifiers.
FST-321 Food Plant Layout and Sanitation 3(3+0)


Food processing industry: introduction, investment. Comparative rating of product ideas: Present
market, market growth potential, costs, risks. Plant location and layout: significance of location
analysis, selection criteria - freedom from pollution, availability of potable water, availability of
raw material, availability of labour, energy supply, communication facilities, facilities for waste
disposal. Plant Size and Factors. Building design and construction: floor, drains, walls, doors,
windows, ceiling, ventilation, lighting, auxiliary facilities. Food plant equipment: requirements,
design, construction, choice of material, layout. Plant cleaning: soil types, methods, detergents,
water conditioners. Sanitizing: chemical, heat and irradiation. Cleaning methods – CIP,
dismantling cleaning. Pests: types, inspection, control. Waste management: fluid and solid
wastes. Maintenance of food plant building: safety color code, roof inspection, care of concrete
floors. Defining risk areas. Codex alimentations commission standards for food plant layout and

Recommended Books:

 Food Plant Engineering Systems, Second Edition by Timothy Baker (2021).

 Food Plant Design by Antonio Lopez-Gomez and Gustavo V. Barbosa-Canovas (2016)
 Food Plant Sanitation: Design, Maintenance, and Good Manufacturing Practices by
Michael M. Cramer (2013)...
 Cramer, M.M. 2013. Food plant sanitation: design, maintenance and good manufacturing
practices. CRC Press LLC. Chicago. USA.
 Parker, M.E. and Litchfield, J.H. 2013. Food plant sanitation. Literary Licensing, LLC.
 Ahmed, J. and Rahman, M.S. 2012. Handbook of food process design, Wiley-Blackwell,
 Awan, J.A. and Rehman, S.U. 2010. Food plant layout and sanitation. Unitech
Communications, Faisalabad-Pakistan.
FST-323 Chocolate and Confectionary 3(2+1)

Confectionery industry in Pakistan. Confectionery: classification. Sugar confectionery:

ingredients, manufacture high boiled sweets, caramel, toffee, fudge, gums, sugar free
confectionery. Chewing gum technology. Chocolate confectionery. Chocolate: Fermentation &
Drying of Cocoa Beans; Roasting & Winnowing; Nib Grinding; Cocoa Powder & Butter;
Refining, Conching & Tempering of Chocolate. Defects of Chocolate: Fat & Sugar Blooms;
Polymorphism of Cocoa Butter; Bloom Development; Processing factors causing Fat & Sugar
Blooms. Different methods of chocolate molding.\


Preparation of candy, toffee, chocolates, and other sugar based confectionery, crackers,
doughnuts, bagels, pretzel. Effect of different ingredients on confectionary/bakery products.
Manufacture of potato chips, fried legumes, nuts, extruded snacks. Visit to confectionery and
snack food industries.

Recommended Books:

 NPCS Board of Food Technologists. 2013. Confectionery products handbook (chocolate,

toffees, chewing gum & sugar free confectionary). Asia Pacific Business Press Inc.,
 Geoff, T. 2009.Science and technology of enrobed and filled chocolate, confectionery
and bakery products. CRC Press. New York, USA.
 Panda, H. 2009. The complete technology on snack foods. National Institute of Industrial
Research, New Delhi, India.
 Sergio, O. and Saldivar, S. 2008. Industrial manufacture of snack foods. Kennedys
Books, UK.
 Lusas, W. and Rooney, L.W. 2001. Snack food processing. Technomic Pub. Co.,
Lancaster, USA.
 Edwards, W.P. 2000. The science of sugar confectionery. Royal Society of
Chemistry, Thomas Graham House, Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge, UK.
FST-315 Instrumental Techniques in Food Analysis 3(1+2)


Lab safety requirements. Food analysis: significance and techniques. Sampling techniques,
handling and storage. Physical tests: appearance, texture, specific gravity, refractive index,
viscosity, rheology. Chemical analysis: moisture, ash, protein, lipid, carbohydrates, fiber, acidity,
pH, sugars, mineral elements, vitamins. Introduction to instrumental techniques: Supercritical
fluid extraction. Chromatography: paper, thin layer, gas (GC), high performance liquid (HPLC),
liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS), preparatory layer and ion chromatography.
Spectroscopy: Ultraviolet-visible, atomic emission, atomic absorption, fluorescence, Infrared
Fourier-transform infra-red, near infra-red, nuclear magnetic resonance. Electrophoresis.
Differential scanning colorimetery: types, principles, applications. Rotor-stator spinning disc
reactor. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Application of ultrasound and
nanotechnology in food analysis.


Preparation and standardization of laboratory solutions. Estimation of food components using

UV- VIS spectrophotometer. Estimation of vitamin C. Determination of mineral elements
through flame photometer and atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Identification of toxins by
TLC. Demonstration of GC-MS, HPLC, LC-MS. Determination of organic acids by
chromatography. Protein characterization by electrophoresis.

Recommended Books:

 Pulkrabová, J., Tomaniová, M., Nielen M. and Hajšlová, J. 2013. Recent advances in
food analysis. Institue of Chemical Technology. Edited by Jana Pulkrabová, Monika
Tomaniová, Michel Nielen and Jana Hajšlová.
 Spyros, A. and Dais, P. 2013. NMR spectroscopy in food analysis. RSC, USA.
 AOAC (Association of Official Analytical Chemists). 2012. Official methods of analysis
of AOAC. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Arlington, USA.
 Picó, Y. 2012. Chemical analysis of food: techniques and applications. Academic Press,
 Nielson, S.S. 2010. Food analysis. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Pub., New York, USA.
 Otles, S. 2009. Handbook of food analysis instruments. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis
Group, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.
 Winton, A. and Winton, K.B. 2006. Techniques of food analysis. Hinglas Printing Press,
Jodhpur, India.
FST-316 Beverage Technology 3(2+1)

Beverage industry in Pakistan. Beverages: classification still, carbonated, alcoholic. Beverage
ingredients: water - sources, quality, purification methods; Sweeteners sugars, artificial
sweeteners; Additives: colours, flavours, preservatives, acidulants, stabilizers, carbon dioxide.
Carbonated beverages: bottle washing, syrup room operations, carbonation, filling, capping.
Fruit based beverages: fruit pulps, juice concentrate, fruit juices, ready to serve juices, nectar,
cordial, squash, syrup, barley water, energy drinks, traditional beverages, synthetic, low calorie,
fruit flavoured drinks. Fermented beverages: tea, coffee. Bottled water: manufacture. Quality
control, Water microbiology, Drinking water standards (WHO, PSQCA), plant sanitation.
CAC/PSQCA standards for carbonated and non-carbonated beverages.
Water sampling procedures, determination of water pH, Electrical conductivity, TDS (total
dissolved solids), water total hardness, Ca hardness, Mg hardness, Water alkalinity, M-alkalinity,
P-alkalinity. Formulation and preparation of carbonated beverages. Preparation and preservation
of fruit pulps and juices. Preparation of juice concentrates. Use of low calorie sweeteners for
development of diet beverages. Manufacture of syrups, squashes, traditional beverages synthetic
and powder beverages. Analysis of beverages: chemical, microbiological, sensory. Water
treatment. Visit to beverage industries.
Recommended Books:

 Hui, Y.H. and Ozgul-Evranuz, E. 2012. Handbook of plant-based fermented food and
beverage technology.CRC press, Taylor & Fancis Group, USA.
 Coles, R. and Kirwan, M.J. 2011. Food and beverage packaging technology. Wiley-
Blackwell, USA.
 Foster, T. and Vasavada, P.C. 2003. Beverage quality and safety. CRC press, USA.
 Srilakshmi, B. 2003. Food science. New Age Int. Pub., Mumbai, India.
 Sirivastava, R.P. and Sanjeev, K. 2002. Fruit and vegetable preservation: Principles and
practices. International Book Distributing Co. Lucknow, India.
FST-331 Cereal Technology 3(2+1)
Introduction Types of Cereals; Structure & Composition; Present Status of World Wheat
Production; Utilization & Trade. Wheat Quality; Classification & Grading; Proteins;
Carbohydrates; Lipids; Enzymes & Flour Milling.

Estimation of physical properties e.g., grain dimension, dockage, 1000 kernel weight Crude
Estimation of Gluten in Wheat Flour and Studies on its Functional Properties. Study of Starch
Gelatinization of different Cereals. To Study the Effect of Various Types of Sugars on Biscuits.
Effects of Yeast Concentration on Dough Volume. Rate of CO2 Production during Fermentation
of Dough. Effect of Yeast Foods on Dough Fermentation. To Study the effect of Fat Content on
Bread Volume. Effect of Flour Chlorination on Cake Baking Properties. Enzymatic Activity in
Flour Made of Sprouted Wheat & its relation with Dough Properties.

Recommended books:

 Sosland Pub. Co., Kansas, USA. Saldivar S.O. 2014, Cereal Grains: Properties,
Processing and, and Nutritional Attributes, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, NY,
 Zhou W., Hui Y.H. 2014, Bakery Products Science and Technology, John Wiley & Sons,
Ltd, West Sussex, UK.
 American Association of Cereal Chemists Inc, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. Serna-Saldivar,
S.O. 2012.
 Cereal grains: laboratory reference and procedures manual (food preservation
technology). CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.
 Figoni P.I. 2010, How Baking Works, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New Jersey, USA.
 Manley D. 2000, Technology of Biscuits, Crackers and Cookies, Woodhead Publishing
Limited, England.
 Pyler, E.J. 2010. Baking science and technology. Vol-I & II.
 Delcour, J.A. and Hoseney, R.C. 2010. Principles of cereal science and technology.
FST-313 Sugar and Sweeteners 3(2+1)
Introduction Sugar Cane Composition; Sugar Industry in Pakistan: Past; Present and Future.
Sweeteners Carbohydrate and Non-Carbohydrate: Introduction; History; Chemistry; Nutritional
Value; Sweetening Power; Processing; Toxicology and Safety. Properties Physical; Chemical
and Functional Properties. Processing Extraction; Cleaning; Liming; Clarification; Evaporation;
Crystallization; Centrifugation; De-colorization and Packaging; By-products and their
Utilization. Quality Control Color; pH; Brix; Specific Gravity; Total Solids; Crystal Size and
Growth; Refractive Index and Polarization. Non- Nutritive Sweeteners Saccharine; Cyclamate;
Aspartame & other Non-nutritive Sweeteners and their Legislative Status.

Analysis of Physical & Chemical Parameters of Sugars. Crystallization of Sucrose. Polarimetric
Analysis. De-colorization of Cane Juice. Estimation of Saccharine. Estimation of Aspartame
Recommended Books:

 Lang Fred, Durban, South Africa. Lyn O'Brien-Nabors, 2012, 4th Edition, Alternative
Sweeteners, CRC Press, London.
 Panda, H. 2011. Sugarcane processing and by-products of molasses (with analysis of
sugar, syrup and molasses). Asia Pacific Business Press Inc., India.
 Asadi, M. 2007. Beet sugar handbook. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, USA.
 Chen, C.C. 2000. Handbook of sugar refining: a manual for the design and refining
facilities. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, USA.
 Chen, J.C.P. 2007. Meade-Chen cane sugar handbook. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New
York, USA.
 Chen, J.C.P. 2007. Meade-Chen cane sugar handbook. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New
York, USA.
FST-314 Food Engineering-II 3(2+1)
Introduction Laws of Thermodynamics; Concepts and Definitions of Heat, Heat Transfer,
Driving Force, Steady and Un Steady Heat Transfer; Heat Theories & Thermal Properties of
Solid, Liquid, Gases; Heat Transfer Unit Operations in Food. Conduction Definition; Derivation
of Fourier’s Law; Sign Convention; Thermal Conductivity of Foods; Heat Transfer across
Composite Wall, Sphere & Multilayered Radial Systems. Convection Definition; Natural &
Forced Convection; Newton’s Law of Cooling, Film Coefficient & Convection Heat Transfer
Coefficient, Concept of Nusselt number, Prandtl number, Grashoff number and Rayleigh
number. Over All Heat Transfer Coefficient; Heat Transfer through a Radial System Radiation
EMR Spectrum; Spectral Properties; Black Body Radiation; Radiant Exchange; Equipments;
Effects on Food & Packaging; Applications of Microwave & IR Insulators Definition &
Structures; Mechanism of Heat Transfer; Effect of Density and Moisture on the Thermal
Conductivity of Insulating Material; Critical Thickness of Cylindrical Insulations; Common
Insulators in Food Industries Heat Exchangers Recuperates, Regenerators & Evaporators;
Parallel, Counter & Cross Flow arrangements; Double Pipe, Shell & Tube, Scrapped Surface and
Extended Surface Heat Exchangers; Jacketed Pans; Log Mean Temperature Difference;
Correction Factors & Effectiveness of Complex Heat Exchangers; Scaling & Fouling Factor. D
and Z-value; Unsteady State of Heat Trasnfer Classification of unsteady state of heat transfer
based on biot number. Concept of Fourier No and Unaccomplished Temperature Difference. Use
of Heisler Charts, Myer’s Equations to solve problems related to unsteady state of heat transfer.
Thermal Process calculations. Heat transfer industrial process D and Z-value; F-value, Concept
of Geometric centres in thermal process calculations. Use of Ball’s Method, General Method and
Improved General method to achieve desired lethality during canning and retorting. Problems
Associated with Food Industries like Pasteurization, Sterilization, Baking, Frying, Blanching and
other unit operations.

Estimation of Thermal Properties, Sensible Heat, Log Mean Temperature Difference and Over
All Heat Transfer Coefficients of a Double Pipe, Jacketed Pan and Shell & Tube Heat
Exchangers. Effect of Laminar and Turbulent Flow on the Effectiveness of Laboratory Scale
Heat Exchangers. Critical Thickness of Insulating Materials. Determination of convective heat
transfer coefficient for natural and forced convection. Impact of heating medium on rate of heat
transfer, surface heat transfer coefficient for convection. To calculate heat transfer losses to the
environment from different geometrical surfaces.
Recommended Books:

 Singh, R.P. and Heldman, D.R. 2013. Introduction of food engineering (Food Science &
Technology). Academic Press, USA.
 Zhang, H.Q., Barbosa-Canovas G.V., BalaBalasubramaniam V.M. Dunne C.P.,
 Farkas, D.F. and Yuan J.T.C. 2011. Nonthermal processing technologies for food. John
Wiley & Sons, IFT Press. USA
 R. Paul Singh, Dennis R. Heldman (2009). Introduction to Food Engineering, Academic
press, Uk.
 Berk, Z. 2009. Food process engineering and technology. Academic Press Elsevier. USA.
FST-322 Meat, Poultry and Egg Processing 3(2+1)
Poultry industry in Pakistan. Factors affecting poultry quality: breed, age, sex, genotype, rearing
conditions and practices. Bird selection: weight, quality. Ante-mortem and Post-mortem
examination of poultry birds- principles of judgment. Primary poultry processing: pre-slaughter
care, live-bird supply, stunning, slaughtering, scalding, plucking, evisceration, giblet harvesting,
whole-carcass and cuts packaging. Portioning and deboning operations. Preservation: canning,
freezing, drying, chemical treatments, irradiation. Packaging: materials, selection. Quality
assurance: parameters, drug and feed residues. Eggs: Structure, inspection, grading, composition:
proteins of egg white, yolk proteins, and lipids and nutritive value, quality characteristics,
handling, storage. Egg processing: cleaning, drying, freezing - whole, white, yolk. Functional
properties and applications in food processing. Quality control during processing. Meat animals:
Status in Pakistan, factors influencing growth and development. Halal and non-Halal species.
Slaughtering processes: pre-slaughtering care and handling of meat animals, stunning methods,
bleeding methods – modern, Islamic, Kosher, Jhatka, others. Meat carcass: dressing, post-
mortem changes, carcass evaluation and meat cuts. Factors affecting quality of meat.
Preservation of beef and lamb: chilling, freezing, canning, dehydration, curing, salting, smoking,
irradiation. Properties of meat: physical, chemical, nutritional and microbiological. Quality
assurance and safety systems compliance in meat industries. Global perspective of Halal meat

Slaughtering and dressing of poultry. Poultry cuts. Tests for freshness of poultry and eggs.
Grading of poultry meat and eggs. Preparation of poultry and egg products. Preservation of
poultry and egg products. Visit to poultry and egg processing plants. Identification of meat cuts.
Tests for freshness of meat. Meat inspection. Meat grading and quality testing. Preservation of
meat: freezing, canning, dehydration, smoking, curing. Preparation of meat products. Visit to
abattoir and meat processing plants.

Recommended Books:
 "Meat Science and Applications" by Y.H. Hui, W.K. Nip, and R.W. Rogers (2023)
 Berlow, A.and Grandin, T. 2013. The mobile poultry slaughterhouse: building a humane
chicken-processing unit to strengthen your local food system. Storey Publishing, LLC.,
 Owens,C.M., C. Z. Alvarado andA. R. Sams. 2010. Poultry meat processing. CRC Press,
Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.
 Mead, G.C. 2004. Poultry meat processing and quality. Woodhead Pub. Ltd., Abington,
Cambridge, England.
 Barbut, S. 2002. Poultry products processing; An industry guide. CRC Press, Taylor &
Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.
 Meat Science: An Introductory Text" by P.D. Warriss (2010). "Meat Processing:
Improving Quality" by J. F. Price and B. S. Schweigert (2019).
FST-325 Baking Science and Technology 3(2+1)


Yeast-Leavened Products Bread Making Systems; Dough Formation & Rheology; Fermentation;
Molding; Proofing & Baking; Retro gradation and Staling; Other Types of Leavened Products.
Soft Wheat Products Types of Biscuits; Biscuit Dough; Chemical Leavening; Biscuit Making
Machines; Major & Minor Biscuit Processing Ingredients; Role of different Ingredients. Pasta &
Noodles Types of Pasta & Noodles; Manufacturing Processes. Breakfast Cereals that require
Cooking; Ready to Eat Cereals. Snack Foods Corn Products; Synthetic Nuts; Pringles; Bagels.
Feeds Grinding; Pelleting; Specialty Feeds.
Bread baking, types of breads, effects of water absorption and dough mixing time. Variations in
fermentation and proofing time. Effects of shortenings, emulsifier, oxidants, flour protein
variation, amylases and sweeteners on bread. Comparison of various dough making procedures.
Field visit to the baking plant.
Recommended Books:
1. E.J. Pyler .2010. Baking Science and Technology Volume II Formulation and Production
Hardcover. ISBN-10: 0982023901,
2. Pyler E J and L.A. Gorton, 2009. Baking science and technology 4th Ed (Vol-I and II).
Sosland Pub Co, Kansas.
3. Cauvain, S P, 2003.Bread making improving quality. Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge.
4. Matz, S A, 1996. Bakery technology and engineering. CBS Pub. & Distributors, New Delhi.
5. Quail, K J, 1996. Arabic bread production, American Association of Cereal Chemists, Inc,St.
Paul, Minnesota.
FST-326 Dairy Technology 3(2+1)

Milk: production statistics, standards, physical properties. Biochemistry of milk constituents.
Factors influencing the raw milk quality. Milk handling: GMP in manual and machine milking,
farm cooling, collection, reception, transportation. Unit operations: cream separation,
standardization, bactofugation, filtration, thermization, homogenization, pasteurization, extended
shelf life (ESL) milk, sterilization, UHT, Methods Steam Injection (ISI), aseptic packaging,
storage, distribution. Influence of unit operations on milk constituents. Technology, chemistry,
microbiology and production of industrial products: evaporated, condensed and powder milks,
butter, yogurt, cheese, ice cream, Butter oil, Indigenous products, Milk by-products: whey
products, butter milk products and casein. Milk hygiene: scope, importance. Hygienic milk
production and handling practices. Preservation of milk: transportation, storage. Contamination:
types, sources, effects. Milk defects: off flavours, milk-borne diseases. Adulteration in milk:
current status, control methods. HACCP for hygienic milk production.
Milk sampling methods. Reception tests: Organoleptic/sensory test, sedimentation, pH, acidity;
lactometer reading, clot on boiling, alcohol precipitation test, standard plate count, reductase test.
Physico-chemical and microbiological analysis of milk and milk products. Tests for adulterants.
Preparation of selected dairy products. Visit to commercial dairy farms and milk processing
Recommended Books:
 Park, Y.W. and Haenlein, G.F.W. 2013. Milk and dairy products in human nutrition:
production, composition and health. Wiley-Blackwell Publishers, USA.
 Britz, T.J. and Robinson, R.K. 2008. Advance dairy science and technology. Blackwell
Publishing Ltd, Oxford, UK.
 Chandan, R.C., Kilara, A. and Shah, N. 2008. Dairy processing and quality assurance, 1st
ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, USA.
 Chandan, R.C., Kilara, A. and Shah, N.P. 2008. Dairy processing and quality assurance.
Wiley-Blackwell, Iowa, USA.
 Walstra, P., Wouters, J.T.M. and Guerts, T.J. 2006. Dairy science & technology. CRC
Press Taglo & Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.
 Wehr, H.M. and Frank, J.F. 2004. Standard methods for the examination of dairy
products. American Public Health Association (APHA), Wasington DC, USA.
 Winton, A.L. and Winton, K.B. 2006. Milk and milk products. Agrobios, Agro House,
FST- 415 Food Laws and Food Safety 3(3+0)

Consumer laws of Pakistan. Food laws of Pakistan. Pure Food Rules - 2011: definitions,
significant features, enforcement, amendments. Food Safety Authorities at National and
provincial level: powers, functions, composition. Food inspector and public analyst: duties,
powers. Food adulteration: adulterants, methods of detection, health hazards. Food inspection.
Food labeling: labeling requirements, perspectives on nutrition labeling, health claims. Food
importation and exportation. Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority: functions and
authorities, standards. Halal food laws and regulations. International food laws: introduction. The
World Trade Organization (WTO) - the agreement on the application of sanitary and
phytosanitary measures.GATT. Codex Alimentations: General, procedural manual, standards,
codes, legal force. Major food regulatory bodies (FDA and EFSA). Food terrorism. International
standards for import and export of food items. Consumer oriented standards and rights.
Recommended Books:
1. Government of the Punjab. 2011. The Punjab Pure Food Rules – 2011. The Punjab Weekly
Gazette.Government of the Punjab, Lahore-Pakistan.
2. PSQCA (Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority). Standards for different food
items. PSQCA, Karachi, Pakistan.
3. Meulen, B. and Velde, M. 2008. European food law handbook. Wageningen Academic
Publishers, The Netherlands.
4. Fortin, N.D. 2007. Food regulation: Law, science, policy, and practice. Wiley Publications.
5. Riaz, M.N. and Chaudhary, M.M. 2004. Halal food production. CRC Press, Boca Raton,
6. Khan, M.S. 1999. Consumer laws in Pakistan. Consumer Rights Commission of Pakistan,
FST-413 Food Packaging and Labeling 3(2+1)
Food packaging: introduction, needs, functions, suitability of packaging materials for the
purpose, Packaging types: primary, secondary, tertiary. Packaging materials (paper and
paperboard, metal cans and containers, glass, polymers and plastics, closures, flexible packaging
laminates, corrugated fiberboard). Properties of food packaging: physical, chemical. Packaging
guidelines: retail containers, shipping containers. Factors influencing design and selection of
packaging materials: product, distribution, marketing, packaging operation, cost. Refilling
/recycling, disposal and environmental issues pertaining to food packaging. Printing processes:
inks, adhesives. Filling and labeling. Safety and legislation. Novel food packaging techniques.
Food labeling: importance, types, methods.
Identification of packaging materials used for various food products. Testing procedures of
packing materials, requirements of packaging material for specific foods. Canning in metal
containers. Can testing. Determination of shelf-life in various packaging materials. Vapor
permeability test. Determination of film thickness. Visit to packaging industries.
Recommended Books:
 Ebnesajjad, S. 2013. Plastic films in food packaging: materials, technology and
applications. The Boulevard Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford, UK.
 Robertson, G.L. 2013. Food packaging: principles and practice. CRC Press Taylor &
Francis, London, UK.
 Lee, D.S., Yam, K.M. and Pier Giovanni, L. 2008. Food packaging science and
technology. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.
 EIRI (Engineers India Research Institute). 2007. Handbook of packaging technology.
Engineers India Research Institute, New Delhi, India.
FST-416 Research Projects and Scientific Writing (Capstone
project) 3(0+3)

Types of scientific presentations. Collection of literature: printed and electronic sources.
Managing literature. Writing synopsis: proposal, article, references, and internship report. Oral
presentations. Plagiarism. Research Ethics.
Exercises in collecting literature from different sources on assigned topics. Organizing and
analysis of collected material. Writing synopsis/proposal, short communication, Delivering oral
presentation. Practice on plagiarism software (turnitin), Endnote , Reference Manager, Statistical
Recommended Books:
 Awan, J.A. 2009. Scientific presentations. Unitech Communications, Faisalabad-Pakistan.
 Khalil, S.K. and Shah, P. 2007. Scientific writing and presentation for crop sciences.
Higher Education Commission, Islamabad-Pakistan.
 Matthew, J.R., J.M.Bowen and R.W. Matthew. 2005. Successful Scientific Writing: A
Step-By-step Guide for the Biological and Medical Sciences. Cambridge University
Press, UK.
FST-412 Sea Food Processing 3(2+1)

Fish and shell fish: overview, importance, handling, transportation. Reception, testing and
storage of fish. Quality indicators: biochemical, microbiological. Fish preparation: heading,
filleting, skinning. Standards for freshness of fish. Fish preservation: freezing, defrosting,
canning, salt curing, smoking, drying. Fish products. Processing of other marine products.
Quality control and factory sanitation. Global concern on marine life.
Evaluation of freshness of fish. Quality evaluation of processed fish. Preservation of fish by
salting, smoking, canning, freezing. Preparation of fish products. Visit to fish farm/ processing
Recommended Books:
 Boziaris, I.S. 2014. Seafood processing: technology, quality and safety. Wiley-Blackwell,
 Kim, S.K. 2014. Seafood processing by-products: trends and applications. Springer
Science and Business Media, New York, USA.
 Long, A. 2008. Fish processing technology. Cyber Tech. Publications. New Delhi, India.
 Ninawe, A.S. and Rathnakumar, K. 2008. Fish processing technology and product
development. Narendra Publishing House, New Delhi, India.
 Bremner, H.A. 2005. Safety and quality issues in fish processing. Woodhead Publishing
Ltd. Cambridge, England.
 Hall, G.M. 2001. Fish processing technology, 2nd ed. Blackwell Pub Co, Cambridge,
FST-417 Extrusion Technology 3(2+1)
Extrusion: definition, introduction to extruders and their principles, importance, types, functions,
applications. Extruders in the food industry: History and Uses. Factors affecting extrusion
process. Single screw extruder: principle of working, net flow, advantages, disadvantages, co-
kneaders. Twin screw extruder: counter rotating and co-rotating, advantages, disadvantages.
Process characteristics of twin screw extruder: feeding, screw design, screw speed, screw
configurations, die design, barrel temperature and heat transfer, energy balances, problems
associated with twin screw extruder. Preconditioners: characteristics, effect on extrusion.
Changes in food during extrusion: effect on starch, proteins, fats, dietary fiber, vitamins.
Applications in industry: textured vegetable protein, breakfast cereals, direct expanded and third
generation snacks. Value addition in food industry by-products through extrusion. Snack foods:
history, domestic and global status, manufacture potato, meat, nuts and cereal based, animal
origin, fish based, puffed, baked. Snack food seasoning: ingredients and formulations,
application. Quality control. Snack food filling and packaging. Extruded snacks
Quality assessment of raw material. Preparation operations of raw material. Preparation of
textured vegetable protein, breakfast cereals, flavor coated snacks, third generation snacks. Effect
of variation of ingredients, screw speed, temperature, etc. on the protein, fat, fiber, vitamins and
other quality characteristics of end product.
Recommended Books:
 Maskan, M. and Altan, A. 2012. Advances in food extrusion technology. CRC
PressTaylor & Francis, Boca Raton, USA.
 Riaz, M.N. 2003. Extruders in food applications. Technomic Pub. Co. Inc., Lancaster,
Pennsylvania, USA.
 Guy, R. 2001. Extrusion cooking technology and applications. Woodhead Pub. Ltd,
Abington, Cambridge, England.
FST-416 Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals 3(2+1)

Concept of functional foods and nutraceuticals. Phytonutrients and their classification. Sources
of biomolecules: cereals, herbs/spices, fruits/vegetables, animal and dairy products. Functional
role of active ingredients and their allied health benefits. Technologies and processing operations
in the extraction of functional ingredients. Designer food formulations; antioxidants, dietary
fiber, prebiotics & probiotics, mineral & vitamins. Diet based therapies against metabolic
diseases. Efficacy of functional foods and nutraceutical products. Safety and regulatory issues.
Consumer acceptance regarding nitrified foods. Microencapsulation and nanotechnology in
nutraceuticals delivery system. Emerging trends and technologies.

Extraction of phytonutrients, phytochemical screening tests, antioxidant assays, characterization
of active ingredients, development of various designer foods
Recommended Books:
 Ghosh, D., Das, S., Bagchi, D., Samarta, R.B. 2013. Innovation in healthy and functional
foods. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA.
 Tiwari, B.K., Brunton, N.P.and Brennan, C.S. 2013. Handbook of plant food
phytochemicals: sources, stability and extraction. John Wiley & Sons, UK.
 Pathak, Y.V. 2011. Handbook of nutraceuticals. volume ii: scale-up, processing and
automation. CRC Press Inc, USA.
 Wildman, R.E.C. 2006. Handbook of nutraceuticals and functional foods. 2nd . CRC
Press, New York, USA.
 Shi, J., Ho, C.T. and Shahidi, F. 2005. Asian functional foods. Marcel Dekker/CRC
Press, New York, USA.
FST- 414 Food Quality Assurance Management 3(3+0)
Food quality management: history, importance, systems. Compliance of different quality systems
in food production and supply chain. Aesthetic and microbial quality of the food products,
Principle of quality management, Quality control tools, Good manufacturing practices (GMP):
Pre requisite program, GMP, Hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP) system,
Quality Management Systems; ISO -9001, Food Safety Management Systems (FSMS) FSSC-
22000. Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) guidelines for food quality management,
Quality control programs, Laws relating to food quality management.
Recommended Books:
 Medina, D. A. and Laine, A. M. 2011. Food quality: control, analysis and consumer
concerns. Nova publishers, USA.
 CAC (Codex Alimentarius Commission). 2007. Codex Alimentarius Commission –
Procedural manual, 17th ed. Joint FAO/WHO food standards programme. FAO, Rome,
 ISO (International Standard Organization). 2005. Food safety management systems –
requirements for an organization in the food chain, 1st ed. Case Postale, Geneva,
 Lelieveld H.L.M., Mostert M.A and Holah J. 2005. Good manufacturing practices in the
food industry. In: Handbook of hygiene control in the food industry. Woodhead
Publishing Ltd., Abington, Cambridge, England.
 Blanchfield, J.R. 1998. Good manufacturing practices. Institute of Food Science and
Technology, London.
FST-421 Internship and Report Writing 4(0+4)
Every student will undertake practical training in an approved food industry or research
organization. The student will maintain a daily dairy duly signed by the industrial/research
supervisor. At the end of the internship, the student will submit a written report. He/she will be
evaluated by a committee on the basis of his/her performance in the industry/research
organization, final written report and oral presentation.
FST-411 Food Product Development and Sensory Analysis 3(2+1)
Food product development process: strategy, design, development, commercialization, launch
and evaluation. Keys to new product success and failure. Consumer in food product
development: consumer behavior, food choices, sensory needs, consumer role. Preference
mapping and food product development: trial conduction, analyses, recent developments.
Sensory testing in product development process. Senso-emotional optimization of food products
and brands. Case study of consumer-oriented food product development: functional and designer
foods. The ethics of food production and consumption.
Food product development projects strategy, design, development, commercialization, launch
and evaluation. Statistical and sensory evaluation techniques.
Recommended Books:
 "Sensory Evaluation Techniques, Fifth Edition" by Morten C. Meilgaard, B. Thomas
Carr, and Gail Vance Civille (2019).
 "Sensory Evaluation Practices" by Herbert Stone, Joel L. Sidel, and Emily L. Obrien (4th
edition, 2012)
 "Sensory Evaluation of Food: Statistical Methods and Procedures" by Michael O'Mahony
 Earle M. and Earle, R. 2008. Case studies in food product development. Woodhead Pub.
Ltd. Abington, Cambridge, UK.
 Earle, M. and Earle, R. 2001. Food product development: maximizing success.
Woodhead Pub. Ltd. Abington, Cambridge, UK.
FST-326 Food Toxicology 3(3+0)

Food toxicology: intrinsic and extraneous toxins, principles, basic concepts, types, branches.
Toxicity: curve, factors influencing potency, margin of safety, factors influencing toxicity. Dose-
response relationship, manifestation of organ toxicity. Measurement of toxicants and toxicity.
Toxic kinetics: carcinogenesis, mutagenesis, teratogens is. Chemical carcinogenesis: initiation,
promotion, progression, angiogenesis. Manifestation of organ toxicity. Toxicants in the body:
absorption, distribution, translocation, biotransformation, excretion. Toxicological evaluation.
Detoxification mechanisms. Wholesomeness of processed foods: heat processed, irradiated,
genetically modified foods.
Recommended Books:
 Kacew, S. and Lee, B.M. 2012. Lu's basic toxicology: fundamentals, target organs, and risk
assessment. 6th. Informa Healthcare, London, UK.
 Sharma, P.D. 2012. Toxicology. 3rd. Rastogi Pub. Co., Meerut, India.
 Awan, J.A. and Anjum, F.M. 2010. Food toxicology. Unitech Communications, Faisalabad-
 Shibamoto, T. and Bjeldanes L.F. 2009. Introduction to food toxicology. 2nd. Academic
Press, London, UK.
 Helferich, W. and Winter, C.K. 2000. Food toxicology. Woodhead Publishing Limited,
Abington Hall, Abington, Cambridge, UK.
FST-328 Food Industrial Waste Management 3(2+1)

Food industrial wastes: Origin and nature of wastes produced, types; sources and characteristics
of food processing wastes from different food industries. direct and indirect wastes, Waste
disposal and physical, chemical and biological treatments. Chemical analysis of treated waste
water (BOD, COD, TSS, TDS etc) chemical analysis of gaseous waste (NOx, Sox etc.), Pakistan
Environmental protection act, National environmental quality standard, Environmental
management standard ISO 14001, critical point Bio processing in food waste treatment.
(chemical, biological treatment of solid and liquid wastes. Treatments for gaseous wastes risk to
human being and aquatic life, Management of waste by products: Wastes characteristics of sugar,
fruits and vegetable, meat, fish, oil and fat, dairy and cereals processing industries. Recovery of
materials from effluents by different primary and secondary treatments systems. International and
national waste management standards
Analysis of waste water, Analysis of gaseous waste, list of wastes in different food industries,
impact analysis of waste on environment. Utilization of citrus peel, sugar by-products.
Recommended Books:
 Pichtel, J. 2014.Waste management practices: municipal, hazardous, and industrial, Second.
Taylor & Francis, USA.
 Kosseva, M. and Webb, C. 2013.Food industry wastes: assessment and recuperation of
commodities. Elsevier Science, USA.
 Chandrappa, R. and D.B. Das. 2012. Solid waste management: principles and practice.
Springer science, USA.
 Arvanitoyannis, L.S. 2008. Waste management for the food industries. Elsevier Academic
Press, Oxford, UK.
 Waldron, K. 2008. Handbook of waste management and co-product recovery in food
processing. CRC press, New York.
 Lee, B.H. 1996. Fundamentals of food biotechnology. VCH Pub. Inc., New York.
FST-418 Recent Advances in Food Science and Technology 3(3-0)

Emerging technologies: Fats and oils, cereals, dairy, beverage, fruits and vegetables and meat
industry. Emerging food safety issues. Supercritical fluid extraction, Bio fortification,
Nanotechnology: concept and applications, Novel ideas in food packaging, Emerging coating
techniques (Electrostatic coating of foods). High pressure processing, Ohmic heating, Membrane
processing, Application of ultrasounds and microwaves in food processing. Extrusion
technology. Genetically modified foods: Nutritional aspects, safety issues and legislation.
Modern quality standards. Microscopic imaging for analysis of micro and nano-structures
(colloidal assemblies, polymer interactions etc.) of foods. Recent news in food science and
Recommended Books:

 Otles, S. 2009. Hand book of food analysis instruments. CRC press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.
 Otles, S. 2009. Handbook of food analysis instruments. CRC Press, New York, USA.
 Sun, D.W. 2005. Emerging technologies for food processing. Elsevier Academic Press, CA,
 Gibson, G. R. and Williams, C. R. 2000. Functional foods-concept to product. CRC press,
Boca Raton, Florida, USA.
 Nielsen, S.S. 2003. Food Analysis. Kluwer Academic Pub., New York, USA.
 Buttriss, J. and Saltmarsh, S. 2000. Functional foods. Royal Society of Chemistry,
Cambridge, UK.

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